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2024-09-28 23:55:00 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#ifndef __rtmp_h
#define __rtmp_h
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "amf.h"
#include "Network/Buffer.h"
#include "Extension/Track.h"
#define RANDOM_LEN (1536 - 8)
#define MSG_SET_CHUNK 1 /*Set Chunk Size (1)*/
#define MSG_ABORT 2 /*Abort Message (2)*/
#define MSG_ACK 3 /*Acknowledgement (3)*/
#define MSG_USER_CONTROL 4 /*User Control Messages (4)*/
#define MSG_WIN_SIZE 5 /*Window Acknowledgement Size (5)*/
#define MSG_SET_PEER_BW 6 /*Set Peer Bandwidth (6)*/
#define MSG_AUDIO 8 /*Audio Message (8)*/
#define MSG_VIDEO 9 /*Video Message (9)*/
#define MSG_DATA 18 /*Data Message (18, 15) AMF0*/
#define MSG_DATA3 15 /*Data Message (18, 15) AMF3*/
#define MSG_CMD 20 /*Command Message AMF0 */
#define MSG_CMD3 17 /*Command Message AMF3 */
#define MSG_OBJECT3 16 /*Shared Object Message (19, 16) AMF3*/
#define MSG_OBJECT 19 /*Shared Object Message (19, 16) AMF0*/
#define MSG_AGGREGATE 22 /*Aggregate Message (22)*/
#define STREAM_MEDIA 1
#define CHUNK_NETWORK 2 /*网络相关的消息(参见 Protocol Control Messages)*/
#define CHUNK_SYSTEM 3 /*向服务器发送控制消息(反之亦可)*/
#define CHUNK_CLIENT_REQUEST_BEFORE 3 /*客户端在createStream前,向服务器发出请求的chunkID*/
#define CHUNK_CLIENT_REQUEST_AFTER 4 /*客户端在createStream后,向服务器发出请求的chunkID*/
#define CHUNK_AUDIO 6 /*音频chunkID*/
#define CHUNK_VIDEO 7 /*视频chunkID*/
namespace mediakit {
#pragma pack(push, 1)
class RtmpHandshake {
RtmpHandshake(uint32_t _time, uint8_t *_random = nullptr);
uint8_t time_stamp[4];
uint8_t zero[4] = {0};
uint8_t random[RANDOM_LEN];
void random_generate(char *bytes, int size);
void create_complex_c0c1();
class RtmpHeader {
uint8_t fmt : 2;
uint8_t chunk_id : 6;
uint8_t chunk_id : 6;
// 0、1、2、3分别对应 12、8、4、1长度 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:31d67e40]
// 0, 1, 2, 3 correspond to lengths of 12, 8, 4, 1 respectively
uint8_t fmt : 2;
uint8_t time_stamp[3];
uint8_t body_size[3];
uint8_t type_id;
uint8_t stream_index[4]; /* Note, this is little-endian while others are BE */
class FLVHeader {
static constexpr uint8_t kFlvVersion = 1;
static constexpr uint8_t kFlvHeaderLength = 9;
char flv[3];
//File version (for example, 0x01 for FLV version 1)
uint8_t version;
// 保留,置0 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:46985374]
// Preserve, set to 0
uint8_t : 5;
// 是否有音频 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9467870a]
// Whether there is audio
uint8_t have_audio: 1;
// 保留,置0 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:46985374]
// Preserve, set to 0
uint8_t : 1;
// 是否有视频 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:42d0ed81]
// Whether there is video
uint8_t have_video: 1;
// 是否有视频 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:42d0ed81]
// Whether there is video
uint8_t have_video: 1;
// 保留,置0 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:46985374]
// Preserve, set to 0
uint8_t : 1;
// 是否有音频 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9467870a]
// Whether there is audio
uint8_t have_audio: 1;
// 保留,置0 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:46985374]
// Preserve, set to 0
uint8_t : 5;
// The length of this header in bytes,固定为9 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:126988fc]
// The length of this header in bytes, fixed to 9
uint32_t length;
// 固定为0 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d266c0a7]
// Fixed to 0
uint32_t previous_tag_size0;
class RtmpTagHeader {
uint8_t type = 0;
uint8_t data_size[3] = {0};
uint8_t timestamp[3] = {0};
uint8_t timestamp_ex = 0;
uint8_t streamid[3] = {0}; /* Always 0. */
struct RtmpVideoHeaderEnhanced {
uint8_t enhanced : 1;
uint8_t frame_type : 3;
uint8_t pkt_type : 4;
uint32_t fourcc;
uint8_t pkt_type : 4;
uint8_t frame_type : 3;
uint8_t enhanced : 1;
uint32_t fourcc;
struct RtmpVideoHeaderClassic {
uint8_t frame_type : 4;
uint8_t codec_id : 4;
uint8_t h264_pkt_type;
uint8_t codec_id : 4;
uint8_t frame_type : 4;
uint8_t h264_pkt_type;
#pragma pack(pop)
class RtmpPacket : public toolkit::Buffer{
friend class RtmpProtocol;
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<RtmpPacket>;
bool is_abs_stamp;
uint8_t type_id;
uint32_t time_stamp;
uint32_t ts_field;
uint32_t stream_index;
uint32_t chunk_id;
size_t body_size;
toolkit::BufferLikeString buffer;
static Ptr create();
char *data() const override{
return (char*)buffer.data();
size_t size() const override {
return buffer.size();
void clear();
// video config frame和key frame都返回true [AUTO-TRANSLATED:de025c52]
// video config frame and key frame both return true
// 用于gop缓存定位 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:828204e5]
// Used for gop cache positioning
bool isVideoKeyFrame() const;
// aac config或h264/h265 config返回true支持增强型rtmp [AUTO-TRANSLATED:221955ec]
// aac config or h264/h265 config returns true, supports enhanced rtmp
// 用于缓存解码配置信息 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:19304f64]
// Used to cache decoding configuration information
bool isConfigFrame() const;
int getRtmpCodecId() const;
int getAudioSampleRate() const;
int getAudioSampleBit() const;
int getAudioChannel() const;
friend class toolkit::ResourcePool_l<RtmpPacket>;
RtmpPacket &operator=(const RtmpPacket &that);
// 对象个数统计 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3b43e8c2]
// Object count statistics
toolkit::ObjectStatistic<RtmpPacket> _statistic;
* rtmp metadata基类rtmp格式信息
* rtmp metadata base class, used to describe rtmp format information
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8ced489c]
class Metadata {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Metadata>;
Metadata(): _metadata(AMF_OBJECT) {}
const AMFValue &getMetadata() const{
return _metadata;
static void addTrack(AMFValue &metadata, const Track::Ptr &track);
AMFValue _metadata;
* metadata中除音视频外的其他描述部分
* Other descriptive parts in metadata besides audio and video
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e11f031f]
class TitleMeta : public Metadata {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<TitleMeta>;
TitleMeta(float dur_sec = 0,
size_t fileSize = 0,
const std::map<std::string, std::string> &header = std::map<std::string, std::string>());
class VideoMeta : public Metadata {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<VideoMeta>;
VideoMeta(const VideoTrack::Ptr &video);
class AudioMeta : public Metadata {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<AudioMeta>;
AudioMeta(const AudioTrack::Ptr &audio);
// 根据音频track获取flags [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a25fdd07]
// Get flags based on audio track
uint8_t getAudioRtmpFlags(const Track::Ptr &track);
////////////////// rtmp video //////////////////////////
// UB [4]; Type of video frame.
enum class RtmpFrameType : uint8_t {
reserved = 0,
key_frame = 1, // key frame (for AVC, a seekable frame)
inter_frame = 2, // inter frame (for AVC, a non-seekable frame)
disposable_inter_frame = 3, // disposable inter frame (H.263 only)
generated_key_frame = 4, // generated key frame (reserved for server use only)
video_info_frame = 5, // video info/command frame
#define MKBETAG(a, b, c, d) ((d) | ((c) << 8) | ((b) << 16) | ((unsigned)(a) << 24))
// UB [4]; Codec Identifier.
enum class RtmpVideoCodec : uint32_t {
h263 = 2, // Sorenson H.263
screen_video = 3, // Screen video
vp6 = 4, // On2 VP6
vp6_alpha = 5, // On2 VP6 with alpha channel
screen_video2 = 6, // Screen video version 2
h264 = 7, // avc
h265 = 12, // 国内扩展
// 增强型rtmp FourCC [AUTO-TRANSLATED:442b77fb]
// Enhanced rtmp FourCC
fourcc_vp9 = MKBETAG('v', 'p', '0', '9'),
fourcc_av1 = MKBETAG('a', 'v', '0', '1'),
fourcc_hevc = MKBETAG('h', 'v', 'c', '1')
// UI8;
enum class RtmpH264PacketType : uint8_t {
h264_config_header = 0, // AVC or HEVC sequence header(sps/pps)
h264_nalu = 1, // AVC or HEVC NALU
h264_end_seq = 2, // AVC or HEVC end of sequence (lower level NALU sequence ender is not REQUIRED or supported)
// https://github.com/veovera/enhanced-rtmp/blob/main/enhanced-rtmp.pdf
// UB[4]
enum class RtmpPacketType : uint8_t {
PacketTypeSequenceStart = 0,
PacketTypeCodedFrames = 1,
PacketTypeSequenceEnd = 2,
// CompositionTime Offset is implied to equal zero. This is
// an optimization to save putting SI24 composition time value of zero on
// the wire. See pseudo code below in the VideoTagBody section
PacketTypeCodedFramesX = 3,
// VideoTagBody does not contain video data. VideoTagBody
// instead contains an AMF encoded metadata. See Metadata Frame
// section for an illustration of its usage. As an example, the metadata
// can be HDR information. This is a good way to signal HDR
// information. This also opens up future ways to express additional
// metadata that is meant for the next video sequence.
// note: presence of PacketTypeMetadata means that FrameType
// flags at the top of this table should be ignored
PacketTypeMetadata = 4,
// Carriage of bitstream in MPEG-2 TS format
// note: PacketTypeSequenceStart and PacketTypeMPEG2TSSequenceStart
// are mutually exclusive
PacketTypeMPEG2TSSequenceStart = 5,
////////////////// rtmp audio //////////////////////////
// UB [4]; Format of SoundData
enum class RtmpAudioCodec : uint8_t {
0 = Linear PCM, platform endian
2 = MP3
3 = Linear PCM, little endian
4 = Nellymoser 16 kHz mono
5 = Nellymoser 8 kHz mono
6 = Nellymoser
7 = G.711 A-law logarithmic PCM
8 = G.711 mu-law logarithmic PCM
9 = reserved
10 = AAC
11 = Speex
14 = MP3 8 kHz
15 = Device-specific sound
g711a = 7,
g711u = 8,
aac = 10,
opus = 13 // 国内扩展
// UI8;
enum class RtmpAACPacketType : uint8_t {
aac_config_header = 0, // AAC sequence header
aac_raw = 1, // AAC raw
struct RtmpPacketInfo {
enum { kEnhancedRtmpHeaderSize = sizeof(RtmpVideoHeaderEnhanced) };
CodecId codec = CodecInvalid;
bool is_enhanced;
union {
struct {
RtmpFrameType frame_type;
RtmpPacketType pkt_type; // enhanced = true
RtmpH264PacketType h264_pkt_type; // enhanced = false
} video;
// https://github.com/veovera/enhanced-rtmp
CodecId parseVideoRtmpPacket(const uint8_t *data, size_t size, RtmpPacketInfo *info = nullptr);
}//namespace mediakit