Table of content. - [DOM](#dom) * [Style](#style) * [Layout](#layout) * [Widget.](#widget) + [text](#text) + [frame](#frame) + [separator](#separator) + [gauge](#gauge) - [Components.](#components) * [Input](#input) * [Menu](#menu) * [Toggle.](#toggle) ## DOM All the dom element are declared in one header: ~~~cpp #include ~~~ It declares the following set of elements: ~~~cpp // --- Layout ---- Element vbox(Children); Element hbox(Children); Element dbox(Children); Element filler(); Element flex(Element); // --- Widget -- Element text(std::wstring text); Element separator(); Element gauge(float ratio); Element frame(Element); Element window(Child title, Child content); // -- Decorator --- Element bold(Element); Element dim(Element); Element inverted(Element); Element underlined(Element); Element blink(Element); Element color(Color, Element); Element bgcolor(Color, Element); Decorator color(Color); Decorator bgcolor(Color); // --- Util --- Element hcenter(Element); Element vcenter(Element); Element center(Element); // --- Util --- Element nothing(Element element); ~~~ ### Style A terminal console can usually display colored text and colored background. The text can also have different effects: bold, dim, underlined, inverted, blink. ~~~cpp Element bold(Element); Element dim(Element); Element inverted(Element); Element underlined(Element); Element blink(Element); Element color(Color, Element); Element bgcolor(Color, Element); ~~~ ### Layout * vbox (Vertical-box) * hbox (Horizontal-box) * fbox (Depth-box) are containers. They are used to compose all the elements together. Each children are put side by side. If the container is flexible, the extra space available will be shared among the remaining flexible children. flex(element) can be used to make a non-flexible element flexible. filler() is a flexible empty element. You can use it to children on one side of the container. #### Examples ~~~cpp hbox( frame(text(L"left")), flex(frame(text(L"middle"))), frame(text(L"right")) ); ~~~ ~~~bash ┌────┐┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐┌─────┐ │left││middle ││right│ └────┘└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘└─────┘ ~~~ ~~~cpp hbox( frame(text(L"left")), flex(frame(text(L"middle"))), flex(frame(text(L"right"))) ); ~~~ ~~~bash ┌────┐┌───────────────────────────────────┐┌───────────────────────────────────┐ │left││middle ││right │ └────┘└───────────────────────────────────┘└───────────────────────────────────┘ ~~~ ### Widget. #### text The most simple widget. It display a text. ~~~cpp text(L"I am a piece of text"); ~~~ ~~~bash I am a piece of text. ~~~ #### frame Add a border arround an element ~~~cpp frame(text(L"The element")) ~~~ ~~~bash ┌───────────┐ │The element│ └───────────┘ ~~~ #### separator Display a vertical or horizontal line to visually split the content of a container in two. ~~~cpp frame(hbox( vbox( text(L"left top"), text(L"left bottom") ), separator(), vbox( text(L"right top"), text(L"right bottom") ) )); ~~~ ~~~bash ┌───────────┬────────────┐ │left top │right top │ │left bottom│right bottom│ └───────────┴────────────┘ ~~~ #### gauge A gauge. It can be used to represent a progress bar. ~~~c+ frame(gauge(0.5)) ~~~ ~~~bash ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │██████████████████████████████████████ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ~~~ ### Decorator Terminal supports displaying text using differet style: bold, dim, underlined, inverted, blink. It even support foreground and background color. Example: ~~~cpp underlined(bold(text(L"This text is bold and underlined"))) ~~~ Tips: The pipe operator can be used to chain Decorator: ~~~cpp text(L"This text is bold")) | bold | underlined ~~~ ## Components. ### Input TODO(arthursonzogni): Add Video ### Menu TODO(arthursonzogni): Add Video ### Toggle. TODO(arthursonzogni): Add video