import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import FluentUI 1.0 import "../component" FluScrollablePage{ title: qsTr("Tour") FluTour{ id:tour finishText: qsTr("Finish") nextText: qsTr("Next") previousText: qsTr("Previous") steps:[ {title:qsTr("Upload File"),description: qsTr("Put your files here."),target:()=>btn_upload}, {title:qsTr("Save"),description: qsTr("Save your changes."),target:()=>btn_save}, {title:qsTr("Other Actions"),description: qsTr("Click to see other actions."),target:()=>btn_more} ] } FluArea{ Layout.fillWidth: true height: 130 paddings: 10 Layout.topMargin: 20 FluFilledButton{ anchors{ top: topMargin: 14 } text: qsTr("Begin Tour") onClicked: { } } Row{ spacing: 20 anchors{ top: topMargin: 60 } FluButton{ id: btn_upload text: qsTr("Upload") onClicked: { showInfo(qsTr("Upload")) } } FluFilledButton{ id: btn_save text: qsTr("Save") onClicked: { showInfo(qsTr("Save")) } } FluIconButton{ id: btn_more iconSource: FluentIcons.More onClicked: { showInfo(qsTr("More")) } } } } CodeExpander{ Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: -1 code:'FluTour{ id:tour steps:[ {title:"Upload File",description: "Put your files here.",target:()=>btn_upload}, {title:"Save",description: "Save your changes.",target:()=>btn_save}, {title:"Other Actions",description: "Click to see other actions.",target:()=>btn_more} ] }' } }