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* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <sstream>
#include "Util/logger.h"
#include "Util/onceToken.h"
#include "Util/NoticeCenter.h"
#include "Common/config.h"
#include "Common/MediaSource.h"
#include "Http/HttpSession.h"
#include "Http/HttpRequester.h"
#include "Network/Session.h"
#include "Rtsp/RtspSession.h"
#include "WebHook.h"
#include "WebApi.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Json;
using namespace toolkit;
using namespace mediakit;
namespace Hook {
#define HOOK_FIELD "hook."
const string kEnable = HOOK_FIELD "enable";
const string kTimeoutSec = HOOK_FIELD "timeoutSec";
const string kOnPublish = HOOK_FIELD "on_publish";
const string kOnPlay = HOOK_FIELD "on_play";
const string kOnFlowReport = HOOK_FIELD "on_flow_report";
const string kOnRtspRealm = HOOK_FIELD "on_rtsp_realm";
const string kOnRtspAuth = HOOK_FIELD "on_rtsp_auth";
const string kOnStreamChanged = HOOK_FIELD "on_stream_changed";
const string kStreamChangedSchemas = HOOK_FIELD "stream_changed_schemas";
const string kOnStreamNotFound = HOOK_FIELD "on_stream_not_found";
const string kOnRecordMp4 = HOOK_FIELD "on_record_mp4";
const string kOnRecordTs = HOOK_FIELD "on_record_ts";
const string kOnShellLogin = HOOK_FIELD "on_shell_login";
const string kOnStreamNoneReader = HOOK_FIELD "on_stream_none_reader";
const string kOnHttpAccess = HOOK_FIELD "on_http_access";
const string kOnServerStarted = HOOK_FIELD "on_server_started";
const string kOnServerExited = HOOK_FIELD "on_server_exited";
const string kOnServerKeepalive = HOOK_FIELD "on_server_keepalive";
const string kOnSendRtpStopped = HOOK_FIELD "on_send_rtp_stopped";
const string kOnRtpServerTimeout = HOOK_FIELD "on_rtp_server_timeout";
const string kAliveInterval = HOOK_FIELD "alive_interval";
const string kRetry = HOOK_FIELD "retry";
const string kRetryDelay = HOOK_FIELD "retry_delay";
static onceToken token([]() {
mINI::Instance()[kEnable] = false;
mINI::Instance()[kTimeoutSec] = 10;
// 默认hook地址设置为空采用默认行为(例如不鉴权) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0e38bc3c]
// Default hook address is set to empty, using default behavior (e.g. no authentication)
mINI::Instance()[kOnPublish] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnPlay] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnFlowReport] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnRtspRealm] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnRtspAuth] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnStreamChanged] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnStreamNotFound] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnRecordMp4] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnRecordTs] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnShellLogin] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnStreamNoneReader] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnHttpAccess] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnServerStarted] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnServerExited] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnServerKeepalive] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnSendRtpStopped] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kOnRtpServerTimeout] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kAliveInterval] = 30.0;
mINI::Instance()[kRetry] = 1;
mINI::Instance()[kRetryDelay] = 3.0;
mINI::Instance()[kStreamChangedSchemas] = "rtsp/rtmp/fmp4/ts/hls/hls.fmp4";
} // namespace Hook
namespace Cluster {
#define CLUSTER_FIELD "cluster."
const string kOriginUrl = CLUSTER_FIELD "origin_url";
const string kTimeoutSec = CLUSTER_FIELD "timeout_sec";
const string kRetryCount = CLUSTER_FIELD "retry_count";
static onceToken token([]() {
mINI::Instance()[kOriginUrl] = "";
mINI::Instance()[kTimeoutSec] = 15;
mINI::Instance()[kRetryCount] = 3;
} // namespace Cluster
static void parse_http_response(const SockException &ex, const Parser &res, const function<void(const Value &, const string &, bool)> &fun) {
bool should_retry = true;
if (ex) {
auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[network err]:" << ex << endl;
fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry);
if (res.status() != "200") {
auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[bad http status code]:" << res.status() << endl;
fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry);
Value result;
try {
stringstream ss(res.content());
ss >> result;
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[parse json failed]:" << ex.what() << endl;
fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry);
auto code = result["code"];
if (!code.isInt64()) {
auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[json code]:" << "code not int:" << code << endl;
fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry);
should_retry = false;
if (code.asInt64() != 0) {
auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[auth failed]: code:" << code << " msg:" << result["msg"] << endl;
fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry);
try {
fun(result, "", should_retry);
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
auto errStr = StrPrinter << "[do hook invoker failed]:" << ex.what() << endl;
// 如果还是抛异常,那么再上抛异常 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:cc66ff58]
// If an exception is still thrown, then re-throw the exception
fun(Json::nullValue, errStr, should_retry);
string to_string(const Value &value) {
return value.toStyledString();
string to_string(const HttpArgs &value) {
return value.make();
const char *getContentType(const Value &value) {
return "application/json";
const char *getContentType(const HttpArgs &value) {
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string getVhost(const Value &value) {
const char *key = VHOST_KEY;
auto val = value.find(key, key + sizeof(VHOST_KEY) - 1);
return val ? val->asString() : "";
string getVhost(const HttpArgs &value) {
auto val = value.find(VHOST_KEY);
return val != value.end() ? val->second : "";
static atomic<uint64_t> s_hook_index { 0 };
void do_http_hook(const string &url, const ArgsType &body, const function<void(const Value &, const string &)> &func, uint32_t retry) {
GET_CONFIG(string, mediaServerId, General::kMediaServerId);
GET_CONFIG(float, hook_timeoutSec, Hook::kTimeoutSec);
GET_CONFIG(float, retry_delay, Hook::kRetryDelay);
const_cast<ArgsType &>(body)["mediaServerId"] = mediaServerId;
const_cast<ArgsType &>(body)["hook_index"] = (Json::UInt64)(s_hook_index++);
auto requester = std::make_shared<HttpRequester>();
auto bodyStr = to_string(body);
requester->addHeader("Content-Type", getContentType(body));
auto vhost = getVhost(body);
if (!vhost.empty()) {
requester->addHeader("X-VHOST", vhost);
Ticker ticker;
requester->startRequester(url, [url, func, bodyStr, body, requester, ticker, retry](const SockException &ex, const Parser &res) mutable {
onceToken token(nullptr, [&]() mutable { requester.reset(); });
parse_http_response(ex, res, [&](const Value &obj, const string &err, bool should_retry) {
if (!err.empty()) {
// hook失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:68231f46]
// Hook failed
WarnL << "hook " << url << " " << ticker.elapsedTime() << "ms,failed" << err << ":" << bodyStr;
if (retry-- > 0 && should_retry) {
requester->getPoller()->doDelayTask(MAX(retry_delay, 0.0) * 1000, [url, body, func, retry] {
do_http_hook(url, body, func, retry);
return 0;
// 重试不需要触发回调 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:41917311]
// Retry does not need to trigger callback
} else if (ticker.elapsedTime() > 500) {
// hook成功但是hook响应超过500ms打印警告日志 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e03557aa]
// Hook succeeded, but hook response exceeded 500ms, print warning log
DebugL << "hook " << url << " " << ticker.elapsedTime() << "ms,success:" << bodyStr;
if (func) {
func(obj, err);
}, hook_timeoutSec);
void do_http_hook(const string &url, const ArgsType &body, const function<void(const Value &, const string &)> &func) {
GET_CONFIG(uint32_t, hook_retry, Hook::kRetry);
do_http_hook(url, body, func, hook_retry);
void dumpMediaTuple(const MediaTuple &tuple, Json::Value& item);
static ArgsType make_json(const MediaInfo &args) {
ArgsType body;
body["schema"] = args.schema;
dumpMediaTuple(args, body);
body["params"] = args.params;
return body;
static void reportServerStarted() {
GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable);
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_server_started, Hook::kOnServerStarted);
if (!hook_enable || hook_server_started.empty()) {
ArgsType body;
for (auto &pr : mINI::Instance()) {
body[pr.first] = (string &)pr.second;
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_server_started, body, nullptr);
static void reportServerExited() {
GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable);
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_server_exited, Hook::kOnServerExited);
if (!hook_enable || hook_server_exited.empty()) {
const ArgsType body;
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_server_exited, body, nullptr);
// 服务器定时保活定时器 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2bb39e50]
// Server keep-alive timer
static Timer::Ptr g_keepalive_timer;
static void reportServerKeepalive() {
GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable);
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_server_keepalive, Hook::kOnServerKeepalive);
if (!hook_enable || hook_server_keepalive.empty()) {
GET_CONFIG(float, alive_interval, Hook::kAliveInterval);
g_keepalive_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(alive_interval,[]() {
getStatisticJson([](const Value &data) mutable {
ArgsType body;
body["data"] = data;
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_server_keepalive, body, nullptr);
return true;
}, nullptr);
static const string kEdgeServerParam = "edge=1";
static string getPullUrl(const string &origin_fmt, const MediaInfo &info) {
char url[1024] = { 0 };
if ((ssize_t)origin_fmt.size() > snprintf(url, sizeof(url), origin_fmt.data(), info.app.data(), info.stream.data())) {
WarnL << "get origin url failed, origin_fmt:" << origin_fmt;
return "";
// 告知源站这是来自边沿站的拉流请求,如果未找到流请立即返回拉流失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:adf0d210]
// Inform the origin station that this is a pull stream request from the edge station, if the stream is not found, please return the pull stream failure immediately
return string(url) + '?' + kEdgeServerParam + '&' + VHOST_KEY + '=' + info.vhost + '&' + info.params;
static void pullStreamFromOrigin(const vector<string> &urls, size_t index, size_t failed_cnt, const MediaInfo &args, const function<void()> &closePlayer) {
GET_CONFIG(float, cluster_timeout_sec, Cluster::kTimeoutSec);
GET_CONFIG(int, retry_count, Cluster::kRetryCount);
auto url = getPullUrl(urls[index % urls.size()], args);
auto timeout_sec = cluster_timeout_sec / urls.size();
InfoL << "pull stream from origin, failed_cnt: " << failed_cnt << ", timeout_sec: " << timeout_sec << ", url: " << url;
ProtocolOption option;
option.enable_hls = option.enable_hls || (args.schema == HLS_SCHEMA);
option.enable_mp4 = false;
addStreamProxy(args, url, retry_count, option, Rtsp::RTP_TCP, timeout_sec, mINI{}, [=](const SockException &ex, const string &key) mutable {
if (!ex) {
// 拉流失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6d52eb25]
// Pull stream failed
if (++failed_cnt == urls.size()) {
// 已经重试所有源站了 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b3b384a8]
// All origin stations have been retried
WarnL << "pull stream from origin final failed: " << url;
pullStreamFromOrigin(urls, index + 1, failed_cnt, args, closePlayer);
static void *web_hook_tag = nullptr;
static mINI jsonToMini(const Value &obj) {
mINI ret;
if (obj.isObject()) {
for (auto it = obj.begin(); it != obj.end(); ++it) {
try {
auto str = (*it).asString();
ret[it.name()] = std::move(str);
} catch (std::exception &) {
WarnL << "Json is not convertible to string, key: " << it.name() << ", value: " << (*it);
return ret;
void installWebHook() {
GET_CONFIG(bool, hook_enable, Hook::kEnable);
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPublish, [](BroadcastMediaPublishArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_publish, Hook::kOnPublish);
if (!hook_enable || hook_publish.empty()) {
invoker("", ProtocolOption());
// 异步执行该hook api防止阻塞NoticeCenter [AUTO-TRANSLATED:783f64c1]
// Asynchronously execute this hook api to prevent blocking NoticeCenter
auto body = make_json(args);
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
body["originType"] = (int)type;
body["originTypeStr"] = getOriginTypeString(type);
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_publish, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) mutable {
if (err.empty()) {
// 推流鉴权成功 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e4285dab]
// Push stream authentication succeeded
invoker(err, ProtocolOption(jsonToMini(obj)));
} else {
// 推流鉴权失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:780430e0]
// Push stream authentication failed
invoker(err, ProtocolOption());
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaPlayed, [](BroadcastMediaPlayedArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_play, Hook::kOnPlay);
if (!hook_enable || hook_play.empty()) {
auto body = make_json(args);
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_play, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) { invoker(err); });
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastFlowReport, [](BroadcastFlowReportArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_flowreport, Hook::kOnFlowReport);
if (!hook_enable || hook_flowreport.empty()) {
auto body = make_json(args);
body["totalBytes"] = (Json::UInt64)totalBytes;
body["duration"] = (Json::UInt64)totalDuration;
body["player"] = isPlayer;
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_flowreport, body, nullptr);
static const string unAuthedRealm = "unAuthedRealm";
// 监听kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm事件决定rtsp链接是否需要鉴权(传统的rtsp鉴权方案)才能访问 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:00dc9fa3]
// Listen to the kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm event to determine whether the rtsp link needs authentication (traditional rtsp authentication scheme) to access
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastOnGetRtspRealm, [](BroadcastOnGetRtspRealmArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_rtsp_realm, Hook::kOnRtspRealm);
if (!hook_enable || hook_rtsp_realm.empty()) {
// 无需认证 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:77728e07]
// No authentication required
auto body = make_json(args);
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_rtsp_realm, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) {
if (!err.empty()) {
// 如果接口访问失败那么该rtsp流认证失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:81b19b72]
// If the interface access fails, then the rtsp stream authentication fails
// 监听kBroadcastOnRtspAuth事件返回正确的rtsp鉴权用户密码 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bcf1754e]
// Listen to the kBroadcastOnRtspAuth event to return the correct rtsp authentication username and password
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastOnRtspAuth, [](BroadcastOnRtspAuthArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_rtsp_auth, Hook::kOnRtspAuth);
if (unAuthedRealm == realm || !hook_enable || hook_rtsp_auth.empty()) {
// 认证失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:70cf56ff]
// Authentication failed
invoker(false, makeRandStr(12));
auto body = make_json(args);
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
body["user_name"] = user_name;
body["must_no_encrypt"] = must_no_encrypt;
body["realm"] = realm;
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_rtsp_auth, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) {
if (!err.empty()) {
// 认证失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:70cf56ff]
// Authentication failed
invoker(false, makeRandStr(12));
invoker(obj["encrypted"].asBool(), obj["passwd"].asString());
// 监听rtsp、rtmp源注册或注销事件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6396afa8]
// Listen to rtsp, rtmp source registration or deregistration events
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, [](BroadcastMediaChangedArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_stream_changed, Hook::kOnStreamChanged);
if (!hook_enable || hook_stream_changed.empty()) {
GET_CONFIG_FUNC(std::set<std::string>, stream_changed_set, Hook::kStreamChangedSchemas, [](const std::string &str) {
std::set<std::string> ret;
auto vec = split(str, "/");
for (auto &schema : vec) {
if (!schema.empty()) {
return ret;
if (!stream_changed_set.empty() && stream_changed_set.find(sender.getSchema()) == stream_changed_set.end()) {
// 该协议注册注销事件被忽略 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:87299c9d]
// This protocol registration deregistration event is ignored
ArgsType body;
if (bRegist) {
body = makeMediaSourceJson(sender);
body["regist"] = bRegist;
} else {
body["schema"] = sender.getSchema();
dumpMediaTuple(sender.getMediaTuple(), body);
body["regist"] = bRegist;
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_stream_changed, body, nullptr);
GET_CONFIG_FUNC(vector<string>, origin_urls, Cluster::kOriginUrl, [](const string &str) {
vector<string> ret;
for (auto &url : split(str, ";")) {
if (!url.empty()) {
return ret;
// 监听播放失败(未找到特定的流)事件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ca8cc9ba]
// Listen to playback failure (specific stream not found) event
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastNotFoundStream, [](BroadcastNotFoundStreamArgs) {
if (!origin_urls.empty()) {
// 设置了源站,那么尝试溯源 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:541a4ced]
// If the source station is set, then try to trace the source
static atomic<uint8_t> s_index { 0 };
pullStreamFromOrigin(origin_urls, s_index.load(), 0, args, closePlayer);
if (start_with(args.params, kEdgeServerParam)) {
// 源站收到来自边沿站的溯源请求,流不存在时立即返回拉流失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5bd04a34]
// The source station receives a trace request from the edge station, and immediately returns a pull stream failure if the stream does not exist
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_stream_not_found, Hook::kOnStreamNotFound);
if (!hook_enable || hook_stream_not_found.empty()) {
auto body = make_json(args);
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
// Hook回复立即关闭流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:2dcf7bd6]
// Hook reply immediately closes the stream
auto res_cb = [closePlayer](const Value &res, const string &err) {
bool flag = res["close"].asBool();
if (flag) {
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_stream_not_found, body, res_cb);
static auto getRecordInfo = [](const RecordInfo &info) {
ArgsType body;
body["start_time"] = (Json::UInt64)info.start_time;
body["file_size"] = (Json::UInt64)info.file_size;
body["time_len"] = info.time_len;
body["file_path"] = info.file_path;
body["file_name"] = info.file_name;
body["folder"] = info.folder;
body["url"] = info.url;
dumpMediaTuple(info, body);
return body;
#ifdef ENABLE_MP4
// 录制mp4文件成功后广播 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:479ec954]
// Broadcast after recording the mp4 file successfully
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastRecordMP4, [](BroadcastRecordMP4Args) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_record_mp4, Hook::kOnRecordMp4);
if (!hook_enable || hook_record_mp4.empty()) {
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_record_mp4, getRecordInfo(info), nullptr);
#endif // ENABLE_MP4
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastRecordTs, [](BroadcastRecordTsArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_record_ts, Hook::kOnRecordTs);
if (!hook_enable || hook_record_ts.empty()) {
// 执行 hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d9d66f75]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_record_ts, getRecordInfo(info), nullptr);
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastShellLogin, [](BroadcastShellLoginArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_shell_login, Hook::kOnShellLogin);
if (!hook_enable || hook_shell_login.empty()) {
ArgsType body;
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
body["user_name"] = user_name;
body["passwd"] = passwd;
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_shell_login, body, [invoker](const Value &, const string &err) { invoker(err); });
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastStreamNoneReader, [](BroadcastStreamNoneReaderArgs) {
if (!origin_urls.empty() && sender.getOriginType() == MediaOriginType::pull) {
// 边沿站无人观看时如果是拉流的则立即停止溯源 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a1429c77]
// If no one is watching at the edge station, stop tracing immediately if it is pulling
WarnL << "无人观看主动关闭流:" << sender.getOriginUrl();
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_stream_none_reader, Hook::kOnStreamNoneReader);
if (!hook_enable || hook_stream_none_reader.empty()) {
ArgsType body;
body["schema"] = sender.getSchema();
dumpMediaTuple(sender.getMediaTuple(), body);
weak_ptr<MediaSource> weakSrc = sender.shared_from_this();
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_stream_none_reader, body, [weakSrc](const Value &obj, const string &err) {
bool flag = obj["close"].asBool();
auto strongSrc = weakSrc.lock();
if (!flag || !err.empty() || !strongSrc) {
WarnL << "无人观看主动关闭流:" << strongSrc->getOriginUrl();
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastSendRtpStopped, [](BroadcastSendRtpStoppedArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_send_rtp_stopped, Hook::kOnSendRtpStopped);
if (!hook_enable || hook_send_rtp_stopped.empty()) {
ArgsType body;
dumpMediaTuple(sender.getMediaTuple(), body);
body["ssrc"] = ssrc;
body["originType"] = (int)sender.getOriginType(MediaSource::NullMediaSource());
body["originTypeStr"] = getOriginTypeString(sender.getOriginType(MediaSource::NullMediaSource()));
body["originUrl"] = sender.getOriginUrl(MediaSource::NullMediaSource());
body["msg"] = ex.what();
body["err"] = ex.getErrCode();
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_send_rtp_stopped, body, nullptr);
* kBroadcastHttpAccess事件触发机制
* 1、根据http请求头查找cookie找到进入步骤3
* 2、根据http url参数查找cookie如果还是未找到cookie则进入步骤5
* 3、cookie标记是否有权限访问文件如果有权限直接返回文件
* 4、cookie中记录的url参数是否跟本次url参数一致如果一致直接返回客户端错误码
* 5、触发kBroadcastHttpAccess事件
* kBroadcastHttpAccess event trigger mechanism
* 1. Find the cookie according to the http request header, and find it to enter step 3
* 2. Find the cookie according to the http url parameter, if the cookie is still not found, enter step 5
* 3. The cookie marks whether it has permission to access the file, if it has permission, return the file directly
* 4. Whether the url parameter recorded in the cookie is consistent with the current url parameter, if it is consistent, return the client error code directly
* 5. Trigger the kBroadcastHttpAccess event
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ecd819e5]
// 开发者应该通过该事件判定http客户端是否有权限访问http服务器上的特定文件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:938b8bc5]
// Developers should use this event to determine whether the http client has permission to access specific files on the http server
// ZLMediaKit会记录本次鉴权的结果至cookie [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b051ea2e]
// ZLMediaKit will record the result of this authentication to the cookie
// 如果鉴权成功在cookie有效期内那么下次客户端再访问授权目录时ZLMediaKit会直接返回文件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:be12a468]
// If the authentication is successful, within the validity period of the cookie, the next time the client accesses the authorized directory, ZLMediaKit will return the file directly
// 如果鉴权失败在cookie有效期内如果http url参数不变(否则会立即再次触发鉴权事件)ZLMediaKit会直接返回错误码 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6396137d]
// If the authentication fails, within the validity period of the cookie, if the http url parameter remains unchanged (otherwise the authentication event will be triggered immediately), ZLMediaKit will return the error code directly
// 如果用户客户端不支持cookie那么ZLMediaKit会根据url参数查找cookie并追踪用户 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:6fd2e366]
// If the user client does not support cookies, then ZLMediaKit will find the cookie according to the url parameter and track the user,
// 如果没有url参数客户端又不支持cookie那么会根据ip和端口追踪用户 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:85a780ea]
// If there is no url parameter and the client does not support cookies, then the user will be tracked according to the ip and port
// 追踪用户的目的是为了缓存上次鉴权结果,减少鉴权次数,提高性能 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:22827145]
// The purpose of tracking users is to cache the last authentication result, reduce the number of authentication times, and improve performance
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastHttpAccess, [](BroadcastHttpAccessArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, hook_http_access, Hook::kOnHttpAccess);
if (!hook_enable || hook_http_access.empty()) {
// 未开启http文件访问鉴权那么允许访问但是每次访问都要鉴权 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:deb3a0ae]
// If http file access authentication is not enabled, then access is allowed, but authentication is required for each access;
// 因为后续随时都可能开启鉴权(重载配置文件后可能重新开启鉴权) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:a090bf06]
// Because authentication may be enabled at any time in the future (authentication may be re-enabled after reloading the configuration file)
if (!HttpFileManager::isIPAllowed(sender.get_peer_ip())) {
invoker("Your ip is not allowed to access the service.", "", 0);
} else {
invoker("", "", 0);
ArgsType body;
body["ip"] = sender.get_peer_ip();
body["port"] = sender.get_peer_port();
body["id"] = sender.getIdentifier();
body["path"] = path;
body["is_dir"] = is_dir;
body["params"] = parser.params();
for (auto &pr : parser.getHeader()) {
body[string("header.") + pr.first] = pr.second;
// 执行hook [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1df68201]
// Execute hook
do_http_hook(hook_http_access, body, [invoker](const Value &obj, const string &err) {
if (!err.empty()) {
// 如果接口访问失败那么仅限本次没有访问http服务器的权限 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f8afd1fd]
// If the interface access fails, then only this time does not have permission to access the http server
invoker(err, "", 0);
// err参数代表不能访问的原因空则代表可以访问 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:87dd19b9]
// The err parameter represents the reason why it cannot be accessed, empty means it can be accessed
// path参数是该客户端能访问或被禁止的顶端目录如果path为空字符串则表述为当前目录 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b883a448]
// The path parameter is the top directory that this client can access or is prohibited, if path is an empty string, it means the current directory
// second参数规定该cookie超时时间如果second为0本次鉴权结果不缓存 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:1a0b9eb1]
// The second parameter specifies the timeout time of this cookie, if second is 0, the result of this authentication will not be cached
invoker(obj["err"].asString(), obj["path"].asString(), obj["second"].asInt());
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(&web_hook_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastRtpServerTimeout, [](BroadcastRtpServerTimeoutArgs) {
GET_CONFIG(string, rtp_server_timeout, Hook::kOnRtpServerTimeout);
if (!hook_enable || rtp_server_timeout.empty()) {
ArgsType body;
body["local_port"] = local_port;
body[VHOST_KEY] = tuple.vhost;
body["app"] = tuple.app;
body["stream_id"] = tuple.stream;
body["tcp_mode"] = tcp_mode;
body["re_use_port"] = re_use_port;
body["ssrc"] = ssrc;
do_http_hook(rtp_server_timeout, body);
// 汇报服务器重新启动 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bd7d83df]
// Report server restart
// 定时上报保活 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bd2364a0]
// Report keep-alive regularly
void unInstallWebHook() {
void onProcessExited() {