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2024-09-28 23:55:00 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "Common/MultiMediaSourceMuxer.h"
#include "Player/MediaPlayer.h"
#include "Util/TimeTicker.h"
#include <memory>
namespace mediakit {
struct StreamInfo
TrackType codec_type;
std::string codec_name;
int bitrate;
int audio_sample_rate;
int audio_sample_bit;
int audio_channel;
int video_width;
int video_height;
float video_fps;
codec_type = TrackInvalid;
codec_name = "none";
bitrate = -1;
audio_sample_rate = -1;
audio_channel = -1;
audio_sample_bit = -1;
video_height = -1;
video_width = -1;
video_fps = -1.0;
struct TranslationInfo
std::vector<StreamInfo> stream_info;
int byte_speed;
uint64_t start_time_stamp;
byte_speed = -1;
start_time_stamp = 0;
class PlayerProxy
: public MediaPlayer
, public MediaSourceEvent
, public std::enable_shared_from_this<PlayerProxy> {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<PlayerProxy>;
// 如果retry_count<0,则一直重试播放否则重试retry_count次数 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5582d53c]
// If retry_count < 0, then retry playing indefinitely; otherwise, retry retry_count times
// 默认一直重试 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:779d3c46]
// Default to retrying indefinitely
PlayerProxy(const MediaTuple &tuple, const ProtocolOption &option, int retry_count = -1,
const toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr &poller = nullptr,
int reconnect_delay_min = 2, int reconnect_delay_max = 60, int reconnect_delay_step = 3);
~PlayerProxy() override;
* play结果回调play执行之前有效
* @param cb
* Set a callback for the play result, triggered only once; effective before play execution
* @param cb Callback object
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f34625f6]
void setPlayCallbackOnce(std::function<void(const toolkit::SockException &ex)> cb);
* @param cb
* Set a callback for active closure
* @param cb Callback object
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:83b7700a]
void setOnClose(std::function<void(const toolkit::SockException &ex)> cb);
* Set a callback for failed server connection
* @param cb
* Set a callback for failed server connection
* @param cb Callback object
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e7f5e7cc]
void setOnDisconnect(std::function<void()> cb);
* Set a callback for a successful connection to the server
* @param cb
* Set a callback for a successful connection to the server
* @param cb Callback object
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b88e0d4c]
void setOnConnect(std::function<void(const TranslationInfo&)> cb);
* @param strUrl
* Start streaming playback
* @param strUrl
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a2f0e859]
void play(const std::string &strUrl) override;
* Get the total number of viewers
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6c1b8bf1]
int totalReaderCount();
int getStatus();
uint64_t getLiveSecs();
uint64_t getRePullCount();
// Using this only makes sense after a successful connection to the server
TranslationInfo getTranslationInfo();
// MediaSourceEvent override
bool close(MediaSource &sender) override;
int totalReaderCount(MediaSource &sender) override;
MediaOriginType getOriginType(MediaSource &sender) const override;
std::string getOriginUrl(MediaSource &sender) const override;
std::shared_ptr<toolkit::SockInfo> getOriginSock(MediaSource &sender) const override;
float getLossRate(MediaSource &sender, TrackType type) override;
void rePlay(const std::string &strUrl, int iFailedCnt);
void onPlaySuccess();
void setDirectProxy();
void setTranslationInfo();
int _retry_count;
int _reconnect_delay_min;
int _reconnect_delay_max;
int _reconnect_delay_step;
MediaTuple _tuple;
ProtocolOption _option;
std::string _pull_url;
toolkit::Timer::Ptr _timer;
std::function<void()> _on_disconnect;
std::function<void(const TranslationInfo &info)> _on_connect;
std::function<void(const toolkit::SockException &ex)> _on_close;
std::function<void(const toolkit::SockException &ex)> _on_play;
TranslationInfo _transtalion_info;
MultiMediaSourceMuxer::Ptr _muxer;
toolkit::Ticker _live_ticker;
// 0 表示正常 1 表示正在尝试拉流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2080bedf]
// 0 indicates normal, 1 indicates attempting to stream
std::atomic<int> _live_status;
std::atomic<uint64_t> _live_secs;
std::atomic<uint64_t> _repull_count;
} /* namespace mediakit */