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2020-06-10 10:33:48 +08:00
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
# A lightweight ,high performance and stable stream server and client framework based on C++11.
2020-09-14 14:39:10 +08:00
[![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-yellow.svg)](https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit/pulls)
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit)
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
## Why ZLMediaKit?
- Developed based on C++ 11, the code is stable and reliable, avoiding the use of raw pointers, cross-platform porting is simple and convenient, and the code is clear and concise.
2021-04-09 20:10:57 +08:00
- Support rich streaming media protocols(`RTSP/RTMP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-flv/HTTP-TS/WebSocket-TS/HTTP-fMP4/Websocket-fMP4/MP4/WebRTC`),and support Inter-protocol conversion.
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- Multiplexing asynchronous network IO based on epoll and multi threadextreme performance.
- Well performance and stable test,can be used commercially.
- Support linux, macos, ios, android, Windows Platforms.
- Very low latency(lower then one second), video opened immediately.
## Features
2020-05-19 16:03:22 +08:00
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- RTSP[S] server,support rtsp push.
2020-05-19 16:03:22 +08:00
- RTSP[S] player and pusher.
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- RTP Transport : `rtp over udp` `rtp over tcp` `rtp over http` `rtp udp multicast` .
- Basic/Digest/Url Authentication.
2020-08-01 20:56:34 +08:00
- H265/H264/AAC/G711/OPUS codec.
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- Recorded as mp4.
- Vod of mp4.
2020-05-19 16:03:22 +08:00
- RTMP[S] server,support player and pusher.
- RTMP[S] player and pusher.
2020-09-20 00:21:46 +08:00
- Support HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV sever.
2020-08-01 20:56:34 +08:00
- H265/H264/AAC/G711/OPUS codec.
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- Recorded as flv or mp4.
- Vod of mp4.
2020-04-04 23:20:42 +08:00
- support [RTMP-H265](https://github.com/ksvc/FFmpeg/wiki)
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- RTSP RTMP can be converted into HLS,built-in HTTP server.
- Play authentication based on cookie.
2020-05-19 16:03:22 +08:00
- Support HLS player, support streaming HLS proxy to RTSP / RTMP / MP4.
2020-09-20 00:21:46 +08:00
- TS
- Support HTTP-TS/WebSocket-TS sever.
- fMP4
- Support HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-fMP4 sever.
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- HTTP server,suppor directory meun、RESTful http api.
- HTTP client,downloader,uploader,and http api requester.
- Cookie supported.
- WebSocket Server and Client.
- File access authentication.
2021-06-28 11:31:11 +08:00
- WebRTC(experiential)
2021-04-09 20:10:57 +08:00
- Support webrtc push stream and transfer to other protocols
- Support webrtc play, support other protocol to webrtc
2021-06-28 11:31:11 +08:00
- Support simulcast
- Support rtx/nack
2021-10-07 15:53:07 +08:00
- Support transport-cc rtcp/rtp ext
2022-06-04 13:31:36 +08:00
- [SRT support](./srt/srt_en.md)
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- Others
- Support stream proxy by ffmpeg.
- RESTful http api and http hook event api.
- Config file hot loading.
- Vhost supported.
- Auto close stream when nobody played.
- Play and push authentication.
- Pull stream on Demand.
2020-03-08 22:29:31 +08:00
- Support TS / PS streaming push through RTP,and it can be converted to RTSP / RTMP / HLS / FLV.
2020-05-19 16:03:22 +08:00
- Support real-time online screenshot http api.
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
## System Requirements
- Compiler support c++11GCC4.8/Clang3.3/VC2015 or above.
- cmake3.1 or above.
- All Linux , both 32 and 64 bits
- Apple OSX(Darwin), both 32 and 64bits.
- All hardware with x86/x86_64/arm/mips cpu.
- Windows.
## How to build
It is recommended to compile on Ubuntu or MacOScompiling on windows is cumbersome, and some features are not compiled by default.
### Before build
- **You must use git to clone the complete code. Do not download the source code by downloading zip package. Otherwise, the sub-module code will not be downloaded by default.You can do it like this:**
git clone https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit.git
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
cd ZLMediaKit
git submodule update --init
### Build on linux
- My environment
- Ubuntu16.04 64 bit and gcc5.4
- cmake 3.5.1
- Guidance
# If it is on centos6.x, you need to install the newer version of GCC and cmake first,
# and then compile manually according to the script "build_for_linux.sh".
# If it is on a newer version of a system such as Ubuntu or Debain,
# step 4 can be manipulated directly.
# 1、Install GCC5.2 (this step can be skipped if the GCC version is higher than 4.7)
sudo yum install centos-release-scl -y
sudo yum install devtoolset-4-toolchain -y
scl enable devtoolset-4 bash
# 2、Install cmake (this step can be skipped if the cmake version is higher than 3.1)
tar -xvf cmake-3.10.0-rc4.tar.gz #you need download cmake source file manually
cd cmake-3.10.0-rc4
make -j4
sudo make install
# 3、Switch to high version GCC
scl enable devtoolset-4 bash
# 4、build
cd ZLMediaKit
### Build on macOS
- My environment
- macOS Sierra(10.12.1) + xcode8.3.1
- Homebrew 1.1.3
- cmake 3.8.0
- Guidance
cd ZLMediaKit
### Build on iOS
- You can generate Xcode projects and recompile them , [learn more](https://github.com/leetal/ios-cmake):
cd ZLMediaKit
mkdir -p build
cd build
# Generate Xcode project, project file is in build directory
cmake .. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake -DPLATFORM=OS64COMBINED
### Build on Android
Now you can open android sudio project in `Android` folder,this is a `aar library` and damo project.
- My environment
- macOS Sierra(10.12.1) + xcode8.3.1
- Homebrew 1.1.3
- cmake 3.8.0
- [android-ndk-r14b](https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r14b-darwin-x86_64.zip)
- Guidance
cd ZLMediaKit
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/path/to/ndk
### Build on Windows
- My environment
- windows 10
- visual studio 2017
- [cmake-gui](https://cmake.org/files/v3.10/cmake-3.10.0-rc1-win32-x86.msi)
- Guidance
1 Enter the ZLMediaKit directory and execute git submodule update -- init downloads the code for ZLToolKit
2 Open the project with cmake-gui and generate the vs project file.
3 Find the project file (ZLMediaKit.sln), double-click to open it with vs2017.
4 Choose to compile Release version. Find the target file and run the test case.
## Usage
- As server
TcpServer::Ptr rtspSrv(new TcpServer());
TcpServer::Ptr rtmpSrv(new TcpServer());
TcpServer::Ptr httpSrv(new TcpServer());
TcpServer::Ptr httpsSrv(new TcpServer());
- As player
MediaPlayer::Ptr player(new MediaPlayer());
weak_ptr<MediaPlayer> weakPlayer = player;
player->setOnPlayResult([weakPlayer](const SockException &ex) {
InfoL << "OnPlayResult:" << ex.what();
auto strongPlayer = weakPlayer.lock();
if (ex || !strongPlayer) {
auto viedoTrack = strongPlayer->getTrack(TrackVideo);
if (!viedoTrack) {
WarnL << "none video Track!";
viedoTrack->addDelegate(std::make_shared<FrameWriterInterfaceHelper>([](const Frame::Ptr &frame) {
//please decode video here
player->setOnShutdown([](const SockException &ex) {
ErrorL << "OnShutdown:" << ex.what();
//rtp transport over tcp
(*player)[Client::kRtpType] = Rtsp::RTP_TCP;
- As proxy server
//support rtmp and rtsp url
//just support H264+AAC
auto urlList = {"rtmp://live.hkstv.hk.lxdns.com/live/hks",
map<string , PlayerProxy::Ptr> proxyMap;
int i=0;
for(auto url : urlList){
PlayerProxy::Ptr player(new PlayerProxy("live",to_string(i++).data()));
- As puser
PlayerProxy::Ptr player(new PlayerProxy("app","stream"));
RtmpPusher::Ptr pusher;
const_cast<RtmpPusher::Ptr &>(pusher).reset(new RtmpPusher(app,stream));
## Docker Image
You can pull a pre-built docker image from Docker Hub and run with
2022-06-19 19:39:48 +08:00
docker run -id -p 1935:1935 -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 -p 8554:554 -p 10000:10000 -p 10000:10000/udp -p 8000:8000/udp -p 9000:9000/udp zlmediakit/zlmediakit:master
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
Dockerfile is also supplied to build images on Ubuntu 16.04
cd docker
docker build -t zlmediakit .
## Contact
2020-04-24 10:12:21 +08:00
- Email<1213642868@qq.com>
2019-12-24 18:35:46 +08:00
- QQ chat group542509000