
179 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "H265Rtmp.h"
#include "Rtmp/utils.h"
#include "Common/config.h"
#ifdef ENABLE_MP4
#include "mpeg4-hevc.h"
#endif // ENABLE_MP4
using namespace std;
using namespace toolkit;
namespace mediakit {
void H265RtmpDecoder::inputRtmp(const RtmpPacket::Ptr &pkt) {
if (_info.codec == CodecInvalid) {
// 先判断是否为增强型rtmp [AUTO-TRANSLATED:86c4f86a]
// First, determine if it is an enhanced rtmp
parseVideoRtmpPacket((uint8_t *)pkt->data(), pkt->size(), &_info);
if (_info.is_enhanced) {
// 增强型rtmp [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d7d72114]
// Enhanced rtmp
parseVideoRtmpPacket((uint8_t *)pkt->data(), pkt->size(), &_info);
if (!_info.is_enhanced || _info.codec != CodecH265) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid enhanced-rtmp hevc packet!");
switch (_info.video.pkt_type) {
case RtmpPacketType::PacketTypeSequenceStart: {
getTrack()->setExtraData((uint8_t *)pkt->data() + RtmpPacketInfo::kEnhancedRtmpHeaderSize, pkt->size() - RtmpPacketInfo::kEnhancedRtmpHeaderSize);
case RtmpPacketType::PacketTypeCodedFramesX:
case RtmpPacketType::PacketTypeCodedFrames: {
auto data = (uint8_t *)pkt->data() + RtmpPacketInfo::kEnhancedRtmpHeaderSize;
auto size = pkt->size() - RtmpPacketInfo::kEnhancedRtmpHeaderSize;
auto pts = pkt->time_stamp;
CHECK_RET(size > 3);
if (RtmpPacketType::PacketTypeCodedFrames == _info.video.pkt_type) {
// SI24 = [CompositionTime Offset]
int32_t cts = (((data[0] << 16) | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2])) + 0xff800000) ^ 0xff800000;
pts += cts;
data += 3;
size -= 3;
CHECK_RET(size > 4);
splitFrame(data, size, pkt->time_stamp, pts);
default: WarnL << "Unknown pkt_type: " << (int)_info.video.pkt_type; break;
// 国内扩展(12) H265 rtmp [AUTO-TRANSLATED:ba272139]
// Domestic extension (12) H265 rtmp
if (pkt->isConfigFrame()) {
CHECK_RET(pkt->size() > 5);
getTrack()->setExtraData((uint8_t *)pkt->data() + 5, pkt->size() - 5);
CHECK_RET(pkt->size() > 9);
uint8_t *cts_ptr = (uint8_t *)(pkt->buffer.data() + 2);
int32_t cts = (((cts_ptr[0] << 16) | (cts_ptr[1] << 8) | (cts_ptr[2])) + 0xff800000) ^ 0xff800000;
auto pts = pkt->time_stamp + cts;
splitFrame((uint8_t *)pkt->data() + 5, pkt->size() - 5, pkt->time_stamp, pts);
void H265RtmpDecoder::splitFrame(const uint8_t *data, size_t size, uint32_t dts, uint32_t pts) {
auto end = data + size;
while (data + 4 < end) {
uint32_t frame_len = load_be32(data);
data += 4;
if (data + frame_len > end) {
outputFrame((const char *)data, frame_len, dts, pts);
data += frame_len;
inline void H265RtmpDecoder::outputFrame(const char *data, size_t size, uint32_t dts, uint32_t pts) {
auto frame = FrameImp::create<H265Frame>();
frame->_prefix_size = 4;
frame->_dts = dts;
frame->_pts = pts;
frame->_buffer.assign("\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); // 添加265头
frame->_buffer.append(data, size);
void H265RtmpEncoder::flush() {
bool H265RtmpEncoder::inputFrame(const Frame::Ptr &frame) {
if (!_rtmp_packet) {
_rtmp_packet = RtmpPacket::create();
GET_CONFIG(bool, enhanced, Rtmp::kEnhanced);
_rtmp_packet->buffer.resize((enhanced ? RtmpPacketInfo::kEnhancedRtmpHeaderSize : 2) + 3);
return _merger.inputFrame(frame, [this](uint64_t dts, uint64_t pts, const Buffer::Ptr &, bool have_key_frame) {
GET_CONFIG(bool, enhanced, Rtmp::kEnhanced);
if (enhanced) {
auto header = (RtmpVideoHeaderEnhanced *)_rtmp_packet->data();
header->enhanced = 1;
header->pkt_type = (int)RtmpPacketType::PacketTypeCodedFrames;
header->frame_type = have_key_frame ? (int)RtmpFrameType::key_frame : (int)RtmpFrameType::inter_frame;
header->fourcc = htonl((uint32_t)RtmpVideoCodec::fourcc_hevc);
} else {
// flags
_rtmp_packet->buffer[0] = (uint8_t)RtmpVideoCodec::h265 | ((uint8_t)(have_key_frame ? RtmpFrameType::key_frame : RtmpFrameType::inter_frame) << 4);
_rtmp_packet->buffer[1] = (uint8_t)RtmpH264PacketType::h264_nalu;
int32_t cts = pts - dts;
// cts
set_be24(&_rtmp_packet->buffer[enhanced ? 5 : 2], cts);
_rtmp_packet->time_stamp = dts;
_rtmp_packet->body_size = _rtmp_packet->buffer.size();
_rtmp_packet->chunk_id = CHUNK_VIDEO;
_rtmp_packet->stream_index = STREAM_MEDIA;
_rtmp_packet->type_id = MSG_VIDEO;
// 输出rtmp packet [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d72e89a7]
// Output rtmp packet
_rtmp_packet = nullptr;
}, &_rtmp_packet->buffer);
void H265RtmpEncoder::makeConfigPacket() {
auto pkt = RtmpPacket::create();
GET_CONFIG(bool, enhanced, Rtmp::kEnhanced);
if (enhanced) {
auto header = (RtmpVideoHeaderEnhanced *)pkt->data();
header->enhanced = 1;
header->pkt_type = (int)RtmpPacketType::PacketTypeSequenceStart;
header->frame_type = (int)RtmpFrameType::key_frame;
header->fourcc = htonl((uint32_t)RtmpVideoCodec::fourcc_hevc);
} else {
auto flags = (uint8_t)RtmpVideoCodec::h265;
flags |= ((uint8_t)RtmpFrameType::key_frame << 4);
// header
// cts
pkt->buffer.append("\x0\x0\x0", 3);
// HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
auto extra_data = getTrack()->getExtraData();
pkt->buffer.append(extra_data->data(), extra_data->size());
pkt->body_size = pkt->buffer.size();
pkt->chunk_id = CHUNK_VIDEO;
pkt->stream_index = STREAM_MEDIA;
pkt->time_stamp = 0;
pkt->type_id = MSG_VIDEO;
} // namespace mediakit