// Copyright 2021 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in // the LICENSE file. #ifndef FTXUI_COMPONENT_COMPONENT_OPTIONS_HPP #define FTXUI_COMPONENT_COMPONENT_OPTIONS_HPP #include // for milliseconds #include // for Duration, QuadraticInOut, Function #include // for Direction, Direction::Left, Direction::Right, Direction::Down #include // for Element, separator #include // for Ref, ConstRef, StringRef #include // for function #include // for string #include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for Component #include "ftxui/screen/color.hpp" // for Color, Color::GrayDark, Color::White namespace ftxui { /// @brief arguments for |ButtonOption::transform|, |CheckboxOption::transform|, /// |Radiobox::transform|, |MenuEntryOption::transform|, /// |MenuOption::transform|. struct EntryState { std::string label; ///< The label to display. bool state; ///< The state of the button/checkbox/radiobox bool active; ///< Whether the entry is the active one. bool focused; ///< Whether the entry is one focused by the user. int index; ///< Index of the entry when applicable or -1. }; struct UnderlineOption { bool enabled = false; Color color_active = Color::White; Color color_inactive = Color::GrayDark; animation::easing::Function leader_function = animation::easing::QuadraticInOut; animation::easing::Function follower_function = animation::easing::QuadraticInOut; animation::Duration leader_duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250); animation::Duration leader_delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(0); animation::Duration follower_duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250); animation::Duration follower_delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(0); void SetAnimation(animation::Duration d, animation::easing::Function f); void SetAnimationDuration(animation::Duration d); void SetAnimationFunction(animation::easing::Function f); void SetAnimationFunction(animation::easing::Function f_leader, animation::easing::Function f_follower); }; /// @brief Option about a potentially animated color. /// @ingroup component struct AnimatedColorOption { void Set( Color inactive, Color active, animation::Duration duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250), animation::easing::Function function = animation::easing::QuadraticInOut); bool enabled = false; Color inactive; Color active; animation::Duration duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250); animation::easing::Function function = animation::easing::QuadraticInOut; }; struct AnimatedColorsOption { AnimatedColorOption background; AnimatedColorOption foreground; }; /// @brief Option for the MenuEntry component. /// @ingroup component struct MenuEntryOption { ConstStringRef label = "MenuEntry"; std::function transform; AnimatedColorsOption animated_colors; }; /// @brief Option for the Menu component. /// @ingroup component struct MenuOption { // Standard constructors: static MenuOption Horizontal(); static MenuOption HorizontalAnimated(); static MenuOption Vertical(); static MenuOption VerticalAnimated(); static MenuOption Toggle(); ConstStringListRef entries; ///> The list of entries. Ref selected = 0; ///> The index of the selected entry. // Style: UnderlineOption underline; MenuEntryOption entries_option; Direction direction = Direction::Down; std::function elements_prefix; std::function elements_infix; std::function elements_postfix; // Observers: std::function on_change; ///> Called when the selected entry changes. std::function on_enter; ///> Called when the user presses enter. Ref focused_entry = 0; }; /// @brief Option for the AnimatedButton component. /// @ingroup component struct ButtonOption { // Standard constructors: static ButtonOption Ascii(); static ButtonOption Simple(); static ButtonOption Border(); static ButtonOption Animated(); static ButtonOption Animated(Color color); static ButtonOption Animated(Color background, Color foreground); static ButtonOption Animated(Color background, Color foreground, Color background_active, Color foreground_active); ConstStringRef label = "Button"; std::function on_click = [] {}; // Style: std::function transform; AnimatedColorsOption animated_colors; }; /// @brief Option for the Checkbox component. /// @ingroup component struct CheckboxOption { // Standard constructors: static CheckboxOption Simple(); ConstStringRef label = "Checkbox"; Ref checked = false; // Style: std::function transform; // Observer: /// Called when the user change the state. std::function on_change = [] {}; }; /// @brief Used to define style for the Input component. struct InputState { Element element; bool hovered; ///< Whether the input is hovered by the mouse. bool focused; ///< Whether the input is focused by the user. bool is_placeholder; ///< Whether the input is empty and displaying the ///< placeholder. }; /// @brief Option for the Input component. /// @ingroup component struct InputOption { // A set of predefined styles: /// @brief Create the default input style: static InputOption Default(); /// @brief A white on black style with high margins: static InputOption Spacious(); /// The content of the input. StringRef content = ""; /// The content of the input when it's empty. StringRef placeholder = ""; // Style: std::function transform; Ref password = false; ///< Obscure the input content using '*'. Ref multiline = true; ///< Whether the input can be multiline. Ref insert = true; ///< Insert or overtype character mode. /// Called when the content changes. std::function on_change = [] {}; /// Called when the user presses enter. std::function on_enter = [] {}; // The char position of the cursor: Ref cursor_position = 0; }; /// @brief Option for the Radiobox component. /// @ingroup component struct RadioboxOption { // Standard constructors: static RadioboxOption Simple(); // Content: ConstStringListRef entries; Ref selected = 0; // Style: std::function transform; // Observers: /// Called when the selected entry changes. std::function on_change = [] {}; Ref focused_entry = 0; }; struct ResizableSplitOption { Component main; Component back; Ref direction = Direction::Left; Ref main_size = (direction() == Direction::Left || direction() == Direction::Right) ? 20 : 10; std::function separator_func = [] { return ::ftxui::separator(); }; }; // @brief Option for the `Slider` component. // @ingroup component template struct SliderOption { Ref value; ConstRef min = T(0); ConstRef max = T(100); ConstRef increment = (max() - min()) / 20; Direction direction = Direction::Right; Color color_active = Color::White; Color color_inactive = Color::GrayDark; }; // Parameter pack used by `WindowOptions::render`. struct WindowRenderState { Element inner; ///< The element wrapped inside this window. const std::string& title; ///< The title of the window. bool active = false; ///< Whether the window is the active one. bool drag = false; ///< Whether the window is being dragged. bool resize = false; ///< Whether the window is being resized. bool hover_left = false; ///< Whether the resizeable left side is hovered. bool hover_right = false; ///< Whether the resizeable right side is hovered. bool hover_top = false; ///< Whether the resizeable top side is hovered. bool hover_down = false; ///< Whether the resizeable down side is hovered. }; // @brief Option for the `Window` component. // @ingroup component struct WindowOptions { Component inner; ///< The component wrapped by this window. ConstStringRef title = ""; ///< The title displayed by this window. Ref left = 0; ///< The left side position of the window. Ref top = 0; ///< The top side position of the window. Ref width = 20; ///< The width of the window. Ref height = 10; ///< The height of the window. Ref resize_left = true; ///< Can the left side be resized? Ref resize_right = true; ///< Can the right side be resized? Ref resize_top = true; ///< Can the top side be resized? Ref resize_down = true; ///< Can the down side be resized? /// An optional function to customize how the window looks like: std::function render; }; /// @brief Option for the Dropdown component. /// @ingroup component /// A dropdown menu is a checkbox opening/closing a radiobox. struct DropdownOption { /// Whether the dropdown is open or closed: Ref open = false; // The options for the checkbox: CheckboxOption checkbox; // The options for the radiobox: RadioboxOption radiobox; // The transformation function: std::function transform; }; } // namespace ftxui #endif /* end of include guard: FTXUI_COMPONENT_COMPONENT_OPTIONS_HPP */