// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in // the LICENSE file. #include // for size_t #include // for array #include // for atomic #include // for operator""s, chrono_literals #include // for sin #include // for ref, reference_wrapper, function #include // for allocator, shared_ptr, __shared_ptr_access #include // for string, basic_string, char_traits, operator+, to_string #include // for sleep_for, thread #include // for move #include // for vector #include "../dom/color_info_sorted_2d.ipp" // for ColorInfoSorted2D #include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Checkbox, Renderer, Horizontal, Vertical, Input, Menu, Radiobox, ResizableSplitLeft, Tab #include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase, Component #include "ftxui/component/component_options.hpp" // for MenuOption, InputOption #include "ftxui/component/event.hpp" // for Event, Event::Custom #include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for Component, ScreenInteractive #include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for text, color, operator|, bgcolor, filler, Element, vbox, size, hbox, separator, flex, window, graph, EQUAL, paragraph, WIDTH, hcenter, Elements, bold, vscroll_indicator, HEIGHT, flexbox, hflow, border, frame, flex_grow, gauge, paragraphAlignCenter, paragraphAlignJustify, paragraphAlignLeft, paragraphAlignRight, dim, spinner, LESS_THAN, center, yframe, GREATER_THAN #include "ftxui/dom/flexbox_config.hpp" // for FlexboxConfig #include "ftxui/screen/color.hpp" // for Color, Color::BlueLight, Color::RedLight, Color::Black, Color::Blue, Color::Cyan, Color::CyanLight, Color::GrayDark, Color::GrayLight, Color::Green, Color::GreenLight, Color::Magenta, Color::MagentaLight, Color::Red, Color::White, Color::Yellow, Color::YellowLight, Color::Default, Color::Palette256, ftxui #include "ftxui/screen/color_info.hpp" // for ColorInfo #include "ftxui/screen/terminal.hpp" // for Size, Dimensions using namespace ftxui; int main() { auto screen = ScreenInteractive::Fullscreen(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HTOP // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int shift = 0; auto my_graph = [&shift](int width, int height) { std::vector output(width); for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { float v = 0.5f; v += 0.1f * sin((i + shift) * 0.1f); v += 0.2f * sin((i + shift + 10) * 0.15f); v += 0.1f * sin((i + shift) * 0.03f); v *= height; output[i] = (int)v; } return output; }; auto htop = Renderer([&] { auto frequency = vbox({ text("Frequency [Mhz]") | hcenter, hbox({ vbox({ text("2400 "), filler(), text("1200 "), filler(), text("0 "), }), graph(std::ref(my_graph)) | flex, }) | flex, }); auto utilization = vbox({ text("Utilization [%]") | hcenter, hbox({ vbox({ text("100 "), filler(), text("50 "), filler(), text("0 "), }), graph(std::ref(my_graph)) | color(Color::RedLight), }) | flex, }); auto ram = vbox({ text("Ram [Mo]") | hcenter, hbox({ vbox({ text("8192"), filler(), text("4096 "), filler(), text("0 "), }), graph(std::ref(my_graph)) | color(Color::BlueLight), }) | flex, }); return hbox({ vbox({ frequency | flex, separator(), utilization | flex, }) | flex, separator(), ram | flex, }) | flex; }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compiler // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::vector compiler_entries = { "gcc", "clang", "emcc", "game_maker", "Ada compilers", "ALGOL 60 compilers", "ALGOL 68 compilers", "Assemblers (Intel *86)", "Assemblers (Motorola 68*)", "Assemblers (Zilog Z80)", "Assemblers (other)", "BASIC Compilers", "BASIC interpreters", "Batch compilers", "C compilers", "Source-to-source compilers", "C++ compilers", "C# compilers", "COBOL compilers", "Common Lisp compilers", "D compilers", "DIBOL/DBL compilers", "ECMAScript interpreters", "Eiffel compilers", "Fortran compilers", "Go compilers", "Haskell compilers", "Java compilers", "Pascal compilers", "Perl Interpreters", "PHP compilers", "PL/I compilers", "Python compilers", "Scheme compilers and interpreters", "Smalltalk compilers", "Tcl Interpreters", "VMS Interpreters", "Rexx Interpreters", "CLI compilers", }; int compiler_selected = 0; Component compiler = Radiobox(&compiler_entries, &compiler_selected); std::array options_label = { "-Wall", "-Werror", "-lpthread", "-O3", "-Wabi-tag", "-Wno-class-conversion", "-Wcomma-subscript", "-Wno-conversion-null", }; std::array options_state = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, }; std::vector input_entries; int input_selected = 0; Component input = Menu(&input_entries, &input_selected); auto input_option = InputOption(); std::string input_add_content; input_option.on_enter = [&] { input_entries.push_back(input_add_content); input_add_content = ""; }; Component input_add = Input(&input_add_content, "input files", input_option); std::string executable_content_ = ""; Component executable_ = Input(&executable_content_, "executable"); Component flags = Container::Vertical({ Checkbox(&options_label[0], &options_state[0]), Checkbox(&options_label[1], &options_state[1]), Checkbox(&options_label[2], &options_state[2]), Checkbox(&options_label[3], &options_state[3]), Checkbox(&options_label[4], &options_state[4]), Checkbox(&options_label[5], &options_state[5]), Checkbox(&options_label[6], &options_state[6]), Checkbox(&options_label[7], &options_state[7]), }); auto compiler_component = Container::Horizontal({ compiler, flags, Container::Vertical({ executable_, Container::Horizontal({ input_add, input, }), }), }); auto render_command = [&] { Elements line; // Compiler line.push_back(text(compiler_entries[compiler_selected]) | bold); // flags for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (options_state[i]) { line.push_back(text(" ")); line.push_back(text(options_label[i]) | dim); } } // Executable if (!executable_content_.empty()) { line.push_back(text(" -o ") | bold); line.push_back(text(executable_content_) | color(Color::BlueLight) | bold); } // Input for (auto& it : input_entries) { line.push_back(text(" " + it) | color(Color::RedLight)); } return line; }; auto compiler_renderer = Renderer(compiler_component, [&] { auto compiler_win = window(text("Compiler"), compiler->Render() | vscroll_indicator | frame); auto flags_win = window(text("Flags"), flags->Render() | vscroll_indicator | frame); auto executable_win = window(text("Executable:"), executable_->Render()); auto input_win = window(text("Input"), hbox({ vbox({ hbox({ text("Add: "), input_add->Render(), }) | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, 20) | size(HEIGHT, EQUAL, 1), filler(), }), separator(), input->Render() | vscroll_indicator | frame | size(HEIGHT, EQUAL, 3) | flex, })); return vbox({ hbox({ compiler_win, flags_win, vbox({ executable_win | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, 20), input_win | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, 60), }), filler(), }) | size(HEIGHT, LESS_THAN, 8), hflow(render_command()) | flex_grow, }) | flex_grow; }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spiner // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto spinner_tab_renderer = Renderer([&] { Elements entries; for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) { entries.push_back(spinner(i, shift / 2) | bold | size(WIDTH, GREATER_THAN, 2) | border); } return hflow(std::move(entries)); }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Colors // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto color_tab_renderer = Renderer([] { auto basic_color_display = vbox({ text("16 color palette:"), separator(), hbox({ vbox({ color(Color::Default, text("Default")), color(Color::Black, text("Black")), color(Color::GrayDark, text("GrayDark")), color(Color::GrayLight, text("GrayLight")), color(Color::White, text("White")), color(Color::Blue, text("Blue")), color(Color::BlueLight, text("BlueLight")), color(Color::Cyan, text("Cyan")), color(Color::CyanLight, text("CyanLight")), color(Color::Green, text("Green")), color(Color::GreenLight, text("GreenLight")), color(Color::Magenta, text("Magenta")), color(Color::MagentaLight, text("MagentaLight")), color(Color::Red, text("Red")), color(Color::RedLight, text("RedLight")), color(Color::Yellow, text("Yellow")), color(Color::YellowLight, text("YellowLight")), }), vbox({ bgcolor(Color::Default, text("Default")), bgcolor(Color::Black, text("Black")), bgcolor(Color::GrayDark, text("GrayDark")), bgcolor(Color::GrayLight, text("GrayLight")), bgcolor(Color::White, text("White")), bgcolor(Color::Blue, text("Blue")), bgcolor(Color::BlueLight, text("BlueLight")), bgcolor(Color::Cyan, text("Cyan")), bgcolor(Color::CyanLight, text("CyanLight")), bgcolor(Color::Green, text("Green")), bgcolor(Color::GreenLight, text("GreenLight")), bgcolor(Color::Magenta, text("Magenta")), bgcolor(Color::MagentaLight, text("MagentaLight")), bgcolor(Color::Red, text("Red")), bgcolor(Color::RedLight, text("RedLight")), bgcolor(Color::Yellow, text("Yellow")), bgcolor(Color::YellowLight, text("YellowLight")), }), }), }) | border; auto palette_256_color_display = text("256 colors palette:"); { std::vector> info_columns = ColorInfoSorted2D(); Elements columns; for (auto& column : info_columns) { Elements column_elements; for (auto& it : column) { column_elements.push_back( text(" ") | bgcolor(Color(Color::Palette256(it.index_256)))); } columns.push_back(hbox(std::move(column_elements))); } palette_256_color_display = vbox({ palette_256_color_display, separator(), vbox(columns), }) | border; } // True color display. auto true_color_display = text("TrueColors: 24bits:"); { int saturation = 255; Elements array; for (int value = 0; value < 255; value += 16) { Elements line; for (int hue = 0; hue < 255; hue += 6) { line.push_back(text("▀") // | color(Color::HSV(hue, saturation, value)) // | bgcolor(Color::HSV(hue, saturation, value + 8))); } array.push_back(hbox(std::move(line))); } true_color_display = vbox({ true_color_display, separator(), vbox(std::move(array)), }) | border; } return flexbox( { basic_color_display, palette_256_color_display, true_color_display, }, FlexboxConfig().SetGap(1, 1)); }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gauges // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto render_gauge = [&shift](int delta) { float progress = (shift + delta) % 500 / 500.f; return hbox({ text(std::to_string(int(progress * 100)) + "% ") | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, 5), gauge(progress), }); }; auto gauge_component = Renderer([render_gauge] { return vbox({ render_gauge(0) | color(Color::Black), render_gauge(100) | color(Color::GrayDark), render_gauge(50) | color(Color::GrayLight), render_gauge(6894) | color(Color::White), separator(), render_gauge(6841) | color(Color::Blue), render_gauge(9813) | color(Color::BlueLight), render_gauge(98765) | color(Color::Cyan), render_gauge(98) | color(Color::CyanLight), render_gauge(9846) | color(Color::Green), render_gauge(1122) | color(Color::GreenLight), render_gauge(84) | color(Color::Magenta), render_gauge(645) | color(Color::MagentaLight), render_gauge(568) | color(Color::Red), render_gauge(2222) | color(Color::RedLight), render_gauge(220) | color(Color::Yellow), render_gauge(348) | color(Color::YellowLight), }); }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Paragraph // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto make_box = [](size_t dimx, size_t dimy) { std::string title = std::to_string(dimx) + "x" + std::to_string(dimy); return window(text(title) | hcenter | bold, text("content") | hcenter | dim) | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, dimx) | size(HEIGHT, EQUAL, dimy); }; auto paragraph_renderer_left = Renderer([&] { std::string str = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting " "industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text " "ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type " "and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."; return vbox({ window(text("Align left:"), paragraphAlignLeft(str)), window(text("Align center:"), paragraphAlignCenter(str)), window(text("Align right:"), paragraphAlignRight(str)), window(text("Align justify:"), paragraphAlignJustify(str)), window(text("Side by side"), hbox({ paragraph(str), separator(), paragraph(str), })), window(text("Elements with different size:"), flexbox({ make_box(10, 5), make_box(9, 4), make_box(8, 4), make_box(6, 3), make_box(10, 5), make_box(9, 4), make_box(8, 4), make_box(6, 3), make_box(10, 5), make_box(9, 4), make_box(8, 4), make_box(6, 3), })), }) | vscroll_indicator | yframe | flex; }); auto paragraph_renderer_right = Renderer([] { return paragraph("<--- This vertical bar is resizable using the mouse") | center; }); int paragraph_renderer_split_position = Terminal::Size().dimx / 2; auto paragraph_renderer_group = ResizableSplitLeft(paragraph_renderer_left, paragraph_renderer_right, ¶graph_renderer_split_position); auto paragraph_renderer_group_renderer = Renderer(paragraph_renderer_group, [&] { return paragraph_renderer_group->Render(); }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tabs // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int tab_index = 0; std::vector tab_entries = { "htop", "color", "spinner", "gauge", "compiler", "paragraph", }; auto tab_selection = Menu(&tab_entries, &tab_index, MenuOption::HorizontalAnimated()); auto tab_content = Container::Tab( { htop, color_tab_renderer, spinner_tab_renderer, gauge_component, compiler_renderer, paragraph_renderer_group_renderer, }, &tab_index); auto main_container = Container::Vertical({ tab_selection, tab_content, }); auto main_renderer = Renderer(main_container, [&] { return vbox({ text("FTXUI Demo") | bold | hcenter, tab_selection->Render(), tab_content->Render() | flex, }); }); std::atomic refresh_ui_continue = true; std::thread refresh_ui([&] { while (refresh_ui_continue) { using namespace std::chrono_literals; std::this_thread::sleep_for(0.05s); // The |shift| variable belong to the main thread. `screen.Post(task)` // will execute the update on the thread where |screen| lives (e.g. the // main thread). Using `screen.Post(task)` is threadsafe. screen.Post([&] { shift++; }); // After updating the state, request a new frame to be drawn. This is done // by simulating a new "custom" event to be handled. screen.Post(Event::Custom); } }); screen.Loop(main_renderer); refresh_ui_continue = false; refresh_ui.join(); return 0; }