
395 lines
18 KiB
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* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "FFmpegSource.h"
#include "Common/config.h"
#include "Common/MediaSource.h"
#include "Common/MultiMediaSourceMuxer.h"
#include "Util/File.h"
#include "System.h"
#include "Thread/WorkThreadPool.h"
#include "Network/sockutil.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace toolkit;
using namespace mediakit;
namespace FFmpeg {
#define FFmpeg_FIELD "ffmpeg."
const string kBin = FFmpeg_FIELD"bin";
const string kCmd = FFmpeg_FIELD"cmd";
const string kLog = FFmpeg_FIELD"log";
const string kSnap = FFmpeg_FIELD"snap";
const string kRestartSec = FFmpeg_FIELD"restart_sec";
onceToken token([]() {
#ifdef _WIN32
string ffmpeg_bin = trim(System::execute("where ffmpeg"));
string ffmpeg_bin = trim(System::execute("which ffmpeg"));
// 默认ffmpeg命令路径为环境变量中路径 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:40c35597]
// Default ffmpeg command path is the path in the environment variable
mINI::Instance()[kBin] = ffmpeg_bin.empty() ? "ffmpeg" : ffmpeg_bin;
// ffmpeg日志保存路径 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:e455732d]
// ffmpeg log save path
mINI::Instance()[kLog] = "./ffmpeg/ffmpeg.log";
mINI::Instance()[kCmd] = "%s -re -i %s -c:a aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ab 48k -c:v libx264 -f flv %s";
mINI::Instance()[kSnap] = "%s -i %s -y -f mjpeg -frames:v 1 -an %s";
mINI::Instance()[kRestartSec] = 0;
FFmpegSource::FFmpegSource() {
_poller = EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller();
FFmpegSource::~FFmpegSource() {
static bool is_local_ip(const string &ip){
if (ip == "" || ip == "localhost") {
return true;
auto ips = SockUtil::getInterfaceList();
for (auto &obj : ips) {
if (ip == obj["ip"]) {
return true;
return false;
void FFmpegSource::setupRecordFlag(bool enable_hls, bool enable_mp4){
_enable_hls = enable_hls;
_enable_mp4 = enable_mp4;
void FFmpegSource::play(const string &ffmpeg_cmd_key, const string &src_url, const string &dst_url, int timeout_ms, const onPlay &cb) {
GET_CONFIG(string, ffmpeg_bin, FFmpeg::kBin);
GET_CONFIG(string, ffmpeg_cmd_default, FFmpeg::kCmd);
GET_CONFIG(string, ffmpeg_log, FFmpeg::kLog);
_src_url = src_url;
_dst_url = dst_url;
_ffmpeg_cmd_key = ffmpeg_cmd_key;
try {
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
cb(SockException(Err_other, ex.what()));
auto ffmpeg_cmd = ffmpeg_cmd_default;
if (!ffmpeg_cmd_key.empty()) {
auto cmd_it = mINI::Instance().find(ffmpeg_cmd_key);
if (cmd_it != mINI::Instance().end()) {
ffmpeg_cmd = cmd_it->second;
} else {
WarnL << "配置文件中,ffmpeg命令模板(" << ffmpeg_cmd_key << ")不存在,已采用默认模板(" << ffmpeg_cmd_default << ")";
char cmd[2048] = { 0 };
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), ffmpeg_cmd.data(), File::absolutePath("", ffmpeg_bin).data(), src_url.data(), dst_url.data());
auto log_file = ffmpeg_log.empty() ? "" : File::absolutePath("", ffmpeg_log);
_process.run(cmd, log_file);
InfoL << cmd;
if (is_local_ip(_media_info.host)) {
// 推流给自己的,通过判断流是否注册上来判断是否正常 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:423f2be6]
// Push stream to yourself, judge whether the stream is registered to determine whether it is normal
if (_media_info.schema != RTSP_SCHEMA && _media_info.schema != RTMP_SCHEMA) {
cb(SockException(Err_other, "本服务只支持rtmp/rtsp推流"));
weak_ptr<FFmpegSource> weakSelf = shared_from_this();
findAsync(timeout_ms, [cb, weakSelf, timeout_ms](const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock();
if (!strongSelf) {
// 自己已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3d45c3b0]
// Self has been destroyed
if (src) {
// 推流给自己成功 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:65dba71b]
// Push stream to yourself successfully
// 推流失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:4d8d226a]
// Push stream failed
if (!strongSelf->_process.wait(false)) {
// ffmpeg进程已经退出 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:04193893]
// ffmpeg process has exited
cb(SockException(Err_other, StrPrinter << "ffmpeg已经退出,exit code = " << strongSelf->_process.exit_code()));
// ffmpeg进程还在线但是等待推流超时 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9f71f17b]
// ffmpeg process is still online, but waiting for the stream to timeout
cb(SockException(Err_other, "等待超时"));
} else{
// 推流给其他服务器的通过判断FFmpeg进程是否在线判断是否成功 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9b963da5]
// Push stream to other servers, judge whether it is successful by judging whether the FFmpeg process is online
weak_ptr<FFmpegSource> weakSelf = shared_from_this();
_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(timeout_ms / 1000.0f, [weakSelf, cb, timeout_ms]() {
auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock();
if (!strongSelf) {
// 自身已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5f954f8a]
// Self has been destroyed
return false;
// FFmpeg还在线那么我们认为推流成功 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:4330df49]
// FFmpeg is still online, so we think the push stream is successful
if (strongSelf->_process.wait(false)) {
return false;
// ffmpeg进程已经退出 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:04193893]
// ffmpeg process has exited
cb(SockException(Err_other, StrPrinter << "ffmpeg已经退出,exit code = " << strongSelf->_process.exit_code()));
return false;
}, _poller);
void FFmpegSource::findAsync(int maxWaitMS, const function<void(const MediaSource::Ptr &src)> &cb) {
auto src = MediaSource::find(_media_info.schema, _media_info.vhost, _media_info.app, _media_info.stream);
if (src || !maxWaitMS) {
void *listener_tag = this;
// 若干秒后执行等待媒体注册超时回调 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:71010a04]
// Execute the media registration timeout callback after a few seconds
auto onRegistTimeout = _poller->doDelayTask(maxWaitMS, [cb, listener_tag]() {
// 取消监听该事件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:31297323]
// Cancel listening to this event
NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged);
return 0;
weak_ptr<FFmpegSource> weakSelf = shared_from_this();
auto onRegist = [listener_tag, weakSelf, cb, onRegistTimeout](BroadcastMediaChangedArgs) {
auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock();
if (!strongSelf) {
// 本身已经销毁,取消延时任务 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:cc2e420f]
// Self has been destroyed, cancel the delayed task
NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged);
if (!bRegist || sender.getSchema() != strongSelf->_media_info.schema ||
!equalMediaTuple(sender.getMediaTuple(), strongSelf->_media_info)) {
// 不是自己感兴趣的事件,忽略之 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f61f5668]
// Not an event of interest, ignore it
// 查找的流终于注册上了;取消延时任务,防止多次回调 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:66fc5abf]
// The stream you are looking for is finally registered; cancel the delayed task to prevent multiple callbacks
// 取消事件监听 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c722acb6]
// Cancel event listening
NoticeCenter::Instance().delListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged);
// 切换到自己的线程再回复 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:3b630c64]
// Switch to your own thread and then reply
strongSelf->_poller->async([weakSelf, cb]() {
if (auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock()) {
// 再找一遍媒体源,一般能找到 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:f0b81977]
// Find the media source again, usually you can find it
strongSelf->findAsync(0, cb);
}, false);
// 监听媒体注册事件 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ea3e763b]
// Listen to media registration events
NoticeCenter::Instance().addListener(listener_tag, Broadcast::kBroadcastMediaChanged, onRegist);
* 定时检查媒体是否在线
* Check if the media is online regularly
* [AUTO-TRANSLATED:11bae8ab]
void FFmpegSource::startTimer(int timeout_ms) {
weak_ptr<FFmpegSource> weakSelf = shared_from_this();
_timer = std::make_shared<Timer>(1.0f, [weakSelf, timeout_ms]() {
auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock();
if (!strongSelf) {
// 自身已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5a02ef8b]
// Self has been destroyed
return false;
bool needRestart = ffmpeg_restart_sec > 0 && strongSelf->_replay_ticker.elapsedTime() > ffmpeg_restart_sec * 1000;
if (is_local_ip(strongSelf->_media_info.host)) {
// 推流给自己的我们通过检查是否已经注册来判断FFmpeg是否工作正常 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9a441d38]
// Push stream to yourself, we judge whether FFmpeg is working properly by checking whether it has been registered
strongSelf->findAsync(0, [&](const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
// 同步查找流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:97048f1e]
// Synchronously find the stream
if (!src || needRestart) {
if (needRestart) {
if (strongSelf->_process.wait(false)) {
// FFmpeg进程还在运行超时就关闭它 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bd907d0c]
// The FFmpeg process is still running, timeout and close it
InfoL << "FFmpeg即将重启, 将会继续拉流 " << strongSelf->_src_url;
// 流不在线,重新拉流, 这里原先是10秒超时实际发现10秒不够改成20秒了 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:10e8c704]
// The stream is not online, re-pull the stream, here the original timeout was 10 seconds, but it was found that 10 seconds was not enough, so it was changed to 20 seconds
if (strongSelf->_replay_ticker.elapsedTime() > 20 * 1000) {
// 上次重试时间超过10秒那么再重试FFmpeg拉流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b308095a]
// The last retry time exceeds 10 seconds, then retry FFmpeg to pull the stream
strongSelf->play(strongSelf->_ffmpeg_cmd_key, strongSelf->_src_url, strongSelf->_dst_url, timeout_ms, [](const SockException &) {});
} else {
// 推流给其他服务器的我们通过判断FFmpeg进程是否在线如果FFmpeg推流中断那么它应该会自动退出 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:82da3ea5]
// Push stream to other servers, we judge whether the FFmpeg process is online, if FFmpeg push stream is interrupted, then it should exit automatically
if (!strongSelf->_process.wait(false) || needRestart) {
if (needRestart) {
if (strongSelf->_process.wait(false)) {
// FFmpeg进程还在运行超时就关闭它 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bd907d0c]
// The FFmpeg process is still running, timeout and close it
InfoL << "FFmpeg即将重启, 将会继续拉流 " << strongSelf->_src_url;
// ffmpeg不在线重新拉流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:aa958c43]
// ffmpeg is not online, re-pull the stream
strongSelf->play(strongSelf->_ffmpeg_cmd_key, strongSelf->_src_url, strongSelf->_dst_url, timeout_ms, [weakSelf](const SockException &ex) {
if (!ex) {
// 没有错误 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:037ae0ca]
// No error
auto strongSelf = weakSelf.lock();
if (!strongSelf) {
// 自身已经销毁 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:5f954f8a]
// Self has been destroyed
// 上次重试时间超过10秒那么再重试FFmpeg拉流 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:b308095a]
// Retry FFmpeg stream pulling if the last retry time is over 10 seconds
strongSelf->startTimer(10 * 1000);
return true;
}, _poller);
void FFmpegSource::setOnClose(const function<void()> &cb){
_onClose = cb;
bool FFmpegSource::close(MediaSource &sender) {
auto listener = getDelegate();
if (listener && !listener->close(sender)) {
// 关闭失败 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:83f07dba]
// Close failed
return false;
// 该流无人观看,我们停止吧 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:43999b39]
// No one is watching this stream, let's stop it
if (_onClose) {
return true;
MediaOriginType FFmpegSource::getOriginType(MediaSource &sender) const{
return MediaOriginType::ffmpeg_pull;
string FFmpegSource::getOriginUrl(MediaSource &sender) const {
return _src_url;
void FFmpegSource::onGetMediaSource(const MediaSource::Ptr &src) {
auto muxer = src->getMuxer();
auto listener = muxer ? muxer->getDelegate() : nullptr;
if (listener && listener.get() != this) {
// 防止多次进入onGetMediaSource函数导致无限递归调用的bug [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ceadb9c7]
// Prevent the bug of infinite recursive calls caused by entering the onGetMediaSource function multiple times
if (_enable_hls) {
src->setupRecord(Recorder::type_hls, true, "", 0);
if (_enable_mp4) {
src->setupRecord(Recorder::type_mp4, true, "", 0);
void FFmpegSnap::makeSnap(const string &play_url, const string &save_path, float timeout_sec, const onSnap &cb) {
GET_CONFIG(string, ffmpeg_bin, FFmpeg::kBin);
GET_CONFIG(string, ffmpeg_snap, FFmpeg::kSnap);
GET_CONFIG(string, ffmpeg_log, FFmpeg::kLog);
Ticker ticker;
WorkThreadPool::Instance().getPoller()->async([timeout_sec, play_url, save_path, cb, ticker]() {
auto elapsed_ms = ticker.elapsedTime();
if (elapsed_ms > timeout_sec * 1000) {
// 超时,后台线程负载太高,当代太久才启动该任务 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:815606d6]
// Timeout, the background thread load is too high, it takes too long to start this task
cb(false, "wait work poller schedule snap task timeout");
char cmd[2048] = { 0 };
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), ffmpeg_snap.data(), File::absolutePath("", ffmpeg_bin).data(), play_url.data(), save_path.data());
std::shared_ptr<Process> process = std::make_shared<Process>();
auto log_file = ffmpeg_log.empty() ? ffmpeg_log : File::absolutePath("", ffmpeg_log);
process->run(cmd, log_file);
// 定时器延时应该减去后台任务启动的延时 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7d224687]
// The timer delay should be reduced by the delay of the background task startup
auto delayTask = EventPollerPool::Instance().getPoller()->doDelayTask(
(uint64_t)(timeout_sec * 1000 - elapsed_ms), [process, cb, log_file, save_path]() {
if (process->wait(false)) {
// FFmpeg进程还在运行超时就关闭它 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:bd907d0c]
// The FFmpeg process is still running, close it if it times out
return 0;
// 等待FFmpeg进程退出 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:0a179187]
// Wait for the FFmpeg process to exit
// FFmpeg进程退出了可以取消定时器了 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c8a4b513]
// The FFmpeg process has exited, the timer can be canceled
// 执行回调函数 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7309a900]
// Execute the callback function
bool success = process->exit_code() == 0 && File::fileSize(save_path);
cb(success, (!success && !log_file.empty()) ? File::loadFile(log_file) : "");