Arthur Sonzogni 455998d759
Remove Ref<XxxOption> and add new interfaces. (#686)
1. Stop taking Ref<XxxOption> in Component constructors. Instead, use
   the XxxOption directly. Passing by copy avoid problems developers had
   where one was shared in between multiple component, causing issues.

2. Add variants of most component constructors taking a struct only.

This replaces:

This fixes:
2023-06-25 17:22:05 +02:00

236 lines
7.5 KiB

#include <chrono> // for milliseconds
#include <ftxui/component/animation.hpp> // for Duration, QuadraticInOut, Function
#include <ftxui/dom/direction.hpp> // for Direction, Direction::Left, Direction::Right, Direction::Down
#include <ftxui/dom/elements.hpp> // for Element, separator
#include <ftxui/util/ref.hpp> // for Ref, ConstRef, StringRef
#include <functional> // for function
#include <optional> // for optional
#include <string> // for string
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for Component
#include "ftxui/screen/color.hpp" // for Color, Color::GrayDark, Color::White
namespace ftxui {
/// @brief arguments for |ButtonOption::transform|, |CheckboxOption::transform|,
/// |Radiobox::transform|, |MenuEntryOption::transform|,
/// |MenuOption::transform|.
struct EntryState {
std::string label; /// < The label to display.
bool state; /// < The state of the button/checkbox/radiobox
bool active; /// < Whether the entry is the active one.
bool focused; /// < Whether the entry is one focused by the user.
struct UnderlineOption {
bool enabled = false;
Color color_active = Color::White;
Color color_inactive = Color::GrayDark;
animation::easing::Function leader_function =
animation::easing::Function follower_function =
animation::Duration leader_duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250);
animation::Duration leader_delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(0);
animation::Duration follower_duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250);
animation::Duration follower_delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(0);
void SetAnimation(animation::Duration d, animation::easing::Function f);
void SetAnimationDuration(animation::Duration d);
void SetAnimationFunction(animation::easing::Function f);
void SetAnimationFunction(animation::easing::Function f_leader,
animation::easing::Function f_follower);
/// @brief Option about a potentially animated color.
/// @ingroup component
struct AnimatedColorOption {
void Set(
Color inactive,
Color active,
animation::Duration duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250),
animation::easing::Function function = animation::easing::QuadraticInOut);
bool enabled = false;
Color inactive;
Color active;
animation::Duration duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250);
animation::easing::Function function = animation::easing::QuadraticInOut;
struct AnimatedColorsOption {
AnimatedColorOption background;
AnimatedColorOption foreground;
/// @brief Option for the MenuEntry component.
/// @ingroup component
struct MenuEntryOption {
ConstStringRef label = "MenuEntry";
std::function<Element(const EntryState& state)> transform;
AnimatedColorsOption animated_colors;
/// @brief Option for the Menu component.
/// @ingroup component
struct MenuOption {
// Standard constructors:
static MenuOption Horizontal();
static MenuOption HorizontalAnimated();
static MenuOption Vertical();
static MenuOption VerticalAnimated();
static MenuOption Toggle();
ConstStringListRef entries; ///> The list of entries.
Ref<int> selected = 0; ///> The index of the selected entry.
// Style:
UnderlineOption underline;
MenuEntryOption entries_option;
Direction direction = Direction::Down;
std::function<Element()> elements_prefix;
std::function<Element()> elements_infix;
std::function<Element()> elements_postfix;
// Observers:
std::function<void()> on_change; ///> Called when the selected entry changes.
std::function<void()> on_enter; ///> Called when the user presses enter.
Ref<int> focused_entry = 0;
/// @brief Option for the AnimatedButton component.
/// @ingroup component
struct ButtonOption {
// Standard constructors:
static ButtonOption Ascii();
static ButtonOption Simple();
static ButtonOption Border();
static ButtonOption Animated();
static ButtonOption Animated(Color color);
static ButtonOption Animated(Color background, Color foreground);
static ButtonOption Animated(Color background,
Color foreground,
Color background_active,
Color foreground_active);
ConstStringRef label = "Button";
std::function<void()> on_click = [] {};
// Style:
std::function<Element(const EntryState&)> transform;
AnimatedColorsOption animated_colors;
/// @brief Option for the Checkbox component.
/// @ingroup component
struct CheckboxOption {
// Standard constructors:
static CheckboxOption Simple();
ConstStringRef label = "Checkbox";
Ref<bool> checked = false;
// Style:
std::function<Element(const EntryState&)> transform;
// Observer:
/// Called when the user change the state.
std::function<void()> on_change = [] {};
/// @brief Used to define style for the Input component.
struct InputState {
Element element;
bool hovered; /// < Whether the input is hovered by the mouse.
bool focused; /// < Whether the input is focused by the user.
bool is_placeholder; /// < Whether the input is empty and displaying the
/// < placeholder.
/// @brief Option for the Input component.
/// @ingroup component
struct InputOption {
// A set of predefined styles:
/// @brief Create the default input style:
static InputOption Default();
/// @brief A white on black style with high margins:
static InputOption Spacious();
/// The content of the input.
StringRef content = "";
/// The content of the input when it's empty.
StringRef placeholder = "";
// Style:
std::function<Element(InputState)> transform;
Ref<bool> password = false; /// < Obscure the input content using '*'.
Ref<bool> multiline = true; /// < Whether the input can be multiline.
/// Called when the content changes.
std::function<void()> on_change = [] {};
/// Called when the user presses enter.
std::function<void()> on_enter = [] {};
// The char position of the cursor:
Ref<int> cursor_position = 0;
/// @brief Option for the Radiobox component.
/// @ingroup component
struct RadioboxOption {
// Standard constructors:
static RadioboxOption Simple();
// Content:
ConstStringListRef entries;
Ref<int> selected = 0;
// Style:
std::function<Element(const EntryState&)> transform;
// Observers:
/// Called when the selected entry changes.
std::function<void()> on_change = [] {};
Ref<int> focused_entry = 0;
struct ResizableSplitOption {
Component main;
Component back;
Ref<Direction> direction = Direction::Left;
Ref<int> main_size =
(direction() == Direction::Left || direction() == Direction::Right) ? 20
: 10;
std::function<Element()> separator_func = [] { return ::ftxui::separator(); };
// @brief Option for the `Slider` component.
// @ingroup component
template <typename T>
struct SliderOption {
Ref<T> value;
ConstRef<T> min = T(0);
ConstRef<T> max = T(100);
ConstRef<T> increment = (max() - min()) / 20;
Direction direction = Direction::Right;
Color color_active = Color::White;
Color color_inactive = Color::GrayDark;
} // namespace ftxui
#endif /* end of include guard: FTXUI_COMPONENT_COMPONENT_OPTIONS_HPP */
// Copyright 2021 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.