/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit). * * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include #include "Util/logger.h" #include "Util/onceToken.h" #include "Util/NoticeCenter.h" #include "Common/config.h" #include "Common/MediaSource.h" #include "Http/HttpSession.h" #include "Http/HttpRequester.h" #include "Network/Session.h" #include "Rtsp/RtspSession.h" #include "WebHook.h" #include "WebApi.h" using namespace std; using namespace Json; using namespace toolkit; using namespace mediakit; namespace Hook { #define HOOK_FIELD "hook." const string kEnable = HOOK_FIELD "enable"; const string kTimeoutSec = HOOK_FIELD "timeoutSec"; const string kOnPublish = HOOK_FIELD "on_publish"; const string kOnPlay = HOOK_FIELD "on_play"; const string kOnFlowReport = HOOK_FIELD "on_flow_report"; const string kOnRtspRealm = HOOK_FIELD "on_rtsp_realm"; const string kOnRtspAuth = HOOK_FIELD "on_rtsp_auth"; const string kOnStreamChanged = HOOK_FIELD "on_stream_changed"; const string kOnStreamNotFound = HOOK_FIELD "on_stream_not_found"; const string kOnRecordMp4 = HOOK_FIELD "on_record_mp4"; const string kOnRecordTs = HOOK_FIELD "on_record_ts"; const string kOnShellLogin = HOOK_FIELD "on_shell_login"; const string kOnStreamNoneReader = HOOK_FIELD "on_stream_none_reader"; const string kOnHttpAccess = HOOK_FIELD "on_http_access"; const string kOnServerStarted = HOOK_FIELD "on_server_started"; const string kOnServerExited = HOOK_FIELD "on_server_exited"; const string kOnServerKeepalive = HOOK_FIELD "on_server_keepalive"; const string kOnSendRtpStopped = HOOK_FIELD "on_send_rtp_stopped"; const string kOnRtpServerTimeout = HOOK_FIELD "on_rtp_server_timeout"; const string kAdminParams = HOOK_FIELD "admin_params"; const string kAliveInterval = HOOK_FIELD "alive_interval"; const string kRetry = HOOK_FIELD "retry"; const string kRetryDelay = HOOK_FIELD "retry_delay"; static onceToken token([]() { mINI::Instance()[kEnable] = false; mINI::Instance()[kTimeoutSec] = 10; // 默认hook地址设置为空,采用默认行为(例如不鉴权) mINI::Instance()[kOnPublish] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnPlay] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnFlowReport] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnRtspRealm] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnRtspAuth] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnStreamChanged] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnStreamNotFound] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnRecordMp4] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnRecordTs] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnShellLogin] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnStreamNoneReader] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnHttpAccess] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnServerStarted] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnServerExited] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnServerKeepalive] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnSendRtpStopped] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kOnRtpServerTimeout] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kAdminParams] = "secret=035c73f7-bb6b-4889-a715-d9eb2d1925cc"; mINI::Instance()[kAliveInterval] = 30.0; mINI::Instance()[kRetry] = 1; mINI::Instance()[kRetryDelay] = 3.0; }); } // namespace Hook namespace Cluster { #define CLUSTER_FIELD "cluster." const string kOriginUrl = CLUSTER_FIELD "origin_url"; const string kTimeoutSec = CLUSTER_FIELD "timeout_sec"; const string kRetryCount = CLUSTER_FIELD "retry_count"; static onceToken token([]() { mINI::Instance()[kOriginUrl] = ""; mINI::Instance()[kTimeoutSec] = 15; mINI::Instance()[kRetryCount] = 3; }); } // namespace Cluster static void parse_http_response(const SockException &ex, const Parser &res, const function &fun) { bool should_retry = true; if (ex) { auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[network err]:" << ex << endl; fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry); return; } if (res.status() != "200") { auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[bad http status code]:" << res.status() << endl; fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry); return; } Value result; try { stringstream ss(res.content()); ss >> result; } catch (std::exception &ex) { auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[parse json failed]:" << ex.what() << endl; fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry); return; } auto code = result["code"]; if (!code.isInt64()) { auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[json code]:" << "code not int:" << code << endl; fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry); return; } should_retry = false; if (code.asInt64() != 0) { auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[auth failed]: code:" << code << " msg:" << result["msg"] << endl; fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry); return; } try { fun(result, "", should_retry); } catch (std::exception &ex) { auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[do hook invoker failed]:" << ex.what() << endl; // 如果还是抛异常,那么再上抛异常 fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry); } } string to_string(const Value &value) { return value.toStyledString(); } string to_string(const HttpArgs &value) { return value.make(); } const char *getContentType(const Value &value) { return "application/json"; } const char *getContentType(const HttpArgs &value) { return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } string getVhost(const Value &value) { const char *key = VHOST_KEY; auto val = value.find(key, key + sizeof(VHOST_KEY) - 1); return val ? val->asString() : ""; } string getVhost(const HttpArgs &value) { auto val = value.find(VHOST_KEY); return val != value.end() ? val->second : ""; } void do_http_hook(const string &url, const ArgsType &body, const function &func, uint32_t retry) { GET_CONFIG(string, mediaServerId, General::kMediaServerId); GET_CONFIG(float, hook_timeoutSec, Hook::kTimeoutSec); GET_CONFIG(float, retry_delay, Hook::kRetryDelay); const_cast(body)["mediaServerId"] = mediaServerId; auto requester = std::make_shared(); requester->setMethod("POST"); auto bodyStr = to_string(body); requester->setBody(bodyStr); requester->addHeader("Content-Type", getContentType(body)); auto vhost = getVhost(body); if (!vhost.empty()) { requester->addHeader("X-VHOST", vhost); } Ticker ticker; requester->startRequester(url, [url, func, bodyStr, body, requester, ticker, retry](const SockException &ex, const Parser &res) mutable { onceToken token(nullptr, [&]() mutable { requester.reset(); }); parse_http_response(ex, res, [&](const Value &obj, const string &err, bool should_retry) { if (!err.empty()) { // hook失败 WarnL << "hook " << url << " " << ticker.elapsedTime() << "ms,failed" << err << ":" << bodyStr; if (retry-- > 0 && should_retry) { requester->getPoller()->doDelayTask(MAX(retry_delay, 0.0) * 1000, [url, body, func, retry] { do_http_hook(url, body, func, retry); return 0; }); // 重试不需要触发回调 return; } } else if (ticker.elapsedTime() > 500) { // hook成功,但是hook响应超过500ms,打印警告日志 DebugL << "hook " << url << " " << ticker.elapsedTime() << "ms,success:" << bodyStr; } if (func) { func(obj, err); } }); }, hook_timeoutSec); } void do_http_hook(const string &url, const ArgsType &body, const function &func) { GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, hook_retry, Hook::kRetry); do_http_hook(url, body, func, hook_retry); } void dumpMediaTuple(const MediaTuple &tuple, Json::Value& item); static ArgsType make_json(const MediaInfo &args) { ArgsType body; body["schema"] = args.schema; dumpMediaTuple(args, body); body["params"] = args.param_strs; return body; } static void reportServerStarted() { GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable); GET_CONFIG(string, hook_server_started, Hook::kOnServerStarted); if (!hook_enable || hook_server_started.empty()) { return; } ArgsType body; for (auto &pr : mINI::Instance()) { body[pr.first] = (string &)pr.second; } // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_server_started, body, nullptr); } static void reportServerExited() { GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable); GET_CONFIG(string, hook_server_exited, Hook::kOnServerExited); if (!hook_enable || hook_server_exited.empty()) { return; } const ArgsType body; // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_server_exited, body, nullptr); } // 服务器定时保活定时器 static Timer::Ptr g_keepalive_timer; static void reportServerKeepalive() { GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable); GET_CONFIG(string, hook_server_keepalive, Hook::kOnServerKeepalive); if (!hook_enable || hook_server_keepalive.empty()) { return; } GET_CONFIG(float, alive_interval, Hook::kAliveInterval); g_keepalive_timer = std::make_shared(alive_interval,[]() { getStatisticJson([](const Value &data) mutable { ArgsType body; body["data"] = data; // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_server_keepalive, body, nullptr); }); return true; }, nullptr); } static const string kEdgeServerParam = "edge=1"; static string getPullUrl(const string &origin_fmt, const MediaInfo &info) { char url[1024] = { 0 }; if ((ssize_t)origin_fmt.size() > snprintf(url, sizeof(url), origin_fmt.data(), info.app.data(), info.stream.data())) { WarnL << "get origin url failed, origin_fmt:" << origin_fmt; return ""; } // 告知源站这是来自边沿站的拉流请求,如果未找到流请立即返回拉流失败 return string(url) + '?' + kEdgeServerParam + '&' + VHOST_KEY + '=' + info.vhost + '&' + info.param_strs; } static void pullStreamFromOrigin(const vector &urls, size_t index, size_t failed_cnt, const MediaInfo &args, const function &closePlayer) { GET_CONFIG(float, cluster_timeout_sec, Cluster::kTimeoutSec); GET_CONFIG(int, retry_count, Cluster::kRetryCount); auto url = getPullUrl(urls[index % urls.size()], args); auto timeout_sec = cluster_timeout_sec / urls.size(); InfoL << "pull stream from origin, failed_cnt: " << failed_cnt << ", timeout_sec: " << timeout_sec << ", url: " << url; ProtocolOption option; option.enable_hls = option.enable_hls || (args.schema == HLS_SCHEMA); option.enable_mp4 = false; addStreamProxy(args.vhost, args.app, args.stream, url, retry_count, option, Rtsp::RTP_TCP, timeout_sec, [=](const SockException &ex, const string &key) mutable { if (!ex) { return; } // 拉流失败 if (++failed_cnt == urls.size()) { // 已经重试所有源站了 WarnL << "pull stream from origin final failed: " << url; closePlayer(); return; } pullStreamFromOrigin(urls, index + 1, failed_cnt, args, closePlayer); }); } static void *web_hook_tag = nullptr; static mINI jsonToMini(const Value &obj) { mINI ret; if (obj.isObject()) { for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) { try { auto str = (*it).asString(); ret[it.name()] = std::move(str); } catch (std::exception &) { WarnL << "Json is not convertible to string, key: " << it.name() << ", value: " << (*it); } } } return ret; } void installWebHook() { GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable); GET_CONFIG(string, hook_adminparams, Hook::kAdminParams); NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPublish, [](BroadcastMediaPublishArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_publish, Hook::kOnPublish); if (!hook_enable || args.param_strs == hook_adminparams || hook_publish.empty() || sender.get_peer_ip() == "") { invoker("", ProtocolOption()); return; } // 异步执行该hook api,防止阻塞NoticeCenter auto body = make_json(args); body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); body["originType"] = (int)type; body["originTypeStr"] = getOriginTypeString(type); // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_publish, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) mutable { if (err.empty()) { // 推流鉴权成功 invoker(err, ProtocolOption(jsonToMini(obj))); } else { // 推流鉴权失败 invoker(err, ProtocolOption()); } }); }); NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPlayed, [](BroadcastMediaPlayedArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_play, Hook::kOnPlay); if (!hook_enable || args.param_strs == hook_adminparams || hook_play.empty() || sender.get_peer_ip() == "") { invoker(""); return; } auto body = make_json(args); body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_play, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) { invoker(err); }); }); NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastFlowReport, [](BroadcastFlowReportArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_flowreport, Hook::kOnFlowReport); if (!hook_enable || args.param_strs == hook_adminparams || hook_flowreport.empty() || sender.get_peer_ip() == "") { return; } auto body = make_json(args); body["totalBytes"] = (Json::UInt64)totalBytes; body["duration"] = (Json::UInt64)totalDuration; body["player"] = isPlayer; body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_flowreport, body, nullptr); }); static const string unAuthedRealm = "unAuthedRealm"; // 监听kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm事件决定rtsp链接是否需要鉴权(传统的rtsp鉴权方案)才能访问 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm, [](BroadcastOnGetRtspRealmArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_rtsp_realm, Hook::kOnRtspRealm); if (!hook_enable || args.param_strs == hook_adminparams || hook_rtsp_realm.empty() || sender.get_peer_ip() == "") { // 无需认证 invoker(""); return; } auto body = make_json(args); body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_rtsp_realm, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) { if (!err.empty()) { // 如果接口访问失败,那么该rtsp流认证失败 invoker(unAuthedRealm); return; } invoker(obj["realm"].asString()); }); }); // 监听kBroadcastOnRtspAuth事件返回正确的rtsp鉴权用户密码 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastOnRtspAuth, [](BroadcastOnRtspAuthArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_rtsp_auth, Hook::kOnRtspAuth); if (unAuthedRealm == realm || !hook_enable || hook_rtsp_auth.empty()) { // 认证失败 invoker(false, makeRandStr(12)); return; } auto body = make_json(args); body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); body["user_name"] = user_name; body["must_no_encrypt"] = must_no_encrypt; body["realm"] = realm; // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_rtsp_auth, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) { if (!err.empty()) { // 认证失败 invoker(false, makeRandStr(12)); return; } invoker(obj["encrypted"].asBool(), obj["passwd"].asString()); }); }); // 监听rtsp、rtmp源注册或注销事件 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, [](BroadcastMediaChangedArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_stream_chaned, Hook::kOnStreamChanged); if (!hook_enable || hook_stream_chaned.empty()) { return; } ArgsType body; if (bRegist) { body = makeMediaSourceJson(sender); body["regist"] = bRegist; } else { body["schema"] = sender.getSchema(); dumpMediaTuple(sender.getMediaTuple(), body); body["regist"] = bRegist; } // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_stream_chaned, body, nullptr); }); GET_CONFIG_FUNC(vector, origin_urls, Cluster::kOriginUrl, [](const string &str) { vector ret; for (auto &url : split(str, ";")) { trim(url); if (!url.empty()) { ret.emplace_back(url); } } return ret; }); // 监听播放失败(未找到特定的流)事件 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastNotFoundStream, [](BroadcastNotFoundStreamArgs) { if (!origin_urls.empty()) { // 设置了源站,那么尝试溯源 static atomic s_index { 0 }; pullStreamFromOrigin(origin_urls, s_index.load(), 0, args, closePlayer); ++s_index; return; } if (start_with(args.param_strs, kEdgeServerParam)) { // 源站收到来自边沿站的溯源请求,流不存在时立即返回拉流失败 closePlayer(); return; } GET_CONFIG(string, hook_stream_not_found, Hook::kOnStreamNotFound); if (!hook_enable || hook_stream_not_found.empty()) { return; } auto body = make_json(args); body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); // Hook回复立即关闭流 auto res_cb = [closePlayer](const Value &res, const string &err) { bool flag = res["close"].asBool(); if (flag) { closePlayer(); } }; // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_stream_not_found, body, res_cb); }); static auto getRecordInfo = [](const RecordInfo &info) { ArgsType body; body["start_time"] = (Json::UInt64)info.start_time; body["file_size"] = (Json::UInt64)info.file_size; body["time_len"] = info.time_len; body["file_path"] = info.file_path; body["file_name"] = info.file_name; body["folder"] = info.folder; body["url"] = info.url; dumpMediaTuple(info, body); return body; }; #ifdef ENABLE_MP4 // 录制mp4文件成功后广播 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastRecordMP4, [](BroadcastRecordMP4Args) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_record_mp4, Hook::kOnRecordMp4); if (!hook_enable || hook_record_mp4.empty()) { return; } // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_record_mp4, getRecordInfo(info), nullptr); }); #endif // ENABLE_MP4 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastRecordTs, [](BroadcastRecordTsArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_record_ts, Hook::kOnRecordTs); if (!hook_enable || hook_record_ts.empty()) { return; } // 执行 hook do_http_hook(hook_record_ts, getRecordInfo(info), nullptr); }); NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastShellLogin, [](BroadcastShellLoginArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_shell_login, Hook::kOnShellLogin); if (!hook_enable || hook_shell_login.empty() || sender.get_peer_ip() == "") { invoker(""); return; } ArgsType body; body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); body["user_name"] = user_name; body["passwd"] = passwd; // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_shell_login, body, [invoker](const Value &, const string &err) { invoker(err); }); }); NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastStreamNoneReader, [](BroadcastStreamNoneReaderArgs) { if (!origin_urls.empty()) { // 边沿站无人观看时立即停止溯源 sender.close(false); WarnL << "无人观看主动关闭流:" << sender.getOriginUrl(); return; } GET_CONFIG(string, hook_stream_none_reader, Hook::kOnStreamNoneReader); if (!hook_enable || hook_stream_none_reader.empty()) { return; } ArgsType body; body["schema"] = sender.getSchema(); dumpMediaTuple(sender.getMediaTuple(), body); weak_ptr weakSrc = sender.shared_from_this(); // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_stream_none_reader, body, [weakSrc](const Value &obj, const string &err) { bool flag = obj["close"].asBool(); auto strongSrc = weakSrc.lock(); if (!flag || !err.empty() || !strongSrc) { return; } strongSrc->close(false); WarnL << "无人观看主动关闭流:" << strongSrc->getOriginUrl(); }); }); NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastSendRtpStopped, [](BroadcastSendRtpStopped) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_send_rtp_stopped, Hook::kOnSendRtpStopped); if (!hook_enable || hook_send_rtp_stopped.empty()) { return; } ArgsType body; dumpMediaTuple(sender.getMediaTuple(), body); body["ssrc"] = ssrc; body["originType"] = (int)sender.getOriginType(MediaSource::NullMediaSource()); body["originTypeStr"] = getOriginTypeString(sender.getOriginType(MediaSource::NullMediaSource())); body["originUrl"] = sender.getOriginUrl(MediaSource::NullMediaSource()); body["msg"] = ex.what(); body["err"] = ex.getErrCode(); // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_send_rtp_stopped, body, nullptr); }); /** * kBroadcastHttpAccess事件触发机制 * 1、根据http请求头查找cookie,找到进入步骤3 * 2、根据http url参数查找cookie,如果还是未找到cookie则进入步骤5 * 3、cookie标记是否有权限访问文件,如果有权限,直接返回文件 * 4、cookie中记录的url参数是否跟本次url参数一致,如果一致直接返回客户端错误码 * 5、触发kBroadcastHttpAccess事件 */ // 开发者应该通过该事件判定http客户端是否有权限访问http服务器上的特定文件 // ZLMediaKit会记录本次鉴权的结果至cookie // 如果鉴权成功,在cookie有效期内,那么下次客户端再访问授权目录时,ZLMediaKit会直接返回文件 // 如果鉴权失败,在cookie有效期内,如果http url参数不变(否则会立即再次触发鉴权事件),ZLMediaKit会直接返回错误码 // 如果用户客户端不支持cookie,那么ZLMediaKit会根据url参数查找cookie并追踪用户, // 如果没有url参数,客户端又不支持cookie,那么会根据ip和端口追踪用户 // 追踪用户的目的是为了缓存上次鉴权结果,减少鉴权次数,提高性能 NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastHttpAccess, [](BroadcastHttpAccessArgs) { GET_CONFIG(string, hook_http_access, Hook::kOnHttpAccess); if (sender.get_peer_ip() == "" || parser.params() == hook_adminparams) { // 如果是本机或超级管理员访问,那么不做访问鉴权;权限有效期1个小时 invoker("", "", 60 * 60); return; } if (!hook_enable || hook_http_access.empty()) { // 未开启http文件访问鉴权,那么允许访问,但是每次访问都要鉴权; // 因为后续随时都可能开启鉴权(重载配置文件后可能重新开启鉴权) invoker("", "", 0); return; } ArgsType body; body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip(); body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port(); body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier(); body["path"] = path; body["is_dir"] = is_dir; body["params"] = parser.params(); for (auto &pr : parser.getHeader()) { body[string("header.") + pr.first] = pr.second; } // 执行hook do_http_hook(hook_http_access, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) { if (!err.empty()) { // 如果接口访问失败,那么仅限本次没有访问http服务器的权限 invoker(err, "", 0); return; } // err参数代表不能访问的原因,空则代表可以访问 // path参数是该客户端能访问或被禁止的顶端目录,如果path为空字符串,则表述为当前目录 // second参数规定该cookie超时时间,如果second为0,本次鉴权结果不缓存 invoker(obj["err"].asString(), obj["path"].asString(), obj["second"].asInt()); }); }); NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::KBroadcastRtpServerTimeout, [](BroadcastRtpServerTimeout) { GET_CONFIG(string, rtp_server_timeout, Hook::kOnRtpServerTimeout); if (!hook_enable || rtp_server_timeout.empty()) { return; } ArgsType body; body["local_port"] = local_port; body["stream_id"] = stream_id; body["tcp_mode"] = tcp_mode; body["re_use_port"] = re_use_port; body["ssrc"] = ssrc; do_http_hook(rtp_server_timeout, body); }); // 汇报服务器重新启动 reportServerStarted(); // 定时上报保活 reportServerKeepalive(); } void unInstallWebHook() { g_keepalive_timer.reset(); NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(&web_hook_tag); } void onProcessExited() { reportServerExited(); }