/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include #include #include "Util/MD5.h" #include "Util/File.h" #include "Util/logger.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Poller/EventPoller.h" #include "Http/HttpRequester.h" #include "Http/HttpDownloader.h" using namespace std; using namespace toolkit; using namespace mediakit; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //设置退出信号处理函数 static semaphore sem; signal(SIGINT, [](int) { sem.post(); });// 设置退出信号 //设置日志 Logger::Instance().add(std::make_shared()); Logger::Instance().setWriter(std::make_shared()); //加载证书,证书包含公钥和私钥 SSL_Initor::Instance().loadCertificate((exeDir() + "ssl.p12").data()); //信任某个自签名证书 SSL_Initor::Instance().trustCertificate((exeDir() + "ssl.p12").data()); //不忽略无效证书证书(例如自签名或过期证书) SSL_Initor::Instance().ignoreInvalidCertificate(false); ///////////////////////////////http downloader/////////////////////// //下载器map map downloaderMap; //下载两个文件,一个是http下载,一个https下载 auto urlList = {"http://www.baidu.com/img/baidu_resultlogo@2.png", "https://www.baidu.com/img/baidu_resultlogo@2.png"}; for (auto &url : urlList) { //创建下载器 HttpDownloader::Ptr downloader(new HttpDownloader()); downloader->setOnResult([](ErrCode code, const string &errMsg, const string &filePath) { DebugL << "=====================HttpDownloader result======================="; //下载结果回调 if (code == Err_success) { //文件下载成功 InfoL << "download file success:" << filePath; } else { //下载失败 WarnL << "code:" << code << " msg:" << errMsg; } }); //断点续传功能,开启后可能会遇到416的错误(因为上次文件已经下载完全) downloader->startDownload(url, exeDir() + MD5(url).hexdigest() + ".jpg", true); //下载器必须被强引用,否则作用域一失效就会导致对象销毁 downloaderMap.emplace(url, downloader); } ///////////////////////////////http get/////////////////////// //创建一个Http请求器 HttpRequester::Ptr requesterGet(new HttpRequester()); //使用GET方式请求 requesterGet->setMethod("GET"); //设置http请求头,我们假设设置cookie,当然你也可以设置其他http头 requesterGet->addHeader("Cookie", "SESSIONID=e1aa89b3-f79f-4ac6-8ae2-0cea9ae8e2d7"); //开启请求,该api会返回当前主机外网ip等信息 requesterGet->startRequester("http://pv.sohu.com/cityjson?ie=utf-8",//url地址 [](const SockException &ex, //网络相关的失败信息,如果为空就代表成功 const string &status, //http回复的状态码,比如说200/404 const HttpClient::HttpHeader &header, //http回复头 const string &strRecvBody) { //http回复body DebugL << "=====================HttpRequester GET==========================="; if (ex) { //网络相关的错误 WarnL << "network err:" << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what(); } else { //打印http回复信息 _StrPrinter printer; for (auto &pr: header) { printer << pr.first << ":" << pr.second << "\r\n"; } InfoL << "status:" << status << "\r\n" << "header:\r\n" << (printer << endl) << "\r\nbody:" << strRecvBody; } }); ///////////////////////////////http post/////////////////////// //创建一个Http请求器 HttpRequester::Ptr requesterPost(new HttpRequester()); //使用POST方式请求 requesterPost->setMethod("POST"); //设置http请求头 requesterPost->addHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); requesterPost->addHeader("Origin", "http://fanyi.baidu.com"); //设置POST参数列表 HttpArgs args; args["query"] = "test"; args["from"] = "en"; args["to"] = "zh"; args["transtype"] = "translang"; args["simple_means_flag"] = "3"; requesterPost->setBody(args.make()); //开启请求 requesterPost->startRequester("http://fanyi.baidu.com/langdetect",//url地址 [](const SockException &ex, //网络相关的失败信息,如果为空就代表成功 const string &status, //http回复的状态码,比如说200/404 const HttpClient::HttpHeader &header, //http回复头 const string &strRecvBody) { //http回复body DebugL << "=====================HttpRequester POST=========================="; if (ex) { //网络相关的错误 WarnL << "network err:" << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what(); } else { //打印http回复信息 _StrPrinter printer; for (auto &pr: header) { printer << pr.first << ":" << pr.second << "\r\n"; } InfoL << "status:" << status << "\r\n" << "header:\r\n" << (printer << endl) << "\r\nbody:" << strRecvBody; } }); ///////////////////////////////http upload/////////////////////// //创建一个Http请求器 HttpRequester::Ptr requesterUploader(new HttpRequester()); //使用POST方式请求 requesterUploader->setMethod("POST"); //设置http请求头 HttpArgs argsUploader; argsUploader["query"] = "test"; argsUploader["from"] = "en"; argsUploader["to"] = "zh"; argsUploader["transtype"] = "translang"; argsUploader["simple_means_flag"] = "3"; static string boundary = "0xKhTmLbOuNdArY"; HttpMultiFormBody::Ptr body(new HttpMultiFormBody(argsUploader, exePath(), boundary)); requesterUploader->setBody(body); requesterUploader->addHeader("Content-Type", HttpMultiFormBody::multiFormContentType(boundary)); //开启请求 requesterUploader->startRequester("http://fanyi.baidu.com/langdetect",//url地址 [](const SockException &ex, //网络相关的失败信息,如果为空就代表成功 const string &status, //http回复的状态码,比如说200/404 const HttpClient::HttpHeader &header, //http回复头 const string &strRecvBody) { //http回复body DebugL << "=====================HttpRequester Uploader=========================="; if (ex) { //网络相关的错误 WarnL << "network err:" << ex.getErrCode() << " " << ex.what(); } else { //打印http回复信息 _StrPrinter printer; for (auto &pr: header) { printer << pr.first << ":" << pr.second << "\r\n"; } InfoL << "status:" << status << "\r\n" << "header:\r\n" << (printer << endl) << "\r\nbody:" << strRecvBody; } }); sem.wait(); return 0; }