import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts import Qt.labs.platform import FluentUI import example import "../component" import "../global" import "../viewmodel" FluWindow { id:window title: "FluentUI" width: 1000 height: 680 minimumWidth: 520 minimumHeight: 200 launchMode: FluWindowType.SingleTask fitsAppBarWindows: true appBar: FluAppBar { height: 30 darkText: qsTr("Dark Mode") showDark: true darkClickListener:(button)=>handleDarkChanged(button) closeClickListener: ()=>{} z:7 } SettingsViewModel{ id:viewmodel_settings } FluEvent{ id:event_checkupdate name: "checkUpdate" onTriggered: { checkUpdate(false) } } onFirstVisible: { timer_tour_delay.restart() } Timer{ id:timer_tour_delay interval: 200 onTriggered: { } } Component.onCompleted: { checkUpdate(true) FluEventBus.registerEvent(event_checkupdate) } Component.onDestruction: { FluEventBus.unRegisterEvent(event_checkupdate) } SystemTrayIcon { id:system_tray visible: true icon.source: "qrc:/example/res/image/favicon.ico" tooltip: "FluentUI" menu: Menu { MenuItem { text: "退出" onTriggered: { FluApp.exit() } } } onActivated: (reason)=>{ if(reason === SystemTrayIcon.Trigger){ window.raise() window.requestActivate() } } } Timer{ id: timer_window_hide_delay interval: 150 onTriggered: { window.hide() } } FluContentDialog{ id: dialog_close title: qsTr("Quit") message: qsTr("Are you sure you want to exit the program?") negativeText: qsTr("Minimize") buttonFlags: FluContentDialogType.NegativeButton | FluContentDialogType.NeutralButton | FluContentDialogType.PositiveButton onNegativeClicked: { system_tray.showMessage(qsTr("Friendly Reminder"),qsTr("FluentUI is hidden from the tray, click on the tray to activate the window again")); timer_window_hide_delay.restart() } positiveText: qsTr("Quit") neutralText: qsTr("Cancel") onPositiveClicked:{ FluApp.exit(0) } } Component{ id: nav_item_right_menu FluMenu{ width: 186 FluMenuItem{ text: qsTr("Open in Separate Window") font.pixelSize: 12 onClicked: { FluApp.navigate("/pageWindow",{title:modelData.title,url:modelData.url}) } } } } Flipable{ id:flipable anchors.fill: parent property bool flipped: false property real flipAngle: 0 transform: Rotation { id: rotation origin.x: flipable.width/2 origin.y: flipable.height/2 axis { x: 0; y: 1; z: 0 } angle: flipable.flipAngle } states: State { PropertyChanges { target: flipable; flipAngle: 180 } when: flipable.flipped } transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { target: flipable; property: "flipAngle"; duration: 1000 ; easing.type: Easing.OutCubic} } back: Item{ anchors.fill: flipable visible: flipable.flipAngle !== 0 Row{ id:layout_back_buttons z:8 anchors{ top: left: parent.left topMargin: FluTools.isMacos() ? 20 : 5 leftMargin: 5 } FluIconButton{ iconSource: FluentIcons.ChromeBack width: 30 height: 30 iconSize: 13 onClicked: { flipable.flipped = false } } FluIconButton{ iconSource: FluentIcons.Sync width: 30 height: 30 iconSize: 13 onClicked: { loader.reload() } } Component.onCompleted: { appBar.setHitTestVisible(layout_back_buttons) } } FluRemoteLoader{ id:loader lazy: true anchors.fill: parent source: "" } } front: Item{ id:page_front visible: flipable.flipAngle !== 180 anchors.fill: flipable FluNavigationView{ property int clickCount: 0 id:nav_view width: parent.width height: parent.height z:999 //Stack模式,每次切换都会将页面压入栈中,随着栈的页面增多,消耗的内存也越多,内存消耗多就会卡顿,这时候就需要按返回将页面pop掉,释放内存。该模式可以配合FluPage中的launchMode属性,设置页面的启动模式 // pageMode: FluNavigationViewType.Stack //NoStack模式,每次切换都会销毁之前的页面然后创建一个新的页面,只需消耗少量内存,可以配合FluViewModel保存页面数据(推荐) pageMode: FluNavigationViewType.NoStack items: ItemsOriginal footerItems:ItemsFooter topPadding:{ if(window.useSystemAppBar){ return 0 } return FluTools.isMacos() ? 20 : 0 } displayMode:viewmodel_settings.displayMode logo: "qrc:/example/res/image/favicon.ico" title:"FluentUI" onLogoClicked:{ clickCount += 1 showSuccess("%1:%2".arg(qsTr("Click Time")).arg(clickCount)) if(clickCount === 5){ loader.reload() flipable.flipped = true clickCount = 0 } } autoSuggestBox:FluAutoSuggestBox{ iconSource: FluentIcons.Search items: ItemsOriginal.getSearchData() placeholderText: qsTr("Search") onItemClicked: (data)=>{ ItemsOriginal.startPageByItem(data) } } Component.onCompleted: { ItemsOriginal.navigationView = nav_view ItemsOriginal.paneItemMenu = nav_item_right_menu ItemsFooter.navigationView = nav_view ItemsFooter.paneItemMenu = nav_item_right_menu appBar.setHitTestVisible(nav_view.buttonMenu) appBar.setHitTestVisible(nav_view.buttonBack) appBar.setHitTestVisible(nav_view.imageLogo) setCurrentIndex(0) } } } } Component{ id:com_reveal CircularReveal{ id:reveal target:window.contentItem anchors.fill: parent onAnimationFinished:{ //动画结束后释放资源 loader_reveal.sourceComponent = undefined } onImageChanged: { changeDark() } } } FluLoader{ id:loader_reveal anchors.fill: parent } function distance(x1,y1,x2,y2){ return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)) } function handleDarkChanged(button){ if(!FluTheme.enableAnimation || window.fitsAppBarWindows === false){ changeDark() }else{ if(loader_reveal.sourceComponent){ return } loader_reveal.sourceComponent = com_reveal var target = window.contentItem var pos = button.mapToItem(target,0,0) var mouseX = pos.x var mouseY = pos.y var radius = Math.max(distance(mouseX,mouseY,0,0),distance(mouseX,mouseY,target.width,0),distance(mouseX,mouseY,0,target.height),distance(mouseX,mouseY,target.width,target.height)) var reveal = loader_reveal.item reveal.start(reveal.width*Screen.devicePixelRatio,reveal.height*Screen.devicePixelRatio,Qt.point(mouseX,mouseY),radius) } } function changeDark(){ if(FluTheme.dark){ FluTheme.darkMode = FluThemeType.Light }else{ FluTheme.darkMode = FluThemeType.Dark } } Shortcut { sequence: "F5" context: Qt.WindowShortcut onActivated: { if(flipable.flipped){ loader.reload() } } } Shortcut { sequence: "F6" context: Qt.WindowShortcut onActivated: { } } FluTour{ id: tour finishText: qsTr("Finish") nextText: qsTr("Next") previousText: qsTr("Previous") steps:{ var data = [] if(!window.useSystemAppBar){ data.push({title:qsTr("Dark Mode"),description: qsTr("Here you can switch to night mode."),target:()=>appBar.buttonDark}) } data.push({title:qsTr("Hide Easter eggs"),description: qsTr("Try a few more clicks!!"),target:()=>nav_view.imageLogo}) return data } } FpsItem{ id:fps_item } FluText{ text: "fps %1".arg(fps_item.fps) opacity: 0.3 anchors{ bottom: parent.bottom right: parent.right bottomMargin: 5 rightMargin: 5 } } FluContentDialog{ property string newVerson property string body id: dialog_update title: qsTr("Upgrade Tips") message:qsTr("FluentUI is currently up to date ")+ newVerson +qsTr(" -- The current app version") +AppInfo.version+qsTr(" \nNow go and download the new version?\n\nUpdated content: \n")+body buttonFlags: FluContentDialogType.NegativeButton | FluContentDialogType.PositiveButton negativeText: qsTr("Cancel") positiveText: qsTr("OK") onPositiveClicked:{ Qt.openUrlExternally("") } } FluNetworkCallable{ id:callable property bool silent: true onStart: { console.debug("satrt check update...") } onFinish: { console.debug("check update finish")"checkUpdateFinish"); } onSuccess: (result)=>{ var data = JSON.parse(result) console.debug("current version "+AppInfo.version) console.debug("new version "+data.tag_name) if(data.tag_name !== AppInfo.version){ dialog_update.newVerson = data.tag_name dialog_update.body = data.body }else{ if(!silent){ showInfo(qsTr("The current version is already the latest")) } } } onError: (status,errorString)=>{ if(!silent){ showError(qsTr("The network is abnormal")) } console.debug(status+";"+errorString) } } function checkUpdate(silent){ callable.silent = silent FluNetwork.get("") .go(callable) } }