 *  Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <string>

#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "api/audio/audio_processing.h"
#include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_frame_view.h"

namespace webrtc {

// Struct for passing current config from APM without having to
// include protobuf headers.
struct InternalAPMConfig {
  InternalAPMConfig(const InternalAPMConfig&);

  InternalAPMConfig& operator=(const InternalAPMConfig&);
  InternalAPMConfig& operator=(InternalAPMConfig&&) = delete;

  bool operator==(const InternalAPMConfig& other) const;

  bool aec_enabled = false;
  bool aec_delay_agnostic_enabled = false;
  bool aec_drift_compensation_enabled = false;
  bool aec_extended_filter_enabled = false;
  int aec_suppression_level = 0;
  bool aecm_enabled = false;
  bool aecm_comfort_noise_enabled = false;
  int aecm_routing_mode = 0;
  bool agc_enabled = false;
  int agc_mode = 0;
  bool agc_limiter_enabled = false;
  bool hpf_enabled = false;
  bool ns_enabled = false;
  int ns_level = 0;
  bool transient_suppression_enabled = false;
  bool noise_robust_agc_enabled = false;
  bool pre_amplifier_enabled = false;
  float pre_amplifier_fixed_gain_factor = 1.f;
  std::string experiments_description = "";

// An interface for recording configuration and input/output streams
// of the Audio Processing Module. The recordings are called
// 'aec-dumps' and are stored in a protobuf format defined in
// debug.proto.
// The Write* methods are always safe to call concurrently or
// otherwise for all implementing subclasses. The intended mode of
// operation is to create a protobuf object from the input, and send
// it away to be written to file asynchronously.
class AecDump {
  struct AudioProcessingState {
    int delay;
    int drift;
    absl::optional<int> applied_input_volume;
    bool keypress;

  virtual ~AecDump() = default;

  // Logs Event::Type INIT message.
  virtual void WriteInitMessage(const ProcessingConfig& api_format,
                                int64_t time_now_ms) = 0;
  void WriteInitMessage(const ProcessingConfig& api_format) {
    WriteInitMessage(api_format, 0);

  // Logs Event::Type STREAM message. To log an input/output pair,
  // call the AddCapture* and AddAudioProcessingState methods followed
  // by a WriteCaptureStreamMessage call.
  virtual void AddCaptureStreamInput(
      const AudioFrameView<const float>& src) = 0;
  virtual void AddCaptureStreamOutput(
      const AudioFrameView<const float>& src) = 0;
  virtual void AddCaptureStreamInput(const int16_t* const data,
                                     int num_channels,
                                     int samples_per_channel) = 0;
  virtual void AddCaptureStreamOutput(const int16_t* const data,
                                      int num_channels,
                                      int samples_per_channel) = 0;
  virtual void AddAudioProcessingState(const AudioProcessingState& state) = 0;
  virtual void WriteCaptureStreamMessage() = 0;

  // Logs Event::Type REVERSE_STREAM message.
  virtual void WriteRenderStreamMessage(const int16_t* const data,
                                        int num_channels,
                                        int samples_per_channel) = 0;
  virtual void WriteRenderStreamMessage(
      const AudioFrameView<const float>& src) = 0;

  virtual void WriteRuntimeSetting(
      const AudioProcessing::RuntimeSetting& runtime_setting) = 0;

  // Logs Event::Type CONFIG message.
  virtual void WriteConfig(const InternalAPMConfig& config) = 0;
}  // namespace webrtc