AppQuitTest1Test2Test3Test4Test5Test6Test7Test8CodeExpanderSourceThe Copy is SuccessfulCrashWindowFriendly ReminderWe apologize for the inconvenience caused by an unexpected errorReport LogsRestart ProgramFluentInitializrWindowFluentUI InitializrNameCreate InBrowseCancelCreateHotkeyWindowHotkeyHotloadWindowHot LoaderDrag in a qml fileInitializrHelperThe name cannot be emptyThe creation path cannot be emptyThe path does not exist%1 folder already existsItemsFooterAboutSettingsItemsOriginalHomePaneItemExpander DisabledBasic InputButtonsA control that responds to user input and raisesa Click event.TextImageSliderA control that lets the user select from a rangeof values by moving a Thumb control along atrack.CheckBoxA control that a user can select or clear.RadioButtonToggleSwitchPaneItem DisabledGroupBoxFormTextBoxTimePickerDatePickerCalendarPickerColorPickerShortcutPickerSurfaceInfoBarAn inline message to display app-wide statuschange information.ProgressRatingControlBadgeRectangleClipCarouselExpanderWatermarkLayoutStaggeredLayoutSplitLayoutStatusLayoutPopusDialogComboBoxTooltipMenuSheetNavigationPivotPresents information from different sources in a tabbed view.BreadcrumbBarTabViewA control that displays a collection of tabs thatcan be used to display several documents.TreeViewTableViewTreeView2The TableView control provides a flexible way to display a collection of data in rows and columnsPaginationMultiWindowFlipViewPresents a collection of items that the user canflip through, one item at a time.ThemingAcrylicThemeTypographyIconsChartBar ChartLine ChartPie ChartPolar Area ChartBubble ChartScatter ChartRadar ChartOtherOpenGLQCustomPlotQRCodeTourTimelineCaptchaNetworkRemote LoaderHot LoaderTest CrashLoginWindowLoginPlease enter the accountPlease enter your passwordPlease feel free to enter a passwordMainWindowQuitAre you sure you want to exit the program?MinimizeFriendly ReminderFluentUI is hidden from the tray, click on the tray to activate the window againCancelOpen in Separate WindowClick TimeSearchFinishNextPreviousDark ModeHere you can switch to night mode.Hide Easter eggsTry a few more clicks!!Upgrade TipsFluentUI is currently up to date -- The current app version
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OKThe current version is already the latestThe network is abnormalSingleInstanceWindowSingleInstanceI'm a SingleInstance window, and if I exist, I'll destroy the previous window and create a new oneSingleTaskWindowSingleTaskI'm a SingleTask mode window, and if I exist, I activate the windowStandardWindowFileNew...Open...SaveSave As...QuitEditCutCopyPasteHelpAboutI'm a Standard mode window, and every time I create a new windowT_AcrylicAcrylicT_BadgeBadgeIt usually appears in the upper right corner of the notification icon or avatar to display the number of messages that need to be processedT_BarChartBar ChartT_BreadcrumbBarBreadcurmbBarReset sampleT_BubbleChartBubble ChartT_ButtonsButtonsSupport the Tab key to switch focus, and the Space key to perform click eventsText ButtonDisabledStandard ButtonClick StandardButtonFilled ButtonClick FilledButtonToggle ButtonProgress ButtonLoading ButtonLoadingClick IconButtonIconOnlyButton.IconOnlyTextOnlyButton.TextOnlyTextBesideIconButton.TextBesideIconTextUnderIconButton.TextUnderIconDropDownButtonMenu_1Menu_2Menu_3Menu_4Radio Button_1Radio Button_2Radio Button_3T_CalendarPickerCalendarPickerT_CaptchaCaptchaRefreshIgnore CasePlease enter a verification codeThe verification code is correctError validation, please re-enterT_CarouselCarouselCarousel map, support infinite carousel, infinite swipe, and components implemented with ListViewT_CheckBoxCheckBoxA 2-state CheckBoxRightLeftDisabledA 3-state CheckBoxThree StateT_ClipClipUse with images (this component will have no effect under software rendering)T_ColorPickerColorPickerClick to Select a Color - >T_ComboBoxComboBoxT_CustomPlotQCustomPlotT_DatePickerDatePickerTimePickershowYear=trueshowYear=falseT_DialogDialogShow Double Button DialogFriendly ReminderAre you sure you want to opt out?CancelClick the Cancel ButtonOKClick the OK ButtonShow Triple Button DialogMinimizeClick MinimizeCustom Content DialogCustom Content Dialog2Data is loading, please wait...UnloadTest the InfoBar level on top of the PopupLine ChartT_ExpanderExpanderOpen a radio boxOpen a sliding text boxPermit me to observe: the late emperor was taken from us before he could finish his life`s work, the restoration of Han. Today, the empire is still divided in three, and our very survival is threatened. Yet still the officials at court and the soldiers throughout the realm remain loyal to you, your majesty. Because they remember the late emperor, all of them, and they wish to repay his kindness in service to you. This is the moment to extend your divine influence, to honour the memory of the late Emperor and strengthen the morale of your officers. It is not time to listen to bad advice, or close your ears to the suggestions of loyal men.
The court and the administration are as one. Both must be judged by one standard. Those who are loyal and good must get what they deserve, but so must the evil-doers who break the law. This will demonstrate the justice of your rule. There cannot be one law for the court and another for the administration.
Counselors and attendants like Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun are all reliable men, loyal of purpose and pure in motive. The late Emperor selected them for office so that they would serve you after his death.These are the men who should be consulted on all palace affairs. Xiang Chong has proved himself a fine general in battle, and the late Emperor believed in him. That is why the assembly has recommended him for overall command. It will keep the troops happy if he is consulted on all military matters.
Xiang Chong has proved himself a fine general in battle, and the late Emperor believed in him. That is why the assembly has recommended him for overall command. It will keep the troops happy if he is consulted on all military matters.
The emperors of the Western Han chose their courtiers wisely, and their dynasty flourished. The emperors of the Eastern Han chose poorly, and they doomed the empire to ruin. Whenever the late Emperor discussed this problem with me, he lamented the failings of Emperors Huan and Ling. Advisors like Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, Chen Zhen, Zhang Yi, and Jiang Wan – these are all men of great integrity and devotion. I encourage you to trust them, your majesty, if the house of Han is to rise again.
I begin as a common man, farming in my fields in Nanyang, doing what I could to survive in an age of chaos. I never had any interest in making a name for myself as a noble. The late Emperor was not ashamed to visit my cottage and seek my advice. Grateful for his regard, I responded to his appeal and threw myself into his service. Now twenty-one years has passed, the late Emperor always appreciated my caution and, in his final days, entrusted me with his cause.
Since that moment, I have been tormented day and night by the fear that I might let him down. That is why I crossed the Lu river at the height of summer, and entered the wastelands beyond. Now the south has been subdued, and our forces are fully armed.I should lead our soldiers to conquer the northern heartland and attempt to remove the hateful traitors, restore the house of Han, and return it to the former capital.This the way I mean to honor my debt to the late Emperor and fulfill my duty to you. Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun are the ones who should be making policy decisions and recommendations.
My only desire is to be permitted to drive out the traitors and restore the Han. If I should let you down, punish my offense and report it to the spirit of the late Emperor. If those three advisors should fail in their duties, then they should be punished for their negligence.Your Majesty, consider your course of action carefully. Seek out good advice, and never forget the late Emperor. I depart now on a long expedition, and I will be forever grateful if you heed my advice. Blinded by my own tears, I know not what I write.T_FlipViewFlipViewHorizontal FlipViewVertical FlipViewT_GroupBoxGroupBoxCheckBox GroupE-mailCalendarContactsRadioButton GroupRadioButton Group111111111111111111111111DisabledT_HomeFluentUI GitHubThe latest FluentUI controls and styles for your applications.FluentUI InitializrFluentUI Initializr is a Tool that helps you create and customize Fluent UI projects with various options.T_IconsIconsPlease enter a keywordYou Copied T_ImageImageThe image failed to load, please reloadT_InfoBarInfoBarInfoThis is an InfoBar in the Info StyleWarningThis is an InfoBar in the Warning StyleThis is an InfoBar in the Error StyleThis is an InfoBar in the Success StyleInfoBar that needs to be turned off manuallyManual shutdown is supportedManually close the info message boxclose '%1'show '%1This is an '%1'clear all infoT_LineChartLine ChartT_MenuMenuFileNew...Open...SaveQuitSearchDisableCheckSave As...DocPDFShow Menu PopupMenuBarEditCutCopyPasteHelpAboutT_MultiWindowMultiWindow<font color='red'>Standard</font> mode window,a new window is created every timeCreate Window<font color='red'>SingleTask</font> mode window,If a window exists, this activates the window<font color='red'>SingleInstance</font> mode window,If the window exists, destroy the window and create a new windowCreate the window without carrying any parametersCreate a window with the parameter username: zhuzichuLogin Window Returned Password - >T_NetworkNetworkT_OpenGLOpenGLT_PaginationPaginationT_PieChartPie ChartT_PivotPivotAllAll emails go here.UnreadUnread emails go here.FlaggedFlagged emails go here.UrgentUrgent emails go here.T_PolarAreaChartPolar Area ChartT_ProgressProgressT_QRCodeQRCodeT_RadarChartRadar ChartT_RadioButtonRadioButtonRightLeftDisabledRadio Button_1Radio Button_2Radio Button_3T_RatingControlRatingControlT_RectangleRectangleT_ScatterChartScatter ChartT_SettingsSettingsCurrent VersionCheck for UpdatesUse System AppBarFits AppBar WindowsFriendly ReminderThis action requires a restart of the program to take effect, is it restarted?CancelOKDark ModeSystemLightDarkNavigation View Display ModeOpenCompactMinimalAutoLanguageT_SheetSheetTitleSome contents...
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Some contents...toprightbottomleftT_ShortcutPickerShortcutPickerT_SliderSliderT_SplitLayoutSplitLayoutT_StaggeredLayoutStaggeredLayoutT_StatusLayoutStatusLayoutT_TabViewTabViewDocument T_TableViewTableViewModify the column nameCancelOKSearchNameDeleteEditSelect AllAgeClear AllDelete SelectionAdd a row of DataInsert a RowFocus not acquired: Please click any item in the form as the target for insertion!AvatarAddressNicknameLong StringOptions<PreviousNext>T_TextTextThis is a text that can be copiedT_TextBoxTextBoxSingle-line Input BoxDisabledPlease enter your passwordMulti-line Input BoxAutoSuggestBoxT_ThemeThemeTheme colorsCustomize the Theme ColorDark ModeNative TextOpen AnimationOpen Blur WindowT_TimePickerTimePickerhourFormat=FluTimePickerType.HAMPMHourMinuteCancelOKhourFormat=FluTimePickerType.HHT_TimelineTimelineAppendclearT_ToggleSwitchToggleSwitchRightLeftDisabledT_TooltipTooltipHover over Tultip and it pops upText properties of FluIconButton support the Tooltip pop-up window by defaultDeleteClick IconButtonAdd a Tooltip pop-up to a ButtonClick ButtonT_TourUpload FilePut your files here.SaveSave your changes.Other ActionsClick to see other actions.Begin TourUploadMoreTourT_TreeViewTreeViewTitleNameAvatarAddressT_TypographyTypographyT_WatermarkWatermark