/* * Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "WebRtcPlayer.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "Extension/Factory.h" #include "Util/base64.h" using namespace std; namespace mediakit { WebRtcPlayer::Ptr WebRtcPlayer::create(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, const RtspMediaSource::Ptr &src, const MediaInfo &info) { WebRtcPlayer::Ptr ret(new WebRtcPlayer(poller, src, info), [](WebRtcPlayer *ptr) { ptr->onDestory(); delete ptr; }); ret->onCreate(); return ret; } WebRtcPlayer::WebRtcPlayer(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller, const RtspMediaSource::Ptr &src, const MediaInfo &info) : WebRtcTransportImp(poller) { _media_info = info; _play_src = src; CHECK(src); GET_CONFIG(bool, direct_proxy, Rtsp::kDirectProxy); _send_config_frames_once = direct_proxy; } void WebRtcPlayer::onStartWebRTC() { auto playSrc = _play_src.lock(); if(!playSrc){ onShutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "rtsp media source was shutdown")); return ; } WebRtcTransportImp::onStartWebRTC(); if (canSendRtp()) { playSrc->pause(false); _reader = playSrc->getRing()->attach(getPoller(), true); weak_ptr weak_self = static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); weak_ptr weak_session = static_pointer_cast(getSession()); _reader->setGetInfoCB([weak_session]() { Any ret; ret.set(static_pointer_cast(weak_session.lock())); return ret; }); _reader->setReadCB([weak_self](const RtspMediaSource::RingDataType &pkt) { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return; } if (strong_self->_send_config_frames_once && !pkt->empty()) { const auto &first_rtp = pkt->front(); strong_self->sendConfigFrames(first_rtp->getSeq(), first_rtp->sample_rate, first_rtp->getStamp(), first_rtp->ntp_stamp); strong_self->_send_config_frames_once = false; } size_t i = 0; pkt->for_each([&](const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp) { //TraceL<<"send track type:"<type<<" ts:"<getStamp()<<" ntp:"<ntp_stamp<<" size:"<getPayloadSize()<<" i:"<onSendRtp(rtp, ++i == pkt->size()); }); }); _reader->setDetachCB([weak_self]() { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return; } strong_self->onShutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, "rtsp ring buffer detached")); }); _reader->setMessageCB([weak_self] (const toolkit::Any &data) { auto strong_self = weak_self.lock(); if (!strong_self) { return; } if (data.is()) { auto &buffer = data.get(); // PPID 51: 文本string // PPID 53: 二进制 strong_self->sendDatachannel(0, 51, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); } else { WarnL << "Send unknown message type to webrtc player: " << data.type_name(); } }); } } void WebRtcPlayer::onDestory() { auto duration = getDuration(); auto bytes_usage = getBytesUsage(); //流量统计事件广播 GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, iFlowThreshold, General::kFlowThreshold); if (_reader && getSession()) { WarnL << "RTC播放器(" << _media_info.shortUrl() << ")结束播放,耗时(s):" << duration; if (bytes_usage >= iFlowThreshold * 1024) { NOTICE_EMIT(BroadcastFlowReportArgs, Broadcast::kBroadcastFlowReport, _media_info, bytes_usage, duration, true, *getSession()); } } WebRtcTransportImp::onDestory(); } void WebRtcPlayer::onRtcConfigure(RtcConfigure &configure) const { auto playSrc = _play_src.lock(); if(!playSrc){ return ; } WebRtcTransportImp::onRtcConfigure(configure); //这是播放 configure.audio.direction = configure.video.direction = RtpDirection::sendonly; configure.setPlayRtspInfo(playSrc->getSdp()); } void WebRtcPlayer::sendConfigFrames(uint32_t before_seq, uint32_t sample_rate, uint32_t timestamp, uint64_t ntp_timestamp) { auto play_src = _play_src.lock(); if (!play_src) { return; } auto video_track = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(play_src->getTrack(mediakit::TrackVideo)); if (!video_track) { return; } auto frames = video_track->getConfigFrames(); if (frames.empty()) { return; } auto encoder = mediakit::Factory::getRtpEncoderByCodecId(video_track->getCodecId(), 0); if (!encoder) { return; } GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, video_mtu, Rtp::kVideoMtuSize); encoder->setRtpInfo(0, video_mtu, sample_rate, 0, 0, 0); auto seq = before_seq - frames.size(); for (const auto &frame : video_track->getConfigFrames()) { auto rtp = encoder->getRtpInfo().makeRtp( TrackVideo, frame->data() + frame->prefixSize(), frame->size() - frame->prefixSize(), false, 0); auto header = rtp->getHeader(); header->seq = htons(seq++); header->stamp = htonl(timestamp); rtp->ntp_stamp = ntp_timestamp; onSendRtp(rtp, false); } } }// namespace mediakit