/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "Nack.h" static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNackMS = 10 * 1000; void NackList::push_back(RtpPacket::Ptr rtp) { auto seq = rtp->getSeq(); _nack_cache_seq.emplace_back(seq); _nack_cache_pkt.emplace(seq, std::move(rtp)); while (get_cache_ms() > kMaxNackMS) { //需要清除部分nack缓存 pop_front(); } } void NackList::for_each_nack(const FCI_NACK &nack, const function &func) { auto seq = nack.getPid(); for (auto bit : nack.getBitArray()) { if (bit) { //丢包 RtpPacket::Ptr *ptr = get_rtp(seq); if (ptr) { func(*ptr); } } ++seq; } } void NackList::pop_front() { if (_nack_cache_seq.empty()) { return; } _nack_cache_pkt.erase(_nack_cache_seq.front()); _nack_cache_seq.pop_front(); } RtpPacket::Ptr *NackList::get_rtp(uint16_t seq) { auto it = _nack_cache_pkt.find(seq); if (it == _nack_cache_pkt.end()) { return nullptr; } return &it->second; } uint32_t NackList::get_cache_ms() { if (_nack_cache_seq.size() < 2) { return 0; } uint32_t back = _nack_cache_pkt[_nack_cache_seq.back()]->getStampMS(); uint32_t front = _nack_cache_pkt[_nack_cache_seq.front()]->getStampMS(); if (back >= front) { return back - front; } //很有可能回环了 return back + (UINT32_MAX - front); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void NackContext::received(uint16_t seq, bool is_rtx) { if (!_last_max_seq && _seq.empty()) { _last_max_seq = seq - 1; } if (is_rtx || (seq < _last_max_seq && !(seq < 1024 && _last_max_seq > UINT16_MAX - 1024))) { //重传包或 //seq回退,且非回环,那么这个应该是重传包 onRtx(seq); return; } _seq.emplace(seq); auto max_seq = *_seq.rbegin(); auto min_seq = *_seq.begin(); auto diff = max_seq - min_seq; if (!diff) { return; } if (diff > UINT16_MAX / 2) { //回环 _seq.clear(); _last_max_seq = min_seq; _nack_send_status.clear(); return; } if (_seq.size() == diff + 1 && _last_max_seq + 1 == min_seq) { //都是连续的seq,未丢包 _seq.clear(); _last_max_seq = max_seq; } else { //seq不连续,有丢包 if (min_seq == _last_max_seq + 1) { //前面部分seq是连续的,未丢包,移除之 eraseFrontSeq(); } //有丢包,丢包从_last_max_seq开始 auto nack_rtp_count = FCI_NACK::kBitSize; if (max_seq - _last_max_seq > nack_rtp_count) { vector vec; vec.resize(FCI_NACK::kBitSize, false); for (auto i = 0; i < nack_rtp_count; ++i) { vec[i] = _seq.find(_last_max_seq + i + 2) == _seq.end(); } doNack(FCI_NACK(_last_max_seq + 1, vec), true); _last_max_seq += nack_rtp_count + 1; if (_last_max_seq >= max_seq) { _seq.clear(); } else { auto it = _seq.emplace_hint(_seq.begin(), _last_max_seq + 1); _seq.erase(_seq.begin(), it); } } } } void NackContext::setOnNack(onNack cb) { _cb = std::move(cb); } void NackContext::doNack(const FCI_NACK &nack, bool record_nack) { if (record_nack) { recordNack(nack); } if (_cb) { _cb(nack); } } void NackContext::eraseFrontSeq() { //前面部分seq是连续的,未丢包,移除之 for (auto it = _seq.begin(); it != _seq.end();) { if (*it != _last_max_seq + 1) { //seq不连续,丢包了 break; } _last_max_seq = *it; it = _seq.erase(it); } } void NackContext::onRtx(uint16_t seq) { auto it = _nack_send_status.find(seq); if (it == _nack_send_status.end()) { return; } auto rtt = getCurrentMillisecond() - it->second.update_stamp; _nack_send_status.erase(it); if (rtt >= 0) { //rtt不肯小于0 _rtt = rtt; //InfoL << "rtt:" << rtt; } } void NackContext::recordNack(const FCI_NACK &nack) { auto now = getCurrentMillisecond(); auto i = nack.getPid(); for (auto flag : nack.getBitArray()) { if (flag) { auto &ref = _nack_send_status[i]; ref.first_stamp = now; ref.update_stamp = now; ref.nack_count = 1; } ++i; } //记录太多了,移除一部分早期的记录 while (_nack_send_status.size() > kNackMaxSize) { _nack_send_status.erase(_nack_send_status.begin()); } } uint64_t NackContext::reSendNack() { set nack_rtp; auto now = getCurrentMillisecond(); for (auto it = _nack_send_status.begin(); it != _nack_send_status.end();) { if (now - it->second.first_stamp > kNackMaxMS) { //该rtp丢失太久了,不再要求重传 it = _nack_send_status.erase(it); continue; } if (now - it->second.update_stamp < kNackIntervalRatio * _rtt) { //距离上次nack不足2倍的rtt,不用再发送nack ++it; continue; } //此rtp需要请求重传 nack_rtp.emplace(it->first); //更新nack发送时间戳 it->second.update_stamp = now; if (++(it->second.nack_count) == kNackMaxCount) { //nack次数太多,移除之 it = _nack_send_status.erase(it); continue; } ++it; } if (_nack_send_status.empty()) { //不需要再发送nack return 0; } int pid = -1; vector vec; for (auto it = nack_rtp.begin(); it != nack_rtp.end();) { if (pid == -1) { pid = *it; vec.resize(FCI_NACK::kBitSize, false); ++it; continue; } auto inc = *it - pid; if (inc > FCI_NACK::kBitSize) { //新的nack包 doNack(FCI_NACK(pid, vec), false); pid = -1; continue; } //这个包丢了 vec[inc - 1] = true; ++it; } if (pid != -1) { doNack(FCI_NACK(pid, vec), false); } //重传间隔不得低于5ms return std::max(_rtt, 5); }