name: Windows on: # push代码时触发workflow push: paths: - '*.pro' - 'src/**' - '.github/workflows/windows.yml' pull_request: paths: - '*.pro' - 'src/**' - '.github/workflows/windows.yml' jobs: build: name: Build # 运行平台, windows-latest目前是windows server 2019 # 参考文档 runs-on: windows-2019 strategy: # 矩阵配置 matrix: include: - qt_ver: 6.4.3 qt_arch: win64_msvc2019_64 msvc_arch: x64 qt_arch_install: msvc2019_64 env: targetName: example.exe fileName: example # 步骤 steps: # 安装Qt - name: Install Qt # 使用外部action。这个action专门用来安装Qt uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3 with: # Version of Qt to install version: ${{ matrix.qt_ver }} # Target platform for build # target: ${{ matrix.qt_target }} arch: ${{ matrix.qt_arch }} cached: 'false' install-deps: 'true' modules: 'qtmultimedia' archives: 'qtbase qtsvg' # 拉取代码 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1 # msvc编译 - name: msvc-build id: build shell: cmd run: | call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" ${{ matrix.msvc_arch }} qmake nmake echo winSdkDir=%WindowsSdkDir% >> %GITHUB_ENV% echo winSdkVer=%WindowsSdkVersion% >> %GITHUB_ENV% echo vcToolsInstallDir=%VCToolsInstallDir% >> %GITHUB_ENV% echo vcToolsRedistDir=%VCToolsRedistDir% >> %GITHUB_ENV% # 打包 - name: package id: package env: archiveName: ${{ env.fileName }}-${{ matrix.qt_arch }}-${{ matrix.qt_ver }} msvcArch: ${{ matrix.msvc_arch }} shell: pwsh run: | & scripts\windows-publish.ps1 ${env:archiveName} ${env:targetName} # 记录packageName给后续step $name = ${env:archiveName} echo "::set-output name=packageName::$name" # tag 查询github-Release # 上传artifacts - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: ${{ steps.package.outputs.packageName }} path: ${{ steps.package.outputs.packageName }} # tag 上传Release - name: uploadRelease if: startsWith(github.event.ref, 'refs/tags/') uses: svenstaro/upload-release-action@v2 with: repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} file: ${{ steps.package.outputs.packageName }}.zip asset_name: ${{ steps.package.outputs.packageName }}.zip tag: ${{ github.ref }} overwrite: true