/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 xiongziliang <771730766@qq.com> * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xiongziliang/ZLMediaKit). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "RtmpSession.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" namespace mediakit { RtmpSession::RtmpSession(const Socket::Ptr &pSock) : TcpSession(pSock) { DebugP(this); GET_CONFIG(uint32_t,keep_alive_sec,Rtmp::kKeepAliveSecond); pSock->setSendTimeOutSecond(keep_alive_sec); //起始接收buffer缓存设置为4K,节省内存 pSock->setReadBuffer(std::make_shared(4 * 1024)); } RtmpSession::~RtmpSession() { DebugP(this); } void RtmpSession::onError(const SockException& err) { bool isPlayer = !_pPublisherSrc; WarnP(this) << (isPlayer ? "RTMP播放器(" : "RTMP推流器(") << _mediaInfo._vhost << "/" << _mediaInfo._app << "/" << _mediaInfo._streamid << ")断开:" << err.what(); //流量统计事件广播 GET_CONFIG(uint32_t,iFlowThreshold,General::kFlowThreshold); if(_ui64TotalBytes > iFlowThreshold * 1024){ NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastFlowReport, _mediaInfo, _ui64TotalBytes, _ticker.createdTime()/1000, isPlayer); } } void RtmpSession::onManager() { GET_CONFIG(uint32_t,handshake_sec,Rtmp::kHandshakeSecond); GET_CONFIG(uint32_t,keep_alive_sec,Rtmp::kKeepAliveSecond); if (_ticker.createdTime() > handshake_sec * 1000) { if (!_pRingReader && !_pPublisherSrc) { shutdown(SockException(Err_timeout,"illegal connection")); } } if (_pPublisherSrc) { //publisher if (_ticker.elapsedTime() > keep_alive_sec * 1000) { shutdown(SockException(Err_timeout,"recv data from rtmp pusher timeout")); } } } void RtmpSession::onRecv(const Buffer::Ptr &pBuf) { _ticker.resetTime(); try { _ui64TotalBytes += pBuf->size(); onParseRtmp(pBuf->data(), pBuf->size()); } catch (exception &e) { shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown, e.what())); } } void RtmpSession::onCmd_connect(AMFDecoder &dec) { auto params = dec.load(); double amfVer = 0; AMFValue objectEncoding = params["objectEncoding"]; if(objectEncoding){ amfVer = objectEncoding.as_number(); } ///////////set chunk size//////////////// sendChunkSize(60000); ////////////window Acknowledgement size///// sendAcknowledgementSize(5000000); ///////////set peerBandwidth//////////////// sendPeerBandwidth(5000000); _mediaInfo._app = params["app"].as_string(); _strTcUrl = params["tcUrl"].as_string(); if(_strTcUrl.empty()){ //defaultVhost:默认vhost _strTcUrl = string(RTMP_SCHEMA) + "://" + DEFAULT_VHOST + "/" + _mediaInfo._app; } bool ok = true; //(app == APP_NAME); AMFValue version(AMF_OBJECT); version.set("fmsVer", "FMS/3,0,1,123"); version.set("capabilities", 31.0); AMFValue status(AMF_OBJECT); status.set("level", ok ? "status" : "error"); status.set("code", ok ? "NetConnection.Connect.Success" : "NetConnection.Connect.InvalidApp"); status.set("description", ok ? "Connection succeeded." : "InvalidApp."); status.set("objectEncoding", amfVer); sendReply(ok ? "_result" : "_error", version, status); if (!ok) { throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported application: " + _mediaInfo._app); } AMFEncoder invoke; invoke << "onBWDone" << 0.0 << nullptr; sendResponse(MSG_CMD, invoke.data()); } void RtmpSession::onCmd_createStream(AMFDecoder &dec) { sendReply("_result", nullptr, double(STREAM_MEDIA)); } void RtmpSession::onCmd_publish(AMFDecoder &dec) { std::shared_ptr pTicker(new Ticker); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); std::shared_ptr pToken(new onceToken(nullptr,[pTicker,weakSelf](){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(strongSelf){ DebugP(strongSelf.get()) << "publish 回复时间:" << pTicker->elapsedTime() << "ms"; } })); dec.load();/* NULL */ _mediaInfo.parse(_strTcUrl + "/" + getStreamId(dec.load())); _mediaInfo._schema = RTMP_SCHEMA; auto onRes = [this,pToken](const string &err,bool enableRtxp,bool enableHls,bool enableMP4){ auto src = dynamic_pointer_cast(MediaSource::find(RTMP_SCHEMA, _mediaInfo._vhost, _mediaInfo._app, _mediaInfo._streamid, false)); bool authSuccess = err.empty(); bool ok = (!src && !_pPublisherSrc && authSuccess); AMFValue status(AMF_OBJECT); status.set("level", ok ? "status" : "error"); status.set("code", ok ? "NetStream.Publish.Start" : (authSuccess ? "NetStream.Publish.BadName" : "NetStream.Publish.BadAuth")); status.set("description", ok ? "Started publishing stream." : (authSuccess ? "Already publishing." : err.data())); status.set("clientid", "0"); sendReply("onStatus", nullptr, status); if (!ok) { string errMsg = StrPrinter << (authSuccess ? "already publishing:" : err.data()) << " " << _mediaInfo._vhost << " " << _mediaInfo._app << " " << _mediaInfo._streamid; shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown,errMsg)); return; } _pPublisherSrc.reset(new RtmpMediaSourceImp(_mediaInfo._vhost,_mediaInfo._app,_mediaInfo._streamid)); _pPublisherSrc->setListener(dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); //设置转协议 _pPublisherSrc->setProtocolTranslation(enableRtxp,enableHls,enableMP4); //如果是rtmp推流客户端,那么加大TCP接收缓存,这样能提升接收性能 _sock->setReadBuffer(std::make_shared(256 * 1024)); setSocketFlags(); }; Broadcast::PublishAuthInvoker invoker = [weakSelf,onRes,pToken](const string &err,bool enableRtxp,bool enableHls,bool enableMP4){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf){ return; } strongSelf->async([weakSelf,onRes,err,pToken,enableRtxp,enableHls,enableMP4](){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf){ return; } onRes(err,enableRtxp,enableHls,enableMP4); }); }; auto flag = NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPublish, _mediaInfo, invoker, *this); if(!flag){ //该事件无人监听,默认鉴权成功 GET_CONFIG(bool,toRtxp,General::kPublishToRtxp); GET_CONFIG(bool,toHls,General::kPublishToHls); GET_CONFIG(bool,toMP4,General::kPublishToMP4); onRes("",toRtxp,toHls,toMP4); } } void RtmpSession::onCmd_deleteStream(AMFDecoder &dec) { AMFValue status(AMF_OBJECT); status.set("level", "status"); status.set("code", "NetStream.Unpublish.Success"); status.set("description", "Stop publishing."); sendReply("onStatus", nullptr, status); throw std::runtime_error(StrPrinter << "Stop publishing." << endl); } void RtmpSession::sendPlayResponse(const string &err,const RtmpMediaSource::Ptr &src){ bool authSuccess = err.empty(); bool ok = (src.operator bool() && authSuccess); if (ok) { //stream begin sendUserControl(CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN, STREAM_MEDIA); } // onStatus(NetStream.Play.Reset) AMFValue status(AMF_OBJECT); status.set("level", ok ? "status" : "error"); status.set("code", ok ? "NetStream.Play.Reset" : (authSuccess ? "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" : "NetStream.Play.BadAuth")); status.set("description", ok ? "Resetting and playing." : (authSuccess ? "No such stream." : err.data())); status.set("details", _mediaInfo._streamid); status.set("clientid", "0"); sendReply("onStatus", nullptr, status); if (!ok) { string errMsg = StrPrinter << (authSuccess ? "no such stream:" : err.data()) << " " << _mediaInfo._vhost << " " << _mediaInfo._app << " " << _mediaInfo._streamid; shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown,errMsg)); return; } // onStatus(NetStream.Play.Start) status.clear(); status.set("level", "status"); status.set("code", "NetStream.Play.Start"); status.set("description", "Started playing."); status.set("details", _mediaInfo._streamid); status.set("clientid", "0"); sendReply("onStatus", nullptr, status); // |RtmpSampleAccess(true, true) AMFEncoder invoke; invoke << "|RtmpSampleAccess" << true << true; sendResponse(MSG_DATA, invoke.data()); //onStatus(NetStream.Data.Start) invoke.clear(); AMFValue obj(AMF_OBJECT); obj.set("code", "NetStream.Data.Start"); invoke << "onStatus" << obj; sendResponse(MSG_DATA, invoke.data()); //onStatus(NetStream.Play.PublishNotify) status.clear(); status.set("level", "status"); status.set("code", "NetStream.Play.PublishNotify"); status.set("description", "Now published."); status.set("details", _mediaInfo._streamid); status.set("clientid", "0"); sendReply("onStatus", nullptr, status); auto &metadata = src->getMetaData(); if(metadata){ //在有metadata的情况下才发送metadata //其实metadata没什么用,有些推流器不产生metadata // onMetaData invoke.clear(); invoke << "onMetaData" << metadata; sendResponse(MSG_DATA, invoke.data()); } src->getConfigFrame([&](const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { //DebugP(this)<<"send initial frame"; onSendMedia(pkt); }); _pRingReader = src->getRing()->attach(getPoller()); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); _pRingReader->setReadCB([weakSelf](const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } strongSelf->onSendMedia(pkt); }); _pRingReader->setDetachCB([weakSelf]() { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if (!strongSelf) { return; } strongSelf->shutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown,"rtmp ring buffer detached")); }); _pPlayerSrc = src; if (src->totalReaderCount() == 1) { src->seekTo(0); } //提高服务器发送性能 setSocketFlags(); } void RtmpSession::doPlayResponse(const string &err,const std::function &cb){ if(!err.empty()){ //鉴权失败,直接返回播放失败 sendPlayResponse(err, nullptr); cb(false); return; } //鉴权成功,查找媒体源并回复 weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); MediaSource::findAsync(_mediaInfo,weakSelf.lock(),[weakSelf,cb](const MediaSource::Ptr &src){ auto rtmp_src = dynamic_pointer_cast(src); auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(strongSelf){ strongSelf->sendPlayResponse("", rtmp_src); } cb(rtmp_src.operator bool()); }); } void RtmpSession::doPlay(AMFDecoder &dec){ std::shared_ptr pTicker(new Ticker); weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); std::shared_ptr pToken(new onceToken(nullptr,[pTicker,weakSelf](){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(strongSelf) { DebugP(strongSelf.get()) << "play 回复时间:" << pTicker->elapsedTime() << "ms"; } })); Broadcast::AuthInvoker invoker = [weakSelf,pToken](const string &err){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf){ return; } strongSelf->async([weakSelf,err,pToken](){ auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf){ return; } strongSelf->doPlayResponse(err,[pToken](bool){}); }); }; auto flag = NoticeCenter::Instance().emitEvent(Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPlayed,_mediaInfo,invoker,*this); if(!flag){ //该事件无人监听,默认不鉴权 doPlayResponse("",[pToken](bool){}); } } void RtmpSession::onCmd_play2(AMFDecoder &dec) { doPlay(dec); } string RtmpSession::getStreamId(const string &str){ string stream_id; string params; auto pos = str.find('?'); if(pos != string::npos){ //有url参数 stream_id = str.substr(0,pos); //获取url参数 params = str.substr(pos + 1); }else{ //没有url参数 stream_id = str; } pos = stream_id.find(":"); if(pos != string::npos){ //vlc和ffplay在播放 rtmp://时, //传过来的url会是rtmp://, //我们在这里还原成0.mp4 stream_id = stream_id.substr(pos + 1) + "." + stream_id.substr(0,pos); } if(params.empty()){ //没有url参数 return stream_id; } //有url参数 return stream_id + '?' + params; } void RtmpSession::onCmd_play(AMFDecoder &dec) { dec.load();/* NULL */ _mediaInfo.parse(_strTcUrl + "/" + getStreamId(dec.load())); _mediaInfo._schema = RTMP_SCHEMA; doPlay(dec); } void RtmpSession::onCmd_pause(AMFDecoder &dec) { dec.load();/* NULL */ bool paused = dec.load(); TraceP(this) << paused; AMFValue status(AMF_OBJECT); status.set("level", "status"); status.set("code", paused ? "NetStream.Pause.Notify" : "NetStream.Unpause.Notify"); status.set("description", paused ? "Paused stream." : "Unpaused stream."); sendReply("onStatus", nullptr, status); //streamBegin sendUserControl(paused ? CONTROL_STREAM_EOF : CONTROL_STREAM_BEGIN, STREAM_MEDIA); if (!_pRingReader) { throw std::runtime_error("Rtmp not started yet!"); } if (paused) { _pRingReader->setReadCB(nullptr); } else { weak_ptr weakSelf = dynamic_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()); _pRingReader->setReadCB([weakSelf](const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock(); if(!strongSelf) { return; } strongSelf->onSendMedia(pkt); }); } } void RtmpSession::setMetaData(AMFDecoder &dec) { if (!_pPublisherSrc) { throw std::runtime_error("not a publisher"); } std::string type = dec.load(); if (type != "onMetaData") { throw std::runtime_error("can only set metadata"); } auto metadata = dec.load(); // dumpMetadata(metadata); _pPublisherSrc->setMetaData(metadata); } void RtmpSession::onProcessCmd(AMFDecoder &dec) { typedef void (RtmpSession::*rtmpCMDHandle)(AMFDecoder &dec); static unordered_map s_cmd_functions; static onceToken token([]() { s_cmd_functions.emplace("connect",&RtmpSession::onCmd_connect); s_cmd_functions.emplace("createStream",&RtmpSession::onCmd_createStream); s_cmd_functions.emplace("publish",&RtmpSession::onCmd_publish); s_cmd_functions.emplace("deleteStream",&RtmpSession::onCmd_deleteStream); s_cmd_functions.emplace("play",&RtmpSession::onCmd_play); s_cmd_functions.emplace("play2",&RtmpSession::onCmd_play2); s_cmd_functions.emplace("seek",&RtmpSession::onCmd_seek); s_cmd_functions.emplace("pause",&RtmpSession::onCmd_pause);}, []() {}); std::string method = dec.load(); auto it = s_cmd_functions.find(method); if (it == s_cmd_functions.end()) { TraceP(this) << "can not support cmd:" << method; return; } _dNowReqID = dec.load(); auto fun = it->second; (this->*fun)(dec); } void RtmpSession::onRtmpChunk(RtmpPacket &chunkData) { switch (chunkData.typeId) { case MSG_CMD: case MSG_CMD3: { AMFDecoder dec(chunkData.strBuf, chunkData.typeId == MSG_CMD3 ? 1 : 0); onProcessCmd(dec); } break; case MSG_DATA: case MSG_DATA3: { AMFDecoder dec(chunkData.strBuf, chunkData.typeId == MSG_CMD3 ? 1 : 0); std::string type = dec.load(); TraceP(this) << "notify:" << type; if (type == "@setDataFrame") { setMetaData(dec); } } break; case MSG_AUDIO: case MSG_VIDEO: { if (!_pPublisherSrc) { throw std::runtime_error("Not a rtmp publisher!"); } GET_CONFIG(bool,rtmp_modify_stamp,Rtmp::kModifyStamp); if(rtmp_modify_stamp){ int64_t dts_out; _stamp[chunkData.typeId % 2].revise(chunkData.timeStamp, chunkData.timeStamp, dts_out, dts_out, true); chunkData.timeStamp = dts_out; } _pPublisherSrc->onWrite(std::make_shared(std::move(chunkData))); } break; default: WarnP(this) << "unhandled message:" << (int) chunkData.typeId << hexdump(chunkData.strBuf.data(), chunkData.strBuf.size()); break; } } void RtmpSession::onCmd_seek(AMFDecoder &dec) { dec.load();/* NULL */ auto milliSeconds = dec.load().as_number(); InfoP(this) << "rtmp seekTo(ms):" << milliSeconds; auto stongSrc = _pPlayerSrc.lock(); if (stongSrc) { _stamp[0].setPlayBack(); _stamp[1].setPlayBack(); stongSrc->seekTo(milliSeconds); } AMFValue status(AMF_OBJECT); AMFEncoder invoke; status.set("level", "status"); status.set("code", "NetStream.Seek.Notify"); status.set("description", "Seeking."); sendReply("onStatus", nullptr, status); } void RtmpSession::onSendMedia(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) { //rtmp播放器时间戳从零开始 int64_t dts_out; _stamp[pkt->typeId % 2].revise(pkt->timeStamp, 0, dts_out, dts_out); sendRtmp(pkt->typeId, pkt->streamId, pkt, dts_out, pkt->chunkId); } bool RtmpSession::close(MediaSource &sender,bool force) { //此回调在其他线程触发 if(!_pPublisherSrc || (!force && _pPublisherSrc->totalReaderCount())){ return false; } string err = StrPrinter << "close media:" << sender.getSchema() << "/" << sender.getVhost() << "/" << sender.getApp() << "/" << sender.getId() << " " << force; safeShutdown(SockException(Err_shutdown,err)); return true; } void RtmpSession::onNoneReader(MediaSource &sender) { //此回调在其他线程触发 if(!_pPublisherSrc || _pPublisherSrc->totalReaderCount()){ return; } MediaSourceEvent::onNoneReader(sender); } int RtmpSession::totalReaderCount(MediaSource &sender) { return _pPublisherSrc ? _pPublisherSrc->totalReaderCount() : sender.readerCount(); } void RtmpSession::setSocketFlags(){ GET_CONFIG(bool,ultraLowDelay,General::kUltraLowDelay); if(!ultraLowDelay) { //推流模式下,关闭TCP_NODELAY会增加推流端的延时,但是服务器性能将提高 SockUtil::setNoDelay(_sock->rawFD(), false); //播放模式下,开启MSG_MORE会增加延时,但是能提高发送性能 (*this) << SocketFlags(SOCKET_DEFAULE_FLAGS | FLAG_MORE); } } void RtmpSession::dumpMetadata(const AMFValue &metadata) { if(metadata.type() != AMF_OBJECT && metadata.type() != AMF_ECMA_ARRAY){ WarnL << "invalid metadata type:" << metadata.type(); return ; } _StrPrinter printer; metadata.object_for_each([&](const string &key, const AMFValue &val){ printer << "\r\n" << key << "\t:" << val.to_string() ; }); InfoL << _mediaInfo._vhost << " " << _mediaInfo._app << " " << _mediaInfo._streamid << (string)printer; } } /* namespace mediakit */