391 lines
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2024-09-28 23:55:00 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#ifndef RTSP_RTSP_H_
#define RTSP_RTSP_H_
#include "Common/macros.h"
#include "Extension/Frame.h"
#include "Network/Socket.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace mediakit {
namespace Rtsp {
typedef enum {
RTP_Invalid = -1,
RTP_TCP = 0,
RTP_UDP = 1,
} eRtpType;
#define RTP_PT_MAP(XX) \
XX(PCMU, TrackAudio, 0, 8000, 1, CodecG711U) \
XX(GSM, TrackAudio, 3, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(G723, TrackAudio, 4, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(DVI4_8000, TrackAudio, 5, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(DVI4_16000, TrackAudio, 6, 16000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(LPC, TrackAudio, 7, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(PCMA, TrackAudio, 8, 8000, 1, CodecG711A) \
XX(G722, TrackAudio, 9, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(L16_Stereo, TrackAudio, 10, 44100, 2, CodecInvalid) \
XX(L16_Mono, TrackAudio, 11, 44100, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(QCELP, TrackAudio, 12, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(CN, TrackAudio, 13, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(MPA, TrackAudio, 14, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(G728, TrackAudio, 15, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(DVI4_11025, TrackAudio, 16, 11025, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(DVI4_22050, TrackAudio, 17, 22050, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(G729, TrackAudio, 18, 8000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(CelB, TrackVideo, 25, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(JPEG, TrackVideo, 26, 90000, 1, CodecJPEG) \
XX(nv, TrackVideo, 28, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(H261, TrackVideo, 31, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(MPV, TrackVideo, 32, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(MP2T, TrackVideo, 33, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid) \
XX(H263, TrackVideo, 34, 90000, 1, CodecInvalid)
typedef enum {
#define ENUM_DEF(name, type, value, clock_rate, channel, codec_id) PT_##name = value,
#undef ENUM_DEF
= 128
} PayloadType;
}; // namespace Rtsp
#pragma pack(push, 1)
class RtpHeader {
// 版本号固定为2 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:08ed82fa]
// Version number, fixed to 2
uint32_t version : 2;
// padding
uint32_t padding : 1;
// 扩展 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6189584a]
// Extension
uint32_t ext : 1;
// csrc
uint32_t csrc : 4;
// mark
uint32_t mark : 1;
// 负载类型 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:09b49a77]
// Payload type
uint32_t pt : 7;
// csrc
uint32_t csrc : 4;
// 扩展 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6189584a]
// Extension
uint32_t ext : 1;
// padding
uint32_t padding : 1;
// 版本号固定为2 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:08ed82fa]
// Version number, fixed to 2
uint32_t version : 2;
// 负载类型 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:09b49a77]
// Payload type
uint32_t pt : 7;
// mark
uint32_t mark : 1;
// 序列号 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:fe421425]
// Sequence number
uint32_t seq : 16;
// 时间戳 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:516f43a9]
// Timestamp
uint32_t stamp;
// ssrc
uint32_t ssrc;
// 负载如果有csrc和ext前面为 4 * csrc + (4 + 4 * ext_len) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:fcd87b19]
// Payload, if csrc and ext exist, the front is 4 * csrc + (4 + 4 * ext_len)
uint8_t payload;
// 返回csrc字段字节长度 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2203e1db]
// Return the byte length of the csrc field
size_t getCsrcSize() const;
// 返回csrc字段首地址不存在时返回nullptr [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2c89718a]
// Return the starting address of the csrc field, return nullptr if it does not exist
uint8_t *getCsrcData();
// 返回ext字段字节长度 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:487dcc4e]
// Return the byte length of the ext field
size_t getExtSize() const;
// 返回ext reserved值 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:131355c0]
// Return the ext reserved value
uint16_t getExtReserved() const;
// 返回ext段首地址不存在时返回nullptr [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6662b24f]
// Return the starting address of the ext segment, return nullptr if it does not exist
uint8_t *getExtData();
// 返回有效负载指针,跳过csrc、ext [AUTO-TRANSLATED:139a5683]
// Return the valid payload pointer, skip csrc, ext
uint8_t *getPayloadData();
// 返回有效负载总长度,不包括csrc、ext、padding [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b4ec90d4]
// Return the total length of the valid payload, excluding csrc, ext, padding
ssize_t getPayloadSize(size_t rtp_size) const;
// 打印调试信息 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f36e06da]
// Print debug information
std::string dumpString(size_t rtp_size) const;
// 返回有效负载偏移量 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:47496d37]
// Return the valid payload offset
size_t getPayloadOffset() const;
// 返回padding长度 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6dabd44d]
// Return the padding length
size_t getPaddingSize(size_t rtp_size) const;
#pragma pack(pop)
// 此rtp为rtp over tcp形式需要忽略前4个字节 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ceb00f83]
// This rtp is in the form of rtp over tcp, the first 4 bytes need to be ignored
class RtpPacket : public toolkit::BufferRaw {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<RtpPacket>;
enum { kRtpVersion = 2, kRtpHeaderSize = 12, kRtpTcpHeaderSize = 4 };
// 获取rtp头 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:41d58919]
// Get the rtp header
RtpHeader *getHeader();
const RtpHeader *getHeader() const;
// 打印调试信息 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f36e06da]
// Print debug information
std::string dumpString() const;
// 主机字节序的seq [AUTO-TRANSLATED:67c278dd]
// Host byte order seq
uint16_t getSeq() const;
uint32_t getStamp() const;
// 主机字节序的时间戳,已经转换为毫秒 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:14cdf080]
// Host byte order timestamp, converted to milliseconds
uint64_t getStampMS(bool ntp = true) const;
// 主机字节序的ssrc [AUTO-TRANSLATED:37d06f6c]
// Host byte order ssrc
uint32_t getSSRC() const;
// 有效负载跳过csrc、ext [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e4e97453]
// Valid payload, skip csrc, ext
uint8_t *getPayload();
// 有效负载长度不包括csrc、ext、padding [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a93e4b08]
// Valid payload length, excluding csrc, ext, padding
size_t getPayloadSize() const;
// 音视频类型 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:dc0fa851]
// Audio and video type
TrackType type;
// 音频为采样率视频一般为90000 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8bd1854b]
// Audio is the sampling rate, video is generally 90000
uint32_t sample_rate;
// ntp时间戳 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:912cacf2]
// ntp timestamp
uint64_t ntp_stamp;
int track_index;
static Ptr create();
friend class toolkit::ResourcePool_l<RtpPacket>;
RtpPacket() = default;
// 对象个数统计 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f4a012d0]
// Object Count Statistics
toolkit::ObjectStatistic<RtpPacket> _statistic;
class RtpPayload {
static int getClockRate(int pt);
static TrackType getTrackType(int pt);
static int getAudioChannel(int pt);
static const char *getName(int pt);
static CodecId getCodecId(int pt);
RtpPayload() = delete;
~RtpPayload() = delete;
class SdpTrack {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<SdpTrack>;
std::string _t;
std::string _b;
uint16_t _port;
float _duration = 0;
float _start = 0;
float _end = 0;
std::map<char, std::string> _other;
std::multimap<std::string, std::string> _attr;
std::string toString(uint16_t port = 0) const;
std::string getName() const;
std::string getControlUrl(const std::string &base_url) const;
int _pt = 0xff;
int _channel;
int _samplerate;
TrackType _type;
std::string _codec;
std::string _fmtp;
std::string _control;
bool _inited = false;
uint8_t _interleaved = 0;
uint16_t _seq = 0;
uint32_t _ssrc = 0;
// 时间戳,单位毫秒 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9513087f]
// Timestamp, unit: milliseconds
uint32_t _time_stamp = 0;
class SdpParser {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<SdpParser>;
SdpParser() = default;
SdpParser(const std::string &sdp) { load(sdp); }
void load(const std::string &sdp);
bool available() const;
SdpTrack::Ptr getTrack(TrackType type) const;
std::vector<SdpTrack::Ptr> getAvailableTrack() const;
std::string toString() const;
std::string getControlUrl(const std::string &url) const;
std::vector<SdpTrack::Ptr> _track_vec;
* rtsp sdp基类
* rtsp sdp base class
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:05395f48]
class Sdp {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Sdp>;
* sdp
* @param sample_rate
* @param payload_type pt类型
* Construct sdp
* @param sample_rate Sampling rate
* @param payload_type pt type
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:49f61fff]
Sdp(uint32_t sample_rate, uint8_t payload_type) {
_sample_rate = sample_rate;
_payload_type = payload_type;
virtual ~Sdp() = default;
* sdp字符串
* @return
* Get sdp string
* @return
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ca0e2ad7]
virtual std::string getSdp() const = 0;
* pt
* @return
* Get pt
* @return
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:872f1b6a]
uint8_t getPayloadType() const { return _payload_type; }
* @return
* Get sampling rate
* @return
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:463a0075]
uint32_t getSampleRate() const { return _sample_rate; }
uint8_t _payload_type;
uint32_t _sample_rate;
* sdp中除音视频外的其他描述部分
* Other description part in sdp except audio and video
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3a1dad65]
class TitleSdp : public Sdp {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<TitleSdp>;
* title类型sdp
* @param dur_sec rtsp点播时长0
* @param header sdp描述
* @param version sdp版本
* Construct title type sdp
* @param dur_sec rtsp on-demand duration, 0 represents live broadcast, unit: seconds
* @param header Custom sdp description
* @param version sdp version
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bcd1dd5a]
TitleSdp(float dur_sec = 0, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &header = std::map<std::string, std::string>(), int version = 0);
std::string getSdp() const override { return _printer; }
float getDuration() const { return _dur_sec; }
float _dur_sec = 0;
toolkit::_StrPrinter _printer;
// 创建rtp over tcp4个字节的头 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:25031f0d]
// Create 4-byte header for rtp over tcp
toolkit::Buffer::Ptr makeRtpOverTcpPrefix(uint16_t size, uint8_t interleaved);
// 创建rtp-rtcp端口对 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f8abe61b]
// Create rtp-rtcp port pair
void makeSockPair(std::pair<toolkit::Socket::Ptr, toolkit::Socket::Ptr> &pair, const std::string &local_ip, bool re_use_port = false, bool is_udp = true);
// 十六进制方式打印ssrc [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c58cd95f]
// Print ssrc in hexadecimal format
std::string printSSRC(uint32_t ui32Ssrc);
bool getSSRC(const char *data, size_t data_len, uint32_t &ssrc);
bool isRtp(const char *buf, size_t size);
bool isRtcp(const char *buf, size_t size);
} // namespace mediakit
#endif // RTSP_RTSP_H_