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2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
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2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
# QML FluentUI
A Fluent Design component library for Qt QML, You need PySide6 [PySide6-FluentUI-QML ](https://github.com/zhuzichu520/PySide6-FluentUI-QML ).
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2023-03-08 00:24:35 +08:00
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
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2023-03-08 00:24:35 +08:00
2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
English | [简体中文 ](README_zh_CN.md )
< img src = "doc/preview/demo_large.png" >
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2023-03-08 00:24:35 +08:00
[win-link]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/actions?query=workflow%3AWindows "WindowsAction"
[win-badge]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/workflows/Windows/badge.svg "Windows"
[ubuntu-link]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/actions?query=workflow%3AUbuntu "UbuntuAction"
[ubuntu-badge]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/workflows/Ubuntu/badge.svg "Ubuntu"
[macos-link]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/actions?query=workflow%3AMacOS "MacOSAction"
2023-03-08 13:41:43 +08:00
[macos-badge]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/workflows/MacOS/badge.svg "MacOS"
2023-03-08 14:53:28 +08:00
[release-link]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/releases "Release status"
[release-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/release/zhuzichu520/FluentUI.svg?style=flat-square "Release status"
[download-link]: https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/releases/latest "Download status"
[download-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/total.svg "Download status"
[download-latest]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/latest/total.svg "latest status"
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
< p align = center >
This is a beautiful FluentUI component library based on Qt QML. Currently the main branch supports Qt 6. If you want to use it in Qt 5, checkout the Qt 5 branch.
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## Requirements
+ Qt Core, Qt Quick, Qt QML, Qt ShaderTool, Qt 5 Compatibility Module. (**Essential**)
+ Qt LinguistTool (optional,for translations)
+ Qt Svg (optional, however essential for Qt 5)
2023-05-27 23:34:17 +03:00
Use [Qt Online Installers ](https://download.qt.io/archive/online_installers/ ) to acquire the modules (**Recommended**) or compile them first before using the library.
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
## ⚽ Get started
2024-01-31 15:43:12 +08:00
+ Download the [pre-built release ](https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI/releases ). (Please specify your platform and compilers.)
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
+ run `example` program.
2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
+ Clone the repository.
2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
2023-05-17 12:58:13 +08:00
git clone --recursive https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI.git
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
2023-05-16 09:47:12 +08:00
+ Build
2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
2023-05-16 09:47:12 +08:00
git clone --recursive https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI.git
cd FluentUI
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release --target all --parallel
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
+ Use your IDE (`Qt Creator` or `CLion` ) to open the project. (only **CMake** supported).
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< img src = "doc/preview/qt_creator_project.png" >
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+ Compile the project. Then try to execute the `example` demo program.
+ Great! Now you are ready to write your first QML FluentUI program! Check the documentations for more details.
## 📑 Documentations
(Work in progress...🚀)
## Supported components
2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
| Catalog | Detail | Notes / Demos |
| :-----------------: | :------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------: |
| FluApp | The initial entry of the program | Router supported(SPA) |
| FluWindow | Frameless Window | *This only works on windows |
| FluAppBar | Title bar on top of the window | Drag, minimize, maximize and close are supported. |
| FluText | Common text | |
| FluButton | Common button |  |
| FluFilledButton | Filled button |  |
| FluTextButton | Text button |  |
| FluToggleButton | Toggle buttons |  |
| FluIcon | Common icon |  |
| FluRadioButton | radio button |  |
| FluTextBox | Single-line input box |  |
| FluMultiLineTextBox | Multi-lines input area |  |
| FluToggleSwitch | toggle switch |  |
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
View more [`here` ](doc/md/all_components.md )!
## Reference
2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
+ [**Windows design**: Design guidelines and toolkits of Microsoft. ](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/ )
+ [**Microsoft/WinUI-Gallery**: Microsoft's demo ](https://github.com/microsoft/WinUI-Gallery )
## License
This FluentUI library currently licensed under [MIT License ](./License )
2023-06-15 15:58:56 +08:00
## Star History
[](https://star-history.com/#zhuzichu520/FluentUI & Date)
2023-05-15 16:06:43 +08:00
## ⚡ Visitor count
2024-06-17 06:59:56 +08:00