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2024-09-28 23:55:00 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "H264Rtp.h"
#include "Common/config.h"
namespace mediakit{
#pragma pack(push, 1)
class FuFlags {
unsigned start_bit: 1;
unsigned end_bit: 1;
unsigned reserved: 1;
unsigned nal_type: 5;
unsigned nal_type: 5;
unsigned reserved: 1;
unsigned end_bit: 1;
unsigned start_bit: 1;
#pragma pack(pop)
H264RtpDecoder::H264RtpDecoder() {
_frame = obtainFrame();
H264Frame::Ptr H264RtpDecoder::obtainFrame() {
auto frame = FrameImp::create<H264Frame>();
frame->_prefix_size = 4;
return frame;
bool H264RtpDecoder::inputRtp(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, bool key_pos) {
auto seq = rtp->getSeq();
auto last_is_gop = _is_gop;
_is_gop = decodeRtp(rtp);
if (!_gop_dropped && seq != (uint16_t)(_last_seq + 1) && _last_seq) {
_gop_dropped = true;
WarnL << "start drop h264 gop, last seq:" << _last_seq << ", rtp:\r\n" << rtp->dumpString();
_last_seq = seq;
// 确保有sps rtp的时候gop从sps开始否则从关键帧开始 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:115ae07c]
// cpp
// Ensure that when there is sps rtp, the gop starts from sps; otherwise, it starts from the key frame
return _is_gop && !last_is_gop;
RTF3984 5.2 Common Structure of the RTP Payload Format
Table 1. Summary of NAL unit types and their payload structures
Type Packet Type name Section
0 undefined -
1-23 NAL unit Single NAL unit packet per H.264 5.6
24 STAP-A Single-time aggregation packet 5.7.1
25 STAP-B Single-time aggregation packet 5.7.1
26 MTAP16 Multi-time aggregation packet 5.7.2
27 MTAP24 Multi-time aggregation packet 5.7.2
28 FU-A Fragmentation unit 5.8
29 FU-B Fragmentation unit 5.8
30-31 undefined -
RTF3984 Section 5.2 Common Structure of the RTP Payload Format
Table 1. Summary of NAL unit types and their payload structures
Type Packet Type name Section
0 undefined -
1-23 NAL unit Single NAL unit packet per H.264 5.6
24 STAP-A Single-time aggregation packet 5.7.1
25 STAP-B Single-time aggregation packet 5.7.1
26 MTAP16 Multi-time aggregation packet 5.7.2
27 MTAP24 Multi-time aggregation packet 5.7.2
28 FU-A Fragmentation unit 5.8
29 FU-B Fragmentation unit 5.8
30-31 undefined -
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:57545317]
bool H264RtpDecoder::singleFrame(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, const uint8_t *ptr, ssize_t size, uint64_t stamp){
_frame->_buffer.assign("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4);
_frame->_buffer.append((char *) ptr, size);
_frame->_pts = stamp;
auto key = _frame->keyFrame() || _frame->configFrame();
outputFrame(rtp, _frame);
return key;
bool H264RtpDecoder::unpackStapA(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, const uint8_t *ptr, ssize_t size, uint64_t stamp) {
// STAP-A 单一时间的组合包 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:cfa62307]
// STAP-A single-time aggregation packet
auto have_key_frame = false;
auto end = ptr + size;
while (ptr + 2 < end) {
uint16_t len = (ptr[0] << 8) | ptr[1];
if (!len || ptr + len > end) {
WarnL << "invalid rtp data size:" << len << ",rtp:\r\n" << rtp->dumpString();
_gop_dropped = true;
ptr += 2;
if (singleFrame(rtp, ptr, len, stamp)) {
have_key_frame = true;
ptr += len;
return have_key_frame;
bool H264RtpDecoder::mergeFu(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, const uint8_t *ptr, ssize_t size, uint64_t stamp, uint16_t seq){
auto nal_suffix = *ptr & (~0x1F);
FuFlags *fu = (FuFlags *) (ptr + 1);
if (fu->start_bit) {
// 该帧的第一个rtp包 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a9581a23]
// The first rtp packet of this frame
_frame->_buffer.assign("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4);
_frame->_buffer.push_back(nal_suffix | fu->nal_type);
_frame->_pts = stamp;
_fu_dropped = false;
if (_fu_dropped) {
// 该帧不完整 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6bd7eca7]
// This frame is incomplete
return false;
if (!fu->start_bit && seq != (uint16_t) (_last_seq + 1)) {
// 中间的或末尾的rtp包其seq必须连续否则说明rtp丢包那么该帧不完整必须得丢弃 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6953b332]
// The middle or end rtp packet, its seq must be continuous, otherwise it indicates that the rtp packet is lost, then the frame is incomplete and must be discarded
_fu_dropped = true;
return false;
// 后面追加数据 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:248516e9]
// Append data
_frame->_buffer.append((char *) ptr + 2, size - 2);
if (!fu->end_bit) {
// 非末尾包 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2e43ac3c]
// Not the end packet
return fu->start_bit ? (_frame->keyFrame() || _frame->configFrame()) : false;
// 确保下一次fu必须收到第一个包 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:491d81ec]
// Ensure that the next fu must receive the first packet
_fu_dropped = true;
// 该帧最后一个rtp包,输出frame [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a648aaa5]
// The last rtp packet of this frame, output frame
outputFrame(rtp, _frame);
return false;
bool H264RtpDecoder::decodeRtp(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp) {
auto payload_size = rtp->getPayloadSize();
if (payload_size <= 0) {
// 无实际负载 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:305af48f]
// No actual payload
return false;
auto frame = rtp->getPayload();
auto stamp = rtp->getStampMS();
auto seq = rtp->getSeq();
int nal = H264_TYPE(frame[0]);
switch (nal) {
case 24:
// 24 STAP-A Single-time aggregation packet 5.7.1
return unpackStapA(rtp, frame + 1, payload_size - 1, stamp);
case 28:
// 28 FU-A Fragmentation unit
return mergeFu(rtp, frame, payload_size, stamp, seq);
default: {
if (nal < 24) {
//Single NAL Unit Packets
return singleFrame(rtp, frame, payload_size, stamp);
_gop_dropped = true;
WarnL << "不支持该类型的264 RTP包, nal type:" << nal << ", rtp:\r\n" << rtp->dumpString();
return false;
void H264RtpDecoder::outputFrame(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, const H264Frame::Ptr &frame) {
if (frame->dropAble()) {
// 不参与dts生成 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:dff3b747]
// Not involved in dts generation
frame->_dts = frame->_pts;
} else {
// rtsp没有dts那么根据pts排序算法生成dts [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f37c17f3]
// Rtsp does not have dts, so dts is generated according to the pts sorting algorithm
_dts_generator.getDts(frame->_pts, frame->_dts);
if (frame->keyFrame() && _gop_dropped) {
_gop_dropped = false;
InfoL << "new gop received, rtp:\r\n" << rtp->dumpString();
if (!_gop_dropped || frame->configFrame()) {
_frame = obtainFrame();
void H264RtpEncoder::insertConfigFrame(uint64_t pts){
if (!_sps || !_pps) {
// gop缓存从sps开始sps、pps后面还有时间戳相同的关键帧所以mark bit为false [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e8dcff77]
// The gop cache starts from sps, sps, pps and then there are key frames with the same timestamp, so the mark bit is false
packRtp(_sps->data() + _sps->prefixSize(), _sps->size() - _sps->prefixSize(), pts, false, true);
packRtp(_pps->data() + _pps->prefixSize(), _pps->size() - _pps->prefixSize(), pts, false, false);
void H264RtpEncoder::packRtp(const char *ptr, size_t len, uint64_t pts, bool is_mark, bool gop_pos){
if (len + 3 <= getRtpInfo().getMaxSize()) {
// 采用STAP-A/Single NAL unit packet per H.264 模式 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1a719984]
// Use STAP-A/Single NAL unit packet per H.264 mode
packRtpSmallFrame(ptr, len, pts, is_mark, gop_pos);
} else {
// STAP-A模式打包会大于MTU,所以采用FU-A模式 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f3923abc]
// STAP-A mode packaging will be larger than MTU, so FU-A mode is used
packRtpFu(ptr, len, pts, is_mark, gop_pos);
void H264RtpEncoder::packRtpFu(const char *ptr, size_t len, uint64_t pts, bool is_mark, bool gop_pos){
auto packet_size = getRtpInfo().getMaxSize() - 2;
if (len <= packet_size + 1) {
// 小于FU-A打包最小字节长度要求采用STAP-A/Single NAL unit packet per H.264 模式 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b83bb4d1]
// Less than the minimum byte length requirement for FU-A packaging, use STAP-A/Single NAL unit packet per H.264 mode
packRtpSmallFrame(ptr, len, pts, is_mark, gop_pos);
// 末尾5bit为nalu type固定为28(FU-A) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6293f1a9]
// The last 5 bits are the nalu type, fixed to 28 (FU-A)
auto fu_char_0 = (ptr[0] & (~0x1F)) | 28;
auto fu_char_1 = H264_TYPE(ptr[0]);
FuFlags *fu_flags = (FuFlags *) (&fu_char_1);
fu_flags->start_bit = 1;
size_t offset = 1;
while (!fu_flags->end_bit) {
if (!fu_flags->start_bit && len <= offset + packet_size) {
//FU-A end
packet_size = len - offset;
fu_flags->end_bit = 1;
// 传入nullptr先不做payload的内存拷贝 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1858cf77]
// Pass in nullptr first, do not copy the payload memory
auto rtp = getRtpInfo().makeRtp(TrackVideo, nullptr, packet_size + 2, fu_flags->end_bit && is_mark, pts);
// rtp payload 负载部分 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:aecf73cc]
// rtp payload load part
uint8_t *payload = rtp->getPayload();
// FU-A 第1个字节 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b5558495]
// FU-A first byte
payload[0] = fu_char_0;
// FU-A 第2个字节 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6b4540bb]
// FU-A second byte
payload[1] = fu_char_1;
// H264 数据 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:79204239]
// H264 data
memcpy(payload + 2, (uint8_t *) ptr + offset, packet_size);
// 输入到rtp环形缓存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5208ef90]
// Input to the rtp ring buffer
RtpCodec::inputRtp(rtp, gop_pos);
offset += packet_size;
fu_flags->start_bit = 0;
void H264RtpEncoder::packRtpSmallFrame(const char *data, size_t len, uint64_t pts, bool is_mark, bool gop_pos) {
GET_CONFIG(bool, h264_stap_a, Rtp::kH264StapA);
if (h264_stap_a) {
packRtpStapA(data, len, pts, is_mark, gop_pos);
} else {
packRtpSingleNalu(data, len, pts, is_mark, gop_pos);
void H264RtpEncoder::packRtpStapA(const char *ptr, size_t len, uint64_t pts, bool is_mark, bool gop_pos){
// 如果帧长度不超过mtu,为了兼容性 webrtc采用STAP-A模式打包 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a091199c]
// If the frame length does not exceed mtu, for compatibility with webrtc, use STAP-A mode packaging
auto rtp = getRtpInfo().makeRtp(TrackVideo, nullptr, len + 3, is_mark, pts);
uint8_t *payload = rtp->getPayload();
payload[0] = (ptr[0] & (~0x1F)) | 24;
payload[1] = (len >> 8) & 0xFF;
payload[2] = len & 0xff;
memcpy(payload + 3, (uint8_t *) ptr, len);
RtpCodec::inputRtp(rtp, gop_pos);
void H264RtpEncoder::packRtpSingleNalu(const char *data, size_t len, uint64_t pts, bool is_mark, bool gop_pos) {
// Single NAL unit packet per H.264 模式 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9332a8e4]
// Single NAL unit packet per H.264 mode
RtpCodec::inputRtp(getRtpInfo().makeRtp(TrackVideo, data, len, is_mark, pts), gop_pos);
bool H264RtpEncoder::inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) {
auto ptr = frame->data() + frame->prefixSize();
switch (H264_TYPE(ptr[0])) {
case H264Frame::NAL_SPS: {
_sps = Frame::getCacheAbleFrame(frame);
return true;
case H264Frame::NAL_PPS: {
_pps = Frame::getCacheAbleFrame(frame);
return true;
default: break;
if (lowLatency) { // 低延迟模式
if (_last_frame) {
inputFrame_l(frame, true);
} else {
if (_last_frame) {
// 如果时间戳发生了变化那么markbit才置true [AUTO-TRANSLATED:19b68429]
// If the timestamp changes, then the markbit is set to true
inputFrame_l(_last_frame, _last_frame->pts() != frame->pts());
_last_frame = Frame::getCacheAbleFrame(frame);
return true;
void H264RtpEncoder::flush() {
if (_last_frame) {
// 如果时间戳发生了变化那么markbit才置true [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6b1d0fe0]
// If the timestamp changes, then the markbit is set to true
inputFrame_l(_last_frame, true);
_last_frame = nullptr;
bool H264RtpEncoder::inputFrame_l(const Frame::Ptr &frame, bool is_mark){
if (frame->keyFrame()) {
// 保证每一个关键帧前都有SPS与PPS [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9d1a9d5e]
// Ensure that there are SPS and PPS before each key frame
packRtp(frame->data() + frame->prefixSize(), frame->size() - frame->prefixSize(), frame->pts(), is_mark, false);
return true;
}//namespace mediakit