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2024-09-28 23:55:00 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#ifdef ENABLE_MP4
#include "MP4Reader.h"
#include "Common/config.h"
#include "Thread/WorkThreadPool.h"
#include "Util/File.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace toolkit;
namespace mediakit {
MP4Reader::MP4Reader(const MediaTuple &tuple, const string &file_path,
toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr poller) {
ProtocolOption option;
// 读取mp4文件并流化时不重复生成mp4/hls文件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5d414546]
// Read mp4 file and stream it, do not regenerate mp4/hls file repeatedly
option.enable_mp4 = false;
option.enable_hls = false;
option.enable_hls_fmp4 = false;
// mp4支持多track [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b9688762]
// mp4 supports multiple tracks
option.max_track = 16;
setup(tuple, file_path, option, std::move(poller));
MP4Reader::MP4Reader(const MediaTuple &tuple, const string &file_path, const ProtocolOption &option, toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr poller) {
setup(tuple, file_path, option, std::move(poller));
void MP4Reader::setup(const MediaTuple &tuple, const std::string &file_path, const ProtocolOption &option, toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr poller) {
// 读写文件建议放在后台线程 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6f09ef53]
// It is recommended to read and write files in the background thread
_poller = poller ? std::move(poller) : WorkThreadPool::Instance().getPoller();
_file_path = file_path;
if (_file_path.empty()) {
GET_CONFIG(string, recordPath, Protocol::kMP4SavePath);
GET_CONFIG(bool, enableVhost, General::kEnableVhost);
if (enableVhost) {
_file_path = tuple.shortUrl();
} else {
_file_path = tuple.app + "/" + tuple.stream;
_file_path = File::absolutePath(_file_path, recordPath);
_demuxer = std::make_shared<MP4Demuxer>();
if (tuple.stream.empty()) {
_muxer = std::make_shared<MultiMediaSourceMuxer>(tuple, _demuxer->getDurationMS() / 1000.0f, option);
auto tracks = _demuxer->getTracks(false);
if (tracks.empty()) {
throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter << "该mp4文件没有有效的track:" << _file_path);
for (auto &track : tracks) {
if (track->getTrackType() == TrackVideo) {
_have_video = true;
// 添加完毕所有track防止单track情况下最大等待3秒 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:445e3403]
// After all tracks are added, prevent the maximum waiting time of 3 seconds in the case of a single track
bool MP4Reader::readSample() {
if (_paused) {
// 确保暂停时,时间轴不走动 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3d38dd31]
// Ensure that the timeline does not move when paused
return true;
bool keyFrame = false;
bool eof = false;
while (!eof && _last_dts < getCurrentStamp()) {
auto frame = _demuxer->readFrame(keyFrame, eof);
if (!frame) {
_last_dts = frame->dts();
if (_muxer) {
GET_CONFIG(bool, file_repeat, Record::kFileRepeat);
if (eof && (file_repeat || _file_repeat)) {
// 需要从头开始看 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5b563a35]
// Need to start from the beginning
return true;
return !eof;
bool MP4Reader::readNextSample() {
bool keyFrame = false;
bool eof = false;
auto frame = _demuxer->readFrame(keyFrame, eof);
if (!frame) {
return false;
if (_muxer) {
return true;
void MP4Reader::stopReadMP4() {
_timer = nullptr;
void MP4Reader::startReadMP4(uint64_t sample_ms, bool ref_self, bool file_repeat) {
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, sampleMS, Record::kSampleMS);
auto strong_self = shared_from_this();
if (_muxer) {
// 一直读到所有track就绪为止 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:410f9ecc]
// Keep reading until all tracks are ready
while (!_muxer->isAllTrackReady() && readNextSample());
// 注册后再切换OwnerPoller [AUTO-TRANSLATED:4a483e23]
// Register and then switch OwnerPoller
auto timer_sec = (sample_ms ? sample_ms : sampleMS) / 1000.0f;
// 启动定时器 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0b93ed77]
// Start the timer
if (ref_self) {
_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(timer_sec, [strong_self]() {
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(strong_self->_mtx);
return strong_self->readSample();
}, _poller);
} else {
weak_ptr<MP4Reader> weak_self = strong_self;
_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(timer_sec, [weak_self]() {
auto strong_self = weak_self.lock();
if (!strong_self) {
return false;
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(strong_self->_mtx);
return strong_self->readSample();
}, _poller);
_file_repeat = file_repeat;
const MP4Demuxer::Ptr &MP4Reader::getDemuxer() const {
return _demuxer;
uint32_t MP4Reader::getCurrentStamp() {
return (uint32_t) (_seek_to + !_paused * _speed * _seek_ticker.elapsedTime());
void MP4Reader::setCurrentStamp(uint32_t new_stamp) {
auto old_stamp = getCurrentStamp();
_seek_to = new_stamp;
_last_dts = new_stamp;
if (old_stamp != new_stamp && _muxer) {
// 时间轴未拖动时不操作 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c5b53103]
// Do not operate when the timeline is not dragged
bool MP4Reader::seekTo(MediaSource &sender, uint32_t stamp) {
// 拖动进度条后应该恢复播放 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8a6d11f7]
// Playback should resume after dragging the progress bar
pause(sender, false);
TraceL << getOriginUrl(sender) << ",stamp:" << stamp;
return seekTo(stamp);
bool MP4Reader::pause(MediaSource &sender, bool pause) {
if (_paused == pause) {
return true;
// _seek_ticker重新计时不管是暂停还是seek都不影响总的播放进度 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:96051076]
// _seek_ticker restarts the timer, whether it is paused or seek does not affect the total playback progress
_paused = pause;
TraceL << getOriginUrl(sender) << ",pause:" << pause;
return true;
bool MP4Reader::speed(MediaSource &sender, float speed) {
if (speed < 0.1 || speed > 20) {
WarnL << "播放速度取值范围非法:" << speed;
return false;
// _seek_ticker重置赋值_seek_to [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b30a3f06]
// _seek_ticker reset, assign _seek_to
// 设置播放速度后应该恢复播放 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:851fcde9]
// Playback should resume after setting the playback speed
_paused = false;
if (_speed == speed) {
return true;
_speed = speed;
TraceL << getOriginUrl(sender) << ",speed:" << speed;
return true;
bool MP4Reader::seekTo(uint32_t stamp_seek) {
lock_guard<recursive_mutex> lck(_mtx);
if (stamp_seek > _demuxer->getDurationMS()) {
// 超过文件长度 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b4361054]
// Exceeds the file length
return false;
auto stamp = _demuxer->seekTo(stamp_seek);
if (stamp == -1) {
// seek失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:88cc8444]
// Seek failed
return false;
if (!_have_video) {
// 没有视频,不需要搜索关键帧;设置当前时间戳 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:82f87f21]
// There is no video, no need to search for keyframes; set the current timestamp
setCurrentStamp((uint32_t) stamp);
return true;
// 搜索到下一帧关键帧 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:aa2ec689]
// Search for the next keyframe
bool keyFrame = false;
bool eof = false;
while (!eof) {
auto frame = _demuxer->readFrame(keyFrame, eof);
if (!frame) {
// 文件读完了都未找到下一帧关键帧 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:49a8d3a7]
// The file has been read but the next keyframe has not been found
if (keyFrame || frame->keyFrame() || frame->configFrame()) {
// 定位到key帧 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0300901d]
// Locate to the keyframe
if (_muxer) {
// 设置当前时间戳 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:88949974]
// Set the current timestamp
return true;
return false;
bool MP4Reader::close(MediaSource &sender) {
_timer = nullptr;
WarnL << "close media: " << sender.getUrl();
return true;
MediaOriginType MP4Reader::getOriginType(MediaSource &sender) const {
return MediaOriginType::mp4_vod;
string MP4Reader::getOriginUrl(MediaSource &sender) const {
return _file_path;
toolkit::EventPoller::Ptr MP4Reader::getOwnerPoller(MediaSource &sender) {
return _poller;
} /* namespace mediakit */
#endif //ENABLE_MP4