Feature: Add multi-line input. (#630)

This commit is contained in:
Arthur Sonzogni 2023-05-02 13:32:37 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6215240b37
commit 7de4f8683d
No known key found for this signature in database
33 changed files with 1471 additions and 690 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ current (development)
### Component
- Feature: `input` is now multi-line.
- Feature: `input` style can now be customized.
- Feature: Support `ResizableSplit` with customizable separator.
- Breaking: MenuDirection enum is renamed Direction
- Fix: Remove useless new line when using an alternative screen.
@ -12,9 +14,7 @@ current (development)
### Dom
- Feature: Add the dashed style for border and separator.
- Feature: Add colored borders.
- Feature: Customize with gradient color effect. Add the following decorators:
- `colorgrad`
- `bgcolorgrad`
- Feature: Add `LinearGradient`!
- Improvement: Color::Interpolate() uses gamma correction.

View File

@ -71,3 +71,5 @@ include(GoogleTest)
set(CMAKE_CTEST_ARGUMENTS "--rerun-failed --output-on-failure")

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ example(focus_cursor)
@ -40,5 +41,6 @@ example(slider_direction)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
#include <ftxui/dom/linear_gradient.hpp> // for LinearGradient
#include <ftxui/screen/color.hpp> // for Color, Color::White, Color::Red, Color::Blue, Color::Black, Color::GrayDark, ftxui
#include <functional> // for function
#include <string> // for allocator, string
#include <utility> // for move
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Input, Horizontal, Vertical, operator|
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for Component
#include "ftxui/component/component_options.hpp" // for InputState, InputOption
#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for ScreenInteractive
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|=, Element, bgcolor, operator|, separatorEmpty, color, borderEmpty, separator, text, center, dim, hbox, vbox, border, borderDouble, borderRounded
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
using namespace ftxui;
InputOption style_1 = InputOption::Default();
InputOption style_2 = InputOption::Spacious();
InputOption style_3 = InputOption::Spacious();
style_3.transform = [](InputState state) {
state.element |= borderEmpty;
if (state.is_placeholder) {
state.element |= dim;
if (state.focused) {
state.element |= borderDouble;
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::White);
state.element |= color(Color::Black);
} else if (state.hovered) {
state.element |= borderRounded;
state.element |= bgcolor(LinearGradient(90, Color::Blue, Color::Red));
state.element |= color(Color::White);
} else {
state.element |= border;
state.element |= bgcolor(LinearGradient(0, Color::Blue, Color::Red));
state.element |= color(Color::White);
return state.element;
InputOption style_4 = InputOption::Spacious();
style_4.transform = [](InputState state) {
state.element = hbox({
text("Theorem") | center | borderEmpty | bgcolor(Color::Red),
separator() | color(Color::White),
state.element |= borderEmpty;
if (state.is_placeholder) {
state.element |= dim;
if (state.focused) {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::Black);
} else {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::Blue);
if (state.hovered) {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::GrayDark);
return vbox({state.element, separatorEmpty()});
auto generateUiFromStyle = [&](InputOption style) {
auto first_name = new std::string(); // Leaked
auto middle_name = new std::string(); // Leaked
auto last_name = new std::string(); // Leaked
return Container::Vertical({
Input(first_name, "first name", style),
Input(middle_name, "middle name", style),
Input(last_name, "last name", style),
}) |
auto ui = Container::Horizontal({
auto screen = ScreenInteractive::TerminalOutput();
// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#include <memory> // for allocator, __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/captured_mouse.hpp" // for ftxui
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Input, Renderer, ResizableSplitLeft
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase, Component
#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for ScreenInteractive
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, separator, text, Element, flex, vbox, border
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
using namespace ftxui;
std::string content_1;
std::string content_2;
auto textarea_1 = Input(&content_1);
auto textarea_2 = Input(&content_2);
int size = 50;
auto layout = ResizableSplitLeft(textarea_1, textarea_2, &size);
auto component = Renderer(layout, [&] {
return vbox({
layout->Render() | flex,
}) |
auto screen = ScreenInteractive::Fullscreen();
// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.

View File

@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ Component Checkbox(ConstStringRef label,
bool* checked,
Ref<CheckboxOption> option = CheckboxOption::Simple());
Component Input(StringRef content, Ref<InputOption> option = {});
Component Input(StringRef content,
ConstStringRef placeholder,
StringRef placeholder,
Ref<InputOption> option = {});
Component Menu(ConstStringListRef entries,

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include <ftxui/component/animation.hpp> // for Duration, QuadraticInOut, Function
#include <ftxui/dom/direction.hpp> // for Direction, Direction::Left, Direction::Right, Direction::Down
#include <ftxui/dom/elements.hpp> // for Element, separator
#include <ftxui/util/ref.hpp> // for Ref, ConstRef
#include <ftxui/util/ref.hpp> // for Ref, ConstRef, StringRef
#include <functional> // for function
#include <optional> // for optional
#include <string> // for string
@ -134,20 +134,42 @@ struct CheckboxOption {
std::function<void()> on_change = [] {};
/// @brief Used to define style for the Input component.
struct InputState {
Element element;
bool hovered; /// < Whether the input is hovered by the mouse.
bool focused; /// < Whether the input is focused by the user.
bool is_placeholder; /// < Whether the input is empty and displaying the
/// < placeholder.
/// @brief Option for the Input component.
/// @ingroup component
struct InputOption {
// A set of predefined styles:
/// @brief Create the default input style:
static InputOption Default();
/// @brief A white on black style with high margins:
static InputOption Spacious();
/// @brief A style with a border:
static InputOption Arthur();
/// The content of the input when it's empty.
StringRef placeholder = "";
// Style:
std::function<Element(InputState)> transform;
Ref<bool> password = false; /// < Obscure the input content using '*'.
Ref<bool> multiline = true; /// < Whether the input can be multiline.
/// Called when the content changes.
std::function<void()> on_change = [] {};
/// Called when the user presses enter.
std::function<void()> on_enter = [] {};
/// Obscure the input content using '*'.
Ref<bool> password = false;
/// When set different from -1, this attributes is used to store the cursor
/// position.
Ref<int> cursor_position = -1;
// The char position of the cursor:
Ref<int> cursor_position = 0;
/// @brief Option for the Radiobox component.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <algorithm> // for copy
#include <algorithm> // for copy, max
#include <atomic> // for atomic, __atomic_base
#include <condition_variable> // for condition_variable
#include <functional>

View File

@ -15,44 +15,10 @@ std::wstring to_wstring(T s) {
int string_width(const std::string&);
// Split the string into a its glyphs. An empty one is inserted ater fullwidth
// ones.
std::vector<std::string> Utf8ToGlyphs(const std::string& input);
// If |input| was an array of glyphs, this returns the number of char to eat
// before reaching the glyph at index |glyph_index|.
int GlyphPosition(const std::string& input,
size_t glyph_index,
size_t start = 0);
// Returns the number of glyphs in |input|.
int GlyphCount(const std::string& input);
// Properties from:
// https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/auxiliary/WordBreakProperty.txt
enum class WordBreakProperty {
WordBreakProperty CodepointToWordBreakProperty(uint32_t codepoint);
std::vector<WordBreakProperty> Utf8ToWordBreakProperty(
const std::string& input);
bool IsWordBreakingCharacter(const std::string& input, size_t glyph_index);
// Map every cells drawn by |input| to their corresponding Glyphs. Half-size
// Glyphs takes one cell, full-size Glyphs take two cells.

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class StringRef {
StringRef(const wchar_t* ref) : StringRef(to_string(std::wstring(ref))) {}
StringRef(const char* ref) : StringRef(std::string(ref)) {}
std::string& operator*() { return address_ ? *address_ : owned_; }
std::string& operator()() { return address_ ? *address_ : owned_; }
std::string* operator->() { return address_ ? address_ : &owned_; }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, Test, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, TestInfo (ptr only), TEST
#include <chrono> // for operator""s, chrono_literals
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr, allocator
#include <string> // for string
#include <chrono> // for operator""s, chrono_literals
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr, allocator
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/animation.hpp" // for Duration, Params
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Button, Horizontal
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen
#include "ftxui/screen/terminal.hpp" // for SetColorSupport, Color, TrueColor
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, Test, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr, allocator
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Collapsible, Renderer
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::Return, Event::ArrowDown
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for text, Element
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for Element, text
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, Test, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_TRUE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
#include "ftxui/component/component_options.hpp"
#include <ftxui/screen/color.hpp> // for Color, Color::Black, Color::White, Color::GrayDark, Color::GrayLight
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr
#include <utility> // for move
#include <ftxui/dom/linear_gradient.hpp> // for LinearGradient
#include <ftxui/screen/color.hpp> // for Color, Color::White, Color::Black, Color::GrayDark, Color::Blue, Color::GrayLight, Color::Red
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr
#include <utility> // for move
#include "ftxui/component/animation.hpp" // for Function, Duration
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|=, text, Element, bold, inverted, operator|, dim, hbox, automerge, borderEmpty, borderLight
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|=, Element, text, bgcolor, inverted, bold, dim, operator|, color, borderEmpty, hbox, automerge, border, borderLight
namespace ftxui {
@ -257,6 +258,77 @@ RadioboxOption RadioboxOption::Simple() {
return option;
// static
InputOption InputOption::Default() {
InputOption option;
option.transform = [](InputState state) {
state.element |= color(Color::White);
if (state.is_placeholder) {
state.element |= dim;
if (state.focused) {
state.element |= inverted;
} else if (state.hovered) {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::GrayDark);
return state.element;
return option;
// static
InputOption InputOption::Spacious() {
InputOption option;
option.transform = [](InputState state) {
state.element |= borderEmpty;
state.element |= color(Color::White);
if (state.is_placeholder) {
state.element |= dim;
if (state.focused) {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::Black);
if (state.hovered) {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::GrayDark);
return state.element;
return option;
// static
InputOption InputOption::Arthur() {
InputOption option;
option.transform = [](InputState state) {
state.element |= borderEmpty;
state.element |= color(Color::White);
if (state.is_placeholder) {
state.element |= dim;
if (state.focused) {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::Black);
} else {
state.element |= bgcolor(LinearGradient(0, Color::Blue, Color::Red));
if (state.hovered) {
state.element |= bgcolor(Color::GrayDark);
return state.element;
return option;
} // namespace ftxui
// Copyright 2022 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr, __shared_ptr_access, allocator, __shared_ptr_access<>::element_type, make_shared
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Make
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase, Component
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, Test, AssertionResult, TEST, EXPECT_FALSE
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr, allocator
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Horizontal, Vertical, Button, Tab
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase, Component
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::Tab, Event::TabReverse, Event::ArrowDown, Event::ArrowLeft, Event::ArrowRight, Event::ArrowUp
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FALSE, Test, EXPECT_TRUE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_EQ, Test, EXPECT_TRUE, TestInfo (ptr only), TEST
#include <ftxui/dom/elements.hpp> // for Element, text
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr, __shared_ptr_access, allocator
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Hoverable, Horizontal, operator|=, Renderer
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase, Component
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "ftxui/component/mouse.hpp" // for Mouse, Mouse::Left, Mouse::Released
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_FALSE, EXPECT_EQ, Test, EXPECT_TRUE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,32 +1,55 @@
#include <stdint.h> // for uint32_t
#include <algorithm> // for max, min
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <functional> // for function
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr
#include <string> // for string, allocator
#include <utility> // for move
#include <vector> // for vector
#include <memory> // for allocator, shared_ptr, allocator_traits<>::value_type
#include <sstream> // for basic_istream, stringstream
#include <string> // for string, basic_string, operator==, getline
#include <utility> // for move
#include <vector> // for vector
#include "ftxui/component/captured_mouse.hpp" // for CapturedMouse
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Make, Input
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase
#include "ftxui/component/component_options.hpp" // for InputOption
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::ArrowLeft, Event::ArrowLeftCtrl, Event::ArrowRight, Event::ArrowRightCtrl, Event::Backspace, Event::Custom, Event::Delete, Event::End, Event::Home, Event::Return
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::ArrowDown, Event::ArrowLeft, Event::ArrowLeftCtrl, Event::ArrowRight, Event::ArrowRightCtrl, Event::ArrowUp, Event::Backspace, Event::Delete, Event::End, Event::Home, Event::Return
#include "ftxui/component/mouse.hpp" // for Mouse, Mouse::Left, Mouse::Pressed
#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for Component
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, text, Element, reflect, operator|=, flex, inverted, hbox, size, bold, dim, focus, focusCursorBarBlinking, frame, select, Decorator, EQUAL, HEIGHT
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, reflect, text, Element, xflex, hbox, Elements, frame, operator|=, vbox, focus, focusCursorBarBlinking, select
#include "ftxui/screen/box.hpp" // for Box
#include "ftxui/screen/string.hpp" // for GlyphPosition, WordBreakProperty, GlyphCount, Utf8ToWordBreakProperty, CellToGlyphIndex, WordBreakProperty::ALetter, WordBreakProperty::CR, WordBreakProperty::Double_Quote, WordBreakProperty::Extend, WordBreakProperty::ExtendNumLet, WordBreakProperty::Format, WordBreakProperty::Hebrew_Letter, WordBreakProperty::Katakana, WordBreakProperty::LF, WordBreakProperty::MidLetter, WordBreakProperty::MidNum, WordBreakProperty::MidNumLet, WordBreakProperty::Newline, WordBreakProperty::Numeric, WordBreakProperty::Regional_Indicator, WordBreakProperty::Single_Quote, WordBreakProperty::WSegSpace, WordBreakProperty::ZWJ
#include "ftxui/screen/util.hpp" // for clamp
#include "ftxui/util/ref.hpp" // for StringRef, Ref, ConstStringRef
#include "ftxui/screen/string.hpp" // for string_width
#include "ftxui/screen/string_internal.hpp" // for GlyphNext, GlyphPrevious, WordBreakProperty, EatCodePoint, CodepointToWordBreakProperty, IsFullWidth, WordBreakProperty::ALetter, WordBreakProperty::CR, WordBreakProperty::Double_Quote, WordBreakProperty::Extend, WordBreakProperty::ExtendNumLet, WordBreakProperty::Format, WordBreakProperty::Hebrew_Letter, WordBreakProperty::Katakana, WordBreakProperty::LF, WordBreakProperty::MidLetter, WordBreakProperty::MidNum, WordBreakProperty::MidNumLet, WordBreakProperty::Newline, WordBreakProperty::Numeric, WordBreakProperty::Regional_Indicator, WordBreakProperty::Single_Quote, WordBreakProperty::WSegSpace, WordBreakProperty::ZWJ
#include "ftxui/screen/util.hpp" // for clamp
#include "ftxui/util/ref.hpp" // for StringRef, Ref
namespace ftxui {
namespace {
// Group together several propertiej so they appear to form a similar group.
// For instance, letters are grouped with number and form a single word.
bool IsWordCharacter(WordBreakProperty property) {
switch (property) {
std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string& input) {
std::vector<std::string> output;
std::stringstream ss(input);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(ss, line)) {
if (input.back() == '\n') {
return output;
size_t GlyphWidth(const std::string& input, size_t iter) {
uint32_t ucs = 0;
if (!EatCodePoint(input, iter, &iter, &ucs))
return 0;
if (IsFullWidth(ucs))
return 2;
return 1;
bool IsWordCodePoint(uint32_t codepoint) {
switch (CodepointToWordBreakProperty(codepoint)) {
case WordBreakProperty::ALetter:
case WordBreakProperty::Hebrew_Letter:
case WordBreakProperty::Katakana:
@ -42,7 +65,7 @@ bool IsWordCharacter(WordBreakProperty property) {
case WordBreakProperty::Newline:
case WordBreakProperty::Single_Quote:
case WordBreakProperty::WSegSpace:
// Unsure:
// Unexpected/Unsure
case WordBreakProperty::Extend:
case WordBreakProperty::ExtendNumLet:
case WordBreakProperty::Format:
@ -50,216 +73,398 @@ bool IsWordCharacter(WordBreakProperty property) {
case WordBreakProperty::ZWJ:
return false;
return true; // NOT_REACHED();
return false; // NOT_REACHED();
std::string PasswordField(size_t size) {
std::string out;
out.reserve(2 * size);
while (size--) {
out += "";
bool IsWordCharacter(const std::string& input, size_t iter) {
uint32_t ucs = 0;
if (!EatCodePoint(input, iter, &iter, &ucs)) {
return false;
return out;
return IsWordCodePoint(ucs);
// An input box. The user can type text into it.
class InputBase : public ComponentBase {
InputBase(StringRef content,
ConstStringRef placeholder,
Ref<InputOption> option)
: content_(std::move(content)),
option_(std::move(option)) {}
int cursor_position_internal_ = 0;
int& cursor_position() {
int& opt = option_->cursor_position();
if (opt != -1) {
return opt;
return cursor_position_internal_;
InputBase(StringRef content, Ref<InputOption> option)
: content_(std::move(content)), option_(std::move(option)) {}
// Component implementation:
Element Render() override {
std::string password_content;
if (option_->password()) {
password_content = PasswordField(content_->size());
const std::string& content =
option_->password() ? password_content : *content_;
const int size = GlyphCount(content);
cursor_position() = std::max(0, std::min<int>(size, cursor_position()));
auto main_decorator = flex | ftxui::size(HEIGHT, EQUAL, 1);
const bool is_focused = Focused();
const auto focused =
(is_focused || hovered_) ? focusCursorBarBlinking : select;
auto transform = option_->transform ? option_->transform
: InputOption::Default().transform;
// placeholder.
if (size == 0) {
auto element = text(*placeholder_) | dim | main_decorator | reflect(box_);
if (content_->empty()) {
auto element = text(option_->placeholder()) | xflex | frame;
if (is_focused) {
element |= focus;
if (hovered_ || is_focused) {
element |= inverted;
return element;
return transform({
std::move(element), hovered_, is_focused,
true // placeholder
}) |
// Not focused.
if (!is_focused) {
auto element = text(content) | main_decorator | reflect(box_);
if (hovered_) {
element |= inverted;
Elements elements;
std::vector<std::string> lines = Split(*content_);
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
cursor_position = util::clamp(cursor_position, 0, (int)content_->size());
// Find the line and index of the cursor.
int cursor_line = 0;
int cursor_char_index = cursor_position;
for (const auto& line : lines) {
if (cursor_char_index <= (int)line.size()) {
return element;
cursor_char_index -= line.size() + 1;
const int index_before_cursor = GlyphPosition(content, cursor_position());
const int index_after_cursor =
GlyphPosition(content, 1, index_before_cursor);
const std::string part_before_cursor =
content.substr(0, index_before_cursor);
std::string part_at_cursor = " ";
if (cursor_position() < size) {
part_at_cursor = content.substr(index_before_cursor,
index_after_cursor - index_before_cursor);
if (lines.empty()) {
elements.push_back(text("") | focused);
const std::string part_after_cursor = content.substr(index_after_cursor);
auto focused = (is_focused || hovered_) ? focusCursorBarBlinking : select;
return hbox({
text(part_at_cursor) | focused | reflect(cursor_box_),
for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& line = lines[i];
// This is not the cursor line.
if (int(i) != cursor_line) {
// The cursor is at the end of the line.
if (cursor_char_index >= (int)line.size()) {
text(" ") | focused | reflect(cursor_box_),
}) |
// The cursor is on this line.
const int glyph_start = cursor_char_index;
const int glyph_end = GlyphNext(line, glyph_start);
const std::string part_before_cursor = line.substr(0, glyph_start);
const std::string part_at_cursor =
line.substr(glyph_start, glyph_end - glyph_start);
const std::string part_after_cursor = line.substr(glyph_end);
auto element = hbox({
Text(part_at_cursor) | focused | reflect(cursor_box_),
}) |
auto element = vbox(std::move(elements)) | frame;
return transform({
std::move(element), hovered_, is_focused,
false // placeholder
}) |
flex | frame | bold | main_decorator | reflect(box_);
xflex | reflect(box_);
bool OnEvent(Event event) override {
cursor_position() =
std::max(0, std::min<int>((int)content_->size(), cursor_position()));
if (event.is_mouse()) {
return OnMouseEvent(event);
Element Text(const std::string& input) {
if (!option_->password()) {
return text(input);
// Backspace.
if (event == Event::Backspace) {
if (cursor_position() == 0) {
return false;
const size_t start = GlyphPosition(*content_, cursor_position() - 1);
const size_t end = GlyphPosition(*content_, cursor_position());
content_->erase(start, end - start);
return true;
std::string out;
out.reserve(10 + input.size() * 3 / 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
out += "";
return text(out);
// Delete
if (event == Event::Delete) {
if (cursor_position() == int(content_->size())) {
return false;
const size_t start = GlyphPosition(*content_, cursor_position());
const size_t end = GlyphPosition(*content_, cursor_position() + 1);
content_->erase(start, end - start);
return true;
bool HandleBackspace() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == 0) {
return false;
const size_t start = GlyphPrevious(content_(), cursor_position);
const size_t end = cursor_position;
content_->erase(start, end - start);
cursor_position = start;
return true;
// Enter.
if (event == Event::Return) {
return true;
bool HandleDelete() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == (int)content_->size()) {
return false;
const size_t start = cursor_position;
const size_t end = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
content_->erase(start, end - start);
return true;
if (event == Event::Custom) {
bool HandleArrowLeft() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == 0) {
return false;
// Arrow
if (event == Event::ArrowLeft && cursor_position() > 0) {
return true;
cursor_position = GlyphPrevious(content_(), cursor_position);
return true;
bool HandleArrowRight() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == (int)content_->size()) {
return false;
if (event == Event::ArrowRight &&
cursor_position() < static_cast<int>(content_->size())) {
return true;
cursor_position = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
return true;
size_t CursorColumn() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
size_t iter = cursor_position;
int width = 0;
while (true) {
if (iter == 0) {
iter = GlyphPrevious(content_(), iter);
if (content_()[iter] == '\n') {
width += GlyphWidth(content_(), iter);
return width;
// Move the cursor `columns` on the right, if possible.
void MoveCursorColumn(int columns) {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
while (columns > 0) {
if (cursor_position == (int)content_().size() ||
content_()[cursor_position] == '\n') {
columns -= GlyphWidth(content_(), cursor_position);
cursor_position = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
bool HandleArrowUp() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == 0) {
return false;
// CTRL + Arrow:
size_t columns = CursorColumn();
// Move cursor at the beginning of 2 lines above.
while (true) {
if (cursor_position == 0) {
return true;
size_t previous = GlyphPrevious(content_(), cursor_position);
if (content_()[previous] == '\n') {
cursor_position = previous;
cursor_position = GlyphPrevious(content_(), cursor_position);
while (true) {
if (cursor_position == 0) {
size_t previous = GlyphPrevious(content_(), cursor_position);
if (content_()[previous] == '\n') {
cursor_position = previous;
return true;
bool HandleArrowDown() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == (int)content_->size()) {
return false;
size_t columns = CursorColumn();
// Move cursor at the beginning of the next line
while (true) {
if (content_()[cursor_position] == '\n') {
cursor_position = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
if (cursor_position == (int)content_().size()) {
return true;
cursor_position = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
return true;
bool HandleHome() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
cursor_position = 0;
return true;
bool HandleEnd() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
cursor_position = content_->size();
return true;
bool HandleReturn() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
content_->insert(cursor_position, "\n");
return true;
bool HandleCharacter(const std::string& character) {
if (character == "\n" && !option_->multiline()) {
return false;
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
content_->insert(cursor_position, character);
cursor_position += character.size();
if (character == "\n") {
return true;
bool OnEvent(Event event) override {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
cursor_position = util::clamp(cursor_position, 0, (int)content_->size());
if (event.is_character()) {
return HandleCharacter(event.character());
if (event.is_mouse()) {
return HandleMouse(event);
if (event == Event::Backspace) {
return HandleBackspace();
if (event == Event::Delete) {
return HandleDelete();
if (event == Event::ArrowLeft) {
return HandleArrowLeft();
if (event == Event::ArrowRight) {
return HandleArrowRight();
if (event == Event::ArrowUp) {
return HandleArrowUp();
if (event == Event::ArrowDown) {
return HandleArrowDown();
if (event == Event::Home) {
return HandleHome();
if (event == Event::End) {
return HandleEnd();
if (event == Event::ArrowLeftCtrl) {
return true;
return HandleLeftCtrl();
if (event == Event::ArrowRightCtrl) {
return true;
return HandleRightCtrl();
if (event == Event::Return) {
return HandleReturn();
if (event == Event::Home) {
cursor_position() = 0;
return true;
if (event == Event::End) {
cursor_position() = GlyphCount(*content_);
return true;
// Content
if (event.is_character()) {
const size_t start = GlyphPosition(*content_, cursor_position());
content_->insert(start, event.character());
return true;
return false;
void HandleLeftCtrl() {
auto properties = Utf8ToWordBreakProperty(*content_);
// Move left, as long as left is not a word character.
while (cursor_position() > 0 &&
!IsWordCharacter(properties[cursor_position() - 1])) {
bool HandleLeftCtrl() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == 0) {
return false;
// Move left, as long as left it not a word.
while (cursor_position) {
size_t previous = GlyphPrevious(content_(), cursor_position);
if (IsWordCharacter(content_(), previous)) {
cursor_position = previous;
// Move left, as long as left is a word character:
while (cursor_position() > 0 &&
IsWordCharacter(properties[cursor_position() - 1])) {
while (cursor_position) {
size_t previous = GlyphPrevious(content_(), cursor_position);
if (!IsWordCharacter(content_(), previous)) {
cursor_position = previous;
return true;
void HandleRightCtrl() {
auto properties = Utf8ToWordBreakProperty(*content_);
const int max = properties.size();
// Move right, as long as right is not a word character.
while (cursor_position() < max &&
!IsWordCharacter(properties[cursor_position()])) {
bool HandleRightCtrl() {
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
if (cursor_position == (int)content_().size()) {
return false;
// Move right, until entering a word.
while (cursor_position < (int)content_().size()) {
cursor_position = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
if (IsWordCharacter(content_(), cursor_position)) {
// Move right, as long as right is a word character:
while (cursor_position() < max &&
IsWordCharacter(properties[cursor_position()])) {
while (cursor_position < (int)content_().size()) {
size_t next = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
if (!IsWordCharacter(content_(), cursor_position)) {
cursor_position = next;
return true;
bool OnMouseEvent(Event event) {
hovered_ =
box_.Contain(event.mouse().x, event.mouse().y) && CaptureMouse(event);
bool HandleMouse(Event event) {
hovered_ = box_.Contain(event.mouse().x, //
event.mouse().y) &&
if (!hovered_) {
return false;
@ -270,32 +475,56 @@ class InputBase : public ComponentBase {
if (content_->empty()) {
option_->cursor_position() = 0;
return true;
auto mapping = CellToGlyphIndex(*content_);
int original_glyph = cursor_position();
original_glyph = util::clamp(original_glyph, 0, int(mapping.size()));
size_t original_cell = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mapping.size(); i++) {
if (mapping[i] == original_glyph) {
original_cell = i;
// Find the line and index of the cursor.
std::vector<std::string> lines = Split(*content_);
int& cursor_position = option_->cursor_position();
int cursor_line = 0;
int cursor_char_index = cursor_position;
for (const auto& line : lines) {
if (cursor_char_index <= (int)line.size()) {
cursor_char_index -= line.size() + 1;
if (mapping[original_cell] != original_glyph) {
original_cell = mapping.size();
int cursor_column =
string_width(lines[cursor_line].substr(0, cursor_char_index));
int new_cursor_column = cursor_column + event.mouse().x - cursor_box_.x_min;
int new_cursor_line = cursor_line + event.mouse().y - cursor_box_.y_min;
// Fix the new cursor position:
new_cursor_line = std::max(std::min(new_cursor_line, (int)lines.size()), 0);
std::string empty_string;
const std::string& line = new_cursor_line < (int)lines.size()
? lines[new_cursor_line]
: empty_string;
new_cursor_column = util::clamp(new_cursor_column, 0, string_width(line));
if (new_cursor_column == cursor_column && //
new_cursor_line == cursor_line) {
return false;
const int target_cell =
int(original_cell) + event.mouse().x - cursor_box_.x_min;
int target_glyph = target_cell < int(mapping.size()) ? mapping[target_cell]
: int(mapping.size());
target_glyph = util::clamp(target_glyph, 0, GlyphCount(*content_));
if (cursor_position() != target_glyph) {
cursor_position() = target_glyph;
// Convert back the new_cursor_{line,column} toward cursor_position:
cursor_position = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < new_cursor_line; ++i) {
cursor_position += lines[i].size() + 1;
while (new_cursor_column > 0) {
new_cursor_column -= GlyphWidth(content_(), cursor_position);
cursor_position = GlyphNext(content_(), cursor_position);
return true;
@ -303,7 +532,6 @@ class InputBase : public ComponentBase {
bool hovered_ = false;
StringRef content_;
ConstStringRef placeholder_;
Box box_;
Box cursor_box_;
@ -314,7 +542,6 @@ class InputBase : public ComponentBase {
/// @brief An input box for editing text.
/// @param content The editable content.
/// @param placeholder The text displayed when content is still empty.
/// @param option Additional optional parameters.
/// @ingroup component
/// @see InputBase
@ -334,15 +561,19 @@ class InputBase : public ComponentBase {
/// ```bash
/// placeholder
/// ```
Component Input(StringRef content, Ref<InputOption> option) {
return Make<InputBase>(std::move(content), std::move(option));
Component Input(StringRef content,
ConstStringRef placeholder,
StringRef placeholder,
Ref<InputOption> option) {
return Make<InputBase>(std::move(content), std::move(placeholder),
option->placeholder = placeholder;
return Make<InputBase>(std::move(content), std::move(option));
} // namespace ftxui
// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2022 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, Test, TestInfo (ptr only), EXPECT_FALSE, TEST
#include <ftxui/dom/elements.hpp> // for yframe
#include <ftxui/dom/node.hpp> // for Render
#include <ftxui/screen/screen.hpp> // for Screen
@ -11,6 +10,7 @@
#include "ftxui/component/component_options.hpp" // for RadioboxOption
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::Return, Event::ArrowDown, Event::End, Event::Home, Event::Tab, Event::TabReverse, Event::PageDown, Event::PageUp, Event::ArrowUp
#include "ftxui/util/ref.hpp" // for Ref
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, Test, EXPECT_FALSE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string> // for string
#include <thread> // for thread
#include <utility> // for move
#include "ftxui/component/receiver.hpp"
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, Test, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, EXPECT_FALSE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, Test, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, TestInfo (ptr only), TEST
#include <ftxui/dom/direction.hpp> // for Direction, Direction::Down, Direction::Left, Direction::Right, Direction::Up
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr, allocator
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for ResizableSplit, Renderer, ResizableSplitBottom, ResizableSplitLeft, ResizableSplitRight, ResizableSplitTop
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase, Component
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for Element, separatorDouble, text
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, Test, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, Test, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, TestInfo (ptr only), EXPECT_FALSE, TEST
#include <array> // for array
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <array> // for array
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <ftxui/component/mouse.hpp> // for Mouse, Mouse::Left, Mouse::Pressed, Mouse::Released
#include <ftxui/dom/direction.hpp> // for Direction, Direction::Down, Direction::Left, Direction::Right, Direction::Up
#include <ftxui/dom/elements.hpp> // for frame
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr, __shared_ptr_access, allocator
#include <string> // for to_string
#include <string> // for string, to_string
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Slider, Vertical, operator|=
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::ArrowDown
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, Test, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, EXPECT_FALSE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ const std::map<std::string, std::string> g_uniformize = {
// Home ESC [ H ESC O H
// End ESC [ F ESC O F
{"\x1BOA", "\x1B[A"}, // UP
{"\x1BOB", "\x1B[B"}, // DOWN
{"\x1BOC", "\x1B[C"}, // RIGHT
{"\x1BOD", "\x1B[D"}, // LEFT
{"\x1BOH", "\x1B[H"}, // HOME
{"\x1BOF", "\x1B[F"}, // END
{"\x1BOA", "\x1B[A"}, // UP
{"\x1BOB", "\x1B[B"}, // DOWN
{"\x1BOC", "\x1B[C"}, // RIGHT
{"\x1BOD", "\x1B[D"}, // LEFT
{"\x1BOH", "\x1B[H"}, // HOME
{"\x1BOF", "\x1B[F"}, // END

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for AssertionResult, Test, Message, TestPartResult, SuiteApiResolver, TestInfo (ptr only), EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, TEST, TestFactoryImpl, EXPECT_FALSE
#include <ftxui/component/mouse.hpp> // for Mouse, Mouse::Left, Mouse::Middle, Mouse::Pressed, Mouse::Released, Mouse::Right
#include <ftxui/component/task.hpp> // for Task
#include <initializer_list> // for initializer_list
#include <memory> // for allocator, unique_ptr
#include <variant> // for get
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::Return, Event::ArrowDown, Event::ArrowLeft, Event::ArrowRight, Event::ArrowUp, Event::Backspace, Event::Custom, Event::Delete, Event::End, Event::F10, Event::F11, Event::F12, Event::F5, Event::F6, Event::F7, Event::F8, Event::F9, Event::Home, Event::PageDown, Event::PageUp, Event::Tab, Event::TabReverse, Event::Escape
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::Return, Event::ArrowDown, Event::ArrowLeft, Event::ArrowRight, Event::ArrowUp, Event::Backspace, Event::End, Event::Home, Event::Custom, Event::Delete, Event::F1, Event::F10, Event::F11, Event::F12, Event::F2, Event::F3, Event::F4, Event::F5, Event::F6, Event::F7, Event::F8, Event::F9, Event::PageDown, Event::PageUp, Event::Tab, Event::TabReverse, Event::Escape
#include "ftxui/component/receiver.hpp" // for MakeReceiver, ReceiverImpl
#include "ftxui/component/terminal_input_parser.hpp"
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Test, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_TRUE, TEST, EXPECT_FALSE
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, Test, EXPECT_TRUE, TestInfo (ptr only), EXPECT_FALSE, TEST
#include <functional> // for function
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr, allocator
#include <string> // for string, basic_string
#include <vector> // for vector
#include <functional> // for function
#include <memory> // for __shared_ptr_access, shared_ptr, allocator
#include <string> // for string, basic_string
#include <vector> // for vector
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Menu, Toggle
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase
#include "ftxui/component/component_options.hpp" // for MenuOption
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::ArrowLeft, Event::ArrowRight, Event::Return, Event::Tab, Event::TabReverse
#include "ftxui/util/ref.hpp" // for Ref
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for AssertionResult, Message, TestPartResult, EXPECT_EQ, Test, EXPECT_TRUE, EXPECT_FALSE, TEST
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string> // for allocator
#include <string> // for allocator, string
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, text, blink, Element
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen, Pixel
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for Test, AssertionResult, EXPECT_TRUE, Message, TEST, TestPartResult
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string> // for allocator
#include <string> // for allocator, string
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, text, bold, Element
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen, Pixel
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for Test, AssertionResult, EXPECT_TRUE, Message, TEST, TestPartResult
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string> // for allocator
#include <string> // for allocator, string
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, text, dim, Element
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen, Pixel
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for Test, AssertionResult, EXPECT_TRUE, Message, TEST, TestPartResult
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ class Text : public Node {
if (x > box_.x_max) {
if (cell == "\n") {
screen.PixelAt(x, y).character = cell;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string> // for allocator
#include <string> // for allocator, string
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, text, underlined, Element
#include "ftxui/dom/node.hpp" // for Render
#include "ftxui/screen/screen.hpp" // for Screen, Pixel
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // for Test, AssertionResult, EXPECT_TRUE, Message, TEST, TestPartResult
namespace ftxui {

View File

@ -7,15 +7,22 @@
#include "ftxui/screen/string.hpp"
#include <array> // for array
#include <cstdint> // for uint32_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, int32_t
#include <string> // for string, basic_string, wstring
#include <tuple> // for _Swallow_assign, ignore
#include <stddef.h> // for size_t
#include <array> // for array
#include <cstdint> // for uint32_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, int32_t
#include <string> // for string, basic_string, wstring
#include <tuple> // for _Swallow_assign, ignore
#include "ftxui/screen/deprecated.hpp" // for wchar_width, wstring_width
#include "ftxui/screen/deprecated.hpp" // for wchar_width, wstring_width
#include "ftxui/screen/string_internal.hpp" // for WordBreakProperty, EatCodePoint, CodepointToWordBreakProperty, GlyphCount, GlyphIterate, GlyphNext, GlyphPrevious, IsCombining, IsControl, IsFullWidth, Utf8ToWordBreakProperty
namespace {
using ftxui::EatCodePoint;
using ftxui::IsCombining;
using ftxui::IsControl;
using ftxui::IsFullWidth;
struct Interval {
uint32_t first;
uint32_t last;
@ -1411,46 +1418,26 @@ bool Bisearch(uint32_t ucs, const std::array<C, N> table, C* out) {
return false;
bool IsCombining(uint32_t ucs) {
return ftxui::CodepointToWordBreakProperty(ucs) == WBP::Extend;
bool IsFullWidth(uint32_t ucs) {
if (ucs < 0x0300) // Quick path: // NOLINT
return false;
return Bisearch(ucs, g_full_width_characters);
bool IsControl(uint32_t ucs) {
if (ucs == 0) {
return true;
if (ucs < 32) { // NOLINT
return true;
if (ucs >= 0x7f && ucs < 0xa0) { // NOLINT
return true;
return false;
int codepoint_width(uint32_t ucs) {
if (IsControl(ucs)) {
if (ftxui::IsControl(ucs)) {
return -1;
if (IsCombining(ucs)) {
if (ftxui::IsCombining(ucs)) {
return 0;
if (IsFullWidth(ucs)) {
if (ftxui::IsFullWidth(ucs)) {
return 2;
return 1;
} // namespace
namespace ftxui {
// From UTF8 encoded string |input|, eat in between 1 and 4 byte representing
// one codepoint. Put the codepoint into |ucs|. Start at |start| and update
// |end| to represent the beginning of the next byte to eat for consecutive
@ -1563,9 +1550,29 @@ bool EatCodePoint(const std::wstring& input,
return true;
} // namespace
bool IsCombining(uint32_t ucs) {
return ftxui::CodepointToWordBreakProperty(ucs) == WBP::Extend;
namespace ftxui {
bool IsFullWidth(uint32_t ucs) {
if (ucs < 0x0300) // Quick path: // NOLINT
return false;
return Bisearch(ucs, g_full_width_characters);
bool IsControl(uint32_t ucs) {
if (ucs == 0) {
return true;
if (ucs < 32) { // NOLINT
return ucs != 10; // 10 => Line feed.
if (ucs >= 0x7f && ucs < 0xa0) { // NOLINT
return true;
return false;
WordBreakProperty CodepointToWordBreakProperty(uint32_t codepoint) {
WordBreakPropertyInterval interval = {0, 0, WBP::ALetter};
@ -1660,12 +1667,35 @@ std::vector<std::string> Utf8ToGlyphs(const std::string& input) {
return out;
int GlyphPosition(const std::string& input, size_t glyph_index, size_t start) {
if (glyph_index <= 0) {
return 0;
size_t GlyphPrevious(const std::string& input, size_t start) {
while (true) {
if (start == 0) {
return 0;
// Skip the UTF8 continuation bytes.
if ((input[start] & 0b1100'0000) == 0b1000'0000) {
uint32_t codepoint = 0;
size_t end = 0;
const bool eaten = EatCodePoint(input, start, &end, &codepoint);
// Ignore invalid, control characters and combining characters.
if (!eaten || IsControl(codepoint) || IsCombining(codepoint)) {
return start;
size_t end = 0;
size_t GlyphNext(const std::string& input, size_t start) {
bool glyph_found = false;
while (start < input.size()) {
size_t end = 0;
uint32_t codepoint = 0;
const bool eaten = EatCodePoint(input, start, &end, &codepoint);
@ -1677,17 +1707,31 @@ int GlyphPosition(const std::string& input, size_t glyph_index, size_t start) {
// We eat the beginning of the next glyph. If we are eating the one
// requested, return its start position immediately.
if (glyph_index == 0) {
if (glyph_found) {
return static_cast<int>(start);
// Otherwise, skip this glyph and iterate:
glyph_found = true;
start = end;
return static_cast<int>(input.size());
size_t GlyphIterate(const std::string& input, int glyph_offset, size_t start) {
if (glyph_offset >= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < glyph_offset; ++i) {
start = GlyphNext(input, start);
return start;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < -glyph_offset; ++i) {
start = GlyphPrevious(input, start);
return start;
std::vector<int> CellToGlyphIndex(const std::string& input) {
int x = -1;
std::vector<int> out;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
namespace ftxui {
bool EatCodePoint(const std::string& input,
size_t start,
size_t* end,
uint32_t* ucs);
bool EatCodePoint(const std::wstring& input,
size_t start,
size_t* end,
uint32_t* ucs);
bool IsCombining(uint32_t ucs);
bool IsFullWidth(uint32_t ucs);
bool IsControl(uint32_t ucs);
size_t GlyphPrevious(const std::string& input, size_t start);
size_t GlyphNext(const std::string& input, size_t start);
// Return the index in the |input| string of the glyph at |glyph_offset|,
// starting at |start|
size_t GlyphIterate(const std::string& input,
int glyph_offset,
size_t start = 0);
// Returns the number of glyphs in |input|.
int GlyphCount(const std::string& input);
// Properties from:
// https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/auxiliary/WordBreakProperty.txt
enum class WordBreakProperty {
WordBreakProperty CodepointToWordBreakProperty(uint32_t codepoint);
std::vector<WordBreakProperty> Utf8ToWordBreakProperty(
const std::string& input);
bool IsWordBreakingCharacter(const std::string& input, size_t glyph_index);
} // namespace ftxui
#endif /* end of include guard: FTXUI_SCREEN_STRING_INTERNAL_HPP */
// Copyright 2023 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "ftxui/screen/string.hpp"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string> // for allocator, string
#include "ftxui/screen/string_internal.hpp"
namespace ftxui {
@ -61,41 +62,41 @@ TEST(StringTest, GlyphCount) {
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphCount("a\1a"), 2);
TEST(StringTest, GlyphPosition) {
TEST(StringTest, GlyphIterate) {
// Basic:
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("", -1), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("", 1), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("ab", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("ab", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("ab", 2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("abc", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("abc", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("abc", 2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("abc", 3), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("", -1), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("", 1), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("ab", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("ab", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("ab", 2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("abc", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("abc", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("abc", 2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("abc", 3), 3);
// Fullwidth glyphs:
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("", 1), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("测试", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("测试", 1), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("测试", 2), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("测试", 1, 3), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("测试", 1, 0), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("", 1), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("测试", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("测试", 1), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("测试", 2), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("测试", 1, 3), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("测试", 1, 0), 3);
// Combining characters:
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("", 1), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a⃒a̗ā", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a⃒a̗ā", 1), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a⃒a̗ā", 2), 7);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a⃒a̗ā", 3), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("", 1), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a⃒a̗ā", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a⃒a̗ā", 1), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a⃒a̗ā", 2), 7);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a⃒a̗ā", 3), 10);
// Control characters:
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("\1", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("\1", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a\1a", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a\1a", 1), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphPosition("a\1a", 2), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("\1", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("\1", 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a\1a", 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a\1a", 1), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(GlyphIterate("a\1a", 2), 3);
TEST(StringTest, CellToGlyphIndex) {
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ TEST(StringTest, Utf8ToWordBreakProperty) {
EXPECT_EQ(Utf8ToWordBreakProperty(":"), T({P::MidLetter}));
EXPECT_EQ(Utf8ToWordBreakProperty("."), T({P::MidNumLet}));
EXPECT_EQ(Utf8ToWordBreakProperty("\r"), T({})); // FIXME
EXPECT_EQ(Utf8ToWordBreakProperty("\n"), T({})); // FIXME
EXPECT_EQ(Utf8ToWordBreakProperty("\n"), T({P::LF}));
TEST(StringTest, to_string) {