From c8ae055841f81aed22aadd8d073bad6a4b7182ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: luocai Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 15:53:30 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] check ts. --- Linguist/FaceTick_EN.ts | 720 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 360 insertions(+), 360 deletions(-) diff --git a/Linguist/FaceTick_EN.ts b/Linguist/FaceTick_EN.ts index dfc2386..4870edd 100644 --- a/Linguist/FaceTick_EN.ts +++ b/Linguist/FaceTick_EN.ts @@ -6,22 +6,22 @@ 未搜索到相关通行记录 - No relevant pass records were found + No relevant pass records were found 通行时间: - Passing Time: + Passing Time: 通过 - Allow + Allow 不通过 - Prohibit + Prohibit @@ -29,47 +29,47 @@ 确认添加 - + Confirm addition 确定新增人员? - + Confirm new person? 确定 - OK + OK 请补全*信息! - Please complete * information! + Please complete * information! 注册失败,已达到最大注册人数! - + Registration failed, the maximum number of registrants has been reached! IC卡号重复! - Duplicate IC card number! + Duplicate IC card number! 注册人员失败,请重新抓拍! - + Registration failed, please re-capture! 身份证号已存在! - The ID number already exists! + The ID number already exists! 注册人员失败! - + Registration failed! @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ 取消 - Cancel + Cancel @@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ 确定 - OK + OK 点击对应时间项设置 - Time Setting + Time Setting @@ -114,22 +114,22 @@ 未搜索到相关人员 - No relevant personnel found + No relevant personnel found 有效期: - Valid: + Valid: 注册时间: - Registration Time: + Registration Time: 有效期:永久有效 - Valid:Permanent + Valid:Permanent @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ 知道了 - OK + OK @@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ 请指定一个介于1和223之间的值 - + Specify a value between 1 and 223 请指定一个介于0和255之间的值 - + Specify a value between 0 and 255 @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ 确定 - OK + OK 设置有误,请重新输入! - The setting is wrong, please re-enter! + The setting is wrong, please re-enter! @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -236,38 +236,38 @@ 请出示个人平安码 - Please show your security code + Please show your security code 正在验证... - Verifying... + Verifying... 验证错误请重试 - Verification error, please try again + Verification error, please try again 请走人工通道 - Please take the artificial channel + Please take the artificial channel 请通行 - Passed + Passed 无效平安码 - Invalid security code + Invalid security code 扫码超时 - Scan code timeout + Scan code timeout @@ -324,32 +324,32 @@ 确定 - OK + OK 取消 - Cancel + Cancel 恢复出厂 - Restore Factory + Restore Factory 工程密码 - Password + Password 您确定恢复出厂设置吗? - Are you sure to restore factory settings? + Are you sure to restore factory settings? 恢复 - Restore + Restore @@ -370,12 +370,12 @@ 请指定一个介于0和255之间的值 - + Specify a value between 0 and 255 设置有误,请重新输入! - The setting is wrong, please re-enter! + The setting is wrong, please re-enter! @@ -383,13 +383,13 @@ 设置有误,请重新输入! 由于之前多次密码验证 错误,请稍等一会重试! - Multiple password verification errors, + Multiple password verification errors, please wait a while and try again! 知道了 - OK + OK 由于之前多次密码验证错误,请稍等一会重试! @@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -1005,17 +1005,17 @@ 今日检票: - + Ticket today: 今日通行: - + Today's traffic: 人 - + person @@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ 请将配置二维码对准扫码框 - Align the configuration QR code with the scan code frame + Align the configuration QR code with the scan code frame @@ -1031,22 +1031,22 @@ 配置方式 - + configuration 二维码配置 - + qrcode configuration 手动配置 - Manual + Manual 跳过 - + Skip @@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ 请仔细阅读以下内容 - + Please read the following carefully @@ -1085,12 +1085,12 @@ 我已阅读并同意以上协议 - + I have read and agree to the above agreement 开始使用 - + Start to use @@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ 确定 - OK + OK @@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ 人脸识别终端 - Face Tick + Face Tick @@ -1132,12 +1132,12 @@ 确定 - OK + OK 取消 - Cancel + Cancel @@ -1180,22 +1180,22 @@ 名称 - Name + Name 密码 - Password + Password 加入 - Join + Join 加密方式 - Encryption + Encryption @@ -1212,14 +1212,14 @@ 由于之前多次密码验证错误,请稍后再重试! 由于之前多次密码验证错误, 请稍后再重试! - Multiple password verification errors, + Multiple password verification errors, please wait a while and try again! 知道了 - OK + OK @@ -1229,27 +1229,27 @@ admin - + admin 设备设置页面已被禁用! - + The device Settings page is disabled! 请输入密码 - Please Enter Password + Please Enter Password 检测到强拆设备 - + Forced device removal detected 解除锁定 - + unlock 当前管理员账号:admin @@ -1258,22 +1258,22 @@ 密码错误,请重试 - Wrong Password + Wrong Password 确定 - OK + OK 取消 - Cancel + Cancel 正在加载测试页面,请稍候... - + Please wait while the test page is loading... @@ -1281,48 +1281,48 @@ 取消 - Cancel + Cancel 结束通话 - + hang up 重拨 - + redial 启用摄像头 - + Enable camera 接听 - + answer 拒绝 - + reject 呼叫中 ... - + On the call... 对方长时间未接听 - + The caller did not answer the call for a long time 禁用摄像头 - + Disable camera @@ -1330,12 +1330,12 @@ 呼叫 - + Call -离线 - + -offline @@ -1344,83 +1344,83 @@ 健康码智能核验系统 - + Health code intelligent verification system 体温: - + temperature: 姓名: - + name: 身份证: - + ID: 核酸检测 - + nucleic acid testing 新冠疫苗 - + COVID-19 vaccine 绿码 - + green code 黄码 - + yellow code 红码 - + red code 暂无数据 - + No data 请通行 - Passed + Passed 禁止通行 - No Passing + No Passing CA数字哨兵 - + CA Digital Sentinel 抗原检测 - + antigen dectection 智能防疫核验系统 - + Intelligent epidemic prevention verification system @@ -1428,17 +1428,17 @@ 欢迎光临 - + welcome 确认 - OK + OK 密码错误 - + wrong password @@ -1446,22 +1446,22 @@ 服务器异常 - Server exception + Server exception 请调整人脸角度 - Adjust the face angle + Adjust the face angle 呼叫设备 - Device + Device 呼叫管理处 - Center + Center @@ -1486,147 +1486,147 @@ 请测试静电 - Please test static electricity + Please test static electricity 静电测试异常 - + Abnormal electrostatic test 请刷身份证或扫码 - + Please swipe ID card or scan code 健康码查询中 - + Health code query 查询失败 - + Query failure 二维码已过期 - + Qr code has expired 网络异常 - + network anomaly 服务器请求超时 - + Server request timeout 请刷行程卡 - + Please swipe the itinerary card 请扫健康码 - + Please scan the health code 请重刷行程卡 - + Please swipe the travel card again 刷身份证扫行程卡 - + Swipe ID card and scan itinerary card 行程卡查询中 - + Trip card query 请扫粤居码 - + Please scan your home code 请刷粤居码/身份证 - + Please swipe your Cantonese residence code/ID card 巡更成功 - + Patrol more successfully 非巡更时段 - + Non-patrol time 请摘下口罩 - + Please take off your mask 请刷脸通行 - Detect face to pass + Detect face to pass 未经许可人员 - Unauthorized Personnel + Unauthorized Personnel 未佩戴口罩 - No wearing mask + No wearing mask 请用本人证件 - Please use your ID + Please use your ID 请刷卡 - Please swipe card + Please swipe card 请正视镜头 - Please face the camera + Please face the camera 口罩检测通过 - Mask detection pass + Mask detection pass 体温: - Temp: + Temp: 禁止通行时段 - No-passing period + No-passing period 身份证核验失败 - ID verification failed + ID verification failed 身份核验中 - Identity verification + Identity verification 服务器连接异常 @@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ 请在此处刷卡 - + Please swipe your card here 未注册人员 @@ -1644,12 +1644,12 @@ 禁止通行 - No Passing + No Passing 人脸特征更新中... - Feature Updating... + Feature Updating... @@ -1657,92 +1657,92 @@ 身份核验中 - Identity verification + Identity verification 请调整人脸角度 - Adjust the face angle + Adjust the face angle 请刷二维码 - please scan QR code + please scan QR code 请刷身份证 - Please swipe your ID card + Please swipe your ID card 请测试静电 - Please test static electricity + Please test static electricity 请刷身份证或扫码 - + Please swipe ID card or scan code 请扫粤居码 - + Please scan your home code 请刷粤居码/身份证 - + Please swipe your Cantonese residence code/ID card 请刷脸通行 - Detect face to pass + Detect face to pass 未经许可人员 - Unauthorized Personnel + Unauthorized Personnel 禁止通行 - No Passing + No Passing 未佩戴口罩 - No wearing mask + No wearing mask 口罩检测通过 - Mask detection pass + Mask detection pass 体温: - Temp: + Temp: 请刷卡 - Please swipe card + Please swipe card 请用本人证件 - Please use your ID + Please use your ID 请正视镜头 - Please face the camera + Please face the camera 禁止通行时段 - No-passing period + No-passing period @@ -1750,27 +1750,27 @@ 身份核验中 - Identity verification + Identity verification 服务器连接失败 - server connection failed + server connection failed 请在此处刷卡 - + Please swipe your card here 请调整人脸角度 - Adjust the face angle + Adjust the face angle 请刷二维码 - please scan QR code + please scan QR code 未注册人员 @@ -1800,152 +1800,152 @@ 请测试静电 - Please test static electricity + Please test static electricity 静电测试异常 - + Abnormal electrostatic test 请刷身份证或扫码 - + Please swipe ID card or scan code 健康码查询中 - + Health code query 查询失败 - + Query failure 二维码已过期 - + Qr code has expired 网络异常 - + network anomaly 服务器异常 - Server exception + Server exception 服务器请求超时 - + Server request timeout 请刷行程卡 - + Please swipe the itinerary card 请扫健康码 - + Please scan the health code 请重刷行程卡 - + Please swipe the travel card again 刷身份证扫行程卡 - + Swipe ID card and scan itinerary card 行程卡查询中 - + Trip card query 请扫粤居码 - + Please scan your home code 请刷粤居码/身份证 - + Please swipe your Cantonese residence code/ID card 巡更成功 - + Patrol more successfully 非巡更时段 - + Non-patrol time 身份证核验失败 - ID verification failed + ID verification failed 请摘下口罩 - + Please take off your mask 请刷脸通行 - Detect face to pass + Detect face to pass 未经许可人员 - Unauthorized Personnel + Unauthorized Personnel 禁止通行 - No Passing + No Passing 未佩戴口罩 - No wearing mask + No wearing mask 口罩检测通过 - Mask detection pass + Mask detection pass 体温: - Temp: + Temp: 请刷卡 - Please swipe card + Please swipe card 请用本人证件 - Please use your ID + Please use your ID 请正视镜头 - Please face the camera + Please face the camera 禁止通行时段 - No-passing period + No-passing period @@ -1954,13 +1954,13 @@ 请通行 Pass through - + Pass through 禁止通行 No Passing - + No Passing @@ -1968,28 +1968,28 @@ No Passing 软件未授权 - Unauthorized + Unauthorized 请联系平台管理员 - Please contact the platform administrator + Please contact the platform administrator 重新检测授权状态 - Recheck authorization status + Recheck authorization status 进入系统设置 - Enter system settings + Enter system settings 瑞为技术 RECONOVA - RECONOVA + RECONOVA @@ -2486,22 +2486,22 @@ Do you want to open it? 启用 - Enable + Enable 蓝牙音箱 - Bluetooth Speaker + Bluetooth Speaker 蓝牙门锁 - Bluetooth door lock + Bluetooth door lock 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... @@ -2509,47 +2509,47 @@ Do you want to open it? 启用 - Enable + Enable 添加蓝牙门锁 - + Add Bluetooth door lock 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... 厂商名称 - + manufacturer 房间名 - + Room name MAC地址 - MAC + MAC 房间名不能为空! - + The room name cannot be empty! 房间名请控制在32个字符以内! - + Please limit room name to 32 characters! mac地址重复,请检查! - + mac address duplicate, please check! @@ -2557,72 +2557,72 @@ Do you want to open it? 门锁信息 - + Door lock information 电量(0-100) - + Power (0-100) 删除门锁 - + Remove lock 产商名称 - + manufacturer 房间名 - + Room name MAC地址 - MAC + MAC 房间名不能为空! - + The room name cannot be empty! 房间名请控制在32个字符以内! - + Please limit room name to 32 characters! mac地址与 - + mac and 重复,请检查! - + repeat, please check! 您确定要删除此门锁吗? - + Are you sure you want to remove this lock? 删除 - Delete + Delete 电量获取中,请稍候... - + Getting power, please wait... (未知) - + (unknown) @@ -2630,24 +2630,24 @@ Do you want to open it? 设备名称 - + device name 已配对设备 - + Paired device 可用设备 - + Available devices 搜索中,请稍候... - Searching, please wait... + Searching, please wait... @@ -2655,53 +2655,53 @@ Do you want to open it? 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... 设置有误,请重新输入! - The setting is wrong, please re-enter! + The setting is wrong, please re-enter! 此操作将会断开您与以下设备的连接:<br> - + This will disconnect you from the following devices :<br> 确定 - OK + OK 要与以下设备连接:<br> - + To connect to :<br> 连接 - + connect 蓝牙连接失败,请重试! - + Bluetooth connection failed, please try again! 要与以下设备配对:<br> - + To pair with the following devices :<br> 配对 - + pair 蓝牙配对失败,请重试! - + Bluetooth pairing failed, please try again! @@ -2709,27 +2709,27 @@ Do you want to open it? 重命名 - + Rename 取消配对 - + unpair 设置有误,请重新输入! - The setting is wrong, please re-enter! + The setting is wrong, please re-enter! 您确定要取消此设备的配对 - + Are you sure you want to unpair this device 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... @@ -2739,83 +2739,83 @@ Do you want to open it? 获取4G网络配置失败,请重试! - Failed to get 4G, please try again! + Failed to get 4G, please try again! 您确定要禁用4G网络吗? - Are you sure to disable 4G? + Are you sure to disable 4G? 您确定要启用4G网络吗? - Are you sure to enable 4G? + Are you sure to enable 4G? 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... 设置4G网络失败,请重试! - Failed to set 4G, please try again! + Failed to set 4G, please try again! 您确定要重启4G网络吗? - Are you sure you want to restart 4G? + Are you sure you want to restart 4G? 重启成功! - Successful restart! + Successful restart! 重启4G网络失败,请重试! - Failed to restart 4G, please try again! + Failed to restart 4G, please try again! 启用 - Enable + Enable SIM卡信息 - SIM + SIM 重启4G网络 - Reboot + Reboot 未插卡 - No SIM + No SIM 中国移动 - China Mobile + China Mobile 中国电信 - China Telecom + China Telecom 中国联通 - China Unicom + China Unicom 4G启动中... - 4G Starting... + 4G Starting... @@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@ Do you want to open it? 热点密码 - + ap password @@ -2834,22 +2834,22 @@ Do you want to open it? 获取无线网络配置失败,请重试! - Failed to get wlan, please try again! + Failed to get wlan, please try again! 搜索中,请稍候... - Searching, please wait... + Searching, please wait... 您确定要禁用无线网络吗? - Are you sure to disable WLAN? + Are you sure to disable WLAN? 您确定要启用无线网络吗? - Are you sure to enable WLAN? + Are you sure to enable WLAN? @@ -2857,89 +2857,89 @@ Do you want to open it? 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... 设置无线网络失败,请重试! - Failed to set wlan, please try again! + Failed to set wlan, please try again! 您确定要关闭AP模式吗? - + Are you sure you want to turn off AP mode? 您确定要启用AP模式吗? - + Are you sure you want to enable AP mode? 密码长度为8-16位字符! - + Password length is 8-16 characters! 设置成功! - + successful! 设置失败,请重试! - + Setup failed, please try again! 无线网络连接成功,是否禁用有线网络? - The wlan connection is successful, is the wired network disabled? + The wlan connection is successful, is the wired network disabled? 禁用有线网络失败,请重试! - Failed to disable wired network, please try again! + Failed to disable wired network, please try again! 请输入密码 - Please Enter Password + Please Enter Password 连接无线网络失败,请重试! - Failed to connect to the wlan, please try again! + Failed to connect to the wlan, please try again! 连接成功! - Connection Succeeded! + Connection Succeeded! 启用 - Enable + Enable AP模式 - + AP Mode 其它网络 - Other + Other 重新搜索 - Search Again + Search Again @@ -2949,17 +2949,17 @@ Do you want to open it? 获取无线网络配置失败,请重试! - Failed to get wlan, please try again! + Failed to get wlan, please try again! IP设置不能为空! - IP cannot be empty! + IP cannot be empty! 子网掩码设置不能为空! - The subnet mask cannot be empty! + The subnet mask cannot be empty! IP设置有误! @@ -2983,84 +2983,84 @@ Do you want to open it? 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... 设置无线网络失败,请重试! - Failed to set wlan, please try again! + Failed to set wlan, please try again! 无线网络连接成功,是否禁用有线网络? - The wlan connection is successful, is the wired network disabled? + The wlan connection is successful, is the wired network disabled? 禁用有线网络失败,请重试! - Failed to disable wired network, please try again! + Failed to disable wired network, please try again! 连接无线网络失败,请重试! - Failed to connect to the wlan, please try again! + Failed to connect to the wlan, please try again! 您确定要忽略此网络吗? - Are you sure you want to ignore this network? + Are you sure you want to ignore this network? 您确定要关闭自动获取吗? - Are you sure you want to turn off automatic acquisition? + Are you sure you want to turn off automatic acquisition? 您确定要打开自动获取吗? - Are you sure you want to turn on automatic acquisition? + Are you sure you want to turn on automatic acquisition? 连接此网络 - Connection + Connection 忽略此网络 - Ignore + Ignore 自动获取 - Automatic Acquisition + Automatic Acquisition 手动配置 - Manual + Manual 设备IP - Device IP + Device IP 子网掩码 - Subnet Mask + Subnet Mask 设备网关 - Device Gateway + Device Gateway DNS服务器 - DNS Server + DNS Server @@ -3173,22 +3173,22 @@ Do you want to open it? 获取4G网络配置失败,请重试! - Failed to obtain 4G, please try again! + Failed to obtain 4G, please try again! 有线网络 - Wired Network + Wired Network 无线网络 - WLAN + WLAN 4G网络 - 4G + 4G @@ -3196,222 +3196,222 @@ Do you want to open it? 设置有误,请重新输入! - The setting is wrong, please re-enter! + The setting is wrong, please re-enter! 处理中,请稍候... - Processing, please wait... + Processing, please wait... NTP校时失败,请检查! - NTP time calibration failed, please check! + NTP time calibration failed, please check! NTP获取时间 - NTP get time + NTP get time NTP服务器 - NTP Server + NTP Server 校时间隔(小时) - Time Interval + Time Interval 时区 - Time Zone + Time Zone 手动设置 - Manual + Manual UTC-11太平洋/中途岛 - UTC-11Pacific / Midway + UTC-11Pacific / Midway UTC-9:30太平洋/马克萨斯 - UTC-9:30Pacific / Maxas + UTC-9:30Pacific / Maxas UTC-9美国/安克雷奇 - UTC-9USA / Anchorage + UTC-9USA / Anchorage UTC-8美国/道森 - UTC-8USA / Dawson + UTC-8USA / Dawson UTC-7美国/博伊西 - UTC-7USA / Boise + UTC-7USA / Boise UTC-6美国/巴伊亚州_班德拉斯 - UTC-6United States / Bahia_Banderas + UTC-6United States / Bahia_Banderas UTC-5美国/多伦多 - UTC-5USA / Toronto + UTC-5USA / Toronto UTC-4美国/安圭拉 - UTC-4United States / Anguilla + UTC-4United States / Anguilla UTC-3:30美国/圣约翰斯 - UTC-3:30Canada / Newfoundland Island + UTC-3:30Canada / Newfoundland Island UTC-3美国/阿拉瓜那 - UTC-3United States / Alaguana + UTC-3United States / Alaguana UTC-2美国/诺罗尼亚 - UTC-2US / Noronha + UTC-2US / Noronha UTC-1美国/斯科比斯松 - UTC-1USA / Skobisson + UTC-1USA / Skobisson UTC+0欧洲/里斯本/伦敦 - UTC+0Europe / Lisbon / London + UTC+0Europe / Lisbon / London UTC+1欧洲/阿姆斯特丹 - UTC+1Europe / Amsterdam + UTC+1Europe / Amsterdam UTC+2亚洲/大马士革 - UTC+2Asia / Damascus + UTC+2Asia / Damascus UTC+3亚洲/科威特 - UTC+3Asia / Kuwait + UTC+3Asia / Kuwait UTC+3:30亚洲/德黑兰 - UTC+3:30Asia / Tehran + UTC+3:30Asia / Tehran UTC+4印度/毛里求斯 - UTC+4India / Mauritius + UTC+4India / Mauritius UTC+4:30亚洲/喀布尔 - UTC+4:30Asia / Kabul + UTC+4:30Asia / Kabul UTC+5印度/马尔代夫 - UTC+5India / Maldives + UTC+5India / Maldives UTC+5:30亚洲/科伦坡 - UTC+5:30Asia / Colombo + UTC+5:30Asia / Colombo UTC+5:45亚洲/加德满都 - UTC+5:45Asia / Kathmandu + UTC+5:45Asia / Kathmandu UTC+6印度/查戈斯 - UTC+6India / Chagos + UTC+6India / Chagos UTC+6:30亚洲/仰光 - UTC+6:30Asia / Yangon + UTC+6:30Asia / Yangon UTC+7亚洲/曼谷 - UTC+7Asia / Bangkok + UTC+7Asia / Bangkok UTC+8亚洲/北京/台北 - UTC+8Asia / Beijing/Taipei + UTC+8Asia / Beijing/Taipei UTC+8:45澳大利亚/尤克拉 - UTC+8:45Australia / Ukra + UTC+8:45Australia / Ukra UTC+9亚洲/首尔/东京 - UTC+9Asia / Seoul / Tokyo + UTC+9Asia / Seoul / Tokyo UTC+9:30澳大利亚/达尔文 - UTC+9:30Australia / Darwin + UTC+9:30Australia / Darwin UTC+10澳大利亚/墨尔本 - UTC+10Melbourne, Australia + UTC+10Melbourne, Australia UTC+10:30澳大利亚/领主豪 - UTC+10:30Australian / lord + UTC+10:30Australian / lord UTC+11太平洋/瓜达尔卡纳尔岛 - UTC+11Pacific / Guadalcanal + UTC+11Pacific / Guadalcanal UTC+12太平洋/奥克兰 - UTC+12Pacific / Auckland + UTC+12Pacific / Auckland UTC+12:45太平洋/查塔姆 - UTC+12:45Pacific / Chatham + UTC+12:45Pacific / Chatham UTC+13太平洋/阿皮亚 - UTC+13Tonga/ Nuku'alofa + UTC+13Tonga/ Nuku'alofa UTC+14太平洋/基里蒂马蒂) - UTC+14Pacific / Kiritimati + UTC+14Pacific / Kiritimati @@ -3419,22 +3419,22 @@ Do you want to open it? 您确定重新启动FaceTick吗? - Are you sure to restart? + Are you sure to restart? 重新启动 - Restart + Restart 您确定恢复出厂设置吗? - Are you sure to restore factory settings? + Are you sure to restore factory settings? 恢复 - Restore + Restore @@ -3442,7 +3442,7 @@ Do you want to open it? 人脸库(人) - Face Library(people) + Face Library(people) 人员库(人) @@ -3467,7 +3467,7 @@ Do you want to open it? 下一步 - Next + Next