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2024-09-28 23:55:00 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Common/config.h"
#include "Common/strCoding.h"
#include "HttpSession.h"
#include "HttpConst.h"
#include "Util/base64.h"
#include "Util/SHA1.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace toolkit;
namespace mediakit {
HttpSession::HttpSession(const Socket::Ptr &pSock) : Session(pSock) {
// 设置默认参数 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ae5b72e6]
// Set default parameters
void HttpSession::onHttpRequest_HEAD() {
// 暂时全部返回200 OK因为HTTP GET存在按需生成流的操作所以不能按照HTTP GET的流程返回 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0ce05db5]
// Temporarily return 200 OK for all, because HTTP GET has on-demand generation stream operations, so it cannot return according to the HTTP GET process
// 如果直接返回404那么又会导致按需生成流的逻辑失效所以HTTP HEAD在静态文件或者已存在资源时才有效 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ea2b6faa]
// If you return 404 directly, it will also cause the on-demand generation stream logic to fail, so HTTP HEAD is only valid for static files or existing resources
// 对于按需生成流的直播场景并不适用 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5a47bf00]
// Not applicable to live streaming scenarios that generate streams on demand
sendResponse(200, false);
void HttpSession::onHttpRequest_OPTIONS() {
KeyValue header;
header.emplace("Allow", "GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS");
GET_CONFIG(bool, allow_cross_domains, Http::kAllowCrossDomains);
if (allow_cross_domains) {
header.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
header.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
header.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS");
header.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
header.emplace("Access-Control-Request-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS");
header.emplace("Access-Control-Request-Headers", "Accept,Accept-Language,Content-Language,Content-Type");
sendResponse(200, true, nullptr, header);
ssize_t HttpSession::onRecvHeader(const char *header, size_t len) {
using func_type = void (HttpSession::*)();
static unordered_map<string, func_type> s_func_map;
static onceToken token([]() {
s_func_map.emplace("GET", &HttpSession::onHttpRequest_GET);
s_func_map.emplace("POST", &HttpSession::onHttpRequest_POST);
// DELETE命令用于whip/whep用只用于触发http api [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f3b7aaea]
// DELETE command is used for whip/whep, only used to trigger http api
s_func_map.emplace("DELETE", &HttpSession::onHttpRequest_POST);
s_func_map.emplace("HEAD", &HttpSession::onHttpRequest_HEAD);
s_func_map.emplace("OPTIONS", &HttpSession::onHttpRequest_OPTIONS);
_parser.parse(header, len);
CHECK(_parser.url()[0] == '/');
_origin = _parser["Origin"];
auto &cmd = _parser.method();
auto it = s_func_map.find(cmd);
if (it == s_func_map.end()) {
WarnP(this) << "Http method not supported: " << cmd;
sendResponse(405, true);
return 0;
size_t content_len;
auto &content_len_str = _parser["Content-Length"];
if (content_len_str.empty()) {
if (it->first == "POST") {
// Http post未指定长度我们认为是不定长的body [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3578206b]
// Http post does not specify length, we consider it to be an indefinite length body
WarnL << "Received http post request without content-length, consider it to be unlimited length";
content_len = SIZE_MAX;
} else {
content_len = 0;
} else {
// 已经指定长度 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a360c374]
// Length has been specified
content_len = atoll(content_len_str.data());
if (content_len == 0) {
// // 没有body的情况直接触发回调 //// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f2988336]
// // No body case, trigger callback directly ////
// 如果设置了_on_recv_body, 那么说明后续要处理body [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2dac5fc2]
// If _on_recv_body is set, it means that the body will be processed later
return _on_recv_body ? -1 : 0;
if (content_len > _max_req_size) {
// // 不定长body或超大body //// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8d66ee77]
// // Indefinite length body or oversized body ////
if (content_len != SIZE_MAX) {
WarnL << "Http body size is too huge: " << content_len << " > " << _max_req_size
<< ", please set " << Http::kMaxReqSize << " in config.ini file.";
size_t received = 0;
auto parser = std::move(_parser);
_on_recv_body = [this, parser, received, content_len](const char *data, size_t len) mutable {
received += len;
onRecvUnlimitedContent(parser, data, len, content_len, received);
if (received < content_len) {
// 还没收满 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:cecc867e]
// Not yet received
return true;
// 收满了 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0c9cebd7]
// Received full
return false;
// 声明后续都是bodyHttp body在本对象缓冲不通过HttpRequestSplitter保存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0012b6c1]
// Declare that the following is all body; Http body is buffered in this object, not saved through HttpRequestSplitter
return -1;
// // body size明确指定且小于最大值的情况 //// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f1f1ee5d]
// // Body size is explicitly specified and less than the maximum value ////
_on_recv_body = [this, it](const char *data, size_t len) mutable {
// 收集body完毕 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:981ad2c8]
// Body collection complete
_parser.setContent(std::string(data, len));
// _on_recv_body置空 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:437a201a]
// _on_recv_body is cleared
return false;
// 声明body长度通过HttpRequestSplitter缓存然后一次性回调到_on_recv_body [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3b11cfb7]
// Declare the body length, cache it through HttpRequestSplitter and then callback to _on_recv_body at once
return content_len;
void HttpSession::onRecvContent(const char *data, size_t len) {
if (_on_recv_body && !_on_recv_body(data, len)) {
_on_recv_body = nullptr;
void HttpSession::onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr &pBuf) {
input(pBuf->data(), pBuf->size());
void HttpSession::onError(const SockException &err) {
if (_is_live_stream) {
// flv/ts播放器 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5b444fd9]
// flv/ts player
uint64_t duration = _ticker.createdTime() / 1000;
WarnP(this) << "FLV/TS/FMP4播放器(" << _media_info.shortUrl() << ")断开:" << err << ",耗时(s):" << duration;
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, iFlowThreshold, General::kFlowThreshold);
if (_total_bytes_usage >= iFlowThreshold * 1024) {
NOTICE_EMIT(BroadcastFlowReportArgs, Broadcast::kBroadcastFlowReport, _media_info, _total_bytes_usage, duration, true, *this);
void HttpSession::setTimeoutSec(size_t keep_alive_sec) {
if (!keep_alive_sec) {
GET_CONFIG(size_t, s_keep_alive_sec, Http::kKeepAliveSecond);
keep_alive_sec = s_keep_alive_sec;
_keep_alive_sec = keep_alive_sec;
void HttpSession::setMaxReqSize(size_t max_req_size) {
if (!max_req_size) {
GET_CONFIG(size_t, s_max_req_size, Http::kMaxReqSize);
max_req_size = s_max_req_size;
_max_req_size = max_req_size;
void HttpSession::onManager() {
if (_ticker.elapsedTime() > _keep_alive_sec * 1000) {
// http超时 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6f2fdd1f]
// http timeout
shutdown(SockException(Err_timeout, "session timeout"));
bool HttpSession::checkWebSocket() {
auto Sec_WebSocket_Key = _parser["Sec-WebSocket-Key"];
if (Sec_WebSocket_Key.empty()) {
return false;
auto Sec_WebSocket_Accept = encodeBase64(SHA1::encode_bin(Sec_WebSocket_Key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"));
KeyValue headerOut;
headerOut["Upgrade"] = "websocket";
headerOut["Connection"] = "Upgrade";
headerOut["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] = Sec_WebSocket_Accept;
if (!_parser["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"].empty()) {
headerOut["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = _parser["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"];
auto res_cb = [this, headerOut]() {
_live_over_websocket = true;
sendResponse(101, false, nullptr, headerOut, nullptr, true);
auto res_cb_flv = [this, headerOut]() mutable {
_live_over_websocket = true;
headerOut.emplace("Cache-Control", "no-store");
sendResponse(101, false, nullptr, headerOut, nullptr, true);
// 判断是否为websocket-flv [AUTO-TRANSLATED:31682d7a]
// Determine whether it is websocket-flv
if (checkLiveStreamFlv(res_cb_flv)) {
// 这里是websocket-flv直播请求 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:4bea5956]
// This is a websocket-flv live request
return true;
// 判断是否为websocket-ts [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9e8eb374]
// Determine whether it is websocket-ts
if (checkLiveStreamTS(res_cb)) {
// 这里是websocket-ts直播请求 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8ab08dd6]
// This is a websocket-ts live request
return true;
// 判断是否为websocket-fmp4 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:318f793f]
// Determine whether it is websocket-fmp4
if (checkLiveStreamFMP4(res_cb)) {
// 这里是websocket-fmp4直播请求 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ccf0c1e2]
// This is a websocket-fmp4 live request
return true;
// 这是普通的websocket连接 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:754721f8]
// This is a normal websocket connection
if (!onWebSocketConnect(_parser)) {
sendResponse(501, true, nullptr, headerOut);
return true;
sendResponse(101, false, nullptr, headerOut, nullptr, true);
return true;
bool HttpSession::checkLiveStream(const string &schema, const string &url_suffix, const function<void(const MediaSource::Ptr &src)> &cb) {
std::string url = _parser.url();
auto it = _parser.getUrlArgs().find("schema");
if (it != _parser.getUrlArgs().end()) {
if (strcasecmp(it->second.c_str(), schema.c_str())) {
// unsupported schema
return false;
} else {
auto prefix_size = url_suffix.size();
if (url.size() < prefix_size || strcasecmp(url.data() + (url.size() - prefix_size), url_suffix.data())) {
// 未找到后缀 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6635499a]
// Suffix not found
return false;
// url去除特殊后缀 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:31c0c080]
// Remove special suffix from url
url.resize(url.size() - prefix_size);
// 带参数的url [AUTO-TRANSLATED:074764b0]
// Url with parameters
if (!_parser.params().empty()) {
url += "?";
url += _parser.params();
// 解析带上协议+参数完整的url [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5cdc7e68]
// Parse the complete url with protocol + parameters
_media_info.parse(schema + "://" + _parser["Host"] + url);
if (_media_info.app.empty() || _media_info.stream.empty()) {
// url不合法 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9aad134e]
// URL is invalid
return false;
bool close_flag = !strcasecmp(_parser["Connection"].data(), "close");
weak_ptr<HttpSession> weak_self = static_pointer_cast<HttpSession>(shared_from_this());
// 鉴权结果回调 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:021df191]
// Authentication result callback
auto onRes = [cb, weak_self, close_flag](const string &err) {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
if (!err.empty()) {
// 播放鉴权失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:64f99eeb]
// Playback authentication failed
strong_self->sendResponse(401, close_flag, nullptr, KeyValue(), std::make_shared<HttpStringBody>(err));
// 异步查找直播流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7cde5dac]
// Asynchronously find live stream
MediaSource::findAsync(strong_self->_media_info, strong_self, [weak_self, close_flag, cb](const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
if (!src) {
// 未找到该流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2699ef82]
// Stream not found
} else {
strong_self->_is_live_stream = true;
// 触发回调 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ae2ff258]
// Trigger callback
Broadcast::AuthInvoker invoker = [weak_self, onRes](const string &err) {
if (auto strong_self = weak_self.lock()) {
strong_self->async([onRes, err]() { onRes(err); });
auto flag = NOTICE_EMIT(BroadcastMediaPlayedArgs, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPlayed, _media_info, invoker, *this);
if (!flag) {
// 该事件无人监听,默认不鉴权 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e1fbc6ae]
// No one is listening to this event, no authentication by default
return true;
// http-fmp4 链接格式:http://vhost-url:port/app/streamid.live.mp4?key1=value1&key2=value2 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c0174f8f]
// http-fmp4 link format: http://vhost-url:port/app/streamid.live.mp4?key1=value1&key2=value2
bool HttpSession::checkLiveStreamFMP4(const function<void()> &cb) {
return checkLiveStream(FMP4_SCHEMA, ".live.mp4", [this, cb](const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
auto fmp4_src = dynamic_pointer_cast<FMP4MediaSource>(src);
if (!cb) {
// 找到源发送http头负载后续发送 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ac272410]
// Found the source, send the http header, and send the load later
sendResponse(200, false, HttpFileManager::getContentType(".mp4").data(), KeyValue(), nullptr, true);
} else {
// 自定义发送http头 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b8a8f683]
// Custom send http header
// 直播牺牲延时提升发送性能 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7c6616c9]
// Live streaming sacrifices delay to improve sending performance
onWrite(std::make_shared<BufferString>(fmp4_src->getInitSegment()), true);
weak_ptr<HttpSession> weak_self = static_pointer_cast<HttpSession>(shared_from_this());
_fmp4_reader = fmp4_src->getRing()->attach(getPoller());
_fmp4_reader->setGetInfoCB([weak_self]() {
Any ret;
return ret;
_fmp4_reader->setDetachCB([weak_self]() {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
strong_self->shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "fmp4 ring buffer detached"));
_fmp4_reader->setReadCB([weak_self](const FMP4MediaSource::RingDataType &fmp4_list) {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
size_t i = 0;
auto size = fmp4_list->size();
fmp4_list->for_each([&](const FMP4Packet::Ptr &ts) { strong_self->onWrite(ts, ++i == size); });
// http-ts 链接格式:http://vhost-url:port/app/streamid.live.ts?key1=value1&key2=value2 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:aa1a9151]
// http-ts link format: http://vhost-url:port/app/streamid.live.ts?key1=value1&key2=value2
bool HttpSession::checkLiveStreamTS(const function<void()> &cb) {
return checkLiveStream(TS_SCHEMA, ".live.ts", [this, cb](const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
auto ts_src = dynamic_pointer_cast<TSMediaSource>(src);
if (!cb) {
// 找到源发送http头负载后续发送 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ac272410]
// Found the source, send the http header, and send the load later
sendResponse(200, false, HttpFileManager::getContentType(".ts").data(), KeyValue(), nullptr, true);
} else {
// 自定义发送http头 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b8a8f683]
// Custom send http header
// 直播牺牲延时提升发送性能 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7c6616c9]
// Live streaming sacrifices delay to improve sending performance
weak_ptr<HttpSession> weak_self = static_pointer_cast<HttpSession>(shared_from_this());
_ts_reader = ts_src->getRing()->attach(getPoller());
_ts_reader->setGetInfoCB([weak_self]() {
Any ret;
return ret;
_ts_reader->setDetachCB([weak_self]() {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
strong_self->shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "ts ring buffer detached"));
_ts_reader->setReadCB([weak_self](const TSMediaSource::RingDataType &ts_list) {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
size_t i = 0;
auto size = ts_list->size();
ts_list->for_each([&](const TSPacket::Ptr &ts) { strong_self->onWrite(ts, ++i == size); });
// http-flv 链接格式:http://vhost-url:port/app/streamid.live.flv?key1=value1&key2=value2 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7e78aa20]
// http-flv link format: http://vhost-url:port/app/streamid.live.flv?key1=value1&key2=value2
bool HttpSession::checkLiveStreamFlv(const function<void()> &cb) {
auto start_pts = atoll(_parser.getUrlArgs()["starPts"].data());
return checkLiveStream(RTMP_SCHEMA, ".live.flv", [this, cb, start_pts](const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
auto rtmp_src = dynamic_pointer_cast<RtmpMediaSource>(src);
if (!cb) {
// 找到源发送http头负载后续发送 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ac272410]
// Found the source, send the http header, and send the load later
KeyValue headerOut;
headerOut["Cache-Control"] = "no-store";
sendResponse(200, false, HttpFileManager::getContentType(".flv").data(), headerOut, nullptr, true);
} else {
// 自定义发送http头 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b8a8f683]
// Custom send http header
// 直播牺牲延时提升发送性能 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7c6616c9]
// Live streaming sacrifices delay to improve sending performance
// 非H264/AAC时打印警告日志防止用户提无效问题 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:59ee60df]
// Print warning log when it is not H264/AAC, to prevent users from raising invalid issues
auto tracks = src->getTracks(false);
for (auto &track : tracks) {
switch (track->getCodecId()) {
case CodecH264:
case CodecAAC: break;
default: {
WarnP(this) << "flv播放器一般只支持H264和AAC编码,该编码格式可能不被播放器支持:" << track->getCodecName();
start(getPoller(), rtmp_src, start_pts);
void HttpSession::onHttpRequest_GET() {
// 先看看是否为WebSocket请求 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:98cd3a86]
// First check if it is a WebSocket request
if (checkWebSocket()) {
// 后续都是websocket body数据 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c4fcbdcf]
// The following are all websocket body data
_on_recv_body = [this](const char *data, size_t len) {
WebSocketSplitter::decode((uint8_t *)data, len);
// _contentCallBack是可持续的后面还要处理后续数据 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:920e8c23]
// _contentCallBack is sustainable, and subsequent data needs to be processed later
return true;
if (emitHttpEvent(false)) {
// 拦截http api事件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2f5e319d]
// Intercept http api events
if (checkLiveStreamFlv()) {
// 拦截http-flv播放器 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:299f6449]
// Intercept http-flv player
if (checkLiveStreamTS()) {
// 拦截http-ts播放器 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d9e303e4]
// Intercept http-ts player
if (checkLiveStreamFMP4()) {
// 拦截http-fmp4播放器 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:78cdf3a1]
// Intercept http-fmp4 player
bool bClose = !strcasecmp(_parser["Connection"].data(), "close");
weak_ptr<HttpSession> weak_self = static_pointer_cast<HttpSession>(shared_from_this());
HttpFileManager::onAccessPath(*this, _parser, [weak_self, bClose](int code, const string &content_type,
const StrCaseMap &responseHeader, const HttpBody::Ptr &body) {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
strong_self->async([weak_self, bClose, code, content_type, responseHeader, body]() {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
strong_self->sendResponse(code, bClose, content_type.data(), responseHeader, body);
static string dateStr() {
char buf[64];
time_t tt = time(NULL);
strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "%a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&tt));
return buf;
class AsyncSenderData {
friend class AsyncSender;
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<AsyncSenderData>;
AsyncSenderData(HttpSession::Ptr session, const HttpBody::Ptr &body, bool close_when_complete) {
_session = std::move(session);
_body = body;
_close_when_complete = close_when_complete;
std::weak_ptr<HttpSession> _session;
HttpBody::Ptr _body;
bool _close_when_complete;
bool _read_complete = false;
class AsyncSender {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<AsyncSender>;
static bool onSocketFlushed(const AsyncSenderData::Ptr &data) {
if (data->_read_complete) {
if (data->_close_when_complete) {
// 发送完毕需要关闭socket [AUTO-TRANSLATED:fe660e55]
// Close socket after sending is complete
return false;
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, sendBufSize, Http::kSendBufSize);
data->_body->readDataAsync(sendBufSize, [data](const Buffer::Ptr &sendBuf) {
auto session = data->_session.lock();
if (!session) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
session->async([data, sendBuf]() {
auto session = data->_session.lock();
if (!session) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
onRequestData(data, session, sendBuf);
}, false);
return true;
static void onRequestData(const AsyncSenderData::Ptr &data, const std::shared_ptr<HttpSession> &session, const Buffer::Ptr &sendBuf) {
if (sendBuf && session->send(sendBuf) != -1) {
// 文件还未读完,还需要继续发送 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c454ca1a]
// The file has not been read completely, and needs to be sent continuously
if (!session->isSocketBusy()) {
// socket还可写继续请求数据 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:041df414]
// Socket can still write, continue to request data
// 文件写完了 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a9f8c117]
// The file is written
data->_read_complete = true;
if (!session->isSocketBusy() && data->_close_when_complete) {
static void shutdown(const std::shared_ptr<HttpSession> &session) {
if (session) {
session->shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, StrPrinter << "close connection after send http body completed."));
void HttpSession::sendResponse(int code,
bool bClose,
const char *pcContentType,
const HttpSession::KeyValue &header,
const HttpBody::Ptr &body,
bool no_content_length) {
GET_CONFIG(string, charSet, Http::kCharSet);
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, keepAliveSec, Http::kKeepAliveSecond);
// body默认为空 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:527ccb6f]
// Body defaults to empty
int64_t size = 0;
if (body && body->remainSize()) {
// 有body获取body大小 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0d5f4b9a]
// There is a body, get the body size
size = body->remainSize();
if (no_content_length) {
// http-flv直播是Keep-Alive类型 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0ef3adfe]
// Http-flv live broadcast is Keep-Alive type
bClose = false;
} else if ((size_t)size >= SIZE_MAX || size < 0) {
// 不固定长度的body那么发送完body后应该关闭socket以便浏览器做下载完毕的判断 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:fc714997]
// If the body is not fixed length, then the socket should be closed after sending the body, so that the browser can judge the download completion
bClose = true;
HttpSession::KeyValue &headerOut = const_cast<HttpSession::KeyValue &>(header);
headerOut.emplace("Date", dateStr());
headerOut.emplace("Server", kServerName);
headerOut.emplace("Connection", bClose ? "close" : "keep-alive");
GET_CONFIG(bool, allow_cross_domains, Http::kAllowCrossDomains);
if (allow_cross_domains && !_origin.empty()) {
headerOut.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", _origin);
headerOut.emplace("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
if (!bClose) {
string keepAliveString = "timeout=";
keepAliveString += to_string(keepAliveSec);
keepAliveString += ", max=100";
headerOut.emplace("Keep-Alive", std::move(keepAliveString));
if (!no_content_length && size >= 0 && (size_t)size < SIZE_MAX) {
// 文件长度为固定值,且不是http-flv强制设置Content-Length [AUTO-TRANSLATED:185c02a8]
// The file length is a fixed value, and it is not http-flv that forcibly sets Content-Length
headerOut["Content-Length"] = to_string(size);
if (size && !pcContentType) {
// 有body时设置缺省类型 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:21c9b233]
// When there is a body, set the default type
pcContentType = "text/plain";
if ((size || no_content_length) && pcContentType) {
// 有body时设置文件类型 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0dcbeecc]
// When there is a body, set the file type
string strContentType = pcContentType;
strContentType += "; charset=";
strContentType += charSet;
headerOut.emplace("Content-Type", std::move(strContentType));
// 发送http头 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:cca51598]
// Send http header
string str;
str += "HTTP/1.1 ";
str += to_string(code);
str += ' ';
str += HttpConst::getHttpStatusMessage(code);
str += "\r\n";
for (auto &pr : header) {
str += pr.first;
str += ": ";
str += pr.second;
str += "\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
if (!size) {
// 没有body [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bf891e3a]
// No body
if (bClose) {
shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, StrPrinter << "close connection after send http header completed with status code:" << code));
#if 0
// sendfile跟共享mmap相比并没有性能上的优势相反sendfile还有功能上的缺陷先屏蔽 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:4de77827]
// Sendfile has no performance advantage over shared mmap, on the contrary, sendfile also has functional defects, so it is blocked first
if (typeid(*this) == typeid(HttpSession) && !body->sendFile(getSock()->rawFD())) {
// http支持sendfile优化 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:04f691f1]
// Http supports sendfile optimization
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, sendBufSize, Http::kSendBufSize);
if (body->remainSize() > sendBufSize) {
// 文件下载提升发送性能 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:500922cc]
// File download improves sending performance
// 发送http body [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e9fc35d6]
// Send http body
AsyncSenderData::Ptr data = std::make_shared<AsyncSenderData>(static_pointer_cast<HttpSession>(shared_from_this()), body, bClose);
getSock()->setOnFlush([data]() { return AsyncSender::onSocketFlushed(data); });
void HttpSession::urlDecode(Parser &parser) {
for (auto &pr : _parser.getUrlArgs()) {
const_cast<string &>(pr.second) = strCoding::UrlDecodeComponent(pr.second);
bool HttpSession::emitHttpEvent(bool doInvoke) {
bool bClose = !strcasecmp(_parser["Connection"].data(), "close");
// ///////////////////异步回复Invoker/////////////////////////////// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6d0c5fda]
// ///////////////////Asynchronous reply Invoker///////////////////////////////
weak_ptr<HttpSession> weak_self = static_pointer_cast<HttpSession>(shared_from_this());
HttpResponseInvoker invoker = [weak_self, bClose](int code, const KeyValue &headerOut, const HttpBody::Ptr &body) {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
strong_self->async([weak_self, bClose, code, headerOut, body]() {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
// 本对象已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:713e0f23]
// This object has been destroyed
strong_self->sendResponse(code, bClose, nullptr, headerOut, body);
// /////////////////广播HTTP事件/////////////////////////// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:fff9769c]
// /////////////////Broadcast HTTP event///////////////////////////
bool consumed = false; // 该事件是否被消费
NOTICE_EMIT(BroadcastHttpRequestArgs, Broadcast::kBroadcastHttpRequest, _parser, invoker, consumed, *this);
if (!consumed && doInvoke) {
// 该事件无人消费所以返回404 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8a890dec]
// This event is not consumed, so return 404
invoker(404, KeyValue(), HttpBody::Ptr());
return consumed;
std::string HttpSession::get_peer_ip() {
GET_CONFIG(string, forwarded_ip_header, Http::kForwardedIpHeader);
if (!forwarded_ip_header.empty() && !_parser.getHeader()[forwarded_ip_header].empty()) {
return _parser.getHeader()[forwarded_ip_header];
return Session::get_peer_ip();
void HttpSession::onHttpRequest_POST() {
void HttpSession::sendNotFound(bool bClose) {
GET_CONFIG(string, notFound, Http::kNotFound);
sendResponse(404, bClose, "text/html", KeyValue(), std::make_shared<HttpStringBody>(notFound));
void HttpSession::setSocketFlags() {
GET_CONFIG(int, mergeWriteMS, General::kMergeWriteMS);
if (mergeWriteMS > 0) {
// 推流模式下关闭TCP_NODELAY会增加推流端的延时但是服务器性能将提高 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c8ec8fb8]
// In push mode, closing TCP_NODELAY will increase the delay of the push end, but the server performance will be improved
SockUtil::setNoDelay(getSock()->rawFD(), false);
// 播放模式下开启MSG_MORE会增加延时但是能提高发送性能 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7b558ab9]
// In playback mode, enabling MSG_MORE will increase the delay, but it can improve sending performance
void HttpSession::onWrite(const Buffer::Ptr &buffer, bool flush) {
if (flush) {
// 需要flush那么一次刷新缓存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8d1ec961]
// Need to flush, then flush the cache once
if (!_live_over_websocket) {
_total_bytes_usage += buffer->size();
} else {
WebSocketHeader header;
header._fin = true;
header._reserved = 0;
header._opcode = WebSocketHeader::BINARY;
header._mask_flag = false;
WebSocketSplitter::encode(header, buffer);
if (flush) {
// 本次刷新缓存后,下次不用刷新缓存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f56139f7]
// After this cache flush, the next time you don't need to flush the cache
void HttpSession::onWebSocketEncodeData(Buffer::Ptr buffer) {
_total_bytes_usage += buffer->size();
void HttpSession::onWebSocketDecodeComplete(const WebSocketHeader &header_in) {
WebSocketHeader &header = const_cast<WebSocketHeader &>(header_in);
header._mask_flag = false;
switch (header._opcode) {
case WebSocketHeader::CLOSE: {
encode(header, nullptr);
shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "recv close request from client"));
default: break;
void HttpSession::onDetach() {
shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "rtmp ring buffer detached"));
std::shared_ptr<FlvMuxer> HttpSession::getSharedPtr() {
return dynamic_pointer_cast<FlvMuxer>(shared_from_this());
} /* namespace mediakit */