/* * Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "RtspMuxer.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "Extension/Factory.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; namespace mediakit { void RtspMuxer::onRtp(RtpPacket::Ptr in, bool is_key) { if (_live) { auto &ref = _tracks[in->track_index]; if (ref.rtp_stamp != in->getHeader()->stamp) { // rtp时间戳变化才计算ntp,节省cpu资源 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:729d54f2] // Only calculate NTP when the RTP timestamp changes, saving CPU resources int64_t stamp_ms = in->getStamp() * uint64_t(1000) / in->sample_rate; int64_t stamp_ms_inc; // 求rtp时间戳增量 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f6ba022f] // Get the RTP timestamp increment ref.stamp.revise(stamp_ms, stamp_ms, stamp_ms_inc, stamp_ms_inc); ref.rtp_stamp = in->getHeader()->stamp; ref.ntp_stamp = stamp_ms_inc + _ntp_stamp_start; } // rtp拦截入口,此处统一赋值ntp [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1412435a] // RTP interception entry, set NTP here uniformly in->ntp_stamp = ref.ntp_stamp; } else { // 点播情况下设置ntp时间戳为rtp时间戳加基准ntp时间戳 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b9f77de4] // In on-demand scenarios, set the NTP timestamp to the RTP timestamp plus the base NTP timestamp in->ntp_stamp = _ntp_stamp_start + (in->getStamp() * uint64_t(1000) / in->sample_rate); } _rtpRing->write(std::move(in), is_key); } RtspMuxer::RtspMuxer(const TitleSdp::Ptr &title) { if (!title) { _sdp = std::make_shared()->getSdp(); } else { _live = title->getDuration() == 0; _sdp = title->getSdp(); } _rtpRing = std::make_shared(); _rtpInterceptor = std::make_shared(); _rtpInterceptor->setDelegate(std::make_shared([this](RtpPacket::Ptr in, bool is_key) { onRtp(std::move(in), is_key); })); _ntp_stamp_start = getCurrentMillisecond(true); } bool RtspMuxer::addTrack(const Track::Ptr &track) { if (_track_existed[track->getTrackType()]) { // rtsp不支持多个同类型track [AUTO-TRANSLATED:87262d86] // RTSP does not support multiple tracks of the same type WarnL << "Already add a track kind of: " << track->getTrackTypeStr() << ", ignore track: " << track->getCodecName(); return false; } auto &ref = _tracks[track->getIndex()]; auto &encoder = ref.encoder; CHECK(!encoder); // payload type 96以后则为动态pt [AUTO-TRANSLATED:812ac0a2] // Payload type 96 and above is dynamic PT Sdp::Ptr sdp = track->getSdp(96 + _index); if (!sdp) { WarnL << "Unsupported codec: " << track->getCodecName(); return false; } encoder = Factory::getRtpEncoderByCodecId(track->getCodecId(), sdp->getPayloadType()); if (!encoder) { return false; } // 标记已经存在该类型track [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ed79ebb5] // Mark that a track of this type already exists _track_existed[track->getTrackType()] = true; { static atomic s_ssrc(0); uint32_t ssrc = s_ssrc++; if (!ssrc) { // ssrc不能为0 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:312a1b47] // SSRC cannot be 0 ssrc = s_ssrc++; } if (track->getTrackType() == TrackVideo) { // 视频的ssrc是偶数,方便调试 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c22cd03f] // The video SSRC is even for debugging convenience ssrc = 2 * ssrc; } else { // 音频ssrc是奇数 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:50688636] // The audio SSRC is odd ssrc = 2 * ssrc + 1; } GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, audio_mtu, Rtp::kAudioMtuSize); GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, video_mtu, Rtp::kVideoMtuSize); auto mtu = track->getTrackType() == TrackVideo ? video_mtu : audio_mtu; encoder->setRtpInfo(ssrc, mtu, sdp->getSampleRate(), sdp->getPayloadType(), 2 * track->getTrackType(), track->getIndex()); } // 设置rtp输出环形缓存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5ac7e24a] // Set the RTP output circular buffer encoder->setRtpRing(_rtpInterceptor); auto str = sdp->getSdp(); str += "a=control:trackID="; str += std::to_string(_index); str += "\r\n"; // 添加其sdp [AUTO-TRANSLATED:80958925] // Add its SDP _sdp.append(str); trySyncTrack(); // rtp的时间戳是pts,允许回退 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f4a977fc] // The RTP timestamp is PTS, allowing rollback if (track->getTrackType() == TrackVideo) { ref.stamp.enableRollback(true); } ++_index; return true; } void RtspMuxer::trySyncTrack() { Stamp *first = nullptr; for (auto &pr : _tracks) { if (!first) { first = &pr.second.stamp; } else { pr.second.stamp.syncTo(*first); } } } bool RtspMuxer::inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) { auto &encoder = _tracks[frame->getIndex()].encoder; return encoder ? encoder->inputFrame(frame) : false; } void RtspMuxer::flush() { for (auto &pr : _tracks) { if (pr.second.encoder) { pr.second.encoder->flush(); } } } string RtspMuxer::getSdp() { return _sdp; } RtpRing::RingType::Ptr RtspMuxer::getRtpRing() const { return _rtpRing; } void RtspMuxer::resetTracks() { _sdp.clear(); _tracks.clear(); CLEAR_ARR(_track_existed); } } /* namespace mediakit */