2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
const _ _vite _ _mapDeps = ( i , m = _ _vite _ _mapDeps , d = ( m . f || ( m . f = [ "static/js/md-dagre-4EVJKHTY-Cnr--yX4.js" , "static/js/md-graph-C9blOGpM.js" , "static/js/md-_baseUniq-BVRqNdkj.js" , "static/js/md-layout-DnrXDbnE.js" , "static/js/md-_basePickBy-D3fG1bhj.js" , "static/js/md-clone-BEz9y2e2.js" , "static/js/md-c4Diagram-6F5ED5ID-3dcA0u8E.js" , "static/js/md-chunk-ASOPGD6M-B4LUEVUs.js" , "static/js/md-flowDiagram-7ASYPVHJ-CG3RqtlD.js" , "static/js/md-chunk-5HRBRIJM-nzhu3MaT.js" , "static/js/md-channel-BfXu8ayq.js" , "static/js/md-erDiagram-6RL3IURR-C_5GDUFm.js" , "static/js/md-gitGraphDiagram-NRZ2UAAF-BhEhMWND.js" , "static/js/md-chunk-TMUBEWPD-Cuy7eGcC.js" , "static/js/md-chunk-KFBOBJHC-CBpy3Mz2.js" , "static/js/md-gitGraph-YCYPL57B-CM4KTYiW.js" , "static/js/md-ganttDiagram-NTVNEXSI-COCzZFK6.js" , "static/js/md-linear-Dk8VmHCw.js" , "static/js/md-init-Gi6I4Gst.js" , "static/js/md-infoDiagram-A4XQUW5V-D6qeyhgB.js" , "static/js/md-pieDiagram-YF2LJOPJ-Y36s8syG.js" , "static/js/md-arc-Cf1UZRlX.js" , "static/js/md-ordinal-CxVaQH2l.js" , "static/js/md-quadrantDiagram-OS5C2QUG-D-rL4tt2.js" , "static/js/md-xychartDiagram-6QU3TZC5-CE6ft2ir.js" , "static/js/md-requirementDiagram-MIRIMTAZ-BHX3MPlu.js" , "static/js/md-sequenceDiagram-G6AWOVSC-Bc6Gjehn.js" , "static/js/md-classDiagram-LNE6IOMH-p5B5wiLH.js" , "static/js/md-chunk-T2TOU4HS-BG8YmVLK.js" , "static/js/md-classDiagram-v2-MQ7JQ4JX-p5B5wiLH.js" , "static/js/md-stateDiagram-MAYHULR4-C3o1cppU.js" , "static/js/md-chunk-7U56Z5CX-BOdDANu7.js" , "static/js/md-stateDiagram-v2-4JROLMXI-DLVZfk1-.js" , "static/js/md-journeyDiagram-G5WM74LC-CcrbRIb4.js" , "static/js/md-timeline-definition-U7ZMHBDA-CDuJ3MJg.js" , "static/js/md-mindmap-definition-GWI6TPTV-Cf8kCyrB.js" , "static/js/md-cytoscape.esm-CW7Zwe7-.js" , "static/js/md-sankeyDiagram-Y46BX6SQ-BgtcHiri.js" , "static/js/md-diagram-QW4FP2JN-DmZs3uWZ.js" , "static/js/md-blockDiagram-ZHA2E4KO-BmbUTtjI.js" , "static/js/md-architectureDiagram-UYN6MBPD-CAWv1Dvc.js" ] ) ) ) => i . map ( i => d [ i ] ) ;
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
var AN = Object . defineProperty ; var oC = Ra => { throw TypeError ( Ra ) } ; var wN = ( Ra , qa , nd ) => qa in Ra ? AN ( Ra , qa , { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 , value : nd } ) : Ra [ qa ] = nd ; var Rg = ( Ra , qa , nd ) => wN ( Ra , typeof qa != "symbol" ? qa + "" : qa , nd ) , DN = ( Ra , qa , nd ) => qa . has ( Ra ) || oC ( "Cannot " + nd ) ; var lC = ( Ra , qa , nd ) => qa . has ( Ra ) ? oC ( "Cannot add the same private member more than once" ) : qa instanceof WeakSet ? qa . add ( Ra ) : qa . set ( Ra , nd ) ; var DT = ( Ra , qa , nd ) => ( DN ( Ra , qa , "access private method" ) , nd ) ; ( function ( ) { const qa = document . createElement ( "link" ) . relList ; if ( qa && qa . supports && qa . supports ( "modulepreload" ) ) return ; for ( const ld of document . querySelectorAll ( 'link[rel="modulepreload"]' ) ) od ( ld ) ; new MutationObserver ( ld => { for ( const ud of ld ) if ( ud . type === "childList" ) for ( const dd of ud . addedNodes ) dd . tagName === "LINK" && dd . rel === "modulepreload" && od ( dd ) } ) . observe ( document , { childList : ! 0 , subtree : ! 0 } ) ; function nd ( ld ) { const ud = { } ; return ld . integrity && ( ud . integrity = ld . integrity ) , ld . referrerPolicy && ( ud . referrerPolicy = ld . referrerPolicy ) , ld . crossOrigin === "use-credentials" ? ud . credentials = "include" : ld . crossOrigin === "anonymous" ? ud . credentials = "omit" : ud . credentials = "same-origin" , ud } function od ( ld ) { if ( ld . ep ) return ; ld . ep = ! 0 ; const ud = nd ( ld ) ; fetch ( ld . href , ud ) } } ) ( ) ; const global$1 = globalThis || void 0 || self ; / * *
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
* @ vue / shared v3 . 5.13
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* ( c ) 2018 - present Yuxi ( Evan ) You and Vue contributors
* @ license MIT
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
* * //*! #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */function makeMap(Ra){const qa=Object.create(null);for(const nd of Ra.split(","))qa[nd]=1;return nd=>nd in qa}const EMPTY_OBJ={},EMPTY_ARR=[],NOOP=()=>{},NO=()=>!1,isOn=Ra=>Ra.charCodeAt(0)===111&&Ra.charCodeAt(1)===110&&(Ra.charCodeAt(2)>122||Ra.charCodeAt(2)<97),isModelListener=Ra=>Ra.startsWith("onUpdate:"),extend$3=Object.assign,remove$2=(Ra,qa)=>{const nd=Ra.indexOf(qa);nd>-1&&Ra.splice(nd,1)},hasOwnProperty$f=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,hasOwn$3=(Ra,qa)=>hasOwnProperty$f.call(Ra,qa),isArray$2=Array.isArray,isMap=Ra=>toTypeString(Ra)==="[object Map]",isSet$1=Ra=>toTypeString(Ra)==="[object Set]",isDate$1=Ra=>toTypeString(Ra)==="[object Date]",isFunction$3=Ra=>typeof Ra=="function",isString$2=Ra=>typeof Ra=="string",isSymbol=Ra=>typeof Ra=="symbol",isObject$5=Ra=>Ra!==null&&typeof Ra=="object",isPromise=Ra=>(isObject$5(Ra)||isFunction$3(Ra))&&isFunction$3(Ra.then)&&isFunction$3(Ra.catch),objectToString$1=Object.prototype.toString,toTypeString=Ra=>objectToString$1.call(Ra),toRawType=Ra=>toTypeString(Ra).slice(8,-1),isPlainObject$4=Ra=>toTypeString(Ra)==="[object Object]",isIntegerKey=Ra=>isString$2(Ra)&&Ra!=="NaN"&&Ra[0]!=="-"&&""+parseInt(Ra,10)===Ra,isReservedProp=makeMap(",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted"),cacheStringFunction=Ra=>{const qa=Object.create(null);return nd=>qa[nd]||(qa[nd]=Ra(nd))},camelizeRE=/-(\w)/g,camelize=cacheStringFunction(Ra=>Ra.replace(camelizeRE,(qa,nd)=>nd?nd.toUpperCase():"")),hyphenateRE=/\B([A-Z])/g,hyphenate=cacheStringFunction(Ra=>Ra.replace(hyphenateRE,"-$1").toLowerCase()),capitalize=cacheStringFunction(Ra=>Ra.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+Ra.slice(1)),toHandlerKey=cacheStringFunction(Ra=>Ra?`on${capitalize(Ra)}`:""),hasChanged=(Ra,qa)=>!Object.is(Ra,qa),invokeArrayFns=(Ra,...qa)=>{for(let nd=0;nd<Ra.length;nd++)Ra[nd](...qa)},def$2=(Ra,qa,nd,od=!1)=>{Object.defineProperty(Ra,qa,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,writable:od,value:nd})},looseToNumber=Ra=>{const qa=parseFloat(Ra);return isNaN(qa)?Ra:qa},toNumber$3=Ra=>{const qa=isString$2(Ra)?Number(Ra):NaN;return isNaN(qa)?Ra:qa};let _globalThis;const getGlobalThis=()=>_globalThis||(_globalThis=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:typeof self<"u"?self:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof global$1<"u"?global$1:{});function normalizeStyle(Ra){if(isArray$2(Ra)){const qa={};for(let nd=0;nd<Ra.length;nd++){const od=Ra[nd],ld=isString$2(od)?parseStringStyle(od):normalizeStyle(od);if(ld)for(const ud in ld)qa[ud]=ld[ud]}return qa}else if(isString$2(Ra)||isObject$5(Ra))return Ra}const listDelimiterRE=/;(?![^(]*\))/g,propertyDelimiterRE=/:([^]+)/,styleCommentRE=/\/\*[^]*?\*\//g;function parseStringStyle(Ra){const qa={};return Ra.replace(styleCommentRE,"").split(listDelimiterRE).forEach(nd=>{if(nd){const od=nd.split(propertyDelimiterRE);od.length>1&&(qa[od[0].trim()]=od[1].trim())}}),qa}function normalizeClass(Ra){let qa="";if(isString$2(Ra))qa=Ra;else if(isArray$2(Ra))for(let nd=0;nd<Ra.length;nd++){const od=normalizeClass(Ra[nd]);od&&(qa+=od+" ")}else if(isObject$5(Ra))for(const nd in Ra)Ra[nd]&&(qa+=nd+" ");return qa.trim()}function normalizeProps(Ra){if(!Ra)return null;let{class:qa,style:nd}=Ra;return qa&&!isString$2(qa)&&(Ra.class=normalizeClass(qa)),nd&&(Ra.style=normalizeStyle(nd)),Ra}const specialBooleanAttrs="itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly",isSpecialBooleanAttr=makeMap(specialBooleanAttrs);function includeBooleanAttr(Ra){return!!Ra||Ra===""}function looseCompareArrays(Ra,qa){if(Ra.length!==qa.length)return!1;let nd=!0;for(let od=0;nd&&od<Ra.length;od++)nd=looseEqual(Ra[od],qa[od]);return nd}function looseEqual(Ra,qa){if(Ra===qa)return!0;let nd=isDate$1(Ra),od=isDate$1(qa);if(nd||od)return nd&&od?Ra.getTime()===qa.getTime():!1;if(nd=isSymbol(Ra),od=isSymbol(qa),nd||od)return Ra===qa;if(nd=isArray$2(Ra),od=isArray$2(qa),nd||od)return nd&&od?looseCompareArrays(Ra,qa):!1;if(nd=isObject$5(Ra),od=isObject$5(qa),nd||od){if(!nd||!od)return!1;const ld=Object.keys(Ra).length,ud=Object.keys(
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
* @ vue / reactivity v3 . 5.13
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* ( c ) 2018 - present Yuxi ( Evan ) You and Vue contributors
* @ license MIT
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
* * / l e t a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e ; c l a s s E f f e c t S c o p e { c o n s t r u c t o r ( q a = ! 1 ) { t h i s . d e t a c h e d = q a , t h i s . _ a c t i v e = ! 0 , t h i s . e f f e c t s = [ ] , t h i s . c l e a n u p s = [ ] , t h i s . _ i s P a u s e d = ! 1 , t h i s . p a r e n t = a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e , ! q a & & a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e & & ( t h i s . i n d e x = ( a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e . s c o p e s | | ( a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e . s c o p e s = [ ] ) ) . p u s h ( t h i s ) - 1 ) } g e t a c t i v e ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . _ a c t i v e } p a u s e ( ) { i f ( t h i s . _ a c t i v e ) { t h i s . _ i s P a u s e d = ! 0 ; l e t q a , n d ; i f ( t h i s . s c o p e s ) f o r ( q a = 0 , n d = t h i s . s c o p e s . l e n g t h ; q a < n d ; q a + + ) t h i s . s c o p e s [ q a ] . p a u s e ( ) ; f o r ( q a = 0 , n d = t h i s . e f f e c t s . l e n g t h ; q a < n d ; q a + + ) t h i s . e f f e c t s [ q a ] . p a u s e ( ) } } r e s u m e ( ) { i f ( t h i s . _ a c t i v e & & t h i s . _ i s P a u s e d ) { t h i s . _ i s P a u s e d = ! 1 ; l e t q a , n d ; i f ( t h i s . s c o p e s ) f o r ( q a = 0 , n d = t h i s . s c o p e s . l e n g t h ; q a < n d ; q a + + ) t h i s . s c o p e s [ q a ] . r e s u m e ( ) ; f o r ( q a = 0 , n d = t h i s . e f f e c t s . l e n g t h ; q a < n d ; q a + + ) t h i s . e f f e c t s [ q a ] . r e s u m e ( ) } } r u n ( q a ) { i f ( t h i s . _ a c t i v e ) { c o n s t n d = a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e ; t r y { r e t u r n a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e = t h i s , q a ( ) } f i n a l l y { a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e = n d } } } o n ( ) { a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e = t h i s } o f f ( ) { a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e = t h i s . p a r e n t } s t o p ( q a ) { i f ( t h i s . _ a c t i v e ) { t h i s . _ a c t i v e = ! 1 ; l e t n d , o d ; f o r ( n d = 0 , o d = t h i s . e f f e c t s . l e n g t h ; n d < o d ; n d + + ) t h i s . e f f e c t s [ n d ] . s t o p ( ) ; f o r ( t h i s . e f f e c t s . l e n g t h = 0 , n d = 0 , o d = t h i s . c l e a n u p s . l e n g t h ; n d < o d ; n d + + ) t h i s . c l e a n u p s [ n d ] ( ) ; i f ( t h i s . c l e a n u p s . l e n g t h = 0 , t h i s . s c o p e s ) { f o r ( n d = 0 , o d = t h i s . s c o p e s . l e n g t h ; n d < o d ; n d + + ) t h i s . s c o p e s [ n d ] . s t o p ( ! 0 ) ; t h i s . s c o p e s . l e n g t h = 0 } i f ( ! t h i s . d e t a c h e d & & t h i s . p a r e n t & & ! q a ) { c o n s t l d = t h i s . p a r e n t . s c o p e s . p o p ( ) ; l d & & l d ! = = t h i s & & ( t h i s . p a r e n t . s c o p e s [ t h i s . i n d e x ] = l d , l d . i n d e x = t h i s . i n d e x ) } t h i s . p a r e n t = v o i d 0 } } } f u n c t i o n e f f e c t S c o p e ( R a ) { r e t u r n n e w E f f e c t S c o p e ( R a ) } f u n c t i o n g e t C u r r e n t S c o p e ( ) { r e t u r n a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e } f u n c t i o n o n S c o p e D i s p o s e ( R a , q a = ! 1 ) { a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e & & a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e . c l e a n u p s . p u s h ( R a ) } l e t a c t i v e S u b ; c o n s t p a u s e d Q u e u e E f f e c t s = n e w W e a k S e t ; c l a s s R e a c t i v e E f f e c t { c o n s t r u c t o r ( q a ) { t h i s . f n = q a , t h i s . d e p s = v o i d 0 , t h i s . d e p s T a i l = v o i d 0 , t h i s . f l a g s = 5 , t h i s . n e x t = v o i d 0 , t h i s . c l e a n u p = v o i d 0 , t h i s . s c h e d u l e r = v o i d 0 , a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e & & a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e . a c t i v e & & a c t i v e E f f e c t S c o p e . e f f e c t s . p u s h ( t h i s ) } p a u s e ( ) { t h i s . f l a g s | = 6 4 } r e s u m e ( ) { t h i s . f l a g s & 6 4 & & ( t h i s . f l a g s & = - 6 5 , p a u s e d Q u e u e E f f e c t s . h a s ( t h i s ) & & ( p a u s e d Q u e u e E f f e c t s . d e l e t e ( t h i s ) , t h i s . t r i g g e r ( ) ) ) } n o t i f y ( ) { t h i s . f l a g s & 2 & & ! ( t h i s . f l a g s & 3 2 ) | | t h i s . f l a g s & 8 | | b a t c h ( t h i s ) } r u n ( ) { i f ( ! ( t h i s . f l a g s & 1 ) ) r e t u r n t h i s . f n ( ) ; t h i s . f l a g s | = 2 , c l e a n u p E f f e c t ( t h i s ) , p r e p a r e D e p s ( t h i s ) ; c o n s t q a = a c t i v e S u b , n d = s h o u l d T r a c k ; a c t i v e S u b = t h i s , s h o u l d T r a c k = ! 0 ; t r y { r e t u r n t h i s . f n ( ) } f i n a l l y { c l e a n u p D e p s ( t h i s ) , a c t i v e S u b = q a , s h o u l d T r a c k = n d , t h i s . f l a g s & = - 3 } } s t o p ( ) { i f ( t h i s . f l a g s & 1 ) { f o r ( l e t q a = t h i s . d e p s ; q a ; q a = q a . n e x t D e p ) r e m o v e S u b ( q a ) ; t h i s . d e p s = t h i s . d e p s T a i l = v o i d 0 , c l e a n u p E f f e c t ( t h i s ) , t h i s . o n S t o p & & t h i s . o n S t o p ( ) , t h i s . f l a g s & = - 2 } } t r i g g e r ( ) { t h i s . f l a g s & 6 4 ? p a u s e d Q u e u e E f f e c t s . a d d ( t h i s ) : t h i s . s c h e d u l e r ? t h i s . s c h e d u l e r ( ) : t h i s . r u n I f D i r t y ( ) } r u n I f D i r t y ( ) { i s D i r t y ( t h i s ) & & t h i s . r u n ( ) } g e t d i r t y ( ) { r e t u r n i s D i r t y ( t h i s ) } } l e t b a t c h D e p t h = 0 , b a t c h e d S u b , b a t c h e d C o m p u t e d ; f u n c t i o n b a t c h ( R a , q a = ! 1 ) { i f ( R a . f l a g s | = 8 , q a ) { R a . n e x t = b a t c h e d C o m p u t e d , b a t c h e d C o m p u t e d = R a ; r e t u r n } R a . n e x t = b a t c h e d S u b , b a t c h e d S u b = R a } f u n c t i o n s t a r t B a t c h ( ) { b a t c h D e p t h + + } f u n c t i o n e n d B a t c h ( ) { i f ( - - b a t c h D e p t h > 0 ) r e t u r n ; i f ( b a t c h e d C o m p u t e d ) { l e t q a = b a t c h e d C o m p u t e d ; f o r ( b a t c h e d C o m p u t e d = v o i d 0 ; q a ; ) { c o n s t n d = q a . n e x t ; q a . n e x t = v o i d 0 , q a . f l a g s & = - 9 , q a = n d } } l e t R a ; f o r ( ; b a t c h e d S u b ; ) { l e t q a = b a t c h e d S u b ; f o r ( b a t c h e d S u b = v o i d 0 ; q a ; ) { c o n s t n d = q a . n e x t ; i f ( q a . n e x t = v o i d 0 , q a . f l a g s & = - 9 , q a . f l a g s & 1 ) t r y { q a . t r i g g e r ( ) } c a t c h ( o d ) { R a | | ( R a = o d ) } q a = n d } } i f ( R a ) t h r o w R a } f u n c t i o n p r e p a r e D e p s ( R a ) { f o r ( l e t q a = R a . d e p s ; q a ; q a = q a . n e x t D e p ) q a . v e r s i o n = - 1 , q a . p r e v A c t i v e L i n k = q a . d e p . a c t i v e L i n k , q a . d e p . a c t i v e L i n k = q a } f u n c t i o n c l e a n u p D e p s ( R a ) { l e t q a , n d = R a . d e p s T a i l , o d = n d ; f o r ( ; o d ; ) { c o n s t l d = o d . p r e v D e p ; o d . v e r s i o n = = = - 1 ? ( o d = = = n d & & ( n d = l d ) , r e m o v e S u b ( o d ) , r e m o v e D e p ( o d ) ) : q a = o d , o d . d e p . a c t i v e L i n k = o d . p r e v A c t i v e L i n k , o d . p r e v A c t i v e L i n k = v o i d 0 , o d = l d } R a . d e p s = q a , R a . d e p s T a i l = n d } f u n c t i o n i s D i r t y ( R a ) { f o r ( l e t q a = R a . d e p s ; q a ; q a = q a . n e x t D e p ) i f ( q a . d e p . v e r s i o n ! = = q a . v e r s i o n | | q a . d e p . c o m p u t e d & & ( r e f r e s h C o m p u t e d ( q a . d e p . c o m p u t e d ) | | q a . d e p . v e r s i o n ! = = q a . v e r s i o n ) ) r e t u r n ! 0 ; r e t u r n ! ! R a . _ d i r t y } f u n c t i o n r e f r e s h C o m p u t e d ( R a ) { i f ( R a . f l a g s & 4 & & ! ( R a . f l a g s & 1 6 ) | | ( R a . f l a g s & = - 1 7 , R a . g l o b a l V e r s i o n = = = g l o b a l V e r s i o n ) ) r e t u r n ; R a . g l o b a l V e r s i o n = g l o b a l V e r s i o n ; c o n s t q a = R a . d e p ; i f ( R a . f l a g s | = 2 , q a . v e r s i o n > 0 & & ! R a . i s S S R & & R a . d e p s & & ! i s D i r t y ( R a ) ) { R a . f l a g s & = - 3 ; r
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
* @ vue / runtime - core v3 . 5.13
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* ( c ) 2018 - present Yuxi ( Evan ) You and Vue contributors
* @ license MIT
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
* * / c o n s t s t a c k = [ ] ; l e t i s W a r n i n g = ! 1 ; f u n c t i o n w a r n $ 1 ( R a , . . . q a ) { i f ( i s W a r n i n g ) r e t u r n ; i s W a r n i n g = ! 0 , p a u s e T r a c k i n g ( ) ; c o n s t n d = s t a c k . l e n g t h ? s t a c k [ s t a c k . l e n g t h - 1 ] . c o m p o n e n t : n u l l , o d = n d & & n d . a p p C o n t e x t . c o n f i g . w a r n H a n d l e r , l d = g e t C o m p o n e n t T r a c e ( ) ; i f ( o d ) c a l l W i t h E r r o r H a n d l i n g ( o d , n d , 1 1 , [ R a + q a . m a p ( u d = > { v a r d d , p d ; r e t u r n ( p d = ( d d = u d . t o S t r i n g ) = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : d d . c a l l ( u d ) ) ! = n u l l ? p d : J S O N . s t r i n g i f y ( u d ) } ) . j o i n ( " " ) , n d & & n d . p r o x y , l d . m a p ( ( { v n o d e : u d } ) = > ` a t < $ { f o r m a t C o m p o n e n t N a m e ( n d , u d . t y p e ) } > ` ) . j o i n ( `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ),ld]);else{const ud=[ ` [ Vue warn ] : $ { Ra } ` ,...qa];ld.length&&ud.push( `
` ,...formatTrace(ld)),console.warn(...ud)}resetTracking(),isWarning=!1}function getComponentTrace(){let Ra=stack[stack.length-1];if(!Ra)return[];const qa=[];for(;Ra;){const nd=qa[0];nd&&nd.vnode===Ra?nd.recurseCount++:qa.push({vnode:Ra,recurseCount:0});const od=Ra.component&&Ra.component.parent;Ra=od&&od.vnode}return qa}function formatTrace(Ra){const qa=[];return Ra.forEach((nd,od)=>{qa.push(...od===0?[]:[ `
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` ],...formatTraceEntry(nd))}),qa}function formatTraceEntry({vnode:Ra,recurseCount:qa}){const nd=qa>0? ` ... ( $ { qa } recursive calls ) ` :"",od=Ra.component?Ra.component.parent==null:!1,ld= ` at < $ { formatComponentName ( Ra . component , Ra . type , od ) } ` ,ud=">"+nd;return Ra.props?[ld,...formatProps(Ra.props),ud]:[ld+ud]}function formatProps(Ra){const qa=[],nd=Object.keys(Ra);return nd.slice(0,3).forEach(od=>{qa.push(...formatProp(od,Ra[od]))}),nd.length>3&&qa.push(" ..."),qa}function formatProp(Ra,qa,nd){return isString $ 2(qa)?(qa=JSON.stringify(qa),nd?qa:[ ` $ { Ra } = $ { qa } ` ]):typeof qa=="number"||typeof qa=="boolean"||qa==null?nd?qa:[ ` $ { Ra } = $ { qa } ` ]:isRef(qa)?(qa=formatProp(Ra,toRaw(qa.value),!0),nd?qa:[ ` $ { Ra } = Ref < ` ,qa,">"]):isFunction $ 3(qa)?[ ` $ { Ra } = fn$ { qa . name ? ` < ${ qa . name } > ` : "" } ` ]:(qa=toRaw(qa),nd?qa:[ ` $ { Ra } = ` ,qa])}function callWithErrorHandling(Ra,qa,nd,od){try{return od?Ra(...od):Ra()}catch(ld){handleError $ 1(ld,qa,nd)}}function callWithAsyncErrorHandling(Ra,qa,nd,od){if(isFunction $ 3(Ra)){const ld=callWithErrorHandling(Ra,qa,nd,od);return ld&&isPromise(ld)&&ld.catch(ud=>{handleError $ 1(ud,qa,nd)}),ld}if(isArray $ 2(Ra)){const ld=[];for(let ud=0;ud<Ra.length;ud++)ld.push(callWithAsyncErrorHandling(Ra[ud],qa,nd,od));return ld}}function handleError $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od=!0){const ld=qa?qa.vnode:null,{errorHandler:ud,throwUnhandledErrorInProduction:dd}=qa&&qa.appContext.config||EMPTY_OBJ;if(qa){let pd=qa.parent;const fd=qa.proxy,md= ` https : //vuejs.org/error-reference/#runtime-${nd}`;for(;pd;){const vd=pd.ec;if(vd){for(let Ad=0;Ad<vd.length;Ad++)if(vd[Ad](Ra,fd,md)===!1)return}pd=pd.parent}if(ud){pauseTracking(),callWithErrorHandling(ud,null,10,[Ra,fd,md]),resetTracking();return}}logError(Ra,nd,ld,od,dd)}function logError(Ra,qa,nd,od=!0,ld=!1){if(ld)throw Ra;console.error(Ra)}const queue$2=[];let flushIndex=-1;const pendingPostFlushCbs=[];let activePostFlushCbs=null,postFlushIndex=0;const resolvedPromise=Promise.resolve();let currentFlushPromise=null;function nextTick$1(Ra){const qa=currentFlushPromise||resolvedPromise;return Ra?qa.then(this?Ra.bind(this):Ra):qa}function findInsertionIndex(Ra){let qa=flushIndex+1,nd=queue$2.length;for(;qa<nd;){const od=qa+nd>>>1,ld=queue$2[od],ud=getId(ld);ud<Ra||ud===Ra&&ld.flags&2?qa=od+1:nd=od}return qa}function queueJob(Ra){if(!(Ra.flags&1)){const qa=getId(Ra),nd=queue$2[queue$2.length-1];!nd||!(Ra.flags&2)&&qa>=getId(nd)?queue$2.push(Ra):queue$2.splice(findInsertionIndex(qa),0,Ra),Ra.flags|=1,queueFlush()}}function queueFlush(){currentFlushPromise||(currentFlushPromise=resolvedPromise.then(flushJobs))}function queuePostFlushCb(Ra){isArray$2(Ra)?pendingPostFlushCbs.push(...Ra):activePostFlushCbs&&Ra.id===-1?activePostFlushCbs.splice(postFlushIndex+1,0,Ra):Ra.flags&1||(pendingPostFlushCbs.push(Ra),Ra.flags|=1),queueFlush()}function flushPreFlushCbs(Ra,qa,nd=flushIndex+1){for(;nd<queue$2.length;nd++){const od=queue$2[nd];if(od&&od.flags&2){if(Ra&&od.id!==Ra.uid)continue;queue$2.splice(nd,1),nd--,od.flags&4&&(od.flags&=-2),od(),od.flags&4||(od.flags&=-2)}}}function flushPostFlushCbs(Ra){if(pendingPostFlushCbs.length){const qa=[...new Set(pendingPostFlushCbs)].sort((nd,od)=>getId(nd)-getId(od));if(pendingPostFlushCbs.length=0,activePostFlushCbs){activePostFlushCbs.push(...qa);return}for(activePostFlushCbs=qa,postFlushIndex=0;postFlushIndex<activePostFlushCbs.length;postFlushIndex++){const nd=activePostFlushCbs[postFlushIndex];nd.flags&4&&(nd.flags&=-2),nd.flags&8||nd(),nd.flags&=-2}activePostFlushCbs=null,postFlushIndex=0}}const getId=Ra=>Ra.id==null?Ra.flags&2?-1:1/0:Ra.id;function flushJobs(Ra){try{for(flushIndex=0;flushIndex<queue$2.length;flushIndex++){const qa=queue$2[flushIndex];qa&&!(qa.flags&8)&&(qa.flags&4&&(qa.flags&=-2),callWithErrorHandling(qa,qa.i,qa.i?15:14),qa.flags&4||(qa.flags&=-2))}}finally{for(;flushIndex<queue$2.length;flushIndex++){const qa=queue$2[flushIndex];qa&&(qa.flags&=-2)}flushIndex=-1,queue$2.length=0,flushPostFlushCbs(),currentFlushPromise=null,(queue$2.length||pendingPostFlushCbs.length)&&flushJobs()}}let currentRenderingInstance=null,currentScopeId=null;function setCurrentRenderingInstance(Ra)
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* @ vue / runtime - dom v3 . 5.13
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* ( c ) 2018 - present Yuxi ( Evan ) You and Vue contributors
* @ license MIT
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` )].join( `
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` ))}return()=>ud.value||ld.value||pd.value?h $ 2(qa.default({present:pd})[0],{ref:vd=>{const Ad= $ e $ 4(vd);return typeof(Ad==null?void 0:Ad.hasAttribute)>"u"||(Ad!=null&&Ad.hasAttribute("data-radix-popper-content-wrapper")?dd.value=Ad.firstElementChild:dd.value=Ad),Ad}}):null}}),[et $ 5,Xi $ 1]=Q $ 7("DialogRoot"),Zi $ 2=defineComponent({inheritAttrs:!1,__name:"DialogRoot",props:{open:{type:Boolean,default:void 0},defaultOpen:{type:Boolean,default:!1},modal:{type:Boolean,default:!0}},emits:["update:open"],setup(Ra,{emit:qa}){const nd=Ra,od=ne $ 6(nd,"open",qa,{defaultValue:nd.defaultOpen,passive:nd.open===void 0}),ld=ref $ 1(),ud=ref $ 1(),{modal:dd}=toRefs(nd);return Xi $ 1({open:od,modal:dd,openModal:()=>{od.value=!0},onOpenChange:pd=>{od.value=pd},onOpenToggle:()=>{od.value=!od.value},contentId:"",titleId:"",descriptionId:"",triggerElement:ld,contentElement:ud}),(pd,fd)=>renderSlot(pd. $ slots,"default",{open:unref(od)})}}),Ji $ 3=defineComponent({__name:"DialogTrigger",props:{asChild:{type:Boolean},as:{default:"button"}},setup(Ra){const qa=Ra,nd=et $ 5(),{forwardRef:od,currentElement:ld}=R $ 7();return nd.contentId||(nd.contentId=he $ 4(void 0,"radix-vue-dialog-content")),onMounted(()=>{nd.triggerElement.value=ld.value}),(ud,dd)=>(openBlock(),createBlock(unref(O $ 4),mergeProps(qa,{ref:unref(od),type:ud.as==="button"?"button":void 0,"aria-haspopup":"dialog","aria-expanded":unref(nd).open.value||!1,"aria-controls":unref(nd).open.value?unref(nd).contentId:void 0,"data-state":unref(nd).open.value?"open":"closed",onClick:unref(nd).onOpenToggle}),{default:withCtx(()=>[renderSlot(ud. $ slots,"default")]),_:3},16,["type","aria-expanded","aria-controls","data-state","onClick"]))}}),nt $ 4=defineComponent({__name:"Teleport",props:{to:{default:"body"},disabled:{type:Boolean},forceMount:{type:Boolean}},setup(Ra){const qa=ja $ 1();return(nd,od)=>unref(qa)||nd.forceMount?(openBlock(),createBlock(Teleport,{key:0,to:nd.to,disabled:nd.disabled},[renderSlot(nd. $ slots,"default")],8,["to","disabled"])):createCommentVNode("",!0)}}),xv=defineComponent({__name:"DialogPortal",props:{to:{},disabled:{type:Boolean},forceMount:{type:Boolean}},setup(Ra){const qa=Ra;return(nd,od)=>(openBlock(),createBlock(unref(nt $ 4),normalizeProps(guardReactiveProps(qa)),{default:withCtx(()=>[renderSlot(nd. $ slots,"default")]),_:3},16))}}),Qi $ 1="dismissableLayer.pointerDownOutside",eu $ 2="dismissableLayer.focusOutside";function zl $ 3(Ra,qa){const nd=qa.closest("[data-dismissable-layer]"),od=Ra.dataset.dismissableLayer===""?Ra:Ra.querySelector("[data-dismissable-layer]"),ld=Array.from(Ra.ownerDocument.querySelectorAll("[data-dismissable-layer]"));return!!(nd&&od===nd||ld.indexOf(od)<ld.indexOf(nd))}function Kl $ 3(Ra,qa){var nd;const od=((nd=qa==null?void 0:qa.value)==null?void 0:nd.ownerDocument)??(globalThis==null?void 0:globalThis.document),ld=ref $ 1(!1),ud=ref $ 1(()=>{});return watchEffect(dd=>{if(!qe $ 3)return;const pd=async md=>{const vd=md.target;if(qa!=null&&qa.value){if(zl $ 3(qa.value,vd)){ld.value=!1;return}if(md.target&&!ld.value){let Ad=function(){Ht $ 4(Qi $ 1,Ra,Nd)};const Nd={originalEvent:md};md.pointerType==="touch"?(od.removeEventListener("click",ud.value),ud.value=Ad,od.addEventListener("click",ud.value,{once:!0})):Ad()}else od.removeEventListener("click",ud.value);ld.value=!1}},fd=window.setTimeout(()=>{od.addEventListener("pointerdown",pd)},0);dd(()=>{window.clearTimeout(fd),od.removeEventListener("pointerdown",pd),od.removeEventListener("click",ud.value)})}),{onPointerDownCapture:()=>ld.value=!0}}function Hl $ 3(Ra,qa){var nd;const od=((nd=qa==null?void 0:qa.value)==null?void 0:nd.ownerDocument)??(globalThis==null?void 0:globalThis.document),ld=ref $ 1(!1);return watchEffect(ud=>{if(!qe $ 3)return;const dd=async pd=>{qa!=null&&qa.value&&(await nextTick $ 1(),!(!qa.value||zl $ 3(qa.value,pd.target))&&pd.target&&!ld.value&&Ht $ 4(eu $ 2,Ra,{originalEvent:pd}))};od.addEventListener("focusin",dd),ud(()=>od.removeEventListener("focusin",dd))}),{onFocusCapture:()=>ld.value=!0,onBlurCapture:()=>ld.value=!1}}const je $ 7=reactive({layersRoot:new Set,layersWithOutsidePointerEventsDisabled:new Set,branches:new Set}
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const toKebabCase=Ra=>Ra.replace(/ ( [ a - z0 - 9 ] ) ( [ A - Z ] ) / g , "$1-$2" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ; / * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /var defaultAttributes={xmlns:"http:/ / www . w3 . org / 2000 / svg ",width:24,height:24,viewBox:" 0 0 24 24 ",fill:" none ",stroke:" currentColor "," stroke - width ":2," stroke - linecap ":" round "," stroke - linejoin ":" round " } ; / * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
* / c o n s t I c o n = ( { s i z e : R a , s t r o k e W i d t h : q a = 2 , a b s o l u t e S t r o k e W i d t h : n d , c o l o r : o d , i c o n N o d e : l d , n a m e : u d , c l a s s : d d , . . . p d } , { s l o t s : f d } ) = > h $ 2 ( " s v g " , { . . . d e f a u l t A t t r i b u t e s , w i d t h : R a | | d e f a u l t A t t r i b u t e s . w i d t h , h e i g h t : R a | | d e f a u l t A t t r i b u t e s . h e i g h t , s t r o k e : o d | | d e f a u l t A t t r i b u t e s . s t r o k e , " s t r o k e - w i d t h " : n d ? N u m b e r ( q a ) * 2 4 / N u m b e r ( R a ) : q a , c l a s s : [ " l u c i d e " , ` l u c i d e - $ { t o K e b a b C a s e ( u d ? ? " i c o n " ) } ` ] , . . . p d } , [ . . . l d . m a p ( m d = > h $ 2 ( . . . m d ) ) , . . . f d . d e f a u l t ? [ f d . d e f a u l t ( ) ] : [ ] ] ) ; / * *
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
* /const createLucideIcon=(Ra,qa)=>(nd,{slots:od})=>h$2(Icon,{...nd,iconNode:qa,name:Ra},od);/ * *
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const Check=createLucideIcon("CheckIcon",[["path",{d:"M20 6 9 17l-5-5",key:"1gmf2c"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const ChevronDown=createLucideIcon("ChevronDownIcon",[["path",{d:"m6 9 6 6 6-6",key:"qrunsl"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const ChevronRight=createLucideIcon("ChevronRightIcon",[["path",{d:"m9 18 6-6-6-6",key:"mthhwq"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const ChevronUp=createLucideIcon("ChevronUpIcon",[["path",{d:"m18 15-6-6-6 6",key:"153udz"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
* /const Circle=createLucideIcon("CircleIcon",[["circle",{cx:"12",cy:"12",r:"10",key:"1mglay"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
* /const CloudUpload=createLucideIcon("CloudUploadIcon",[["path",{d:"M12 13v8",key:"1l5pq0"}],["path",{d:"M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242",key:"1pljnt"}],["path",{d:"m8 17 4-4 4 4",key:"1quai1"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const Download=createLucideIcon("DownloadIcon",[["path",{d:"M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4",key:"ih7n3h"}],["polyline",{points:"7 10 12 15 17 10",key:"2ggqvy"}],["line",{x1:"12",x2:"12",y1:"15",y2:"3",key:"1vk2je"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-18 09:55:26 +08:00
* /const Ellipsis=createLucideIcon("EllipsisIcon",[["circle",{cx:"12",cy:"12",r:"1",key:"41hilf"}],["circle",{cx:"19",cy:"12",r:"1",key:"1wjl8i"}],["circle",{cx:"5",cy:"12",r:"1",key:"1pcz8c"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
* /const FileCode=createLucideIcon("FileCodeIcon",[["path",{d:"M10 12.5 8 15l2 2.5",key:"1tg20x"}],["path",{d:"m14 12.5 2 2.5-2 2.5",key:"yinavb"}],["path",{d:"M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4",key:"tnqrlb"}],["path",{d:"M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7z",key:"1mlx9k"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const Info=createLucideIcon("InfoIcon",[["circle",{cx:"12",cy:"12",r:"10",key:"1mglay"}],["path",{d:"M12 16v-4",key:"1dtifu"}],["path",{d:"M12 8h.01",key:"e9boi3"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const Minus=createLucideIcon("MinusIcon",[["path",{d:"M5 12h14",key:"1ays0h"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const Moon=createLucideIcon("MoonIcon",[["path",{d:"M12 3a6 6 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 0 1 1-9-9Z",key:"a7tn18"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-18 09:55:26 +08:00
* /const PanelLeftClose=createLucideIcon("PanelLeftCloseIcon",[["rect",{width:"18",height:"18",x:"3",y:"3",rx:"2",key:"afitv7"}],["path",{d:"M9 3v18",key:"fh3hqa"}],["path",{d:"m16 15-3-3 3-3",key:"14y99z"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const PanelLeftOpen=createLucideIcon("PanelLeftOpenIcon",[["rect",{width:"18",height:"18",x:"3",y:"3",rx:"2",key:"afitv7"}],["path",{d:"M9 3v18",key:"fh3hqa"}],["path",{d:"m14 9 3 3-3 3",key:"8010ee"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
* /const PenLine=createLucideIcon("PenLineIcon",[["path",{d:"M12 20h9",key:"t2du7b"}],["path",{d:"M16.376 3.622a1 1 0 0 1 3.002 3.002L7.368 18.635a2 2 0 0 1-.855.506l-2.872.838a.5.5 0 0 1-.62-.62l.838-2.872a2 2 0 0 1 .506-.854z",key:"1ykcvy"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const Plus=createLucideIcon("PlusIcon",[["path",{d:"M5 12h14",key:"1ays0h"}],["path",{d:"M12 5v14",key:"s699le"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-18 17:52:58 +08:00
* /const Settings=createLucideIcon("SettingsIcon",[["path",{d:"M12.22 2h-.44a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v.18a2 2 0 0 1-1 1.73l-.43.25a2 2 0 0 1-2 0l-.15-.08a2 2 0 0 0-2.73.73l-.22.38a2 2 0 0 0 .73 2.73l.15.1a2 2 0 0 1 1 1.72v.51a2 2 0 0 1-1 1.74l-.15.09a2 2 0 0 0-.73 2.73l.22.38a2 2 0 0 0 2.73.73l.15-.08a2 2 0 0 1 2 0l.43.25a2 2 0 0 1 1 1.73V20a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h.44a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-.18a2 2 0 0 1 1-1.73l.43-.25a2 2 0 0 1 2 0l.15.08a2 2 0 0 0 2.73-.73l.22-.39a2 2 0 0 0-.73-2.73l-.15-.08a2 2 0 0 1-1-1.74v-.5a2 2 0 0 1 1-1.74l.15-.09a2 2 0 0 0 .73-2.73l-.22-.38a2 2 0 0 0-2.73-.73l-.15.08a2 2 0 0 1-2 0l-.43-.25a2 2 0 0 1-1-1.73V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z",key:"1qme2f"}],["circle",{cx:"12",cy:"12",r:"3",key:"1v7zrd"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
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* /const Sun=createLucideIcon("SunIcon",[["circle",{cx:"12",cy:"12",r:"4",key:"4exip2"}],["path",{d:"M12 2v2",key:"tus03m"}],["path",{d:"M12 20v2",key:"1lh1kg"}],["path",{d:"m4.93 4.93 1.41 1.41",key:"149t6j"}],["path",{d:"m17.66 17.66 1.41 1.41",key:"ptbguv"}],["path",{d:"M2 12h2",key:"1t8f8n"}],["path",{d:"M20 12h2",key:"1q8mjw"}],["path",{d:"m6.34 17.66-1.41 1.41",key:"1m8zz5"}],["path",{d:"m19.07 4.93-1.41 1.41",key:"1shlcs"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* /const Table=createLucideIcon("TableIcon",[["path",{d:"M12 3v18",key:"108xh3"}],["rect",{width:"18",height:"18",x:"3",y:"3",rx:"2",key:"afitv7"}],["path",{d:"M3 9h18",key:"1pudct"}],["path",{d:"M3 15h18",key:"5xshup"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-18 09:55:26 +08:00
* /const Trash=createLucideIcon("TrashIcon",[["path",{d:"M3 6h18",key:"d0wm0j"}],["path",{d:"M19 6v14c0 1-1 2-2 2H7c-1 0-2-1-2-2V6",key:"4alrt4"}],["path",{d:"M8 6V4c0-1 1-2 2-2h4c1 0 2 1 2 2v2",key:"v07s0e"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
* /const Upload=createLucideIcon("UploadIcon",[["path",{d:"M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4",key:"ih7n3h"}],["polyline",{points:"17 8 12 3 7 8",key:"t8dd8p"}],["line",{x1:"12",x2:"12",y1:"3",y2:"15",key:"widbto"}]]);/ * *
* @ license lucide - vue - next v0 . 462.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license .
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
* / c o n s t X $ 7 = c r e a t e L u c i d e I c o n ( " X I c o n " , [ [ " p a t h " , { d : " M 1 8 6 6 1 8 " , k e y : " 1 b l 5 f 8 " } ] , [ " p a t h " , { d : " m 6 6 1 2 1 2 " , k e y : " d 8 b k 6 v " } ] ] ) , _ s f c _ m a i n $ 1 c = d e f i n e C o m p o n e n t ( { _ _ n a m e : " D i a l o g C o n t e n t " , p r o p s : { f o r c e M o u n t : { t y p e : B o o l e a n } , t r a p F o c u s : { t y p e : B o o l e a n } , d i s a b l e O u t s i d e P o i n t e r E v e n t s : { t y p e : B o o l e a n } , a s C h i l d : { t y p e : B o o l e a n } , a s : { } , c l a s s : { } } , e m i t s : [ " e s c a p e K e y D o w n " , " p o i n t e r D o w n O u t s i d e " , " f o c u s O u t s i d e " , " i n t e r a c t O u t s i d e " , " o p e n A u t o F o c u s " , " c l o s e A u t o F o c u s " ] , s e t u p ( R a , { e m i t : q a } ) { c o n s t n d = R a , o d = q a , l d = c o m p u t e d ( ( ) = > { c o n s t { c l a s s : d d , . . . p d } = n d ; r e t u r n p d } ) , u d = x e $ 5 ( l d , o d ) ; r e t u r n ( d d , p d ) = > ( o p e n B l o c k ( ) , c r e a t e B l o c k ( u n r e f ( x v ) , n u l l , { d e f a u l t : w i t h C t x ( ( ) = > [ c r e a t e V N o d e ( u n r e f ( _ u $ 3 ) , { c l a s s : " d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : a n i m a t e - i n d a t a - [ s t a t e = c l o s e d ] : a n i m a t e - o u t d a t a - [ s t a t e = c l o s e d ] : f a d e - o u t - 0 d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : f a d e - i n - 0 f i x e d i n s e t - 0 z - 5 0 b g - b l a c k / 8 0 " } ) , c r e a t e V N o d e ( u n r e f ( C u $ 3 ) , m e r g e P r o p s ( u n r e f ( u d ) , { c l a s s : u n r e f ( c n $ 5 ) ( " f i x e d l e f t - 1 / 2 t o p - 1 / 2 z - 5 0 g r i d w - f u l l m a x - w - l g - t r a n s l a t e - x - 1 / 2 - t r a n s l a t e - y - 1 / 2 g a p - 4 b o r d e r b g - b a c k g r o u n d p - 6 s h a d o w - l g d u r a t i o n - 2 0 0 d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : a n i m a t e - i n d a t a - [ s t a t e = c l o s e d ] : a n i m a t e - o u t d a t a - [ s t a t e = c l o s e d ] : f a d e - o u t - 0 d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : f a d e - i n - 0 d a t a - [ s t a t e = c l o s e d ] : z o o m - o u t - 9 5 d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : z o o m - i n - 9 5 d a t a - [ s t a t e = c l o s e d ] : s l i d e - o u t - t o - l e f t - 1 / 2 d a t a - [ s t a t e = c l o s e d ] : s l i d e - o u t - t o - t o p - [ 4 8 % ] d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : s l i d e - i n - f r o m - l e f t - 1 / 2 d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : s l i d e - i n - f r o m - t o p - [ 4 8 % ] s m : r o u n d e d - l g " , n d . c l a s s ) } ) , { d e f a u l t : w i t h C t x ( ( ) = > [ r e n d e r S l o t ( d d . $ s l o t s , " d e f a u l t " ) , c r e a t e V N o d e ( u n r e f ( U l $ 3 ) , { c l a s s : " d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : b g - a c c e n t r i n g - o f f s e t - b a c k g r o u n d d a t a - [ s t a t e = o p e n ] : t e x t - m u t e d - f o r e g r o u n d f o c u s : r i n g - r i n g a b s o l u t e r i g h t - 4 t o p - 4 r o u n d e d - s m o p a c i t y - 7 0 t r a n s i t i o n - o p a c i t y d i s a b l e d : p o i n t e r - e v e n t s - n o n e h o v e r : o p a c i t y - 1 0 0 f o c u s : o u t l i n e - n o n e f o c u s : r i n g - 2 f o c u s : r i n g - o f f s e t - 2 " } , { d e f a u l t : w i t h C t x ( ( ) = > [ c r e a t e V N o d e ( u n r e f ( X $ 7 ) , { c l a s s : " h - 4 w - 4 " } ) , p d [ 0 ] | | ( p d [ 0 ] = c r e a t e B a s e V N o d e ( " s p a n " , { c l a s s : " s r - o n l y " } , " C l o s e " , - 1 ) ) ] ) , _ : 1 } ) ] ) , _ : 3 } , 1 6 , [ " c l a s s " ] ) ] ) , _ : 3 } ) ) } } ) , _ s f c _ m a i n $ 1 b = d e f i n e C o m p o n e n t ( { _ _ n a m e : " D i a l o g F o o t e r " , p r o p s : { c l a s s : { } } , s e t u p ( R a ) { c o n s t q a = R a ; r e t u r n ( n d , o d ) = > ( o p e n B l o c k ( ) , c r e a t e E l e m e n t B l o c k ( " d i v " , { c l a s s : n o r m a l i z e C l a s s ( u n r e f ( c n $ 5 ) ( " f l e x f l e x - c o l - r e v e r s e s m : f l e x - r o w s m : j u s t i f y - e n d s m : g a p - x - 2 " , q a . c l a s s ) ) } , [ r e n d e r S l o t ( n d . $ s l o t s , " d e f a u l t " ) ] , 2 ) ) } } ) ; f u n c t i o n t r y O n S c o p e D i s p o s e ( R a ) { r e t u r n g e t C u r r e n t S c o p e ( ) ? ( o n S c o p e D i s p o s e ( R a ) , ! 0 ) : ! 1 } f u n c t i o n c r e a t e E v e n t H o o k ( ) { c o n s t R a = n e w S e t , q a = l d = > { R a . d e l e t e ( l d ) } ; r e t u r n { o n : l d = > { R a . a d d ( l d ) ; c o n s t u d = ( ) = > q a ( l d ) ; r e t u r n t r y O n S c o p e D i s p o s e ( u d ) , { o f f : u d } } , o f f : q a , t r i g g e r : ( . . . l d ) = > P r o m i s e . a l l ( A r r a y . f r o m ( R a ) . m a p ( u d = > u d ( . . . l d ) ) ) } } f u n c t i o n t o V a l u e ( R a ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f R a = = " f u n c t i o n " ? R a ( ) : u n r e f ( R a ) } c o n s t i s C l i e n t = t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " & & t y p e o f d o c u m e n t < " u " ; t y p e o f W o r k e r G l o b a l S c o p e < " u " & & g l o b a l T h i s i n s t a n c e o f W o r k e r G l o b a l S c o p e ; c o n s t i s D e f = R a = > t y p e o f R a < " u " , t o S t r i n g $ 3 = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g , i s O b j e c t $ 4 = R a = > t o S t r i n g $ 3 . c a l l ( R a ) = = = " [ o b j e c t O b j e c t ] " , n o o p $ 5 = ( ) = > { } , h a s O w n $ 2 = ( R a , q a ) = > O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y . c a l l ( R a , q a ) ; f u n c t i o n c r e a t e F i l t e r W r a p p e r ( R a , q a ) { f u n c t i o n n d ( . . . o d ) { r e t u r n n e w P r o m i s e ( ( l d , u d ) = > { P r o m i s e . r e s o l v e ( R a ( ( ) = > q a . a p p l y ( t h i s , o d ) , { f n : q a , t h i s A r g : t h i s , a r g s : o d } ) ) . t h e n ( l d ) . c a t c h ( u d ) } ) } r e t u r n n d } c o n s t b y p a s s F i l t e r = R a = > R a ( ) ; f u n c t i o n p a u s a b l e F i l t e r ( R a = b y p a s s F i l t e r ) { c o n s t q a = r e f $ 1 ( ! 0 ) ; f u n c t i o n n d ( ) { q a . v a l u e = ! 1 } f u n c t i o n o d ( ) { q a . v a l u e = ! 0 } c o n s t l d = ( . . . u d ) = > { q a . v a l u e & & R a ( . . . u d ) } ; r e t u r n { i s A c t i v e : r e a d o n l y ( q a ) , p a u s e : n d , r e s u m e : o d , e v e n t F i l t e r : l d } } f u n c t i o n c r e a t e S i n g l e t o n P r o m i s e ( R a ) { l e t q a ; f u n c t i o n n d ( ) { r e t u r n q a | | ( q a = R a ( ) ) , q a } r e t u r n n d . r e s e t = a s y n c ( ) = > { c o n s t o d = q a ; q a = v o i d 0 , o d & & a w a i t o d } , n d } f u n c t i o n g e t L i f e C y c l e T a r g e t ( R a ) { r e t u r n g e t C u r r e n t I n s t a n c e ( ) } f u n c t i o n t o R e f ( . . . R a ) { i f ( R a . l e n g t h ! = = 1 ) r e t u r n t o R e f $ 1 ( . . . R a ) ; c o n s t q a = R a [ 0 ] ; r e t u r n t y p e o f q a = = " f u n c t i o n " ? r e a d o n l y ( c u s t o m R e f ( ( ) = > ( { g e t : q a , s e t : n o o p $ 5 } ) ) ) : r e f $ 1 ( q a ) } f u n c t i o n w a t c h W i t h F i l t e r ( R a , q a , n d = { } ) { c o n s t { e v e n t F i l t e r : o d = b y p a s s F i l t e r , . . . l d } = n d ; r e t u r n w a t c h ( R a , c r e a t e F i l t e r W r a p p e r ( o d , q a ) , l d ) } f u n c t i o n w a t c h P a u s a b l e ( R a , q a , n d = { } ) { c o n s t { e v e n t F i l t e r : o d , . . . l d } = n d , { e v e n t F i l t e r : u d , p a u s e : d d , r e s u m e : p d , i s A c t i v e : f d } = p a u s a b l e F i l t e r ( o d ) ; r e t u r n { s t o p : w a t c h W i t h F i l t e r ( R a , q a , { . . . l d , e v e n t F i l t e r : u d } ) , p a u s e : d d , r e s u m e : p d , i s A c t i v e : f d } } f u n c t i o n t r y O n M o u n t e d ( R a , q a = ! 0 , n d ) { g e t L i f e C y c l e T a r g e t (
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
欢迎来到 Markdown 的奇妙世界 ! 无论你是写作爱好者 、 开发者 、 博主 , 还是想要简单记录点什么的人 , Markdown 都能成为你新的好伙伴 。 它不仅让写作变得简单明了 , 还能轻松地将内容转化为漂亮的网页格式 。 今天 , 我们将全面探讨 Markdown 的基础和进阶语法 , 让你在这个过程中充分享受写作的乐趣 !
Markdown 是一种轻量级标记语言 , 用于格式化纯文本 。 它以简单 、 直观的语法而著称 , 可以快速地生成 HTML 。 Markdown 是写作与代码的完美结合 , 既简单又强大 。
# # Markdown 基础语法
# # # 1. 标题 : 让你的内容层次分明
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用 \ ` # \` 号来创建标题。标题从 \` # \` 开始, \` # \` 的数量表示标题的级别。
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\ ` \` \` markdown
# 一级标题
# # 二级标题
# # # 三级标题
# # # # 四级标题
\ ` \` \`
以上代码将渲染出一组层次分明的标题 , 使你的文章井井有条 。
# # # 2. 段落与换行 : 自然流畅
Markdown 中的段落就是一行接一行的文本 。 要创建新段落 , 只需在两行文本之间空一行 。
# # # 3. 字体样式 : 强调你的文字
- * * 粗体 * * : 用两个星号或下划线包裹文字 , 如 \ ` **粗体** \` 或 \` __粗体__ \` 。
- _斜体 _ : 用一个星号或下划线包裹文字 , 如 \ ` *斜体* \` 或 \` _斜体_ \` 。
- ~ ~ 删除线 ~ ~ : 用两个波浪线包裹文字 , 如 \ ` ~~删除线~~ \` 。
这些简单的标记可以让你的内容更有层次感和重点突出 。
# # # 4. 列表 : 整洁有序
- * * 无序列表 * * : 用 \ ` - \` 、 \` * \` 或 \` + \` 加空格开始一行。
- * * 有序列表 * * : 使用数字加点号 ( \ ` 1. \` 、 \` 2. \` )开始一行。
在列表中嵌套其他内容 ? 只需缩进即可实现嵌套效果 。
- 无序列表项 1
1. 嵌套有序列表项 1
2. 嵌套有序列表项 2
- 无序列表项 2
1. 有序列表项 1
2. 有序列表项 2
# # # 5. 链接与图片 : 丰富内容
- * * 链接 * * : 用方括号和圆括号创建链接 \ ` [显示文本](链接地址) \` 。
- * * 图片 * * : 和链接类似 , 只需在前面加上 \ ` ! \` ,如 \` ![描述文本](图片链接) \` 。
[ 访问 Doocs ] ( https : //github.com/doocs)
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轻松实现富媒体内容展示 !
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> 因微信公众号平台不支持除公众号文章以外的链接 , 故其他平台的链接 , 会呈现链接样式但无法点击跳转 。
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> 对于这些链接请注意明文书写 , 或点击左上角 「 格式 - > 微信外链接转底部引用 」 开启引用 , 这样就可以在底部观察到链接指向 。
# # # 6. 引用 : 引用名言或引人深思的句子
使用 \ ` > \` 来创建引用,只需在文本前面加上它。多层引用?在前一层 \` > \` 后再加一个就行。
> 这是一个引用
> > 这是一个嵌套引用
这让你的引用更加富有层次感 。
# # # 7. 代码块 : 展示你的代码
- * * 行内代码 * * : 用反引号包裹 , 如 \ ` code \` 。
- * * 代码块 * * : 用三个反引号包裹 , 并指定语言 , 如 :
\ ` \` \` js
console . log ( "Hello, Doocs!" ) ;
\ ` \` \`
语法高亮让你的代码更易读 。
# # # 8. 分割线 : 分割内容
用三个或更多的 \ ` - \` 、 \` * \` 或 \` _ \` 来创建分割线。
-- -
为你的内容添加视觉分隔 。
# # # 9. 表格 : 清晰展示数据
Markdown 支持简单的表格 , 用 \ ` | \` 和 \` - \` 分隔单元格和表头。
| 项目人员 | 邮箱 | 微信号 |
| -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- |
| [ yanglbme ] ( https : //github.com/yanglbme) | contact@yanglibin.info | YLB0109 |
| [ YangFong ] ( https : //github.com/YangFong) | yangfong2022@gmail.com | yq2419731931 |
| [ thinkasany ] ( https : //github.com/thinkasany) | thinkasany@gmail.com | thinkasany |
这样的表格让数据展示更为清爽 !
> 手动编写标记太麻烦 ? 我们提供了便捷方式 。 左上方点击 「 编辑 - > 插入表格 」 , 即可快速实现表格渲染 。
# # Markdown 进阶技巧
# # # 1. LaTeX 公式 : 完美展示数学表达式
Markdown 允许嵌入 LaTeX 语法展示数学公式 :
- * * 行内公式 * * : 用 \ ` $ \` 包裹公式,如 $ E = mc^2 $ 。
- * * 块级公式 * * : 用 \ ` $ $ \` 包裹公式,如:
\ \ begin { aligned }
d _ { i , j } & \ \ leftarrow d _ { i , j } + 1 \ \ \ \
d _ { i , y + 1 } & \ \ leftarrow d _ { i , y + 1 } - 1 \ \ \ \
d _ { x + 1 , j } & \ \ leftarrow d _ { x + 1 , j } - 1 \ \ \ \
d _ { x + 1 , y + 1 } & \ \ leftarrow d _ { x + 1 , y + 1 } + 1
\ \ end { aligned }
这是展示复杂数学表达的利器 !
# # # 2. Mermaid 流程图 : 可视化流程
Mermaid 是强大的可视化工具 , 可以在 Markdown 中创建流程图 、 时序图等 。
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\ ` \` \` mermaid
graph LR
A [ GraphCommand ] -- > B [ update ]
A -- > C [ goto ]
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C -- > C1 [ 流程控制 ]
D -- > D1 [ 消息传递 ]
\ ` \` \`
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\ ` \` \` mermaid
graph TD ;
A -- > B ;
A -- > C ;
B -- > D ;
C -- > D ;
\ ` \` \`
\ ` \` \` mermaid
title Key elements in Product X
"Calcium" : 42.96
"Potassium" : 50.05
"Magnesium" : 10.01
"Iron" : 5
\ ` \` \`
\ ` \` \` mermaid
title 为什么总是宅在家里 ?
"喜欢宅" : 45
"天气太热" : 70
"穷" : 500
"没人约" : 95
\ ` \` \`
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- [ 阿里又一个 20 k + stars 开源项目诞生 , 恭喜 fastjson ! ] ( https : //mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RNKDCK2KoyeuMeEs6GUrow)
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- [ 好用 ! 期待已久的文本块功能究竟如何在 Java 13 中发挥作用 ? ] ( https : //mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kalGv5T8AZGxTnLHr2wDsA)
- [ 2019 GitHub 开源贡献排行榜新鲜出炉 ! 微软谷歌领头 , 阿里跻身前 12 ! ] ( https : //mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_q812aGD1b9QvZ2WFI0Qgw)
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
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2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* The buffer module from node . js , for the browser .
* @ author Feross Aboukhadijeh < https : //feross.org>
* @ license MIT
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
* / ( f u n c t i o n ( R a ) { c o n s t q a = b a s e 6 4 J s $ 1 , n d = i e e e 7 5 4 $ 1 , o d = t y p e o f S y m b o l = = " f u n c t i o n " & & t y p e o f S y m b o l . f o r = = " f u n c t i o n " ? S y m b o l . f o r ( " n o d e j s . u t i l . i n s p e c t . c u s t o m " ) : n u l l ; R a . B u f f e r = v d , R a . S l o w B u f f e r = z d , R a . I N S P E C T _ M A X _ B Y T E S = 5 0 ; c o n s t l d = 2 1 4 7 4 8 3 6 4 7 ; R a . k M a x L e n g t h = l d ; c o n s t { U i n t 8 A r r a y : u d , A r r a y B u f f e r : d d , S h a r e d A r r a y B u f f e r : p d } = g l o b a l T h i s ; v d . T Y P E D _ A R R A Y _ S U P P O R T = f d ( ) , ! v d . T Y P E D _ A R R A Y _ S U P P O R T & & t y p e o f c o n s o l e < " u " & & t y p e o f c o n s o l e . e r r o r = = " f u n c t i o n " & & c o n s o l e . e r r o r ( " T h i s b r o w s e r l a c k s t y p e d a r r a y ( U i n t 8 A r r a y ) s u p p o r t w h i c h i s r e q u i r e d b y ` b u f f e r ` v 5 . x . U s e ` b u f f e r ` v 4 . x i f y o u r e q u i r e o l d b r o w s e r s u p p o r t . " ) ; f u n c t i o n f d ( ) { t r y { c o n s t S h = n e w u d ( 1 ) , j f = { f o o : f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n 4 2 } } ; r e t u r n O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( j f , u d . p r o t o t y p e ) , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( S h , j f ) , S h . f o o ( ) = = = 4 2 } c a t c h { r e t u r n ! 1 } } O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( v d . p r o t o t y p e , " p a r e n t " , { e n u m e r a b l e : ! 0 , g e t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( v d . i s B u f f e r ( t h i s ) ) r e t u r n t h i s . b u f f e r } } ) , O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( v d . p r o t o t y p e , " o f f s e t " , { e n u m e r a b l e : ! 0 , g e t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( v d . i s B u f f e r ( t h i s ) ) r e t u r n t h i s . b y t e O f f s e t } } ) ; f u n c t i o n m d ( S h ) { i f ( S h > l d ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' T h e v a l u e " ' + S h + ' " i s i n v a l i d f o r o p t i o n " s i z e " ' ) ; c o n s t j f = n e w u d ( S h ) ; r e t u r n O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( j f , v d . p r o t o t y p e ) , j f } f u n c t i o n v d ( S h , j f , L f ) { i f ( t y p e o f S h = = " n u m b e r " ) { i f ( t y p e o f j f = = " s t r i n g " ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( ' T h e " s t r i n g " a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o f t y p e s t r i n g . R e c e i v e d t y p e n u m b e r ' ) ; r e t u r n k d ( S h ) } r e t u r n A d ( S h , j f , L f ) } v d . p o o l S i z e = 8 1 9 2 ; f u n c t i o n A d ( S h , j f , L f ) { i f ( t y p e o f S h = = " s t r i n g " ) r e t u r n L d ( S h , j f ) ; i f ( d d . i s V i e w ( S h ) ) r e t u r n U d ( S h ) ; i f ( S h = = n u l l ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " T h e f i r s t a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o n e o f t y p e s t r i n g , B u f f e r , A r r a y B u f f e r , A r r a y , o r A r r a y - l i k e O b j e c t . R e c e i v e d t y p e " + t y p e o f S h ) ; i f ( R m ( S h , d d ) | | S h & & R m ( S h . b u f f e r , d d ) | | t y p e o f p d < " u " & & ( R m ( S h , p d ) | | S h & & R m ( S h . b u f f e r , p d ) ) ) r e t u r n F d ( S h , j f , L f ) ; i f ( t y p e o f S h = = " n u m b e r " ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( ' T h e " v a l u e " a r g u m e n t m u s t n o t b e o f t y p e n u m b e r . R e c e i v e d t y p e n u m b e r ' ) ; c o n s t _ h = S h . v a l u e O f & & S h . v a l u e O f ( ) ; i f ( _ h ! = n u l l & & _ h ! = = S h ) r e t u r n v d . f r o m ( _ h , j f , L f ) ; c o n s t O h = H d ( S h ) ; i f ( O h ) r e t u r n O h ; i f ( t y p e o f S y m b o l < " u " & & S y m b o l . t o P r i m i t i v e ! = n u l l & & t y p e o f S h [ S y m b o l . t o P r i m i t i v e ] = = " f u n c t i o n " ) r e t u r n v d . f r o m ( S h [ S y m b o l . t o P r i m i t i v e ] ( " s t r i n g " ) , j f , L f ) ; t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " T h e f i r s t a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o n e o f t y p e s t r i n g , B u f f e r , A r r a y B u f f e r , A r r a y , o r A r r a y - l i k e O b j e c t . R e c e i v e d t y p e " + t y p e o f S h ) } v d . f r o m = f u n c t i o n ( S h , j f , L f ) { r e t u r n A d ( S h , j f , L f ) } , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( v d . p r o t o t y p e , u d . p r o t o t y p e ) , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( v d , u d ) ; f u n c t i o n N d ( S h ) { i f ( t y p e o f S h ! = " n u m b e r " ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( ' " s i z e " a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o f t y p e n u m b e r ' ) ; i f ( S h < 0 ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' T h e v a l u e " ' + S h + ' " i s i n v a l i d f o r o p t i o n " s i z e " ' ) } f u n c t i o n O d ( S h , j f , L f ) { r e t u r n N d ( S h ) , S h < = 0 ? m d ( S h ) : j f ! = = v o i d 0 ? t y p e o f L f = = " s t r i n g " ? m d ( S h ) . f i l l ( j f , L f ) : m d ( S h ) . f i l l ( j f ) : m d ( S h ) } v d . a l l o c = f u n c t i o n ( S h , j f , L f ) { r e t u r n O d ( S h , j f , L f ) } ; f u n c t i o n k d ( S h ) { r e t u r n N d ( S h ) , m d ( S h < 0 ? 0 : V d ( S h ) | 0 ) } v d . a l l o c U n s a f e = f u n c t i o n ( S h ) { r e t u r n k d ( S h ) } , v d . a l l o c U n s a f e S l o w = f u n c t i o n ( S h ) { r e t u r n k d ( S h ) } ; f u n c t i o n L d ( S h , j f ) { i f ( ( t y p e o f j f ! = " s t r i n g " | | j f = = = " " ) & & ( j f = " u t f 8 " ) , ! v d . i s E n c o d i n g ( j f ) ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " U n k n o w n e n c o d i n g : " + j f ) ; c o n s t L f = Y d ( S h , j f ) | 0 ; l e t _ h = m d ( L f ) ; c o n s t O h = _ h . w r i t e ( S h , j f ) ; r e t u r n O h ! = = L f & & ( _ h = _ h . s l i c e ( 0 , O h ) ) , _ h } f u n c t i o n G d ( S h ) { c o n s t j f = S h . l e n g t h < 0 ? 0 : V d ( S h . l e n g t h ) | 0 , L f = m d ( j f ) ; f o r ( l e t _ h = 0 ; _ h < j f ; _ h + = 1 ) L f [ _ h ] = S h [ _ h ] & 2 5 5 ; r e t u r n L f } f u n c t i o n U d ( S h ) { i f ( R m ( S h , u d ) ) { c o n s t j f = n e w u d ( S h ) ; r e t u r n F d ( j f . b u f f e r , j f . b y t e O f f s e t , j f . b y t e L e n g t h ) } r e t u r n G d ( S h ) } f u n c t i o n F d ( S h , j f , L f ) { i f ( j f < 0 | | S h . b y t e L e n g t h < j f ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' " o f f s e t " i s o u t s i d e o f b u f f e r b o u n d s ' ) ; i f ( S h . b y t e L e n g t h < j f + ( L f | | 0 ) ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' " l e n g t h " i s o u t s i d e o f b u f f e r b o u n d s ' ) ; l e t _ h ; r e t u r n j f = = = v o i d 0 & & L f = = = v o i d 0 ? _ h = n e w u d ( S h ) : L f = = = v o i d 0 ? _ h = n e w u d ( S h , j f ) : _ h = n e w u d ( S h , j f , L f ) , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( _ h , v d . p r o t o t y p e ) , _ h } f u n c t i o n H d ( S h ) { i f ( v d . i s B u f f e r ( S h ) ) { c o n s t j f = V d ( S h . l e n g t h ) | 0 , L f = m d ( j f ) ; r e t u r n L f . l e n g t h = = = 0 | | S h . c o p y ( L f , 0 , 0 , j f ) , L f } i f ( S h . l e n g t h ! = = v o i d 0 ) r e t u r n t y p e o f S h . l e n g t h ! = " n u m b e r " | | U m ( S h . l e n g t h ) ? m d ( 0 ) : G d ( S h ) ; i f ( S h . t y p e = = = " B u f f e r " & & A r r a y . i s A r r a y ( S h . d a t a ) ) r e t u r n G d ( S h . d a t a ) } f u n c t i o n V d ( S h ) { i f ( S h > = l d ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( " A t t e m p t t o a l l o c a t e B u f f e r l a r g e r t h a n m a x i m u m s i z e : 0 x " + l d . t o S t r i n g ( 1 6 ) + " b y t e s " ) ; r e t u r n S h | 0 } f u n c t i o n z d ( S h ) { r e t u r n + S h !
` :getText(Ra.children):isCDATA(Ra)?getText(Ra.children):isText(Ra)?Ra.data:""}function textContent(Ra){return Array.isArray(Ra)?Ra.map(textContent).join(""):hasChildren(Ra)&&!isComment $ 2(Ra)?textContent(Ra.children):isText(Ra)?Ra.data:""}function innerText(Ra){return Array.isArray(Ra)?Ra.map(innerText).join(""):hasChildren(Ra)&&(Ra.type===ElementType.Tag||isCDATA(Ra))?innerText(Ra.children):isText(Ra)?Ra.data:""}function getChildren(Ra){return hasChildren(Ra)?Ra.children:[]}function getParent(Ra){return Ra.parent||null}function getSiblings(Ra){const qa=getParent(Ra);if(qa!=null)return getChildren(qa);const nd=[Ra];let{prev:od,next:ld}=Ra;for(;od!=null;)nd.unshift(od),{prev:od}=od;for(;ld!=null;)nd.push(ld),{next:ld}=ld;return nd}function getAttributeValue(Ra,qa){var nd;return(nd=Ra.attribs)===null||nd===void 0?void 0:nd[qa]}function hasAttrib(Ra,qa){return Ra.attribs!=null&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Ra.attribs,qa)&&Ra.attribs[qa]!=null}function getName(Ra){return Ra.name}function nextElementSibling(Ra){let{next:qa}=Ra;for(;qa!==null&&!isTag(qa);)({next:qa}=qa);return qa}function prevElementSibling(Ra){let{prev:qa}=Ra;for(;qa!==null&&!isTag(qa);)({prev:qa}=qa);return qa}function removeElement(Ra){if(Ra.prev&&(Ra.prev.next=Ra.next),Ra.next&&(Ra.next.prev=Ra.prev),Ra.parent){const qa=Ra.parent.children,nd=qa.lastIndexOf(Ra);nd>=0&&qa.splice(nd,1)}Ra.next=null,Ra.prev=null,Ra.parent=null}function replaceElement(Ra,qa){const nd=qa.prev=Ra.prev;nd&&(nd.next=qa);const od=qa.next=Ra.next;od&&(od.prev=qa);const ld=qa.parent=Ra.parent;if(ld){const ud=ld.children;ud[ud.lastIndexOf(Ra)]=qa,Ra.parent=null}}function appendChild(Ra,qa){if(removeElement(qa),qa.next=null,qa.parent=Ra,Ra.children.push(qa)>1){const nd=Ra.children[Ra.children.length-2];nd.next=qa,qa.prev=nd}else qa.prev=null}function append $ 3(Ra,qa){removeElement(qa);const{parent:nd}=Ra,od=Ra.next;if(qa.next=od,qa.prev=Ra,Ra.next=qa,qa.parent=nd,od){if(od.prev=qa,nd){const ld=nd.children;ld.splice(ld.lastIndexOf(od),0,qa)}}else nd&&nd.children.push(qa)}function prependChild(Ra,qa){if(removeElement(qa),qa.parent=Ra,qa.prev=null,Ra.children.unshift(qa)!==1){const nd=Ra.children[1];nd.prev=qa,qa.next=nd}else qa.next=null}function prepend $ 1(Ra,qa){removeElement(qa);const{parent:nd}=Ra;if(nd){const od=nd.children;od.splice(od.indexOf(Ra),0,qa)}Ra.prev&&(Ra.prev.next=qa),qa.parent=nd,qa.prev=Ra.prev,qa.next=Ra,Ra.prev=qa}function filter $ 5(Ra,qa,nd=!0,od=1/0){return find $ 3(Ra,Array.isArray(qa)?qa:[qa],nd,od)}function find $ 3(Ra,qa,nd,od){const ld=[],ud=[qa],dd=[0];for(;;){if(dd[0]>=ud[0].length){if(dd.length===1)return ld;ud.shift(),dd.shift();continue}const pd=ud[0][dd[0]++];if(Ra(pd)&&(ld.push(pd),--od<=0))return ld;nd&&hasChildren(pd)&&pd.children.length>0&&(dd.unshift(0),ud.unshift(pd.children))}}function findOneChild(Ra,qa){return qa.find(Ra)}function findOne(Ra,qa,nd=!0){let od=null;for(let ld=0;ld<qa.length&&!od;ld++){const ud=qa[ld];if(isTag(ud))Ra(ud)?od=ud:nd&&ud.children.length>0&&(od=findOne(Ra,ud.children,!0));else continue}return od}function existsOne(Ra,qa){return qa.some(nd=>isTag(nd)&&(Ra(nd)||existsOne(Ra,nd.children)))}function findAll(Ra,qa){const nd=[],od=[qa],ld=[0];for(;;){if(ld[0]>=od[0].length){if(od.length===1)return nd;od.shift(),ld.shift();continue}const ud=od[0][ld[0]++];isTag(ud)&&(Ra(ud)&&nd.push(ud),ud.children.length>0&&(ld.unshift(0),od.unshift(ud.children)))}}const Checks={tag_name(Ra){return typeof Ra=="function"?qa=>isTag(qa)&&Ra(qa.name):Ra==="*"?isTag:qa=>isTag(qa)&&qa.name===Ra},tag_type(Ra){return typeof Ra=="function"?qa=>Ra(qa.type):qa=>qa.type===Ra},tag_contains(Ra){return typeof Ra=="function"?qa=>isText(qa)&&Ra(qa.data):qa=>isText(qa)&&qa.data===Ra}};function getAttribCheck(Ra,qa){return typeof qa=="function"?nd=>isTag(nd)&&qa(nd.attribs[Ra]):nd=>isTag(nd)&&nd.attribs[Ra]===qa}function combineFuncs(Ra,qa){return nd=>Ra(nd)||qa(nd)}function compileTest(Ra){const qa=Object.keys(Ra).map(nd=>{const od=Ra[nd];return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Checks,nd)?Checks[nd](od):getAttribCheck(nd,od)});return qa.length===0?null:qa
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: is ( button , input , select , textarea , optgroup , option ) [ disabled ] ,
optgroup [ disabled ] > option ,
fieldset [ disabled ] : not ( fieldset [ disabled ] legend : first - of - type * )
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
) ` ,enabled:":not(:disabled)",checked:":is(:is(input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox])[checked], option:selected)",required:":is(input, select, textarea)[required]",optional:":is(input, select, textarea):not([required])",selected:"option:is([selected], select:not([multiple]):not(:has(> option[selected])) > :first-of-type)",checkbox:"[type=checkbox]",file:"[type=file]",password:"[type=password]",radio:"[type=radio]",reset:"[type=reset]",image:"[type=image]",submit:"[type=submit]",parent:":not(:empty)",header:":is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)",button:":is(button, input[type=button])",input:":is(input, textarea, select, button)",text:"input:is(:not([type!='']), [type=text])"},PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT={};function ensureIsTag(Ra,qa){return Ra===boolbase $ 1.falseFunc?boolbase $ 1.falseFunc:nd=>qa.isTag(nd)&&Ra(nd)}function getNextSiblings(Ra,qa){const nd=qa.getSiblings(Ra);if(nd.length<=1)return[];const od=nd.indexOf(Ra);return od<0||od===nd.length-1?[]:nd.slice(od+1).filter(qa.isTag)}function copyOptions(Ra){return{xmlMode:!!Ra.xmlMode,lowerCaseAttributeNames:!!Ra.lowerCaseAttributeNames,lowerCaseTags:!!Ra.lowerCaseTags,quirksMode:!!Ra.quirksMode,cacheResults:!!Ra.cacheResults,pseudos:Ra.pseudos,adapter:Ra.adapter,equals:Ra.equals}}const is $ 3=(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld)=>{const ud=ld(qa,copyOptions(nd),od);return ud===boolbase $ 1.trueFunc?Ra:ud===boolbase $ 1.falseFunc?boolbase $ 1.falseFunc:dd=>ud(dd)&&Ra(dd)},subselects={is:is $ 3,matches:is $ 3,where:is $ 3,not(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){const ud=ld(qa,copyOptions(nd),od);return ud===boolbase $ 1.falseFunc?Ra:ud===boolbase $ 1.trueFunc?boolbase $ 1.falseFunc:dd=>!ud(dd)&&Ra(dd)},has(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){const{adapter:ud}=nd,dd=copyOptions(nd);dd.relativeSelector=!0;const pd=qa.some(vd=>vd.some(isTraversal))?[PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT]:void 0,fd=ld(qa,dd,pd);if(fd===boolbase $ 1.falseFunc)return boolbase $ 1.falseFunc;const md=ensureIsTag(fd,ud);if(pd&&fd!==boolbase $ 1.trueFunc){const{shouldTestNextSiblings:vd=!1}=fd;return Ad=>{if(!Ra(Ad))return!1;pd[0]=Ad;const Nd=ud.getChildren(Ad),Od=vd?[...Nd,...getNextSiblings(Ad,ud)]:Nd;return ud.existsOne(md,Od)}}return vd=>Ra(vd)&&ud.existsOne(md,ud.getChildren(vd))}};function compilePseudoSelector(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){var ud;const{name:dd,data:pd}=qa;if(Array.isArray(pd)){if(!(dd in subselects))throw new Error( ` Unknown pseudo - class : $ { dd } ( $ { pd } ) ` );return subselects[dd](Ra,pd,nd,od,ld)}const fd=(ud=nd.pseudos)===null||ud===void 0?void 0:ud[dd],md=typeof fd=="string"?fd:aliases[dd];if(typeof md=="string"){if(pd!=null)throw new Error( ` Pseudo $ { dd } doesn ' t have any arguments ` );const vd=parse $ 7(md);return subselects.is(Ra,vd,nd,od,ld)}if(typeof fd=="function")return verifyPseudoArgs(fd,dd,pd,1),vd=>fd(vd,pd)&&Ra(vd);if(dd in filters)return filters[dd](Ra,pd,nd,od);if(dd in pseudos){const vd=pseudos[dd];return verifyPseudoArgs(vd,dd,pd,2),Ad=>vd(Ad,nd,pd)&&Ra(Ad)}throw new Error( ` Unknown pseudo - class : $ { dd } ` )}function getElementParent(Ra,qa){const nd=qa.getParent(Ra);return nd&&qa.isTag(nd)?nd:null}function compileGeneralSelector(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){const{adapter:ud,equals:dd}=nd;switch(qa.type){case SelectorType $ 2.PseudoElement:throw new Error("Pseudo-elements are not supported by css-select");case SelectorType $ 2.ColumnCombinator:throw new Error("Column combinators are not yet supported by css-select");case SelectorType $ 2.Attribute:{if(qa.namespace!=null)throw new Error("Namespaced attributes are not yet supported by css-select");return(!nd.xmlMode||nd.lowerCaseAttributeNames)&&(qa.name=qa.name.toLowerCase()),attributeRules[qa.action](Ra,qa,nd)}case SelectorType $ 2.Pseudo:return compilePseudoSelector(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld);case SelectorType $ 2.Tag:{if(qa.namespace!=null)throw new Error("Namespaced tag names are not yet supported by css-select");let{name:pd}=qa;return(!nd.xmlMode||nd.lowerCaseTags)&&(pd=pd.toLowerCase()),function(md){return ud.getName(md)===pd&&Ra(md)}}case SelectorType $ 2.Descendant:{if(nd.cacheResults===!1||typeof WeakSet>"u")return function(md){let vd=md;for(;vd=getElementParent(vd,ud);)if(Ra(vd))return!0;return!1};const pd=new WeakSet;return function(md){let vd=md;for(;vd=getElementParent(vd,ud);
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` )})):{name:ld,value:ud.replace(rCRLF, ` \ r
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` )}}).toArray()}const Forms=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,serialize:serialize $ 1,serializeArray},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}));function getExtractDescr(Ra){var qa;return typeof Ra=="string"?{selector:Ra,value:"textContent"}:{selector:Ra.selector,value:(qa=Ra.value)!==null&&qa!==void 0?qa:"textContent"}}function extract(Ra){const qa={};for(const nd in Ra){const od=Ra[nd],ld=Array.isArray(od),{selector:ud,value:dd}=getExtractDescr(ld?od[0]:od),pd=typeof dd=="function"?dd:typeof dd=="string"?fd=>this._make(fd).prop(dd):fd=>this._make(fd).extract(dd);if(ld)qa[nd]=this._findBySelector(ud,Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY).map((fd,md)=>pd(md,nd,qa)).get();else{const fd=this._findBySelector(ud,1);qa[nd]=fd.length>0?pd(fd[0],nd,qa):void 0}}return qa}const Extract=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,extract},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}));class Cheerio{constructor(qa,nd,od){if(this.length=0,this.options=od,this._root=nd,qa){for(let ld=0;ld<qa.length;ld++)this[ld]=qa[ld];this.length=qa.length}}}Cheerio.prototype.cheerio="[cheerio object]";Cheerio.prototype.splice=Array.prototype.splice;Cheerio.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];Object.assign(Cheerio.prototype,Attributes,Traversing,Manipulation,Css,Forms,Extract);function getLoad(Ra,qa){return function nd(od,ld,ud=!0){if(od==null)throw new Error("cheerio.load() expects a string");const dd=flattenOptions(ld),pd=Ra(od,dd,ud,null);class fd extends Cheerio{_make(Ad,Nd){const Od=md(Ad,Nd);return Od.prevObject=this,Od}_parse(Ad,Nd,Od,kd){return Ra(Ad,Nd,Od,kd)}_render(Ad){return qa(Ad,this.options)}}function md(vd,Ad,Nd=pd,Od){if(vd&&isCheerio(vd))return vd;const kd=flattenOptions(Od,dd),Ld=typeof Nd=="string"?[Ra(Nd,kd,!1,null)]:"length"in Nd?Nd:[Nd],Gd=isCheerio(Ld)?Ld:new fd(Ld,null,kd);if(Gd._root=Gd,!vd)return new fd(void 0,Gd,kd);const Ud=typeof vd=="string"&&isHtml(vd)?Ra(vd,kd,!1,null).children:isNode $ 1(vd)?[vd]:Array.isArray(vd)?vd:void 0,Fd=new fd(Ud,Gd,kd);if(Ud)return Fd;if(typeof vd!="string")throw new TypeError("Unexpected type of selector");let Hd=vd;const Vd=Ad?typeof Ad=="string"?isHtml(Ad)?new fd([Ra(Ad,kd,!1,null)],Gd,kd):(Hd= ` $ { Ad } $ { Hd } ` ,Gd):isCheerio(Ad)?Ad:new fd(Array.isArray(Ad)?Ad:[Ad],Gd,kd):Gd;return Vd?Vd.find(Hd):Fd}return Object.assign(md,staticMethods,{load:nd,_root:pd,_options:dd,fn:fd.prototype,prototype:fd.prototype}),md}}function isNode $ 1(Ra){return!!Ra.name||Ra.type==="root"||Ra.type==="text"||Ra.type==="comment"}const UNDEFINED_CODE_POINTS=new Set([65534,65535,131070,131071,196606,196607,262142,262143,327678,327679,393214,393215,458750,458751,524286,524287,589822,589823,655358,655359,720894,720895,786430,786431,851966,851967,917502,917503,983038,983039,1048574,1048575,1114110,1114111]),REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER="<22> ";var CODE_POINTS;(function(Ra){Ra[Ra.EOF=-1]="EOF",Ra[Ra.NULL=0]="NULL",Ra[Ra.TABULATION=9]="TABULATION",Ra[Ra.CARRIAGE_RETURN=13]="CARRIAGE_RETURN",Ra[Ra.LINE_FEED=10]="LINE_FEED",Ra[Ra.FORM_FEED=12]="FORM_FEED",Ra[Ra.SPACE=32]="SPACE",Ra[Ra.EXCLAMATION_MARK=33]="EXCLAMATION_MARK",Ra[Ra.QUOTATION_MARK=34]="QUOTATION_MARK",Ra[Ra.AMPERSAND=38]="AMPERSAND",Ra[Ra.APOSTROPHE=39]="APOSTROPHE",Ra[Ra.HYPHEN_MINUS=45]="HYPHEN_MINUS",Ra[Ra.SOLIDUS=47]="SOLIDUS",Ra[Ra.DIGIT_0=48]="DIGIT_0",Ra[Ra.DIGIT_9=57]="DIGIT_9",Ra[Ra.SEMICOLON=59]="SEMICOLON",Ra[Ra.LESS_THAN_SIGN=60]="LESS_THAN_SIGN",Ra[Ra.EQUALS_SIGN=61]="EQUALS_SIGN",Ra[Ra.GREATER_THAN_SIGN=62]="GREATER_THAN_SIGN",Ra[Ra.QUESTION_MARK=63]="QUESTION_MARK",Ra[Ra.LATIN_CAPITAL_A=65]="LATIN_CAPITAL_A",Ra[Ra.LATIN_CAPITAL_Z=90]="LATIN_CAPITAL_Z",Ra[Ra.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET=93]="RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET",Ra[Ra.GRAVE_ACCENT=96]="GRAVE_ACCENT",Ra[Ra.LATIN_SMALL_A=97]="LATIN_SMALL_A",Ra[Ra.LATIN_SMALL_Z=122]="LATIN_SMALL_Z"})(CODE_POINTS||(CODE_POINTS={}));const SEQUENCES={DASH_DASH:"--",CDATA_START:"[CDATA[",DOCTYPE:"doctype",SCRIPT:"script",PUBLIC:"public",SYSTEM:"system"};function isSurrogate(Ra){return Ra>=55296&&Ra<=57343}function isSurrogatePair(Ra){return Ra>=56320&&Ra<=57343}function getSurrogatePairCodePoint(Ra,qa){return(Ra-55296)*
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` )}})(debug);var debugExports=debug.exports;(function(Ra,qa){debugExports("lex"),Ra.exports=nd;function nd(od){var ld="",ud,dd=0,pd=-1,fd=0,md=1,vd="before-selector",Ad=[vd],Nd={},Od=[],kd=["media","keyframes",{name:"-webkit-keyframes",type:"keyframes",prefix:"-webkit-"},{name:"-moz-keyframes",type:"keyframes",prefix:"-moz-"},{name:"-ms-keyframes",type:"keyframes",prefix:"-ms-"},{name:"-o-keyframes",type:"keyframes",prefix:"-o-"},"font-face",{name:"import",state:"before-at-value"},{name:"charset",state:"before-at-value"},"supports","viewport",{name:"namespace",state:"before-at-value"},"document",{name:"-moz-document",type:"document",prefix:"-moz-"},"page"];function Ld(){return yf(),od[pd]}function Gd(If){return If?Ad[Ad.length-1-If]:vd}function Ud(If){var Gf=pd+1;return If===od.slice(Gf,Gf+If.length)}function Fd(If){var Gf=od.slice(pd).indexOf(If);return Gf>0?Gf:!1}function Hd(If){return If===Vd(1)}function Vd(If){return od[pd+(If||1)]}function zd(){var If=Ad.pop();return vd=Ad[Ad.length-1],If}function Yd(If){return vd=If,Ad.push(vd),Ad.length}function Xd(If){var Gf=vd;return Ad[Ad.length-1]=vd=If,Gf}function yf(If){if((If||1)==1)od[pd]== `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ?(md++,dd=1):dd++,pd++;else{var Gf=od.slice(pd,pd+If).split( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` );Gf.length>1&&(md+=Gf.length-1,dd=1),dd+=Gf[Gf.length-1].length,pd=pd+If}}function Qd(){Nd.end={line:md,col:dd},Od.push(Nd),ld="",Nd={}}function pf(If){Nd={type:If,start:{line:md,col:dd}}}for(;ud=Ld();)switch(ud){case" ":switch(Gd()){case"selector":case"value":case"value-paren":case"at-group":case"at-value":case"comment":case"double-string":case"single-string":ld+=ud;break}break;case `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` :case" ":case" \r ":case" \f ":switch(Gd()){case"value":case"value-paren":case"at-group":case"comment":case"single-string":case"double-string":case"selector":ld+=ud;break;case"at-value":ud=== `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` &&(Nd.value=ld.trim(),Qd(),zd());break}break;case":":switch(Gd()){case"name":Nd.name=ld.trim(),ld="",Xd("before-value");break;case"before-selector":ld+=ud,pf("selector"),Yd("selector");break;case"before-value":Xd("value"),ld+=ud;break;default:ld+=ud;break}break;case";":switch(Gd()){case"name":case"before-value":case"value":ld.trim().length>0&&(Nd.value=ld.trim(),Qd()),Xd("before-name");break;case"value-paren":ld+=ud;break;case"at-value":Nd.value=ld.trim(),Qd(),zd();break;case"before-name":break;default:ld+=ud;break}break;case"{":switch(Gd()){case"selector":if(Vd(-1)===" \\ "){ld+=ud;break}Nd.text=ld.trim(),Qd(),Xd("before-name"),fd=fd+1;break;case"at-group":switch(Nd.name=ld.trim(),Nd.type){case"font-face":case"viewport":case"page":Yd("before-name");break;default:Yd("before-selector")}Qd(),fd=fd+1;break;case"name":case"at-rule":Nd.name=ld.trim(),Qd(),Yd("before-name"),fd=fd+1;break;case"comment":case"double-string":case"single-string":ld+=ud;break;case"before-value":Xd("value"),ld+=ud;break}break;case"}":switch(Gd()){case"before-name":case"name":case"before-value":case"value":ld&&(Nd.value=ld.trim()),Nd.name&&Nd.value&&Qd(),pf("end"),Qd(),zd(),Gd()==="at-group"&&(pf("at-group-end"),Qd(),zd()),fd>0&&(fd=fd-1);break;case"at-group":case"before-selector":case"selector":if(Vd(-1)===" \\ "){ld+=ud;break}fd>0&&Gd(1)==="at-group"&&(pf("at-group-end"),Qd()),fd>1&&zd(),fd>0&&(fd=fd-1);break;case"double-string":case"single-string":case"comment":ld+=ud;break}break;case'"':case"'":switch(Gd()){case"double-string":ud==='"'&&Vd(-1)!==" \\ "&&zd();break;case"single-string":ud==="'"&&Vd(-1)!==" \\ "&&zd();break;case"before-at-value":Xd("at-value"),Yd(ud==='"'?"double-string":"single-string");break;case"before-value":Xd("value"),Yd(ud==='"'?"double-string":"single-string");break;case"comment":break;default:Vd(-1)!==" \\ "&&Yd(ud==='"'?"double-string":"single-string")}ld+=ud;break;case"/":switch(Gd()){case"comment":case"double-string":case"single-string":ld+=ud;break;case"before-value":case"selector":case"name":case"value":if(Hd("*")){var mf=Fd("*/");mf&&yf(mf+1)}else Gd()=="before-value"&&Xd("value"),ld+=ud;break;default:Hd("*")?(pf("comment"),Yd("comment"),yf()):ld+=ud;break}break;case"*":switch(Gd()){case"comment":Hd("/")?(Nd.text=ld,yf(),Qd(),zd()):ld+=ud;break;case"before-selector":ld+=ud,pf("selector"),Yd("selector");break;case"before-value":Xd("value"),ld+=ud;break;default:ld+=ud}break;case"@":switch(Gd()){case"comment":case"double-string":case"single-string":ld+=ud;break;case"before-value":Xd("value"),ld+=ud;break;default:for(var Tf=!1,vf,Af,Sf=0,Df=kd.length;!Tf&&Sf<Df;++Sf)Af=kd[Sf],vf=Af.name||Af,Ud(vf)&&(Tf=!0,pf(vf),Yd(Af.state||"at-group"),yf(vf.length),Af.prefix&&(Nd.prefix=Af.prefix),Af.type&&(Nd.type=Af.type));Tf||(ld+=ud);break}break;case"(":switch(Gd()){case"value":Yd("value-paren");break;case"before-value":Xd("value");break}ld+=ud;break;case")":switch(Gd()){case"value-paren":zd();break;case"before-value":Xd("value");break}ld+=ud;break;default:switch(Gd()){case"before-selector":pf("selector"),Yd("selector");break;case"before-name":pf("property"),Xd("name");break;case"before-value":Xd("value");break;case"before-at-value":Xd("at-value");break}ld+=ud;break}return Od}})(lexer);var lexerExports=lexer.exports,parser $ 2={exports:{}};(function(Ra,qa){debugExports("parse");var nd=lexerExports;Ra.exports=pd;var od,ld,ud,dd;function pd(zd,Yd){Yd||(Yd={}),od=!!Yd.comments,ud=!!Yd.position,ld=0,dd=Array.isArray(zd)?zd.slice():nd(zd);for(var Xd,yf=[],Qd;Qd=md();)Xd=Ud(Qd),Xd&&yf.push(Xd);return{type:"stylesheet",stylesheet:{rules:yf}}}function fd(zd,Yd){Yd||(Yd={});for(var Xd,yf=["type","name","value"],Qd={},pf=0;pf<yf.length;++pf)Xd=yf[pf],zd[Xd]&&(Qd[Xd]=Yd[Xd]||zd[Xd]);for(yf=Object.keys(Yd),pf=0;pf<yf.length;++pf)Xd=yf[pf],Qd[Xd]||(Qd[Xd]=Yd[Xd]);return ud&&(Qd.position={start:zd.start,end:zd.end}),Qd}function md(){var zd=dd.shift();return zd}function vd(zd){ld=ld+1;var Yd={};switch(zd.type){case"font-face":case"viewport":Yd.declarations=Hd();break;case"page":Yd.prefix=zd.prefix,Yd.declarations=Hd();break;default:Yd.prefix=zd.prefix,Yd.rul
` ,pd=" ");var Yd=kd(Vd.stylesheet.rules,Fd).join( `
` ).trim();return Yd}function md(Vd){if(Vd){ud+=Vd;return}return od?"":Array(ud).join(ld||"")}function vd(Vd){return"@"+Vd.type+" "+Vd.value+";"+dd}function Ad(Vd){var zd="",Yd=Vd.prefix||"";Vd.name&&(zd=" "+Vd.name);var Xd=Vd.type!=="page";return"@"+Yd+Vd.type+zd+pd+Ld(Vd,Xd)+dd}function Nd(Vd){return nd?"/*"+(Vd.text||"")+"*/"+dd:""}function Od(Vd){var zd;return Vd.selectors?zd=Vd.selectors.join(","+dd):(zd="@"+Vd.type,zd+=Vd.name?" "+Vd.name:""),md()+zd+pd+Ld(Vd)+dd}function kd(Vd,zd){return Vd.reduce(function(Yd,Xd){var yf=Xd.type==="comment"?Nd(Xd):zd(Xd);return yf&&Yd.push(yf),Yd},[])}function Ld(Vd,zd){var Yd=Vd.declarations,Xd=Ud;return Vd.rules&&(Yd=Vd.rules,Xd=Od),Yd=Gd(Yd,Xd),Yd&&(Yd=dd+Yd+(zd?"":dd)),"{"+Yd+md()+"}"}function Gd(Vd,zd){if(!Vd)return"";md(1);var Yd=kd(Vd,zd);return md(-1),Yd.length?Yd.join(dd):""}function Ud(Vd){if(Vd.type==="property")return Hd(Vd)}function Fd(Vd){switch(Vd.type){case"rule":return Od(Vd);case"media":case"keyframes":return Ad(Vd);case"comment":return Nd(Vd);case"import":case"charset":case"namespace":return vd(Vd);case"font-face":case"supports":case"viewport":case"document":case"page":return Ad(Vd)}}function Hd(Vd){var zd=Vd.name?Vd.name+":"+pd:"";return md()+zd+Vd.value+";"}})(stringify $ 2);var stringifyExports=stringify $ 2.exports,mensch={lex:lexerExports,parse:parserExports,stringify:stringifyExports},selector $ 1={exports:{}},escapeRe=/([-.*+?^ ${ } ()|[ \] \/ \\ ])/g,unescapeRe=/ \\ /g,escape $ 5=function(Ra){return(Ra+"").replace(escapeRe," \\ $ 1")},unescape $ 2=function(Ra){return(Ra+"").replace(unescapeRe,"")},slickRe=RegExp( ` ^ ( ? : \ \ s * ( , ) \ \ s * | \ \ s * ( < combinator > + ) \ \ s * | ( \ \ s + ) | ( < unicode > + | \ \ * ) | \ \ # ( < unicode > + ) | \ \ . ( < unicode > + ) | \ \ [ \ \ s * ( < unicode1 > + ) ( ? : \ \ s * ( [ * ^ $ ! ~ | ] ? = ) ( ? : \ \ s * ( ? : ( [ "']?)(.*?)\\9)))?\\s*\\](?!\\])|(:+)(<unicode>+)(?:\\((?:(?:([" '])([^\\13]*)\\13)|((?:\\([^)]+\\)|[^()]*)+))\\))?)`.replace(/<combinator>/,"["+escape$5(">+~`!@$%^&={}\\;</")+"]").replace(/<unicode>/g,"(?:[\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])").replace(/<unicode1>/g,"(?:[:\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])")),Part=function(qa){this.combinator=qa||" ",this.tag="*"};Part.prototype.toString=function(){if(!this.raw){var Ra="",qa,nd;if(Ra+=this.tag||"*",this.id&&(Ra+="#"+this.id),this.classes&&(Ra+="."+this.classList.join(".")),this.attributes)for(qa=0;nd=this.attributes[qa++];)Ra+="["+nd.name+(nd.operator?nd.operator+' "'+nd.value+'" ' : "" ) + "]" ; if ( this . pseudos ) for ( qa = 0 ; nd = this . pseudos [ qa ++ ] ; ) Ra += ":" + nd . name , nd . value && ( Ra += "(" + nd . value + ")" ) ; this . raw = Ra } return this . raw } ; var Expression = function ( ) { this . length = 0 } ; Expression . prototype . toString = function ( ) { if ( ! this . raw ) { for ( var Ra = "" , qa = 0 , nd ; nd = this [ qa ++ ] ; ) qa !== 1 && ( Ra += " " ) , nd . combinator !== " " && ( Ra += nd . combinator + " " ) , Ra += nd ; this . raw = Ra } return this . raw } ; var replacer = function ( Ra , qa , nd , od , ld , ud , dd , pd , fd , md , vd , Ad , Nd , Od , kd , Ld ) { var Gd , Ud ; if ( ( qa || ! this . length ) && ( Gd = this [ this . length ++ ] = new Expression , qa ) ) return "" ; if ( Gd || ( Gd = this [ this . length - 1 ] ) , ( nd || od || ! Gd . length ) && ( Ud = Gd [ Gd . length ++ ] = new Part ( nd ) ) , Ud || ( Ud = Gd [ Gd . length - 1 ] ) , ld ) Ud . tag = unescape$2 ( ld ) ; else if ( ud ) Ud . id = unescape$2 ( ud ) ; else if ( dd ) { var Fd = unescape$2 ( dd ) , Hd = Ud . classes || ( Ud . classes = { } ) ; if ( ! Hd [ Fd ] ) { Hd [ Fd ] = escape$5 ( dd ) ; var Vd = Ud . classList || ( Ud . classList = [ ] ) ; Vd . push ( Fd ) , Vd . sort ( ) } } else Nd ? ( Ld = Ld || kd , ( Ud . pseudos || ( Ud . pseudos = [ ] ) ) . push ( { type : Ad . length == 1 ? "class" : "element" , name : unescape$2 ( Nd ) , escapedName : escape$5 ( Nd ) , value : Ld ? unescape$2 ( Ld ) : null , escapedValue : Ld ? escape$5 ( Ld ) : null } ) ) : pd && ( vd = vd ? escape$5 ( vd ) : null , ( Ud . attributes || ( Ud . attributes = [ ] ) ) . push ( { operator : fd , name : unescape$2 ( pd ) , escapedName : escape$5 ( pd ) , value : vd ? unescape$2 ( vd ) : null , escapedValue : vd ? escape$5 ( vd ) : null } ) ) ; return "" } , Expressions = function ( qa ) { this . length = 0 ; for ( var nd = this , od = qa , ld ; qa ; ) { if ( ld = qa . replace ( slickRe , function ( ) { return replacer . apply ( nd , arguments ) } ) , ld === qa ) throw new Error ( od + " is an invalid expression" ) ; qa = ld } } ; Expressions . prototype . toString = function ( ) { if ( ! this . raw ) { for ( var Ra = [ ] , qa = 0 , nd ; nd = this [ qa ++ ] ; ) Ra . push ( nd ) ; this . raw = Ra . join ( ", " ) } return this . raw } ; var cache$2 = { } , parse$2 = function ( Ra ) { return Ra == null ? null : ( Ra = ( "" + Ra ) . replace ( /^\s+|\s+$/g , "" ) , cache$2 [ Ra ] || ( cache
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* Returns an array of the selectors .
* @ license Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - MIT
* @ param { String } selectorText from mensch
* @ api public
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
* / R a . e x t r a c t = f u n c t i o n ( u d ) { f o r ( v a r d d = 0 , p d = [ ] , f d = " " , m d = 0 , v d = u d . l e n g t h ; m d < v d ; m d + + ) { v a r A d = u d . c h a r A t ( m d ) ; d d ? ( ( A d = = = " ] " | | A d = = = " ) " ) & & d d - - , f d + = A d ) : A d = = = " , " ? ( p d . p u s h ( f d ) , f d = " " ) : ( ( A d = = = " [ " | | A d = = = " ( " ) & & d d + + , ( f d . l e n g t h | | A d ! = = " , " & & A d ! = = `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` &&Ad!==" ")&&(fd+=Ad))}return fd.length&&pd.push(fd),pd},Ra.parseCSS=function(ld){for(var ud=qa.parse(ld,{position:!0,comments:!0}),dd=typeof ud.stylesheet<"u"&&ud.stylesheet.rules?ud.stylesheet.rules:[],pd=[],fd=0,md=dd.length;fd<md;fd++)if(dd[fd].type=="rule")for(var vd=dd[fd],Ad=vd.selectors,Nd=0,Od=Ad.length;Nd<Od;Nd++)pd.push([Ad[Nd],vd.declarations]);return pd},Ra.getPreservedText=function(ld,ud,dd){for(var pd=qa.parse(ld,{position:!0,comments:!0}),fd=typeof pd.stylesheet<"u"&&pd.stylesheet.rules?pd.stylesheet.rules:[],md=[],vd=fd.length-1;vd>=0;vd--)(ud.fontFaces&&fd[vd].type==="font-face"||ud.mediaQueries&&fd[vd].type==="media"||ud.keyFrames&&fd[vd].type==="keyframes"||ud.pseudos&&fd[vd].selectors&&this.matchesPseudo(fd[vd].selectors[0],dd))&&md.unshift(qa.stringify({stylesheet:{rules:[fd[vd]]}},{comments:!1,indentation:" "})),fd[vd].position.start;return md.length===0?!1: `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` +md.join( `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` )+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` },Ra.normalizeLineEndings=function(ld){return ld.replace(/ \r \n /g, `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ).replace(/ \n /g, ` \ r
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` )},Ra.matchesPseudo=function(ld,ud){return ud.find(function(dd){return ld.indexOf(dd)>-1})},Ra.compareFunc=function(ld,ud){for(var dd=Math.min(ld.length,ud.length),pd=0;pd<dd;pd++)if(ld[pd]!==ud[pd])return ld[pd]>ud[pd]?1:-1;return ld.length-ud.length},Ra.compare=function(ld,ud){return Ra.compareFunc(ld,ud)==1?ld:ud},Ra.getDefaultOptions=function(ld){var ud=Object.assign({extraCss:"",insertPreservedExtraCss:!0,applyStyleTags:!0,removeStyleTags:!0,preserveMediaQueries:!0,preserveFontFaces:!0,preserveKeyFrames:!0,preservePseudos:!0,applyWidthAttributes:!0,applyHeightAttributes:!0,applyAttributesTableElements:!0,resolveCSSVariables:!0,url:""},ld);return ud.webResources=ud.webResources||{},ud}}(utils $ 4)),utils $ 4}(function(Ra){var qa=require $ $ 0 $ 2;requireUtils $ 1();var nd=function(ld,ud,dd){const{xmlMode:pd,...fd}=ud;return ud=Object.assign({xml:{decodeEntities:!1,xmlMode:pd}},fd),ld=dd(ld),qa.load(ld,ud)},od=function(){var ld=[],ud=function(pd){var fd=Ra.exports.codeBlocks;return Object.keys(fd).forEach(function(md){var vd=new RegExp(fd[md].start+"([ \\ S \\ s]*?)"+fd[md].end,"g");pd=pd.replace(vd,function(Ad,Nd){return ld.push(Ad),"JUICE_CODE_BLOCK_"+(ld.length-1)+"_"})}),pd},dd=function(pd){for(var fd=0;fd<ld.length;fd++){var md=new RegExp("JUICE_CODE_BLOCK_"+fd+'_(="")?',"gi");pd=pd.replace(md,function(){return ld[fd]})}return pd};return{encodeEntities:ud,decodeEntities:dd}};Ra.exports=function(ld,ud,dd,pd){var fd=od(),md=nd(ld,ud,fd.encodeEntities),vd=[md];vd.push.apply(vd,pd);var Ad=dd.apply(void 0,vd)||md;return ud&&ud.xmlMode?fd.decodeEntities(Ad.xml()):fd.decodeEntities(Ad.html())},Ra.exports.codeBlocks={EJS:{start:"<%",end:"%>"},HBS:{start:"{{",end:"}}"}}})(cheerio $ 1);var cheerioExports=cheerio $ 1.exports,numbers $ 1={};numbers $ 1.romanize=function(Ra){if(isNaN(Ra))return NaN;for(var qa=String(+Ra).split(""),nd=["","C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM","","X","XX","XXX","XL","L","LX","LXX","LXXX","XC","","I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX"],od="",ld=3;ld--;)od=(nd[+qa.pop()+ld*10]||"")+od;return Array(+qa.join("")+1).join("M")+od};numbers $ 1.alphanumeric=function(Ra){for(var qa="",nd;Ra>0;)nd=(Ra-1)%26,qa=String.fromCharCode(65+nd)+qa,Ra=(Ra-nd)/26|0;return qa||void 0};const uniqueString=Ra=>{let qa="";do qa=(Math.random()+1).toString(36).substring(2);while(Ra.indexOf(qa)!==-1);return qa},replaceVariables=(Ra,qa)=>{let nd=/([a-z \- ]+) \s * \( \s *([^ \( \) ]*?) \s *(?:, \s *([^ \( \) ]*?) \s *)? \s * \) /i,od=[],ld,ud=uniqueString(qa);for(;(ld=nd.exec(qa))!==null;){let pd= ` $ { od . length } ` ;if(ld[1].toLowerCase()=="var"){const md=findVariableValue(Ra,ld[2]);if(md){qa=qa.replace(ld[0],md);continue}if(ld[3]){qa=qa.replace(ld[0],ld[3]);continue}}let fd= ` $ { ud } $ { pd . padStart ( 5 , "-" ) } ` ;qa=qa.replace(ld[0],fd),od.push({placeholder:fd,replace:ld[0]})}for(var dd=od.length-1;dd>=0;dd--){const pd=od[dd];qa=qa.replace(pd.placeholder,pd.replace)}return qa},findVariableValue=(Ra,qa)=>{for(;Ra;){if(Ra.styleProps&&qa in Ra.styleProps)return Ra.styleProps[qa].value;var Ra=Ra.pseudoElementParent||Ra.parent}};var variables $ 1={replaceVariables,findVariableValue},utils $ 3=requireUtils $ 1(),numbers=numbers $ 1,variables=variables $ 1,inline $ 2=function(qa){qa.ignoredPseudos=["hover","active","focus","visited","link"],qa.widthElements=["TABLE","TD","TH","IMG"],qa.heightElements=["TABLE","TD","TH","IMG"],qa.tableElements=["TABLE","TH","TR","TD","CAPTION","COLGROUP","COL","THEAD","TBODY","TFOOT"],qa.nonVisualElements=["HEAD","TITLE","BASE","LINK","STYLE","META","SCRIPT","NOSCRIPT"],qa.styleToAttribute={"background-color":"bgcolor","background-image":"background","text-align":"align","vertical-align":"valign"},qa.excludedProperties=[],qa.juiceDocument=md,qa.inlineDocument=nd;function nd(Nd,Od,kd){kd=kd||{};var Ld=utils $ 3.parseCSS(Od),Gd=[],Ud="style",Fd={};if(kd.styleAttributeName&&(Ud=kd.styleAttributeName),Ld.forEach(zd),Gd.forEach(Yd),kd.inlinePseudoElements&&Gd.forEach(Xd),kd.applyWidthAttributes&&Gd.forEach(function(mf){yf(mf,"width")}),kd.applyHeightAttributes&&Gd.forEach(function(mf){yf(mf,"height")}),kd.applyAttributesTableElements&&Gd.forEach(pf),kd.insert
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` +Od.extraCss,nd(Nd,kd,Od),Nd}function vd(Nd,Od){var kd=[],Ld=Nd("style"),Gd,Ud,Fd;return Ld.each(function(){if(Fd=this,Gd=Fd.childNodes,Gd.length!==1){Od.removeStyleTags&&Nd(Fd).remove();return}if(Ud=Gd[0].data,Od.applyStyleTags&&Nd(Fd).attr("data-embed")===void 0&&kd.push(Ud),Od.removeStyleTags&&Nd(Fd).attr("data-embed")===void 0){var Hd=Fd.childNodes[0].nodeValue,Vd=utils $ 3.getPreservedText(Hd,{mediaQueries:Od.preserveMediaQueries,fontFaces:Od.preserveFontFaces,keyFrames:Od.preserveKeyFrames,pseudos:Od.preservePseudos},qa.ignoredPseudos);Vd?Fd.childNodes[0].nodeValue=Vd:Nd(Fd).remove()}Nd(Fd).removeAttr("data-embed")}),kd}function Ad(Nd,Od){var kd=vd(Nd,Od),Ld=kd.join( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` );return Ld}return qa},cheerio=cheerioExports,makeJuiceClient=inline $ 2,juiceClient=makeJuiceClient(function(Ra,qa){return cheerio(Ra,{xmlMode:qa&&qa.xmlMode},juiceDocument,[qa])}),juiceDocument=function(Ra,qa){return juiceClient.juiceDocument(Ra,qa)};juiceClient.inlineContent=function(Ra,qa,nd){return cheerio(Ra,{xmlMode:nd&&nd.xmlMode},juiceClient.inlineDocument,[qa,nd])};juiceClient.codeBlocks=cheerio.codeBlocks;var client=juiceClient;const juice=getDefaultExportFromCjs(client);var $ s $ 1=Object.create,je $ 6=Object.defineProperty,Vs $ 1=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,qs $ 2=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,zs $ 1=Object.getPrototypeOf,Ks $ 2=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Hs $ 2=(Ra,qa)=>()=>(qa||Ra((qa={exports:{}}).exports,qa),qa.exports),Ws $ 1=(Ra,qa)=>{for(var nd in qa)je $ 6(Ra,nd,{get:qa[nd],enumerable:!0})},Js $ 1=(Ra,qa,nd,od)=>{if(qa&&typeof qa=="object"||typeof qa=="function")for(let ld of qs $ 2(qa))!Ks $ 2.call(Ra,ld)&&ld!==nd&&je $ 6(Ra,ld,{get:()=>qa[ld],enumerable:!(od=Vs $ 1(qa,ld))||od.enumerable});return Ra},vt $ 5=(Ra,qa,nd)=>(nd=Ra!=null? $ s $ 1(zs $ 1(Ra)):{},Js $ 1(je $ 6(nd,"default",{value:Ra,enumerable:!0}),Ra)),At $ 4=Hs $ 2(Ra=>{Object.defineProperty(Ra,"__esModule",{value:!0});function qa(Kd,jd){if(Kd==null)return{};var Jd={},Ef=Object.keys(Kd),Of,ph;for(ph=0;ph<Ef.length;ph++)Of=Ef[ph],!(jd.indexOf(Of)>=0)&&(Jd[Of]=Kd[Of]);return Jd}var nd=class{constructor(Kd,jd,Jd){this.line=void 0,this.column=void 0,this.index=void 0,this.line=Kd,this.column=jd,this.index=Jd}},od=class{constructor(Kd,jd){this.start=void 0,this.end=void 0,this.filename=void 0,this.identifierName=void 0,this.start=Kd,this.end=jd}};function ld(Kd,jd){let{line:Jd,column:Ef,index:Of}=Kd;return new nd(Jd,Ef+jd,Of+jd)}var ud="BABEL_PARSER_SOURCETYPE_MODULE_REQUIRED",dd={ImportMetaOutsideModule:{message: ` import . meta may appear only with 'sourceType: "module"' ` ,code:ud},ImportOutsideModule:{message: ` 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: "module"' ` ,code:ud}},pd={ArrayPattern:"array destructuring pattern",AssignmentExpression:"assignment expression",AssignmentPattern:"assignment expression",ArrowFunctionExpression:"arrow function expression",ConditionalExpression:"conditional expression",CatchClause:"catch clause",ForOfStatement:"for-of statement",ForInStatement:"for-in statement",ForStatement:"for-loop",FormalParameters:"function parameter list",Identifier:"identifier",ImportSpecifier:"import specifier",ImportDefaultSpecifier:"import default specifier",ImportNamespaceSpecifier:"import namespace specifier",ObjectPattern:"object destructuring pattern",ParenthesizedExpression:"parenthesized expression",RestElement:"rest element",UpdateExpression:{true:"prefix operation",false:"postfix operation"},VariableDeclarator:"variable declaration",YieldExpression:"yield expression"},fd=Kd=>Kd.type==="UpdateExpression"?pd.UpdateExpression[ ` $ { Kd . prefix } ` ]:pd[Kd.type],md={AccessorIsGenerator:({kind:Kd})=> ` A $ { Kd } ter cannot be a generator . ` ,ArgumentsInClass:"'arguments' is only allowed in functions and class methods.",AsyncFunctionInSingleStatementContext:"Async functions can only be declared at the top level or inside a block.",AwaitBindingIdentifier:"Can not use 'await' as identifier inside an async function.",AwaitBindingIdentifierInStaticBlock:"Can not use 'await' as identifier inside a static block.",AwaitExpressionFormalParameter:"'await' is not allowed in async function parameters.",AwaitUsingNotInAsyncContext:"'await using' is only allowed within async functions and at the top levels of modules.",AwaitNotInAsyncContext:"'await' is only allowed within async functions and at the top levels of modules.",AwaitNotInAsyncFunction:"'await' is only allowed within async functions.",BadGetterArity:"A 'get' accessor must not have any formal parameters.",BadSetterArity:"A 'set' accessor must have exactly one formal parameter.",BadSetterRestParameter:"A 'set' accessor function argument must not be a rest parameter.",ConstructorClassField:"Classes may not have a field named 'constructor'.",ConstructorClassPrivateField:"Classes may not have a private field named '#constructor'."
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
- Did you mean \ ` export { ' ${ Kd } ' as ' ${ jd } ' } from 'some-module' \` ? ` , ExportDefaultFromAsIdentifier : "'from' is not allowed as an identifier after 'export default'." , ForInOfLoopInitializer : ( { type : Kd } ) => ` ' ${ Kd === "ForInStatement" ? "for-in" : "for-of" } ' loop variable declaration may not have an initializer. ` , ForInUsing : "For-in loop may not start with 'using' declaration." , ForOfAsync : "The left-hand side of a for-of loop may not be 'async'." , ForOfLet : "The left-hand side of a for-of loop may not start with 'let'." , GeneratorInSingleStatementContext : "Generators can only be declared at the top level or inside a block." , IllegalBreakContinue : ( { type : Kd } ) => ` Unsyntactic ${ Kd === "BreakStatement" ? "break" : "continue" } . ` , IllegalLanguageModeDirective : "Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list." , IllegalReturn : "'return' outside of function." , ImportAttributesUseAssert : "The `assert` keyword in import attributes is deprecated and it has been replaced by the `with` keyword. You can enable the `deprecatedAssertSyntax: true` option in the import attributes plugin to suppress this error." , ImportBindingIsString : ( { importName : Kd } ) => ` A string literal cannot be used as an imported binding.
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
- Did you mean \ ` import { " ${ Kd } " as foo } \` ? ` , ImportCallArgumentTrailingComma : "Trailing comma is disallowed inside import(...) arguments." , ImportCallArity : ( { maxArgumentCount : Kd } ) => ` \` import() \` requires exactly ${ Kd === 1 ? "one argument" : "one or two arguments" } . ` , ImportCallNotNewExpression : "Cannot use new with import(...)." , ImportCallSpreadArgument : "`...` is not allowed in `import()`." , ImportJSONBindingNotDefault : "A JSON module can only be imported with `default`." , ImportReflectionHasAssertion : "`import module x` cannot have assertions." , ImportReflectionNotBinding : 'Only `import module x from "./module"` is valid.' , IncompatibleRegExpUVFlags : "The 'u' and 'v' regular expression flags cannot be enabled at the same time." , InvalidBigIntLiteral : "Invalid BigIntLiteral." , InvalidCodePoint : "Code point out of bounds." , InvalidCoverInitializedName : "Invalid shorthand property initializer." , InvalidDecimal : "Invalid decimal." , InvalidDigit : ( { radix : Kd } ) => ` Expected number in radix ${ Kd } . ` , InvalidEscapeSequence : "Bad character escape sequence." , InvalidEscapeSequenceTemplate : "Invalid escape sequence in template." , InvalidEscapedReservedWord : ( { reservedWord : Kd } ) => ` Escape sequence in keyword ${ Kd } . ` , InvalidIdentifier : ( { identifierName : Kd } ) => ` Invalid identifier ${ Kd } . ` , InvalidLhs : ( { ancestor : Kd } ) => ` Invalid left-hand side in ${ fd ( Kd ) } . ` , InvalidLhsBinding : ( { ancestor : Kd } ) => ` Binding invalid left-hand side in ${ fd ( Kd ) } . ` , InvalidLhsOptionalChaining : ( { ancestor : Kd } ) => ` Invalid optional chaining in the left-hand side of ${ fd ( Kd ) } . ` , InvalidNumber : "Invalid number." , InvalidOrMissingExponent : "Floating-point numbers require a valid exponent after the 'e'." , InvalidOrUnexpectedToken : ( { unexpected : Kd } ) => ` Unexpected character ' ${ Kd } '. ` , InvalidParenthesizedAssignment : "Invalid parenthesized assignment pattern." , InvalidPrivateFieldResolution : ( { identifierName : Kd } ) => ` Private name # ${ Kd } is not defined. ` , InvalidPropertyBindingPattern : "Binding member expression." , InvalidRecordProperty : "Only properties and spread elements are allowed in record definitions." , InvalidRestAssignmentPattern : "Invalid rest operator's argument." , LabelRedeclaration : ( { labelName : Kd } ) => ` Label ' ${ Kd } ' is already declared. ` , LetInLexicalBinding : "'let' is disallowed as a lexically bound name." , LineTerminatorBeforeArrow : "No line break is allowed before '=>'." , MalformedRegExpFlags : "Invalid regular expression flag." , MissingClassName : "A class name is required." , MissingEqInAssignment : "Only '=' operator can be used for specifying default value." , MissingSemicolon : "Missing semicolon." , MissingPlugin : ( { missingPlugin : Kd } ) => ` This experimental syntax requires enabling the parser plugin: ${ Kd . map ( jd => JSON . stringify ( jd ) ) . join ( ", " ) } . ` , MissingOneOfPlugins : ( { missingPlugin : Kd } ) => ` This experimental syntax requires enabling one of the following parser plugin(s): ${ Kd . map ( jd => JSON . stringify ( jd ) ) . join ( ", " ) } . ` , MissingUnicodeEscape : "Expecting Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX." , MixingCoalesceWithLogical : "Nullish coalescing operator(??) requires parens when mixing with logical operators." , ModuleAttributeDifferentFromType : "The only accepted module attribute is `type`." , ModuleAttributeInvalidValue : "Only string literals are allowed as module attribute values." , ModuleAttributesWithDuplicateKeys : ( { key : Kd } ) => ` Duplicate key " ${ Kd } " is not allowed in module attributes. ` , ModuleExportNameHasLoneSurrogate : ( { surrogateCharCode : Kd } ) => ` An export name cannot include a lone surrogate, found ' \\ u ${ Kd . toString ( 16 ) } '. ` , ModuleExportUndefined : ( { localName : Kd } ) => ` Export ' ${ Kd } ' is not defined. ` , MultipleDefaultsInSwitch : "Multiple default clauses." , NewlineAfterThrow : "Illegal newline after throw." , NoCatchOrFinally : "Missing catch or finally clause." , NumberIdentifier : "Identifier directly after number." , NumericSeparatorInEscapeSequence : "Numeric separators are not allowed inside unicode escape sequences or hex escape sequences." , ObsoleteAwaitStar : "'await*' has been removed from the async functions proposal. Use Promise.all() instead." , OptionalChainingNoNew : "Constructors in/after an Optional Chain are not allowed." , OptionalChainingNoTemplate : " Tagged Template Literals ar
` ,++Jd,Ig===13&&jd.charCodeAt(Jd)===10&&++Jd,++Of,dg=Ef=Jd):ph.unterminated(Rh,Zh,_m):++Jd}return{pos:Jd,str:fm,firstInvalidLoc:Xm,lineStart:Ef,curLine:Of,containsInvalid:!!Xm}}function a_(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef){return Kd==="template"?jd===96||jd===36&&Jd.charCodeAt(Ef+1)===123:jd===(Kd==="double"?34:39)}function n_(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Of,ph){let Rh=!Of;jd++;let Zh=fm=>({pos:jd,ch:fm,lineStart:Jd,curLine:Ef}),_m=Kd.charCodeAt(jd++);switch(_m){case 110:return Zh( `
` );case 114:return Zh(" \r ");case 120:{let fm;return{code:fm,pos:jd}=qg(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,2,!1,Rh,ph),Zh(fm===null?null:String.fromCharCode(fm))}case 117:{let fm;return{code:fm,pos:jd}=T_(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Rh,ph),Zh(fm===null?null:String.fromCodePoint(fm))}case 116:return Zh(" ");case 98:return Zh(" \b ");case 118:return Zh(" \v ");case 102:return Zh(" \f ");case 13:Kd.charCodeAt(jd)===10&&++jd;case 10:Jd=jd,++Ef;case 8232:case 8233:return Zh("");case 56:case 57:if(Of)return Zh(null);ph.strictNumericEscape(jd-1,Jd,Ef);default:if(_m>=48&&_m<=55){let fm=jd-1,Xm=/^[0-7]+/.exec(Kd.slice(fm,jd+2))[0],dg=parseInt(Xm,8);dg>255&&(Xm=Xm.slice(0,-1),dg=parseInt(Xm,8)),jd+=Xm.length-1;let wg=Kd.charCodeAt(jd);if(Xm!=="0"||wg===56||wg===57){if(Of)return Zh(null);ph.strictNumericEscape(fm,Jd,Ef)}return Zh(String.fromCharCode(dg))}return Zh(String.fromCharCode(_m))}}function qg(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Of,ph,Rh,Zh){let _m=jd,fm;return{n:fm,pos:jd}=sg(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,16,Of,ph,!1,Zh,!Rh),fm===null&&(Rh?Zh.invalidEscapeSequence(_m,Jd,Ef):jd=_m-1),{code:fm,pos:jd}}function sg(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Of,ph,Rh,Zh,_m,fm){let Xm=jd,dg=Of===16?Tg.hex:Tg.decBinOct,wg=Of===16?Zm.hex:Of===10?Zm.dec:Of===8?Zm.oct:Zm.bin,Ig=!1,Yg=0;for(let M_=0,s_=ph??1/0;M_<s_;++M_){let h_=Kd.charCodeAt(jd),tb;if(h_===95&&Zh!=="bail"){let Ry=Kd.charCodeAt(jd-1),Ev=Kd.charCodeAt(jd+1);if(Zh){if(Number.isNaN(Ev)||!wg(Ev)||dg.has(Ry)||dg.has(Ev)){if(fm)return{n:null,pos:jd};_m.unexpectedNumericSeparator(jd,Jd,Ef)}}else{if(fm)return{n:null,pos:jd};_m.numericSeparatorInEscapeSequence(jd,Jd,Ef)}++jd;continue}if(h_>=97?tb=h_-97+10:h_>=65?tb=h_-65+10:Ym(h_)?tb=h_-48:tb=1/0,tb>=Of){if(tb<=9&&fm)return{n:null,pos:jd};if(tb<=9&&_m.invalidDigit(jd,Jd,Ef,Of))tb=0;else if(Rh)tb=0,Ig=!0;else break}++jd,Yg=Yg*Of+tb}return jd===Xm||ph!=null&&jd-Xm!==ph||Ig?{n:null,pos:jd}:{n:Yg,pos:jd}}function T_(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Of,ph){let Rh=Kd.charCodeAt(jd),Zh;if(Rh===123){if(++jd,{code:Zh,pos:jd}=qg(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Kd.indexOf("}",jd)-jd,!0,Of,ph),++jd,Zh!==null&&Zh>1114111)if(Of)ph.invalidCodePoint(jd,Jd,Ef);else return{code:null,pos:jd}}else({code:Zh,pos:jd}=qg(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,4,!1,Of,ph));return{code:Zh,pos:jd}}function Wg(Kd,jd,Jd){return new nd(Jd,Kd-jd,Kd)}var Bg=new Set([103,109,115,105,121,117,100,118]),Th=class{constructor(Kd){this.type=Kd.type,this.value=Kd.value,this.start=Kd.start,this.end=Kd.end,this.loc=new od(Kd.startLoc,Kd.endLoc)}},sm=class extends Uh{constructor(Kd,jd){super(),this.isLookahead=void 0,this.tokens=[],this.errorHandlers_readInt={invalidDigit:(Jd,Ef,Of,ph)=>this.options.errorRecovery?(this.raise(Fd.InvalidDigit,Wg(Jd,Ef,Of),{radix:ph}),!0):!1,numericSeparatorInEscapeSequence:this.errorBuilder(Fd.NumericSeparatorInEscapeSequence),unexpectedNumericSeparator:this.errorBuilder(Fd.UnexpectedNumericSeparator)},this.errorHandlers_readCodePoint=Object.assign({},this.errorHandlers_readInt,{invalidEscapeSequence:this.errorBuilder(Fd.InvalidEscapeSequence),invalidCodePoint:this.errorBuilder(Fd.InvalidCodePoint)}),this.errorHandlers_readStringContents_string=Object.assign({},this.errorHandlers_readCodePoint,{strictNumericEscape:(Jd,Ef,Of)=>{this.recordStrictModeErrors(Fd.StrictNumericEscape,Wg(Jd,Ef,Of))},unterminated:(Jd,Ef,Of)=>{throw this.raise(Fd.UnterminatedString,Wg(Jd-1,Ef,Of))}}),this.errorHandlers_readStringContents_template=Object.assign({},this.errorHandlers_readCodePoint,{strictNumericEscape:this.errorBuilder(Fd.StrictNumericEscape),unterminated:(Jd,Ef,Of)=>{throw this.raise(Fd.UnterminatedTemplate,Wg(Jd,Ef,Of))}}),this.state=new Hm,this.state.init(Kd),this.input=jd,this.length=jd.length,this.comments=[],this.isLookahead=!1}pushToken(Kd){this.tokens.length=this.state.tokensLength,this.tokens.push(Kd),++this.state.tokensLength}next(){this.checkKeywordEscapes(),this.options.tokens&&this.pushToken(new Th(this.state)),this.state.lastTokEndLoc=this.state.endLoc,this.state.lastTokStartLoc=this.state.startLoc,this.nextToken()}eat(Kd){return this.match(Kd)?(this.next(),!0):!1}match(Kd){return this.state.type===Kd}createLookaheadState(Kd){return{pos:Kd.pos,value:null,type:Kd.type,start:Kd.start,end:Kd.end,context:[this.curContext
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` : ` \ r
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ):Ef=String.fromCharCode(Jd),++this.state.curLine,this.state.lineStart=this.state.pos,Ef}jsxReadString(jd){let Jd="",Ef=++this.state.pos;for(;;){if(this.state.pos>=this.length)throw this.raise(Fd.UnterminatedString,this.state.startLoc);let Of=this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos);if(Of===jd)break;Of===38?(Jd+=this.input.slice(Ef,this.state.pos),Jd+=this.jsxReadEntity(),Ef=this.state.pos):pm(Of)?(Jd+=this.input.slice(Ef,this.state.pos),Jd+=this.jsxReadNewLine(!1),Ef=this.state.pos):++this.state.pos}Jd+=this.input.slice(Ef,this.state.pos++),this.finishToken(133,Jd)}jsxReadEntity(){let jd=++this.state.pos;if(this.codePointAtPos(this.state.pos)===35){++this.state.pos;let Jd=10;this.codePointAtPos(this.state.pos)===120&&(Jd=16,++this.state.pos);let Ef=this.readInt(Jd,void 0,!1,"bail");if(Ef!==null&&this.codePointAtPos(this.state.pos)===59)return++this.state.pos,String.fromCodePoint(Ef)}else{let Jd=0,Ef=!1;for(;Jd++<10&&this.state.pos<this.length&&!(Ef=this.codePointAtPos(this.state.pos)===59);)++this.state.pos;if(Ef){this.input.slice(jd,this.state.pos);let Of;++this.state.pos}}return this.state.pos=jd,"&"}jsxReadWord(){let jd,Jd=this.state.pos;do jd=this.input.charCodeAt(++this.state.pos);while( $ m(jd)||jd===45);this.finishToken(140,this.input.slice(Jd,this.state.pos))}jsxParseIdentifier(){let jd=this.startNode();return this.match(140)?jd.name=this.state.value:Uf(this.state.type)?jd.name=Wh(this.state.type):this.unexpected(),this.next(),this.finishNode(jd,"JSXIdentifier")}jsxParseNamespacedName(){let jd=this.state.startLoc,Jd=this.jsxParseIdentifier();if(!this.eat(14))return Jd;let Ef=this.startNodeAt(jd);return Ef.namespace=Jd,Ef.name=this.jsxParseIdentifier(),this.finishNode(Ef,"JSXNamespacedName")}jsxParseElementName(){let jd=this.state.startLoc,Jd=this.jsxParseNamespacedName();if(Jd.type==="JSXNamespacedName")return Jd;for(;this.eat(16);){let Ef=this.startNodeAt(jd);Ef.object=Jd,Ef.property=this.jsxParseIdentifier(),Jd=this.finishNode(Ef,"JSXMemberExpression")}return Jd}jsxParseAttributeValue(){let jd;switch(this.state.type){case 5:return jd=this.startNode(),this.setContext(yf.brace),this.next(),jd=this.jsxParseExpressionContainer(jd,yf.j_oTag),jd.expression.type==="JSXEmptyExpression"&&this.raise(G_.AttributeIsEmpty,jd),jd;case 142:case 133:return this.parseExprAtom();default:throw this.raise(G_.UnsupportedJsxValue,this.state.startLoc)}}jsxParseEmptyExpression(){let jd=this.startNodeAt(this.state.lastTokEndLoc);return this.finishNodeAt(jd,"JSXEmptyExpression",this.state.startLoc)}jsxParseSpreadChild(jd){return this.next(),jd.expression=this.parseExpression(),this.setContext(yf.j_expr),this.state.canStartJSXElement=!0,this.expect(8),this.finishNode(jd,"JSXSpreadChild")}jsxParseExpressionContainer(jd,Jd){if(this.match(8))jd.expression=this.jsxParseEmptyExpression();else{let Ef=this.parseExpression();jd.expression=Ef}return this.setContext(Jd),this.state.canStartJSXElement=!0,this.expect(8),this.finishNode(jd,"JSXExpressionContainer")}jsxParseAttribute(){let jd=this.startNode();return this.match(5)?(this.setContext(yf.brace),this.next(),this.expect(21),jd.argument=this.parseMaybeAssignAllowIn(),this.setContext(yf.j_oTag),this.state.canStartJSXElement=!0,this.expect(8),this.finishNode(jd,"JSXSpreadAttribute")):(jd.name=this.jsxParseNamespacedName(),jd.value=this.eat(29)?this.jsxParseAttributeValue():null,this.finishNode(jd,"JSXAttribute"))}jsxParseOpeningElementAt(jd){let Jd=this.startNodeAt(jd);return this.eat(143)?this.finishNode(Jd,"JSXOpeningFragment"):(Jd.name=this.jsxParseElementName(),this.jsxParseOpeningElementAfterName(Jd))}jsxParseOpeningElementAfterName(jd){let Jd=[];for(;!this.match(56)&&!this.match(143);)Jd.push(this.jsxParseAttribute());return jd.attributes=Jd,jd.selfClosing=this.eat(56),this.expect(143),this.finishNode(jd,"JSXOpeningElement")}jsxParseClosingElementAt(jd){let Jd=this.startNodeAt(jd);return this.eat(143)?this.finishNode(Jd,"JSXClosingFragment"):(Jd.name=this.jsxParseElementName(),this.expect(143),this.finishNode(Jd,"JSXClosingElement"))}jsxParseElementAt(jd){let Jd=this.startNodeAt(jd),Ef=[],Of
` ),cooked:Of===null?null:Of.slice(1,_m)},Rh.tail=Zh,this.next();let Xm=this.finishNode(Rh,"TemplateElement");return this.resetEndLocation(Xm,ld(this.state.lastTokEndLoc,_m)),Xm}parseTemplate(Kd){let jd=this.startNode(),Jd=this.parseTemplateElement(Kd),Ef=[Jd],Of=[];for(;!Jd.tail;)Of.push(this.parseTemplateSubstitution()),this.readTemplateContinuation(),Ef.push(Jd=this.parseTemplateElement(Kd));return jd.expressions=Of,jd.quasis=Ef,this.finishNode(jd,"TemplateLiteral")}parseTemplateSubstitution(){return this.parseExpression()}parseObjectLike(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef){Jd&&this.expectPlugin("recordAndTuple");let Of=this.state.inFSharpPipelineDirectBody;this.state.inFSharpPipelineDirectBody=!1;let ph=Object.create(null),Rh=!0,Zh=this.startNode();for(Zh.properties=[],this.next();!this.match(Kd);){if(Rh)Rh=!1;else if(this.expect(12),this.match(Kd)){this.addTrailingCommaExtraToNode(Zh);break}let fm;jd?fm=this.parseBindingProperty():(fm=this.parsePropertyDefinition(Ef),this.checkProto(fm,Jd,ph,Ef)),Jd&&!this.isObjectProperty(fm)&&fm.type!=="SpreadElement"&&this.raise(Fd.InvalidRecordProperty,fm),fm.shorthand&&this.addExtra(fm,"shorthand",!0),Zh.properties.push(fm)}this.next(),this.state.inFSharpPipelineDirectBody=Of;let _m="ObjectExpression";return jd?_m="ObjectPattern":Jd&&(_m="RecordExpression"),this.finishNode(Zh,_m)}addTrailingCommaExtraToNode(Kd){this.addExtra(Kd,"trailingComma",this.state.lastTokStartLoc.index),this.addExtra(Kd,"trailingCommaLoc",this.state.lastTokStartLoc,!1)}maybeAsyncOrAccessorProp(Kd){return!Kd.computed&&Kd.key.type==="Identifier"&&(this.isLiteralPropertyName()||this.match(0)||this.match(55))}parsePropertyDefinition(Kd){let jd=[];if(this.match(26))for(this.hasPlugin("decorators")&&this.raise(Fd.UnsupportedPropertyDecorator,this.state.startLoc);this.match(26);)jd.push(this.parseDecorator());let Jd=this.startNode(),Ef=!1,Of=!1,ph;if(this.match(21))return jd.length&&this.unexpected(),this.parseSpread();jd.length&&(Jd.decorators=jd,jd=[]),Jd.method=!1,Kd&&(ph=this.state.startLoc);let Rh=this.eat(55);this.parsePropertyNamePrefixOperator(Jd);let Zh=this.state.containsEsc;if(this.parsePropertyName(Jd,Kd),!Rh&&!Zh&&this.maybeAsyncOrAccessorProp(Jd)){let{key:_m}=Jd,fm=_m.name;fm==="async"&&!this.hasPrecedingLineBreak()&&(Ef=!0,this.resetPreviousNodeTrailingComments(_m),Rh=this.eat(55),this.parsePropertyName(Jd)),(fm==="get"||fm==="set")&&(Of=!0,this.resetPreviousNodeTrailingComments(_m),Jd.kind=fm,this.match(55)&&(Rh=!0,this.raise(Fd.AccessorIsGenerator,this.state.curPosition(),{kind:fm}),this.next()),this.parsePropertyName(Jd))}return this.parseObjPropValue(Jd,ph,Rh,Ef,!1,Of,Kd)}getGetterSetterExpectedParamCount(Kd){return Kd.kind==="get"?0:1}getObjectOrClassMethodParams(Kd){return Kd.params}checkGetterSetterParams(Kd){var jd;let Jd=this.getGetterSetterExpectedParamCount(Kd),Ef=this.getObjectOrClassMethodParams(Kd);Ef.length!==Jd&&this.raise(Kd.kind==="get"?Fd.BadGetterArity:Fd.BadSetterArity,Kd),Kd.kind==="set"&&((jd=Ef[Ef.length-1])==null?void 0:jd.type)==="RestElement"&&this.raise(Fd.BadSetterRestParameter,Kd)}parseObjectMethod(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Of){if(Of){let ph=this.parseMethod(Kd,jd,!1,!1,!1,"ObjectMethod");return this.checkGetterSetterParams(ph),ph}if(Jd||jd||this.match(10))return Ef&&this.unexpected(),Kd.kind="method",Kd.method=!0,this.parseMethod(Kd,jd,Jd,!1,!1,"ObjectMethod")}parseObjectProperty(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef){if(Kd.shorthand=!1,this.eat(14))return Kd.value=Jd?this.parseMaybeDefault(this.state.startLoc):this.parseMaybeAssignAllowIn(Ef),this.finishNode(Kd,"ObjectProperty");if(!Kd.computed&&Kd.key.type==="Identifier"){if(this.checkReservedWord(Kd.key.name,Kd.key.loc.start,!0,!1),Jd)Kd.value=this.parseMaybeDefault(jd,eb(Kd.key));else if(this.match(29)){let Of=this.state.startLoc;Ef!=null?Ef.shorthandAssignLoc===null&&(Ef.shorthandAssignLoc=Of):this.raise(Fd.InvalidCoverInitializedName,Of),Kd.value=this.parseMaybeDefault(jd,eb(Kd.key))}else Kd.value=eb(Kd.key);return Kd.shorthand=!0,this.finishNode(Kd,"ObjectProperty")}}parseObjPropValue(Kd,jd,Jd,Ef,Of,ph,Rh){let Zh=this.parseObjectMethod(Kd,Jd,Ef,Of,ph)||this.parseObjectPr
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` )return qa-2;if(ld=== `
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa-1}else{if(ld===" \r "&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)=== `
` )return qa+2;if(ld=== `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa+1}return qa}var us $ 2=mr $ 2;function yr $ 2(Ra,qa){return qa===!1?!1:Ra.charAt(qa)==="/"&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)==="/"?cs $ 4(Ra,qa):qa}var fs $ 2=yr $ 2;function xr $ 3(Ra,qa){let nd=null,od=qa;for(;od!==nd;)nd=od,od=ls $ 1(Ra,od),od=ps $ 1(Ra,od),od=fs $ 2(Ra,od),od=us $ 2(Ra,od);return od}var ds $ 1=xr $ 3;function Pr $ 3(Ra){let qa=[];for(let nd of Ra)try{return nd()}catch(od){qa.push(od)}throw Object.assign(new Error("All combinations failed"),{errors:qa})}var ms $ 2=Pr $ 3;function gr $ 2(Ra){if(!Ra.startsWith("#!"))return"";let qa=Ra.indexOf( `
` );return qa===-1?Ra:Ra.slice(0,qa)}var Oe $ 6=gr $ 2,Tr $ 3=(Ra,qa,nd)=>{if(!(Ra&&qa==null))return Array.isArray(qa)||typeof qa=="string"?qa[nd<0?qa.length+nd:nd]:qa.at(nd)},St $ 4=Tr $ 3;function br $ 5(Ra){return Array.isArray(Ra)&&Ra.length>0}var Pe $ 6=br $ 5;function D $ 4(Ra){var qa,nd,od;let ld=((qa=Ra.range)==null?void 0:qa[0])??Ra.start,ud=(od=((nd=Ra.declaration)==null?void 0:nd.decorators)??Ra.decorators)==null?void 0:od[0];return ud?Math.min(D $ 4(ud),ld):ld}function B $ 5(Ra){var qa;return((qa=Ra.range)==null?void 0:qa[1])??Ra.end}function Ar $ 2(Ra){let qa=new Set(Ra);return nd=>qa.has(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)}var ys $ 2=Ar $ 2,Sr $ 3=ys $ 2(["Block","CommentBlock","MultiLine"]),ge $ 7=Sr $ 3;function wr $ 3(Ra){let qa= ` * $ { Ra . value } * ` .split( `
` );return qa.length>1&&qa.every(nd=>nd.trimStart()[0]==="*")}var wt $ 3=wr $ 3;function Cr $ 1(Ra){return ge $ 7(Ra)&&Ra.value[0]==="*"&&/@(?:type|satisfies) \b /u.test(Ra.value)}var xs $ 2=Cr $ 1,Te $ 5=null;function be $ 8(Ra){if(Te $ 5!==null&&typeof Te $ 5.property){let qa=Te $ 5;return Te $ 5=be $ 8.prototype=null,qa}return Te $ 5=be $ 8.prototype=Ra??Object.create(null),new be $ 8}var Er $ 2=10;for(let Ra=0;Ra<=Er $ 2;Ra++)be $ 8();function Ct $ 4(Ra){return be $ 8(Ra)}function Ir $ 3(Ra,qa="type"){Ct $ 4(Ra);function nd(od){let ld=od[qa],ud=Ra[ld];if(!Array.isArray(ud))throw Object.assign(new Error( ` Missing visitor keys for '${ld}' . ` ),{node:od});return ud}return nd}var Ps $ 1=Ir $ 3,gs $ 3={ArrayExpression:["elements"],AssignmentExpression:["left","right"],BinaryExpression:["left","right"],InterpreterDirective:[],Directive:["value"],DirectiveLiteral:[],BlockStatement:["directives","body"],BreakStatement:["label"],CallExpression:["callee","arguments","typeParameters","typeArguments"],CatchClause:["param","body"],ConditionalExpression:["test","consequent","alternate"],ContinueStatement:["label"],DebuggerStatement:[],DoWhileStatement:["test","body"],EmptyStatement:[],ExpressionStatement:["expression"],File:["program"],ForInStatement:["left","right","body"],ForStatement:["init","test","update","body"],FunctionDeclaration:["id","params","body","returnType","typeParameters","predicate"],FunctionExpression:["id","params","body","returnType","typeParameters"],Identifier:["typeAnnotation","decorators"],IfStatement:["test","consequent","alternate"],LabeledStatement:["label","body"],StringLiteral:[],NumericLiteral:[],NullLiteral:[],BooleanLiteral:[],RegExpLiteral:[],LogicalExpression:["left","right"],MemberExpression:["object","property"],NewExpression:["callee","arguments","typeParameters","typeArguments"],Program:["directives","body"],ObjectExpression:["properties"],ObjectMethod:["key","params","body","decorators","returnType","typeParameters"],ObjectProperty:["key","value","decorators"],RestElement:["argument","typeAnnotation","decorators"],ReturnStatement:["argument"],SequenceExpression:["expressions"],ParenthesizedExpression:["expression"],SwitchCase:["test","consequent"],SwitchStatement:["discriminant","cases"],ThisExpression:[],ThrowStatement:["argument"],TryStatement:["block","handler","finalizer"],UnaryExpression:["argument"],UpdateExpression:["argument"],VariableDeclaration:["declarations"],VariableDeclarator:["id","init"],WhileStatement:["test","body"],WithStatement:["object","body"],AssignmentPattern:["left","right","decorators","typeAnnotation"],ArrayPattern:["elements","typeAnnotation","decorators"],ArrowFunctionExpression:["params","body","returnType","typeParameters","predicate"],ClassBody:["body"],ClassExpression:["id","body","superClass","mixins","typeParameters","superTypeParameters","implements","decorators","superTypeArguments"],ClassDeclaration:["id","body","superClass","mixins","typeParameters","superTypeParameters","implements","decorators","superTypeArguments"],ExportAllDeclaration:["source","attributes","exported"],ExportDefaultDeclaration:["declaration"],ExportNamedDeclaration:["declaration","specifiers","source","attributes"],ExportSpecifier:["local","exported"],ForOfStatement:["left","right","body"],ImportDeclaration:["specifiers","source","attributes"],ImportDefaultSpecifier:["local"],ImportNamespaceSpecifier:["local"],ImportSpecifier:["local","imported"],ImportExpression:["source","options","attributes"],MetaProperty:["meta","property"],ClassMethod:["key","params","body","decorators","returnType","typeParameters"],ObjectPattern:["properties","typeAnnotation","decorators"],SpreadElement:["argument"],Super:[],TaggedTemplateExpression:["tag","quasi","typeParameters","typeArguments"],TemplateElement:[],TemplateLiteral:["quasis","expressions"],YieldExpression:["argument"],AwaitExpression:["argument"],Import:[],BigIntLiteral:[],ExportNamespaceSpecifier:["exported"],OptionalMemberExpression:["object","property"],OptionalCallExpression:["callee","arguments","typeParameters","typeArguments"],ClassProperty:["key","value","typeAnnotation","decorators","vari
` ;Ra=ie $ 5(!1,Ra.replace(Or $ 3,"").replace(Mr $ 3,""),Ur $ 3," $ 1");let nd="";for(;nd!==Ra;)nd=Ra,Ra=ie $ 5(!1,Ra,Rr $ 2, ` $ { qa } $1 $2$ { qa } ` );Ra=Ra.replace(Ss $ 1,"").trimEnd();let od=Object.create(null),ld=ie $ 5(!1,Ra,ws $ 2,"").replace(Ss $ 1,"").trimEnd(),ud;for(;ud=ws $ 2.exec(Ra);){let dd=ie $ 5(!1,ud[2],Br $ 4,"");if(typeof od[ud[1]]=="string"||Array.isArray(od[ud[1]])){let pd=od[ud[1]];od[ud[1]]=[..._r $ 3,...Array.isArray(pd)?pd:[pd],dd]}else od[ud[1]]=dd}return{comments:ld,pragmas:od}}function jr $ 3(Ra){let qa=Oe $ 6(Ra);qa&&(Ra=Ra.slice(qa.length+1));let nd=Cs $ 1(Ra),{pragmas:od,comments:ld}=Es $ 1(nd);return{shebang:qa,text:Ra,pragmas:od,comments:ld}}function Is $ 2(Ra){let{pragmas:qa}=jr $ 3(Ra);return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(qa,"prettier")||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(qa,"format")}function $ r $ 3(Ra){return Ra=typeof Ra=="function"?{parse:Ra}:Ra,{astFormat:"estree",hasPragma:Is $ 2,locStart:D $ 4,locEnd:B $ 5,...Ra}}var G $ 7= $ r $ 3;function Vr $ 3(Ra){let{filepath:qa}=Ra;if(qa){if(qa=qa.toLowerCase(),qa.endsWith(".cjs"))return"script";if(qa.endsWith(".mjs"))return"module"}}var Ns $ 1=Vr $ 3;function qr $ 3(Ra,qa){let{type:nd="JsExpressionRoot",rootMarker:od,text:ld}=qa,{tokens:ud,comments:dd}=Ra;return delete Ra.tokens,delete Ra.comments,{tokens:ud,comments:dd,type:nd,node:Ra,range:[0,ld.length],rootMarker:od}}var Ue $ 4=qr $ 3,re $ 6=Ra=>G $ 7(Jr $ 3(Ra)),zr $ 3={sourceType:"module",allowImportExportEverywhere:!0,allowReturnOutsideFunction:!0,allowNewTargetOutsideFunction:!0,allowSuperOutsideMethod:!0,allowUndeclaredExports:!0,errorRecovery:!0,createParenthesizedExpressions:!0,createImportExpressions:!0,plugins:["doExpressions","exportDefaultFrom","functionBind","functionSent","throwExpressions","partialApplication","decorators","decimal","moduleBlocks","asyncDoExpressions","destructuringPrivate","decoratorAutoAccessors","importReflection","explicitResourceManagement",["importAttributes",{deprecatedAssertSyntax:!0}],"sourcePhaseImports","deferredImportEvaluation",["optionalChainingAssign",{version:"2023-07"}],"recordAndTuple"],tokens:!0,ranges:!0},ks $ 1="v8intrinsic",vs $ 1=[["pipelineOperator",{proposal:"hack",topicToken:"%"}],["pipelineOperator",{proposal:"minimal"}],["pipelineOperator",{proposal:"fsharp"}]],V $ 7=(Ra,qa=zr $ 3)=>({...qa,plugins:[...qa.plugins,...Ra]}),Kr $ 4=/@(?:no)?flow \b /u;function Hr $ 4(Ra,qa){var nd;if((nd=qa.filepath)!=null&&nd.endsWith(".js.flow"))return!0;let od=Oe $ 6(Ra);od&&(Ra=Ra.slice(od.length));let ld=ds $ 1(Ra,0);return ld!==!1&&(Ra=Ra.slice(0,ld)),Kr $ 4.test(Ra)}function Wr $ 3(Ra,qa,nd){let od=Ra(qa,nd),ld=od.errors.find(ud=>!Xr $ 3.has(ud.reasonCode));if(ld)throw ld;return od}function Jr $ 3({isExpression:Ra=!1,optionsCombinations:qa}){return(nd,od={})=>{if((od.parser==="babel"||od.parser==="__babel_estree")&&Hr $ 4(nd,od))return od.parser="babel-flow",Bs $ 2.parse(nd,od);let ld=qa;(od.__babelSourceType??Ns $ 1(od))==="script"&&(ld=ld.map(fd=>({...fd,sourceType:"script"})));let ud=/%[A-Z]/u.test(nd);nd.includes("|>")?ld=(ud?[...vs $ 1,ks $ 1]:vs $ 1).flatMap(fd=>ld.map(md=>V $ 7([fd],md))):ud&&(ld=ld.map(fd=>V $ 7([ks $ 1],fd)));let dd=Ra?_e $ 6.parseExpression:_e $ 6.parse,pd;try{pd=ms $ 2(ld.map(fd=>()=>Wr $ 3(dd,nd,fd)))}catch({errors:[fd]}){throw Re $ 7(fd)}return Ra&&(pd=Ue $ 4(pd,{text:nd,rootMarker:od.rootMarker})),As $ 2(pd,{parser:"babel",text:nd})}}var Xr $ 3=new Set(["StrictNumericEscape","StrictWith","StrictOctalLiteral","StrictDelete","StrictEvalArguments","StrictEvalArgumentsBinding","StrictFunction","ForInOfLoopInitializer","EmptyTypeArguments","EmptyTypeParameters","ConstructorHasTypeParameters","UnsupportedParameterPropertyKind","DecoratorExportClass","ParamDupe","InvalidDecimal","RestTrailingComma","UnsupportedParameterDecorator","UnterminatedJsxContent","UnexpectedReservedWord","ModuleAttributesWithDuplicateKeys","LineTerminatorBeforeArrow","InvalidEscapeSequenceTemplate","NonAbstractClassHasAbstractMethod","OptionalTypeBeforeRequired","PatternIsOptional","OptionalBindingPattern","DeclareClassFieldHasInitializer","TypeImportCannotSpecifyDefaultAndNamed","ConstructorClassField","VarRedeclaration","InvalidPrivateFieldResolution","DuplicateExport"]),Fs
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` )return qa-2;if(ld=== `
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa-1}else{if(ld===" \r "&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)=== `
` )return qa+2;if(ld=== `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa+1}return qa}var Ue $ 3= $ a $ 1;function Ka $ 1(Ra,qa,nd={}){let od=Ge $ 3(Ra,nd.backwards?qa-1:qa,nd),ld=Ue $ 3(Ra,od,nd);return od!==ld}var te $ 5=Ka $ 1;function za(Ra,qa){if(qa===!1)return!1;if(Ra.charAt(qa)==="/"&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)==="*"){for(let nd=qa+2;nd<Ra.length;++nd)if(Ra.charAt(nd)==="*"&&Ra.charAt(nd+1)==="/")return nd+2}return qa}var Lt $ 2=za;function Qa(Ra,qa){return qa===!1?!1:Ra.charAt(qa)==="/"&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)==="/"?zs(Ra,qa):qa}var wt $ 2=Qa;function Za(Ra,qa){let nd=null,od=qa;for(;od!==nd;)nd=od,od=Ks $ 1(Ra,od),od=Lt $ 2(Ra,od),od=Ge $ 3(Ra,od);return od=wt $ 2(Ra,od),od=Ue $ 3(Ra,od),od!==!1&&te $ 5(Ra,od)}var Ot $ 3=Za;function eo $ 1(Ra){return Array.isArray(Ra)&&Ra.length>0}var w $ 2=eo $ 1,dr $ 1="'",Qs $ 1='"';function to $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=qa===!0||qa===dr $ 1?dr $ 1:Qs $ 1,od=nd===dr $ 1?Qs $ 1:dr $ 1,ld=0,ud=0;for(let dd of Ra)dd===nd?ld++:dd===od&&ud++;return ld>ud?od:nd}var xr $ 2=to $ 1;function ro $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){let od=qa==='"'?"'":'"',ld=N $ 6(!1,Ra,/ \\ (.)|(["'])/gsu,(ud,dd,pd)=>dd===od?dd:pd===qa?" \\ "+pd:pd||(nd&&/^[^ \n \r "'0-7 \\ bfnrt-vx \u 2028 \u 2029] $ /u.test(dd)?dd:" \\ "+dd));return qa+ld+qa}var Zs $ 1=ro $ 1;function no $ 2(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.slice(1,-1),od=qa.parser==="json"||qa.parser==="jsonc"||qa.parser==="json5"&&qa.quoteProps==="preserve"&&!qa.singleQuote?'"':qa.__isInHtmlAttribute?"'":xr $ 2(nd,qa.singleQuote);return Zs $ 1(nd,od,!(qa.parser==="css"||qa.parser==="less"||qa.parser==="scss"||qa.__embeddedInHtml))}var tt $ 4=no $ 2;function R $ 6(Ra){var qa,nd,od;let ld=((qa=Ra.range)==null?void 0:qa[0])??Ra.start,ud=(od=((nd=Ra.declaration)==null?void 0:nd.decorators)??Ra.decorators)==null?void 0:od[0];return ud?Math.min(R $ 6(ud),ld):ld}function k $ 2(Ra){var qa;return((qa=Ra.range)==null?void 0:qa[1])??Ra.end}function ht $ 3(Ra,qa){let nd=R $ 6(Ra);return Number.isInteger(nd)&&nd===R $ 6(qa)}function so $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=k $ 2(Ra);return Number.isInteger(nd)&&nd===k $ 2(qa)}function eu $ 1(Ra,qa){return ht $ 3(Ra,qa)&&so $ 1(Ra,qa)}var Qt $ 3=null;function Zt $ 3(Ra){if(Qt $ 3!==null&&typeof Qt $ 3.property){let qa=Qt $ 3;return Qt $ 3=Zt $ 3.prototype=null,qa}return Qt $ 3=Zt $ 3.prototype=Ra??Object.create(null),new Zt $ 3}var uo $ 2=10;for(let Ra=0;Ra<=uo $ 2;Ra++)Zt $ 3();function In $ 1(Ra){return Zt $ 3(Ra)}function io $ 2(Ra,qa="type"){In $ 1(Ra);function nd(od){let ld=od[qa],ud=Ra[ld];if(!Array.isArray(ud))throw Object.assign(new Error( ` Missing visitor keys for '${ld}' . ` ),{node:od});return ud}return nd}var hr $ 3=io $ 2,tu $ 2={ArrayExpression:["elements"],AssignmentExpression:["left","right"],BinaryExpression:["left","right"],InterpreterDirective:[],Directive:["value"],DirectiveLiteral:[],BlockStatement:["directives","body"],BreakStatement:["label"],CallExpression:["callee","arguments","typeParameters","typeArguments"],CatchClause:["param","body"],ConditionalExpression:["test","consequent","alternate"],ContinueStatement:["label"],DebuggerStatement:[],DoWhileStatement:["test","body"],EmptyStatement:[],ExpressionStatement:["expression"],File:["program"],ForInStatement:["left","right","body"],ForStatement:["init","test","update","body"],FunctionDeclaration:["id","params","body","returnType","typeParameters","predicate"],FunctionExpression:["id","params","body","returnType","typeParameters"],Identifier:["typeAnnotation","decorators"],IfStatement:["test","consequent","alternate"],LabeledStatement:["label","body"],StringLiteral:[],NumericLiteral:[],NullLiteral:[],BooleanLiteral:[],RegExpLiteral:[],LogicalExpression:["left","right"],MemberExpression:["object","property"],NewExpression:["callee","arguments","typeParameters","typeArguments"],Program:["directives","body"],ObjectExpression:["properties"],ObjectMethod:["key","params","body","decorators","returnType","typeParameters"],ObjectProperty:["key","value","decorators"],RestElement:["argument","typeAnnotation","decorators"],ReturnStatement:["argument"],SequenceExpression:["expressions"],ParenthesizedExpression:["expression"],SwitchCase:["test","consequent"],SwitchStatement:["discriminant","cases"],ThisExpression:[],ThrowStatement:["argument"],TryStatement:["block","handler","finalizer"],UnaryExpression:["argument"],U
` ):Ra.type==="UnaryExpression"?rr $ 2(Ra.argument,{printWidth:nd}):Ra.type==="CallExpression"&&Ra.arguments.length===0&&Ra.callee.type==="Identifier"?Ra.callee.name.length<=od-2:kr $ 2(Ra)}function Oe $ 5(Ra,qa){return X $ 6(qa)?Bt $ 4(qa):d $ 2(qa,g $ 4.Leading,nd=>te $ 5(Ra,k $ 2(nd)))}function nu $ 3(Ra){return Ra.quasis.some(qa=>qa.value.raw.includes( `
` ))}function Lr $ 2(Ra,qa){return(Ra.type==="TemplateLiteral"&&nu $ 3(Ra)||Ra.type==="TaggedTemplateExpression"&&nu $ 3(Ra.quasi))&&!te $ 5(qa,R $ 6(Ra),{backwards:!0})}function wr $ 2(Ra){if(!d $ 2(Ra))return!1;let qa=O $ 3(!1,ct $ 3(Ra,g $ 4.Dangling),-1);return qa&&!re $ 5(qa)}function lu $ 2(Ra){if(Ra.length<=1)return!1;let qa=0;for(let nd of Ra)if(_t $ 3(nd)){if(qa+=1,qa>1)return!0}else if(L $ 6(nd)){for(let od of oe $ 5(nd))if(_t $ 3(od))return!0}return!1}function Or $ 2(Ra){let{node:qa,parent:nd,key:od}=Ra;return od==="callee"&&L $ 6(qa)&&L $ 6(nd)&&nd.arguments.length>0&&qa.arguments.length>nd.arguments.length}var xo $ 3=new Set(["!","-","+","~"]);function be $ 7(Ra,qa=2){if(qa<=0)return!1;if(Ra.type==="ChainExpression"||Ra.type==="TSNonNullExpression")return be $ 7(Ra.expression,qa);let nd=od=>be $ 7(od,qa-1);if(vn $ 2(Ra))return et $ 4(Ra.pattern??Ra.regex.pattern)<=5;if(kr $ 2(Ra)||Do $ 2(Ra)||Ra.type==="ArgumentPlaceholder")return!0;if(Ra.type==="TemplateLiteral")return Ra.quasis.every(od=>!od.value.raw.includes( `
` ))&&Ra.expressions.every(nd);if(se $ 5(Ra))return Ra.properties.every(od=>!od.computed&&(od.shorthand||od.value&&nd(od.value)));if(U $ 6(Ra))return Ra.elements.every(od=>od===null||nd(od));if(lt $ 3(Ra)){if(Ra.type==="ImportExpression"||be $ 7(Ra.callee,qa)){let od=oe $ 5(Ra);return od.length<=qa&&od.every(nd)}return!1}return q $ 6(Ra)?be $ 7(Ra.object,qa)&&be $ 7(Ra.property,qa):Ra.type==="UnaryExpression"&&xo $ 3.has(Ra.operator)||Ra.type==="UpdateExpression"?be $ 7(Ra.argument,qa):!1}function fe $ 6(Ra){var qa;return((qa=Ra.extra)==null?void 0:qa.raw)??Ra.raw}function mu $ 2(Ra){return Ra}function ae $ 4(Ra,qa="es5"){return Ra.trailingComma==="es5"&&qa==="es5"||Ra.trailingComma==="all"&&(qa==="all"||qa==="es5")}function ie $ 4(Ra,qa){switch(Ra.type){case"BinaryExpression":case"LogicalExpression":case"AssignmentExpression":case"NGPipeExpression":return ie $ 4(Ra.left,qa);case"MemberExpression":case"OptionalMemberExpression":return ie $ 4(Ra.object,qa);case"TaggedTemplateExpression":return Ra.tag.type==="FunctionExpression"?!1:ie $ 4(Ra.tag,qa);case"CallExpression":case"OptionalCallExpression":return Ra.callee.type==="FunctionExpression"?!1:ie $ 4(Ra.callee,qa);case"ConditionalExpression":return ie $ 4(Ra.test,qa);case"UpdateExpression":return!Ra.prefix&&ie $ 4(Ra.argument,qa);case"BindExpression":return Ra.object&&ie $ 4(Ra.object,qa);case"SequenceExpression":return ie $ 4(Ra.expressions[0],qa);case"ChainExpression":case"TSSatisfiesExpression":case"TSAsExpression":case"TSNonNullExpression":case"AsExpression":case"AsConstExpression":case"SatisfiesExpression":return ie $ 4(Ra.expression,qa);default:return qa(Ra)}}var su $ 2={"==":!0,"!=":!0,"===":!0,"!==":!0},br $ 4={"*":!0,"/":!0,"%":!0},_n $ 2={">>":!0,">>>":!0,"<<":!0};function nr $ 2(Ra,qa){return!(er $ 2(qa)!==er $ 2(Ra)||Ra==="**"||su $ 2[Ra]&&su $ 2[qa]||qa==="%"&&br $ 4[Ra]||Ra==="%"&&br $ 4[qa]||qa!==Ra&&br $ 4[qa]&&br $ 4[Ra]||_n $ 2[Ra]&&_n $ 2[qa])}var ho $ 1=new Map([["|>"],["??"],["||"],["&&"],["|"],["^"],["&"],["==","===","!=","!=="],["<",">","<=",">=","in","instanceof"],[">>","<<",">>>"],["+","-"],["*","/","%"],["**"]].flatMap((Ra,qa)=>Ra.map(nd=>[nd,qa])));function er $ 2(Ra){return ho $ 1.get(Ra)}function yu $ 1(Ra){return!!_n $ 2[Ra]||Ra==="|"||Ra==="^"||Ra==="&"}function Du $ 2(Ra){var qa;if(Ra.rest)return!0;let nd=K $ 6(Ra);return((qa=O $ 3(!1,nd,-1))==null?void 0:qa.type)==="RestElement"}var wn $ 2=new WeakMap;function K $ 6(Ra){if(wn $ 2.has(Ra))return wn $ 2.get(Ra);let qa=[];return Ra.this&&qa.push(Ra.this),Array.isArray(Ra.parameters)?qa.push(...Ra.parameters):Array.isArray(Ra.params)&&qa.push(...Ra.params),Ra.rest&&qa.push(Ra.rest),wn $ 2.set(Ra,qa),qa}function fu $ 1(Ra,qa){let{node:nd}=Ra,od=0,ld=ud=>qa(ud,od++);nd.this&&Ra.call(ld,"this"),Array.isArray(nd.parameters)?Ra.each(ld,"parameters"):Array.isArray(nd.params)&&Ra.each(ld,"params"),nd.rest&&Ra.call(ld,"rest")}var On $ 3=new WeakMap;function oe $ 5(Ra){if(On $ 3.has(Ra))return On $ 3.get(Ra);if(Ra.type==="ChainExpression")return oe $ 5(Ra.expression);let qa=Ra.arguments;return Ra.type==="ImportExpression"&&(qa=[Ra.source],Ra.attributes&&qa.push(Ra.attributes),Ra.options&&qa.push(Ra.options)),On $ 3.set(Ra,qa),qa}function Rt $ 4(Ra,qa){let{node:nd}=Ra;if(nd.type==="ChainExpression")return Ra.call(()=>Rt $ 4(Ra,qa),"expression");nd.type==="ImportExpression"?(Ra.call(od=>qa(od,0),"source"),nd.attributes&&Ra.call(od=>qa(od,1),"attributes"),nd.options&&Ra.call(od=>qa(od,1),"options")):Ra.each(qa,"arguments")}function Rn $ 2(Ra,qa){let nd=[];if(Ra.type==="ChainExpression"&&(Ra=Ra.expression,nd.push("expression")),Ra.type==="ImportExpression"){if(qa===0||qa===(Ra.attributes||Ra.options?-2:-1))return[...nd,"source"];if(Ra.attributes&&(qa===1||qa===-1))return[...nd,"attributes"];if(Ra.options&&(qa===1||qa===-1))return[...nd,"options"];throw new RangeError("Invalid argument index")}if(qa<0&&(qa=Ra.arguments.length+qa),qa<0||qa>=Ra.arguments.length)throw new RangeError("Invalid argument index");return[...nd,"arguments",qa]}function sr $ 2(Ra){return Ra.value.trim()==="prettier-ignore"&&!Ra.unignore}function Bt $ 4(Ra){return(Ra==null?void 0:Ra.prettierIgnore)||d $ 2(Ra,g $ 4.PrettierIgnore)}var g $ 4={Leading:2,Trailing:4,
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
Expected it to be 'string' or 'object' . ` ;if(ut $ 3(Ra))throw new Error("doc is valid.");let nd=Object.prototype.toString.call(Ra);if(nd!=="[object Object]")return ` Unexpected doc '${nd}' . ` ;let od=Bo $ 2([...jr $ 2].map(ld=> ` '${ld}' ` ));return ` Unexpected doc . type '${Ra.type}' .
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
Expected it to be $ { od } . ` }var Jn $ 3=class extends Error{constructor(nd){super(bo $ 2(nd));Rg(this,"name","InvalidDocError");this.doc=nd}},Ct $ 3=Jn $ 3,Au $ 1={};function Po $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od){let ld=[Ra];for(;ld.length>0;){let ud=ld.pop();if(ud===Au $ 1){nd(ld.pop());continue}nd&&ld.push(ud,Au $ 1);let dd=ut $ 3(ud);if(!dd)throw new Ct $ 3(ud);if((qa==null?void 0:qa(ud))!==!1)switch(dd){case _e $ 5:case Pe $ 5:{let pd=dd===_e $ 5?ud:ud.parts;for(let fd=pd.length,md=fd-1;md>=0;--md)ld.push(pd[md]);break}case xe $ 4:ld.push(ud.flatContents,ud.breakContents);break;case le $ 5:if(od&&ud.expandedStates)for(let pd=ud.expandedStates.length,fd=pd-1;fd>=0;--fd)ld.push(ud.expandedStates[fd]);else ld.push(ud.contents);break;case Ye $ 4:case Xe $ 3:case He $ 4:case je $ 5:case Ve $ 4:ld.push(ud.contents);break;case rt $ 3:case nt $ 3:case st $ 3:case $ e $ 3:case me $ 4:case ve $ 6:break;default:throw new Ct $ 3(ud)}}}var qn $ 2=Po $ 1,Tu $ 2=()=>{},vr $ 1=Tu $ 2;function f $ 2(Ra){return{type:Xe $ 3,contents:Ra}}function he $ 3(Ra,qa){return{type:Ye $ 4,contents:qa,n:Ra}}function l $ 2(Ra,qa={}){return vr $ 1(qa.expandedStates),{type:le $ 5,id:qa.id,contents:Ra,break:!!qa.shouldBreak,expandedStates:qa.expandedStates}}function du $ 2(Ra){return he $ 3(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,Ra)}function Mr $ 2(Ra){return he $ 3(-1,Ra)}function ze $ 5(Ra,qa){return l $ 2(Ra[0],{...qa,expandedStates:Ra})}function qt $ 4(Ra){return{type:Pe $ 5,parts:Ra}}function b $ 3(Ra,qa="",nd={}){return{type:xe $ 4,breakContents:Ra,flatContents:qa,groupId:nd.groupId}}function At $ 3(Ra,qa){return{type:He $ 4,contents:Ra,groupId:qa.groupId,negate:qa.negate}}function Wn $ 2(Ra){return{type:Ve $ 4,contents:Ra}}var ke $ 5={type: $ e $ 3},Ee $ 6={type:ve $ 6},Gn $ 3={type:me $ 4,hard:!0},ko $ 1={type:me $ 4,hard:!0,literal:!0},x $ 5={type:me $ 4},E $ 5={type:me $ 4,soft:!0},F $ 3=[Gn $ 3,Ee $ 6],Rr $ 1=[ko $ 1,Ee $ 6],Un $ 3={type:nt $ 3};function P $ 6(Ra,qa){let nd=[];for(let od=0;od<qa.length;od++)od!==0&&nd.push(Ra),nd.push(qa[od]);return nd}function xu $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){let od=Ra;if(qa>0){for(let ld=0;ld<Math.floor(qa/nd);++ld)od=f $ 2(od);od=he $ 3(qa%nd,od),od=he $ 3(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,od)}return od}function it $ 3(Ra,qa){return Ra?{type:je $ 5,label:Ra,contents:qa}:qa}function mt $ 3(Ra,qa){if(typeof Ra=="string")return qa(Ra);let nd=new Map;return od(Ra);function od(ud){if(nd.has(ud))return nd.get(ud);let dd=ld(ud);return nd.set(ud,dd),dd}function ld(ud){switch(ut $ 3(ud)){case _e $ 5:return qa(ud.map(od));case Pe $ 5:return qa({...ud,parts:ud.parts.map(od)});case xe $ 4:return qa({...ud,breakContents:od(ud.breakContents),flatContents:od(ud.flatContents)});case le $ 5:{let{expandedStates:dd,contents:pd}=ud;return dd?(dd=dd.map(od),pd=dd[0]):pd=od(pd),qa({...ud,contents:pd,expandedStates:dd})}case Ye $ 4:case Xe $ 3:case He $ 4:case je $ 5:case Ve $ 4:return qa({...ud,contents:od(ud.contents)});case rt $ 3:case nt $ 3:case st $ 3:case $ e $ 3:case me $ 4:case ve $ 6:return qa(ud);default:throw new Ct $ 3(ud)}}}function gu $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){let od=nd,ld=!1;function ud(dd){if(ld)return!1;let pd=qa(dd);pd!==void 0&&(ld=!0,od=pd)}return qn $ 2(Ra,ud),od}function Io $ 1(Ra){if(Ra.type===le $ 5&&Ra.break||Ra.type===me $ 4&&Ra.hard||Ra.type===ve $ 6)return!0}function ne $ 5(Ra){return gu $ 1(Ra,Io $ 1,!1)}function hu $ 2(Ra){if(Ra.length>0){let qa=O $ 3(!1,Ra,-1);!qa.expandedStates&&!qa.break&&(qa.break="propagated")}return null}function Su $ 1(Ra){let qa=new Set,nd=[];function od(ud){if(ud.type===ve $ 6&&hu $ 2(nd),ud.type===le $ 5){if(nd.push(ud),qa.has(ud))return!1;qa.add(ud)}}function ld(ud){ud.type===le $ 5&&nd.pop().break&&hu $ 2(nd)}qn $ 2(Ra,od,ld,!0)}function Lo $ 2(Ra){return Ra.type===me $ 4&&!Ra.hard?Ra.soft?"":" ":Ra.type===xe $ 4?Ra.flatContents:Ra}function ur $ 2(Ra){return mt $ 3(Ra,Lo $ 2)}function wo $ 1(Ra){switch(ut $ 3(Ra)){case Pe $ 5:if(Ra.parts.every(qa=>qa===""))return"";break;case le $ 5:if(!Ra.contents&&!Ra.id&&!Ra.break&&!Ra.expandedStates)return"";if(Ra.contents.type===le $ 5&&Ra.contents.id===Ra.id&&Ra.contents.break===Ra.break&&Ra.contents.expandedStates===Ra.expandedStates)return Ra.contents;break;case Ye $ 4:case Xe $ 3:case He $ 4:case Ve $ 4:if(!Ra.contents)return"";break;case xe $ 4:if(!Ra.flatContents&&!Ra.breakContents)return"";break;case _e $ 5:{let qa=[];for(let nd of Ra){if(!nd)continue;let[o
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` )):nd)}function Oo $ 1(Ra){if(Ra.type===me $ 4)return!0}function Bu $ 1(Ra){return gu $ 1(Ra,Oo $ 1,!1)}function ir $ 3(Ra,qa){return Ra.type===je $ 5?{...Ra,contents:qa(Ra.contents)}:qa(Ra)}function _o $ 1(Ra){let qa= ` * $ { Ra . value } * ` .split( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` );return qa.length>1&&qa.every(nd=>nd.trimStart()[0]==="*")}var bu $ 2=_o $ 1;function Pu $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.node;if(vt $ 4(nd))return qa.originalText.slice(R $ 6(nd),k $ 2(nd)).trimEnd();if(re $ 5(nd))return bu $ 2(nd)?jo $ 1(nd):["/*",Ie $ 4(nd.value),"*/"];throw new Error("Not a comment: "+JSON.stringify(nd))}function jo $ 1(Ra){let qa=Ra.value.split( `
` );return["/*",P $ 6(F $ 3,qa.map((nd,od)=>od===0?nd.trimEnd():" "+(od<qa.length-1?nd.trim():nd.trimStart()))),"*/"]}var Kn $ 3={};Ar $ 1(Kn $ 3,{endOfLine:()=>Go $ 1,ownLine:()=>Wo $ 1,remaining:()=>Uo $ 2});function vo(Ra){let qa=Ra.type||Ra.kind||"(unknown type)",nd=String(Ra.name||Ra.id&&(typeof Ra.id=="object"?Ra.id.name:Ra.id)||Ra.key&&(typeof Ra.key=="object"?Ra.key.name:Ra.key)||Ra.value&&(typeof Ra.value=="object"?"":String(Ra.value))||Ra.operator||"");return nd.length>20&&(nd=nd.slice(0,19)+"…"),qa+(nd?" "+nd:"")}function Nn $ 3(Ra,qa){(Ra.comments??(Ra.comments=[])).push(qa),qa.printed=!1,qa.nodeDescription=vo(Ra)}function ce $ 7(Ra,qa){qa.leading=!0,qa.trailing=!1,Nn $ 3(Ra,qa)}function Le $ 5(Ra,qa,nd){qa.leading=!1,qa.trailing=!1,nd&&(qa.marker=nd),Nn $ 3(Ra,qa)}function z $ 5(Ra,qa){qa.leading=!1,qa.trailing=!0,Nn $ 3(Ra,qa)}function Mo $ 3(Ra,qa){let nd=null,od=qa;for(;od!==nd;)nd=od,od=Ge $ 3(Ra,od),od=Lt $ 2(Ra,od),od=wt $ 2(Ra,od),od=Ue $ 3(Ra,od);return od}var yt $ 2=Mo $ 3;function Ro $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=yt $ 2(Ra,qa);return nd===!1?"":Ra.charAt(nd)}var ge $ 6=Ro $ 1;function Jo $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){for(let od=qa;od<nd;++od)if(Ra.charAt(od)=== `
` )return!0;return!1}var de $ 4=Jo $ 2;function qo $ 1(Ra){return re $ 5(Ra)&&Ra.value[0]==="*"&&/@(?:type|satisfies) \b /u.test(Ra.value)}var ku $ 1=qo $ 1;function Wo $ 1(Ra){return[Mu $ 2,Lu $ 1,_u $ 2,ep,Xo $ 1,Yn $ 2,Hn $ 2,Iu $ 2,wu $ 2,sp,rp, $ n $ 3,vu $ 2,up,Ou $ 2,ju $ 2,Vn $ 3,Yo $ 1,yp].some(qa=>qa(Ra))}function Go $ 1(Ra){return[No $ 1,_u $ 2,Lu $ 1,vu $ 2,Yn $ 2,Hn $ 2,Iu $ 2,wu $ 2,ju $ 2,tp,np, $ n $ 3,op $ 1,Vn $ 3,lp,mp].some(qa=>qa(Ra))}function Uo $ 2(Ra){return[Mu $ 2,Yn $ 2,Hn $ 2,Ho $ 2,Zo $ 2,Ou $ 2, $ n $ 3,Qo $ 2,zo,cp $ 1,Vn $ 3,pp].some(qa=>qa(Ra))}function bt $ 5(Ra,qa){let nd=(Ra.body||Ra.properties).find(({type:od})=>od!=="EmptyStatement");nd?ce $ 7(nd,qa):Le $ 5(Ra,qa)}function Xn $ 3(Ra,qa){Ra.type==="BlockStatement"?bt $ 5(Ra,qa):ce $ 7(Ra,qa)}function No $ 1({comment:Ra,followingNode:qa}){return qa&&ku $ 1(Ra)?(ce $ 7(qa,Ra),!0):!1}function Yn $ 2({comment:Ra,precedingNode:qa,enclosingNode:nd,followingNode:od,text:ld}){if((nd==null?void 0:nd.type)!=="IfStatement"||!od)return!1;if(ge $ 6(ld,k $ 2(Ra))===")")return z $ 5(qa,Ra),!0;if(qa===nd.consequent&&od===nd.alternate){if(qa.type==="BlockStatement")z $ 5(qa,Ra);else{let ud=vt $ 4(Ra)||Ra.loc.start.line===Ra.loc.end.line,dd=Ra.loc.start.line===qa.loc.start.line;ud&&dd?z $ 5(qa,Ra):Le $ 5(nd,Ra)}return!0}return od.type==="BlockStatement"?(bt $ 5(od,Ra),!0):od.type==="IfStatement"?(Xn $ 3(od.consequent,Ra),!0):nd.consequent===od?(ce $ 7(od,Ra),!0):!1}function Hn $ 2({comment:Ra,precedingNode:qa,enclosingNode:nd,followingNode:od,text:ld}){return(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)!=="WhileStatement"||!od?!1:ge $ 6(ld,k $ 2(Ra))===")"?(z $ 5(qa,Ra),!0):od.type==="BlockStatement"?(bt $ 5(od,Ra),!0):nd.body===od?(ce $ 7(od,Ra),!0):!1}function Iu $ 2({comment:Ra,precedingNode:qa,enclosingNode:nd,followingNode:od}){return(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)!=="TryStatement"&&(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)!=="CatchClause"||!od?!1:nd.type==="CatchClause"&&qa?(z $ 5(qa,Ra),!0):od.type==="BlockStatement"?(bt $ 5(od,Ra),!0):od.type==="TryStatement"?(Xn $ 3(od.finalizer,Ra),!0):od.type==="CatchClause"?(Xn $ 3(od.body,Ra),!0):!1}function Xo $ 1({comment:Ra,enclosingNode:qa,followingNode:nd}){return q $ 6(qa)&&(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="Identifier"?(ce $ 7(qa,Ra),!0):!1}function Yo $ 1({comment:Ra,enclosingNode:qa,followingNode:nd,options:od}){return!od.experimentalTernaries||!((qa==null?void 0:qa.type)==="ConditionalExpression"||(qa==null?void 0:qa.type)==="ConditionalTypeAnnotation"||(qa==null?void 0:qa.type)==="TSConditionalType")?!1:(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="ConditionalExpression"||(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="ConditionalTypeAnnotation"||(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="TSConditionalType"?(Le $ 5(qa,Ra),!0):!1}function Lu $ 1({comment:Ra,precedingNode:qa,enclosingNode:nd,followingNode:od,text:ld,options:ud}){let dd=qa&&!de $ 4(ld,k $ 2(qa),R $ 6(Ra));return(!qa||!dd)&&((nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="ConditionalExpression"||(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="ConditionalTypeAnnotation"||(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="TSConditionalType")&&od?ud.experimentalTernaries&&nd.alternate===od&&!(re $ 5(Ra)&&!de $ 4(ud.originalText,R $ 6(Ra),k $ 2(Ra)))?(Le $ 5(nd,Ra),!0):(ce $ 7(od,Ra),!0):!1}function Ho $ 2({comment:Ra,precedingNode:qa,enclosingNode:nd}){return Ae $ 5(nd)&&nd.shorthand&&nd.key===qa&&nd.value.type==="AssignmentPattern"?(z $ 5(nd.value.left,Ra),!0):!1}var Vo $ 2=new Set(["ClassDeclaration","ClassExpression","DeclareClass","DeclareInterface","InterfaceDeclaration","TSInterfaceDeclaration"]);function wu $ 2({comment:Ra,precedingNode:qa,enclosingNode:nd,followingNode:od}){if(Vo $ 2.has(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)){if(w $ 2(nd.decorators)&&(od==null?void 0:od.type)!=="Decorator")return z $ 5(O $ 3(!1,nd.decorators,-1),Ra),!0;if(nd.body&&od===nd.body)return bt $ 5(nd.body,Ra),!0;if(od){if(nd.superClass&&od===nd.superClass&&qa&&(qa===nd.id||qa===nd.typeParameters))return z $ 5(qa,Ra),!0;for(let ld of["implements","extends","mixins"])if(nd[ld]&&od===nd[ld][0])return qa&&(qa===nd.id||qa===nd.typeParameters||qa===nd.superClass)?z $ 5(qa,Ra):Le $ 5(nd,Ra,ld),!0}}return!1}var $ o $ 1=new Set(["ClassMethod","ClassProperty","PropertyDefinition","TSAbstractPropertyDefinition","TSAbstractMethodDefinition","TSDeclareMethod","MethodDefinition","ClassAccessorProperty","AccessorProperty","TSAbstractAccessorProperty
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ;default:return `
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` }}var Se $ 6=Symbol("MODE_BREAK"),at $ 6=Symbol("MODE_FLAT"),ar $ 3=Symbol("cursor");function qu $ 2(){return{value:"",length:0,queue:[]}}function Cp(Ra,qa){return Qn $ 3(Ra,{type:"indent"},qa)}function Ap(Ra,qa,nd){return qa===Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY?Ra.root||qu $ 2():qa<0?Qn $ 3(Ra,{type:"dedent"},nd):qa?qa.type==="root"?{...Ra,root:Ra}:Qn $ 3(Ra,{type:typeof qa=="string"?"stringAlign":"numberAlign",n:qa},nd):Ra}function Qn $ 3(Ra,qa,nd){let od=qa.type==="dedent"?Ra.queue.slice(0,-1):[...Ra.queue,qa],ld="",ud=0,dd=0,pd=0;for(let kd of od)switch(kd.type){case"indent":vd(),nd.useTabs?fd(1):md(nd.tabWidth);break;case"stringAlign":vd(),ld+=kd.n,ud+=kd.n.length;break;case"numberAlign":dd+=1,pd+=kd.n;break;default:throw new Error( ` Unexpected type '${kd.type}' ` )}return Nd(),{...Ra,value:ld,length:ud,queue:od};function fd(kd){ld+=" ".repeat(kd),ud+=nd.tabWidth*kd}function md(kd){ld+=" ".repeat(kd),ud+=kd}function vd(){nd.useTabs?Ad():Nd()}function Ad(){dd>0&&fd(dd),Od()}function Nd(){pd>0&&md(pd),Od()}function Od(){dd=0,pd=0}}function Zn $ 3(Ra){let qa=0,nd=0,od=Ra.length;e:for(;od--;){let ld=Ra[od];if(ld===ar $ 3){nd++;continue}for(let ud=ld.length-1;ud>=0;ud--){let dd=ld[ud];if(dd===" "||dd===" ")qa++;else{Ra[od]=ld.slice(0,ud+1);break e}}}if(qa>0||nd>0)for(Ra.length=od+1;nd-- >0;)Ra.push(ar $ 3);return qa}function Jr $ 2(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud){if(nd===Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)return!0;let dd=qa.length,pd=[Ra],fd=[];for(;nd>=0;){if(pd.length===0){if(dd===0)return!0;pd.push(qa[--dd]);continue}let{mode:md,doc:vd}=pd.pop(),Ad=ut $ 3(vd);switch(Ad){case rt $ 3:fd.push(vd),nd-=et $ 4(vd);break;case _e $ 5:case Pe $ 5:{let Nd=Ad===_e $ 5?vd:vd.parts;for(let Od=Nd.length-1;Od>=0;Od--)pd.push({mode:md,doc:Nd[Od]});break}case Xe $ 3:case Ye $ 4:case He $ 4:case je $ 5:pd.push({mode:md,doc:vd.contents});break;case st $ 3:nd+=Zn $ 3(fd);break;case le $ 5:{if(ud&&vd.break)return!1;let Nd=vd.break?Se $ 6:md,Od=vd.expandedStates&&Nd===Se $ 6?O $ 3(!1,vd.expandedStates,-1):vd.contents;pd.push({mode:Nd,doc:Od});break}case xe $ 4:{let Nd=(vd.groupId?ld[vd.groupId]||at $ 6:md)===Se $ 6?vd.breakContents:vd.flatContents;Nd&&pd.push({mode:md,doc:Nd});break}case me $ 4:if(md===Se $ 6||vd.hard)return!0;vd.soft||(fd.push(" "),nd--);break;case Ve $ 4:od=!0;break;case $ e $ 3:if(od)return!1;break}}return!1}function es $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd={},od=qa.printWidth,ld=Ju $ 2(qa.endOfLine),ud=0,dd=[{ind:qu $ 2(),mode:Se $ 6,doc:Ra}],pd=[],fd=!1,md=[],vd=0;for(Su $ 1(Ra);dd.length>0;){let{ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd}=dd.pop();switch(ut $ 3(kd)){case rt $ 3:{let Ld=ld!== `
` ?N $ 6(!1,kd, `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ,ld):kd;pd.push(Ld),dd.length>0&&(ud+=et $ 4(Ld));break}case _e $ 5:for(let Ld=kd.length-1;Ld>=0;Ld--)dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd[Ld]});break;case nt $ 3:if(vd>=2)throw new Error("There are too many 'cursor' in doc.");pd.push(ar $ 3),vd++;break;case Xe $ 3:dd.push({ind:Cp(Nd,qa),mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case Ye $ 4:dd.push({ind:Ap(Nd,kd.n,qa),mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case st $ 3:ud-=Zn $ 3(pd);break;case le $ 5:switch(Od){case at $ 6:if(!fd){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:kd.break?Se $ 6:at $ 6,doc:kd.contents});break}case Se $ 6:{fd=!1;let Ld={ind:Nd,mode:at $ 6,doc:kd.contents},Gd=od-ud,Ud=md.length>0;if(!kd.break&&Jr $ 2(Ld,dd,Gd,Ud,nd))dd.push(Ld);else if(kd.expandedStates){let Fd=O $ 3(!1,kd.expandedStates,-1);if(kd.break){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Se $ 6,doc:Fd});break}else for(let Hd=1;Hd<kd.expandedStates.length+1;Hd++)if(Hd>=kd.expandedStates.length){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Se $ 6,doc:Fd});break}else{let Vd=kd.expandedStates[Hd],zd={ind:Nd,mode:at $ 6,doc:Vd};if(Jr $ 2(zd,dd,Gd,Ud,nd)){dd.push(zd);break}}}else dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Se $ 6,doc:kd.contents});break}}kd.id&&(nd[kd.id]=O $ 3(!1,dd,-1).mode);break;case Pe $ 5:{let Ld=od-ud,{parts:Gd}=kd;if(Gd.length===0)break;let[Ud,Fd]=Gd,Hd={ind:Nd,mode:at $ 6,doc:Ud},Vd={ind:Nd,mode:Se $ 6,doc:Ud},zd=Jr $ 2(Hd,[],Ld,md.length>0,nd,!0);if(Gd.length===1){zd?dd.push(Hd):dd.push(Vd);break}let Yd={ind:Nd,mode:at $ 6,doc:Fd},Xd={ind:Nd,mode:Se $ 6,doc:Fd};if(Gd.length===2){zd?dd.push(Yd,Hd):dd.push(Xd,Vd);break}Gd.splice(0,2);let yf={ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:qt $ 4(Gd)},Qd=Gd[0];Jr $ 2({ind:Nd,mode:at $ 6,doc:[Ud,Fd,Qd]},[],Ld,md.length>0,nd,!0)?dd.push(yf,Yd,Hd):zd?dd.push(yf,Xd,Hd):dd.push(yf,Xd,Vd);break}case xe $ 4:case He $ 4:{let Ld=kd.groupId?nd[kd.groupId]:Od;if(Ld===Se $ 6){let Gd=kd.type===xe $ 4?kd.breakContents:kd.negate?kd.contents:f $ 2(kd.contents);Gd&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Gd})}if(Ld===at $ 6){let Gd=kd.type===xe $ 4?kd.flatContents:kd.negate?f $ 2(kd.contents):kd.contents;Gd&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Gd})}break}case Ve $ 4:md.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case $ e $ 3:md.length>0&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Gn $ 3});break;case me $ 4:switch(Od){case at $ 6:if(kd.hard)fd=!0;else{kd.soft||(pd.push(" "),ud+=1);break}case Se $ 6:if(md.length>0){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd},...md.reverse()),md.length=0;break}kd.literal?Nd.root?(pd.push(ld,Nd.root.value),ud=Nd.root.length):(pd.push(ld),ud=0):(ud-=Zn $ 3(pd),pd.push(ld+Nd.value),ud=Nd.length);break}break;case je $ 5:dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case ve $ 6:break;default:throw new Ct $ 3(kd)}dd.length===0&&md.length>0&&(dd.push(...md.reverse()),md.length=0)}let Ad=pd.indexOf(ar $ 3);if(Ad!==-1){let Nd=pd.indexOf(ar $ 3,Ad+1),Od=pd.slice(0,Ad).join(""),kd=pd.slice(Ad+1,Nd).join(""),Ld=pd.slice(Nd+1).join("");return{formatted:Od+kd+Ld,cursorNodeStart:Od.length,cursorNodeText:kd}}return{formatted:pd.join("")}}function Tp(Ra,qa,nd=0){let od=0;for(let ld=nd;ld<Ra.length;++ld)Ra[ld]===" "?od=od+qa-od%qa:od++;return od}var Wu $ 1=Tp;function dp(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.lastIndexOf( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` );return nd===-1?0:Wu $ 1(Ra.slice(nd+1).match(/^[ \t ]*/u)[0],qa)}var Gu $ 2=dp;function qr $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=Ra;if(od.type==="TemplateLiteral"&&gp(Ra)){let fd=xp(Ra,nd,qa);if(fd)return fd}let ld="expressions";od.type==="TSTemplateLiteralType"&&(ld="types");let ud=[],dd=Ra.map(qa,ld);ud.push(ke $ 5," ` " ) ; let pd = 0 ; return Ra . each ( ( { index : fd , node : md } ) => { if ( ud . push ( qa ( ) ) , md . tail ) return ; let { tabWidth : vd } = nd , Ad = md . value . raw , Nd = Ad . includes ( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )?Gu $ 2(Ad,vd):pd;pd=Nd;let Od=dd[fd],kd=od[ld][fd],Ld=de $ 4(nd.originalText,k $ 2(md),R $ 6(od.quasis[fd+1]));if(!Ld){let Ud=es $ 1(Od,{...nd,printWidth:Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY}).formatted;Ud.includes( `
` )?Ld=!0:Od=Ud}Ld&&(d $ 2(kd)||kd.type==="Identifier"||q $ 6(kd)||kd.type==="ConditionalExpression"||kd.type==="SequenceExpression"||Te $ 4(kd)||De $ 4(kd))&&(Od=[f $ 2([E $ 5,Od]),E $ 5]);let Gd=Nd===0&&Ad.endsWith( `
` )?he $ 3(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,Od):xu $ 1(Od,Nd,vd);ud.push(l $ 2([" ${ ",Gd,ke$5," } "]))},"quasis"),ud.push(" ` "),ud}function Uu$3(Ra,qa){let nd=qa(" quasi ");return it$3(nd.label&&{tagged:!0,...nd.label},[qa(" tag "),qa(Ra.node.typeArguments?" typeArguments ":" typeParameters "),ke$5,nd])}function xp(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=Ra,ld=od.quasis[0].value.raw.trim().split(/\s*\|\s*/u);if(ld.length>1||ld.some(ud=>ud.length>0)){qa.__inJestEach=!0;let ud=Ra.map(nd," expressions ");qa.__inJestEach=!1;let dd=[],pd=ud.map(Nd=>" $ { "+es$1(Nd,{...qa,printWidth:Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,endOfLine:" lf "}).formatted+" } " ) , fd = [ { hasLineBreak : ! 1 , cells : [ ] } ] ; for ( let Nd = 1 ; Nd < od . quasis . length ; Nd ++ ) { let Od = O$3 ( ! 1 , fd , - 1 ) , kd = pd [ Nd - 1 ] ; Od . cells . push ( kd ) , kd . includes ( `
` )&&(Od.hasLineBreak=!0),od.quasis[Nd].value.raw.includes( `
` )&&fd.push({hasLineBreak:!1,cells:[]})}let md=Math.max(ld.length,...fd.map(Nd=>Nd.cells.length)),vd=Array.from({length:md}).fill(0),Ad=[{cells:ld},...fd.filter(Nd=>Nd.cells.length>0)];for(let{cells:Nd}of Ad.filter(Od=>!Od.hasLineBreak))for(let[Od,kd]of Nd.entries())vd[Od]=Math.max(vd[Od],et $ 4(kd));return dd.push(ke $ 5," ` ",f$2([F$3,P$6(F$3,Ad.map(Nd=>P$6(" | ",Nd.cells.map((Od,kd)=>Nd.hasLineBreak?Od:Od+" ".repeat(vd[kd]-et$4(Od))))))]),F$3," ` "),dd}}function hp(Ra,qa){let{node:nd}=Ra,od=qa();return d $ 2(nd)&&(od=l $ 2([f $ 2([E $ 5,od]),E $ 5])),[" ${ ",od,ke$5," } "]}function Gt $ 3(Ra,qa){return Ra.map(nd=>hp(nd,qa),"expressions")}function Wr $ 2(Ra,qa){return mt $ 3(Ra,nd=>typeof nd=="string"?qa?N $ 6(!1,nd,/( \\ *) ` / gu , "$1$1\\`" ) : ts ( nd ) : nd ) } function ts ( Ra ) { return N$6 ( ! 1 , Ra , /([\\`]|\$\{)/gu , String . raw ` \$ 1 ` ) } function gp ( { node : Ra , parent : qa } ) { let nd = /^[fx]?(?:describe|it|test)$/u ; return qa . type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && qa . quasi === Ra && qa . tag . type === "MemberExpression" && qa . tag . property . type === "Identifier" && qa . tag . property . name === "each" && ( qa . tag . object . type === "Identifier" && nd . test ( qa . tag . object . name ) || qa . tag . object . type === "MemberExpression" && qa . tag . object . property . type === "Identifier" && ( qa . tag . object . property . name === "only" || qa . tag . object . property . name === "skip" ) && qa . tag . object . object . type === "Identifier" && nd . test ( qa . tag . object . object . name ) ) } var ns$1 = [ ( Ra , qa ) => Ra . type === "ObjectExpression" && qa === "properties" , ( Ra , qa ) => Ra . type === "CallExpression" && Ra . callee . type === "Identifier" && Ra . callee . name === "Component" && qa === "arguments" , ( Ra , qa ) => Ra . type === "Decorator" && qa === "expression" ] ; function Nu$2 ( Ra ) { let qa = od => od . type === "TemplateLiteral" , nd = ( od , ld ) => Ae$5 ( od ) && ! od . computed && od . key . type === "Identifier" && od . key . name === "styles" && ld === "value" ; return Ra . match ( qa , ( od , ld ) => U$6 ( od ) && ld === "elements" , nd , ... ns$1 ) || Ra . match ( qa , nd , ... ns$1 ) } function Xu$2 ( Ra ) { return Ra . match ( qa => qa . type === "TemplateLiteral" , ( qa , nd ) => Ae$5 ( qa ) && ! qa . computed && qa . key . type === "Identifier" && qa . key . name === "template" && nd === "value" , ... ns$1 ) } function rs$1 ( Ra , qa ) { return d$2 ( Ra , g$4 . Block | g$4 . Leading , ( { value : nd } ) => nd === ` ${ qa } ` ) } function Gr$2 ( { node : Ra , parent : qa } , nd ) { return rs$1 ( Ra , nd ) || Sp ( qa ) && rs$1 ( qa , nd ) || qa . type === "ExpressionStatement" && rs$1 ( qa , nd ) } function Sp ( Ra ) { return Ra . type === "AsConstExpression" || Ra . type === "TSAsExpression" && Ra . typeAnnotation . type === "TSTypeReference" && Ra . typeAnnotation . typeName . type === "Identifier" && Ra . typeAnnotation . typeName . name === "const" } async function Bp ( Ra , qa , nd ) { let { node : od } = nd , ld = od . quasis . map ( vd => vd . value . raw ) , ud = 0 , dd = ld . reduce ( ( vd , Ad , Nd ) => Nd === 0 ? Ad : vd + "@prettier-placeholder-" + ud ++ + "-id" + Ad , "" ) , pd = await Ra ( dd , { parser : "scss" } ) , fd = Gt$3 ( nd , qa ) , md = bp$1 ( pd , fd ) ; if ( ! md ) throw new Error ( "Couldn't insert all the expressions" ) ; return [ "`" , f$2 ( [ F$3 , md ] ) , E$5 , "`" ] } function bp$1 ( Ra , qa ) { if ( ! w$2 ( qa ) ) return Ra ; let nd = 0 , od = mt$3 ( Wt$3 ( Ra ) , ld => typeof ld != "string" || ! ld . includes ( "@prettier-placeholder" ) ? ld : ld . split ( /@prettier-placeholder-(\d+)-id/u ) . map ( ( ud , dd ) => dd % 2 === 0 ? Ie$4 ( ud ) : ( nd ++ , qa [ ud ] ) ) ) ; return qa . length === nd ? od : null } function Pp ( { node : Ra , parent : qa , grandparent : nd } ) { return nd && Ra . quasis && qa . type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && nd . type === "JSXElement" && nd . openingElement . name . name === "style" && nd . openingElement . attributes . some ( od => od . type === "JSXAttribute" && od . name . name === "jsx" ) || ( qa == null ? void 0 : qa . type ) === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && qa . tag . type === "Identifier" && qa . tag . name === "css" || ( qa == null ? void 0 : qa . type ) === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && qa . tag . type === "MemberExpression" && qa . tag . object . name === "css" && ( qa . tag . property . name === "global" || qa . tag . property . name === "resolve" ) } function Ur$2 ( Ra ) { return Ra . type === "Identifier" && Ra . name === "styled" } function Yu$1 ( Ra ) { return /^[A-Z]/u . test ( Ra . object . name ) && Ra . property . name === "extend" } function kp ( { parent : Ra } ) { if ( ! Ra || Ra . type !== "TaggedTemplateExpression" ) return ! 1 ; let qa = Ra . tag . type === "ParenthesizedExpression" ? Ra . tag . expression : Ra . tag ; switch ( qa . type ) { case "MemberExpression" : return Ur$2 ( qa . object ) || Yu$1 ( qa ) ; case "CallExpression" : return Ur$2 ( qa . callee ) || qa . callee . type === "MemberExpression" && ( qa . callee . object . type === "MemberExpression" && ( Ur$2 ( qa . callee . object . object ) || Yu$1 ( qa . callee .
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` ),Od=Nd.length,kd=ud[pd],Ld=Od>2&&Nd[0].trim()===""&&Nd[1].trim()==="",Gd=Od>2&&Nd[Od-1].trim()===""&&Nd[Od-2].trim()==="",Ud=Nd.every(Hd=>/^ \s *(?:#[^ \n \r ]*)? $ /u.test(Hd));if(!vd&&/#[^ \n \r ]* $ /u.test(Nd[Od-1]))return null;let Fd=null;Ud?Fd=Op(Nd):Fd=await Ra(Ad,{parser:"graphql"}),Fd?(Fd=Wr $ 2(Fd,!1),!md&&Ld&&dd.push(""),dd.push(Fd),!vd&&Gd&&dd.push("")):!md&&!vd&&Ld&&dd.push(""),kd&&dd.push(kd)}return[" ` ",f$2([F$3,P$6(F$3,dd)]),F$3," ` "]}function Op(Ra){let qa=[],nd=!1,od=Ra.map(ld=>ld.trim());for(let[ld,ud]of od.entries())ud!==""&&(od[ld-1]===""&&nd?qa.push([F $ 3,ud]):qa.push(ud),nd=!0);return qa.length===0?null:P $ 6(F $ 3,qa)}function _p({node:Ra,parent:qa}){return Gr $ 2({node:Ra,parent:qa},"GraphQL")||qa&&(qa.type==="TaggedTemplateExpression"&&(qa.tag.type==="MemberExpression"&&qa.tag.object.name==="graphql"&&qa.tag.property.name==="experimental"||qa.tag.type==="Identifier"&&(qa.tag.name==="gql"||qa.tag.name==="graphql"))||qa.type==="CallExpression"&&qa.callee.type==="Identifier"&&qa.callee.name==="graphql")}function jp(Ra){if(_p(Ra))return wp}var Vu $ 3=jp,ss $ 1=0;async function $ u $ 2(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){let{node:ud}=od,dd=ss $ 1;ss $ 1=ss $ 1+1>>>0;let pd=Ud=> ` PRETTIER _HTML _PLACEHOLDER _$ { Ud } _$ { dd } _IN _JS ` ,fd=ud.quasis.map((Ud,Fd,Hd)=>Fd===Hd.length-1?Ud.value.cooked:Ud.value.cooked+pd(Fd)).join(""),md=Gt $ 3(od,nd),vd=new RegExp(pd(String.raw ` ( \ d + ) ` ),"gu"),Ad=0,Nd=await qa(fd,{parser:Ra,__onHtmlRoot(Ud){Ad=Ud.children.length}}),Od=mt $ 3(Nd,Ud=>{if(typeof Ud!="string")return Ud;let Fd=[],Hd=Ud.split(vd);for(let Vd=0;Vd<Hd.length;Vd++){let zd=Hd[Vd];if(Vd%2===0){zd&&(zd=ts(zd),ld.__embeddedInHtml&&(zd=N $ 6(!1,zd,/< \/ (?=script \b )/giu,String.raw ` < \ / ` )),Fd.push(zd));continue}let Yd=Number(zd);Fd.push(md[Yd])}return Fd}),kd=/^ \s /u.test(fd)?" ":"",Ld=/ \s $ /u.test(fd)?" ":"",Gd=ld.htmlWhitespaceSensitivity==="ignore"?F $ 3:kd&&Ld?x $ 5:null;return Gd?l $ 2([" ` ",f$2([Gd,l$2(Od)]),Gd," ` "]):it $ 3({hug:!1},l $ 2([" ` ",kd,Ad>1?f$2(l$2(Od)):l$2(Od),Ld," ` "]))}function vp(Ra){return Gr $ 2(Ra,"HTML")||Ra.match(qa=>qa.type==="TemplateLiteral",(qa,nd)=>qa.type==="TaggedTemplateExpression"&&qa.tag.type==="Identifier"&&qa.tag.name==="html"&&nd==="quasi")}var Mp= $ u $ 2.bind(void 0,"html"),Rp= $ u $ 2.bind(void 0,"angular");function Jp(Ra){if(vp(Ra))return Mp;if(Xu $ 2(Ra))return Rp}var Ku $ 3=Jp;async function qp(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=nd,ld=N $ 6(!1,od.quasis[0].value.raw,/((?: \\ \\ )*) \\ ` / gu , ( fd , md ) => "\\" . repeat ( md . length / 2 ) + "`" ) , ud = Wp ( ld ) , dd = ud !== "" ; dd && ( ld = N$6 ( ! 1 , ld , new RegExp ( ` ^ ${ ud } ` , "gmu" ) , "" ) ) ; let pd = Wr$2 ( await Ra ( ld , { parser : "markdown" , _ _inJsTemplate : ! 0 } ) , ! 0 ) ; return [ "`" , dd ? f$2 ( [ E$5 , pd ] ) : [ Rr$1 , du$2 ( pd ) ] , E$5 , "`" ] } function Wp ( Ra ) { let qa = Ra . match ( /^([^\S\n]*)\S/mu ) ; return qa === null ? "" : qa [ 1 ] } function Gp ( Ra ) { if ( Up ( Ra ) ) return qp } function Up ( { node : Ra , parent : qa } ) { return ( qa == null ? void 0 : qa . type ) === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && Ra . quasis . length === 1 && qa . tag . type === "Identifier" && ( qa . tag . name === "md" || qa . tag . name === "markdown" ) } var zu$1 = Gp ; function Np ( Ra ) { let { node : qa } = Ra ; if ( qa . type !== "TemplateLiteral" || Xp ( qa ) ) return ; let nd ; for ( let od of [ Hu$3 , Vu$3 , Ku$3 , zu$1 ] ) if ( nd = od ( Ra ) , ! ! nd ) return qa . quasis . length === 1 && qa . quasis [ 0 ] . value . raw . trim ( ) === "" ? "``" : async ( ... ld ) => { let ud = await nd ( ... ld ) ; return ud && it$3 ( { embed : ! 0 , ... ud . label } , ud ) } } function Xp ( { quasis : Ra } ) { return Ra . some ( ( { value : { cooked : qa } } ) => qa === null ) } var Qu$2 = Np , Yp = /\*\/$/ , Hp = /^\/\*\*?/ , ri$3 = /^\s*(\/\*\*?(.|\r?\n)*?\*\/)/ , Vp = /(^|\s+)\/\/([^\n\r]*)/g , Zu$3 = /^(\r?\n)+/ , $p = /(?:^|\r?\n) *(@[^\n\r]*?) *\r?\n *(?![^\n\r@]*\/\/[^]*)([^\s@][^\n\r@]+?) *\r?\n/g , ei$3 = /(?:^|\r?\n) *@(\S+) *([^\n\r]*)/g , Kp = /(\r?\n|^) *\* ?/g , ni$3 = [ ] ; function si$3 ( Ra ) { let qa = Ra . match ( ri$3 ) ; return qa ? qa [ 0 ] . trimStart ( ) : "" } function ui$3 ( Ra ) { let qa = Ra . match ( ri$3 ) , nd = qa == null ? void 0 : qa [ 0 ] ; return nd == null ? Ra : Ra . slice ( nd . length ) } function ii$4 ( Ra ) { let qa = `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ;Ra=N $ 6(!1,Ra.replace(Hp,"").replace(Yp,""),Kp," $ 1");let nd="";for(;nd!==Ra;)nd=Ra,Ra=N $ 6(!1,Ra, $ p, ` $ { qa } $1 $2$ { qa } ` );Ra=Ra.replace(Zu $ 3,"").trimEnd();let od=Object.create(null),ld=N $ 6(!1,Ra,ei $ 3,"").replace(Zu $ 3,"").trimEnd(),ud;for(;ud=ei $ 3.exec(Ra);){let dd=N $ 6(!1,ud[2],Vp,"");if(typeof od[ud[1]]=="string"||Array.isArray(od[ud[1]])){let pd=od[ud[1]];od[ud[1]]=[...ni $ 3,...Array.isArray(pd)?pd:[pd],dd]}else od[ud[1]]=dd}return{comments:ld,pragmas:od}}function ai $ 4({comments:Ra="",pragmas:qa={}}){let nd= `
` ,od="/**",ld=" *",ud=" */",dd=Object.keys(qa),pd=dd.flatMap(md=>ti $ 3(md,qa[md])).map(md=> ` $ { ld } $ { md } $ { nd } ` ).join("");if(!Ra){if(dd.length===0)return"";if(dd.length===1&&!Array.isArray(qa[dd[0]])){let md=qa[dd[0]];return ` $ { od } $ { ti$3 ( dd [ 0 ] , md ) [ 0 ] } $ { ud } ` }}let fd=Ra.split(nd).map(md=> ` $ { ld } $ { md } ` ).join(nd)+nd;return od+nd+(Ra?fd:"")+(Ra&&dd.length>0?ld+nd:"")+pd+ud}function ti $ 3(Ra,qa){return[...ni $ 3,...Array.isArray(qa)?qa:[qa]].map(nd=> ` @ $ { Ra } $ { nd } ` .trim())}function zp(Ra){if(!Ra.startsWith("#!"))return"";let qa=Ra.indexOf( `
` );return qa===-1?Ra:Ra.slice(0,qa)}var oi $ 3=zp;function Qp(Ra){let qa=oi $ 3(Ra);qa&&(Ra=Ra.slice(qa.length+1));let nd=si $ 3(Ra),{pragmas:od,comments:ld}=ii $ 4(nd);return{shebang:qa,text:Ra,pragmas:od,comments:ld}}function pi $ 5(Ra){let{shebang:qa,text:nd,pragmas:od,comments:ld}=Qp(Ra),ud=ui $ 3(nd),dd=ai $ 4({pragmas:{format:"",...od},comments:ld.trimStart()});return(qa? ` $ { qa }
` :"")+dd+(ud.startsWith( `
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` )? `
` : `
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` )+ud}function Zp(Ra,qa){let{originalText:nd,[Symbol.for("comments")]:od,locStart:ld,locEnd:ud,[Symbol.for("printedComments")]:dd}=qa,{node:pd}=Ra,fd=ld(pd),md=ud(pd);for(let vd of od)ld(vd)>=fd&&ud(vd)<=md&&dd.add(vd);return nd.slice(fd,md)}var ci $ 4=Zp;function us $ 1(Ra,qa){var nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd,md,vd;if(Ra.isRoot)return!1;let{node:Ad,key:Nd,parent:Od}=Ra;if(qa.__isInHtmlInterpolation&&!qa.bracketSpacing&&nc $ 2(Ad)&&or $ 2(Ra))return!0;if(ec $ 1(Ad))return!1;if(Ad.type==="Identifier"){if((nd=Ad.extra)!=null&&nd.parenthesized&&/^PRETTIER_HTML_PLACEHOLDER_ \d +_ \d +_IN_JS $ /u.test(Ad.name)||Nd==="left"&&(Ad.name==="async"&&!Od.await||Ad.name==="let")&&Od.type==="ForOfStatement")return!0;if(Ad.name==="let"){let kd=(od=Ra.findAncestor(Ld=>Ld.type==="ForOfStatement"))==null?void 0:od.left;if(kd&&ie $ 4(kd,Ld=>Ld===Ad))return!0}if(Nd==="object"&&Ad.name==="let"&&Od.type==="MemberExpression"&&Od.computed&&!Od.optional){let kd=Ra.findAncestor(Gd=>Gd.type==="ExpressionStatement"||Gd.type==="ForStatement"||Gd.type==="ForInStatement"),Ld=kd?kd.type==="ExpressionStatement"?kd.expression:kd.type==="ForStatement"?kd.init:kd.left:void 0;if(Ld&&ie $ 4(Ld,Gd=>Gd===Ad))return!0}if(Nd==="expression")switch(Ad.name){case"await":case"interface":case"module":case"using":case"yield":case"let":case"component":case"hook":case"type":{let kd=Ra.findAncestor(Ld=>!Te $ 4(Ld));if(kd!==Od&&kd.type==="ExpressionStatement")return!0}}return!1}if(Ad.type==="ObjectExpression"||Ad.type==="FunctionExpression"||Ad.type==="ClassExpression"||Ad.type==="DoExpression"){let kd=(ld=Ra.findAncestor(Ld=>Ld.type==="ExpressionStatement"))==null?void 0:ld.expression;if(kd&&ie $ 4(kd,Ld=>Ld===Ad))return!0}if(Ad.type==="ObjectExpression"){let kd=(ud=Ra.findAncestor(Ld=>Ld.type==="ArrowFunctionExpression"))==null?void 0:ud.body;if(kd&&kd.type!=="SequenceExpression"&&kd.type!=="AssignmentExpression"&&ie $ 4(kd,Ld=>Ld===Ad))return!0}switch(Od.type){case"ParenthesizedExpression":return!1;case"ClassDeclaration":case"ClassExpression":if(Nd==="superClass"&&(Ad.type==="ArrowFunctionExpression"||Ad.type==="AssignmentExpression"||Ad.type==="AwaitExpression"||Ad.type==="BinaryExpression"||Ad.type==="ConditionalExpression"||Ad.type==="LogicalExpression"||Ad.type==="NewExpression"||Ad.type==="ObjectExpression"||Ad.type==="SequenceExpression"||Ad.type==="TaggedTemplateExpression"||Ad.type==="UnaryExpression"||Ad.type==="UpdateExpression"||Ad.type==="YieldExpression"||Ad.type==="TSNonNullExpression"||Ad.type==="ClassExpression"&&w $ 2(Ad.decorators)))return!0;break;case"ExportDefaultDeclaration":return li $ 3(Ra,qa)||Ad.type==="SequenceExpression";case"Decorator":if(Nd==="expression"&&!uc $ 2(Ad))return!0;break;case"TypeAnnotation":if(Ra.match(void 0,void 0,(kd,Ld)=>Ld==="returnType"&&kd.type==="ArrowFunctionExpression")&&rc $ 2(Ad))return!0;break;case"BinaryExpression":if(Nd==="left"&&(Od.operator==="in"||Od.operator==="instanceof")&&Ad.type==="UnaryExpression")return!0;break;case"VariableDeclarator":if(Nd==="init"&&Ra.match(void 0,void 0,(kd,Ld)=>Ld==="declarations"&&kd.type==="VariableDeclaration",(kd,Ld)=>Ld==="left"&&kd.type==="ForInStatement"))return!0;break}switch(Ad.type){case"UpdateExpression":if(Od.type==="UnaryExpression")return Ad.prefix&&(Ad.operator==="++"&&Od.operator==="+"||Ad.operator==="--"&&Od.operator==="-");case"UnaryExpression":switch(Od.type){case"UnaryExpression":return Ad.operator===Od.operator&&(Ad.operator==="+"||Ad.operator==="-");case"BindExpression":return!0;case"MemberExpression":case"OptionalMemberExpression":return Nd==="object";case"TaggedTemplateExpression":return!0;case"NewExpression":case"CallExpression":case"OptionalCallExpression":return Nd==="callee";case"BinaryExpression":return Nd==="left"&&Od.operator==="**";case"TSNonNullExpression":return!0;default:return!1}case"BinaryExpression":if(Od.type==="UpdateExpression"||Ad.operator==="in"&&tc $ 1(Ra))return!0;if(Ad.operator==="|>"&&(dd=Ad.extra)!=null&&dd.parenthesized){let kd=Ra.grandparent;if(kd.type==="BinaryExpression"&&kd.operator==="|>")return!0}case"TSTypeAssertion":case"TSAsExpression":case"TSSatisfiesExpression":cas
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
\ r ` ),ms $ 1=Ra=>Ra===""||Ra===x $ 5||Ra===F $ 3||Ra===E $ 5;function cc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){var od,ld,ud;let{node:dd}=Ra;if(dd.type==="JSXElement"&&gc $ 1(dd))return[nd("openingElement"),nd("closingElement")];let pd=dd.type==="JSXElement"?nd("openingElement"):nd("openingFragment"),fd=dd.type==="JSXElement"?nd("closingElement"):nd("closingFragment");if(dd.children.length===1&&dd.children[0].type==="JSXExpressionContainer"&&(dd.children[0].expression.type==="TemplateLiteral"||dd.children[0].expression.type==="TaggedTemplateExpression"))return[pd,...Ra.map(nd,"children"),fd];dd.children=dd.children.map(Yd=>Sc(Yd)?{type:"JSXText",value:" ",raw:" "}:Yd);let md=dd.children.some(X $ 6),vd=dd.children.filter(Yd=>Yd.type==="JSXExpressionContainer").length>1,Ad=dd.type==="JSXElement"&&dd.openingElement.attributes.length>1,Nd=ne $ 5(pd)||md||Ad||vd,Od=Ra.parent.rootMarker==="mdx",kd=qa.singleQuote?"{' '}":'{" "}',Ld=Od?" ":b $ 3([kd,E $ 5]," "),Gd=((ld=(od=dd.openingElement)==null?void 0:od.name)==null?void 0:ld.name)==="fbt",Ud=lc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,Ld,Gd),Fd=dd.children.some(Yd=>pr $ 2(Yd));for(let Yd=Ud.length-2;Yd>=0;Yd--){let Xd=Ud[Yd]===""&&Ud[Yd+1]==="",yf=Ud[Yd]===F $ 3&&Ud[Yd+1]===""&&Ud[Yd+2]===F $ 3,Qd=(Ud[Yd]===E $ 5||Ud[Yd]===F $ 3)&&Ud[Yd+1]===""&&Ud[Yd+2]===Ld,pf=Ud[Yd]===Ld&&Ud[Yd+1]===""&&(Ud[Yd+2]===E $ 5||Ud[Yd+2]===F $ 3),mf=Ud[Yd]===Ld&&Ud[Yd+1]===""&&Ud[Yd+2]===Ld,Tf=Ud[Yd]===E $ 5&&Ud[Yd+1]===""&&Ud[Yd+2]===F $ 3||Ud[Yd]===F $ 3&&Ud[Yd+1]===""&&Ud[Yd+2]===E $ 5;yf&&Fd||Xd||Qd||mf||Tf?Ud.splice(Yd,2):pf&&Ud.splice(Yd+1,2)}for(;Ud.length>0&&ms $ 1(O $ 3(!1,Ud,-1));)Ud.pop();for(;Ud.length>1&&ms $ 1(Ud[0])&&ms $ 1(Ud[1]);)Ud.shift(),Ud.shift();let Hd=[];for(let[Yd,Xd]of Ud.entries()){if(Xd===Ld){if(Yd===1&&Ud[Yd-1]===""){if(Ud.length===2){Hd.push(kd);continue}Hd.push([kd,F $ 3]);continue}else if(Yd===Ud.length-1){Hd.push(kd);continue}else if(Ud[Yd-1]===""&&Ud[Yd-2]===F $ 3){Hd.push(kd);continue}}Hd.push(Xd),ne $ 5(Xd)&&(Nd=!0)}let Vd=Fd?qt $ 4(Hd):l $ 2(Hd,{shouldBreak:!0});if(((ud=qa.cursorNode)==null?void 0:ud.type)==="JSXText"&&dd.children.includes(qa.cursorNode)&&(Vd=[Un $ 3,Vd,Un $ 3]),Od)return Vd;let zd=l $ 2([pd,f $ 2([F $ 3,Vd]),F $ 3,fd]);return Nd?zd:ze $ 5([l $ 2([pd,...Ud,fd]),zd])}function lc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){let ud=[];return Ra.each(({node:dd,next:pd})=>{if(dd.type==="JSXText"){let fd=fe $ 6(dd);if(pr $ 2(dd)){let md=Nr $ 2.split(fd,!0);md[0]===""&&(ud.push(""),md.shift(),/ \n /u.test(md[0])?ud.push(fi $ 3(ld,md[1],dd,pd)):ud.push(od),md.shift());let vd;if(O $ 3(!1,md,-1)===""&&(md.pop(),vd=md.pop()),md.length===0)return;for(let[Ad,Nd]of md.entries())Ad%2===1?ud.push(x $ 5):ud.push(Nd);vd!==void 0?/ \n /u.test(vd)?ud.push(fi $ 3(ld,O $ 3(!1,ud,-1),dd,pd)):ud.push(od):ud.push(Di $ 2(ld,O $ 3(!1,ud,-1),dd,pd))}else/ \n /u.test(fd)?fd.match(/ \n /gu).length>1&&ud.push("",F $ 3):ud.push("",od)}else{let fd=nd();if(ud.push(fd),pd&&pr $ 2(pd)){let md=Nr $ 2.trim(fe $ 6(pd)),[vd]=Nr $ 2.split(md);ud.push(Di $ 2(ld,vd,dd,pd))}else ud.push(F $ 3)}},"children"),ud}function Di $ 2(Ra,qa,nd,od){return Ra?"":nd.type==="JSXElement"&&!nd.closingElement||(od==null?void 0:od.type)==="JSXElement"&&!od.closingElement?qa.length===1?E $ 5:F $ 3:E $ 5}function fi $ 3(Ra,qa,nd,od){return Ra?F $ 3:qa.length===1?nd.type==="JSXElement"&&!nd.closingElement||(od==null?void 0:od.type)==="JSXElement"&&!od.closingElement?F $ 3:E $ 5:F $ 3}var mc=new Set(["ArrayExpression","TupleExpression","JSXAttribute","JSXElement","JSXExpressionContainer","JSXFragment","ExpressionStatement","CallExpression","OptionalCallExpression","ConditionalExpression","JsExpressionRoot"]);function yc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){let{parent:od}=Ra;if(mc.has(od.type))return qa;let ld=Ra.match(void 0,dd=>dd.type==="ArrowFunctionExpression",L $ 6,dd=>dd.type==="JSXExpressionContainer"),ud=Be $ 6(Ra,nd);return l $ 2([ud?"":b $ 3("("),f $ 2([E $ 5,qa]),E $ 5,ud?"":b $ 3(")")],{shouldBreak:ld})}function Dc(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=Ra,ld=[];if(ld.push(nd("name")),od.value){let ud;if(Q $ 6(od.value)){let dd=fe $ 6(od.value),pd=N $ 6(!1,N $ 6(!1,dd.slice(1,-1),"'","'"),""",'"'),fd=xr $ 2(pd,qa.jsxSingleQuote);pd=fd==='"'?N $ 6(!1,pd,'"',"""):N $ 6(!1,pd,"'","'"),ud=Ra.call(()=>ye $ 5(Ra,Ie $ 4(fd+pd+fd),qa),"value")}else ud=nd("value");ld.pu
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` )&&!dd&&!d $ 2(ud.attributes[0]))return l $ 2(["<",nd("name"),ud.typeArguments?nd("typeArguments"):nd("typeParameters")," ",...Ra.map(nd,"attributes"),ud.selfClosing?" />":">"]);let pd=(ld=ud.attributes)==null?void 0:ld.some(md=>Q $ 6(md.value)&&md.value.value.includes( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` )),fd=qa.singleAttributePerLine&&ud.attributes.length>1?F $ 3:x $ 5;return l $ 2(["<",nd("name"),ud.typeArguments?nd("typeArguments"):nd("typeParameters"),f $ 2(Ra.map(()=>[fd,nd()],"attributes")),...Fc $ 1(ud,qa,dd)],{shouldBreak:pd})}function Fc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){return Ra.selfClosing?[x $ 5,"/>"]:Cc(Ra,qa,nd)?[">"]:[E $ 5,">"]}function Cc(Ra,qa,nd){let od=Ra.attributes.length>0&&d $ 2(O $ 3(!1,Ra.attributes,-1),g $ 4.Trailing);return Ra.attributes.length===0&&!nd||(qa.bracketSameLine||qa.jsxBracketSameLine)&&(!nd||Ra.attributes.length>0)&&!od}function Ac(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=Ra,ld=[];ld.push("</");let ud=nd("name");return d $ 2(od.name,g $ 4.Leading|g $ 4.Line)?ld.push(f $ 2([F $ 3,ud]),F $ 3):d $ 2(od.name,g $ 4.Leading|g $ 4.Block)?ld.push(" ",ud):ld.push(ud),ld.push(">"),ld}function Tc(Ra,qa){let{node:nd}=Ra,od=d $ 2(nd),ld=d $ 2(nd,g $ 4.Line),ud=nd.type==="JSXOpeningFragment";return[ud?"<":"</",f $ 2([ld?F $ 3:od&&!ud?" ":"",M $ 6(Ra,qa)]),ld?F $ 3:"",">"]}function dc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){let od=ye $ 5(Ra,cc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd),qa);return yc $ 1(Ra,od,qa)}function xc $ 1(Ra,qa){let{node:nd}=Ra,od=d $ 2(nd,g $ 4.Line);return[M $ 6(Ra,qa,{indent:od}),od?F $ 3:""]}function hc(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=Ra;return["{",Ra.call(({node:ld})=>{let ud=["...",nd()];return!d $ 2(ld)||!zn $ 3(Ra)?ud:[f $ 2([E $ 5,ye $ 5(Ra,ud,qa)]),E $ 5]},od.type==="JSXSpreadAttribute"?"argument":"expression"),"}"]}function Ei $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=Ra;if(od.type.startsWith("JSX"))switch(od.type){case"JSXAttribute":return Dc(Ra,qa,nd);case"JSXIdentifier":return od.name;case"JSXNamespacedName":return P $ 6(":",[nd("namespace"),nd("name")]);case"JSXMemberExpression":return P $ 6(".",[nd("object"),nd("property")]);case"JSXSpreadAttribute":case"JSXSpreadChild":return hc(Ra,qa,nd);case"JSXExpressionContainer":return fc(Ra,qa,nd);case"JSXFragment":case"JSXElement":return dc $ 1(Ra,qa,nd);case"JSXOpeningElement":return Ec $ 1(Ra,qa,nd);case"JSXClosingElement":return Ac(Ra,qa,nd);case"JSXOpeningFragment":case"JSXClosingFragment":return Tc(Ra,qa);case"JSXEmptyExpression":return xc $ 1(Ra,qa);case"JSXText":throw new Error("JSXText should be handled by JSXElement");default:throw new Me $ 5(od,"JSX")}}function gc $ 1(Ra){if(Ra.children.length===0)return!0;if(Ra.children.length>1)return!1;let qa=Ra.children[0];return qa.type==="JSXText"&&!pr $ 2(qa)}function pr $ 2(Ra){return Ra.type==="JSXText"&&(Nr $ 2.hasNonWhitespaceCharacter(fe $ 6(Ra))||!/ \n /u.test(fe $ 6(Ra)))}function Sc(Ra){return Ra.type==="JSXExpressionContainer"&&Q $ 6(Ra.expression)&&Ra.expression.value===" "&&!d $ 2(Ra.expression)}function Fi $ 1(Ra){let{node:qa,parent:nd}=Ra;if(!X $ 6(qa)||!X $ 6(nd))return!1;let{index:od,siblings:ld}=Ra,ud;for(let dd=od;dd>0;dd--){let pd=ld[dd-1];if(!(pd.type==="JSXText"&&!pr $ 2(pd))){ud=pd;break}}return(ud==null?void 0:ud.type)==="JSXExpressionContainer"&&ud.expression.type==="JSXEmptyExpression"&&Bt $ 4(ud.expression)}function Bc(Ra){return Bt $ 4(Ra.node)||Fi $ 1(Ra)}var Xr $ 2=Bc,bc $ 1=0;function Yr $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){var od;let{node:ld,parent:ud,grandparent:dd,key:pd}=Ra,fd=pd!=="body"&&(ud.type==="IfStatement"||ud.type==="WhileStatement"||ud.type==="SwitchStatement"||ud.type==="DoWhileStatement"),md=ld.operator==="|>"&&((od=Ra.root.extra)==null?void 0:od.__isUsingHackPipeline),vd=ys $ 1(Ra,nd,qa,!1,fd);if(fd)return vd;if(md)return l $ 2(vd);if(L $ 6(ud)&&ud.callee===ld||ud.type==="UnaryExpression"||q $ 6(ud)&&!ud.computed)return l $ 2([f $ 2([E $ 5,...vd]),E $ 5]);let Ad=ud.type==="ReturnStatement"||ud.type==="ThrowStatement"||ud.type==="JSXExpressionContainer"&&dd.type==="JSXAttribute"||ld.operator!=="|"&&ud.type==="JsExpressionRoot"||ld.type!=="NGPipeExpression"&&(ud.type==="NGRoot"&&qa.parser==="__ng_binding"||ud.type==="NGMicrosyntaxExpression"&&dd.type==="NGMicrosyntax"&&dd.body.length===1)||ld===ud.body&&ud.type==="ArrowFunctionExpression"||ld!==ud.body&&ud.type==="ForStatement"||ud.type==="ConditionalExpression"&&dd.type!=="ReturnStatement"&&dd.type!=="ThrowStatement"&&!L $ 6(dd)||ud.type==="TemplateLiteral",Nd=ud.type==="AssignmentExpression"||ud.type==="VariableDeclarator"||ud.type==="ClassProperty"||ud.type==="PropertyDefinition"||ud.type==="TSAbstractPropertyDefinition"||ud.type==="ClassPrivateProperty"
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ).split( `
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` ),vf=0,Af=Tf.length,Sf;++vf<Af;)Sf=Tf[vf],Sf!==""&&(Tf[vf]=Xd+Sf);return"[^"+(mf.label||mf.identifier)+"]: "+Tf.join( `
` )}}function Hd(zd,Yd,Xd){zd.splice(zd.indexOf(Yd),0,Xd)}function Vd(zd,Yd,Xd,yf){for(var Qd=zd.length,pf=-1;++pf<Qd;)if(Yd[zd[pf][0]].apply(Xd,yf))return!0;return!1}}),Bt $ 3=C $ 3(Ra=>{Ra.isRemarkParser=qa,Ra.isRemarkCompiler=nd;function qa(od){return!!(od&&od.prototype&&od.prototype.blockTokenizers)}function nd(od){return!!(od&&od.prototype&&od.prototype.visitors)}}),Mi=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Bt $ 3();qa.exports=Ad;var od=9,ld=32,ud=36,dd=48,pd=57,fd=92,md=["math","math-inline"],vd="math-display";function Ad(kd){let Ld=this.Parser,Gd=this.Compiler;nd.isRemarkParser(Ld)&&Nd(Ld,kd),nd.isRemarkCompiler(Gd)&&Od(Gd)}function Nd(kd,Ld){let Gd=kd.prototype,Ud=Gd.inlineMethods;Hd.locator=Fd,Gd.inlineTokenizers.math=Hd,Ud.splice(Ud.indexOf("text"),0,"math");function Fd(Vd,zd){return Vd.indexOf(" $ ",zd)}function Hd(Vd,zd,Yd){let Xd=zd.length,yf=!1,Qd=!1,pf=0,mf,Tf,vf,Af,Sf,Df,If;if(zd.charCodeAt(pf)===fd&&(Qd=!0,pf++),zd.charCodeAt(pf)===ud){if(pf++,Qd)return Yd?!0:Vd(zd.slice(0,pf))({type:"text",value:" $ "});if(zd.charCodeAt(pf)===ud&&(yf=!0,pf++),vf=zd.charCodeAt(pf),!(vf===ld||vf===od)){for(Af=pf;pf<Xd;){if(Tf=vf,vf=zd.charCodeAt(pf+1),Tf===ud){if(mf=zd.charCodeAt(pf-1),mf!==ld&&mf!==od&&(vf!==vf||vf<dd||vf>pd)&&(!yf||vf===ud)){Sf=pf-1,pf++,yf&&pf++,Df=pf;break}}else Tf===fd&&(pf++,vf=zd.charCodeAt(pf+1));pf++}if(Df!==void 0)return Yd?!0:(If=zd.slice(Af,Sf+1),Vd(zd.slice(0,Df))({type:"inlineMath",value:If,data:{hName:"span",hProperties:{className:md.concat(yf&&Ld.inlineMathDouble?[vd]:[])},hChildren:[{type:"text",value:If}]}}))}}}}function Od(kd){let Ld=kd.prototype;Ld.visitors.inlineMath=Gd;function Gd(Ud){let Fd=" $ ";return(Ud.data&&Ud.data.hProperties&&Ud.data.hProperties.className||[]).includes(vd)&&(Fd=" $ $ "),Fd+Ud.value+Fd}}}), $ i=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Bt $ 3();qa.exports=vd;var od=10,ld=32,ud=36,dd= `
` ,pd=" $ ",fd=2,md=["math","math-display"];function vd(){let Od=this.Parser,kd=this.Compiler;nd.isRemarkParser(Od)&&Ad(Od),nd.isRemarkCompiler(kd)&&Nd(kd)}function Ad(Od){let kd=Od.prototype,Ld=kd.blockMethods,Gd=kd.interruptParagraph,Ud=kd.interruptList,Fd=kd.interruptBlockquote;kd.blockTokenizers.math=Hd,Ld.splice(Ld.indexOf("fencedCode")+1,0,"math"),Gd.splice(Gd.indexOf("fencedCode")+1,0,["math"]),Ud.splice(Ud.indexOf("fencedCode")+1,0,["math"]),Fd.splice(Fd.indexOf("fencedCode")+1,0,["math"]);function Hd(Vd,zd,Yd){var Xd=zd.length,yf=0;let Qd,pf,mf,Tf,vf,Af,Sf,Df,If,Gf,Qf;for(;yf<Xd&&zd.charCodeAt(yf)===ld;)yf++;for(vf=yf;yf<Xd&&zd.charCodeAt(yf)===ud;)yf++;if(Af=yf-vf,!(Af<fd)){for(;yf<Xd&&zd.charCodeAt(yf)===ld;)yf++;for(Sf=yf;yf<Xd;){if(Qd=zd.charCodeAt(yf),Qd===ud)return;if(Qd===od)break;yf++}if(zd.charCodeAt(yf)===od){if(Yd)return!0;for(pf=[],Sf!==yf&&pf.push(zd.slice(Sf,yf)),yf++,mf=zd.indexOf(dd,yf+1),mf=mf===-1?Xd:mf;yf<Xd;){for(Df=!1,Gf=yf,Qf=mf,Tf=mf,If=0;Tf>Gf&&zd.charCodeAt(Tf-1)===ld;)Tf--;for(;Tf>Gf&&zd.charCodeAt(Tf-1)===ud;)If++,Tf--;for(Af<=If&&zd.indexOf(pd,Gf)===Tf&&(Df=!0,Qf=Tf);Gf<=Qf&&Gf-yf<vf&&zd.charCodeAt(Gf)===ld;)Gf++;if(Df)for(;Qf>Gf&&zd.charCodeAt(Qf-1)===ld;)Qf--;if((!Df||Gf!==Qf)&&pf.push(zd.slice(Gf,Qf)),Df)break;yf=mf+1,mf=zd.indexOf(dd,yf+1),mf=mf===-1?Xd:mf}return pf=pf.join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),Vd(zd.slice(0,mf))({type:"math",value:pf,data:{hName:"div",hProperties:{className:md.concat()},hChildren:[{type:"text",value:pf}]}})}}}}function Nd(Od){let kd=Od.prototype;kd.visitors.math=Ld;function Ld(Gd){return ` $$
` +Gd.value+ `
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$$ ` }}}),Wi=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Mi(),od= $ i();qa.exports=ld;function ld(ud){var dd=ud||{};od.call(this,dd),nd.call(this,dd)}}),Ie $ 3=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=od;var nd=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function od(){for(var ld={},ud=0;ud<arguments.length;ud++){var dd=arguments[ud];for(var pd in dd)nd.call(dd,pd)&&(ld[pd]=dd[pd])}return ld}}),Ji $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{typeof Object.create=="function"?qa.exports=function(nd,od){od&&(nd.super_=od,nd.prototype=Object.create(od.prototype,{constructor:{value:nd,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}))}:qa.exports=function(nd,od){if(od){nd.super_=od;var ld=function(){};ld.prototype=od.prototype,nd.prototype=new ld,nd.prototype.constructor=nd}}}),Zi=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Ie $ 3(),od=Ji $ 1();qa.exports=ld;function ld(ud){var dd,pd,fd;od(vd,ud),od(md,vd),dd=vd.prototype;for(pd in dd)fd=dd[pd],fd&&typeof fd=="object"&&(dd[pd]="concat"in fd?fd.concat():nd(fd));return vd;function md(Ad){return ud.apply(this,Ad)}function vd(){return this instanceof vd?ud.apply(this,arguments):new md(arguments)}}}),ru $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od,ld,ud){return dd;function dd(){var pd=ud||this,fd=pd[od];return pd[od]=!ld,md;function md(){pd[od]=fd}}}}),nu $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){for(var ld=String(od),ud=[],dd=/ \r ? \n | \r /g;dd.exec(ld);)ud.push(dd.lastIndex);return ud.push(ld.length+1),{toPoint:pd,toPosition:pd,toOffset:fd};function pd(md){var vd=-1;if(md>-1&&md<ud[ud.length-1]){for(;++vd<ud.length;)if(ud[vd]>md)return{line:vd+1,column:md-(ud[vd-1]||0)+1,offset:md}}return{}}function fd(md){var vd=md&&md.line,Ad=md&&md.column,Nd;return!isNaN(vd)&&!isNaN(Ad)&&vd-1 in ud&&(Nd=(ud[vd-2]||0)+Ad-1||0),Nd>-1&&Nd<ud[ud.length-1]?Nd:-1}}}),uu $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=od;var nd=" \\ ";function od(ld,ud){return dd;function dd(pd){for(var fd=0,md=pd.indexOf(nd),vd=ld[ud],Ad=[],Nd;md!==-1;)Ad.push(pd.slice(fd,md)),fd=md+1,Nd=pd.charAt(fd),(!Nd||vd.indexOf(Nd)===-1)&&Ad.push(nd),md=pd.indexOf(nd,fd+1);return Ad.push(pd.slice(fd)),Ad.join("")}}}),au $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports={AElig:"Æ",AMP:"&",Aacute:"Á",Acirc:"Â",Agrave:"À",Aring:"Å",Atilde:"Ã",Auml:"Ä",COPY:"©",Ccedil:"Ç",ETH:"Ð",Eacute:"É",Ecirc:"Ê",Egrave:"È",Euml:"Ë",GT:">",Iacute:"Í",Icirc:"Î",Igrave:"Ì",Iuml:"Ï",LT:"<",Ntilde:"Ñ",Oacute:"Ó",Ocirc:"Ô",Ograve:"Ò",Oslash:"Ø",Otilde:"Õ",Ouml:"Ö",QUOT:'"',REG:"®",THORN:"Þ",Uacute:"Ú",Ucirc:"Û",Ugrave:"Ù",Uuml:"Ü",Yacute:"Ý",aacute:"á",acirc:"â",acute:"´ ",aelig:"æ",agrave:"à",amp:"&",aring:"å",atilde:"ã",auml:"ä",brvbar:"¦",ccedil:"ç",cedil:"¸ ",cent:"¢",copy:"©",curren:"¤",deg:"°",divide:"÷",eacute:"é",ecirc:"ê",egrave:"è",eth:"ð",euml:"ë",frac12:"½",frac14:"¼",frac34:"¾",gt:">",iacute:"í",icirc:"î",iexcl:"¡",igrave:"ì",iquest:"¿",iuml:"ï",laquo:"«",lt:"<",macr:"¯",micro:"µ",middot:"·",nbsp:" ",not:"¬",ntilde:"ñ",oacute:"ó",ocirc:"ô",ograve:"ò",ordf:"ª",ordm:"º",oslash:"ø",otilde:"õ",ouml:"ö",para:"¶",plusmn:"±",pound:"£",quot:'"',raquo:"»",reg:"®",sect:"§",shy:" ",sup1:"¹",sup2:"²",sup3:"³",szlig:"ß",thorn:"þ",times:"× ",uacute:"ú",ucirc:"û",ugrave:"ù",uml:"¨",uuml:"ü",yacute:"ý",yen:"¥",yuml:"ÿ"}}),ou $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports={0:"<22> ",128:"€",130:"‚ ",131:"ƒ",132:"„",133:"…",134:"†",135:"‡",136:"ˆ ",137:"‰",138:"Š",139:"‹ ",140:"Œ",142:"Ž",145:"‘ ",146:"’ ",147:"“",148:"”",149:"•",150:"– ",151:"—",152:"˜ ",153:"™",154:"š",155:"› ",156:"œ",158:"ž",159:"Ÿ"}}),Ne $ 3=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){var ld=typeof od=="string"?od.charCodeAt(0):od;return ld>=48&&ld<=57}}),lu $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){var ld=typeof od=="string"?od.charCodeAt(0):od;return ld>=97&&ld<=102||ld>=65&&ld<=70||ld>=48&&ld<=57}}),Ve $ 3=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){var ld=typeof od=="string"?od.charCodeAt(0):od;return ld>=97&&ld<=122||ld>=65&&ld<=90}}),pu $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Ve $ 3(),od=Ne $ 3();qa.exports=ld;function ld(ud){return nd(ud)||od(ud)}}),du $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports={AEli:"Æ",AElig:"Æ",AM:"&",AMP:"&",Aacut:"Á",Aacute:"Á",Abreve:"<22>
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` );If!==-1;)Ld++,Df=If,If=Sf.indexOf( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ,If+1);Df===-1?Gd+=Sf.length:Gd=Sf.length-Df,Ld in Ad&&(Df!==-1?Gd+=Ad[Ld]:Gd<=Ad[Ld]&&(Gd=Ad[Ld]+1))}function yf(){var Sf=[],Df=Ld+1;return function(){for(var If=Ld+1;Df<If;)Sf.push((Ad[Df]||0)+1),Df++;return Sf}}function Qd(){var Sf={line:Ld,column:Gd};return Sf.offset=vd.toOffset(Sf),Sf}function pf(Sf){this.start=Sf,this.end=Qd()}function mf(Sf){fd.slice(0,Sf.length)!==Sf&&vd.file.fail(new Error("Incorrectly eaten value: please report this warning on https://git.io/vg5Ft"),Qd())}function Tf(){var Sf=Qd();return Df;function Df(If,Gf){var Qf=If.position,ih=Qf?Qf.start:Sf,sh=[],qf=Qf&&Qf.end.line,Pf=Sf.line;if(If.position=new pf(ih),Qf&&Gf&&Qf.indent){if(sh=Qf.indent,qf<Pf){for(;++qf<Pf;)sh.push((Ad[qf]||0)+1);sh.push(Sf.column)}Gf=sh.concat(Gf)}return If.position.indent=Gf||[],If}}function vf(Sf,Df){var If=Df?Df.children:Nd,Gf=If[If.length-1],Qf;return Gf&&Sf.type===Gf.type&&(Sf.type==="text"||Sf.type==="blockquote")&&od(Gf)&&od(Sf)&&(Qf=Sf.type==="text"?ld:ud,Sf=Qf.call(vd,Gf,Sf)),Sf!==Gf&&If.push(Sf),vd.atStart&&Nd.length!==0&&vd.exitStart(),Sf}function Af(Sf){var Df=yf(),If=Tf(),Gf=Qd();return mf(Sf),Qf.reset=ih,ih.test=sh,Qf.test=sh,fd=fd.slice(Sf.length),Xd(Sf),Df=Df(),Qf;function Qf(qf,Pf){return If(vf(If(qf),Pf),Df)}function ih(){var qf=Qf.apply(null,arguments);return Ld=Gf.line,Gd=Gf.column,fd=Sf+fd,qf}function sh(){var qf=If({});return Ld=Gf.line,Gd=Gf.column,fd=Sf+fd,qf.position}}}}function od(dd){var pd,fd;return dd.type!=="text"||!dd.position?!0:(pd=dd.position.start,fd=dd.position.end,pd.line!==fd.line||fd.column-pd.column===dd.value.length)}function ld(dd,pd){return dd.value+=pd.value,dd}function ud(dd,pd){return this.options.commonmark||this.options.gfm?pd:(dd.children=dd.children.concat(pd.children),dd)}}),Uu $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=ud;var nd=[" \\ "," ` "," * "," { "," } "," [ "," ] "," ( "," ) "," # "," + "," - "," . "," ! "," _ "," > "],od=nd.concat([" ~ "," | " ] ) , ld = od . concat ( [ `
` ,'"'," $ ","%","&","'",",","/",":",";","<","=","?","@","^"]);ud.default=nd,ud.gfm=od,ud.commonmark=ld;function ud(dd){var pd=dd||{};return pd.commonmark?ld:pd.gfm?od:nd}}),Mu $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=["address","article","aside","base","basefont","blockquote","body","caption","center","col","colgroup","dd","details","dialog","dir","div","dl","dt","fieldset","figcaption","figure","footer","form","frame","frameset","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","head","header","hgroup","hr","html","iframe","legend","li","link","main","menu","menuitem","meta","nav","noframes","ol","optgroup","option","p","param","pre","section","source","title","summary","table","tbody","td","tfoot","th","thead","title","tr","track","ul"]}),Rt $ 3=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports={position:!0,gfm:!0,commonmark:!1,pedantic:!1,blocks:Mu $ 1()}}),Vu $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Ie $ 3(),od=Uu $ 2(),ld=Rt $ 3();qa.exports=ud;function ud(dd){var pd=this,fd=pd.options,md,vd;if(dd==null)dd={};else if(typeof dd=="object")dd=nd(dd);else throw new Error("Invalid value ` "+dd+" ` for setting ` options ` ");for(md in ld){if(vd=dd[md],vd==null&&(vd=fd[md]),md!=="blocks"&&typeof vd!="boolean"||md==="blocks"&&typeof vd!="object")throw new Error("Invalid value ` "+vd+" ` for setting ` options . "+md+" ` ");dd[md]=vd}return pd.options=dd,pd.escape=od(dd),pd}}),Hu $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(pd){if(pd==null)return dd;if(typeof pd=="string")return ud(pd);if(typeof pd=="object")return"length"in pd?ld(pd):od(pd);if(typeof pd=="function")return pd;throw new Error("Expected function, string, or object as test")}function od(pd){return fd;function fd(md){var vd;for(vd in pd)if(md[vd]!==pd[vd])return!1;return!0}}function ld(pd){for(var fd=[],md=-1;++md<pd.length;)fd[md]=nd(pd[md]);return vd;function vd(){for(var Ad=-1;++Ad<fd.length;)if(fd[Ad].apply(this,arguments))return!0;return!1}}function ud(pd){return fd;function fd(md){return!!(md&&md.type===pd)}}function dd(){return!0}}),Ku $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){return od}}),Zu $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=pd;var nd=Hu $ 2(),od=Ku $ 2(),ld=!0,ud="skip",dd=!1;pd.CONTINUE=ld,pd.SKIP=ud,pd.EXIT=dd;function pd(md,vd,Ad,Nd){var Od,kd;typeof vd=="function"&&typeof Ad!="function"&&(Nd=Ad,Ad=vd,vd=null),kd=nd(vd),Od=Nd?-1:1,Ld(md,null,[])();function Ld(Gd,Ud,Fd){var Hd=typeof Gd=="object"&&Gd!==null?Gd:{},Vd;return typeof Hd.type=="string"&&(Vd=typeof Hd.tagName=="string"?Hd.tagName:typeof Hd.name=="string"?Hd.name:void 0,zd.displayName="node ("+od(Hd.type+(Vd?"<"+Vd+">":""))+")"),zd;function zd(){var Yd=Fd.concat(Gd),Xd=[],yf,Qd;if((!vd||kd(Gd,Ud,Fd[Fd.length-1]||null))&&(Xd=fd(Ad(Gd,Fd)),Xd[0]===dd))return Xd;if(Gd.children&&Xd[0]!==ud)for(Qd=(Nd?Gd.children.length:-1)+Od;Qd>-1&&Qd<Gd.children.length;){if(yf=Ld(Gd.children[Qd],Qd,Yd)(),yf[0]===dd)return yf;Qd=typeof yf[1]=="number"?yf[1]:Qd+Od}return Xd}}}function fd(md){return md!==null&&typeof md=="object"&&"length"in md?md:typeof md=="number"?[ld,md]:[md]}}),ra $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=dd;var nd=Zu $ 2(),od=nd.CONTINUE,ld=nd.SKIP,ud=nd.EXIT;dd.CONTINUE=od,dd.SKIP=ld,dd.EXIT=ud;function dd(pd,fd,md,vd){typeof fd=="function"&&typeof md!="function"&&(vd=md,md=fd,fd=null),nd(pd,fd,Ad,vd);function Ad(Nd,Od){var kd=Od[Od.length-1],Ld=kd?kd.children.indexOf(Nd):null;return md(Nd,Ld,kd)}}}),na=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=ra $ 1();qa.exports=od;function od(dd,pd){return nd(dd,pd?ld:ud),dd}function ld(dd){delete dd.position}function ud(dd){dd.position=void 0}}),aa $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Ie $ 3(),od=na();qa.exports=dd;var ld= `
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` ,ud=/ \r \n | \r /g;function dd(){var pd=this,fd=String(pd.file),md={line:1,column:1,offset:0},vd=nd(md),Ad;return fd=fd.replace(ud,ld),fd.charCodeAt(0)===65279&&(fd=fd.slice(1),vd.column++,vd.offset++),Ad={type:"root",children:pd.tokenizeBlock(fd,vd),position:{start:md,end:pd.eof||nd(md)}},pd.options.position||od(Ad,!0),Ad}}),sa=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=/^[ \t ]*( \n | $ )/;qa.exports=od;function od(ld,ud,dd){for(var pd,fd="",md=0,vd=ud.length;md<vd&&(pd=nd.exec(ud.slice(md)),pd!=null);)md+=pd[0].length,fd+=pd[0];if(fd!==""){if(dd)return!0;ld(fd)}}}),Hr $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd="",od;qa.exports=ld;function ld(ud,dd){if(typeof ud!="string")throw new TypeError("expected a string");if(dd===1)return ud;if(dd===2)return ud+ud;var pd=ud.length*dd;if(od!==ud||typeof od>"u")od=ud,nd="";else if(nd.length>=pd)return nd.substr(0,pd);for(;pd>nd.length&&dd>1;)dd&1&&(nd+=ud),dd>>=1,ud+=ud;return nd+=ud,nd=nd.substr(0,pd),nd}}),Mt $ 3=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){return String(od).replace(/ \n + $ /,"")}}),pa=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Hr $ 2(),od=Mt $ 3();qa.exports=md;var ld= `
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` ,ud=" ",dd=" ",pd=4,fd=nd(dd,pd);function md(vd,Ad,Nd){for(var Od=-1,kd=Ad.length,Ld="",Gd="",Ud="",Fd="",Hd,Vd,zd;++Od<kd;)if(Hd=Ad.charAt(Od),zd)if(zd=!1,Ld+=Ud,Gd+=Fd,Ud="",Fd="",Hd===ld)Ud=Hd,Fd=Hd;else for(Ld+=Hd,Gd+=Hd;++Od<kd;){if(Hd=Ad.charAt(Od),!Hd||Hd===ld){Fd=Hd,Ud=Hd;break}Ld+=Hd,Gd+=Hd}else if(Hd===dd&&Ad.charAt(Od+1)===Hd&&Ad.charAt(Od+2)===Hd&&Ad.charAt(Od+3)===Hd)Ud+=fd,Od+=3,zd=!0;else if(Hd===ud)Ud+=Hd,zd=!0;else{for(Vd="";Hd===ud||Hd===dd;)Vd+=Hd,Hd=Ad.charAt(++Od);if(Hd!==ld)break;Ud+=Vd+Hd,Fd+=Hd}if(Gd)return Nd?!0:vd(Ld)({type:"code",lang:null,meta:null,value:od(Gd)})}}),ma=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=md;var nd= `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ,od=" ",ld=" ",ud="~",dd=" ` ",pd=3,fd=4;function md(vd,Ad,Nd){var Od=this,kd=Od.options.gfm,Ld=Ad.length+1,Gd=0,Ud=" ",Fd,Hd,Vd,zd,Yd,Xd,yf,Qd,pf,mf,Tf,vf,Af;if(kd){for(;Gd<Ld&&(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),!(Vd!==ld&&Vd!==od));)Ud+=Vd,Gd++;if(vf=Gd,Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),!(Vd!==ud&&Vd!==dd)){for(Gd++,Hd=Vd,Fd=1,Ud+=Vd;Gd<Ld&&(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),Vd===Hd);)Ud+=Vd,Fd++,Gd++;if(!(Fd<pd)){for(;Gd<Ld&&(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),!(Vd!==ld&&Vd!==od));)Ud+=Vd,Gd++;for(zd=" ",yf=" ";Gd<Ld&&(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),!(Vd===nd||Hd===dd&&Vd===Hd));)Vd===ld||Vd===od?yf+=Vd:(zd+=yf+Vd,yf=" "),Gd++;if(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),!(Vd&&Vd!==nd)){if(Nd)return!0;Af=vd.now(),Af.column+=Ud.length,Af.offset+=Ud.length,Ud+=zd,zd=Od.decode.raw(Od.unescape(zd),Af),yf&&(Ud+=yf),yf=" ",mf=" ",Tf=" ",Qd=" ",pf=" ";for(var Sf=!0;Gd<Ld;){if(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),Qd+=mf,pf+=Tf,mf=" ",Tf=" ",Vd!==nd){Qd+=Vd,Tf+=Vd,Gd++;continue}for(Sf?(Ud+=Vd,Sf=!1):(mf+=Vd,Tf+=Vd),yf=" ",Gd++;Gd<Ld&&(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),Vd===ld);)yf+=Vd,Gd++;if(mf+=yf,Tf+=yf.slice(vf),!(yf.length>=fd)){for(yf=" ";Gd<Ld&&(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),Vd===Hd);)yf+=Vd,Gd++;if(mf+=yf,Tf+=yf,!(yf.length<Fd)){for(yf=" ";Gd<Ld&&(Vd=Ad.charAt(Gd),!(Vd!==ld&&Vd!==od));)mf+=Vd,Tf+=Vd,Gd++;if(!Vd||Vd===nd)break}}}for(Ud+=Qd+mf,Gd=-1,Ld=zd.length;++Gd<Ld;)if(Vd=zd.charAt(Gd),Vd===ld||Vd===od)Yd||(Yd=zd.slice(0,Gd));else if(Yd){Xd=zd.slice(Gd);break}return vd(Ud)({type:" code ",lang:Yd||zd||null,meta:Xd||null,value:pf})}}}}}}),Re$5=C$3((Ra,qa)=>{Ra=qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){return od.trim?od.trim():Ra.right(Ra.left(od))}Ra.left=function(od){return od.trimLeft?od.trimLeft():od.replace(/^\s\s*/," " ) } , Ra . right = function ( od ) { if ( od . trimRight ) return od . trimRight ( ) ; for ( var ld = /\s/ , ud = od . length ; ld . test ( od . charAt ( -- ud ) ) ; ) ; return od . slice ( 0 , ud + 1 ) } } ) , Kr$2 = C$3 ( ( Ra , qa ) => { qa . exports = nd ; function nd ( od , ld , ud , dd ) { for ( var pd = od . length , fd = - 1 , md , vd ; ++ fd < pd ; ) if ( md = od [ fd ] , vd = md [ 1 ] || { } , ! ( vd . pedantic !== void 0 && vd . pedantic !== ud . options . pedantic ) && ! ( vd . commonmark !== void 0 && vd . commonmark !== ud . options . commonmark ) && ld [ md [ 0 ] ] . apply ( ud , dd ) ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } } ) , ba$1 = C$3 ( ( Ra , qa ) => { var nd = Re$5 ( ) , od = Kr$2 ( ) ; qa . exports = fd ; var ld = `
` ,ud=" ",dd=" ",pd=">";function fd(md,vd,Ad){for(var Nd=this,Od=Nd.offset,kd=Nd.blockTokenizers,Ld=Nd.interruptBlockquote,Gd=md.now(),Ud=Gd.line,Fd=vd.length,Hd=[],Vd=[],zd=[],Yd,Xd=0,yf,Qd,pf,mf,Tf,vf,Af,Sf;Xd<Fd&&(yf=vd.charAt(Xd),!(yf!==dd&&yf!==ud));)Xd++;if(vd.charAt(Xd)===pd){if(Ad)return!0;for(Xd=0;Xd<Fd;){for(pf=vd.indexOf(ld,Xd),vf=Xd,Af=!1,pf===-1&&(pf=Fd);Xd<Fd&&(yf=vd.charAt(Xd),!(yf!==dd&&yf!==ud));)Xd++;if(vd.charAt(Xd)===pd?(Xd++,Af=!0,vd.charAt(Xd)===dd&&Xd++):Xd=vf,mf=vd.slice(Xd,pf),!Af&&!nd(mf)){Xd=vf;break}if(!Af&&(Qd=vd.slice(Xd),od(Ld,kd,Nd,[md,Qd,!0])))break;Tf=vf===Xd?mf:vd.slice(vf,pf),zd.push(Xd-vf),Hd.push(Tf),Vd.push(mf),Xd=pf+1}for(Xd=-1,Fd=zd.length,Yd=md(Hd.join(ld));++Xd<Fd;)Od[Ud]=(Od[Ud]||0)+zd[Xd],Ud++;return Sf=Nd.enterBlock(),Vd=Nd.tokenizeBlock(Vd.join(ld),Gd),Sf(),Yd({type:"blockquote",children:Vd})}}}),xa $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=pd;var nd= `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ,od=" ",ld=" ",ud="#",dd=6;function pd(fd,md,vd){for(var Ad=this,Nd=Ad.options.pedantic,Od=md.length+1,kd=-1,Ld=fd.now(),Gd="",Ud="",Fd,Hd,Vd;++kd<Od;){if(Fd=md.charAt(kd),Fd!==ld&&Fd!==od){kd--;break}Gd+=Fd}for(Vd=0;++kd<=Od;){if(Fd=md.charAt(kd),Fd!==ud){kd--;break}Gd+=Fd,Vd++}if(!(Vd>dd)&&!(!Vd||!Nd&&md.charAt(kd+1)===ud)){for(Od=md.length+1,Hd="";++kd<Od;){if(Fd=md.charAt(kd),Fd!==ld&&Fd!==od){kd--;break}Hd+=Fd}if(!(!Nd&&Hd.length===0&&Fd&&Fd!==nd)){if(vd)return!0;for(Gd+=Hd,Hd="",Ud="";++kd<Od&&(Fd=md.charAt(kd),!(!Fd||Fd===nd));){if(Fd!==ld&&Fd!==od&&Fd!==ud){Ud+=Hd+Fd,Hd="";continue}for(;Fd===ld||Fd===od;)Hd+=Fd,Fd=md.charAt(++kd);if(!Nd&&Ud&&!Hd&&Fd===ud){Ud+=Fd;continue}for(;Fd===ud;)Hd+=Fd,Fd=md.charAt(++kd);for(;Fd===ld||Fd===od;)Hd+=Fd,Fd=md.charAt(++kd);kd--}return Ld.column+=Gd.length,Ld.offset+=Gd.length,Gd+=Ud+Hd,fd(Gd)({type:"heading",depth:Vd,children:Ad.tokenizeInline(Ud,Ld)})}}}}),Ba=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=md;var nd=" ",od= `
` ,ld=" ",ud="*",dd="-",pd="_",fd=3;function md(vd,Ad,Nd){for(var Od=-1,kd=Ad.length+1,Ld="",Gd,Ud,Fd,Hd;++Od<kd&&(Gd=Ad.charAt(Od),!(Gd!==nd&&Gd!==ld));)Ld+=Gd;if(!(Gd!==ud&&Gd!==dd&&Gd!==pd))for(Ud=Gd,Ld+=Gd,Fd=1,Hd="";++Od<kd;)if(Gd=Ad.charAt(Od),Gd===Ud)Fd++,Ld+=Hd+Ud,Hd="";else if(Gd===ld)Hd+=Gd;else return Fd>=fd&&(!Gd||Gd===od)?(Ld+=Hd,Nd?!0:vd(Ld)({type:"thematicBreak"})):void 0}}), $ t $ 3=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=dd;var nd=" ",od=" ",ld=1,ud=4;function dd(pd){for(var fd=0,md=0,vd=pd.charAt(fd),Ad={},Nd,Od=0;vd===nd||vd===od;){for(Nd=vd===nd?ud:ld,md+=Nd,Nd>1&&(md=Math.floor(md/Nd)*Nd);Od<md;)Ad[++Od]=fd;vd=pd.charAt(++fd)}return{indent:md,stops:Ad}}}),Oa $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Re $ 5(),od=Hr $ 2(),ld= $ t $ 3();qa.exports=fd;var ud= `
` ,dd=" ",pd="!";function fd(md,vd){var Ad=md.split(ud),Nd=Ad.length+1,Od=1/0,kd=[],Ld,Gd,Ud;for(Ad.unshift(od(dd,vd)+pd);Nd--;)if(Gd=ld(Ad[Nd]),kd[Nd]=Gd.stops,nd(Ad[Nd]).length!==0)if(Gd.indent)Gd.indent>0&&Gd.indent<Od&&(Od=Gd.indent);else{Od=1/0;break}if(Od!==1/0)for(Nd=Ad.length;Nd--;){for(Ud=kd[Nd],Ld=Od;Ld&&!(Ld in Ud);)Ld--;Ad[Nd]=Ad[Nd].slice(Ud[Ld]+1)}return Ad.shift(),Ad.join(ud)}}),Ua $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Re $ 5(),od=Hr $ 2(),ld=Ne $ 3(),ud= $ t $ 3(),dd=Oa $ 1(),pd=Kr $ 2();qa.exports=yf;var fd="*",md="_",vd="+",Ad="-",Nd=".",Od=" ",kd= `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ,Ld=" ",Gd=")",Ud="x",Fd=4,Hd=/ \n \n (?! \s * $ )/,Vd=/^ \[ ([ X \t x])][ \t ]/,zd=/^([ \t ]*)([*+-]| \d +[.)])( {1,4}(?! )| | \t | $ |(?= \n ))([^ \n ]*)/,Yd=/^([ \t ]*)([*+-]| \d +[.)])([ \t ]+)/,Xd=/^( {1,4}| \t )?/gm;function yf(Tf,vf,Af){for(var Sf=this,Df=Sf.options.commonmark,If=Sf.options.pedantic,Gf=Sf.blockTokenizers,Qf=Sf.interruptList,ih=0,sh=vf.length,qf=null,Pf,Yf,Wf,Kf,Cf,xf,Xf,uh,wh,dh,Rf,gh,kh,eh, $ f,Uf,Jf,Bh,Mh,yh=!1,dm,Wh,Rm,Um;ih<sh&&(Kf=vf.charAt(ih),!(Kf!==Ld&&Kf!==Od));)ih++;if(Kf=vf.charAt(ih),Kf===fd||Kf===vd||Kf===Ad)Cf=Kf,Wf=!1;else{for(Wf=!0,Yf="";ih<sh&&(Kf=vf.charAt(ih),!!ld(Kf));)Yf+=Kf,ih++;if(Kf=vf.charAt(ih),!Yf||!(Kf===Nd||Df&&Kf===Gd)||Af&&Yf!=="1")return;qf=parseInt(Yf,10),Cf=Kf}if(Kf=vf.charAt(++ih),!(Kf!==Od&&Kf!==Ld&&(If||Kf!==kd&&Kf!==""))){if(Af)return!0;for(ih=0,eh=[], $ f=[],Uf=[];ih<sh;){for(xf=vf.indexOf(kd,ih),Xf=ih,uh=!1,Um=!1,xf===-1&&(xf=sh),Pf=0;ih<sh;){if(Kf=vf.charAt(ih),Kf===Ld)Pf+=Fd-Pf%Fd;else if(Kf===Od)Pf++;else break;ih++}if(Jf&&Pf>=Jf.indent&&(Um=!0),Kf=vf.charAt(ih),wh=null,!Um){if(Kf===fd||Kf===vd||Kf===Ad)wh=Kf,ih++,Pf++;else{for(Yf="";ih<sh&&(Kf=vf.charAt(ih),!!ld(Kf));)Yf+=Kf,ih++;Kf=vf.charAt(ih),ih++,Yf&&(Kf===Nd||Df&&Kf===Gd)&&(wh=Kf,Pf+=Yf.length+1)}if(wh)if(Kf=vf.charAt(ih),Kf===Ld)Pf+=Fd-Pf%Fd,ih++;else if(Kf===Od){for(Rm=ih+Fd;ih<Rm&&vf.charAt(ih)===Od;)ih++,Pf++;ih===Rm&&vf.charAt(ih)===Od&&(ih-=Fd-1,Pf-=Fd-1)}else Kf!==kd&&Kf!==""&&(wh=null)}if(wh){if(!If&&Cf!==wh)break;uh=!0}else!Df&&!Um&&vf.charAt(Xf)===Od?Um=!0:Df&&Jf&&(Um=Pf>=Jf.indent||Pf>Fd),uh=!1,ih=Xf;if(Rf=vf.slice(Xf,xf),dh=Xf===ih?Rf:vf.slice(ih,xf),(wh===fd||wh===md||wh===Ad)&&Gf.thematicBreak.call(Sf,Tf,Rf,!0))break;if(gh=kh,kh=!uh&&!nd(dh).length,Um&&Jf)Jf.value=Jf.value.concat(Uf,Rf), $ f= $ f.concat(Uf,Rf),Uf=[];else if(uh)Uf.length!==0&&(yh=!0,Jf.value.push(""),Jf.trail=Uf.concat()),Jf={value:[Rf],indent:Pf,trail:[]},eh.push(Jf), $ f= $ f.concat(Uf,Rf),Uf=[];else if(kh){if(gh&&!Df)break;Uf.push(Rf)}else{if(gh||pd(Qf,Gf,Sf,[Tf,Rf,!0]))break;Jf.value=Jf.value.concat(Uf,Rf), $ f= $ f.concat(Uf,Rf),Uf=[]}ih=xf+1}for(dm=Tf( $ f.join(kd)).reset({type:"list",ordered:Wf,start:qf,spread:yh,children:[]}),Bh=Sf.enterList(),Mh=Sf.enterBlock(),ih=-1,sh=eh.length;++ih<sh;)Jf=eh[ih].value.join(kd),Wh=Tf.now(),Tf(Jf)(Qd(Sf,Jf,Wh),dm),Jf=eh[ih].trail.join(kd),ih!==sh-1&&(Jf+=kd),Tf(Jf);return Bh(),Mh(),dm}}function Qd(Tf,vf,Af){var Sf=Tf.offset,Df=Tf.options.pedantic?pf:mf,If=null,Gf,Qf;return vf=Df.apply(null,arguments),Tf.options.gfm&&(Gf=vf.match(Vd),Gf&&(Qf=Gf[0].length,If=Gf[1].toLowerCase()===Ud,Sf[Af.line]+=Qf,vf=vf.slice(Qf))),{type:"listItem",spread:Hd.test(vf),checked:If,children:Tf.tokenizeBlock(vf,Af)}}function pf(Tf,vf,Af){var Sf=Tf.offset,Df=Af.line;return vf=vf.replace(Yd,If),Df=Af.line,vf.replace(Xd,If);function If(Gf){return Sf[Df]=(Sf[Df]||0)+Gf.length,Df++,""}}function mf(Tf,vf,Af){var Sf=Tf.offset,Df=Af.line,If,Gf,Qf,ih,sh,qf,Pf;for(vf=vf.replace(zd,Yf),ih=vf.split(kd),sh=dd(vf,ud(If).indent).split(kd),sh[0]=Qf,Sf[Df]=(Sf[Df]||0)+Gf.length,Df++,qf=0,Pf=ih.length;++qf<Pf;)Sf[Df]=(Sf[Df]||0)+ih[qf].length-sh[qf].length,Df++;return sh.join(kd);function Yf(Wf,Kf,Cf,xf,Xf){return Gf=Kf+Cf+xf,Qf=Xf,Number(Cf)<10&&Gf.length%2===1&&(Cf=Od+Cf),If=Kf+od(Od,Cf.length)+xf,If+Qf}}}),Ga=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=vd;var nd= `
` ,od=" ",ld=" ",ud="=",dd="-",pd=3,fd=1,md=2;function vd(Ad,Nd,Od){for(var kd=this,Ld=Ad.now(),Gd=Nd.length,Ud=-1,Fd="",Hd,Vd,zd,Yd,Xd;++Ud<Gd;){if(zd=Nd.charAt(Ud),zd!==ld||Ud>=pd){Ud--;break}Fd+=zd}for(Hd="",Vd="";++Ud<Gd;){if(zd=Nd.charAt(Ud),zd===nd){Ud--;break}zd===ld||zd===od?Vd+=zd:(Hd+=Vd+zd,Vd="")}if(Ld.column+=Fd.length,Ld.offset+=Fd.length,Fd+=Hd+Vd,zd=Nd.charAt(++Ud),Yd=Nd.charAt(++Ud),!(zd!==nd||Yd!==ud&&Yd!==dd)){for(Fd+=zd,Vd=Yd,Xd=Yd===ud?fd:md;++Ud<Gd;){if(zd=Nd.charAt(Ud),zd!==Yd){if(zd!==nd)return;Ud--;break}Vd+=zd}return Od?!0:Ad(Fd+Vd)({type:"heading",depth:Xd,children:kd.tokenizeInline(Hd,Ld)})}}}),Xt $ 2=C $ 3(Ra=>{var qa="[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*",nd="[^ \" '=<> ` \ \u0000 - \ \u0020 ] + ",od=" '[^' ] * '",ld=' "[^" ] * "',ud=" ( ? : "+nd+" | "+od+" | "+ld+" ) ",dd=" ( ? : \ \ s + "+qa+" ( ? : \ \ s *= \ \ s * "+ud+" ) ? ) ",pd=" < [ A - Za - z ] [ A - Za - z0 - 9 \ \ - ] * "+dd+" * \ \ s * \ \ / ? > ",fd=" < \ \ / [ A - Za - z ] [ A - Za - z0 - 9 \ \ - ] * \ \ s * > ",md=" <!-- -- > | <!-- ( ? : - ? [ ^ > - ] ) ( ? : - ? [ ^ - ] ) * -- > ",vd=" < [ ? ] . * ? [ ? ] > ",Ad=" < ! [ A - Za - z ] + \ \ s + [ ^ > ] * > ",Nd=" < ! \ \ [ CDATA \ \ [ [ \ \ s \ \ S ] * ? \ \ ] \ \ ] > ";Ra.openCloseTag=new RegExp(" ^ ( ? : "+pd+" | "+fd+" ) "),Ra.tag=new RegExp(" ^ ( ? : "+pd+" | "+fd+" | "+md+" | "+vd+" | "+Ad+" | "+Nd+" ) ")}),Ka=C$3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Xt$2().openCloseTag;qa.exports=Hd;var od=" ",ld=" " , ud = `
` ,dd="<",pd=/^<(script|pre|style)(?=( \s |>| $ ))/i,fd=/< \/ (script|pre|style)>/i,md=/^<!--/,vd=/-->/,Ad=/^< \? /,Nd=/ \? >/,Od=/^<![A-Za-z]/,kd=/>/,Ld=/^<! \[ CDATA \[ /,Gd=/]]>/,Ud=/^ $ /,Fd=new RegExp(nd.source+" \\ s* $ ");function Hd(Vd,zd,Yd){for(var Xd=this,yf=Xd.options.blocks.join("|"),Qd=new RegExp("^</?("+yf+")(?=( \\ s|/?>| $ ))","i"),pf=zd.length,mf=0,Tf,vf,Af,Sf,Df,If,Gf,Qf=[[pd,fd,!0],[md,vd,!0],[Ad,Nd,!0],[Od,kd,!0],[Ld,Gd,!0],[Qd,Ud,!0],[Fd,Ud,!1]];mf<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(mf),!(Sf!==od&&Sf!==ld));)mf++;if(zd.charAt(mf)===dd){for(Tf=zd.indexOf(ud,mf+1),Tf=Tf===-1?pf:Tf,vf=zd.slice(mf,Tf),Af=-1,Df=Qf.length;++Af<Df;)if(Qf[Af][0].test(vf)){If=Qf[Af];break}if(If){if(Yd)return If[2];if(mf=Tf,!If[1].test(vf))for(;mf<pf;){if(Tf=zd.indexOf(ud,mf+1),Tf=Tf===-1?pf:Tf,vf=zd.slice(mf+1,Tf),If[1].test(vf)){vf&&(mf=Tf);break}mf=Tf}return Gf=zd.slice(0,mf),Vd(Gf)({type:"html",value:Gf})}}}}),ue $ 4=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=ld;var nd=String.fromCharCode,od=/ \s /;function ld(ud){return od.test(typeof ud=="number"?nd(ud):ud.charAt(0))}}),Qt $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=xr $ 1();qa.exports=od;function od(ld){return nd(ld).toLowerCase()}}),io $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=ue $ 4(),od=Qt $ 2();qa.exports=Ud;var ld='"',ud="'",dd=" \\ ",pd= `
` ,fd=" ",md=" ",vd="[",Ad="]",Nd="(",Od=")",kd=":",Ld="<",Gd=">";function Ud(Vd,zd,Yd){for(var Xd=this,yf=Xd.options.commonmark,Qd=0,pf=zd.length,mf="",Tf,vf,Af,Sf,Df,If,Gf,Qf;Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),!(Sf!==md&&Sf!==fd));)mf+=Sf,Qd++;if(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Sf===vd){for(Qd++,mf+=Sf,Af="";Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Sf!==Ad);)Sf===dd&&(Af+=Sf,Qd++,Sf=zd.charAt(Qd)),Af+=Sf,Qd++;if(!(!Af||zd.charAt(Qd)!==Ad||zd.charAt(Qd+1)!==kd)){for(If=Af,mf+=Af+Ad+kd,Qd=mf.length,Af="";Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),!(Sf!==fd&&Sf!==md&&Sf!==pd));)mf+=Sf,Qd++;if(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Af="",Tf=mf,Sf===Ld){for(Qd++;Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),!!Fd(Sf));)Af+=Sf,Qd++;if(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Sf===Fd.delimiter)mf+=Ld+Af+Sf,Qd++;else{if(yf)return;Qd-=Af.length+1,Af=""}}if(!Af){for(;Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),!!Hd(Sf));)Af+=Sf,Qd++;mf+=Af}if(Af){for(Gf=Af,Af="";Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),!(Sf!==fd&&Sf!==md&&Sf!==pd));)Af+=Sf,Qd++;if(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Df=null,Sf===ld?Df=ld:Sf===ud?Df=ud:Sf===Nd&&(Df=Od),!Df)Af="",Qd=mf.length;else if(Af){for(mf+=Af+Sf,Qd=mf.length,Af="";Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Sf!==Df);){if(Sf===pd){if(Qd++,Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Sf===pd||Sf===Df)return;Af+=pd}Af+=Sf,Qd++}if(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),Sf!==Df)return;vf=mf,mf+=Af+Sf,Qd++,Qf=Af,Af=""}else return;for(;Qd<pf&&(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),!(Sf!==fd&&Sf!==md));)mf+=Sf,Qd++;if(Sf=zd.charAt(Qd),!Sf||Sf===pd)return Yd?!0:(Tf=Vd(Tf).test().end,Gf=Xd.decode.raw(Xd.unescape(Gf),Tf,{nonTerminated:!1}),Qf&&(vf=Vd(vf).test().end,Qf=Xd.decode.raw(Xd.unescape(Qf),vf)),Vd(mf)({type:"definition",identifier:od(If),label:If,title:Qf||null,url:Gf}))}}}}function Fd(Vd){return Vd!==Gd&&Vd!==vd&&Vd!==Ad}Fd.delimiter=Gd;function Hd(Vd){return Vd!==vd&&Vd!==Ad&&!nd(Vd)}}),oo $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=ue $ 4();qa.exports=Ld;var od=" ",ld= `
` ,ud=" ",dd="-",pd=":",fd=" \\ ",md="|",vd=1,Ad=2,Nd="left",Od="center",kd="right";function Ld(Gd,Ud,Fd){var Hd=this,Vd,zd,Yd,Xd,yf,Qd,pf,mf,Tf,vf,Af,Sf,Df,If,Gf,Qf,ih,sh,qf,Pf,Yf,Wf;if(Hd.options.gfm){for(Vd=0,Qf=0,Qd=Ud.length+1,pf=[];Vd<Qd;){if(Pf=Ud.indexOf(ld,Vd),Yf=Ud.indexOf(md,Vd+1),Pf===-1&&(Pf=Ud.length),Yf===-1||Yf>Pf){if(Qf<Ad)return;break}pf.push(Ud.slice(Vd,Pf)),Qf++,Vd=Pf+1}for(Xd=pf.join(ld),zd=pf.splice(1,1)[0]||[],Vd=0,Qd=zd.length,Qf--,Yd=!1,Af=[];Vd<Qd;){if(Tf=zd.charAt(Vd),Tf===md){if(vf=null,Yd===!1){if(Wf===!1)return}else Af.push(Yd),Yd=!1;Wf=!1}else if(Tf===dd)vf=!0,Yd=Yd||null;else if(Tf===pd)Yd===Nd?Yd=Od:vf&&Yd===null?Yd=kd:Yd=Nd;else if(!nd(Tf))return;Vd++}if(Yd!==!1&&Af.push(Yd),!(Af.length<vd)){if(Fd)return!0;for(Gf=-1,sh=[],qf=Gd(Xd).reset({type:"table",align:Af,children:sh});++Gf<Qf;){for(ih=pf[Gf],yf={type:"tableRow",children:[]},Gf&&Gd(ld),Gd(ih).reset(yf,qf),Qd=ih.length+1,Vd=0,mf="",Sf="",Df=!0;Vd<Qd;){if(Tf=ih.charAt(Vd),Tf===od||Tf===ud){Sf?mf+=Tf:Gd(Tf),Vd++;continue}Tf===""||Tf===md?Df?Gd(Tf):((Sf||Tf)&&!Df&&(Xd=Sf,mf.length>1&&(Tf?(Xd+=mf.slice(0,-1),mf=mf.charAt(mf.length-1)):(Xd+=mf,mf="")),If=Gd.now(),Gd(Xd)({type:"tableCell",children:Hd.tokenizeInline(Sf,If)},yf)),Gd(mf+Tf),mf="",Sf=""):(mf&&(Sf+=mf,mf=""),Sf+=Tf,Tf===fd&&Vd!==Qd-2&&(Sf+=ih.charAt(Vd+1),Vd++)),Df=!1,Vd++}Gf||Gd(ld+zd)}return qf}}}}),lo $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Re $ 5(),od=Mt $ 3(),ld=Kr $ 2();qa.exports=md;var ud=" ",dd= `
` ,pd=" ",fd=4;function md(vd,Ad,Nd){for(var Od=this,kd=Od.options,Ld=kd.commonmark,Gd=Od.blockTokenizers,Ud=Od.interruptParagraph,Fd=Ad.indexOf(dd),Hd=Ad.length,Vd,zd,Yd,Xd,yf;Fd<Hd;){if(Fd===-1){Fd=Hd;break}if(Ad.charAt(Fd+1)===dd)break;if(Ld){for(Xd=0,Vd=Fd+1;Vd<Hd;){if(Yd=Ad.charAt(Vd),Yd===ud){Xd=fd;break}else if(Yd===pd)Xd++;else break;Vd++}if(Xd>=fd&&Yd!==dd){Fd=Ad.indexOf(dd,Fd+1);continue}}if(zd=Ad.slice(Fd+1),ld(Ud,Gd,Od,[vd,zd,!0]))break;if(Vd=Fd,Fd=Ad.indexOf(dd,Fd+1),Fd!==-1&&nd(Ad.slice(Vd,Fd))===""){Fd=Vd;break}}return zd=Ad.slice(0,Fd),Nd?!0:(yf=vd.now(),zd=od(zd),vd(zd)({type:"paragraph",children:Od.tokenizeInline(zd,yf)}))}}),Do $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od,ld){return od.indexOf(" \\ ",ld)}}),Fo $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Do $ 1();qa.exports=ud,ud.locator=nd;var od= `
` ,ld=" \\ ";function ud(dd,pd,fd){var md=this,vd,Ad;if(pd.charAt(0)===ld&&(vd=pd.charAt(1),md.escape.indexOf(vd)!==-1))return fd?!0:(vd===od?Ad={type:"break"}:Ad={type:"text",value:vd},dd(ld+vd)(Ad))}}),tn $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od,ld){return od.indexOf("<",ld)}}),yo $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=ue $ 4(),od=pr $ 1(),ld=tn $ 2();qa.exports=Ad,Ad.locator=ld,Ad.notInLink=!0;var ud="<",dd=">",pd="@",fd="/",md="mailto:",vd=md.length;function Ad(Nd,Od,kd){var Ld=this,Gd="",Ud=Od.length,Fd=0,Hd="",Vd=!1,zd="",Yd,Xd,yf,Qd,pf;if(Od.charAt(0)===ud){for(Fd++,Gd=ud;Fd<Ud&&(Yd=Od.charAt(Fd),!(nd(Yd)||Yd===dd||Yd===pd||Yd===":"&&Od.charAt(Fd+1)===fd));)Hd+=Yd,Fd++;if(Hd){if(zd+=Hd,Hd="",Yd=Od.charAt(Fd),zd+=Yd,Fd++,Yd===pd)Vd=!0;else{if(Yd!==":"||Od.charAt(Fd+1)!==fd)return;zd+=fd,Fd++}for(;Fd<Ud&&(Yd=Od.charAt(Fd),!(nd(Yd)||Yd===dd));)Hd+=Yd,Fd++;if(Yd=Od.charAt(Fd),!(!Hd||Yd!==dd))return kd?!0:(zd+=Hd,yf=zd,Gd+=zd+Yd,Xd=Nd.now(),Xd.column++,Xd.offset++,Vd&&(zd.slice(0,vd).toLowerCase()===md?(yf=yf.slice(vd),Xd.column+=vd,Xd.offset+=vd):zd=md+zd),Qd=Ld.inlineTokenizers,Ld.inlineTokenizers={text:Qd.text},pf=Ld.enterLink(),yf=Ld.tokenizeInline(yf,Xd),Ld.inlineTokenizers=Qd,pf(),Nd(Gd)({type:"link",title:null,url:od(zd,{nonTerminated:!1}),children:yf}))}}}}),xo $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od,ld){var ud=String(od),dd=0,pd;if(typeof ld!="string")throw new Error("Expected character");for(pd=ud.indexOf(ld);pd!==-1;)dd++,pd=ud.indexOf(ld,pd+ld.length);return dd}}),Bo $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=od;var nd=["www.","http://","https://"];function od(ld,ud){var dd=-1,pd,fd,md;if(!this.options.gfm)return dd;for(fd=nd.length,pd=-1;++pd<fd;)md=ld.indexOf(nd[pd],ud),md!==-1&&(dd===-1||md<dd)&&(dd=md);return dd}}),Oo=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=xo $ 2(),od=pr $ 1(),ld=Ne $ 3(),ud=Ve $ 3(),dd=ue $ 4(),pd=Bo $ 1();qa.exports=Xd,Xd.locator=pd,Xd.notInLink=!0;var fd=33,md=38,vd=41,Ad=42,Nd=44,Od=45,kd=46,Ld=58,Gd=59,Ud=63,Fd=60,Hd=95,Vd=126,zd="(",Yd=")";function Xd(yf,Qd,pf){var mf=this,Tf=mf.options.gfm,vf=mf.inlineTokenizers,Af=Qd.length,Sf=-1,Df=!1,If,Gf,Qf,ih,sh,qf,Pf,Yf,Wf,Kf,Cf,xf,Xf,uh;if(Tf){if(Qd.slice(0,4)==="www.")Df=!0,ih=4;else if(Qd.slice(0,7).toLowerCase()==="http://")ih=7;else if(Qd.slice(0,8).toLowerCase()==="https://")ih=8;else return;for(Sf=ih-1,Qf=ih,If=[];ih<Af;){if(Pf=Qd.charCodeAt(ih),Pf===kd){if(Sf===ih-1)break;If.push(ih),Sf=ih,ih++;continue}if(ld(Pf)||ud(Pf)||Pf===Od||Pf===Hd){ih++;continue}break}if(Pf===kd&&(If.pop(),ih--),If[0]!==void 0&&(Gf=If.length<2?Qf:If[If.length-2]+1,Qd.slice(Gf,ih).indexOf("_")===-1)){if(pf)return!0;for(Yf=ih,sh=ih;ih<Af&&(Pf=Qd.charCodeAt(ih),!(dd(Pf)||Pf===Fd));)ih++,Pf===fd||Pf===Ad||Pf===Nd||Pf===kd||Pf===Ld||Pf===Ud||Pf===Hd||Pf===Vd||(Yf=ih);if(ih=Yf,Qd.charCodeAt(ih-1)===vd)for(qf=Qd.slice(sh,ih),Wf=nd(qf,zd),Kf=nd(qf,Yd);Kf>Wf;)ih=sh+qf.lastIndexOf(Yd),qf=Qd.slice(sh,ih),Kf--;if(Qd.charCodeAt(ih-1)===Gd&&(ih--,ud(Qd.charCodeAt(ih-1)))){for(Yf=ih-2;ud(Qd.charCodeAt(Yf));)Yf--;Qd.charCodeAt(Yf)===md&&(ih=Yf)}return Cf=Qd.slice(0,ih),Xf=od(Cf,{nonTerminated:!1}),Df&&(Xf="http://"+Xf),uh=mf.enterLink(),mf.inlineTokenizers={text:vf.text},xf=mf.tokenizeInline(Cf,yf.now()),mf.inlineTokenizers=vf,uh(),yf(Cf)({type:"link",title:null,url:Xf,children:xf})}}}}),No=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Ne $ 3(),od=Ve $ 3(),ld=43,ud=45,dd=46,pd=95;qa.exports=fd;function fd(vd,Ad){var Nd=this,Od,kd;if(!this.options.gfm||(Od=vd.indexOf("@",Ad),Od===-1))return-1;if(kd=Od,kd===Ad||!md(vd.charCodeAt(kd-1)))return fd.call(Nd,vd,Od+1);for(;kd>Ad&&md(vd.charCodeAt(kd-1));)kd--;return kd}function md(vd){return nd(vd)||od(vd)||vd===ld||vd===ud||vd===dd||vd===pd}}),Mo $ 2=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=pr $ 1(),od=Ne $ 3(),ld=Ve $ 3(),ud=No();qa.exports=Ad,Ad.locator=ud,Ad.notInLink=!0;var dd=43,pd=45,fd=46,md=64,vd=95;function Ad(Nd,Od,kd){var Ld=this,Gd=Ld.options.gfm,Ud=Ld.inlineTokenizers,Fd=0,Hd=Od.length,Vd=-1,zd,Yd,Xd,yf;if(Gd){for(zd=Od.charCodeAt(Fd);od(zd)||ld(zd)||zd===dd||zd===pd||zd===fd||zd===vd;)zd=Od.charCodeAt(++Fd);if(Fd!==0&&zd===md){for(Fd++;Fd<Hd;){if(zd=Od.charCodeAt(Fd),od(zd)||ld(zd)||zd===pd||zd===fd||zd===vd){Fd++,Vd===-1&&zd===fd&
` ,ud="!",dd='"',pd="'",fd="(",md=")",vd="<",Ad=">",Nd="[",Od=" \\ ",kd="]",Ld=" ` ";function Gd(Ud,Fd,Hd){var Vd=this,zd=" ",Yd=0,Xd=Fd.charAt(0),yf=Vd.options.pedantic,Qd=Vd.options.commonmark,pf=Vd.options.gfm,mf,Tf,vf,Af,Sf,Df,If,Gf,Qf,ih,sh,qf,Pf,Yf,Wf,Kf,Cf,xf;if(Xd===ud&&(Gf=!0,zd=Xd,Xd=Fd.charAt(++Yd)),Xd===Nd&&!(!Gf&&Vd.inLink)){for(zd+=Xd,Yf=" ",Yd++,sh=Fd.length,Kf=Ud.now(),Pf=0,Kf.column+=Yd,Kf.offset+=Yd;Yd<sh;){if(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),Df=Xd,Xd===Ld){for(Tf=1;Fd.charAt(Yd+1)===Ld;)Df+=Xd,Yd++,Tf++;vf?Tf>=vf&&(vf=0):vf=Tf}else if(Xd===Od)Yd++,Df+=Fd.charAt(Yd);else if((!vf||pf)&&Xd===Nd)Pf++;else if((!vf||pf)&&Xd===kd)if(Pf)Pf--;else{if(Fd.charAt(Yd+1)!==fd)return;Df+=fd,mf=!0,Yd++;break}Yf+=Df,Df=" ",Yd++}if(mf){for(Qf=Yf,zd+=Yf+Df,Yd++;Yd<sh&&(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),!!nd(Xd));)zd+=Xd,Yd++;if(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),Yf=" ",Af=zd,Xd===vd){for(Yd++,Af+=vd;Yd<sh&&(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),Xd!==Ad);){if(Qd&&Xd===ld)return;Yf+=Xd,Yd++}if(Fd.charAt(Yd)!==Ad)return;zd+=vd+Yf+Ad,Wf=Yf,Yd++}else{for(Xd=null,Df=" ";Yd<sh&&(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),!(Df&&(Xd===dd||Xd===pd||Qd&&Xd===fd)));){if(nd(Xd)){if(!yf)break;Df+=Xd}else{if(Xd===fd)Pf++;else if(Xd===md){if(Pf===0)break;Pf--}Yf+=Df,Df=" ",Xd===Od&&(Yf+=Od,Xd=Fd.charAt(++Yd)),Yf+=Xd}Yd++}zd+=Yf,Wf=Yf,Yd=zd.length}for(Yf=" ";Yd<sh&&(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),!!nd(Xd));)Yf+=Xd,Yd++;if(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),zd+=Yf,Yf&&(Xd===dd||Xd===pd||Qd&&Xd===fd))if(Yd++,zd+=Xd,Yf=" ",ih=Xd===fd?md:Xd,Sf=zd,Qd){for(;Yd<sh&&(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),Xd!==ih);)Xd===Od&&(Yf+=Od,Xd=Fd.charAt(++Yd)),Yd++,Yf+=Xd;if(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),Xd!==ih)return;for(qf=Yf,zd+=Yf+Xd,Yd++;Yd<sh&&(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),!!nd(Xd));)zd+=Xd,Yd++}else for(Df=" ";Yd<sh;){if(Xd=Fd.charAt(Yd),Xd===ih)If&&(Yf+=ih+Df,Df=" "),If=!0;else if(!If)Yf+=Xd;else if(Xd===md){zd+=Yf+ih+Df,qf=Yf;break}else nd(Xd)?Df+=Xd:(Yf+=ih+Df+Xd,Df=" ",If=!1);Yd++}if(Fd.charAt(Yd)===md)return Hd?!0:(zd+=md,Wf=Vd.decode.raw(Vd.unescape(Wf),Ud(Af).test().end,{nonTerminated:!1}),qf&&(Sf=Ud(Sf).test().end,qf=Vd.decode.raw(Vd.unescape(qf),Sf)),xf={type:Gf?" image ":" link ",title:qf||null,url:Wf},Gf?xf.alt=Vd.decode.raw(Vd.unescape(Qf),Kf)||null:(Cf=Vd.enterLink(),xf.children=Vd.tokenizeInline(Qf,Kf),Cf()),Ud(zd)(xf))}}}}),rs=C$3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=ue$4(),od=dn$3(),ld=Qt$2();qa.exports=kd,kd.locator=od;var ud=" link ",dd=" image ",pd=" shortcut ",fd=" collapsed ",md=" full ",vd=" ! ",Ad=" [ ",Nd=" \ \ ",Od=" ] ";function kd(Ld,Gd,Ud){var Fd=this,Hd=Fd.options.commonmark,Vd=Gd.charAt(0),zd=0,Yd=Gd.length,Xd=" ",yf=" ",Qd=ud,pf=pd,mf,Tf,vf,Af,Sf,Df,If,Gf;if(Vd===vd&&(Qd=dd,yf=Vd,Vd=Gd.charAt(++zd)),Vd===Ad){for(zd++,yf+=Vd,Df=" ",Gf=0;zd<Yd;){if(Vd=Gd.charAt(zd),Vd===Ad)If=!0,Gf++;else if(Vd===Od){if(!Gf)break;Gf--}Vd===Nd&&(Df+=Nd,Vd=Gd.charAt(++zd)),Df+=Vd,zd++}if(Xd=Df,mf=Df,Vd=Gd.charAt(zd),Vd===Od){if(zd++,Xd+=Vd,Df=" ",!Hd)for(;zd<Yd&&(Vd=Gd.charAt(zd),!!nd(Vd));)Df+=Vd,zd++;if(Vd=Gd.charAt(zd),Vd===Ad){for(Tf=" ",Df+=Vd,zd++;zd<Yd&&(Vd=Gd.charAt(zd),!(Vd===Ad||Vd===Od));)Vd===Nd&&(Tf+=Nd,Vd=Gd.charAt(++zd)),Tf+=Vd,zd++;Vd=Gd.charAt(zd),Vd===Od?(pf=Tf?md:fd,Df+=Tf+Vd,zd++):Tf=" ",Xd+=Df,Df=" "}else{if(!mf)return;Tf=mf}if(!(pf!==md&&If))return Xd=yf+Xd,Qd===ud&&Fd.inLink?null:Ud?!0:(vf=Ld.now(),vf.column+=yf.length,vf.offset+=yf.length,Tf=pf===md?Tf:mf,Af={type:Qd+" Reference ",identifier:ld(Tf),label:Tf,referenceType:pf},Qd===ud?(Sf=Fd.enterLink(),Af.children=Fd.tokenizeInline(mf,vf),Sf()):Af.alt=Fd.decode.raw(Fd.unescape(mf),vf)||null,Ld(Xd)(Af))}}}}),ns=C$3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od,ld){var ud=od.indexOf(" * * ",ld),dd=od.indexOf(" _ _ ",ld);return dd===-1?ud:ud===-1||dd<ud?dd:ud}}),os=C$3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Re$5(),od=ue$4(),ld=ns();qa.exports=fd,fd.locator=ld;var ud=" \ \ ",dd=" * ",pd=" _ ";function fd(md,vd,Ad){var Nd=this,Od=0,kd=vd.charAt(Od),Ld,Gd,Ud,Fd,Hd,Vd,zd;if(!(kd!==dd&&kd!==pd||vd.charAt(++Od)!==kd)&&(Gd=Nd.options.pedantic,Ud=kd,Hd=Ud+Ud,Vd=vd.length,Od++,Fd=" ",kd=" ",!(Gd&&od(vd.charAt(Od)))))for(;Od<Vd;){if(zd=kd,kd=vd.charAt(Od),kd===Ud&&vd.charAt(Od+1)===Ud&&(!Gd||!od(zd))&&(kd=vd.charAt(Od+2),kd!==Ud))return nd(Fd)?Ad?!0:(Ld=md.now(),Ld.column+=2,Ld.offset+=2,md(Hd+Fd+Hd)({type:" strong " , children : Nd . tokenizeInline ( Fd , Ld ) } ) ) : void 0 ;
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ,ld);ud>ld&&od.charAt(ud-1)===" ";)ud--;return ud}}),Os $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Ts();qa.exports=dd,dd.locator=nd;var od=" ",ld= `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ,ud=2;function dd(pd,fd,md){for(var vd=fd.length,Ad=-1,Nd="",Od;++Ad<vd;){if(Od=fd.charAt(Ad),Od===ld)return Ad<ud?void 0:md?!0:(Nd+=Od,pd(Nd)({type:"break"}));if(Od!==od)return;Nd+=Od}}}),Ls $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od,ld,ud){var dd=this,pd,fd,md,vd,Ad,Nd,Od,kd,Ld,Gd;if(ud)return!0;for(pd=dd.inlineMethods,vd=pd.length,fd=dd.inlineTokenizers,md=-1,Ld=ld.length;++md<vd;)kd=pd[md],!(kd==="text"||!fd[kd])&&(Od=fd[kd].locator,Od||od.file.fail("Missing locator: ` "+kd+" ` "),Nd=Od.call(dd,ld,1),Nd!==-1&&Nd<Ld&&(Ld=Nd));Ad=ld.slice(0,Ld),Gd=od.now(),dd.decode(Ad,Gd,Ud);function Ud(Fd,Hd,Vd){od(Vd||Fd)({type:"text",value:Fd})}}}),Us=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Ie $ 3(),od=ru $ 1(),ld=nu $ 2(),ud=uu $ 2(),dd=Ou $ 1(),pd=Iu $ 1();qa.exports=fd;function fd(Ad,Nd){this.file=Nd,this.offset={},this.options=nd(this.options),this.setOptions({}),this.inList=!1,this.inBlock=!1,this.inLink=!1,this.atStart=!0,this.toOffset=ld(Nd).toOffset,this.unescape=ud(this,"escape"),this.decode=dd(this)}var md=fd.prototype;md.setOptions=Vu $ 2(),md.parse=aa $ 2(),md.options=Rt $ 3(),md.exitStart=od("atStart",!0),md.enterList=od("inList",!1),md.enterLink=od("inLink",!1),md.enterBlock=od("inBlock",!1),md.interruptParagraph=[["thematicBreak"],["list"],["atxHeading"],["fencedCode"],["blockquote"],["html"],["setextHeading",{commonmark:!1}],["definition",{commonmark:!1}]],md.interruptList=[["atxHeading",{pedantic:!1}],["fencedCode",{pedantic:!1}],["thematicBreak",{pedantic:!1}],["definition",{commonmark:!1}]],md.interruptBlockquote=[["indentedCode",{commonmark:!0}],["fencedCode",{commonmark:!0}],["atxHeading",{commonmark:!0}],["setextHeading",{commonmark:!0}],["thematicBreak",{commonmark:!0}],["html",{commonmark:!0}],["list",{commonmark:!0}],["definition",{commonmark:!1}]],md.blockTokenizers={blankLine:sa(),indentedCode:pa(),fencedCode:ma(),blockquote:ba $ 1(),atxHeading:xa $ 1(),thematicBreak:Ba(),list:Ua $ 1(),setextHeading:Ga(),html:Ka(),definition:io $ 1(),table:oo $ 2(),paragraph:lo $ 1()},md.inlineTokenizers={escape:Fo $ 1(),autoLink:yo $ 1(),url:Oo(),email:Mo $ 2(),html:Vo $ 1(),link:Qo $ 1(),reference:rs(),strong:os(),emphasis:ms(),deletion:ys(),code:Bs(),break:Os $ 1(),text:Ls $ 1()},md.blockMethods=vd(md.blockTokenizers),md.inlineMethods=vd(md.inlineTokenizers),md.tokenizeBlock=pd("block"),md.tokenizeInline=pd("inline"),md.tokenizeFactory=pd;function vd(Ad){var Nd=[],Od;for(Od in Ad)Nd.push(Od);return Nd}}),Gs=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Zi(),od=Ie $ 3(),ld=Us();qa.exports=ud,ud.Parser=ld;function ud(dd){var pd=this.data("settings"),fd=nd(ld);fd.prototype.options=od(fd.prototype.options,pd,dd),this.Parser=fd}}),js $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=nd;function nd(od){if(od)throw od}}),yn $ 3=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports=function(nd){return nd!=null&&nd.constructor!=null&&typeof nd.constructor.isBuffer=="function"&&nd.constructor.isBuffer(nd)}}),rc $ 1=C $ 3((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,od=Object.prototype.toString,ld=Object.defineProperty,ud=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,dd=function(vd){return typeof Array.isArray=="function"?Array.isArray(vd):od.call(vd)==="[object Array]"},pd=function(vd){if(!vd||od.call(vd)!=="[object Object]")return!1;var Ad=nd.call(vd,"constructor"),Nd=vd.constructor&&vd.constructor.prototype&&nd.call(vd.constructor.prototype,"isPrototypeOf");if(vd.constructor&&!Ad&&!Nd)return!1;var Od;for(Od in vd);return typeof Od>"u"||nd.call(vd,Od)},fd=function(vd,Ad){ld&&Ad.name==="__proto__"?ld(vd,Ad.name,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,value:Ad.newValue,writable:!0}):vd[Ad.name]=Ad.newValue},md=function(vd,Ad){if(Ad==="__proto__")if(nd.call(vd,Ad)){if(ud)return ud(vd,Ad).value}else return;return vd[Ad]};qa.exports=function vd(){var Ad,Nd,Od,kd,Ld,Gd,Ud=arguments[0],Fd=1,Hd=arguments.length,Vd=!1;for(typeof Ud=="boolean"&&(Vd=Ud,Ud=arguments[1]||{},Fd=2),(Ud==null||typeof Ud!="object"&&typeof Ud!="function")&&(Ud={});Fd<Hd;++Fd)if(Ad=arguments[Fd],Ad!=null)for(Nd in Ad)Od=md(Ud,Nd),kd=md(Ad,Nd),Ud!==kd&&(Vd&&kd&&(pd(kd)||(Ld=dd(kd)))?(Ld?(Ld=!1,Gd=Od&&dd(Od)?Od:[]):Gd=Od&&pd(Od)?Od:{},fd(Ud,{name:Nd,newValue:vd(Vd,Gd,kd)})):typeof kd<"u"&&fd(Ud,{name:Nd,newValue:kd}));return Ud
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
Expected it to be 'string' or 'object' . ` ;if(Y $ 4(Ra))throw new Error("doc is valid.");let nd=Object.prototype.toString.call(Ra);if(nd!=="[object Object]")return ` Unexpected doc '${nd}' . ` ;let od=ll $ 1([...wr $ 1].map(ld=> ` '${ld}' ` ));return ` Unexpected doc . type '${Ra.type}' .
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
Expected it to be $ { od } . ` }var Dt $ 2=class extends Error{constructor(nd){super(fl $ 1(nd));Rg(this,"name","InvalidDocError");this.doc=nd}},qe $ 2=Dt $ 2,Nn $ 2={};function Dl $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od){let ld=[Ra];for(;ld.length>0;){let ud=ld.pop();if(ud===Nn $ 2){nd(ld.pop());continue}nd&&ld.push(ud,Nn $ 2);let dd=Y $ 4(ud);if(!dd)throw new qe $ 2(ud);if((qa==null?void 0:qa(ud))!==!1)switch(dd){case H $ 5:case J $ 6:{let pd=dd===H $ 5?ud:ud.parts;for(let fd=pd.length,md=fd-1;md>=0;--md)ld.push(pd[md]);break}case X $ 5:ld.push(ud.flatContents,ud.breakContents);break;case K $ 5:if(od&&ud.expandedStates)for(let pd=ud.expandedStates.length,fd=pd-1;fd>=0;--fd)ld.push(ud.expandedStates[fd]);else ld.push(ud.contents);break;case re $ 4:case ee $ 4:case se $ 4:case fe $ 5:case ce $ 6:ld.push(ud.contents);break;case $ $ 2:case ge $ 5:case oe $ 4:case le $ 4:case W $ 6:case te $ 4:break;default:throw new qe $ 2(ud)}}}var Rn $ 1=Dl $ 1,Un $ 2=()=>{},kr $ 1=Un $ 2;function Ze $ 3(Ra){return{type:ee $ 4,contents:Ra}}function ve $ 5(Ra,qa){return{type:re $ 4,contents:qa,n:Ra}}function ze $ 4(Ra,qa={}){return kr $ 1(qa.expandedStates),{type:K $ 5,id:qa.id,contents:Ra,break:!!qa.shouldBreak,expandedStates:qa.expandedStates}}function _e $ 4(Ra){return ve $ 5({type:"root"},Ra)}function Ee $ 5(Ra){return{type:J $ 6,parts:Ra}}function zn $ 2(Ra,qa="",nd={}){return{type:X $ 5,breakContents:Ra,flatContents:qa,groupId:nd.groupId}}var er $ 1={type:te $ 4},rr $ 1={type:W $ 6,hard:!0},pl $ 1={type:W $ 6,hard:!0,literal:!0},Br $ 2={type:W $ 6},qr $ 1={type:W $ 6,soft:!0},L $ 5=[rr $ 1,er $ 1],tr $ 1=[pl $ 1,er $ 1];function Tr $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=[];for(let od=0;od<qa.length;od++)od!==0&&nd.push(Ra),nd.push(qa[od]);return nd}function dl $ 1(Ra,qa){if(typeof Ra=="string")return qa(Ra);let nd=new Map;return od(Ra);function od(ud){if(nd.has(ud))return nd.get(ud);let dd=ld(ud);return nd.set(ud,dd),dd}function ld(ud){switch(Y $ 4(ud)){case H $ 5:return qa(ud.map(od));case J $ 6:return qa({...ud,parts:ud.parts.map(od)});case X $ 5:return qa({...ud,breakContents:od(ud.breakContents),flatContents:od(ud.flatContents)});case K $ 5:{let{expandedStates:dd,contents:pd}=ud;return dd?(dd=dd.map(od),pd=dd[0]):pd=od(pd),qa({...ud,contents:pd,expandedStates:dd})}case re $ 4:case ee $ 4:case se $ 4:case fe $ 5:case ce $ 6:return qa({...ud,contents:od(ud.contents)});case $ $ 2:case ge $ 5:case oe $ 4:case le $ 4:case W $ 6:case te $ 4:return qa(ud);default:throw new qe $ 2(ud)}}}function Mn $ 1(Ra){if(Ra.length>0){let qa=M $ 5(!1,Ra,-1);!qa.expandedStates&&!qa.break&&(qa.break="propagated")}return null}function Yn $ 1(Ra){let qa=new Set,nd=[];function od(ud){if(ud.type===te $ 4&&Mn $ 1(nd),ud.type===K $ 5){if(nd.push(ud),qa.has(ud))return!1;qa.add(ud)}}function ld(ud){ud.type===K $ 5&&nd.pop().break&&Mn $ 1(nd)}Rn $ 1(Ra,od,ld,!0)}function Ce $ 3(Ra,qa=tr $ 1){return dl $ 1(Ra,nd=>typeof nd=="string"?Tr $ 1(qa,nd.split( `
` )):nd)}function hl $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.match(new RegExp( ` ( $ { Be$5 ( qa ) } ) + ` ,"gu"));return nd===null?0:nd.reduce((od,ld)=>Math.max(od,ld.length/qa.length),0)}var _r $ 1=hl $ 1;function ml $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.match(new RegExp( ` ( $ { Be$5 ( qa ) } ) + ` ,"gu"));if(nd===null)return 0;let od=new Map,ld=0;for(let ud of nd){let dd=ud.length/qa.length;od.set(dd,!0),dd>ld&&(ld=dd)}for(let ud=1;ud<ld;ud++)if(!od.get(ud))return ud;return ld+1}var Gn $ 2=ml $ 1,Sr $ 1="'",Vn $ 2='"';function Fl $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=qa===!0||qa===Sr $ 1?Sr $ 1:Vn $ 2,od=nd===Sr $ 1?Vn $ 2:Sr $ 1,ld=0,ud=0;for(let dd of Ra)dd===nd?ld++:dd===od&&ud++;return ld>ud?od:nd}var jn $ 1=Fl $ 1,pt $ 3=class extends Error{constructor(nd,od,ld="type"){super( ` Unexpected $ { od } node $ { ld } : $ { JSON . stringify ( nd [ ld ] ) } . ` );Rg(this,"name","UnexpectedNodeError");this.node=nd}}, $ n $ 2=pt $ 3,Xn $ 2=Ue $ 2(xr $ 1());function gl $ 1(Ra){return(Ra==null?void 0:Ra.type)==="front-matter"}var Hn $ 1=gl $ 1,nr $ 1=3;function vl $ 1(Ra){let qa=Ra.slice(0,nr $ 1);if(qa!=="---"&&qa!=="+++")return;let nd=Ra.indexOf( `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ,nr $ 1);if(nd===-1)return;let od=Ra.slice(nr $ 1,nd).trim(),ld=Ra.indexOf( `
$ { qa } ` ,nd),ud=od;if(ud||(ud=qa==="+++"?"toml":"yaml"),ld===-1&&qa==="---"&&ud==="yaml"&&(ld=Ra.indexOf( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
... ` ,nd)),ld===-1)return;let dd=ld+1+nr $ 1,pd=Ra.charAt(dd+1);if(!/ \s ?/u.test(pd))return;let fd=Ra.slice(0,dd);return{type:"front-matter",language:ud,explicitLanguage:od,value:Ra.slice(nd+1,ld),startDelimiter:qa,endDelimiter:fd.slice(-nr $ 1),raw:fd}}function El $ 1(Ra){let qa=vl $ 1(Ra);if(!qa)return{content:Ra};let{raw:nd}=qa;return{frontMatter:qa,content:N $ 5(!1,nd,/[^ \n ]/gu," ")+Ra.slice(nd.length)}}var ir $ 2=El $ 1,Wn $ 1=["format","prettier"];function dt $ 2(Ra){let qa= ` @ ( $ { Wn$1 . join ( "|" ) } ) ` ,nd=new RegExp([ ` <!-- \ \ s * $ { qa } \ \ s * -- > ` , ` \ \ { \ \ s * \ \ / \ \ * \ \ s * $ { qa } \ \ s * \ \ * \ \ / \ \ s * \ \ } ` , ` <!-- . * \ r ?
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
[ \ \ s \ \ S ] * ( ^ |
) [ ^ \ \ S
] * $ { qa } [ ^ \ \ S
] * ( $ |
) [ \ \ s \ \ S ] *
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
. * -- > ` ].join("|"),"mu"),od=Ra.match(nd);return(od==null?void 0:od.index)===0}var Kn $ 2=Ra=>dt $ 2(ir $ 2(Ra).content.trimStart()),Jn $ 2=Ra=>{let qa=ir $ 2(Ra),nd= ` <!-- @ $ { Wn$1 [ 0 ] } -- > ` ;return qa.frontMatter? ` $ { qa . frontMatter . raw }
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
$ { nd }
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
$ { qa . content } ` : ` $ { nd }
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2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
$ { qa . content } ` },Cl $ 1=new Set(["position","raw"]);function Qn $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){if((Ra.type==="front-matter"||Ra.type==="code"||Ra.type==="yaml"||Ra.type==="import"||Ra.type==="export"||Ra.type==="jsx")&&delete qa.value,Ra.type==="list"&&delete qa.isAligned,(Ra.type==="list"||Ra.type==="listItem")&&delete qa.spread,Ra.type==="text")return null;if(Ra.type==="inlineCode"&&(qa.value=N $ 5(!1,Ra.value, `
` ," ")),Ra.type==="wikiLink"&&(qa.value=N $ 5(!1,Ra.value.trim(),/[ \t \n ]+/gu," ")),(Ra.type==="definition"||Ra.type==="linkReference"||Ra.type==="imageReference")&&(qa.label=(0,Xn $ 2.default)(Ra.label)),(Ra.type==="link"||Ra.type==="image")&&Ra.url&&Ra.url.includes("("))for(let od of"<>")qa.url=N $ 5(!1,Ra.url,od,encodeURIComponent(od));if((Ra.type==="definition"||Ra.type==="link"||Ra.type==="image")&&Ra.title&&(qa.title=N $ 5(!1,Ra.title,/ \\ (?=["')])/gu,"")),(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="root"&&nd.children.length>0&&(nd.children[0]===Ra||Hn $ 1(nd.children[0])&&nd.children[1]===Ra)&&Ra.type==="html"&&dt $ 2(Ra.value))return null}Qn $ 2.ignoredProperties=Cl $ 1;var Zn $ 2=Qn $ 2,ei $ 2=/(?:[ \u 02ea- \u 02eb \u 1100- \u 11ff \u 2e80- \u 2e99 \u 2e9b- \u 2ef3 \u 2f00- \u 2fd5 \u 2ff0- \u 303f \u 3041- \u 3096 \u 3099- \u 309f \u 30a1- \u 30fa \u 30fc- \u 30ff \u 3105- \u 312f \u 3131- \u 318e \u 3190- \u 4dbf \u 4e00- \u 9fff \u a700- \u a707 \u a960- \u a97c \u ac00- \u d7a3 \u d7b0- \u d7c6 \u d7cb- \u d7fb \u f900- \u fa6d \u fa70- \u fad9 \u fe10- \u fe1f \u fe30- \u fe6f \u ff00- \u ffef]|[ \u d840- \u d868 \u d86a- \u d86c \u d86f- \u d872 \u d874- \u d879 \u d880- \u d883 \u d885- \u d887][ \u dc00- \u dfff]| \u d81b[ \u dfe3]| \u d82b[ \u dff0- \u dff3 \u dff5- \u dffb \u dffd- \u dffe]| \u d82c[ \u dc00- \u dd22 \u dd32 \u dd50- \u dd52 \u dd55 \u dd64- \u dd67]| \u d83c[ \u de00 \u de50- \u de51]| \u d869[ \u dc00- \u dedf \u df00- \u dfff]| \u d86d[ \u dc00- \u df39 \u df40- \u dfff]| \u d86e[ \u dc00- \u dc1d \u dc20- \u dfff]| \u d873[ \u dc00- \u dea1 \u deb0- \u dfff]| \u d87a[ \u dc00- \u dfe0]| \u d87e[ \u dc00- \u de1d]| \u d884[ \u dc00- \u df4a \u df50- \u dfff]| \u d888[ \u dc00- \u dfaf])(?:[ \u fe00- \u fe0f]| \u db40[ \u dd00- \u ddef])?/u,Se $ 5=new RegExp("(?:[ \\ u0021- \\ u002f \\ u003a- \\ u0040 \\ u005b- \\ u0060 \\ u007b- \\ u007e]| \\ p{General_Category=Connector_Punctuation}| \\ p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation}| \\ p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}| \\ p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}| \\ p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}| \\ p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}| \\ p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation})","u");async function bl $ 2(Ra,qa){if(Ra.language==="yaml"){let nd=Ra.value.trim(),od=nd?await qa(nd,{parser:"yaml"}):"";return _e $ 4([Ra.startDelimiter,Ra.explicitLanguage,L $ 5,od,od?L $ 5:"",Ra.endDelimiter])}}var ri $ 2=bl $ 2,yl $ 1=Ra=>String(Ra).split(/[/ \\ ]/u).pop();function ti $ 2(Ra,qa){if(!qa)return;let nd=yl $ 1(qa).toLowerCase();return Ra.find(({filenames:od})=>od==null?void 0:od.some(ld=>ld.toLowerCase()===nd))??Ra.find(({extensions:od})=>od==null?void 0:od.some(ld=>nd.endsWith(ld)))}function Al $ 1(Ra,qa){if(qa)return Ra.find(({name:nd})=>nd.toLowerCase()===qa)??Ra.find(({aliases:nd})=>nd==null?void 0:nd.includes(qa))??Ra.find(({extensions:nd})=>nd==null?void 0:nd.includes( ` . $ { qa } ` ))}function xl $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.plugins.flatMap(ld=>ld.languages??[]),od=Al $ 1(nd,qa.language)??ti $ 2(nd,qa.physicalFile)??ti $ 2(nd,qa.file)??(qa.physicalFile,void 0);return od==null?void 0:od.parsers[0]}var ni $ 2=xl $ 1,wl $ 1=new Proxy(()=>{},{get:()=>wl $ 1});function Oe $ 4(Ra){return Ra.position.start.offset}function Pe $ 4(Ra){return Ra.position.end.offset}var ht $ 2=new Set(["liquidNode","inlineCode","emphasis","esComment","strong","delete","wikiLink","link","linkReference","image","imageReference","footnote","footnoteReference","sentence","whitespace","word","break","inlineMath"]),Or $ 1=new Set([...ht $ 2,"tableCell","paragraph","heading"]),Le $ 4="non-cjk",De $ 3="cj-letter",be $ 6="k-letter",ur $ 1="cjk-punctuation",kl $ 1=new RegExp(" \\ p{Script_Extensions=Hangul}","u");function Pr $ 1(Ra){let qa=[],nd=Ra.split(/([ \t \n ]+)/u);for(let[ld,ud]of nd.entries()){if(ld%2===1){qa.push({type:"whitespace",value:/ \n /u.test(ud)? `
` :" "});continue}if((ld===0||ld===nd.length-1)&&ud==="")continue;let dd=ud.split(new RegExp( ` ( $ { ei$2 . source } ) ` ,"u"));for(let[pd,fd]of dd.entries())if(!((pd===0||pd===dd.length-1)&&fd==="")){if(pd%2===0){fd!==""&&od({type:"word",value:fd,kind:Le $ 4,hasLeadingPunctuation:Se $ 5.test(fd[0]),hasTrailingPunctuation:Se $ 5.test(M $ 5(!1,fd,-1))});continue}od(Se $ 5.test(fd)?{type:"word",value:fd,kind:ur $ 1,hasLeadingPunctuation:!0,hasTrailingPunctuation:!0}:{type:"word",value:fd,kind:kl $ 1.test(fd)?be $ 6:De $ 3,hasLeadingPunctuation:!1,hasTrailingPunctuation:!1})}}return qa;function od(ld){let ud=M $ 5(!1,qa,-1);(ud==null?void 0:ud.type)==="word"&&!dd(Le $ 4,ur $ 1)&&![ud.value,ld.value].some(pd=>/ \u 3000/u.test(pd))&&qa.push({type:"whitespace",value:""}),qa.push(ld);function dd(pd,fd){return ud.kind===pd&&ld.kind===fd||ud.kind===fd&&ld.kind===pd}}}function Me $ 4(Ra,qa){let nd=qa.originalText.slice(Ra.position.start.offset,Ra.position.end.offset),{numberText:od,leadingSpaces:ld}=nd.match(/^ \s *(?<numberText> \d +)( \. | \) )(?<leadingSpaces> \s *)/u).groups;return{number:Number(od),leadingSpaces:ld}}function ii $ 3(Ra,qa){return!Ra.ordered||Ra.children.length<2||Me $ 4(Ra.children[1],qa).number!==1?!1:Me $ 4(Ra.children[0],qa).number!==0?!0:Ra.children.length>2&&Me $ 4(Ra.children[2],qa).number===1}function Lr $ 1(Ra,qa){let{value:nd}=Ra;return Ra.position.end.offset===qa.length&&nd.endsWith( `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` )&&qa.endsWith( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` )?nd.slice(0,-1):nd}function ye $ 4(Ra,qa){return function nd(od,ld,ud){let dd={...qa(od,ld,ud)};return dd.children&&(dd.children=dd.children.map((pd,fd)=>nd(pd,fd,[dd,...ud]))),dd}(Ra,null,[])}function mt $ 2(Ra){if((Ra==null?void 0:Ra.type)!=="link"||Ra.children.length!==1)return!1;let[qa]=Ra.children;return Oe $ 4(Ra)===Oe $ 4(qa)&&Pe $ 4(Ra)===Pe $ 4(qa)}function Bl $ 1(Ra,qa){let{node:nd}=Ra;if(nd.type==="code"&&nd.lang!==null){let od=ni $ 2(qa,{language:nd.lang});if(od)return async ld=>{let ud=qa.__inJsTemplate?"~":" ` ",dd=ud.repeat(Math.max(3,_r$1(nd.value,ud)+1)),pd={parser:od};nd.lang===" ts "||nd.lang===" typescript "?pd.filepath=" dummy . ts ":nd.lang===" tsx "&&(pd.filepath=" dummy . tsx ");let fd=await ld(Lr$1(nd,qa.originalText),pd);return _e$4([dd,nd.lang,nd.meta?" "+nd.meta:" ",L$5,Ce$3(fd),L$5,dd])}}switch(nd.type){case" front - matter ":return od=>ri$2(nd,od);case" import ":case" export ":return od=>od(nd.value,{parser:" babel "});case" jsx ":return od=>od(`<$>${nd.value}</$>`,{parser:" _ _js _expression ",rootMarker:" mdx "})}return null}var ui$2=Bl$1,ar$2=null;function or$1(Ra){if(ar$2!==null&&typeof ar$2.property){let qa=ar$2;return ar$2=or$1.prototype=null,qa}return ar$2=or$1.prototype=Ra??Object.create(null),new or$1}var ql$1=10;for(let Ra=0;Ra<=ql$1;Ra++)or$1();function Ft$3(Ra){return or$1(Ra)}function Tl$1(Ra,qa=" type "){Ft$3(Ra);function nd(od){let ld=od[qa],ud=Ra[ld];if(!Array.isArray(ud))throw Object.assign(new Error(`Missing visitor keys for '${ld}'.`),{node:od});return ud}return nd}var ai$3=Tl$1,_l$1={" front - matter ":[],root:[" children "],paragraph:[" children "],sentence:[" children "],word:[],whitespace:[],emphasis:[" children "],strong:[" children "],delete:[" children "],inlineCode:[],wikiLink:[],link:[" children "],image:[],blockquote:[" children "],heading:[" children "],code:[],html:[],list:[" children "],thematicBreak:[],linkReference:[" children "],imageReference:[],definition:[],footnote:[" children "],footnoteReference:[],footnoteDefinition:[" children "],table:[" children "],tableCell:[" children "],break:[],liquidNode:[],import:[],export:[],esComment:[],jsx:[],math:[],inlineMath:[],tableRow:[" children "],listItem:[" children "],text:[]},oi$2=_l$1,Sl$1=ai$3(oi$2),si$2=Sl$1;function ci$3(Ra){switch(Ra){case" cr ":return" \ r ";case" crlf " : return ` \r
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ;default:return `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` }}var li $ 2=()=>/[#*0-9] \u FE0F? \u 20E3|[ \x A9 \x AE \u 203C \u 2049 \u 2122 \u 2139 \u 2194- \u 2199 \u 21A9 \u 21AA \u 231A \u 231B \u 2328 \u 23CF \u 23ED- \u 23EF \u 23F1 \u 23F2 \u 23F8- \u 23FA \u 24C2 \u 25AA \u 25AB \u 25B6 \u 25C0 \u 25FB \u 25FC \u 25FE \u 2600- \u 2604 \u 260E \u 2611 \u 2614 \u 2615 \u 2618 \u 2620 \u 2622 \u 2623 \u 2626 \u 262A \u 262E \u 262F \u 2638- \u 263A \u 2640 \u 2642 \u 2648- \u 2653 \u 265F \u 2660 \u 2663 \u 2665 \u 2666 \u 2668 \u 267B \u 267E \u 267F \u 2692 \u 2694- \u 2697 \u 2699 \u 269B \u 269C \u 26A0 \u 26A7 \u 26AA \u 26B0 \u 26B1 \u 26BD \u 26BE \u 26C4 \u 26C8 \u 26CF \u 26D1 \u 26E9 \u 26F0- \u 26F5 \u 26F7 \u 26F8 \u 26FA \u 2702 \u 2708 \u 2709 \u 270F \u 2712 \u 2714 \u 2716 \u 271D \u 2721 \u 2733 \u 2734 \u 2744 \u 2747 \u 2757 \u 2763 \u 27A1 \u 2934 \u 2935 \u 2B05- \u 2B07 \u 2B1B \u 2B1C \u 2B55 \u 3030 \u 303D \u 3297 \u 3299] \u FE0F?|[ \u 261D \u 270C \u 270D](?: \u FE0F| \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?|[ \u 270A \u 270B](?: \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?|[ \u 23E9- \u 23EC \u 23F0 \u 23F3 \u 25FD \u 2693 \u 26A1 \u 26AB \u 26C5 \u 26CE \u 26D4 \u 26EA \u 26FD \u 2705 \u 2728 \u 274C \u 274E \u 2753- \u 2755 \u 2795- \u 2797 \u 27B0 \u 27BF \u 2B50]| \u 26D3 \u FE0F?(?: \u 200D \u D83D \u DCA5)?| \u 26F9(?: \u FE0F| \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?(?: \u 200D[ \u 2640 \u 2642] \u FE0F?)?| \u 2764 \u FE0F?(?: \u 200D(?: \u D83D \u DD25| \u D83E \u DE79))?| \u D83C(?:[ \u DC04 \u DD70 \u DD71 \u DD7E \u DD7F \u DE02 \u DE37 \u DF21 \u DF24- \u DF2C \u DF36 \u DF7D \u DF96 \u DF97 \u DF99- \u DF9B \u DF9E \u DF9F \u DFCD \u DFCE \u DFD4- \u DFDF \u DFF5 \u DFF7] \u FE0F?|[ \u DF85 \u DFC2 \u DFC7](?: \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?|[ \u DFC4 \u DFCA](?: \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?(?: \u 200D[ \u 2640 \u 2642] \u FE0F?)?|[ \u DFCB \u DFCC](?: \u FE0F| \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?(?: \u 200D[ \u 2640 \u 2642] \u FE0F?)?|[ \u DCCF \u DD8E \u DD91- \u DD9A \u DE01 \u DE1A \u DE2F \u DE32- \u DE36 \u DE38- \u DE3A \u DE50 \u DE51 \u DF00- \u DF20 \u DF2D- \u DF35 \u DF37- \u DF43 \u DF45- \u DF4A \u DF4C- \u DF7C \u DF7E- \u DF84 \u DF86- \u DF93 \u DFA0- \u DFC1 \u DFC5 \u DFC6 \u DFC8 \u DFC9 \u DFCF- \u DFD3 \u DFE0- \u DFF0 \u DFF8- \u DFFF]| \u DDE6 \u D83C[ \u DDE8- \u DDEC \u DDEE \u DDF1 \u DDF2 \u DDF4 \u DDF6- \u DDFA \u DDFC \u DDFD \u DDFF]| \u DDE7 \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE7 \u DDE9- \u DDEF \u DDF1- \u DDF4 \u DDF6- \u DDF9 \u DDFB \u DDFC \u DDFE \u DDFF]| \u DDE8 \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE8 \u DDE9 \u DDEB- \u DDEE \u DDF0- \u DDF5 \u DDF7 \u DDFA- \u DDFF]| \u DDE9 \u D83C[ \u DDEA \u DDEC \u DDEF \u DDF0 \u DDF2 \u DDF4 \u DDFF]| \u DDEA \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE8 \u DDEA \u DDEC \u DDED \u DDF7- \u DDFA]| \u DDEB \u D83C[ \u DDEE- \u DDF0 \u DDF2 \u DDF4 \u DDF7]| \u DDEC \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE7 \u DDE9- \u DDEE \u DDF1- \u DDF3 \u DDF5- \u DDFA \u DDFC \u DDFE]| \u DDED \u D83C[ \u DDF0 \u DDF2 \u DDF3 \u DDF7 \u DDF9 \u DDFA]| \u DDEE \u D83C[ \u DDE8- \u DDEA \u DDF1- \u DDF4 \u DDF6- \u DDF9]| \u DDEF \u D83C[ \u DDEA \u DDF2 \u DDF4 \u DDF5]| \u DDF0 \u D83C[ \u DDEA \u DDEC- \u DDEE \u DDF2 \u DDF3 \u DDF5 \u DDF7 \u DDFC \u DDFE \u DDFF]| \u DDF1 \u D83C[ \u DDE6- \u DDE8 \u DDEE \u DDF0 \u DDF7- \u DDFB \u DDFE]| \u DDF2 \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE8- \u DDED \u DDF0- \u DDFF]| \u DDF3 \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE8 \u DDEA- \u DDEC \u DDEE \u DDF1 \u DDF4 \u DDF5 \u DDF7 \u DDFA \u DDFF]| \u DDF4 \u D83C \u DDF2| \u DDF5 \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDEA- \u DDED \u DDF0- \u DDF3 \u DDF7- \u DDF9 \u DDFC \u DDFE]| \u DDF6 \u D83C \u DDE6| \u DDF7 \u D83C[ \u DDEA \u DDF4 \u DDF8 \u DDFA \u DDFC]| \u DDF8 \u D83C[ \u DDE6- \u DDEA \u DDEC- \u DDF4 \u DDF7- \u DDF9 \u DDFB \u DDFD- \u DDFF]| \u DDF9 \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE8 \u DDE9 \u DDEB- \u DDED \u DDEF- \u DDF4 \u DDF7 \u DDF9 \u DDFB \u DDFC \u DDFF]| \u DDFA \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDEC \u DDF2 \u DDF3 \u DDF8 \u DDFE \u DDFF]| \u DDFB \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDE8 \u DDEA \u DDEC \u DDEE \u DDF3 \u DDFA]| \u DDFC \u D83C[ \u DDEB \u DDF8]| \u DDFD \u D83C \u DDF0| \u DDFE \u D83C[ \u DDEA \u DDF9]| \u DDFF \u D83C[ \u DDE6 \u DDF2 \u DDFC]| \u DF44(?: \u 200D \u D83D \u DFEB)?| \u DF4B(?: \u 200D \u D83D \u DFE9)?| \u DFC3(?: \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?(?: \u 200D(?:[ \u 2640 \u 2642] \u FE0F?(?: \u 200D \u 27A1 \u FE0F?)?| \u 27A1 \u FE0F?))?| \u DFF3 \u FE0F?(?: \u 200D(?: \u 26A7 \u FE0F?| \u D83C \u DF08))?| \u DFF4(?: \u 200D \u 2620 \u FE0F?| \u DB40 \u DC67 \u DB40 \u DC62 \u DB40(?: \u DC65 \u DB40 \u DC6E \u DB40 \u DC67| \u DC73 \u DB40 \u DC63 \u DB40 \u DC74| \u DC77 \u DB40 \u DC6C \u DB40 \u DC73) \u DB40 \u DC7F)?)| \u D83D(?:[ \u DC3F \u DCFD \u DD49 \u DD4A \u DD6F \u DD70 \u DD73 \u DD76- \u DD79 \u DD87 \u DD8A- \u DD8D \u DDA5 \u DDA8 \u DDB1 \u DDB2 \u DDBC \u DDC2- \u DDC4 \u DDD1- \u DDD3 \u DDDC- \u DDDE \u DDE1 \u DDE3 \u DDE8 \u DDEF \u DDF3 \u DDFA \u DECB \u DECD- \u DECF \u DEE0- \u DEE5 \u DEE9 \u DEF0 \u DEF3] \u FE0F?|[ \u DC42 \u DC43 \u DC46- \u DC50 \u DC66 \u DC67 \u DC6B- \u DC6D \u DC72 \u DC74- \u DC76 \u DC78 \u DC7C \u DC83 \u DC85 \u DC8F \u DC91 \u DCAA \u DD7A \u DD95 \u DD96 \u DE4C \u DE4F \u DEC0 \u DECC](?: \u D83C[ \u DFFB- \u DFFF])?|[ \u DC6E \u DC70 \u DC71 \u DC73 \u DC77 \u DC81 \u DC82 \u DC86 \u DC87 \u DE45- \u DE47 \u DE4B \u DE4D \u DE4E \u DEA3 \u DEB4 \u DEB5](?: \u D83C[ \u
` ?N $ 5(!1,kd, `
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` ,ld):kd;pd.push(Ld),dd.length>0&&(ud+=sr $ 1(Ld));break}case H $ 5:for(let Ld=kd.length-1;Ld>=0;Ld--)dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd[Ld]});break;case ge $ 5:if(vd>=2)throw new Error("There are too many 'cursor' in doc.");pd.push(cr $ 2),vd++;break;case ee $ 4:dd.push({ind:Ll $ 1(Nd,qa),mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case re $ 4:dd.push({ind:Il $ 1(Nd,kd.n,qa),mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case oe $ 4:ud-=vt $ 3(pd);break;case K $ 5:switch(Od){case ne $ 4:if(!fd){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:kd.break?G $ 6:ne $ 4,doc:kd.contents});break}case G $ 6:{fd=!1;let Ld={ind:Nd,mode:ne $ 4,doc:kd.contents},Gd=od-ud,Ud=md.length>0;if(!kd.break&&Ir $ 1(Ld,dd,Gd,Ud,nd))dd.push(Ld);else if(kd.expandedStates){let Fd=M $ 5(!1,kd.expandedStates,-1);if(kd.break){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:G $ 6,doc:Fd});break}else for(let Hd=1;Hd<kd.expandedStates.length+1;Hd++)if(Hd>=kd.expandedStates.length){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:G $ 6,doc:Fd});break}else{let Vd=kd.expandedStates[Hd],zd={ind:Nd,mode:ne $ 4,doc:Vd};if(Ir $ 1(zd,dd,Gd,Ud,nd)){dd.push(zd);break}}}else dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:G $ 6,doc:kd.contents});break}}kd.id&&(nd[kd.id]=M $ 5(!1,dd,-1).mode);break;case J $ 6:{let Ld=od-ud,{parts:Gd}=kd;if(Gd.length===0)break;let[Ud,Fd]=Gd,Hd={ind:Nd,mode:ne $ 4,doc:Ud},Vd={ind:Nd,mode:G $ 6,doc:Ud},zd=Ir $ 1(Hd,[],Ld,md.length>0,nd,!0);if(Gd.length===1){zd?dd.push(Hd):dd.push(Vd);break}let Yd={ind:Nd,mode:ne $ 4,doc:Fd},Xd={ind:Nd,mode:G $ 6,doc:Fd};if(Gd.length===2){zd?dd.push(Yd,Hd):dd.push(Xd,Vd);break}Gd.splice(0,2);let yf={ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Ee $ 5(Gd)},Qd=Gd[0];Ir $ 1({ind:Nd,mode:ne $ 4,doc:[Ud,Fd,Qd]},[],Ld,md.length>0,nd,!0)?dd.push(yf,Yd,Hd):zd?dd.push(yf,Xd,Hd):dd.push(yf,Xd,Vd);break}case X $ 5:case se $ 4:{let Ld=kd.groupId?nd[kd.groupId]:Od;if(Ld===G $ 6){let Gd=kd.type===X $ 5?kd.breakContents:kd.negate?kd.contents:Ze $ 3(kd.contents);Gd&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Gd})}if(Ld===ne $ 4){let Gd=kd.type===X $ 5?kd.flatContents:kd.negate?Ze $ 3(kd.contents):kd.contents;Gd&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Gd})}break}case ce $ 6:md.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case le $ 4:md.length>0&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:rr $ 1});break;case W $ 6:switch(Od){case ne $ 4:if(kd.hard)fd=!0;else{kd.soft||(pd.push(" "),ud+=1);break}case G $ 6:if(md.length>0){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd},...md.reverse()),md.length=0;break}kd.literal?Nd.root?(pd.push(ld,Nd.root.value),ud=Nd.root.length):(pd.push(ld),ud=0):(ud-=vt $ 3(pd),pd.push(ld+Nd.value),ud=Nd.length);break}break;case fe $ 5:dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case te $ 4:break;default:throw new qe $ 2(kd)}dd.length===0&&md.length>0&&(dd.push(...md.reverse()),md.length=0)}let Ad=pd.indexOf(cr $ 2);if(Ad!==-1){let Nd=pd.indexOf(cr $ 2,Ad+1),Od=pd.slice(0,Ad).join(""),kd=pd.slice(Ad+1,Nd).join(""),Ld=pd.slice(Nd+1).join("");return{formatted:Od+kd+Ld,cursorNodeStart:Od.length,cursorNodeText:kd}}return{formatted:pd.join("")}}function mi(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od}=Ra,ld=[],ud=Ra.map(()=>Ra.map(({index:Ad})=>{let Nd=hi $ 1(nd(),qa).formatted,Od=sr $ 1(Nd);return ld[Ad]=Math.max(ld[Ad]??3,Od),{text:Nd,width:Od}},"children"),"children"),dd=fd(!1);if(qa.proseWrap!=="never")return[er $ 1,dd];let pd=fd(!0);return[er $ 1,ze $ 4(zn $ 2(pd,dd))];function fd(Ad){return Tr $ 1(rr $ 1,[vd(ud[0],Ad),md(Ad),...ud.slice(1).map(Nd=>vd(Nd,Ad))].map(Nd=> ` | $ { Nd . join ( " | " ) } | ` ))}function md(Ad){return ld.map((Nd,Od)=>{let kd=od.align[Od],Ld=kd==="center"||kd==="left"?":":"-",Gd=kd==="center"||kd==="right"?":":"-",Ud=Ad?"-":"-".repeat(Nd-2);return ` $ { Ld } $ { Ud } $ { Gd } ` })}function vd(Ad,Nd){return Ad.map(({text:Od,width:kd},Ld)=>{if(Nd)return Od;let Gd=ld[Ld]-kd,Ud=od.align[Ld],Fd=0;Ud==="right"?Fd=Gd:Ud==="center"&&(Fd=Math.floor(Gd/2));let Hd=Gd-Fd;return ` $ { " " . repeat ( Fd ) } $ { Od } $ { " " . repeat ( Hd ) } ` })}}function Fi(Ra,qa,nd){let od=Ra.map(nd,"children");return Nl $ 1(od)}function Nl $ 1(Ra){let qa=[""];return function nd(od){for(let ld of od){let ud=Y $ 4(ld);if(ud===H $ 5){nd(ld);continue}let dd=ld,pd=[];ud===J $ 6&&([dd,...pd]=ld.parts),qa.push([qa.pop(),dd],...pd)}}(Ra),Ee $ 5(qa)}var Rl $ 1=/^. $ /su;function Ul $ 1(Ra,qa){return Ra=zl $ 1(Ra,qa),Ra=Yl $ 1(Ra),Ra=Vl $ 1(Ra,qa),Ra=jl $ 1(Ra,qa),Ra=Gl $ 1(Ra),Ra}function zl $ 1(Ra,qa){return ye $ 4(Ra,nd=>nd.type!=="text"||nd.va
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` )return L $ 5;let ld=qa===" "||qa=== `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` &&Jl $ 1(Ra,od);return Xl $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld)?ld?Br $ 2:qr $ 1:ld?" ":""}var Ql $ 1=new Set(["listItem","definition"]);function Zl $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){var od,ld;let{node:ud}=Ra;if(af $ 1(Ra)){let dd=[""],pd=Pr $ 1(qa.originalText.slice(ud.position.start.offset,ud.position.end.offset));for(let fd of pd){if(fd.type==="word"){dd.push([dd.pop(),fd.value]);continue}let md=Et $ 2(Ra,fd.value,qa.proseWrap,!0);if(Y $ 4(md)=== $ $ 2){dd.push([dd.pop(),md]);continue}dd.push(md)}return Ee $ 5(dd)}switch(ud.type){case"front-matter":return qa.originalText.slice(ud.position.start.offset,ud.position.end.offset);case"root":return ud.children.length===0?"":[tf(Ra,qa,nd),L $ 5];case"paragraph":return Fi(Ra,qa,nd);case"sentence":return vi(Ra,nd);case"word":{let dd=N $ 5(!1,N $ 5(!1,ud.value,"*",String.raw ` \ * ` ),new RegExp([ ` ( ^ | $ { Se$5 . source } ) ( _ + ) ` , ` ( _ + ) ( $ { Se$5 . source } | $ ) ` ].join("|"),"gu"),(md,vd,Ad,Nd,Od)=>N $ 5(!1,Ad? ` $ { vd } $ { Ad } ` : ` $ { Nd } $ { Od } ` ,"_",String.raw ` \ _ ` )),pd=(md,vd,Ad)=>md.type==="sentence"&&Ad===0,fd=(md,vd,Ad)=>mt $ 2(md.children[Ad-1]);return dd!==ud.value&&(Ra.match(void 0,pd,fd)||Ra.match(void 0,pd,(md,vd,Ad)=>md.type==="emphasis"&&Ad===0,fd))&&(dd=dd.replace(/^( \\ ?[*_])+/u,md=>N $ 5(!1,md," \\ ",""))),dd}case"whitespace":{let{next:dd}=Ra,pd=dd&&/^>|^(?:[*+-]|#{1,6}| \d +[).]) $ /u.test(dd.value)?"never":qa.proseWrap;return Et $ 2(Ra,ud.value,pd)}case"emphasis":{let dd;if(mt $ 2(ud.children[0]))dd=qa.originalText[ud.position.start.offset];else{let{previous:pd,next:fd}=Ra;dd=(pd==null?void 0:pd.type)==="sentence"&&((od=M $ 5(!1,pd.children,-1))==null?void 0:od.type)==="word"&&!M $ 5(!1,pd.children,-1).hasTrailingPunctuation||(fd==null?void 0:fd.type)==="sentence"&&((ld=fd.children[0])==null?void 0:ld.type)==="word"&&!fd.children[0].hasLeadingPunctuation||Ra.hasAncestor(md=>md.type==="emphasis")?"*":"_"}return[dd,V $ 5(Ra,qa,nd),dd]}case"strong":return["**",V $ 5(Ra,qa,nd),"**"];case"delete":return["~~",V $ 5(Ra,qa,nd),"~~"];case"inlineCode":{let dd=qa.proseWrap==="preserve"?ud.value:N $ 5(!1,ud.value, `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ," "),pd=Gn $ 2(dd," ` "),fd=" ` ".repeat(pd||1),md=dd.startsWith(" ` ")||dd.endsWith(" ` ")||/^[ \n ]/u.test(dd)&&/[ \n ] $ /u.test(dd)&&/[^ \n ]/u.test(dd)?" ":"";return[fd,md,dd,md,fd]}case"wikiLink":{let dd="";return qa.proseWrap==="preserve"?dd=ud.value:dd=N $ 5(!1,ud.value,/[ \t \n ]+/gu," "),["[[",dd,"]]"]}case"link":switch(qa.originalText[ud.position.start.offset]){case"<":{let dd="mailto:";return["<",ud.url.startsWith(dd)&&qa.originalText.slice(ud.position.start.offset+1,ud.position.start.offset+1+dd.length)!==dd?ud.url.slice(dd.length):ud.url,">"]}case"[":return["[",V $ 5(Ra,qa,nd),"](",Ct $ 2(ud.url,")"),Nr $ 1(ud.title,qa),")"];default:return qa.originalText.slice(ud.position.start.offset,ud.position.end.offset)}case"image":return["![",ud.alt||"","](",Ct $ 2(ud.url,")"),Nr $ 1(ud.title,qa),")"];case"blockquote":return["> ",ve $ 5("> ",V $ 5(Ra,qa,nd))];case"heading":return["#".repeat(ud.depth)+" ",V $ 5(Ra,qa,nd)];case"code":{if(ud.isIndented){let fd=" ".repeat(4);return ve $ 5(fd,[fd,Ce $ 3(ud.value,L $ 5)])}let dd=qa.__inJsTemplate?"~":" ` ",pd=dd.repeat(Math.max(3,_r$1(ud.value,dd)+1));return[pd,ud.lang||" ",ud.meta?" "+ud.meta:" ",L$5,Ce$3(Lr$1(ud,qa.originalText),L$5),L$5,pd]}case" html ":{let{parent:dd,isLast:pd}=Ra,fd=dd.type===" root "&&pd?ud.value.trimEnd():ud.value,md=/^<!--.*-->$/su.test(fd);return Ce$3(fd,md?L$5:_e$4(tr$1))}case" list ":{let dd=Ai(ud,Ra.parent),pd=ii$3(ud,qa);return V$5(Ra,qa,nd,{processor(fd){let md=Ad(),vd=fd.node;if(vd.children.length===2&&vd.children[1].type===" html "&&vd.children[0].position.start.column!==vd.children[1].position.start.column)return[md,yi$1(fd,qa,nd,md)];return[md,ve$5(" ".repeat(md.length),yi$1(fd,qa,nd,md))];function Ad(){let Nd=ud.ordered?(fd.isFirst?ud.start:pd?1:ud.start+fd.index)+(dd%2===0?" . ":" ) "):dd%2===0?" - ":" * ";return ud.isAligned||ud.hasIndentedCodeblock?ef(Nd,qa):Nd}}})}case" thematicBreak ":{let{ancestors:dd}=Ra,pd=dd.findIndex(fd=>fd.type===" list ");return pd===-1?" -- - ":Ai(dd[pd],dd[pd+1])%2===0?" * * * ":" -- - "}case" linkReference ":return[" [ ",V$5(Ra,qa,nd)," ] ",ud.referenceType===" full "?bt$4(ud):ud.referenceType===" collapsed "?" [ ] ":" "];case" imageReference ":switch(ud.referenceType){case" full ":return[" ! [ ",ud.alt||" "," ] ",bt$4(ud)];default:return[" ! [ ",ud.alt," ] ",ud.referenceType===" collapsed "?" [ ] ":" "]}case" definition ":{let dd=qa.proseWrap===" always "?Br$2:" ";return ze$4([bt$4(ud)," : ",Ze$3([dd,Ct$2(ud.url),ud.title===null?" ":[dd,Nr$1(ud.title,qa,!1)]])])}case" footnote ":return[" [ ^ ",V$5(Ra,qa,nd)," ] "];case" footnoteReference ":return Bi(ud);case" footnoteDefinition ":{let dd=ud.children.length===1&&ud.children[0].type===" paragraph "&&(qa.proseWrap===" never "||qa.proseWrap===" preserve "&&ud.children[0].position.start.line===ud.children[0].position.end.line);return[Bi(ud)," : ",dd?V$5(Ra,qa,nd):ze$4([ve$5(" ".repeat(4),V$5(Ra,qa,nd,{processor:({isFirst:pd})=>pd?ze$4([qr$1,nd()]):nd()}))])]}case" table ":return mi(Ra,qa,nd);case" tableCell ":return V$5(Ra,qa,nd);case" break ":return/\s/u.test(qa.originalText[ud.position.start.offset])?[" ",_e$4(tr$1)]:[" \ \ ",L$5];case" liquidNode ":return Ce$3(ud.value,L$5);case" import ":case" export ":case" jsx ":return ud.value;case" esComment ":return[" { /* ",ud.value," */ } "];case" math ":return[" $$ ",L$5,ud.value?[Ce$3(ud.value,L$5),L$5]:" "," $$ "];case" inlineMath ":return qa.originalText.slice(Oe$4(ud),Pe$4(ud));case" tableRow ":case" listItem ":case" text ":default:throw new $n$2(ud," Markdown ")}}function yi$1(Ra,qa,nd,od){let{node:ld}=Ra,ud=ld.checked===null?" ":ld.checked?" [ x ] ":" [ ] ";return[ud,V$5(Ra,qa,nd,{processor({node:dd,isFirst:pd}){if(pd&&dd.type!==" list ")return ve$5(" ".repeat(ud.length),nd());let fd=" ".repeat(sf(qa.tabWidth-od.length,0,3));return[fd,ve$5(fd,nd())]}})]}function ef(Ra,qa){let nd=od();return Ra+" ".repeat(nd>=4?0:nd);function od(){let ld=Ra.length%qa.tabWidth;return ld===0?0:qa.tabWidth-ld}}function Ai(Ra,qa){return rf(Ra,qa,nd=>nd.ordered===Ra.ordered)}function rf(Ra,qa,nd){let od=-1;for(let ld of qa.children)if(ld.type===Ra.type&&nd(ld)?od++:od=-1,ld===Ra)return od}function tf(Ra,qa,nd){let od=[],ld=null,{children:ud}=Ra.node;for(let[dd,pd]of ud.entries())switch(yt$1(pd)){case" st
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
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2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
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2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
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2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` );return dd=md[md.length-1],dd=dd.replace(/ \S /g,""),!1}}),dd}rawSemicolon(ud){let dd;return ud.walk(pd=>{if(pd.nodes&&pd.nodes.length&&pd.last.type==="decl"&&(dd=pd.raws.semicolon,typeof dd<"u"))return!1}),dd}rawValue(ud,dd){let pd=ud[dd],fd=ud.raws[dd];return fd&&fd.value===pd?fd.raw:pd}root(ud){this.body(ud),ud.raws.after&&this.builder(ud.raws.after)}rule(ud){this.block(ud,this.rawValue(ud,"selector")),ud.raws.ownSemicolon&&this.builder(ud.raws.ownSemicolon,ud,"end")}stringify(ud,dd){if(!this[ud.type])throw new Error("Unknown AST node type "+ud.type+". Maybe you need to change PostCSS stringifier.");this[ud.type](ud,dd)}};qa.exports=ld,ld.default=ld}),it $ 2=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd= $ t $ 2();function od(ld,ud){new nd(ud).stringify(ld)}qa.exports=od,od.default=od}),at $ 5=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var{isClean:nd,my:od}=Ut $ 3(),ld=Ft $ 2(),ud= $ t $ 2(),dd=it $ 2();function pd(md,vd){let Ad=new md.constructor;for(let Nd in md){if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(md,Nd)||Nd==="proxyCache")continue;let Od=md[Nd],kd=typeof Od;Nd==="parent"&&kd==="object"?vd&&(Ad[Nd]=vd):Nd==="source"?Ad[Nd]=Od:Array.isArray(Od)?Ad[Nd]=Od.map(Ld=>pd(Ld,Ad)):(kd==="object"&&Od!==null&&(Od=pd(Od)),Ad[Nd]=Od)}return Ad}var fd=class{constructor(md={}){this.raws={},this[nd]=!1,this[od]=!0;for(let vd in md)if(vd==="nodes"){this.nodes=[];for(let Ad of md[vd])typeof Ad.clone=="function"?this.append(Ad.clone()):this.append(Ad)}else this[vd]=md[vd]}addToError(md){if(md.postcssNode=this,md.stack&&this.source&&/ \n \s {4}at /.test(md.stack)){let vd=this.source;md.stack=md.stack.replace(/ \n \s {4}at /, ` $ & $ { vd . input . from } : $ { vd . start . line } : $ { vd . start . column } $ & ` )}return md}after(md){return this.parent.insertAfter(this,md),this}assign(md={}){for(let vd in md)this[vd]=md[vd];return this}before(md){return this.parent.insertBefore(this,md),this}cleanRaws(md){delete this.raws.before,delete this.raws.after,md||delete this.raws.between}clone(md={}){let vd=pd(this);for(let Ad in md)vd[Ad]=md[Ad];return vd}cloneAfter(md={}){let vd=this.clone(md);return this.parent.insertAfter(this,vd),vd}cloneBefore(md={}){let vd=this.clone(md);return this.parent.insertBefore(this,vd),vd}error(md,vd={}){if(this.source){let{end:Ad,start:Nd}=this.rangeBy(vd);return this.source.input.error(md,{column:Nd.column,line:Nd.line},{column:Ad.column,line:Ad.line},vd)}return new ld(md)}getProxyProcessor(){return{get(md,vd){return vd==="proxyOf"?md:vd==="root"?()=>md.root().toProxy():md[vd]},set(md,vd,Ad){return md[vd]===Ad||(md[vd]=Ad,(vd==="prop"||vd==="value"||vd==="name"||vd==="params"||vd==="important"||vd==="text")&&md.markDirty()),!0}}}markDirty(){if(this[nd]){this[nd]=!1;let md=this;for(;md=md.parent;)md[nd]=!1}}next(){if(!this.parent)return;let md=this.parent.index(this);return this.parent.nodes[md+1]}positionBy(md,vd){let Ad=this.source.start;if(md.index)Ad=this.positionInside(md.index,vd);else if(md.word){vd=this.toString();let Nd=vd.indexOf(md.word);Nd!==-1&&(Ad=this.positionInside(Nd,vd))}return Ad}positionInside(md,vd){let Ad=vd||this.toString(),Nd=this.source.start.column,Od=this.source.start.line;for(let kd=0;kd<md;kd++)Ad[kd]=== `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ?(Nd=1,Od+=1):Nd+=1;return{column:Nd,line:Od}}prev(){if(!this.parent)return;let md=this.parent.index(this);return this.parent.nodes[md-1]}rangeBy(md){let vd={column:this.source.start.column,line:this.source.start.line},Ad=this.source.end?{column:this.source.end.column+1,line:this.source.end.line}:{column:vd.column+1,line:vd.line};if(md.word){let Nd=this.toString(),Od=Nd.indexOf(md.word);Od!==-1&&(vd=this.positionInside(Od,Nd),Ad=this.positionInside(Od+md.word.length,Nd))}else md.start?vd={column:md.start.column,line:md.start.line}:md.index&&(vd=this.positionInside(md.index)),md.end?Ad={column:md.end.column,line:md.end.line}:typeof md.endIndex=="number"?Ad=this.positionInside(md.endIndex):md.index&&(Ad=this.positionInside(md.index+1));return(Ad.line<vd.line||Ad.line===vd.line&&Ad.column<=vd.column)&&(Ad={column:vd.column+1,line:vd.line}),{end:Ad,start:vd}}raw(md,vd){return new ud().raw(this,md,vd)}remove(){return this.parent&&this.parent.removeChild(this),this.parent=void 0,this}replaceWith(...md){if(this.parent){let vd=this,Ad=!1;for(let Nd of md)Nd===this?Ad=!0:Ad?(this.parent.insertAfter(vd,Nd),vd=Nd):this.parent.insertBefore(vd,Nd);Ad||this.remove()}return this}root(){let md=this;for(;md.parent&&md.parent.type!=="document";)md=md.parent;return md}toJSON(md,vd){let Ad={},Nd=vd==null;vd=vd||new Map;let Od=0;for(let kd in this){if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this,kd)||kd==="parent"||kd==="proxyCache")continue;let Ld=this[kd];if(Array.isArray(Ld))Ad[kd]=Ld.map(Gd=>typeof Gd=="object"&&Gd.toJSON?Gd.toJSON(null,vd):Gd);else if(typeof Ld=="object"&&Ld.toJSON)Ad[kd]=Ld.toJSON(null,vd);else if(kd==="source"){let Gd=vd.get(Ld.input);Gd==null&&(Gd=Od,vd.set(Ld.input,Od),Od++),Ad[kd]={end:Ld.end,inputId:Gd,start:Ld.start}}else Ad[kd]=Ld}return Nd&&(Ad.inputs=[...vd.keys()].map(kd=>kd.toJSON())),Ad}toProxy(){return this.proxyCache||(this.proxyCache=new Proxy(this,this.getProxyProcessor())),this.proxyCache}toString(md=dd){md.stringify&&(md=md.stringify);let vd="";return md(this,Ad=>{vd+=Ad}),vd}warn(md,vd,Ad){let Nd={node:this};for(let Od in Ad)Nd[Od]=Ad[Od];return md.warn(vd,Nd)}get proxyOf(){return this}};qa.exports=fd,fd.default=fd}),lt $ 2=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=at $ 5(),od=class extends nd{constructor(ld){ld&&typeof ld.value<"u"&&typeof ld.value!="string"&&(ld={...ld,value:String(ld.value)}),super(ld),this.type="decl"}get variable(){return this.prop.startsWith("--")||this.prop[0]===" $ "}};qa.exports=od,od.default=od}),Oe $ 3=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=at $ 5(),od=class extends nd{constructor(ld){super(ld),this.type="comment"}};qa.exports=od,od.default=od}),re $ 3=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var{isClean:nd,my:od}=Ut $ 3(),ld=lt $ 2(),ud=Oe $ 3(),dd=at $ 5(),pd,fd,md,vd;function Ad(kd){return kd.map(Ld=>(Ld.nodes&&(Ld.nodes=Ad(Ld.nodes)),delete Ld.source,Ld))}function Nd(kd){if(kd[nd]=!1,kd.proxyOf.nodes)for(let Ld of kd.proxyOf.nodes)Nd(Ld)}var Od=class dC extends dd{append(...Ld){for(let Gd of Ld){let Ud=this.normalize(Gd,this.last);for(let Fd of Ud)this.proxyOf.nodes.push(Fd)}return this.markDirty(),this}cleanRaws(Ld){if(super.cleanRaws(Ld),this.nodes)for(let Gd of this.nodes)Gd.cleanRaws(Ld)}each(Ld){if(!this.proxyOf.nodes)return;let Gd=this.getIterator(),Ud,Fd;for(;this.indexes[Gd]<this.proxyOf.nodes.length&&(Ud=this.indexes[Gd],Fd=Ld(this.proxyOf.nodes[Ud],Ud),Fd!==!1);)this.indexes[Gd]+=1;return delete this.indexes[Gd],Fd}every(Ld){return this.nodes.every(Ld)}getIterator(){this.lastEach||(this.lastEach=0),this.indexes||(this.indexes={}),this.lastEach+=1;let Ld=this.lastEach;return this.indexes[Ld]=0,Ld}getProxyProcessor(){return{get(Ld,Gd){return Gd==="proxyOf"?Ld:Ld[Gd]?Gd==="each"||typeof Gd=="string"&&Gd.startsWith("walk")?(...Ud)=>Ld[Gd](...Ud.map(Fd=>typeof Fd=="function"?(Hd,Vd)=>Fd(Hd.toProxy(),Vd):Fd)):Gd==="every"||Gd==="some"?Ud=>Ld[Gd]((Fd,...Hd)=>Ud(Fd.toProxy(),...Hd)):Gd==="root"?()=>Ld.root().toProxy():Gd==="nodes"?Ld.nodes.map(Ud=>Ud.toProxy()):Gd==="first"||Gd==="last"?Ld[Gd].toProxy():Ld[Gd]:Ld[Gd]},set(Ld,Gd,Ud){return Ld[Gd]===Ud||(Ld[Gd]=Ud,(Gd==="name"||Gd==="params"||Gd==="selector")&&Ld.markDirty()),!0}}}index(Ld){return typeo
` ," "];return nd.split(od,ld)},split(od,ld,ud){let dd=[],pd="",fd=!1,md=0,vd=!1,Ad="",Nd=!1;for(let Od of od)Nd?Nd=!1:Od===" \\ "?Nd=!0:vd?Od===Ad&&(vd=!1):Od==='"'||Od==="'"?(vd=!0,Ad=Od):Od==="("?md+=1:Od===")"?md>0&&(md-=1):md===0&&ld.includes(Od)&&(fd=!0),fd?(pd!==""&&dd.push(pd.trim()),pd="",fd=!1):pd+=Od;return(ud||pd!=="")&&dd.push(pd.trim()),dd}};qa.exports=nd,nd.default=nd}),jt $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=re $ 3(),od=us(),ld=class extends nd{constructor(ud){super(ud),this.type="rule",this.nodes||(this.nodes=[])}get selectors(){return od.comma(this.selector)}set selectors(ud){let dd=this.selector?this.selector.match(/, \s */):null,pd=dd?dd[0]:","+this.raw("between","beforeOpen");this.selector=ud.join(pd)}};qa.exports=ld,ld.default=ld,nd.registerRule(ld)}),Ht $ 2=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=lt $ 2(),od=Vt $ 2(),ld=Oe $ 3(),ud=Gt $ 2(),dd=Ae $ 4(),pd=jt $ 1(),fd={empty:!0,space:!0};function md(Ad){for(let Nd=Ad.length-1;Nd>=0;Nd--){let Od=Ad[Nd],kd=Od[3]||Od[2];if(kd)return kd}}var vd=class{constructor(Ad){this.input=Ad,this.root=new dd,this.current=this.root,this.spaces="",this.semicolon=!1,this.createTokenizer(),this.root.source={input:Ad,start:{column:1,line:1,offset:0}}}atrule(Ad){let Nd=new ud;Nd.name=Ad[1].slice(1),Nd.name===""&&this.unnamedAtrule(Nd,Ad),this.init(Nd,Ad[2]);let Od,kd,Ld,Gd=!1,Ud=!1,Fd=[],Hd=[];for(;!this.tokenizer.endOfFile();){if(Ad=this.tokenizer.nextToken(),Od=Ad[0],Od==="("||Od==="["?Hd.push(Od==="("?")":"]"):Od==="{"&&Hd.length>0?Hd.push("}"):Od===Hd[Hd.length-1]&&Hd.pop(),Hd.length===0)if(Od===";"){Nd.source.end=this.getPosition(Ad[2]),Nd.source.end.offset++,this.semicolon=!0;break}else if(Od==="{"){Ud=!0;break}else if(Od==="}"){if(Fd.length>0){for(Ld=Fd.length-1,kd=Fd[Ld];kd&&kd[0]==="space";)kd=Fd[--Ld];kd&&(Nd.source.end=this.getPosition(kd[3]||kd[2]),Nd.source.end.offset++)}this.end(Ad);break}else Fd.push(Ad);else Fd.push(Ad);if(this.tokenizer.endOfFile()){Gd=!0;break}}Nd.raws.between=this.spacesAndCommentsFromEnd(Fd),Fd.length?(Nd.raws.afterName=this.spacesAndCommentsFromStart(Fd),this.raw(Nd,"params",Fd),Gd&&(Ad=Fd[Fd.length-1],Nd.source.end=this.getPosition(Ad[3]||Ad[2]),Nd.source.end.offset++,this.spaces=Nd.raws.between,Nd.raws.between="")):(Nd.raws.afterName="",Nd.params=""),Ud&&(Nd.nodes=[],this.current=Nd)}checkMissedSemicolon(Ad){let Nd=this.colon(Ad);if(Nd===!1)return;let Od=0,kd;for(let Ld=Nd-1;Ld>=0&&(kd=Ad[Ld],!(kd[0]!=="space"&&(Od+=1,Od===2)));Ld--);throw this.input.error("Missed semicolon",kd[0]==="word"?kd[3]+1:kd[2])}colon(Ad){let Nd=0,Od,kd,Ld;for(let[Gd,Ud]of Ad.entries()){if(Od=Ud,kd=Od[0],kd==="("&&(Nd+=1),kd===")"&&(Nd-=1),Nd===0&&kd===":")if(!Ld)this.doubleColon(Od);else{if(Ld[0]==="word"&&Ld[1]==="progid")continue;return Gd}Ld=Od}return!1}comment(Ad){let Nd=new ld;this.init(Nd,Ad[2]),Nd.source.end=this.getPosition(Ad[3]||Ad[2]),Nd.source.end.offset++;let Od=Ad[1].slice(2,-2);if(/^ \s * $ /.test(Od))Nd.text="",Nd.raws.left=Od,Nd.raws.right="";else{let kd=Od.match(/^( \s *)([^]* \S )( \s *) $ /);Nd.text=kd[2],Nd.raws.left=kd[1],Nd.raws.right=kd[3]}}createTokenizer(){this.tokenizer=od(this.input)}decl(Ad,Nd){let Od=new nd;this.init(Od,Ad[0][2]);let kd=Ad[Ad.length-1];for(kd[0]===";"&&(this.semicolon=!0,Ad.pop()),Od.source.end=this.getPosition(kd[3]||kd[2]||md(Ad)),Od.source.end.offset++;Ad[0][0]!=="word";)Ad.length===1&&this.unknownWord(Ad),Od.raws.before+=Ad.shift()[1];for(Od.source.start=this.getPosition(Ad[0][2]),Od.prop="";Ad.length;){let Fd=Ad[0][0];if(Fd===":"||Fd==="space"||Fd==="comment")break;Od.prop+=Ad.shift()[1]}Od.raws.between="";let Ld;for(;Ad.length;)if(Ld=Ad.shift(),Ld[0]===":"){Od.raws.between+=Ld[1];break}else Ld[0]==="word"&&/ \w /.test(Ld[1])&&this.unknownWord([Ld]),Od.raws.between+=Ld[1];(Od.prop[0]==="_"||Od.prop[0]==="*")&&(Od.raws.before+=Od.prop[0],Od.prop=Od.prop.slice(1));let Gd=[],Ud;for(;Ad.length&&(Ud=Ad[0][0],!(Ud!=="space"&&Ud!=="comment"));)Gd.push(Ad.shift());this.precheckMissedSemicolon(Ad);for(let Fd=Ad.length-1;Fd>=0;Fd--){if(Ld=Ad[Fd],Ld[1].toLowerCase()==="!important"){Od.important=!0;let Hd=this.stringFrom(Ad,Fd);Hd=this.spacesFromEnd(Ad)+Hd,Hd!==" !important"&&(Od.r
` );Fd=new Array(Vd.length);let zd=0;for(let Yd=0,Xd=Vd.length;Yd<Xd;Yd++)Fd[Yd]=zd,zd+=Vd[Yd].length+1;this[Nd]=Fd}Ud=Fd[Fd.length-1];let Hd=0;if(Gd>=Ud)Hd=Fd.length-1;else{let Vd=Fd.length-2,zd;for(;Hd<Vd;)if(zd=Hd+(Vd-Hd>>1),Gd<Fd[zd])Vd=zd-1;else if(Gd>=Fd[zd+1])Hd=zd+1;else{Hd=zd;break}}return{col:Gd-Fd[Hd]+1,line:Hd+1}}mapResolve(Gd){return/^ \w +: \/ \/ /.test(Gd)?Gd:pd(this.map.consumer().sourceRoot||this.map.root||".",Gd)}origin(Gd,Ud,Fd,Hd){if(!this.map)return!1;let Vd=this.map.consumer(),zd=Vd.originalPositionFor({column:Ud,line:Gd});if(!zd.source)return!1;let Yd;typeof Fd=="number"&&(Yd=Vd.originalPositionFor({column:Hd,line:Fd}));let Xd;dd(zd.source)?Xd=ud(zd.source):Xd=new URL(zd.source,this.map.consumer().sourceRoot||ud(this.map.mapFile));let yf={column:zd.column,endColumn:Yd&&Yd.column,endLine:Yd&&Yd.line,line:zd.line,url:Xd.toString()};if(Xd.protocol==="file:")if(ld)yf.file=ld(Xd);else throw new Error("file: protocol is not available in this PostCSS build");let Qd=Vd.sourceContentFor(zd.source);return Qd&&(yf.source=Qd),yf}toJSON(){let Gd={};for(let Ud of["hasBOM","css","file","id"])this[Ud]!=null&&(Gd[Ud]=this[Ud]);return this.map&&(Gd.map={...this.map},Gd.map.consumerCache&&(Gd.map.consumerCache=void 0)),Gd}get from(){return this.file||this.id}};qa.exports=Ld,Ld.default=Ld,md&&md.registerInput&&md.registerInput(Ld)}),pt $ 2=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=re $ 3(),od=Ht $ 2(),ld=Re $ 4();function ud(dd,pd){let fd=new ld(dd,pd),md=new od(fd);try{md.parse()}catch(vd){throw vd}return md.root}qa.exports=ud,ud.default=ud,nd.registerParse(ud)}),no $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Vt $ 2(),od=Re $ 4();qa.exports={isInlineComment(ld){if(ld[0]==="word"&&ld[1].slice(0,2)==="//"){let ud=ld,dd=[],pd,fd;for(;ld;){if(/ \r ? \n /.test(ld[1])){if(/['"].* \r ? \n /.test(ld[1])){dd.push(ld[1].substring(0,ld[1].indexOf( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ))),fd=ld[1].substring(ld[1].indexOf( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ));let vd=this.input.css.valueOf().substring(this.tokenizer.position());fd+=vd,pd=ld[3]+vd.length-fd.length}else this.tokenizer.back(ld);break}dd.push(ld[1]),pd=ld[2],ld=this.tokenizer.nextToken({ignoreUnclosed:!0})}let md=["comment",dd.join(""),ud[2],pd];return this.inlineComment(md),fd&&(this.input=new od(fd),this.tokenizer=nd(this.input)),!0}else if(ld[1]==="/"){let ud=this.tokenizer.nextToken({ignoreUnclosed:!0});if(ud[0]==="comment"&&/^ \/ \* /.test(ud[1]))return ud[0]="word",ud[1]=ud[1].slice(1),ld[1]="//",this.tokenizer.back(ud),qa.exports.isInlineComment.bind(this)(ld)}return!1}}}),oo $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{qa.exports={interpolation(nd){let od=[nd,this.tokenizer.nextToken()],ld=["word","}"];if(od[0][1].length>1||od[1][0]!=="{")return this.tokenizer.back(od[1]),!1;for(nd=this.tokenizer.nextToken();nd&&ld.includes(nd[0]);)od.push(nd),nd=this.tokenizer.nextToken();let ud=od.map(md=>md[1]),[dd]=od,pd=od.pop(),fd=["word",ud.join(""),dd[2],pd[2]];return this.tokenizer.back(nd),this.tokenizer.back(fd),!0}}}),uo $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=/^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6} $ |^#[0-9a-fA-F]{3} $ /,od=/ \. [0-9]/,ld=ud=>{let[,dd]=ud,[pd]=dd;return(pd==="."||pd==="#")&&nd.test(dd)===!1&&od.test(dd)===!1};qa.exports={isMixinToken:ld}}),co $ 2=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Vt $ 2(),od=/^url \( (.+) \) /;qa.exports=ld=>{let{name:ud,params:dd=""}=ld;if(ud==="import"&&dd.length){ld.import=!0;let pd=nd({css:dd});for(ld.filename=dd.replace(od," $ 1");!pd.endOfFile();){let[fd,md]=pd.nextToken();if(fd==="word"&&md==="url")return;if(fd==="brackets"){ld.options=md,ld.filename=dd.replace(md,"").trim();break}}}}}),mo $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=/: $ /,od=/^:( \s +)?/;qa.exports=ld=>{let{name:ud,params:dd=""}=ld;if(ld.name.slice(-1)===":"){if(nd.test(ud)){let[pd]=ud.match(nd);ld.name=ud.replace(pd,""),ld.raws.afterName=pd+(ld.raws.afterName||""),ld.variable=!0,ld.value=ld.params}if(od.test(dd)){let[pd]=dd.match(od);ld.value=dd.replace(pd,""),ld.raws.afterName=(ld.raws.afterName||"")+pd,ld.variable=!0}}}}),go $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=Oe $ 3(),od=Ht $ 2(),{isInlineComment:ld}=no $ 1(),{interpolation:ud}=oo $ 1(),{isMixinToken:dd}=uo $ 1(),pd=co $ 2(),fd=mo $ 1(),md=/(! \s *important) $ /i;qa.exports=class extends od{constructor(...vd){super(...vd),this.lastNode=null}atrule(vd){ud.bind(this)(vd)||(super.atrule(vd),pd(this.lastNode),fd(this.lastNode))}decl(...vd){super.decl(...vd),/extend \( .+ \) /i.test(this.lastNode.value)&&(this.lastNode.extend=!0)}each(vd){vd[0][1]= ` $ { vd [ 0 ] [ 1 ] } ` ;let Ad=vd.findIndex(Ld=>Ld[0]==="("),Nd=vd.reverse().find(Ld=>Ld[0]===")"),Od=vd.reverse().indexOf(Nd),kd=vd.splice(Ad,Od).map(Ld=>Ld[1]).join("");for(let Ld of vd.reverse())this.tokenizer.back(Ld);this.atrule(this.tokenizer.nextToken()),this.lastNode.function=!0,this.lastNode.params=kd}init(vd,Ad,Nd){super.init(vd,Ad,Nd),this.lastNode=vd}inlineComment(vd){let Ad=new nd,Nd=vd[1].slice(2);if(this.init(Ad,vd[2]),Ad.source.end=this.getPosition(vd[3]||vd[2]),Ad.inline=!0,Ad.raws.begin="//",/^ \s * $ /.test(Nd))Ad.text="",Ad.raws.left=Nd,Ad.raws.right="";else{let Od=Nd.match(/^( \s *)([^]*[^ \s ])( \s *) $ /);[,Ad.raws.left,Ad.text,Ad.raws.right]=Od}}mixin(vd){let[Ad]=vd,Nd=Ad[1].slice(0,1),Od=vd.findIndex(Fd=>Fd[0]==="brackets"),kd=vd.findIndex(Fd=>Fd[0]==="("),Ld="";if((Od<0||Od>3)&&kd>0){let Fd=vd.reduce((mf,Tf,vf)=>Tf[0]===")"?vf:mf),Hd=vd.slice(kd,Fd+kd).map(mf=>mf[1]).join(""),[Vd]=vd.slice(kd),zd=[Vd[2],Vd[3]],[Yd]=vd.slice(Fd,Fd+1),Xd=[Yd[2],Yd[3]],yf=["brackets",Hd].concat(zd,Xd),Qd=vd.slice(0,kd),pf=vd.slice(Fd+1);vd=Qd,vd.push(yf),vd=vd.concat(pf)}let Gd=[];for(let Fd of vd)if((Fd[1]==="!"||Gd.length)&&Gd.push(Fd),Fd[1]==="important")break;if(Gd.length){let[Fd]=Gd,Hd=vd.indexOf(Fd),Vd=Gd[Gd.length-1],zd=[Fd[2],Fd[3]],Yd=[Vd[4],Vd[5]],Xd=["word",Gd.map(yf=>yf[1]).join("")].concat(zd,Yd);vd.splice(Hd,Gd.length,Xd)}let Ud=vd.findIndex(Fd=>md.test(Fd[1]));Ud>0&&([,Ld]=vd[Ud],vd.splice(Ud,1));for(let Fd of vd.reverse())this.tokenizer.back(Fd);this.atrule(this.tokenizer.nextToken()),this.lastNode.mixin=!0,this.lastNode.raws.identifier=Nd,Ld&&(this.lastNode.important=!0,this.lastNode.raws.important=Ld)}other(vd){ld.bind(this)(vd)||super.other(vd)}rule(vd){let
https : //evilmartians.com/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration`));let mf=Yd(...pf);return mf.postcssPlugin=zd,mf.postcssVersion=new dd().version,mf}let Qd;return Object.defineProperty(yf,"postcss",{get(){return Qd||(Qd=yf()),Qd}}),yf.process=function(pf,mf,Tf){return Vd([yf(Tf)]).process(pf,mf)},yf},Vd.stringify=pd,Vd.parse=Ld,Vd.fromJSON=fd,Vd.list=Gd,Vd.comment=zd=>new Ad(zd),Vd.atRule=zd=>new Nd(zd),Vd.decl=zd=>new od(zd),Vd.rule=zd=>new Ud(zd),Vd.root=zd=>new Fd(zd),Vd.document=zd=>new md(zd),Vd.CssSyntaxError=nd,Vd.Declaration=od,Vd.Container=ud,Vd.Processor=dd,Vd.Document=md,Vd.Comment=Ad,Vd.Warning=vd,Vd.AtRule=Nd,Vd.Result=Od,Vd.Input=kd,Vd.Rule=Ud,Vd.Root=Fd,Vd.Node=Hd,ld.registerPostcss(Vd),qa.exports=Vd,Vd.default=Vd}),Ho$1=y$4((Ra,qa)=>{var{Container:nd}=Zt$2(),od=class extends nd{constructor(ld){super(ld),this.type="decl",this.isNested=!0,this.nodes||(this.nodes=[])}};qa.exports=od}),Jo$1=y$4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=/[\t\n\f\r "#'()/;[\\\]{}]/g,od=/[,\t\n\f\r !"#'():;@[\\\]{}]|\/(?=\*)/g,ld=/.[\r\n"'(/\\]/,ud=/[\da-f]/i,dd=/[\n\f\r]/g;qa.exports=function(pd,fd={}){let md=pd.css.valueOf(),vd=fd.ignoreErrors,Ad,Nd,Od,kd,Ld,Gd,Ud,Fd,Hd,Vd=md.length,zd=0,Yd=[],Xd=[],yf;function Qd(){return zd}function pf(Sf){throw pd.error("Unclosed "+Sf,zd)}function mf(){return Xd.length===0&&zd>=Vd}function Tf(){let Sf=1,Df=!1,If=!1;for(;Sf>0;)Nd+=1,md.length<=Nd&&pf("interpolation"),Ad=md.charCodeAt(Nd),Fd=md.charCodeAt(Nd+1),Df?!If&&Ad===Df?(Df=!1,If=!1):Ad===92?If=!If:If&&(If=!1):Ad===39||Ad===34?Df=Ad:Ad===125?Sf-=1:Ad===35&&Fd===123&&(Sf+=1)}function vf(Sf){if(Xd.length)return Xd.pop();if(zd>=Vd)return;let Df=Sf?Sf.ignoreUnclosed:!1;switch(Ad=md.charCodeAt(zd),Ad){case 10:case 32:case 9:case 13:case 12:{Nd=zd;do Nd+=1,Ad=md.charCodeAt(Nd);while(Ad===32||Ad===10||Ad===9||Ad===13||Ad===12);Hd=["space",md.slice(zd,Nd)],zd=Nd-1;break}case 91:case 93:case 123:case 125:case 58:case 59:case 41:{let If=String.fromCharCode(Ad);Hd=[If,If,zd];break}case 44:{Hd=["word",",",zd,zd+1];break}case 40:{if(Ud=Yd.length?Yd.pop()[1]:"",Fd=md.charCodeAt(zd+1),Ud==="url"&&Fd!==39&&Fd!==34){for(yf=1,Gd=!1,Nd=zd+1;Nd<=md.length-1;){if(Fd=md.charCodeAt(Nd),Fd===92)Gd=!Gd;else if(Fd===40)yf+=1;else if(Fd===41&&(yf-=1,yf===0))break;Nd+=1}kd=md.slice(zd,Nd+1),Hd=["brackets",kd,zd,Nd],zd=Nd}else Nd=md.indexOf(")",zd+1),kd=md.slice(zd,Nd+1),Nd===-1||ld.test(kd)?Hd=["(","(",zd]:(Hd=["brackets",kd,zd,Nd],zd=Nd);break}case 39:case 34:{for(Od=Ad,Nd=zd,Gd=!1;Nd<Vd&&(Nd++,Nd===Vd&&pf("string"),Ad=md.charCodeAt(Nd),Fd=md.charCodeAt(Nd+1),!(!Gd&&Ad===Od));)Ad===92?Gd=!Gd:Gd?Gd=!1:Ad===35&&Fd===123&&Tf();Hd=["string",md.slice(zd,Nd+1),zd,Nd],zd=Nd;break}case 64:{nd.lastIndex=zd+1,nd.test(md),nd.lastIndex===0?Nd=md.length-1:Nd=nd.lastIndex-2,Hd=["at-word",md.slice(zd,Nd+1),zd,Nd],zd=Nd;break}case 92:{for(Nd=zd,Ld=!0;md.charCodeAt(Nd+1)===92;)Nd+=1,Ld=!Ld;if(Ad=md.charCodeAt(Nd+1),Ld&&Ad!==47&&Ad!==32&&Ad!==10&&Ad!==9&&Ad!==13&&Ad!==12&&(Nd+=1,ud.test(md.charAt(Nd)))){for(;ud.test(md.charAt(Nd+1));)Nd+=1;md.charCodeAt(Nd+1)===32&&(Nd+=1)}Hd=["word",md.slice(zd,Nd+1),zd,Nd],zd=Nd;break}default:Fd=md.charCodeAt(zd+1),Ad===35&&Fd===123?(Nd=zd,Tf(),kd=md.slice(zd,Nd+1),Hd=["word",kd,zd,Nd],zd=Nd):Ad===47&&Fd===42?(Nd=md.indexOf("*/",zd+2)+1,Nd===0&&(vd||Df?Nd=md.length:pf("comment")),Hd=["comment",md.slice(zd,Nd+1),zd,Nd],zd=Nd):Ad===47&&Fd===47?(dd.lastIndex=zd+1,dd.test(md),dd.lastIndex===0?Nd=md.length-1:Nd=dd.lastIndex-2,kd=md.slice(zd,Nd+1),Hd=["comment",kd,zd,Nd,"inline"],zd=Nd):(od.lastIndex=zd+1,od.test(md),od.lastIndex===0?Nd=md.length-1:Nd=od.lastIndex-2,Hd=["word",md.slice(zd,Nd+1),zd,Nd],Yd.push(Hd),zd=Nd);break}return zd++,Hd}function Af(Sf){Xd.push(Sf)}return{back:Af,endOfFile:mf,nextToken:vf,position:Qd}}}),Zo$1=y$4((Ra,qa)=>{var{Comment:nd}=Zt$2(),od=Ht$2(),ld=Ho$1(),ud=Jo$1(),dd=class extends od{atrule(pd){let fd=pd[1],md=pd;for(;!this.tokenizer.endOfFile();){let vd=this.tokenizer.nextToken();if(vd[0]==="word"&&vd[2]===md[3]+1)fd+=vd[1],md=vd;else{this.tokenizer.back(vd);break}}super.atrule(["at-word",fd,pd[2],md[3]])}comment(pd){if(pd[4]==="inline"){let f
` ))break;Ad[0]==="("?md+=1:Ad[0]===")"?md-=1:md===0&&Ad[0]===":"&&(fd=!0)}if(!fd||vd.trim()===""||/^[#:A-Za-z-]/.test(vd))super.rule(pd);else{pd.pop();let Ad=new ld;this.init(Ad,pd[0][2]);let Nd;for(let kd=pd.length-1;kd>=0;kd--)if(pd[kd][0]!=="space"){Nd=pd[kd];break}if(Nd[3]){let kd=this.input.fromOffset(Nd[3]);Ad.source.end={column:kd.col,line:kd.line,offset:Nd[3]+1}}else{let kd=this.input.fromOffset(Nd[2]);Ad.source.end={column:kd.col,line:kd.line,offset:Nd[2]+1}}for(;pd[0][0]!=="word";)Ad.raws.before+=pd.shift()[1];if(pd[0][2]){let kd=this.input.fromOffset(pd[0][2]);Ad.source.start={column:kd.col,line:kd.line,offset:pd[0][2]}}for(Ad.prop="";pd.length;){let kd=pd[0][0];if(kd===":"||kd==="space"||kd==="comment")break;Ad.prop+=pd.shift()[1]}Ad.raws.between="";let Od;for(;pd.length;)if(Od=pd.shift(),Od[0]===":"){Ad.raws.between+=Od[1];break}else Ad.raws.between+=Od[1];(Ad.prop[0]==="_"||Ad.prop[0]==="*")&&(Ad.raws.before+=Ad.prop[0],Ad.prop=Ad.prop.slice(1)),Ad.raws.between+=this.spacesAndCommentsFromStart(pd),this.precheckMissedSemicolon(pd);for(let kd=pd.length-1;kd>0;kd--){if(Od=pd[kd],Od[1]==="!important"){Ad.important=!0;let Ld=this.stringFrom(pd,kd);Ld=this.spacesFromEnd(pd)+Ld,Ld!==" !important"&&(Ad.raws.important=Ld);break}else if(Od[1]==="important"){let Ld=pd.slice(0),Gd="";for(let Ud=kd;Ud>0;Ud--){let Fd=Ld[Ud][0];if(Gd.trim().indexOf("!")===0&&Fd!=="space")break;Gd=Ld.pop()[1]+Gd}Gd.trim().indexOf("!")===0&&(Ad.important=!0,Ad.raws.important=Gd,pd=Ld)}if(Od[0]!=="space"&&Od[0]!=="comment")break}this.raw(Ad,"value",pd),Ad.value.includes(":")&&this.checkMissedSemicolon(pd),this.current=Ad}}};qa.exports=dd}),ta=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var{Input:nd}=Zt $ 2(),od=Zo $ 1();qa.exports=function(ld,ud){let dd=new nd(ld,ud),pd=new od(dd);return pd.parse(),pd.root}}),Os=y $ 4(Ra=>{Object.defineProperty(Ra,"__esModule",{value:!0});function qa(nd){this.after=nd.after,this.before=nd.before,this.type=nd.type,this.value=nd.value,this.sourceIndex=nd.sourceIndex}Ra.default=qa}),As=y $ 4(Ra=>{Object.defineProperty(Ra,"__esModule",{value:!0});var qa=Os(),nd=od(qa);function od(ud){return ud&&ud.__esModule?ud:{default:ud}}function ld(ud){var dd=this;this.constructor(ud),this.nodes=ud.nodes,this.after===void 0&&(this.after=this.nodes.length>0?this.nodes[this.nodes.length-1].after:""),this.before===void 0&&(this.before=this.nodes.length>0?this.nodes[0].before:""),this.sourceIndex===void 0&&(this.sourceIndex=this.before.length),this.nodes.forEach(function(pd){pd.parent=dd})}ld.prototype=Object.create(nd.default.prototype),ld.constructor=nd.default,ld.prototype.walk=function(ud,dd){for(var pd=typeof ud=="string"||ud instanceof RegExp,fd=pd?dd:ud,md=typeof ud=="string"?new RegExp(ud):ud,vd=0;vd<this.nodes.length;vd++){var Ad=this.nodes[vd],Nd=pd?md.test(Ad.type):!0;if(Nd&&fd&&fd(Ad,vd,this.nodes)===!1||Ad.nodes&&Ad.walk(ud,dd)===!1)return!1}return!0},ld.prototype.each=function(){for(var ud=arguments.length<=0||arguments[0]===void 0?function(){}:arguments[0],dd=0;dd<this.nodes.length;dd++){var pd=this.nodes[dd];if(ud(pd,dd,this.nodes)===!1)return!1}return!0},Ra.default=ld}),aa $ 1=y $ 4(Ra=>{Object.defineProperty(Ra,"__esModule",{value:!0}),Ra.parseMediaFeature=dd,Ra.parseMediaQuery=pd,Ra.parseMediaList=fd;var qa=Os(),nd=ud(qa),od=As(),ld=ud(od);function ud(md){return md&&md.__esModule?md:{default:md}}function dd(md){var vd=arguments.length<=1||arguments[1]===void 0?0:arguments[1],Ad=[{mode:"normal",character:null}],Nd=[],Od=0,kd="",Ld=null,Gd=null,Ud=vd,Fd=md;md[0]==="("&&md[md.length-1]===")"&&(Fd=md.substring(1,md.length-1),Ud++);for(var Hd=0;Hd<Fd.length;Hd++){var Vd=Fd[Hd];if((Vd==="'"||Vd==='"')&&(Ad[Od].isCalculationEnabled===!0?(Ad.push({mode:"string",isCalculationEnabled:!1,character:Vd}),Od++):Ad[Od].mode==="string"&&Ad[Od].character===Vd&&Fd[Hd-1]!==" \\ "&&(Ad.pop(),Od--)),Vd==="{"?(Ad.push({mode:"interpolation",isCalculationEnabled:!0}),Od++):Vd==="}"&&(Ad.pop(),Od--),Ad[Od].mode==="normal"&&Vd===":"){var zd=Fd.substring(Hd+1);Gd={type:"value",before:/^( \s *)/.exec(zd)[1],after:/( \s *) $ /.exec(zd)[1],value:zd.trim()},Gd.sourceIndex=Gd.before.length
` ),Qf=Gf.length-1,Qf>0?(qf=xf+Qf,Pf=Df-Gf[Qf].length):(qf=xf,Pf=Cf),vf.push(["comment",ih,xf,Xf-Cf,qf,Df-Pf,Xf]),Cf=Pf,xf=qf,Xf=Df):(pf.lastIndex=Xf+1,pf.test(Af),pf.lastIndex===0?Df=Af.length-1:Df=pf.lastIndex-2,vf.push(["word",Af.slice(Xf,Df+1),xf,Xf-Cf,xf,Df-Cf,Xf]),Xf=Df);break}Xf++}return vf}qa.exports=Ra.default}),tu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{Ra.__esModule=!0;var nd=function(){function Cf(xf,Xf){for(var uh=0;uh<Xf.length;uh++){var wh=Xf[uh];wh.enumerable=wh.enumerable||!1,wh.configurable=!0,"value"in wh&&(wh.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(xf,wh.key,wh)}}return function(xf,Xf,uh){return Xf&&Cf(xf.prototype,Xf),uh&&Cf(xf,uh),xf}}(),od=qs(),ld=Yf(od),ud=Ls(),dd=Yf(ud),pd=Ds(),fd=Yf(pd),md=ga(),vd=Yf(md),Ad=xa(),Nd=Yf(Ad),Od=ka(),kd=Yf(Od),Ld=Sa(),Gd=Yf(Ld),Ud=Oa(),Fd=Yf(Ud),Hd=Aa(),Vd=Yf(Hd),zd=Pa(),Yd=Yf(zd),Xd=Ia(),yf=Yf(Xd),Qd=La(),pf=Yf(Qd),mf=Ma(),Tf=Yf(mf),vf=Ua(),Af=Yf(vf),Sf= $ a(),Df=Yf(Sf),If=Ya(),Gf=Yf(If),Qf=Xa(),ih=Yf(Qf),sh=D $ 3(),qf=Pf(sh);function Pf(Cf){if(Cf&&Cf.__esModule)return Cf;var xf={};if(Cf!=null)for(var Xf in Cf)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Cf,Xf)&&(xf[Xf]=Cf[Xf]);return xf.default=Cf,xf}function Yf(Cf){return Cf&&Cf.__esModule?Cf:{default:Cf}}function Wf(Cf,xf){if(!(Cf instanceof xf))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var Kf=function(){function Cf(xf){Wf(this,Cf),this.input=xf,this.lossy=xf.options.lossless===!1,this.position=0,this.root=new vd.default;var Xf=new Nd.default;return this.root.append(Xf),this.current=Xf,this.lossy?this.tokens=(0,ih.default)({safe:xf.safe,css:xf.css.trim()}):this.tokens=(0,ih.default)(xf),this.loop()}return Cf.prototype.attribute=function(){var xf="",Xf=void 0,uh=this.currToken;for(this.position++;this.position<this.tokens.length&&this.currToken[0]!=="]";)xf+=this.tokens[this.position][1],this.position++;this.position===this.tokens.length&&!~xf.indexOf("]")&&this.error("Expected a closing square bracket.");var wh=xf.split(/((?:[*~^ $ |]?=))([^]*)/),dh=wh[0].split(/( \| )/g),Rf={operator:wh[1],value:wh[2],source:{start:{line:uh[2],column:uh[3]},end:{line:this.currToken[2],column:this.currToken[3]}},sourceIndex:uh[4]};if(dh.length>1?(dh[0]===""&&(dh[0]=!0),Rf.attribute=this.parseValue(dh[2]),Rf.namespace=this.parseNamespace(dh[0])):Rf.attribute=this.parseValue(wh[0]),Xf=new pf.default(Rf),wh[2]){var gh=wh[2].split(/( \s +i \s *?) $ /),kh=gh[0].trim();Xf.value=this.lossy?kh:gh[0],gh[1]&&(Xf.insensitive=!0,this.lossy||(Xf.raws.insensitive=gh[1])),Xf.quoted=kh[0]==="'"||kh[0]==='"',Xf.raws.unquoted=Xf.quoted?kh.slice(1,-1):kh}this.newNode(Xf),this.position++},Cf.prototype.combinator=function(){if(this.currToken[1]==="|")return this.namespace();for(var xf=new Af.default({value:"",source:{start:{line:this.currToken[2],column:this.currToken[3]},end:{line:this.currToken[2],column:this.currToken[3]}},sourceIndex:this.currToken[4]});this.position<this.tokens.length&&this.currToken&&(this.currToken[0]==="space"||this.currToken[0]==="combinator");)this.nextToken&&this.nextToken[0]==="combinator"?(xf.spaces.before=this.parseSpace(this.currToken[1]),xf.source.start.line=this.nextToken[2],xf.source.start.column=this.nextToken[3],xf.source.end.column=this.nextToken[3],xf.source.end.line=this.nextToken[2],xf.sourceIndex=this.nextToken[4]):this.prevToken&&this.prevToken[0]==="combinator"?xf.spaces.after=this.parseSpace(this.currToken[1]):this.currToken[0]==="combinator"?xf.value=this.currToken[1]:this.currToken[0]==="space"&&(xf.value=this.parseSpace(this.currToken[1]," ")),this.position++;return this.newNode(xf)},Cf.prototype.comma=function(){if(this.position===this.tokens.length-1){this.root.trailingComma=!0,this.position++;return}var xf=new Nd.default;this.current.parent.append(xf),this.current=xf,this.position++},Cf.prototype.comment=function(){var xf=new Gd.default({value:this.currToken[1],source:{start:{line:this.currToken[2],column:this.currToken[3]},end:{line:this.currToken[4],column:this.currToken[5]}},sourceIndex:this.currToken[6]});this.newNode(xf),this.position++},Cf.prototype.error=function(xf){throw new this.input.error(xf)},Cf.prototype.missingBackslash
` ?(ud=1,dd+=1):ud+=1;return{line:dd,column:ud}}positionBy(od){let ld=this.source.start;if(Object(od).index)ld=this.positionInside(od.index);else if(Object(od).word){let ud=this.toString().indexOf(od.word);ud!==-1&&(ld=this.positionInside(ud))}return ld}}}),U $ 5=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=z $ 4(),od=class extends nd{constructor(ld){super(ld),this.nodes||(this.nodes=[])}push(ld){return ld.parent=this,this.nodes.push(ld),this}each(ld){this.lastEach||(this.lastEach=0),this.indexes||(this.indexes={}),this.lastEach+=1;let ud=this.lastEach,dd,pd;if(this.indexes[ud]=0,!!this.nodes){for(;this.indexes[ud]<this.nodes.length&&(dd=this.indexes[ud],pd=ld(this.nodes[dd],dd),pd!==!1);)this.indexes[ud]+=1;return delete this.indexes[ud],pd}}walk(ld){return this.each((ud,dd)=>{let pd=ld(ud,dd);return pd!==!1&&ud.walk&&(pd=ud.walk(ld)),pd})}walkType(ld,ud){if(!ld||!ud)throw new Error("Parameters {type} and {callback} are required.");let dd=typeof ld=="function";return this.walk((pd,fd)=>{if(dd&&pd instanceof ld||!dd&&pd.type===ld)return ud.call(this,pd,fd)})}append(ld){return ld.parent=this,this.nodes.push(ld),this}prepend(ld){return ld.parent=this,this.nodes.unshift(ld),this}cleanRaws(ld){if(super.cleanRaws(ld),this.nodes)for(let ud of this.nodes)ud.cleanRaws(ld)}insertAfter(ld,ud){let dd=this.index(ld),pd;this.nodes.splice(dd+1,0,ud);for(let fd in this.indexes)pd=this.indexes[fd],dd<=pd&&(this.indexes[fd]=pd+this.nodes.length);return this}insertBefore(ld,ud){let dd=this.index(ld),pd;this.nodes.splice(dd,0,ud);for(let fd in this.indexes)pd=this.indexes[fd],dd<=pd&&(this.indexes[fd]=pd+this.nodes.length);return this}removeChild(ld){ld=this.index(ld),this.nodes[ld].parent=void 0,this.nodes.splice(ld,1);let ud;for(let dd in this.indexes)ud=this.indexes[dd],ud>=ld&&(this.indexes[dd]=ud-1);return this}removeAll(){for(let ld of this.nodes)ld.parent=void 0;return this.nodes=[],this}every(ld){return this.nodes.every(ld)}some(ld){return this.nodes.some(ld)}index(ld){return typeof ld=="number"?ld:this.nodes.indexOf(ld)}get first(){if(this.nodes)return this.nodes[0]}get last(){if(this.nodes)return this.nodes[this.nodes.length-1]}toString(){let ld=this.nodes.map(String).join("");return this.value&&(ld=this.value+ld),this.raws.before&&(ld=this.raws.before+ld),this.raws.after&&(ld+=this.raws.after),ld}};od.registerWalker=ld=>{let ud="walk"+ld.name;ud.lastIndexOf("s")!==ud.length-1&&(ud+="s"),!od.prototype[ud]&&(od.prototype[ud]=function(dd){return this.walkType(ld,dd)})},qa.exports=od}),uu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5();qa.exports=class extends nd{constructor(od){super(od),this.type="root"}}}),cu $ 2=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5();qa.exports=class extends nd{constructor(od){super(od),this.type="value",this.unbalanced=0}}}),hu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5(),od=class extends nd{constructor(ld){super(ld),this.type="atword"}toString(){return this.quoted&&this.raws.quote,[this.raws.before,"@",String.prototype.toString.call(this.value),this.raws.after].join("")}};nd.registerWalker(od),qa.exports=od}),mu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5(),od=z $ 4(),ld=class extends od{constructor(ud){super(ud),this.type="colon"}};nd.registerWalker(ld),qa.exports=ld}),wu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5(),od=z $ 4(),ld=class extends od{constructor(ud){super(ud),this.type="comma"}};nd.registerWalker(ld),qa.exports=ld}),vu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5(),od=z $ 4(),ld=class extends od{constructor(ud){super(ud),this.type="comment",this.inline=Object(ud).inline||!1}toString(){return[this.raws.before,this.inline?"//":"/*",String(this.value),this.inline?"":"*/",this.raws.after].join("")}};nd.registerWalker(ld),qa.exports=ld}),_u $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5(),od=class extends nd{constructor(ld){super(ld),this.type="func",this.unbalanced=-1}};nd.registerWalker(od),qa.exports=od}),Eu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5(),od=z $ 4(),ld=class extends od{constructor(ud){super(ud),this.type="number",this.unit=Object(ud).unit||""}toString(){return[this.raws.before,String(this.value),this.unit,this.raws.after].join("")}};nd.registerWalker(ld),qa.exports=ld}),Tu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=U $ 5(),od=z $ 4(),ld=class extends od{constructor(ud){super(u
` ,Ld+2);Hd=Af!==-1?Af-1:Nd}Xd=Ad.slice(Ld,Hd+1),zd=Xd.split( `
` ),Yd=zd.length-1,Yd>0?(yf=kd+Yd,Qd=Hd-zd[Yd].length):(yf=kd,Qd=Od),vd.push(["comment",Xd,kd,Ld-Od,yf,Hd-Qd,Ld]),Od=Qd,kd=yf,Ld=Hd}else if(Fd===35&&!ud.test(Ad.slice(Ld+1,Ld+2)))Hd=Ld+1,vd.push(["#",Ad.slice(Ld,Hd),kd,Ld-Od,kd,Hd-Od,Ld]),Ld=Hd-1;else if((Fd===117||Fd===85)&&Ad.charCodeAt(Ld+1)===43){Hd=Ld+2;do Hd+=1,Fd=Ad.charCodeAt(Hd);while(Hd<Nd&&dd.test(Ad.slice(Hd,Hd+1)));vd.push(["unicoderange",Ad.slice(Ld,Hd),kd,Ld-Od,kd,Hd-Od,Ld]),Ld=Hd-1}else if(Fd===47)Hd=Ld+1,vd.push(["operator",Ad.slice(Ld,Hd),kd,Ld-Od,kd,Hd-Od,Ld]),Ld=Hd-1;else{let Af=od;if(Fd>=48&&Fd<=57&&(Af=ld),Af.lastIndex=Ld+1,Af.test(Ad),Af.lastIndex===0?Hd=Ad.length-1:Hd=Af.lastIndex-2,Af===ld||Fd===46){let Sf=Ad.charCodeAt(Hd),Df=Ad.charCodeAt(Hd+1),If=Ad.charCodeAt(Hd+2);(Sf===101||Sf===69)&&(Df===45||Df===43)&&If>=48&&If<=57&&(ld.lastIndex=Hd+2,ld.test(Ad),ld.lastIndex===0?Hd=Ad.length-1:Hd=ld.lastIndex-2)}vd.push(["word",Ad.slice(Ld,Hd+1),kd,Ld-Od,kd,Hd-Od,Ld]),Ld=Hd}break}Ld++}return vd}}), $ u $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=class extends Error{constructor(od){super(od),this.name=this.constructor.name,this.message=od||"An error ocurred while parsing.",typeof Error.captureStackTrace=="function"?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):this.stack=new Error(od).stack}};qa.exports=nd}),Vu $ 1=y $ 4((Ra,qa)=>{var nd=uu $ 1(),od=cu $ 2(),ld=hu $ 1(),ud=mu $ 1(),dd=wu $ 1(),pd=vu $ 1(),fd=_u $ 1(),md=Eu $ 1(),vd=Tu $ 1(),Ad=Cu $ 1(),Nd=Nu $ 1(),Od=Ru $ 1(),kd=qu $ 1(),Ld=Uu $ 1(),Gd=qs(),Ud=Ls(),Fd=Ds(),Hd= $ u $ 1();function Vd(zd){return zd.sort((Yd,Xd)=>Yd-Xd)}qa.exports=class{constructor(zd,Yd){let Xd={loose:!1};this.cache=[],this.input=zd,this.options=Object.assign({},Xd,Yd),this.position=0,this.unbalanced=0,this.root=new nd;let yf=new od;this.root.append(yf),this.current=yf,this.tokens=Ld(zd,this.options)}parse(){return this.loop()}colon(){let zd=this.currToken;this.newNode(new ud({value:zd[1],source:{start:{line:zd[2],column:zd[3]},end:{line:zd[4],column:zd[5]}},sourceIndex:zd[6]})),this.position++}comma(){let zd=this.currToken;this.newNode(new dd({value:zd[1],source:{start:{line:zd[2],column:zd[3]},end:{line:zd[4],column:zd[5]}},sourceIndex:zd[6]})),this.position++}comment(){let zd=!1,Yd=this.currToken[1].replace(/ \/ \* | \* \/ /g,""),Xd;this.options.loose&&Yd.startsWith("//")&&(Yd=Yd.substring(2),zd=!0),Xd=new pd({value:Yd,inline:zd,source:{start:{line:this.currToken[2],column:this.currToken[3]},end:{line:this.currToken[4],column:this.currToken[5]}},sourceIndex:this.currToken[6]}),this.newNode(Xd),this.position++}error(zd,Yd){throw new Hd(zd+ ` at line : $ { Yd [ 2 ] } , column $ { Yd [ 3 ] } ` )}loop(){for(;this.position<this.tokens.length;)this.parseTokens();return!this.current.last&&this.spaces?this.current.raws.before+=this.spaces:this.spaces&&(this.current.last.raws.after+=this.spaces),this.spaces="",this.root}operator(){let zd=this.currToken[1],Yd;if(zd==="+"||zd==="-"){if(this.options.loose||this.position>0&&(this.current.type==="func"&&this.current.value==="calc"?this.prevToken[0]!=="space"&&this.prevToken[0]!=="("?this.error("Syntax Error",this.currToken):this.nextToken[0]!=="space"&&this.nextToken[0]!=="word"?this.error("Syntax Error",this.currToken):this.nextToken[0]==="word"&&this.current.last.type!=="operator"&&this.current.last.value!=="("&&this.error("Syntax Error",this.currToken):(this.nextToken[0]==="space"||this.nextToken[0]==="operator"||this.prevToken[0]==="operator")&&this.error("Syntax Error",this.currToken)),this.options.loose){if((!this.current.nodes.length||this.current.last&&this.current.last.type==="operator")&&this.nextToken[0]==="word")return this.word()}else if(this.nextToken[0]==="word")return this.word()}return Yd=new vd({value:this.currToken[1],source:{start:{line:this.currToken[2],column:this.currToken[3]},end:{line:this.currToken[2],column:this.currToken[3]}},sourceIndex:this.currToken[4]}),this.position++,this.newNode(Yd)}parseTokens(){switch(this.currToken[0]){case"space":this.space();break;case"colon":this.colon();break;case"comma":this.comma();break;case"comment":this.comment();break;case"(":this.parenOpen();break;case")":this.parenClose();break;case"atword":case"wo
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
Expected it to be 'string' or 'object' . ` ;if(Ve $ 2(Ra))throw new Error("doc is valid.");let nd=Object.prototype.toString.call(Ra);if(nd!=="[object Object]")return ` Unexpected doc '${nd}' . ` ;let od=ml([...bt $ 3].map(ld=> ` '${ld}' ` ));return ` Unexpected doc . type '${Ra.type}' .
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
Expected it to be $ { od } . ` }var Fr $ 1=class extends Error{constructor(nd){super(yl(nd));Rg(this,"name","InvalidDocError");this.doc=nd}}, $ r $ 1=Fr $ 1,Zs=()=>{},_t $ 2=Zs;function q $ 5(Ra){return{type:we $ 4,contents:Ra}}function en $ 2(Ra,qa){return{type:ge $ 4,contents:qa,n:Ra}}function L $ 4(Ra,qa={}){return _t $ 2(qa.expandedStates),{type:ve $ 4,id:qa.id,contents:Ra,break:!!qa.shouldBreak,expandedStates:qa.expandedStates}}function tn $ 1(Ra){return en $ 2({type:"root"},Ra)}function ue $ 3(Ra){return en $ 2(-1,Ra)}function Ge $ 2(Ra){return{type:xe $ 3,parts:Ra}}function kt $ 1(Ra,qa="",nd={}){return{type:oe $ 3,breakContents:Ra,flatContents:qa,groupId:nd.groupId}}var je $ 4={type:be $ 5},wl={type:K $ 4,hard:!0},A $ 2={type:K $ 4},M $ 4={type:K $ 4,soft:!0},E $ 4=[wl,je $ 4];function V $ 4(Ra,qa){let nd=[];for(let od=0;od<qa.length;od++)od!==0&&nd.push(Ra),nd.push(qa[od]);return nd}var gl=(Ra,qa,nd)=>{if(!(Ra&&qa==null))return Array.isArray(qa)||typeof qa=="string"?qa[nd<0?qa.length+nd:nd]:qa.at(nd)},G $ 5=gl;function vl(Ra,qa){if(typeof Ra=="string")return qa(Ra);let nd=new Map;return od(Ra);function od(ud){if(nd.has(ud))return nd.get(ud);let dd=ld(ud);return nd.set(ud,dd),dd}function ld(ud){switch(Ve $ 2(ud)){case Be $ 4:return qa(ud.map(od));case xe $ 3:return qa({...ud,parts:ud.parts.map(od)});case oe $ 3:return qa({...ud,breakContents:od(ud.breakContents),flatContents:od(ud.flatContents)});case ve $ 4:{let{expandedStates:dd,contents:pd}=ud;return dd?(dd=dd.map(od),pd=dd[0]):pd=od(pd),qa({...ud,contents:pd,expandedStates:dd})}case ge $ 4:case we $ 4:case $ e $ 2:case ze $ 3:case We $ 2:return qa({...ud,contents:od(ud.contents)});case Me $ 3:case Ue $ 1:case Fe $ 3:case Ye $ 3:case K $ 4:case be $ 5:return qa(ud);default:throw new $ r $ 1(ud)}}}function xl(Ra){return Ra.type===K $ 4&&!Ra.hard?Ra.soft?"":" ":Ra.type===oe $ 3?Ra.flatContents:Ra}function rn $ 2(Ra){return vl(Ra,xl)}function bl $ 1(Ra){return Array.isArray(Ra)&&Ra.length>0}var ee $ 3=bl $ 1,Et $ 1="'",sn $ 1='"';function _l(Ra,qa){let nd=qa===!0||qa===Et $ 1?Et $ 1:sn $ 1,od=nd===Et $ 1?sn $ 1:Et $ 1,ld=0,ud=0;for(let dd of Ra)dd===nd?ld++:dd===od&&ud++;return ld>ud?od:nd}var nn $ 2=_l;function kl(Ra,qa,nd){let od=qa==='"'?"'":'"',ld=_ $ 4(!1,Ra,/ \\ (.)|(["'])/gsu,(ud,dd,pd)=>dd===od?dd:pd===qa?" \\ "+pd:pd||(nd&&/^[^ \n \r "'0-7 \\ bfnrt-vx \u 2028 \u 2029] $ /u.test(dd)?dd:" \\ "+dd));return qa+ld+qa}var on $ 1=kl;function El(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.slice(1,-1),od=qa.parser==="json"||qa.parser==="jsonc"||qa.parser==="json5"&&qa.quoteProps==="preserve"&&!qa.singleQuote?'"':qa.__isInHtmlAttribute?"'":nn $ 2(nd,qa.singleQuote);return on $ 1(nd,od,!(qa.parser==="css"||qa.parser==="less"||qa.parser==="scss"||qa.__embeddedInHtml))}var St $ 2=El,Wr $ 1=class extends Error{constructor(nd,od,ld="type"){super( ` Unexpected $ { od } node $ { ld } : $ { JSON . stringify ( nd [ ld ] ) } . ` );Rg(this,"name","UnexpectedNodeError");this.node=nd}},an $ 3=Wr $ 1;function Sl(Ra){return(Ra==null?void 0:Ra.type)==="front-matter"}var _e $ 3=Sl,Tl=new Set(["raw","raws","sourceIndex","source","before","after","trailingComma","spaces"]);function un $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){if(_e $ 3(Ra)&&Ra.language==="yaml"&&delete qa.value,Ra.type==="css-comment"&&nd.type==="css-root"&&nd.nodes.length>0&&((nd.nodes[0]===Ra||_e $ 3(nd.nodes[0])&&nd.nodes[1]===Ra)&&(delete qa.text,/^ \* \s *@(?:format|prettier) \s * $ /u.test(Ra.text))||nd.type==="css-root"&&G $ 5(!1,nd.nodes,-1)===Ra))return null;if(Ra.type==="value-root"&&delete qa.text,(Ra.type==="media-query"||Ra.type==="media-query-list"||Ra.type==="media-feature-expression")&&delete qa.value,Ra.type==="css-rule"&&delete qa.params,(Ra.type==="media-feature"||Ra.type==="media-keyword"||Ra.type==="media-type"||Ra.type==="media-unknown"||Ra.type==="media-url"||Ra.type==="media-value"||Ra.type==="selector-attribute"||Ra.type==="selector-string"||Ra.type==="selector-class"||Ra.type==="selector-combinator"||Ra.type==="value-string")&&Ra.value&&(qa.value=Ol(Ra.value)),Ra.type==="selector-combinator"&&(qa.value=_ $ 4(!1,qa.value,/ \s +/gu," ")),Ra.type==="media-feature"&&(qa.value=_ $ 4(!1,qa.value," ","")),(Ra.type==="value-word"&&(Ra.isColor&&Ra.isHex||["initial","inherit","unset","revert"].includes(Ra.value.toLowerCase()))||Ra.type==="media-feature"||Ra.type
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ,nd)+1;return nd+Ra.column}var zr $ 1=Il;function Tt $ 2(Ra){return(qa,nd,od)=>{let ld=!!(od!=null&&od.backwards);if(nd===!1)return!1;let{length:ud}=qa,dd=nd;for(;dd>=0&&dd<ud;){let pd=qa.charAt(dd);if(Ra instanceof RegExp){if(!Ra.test(pd))return dd}else if(!Ra.includes(pd))return dd;ld?dd--:dd++}return dd===-1||dd===ud?dd:!1}}var Ot $ 2=Tt $ 2(" "),yn $ 2=Tt $ 2(",; "),Ct $ 1=Tt $ 2(/[^ \n \r ]/u);function wn $ 1(Ra,qa){var nd,od,ld;if(typeof((od=(nd=Ra.source)==null?void 0:nd.start)==null?void 0:od.offset)=="number")return Ra.source.start.offset;if(typeof Ra.sourceIndex=="number")return Ra.sourceIndex;if((ld=Ra.source)!=null&&ld.start)return zr $ 1(Ra.source.start,qa);throw Object.assign(new Error("Can not locate node."),{node:Ra})}function Vr $ 1(Ra,qa){var nd,od;if(Ra.type==="css-comment"&&Ra.inline)return Ct $ 1(qa,Ra.source.startOffset);if(typeof((od=(nd=Ra.source)==null?void 0:nd.end)==null?void 0:od.offset)=="number")return Ra.source.end.offset;if(Ra.source){if(Ra.source.end)return zr $ 1(Ra.source.end,qa);if(ee $ 3(Ra.nodes))return Vr $ 1(G $ 5(!1,Ra.nodes,-1),qa)}return null}function Gr $ 1(Ra,qa){Ra.source&&(Ra.source.startOffset=wn $ 1(Ra,qa),Ra.source.endOffset=Vr $ 1(Ra,qa));for(let nd in Ra){let od=Ra[nd];nd==="source"||!od||typeof od!="object"||(od.type==="value-root"||od.type==="value-unknown"?gn $ 2(od,ql(Ra),od.text||od.value):Gr $ 1(od,qa))}}function gn $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){Ra.source&&(Ra.source.startOffset=wn $ 1(Ra,nd)+qa,Ra.source.endOffset=Vr $ 1(Ra,nd)+qa);for(let od in Ra){let ld=Ra[od];od==="source"||!ld||typeof ld!="object"||gn $ 2(ld,qa,nd)}}function ql(Ra){var qa;let nd=Ra.source.startOffset;return typeof Ra.prop=="string"&&(nd+=Ra.prop.length),Ra.type==="css-atrule"&&typeof Ra.name=="string"&&(nd+=1+Ra.name.length+Ra.raws.afterName.match(/^ \s *:? \s */u)[0].length),Ra.type!=="css-atrule"&&typeof((qa=Ra.raws)==null?void 0:qa.between)=="string"&&(nd+=Ra.raws.between.length),nd}function vn $ 1(Ra){let qa="initial",nd="initial",od,ld=!1,ud=[];for(let dd=0;dd<Ra.length;dd++){let pd=Ra[dd];switch(qa){case"initial":if(pd==="'"){qa="single-quotes";continue}if(pd==='"'){qa="double-quotes";continue}if((pd==="u"||pd==="U")&&Ra.slice(dd,dd+4).toLowerCase()==="url("){qa="url",dd+=3;continue}if(pd==="*"&&Ra[dd-1]==="/"){qa="comment-block";continue}if(pd==="/"&&Ra[dd-1]==="/"){qa="comment-inline",od=dd-1;continue}continue;case"single-quotes":if(pd==="'"&&Ra[dd-1]!==" \\ "&&(qa=nd,nd="initial"),pd=== `
` ||pd===" \r ")return Ra;continue;case"double-quotes":if(pd==='"'&&Ra[dd-1]!==" \\ "&&(qa=nd,nd="initial"),pd=== `
` ||pd===" \r ")return Ra;continue;case"url":if(pd===")"&&(qa="initial"),pd=== `
` ||pd===" \r ")return Ra;if(pd==="'"){qa="single-quotes",nd="url";continue}if(pd==='"'){qa="double-quotes",nd="url";continue}continue;case"comment-block":pd==="/"&&Ra[dd-1]==="*"&&(qa="initial");continue;case"comment-inline":(pd==='"'||pd==="'"||pd==="*")&&(ld=!0),(pd=== `
` ||pd===" \r ")&&(ld&&ud.push([od,dd]),qa="initial",ld=!1);continue}}for(let[dd,pd]of ud)Ra=Ra.slice(0,dd)+_ $ 4(!1,Ra.slice(dd,pd),/["'*]/gu," ")+Ra.slice(pd);return Ra}function N $ 4(Ra){var qa;return(qa=Ra.source)==null?void 0:qa.startOffset}function P $ 5(Ra){var qa;return(qa=Ra.source)==null?void 0:qa.endOffset}var Ll=/ \* \/ $ /,Dl=/^ \/ \* \* ?/,kn $ 1=/^ \s *( \/ \* \* ?(.| \r ? \n )*? \* \/ )/,Ml=/(^| \s +) \/ \/ ([^ \n \r ]*)/g,xn $ 1=/^( \r ? \n )+/,Bl=/(?:^| \r ? \n ) *(@[^ \n \r ]*?) * \r ? \n *(?![^ \n \r @]* \/ \/ [^]*)([^ \s @][^ \n \r @]+?) * \r ? \n /g,bn $ 2=/(?:^| \r ? \n ) *@( \S +) *([^ \n \r ]*)/g,Ul=/( \r ? \n |^) * \* ?/g,En $ 1=[];function Sn $ 1(Ra){let qa=Ra.match(kn $ 1);return qa?qa[0].trimStart():""}function Tn $ 1(Ra){let qa=Ra.match(kn $ 1),nd=qa==null?void 0:qa[0];return nd==null?Ra:Ra.slice(nd.length)}function On $ 1(Ra){let qa= `
` ;Ra=_ $ 4(!1,Ra.replace(Dl,"").replace(Ll,""),Ul," $ 1");let nd="";for(;nd!==Ra;)nd=Ra,Ra=_ $ 4(!1,Ra,Bl, ` $ { qa } $1 $2$ { qa } ` );Ra=Ra.replace(xn $ 1,"").trimEnd();let od=Object.create(null),ld=_ $ 4(!1,Ra,bn $ 2,"").replace(xn $ 1,"").trimEnd(),ud;for(;ud=bn $ 2.exec(Ra);){let dd=_ $ 4(!1,ud[2],Ml,"");if(typeof od[ud[1]]=="string"||Array.isArray(od[ud[1]])){let pd=od[ud[1]];od[ud[1]]=[...En $ 1,...Array.isArray(pd)?pd:[pd],dd]}else od[ud[1]]=dd}return{comments:ld,pragmas:od}}function Cn $ 1({comments:Ra="",pragmas:qa={}}){let nd= `
` ,od="/**",ld=" *",ud=" */",dd=Object.keys(qa),pd=dd.flatMap(md=>_n $ 1(md,qa[md])).map(md=> ` $ { ld } $ { md } $ { nd } ` ).join("");if(!Ra){if(dd.length===0)return"";if(dd.length===1&&!Array.isArray(qa[dd[0]])){let md=qa[dd[0]];return ` $ { od } $ { _n$1 ( dd [ 0 ] , md ) [ 0 ] } $ { ud } ` }}let fd=Ra.split(nd).map(md=> ` $ { ld } $ { md } ` ).join(nd)+nd;return od+nd+(Ra?fd:"")+(Ra&&dd.length>0?ld+nd:"")+pd+ud}function _n $ 1(Ra,qa){return[...En $ 1,...Array.isArray(qa)?qa:[qa]].map(nd=> ` @ $ { Ra } $ { nd } ` .trim())}function Fl(Ra){if(!Ra.startsWith("#!"))return"";let qa=Ra.indexOf( `
` );return qa===-1?Ra:Ra.slice(0,qa)}var An $ 1=Fl;function Nn $ 1(Ra){let qa=An $ 1(Ra);qa&&(Ra=Ra.slice(qa.length+1));let nd=Sn $ 1(Ra),{pragmas:od,comments:ld}=On $ 1(nd);return{shebang:qa,text:Ra,pragmas:od,comments:ld}}function Pn $ 1(Ra){let{pragmas:qa}=Nn $ 1(Ra);return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(qa,"prettier")||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(qa,"format")}function Rn(Ra){let{shebang:qa,text:nd,pragmas:od,comments:ld}=Nn $ 1(Ra),ud=Tn $ 1(nd),dd=Cn $ 1({pragmas:{format:"",...od},comments:ld.trimStart()});return(qa? ` $ { qa }
` :"")+dd+(ud.startsWith( `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` )? `
` : `
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` )+ud}var Qe $ 2=3;function $ l(Ra){let qa=Ra.slice(0,Qe $ 2);if(qa!=="---"&&qa!=="+++")return;let nd=Ra.indexOf( `
` ,Qe $ 2);if(nd===-1)return;let od=Ra.slice(Qe $ 2,nd).trim(),ld=Ra.indexOf( `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
$ { qa } ` ,nd),ud=od;if(ud||(ud=qa==="+++"?"toml":"yaml"),ld===-1&&qa==="---"&&ud==="yaml"&&(ld=Ra.indexOf( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
... ` ,nd)),ld===-1)return;let dd=ld+1+Qe $ 2,pd=Ra.charAt(dd+1);if(!/ \s ?/u.test(pd))return;let fd=Ra.slice(0,dd);return{type:"front-matter",language:ud,explicitLanguage:od,value:Ra.slice(nd+1,ld),startDelimiter:qa,endDelimiter:fd.slice(-Qe $ 2),raw:fd}}function Wl(Ra){let qa= $ l(Ra);if(!qa)return{content:Ra};let{raw:nd}=qa;return{frontMatter:qa,content:_ $ 4(!1,nd,/[^ \n ]/gu," ")+Ra.slice(nd.length)}}var Je $ 2=Wl;function In(Ra){return Pn $ 1(Je $ 2(Ra).content)}function qn $ 1(Ra){let{frontMatter:qa,content:nd}=Je $ 2(Ra);return(qa?qa.raw+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` :"")+Rn(nd)}var Yl=new Set(["red","green","blue","alpha","a","rgb","hue","h","saturation","s","lightness","l","whiteness","w","blackness","b","tint","shade","blend","blenda","contrast","hsl","hsla","hwb","hwba"]);function Ln(Ra){var qa,nd;return(nd=(qa=Ra.findAncestor(od=>od.type==="css-decl"))==null?void 0:qa.prop)==null?void 0:nd.toLowerCase()}var zl=new Set(["initial","inherit","unset","revert"]);function Dn $ 1(Ra){return zl.has(Ra.toLowerCase())}function Mn(Ra,qa){var nd;let od=Ra.findAncestor(ld=>ld.type==="css-atrule");return((nd=od==null?void 0:od.name)==null?void 0:nd.toLowerCase().endsWith("keyframes"))&&["from","to"].includes(qa.toLowerCase())}function te $ 3(Ra){return Ra.includes(" $ ")||Ra.includes("@")||Ra.includes("#")||Ra.startsWith("%")||Ra.startsWith("--")||Ra.startsWith(":--")||Ra.includes("(")&&Ra.includes(")")?Ra:Ra.toLowerCase()}function ke $ 4(Ra,qa){var nd;let od=Ra.findAncestor(ld=>ld.type==="value-func");return((nd=od==null?void 0:od.value)==null?void 0:nd.toLowerCase())===qa}function Bn $ 1(Ra){var qa;let nd=Ra.findAncestor(ld=>ld.type==="css-rule"),od=(qa=nd==null?void 0:nd.raws)==null?void 0:qa.selector;return od&&(od.startsWith(":import")||od.startsWith(":export"))}function Ee $ 4(Ra,qa){let nd=Array.isArray(qa)?qa:[qa],od=Ra.findAncestor(ld=>ld.type==="css-atrule");return od&&nd.includes(od.name.toLowerCase())}function Un $ 1(Ra){var qa;let{node:nd}=Ra;return nd.groups[0].value==="url"&&nd.groups.length===2&&((qa=Ra.findAncestor(od=>od.type==="css-atrule"))==null?void 0:qa.name)==="import"}function Fn $ 1(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-func"&&Ra.value.toLowerCase()==="url"}function $ n $ 1(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-func"&&Ra.value.toLowerCase()==="var"}function Wn(Ra){let{selector:qa}=Ra;return qa?typeof qa=="string"&&/^@.+:.* $ /u.test(qa)||qa.value&&/^@.+:.* $ /u.test(qa.value):!1}function Yn(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-word"&&["from","through","end"].includes(Ra.value)}function zn $ 1(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-word"&&["and","or","not"].includes(Ra.value)}function Vn $ 1(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-word"&&Ra.value==="in"}function At $ 1(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-operator"&&Ra.value==="*"}function Xe $ 2(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-operator"&&Ra.value==="/"}function Q $ 5(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-operator"&&Ra.value==="+"}function le $ 3(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-operator"&&Ra.value==="-"}function Vl(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-operator"&&Ra.value==="%"}function Nt $ 2(Ra){return At $ 1(Ra)||Xe $ 2(Ra)||Q $ 5(Ra)||le $ 3(Ra)||Vl(Ra)}function Gn $ 1(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-word"&&["==","!="].includes(Ra.value)}function jn(Ra){return Ra.type==="value-word"&&["<",">","<=",">="].includes(Ra.value)}function Ze $ 2(Ra,qa){return qa.parser==="scss"&&Ra.type==="css-atrule"&&["if","else","for","each","while"].includes(Ra.name)}function Hr $ 1(Ra){var qa;return((qa=Ra.raws)==null?void 0:qa.params)&&/^ \( \s * \) $ /u.test(Ra.raws.params)}function Pt $ 1(Ra){return Ra.name.startsWith("prettier-placeholder")}function Hn(Ra){return Ra.prop.startsWith("@prettier-placeholder")}function Kn $ 1(Ra,qa){return Ra.value===" $ $ "&&Ra.type==="value-func"&&(qa==null?void 0:qa.type)==="value-word"&&!qa.raws.before}function Qn $ 1(Ra){var qa,nd;return((qa=Ra.value)==null?void 0:qa.type)==="value-root"&&((nd=Ra.value.group)==null?void 0:nd.type)==="value-value"&&Ra.prop.toLowerCase()==="composes"}function Jn $ 1(Ra){var qa,nd,od;return((od=(nd=(qa=Ra.value)==null?void 0:qa.group)==null?void 0:nd.group)==null?void 0:od.type)==="value-paren_group"&&Ra.value.group.group.open!==null&&Ra.value.group.group.close!==null}function ce $ 5(Ra){var qa;return((qa=Ra.raws)==null?void 0:qa.before)===""}function Rt $ 2(Ra){var qa,nd;return Ra.type==="value-comma_group"&&((nd=(qa=Ra.groups)==null?void 0:qa[1])==null?void 0:nd.type)==="value-colon"}function jr $ 1(Ra){var qa;return Ra.type==="value-paren_group"&&((qa=Ra.groups)==null?void 0:qa[0])&&Rt $ 2(Ra.groups[0])}function Kr $ 1(Ra,qa){var nd;if(qa.parser!=="scss")return!1;let{node:od}=Ra;if(od.groups.length===0)return!1;let ld=Ra.grandparent;if(!jr $ 1(od)&&!(ld&&jr $ 1(ld)))return!1;let ud=Ra.findAncestor(dd=>dd.type==="css-decl");return!!
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` )return qa-2;if(ld=== `
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa-1}else{if(ld===" \r "&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)=== `
` )return qa+2;if(ld=== `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa+1}return qa}var Dt $ 1=Xl;function Zl(Ra,qa,nd={}){let od=Ot $ 2(Ra,nd.backwards?qa-1:qa,nd),ld=Dt $ 1(Ra,od,nd);return od!==ld}var Mt $ 2=Zl;function ec(Ra,qa){if(qa===!1)return!1;if(Ra.charAt(qa)==="/"&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)==="*"){for(let nd=qa+2;nd<Ra.length;++nd)if(Ra.charAt(nd)==="*"&&Ra.charAt(nd+1)==="/")return nd+2}return qa}var ui $ 1=ec;function tc(Ra,qa){return qa===!1?!1:Ra.charAt(qa)==="/"&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)==="/"?Ct $ 1(Ra,qa):qa}var li $ 1=tc;function rc(Ra,qa){let nd=null,od=qa;for(;od!==nd;)nd=od,od=yn $ 2(Ra,od),od=ui $ 1(Ra,od),od=Ot $ 2(Ra,od);return od=li $ 1(Ra,od),od=Dt $ 1(Ra,od),od!==!1&&Mt $ 2(Ra,od)}var Bt $ 2=rc;function sc({node:Ra,parent:qa},nd){return!!(Ra.source&&nd.originalText.slice(N $ 4(Ra),N $ 4(qa.close)).trimEnd().endsWith(","))}function nc(Ra,qa){return $ n $ 1(Ra.grandparent)&&sc(Ra,qa)?",":Ra.node.type!=="value-comment"&&!(Ra.node.type==="value-comma_group"&&Ra.node.groups.every(nd=>nd.type==="value-comment"))&&ai $ 2(qa)&&Ra.callParent(()=>Kr $ 1(Ra,qa))?kt $ 1(","):""}function ci $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){let{node:od,parent:ld}=Ra,ud=Ra.map(({node:Od})=>typeof Od=="string"?Od:nd(),"groups");if(ld&&Fn $ 1(ld)&&(od.groups.length===1||od.groups.length>0&&od.groups[0].type==="value-comma_group"&&od.groups[0].groups.length>0&&od.groups[0].groups[0].type==="value-word"&&od.groups[0].groups[0].value.startsWith("data:")))return[od.open?nd("open"):"",V $ 4(",",ud),od.close?nd("close"):""];if(!od.open){let Od=es(Ra),kd=V $ 4([",",Od?E $ 4:A $ 2],ud);return q $ 5(Od?[E $ 4,kd]:L $ 4(Ge $ 2(kd)))}let dd=Ra.map(({node:Od,isLast:kd,index:Ld})=>{var Gd;let Ud=ud[Ld];if(Rt $ 2(Od)&&Od.type==="value-comma_group"&&Od.groups&&Od.groups[0].type!=="value-paren_group"&&((Gd=Od.groups[2])==null?void 0:Gd.type)==="value-paren_group"){let{parts:Hd}=Ud.contents.contents;Hd[1]=L $ 4(Hd[1]),Ud=L $ 4(ue $ 3(Ud))}let Fd=[Ud,kd?nc(Ra,qa):","];if(!kd&&Od.type==="value-comma_group"&&ee $ 3(Od.groups)){let Hd=G $ 5(!1,Od.groups,-1);!Hd.source&&Hd.close&&(Hd=Hd.close),Hd.source&&Bt $ 2(qa.originalText,P $ 5(Hd))&&Fd.push(E $ 4)}return Fd},"groups"),pd=Xn $ 1(od,ld),fd=ti $ 1(od,ld),md=Kr $ 1(Ra,qa),vd=fd||md&&!pd,Ad=fd||pd,Nd=L $ 4([od.open?nd("open"):"",q $ 5([M $ 4,V $ 4(A $ 2,dd)]),M $ 4,od.close?nd("close"):""],{shouldBreak:vd});return Ad?ue $ 3(Nd):Nd}function es(Ra){return Ra.match(qa=>qa.type==="value-paren_group"&&!qa.open&&qa.groups.some(nd=>nd.type==="value-comma_group"),(qa,nd)=>nd==="group"&&qa.type==="value-value",(qa,nd)=>nd==="group"&&qa.type==="value-root",(qa,nd)=>nd==="value"&&(qa.type==="css-decl"&&!qa.prop.startsWith("--")||qa.type==="css-atrule"&&qa.variable))}function ic(Ra,qa,nd){let od=[];return Ra.each(()=>{let{node:ld,previous:ud}=Ra;if((ud==null?void 0:ud.type)==="css-comment"&&ud.text.trim()==="prettier-ignore"?od.push(qa.originalText.slice(N $ 4(ld),P $ 5(ld))):od.push(nd()),Ra.isLast)return;let{next:dd}=Ra;dd.type==="css-comment"&&!Mt $ 2(qa.originalText,N $ 4(dd),{backwards:!0})&&!_e $ 3(ld)||dd.type==="css-atrule"&&dd.name==="else"&&ld.type!=="css-comment"?od.push(" "):(od.push(qa.__isHTMLStyleAttribute?A $ 2:E $ 4),Bt $ 2(qa.originalText,P $ 5(ld))&&!_e $ 3(ld)&&od.push(E $ 4))},"nodes"),od}var Te $ 3=ic;function oc(Ra,qa,nd){var od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd;let{node:md}=Ra;switch(md.type){case"front-matter":return[md.raw,E $ 4];case"css-root":{let vd=Te $ 3(Ra,qa,nd),Ad=md.raws.after.trim();return Ad.startsWith(";")&&(Ad=Ad.slice(1).trim()),[md.frontMatter?[nd("frontMatter"),E $ 4]:"",vd,Ad? ` $ { Ad } ` :"",md.nodes.length>0?E $ 4:""]}case"css-comment":{let vd=md.inline||md.raws.inline,Ad=qa.originalText.slice(N $ 4(md),P $ 5(md));return vd?Ad.trimEnd():Ad}case"css-rule":return[nd("selector"),md.important?" !important":"",md.nodes?[((od=md.selector)==null?void 0:od.type)==="selector-unknown"&&Se $ 4(md.selector.value)?A $ 2:md.selector?" ":"","{",md.nodes.length>0?q $ 5([E $ 4,Te $ 3(Ra,qa,nd)]):"",E $ 4,"}",Wn(md)?";":""]:";"];case"css-decl":{let vd=Ra.parent,{between:Ad}=md.raws,Nd=Ad.trim(),Od=Nd===":",kd=typeof md.value=="string"&&/^ * $ /u.test(md.value),Ld=typeof md.value=="string"?md.value:nd("value");return Ld=Qn $ 1(md)?rn $ 2(Ld):Ld,!Od&&Se $ 4(Nd)&&!((ud=(ld=md.value)==null?void 0:ld.group)!=null&&ud.
` ,zd(Vd.gutter,Df.replace(/ \d /g," "))," ",ih,zd(Vd.marker,"^").repeat(sh)].join(""),Gf&&Ud.message&&(Qf+=" "+zd(Vd.message,Ud.message))}return[zd(Vd.marker,">"),zd(Vd.gutter,Df),vf.length>0? ` $ { vf } ` :"",Qf].join("")}else return ` $ { zd ( Vd . gutter , Df ) } $ { vf . length > 0 ? ` ${ vf } ` : "" } ` }).join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` );return Ud.message&&!pf&&(Tf= ` $ { " " . repeat ( mf + 1 ) } $ { Ud . message }
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
$ { Tf } ` ),Fd?Hd.reset(Tf):Tf}function kd(Ld,Gd,Ud,Fd={}){if(!md){md=!0;let Hd="Passing lineNumber and colNumber is deprecated to @babel/code-frame. Please use ` codeFrameColumns ` .";{let Vd=new Error(Hd);Vd.name="DeprecationWarning",console.warn(new Error(Hd))}}return Ud=Math.max(Ud,0),Od(Ld,{start:{column:Ud,line:Gd}},Fd)}}),ir={};We $ 1(ir,{__debug:()=>di,check:()=>fi,doc:()=>nr,format:()=>gu,formatWithCursor:()=>Cu,getSupportInfo:()=>pi $ 2,util:()=>or,version:()=>fu});var Ou=(Ra,qa,nd,od)=>{if(!(Ra&&qa==null))return qa.replaceAll?qa.replaceAll(nd,od):nd.global?qa.replace(nd,od):qa.split(nd).join(od)},ne $ 3=Ou;function Z $ 4(){}Z $ 4.prototype={diff:function(Ra,qa){var nd,od=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:{},ld=od.callback;typeof od=="function"&&(ld=od,od={}),this.options=od;var ud=this;function dd(Hd){return ld?(setTimeout(function(){ld(void 0,Hd)},0),!0):Hd}Ra=this.castInput(Ra),qa=this.castInput(qa),Ra=this.removeEmpty(this.tokenize(Ra)),qa=this.removeEmpty(this.tokenize(qa));var pd=qa.length,fd=Ra.length,md=1,vd=pd+fd;od.maxEditLength&&(vd=Math.min(vd,od.maxEditLength));var Ad=(nd=od.timeout)!==null&&nd!==void 0?nd:1/0,Nd=Date.now()+Ad,Od=[{oldPos:-1,lastComponent:void 0}],kd=this.extractCommon(Od[0],qa,Ra,0);if(Od[0].oldPos+1>=fd&&kd+1>=pd)return dd([{value:this.join(qa),count:qa.length}]);var Ld=-1/0,Gd=1/0;function Ud(){for(var Hd=Math.max(Ld,-md);Hd<=Math.min(Gd,md);Hd+=2){var Vd=void 0,zd=Od[Hd-1],Yd=Od[Hd+1];zd&&(Od[Hd-1]=void 0);var Xd=!1;if(Yd){var yf=Yd.oldPos-Hd;Xd=Yd&&0<=yf&&yf<pd}var Qd=zd&&zd.oldPos+1<fd;if(!Xd&&!Qd){Od[Hd]=void 0;continue}if(!Qd||Xd&&zd.oldPos+1<Yd.oldPos?Vd=ud.addToPath(Yd,!0,void 0,0):Vd=ud.addToPath(zd,void 0,!0,1),kd=ud.extractCommon(Vd,qa,Ra,Hd),Vd.oldPos+1>=fd&&kd+1>=pd)return dd(Su(ud,Vd.lastComponent,qa,Ra,ud.useLongestToken));Od[Hd]=Vd,Vd.oldPos+1>=fd&&(Gd=Math.min(Gd,Hd-1)),kd+1>=pd&&(Ld=Math.max(Ld,Hd+1))}md++}if(ld)(function Hd(){setTimeout(function(){if(md>vd||Date.now()>Nd)return ld();Ud()||Hd()},0)})();else for(;md<=vd&&Date.now()<=Nd;){var Fd=Ud();if(Fd)return Fd}},addToPath:function(Ra,qa,nd,od){var ld=Ra.lastComponent;return ld&&ld.added===qa&&ld.removed===nd?{oldPos:Ra.oldPos+od,lastComponent:{count:ld.count+1,added:qa,removed:nd,previousComponent:ld.previousComponent}}:{oldPos:Ra.oldPos+od,lastComponent:{count:1,added:qa,removed:nd,previousComponent:ld}}},extractCommon:function(Ra,qa,nd,od){for(var ld=qa.length,ud=nd.length,dd=Ra.oldPos,pd=dd-od,fd=0;pd+1<ld&&dd+1<ud&&this.equals(qa[pd+1],nd[dd+1]);)pd++,dd++,fd++;return fd&&(Ra.lastComponent={count:fd,previousComponent:Ra.lastComponent}),Ra.oldPos=dd,pd},equals:function(Ra,qa){return this.options.comparator?this.options.comparator(Ra,qa):Ra===qa||this.options.ignoreCase&&Ra.toLowerCase()===qa.toLowerCase()},removeEmpty:function(Ra){for(var qa=[],nd=0;nd<Ra.length;nd++)Ra[nd]&&qa.push(Ra[nd]);return qa},castInput:function(Ra){return Ra},tokenize:function(Ra){return Ra.split("")},join:function(Ra){return Ra.join("")}};function Su(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){for(var ud=[],dd;qa;)ud.push(qa),dd=qa.previousComponent,delete qa.previousComponent,qa=dd;ud.reverse();for(var pd=0,fd=ud.length,md=0,vd=0;pd<fd;pd++){var Ad=ud[pd];if(Ad.removed){if(Ad.value=Ra.join(od.slice(vd,vd+Ad.count)),vd+=Ad.count,pd&&ud[pd-1].added){var Nd=ud[pd-1];ud[pd-1]=ud[pd],ud[pd]=Nd}}else{if(!Ad.added&&ld){var Od=nd.slice(md,md+Ad.count);Od=Od.map(function(Ld,Gd){var Ud=od[vd+Gd];return Ud.length>Ld.length?Ud:Ld}),Ad.value=Ra.join(Od)}else Ad.value=Ra.join(nd.slice(md,md+Ad.count));md+=Ad.count,Ad.added||(vd+=Ad.count)}}var kd=ud[fd-1];return fd>1&&typeof kd.value=="string"&&(kd.added||kd.removed)&&Ra.equals("",kd.value)&&(ud[fd-2].value+=kd.value,ud.pop()),ud}var lr=/^[A-Za-z \x C0- \u 02C6 \u 02C8- \u 02D7 \u 02DE- \u 02FF \u 1E00- \u 1EFF]+ $ /,cr $ 1=/ \S /,fr=new Z $ 4;fr.equals=function(Ra,qa){return this.options.ignoreCase&&(Ra=Ra.toLowerCase(),qa=qa.toLowerCase()),Ra===qa||this.options.ignoreWhitespace&&!cr $ 1.test(Ra)&&!cr $ 1.test(qa)};fr.tokenize=function(Ra){for(var qa=Ra.split(/([^ \S \r \n ]+|[()[ \] {}'" \r \n ]| \b )/),nd=0;nd<qa.length-1;nd++)!qa[nd+1]&&qa[nd+2]&&l
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ));var qa=[],nd=Ra.split(/( \n | \r \n )/);nd[nd.length-1]||nd.pop();for(var od=0;od<nd.length;od++){var ld=nd[od];od%2&&!this.options.newlineIsToken?qa[qa.length-1]+=ld:(this.options.ignoreWhitespace&&(ld=ld.trim()),qa.push(ld))}return qa};var Nu=new Z $ 4;Nu.tokenize=function(Ra){return Ra.split(/( \S .+?[.!?])(?= \s +| $ )/)};var Tu=new Z $ 4;Tu.tokenize=function(Ra){return Ra.split(/([{}:;,]| \s +)/)};function $ e $ 1(Ra){"@babel/helpers - typeof";return typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"? $ e $ 1=function(qa){return typeof qa}: $ e $ 1=function(qa){return qa&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&qa.constructor===Symbol&&qa!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof qa}, $ e $ 1(Ra)}var ku=Object.prototype.toString,Ae $ 3=new Z $ 4;Ae $ 3.useLongestToken=!0;Ae $ 3.tokenize=pr.tokenize;Ae $ 3.castInput=function(Ra){var qa=this.options,nd=qa.undefinedReplacement,od=qa.stringifyReplacer,ld=od===void 0?function(ud,dd){return typeof dd>"u"?nd:dd}:od;return typeof Ra=="string"?Ra:JSON.stringify(Bt $ 1(Ra,null,null,ld),ld," ")};Ae $ 3.equals=function(Ra,qa){return Z $ 4.prototype.equals.call(Ae $ 3,Ra.replace(/,([ \r \n ])/g," $ 1"),qa.replace(/,([ \r \n ])/g," $ 1"))};function Bt $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){qa=qa||[],nd=nd||[],od&&(Ra=od(ld,Ra));var ud;for(ud=0;ud<qa.length;ud+=1)if(qa[ud]===Ra)return nd[ud];var dd;if(ku.call(Ra)==="[object Array]"){for(qa.push(Ra),dd=new Array(Ra.length),nd.push(dd),ud=0;ud<Ra.length;ud+=1)dd[ud]=Bt $ 1(Ra[ud],qa,nd,od,ld);return qa.pop(),nd.pop(),dd}if(Ra&&Ra.toJSON&&(Ra=Ra.toJSON()), $ e $ 1(Ra)==="object"&&Ra!==null){qa.push(Ra),dd={},nd.push(dd);var pd=[],fd;for(fd in Ra)Ra.hasOwnProperty(fd)&&pd.push(fd);for(pd.sort(),ud=0;ud<pd.length;ud+=1)fd=pd[ud],dd[fd]=Bt $ 1(Ra[fd],qa,nd,od,fd);qa.pop(),nd.pop()}else dd=Ra;return dd}var Ve $ 1=new Z $ 4;Ve $ 1.tokenize=function(Ra){return Ra.slice()};Ve $ 1.join=Ve $ 1.removeEmpty=function(Ra){return Ra};function dr(Ra,qa,nd){return Ve $ 1.diff(Ra,qa,nd)}function Fr(Ra){let qa=Ra.indexOf(" \r ");return qa>=0?Ra.charAt(qa+1)=== `
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` ?"crlf":"cr":"lf"}function Be $ 3(Ra){switch(Ra){case"cr":return" \r ";case"crlf":return ` \ r
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ;default:return `
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` }}function wt $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd;switch(qa){case `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` :nd=/ \n /gu;break;case" \r ":nd=/ \r /gu;break;case ` \ r
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` :nd=/ \r \n /gu;break;default:throw new Error( ` Unexpected "eol" $ { JSON . stringify ( qa ) } . ` )}let od=Ra.match(nd);return od?od.length:0}function mr(Ra){return ne $ 3(!1,Ra,/ \r \n ?/gu, `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` )}var U $ 4="string",W $ 4="array",z $ 3="cursor",L $ 3="indent",P $ 4="align",I $ 4="trim",x $ 4="group",S $ 2="fill",_ $ 3="if-break",R $ 5="indent-if-break",Y $ 3="line-suffix",j $ 3="line-suffix-boundary",B $ 4="line",N $ 3="label",b $ 2="break-parent",Ue=new Set([z $ 3,L $ 3,P $ 4,I $ 4,x $ 4,S $ 2,_ $ 3,R $ 5,Y $ 3,j $ 3,B $ 4,N $ 3,b $ 2]);function Lu(Ra){if(typeof Ra=="string")return U $ 4;if(Array.isArray(Ra))return W $ 4;if(!Ra)return;let{type:qa}=Ra;if(Ue.has(qa))return qa}var G $ 4=Lu,Pu=Ra=>new Intl.ListFormat("en-US",{type:"disjunction"}).format(Ra);function Iu(Ra){let qa=Ra===null?"null":typeof Ra;if(qa!=="string"&&qa!=="object")return ` Unexpected doc '${qa}' ,
Expected it to be 'string' or 'object' . ` ;if(G $ 4(Ra))throw new Error("doc is valid.");let nd=Object.prototype.toString.call(Ra);if(nd!=="[object Object]")return ` Unexpected doc '${nd}' . ` ;let od=Pu([...Ue].map(ld=> ` '${ld}' ` ));return ` Unexpected doc . type '${Ra.type}' .
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
Expected it to be $ { od } . ` }var xt $ 1=class extends Error{constructor(nd){super(Iu(nd));Rg(this,"name","InvalidDocError");this.doc=nd}},Q $ 4=xt $ 1,Er={};function Ru(Ra,qa,nd,od){let ld=[Ra];for(;ld.length>0;){let ud=ld.pop();if(ud===Er){nd(ld.pop());continue}nd&&ld.push(ud,Er);let dd=G $ 4(ud);if(!dd)throw new Q $ 4(ud);if((qa==null?void 0:qa(ud))!==!1)switch(dd){case W $ 4:case S $ 2:{let pd=dd===W $ 4?ud:ud.parts;for(let fd=pd.length,md=fd-1;md>=0;--md)ld.push(pd[md]);break}case _ $ 3:ld.push(ud.flatContents,ud.breakContents);break;case x $ 4:if(od&&ud.expandedStates)for(let pd=ud.expandedStates.length,fd=pd-1;fd>=0;--fd)ld.push(ud.expandedStates[fd]);else ld.push(ud.contents);break;case P $ 4:case L $ 3:case R $ 5:case N $ 3:case Y $ 3:ld.push(ud.contents);break;case U $ 4:case z $ 3:case I $ 4:case j $ 3:case B $ 4:case b $ 2:break;default:throw new Q $ 4(ud)}}}var we $ 3=Ru,hr $ 2=()=>{},ze $ 2=hr $ 2;function De $ 2(Ra){return{type:L $ 3,contents:Ra}}function ae $ 3(Ra,qa){return{type:P $ 4,contents:qa,n:Ra}}function _t $ 1(Ra,qa={}){return ze $ 2(qa.expandedStates),{type:x $ 4,id:qa.id,contents:Ra,break:!!qa.shouldBreak,expandedStates:qa.expandedStates}}function Cr(Ra){return ae $ 3(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,Ra)}function gr(Ra){return ae $ 3({type:"root"},Ra)}function yr(Ra){return ae $ 3(-1,Ra)}function Ar(Ra,qa){return _t $ 1(Ra[0],{...qa,expandedStates:Ra})}function Ge $ 1(Ra){return{type:S $ 2,parts:Ra}}function Br(Ra,qa="",nd={}){return{type:_ $ 3,breakContents:Ra,flatContents:qa,groupId:nd.groupId}}function wr(Ra,qa){return{type:R $ 5,contents:Ra,groupId:qa.groupId,negate:qa.negate}}function xe $ 2(Ra){return{type:Y $ 3,contents:Ra}}var xr={type:j $ 3},de $ 2={type:b $ 2},_r={type:I $ 4},_e $ 2={type:B $ 4,hard:!0},vt $ 2={type:B $ 4,hard:!0,literal:!0},Ke $ 2={type:B $ 4},vr={type:B $ 4,soft:!0},q $ 4=[_e $ 2,de $ 2],qe=[vt $ 2,de $ 2],ve $ 3={type:z $ 3};function be $ 4(Ra,qa){let nd=[];for(let od=0;od<qa.length;od++)od!==0&&nd.push(Ra),nd.push(qa[od]);return nd}function Je $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){let od=Ra;if(qa>0){for(let ld=0;ld<Math.floor(qa/nd);++ld)od=De $ 2(od);od=ae $ 3(qa%nd,od),od=ae $ 3(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,od)}return od}function br $ 3(Ra,qa){return Ra?{type:N $ 3,label:Ra,contents:qa}:qa}function ee $ 2(Ra){var qa;if(!Ra)return"";if(Array.isArray(Ra)){let nd=[];for(let od of Ra)if(Array.isArray(od))nd.push(...ee $ 2(od));else{let ld=ee $ 2(od);ld!==""&&nd.push(ld)}return nd}return Ra.type===_ $ 3?{...Ra,breakContents:ee $ 2(Ra.breakContents),flatContents:ee $ 2(Ra.flatContents)}:Ra.type===x $ 4?{...Ra,contents:ee $ 2(Ra.contents),expandedStates:(qa=Ra.expandedStates)==null?void 0:qa.map(ee $ 2)}:Ra.type===S $ 2?{type:"fill",parts:Ra.parts.map(ee $ 2)}:Ra.contents?{...Ra,contents:ee $ 2(Ra.contents)}:Ra}function Or(Ra){let qa=Object.create(null),nd=new Set;return od(ee $ 2(Ra));function od(ud,dd,pd){var fd,md;if(typeof ud=="string")return JSON.stringify(ud);if(Array.isArray(ud)){let vd=ud.map(od).filter(Boolean);return vd.length===1?vd[0]: ` [ $ { vd . join ( ", " ) } ] ` }if(ud.type===B $ 4){let vd=((fd=pd==null?void 0:pd[dd+1])==null?void 0:fd.type)===b $ 2;return ud.literal?vd?"literalline":"literallineWithoutBreakParent":ud.hard?vd?"hardline":"hardlineWithoutBreakParent":ud.soft?"softline":"line"}if(ud.type===b $ 2)return((md=pd==null?void 0:pd[dd-1])==null?void 0:md.type)===B $ 4&&pd[dd-1].hard?void 0:"breakParent";if(ud.type===I $ 4)return"trim";if(ud.type===L $ 3)return"indent("+od(ud.contents)+")";if(ud.type===P $ 4)return ud.n===Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY?"dedentToRoot("+od(ud.contents)+")":ud.n<0?"dedent("+od(ud.contents)+")":ud.n.type==="root"?"markAsRoot("+od(ud.contents)+")":"align("+JSON.stringify(ud.n)+", "+od(ud.contents)+")";if(ud.type===_ $ 3)return"ifBreak("+od(ud.breakContents)+(ud.flatContents?", "+od(ud.flatContents):"")+(ud.groupId?(ud.flatContents?"":', ""')+ ` , { groupId : $ { ld ( ud . groupId ) } } ` :"")+")";if(ud.type===R $ 5){let vd=[];ud.negate&&vd.push("negate: true"),ud.groupId&&vd.push( ` groupId : $ { ld ( ud . groupId ) } ` );let Ad=vd.length>0? ` , { $ { vd . join ( ", " ) } } ` :"";return ` indentIfBreak ( $ { od ( ud . contents ) } $ { Ad } ) ` }if(ud.type===x $ 4){let vd=[];ud.break&&ud.break!=="propagated"&&vd.push("shouldBreak: true"),ud.id&&vd.push( ` id : $ { ld ( ud . id ) } ` );let Ad=vd.length>0? ` , { $ { vd . join ( ", "
` )):nd)}function Uu(Ra){if(Ra.type===B $ 4)return!0}function Hr(Ra){return Xe $ 1(Ra,Uu,!1)}function Qe $ 1(Ra,qa){return Ra.type===N $ 3?{...Ra,contents:qa(Ra.contents)}:qa(Ra)}var H $ 4=Symbol("MODE_BREAK"),J $ 4=Symbol("MODE_FLAT"),Te $ 2=Symbol("cursor");function Wr(){return{value:"",length:0,queue:[]}}function zu(Ra,qa){return bt $ 2(Ra,{type:"indent"},qa)}function Gu(Ra,qa,nd){return qa===Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY?Ra.root||Wr():qa<0?bt $ 2(Ra,{type:"dedent"},nd):qa?qa.type==="root"?{...Ra,root:Ra}:bt $ 2(Ra,{type:typeof qa=="string"?"stringAlign":"numberAlign",n:qa},nd):Ra}function bt $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){let od=qa.type==="dedent"?Ra.queue.slice(0,-1):[...Ra.queue,qa],ld="",ud=0,dd=0,pd=0;for(let kd of od)switch(kd.type){case"indent":vd(),nd.useTabs?fd(1):md(nd.tabWidth);break;case"stringAlign":vd(),ld+=kd.n,ud+=kd.n.length;break;case"numberAlign":dd+=1,pd+=kd.n;break;default:throw new Error( ` Unexpected type '${kd.type}' ` )}return Nd(),{...Ra,value:ld,length:ud,queue:od};function fd(kd){ld+=" ".repeat(kd),ud+=nd.tabWidth*kd}function md(kd){ld+=" ".repeat(kd),ud+=kd}function vd(){nd.useTabs?Ad():Nd()}function Ad(){dd>0&&fd(dd),Od()}function Nd(){pd>0&&md(pd),Od()}function Od(){dd=0,pd=0}}function Ot $ 1(Ra){let qa=0,nd=0,od=Ra.length;e:for(;od--;){let ld=Ra[od];if(ld===Te $ 2){nd++;continue}for(let ud=ld.length-1;ud>=0;ud--){let dd=ld[ud];if(dd===" "||dd===" ")qa++;else{Ra[od]=ld.slice(0,ud+1);break e}}}if(qa>0||nd>0)for(Ra.length=od+1;nd-- >0;)Ra.push(Te $ 2);return qa}function et $ 2(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud){if(nd===Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)return!0;let dd=qa.length,pd=[Ra],fd=[];for(;nd>=0;){if(pd.length===0){if(dd===0)return!0;pd.push(qa[--dd]);continue}let{mode:md,doc:vd}=pd.pop(),Ad=G $ 4(vd);switch(Ad){case U $ 4:fd.push(vd),nd-=Oe $ 2(vd);break;case W $ 4:case S $ 2:{let Nd=Ad===W $ 4?vd:vd.parts;for(let Od=Nd.length-1;Od>=0;Od--)pd.push({mode:md,doc:Nd[Od]});break}case L $ 3:case P $ 4:case R $ 5:case N $ 3:pd.push({mode:md,doc:vd.contents});break;case I $ 4:nd+=Ot $ 1(fd);break;case x $ 4:{if(ud&&vd.break)return!1;let Nd=vd.break?H $ 4:md,Od=vd.expandedStates&&Nd===H $ 4?y $ 3(!1,vd.expandedStates,-1):vd.contents;pd.push({mode:Nd,doc:Od});break}case _ $ 3:{let Nd=(vd.groupId?ld[vd.groupId]||J $ 4:md)===H $ 4?vd.breakContents:vd.flatContents;Nd&&pd.push({mode:md,doc:Nd});break}case B $ 4:if(md===H $ 4||vd.hard)return!0;vd.soft||(fd.push(" "),nd--);break;case Y $ 3:od=!0;break;case j $ 3:if(od)return!1;break}}return!1}function Fe $ 2(Ra,qa){let nd={},od=qa.printWidth,ld=Be $ 3(qa.endOfLine),ud=0,dd=[{ind:Wr(),mode:H $ 4,doc:Ra}],pd=[],fd=!1,md=[],vd=0;for(Rr(Ra);dd.length>0;){let{ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd}=dd.pop();switch(G $ 4(kd)){case U $ 4:{let Ld=ld!== `
` ?ne $ 3(!1,kd, `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ,ld):kd;pd.push(Ld),dd.length>0&&(ud+=Oe $ 2(Ld));break}case W $ 4:for(let Ld=kd.length-1;Ld>=0;Ld--)dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd[Ld]});break;case z $ 3:if(vd>=2)throw new Error("There are too many 'cursor' in doc.");pd.push(Te $ 2),vd++;break;case L $ 3:dd.push({ind:zu(Nd,qa),mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case P $ 4:dd.push({ind:Gu(Nd,kd.n,qa),mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case I $ 4:ud-=Ot $ 1(pd);break;case x $ 4:switch(Od){case J $ 4:if(!fd){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:kd.break?H $ 4:J $ 4,doc:kd.contents});break}case H $ 4:{fd=!1;let Ld={ind:Nd,mode:J $ 4,doc:kd.contents},Gd=od-ud,Ud=md.length>0;if(!kd.break&&et $ 2(Ld,dd,Gd,Ud,nd))dd.push(Ld);else if(kd.expandedStates){let Fd=y $ 3(!1,kd.expandedStates,-1);if(kd.break){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:H $ 4,doc:Fd});break}else for(let Hd=1;Hd<kd.expandedStates.length+1;Hd++)if(Hd>=kd.expandedStates.length){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:H $ 4,doc:Fd});break}else{let Vd=kd.expandedStates[Hd],zd={ind:Nd,mode:J $ 4,doc:Vd};if(et $ 2(zd,dd,Gd,Ud,nd)){dd.push(zd);break}}}else dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:H $ 4,doc:kd.contents});break}}kd.id&&(nd[kd.id]=y $ 3(!1,dd,-1).mode);break;case S $ 2:{let Ld=od-ud,{parts:Gd}=kd;if(Gd.length===0)break;let[Ud,Fd]=Gd,Hd={ind:Nd,mode:J $ 4,doc:Ud},Vd={ind:Nd,mode:H $ 4,doc:Ud},zd=et $ 2(Hd,[],Ld,md.length>0,nd,!0);if(Gd.length===1){zd?dd.push(Hd):dd.push(Vd);break}let Yd={ind:Nd,mode:J $ 4,doc:Fd},Xd={ind:Nd,mode:H $ 4,doc:Fd};if(Gd.length===2){zd?dd.push(Yd,Hd):dd.push(Xd,Vd);break}Gd.splice(0,2);let yf={ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Ge $ 1(Gd)},Qd=Gd[0];et $ 2({ind:Nd,mode:J $ 4,doc:[Ud,Fd,Qd]},[],Ld,md.length>0,nd,!0)?dd.push(yf,Yd,Hd):zd?dd.push(yf,Xd,Hd):dd.push(yf,Xd,Vd);break}case _ $ 3:case R $ 5:{let Ld=kd.groupId?nd[kd.groupId]:Od;if(Ld===H $ 4){let Gd=kd.type===_ $ 3?kd.breakContents:kd.negate?kd.contents:De $ 2(kd.contents);Gd&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Gd})}if(Ld===J $ 4){let Gd=kd.type===_ $ 3?kd.flatContents:kd.negate?De $ 2(kd.contents):kd.contents;Gd&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:Gd})}break}case Y $ 3:md.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case j $ 3:md.length>0&&dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:_e $ 2});break;case B $ 4:switch(Od){case J $ 4:if(kd.hard)fd=!0;else{kd.soft||(pd.push(" "),ud+=1);break}case H $ 4:if(md.length>0){dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd},...md.reverse()),md.length=0;break}kd.literal?Nd.root?(pd.push(ld,Nd.root.value),ud=Nd.root.length):(pd.push(ld),ud=0):(ud-=Ot $ 1(pd),pd.push(ld+Nd.value),ud=Nd.length);break}break;case N $ 3:dd.push({ind:Nd,mode:Od,doc:kd.contents});break;case b $ 2:break;default:throw new Q $ 4(kd)}dd.length===0&&md.length>0&&(dd.push(...md.reverse()),md.length=0)}let Ad=pd.indexOf(Te $ 2);if(Ad!==-1){let Nd=pd.indexOf(Te $ 2,Ad+1),Od=pd.slice(0,Ad).join(""),kd=pd.slice(Ad+1,Nd).join(""),Ld=pd.slice(Nd+1).join("");return{formatted:Od+kd+Ld,cursorNodeStart:Od.length,cursorNodeText:kd}}return{formatted:pd.join("")}}function Ku(Ra,qa,nd=0){let od=0;for(let ld=nd;ld<Ra.length;++ld)Ra[ld]===" "?od=od+qa-od%qa:od++;return od}var me $ 3=Ku,te $ 2,Nt $ 1,tt $ 2,St $ 1=class{constructor(qa){Dr(this,te $ 2),this.stack=[qa]}get key(){let{stack:qa,siblings:nd}=this;return y $ 3(!1,qa,nd===null?-2:-4)??null}get index(){return this.siblings===null?null:y $ 3(!1,this.stack,-2)}get node(){return y $ 3(!1,this.stack,-1)}get parent(){return this.getNode(1)}get grandparent(){return this.getNode(2)}get isInArray(){return this.siblings!==null}get siblings(){let{stack:qa}=this,nd=y $ 3(!1,qa,-3);return Array.isArray(nd)?nd:null}get next(){let{siblings:qa}=this;return qa===null?null:qa[this.index+1]}get previous(){let{siblings:qa}=this;return qa===null?null:qa[this.index-1]}get isFirst(){return this.index===0}get isLast(){let{siblings:qa,index:nd}=this;return qa!==null&&nd===qa.length-1}get isRoot(){return this.stack.length===1}get root(){return this.stack[0]}get ancestors(){return[...pe $ 2(this,te $ 2,tt $ 2).call(this)]}getName(){let{stack:qa}=this,{length:nd}=qa;return nd>1?y $ 3(!1,qa,-2):null}getValue(){return y $ 3(!1,this.stack,-1)}getNode(qa=0){let nd=pe $ 2(this,te $ 2,Nt $ 1).call(this,qa);return nd===-1?null:this.stack[nd]}getParentNode(qa=0){return this.getNode(qa+1)}call(qa,...nd){let{stack:od}=this,{length:ld}=od,ud=y $ 3(!1,od,-1);for(let dd of nd)ud=ud[dd
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` )return qa-2;if(ld=== `
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa-1}else{if(ld===" \r "&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)=== `
` )return qa+2;if(ld=== `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ||ld===" \r "||ld===" \u 2028"||ld===" \u 2029")return qa+1}return qa}var M $ 3=Ju;function Xu(Ra,qa,nd={}){let od=T $ 3(Ra,nd.backwards?qa-1:qa,nd),ld=M $ 3(Ra,od,nd);return od!==ld}var V $ 3=Xu;function Zu(Ra){return Array.isArray(Ra)&&Ra.length>0}var kt=Zu,Gr=new Set(["tokens","comments","parent","enclosingNode","precedingNode","followingNode"]),Qu=Ra=>Object.keys(Ra).filter(qa=>!Gr.has(qa));function eo(Ra){return Ra?qa=>Ra(qa,Gr):Qu}var X $ 4=eo;function to(Ra){let qa=Ra.type||Ra.kind||"(unknown type)",nd=String(Ra.name||Ra.id&&(typeof Ra.id=="object"?Ra.id.name:Ra.id)||Ra.key&&(typeof Ra.key=="object"?Ra.key.name:Ra.key)||Ra.value&&(typeof Ra.value=="object"?"":String(Ra.value))||Ra.operator||"");return nd.length>20&&(nd=nd.slice(0,19)+"…"),qa+(nd?" "+nd:"")}function Lt(Ra,qa){(Ra.comments??(Ra.comments=[])).push(qa),qa.printed=!1,qa.nodeDescription=to(Ra)}function ue $ 2(Ra,qa){qa.leading=!0,qa.trailing=!1,Lt(Ra,qa)}function re $ 2(Ra,qa,nd){qa.leading=!1,qa.trailing=!1,nd&&(qa.marker=nd),Lt(Ra,qa)}function oe $ 2(Ra,qa){qa.leading=!1,qa.trailing=!0,Lt(Ra,qa)}var Pt=new WeakMap;function ut $ 2(Ra,qa){if(Pt.has(Ra))return Pt.get(Ra);let{printer:{getCommentChildNodes:nd,canAttachComment:od,getVisitorKeys:ld},locStart:ud,locEnd:dd}=qa;if(!od)return[];let pd=((nd==null?void 0:nd(Ra,qa))??[...Tt $ 1(Ra,{getVisitorKeys:X $ 4(ld)})]).flatMap(fd=>od(fd)?[fd]:ut $ 2(fd,qa));return pd.sort((fd,md)=>ud(fd)-ud(md)||dd(fd)-dd(md)),Pt.set(Ra,pd),pd}function qr(Ra,qa,nd,od){let{locStart:ld,locEnd:ud}=nd,dd=ld(qa),pd=ud(qa),fd=ut $ 2(Ra,nd),md,vd,Ad=0,Nd=fd.length;for(;Ad<Nd;){let Od=Ad+Nd>>1,kd=fd[Od],Ld=ld(kd),Gd=ud(kd);if(Ld<=dd&&pd<=Gd)return qr(kd,qa,nd,kd);if(Gd<=dd){md=kd,Ad=Od+1;continue}if(pd<=Ld){vd=kd,Nd=Od;continue}throw new Error("Comment location overlaps with node location")}if((od==null?void 0:od.type)==="TemplateLiteral"){let{quasis:Od}=od,kd=Rt $ 1(Od,qa,nd);md&&Rt $ 1(Od,md,nd)!==kd&&(md=null),vd&&Rt $ 1(Od,vd,nd)!==kd&&(vd=null)}return{enclosingNode:od,precedingNode:md,followingNode:vd}}var It $ 1=()=>!1;function Jr(Ra,qa){let{comments:nd}=Ra;if(delete Ra.comments,!kt(nd)||!qa.printer.canAttachComment)return;let od=[],{locStart:ld,locEnd:ud,printer:{experimentalFeatures:{avoidAstMutation:dd=!1}={},handleComments:pd={}},originalText:fd}=qa,{ownLine:md=It $ 1,endOfLine:vd=It $ 1,remaining:Ad=It $ 1}=pd,Nd=nd.map((Od,kd)=>({...qr(Ra,Od,qa),comment:Od,text:fd,options:qa,ast:Ra,isLastComment:nd.length-1===kd}));for(let[Od,kd]of Nd.entries()){let{comment:Ld,precedingNode:Gd,enclosingNode:Ud,followingNode:Fd,text:Hd,options:Vd,ast:zd,isLastComment:Yd}=kd;if(Vd.parser==="json"||Vd.parser==="json5"||Vd.parser==="jsonc"||Vd.parser==="__js_expression"||Vd.parser==="__ts_expression"||Vd.parser==="__vue_expression"||Vd.parser==="__vue_ts_expression"){if(ld(Ld)-ld(zd)<=0){ue $ 2(zd,Ld);continue}if(ud(Ld)-ud(zd)>=0){oe $ 2(zd,Ld);continue}}let Xd;if(dd?Xd=[kd]:(Ld.enclosingNode=Ud,Ld.precedingNode=Gd,Ld.followingNode=Fd,Xd=[Ld,Hd,Vd,zd,Yd]),ro(Hd,Vd,Nd,Od))Ld.placement="ownLine",md(...Xd)||(Fd?ue $ 2(Fd,Ld):Gd?oe $ 2(Gd,Ld):re $ 2(Ud||zd,Ld));else if(no(Hd,Vd,Nd,Od))Ld.placement="endOfLine",vd(...Xd)||(Gd?oe $ 2(Gd,Ld):Fd?ue $ 2(Fd,Ld):re $ 2(Ud||zd,Ld));else if(Ld.placement="remaining",!Ad(...Xd))if(Gd&&Fd){let yf=od.length;yf>0&&od[yf-1].followingNode!==Fd&&Kr(od,Vd),od.push(kd)}else Gd?oe $ 2(Gd,Ld):Fd?ue $ 2(Fd,Ld):re $ 2(Ud||zd,Ld)}if(Kr(od,qa),!dd)for(let Od of nd)delete Od.precedingNode,delete Od.enclosingNode,delete Od.followingNode}var Xr=Ra=>!/[ \S \n \u 2028 \u 2029]/u.test(Ra);function ro(Ra,qa,nd,od){let{comment:ld,precedingNode:ud}=nd[od],{locStart:dd,locEnd:pd}=qa,fd=dd(ld);if(ud)for(let md=od-1;md>=0;md--){let{comment:vd,precedingNode:Ad}=nd[md];if(Ad!==ud||!Xr(Ra.slice(pd(vd),fd)))break;fd=dd(vd)}return V $ 3(Ra,fd,{backwards:!0})}function no(Ra,qa,nd,od){let{comment:ld,followingNode:ud}=nd[od],{locStart:dd,locEnd:pd}=qa,fd=pd(ld);if(ud)for(let md=od+1;md<nd.length;md++){let{comment:vd,followingNode:Ad}=nd[md];if(Ad!==ud||!Xr(Ra.slice(fd,dd(vd))))break;fd=pd(vd)}return V $ 3(Ra,fd)}function Kr(Ra,qa){var nd,od;let ld=Ra.length;if(ld===0)return;let{precedingNode:ud,followingNode:dd}
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( mixed values within one file are normalised by looking at what 's used after the first line)`}]},filepath:{category:"Special",type:"path",description:"Specify the input filepath. This will be used to do parser inference.",cliName:"stdin-filepath",cliCategory:"Other",cliDescription:"Path to the file to pretend that stdin comes from."},insertPragma:{category:"Special",type:"boolean",default:!1,description:"Insert @format pragma into file' s first docblock comment . ",cliCategory:" Other "},parser:{category:" Global ",type:" choice ",default:void 0,description:" Which parser to use . ",exception:Ra=>typeof Ra==" string "||typeof Ra==" function ",choices:[{value:" flow ",description:" Flow "},{value:" babel ",description:" JavaScript "},{value:" babel - flow ",description:" Flow "},{value:" babel - ts ",description:" TypeScript "},{value:" typescript ",description:" TypeScript "},{value:" acorn ",description:" JavaScript "},{value:" espree ",description:" JavaScript "},{value:" meriyah ",description:" JavaScript "},{value:" css ",description:" CSS "},{value:" less ",description:" Less "},{value:" scss ",description:" SCSS "},{value:" json ",description:" JSON "},{value:" json5 ",description:" JSON5 "},{value:" jsonc ",description:" JSON with Comments "},{value:" json - stringify ",description:" JSON . stringify "},{value:" graphql ",description:" GraphQL "},{value:" markdown ",description:" Markdown "},{value:" mdx ",description:" MDX "},{value:" vue ",description:" Vue "},{value:" yaml ",description:" YAML "},{value:" glimmer ",description:" Ember / Handlebars "},{value:" html ",description:" HTML "},{value:" angular ",description:" Angular "},{value:" lwc ",description:" Lightning Web Components "}]},plugins:{type:" path ",array:!0,default:[{value:[]}],category:" Global ",description:" Add a plugin . Multiple plugins can be passed as separate ` --plugin ` s . ",exception:Ra=>typeof Ra==" string "||typeof Ra==" object ",cliName:" plugin ",cliCategory:" Config "},printWidth:{category:" Global ",type:" int ",default:80,description:" The line length where Prettier will try wrap . ",range:{start:0,end:1/0,step:1}},rangeEnd:{category:" Special ",type:" int " , default : 1 / 0 , range : { start : 0 , end : 1 / 0 , step : 1 } , description : ` Format code ending at a given character offset (exclusive).
The range will extend forwards to the end of the selected statement . ` ,cliCategory:"Editor"},rangeStart:{category:"Special",type:"int",default:0,range:{start:0,end:1/0,step:1},description: ` Format code starting at a given character offset .
The range will extend backwards to the start of the first line containing the selected statement . ` ,cliCategory:"Editor"},requirePragma:{category:"Special",type:"boolean",default:!1,description: ` Require either '@prettier' or '@format' to be present in the file ' s first docblock comment
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
in order for it to be formatted . ` ,cliCategory:"Other"},tabWidth:{type:"int",category:"Global",default:2,description:"Number of spaces per indentation level.",range:{start:0,end:1/0,step:1}},useTabs:{category:"Global",type:"boolean",default:!1,description:"Indent with tabs instead of spaces."},embeddedLanguageFormatting:{category:"Global",type:"choice",default:"auto",description:"Control how Prettier formats quoted code embedded in the file.",choices:[{value:"auto",description:"Format embedded code if Prettier can automatically identify it."},{value:"off",description:"Never automatically format embedded code."}]}};function ot $ 2({plugins:Ra=[],showDeprecated:qa=!1}={}){let nd=Ra.flatMap(ld=>ld.languages??[]),od=[];for(let ld of lo(Object.assign({},...Ra.map(({options:ud})=>ud),rn $ 1)))!qa&&ld.deprecated||(Array.isArray(ld.choices)&&(qa||(ld.choices=ld.choices.filter(ud=>!ud.deprecated)),ld.name==="parser"&&(ld.choices=[...ld.choices,...Do(ld.choices,nd,Ra)])),ld.pluginDefaults=Object.fromEntries(Ra.filter(ud=>{var dd;return((dd=ud.defaultOptions)==null?void 0:dd[ld.name])!==void 0}).map(ud=>[ud.name,ud.defaultOptions[ld.name]])),od.push(ld));return{languages:nd,options:od}}function*Do(Ra,qa,nd){let od=new Set(Ra.map(ld=>ld.value));for(let ld of qa)if(ld.parsers){for(let ud of ld.parsers)if(!od.has(ud)){od.add(ud);let dd=nd.find(fd=>fd.parsers&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(fd.parsers,ud)),pd=ld.name;dd!=null&&dd.name&&(pd+= ` ( plugin : $ { dd . name } ) ` ),yield{value:ud,description:pd}}}}function lo(Ra){let qa=[];for(let[nd,od]of Object.entries(Ra)){let ld={name:nd,...od};Array.isArray(ld.default)&&(ld.default=y $ 3(!1,ld.default,-1).value),qa.push(ld)}return qa}var co $ 1=Ra=>String(Ra).split(/[/ \\ ]/u).pop();function nn $ 1(Ra,qa){if(!qa)return;let nd=co $ 1(qa).toLowerCase();return Ra.find(({filenames:od})=>od==null?void 0:od.some(ld=>ld.toLowerCase()===nd))??Ra.find(({extensions:od})=>od==null?void 0:od.some(ld=>nd.endsWith(ld)))}function fo(Ra,qa){if(qa)return Ra.find(({name:nd})=>nd.toLowerCase()===qa)??Ra.find(({aliases:nd})=>nd==null?void 0:nd.includes(qa))??Ra.find(({extensions:nd})=>nd==null?void 0:nd.includes( ` . $ { qa } ` ))}function po(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.plugins.flatMap(ld=>ld.languages??[]),od=fo(nd,qa.language)??nn $ 1(nd,qa.physicalFile)??nn $ 1(nd,qa.file)??(qa.physicalFile,void 0);return od==null?void 0:od.parsers[0]}var un $ 1=po,ie $ 2={key:Ra=>/^[ $ _a-zA-Z][ $ _a-zA-Z0-9]* $ /.test(Ra)?Ra:JSON.stringify(Ra),value(Ra){if(Ra===null||typeof Ra!="object")return JSON.stringify(Ra);if(Array.isArray(Ra))return ` [ $ { Ra . map ( nd => ie$2 . value ( nd ) ) . join ( ", " ) } ] ` ;let qa=Object.keys(Ra);return qa.length===0?"{}": ` { $ { qa . map ( nd => ` ${ ie$2 . key ( nd ) } : ${ ie$2 . value ( Ra [ nd ] ) } ` ) . join ( ", " ) } } ` },pair:({key:Ra,value:qa})=>ie $ 2.value({[Ra]:qa})},Yt $ 1=Me $ 2(it $ 1()),an $ 2=(Ra,qa,{descriptor:nd})=>{let od=[ ` $ { Yt$1 . default . yellow ( typeof Ra == "string" ? nd . key ( Ra ) : nd . pair ( Ra ) ) } is deprecated ` ];return qa&&od.push( ` we now treat it as $ { Yt$1 . default . blue ( typeof qa == "string" ? nd . key ( qa ) : nd . pair ( qa ) ) } ` ),od.join("; ")+"."},le $ 2=Me $ 2(it $ 1()),st $ 2=Symbol.for("vnopts.VALUE_NOT_EXIST"),he $ 2=Symbol.for("vnopts.VALUE_UNCHANGED"),Dn=" ".repeat(2),cn $ 2=(Ra,qa,nd)=>{let{text:od,list:ld}=nd.normalizeExpectedResult(nd.schemas[Ra].expected(nd)),ud=[];return od&&ud.push(ln $ 1(Ra,qa,od,nd.descriptor)),ld&&ud.push([ln $ 1(Ra,qa,ld.title,nd.descriptor)].concat(ld.values.map(dd=>fn $ 1(dd,nd.loggerPrintWidth))).join( `
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` )),pn $ 1(ud,nd.loggerPrintWidth)};function ln $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od){return[ ` Invalid $ { le$2 . default . red ( od . key ( Ra ) ) } value . ` , ` Expected $ { le$2 . default . blue ( nd ) } , ` , ` but received $ { qa === st$2 ? le$2 . default . gray ( "nothing" ) : le$2 . default . red ( od . value ( qa ) ) } . ` ].join(" ")}function fn $ 1({text:Ra,list:qa},nd){let od=[];return Ra&&od.push( ` - $ { le$2 . default . blue ( Ra ) } ` ),qa&&od.push([ ` - $ { le$2 . default . blue ( qa . title ) } : ` ].concat(qa.values.map(ld=>fn $ 1(ld,nd-Dn.length).replace(/^| \n /g, ` $ & $ { Dn } ` ))).join( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` )),pn $ 1(od,nd)}function pn $ 1(Ra,qa){if(Ra.length===1)return Ra[0];let[nd,od]=Ra,[ld,ud]=Ra.map(dd=>dd.split( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ,1)[0].length);return ld>qa&&ld>ud?od:nd}var Wt $ 2=Me $ 2(it $ 1()),jt=[],dn $ 1=[];function Ht $ 1(Ra,qa){if(Ra===qa)return 0;let nd=Ra;Ra.length>qa.length&&(Ra=qa,qa=nd);let od=Ra.length,ld=qa.length;for(;od>0&&Ra.charCodeAt(~-od)===qa.charCodeAt(~-ld);)od--,ld--;let ud=0;for(;ud<od&&Ra.charCodeAt(ud)===qa.charCodeAt(ud);)ud++;if(od-=ud,ld-=ud,od===0)return ld;let dd,pd,fd,md,vd=0,Ad=0;for(;vd<od;)dn $ 1[vd]=Ra.charCodeAt(ud+vd),jt[vd]=++vd;for(;Ad<ld;)for(dd=qa.charCodeAt(ud+Ad),fd=Ad++,pd=Ad,vd=0;vd<od;vd++)md=dd===dn $ 1[vd]?fd:fd+1,fd=jt[vd],pd=jt[vd]=fd>pd?md>pd?pd+1:md:md>fd?fd+1:md;return pd}var at $ 4=(Ra,qa,{descriptor:nd,logger:od,schemas:ld})=>{let ud=[ ` Ignored unknown option $ { Wt$2 . default . yellow ( nd . pair ( { key : Ra , value : qa } ) ) } . ` ],dd=Object.keys(ld).sort().find(pd=>Ht $ 1(Ra,pd)<3);dd&&ud.push( ` Did you mean $ { Wt$2 . default . blue ( nd . key ( dd ) ) } ? ` ),od.warn(ud.join(" "))},Fo=["default","expected","validate","deprecated","forward","redirect","overlap","preprocess","postprocess"];function mo(Ra,qa){let nd=new Ra(qa),od=Object.create(nd);for(let ld of Fo)ld in qa&&(od[ld]=Eo(qa[ld],nd,O $ 2.prototype[ld].length));return od}var O $ 2=class{static create(qa){return mo(this,qa)}constructor(qa){this.name=qa.name}default(qa){}expected(qa){return"nothing"}validate(qa,nd){return!1}deprecated(qa,nd){return!1}forward(qa,nd){}redirect(qa,nd){}overlap(qa,nd,od){return qa}preprocess(qa,nd){return qa}postprocess(qa,nd){return he $ 2}};function Eo(Ra,qa,nd){return typeof Ra=="function"?(...od)=>Ra(...od.slice(0,nd-1),qa,...od.slice(nd-1)):()=>Ra}var Dt=class extends O $ 2{constructor(Ra){super(Ra),this._sourceName=Ra.sourceName}expected(Ra){return Ra.schemas[this._sourceName].expected(Ra)}validate(Ra,qa){return qa.schemas[this._sourceName].validate(Ra,qa)}redirect(Ra,qa){return this._sourceName}},lt $ 1=class extends O $ 2{expected(){return"anything"}validate(){return!0}},ct $ 2=class extends O $ 2{constructor({valueSchema:qa,name:nd=qa.name,...od}){super({...od,name:nd}),this._valueSchema=qa}expected(qa){let{text:nd,list:od}=qa.normalizeExpectedResult(this._valueSchema.expected(qa));return{text:nd&& ` an array of $ { nd } ` ,list:od&&{title:"an array of the following values",values:[{list:od}]}}}validate(qa,nd){if(!Array.isArray(qa))return!1;let od=[];for(let ld of qa){let ud=nd.normalizeValidateResult(this._valueSchema.validate(ld,nd),ld);ud!==!0&&od.push(ud.value)}return od.length===0?!0:{value:od}}deprecated(qa,nd){let od=[];for(let ld of qa){let ud=nd.normalizeDeprecatedResult(this._valueSchema.deprecated(ld,nd),ld);ud!==!1&&od.push(...ud.map(({value:dd})=>({value:[dd]})))}return od}forward(qa,nd){let od=[];for(let ld of qa){let ud=nd.normalizeForwardResult(this._valueSchema.forward(ld,nd),ld);od.push(...ud.map(Fn))}return od}redirect(qa,nd){let od=[],ld=[];for(let ud of qa){let dd=nd.normalizeRedirectResult(this._valueSchema.redirect(ud,nd),ud);"remain"in dd&&od.push(dd.remain),ld.push(...dd.redirect.map(Fn))}return od.length===0?{redirect:ld}:{redirect:ld,remain:od}}overlap(qa,nd){return qa.concat(nd)}};function Fn({from:Ra,to:qa}){return{from:[Ra],to:qa}}var ft $ 1=class extends O $ 2{expected(){return"true or false"}validate(qa){return typeof qa=="boolean"}};function En(Ra,qa){let nd=Object.create(null);for(let od of Ra){let ld=od[qa];if(nd[ld])throw new Error( ` Duplicate $ { qa } $ { JSON . stringify ( ld ) } ` );nd[ld]=od}return nd}function hn(Ra,qa){let nd=new Map;for(let od of Ra){let ld=od[qa];if(nd.has(ld))throw new Error( ` Duplicate $ { qa } $ { JSON . stringify ( ld ) } ` );nd.set(ld,od)}return nd}function Cn(){let Ra=Object.create(null);return qa=>{let nd=JSON.stringify(qa);return Ra[nd]?!0:(Ra[nd]=!0,!1)}}function gn $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=[],od=[];for(let ld of Ra)qa(ld)?nd.push(ld):od.push(ld);return[nd,od]}function yn $ 1(Ra){return Ra===Math.floor(Ra)}function An(Ra,qa){if(Ra===qa)return 0;let nd=typeof Ra,od=typeof qa,ld=["undefined","object","boolean","number","string"];return nd!==od?ld.indexOf(nd)-ld.indexOf(od):nd!=="string"?Number(Ra)-Number(qa):Ra.localeCompare(qa)}function Bn(Ra){return(...qa)=>{let nd=Ra(...qa);return typeof nd=="string"?new Error(nd):nd}}function Mt $ 1(Ra){return
` +od,Ra.codeFrame=od,Ra}throw Ra}var ce $ 4=ko;async function Un(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){let{embeddedLanguageFormatting:ud,printer:{embed:dd,hasPrettierIgnore:pd=()=>!1,getVisitorKeys:fd}}=nd;if(!dd||ud!=="auto")return;if(dd.length>2)throw new Error("printer.embed has too many parameters. The API changed in Prettier v3. Please update your plugin. See https://prettier.io/docs/en/plugins.html#optional-embed");let md=X $ 4(dd.getVisitorKeys??fd),vd=[];Od();let Ad=Ra.stack;for(let{print:kd,node:Ld,pathStack:Gd}of vd)try{Ra.stack=Gd;let Ud=await kd(Nd,qa,Ra,nd);Ud&&ld.set(Ld,Ud)}catch(Ud){if(globalThis.PRETTIER_DEBUG)throw Ud}Ra.stack=Ad;function Nd(kd,Ld){return Po(kd,Ld,nd,od)}function Od(){let{node:kd}=Ra;if(kd===null||typeof kd!="object"||pd(Ra))return;for(let Gd of md(kd))Array.isArray(kd[Gd])?Ra.each(Od,Gd):Ra.call(Od,Gd);let Ld=dd(Ra,nd);if(Ld){if(typeof Ld=="function"){vd.push({print:Ld,node:kd,pathStack:[...Ra.stack]});return}ld.set(kd,Ld)}}}async function Po(Ra,qa,nd,od){let ld=await se $ 3({...nd,...qa,parentParser:nd.parser,originalText:Ra},{passThrough:!0}),{ast:ud}=await ce $ 4(Ra,ld),dd=await od(ud,ld);return Ze $ 1(dd)}function Io(Ra,qa){let{originalText:nd,[Symbol.for("comments")]:od,locStart:ld,locEnd:ud,[Symbol.for("printedComments")]:dd}=qa,{node:pd}=Ra,fd=ld(pd),md=ud(pd);for(let vd of od)ld(vd)>=fd&&ud(vd)<=md&&dd.add(vd);return nd.slice(fd,md)}var zn=Io;async function Ye $ 2(Ra,qa){({ast:Ra}=await Qt $ 1(Ra,qa));let nd=new Map,od=new Mr(Ra),ld=new Map;await Un(od,dd,qa,Ye $ 2,ld);let ud=await Gn(od,qa,dd,void 0,ld);return en $ 1(qa),ud;function dd(fd,md){return fd===void 0||fd===od?pd(md):Array.isArray(fd)?od.call(()=>pd(md),...fd):od.call(()=>pd(md),fd)}function pd(fd){let md=od.node;if(md==null)return"";let vd=md&&typeof md=="object"&&fd===void 0;if(vd&&nd.has(md))return nd.get(md);let Ad=Gn(od,qa,dd,fd,ld);return vd&&nd.set(md,Ad),Ad}}function Gn(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){var ud;let{node:dd}=Ra,{printer:pd}=qa,fd;return(ud=pd.hasPrettierIgnore)!=null&&ud.call(pd,Ra)?fd=zn(Ra,qa):ld.has(dd)?fd=ld.get(dd):fd=pd.print(Ra,qa,nd,od),dd===qa.cursorNode&&(fd=Qe $ 1(fd,md=>[ve $ 3,md,ve $ 3])),pd.printComment&&(!pd.willPrintOwnComments||!pd.willPrintOwnComments(Ra,qa))&&(fd=Qr(Ra,fd,qa)),fd}async function Qt $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.comments??[];qa[Symbol.for("comments")]=nd,qa[Symbol.for("tokens")]=Ra.tokens??[],qa[Symbol.for("printedComments")]=new Set,Jr(Ra,qa);let{printer:{preprocess:od}}=qa;return Ra=od?await od(Ra,qa):Ra,{ast:Ra,comments:nd}}function Ro(Ra,qa){let{cursorOffset:nd,locStart:od,locEnd:ld}=qa,ud=X $ 4(qa.printer.getVisitorKeys),dd=fd=>od(fd)<=nd&&ld(fd)>=nd,pd=Ra;for(let fd of Ur(Ra,{getVisitorKeys:ud,filter:dd}))pd=fd;return pd}var Kn=Ro;function Yo(Ra,qa){let{printer:{massageAstNode:nd,getVisitorKeys:od}}=qa;if(!nd)return Ra;let ld=X $ 4(od),ud=nd.ignoredProperties??new Set;return dd(Ra);function dd(pd,fd){if(!(pd!==null&&typeof pd=="object"))return pd;if(Array.isArray(pd))return pd.map(Nd=>dd(Nd,fd)).filter(Boolean);let md={},vd=new Set(ld(pd));for(let Nd in pd)!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(pd,Nd)||ud.has(Nd)||(vd.has(Nd)?md[Nd]=dd(pd[Nd],pd):md[Nd]=pd[Nd]);let Ad=nd(pd,md,fd);if(Ad!==null)return Ad??md}}var qn=Yo,jo=(Ra,qa,nd)=>{if(!(Ra&&qa==null)){if(qa.findLastIndex)return qa.findLastIndex(nd);for(let od=qa.length-1;od>=0;od--){let ld=qa[od];if(nd(ld,od,qa))return od}return-1}},Jn=jo,Ho=({parser:Ra})=>Ra==="json"||Ra==="json5"||Ra==="jsonc"||Ra==="json-stringify";function Wo(Ra,qa){let nd=[Ra.node,...Ra.parentNodes],od=new Set([qa.node,...qa.parentNodes]);return nd.find(ld=>Qn.has(ld.type)&&od.has(ld))}function Xn(Ra){let qa=Jn(!1,Ra,nd=>nd.type!=="Program"&&nd.type!=="File");return qa===-1?Ra:Ra.slice(0,qa+1)}function Mo(Ra,qa,{locStart:nd,locEnd:od}){let ld=Ra.node,ud=qa.node;if(ld===ud)return{startNode:ld,endNode:ud};let dd=nd(Ra.node);for(let fd of Xn(qa.parentNodes))if(nd(fd)>=dd)ud=fd;else break;let pd=od(qa.node);for(let fd of Xn(Ra.parentNodes)){if(od(fd)<=pd)ld=fd;else break;if(ld===ud)break}return{startNode:ld,endNode:ud}}function er(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld=[],ud){let{locStart:dd,locEnd:pd}=nd,fd=dd(Ra),md=pd(Ra);if(!(qa>md|
` ,ld)+1),fd=od.slice(pd,ld).match(/^ \s */u)[0],md=me $ 3(fd,qa.tabWidth),vd=await ou(dd,{...qa,rangeStart:0,rangeEnd:Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,cursorOffset:qa.cursorOffset>ld&&qa.cursorOffset<=ud?qa.cursorOffset-ld:-1,endOfLine:"lf"},md),Ad=vd.formatted.trimEnd(),{cursorOffset:Nd}=qa;Nd>ud?Nd+=Ad.length-dd.length:vd.cursorOffset>=0&&(Nd=vd.cursorOffset+ld);let Od=od.slice(0,ld)+Ad+od.slice(ud);if(qa.endOfLine!=="lf"){let kd=Be $ 3(qa.endOfLine);Nd>=0&&kd=== ` \ r
` &&(Nd+=wt $ 1(Od.slice(0,Nd), `
` )),Od=ne $ 3(!1,Od, `
` ,kd)}return{formatted:Od,cursorOffset:Nd,comments:vd.comments}}function tr(Ra,qa,nd){return typeof qa!="number"||Number.isNaN(qa)||qa<0||qa>Ra.length?nd:qa}function ru(Ra,qa){let{cursorOffset:nd,rangeStart:od,rangeEnd:ld}=qa;return nd=tr(Ra,nd,-1),od=tr(Ra,od,0),ld=tr(Ra,ld,Ra.length),{...qa,cursorOffset:nd,rangeStart:od,rangeEnd:ld}}function iu(Ra,qa){let{cursorOffset:nd,rangeStart:od,rangeEnd:ld,endOfLine:ud}=ru(Ra,qa),dd=Ra.charAt(0)===uu;if(dd&&(Ra=Ra.slice(1),nd--,od--,ld--),ud==="auto"&&(ud=Fr(Ra)),Ra.includes(" \r ")){let pd=fd=>wt $ 1(Ra.slice(0,Math.max(fd,0)), ` \ r
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` );nd-=pd(nd),od-=pd(od),ld-=pd(ld),Ra=mr(Ra)}return{hasBOM:dd,text:Ra,options:ru(Ra,{...qa,cursorOffset:nd,rangeStart:od,rangeEnd:ld,endOfLine:ud})}}async function nu(Ra,qa){let nd=await ht $ 1(qa);return!nd.hasPragma||nd.hasPragma(Ra)}async function rr(Ra,qa){let{hasBOM:nd,text:od,options:ld}=iu(Ra,await se $ 3(qa));if(ld.rangeStart>=ld.rangeEnd&&od!==""||ld.requirePragma&&!await nu(od,ld))return{formatted:Ra,cursorOffset:qa.cursorOffset,comments:[]};let ud;return ld.rangeStart>0||ld.rangeEnd<od.length?ud=await Uo(od,ld):(!ld.requirePragma&&ld.insertPragma&&ld.printer.insertPragma&&!await nu(od,ld)&&(od=ld.printer.insertPragma(od)),ud=await ou(od,ld)),nd&&(ud.formatted=uu+ud.formatted,ud.cursorOffset>=0&&ud.cursorOffset++),ud}async function su(Ra,qa,nd){let{text:od,options:ld}=iu(Ra,await se $ 3(qa)),ud=await ce $ 4(od,ld);return nd&&(nd.preprocessForPrint&&(ud.ast=await Qt $ 1(ud.ast,ld)),nd.massage&&(ud.ast=qn(ud.ast,ld))),ud}async function au $ 1(Ra,qa){qa=await se $ 3(qa);let nd=await Ye $ 2(Ra,qa);return Fe $ 2(nd,qa)}async function Du(Ra,qa){let nd=Or(Ra),{formatted:od}=await rr(nd,{...qa,parser:"__js_expression"});return od}async function lu(Ra,qa){qa=await se $ 3(qa);let{ast:nd}=await ce $ 4(Ra,qa);return Ye $ 2(nd,qa)}async function cu $ 1(Ra,qa){return Fe $ 2(Ra,await se $ 3(qa))}var nr={};We $ 1(nr,{builders:()=>Go,printer:()=>Ko,utils:()=>qo});var Go={join:be $ 4,line:Ke $ 2,softline:vr,hardline:q $ 4,literalline:qe,group:_t $ 1,conditionalGroup:Ar,fill:Ge $ 1,lineSuffix:xe $ 2,lineSuffixBoundary:xr,cursor:ve $ 3,breakParent:de $ 2,ifBreak:Br,trim:_r,indent:De $ 2,indentIfBreak:wr,align:ae $ 3,addAlignmentToDoc:Je $ 1,markAsRoot:gr,dedentToRoot:Cr,dedent:yr,hardlineWithoutBreakParent:_e $ 2,literallineWithoutBreakParent:vt $ 2,label:br $ 3,concat:Ra=>Ra},Ko={printDocToString:Fe $ 2},qo={willBreak:Ir,traverseDoc:we $ 3,findInDoc:Xe $ 1,mapDoc:Ne $ 2,removeLines:Yr,stripTrailingHardline:Ze $ 1,replaceEndOfLine:jr,canBreak:Hr},fu="3.3.3",or={};We $ 1(or,{addDanglingComment:()=>re $ 2,addLeadingComment:()=>ue $ 2,addTrailingComment:()=>oe $ 2,getAlignmentSize:()=>me $ 3,getIndentSize:()=>pu,getMaxContinuousCount:()=>du,getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacter:()=>Fu,getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacterIndex:()=>si,getStringWidth:()=>Oe $ 2,hasNewline:()=>V $ 3,hasNewlineInRange:()=>mu,hasSpaces:()=>Eu,isNextLineEmpty:()=>ci $ 1,isNextLineEmptyAfterIndex:()=>gt $ 1,isPreviousLineEmpty:()=>Di,makeString:()=>hu,skip:()=>Ee $ 3,skipEverythingButNewLine:()=>nt $ 2,skipInlineComment:()=>Ce $ 2,skipNewline:()=>M $ 3,skipSpaces:()=>T $ 3,skipToLineEnd:()=>rt $ 1,skipTrailingComment:()=>ge $ 3,skipWhitespace:()=>zr});function Jo(Ra,qa){if(qa===!1)return!1;if(Ra.charAt(qa)==="/"&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)==="*"){for(let nd=qa+2;nd<Ra.length;++nd)if(Ra.charAt(nd)==="*"&&Ra.charAt(nd+1)==="/")return nd+2}return qa}var Ce $ 2=Jo;function Xo(Ra,qa){return qa===!1?!1:Ra.charAt(qa)==="/"&&Ra.charAt(qa+1)==="/"?nt $ 2(Ra,qa):qa}var ge $ 3=Xo;function Zo(Ra,qa){let nd=null,od=qa;for(;od!==nd;)nd=od,od=T $ 3(Ra,od),od=Ce $ 2(Ra,od),od=ge $ 3(Ra,od),od=M $ 3(Ra,od);return od}var je $ 3=Zo;function Qo(Ra,qa){let nd=null,od=qa;for(;od!==nd;)nd=od,od=rt $ 1(Ra,od),od=Ce $ 2(Ra,od),od=T $ 3(Ra,od);return od=ge $ 3(Ra,od),od=M $ 3(Ra,od),od!==!1&&V $ 3(Ra,od)}var gt $ 1=Qo;function ei(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.lastIndexOf( `
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` );return nd===-1?0:me $ 3(Ra.slice(nd+1).match(/^[ \t ]*/u)[0],qa)}var pu=ei;function ur(Ra){if(typeof Ra!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");return Ra.replace(/[| \\ {}()[ \] ^ $ +*?.]/g," \\ $ &").replace(/-/g," \\ x2d")}function ti(Ra,qa){let nd=Ra.match(new RegExp( ` ( $ { ur ( qa ) } ) + ` ,"gu"));return nd===null?0:nd.reduce((od,ld)=>Math.max(od,ld.length/qa.length),0)}var du=ti;function ri(Ra,qa){let nd=je $ 3(Ra,qa);return nd===!1?"":Ra.charAt(nd)}var Fu=ri;function ni(Ra,qa,nd){for(let od=qa;od<nd;++od)if(Ra.charAt(od)=== `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )return!0;return!1}var mu=ni;function ui(Ra,qa,nd={}){return T $ 3(Ra,nd.backwards?qa-1:qa,nd)!==qa}var Eu=ui;function oi(Ra,qa,nd){let od=qa==='"'?"'":'"',ld=ne $ 3(!1,Ra,/ \\ (.)|(["'])/gsu,(ud,dd,pd)=>dd===od?dd:pd===qa?" \\ "+pd:pd||(nd&&/^[^ \n \r "'0-7 \\ bfnrt-vx \u 2028 \u 2029] $ /u.test(dd)?dd:" \\ "+dd));return qa+ld+qa}var hu=oi;function ii $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){return je $ 3(Ra,nd(qa))}function si(Ra,qa){return arguments.length===2||typeof qa=="number"?je $ 3(Ra,qa):ii $ 1(...arguments)}function ai $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){return Le $ 3(Ra,nd(qa))}function Di(Ra,qa){return arguments.length===2||typeof qa=="number"?Le $ 3(Ra,qa):ai $ 1(...arguments)}function li(Ra,qa,nd){return gt $ 1(Ra,nd(qa))}function ci $ 1(Ra,qa){return arguments.length===2||typeof qa=="number"?gt $ 1(Ra,qa):li(...arguments)}function fe $ 3(Ra,qa=1){return async(...nd)=>{let od=nd[qa]??{},ld=od.plugins??[];return nd[qa]={...od,plugins:Array.isArray(ld)?ld:Object.values(ld)},Ra(...nd)}}var Cu=fe $ 3(rr);async function gu(Ra,qa){let{formatted:nd}=await Cu(Ra,{...qa,cursorOffset:-1});return nd}async function fi(Ra,qa){return await gu(Ra,qa)===Ra}var pi $ 2=fe $ 3(ot $ 2,0),di={parse:fe $ 3(su),formatAST:fe $ 3(au $ 1),formatDoc:fe $ 3(Du),printToDoc:fe $ 3(lu),printDocToString:fe $ 3(cu $ 1)};function addPrefix(Ra){return ` $ { prefix } _ _$ { Ra } ` }function customizeTheme(Ra,qa){const nd=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Ra)),{fontSize:od,color:ld}=qa;if(od)for(let ud=1;ud<=6;ud++){const dd=nd.block[ ` h$ { ud } ` ]["font-size"];nd.block[ ` h$ { ud } ` ]["font-size"]= ` $ { od * Number . parseFloat ( dd ) } px ` }return ld&&(nd.base["--md-primary-color"]=ld),nd}function customCssWithTemplate(Ra,qa,nd){const od=customizeTheme(nd,{color:qa}),ld=(pd,fd,md)=>{md.forEach(vd=>{fd[vd]&&(pd[vd]=Object.assign(pd[vd]||{},fd[vd]))})},ud=["container","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","code","code_pre","p","hr","blockquote","blockquote_note","blockquote_tip","blockquote_important","blockquote_warning","blockquote_caution","blockquote_p","blockquote_p_note","blockquote_p_tip","blockquote_p_important","blockquote_p_warning","blockquote_p_caution","blockquote_title","blockquote_title_note","blockquote_title_tip","blockquote_title_important","blockquote_title_warning","blockquote_title_caution","image","ul","ol"],dd=["strong","codespan","link","wx_link","listitem"];return ld(od.block,Ra,ud),ld(od.inline,Ra,dd),od}function css2json(Ra){Ra=Ra.replace(/ \/ \* [ \s \S ]*? \* \/ /g,"");const qa={},nd=od=>od.reduce((ld,ud)=>{const[dd,pd]=ud.split(":").map(fd=>fd.trim());return dd&&(ld[dd]=pd),ld},{});for(;Ra.includes("{")&&Ra.includes("}");){const od=Ra.indexOf("{"),ld=Ra.indexOf("}"),ud=Ra.substring(od+1,ld).split(";").map(fd=>fd.trim()).filter(Boolean),dd=Ra.substring(0,od).split(",").map(fd=>fd.trim()),pd=nd(ud);dd.forEach(fd=>{qa[fd]={...qa[fd]||{},...pd}}),Ra=Ra.slice(ld+1).trim()}return qa}function getStyleString(Ra){return Object.entries(Ra??{}).map(([qa,nd])=> ` $ { qa } : $ { nd } ` ).join("; ")}async function formatDoc(Ra,qa="markdown"){const nd={markdown:[prettierPluginMarkdown,prettierPluginBabel,prettierPluginEstree],css:[prettierPluginCss]},od=qa in nd?qa:"markdown";return await gu(Ra,{parser:od,plugins:nd[od]})}function downloadMD(Ra){const qa=document.createElement("a");qa.download="content.md",qa.style.display="none";const nd=new Blob([Ra]);qa.href=URL.createObjectURL(nd),document.body.appendChild(qa),qa.click(),document.body.removeChild(qa)}function exportHTML(Ra){const qa=document.querySelector("#output");ud(qa);const nd=qa.innerHTML.replaceAll("var(--md-primary-color)",Ra).replaceAll(/--md-primary-color:.+?;/g,""),od=document.createElement("a");od.download="content.html",od.style.display="none";const ld=new Blob([ ` < html > < head > < meta charset = "utf-8" / > < / h e a d > < b o d y > < d i v s t y l e = " w i d t h : 7 5 0 p x ; m a r g i n : a u t o ; " > $ { n d } < / d i v > < / b o d y > < / h t m l > ` ] ) ; o d . h r e f = U R L . c r e a t e O b j e c t U R L ( l d ) , d o c u m e n t . b o d y . a p p e n d C h i l d ( o d ) , o d . c l i c k ( ) , d o c u m e n t . b o d y . r e m o v e C h i l d ( o d ) ; f u n c t i o n u d ( d d ) { f u n c t i o n p d ( A d , N d = [ " w i d t h " , " h e i g h t " , " i n l i n e S i z e " , " w e b k i t L o g i c a l W i d t h " , " w e b k i t L o g i c a l H e i g h t " ] ) { c o n s t O d = g e t C o m p u t e d S t y l e ( A d , n u l l ) ; r e t u r n O b j e c t . e n t r i e s ( O d ) . f i l t e r ( ( [ k d ] ) = > { c o n s t L d = k d . r e p l a c e ( / [ A - Z ] / g , G d = > ` - $ { G d . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) } ` ) ; r e t u r n O d . g e t P r o p e r t y V a
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
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https : //github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277`),sh=If,ih=Gf),Qf===void 0&&(Qf=!0);const qf={code:ih,language:sh};Sf("before:highlight",qf);const Pf=qf.result?qf.result:Ad(qf.language,qf.code,Qf);return Pf.code=qf.code,Sf("after:highlight",Pf),Pf}function Ad(If,Gf,Qf,ih){const sh=Object.create(null);function qf(Dm,Fm){return Dm.keywords[Fm]}function Pf(){if(!Jf.keywords){Mh.addText(yh);return}let Dm=0;Jf.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex=0;let Fm=Jf.keywordPatternRe.exec(yh),Wm="";for(;Fm;){Wm+=yh.substring(Dm,Fm.index);const Sh=eh.case_insensitive?Fm[0].toLowerCase():Fm[0],jf=qf(Jf,Sh);if(jf){const[Lf,_h]=jf;if(Mh.addText(Wm),Wm="",sh[Sh]=(sh[Sh]||0)+1,sh[Sh]<=MAX_KEYWORD_HITS&&(dm+=_h),Lf.startsWith("_"))Wm+=Fm[0];else{const Oh=eh.classNameAliases[Lf]||Lf;Kf(Fm[0],Oh)}}else Wm+=Fm[0];Dm=Jf.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex,Fm=Jf.keywordPatternRe.exec(yh)}Wm+=yh.substring(Dm),Mh.addText(Wm)}function Yf(){if(yh==="")return;let Dm=null;if(typeof Jf.subLanguage=="string"){if(!qa[Jf.subLanguage]){Mh.addText(yh);return}Dm=Ad(Jf.subLanguage,yh,!0,Bh[Jf.subLanguage]),Bh[Jf.subLanguage]=Dm._top}else Dm=Od(yh,Jf.subLanguage.length?Jf.subLanguage:null);Jf.relevance>0&&(dm+=Dm.relevance),Mh.__addSublanguage(Dm._emitter,Dm.language)}function Wf(){Jf.subLanguage!=null?Yf():Pf(),yh=""}function Kf(Dm,Fm){Dm!==""&&(Mh.startScope(Fm),Mh.addText(Dm),Mh.endScope())}function Cf(Dm,Fm){let Wm=1;const Sh=Fm.length-1;for(;Wm<=Sh;){if(!Dm._emit[Wm]){Wm++;continue}const jf=eh.classNameAliases[Dm[Wm]]||Dm[Wm],Lf=Fm[Wm];jf?Kf(Lf,jf):(yh=Lf,Pf(),yh=""),Wm++}}function xf(Dm,Fm){return Dm.scope&&typeof Dm.scope=="string"&&Mh.openNode(eh.classNameAliases[Dm.scope]||Dm.scope),Dm.beginScope&&(Dm.beginScope._wrap?(Kf(yh,eh.classNameAliases[Dm.beginScope._wrap]||Dm.beginScope._wrap),yh=""):Dm.beginScope._multi&&(Cf(Dm.beginScope,Fm),yh="")),Jf=Object.create(Dm,{parent:{value:Jf}}),Jf}function Xf(Dm,Fm,Wm){let Sh=startsWith$1(Dm.endRe,Wm);if(Sh){if(Dm["on:end"]){const jf=new Response$1(Dm);Dm["on:end"](Fm,jf),jf.isMatchIgnored&&(Sh=!1)}if(Sh){for(;Dm.endsParent&&Dm.parent;)Dm=Dm.parent;return Dm}}if(Dm.endsWithParent)return Xf(Dm.parent,Fm,Wm)}function uh(Dm){return Jf.matcher.regexIndex===0?(yh+=Dm[0],1):(Um=!0,0)}function wh(Dm){const Fm=Dm[0],Wm=Dm.rule,Sh=new Response$1(Wm),jf=[Wm.__beforeBegin,Wm["on:begin"]];for(const Lf of jf)if(Lf&&(Lf(Dm,Sh),Sh.isMatchIgnored))return uh(Fm);return Wm.skip?yh+=Fm:(Wm.excludeBegin&&(yh+=Fm),Wf(),!Wm.returnBegin&&!Wm.excludeBegin&&(yh=Fm)),xf(Wm,Dm),Wm.returnBegin?0:Fm.length}function dh(Dm){const Fm=Dm[0],Wm=Gf.substring(Dm.index),Sh=Xf(Jf,Dm,Wm);if(!Sh)return NO_MATCH;const jf=Jf;Jf.endScope&&Jf.endScope._wrap?(Wf(),Kf(Fm,Jf.endScope._wrap)):Jf.endScope&&Jf.endScope._multi?(Wf(),Cf(Jf.endScope,Dm)):jf.skip?yh+=Fm:(jf.returnEnd||jf.excludeEnd||(yh+=Fm),Wf(),jf.excludeEnd&&(yh=Fm));do Jf.scope&&Mh.closeNode(),!Jf.skip&&!Jf.subLanguage&&(dm+=Jf.relevance),Jf=Jf.parent;while(Jf!==Sh.parent);return Sh.starts&&xf(Sh.starts,Dm),jf.returnEnd?0:Fm.length}function Rf(){const Dm=[];for(let Fm=Jf;Fm!==eh;Fm=Fm.parent)Fm.scope&&Dm.unshift(Fm.scope);Dm.forEach(Fm=>Mh.openNode(Fm))}let gh={};function kh(Dm,Fm){const Wm=Fm&&Fm[0];if(yh+=Dm,Wm==null)return Wf(),0;if(gh.type==="begin"&&Fm.type==="end"&&gh.index===Fm.index&&Wm===""){if(yh+=Gf.slice(Fm.index,Fm.index+1),!ld){const Sh=new Error(`0 width match regex (${If})`);throw Sh.languageName=If,Sh.badRule=gh.rule,Sh}return 1}if(gh=Fm,Fm.type==="begin")return wh(Fm);if(Fm.type==="illegal"&&!Qf){const Sh=new Error('Illegal lexeme "'+Wm+'" for mode "'+(Jf.scope||"<unnamed>")+'"');throw Sh.mode=Jf,Sh}else if(Fm.type==="end"){const Sh=dh(Fm);if(Sh!==NO_MATCH)return Sh}if(Fm.type==="illegal"&&Wm==="")return 1;if(Rm>1e5&&Rm>Fm.index*3)throw new Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches");return yh+=Wm,Wm.length}const eh=Qd(If);if(!eh)throw error(ud.replace("{}",If)),new Error('Unknown language: "'+If+'"');const $f=compileLanguage(eh);let Uf="",Jf=ih||$f;const Bh={},Mh=new pd.__emitter(pd);Rf();let yh="",dm=0,Wh=0,Rm=0,Um=!1;try{if(eh.__emitTokens)eh.__emitTokens(Gf,Mh
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2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
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2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
( multipart ) ? ` ,end: ` \ \ ]
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` },{className:"string",begin:" \\ d{4}- \\ d{2}- \\ d{2}( \\ s+) \\ d{2}: \\ d{2}: \\ d{2}. \\ d+Z"},{className:"string",begin:"( \\ +|-) \\ d+"},{className:"keyword",relevance:10,variants:[{begin:"^(test|testing|success|successful|failure|error|skip|xfail|uxsuccess)(:?) \\ s+(test)?"},{begin:"^progress(:?)( \\ s+)?(pop|push)?"},{begin:"^tags:"},{begin:"^time:"}]}]}}return subunit_1=Ra,subunit_1}var swift_1,hasRequiredSwift;function requireSwift(){if(hasRequiredSwift)return swift_1;hasRequiredSwift=1;function Ra(yf){return yf?typeof yf=="string"?yf:yf.source:null}function qa(yf){return nd("(?=",yf,")")}function nd(...yf){return yf.map(pf=>Ra(pf)).join("")}function od(yf){const Qd=yf[yf.length-1];return typeof Qd=="object"&&Qd.constructor===Object?(yf.splice(yf.length-1,1),Qd):{}}function ld(...yf){return"("+(od(yf).capture?"":"?:")+yf.map(mf=>Ra(mf)).join("|")+")"}const ud=yf=>nd(/ \b /,yf,/ \w $ /.test(yf)?/ \b /:/ \B /),dd=["Protocol","Type"].map(ud),pd=["init","self"].map(ud),fd=["Any","Self"],md=["actor","any","associatedtype","async","await",/as \? /,/as!/,"as","borrowing","break","case","catch","class","consume","consuming","continue","convenience","copy","default","defer","deinit","didSet","distributed","do","dynamic","each","else","enum","extension","fallthrough",/fileprivate \( set \) /,"fileprivate","final","for","func","get","guard","if","import","indirect","infix",/init \? /,/init!/,"inout",/internal \( set \) /,"internal","in","is","isolated","nonisolated","lazy","let","macro","mutating","nonmutating",/open \( set \) /,"open","operator","optional","override","package","postfix","precedencegroup","prefix",/private \( set \) /,"private","protocol",/public \( set \) /,"public","repeat","required","rethrows","return","set","some","static","struct","subscript","super","switch","throws","throw",/try \? /,/try!/,"try","typealias",/unowned \( safe \) /,/unowned \( unsafe \) /,"unowned","var","weak","where","while","willSet"],vd=["false","nil","true"],Ad=["assignment","associativity","higherThan","left","lowerThan","none","right"],Nd=["#colorLiteral","#column","#dsohandle","#else","#elseif","#endif","#error","#file","#fileID","#fileLiteral","#filePath","#function","#if","#imageLiteral","#keyPath","#line","#selector","#sourceLocation","#warning"],Od=["abs","all","any","assert","assertionFailure","debugPrint","dump","fatalError","getVaList","isKnownUniquelyReferenced","max","min","numericCast","pointwiseMax","pointwiseMin","precondition","preconditionFailure","print","readLine","repeatElement","sequence","stride","swap","swift_unboxFromSwiftValueWithType","transcode","type","unsafeBitCast","unsafeDowncast","withExtendedLifetime","withUnsafeMutablePointer","withUnsafePointer","withVaList","withoutActuallyEscaping","zip"],kd=ld(/[/= \- +!*%<>&|^~?]/,/[ \u 00A1- \u 00A7]/,/[ \u 00A9 \u 00AB]/,/[ \u 00AC \u 00AE]/,/[ \u 00B0 \u 00B1]/,/[ \u 00B6 \u 00BB \u 00BF \u 00D7 \u 00F7]/,/[ \u 2016- \u 2017]/,/[ \u 2020- \u 2027]/,/[ \u 2030- \u 203E]/,/[ \u 2041- \u 2053]/,/[ \u 2055- \u 205E]/,/[ \u 2190- \u 23FF]/,/[ \u 2500- \u 2775]/,/[ \u 2794- \u 2BFF]/,/[ \u 2E00- \u 2E7F]/,/[ \u 3001- \u 3003]/,/[ \u 3008- \u 3020]/,/[ \u 3030]/),Ld=ld(kd,/[ \u 0300- \u 036F]/,/[ \u 1DC0- \u 1DFF]/,/[ \u 20D0- \u 20FF]/,/[ \u FE00- \u FE0F]/,/[ \u FE20- \u FE2F]/),Gd=nd(kd,Ld,"*"),Ud=ld(/[a-zA-Z_]/,/[ \u 00A8 \u 00AA \u 00AD \u 00AF \u 00B2- \u 00B5 \u 00B7- \u 00BA]/,/[ \u 00BC- \u 00BE \u 00C0- \u 00D6 \u 00D8- \u 00F6 \u 00F8- \u 00FF]/,/[ \u 0100- \u 02FF \u 0370- \u 167F \u 1681- \u 180D \u 180F- \u 1DBF]/,/[ \u 1E00- \u 1FFF]/,/[ \u 200B- \u 200D \u 202A- \u 202E \u 203F- \u 2040 \u 2054 \u 2060- \u 206F]/,/[ \u 2070- \u 20CF \u 2100- \u 218F \u 2460- \u 24FF \u 2776- \u 2793]/,/[ \u 2C00- \u 2DFF \u 2E80- \u 2FFF]/,/[ \u 3004- \u 3007 \u 3021- \u 302F \u 3031- \u 303F \u 3040- \u D7FF]/,/[ \u F900- \u FD3D \u FD40- \u FDCF \u FDF0- \u FE1F \u FE30- \u FE44]/,/[ \u FE47- \u FEFE \u FF00- \u FFFD]/),Fd=ld(Ud,/ \d /,/[ \u 0300- \u 036F \u 1DC0- \u 1DFF \u 20D0- \u 20FF \u FE20- \u FE2F]/),Hd=nd(Ud,Fd,"*"),Vd=nd(/[A-Z]/,Fd,"*"),zd=["attached","autoclosure",nd(/convention \( /,ld("swift","block","c"),/ \) /),"discardableResult","dynamicCallable","dynamicMemberLookup","escaping","freestanding","frozen","GKInspectable","IBAction","IBDesignable","IBInspectable","IBOutlet","IBSegueAction","inlinable","main","nonobjc","NSApplicationMain","NSCopying","N
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
] ` ).replace("lheading",lheading $ 1).replace("|table","").replace("blockquote"," {0,3}>").replace("|fences","").replace("|list","").replace("|html","").replace("|tag","").getRegex()},escape $ 1 $ 1=/^ \\ ([!"# $ %&'()*+, \- ./:;<=>?@ \[ \] \\ ^_ ` { | } ~ ] ) / , inlineCode$1 = /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/ , br$2 = /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/ , inlineText$1 = /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*_]|\b_|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)))/ , _punctuation$1 = new RegExp ( "\\p{P}\\p{S}" , "u" ) , punctuation$1 = edit$1 ( /^((?![*_])[\spunctuation])/ , "u" ) . replace ( /punctuation/g , _punctuation$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , blockSkip$1 = /\[[^[\]]*?\]\((?:\\.|[^\\\(\)]|\((?:\\.|[^\\\(\)])*\))*\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^<>]*?>/g , emStrongLDelim$1 = edit$1 ( /^(?:\*+(?:((?!\*)[punct])|[^\s*]))|^_+(?:((?!_)[punct])|([^\s_]))/ , "u" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , emStrongRDelimAst$1 = edit$1 ( "^[^_*]*?__[^_*]*?\\*[^_*]*?(?=__)|[^*]+(?=[^*])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!\\*)[punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])" , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , emStrongRDelimUnd$1 = edit$1 ( "^[^_*]*?\\*\\*[^_*]*?_[^_*]*?(?=\\*\\*)|[^_]+(?=[^_])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!_)[punct\\s](_+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])" , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , anyPunctuation$1 = edit$1 ( /\\([punct])/ , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , autolink$1 = edit$1 ( /^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/ ) . replace ( "scheme" , /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/ ) . replace ( "email" , /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/ ) . getRegex ( ) , _inlineComment$1 = edit$1 ( _comment$1 ) . replace ( "(?:-->|$)" , "-->" ) . getRegex ( ) , tag$1 = edit$1 ( "^comment|^</[a-zA-Z][\\w:-]*\\s*>|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>|^<![a-zA-Z]+\\s[\\s\\S]*?>|^<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>" ) . replace ( "comment" , _inlineComment$1 ) . replace ( "attribute" , /\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/ ) . getRegex ( ) , _inlineLabel$1 = /(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/ , link$1 = edit$1 ( /^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel$1 ) . replace ( "href" , /<(?:\\.|[^\n<>\\])+>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/ ) . replace ( "title" , /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/ ) . getRegex ( ) , reflink$1 = edit$1 ( /^!?\[(label)\]\[(ref)\]/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel$1 ) . replace ( "ref" , _blockLabel$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , nolink$1 = edit$1 ( /^!?\[(ref)\](?:\[\])?/ ) . replace ( "ref" , _blockLabel$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , reflinkSearch$1 = edit$1 ( "reflink|nolink(?!\\()" , "g" ) . replace ( "reflink" , reflink$1 ) . replace ( "nolink" , nolink$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , inlineNormal$1 = { _backpedal : noopTest$1 , anyPunctuation : anyPunctuation$1 , autolink : autolink$1 , blockSkip : blockSkip$1 , br : br$2 , code : inlineCode$1 , del : noopTest$1 , emStrongLDelim : emStrongLDelim$1 , emStrongRDelimAst : emStrongRDelimAst$1 , emStrongRDelimUnd : emStrongRDelimUnd$1 , escape : escape$1$1 , link : link$1 , nolink : nolink$1 , punctuation : punctuation$1 , reflink : reflink$1 , reflinkSearch : reflinkSearch$1 , tag : tag$1 , text : inlineText$1 , url : noopTest$1 } , inlinePedantic$1 = { ... inlineNormal$1 , link : edit$1 ( /^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel$1 ) . getRegex ( ) , reflink : edit$1 ( /^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel$1 ) . getRegex ( ) } , inlineGfm$1 = { ... inlineNormal$1 , escape : edit$1 ( escape$1$1 ) . replace ( "])" , "~|])" ) . getRegex ( ) , url : edit$1 ( /^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/ , "i" ) . replace ( "email" , /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/ ) . getRegex ( ) , _backpedal : /(?:[^?!.,:;*_'"~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_'"~)]+(?!$))+/ , del : /^(~~?)(?=[^\s~])((?:\\.|[^\\])*?(?:\\.|[^\s~\\]))\1(?=[^~]|$)/ , text : / ^ ( [ ` ~ ] + | [ ^ ` ~ ] ) ( ? : ( ? = { 2 , } \ n ) | ( ? = [ a - z A - Z 0 - 9 . ! # $ % & ' * + \ / = ? _ ` { \ | } ~ - ] + @ ) | [ \ s \ S ] * ? ( ? : ( ? = [ \ \ < ! \ [ ` * ~ _ ] | \ b _ | h t t p s ? : \ / \ / | f t p : \ / \ / | w w w \ . | $ ) | [ ^ ] ( ? = { 2 , } \ n ) | [ ^ a - z A - Z 0 - 9 . ! # $ % & ' * + \ / = ? _ ` { \ | } ~ - ] ( ? = [ a - z A - Z 0 - 9 . ! # $ % & ' * + \ / = ? _ ` { \ | } ~ - ] + @ ) )
` ).map(ud=>{const dd=ud.match(nd.other.beginningSpace);if(dd===null)return ud;const[pd]=dd;return pd.length>=ld.length?ud.slice(ld.length):ud}).join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )}let _Tokenizer $ 1=class{constructor(qa){Rg(this,"options");Rg(this,"rules");Rg(this,"lexer");this.options=qa||_defaults $ 1}space(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.newline.exec(qa);if(nd&&nd[0].length>0)return{type:"space",raw:nd[0]}}code(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.code.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[0].replace(this.rules.other.codeRemoveIndent,"");return{type:"code",raw:nd[0],codeBlockStyle:"indented",text:this.options.pedantic?od:rtrim $ 1(od, `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` )}}}fences(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.fences.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[0],ld=indentCodeCompensation $ 1(od,nd[3]||"",this.rules);return{type:"code",raw:od,lang:nd[2]?nd[2].trim().replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):nd[2],text:ld}}}heading(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.heading.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=nd[2].trim();if(this.rules.other.endingHash.test(od)){const ld=rtrim $ 1(od,"#");(this.options.pedantic||!ld||this.rules.other.endingSpaceChar.test(ld))&&(od=ld.trim())}return{type:"heading",raw:nd[0],depth:nd[1].length,text:od,tokens:this.lexer.inline(od)}}}hr(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.hr.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"hr",raw:rtrim $ 1(nd[0], `
` )}}blockquote(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.blockquote.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=rtrim $ 1(nd[0], `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ).split( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ),ld="",ud="";const dd=[];for(;od.length>0;){let pd=!1;const fd=[];let md;for(md=0;md<od.length;md++)if(this.rules.other.blockquoteStart.test(od[md]))fd.push(od[md]),pd=!0;else if(!pd)fd.push(od[md]);else break;od=od.slice(md);const vd=fd.join( `
` ),Ad=vd.replace(this.rules.other.blockquoteSetextReplace, `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
$1 ` ).replace(this.rules.other.blockquoteSetextReplace2,"");ld=ld? ` $ { ld }
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
$ { vd } ` :vd,ud=ud? ` $ { ud }
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
$ { Ad } ` :Ad;const Nd=this.lexer.state.top;if(this.lexer.state.top=!0,this.lexer.blockTokens(Ad,dd,!0),this.lexer.state.top=Nd,od.length===0)break;const Od=dd.at(-1);if((Od==null?void 0:Od.type)==="code")break;if((Od==null?void 0:Od.type)==="blockquote"){const kd=Od,Ld=kd.raw+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +od.join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),Gd=this.blockquote(Ld);dd[dd.length-1]=Gd,ld=ld.substring(0,ld.length-kd.raw.length)+Gd.raw,ud=ud.substring(0,ud.length-kd.text.length)+Gd.text;break}else if((Od==null?void 0:Od.type)==="list"){const kd=Od,Ld=kd.raw+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +od.join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),Gd=this.list(Ld);dd[dd.length-1]=Gd,ld=ld.substring(0,ld.length-Od.raw.length)+Gd.raw,ud=ud.substring(0,ud.length-kd.raw.length)+Gd.raw,od=Ld.substring(dd.at(-1).raw.length).split( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` );continue}}return{type:"blockquote",raw:ld,tokens:dd,text:ud}}}list(qa){let nd=this.rules.block.list.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=nd[1].trim();const ld=od.length>1,ud={type:"list",raw:"",ordered:ld,start:ld?+od.slice(0,-1):"",loose:!1,items:[]};od=ld? ` \ \ d { 1 , 9 } \ \ $ { od . slice ( - 1 ) } ` : ` \ \ $ { od } ` ,this.options.pedantic&&(od=ld?od:"[*+-]");const dd=this.rules.other.listItemRegex(od);let pd=!1;for(;qa;){let md=!1,vd="",Ad="";if(!(nd=dd.exec(qa))||this.rules.block.hr.test(qa))break;vd=nd[0],qa=qa.substring(vd.length);let Nd=nd[2].split( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ,1)[0].replace(this.rules.other.listReplaceTabs,Fd=>" ".repeat(3*Fd.length)),Od=qa.split( `
` ,1)[0],kd=!Nd.trim(),Ld=0;if(this.options.pedantic?(Ld=2,Ad=Nd.trimStart()):kd?Ld=nd[1].length+1:(Ld=nd[2].search(this.rules.other.nonSpaceChar),Ld=Ld>4?1:Ld,Ad=Nd.slice(Ld),Ld+=nd[1].length),kd&&this.rules.other.blankLine.test(Od)&&(vd+=Od+ `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ,qa=qa.substring(Od.length+1),md=!0),!md){const Fd=this.rules.other.nextBulletRegex(Ld),Hd=this.rules.other.hrRegex(Ld),Vd=this.rules.other.fencesBeginRegex(Ld),zd=this.rules.other.headingBeginRegex(Ld),Yd=this.rules.other.htmlBeginRegex(Ld);for(;qa;){const Xd=qa.split( `
` ,1)[0];let yf;if(Od=Xd,this.options.pedantic?(Od=Od.replace(this.rules.other.listReplaceNesting," "),yf=Od):yf=Od.replace(this.rules.other.tabCharGlobal," "),Vd.test(Od)||zd.test(Od)||Yd.test(Od)||Fd.test(Od)||Hd.test(Od))break;if(yf.search(this.rules.other.nonSpaceChar)>=Ld||!Od.trim())Ad+= `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` +yf.slice(Ld);else{if(kd||Nd.replace(this.rules.other.tabCharGlobal," ").search(this.rules.other.nonSpaceChar)>=4||Vd.test(Nd)||zd.test(Nd)||Hd.test(Nd))break;Ad+= `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` +Od}!kd&&!Od.trim()&&(kd=!0),vd+=Xd+ `
` ,qa=qa.substring(Xd.length+1),Nd=yf.slice(Ld)}}ud.loose||(pd?ud.loose=!0:this.rules.other.doubleBlankLine.test(vd)&&(pd=!0));let Gd=null,Ud;this.options.gfm&&(Gd=this.rules.other.listIsTask.exec(Ad),Gd&&(Ud=Gd[0]!=="[ ] ",Ad=Ad.replace(this.rules.other.listReplaceTask,""))),ud.items.push({type:"list_item",raw:vd,task:!!Gd,checked:Ud,loose:!1,text:Ad,tokens:[]}),ud.raw+=vd}const fd=ud.items.at(-1);fd&&(fd.raw=fd.raw.trimEnd(),fd.text=fd.text.trimEnd()),ud.raw=ud.raw.trimEnd();for(let md=0;md<ud.items.length;md++)if(this.lexer.state.top=!1,ud.items[md].tokens=this.lexer.blockTokens(ud.items[md].text,[]),!ud.loose){const vd=ud.items[md].tokens.filter(Nd=>Nd.type==="space"),Ad=vd.length>0&&vd.some(Nd=>this.rules.other.anyLine.test(Nd.raw));ud.loose=Ad}if(ud.loose)for(let md=0;md<ud.items.length;md++)ud.items[md].loose=!0;return ud}}html(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.html.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"html",block:!0,raw:nd[0],pre:nd[1]==="pre"||nd[1]==="script"||nd[1]==="style",text:nd[0]}}def(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.def.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[1].toLowerCase().replace(this.rules.other.multipleSpaceGlobal," "),ld=nd[2]?nd[2].replace(this.rules.other.hrefBrackets," $ 1").replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):"",ud=nd[3]?nd[3].substring(1,nd[3].length-1).replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):nd[3];return{type:"def",tag:od,raw:nd[0],href:ld,title:ud}}}table(qa){var pd;const nd=this.rules.block.table.exec(qa);if(!nd||!this.rules.other.tableDelimiter.test(nd[2]))return;const od=splitCells $ 1(nd[1]),ld=nd[2].replace(this.rules.other.tableAlignChars,"").split("|"),ud=(pd=nd[3])!=null&&pd.trim()?nd[3].replace(this.rules.other.tableRowBlankLine,"").split( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ):[],dd={type:"table",raw:nd[0],header:[],align:[],rows:[]};if(od.length===ld.length){for(const fd of ld)this.rules.other.tableAlignRight.test(fd)?dd.align.push("right"):this.rules.other.tableAlignCenter.test(fd)?dd.align.push("center"):this.rules.other.tableAlignLeft.test(fd)?dd.align.push("left"):dd.align.push(null);for(let fd=0;fd<od.length;fd++)dd.header.push({text:od[fd],tokens:this.lexer.inline(od[fd]),header:!0,align:dd.align[fd]});for(const fd of ud)dd.rows.push(splitCells $ 1(fd,dd.header.length).map((md,vd)=>({text:md,tokens:this.lexer.inline(md),header:!1,align:dd.align[vd]})));return dd}}lheading(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.lheading.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"heading",raw:nd[0],depth:nd[2].charAt(0)==="="?1:2,text:nd[1],tokens:this.lexer.inline(nd[1])}}paragraph(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.paragraph.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[1].charAt(nd[1].length-1)=== `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ?nd[1].slice(0,-1):nd[1];return{type:"paragraph",raw:nd[0],text:od,tokens:this.lexer.inline(od)}}}text(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.text.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"text",raw:nd[0],text:nd[0],tokens:this.lexer.inline(nd[0])}}escape(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.escape.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"escape",raw:nd[0],text:nd[1]}}tag(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.tag.exec(qa);if(nd)return!this.lexer.state.inLink&&this.rules.other.startATag.test(nd[0])?this.lexer.state.inLink=!0:this.lexer.state.inLink&&this.rules.other.endATag.test(nd[0])&&(this.lexer.state.inLink=!1),!this.lexer.state.inRawBlock&&this.rules.other.startPreScriptTag.test(nd[0])?this.lexer.state.inRawBlock=!0:this.lexer.state.inRawBlock&&this.rules.other.endPreScriptTag.test(nd[0])&&(this.lexer.state.inRawBlock=!1),{type:"html",raw:nd[0],inLink:this.lexer.state.inLink,inRawBlock:this.lexer.state.inRawBlock,block:!1,text:nd[0]}}link(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.link.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[2].trim();if(!this.options.pedantic&&this.rules.other.startAngleBracket.test(od)){if(!this.rules.other.endAngleBracket.test(od))return;const dd=rtrim $ 1(od.slice(0,-1)," \\ ");if((od.length-dd.length)%2===0)return}else{const dd=findClosingBracket $ 1(nd[2],"()");if(dd>-1){const fd=(nd[0].indexOf("!")===0?5:4)+nd[1].length+dd;nd[2]=nd[2].substring(0,dd),nd[0]=nd[0].substring(0,fd).trim(),nd[3]=""}}let ld=nd[2],ud="";if(this.options.pedantic){const dd=this.rules.other.pedanticHrefTitle.exec(ld);dd&&(ld=dd[1],ud=dd[3])}else ud=nd[3]?nd[3].slice(1,-1):"";return ld=ld.trim(),this.rules.other.startAngleBracket.test(ld)&&(this.options.pedantic&&!this.rules.other.endAngleBracket.test(od)?ld=ld.slice(1):ld=ld.slice(1,-1)),outputLink $ 1(nd,{href:ld&&ld.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"),title:ud&&ud.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1")},nd[0],this.lexer,this.rules)}}reflink(qa,nd){let od;if((od=this.rules.inline.reflink.exec(qa))||(od=this.rules.inline.nolink.exec(qa))){const ld=(od[2]||od[1]).replace(this.rules.other.multipleSpaceGlobal," "),ud=nd[ld.toLowerCase()];if(!ud){const dd=od[0].charAt(0);return{type:"text",raw:dd,text:dd}}return outputLink $ 1(od,ud,od[0],this.lexer,this.rules)}}emStrong(qa,nd,od=""){let ld=this.rules.inline.emStrongLDelim.exec(qa);if(!ld||ld[3]&&od.match(this.rules.other.unicodeAlphaNumeric))return;if(!(ld[1]||ld[2]||"")||!od||this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(od)){const dd=[...ld[0]].length-1;let pd,fd,md=dd,vd=0;const Ad=ld[0][0]==="*"?this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimAst:this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimUnd;for(Ad.lastIndex=0,nd=nd.slice(-1*qa.length+dd);(ld=Ad.exec(nd))!=null;){if(pd=ld[1]||ld[2]||ld[3]||ld[4]||ld[5]||ld[6],!pd)continue;if(fd=[...pd].length,ld[3]||ld[4]){md+=fd;continue}else if((ld[5]||ld[6])&&dd%3&&!((dd+fd)%3)){vd+=fd;continue}if(md-=fd,md>0)continue;fd=Math.min(fd,fd+md+vd);const Nd=[...ld[0]][0].length,Od=qa.slice(0,dd+ld.index+Nd+fd);if(Math.min(dd,fd)%2){const Ld=Od.slice(1,-1);return{type:"em",raw:Od,text:Ld,tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(Ld)}}const kd=Od.slice(2,-2);return{type:"strong",raw:Od,text:kd,tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(kd)}}}}codespan(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.code.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=nd[2].replace(this.rules.other.newLineCharGlobal," ");const ld=this.rules.other.nonSpaceChar.test(od),ud=this.rules.other.startingSpaceChar.test(od)&&this.rules.other.endingSpaceChar.test(od);return ld&&ud&&(od=od.substring(1,od.length-1)),{type:"codespan",raw:nd[0],text:od}}}br(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.br.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"br",raw:nd[0]}}del(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.del.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"del",raw:nd[0],text:nd[2],tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(nd[2])}}autolink(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(qa);if(nd){let od,ld;return nd[2]==="@"?(od=nd[1],ld="mailto:"+od):(od=nd[1],ld=od),{type:"link",raw:nd[0],text:od,href:ld,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:od,text:od}]}}}url(qa){var od;let nd;if(nd=this.rules.inline.url.exec(qa)){let ld,ud;if(nd[2]==="@")ld=nd[0],ud="mailto:"+ld;else{let dd;do dd=nd[0],nd[0]=((od=this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(nd[0]))==null?void 0:od[0])??"";w
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ),this.blockTokens(qa,this.tokens);for(let nd=0;nd<this.inlineQueue.length;nd++){const od=this.inlineQueue[nd];this.inlineTokens(od.src,od.tokens)}return this.inlineQueue=[],this.tokens}blockTokens(qa,nd=[],od=!1){var ld,ud,dd;for(this.options.pedantic&&(qa=qa.replace(other.tabCharGlobal," ").replace(other.spaceLine,""));qa;){let pd;if((ud=(ld=this.options.extensions)==null?void 0:ld.block)!=null&&ud.some(md=>(pd=md.call({lexer:this},qa,nd))?(qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd),!0):!1))continue;if(pd=this.tokenizer.space(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length);const md=nd.at(-1);pd.raw.length===1&&md!==void 0?md.raw+= `
` :nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.code(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length);const md=nd.at(-1);(md==null?void 0:md.type)==="paragraph"||(md==null?void 0:md.type)==="text"?(md.raw+= `
` +pd.raw,md.text+= `
` +pd.text,this.inlineQueue.at(-1).src=md.text):nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.fences(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.heading(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.hr(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.blockquote(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.list(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.html(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.def(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length);const md=nd.at(-1);(md==null?void 0:md.type)==="paragraph"||(md==null?void 0:md.type)==="text"?(md.raw+= `
` +pd.raw,md.text+= `
` +pd.raw,this.inlineQueue.at(-1).src=md.text):this.tokens.links[pd.tag]||(this.tokens.links[pd.tag]={href:pd.href,title:pd.title});continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.table(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.lheading(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length),nd.push(pd);continue}let fd=qa;if((dd=this.options.extensions)!=null&&dd.startBlock){let md=1/0;const vd=qa.slice(1);let Ad;this.options.extensions.startBlock.forEach(Nd=>{Ad=Nd.call({lexer:this},vd),typeof Ad=="number"&&Ad>=0&&(md=Math.min(md,Ad))}),md<1/0&&md>=0&&(fd=qa.substring(0,md+1))}if(this.state.top&&(pd=this.tokenizer.paragraph(fd))){const md=nd.at(-1);od&&(md==null?void 0:md.type)==="paragraph"?(md.raw+= `
` +pd.raw,md.text+= `
` +pd.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue.at(-1).src=md.text):nd.push(pd),od=fd.length!==qa.length,qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length);continue}if(pd=this.tokenizer.text(qa)){qa=qa.substring(pd.raw.length);const md=nd.at(-1);(md==null?void 0:md.type)==="text"?(md.raw+= `
` +pd.raw,md.text+= `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` +pd.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue.at(-1).src=md.text):nd.push(pd);continue}if(qa){const md="Infinite loop on byte: "+qa.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(md);break}else throw new Error(md)}}return this.state.top=!0,nd}inline(qa,nd=[]){return this.inlineQueue.push({src:qa,tokens:nd}),nd}inlineTokens(qa,nd=[]){var pd,fd,md;let od=qa,ld=null;if(this.tokens.links){const vd=Object.keys(this.tokens.links);if(vd.length>0)for(;(ld=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(od))!=null;)vd.includes(ld[0].slice(ld[0].lastIndexOf("[")+1,-1))&&(od=od.slice(0,ld.index)+"["+"a".repeat(ld[0].length-2)+"]"+od.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex))}for(;(ld=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(od))!=null;)od=od.slice(0,ld.index)+"["+"a".repeat(ld[0].length-2)+"]"+od.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);for(;(ld=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.exec(od))!=null;)od=od.slice(0,ld.index)+"++"+od.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.lastIndex);let ud=!1,dd="";for(;qa;){ud||(dd=""),ud=!1;let vd;if((fd=(pd=this.options.extensions)==null?void 0:pd.inline)!=null&&fd.some(Nd=>(vd=Nd.call({lexer:this},qa,nd))?(qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd),!0):!1))continue;if(vd=this.tokenizer.escape(qa)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.tag(qa)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.link(qa)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.reflink(qa,this.tokens.links)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length);const Nd=nd.at(-1);vd.type==="text"&&(Nd==null?void 0:Nd.type)==="text"?(Nd.raw+=vd.raw,Nd.text+=vd.text):nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.emStrong(qa,od,dd)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.codespan(qa)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.br(qa)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.del(qa)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(vd=this.tokenizer.autolink(qa)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}if(!this.state.inLink&&(vd=this.tokenizer.url(qa))){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),nd.push(vd);continue}let Ad=qa;if((md=this.options.extensions)!=null&&md.startInline){let Nd=1/0;const Od=qa.slice(1);let kd;this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach(Ld=>{kd=Ld.call({lexer:this},Od),typeof kd=="number"&&kd>=0&&(Nd=Math.min(Nd,kd))}),Nd<1/0&&Nd>=0&&(Ad=qa.substring(0,Nd+1))}if(vd=this.tokenizer.inlineText(Ad)){qa=qa.substring(vd.raw.length),vd.raw.slice(-1)!=="_"&&(dd=vd.raw.slice(-1)),ud=!0;const Nd=nd.at(-1);(Nd==null?void 0:Nd.type)==="text"?(Nd.raw+=vd.raw,Nd.text+=vd.text):nd.push(vd);continue}if(qa){const Nd="Infinite loop on byte: "+qa.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(Nd);break}else throw new Error(Nd)}}return nd}},_Renderer $ 1=class{constructor(qa){Rg(this,"options");Rg(this,"parser");this.options=qa||_defaults $ 1}space(qa){return""}code({text:qa,lang:nd,escaped:od}){var dd;const ld=(dd=(nd||"").match(other.notSpaceStart))==null?void 0:dd[0],ud=qa.replace(other.endingNewline,"")+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ;return ld?'<pre><code class="language-'+escape $ 3(ld)+'">'+(od?ud:escape $ 3(ud,!0))+ ` < / c o d e > < / p r e >
` :"<pre><code>"+(od?ud:escape $ 3(ud,!0))+ ` < / c o d e > < / p r e >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }blockquote({tokens:qa}){return ` < blockquote >
$ { this . parser . parse ( qa ) } < / b l o c k q u o t e >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` }html({text:qa}){return qa}heading({tokens:qa,depth:nd}){return ` < h$ { nd } > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( qa ) } < / h $ { n d } >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }hr(qa){return ` < hr >
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` }list(qa){const nd=qa.ordered,od=qa.start;let ld="";for(let pd=0;pd<qa.items.length;pd++){const fd=qa.items[pd];ld+=this.listitem(fd)}const ud=nd?"ol":"ul",dd=nd&&od!==1?' start="'+od+'"':"";return"<"+ud+dd+ ` >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +ld+"</"+ud+ ` >
` }listitem(qa){var od;let nd="";if(qa.task){const ld=this.checkbox({checked:!!qa.checked});qa.loose?((od=qa.tokens[0])==null?void 0:od.type)==="paragraph"?(qa.tokens[0].text=ld+" "+qa.tokens[0].text,qa.tokens[0].tokens&&qa.tokens[0].tokens.length>0&&qa.tokens[0].tokens[0].type==="text"&&(qa.tokens[0].tokens[0].text=ld+" "+escape $ 3(qa.tokens[0].tokens[0].text),qa.tokens[0].tokens[0].escaped=!0)):qa.tokens.unshift({type:"text",raw:ld+" ",text:ld+" ",escaped:!0}):nd+=ld+" "}return nd+=this.parser.parse(qa.tokens,!!qa.loose), ` < li > $ { nd } < / l i >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }checkbox({checked:qa}){return"<input "+(qa?'checked="" ':"")+'disabled="" type="checkbox">'}paragraph({tokens:qa}){return ` < p > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( qa ) } < / p >
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` }table(qa){let nd="",od="";for(let ud=0;ud<qa.header.length;ud++)od+=this.tablecell(qa.header[ud]);nd+=this.tablerow({text:od});let ld="";for(let ud=0;ud<qa.rows.length;ud++){const dd=qa.rows[ud];od="";for(let pd=0;pd<dd.length;pd++)od+=this.tablecell(dd[pd]);ld+=this.tablerow({text:od})}return ld&&(ld= ` < tbody > $ { ld } < / t b o d y > ` ) , ` < t a b l e >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
< thead >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +nd+ ` < / t h e a d >
` +ld+ ` < / t a b l e >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }tablerow({text:qa}){return ` < tr >
$ { qa } < / t r >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` }tablecell(qa){const nd=this.parser.parseInline(qa.tokens),od=qa.header?"th":"td";return(qa.align? ` < $ { od } align = "${qa.align}" > ` : ` < $ { od } > ` )+nd+ ` < / $ { o d } >
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` }strong({tokens:qa}){return ` < strong > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( qa ) } < / s t r o n g > ` } e m ( { t o k e n s : q a } ) { r e t u r n ` < e m > $ { t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a ) } < / e m > ` } c o d e s p a n ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n ` < c o d e > $ { e s c a p e $ 3 ( q a , ! 0 ) } < / c o d e > ` } b r ( q a ) { r e t u r n " < b r > " } d e l ( { t o k e n s : q a } ) { r e t u r n ` < d e l > $ { t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a ) } < / d e l > ` } l i n k ( { h r e f : q a , t i t l e : n d , t o k e n s : o d } ) { c o n s t l d = t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( o d ) , u d = c l e a n U r l $ 1 ( q a ) ; i f ( u d = = = n u l l ) r e t u r n l d ; q a = u d ; l e t d d = ' < a h r e f = " ' + q a + ' " ' ; r e t u r n n d & & ( d d + = ' t i t l e = " ' + e s c a p e $ 3 ( n d ) + ' " ' ) , d d + = " > " + l d + " < / a > " , d d } i m a g e ( { h r e f : q a , t i t l e : n d , t e x t : o d } ) { c o n s t l d = c l e a n U r l $ 1 ( q a ) ; i f ( l d = = = n u l l ) r e t u r n e s c a p e $ 3 ( o d ) ; q a = l d ; l e t u d = ` < i m g s r c = " $ { q a } " a l t = " $ { o d } " ` ; r e t u r n n d & & ( u d + = ` t i t l e = " $ { e s c a p e $ 3 ( n d ) } " ` ) , u d + = " > " , u d } t e x t ( q a ) { r e t u r n " t o k e n s " i n q a & & q a . t o k e n s ? t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a . t o k e n s ) : " e s c a p e d " i n q a & & q a . e s c a p e d ? q a . t e x t : e s c a p e $ 3 ( q a . t e x t ) } } , _ T e x t R e n d e r e r $ 1 = c l a s s { s t r o n g ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } e m ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } c o d e s p a n ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } d e l ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } h t m l ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } t e x t ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } l i n k ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n " " + q a } i m a g e ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n " " + q a } b r ( ) { r e t u r n " " } } , _ P a r s e r $ 1 = c l a s s w 1 { c o n s t r u c t o r ( q a ) { R g ( t h i s , " o p t i o n s " ) ; R g ( t h i s , " r e n d e r e r " ) ; R g ( t h i s , " t e x t R e n d e r e r " ) ; t h i s . o p t i o n s = q a | | _ d e f a u l t s $ 1 , t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r = t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r | | n e w _ R e n d e r e r $ 1 , t h i s . r e n d e r e r = t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r , t h i s . r e n d e r e r . o p t i o n s = t h i s . o p t i o n s , t h i s . r e n d e r e r . p a r s e r = t h i s , t h i s . t e x t R e n d e r e r = n e w _ T e x t R e n d e r e r $ 1 } s t a t i c p a r s e ( q a , n d ) { r e t u r n n e w w 1 ( n d ) . p a r s e ( q a ) } s t a t i c p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a , n d ) { r e t u r n n e w w 1 ( n d ) . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a ) } p a r s e ( q a , n d = ! 0 ) { v a r l d , u d ; l e t o d = " " ; f o r ( l e t d d = 0 ; d d < q a . l e n g t h ; d d + + ) { c o n s t p d = q a [ d d ] ; i f ( ( u d = ( l d = t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s ) = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : l d . r e n d e r e r s ) ! = n u l l & & u d [ p d . t y p e ] ) { c o n s t m d = p d , v d = t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s . r e n d e r e r s [ m d . t y p e ] . c a l l ( { p a r s e r : t h i s } , m d ) ; i f ( v d ! = = ! 1 | | ! [ " s p a c e " , " h r " , " h e a d i n g " , " c o d e " , " t a b l e " , " b l o c k q u o t e " , " l i s t " , " h t m l " , " p a r a g r a p h " , " t e x t " ] . i n c l u d e s ( m d . t y p e ) ) { o d + = v d | | " " ; c o n t i n u e } } c o n s t f d = p d ; s w i t c h ( f d . t y p e ) { c a s e " s p a c e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . s p a c e ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h r " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h r ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h e a d i n g " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h e a d i n g ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " c o d e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . c o d e ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " t a b l e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . t a b l e ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " b l o c k q u o t e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . b l o c k q u o t e ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " l i s t " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . l i s t ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h t m l " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h t m l ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " p a r a g r a p h " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . p a r a g r a p h ( f d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " t e x t " : { l e t m d = f d , v d = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . t e x t ( m d ) ; f o r ( ; d d + 1 < q a . l e n g t h & & q a [ d d + 1 ] . t y p e = = = " t e x t " ; ) m d = q a [ + + d d ] , v d + = `
` +this.renderer.text(md);nd?od+=this.renderer.paragraph({type:"paragraph",raw:vd,text:vd,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:vd,text:vd,escaped:!0}]}):od+=vd;continue}default:{const md='Token with "'+fd.type+'" type was not found.';if(this.options.silent)return console.error(md),"";throw new Error(md)}}}return od}parseInline(qa,nd=this.renderer){var ld,ud;let od="";for(let dd=0;dd<qa.length;dd++){const pd=qa[dd];if((ud=(ld=this.options.extensions)==null?void 0:ld.renderers)!=null&&ud[pd.type]){const md=this.options.extensions.renderers[pd.type].call({parser:this},pd);if(md!==!1||!["escape","html","link","image","strong","em","codespan","br","del","text"].includes(pd.type)){od+=md||"";continue}}const fd=pd;switch(fd.type){case"escape":{od+=nd.text(fd);break}case"html":{od+=nd.html(fd);break}case"link":{od+=nd.link(fd);break}case"image":{od+=nd.image(fd);break}case"strong":{od+=nd.strong(fd);break}case"em":{od+=nd.em(fd);break}case"codespan":{od+=nd.codespan(fd);break}case"br":{od+=nd.br(fd);break}case"del":{od+=nd.del(fd);break}case"text":{od+=nd.text(fd);break}default:{const md='Token with "'+fd.type+'" type was not found.';if(this.options.silent)return console.error(md),"";throw new Error(md)}}}return od}};var C1;let _Hooks $ 1=(C1=class{constructor(qa){Rg(this,"options");Rg(this,"block");this.options=qa||_defaults $ 1}preprocess(qa){return qa}postprocess(qa){return qa}processAllTokens(qa){return qa}provideLexer(){return this.block?_Lexer $ 1.lex:_Lexer $ 1.lexInline}provideParser(){return this.block?_Parser $ 1.parse:_Parser $ 1.parseInline}},Rg(C1,"passThroughHooks",new Set(["preprocess","postprocess","processAllTokens"])),C1),Marked $ 1=class{constructor(...qa){Rg(this,"defaults",_getDefaults $ 1());Rg(this,"options",this.setOptions);Rg(this,"parse",this.parseMarkdown(!0));Rg(this,"parseInline",this.parseMarkdown(!1));Rg(this,"Parser",_Parser $ 1);Rg(this,"Renderer",_Renderer $ 1);Rg(this,"TextRenderer",_TextRenderer $ 1);Rg(this,"Lexer",_Lexer $ 1);Rg(this,"Tokenizer",_Tokenizer $ 1);Rg(this,"Hooks",_Hooks $ 1);this.use(...qa)}walkTokens(qa,nd){var ld,ud;let od=[];for(const dd of qa)switch(od=od.concat(nd.call(this,dd)),dd.type){case"table":{const pd=dd;for(const fd of pd.header)od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(fd.tokens,nd));for(const fd of pd.rows)for(const md of fd)od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(md.tokens,nd));break}case"list":{const pd=dd;od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(pd.items,nd));break}default:{const pd=dd;(ud=(ld=this.defaults.extensions)==null?void 0:ld.childTokens)!=null&&ud[pd.type]?this.defaults.extensions.childTokens[pd.type].forEach(fd=>{const md=pd[fd].flat(1/0);od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(md,nd))}):pd.tokens&&(od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(pd.tokens,nd)))}}return od}use(...qa){const nd=this.defaults.extensions||{renderers:{},childTokens:{}};return qa.forEach(od=>{const ld={...od};if(ld.async=this.defaults.async||ld.async||!1,od.extensions&&(od.extensions.forEach(ud=>{if(!ud.name)throw new Error("extension name required");if("renderer"in ud){const dd=nd.renderers[ud.name];dd?nd.renderers[ud.name]=function(...pd){let fd=ud.renderer.apply(this,pd);return fd===!1&&(fd=dd.apply(this,pd)),fd}:nd.renderers[ud.name]=ud.renderer}if("tokenizer"in ud){if(!ud.level||ud.level!=="block"&&ud.level!=="inline")throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'");const dd=nd[ud.level];dd?dd.unshift(ud.tokenizer):nd[ud.level]=[ud.tokenizer],ud.start&&(ud.level==="block"?nd.startBlock?nd.startBlock.push(ud.start):nd.startBlock=[ud.start]:ud.level==="inline"&&(nd.startInline?nd.startInline.push(ud.start):nd.startInline=[ud.start]))}"childTokens"in ud&&ud.childTokens&&(nd.childTokens[ud.name]=ud.childTokens)}),ld.extensions=nd),od.renderer){const ud=this.defaults.renderer||new _Renderer $ 1(this.defaults);for(const dd in od.renderer){if(!(dd in ud))throw new Error( ` renderer '${dd}' does not exist ` );if(["options","parser"].includes(dd))continue;const pd=dd,fd=od.renderer[pd],md=ud[pd];ud[pd]=(...vd)=>{let Ad=fd.apply(ud,vd);return Ad===!1&&(Ad=md.apply(ud,vd)),Ad||""}}ld.renderer=ud}if(od.tokenizer){const ud=this.defaults.tokenizer||new _Tokenizer $ 1(this.defau
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` );for(const[nd,{detector:od}]of Object.entries(detectors))if(od(Ra,qa))return nd;throw new UnknownDiagramError( ` No diagram type detected matching given configuration for text : $ { Ra } ` )},"detectType"),registerLazyLoadedDiagrams=__name((...Ra)=>{for(const{id:qa,detector:nd,loader:od}of Ra)addDetector(qa,nd,od)},"registerLazyLoadedDiagrams"),addDetector=__name((Ra,qa,nd)=>{detectors[Ra]&&log $ 1.warn( ` Detector with key $ { Ra } already exists . Overwriting . ` ),detectors[Ra]={detector:qa,loader:nd},log $ 1.debug( ` Detector with key $ { Ra } added$ { nd ? " with loader" : "" } ` )},"addDetector"),getDiagramLoader=__name(Ra=>detectors[Ra].loader,"getDiagramLoader"),assignWithDepth=__name((Ra,qa,{depth:nd=2,clobber:od=!1}={})=>{const ld={depth:nd,clobber:od};return Array.isArray(qa)&&!Array.isArray(Ra)?(qa.forEach(ud=>assignWithDepth(Ra,ud,ld)),Ra):Array.isArray(qa)&&Array.isArray(Ra)?(qa.forEach(ud=>{Ra.includes(ud)||Ra.push(ud)}),Ra):Ra===void 0||nd<=0?Ra!=null&&typeof Ra=="object"&&typeof qa=="object"?Object.assign(Ra,qa):qa:(qa!==void 0&&typeof Ra=="object"&&typeof qa=="object"&&Object.keys(qa).forEach(ud=>{typeof qa[ud]=="object"&&(Ra[ud]===void 0||typeof Ra[ud]=="object")?(Ra[ud]===void 0&&(Ra[ud]=Array.isArray(qa[ud])?[]:{}),Ra[ud]=assignWithDepth(Ra[ud],qa[ud],{depth:nd-1,clobber:od})):(od||typeof Ra[ud]!="object"&&typeof qa[ud]!="object")&&(Ra[ud]=qa[ud])}),Ra)},"assignWithDepth"),assignWithDepth_default=assignWithDepth,oldAttributeBackgroundColorOdd="#ffffff",oldAttributeBackgroundColorEven="#f2f2f2",mkBorder=__name((Ra,qa)=>qa?adjust(Ra,{s:-40,l:10}):adjust(Ra,{s:-40,l:-10}),"mkBorder"),kS,Theme=(kS=class{constructor(){this.background="#f4f4f4",this.primaryColor="#fff4dd",this.noteBkgColor="#fff5ad",this.noteTextColor="#333",this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT=12,this.fontFamily='"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif',this.fontSize="16px"}updateColors(){var nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd,md,vd,Ad,Nd;if(this.primaryTextColor=this.primaryTextColor||(this.darkMode?"#eee":"#333"),this.secondaryColor=this.secondaryColor||adjust(this.primaryColor,{h:-120}),this.tertiaryColor=this.tertiaryColor||adjust(this.primaryColor,{h:180,l:5}),this.primaryBorderColor=this.primaryBorderColor||mkBorder(this.primaryColor,this.darkMode),this.secondaryBorderColor=this.secondaryBorderColor||mkBorder(this.secondaryColor,this.darkMode),this.tertiaryBorderColor=this.tertiaryBorderColor||mkBorder(this.tertiaryColor,this.darkMode),this.noteBorderColor=this.noteBorderColor||mkBorder(this.noteBkgColor,this.darkMode),this.noteBkgColor=this.noteBkgColor||"#fff5ad",this.noteTextColor=this.noteTextColor||"#333",this.secondaryTextColor=this.secondaryTextColor||invert(this.secondaryColor),this.tertiaryTextColor=this.tertiaryTextColor||invert(this.tertiaryColor),this.lineColor=this.lineColor||invert(this.background),this.arrowheadColor=this.arrowheadColor||invert(this.background),this.textColor=this.textColor||this.primaryTextColor,this.border2=this.border2||this.tertiaryBorderColor,this.nodeBkg=this.nodeBkg||this.primaryColor,this.mainBkg=this.mainBkg||this.primaryColor,this.nodeBorder=this.nodeBorder||this.primaryBorderColor,this.clusterBkg=this.clusterBkg||this.tertiaryColor,this.clusterBorder=this.clusterBorder||this.tertiaryBorderColor,this.defaultLinkColor=this.defaultLinkColor||this.lineColor,this.titleColor=this.titleColor||this.tertiaryTextColor,this.edgeLabelBackground=this.edgeLabelBackground||(this.darkMode?darken(this.secondaryColor,30):this.secondaryColor),this.nodeTextColor=this.nodeTextColor||this.primaryTextColor,this.actorBorder=this.actorBorder||this.primaryBorderColor,this.actorBkg=this.actorBkg||this.mainBkg,this.actorTextColor=this.actorTextColor||this.primaryTextColor,this.actorLineColor=this.actorLineColor||this.actorBorder,this.labelBoxBkgColor=this.labelBoxBkgColor||this.actorBkg,this.signalColor=this.signalColor||this.textColor,this.signalTextColor=this.signalTextColor||this.textColor,this.labelBoxBorderColor=this.labelBoxBorderColor||this.actorBorder,this.labelTextColor=this.labelTextColor||this.actorTextColor,this.loopTextColor=this.loopTextColor||this.actorTextCo
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
font - family : $ { nd . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { nd . fontSize } ;
fill : $ { nd . textColor }
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
/* Classes common for multiple diagrams */
& . error - icon {
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
fill : $ { nd . errorBkgColor } ;
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
& . error - text {
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
fill : $ { nd . errorTextColor } ;
stroke : $ { nd . errorTextColor } ;
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
& . edge - thickness - normal {
stroke - width : 1 px ;
& . edge - thickness - thick {
stroke - width : 3.5 px
& . edge - pattern - solid {
stroke - dasharray : 0 ;
& . edge - thickness - invisible {
stroke - width : 0 ;
fill : none ;
& . edge - pattern - dashed {
stroke - dasharray : 3 ;
. edge - pattern - dotted {
stroke - dasharray : 2 ;
& . marker {
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
fill : $ { nd . lineColor } ;
stroke : $ { nd . lineColor } ;
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
& . marker . cross {
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
stroke : $ { nd . lineColor } ;
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
& svg {
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
font - family : $ { nd . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { nd . fontSize } ;
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
& p {
margin : 0
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
$ { od }
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
$ { qa }
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
` },"getStyles"),addStylesForDiagram=__name((Ra,qa)=>{qa!==void 0&&(themes[Ra]=qa)},"addStylesForDiagram"),styles_default=getStyles $ 1,commonDb_exports={};__export(commonDb_exports,{clear:()=>clear $ 2,getAccDescription:()=>getAccDescription,getAccTitle:()=>getAccTitle,getDiagramTitle:()=>getDiagramTitle,setAccDescription:()=>setAccDescription,setAccTitle:()=>setAccTitle,setDiagramTitle:()=>setDiagramTitle});var accTitle="",diagramTitle="",accDescription="",sanitizeText2=__name(Ra=>sanitizeText(Ra,getConfig $ 1()),"sanitizeText"),clear $ 2=__name(()=>{accTitle="",accDescription="",diagramTitle=""},"clear"),setAccTitle=__name(Ra=>{accTitle=sanitizeText2(Ra).replace(/^ \s +/g,"")},"setAccTitle"),getAccTitle=__name(()=>accTitle,"getAccTitle"),setAccDescription=__name(Ra=>{accDescription=sanitizeText2(Ra).replace(/ \n \s +/g, `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )},"setAccDescription"),getAccDescription=__name(()=>accDescription,"getAccDescription"),setDiagramTitle=__name(Ra=>{diagramTitle=sanitizeText2(Ra)},"setDiagramTitle"),getDiagramTitle=__name(()=>diagramTitle,"getDiagramTitle"),log2=log $ 1,setLogLevel2=setLogLevel,getConfig2=getConfig $ 1,setConfig2=setConfig,defaultConfig2=defaultConfig,sanitizeText3=__name(Ra=>sanitizeText(Ra,getConfig2()),"sanitizeText"),setupGraphViewbox2=setupGraphViewbox,getCommonDb=__name(()=>commonDb_exports,"getCommonDb"),diagrams={},registerDiagram=__name((Ra,qa,nd)=>{var od;diagrams[Ra]&&log2.warn( ` Diagram with id $ { Ra } already registered . Overwriting . ` ),diagrams[Ra]=qa,nd&&addDetector(Ra,nd),addStylesForDiagram(Ra,qa.styles),(od=qa.injectUtils)==null||od.call(qa,log2,setLogLevel2,getConfig2,sanitizeText3,setupGraphViewbox2,getCommonDb(),()=>{})},"registerDiagram"),getDiagram=__name(Ra=>{if(Ra in diagrams)return diagrams[Ra];throw new DiagramNotFoundError(Ra)},"getDiagram"),BS,DiagramNotFoundError=(BS=class extends Error{constructor(qa){super( ` Diagram $ { qa } not found . ` )}},__name(BS,"DiagramNotFoundError"),BS);function isNothing(Ra){return typeof Ra>"u"||Ra===null}__name(isNothing,"isNothing");function isObject $ 3(Ra){return typeof Ra=="object"&&Ra!==null}__name(isObject $ 3,"isObject");function toArray $ 2(Ra){return Array.isArray(Ra)?Ra:isNothing(Ra)?[]:[Ra]}__name(toArray $ 2,"toArray");function extend $ 2(Ra,qa){var nd,od,ld,ud;if(qa)for(ud=Object.keys(qa),nd=0,od=ud.length;nd<od;nd+=1)ld=ud[nd],Ra[ld]=qa[ld];return Ra}__name(extend $ 2,"extend");function repeat(Ra,qa){var nd="",od;for(od=0;od<qa;od+=1)nd+=Ra;return nd}__name(repeat,"repeat");function isNegativeZero(Ra){return Ra===0&&Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY===1/Ra}__name(isNegativeZero,"isNegativeZero");var isNothing_1=isNothing,isObject_1=isObject $ 3,toArray_1=toArray $ 2,repeat_1=repeat,isNegativeZero_1=isNegativeZero,extend_1=extend $ 2,common={isNothing:isNothing_1,isObject:isObject_1,toArray:toArray_1,repeat:repeat_1,isNegativeZero:isNegativeZero_1,extend:extend_1};function formatError(Ra,qa){var nd="",od=Ra.reason||"(unknown reason)";return Ra.mark?(Ra.mark.name&&(nd+='in "'+Ra.mark.name+'" '),nd+="("+(Ra.mark.line+1)+":"+(Ra.mark.column+1)+")",!qa&&Ra.mark.snippet&&(nd+= `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` +Ra.mark.snippet),od+" "+nd):od}__name(formatError,"formatError");function YAMLException $ 1(Ra,qa){Error.call(this),this.name="YAMLException",this.reason=Ra,this.mark=qa,this.message=formatError(this,!1),Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):this.stack=new Error().stack||""}__name(YAMLException $ 1,"YAMLException $ 1");YAMLException $ 1.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype);YAMLException $ 1.prototype.constructor=YAMLException $ 1;YAMLException $ 1.prototype.toString=__name(function(qa){return this.name+": "+formatError(this,qa)},"toString");var exception=YAMLException $ 1;function getLine(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){var ud="",dd="",pd=Math.floor(ld/2)-1;return od-qa>pd&&(ud=" ... ",qa=od-pd+ud.length),nd-od>pd&&(dd=" ...",nd=od+pd-dd.length),{str:ud+Ra.slice(qa,nd).replace(/ \t /g,"→")+dd,pos:od-qa+ud.length}}__name(getLine,"getLine");function padStart(Ra,qa){return common.repeat(" ",qa-Ra.length)+Ra}__name(padStart,"padStart");function makeSnippet(Ra,qa){if(qa=Object.create(qa||null),!Ra.buffer)return null;qa.maxLength||(qa.maxLength=79),typeof qa.indent!="number"&&(qa.indent=1),typeof qa.linesBefore!="number"&&(qa.linesBefore=3),typeof qa.linesAfter!="number"&&(qa.linesAfter=2);for(var nd=/ \r ? \n | \r | \0 /g,od=[0],ld=[],ud,dd=-1;ud=nd.exec(Ra.buffer);)ld.push(ud.index),od.push(ud.index+ud[0].length),Ra.position<=ud.index&&dd<0&&(dd=od.length-2);dd<0&&(dd=od.length-1);var pd="",fd,md,vd=Math.min(Ra.line+qa.linesAfter,ld.length).toString().length,Ad=qa.maxLength-(qa.indent+vd+3);for(fd=1;fd<=qa.linesBefore&&!(dd-fd<0);fd++)md=getLine(Ra.buffer,od[dd-fd],ld[dd-fd],Ra.position-(od[dd]-od[dd-fd]),Ad),pd=common.repeat(" ",qa.indent)+padStart((Ra.line-fd+1).toString(),vd)+" | "+md.str+ `
` +pd;for(md=getLine(Ra.buffer,od[dd],ld[dd],Ra.position,Ad),pd+=common.repeat(" ",qa.indent)+padStart((Ra.line+1).toString(),vd)+" | "+md.str+ `
` ,pd+=common.repeat("-",qa.indent+vd+3+md.pos)+ ` ^
` ,fd=1;fd<=qa.linesAfter&&!(dd+fd>=ld.length);fd++)md=getLine(Ra.buffer,od[dd+fd],ld[dd+fd],Ra.position-(od[dd]-od[dd+fd]),Ad),pd+=common.repeat(" ",qa.indent)+padStart((Ra.line+fd+1).toString(),vd)+" | "+md.str+ `
` ;return pd.replace(/ \n $ /,"")}__name(makeSnippet,"makeSnippet");var snippet=makeSnippet,TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS=["kind","multi","resolve","construct","instanceOf","predicate","represent","representName","defaultStyle","styleAliases"],YAML_NODE_KINDS=["scalar","sequence","mapping"];function compileStyleAliases(Ra){var qa={};return Ra!==null&&Object.keys(Ra).forEach(function(nd){Ra[nd].forEach(function(od){qa[String(od)]=nd})}),qa}__name(compileStyleAliases,"compileStyleAliases");function Type $ 1(Ra,qa){if(qa=qa||{},Object.keys(qa).forEach(function(nd){if(TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(nd)===-1)throw new exception('Unknown option "'+nd+'" is met in definition of "'+Ra+'" YAML type.')}),this.options=qa,this.tag=Ra,this.kind=qa.kind||null,this.resolve=qa.resolve||function(){return!0},this.construct=qa.construct||function(nd){return nd},this.instanceOf=qa.instanceOf||null,this.predicate=qa.predicate||null,this.represent=qa.represent||null,this.representName=qa.representName||null,this.defaultStyle=qa.defaultStyle||null,this.multi=qa.multi||!1,this.styleAliases=compileStyleAliases(qa.styleAliases||null),YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind)===-1)throw new exception('Unknown kind "'+this.kind+'" is specified for "'+Ra+'" YAML type.')}__name(Type $ 1,"Type $ 1");var type $ 1=Type $ 1;function compileList(Ra,qa){var nd=[];return Ra[qa].forEach(function(od){var ld=nd.length;nd.forEach(function(ud,dd){ud.tag===od.tag&&ud.kind===od.kind&&ud.multi===od.multi&&(ld=dd)}),nd[ld]=od}),nd}__name(compileList,"compileList");function compileMap(){var Ra={scalar:{},sequence:{},mapping:{},fallback:{},multi:{scalar:[],sequence:[],mapping:[],fallback:[]}},qa,nd;function od(ld){ld.multi?(Ra.multi[ld.kind].push(ld),Ra.multi.fallback.push(ld)):Ra[ld.kind][ld.tag]=Ra.fallback[ld.tag]=ld}for(__name(od,"collectType"),qa=0,nd=arguments.length;qa<nd;qa+=1)arguments[qa].forEach(od);return Ra}__name(compileMap,"compileMap");function Schema $ 1(Ra){return this.extend(Ra)}__name(Schema $ 1,"Schema $ 1");Schema $ 1.prototype.extend=__name(function(qa){var nd=[],od=[];if(qa instanceof type $ 1)od.push(qa);else if(Array.isArray(qa))od=od.concat(qa);else if(qa&&(Array.isArray(qa.implicit)||Array.isArray(qa.explicit)))qa.implicit&&(nd=nd.concat(qa.implicit)),qa.explicit&&(od=od.concat(qa.explicit));else throw new exception("Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })");nd.forEach(function(ud){if(!(ud instanceof type $ 1))throw new exception("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");if(ud.loadKind&&ud.loadKind!=="scalar")throw new exception("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.");if(ud.multi)throw new exception("There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.")}),od.forEach(function(ud){if(!(ud instanceof type $ 1))throw new exception("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.")});var ld=Object.create(Schema $ 1.prototype);return ld.implicit=(this.implicit||[]).concat(nd),ld.explicit=(this.explicit||[]).concat(od),ld.compiledImplicit=compileList(ld,"implicit"),ld.compiledExplicit=compileList(ld,"explicit"),ld.compiledTypeMap=compileMap(ld.compiledImplicit,ld.compiledExplicit),ld},"extend");var schema=Schema $ 1,str=new type $ 1("tag:yaml.org,2002:str",{kind:"scalar",construct:__name(function(Ra){return Ra!==null?Ra:""},"construct")}),seq $ 1=new type $ 1("tag:yaml.org,2002:seq",{kind:"sequence",construct:__name(function(Ra){return Ra!==null?Ra:[]},"construct")}),map $ 3=new type $ 1("tag:yaml.org,2002:map",{kind:"mapping",construct:__name(function(Ra){return Ra!==null?Ra:{}},"construct")}),failsafe=new schema({explicit:[str,seq $ 1,map $ 3]});function resolveYamlNull(Ra){if(Ra===null)return!0;var qa=Ra.length;return qa===1&&Ra==="~"||qa===4&&(Ra==="null"||Ra==="Null"||Ra==="NULL")}__name(resolveYamlNull,"resolveYamlNull");function constructYamlNull(){return null}__name(constructYamlNull,"constructYamlNull");function isNull(Ra){
\ r ` ;function resolveYamlBinary(Ra){if(Ra===null)return!1;var qa,nd,od=0,ld=Ra.length,ud=BASE64_MAP;for(nd=0;nd<ld;nd++)if(qa=ud.indexOf(Ra.charAt(nd)),!(qa>64)){if(qa<0)return!1;od+=6}return od%8===0}__name(resolveYamlBinary,"resolveYamlBinary");function constructYamlBinary(Ra){var qa,nd,od=Ra.replace(/[ \r \n =]/g,""),ld=od.length,ud=BASE64_MAP,dd=0,pd=[];for(qa=0;qa<ld;qa++)qa%4===0&&qa&&(pd.push(dd>>16&255),pd.push(dd>>8&255),pd.push(dd&255)),dd=dd<<6|ud.indexOf(od.charAt(qa));return nd=ld%4*6,nd===0?(pd.push(dd>>16&255),pd.push(dd>>8&255),pd.push(dd&255)):nd===18?(pd.push(dd>>10&255),pd.push(dd>>2&255)):nd===12&&pd.push(dd>>4&255),new Uint8Array(pd)}__name(constructYamlBinary,"constructYamlBinary");function representYamlBinary(Ra){var qa="",nd=0,od,ld,ud=Ra.length,dd=BASE64_MAP;for(od=0;od<ud;od++)od%3===0&&od&&(qa+=dd[nd>>18&63],qa+=dd[nd>>12&63],qa+=dd[nd>>6&63],qa+=dd[nd&63]),nd=(nd<<8)+Ra[od];return ld=ud%3,ld===0?(qa+=dd[nd>>18&63],qa+=dd[nd>>12&63],qa+=dd[nd>>6&63],qa+=dd[nd&63]):ld===2?(qa+=dd[nd>>10&63],qa+=dd[nd>>4&63],qa+=dd[nd<<2&63],qa+=dd[64]):ld===1&&(qa+=dd[nd>>2&63],qa+=dd[nd<<4&63],qa+=dd[64],qa+=dd[64]),qa}__name(representYamlBinary,"representYamlBinary");function isBinary(Ra){return Object.prototype.toString.call(Ra)==="[object Uint8Array]"}__name(isBinary,"isBinary");var binary=new type $ 1("tag:yaml.org,2002:binary",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlBinary,construct:constructYamlBinary,predicate:isBinary,represent:representYamlBinary}),_hasOwnProperty $ 3=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,_toString $ 2=Object.prototype.toString;function resolveYamlOmap(Ra){if(Ra===null)return!0;var qa=[],nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd=Ra;for(nd=0,od=pd.length;nd<od;nd+=1){if(ld=pd[nd],dd=!1,_toString $ 2.call(ld)!=="[object Object]")return!1;for(ud in ld)if(_hasOwnProperty $ 3.call(ld,ud))if(!dd)dd=!0;else return!1;if(!dd)return!1;if(qa.indexOf(ud)===-1)qa.push(ud);else return!1}return!0}__name(resolveYamlOmap,"resolveYamlOmap");function constructYamlOmap(Ra){return Ra!==null?Ra:[]}__name(constructYamlOmap,"constructYamlOmap");var omap=new type $ 1("tag:yaml.org,2002:omap",{kind:"sequence",resolve:resolveYamlOmap,construct:constructYamlOmap}),_toString $ 1=Object.prototype.toString;function resolveYamlPairs(Ra){if(Ra===null)return!0;var qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd=Ra;for(ud=new Array(dd.length),qa=0,nd=dd.length;qa<nd;qa+=1){if(od=dd[qa],_toString $ 1.call(od)!=="[object Object]"||(ld=Object.keys(od),ld.length!==1))return!1;ud[qa]=[ld[0],od[ld[0]]]}return!0}__name(resolveYamlPairs,"resolveYamlPairs");function constructYamlPairs(Ra){if(Ra===null)return[];var qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd=Ra;for(ud=new Array(dd.length),qa=0,nd=dd.length;qa<nd;qa+=1)od=dd[qa],ld=Object.keys(od),ud[qa]=[ld[0],od[ld[0]]];return ud}__name(constructYamlPairs,"constructYamlPairs");var pairs=new type $ 1("tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs",{kind:"sequence",resolve:resolveYamlPairs,construct:constructYamlPairs}),_hasOwnProperty $ 2=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function resolveYamlSet(Ra){if(Ra===null)return!0;var qa,nd=Ra;for(qa in nd)if(_hasOwnProperty $ 2.call(nd,qa)&&nd[qa]!==null)return!1;return!0}__name(resolveYamlSet,"resolveYamlSet");function constructYamlSet(Ra){return Ra!==null?Ra:{}}__name(constructYamlSet,"constructYamlSet");var set $ 2=new type $ 1("tag:yaml.org,2002:set",{kind:"mapping",resolve:resolveYamlSet,construct:constructYamlSet}),_default=core $ 1.extend({implicit:[timestamp,merge $ 2],explicit:[binary,omap,pairs,set $ 2]}),_hasOwnProperty $ 1=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN=1,CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT=2,CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN=3,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT=4,CHOMPING_CLIP=1,CHOMPING_STRIP=2,CHOMPING_KEEP=3,PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE=/[ \x 00- \x 08 \x 0B \x 0C \x 0E- \x 1F \x 7F- \x 84 \x 86- \x 9F \u FFFE \u FFFF]|[ \u D800- \u DBFF](?![ \u DC00- \u DFFF])|(?:[^ \u D800- \u DBFF]|^)[ \u DC00- \u DFFF]/,PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS=/[ \x 85 \u 2028 \u 2029]/,PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS=/[, \[ \] \{ \} ]/,PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE=/^(?:!|!!|![a-z \- ]+!) $ /i,PATTERN_TAG_URI=/^(?:!|[^, \[ \] \{ \} ])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z \- #; \/ \? :@&= \+ \$ ,_ \. !~ \* ' \( \) \[ \] ])* $ /i;function _class(Ra){return Object.prototype.toString.call(Ra)}__name(_class,"_class");function is_EOL(Ra){return Ra===10|
` :Ra===118?" \v ":Ra===102?" \f ":Ra===114?" \r ":Ra===101?" \x 1B":Ra===32?" ":Ra===34?'"':Ra===47?"/":Ra===92?" \\ ":Ra===78?"
":Ra===95?" ":Ra===76?" \u 2028":Ra===80?" \u 2029":""}__name(simpleEscapeSequence,"simpleEscapeSequence");function charFromCodepoint(Ra){return Ra<=65535?String.fromCharCode(Ra):String.fromCharCode((Ra-65536>>10)+55296,(Ra-65536&1023)+56320)}__name(charFromCodepoint,"charFromCodepoint");var simpleEscapeCheck=new Array(256),simpleEscapeMap=new Array(256);for(i $ 2=0;i $ 2<256;i $ 2++)simpleEscapeCheck[i $ 2]=simpleEscapeSequence(i $ 2)?1:0,simpleEscapeMap[i $ 2]=simpleEscapeSequence(i $ 2);var i $ 2;function State $ 1(Ra,qa){this.input=Ra,this.filename=qa.filename||null,this.schema=qa.schema||_default,this.onWarning=qa.onWarning||null,this.legacy=qa.legacy||!1,this.json=qa.json||!1,this.listener=qa.listener||null,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.typeMap=this.schema.compiledTypeMap,this.length=Ra.length,this.position=0,this.line=0,this.lineStart=0,this.lineIndent=0,this.firstTabInLine=-1,this.documents=[]}__name(State $ 1,"State $ 1");function generateError(Ra,qa){var nd={name:Ra.filename,buffer:Ra.input.slice(0,-1),position:Ra.position,line:Ra.line,column:Ra.position-Ra.lineStart};return nd.snippet=snippet(nd),new exception(qa,nd)}__name(generateError,"generateError");function throwError(Ra,qa){throw generateError(Ra,qa)}__name(throwError,"throwError");function throwWarning(Ra,qa){Ra.onWarning&&Ra.onWarning.call(null,generateError(Ra,qa))}__name(throwWarning,"throwWarning");var directiveHandlers={YAML:__name(function(qa,nd,od){var ld,ud,dd;qa.version!==null&&throwError(qa,"duplication of %YAML directive"),od.length!==1&&throwError(qa,"YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"),ld=/^([0-9]+) \. ([0-9]+) $ /.exec(od[0]),ld===null&&throwError(qa,"ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"),ud=parseInt(ld[1],10),dd=parseInt(ld[2],10),ud!==1&&throwError(qa,"unacceptable YAML version of the document"),qa.version=od[0],qa.checkLineBreaks=dd<2,dd!==1&&dd!==2&&throwWarning(qa,"unsupported YAML version of the document")},"handleYamlDirective"),TAG:__name(function(qa,nd,od){var ld,ud;od.length!==2&&throwError(qa,"TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"),ld=od[0],ud=od[1],PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(ld)||throwError(qa,"ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"),_hasOwnProperty $ 1.call(qa.tagMap,ld)&&throwError(qa,'there is a previously declared suffix for "'+ld+'" tag handle'),PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(ud)||throwError(qa,"ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive");try{ud=decodeURIComponent(ud)}catch{throwError(qa,"tag prefix is malformed: "+ud)}qa.tagMap[ld]=ud},"handleTagDirective")};function captureSegment(Ra,qa,nd,od){var ld,ud,dd,pd;if(qa<nd){if(pd=Ra.input.slice(qa,nd),od)for(ld=0,ud=pd.length;ld<ud;ld+=1)dd=pd.charCodeAt(ld),dd===9||32<=dd&&dd<=1114111||throwError(Ra,"expected valid JSON character");else PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(pd)&&throwError(Ra,"the stream contains non-printable characters");Ra.result+=pd}}__name(captureSegment,"captureSegment");function mergeMappings(Ra,qa,nd,od){var ld,ud,dd,pd;for(common.isObject(nd)||throwError(Ra,"cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"),ld=Object.keys(nd),dd=0,pd=ld.length;dd<pd;dd+=1)ud=ld[dd],_hasOwnProperty $ 1.call(qa,ud)||(qa[ud]=nd[ud],od[ud]=!0)}__name(mergeMappings,"mergeMappings");function storeMappingPair(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd){var md,vd;if(Array.isArray(ld))for(ld=Array.prototype.slice.call(ld),md=0,vd=ld.length;md<vd;md+=1)Array.isArray(ld[md])&&throwError(Ra,"nested arrays are not supported inside keys"),typeof ld=="object"&&_class(ld[md])==="[object Object]"&&(ld[md]="[object Object]");if(typeof ld=="object"&&_class(ld)==="[object Object]"&&(ld="[object Object]"),ld=String(ld),qa===null&&(qa={}),od==="tag:yaml.org,2002:merge")if(Array.isArray(ud))for(md=0,vd=ud.length;md<vd;md+=1)mergeMappings(Ra,qa,ud[md],nd);else mergeMappings(Ra,qa,ud,nd);else!Ra.json&&!_hasOwnProperty $ 1.call(nd,ld)&&_hasOwnProperty $ 1.call(qa,ld)&&(Ra.line=dd||Ra.line,Ra.lineStart=pd||Ra.lineStart,Ra.position=fd||Ra.positio
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ,qa-1))}__name(writeFoldedLines,"writeFoldedLines");function readPlainScalar(Ra,qa,nd){var od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd,md,vd,Ad=Ra.kind,Nd=Ra.result,Od;if(Od=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position),is_WS_OR_EOL(Od)||is_FLOW_INDICATOR(Od)||Od===35||Od===38||Od===42||Od===33||Od===124||Od===62||Od===39||Od===34||Od===37||Od===64||Od===96||(Od===63||Od===45)&&(ld=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(ld)||nd&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ld)))return!1;for(Ra.kind="scalar",Ra.result="",ud=dd=Ra.position,pd=!1;Od!==0;){if(Od===58){if(ld=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(ld)||nd&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ld))break}else if(Od===35){if(od=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position-1),is_WS_OR_EOL(od))break}else{if(Ra.position===Ra.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(Ra)||nd&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(Od))break;if(is_EOL(Od))if(fd=Ra.line,md=Ra.lineStart,vd=Ra.lineIndent,skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!1,-1),Ra.lineIndent>=qa){pd=!0,Od=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position);continue}else{Ra.position=dd,Ra.line=fd,Ra.lineStart=md,Ra.lineIndent=vd;break}}pd&&(captureSegment(Ra,ud,dd,!1),writeFoldedLines(Ra,Ra.line-fd),ud=dd=Ra.position,pd=!1),is_WHITE_SPACE(Od)||(dd=Ra.position+1),Od=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position)}return captureSegment(Ra,ud,dd,!1),Ra.result?!0:(Ra.kind=Ad,Ra.result=Nd,!1)}__name(readPlainScalar,"readPlainScalar");function readSingleQuotedScalar(Ra,qa){var nd,od,ld;if(nd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position),nd!==39)return!1;for(Ra.kind="scalar",Ra.result="",Ra.position++,od=ld=Ra.position;(nd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position))!==0;)if(nd===39)if(captureSegment(Ra,od,Ra.position,!0),nd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position),nd===39)od=Ra.position,Ra.position++,ld=Ra.position;else return!0;else is_EOL(nd)?(captureSegment(Ra,od,ld,!0),writeFoldedLines(Ra,skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!1,qa)),od=ld=Ra.position):Ra.position===Ra.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(Ra)?throwError(Ra,"unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar"):(Ra.position++,ld=Ra.position);throwError(Ra,"unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar")}__name(readSingleQuotedScalar,"readSingleQuotedScalar");function readDoubleQuotedScalar(Ra,qa){var nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd;if(pd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position),pd!==34)return!1;for(Ra.kind="scalar",Ra.result="",Ra.position++,nd=od=Ra.position;(pd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position))!==0;){if(pd===34)return captureSegment(Ra,nd,Ra.position,!0),Ra.position++,!0;if(pd===92){if(captureSegment(Ra,nd,Ra.position,!0),pd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position),is_EOL(pd))skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!1,qa);else if(pd<256&&simpleEscapeCheck[pd])Ra.result+=simpleEscapeMap[pd],Ra.position++;else if((dd=escapedHexLen(pd))>0){for(ld=dd,ud=0;ld>0;ld--)pd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position),(dd=fromHexCode(pd))>=0?ud=(ud<<4)+dd:throwError(Ra,"expected hexadecimal character");Ra.result+=charFromCodepoint(ud),Ra.position++}else throwError(Ra,"unknown escape sequence");nd=od=Ra.position}else is_EOL(pd)?(captureSegment(Ra,nd,od,!0),writeFoldedLines(Ra,skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!1,qa)),nd=od=Ra.position):Ra.position===Ra.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(Ra)?throwError(Ra,"unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar"):(Ra.position++,od=Ra.position)}throwError(Ra,"unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar")}__name(readDoubleQuotedScalar,"readDoubleQuotedScalar");function readFlowCollection(Ra,qa){var nd=!0,od,ld,ud,dd=Ra.tag,pd,fd=Ra.anchor,md,vd,Ad,Nd,Od,kd=Object.create(null),Ld,Gd,Ud,Fd;if(Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position),Fd===91)vd=93,Od=!1,pd=[];else if(Fd===123)vd=125,Od=!0,pd={};else return!1;for(Ra.anchor!==null&&(Ra.anchorMap[Ra.anchor]=pd),Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position);Fd!==0;){if(skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!0,qa),Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position),Fd===vd)return Ra.position++,Ra.tag=dd,Ra.anchor=fd,Ra.kind=Od?"mapping":"sequence",Ra.result=pd,!0;nd?Fd===44&&throwError(Ra,"expected the node content, but found ','"):throwError(Ra,"missed comma between flow collection entries"),Gd=Ld=Ud=null,Ad=Nd=!1,Fd===63&&(md=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(md)&&(Ad=Nd=!0,Ra.position++,skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!0,qa))),od=Ra.l
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ,ud?1+fd:fd):ld===CHOMPING_CLIP&&ud&&(Ra.result+= `
` );break}for(od?is_WHITE_SPACE(Ad)?(md=!0,Ra.result+=common.repeat( `
` ,ud?1+fd:fd)):md?(md=!1,Ra.result+=common.repeat( `
` ,fd+1)):fd===0?ud&&(Ra.result+=" "):Ra.result+=common.repeat( `
` ,fd):Ra.result+=common.repeat( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ,ud?1+fd:fd),ud=!0,dd=!0,fd=0,nd=Ra.position;!is_EOL(Ad)&&Ad!==0;)Ad=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position);captureSegment(Ra,nd,Ra.position,!1)}return!0}__name(readBlockScalar,"readBlockScalar");function readBlockSequence(Ra,qa){var nd,od=Ra.tag,ld=Ra.anchor,ud=[],dd,pd=!1,fd;if(Ra.firstTabInLine!==-1)return!1;for(Ra.anchor!==null&&(Ra.anchorMap[Ra.anchor]=ud),fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position);fd!==0&&(Ra.firstTabInLine!==-1&&(Ra.position=Ra.firstTabInLine,throwError(Ra,"tab characters must not be used in indentation")),!(fd!==45||(dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position+1),!is_WS_OR_EOL(dd))));){if(pd=!0,Ra.position++,skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!0,-1)&&Ra.lineIndent<=qa){ud.push(null),fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position);continue}if(nd=Ra.line,composeNode(Ra,qa,CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN,!1,!0),ud.push(Ra.result),skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!0,-1),fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position),(Ra.line===nd||Ra.lineIndent>qa)&&fd!==0)throwError(Ra,"bad indentation of a sequence entry");else if(Ra.lineIndent<qa)break}return pd?(Ra.tag=od,Ra.anchor=ld,Ra.kind="sequence",Ra.result=ud,!0):!1}__name(readBlockSequence,"readBlockSequence");function readBlockMapping(Ra,qa,nd){var od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd,md=Ra.tag,vd=Ra.anchor,Ad={},Nd=Object.create(null),Od=null,kd=null,Ld=null,Gd=!1,Ud=!1,Fd;if(Ra.firstTabInLine!==-1)return!1;for(Ra.anchor!==null&&(Ra.anchorMap[Ra.anchor]=Ad),Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position);Fd!==0;){if(!Gd&&Ra.firstTabInLine!==-1&&(Ra.position=Ra.firstTabInLine,throwError(Ra,"tab characters must not be used in indentation")),od=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position+1),ud=Ra.line,(Fd===63||Fd===58)&&is_WS_OR_EOL(od))Fd===63?(Gd&&(storeMappingPair(Ra,Ad,Nd,Od,kd,null,dd,pd,fd),Od=kd=Ld=null),Ud=!0,Gd=!0,ld=!0):Gd?(Gd=!1,ld=!0):throwError(Ra,"incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line"),Ra.position+=1,Fd=od;else{if(dd=Ra.line,pd=Ra.lineStart,fd=Ra.position,!composeNode(Ra,nd,CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT,!1,!0))break;if(Ra.line===ud){for(Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position);is_WHITE_SPACE(Fd);)Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position);if(Fd===58)Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position),is_WS_OR_EOL(Fd)||throwError(Ra,"a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"),Gd&&(storeMappingPair(Ra,Ad,Nd,Od,kd,null,dd,pd,fd),Od=kd=Ld=null),Ud=!0,Gd=!1,ld=!1,Od=Ra.tag,kd=Ra.result;else if(Ud)throwError(Ra,"can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed");else return Ra.tag=md,Ra.anchor=vd,!0}else if(Ud)throwError(Ra,"can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key");else return Ra.tag=md,Ra.anchor=vd,!0}if((Ra.line===ud||Ra.lineIndent>qa)&&(Gd&&(dd=Ra.line,pd=Ra.lineStart,fd=Ra.position),composeNode(Ra,qa,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT,!0,ld)&&(Gd?kd=Ra.result:Ld=Ra.result),Gd||(storeMappingPair(Ra,Ad,Nd,Od,kd,Ld,dd,pd,fd),Od=kd=Ld=null),skipSeparationSpace(Ra,!0,-1),Fd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position)),(Ra.line===ud||Ra.lineIndent>qa)&&Fd!==0)throwError(Ra,"bad indentation of a mapping entry");else if(Ra.lineIndent<qa)break}return Gd&&storeMappingPair(Ra,Ad,Nd,Od,kd,null,dd,pd,fd),Ud&&(Ra.tag=md,Ra.anchor=vd,Ra.kind="mapping",Ra.result=Ad),Ud}__name(readBlockMapping,"readBlockMapping");function readTagProperty(Ra){var qa,nd=!1,od=!1,ld,ud,dd;if(dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(Ra.position),dd!==33)return!1;if(Ra.tag!==null&&throwError(Ra,"duplication of a tag property"),dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position),dd===60?(nd=!0,dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position)):dd===33?(od=!0,ld="!!",dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position)):ld="!",qa=Ra.position,nd){do dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position);while(dd!==0&&dd!==62);Ra.position<Ra.length?(ud=Ra.input.slice(qa,Ra.position),dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position)):throwError(Ra,"unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag")}else{for(;dd!==0&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(dd);)dd===33&&(od?throwError(Ra,"tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks"):(ld=Ra.input.slice(qa-1,Ra.position+1),PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(ld)||throwError(Ra,"named tag handle cannot contain such characters"),od=!0,qa=Ra.position+1)),dd=Ra.input.charCodeAt(++Ra.position);
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ),Ra.charCodeAt(0)===65279&&(Ra=Ra.slice(1)));var nd=new State $ 1(Ra,qa),od=Ra.indexOf(" \0 ");for(od!==-1&&(nd.position=od,throwError(nd,"null byte is not allowed in input")),nd.input+=" \0 ";nd.input.charCodeAt(nd.position)===32;)nd.lineIndent+=1,nd.position+=1;for(;nd.position<nd.length-1;)readDocument(nd);return nd.documents}__name(loadDocuments,"loadDocuments");function loadAll $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){qa!==null&&typeof qa=="object"&&typeof nd>"u"&&(nd=qa,qa=null);var od=loadDocuments(Ra,nd);if(typeof qa!="function")return od;for(var ld=0,ud=od.length;ld<ud;ld+=1)qa(od[ld])}__name(loadAll $ 1,"loadAll $ 1");function load $ 1(Ra,qa){var nd=loadDocuments(Ra,qa);if(nd.length!==0){if(nd.length===1)return nd[0];throw new exception("expected a single document in the stream, but found more")}}__name(load $ 1,"load $ 1");var loadAll_1=loadAll $ 1,load_1=load $ 1,loader $ 1={loadAll:loadAll_1,load:load_1},_toString=Object.prototype.toString,_hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,CHAR_BOM=65279,CHAR_TAB=9,CHAR_LINE_FEED=10,CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN=13,CHAR_SPACE=32,CHAR_EXCLAMATION=33,CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE=34,CHAR_SHARP=35,CHAR_PERCENT=37,CHAR_AMPERSAND=38,CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE=39,CHAR_ASTERISK=42,CHAR_COMMA=44,CHAR_MINUS=45,CHAR_COLON=58,CHAR_EQUALS=61,CHAR_GREATER_THAN=62,CHAR_QUESTION=63,CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT=64,CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET=91,CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET=93,CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT=96,CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET=123,CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE=124,CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET=125,ESCAPE_SEQUENCES={};ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[0]=" \\ 0";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[7]=" \\ a";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[8]=" \\ b";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[9]=" \\ t";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[10]=" \\ n";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[11]=" \\ v";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[12]=" \\ f";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[13]=" \\ r";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[27]=" \\ e";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[34]=' \\ "';ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[92]=" \\ \\ ";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[133]=" \\ N";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[160]=" \\ _";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[8232]=" \\ L";ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[8233]=" \\ P";var DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX=["y","Y","yes","Yes","YES","on","On","ON","n","N","no","No","NO","off","Off","OFF"],DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX=/^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?: \. [0-9_]*)? $ /;function compileStyleMap(Ra,qa){var nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd;if(qa===null)return{};for(nd={},od=Object.keys(qa),ld=0,ud=od.length;ld<ud;ld+=1)dd=od[ld],pd=String(qa[dd]),dd.slice(0,2)==="!!"&&(dd="tag:yaml.org,2002:"+dd.slice(2)),fd=Ra.compiledTypeMap.fallback[dd],fd&&_hasOwnProperty.call(fd.styleAliases,pd)&&(pd=fd.styleAliases[pd]),nd[dd]=pd;return nd}__name(compileStyleMap,"compileStyleMap");function encodeHex(Ra){var qa,nd,od;if(qa=Ra.toString(16).toUpperCase(),Ra<=255)nd="x",od=2;else if(Ra<=65535)nd="u",od=4;else if(Ra<=4294967295)nd="U",od=8;else throw new exception("code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF");return" \\ "+nd+common.repeat("0",od-qa.length)+qa}__name(encodeHex,"encodeHex");var QUOTING_TYPE_SINGLE=1,QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE=2;function State(Ra){this.schema=Ra.schema||_default,this.indent=Math.max(1,Ra.indent||2),this.noArrayIndent=Ra.noArrayIndent||!1,this.skipInvalid=Ra.skipInvalid||!1,this.flowLevel=common.isNothing(Ra.flowLevel)?-1:Ra.flowLevel,this.styleMap=compileStyleMap(this.schema,Ra.styles||null),this.sortKeys=Ra.sortKeys||!1,this.lineWidth=Ra.lineWidth||80,this.noRefs=Ra.noRefs||!1,this.noCompatMode=Ra.noCompatMode||!1,this.condenseFlow=Ra.condenseFlow||!1,this.quotingType=Ra.quotingType==='"'?QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE:QUOTING_TYPE_SINGLE,this.forceQuotes=Ra.forceQuotes||!1,this.replacer=typeof Ra.replacer=="function"?Ra.replacer:null,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.explicitTypes=this.schema.compiledExplicit,this.tag=null,this.result="",this.duplicates=[],this.usedDuplicates=null}__name(State,"State");function indentString(Ra,qa){for(var nd=common.repeat(" ",qa),od=0,ld=-1,ud="",dd,pd=Ra.length;od<pd;)ld=Ra.indexOf( `
` ,od),ld===-1?(dd=Ra.slice(od),od=pd):(dd=Ra.slice(od,ld+1),od=ld+1),dd.length&&dd!== `
` &&(ud+=nd),ud+=dd;return ud}__name(indentString,"indentString");function generateNextLine(Ra,qa){return `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` +common.repeat(" ",Ra.indent*qa)}__name(generateNextLine,"generateNextLine");function testImplicitResolving(Ra,qa){var nd,od,ld;for(nd=0,od=Ra.implicitTypes.length;nd<od;nd+=1)if(ld=Ra.implicitTypes[nd],ld.resolve(qa))return!0;return!1}__name(testImplicitResolving,"testImplicitResolving");function isWhitespace(Ra){return Ra===CHAR_SPACE||Ra===CHAR_TAB}__name(isWhitespace,"isWhitespace");function isPrintable(Ra){return 32<=Ra&&Ra<=126||161<=Ra&&Ra<=55295&&Ra!==8232&&Ra!==8233||57344<=Ra&&Ra<=65533&&Ra!==CHAR_BOM||65536<=Ra&&Ra<=1114111}__name(isPrintable,"isPrintable");function isNsCharOrWhitespace(Ra){return isPrintable(Ra)&&Ra!==CHAR_BOM&&Ra!==CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN&&Ra!==CHAR_LINE_FEED}__name(isNsCharOrWhitespace,"isNsCharOrWhitespace");function isPlainSafe(Ra,qa,nd){var od=isNsCharOrWhitespace(Ra),ld=od&&!isWhitespace(Ra);return(nd?od:od&&Ra!==CHAR_COMMA&&Ra!==CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&Ra!==CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&Ra!==CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET&&Ra!==CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET)&&Ra!==CHAR_SHARP&&!(qa===CHAR_COLON&&!ld)||isNsCharOrWhitespace(qa)&&!isWhitespace(qa)&&Ra===CHAR_SHARP||qa===CHAR_COLON&&ld}__name(isPlainSafe,"isPlainSafe");function isPlainSafeFirst(Ra){return isPrintable(Ra)&&Ra!==CHAR_BOM&&!isWhitespace(Ra)&&Ra!==CHAR_MINUS&&Ra!==CHAR_QUESTION&&Ra!==CHAR_COLON&&Ra!==CHAR_COMMA&&Ra!==CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&Ra!==CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&Ra!==CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET&&Ra!==CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET&&Ra!==CHAR_SHARP&&Ra!==CHAR_AMPERSAND&&Ra!==CHAR_ASTERISK&&Ra!==CHAR_EXCLAMATION&&Ra!==CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE&&Ra!==CHAR_EQUALS&&Ra!==CHAR_GREATER_THAN&&Ra!==CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE&&Ra!==CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE&&Ra!==CHAR_PERCENT&&Ra!==CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT&&Ra!==CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT}__name(isPlainSafeFirst,"isPlainSafeFirst");function isPlainSafeLast(Ra){return!isWhitespace(Ra)&&Ra!==CHAR_COLON}__name(isPlainSafeLast,"isPlainSafeLast");function codePointAt(Ra,qa){var nd=Ra.charCodeAt(qa),od;return nd>=55296&&nd<=56319&&qa+1<Ra.length&&(od=Ra.charCodeAt(qa+1),od>=56320&&od<=57343)?(nd-55296)*1024+od-56320+65536:nd}__name(codePointAt,"codePointAt");function needIndentIndicator(Ra){var qa=/^ \n * /;return qa.test(Ra)}__name(needIndentIndicator,"needIndentIndicator");var STYLE_PLAIN=1,STYLE_SINGLE=2,STYLE_LITERAL=3,STYLE_FOLDED=4,STYLE_DOUBLE=5;function chooseScalarStyle(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd){var fd,md=0,vd=null,Ad=!1,Nd=!1,Od=od!==-1,kd=-1,Ld=isPlainSafeFirst(codePointAt(Ra,0))&&isPlainSafeLast(codePointAt(Ra,Ra.length-1));if(qa||dd)for(fd=0;fd<Ra.length;md>=65536?fd+=2:fd++){if(md=codePointAt(Ra,fd),!isPrintable(md))return STYLE_DOUBLE;Ld=Ld&&isPlainSafe(md,vd,pd),vd=md}else{for(fd=0;fd<Ra.length;md>=65536?fd+=2:fd++){if(md=codePointAt(Ra,fd),md===CHAR_LINE_FEED)Ad=!0,Od&&(Nd=Nd||fd-kd-1>od&&Ra[kd+1]!==" ",kd=fd);else if(!isPrintable(md))return STYLE_DOUBLE;Ld=Ld&&isPlainSafe(md,vd,pd),vd=md}Nd=Nd||Od&&fd-kd-1>od&&Ra[kd+1]!==" "}return!Ad&&!Nd?Ld&&!dd&&!ld(Ra)?STYLE_PLAIN:ud===QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE?STYLE_DOUBLE:STYLE_SINGLE:nd>9&&needIndentIndicator(Ra)?STYLE_DOUBLE:dd?ud===QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE?STYLE_DOUBLE:STYLE_SINGLE:Nd?STYLE_FOLDED:STYLE_LITERAL}__name(chooseScalarStyle,"chooseScalarStyle");function writeScalar(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld){Ra.dump=function(){if(qa.length===0)return Ra.quotingType===QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE?'""':"''";if(!Ra.noCompatMode&&(DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(qa)!==-1||DEPRECATED_BASE60_SYNTAX.test(qa)))return Ra.quotingType===QUOTING_TYPE_DOUBLE?'"'+qa+'"':"'"+qa+"'";var ud=Ra.indent*Math.max(1,nd),dd=Ra.lineWidth===-1?-1:Math.max(Math.min(Ra.lineWidth,40),Ra.lineWidth-ud),pd=od||Ra.flowLevel>-1&&nd>=Ra.flowLevel;function fd(md){return testImplicitResolving(Ra,md)}switch(__name(fd,"testAmbiguity"),chooseScalarStyle(qa,pd,Ra.indent,dd,fd,Ra.quotingType,Ra.forceQuotes&&!od,ld)){case STYLE_PLAIN:return qa;case STYLE_SINGLE:return"'"+qa.replace(/'/g,"''")+"'";case STYLE_LITERAL:return"|"+blockHeader(qa,Ra.indent)+dropEndingNewline(indentString(qa,ud));case STYLE_FOLDED:return">"+blockHeader(qa,Ra.indent)+dropEndingNewline(indentString(foldString(qa,dd),ud));case STYLE_DOUBLE:return'"'+escapeString(qa)+'"';default:throw new
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ,ld=od&&(Ra[Ra.length-2]=== `
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
` ||Ra=== `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ),ud=ld?"+":od?"":"-";return nd+ud+ `
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
` }__name(blockHeader,"blockHeader");function dropEndingNewline(Ra){return Ra[Ra.length-1]=== `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ?Ra.slice(0,-1):Ra}__name(dropEndingNewline,"dropEndingNewline");function foldString(Ra,qa){for(var nd=/( \n +)([^ \n ]*)/g,od=function(){var md=Ra.indexOf( `
` );return md=md!==-1?md:Ra.length,nd.lastIndex=md,foldLine(Ra.slice(0,md),qa)}(),ld=Ra[0]=== `
` ||Ra[0]===" ",ud,dd;dd=nd.exec(Ra);){var pd=dd[1],fd=dd[2];ud=fd[0]===" ",od+=pd+(!ld&&!ud&&fd!==""? `
` :"")+foldLine(fd,qa),ld=ud}return od}__name(foldString,"foldString");function foldLine(Ra,qa){if(Ra===""||Ra[0]===" ")return Ra;for(var nd=/ [^ ]/g,od,ld=0,ud,dd=0,pd=0,fd="";od=nd.exec(Ra);)pd=od.index,pd-ld>qa&&(ud=dd>ld?dd:pd,fd+= `
` +Ra.slice(ld,ud),ld=ud+1),dd=pd;return fd+= `
` ,Ra.length-ld>qa&&dd>ld?fd+=Ra.slice(ld,dd)+ `
` +Ra.slice(dd+1):fd+=Ra.slice(ld),fd.slice(1)}__name(foldLine,"foldLine");function escapeString(Ra){for(var qa="",nd=0,od,ld=0;ld<Ra.length;nd>=65536?ld+=2:ld++)nd=codePointAt(Ra,ld),od=ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[nd],!od&&isPrintable(nd)?(qa+=Ra[ld],nd>=65536&&(qa+=Ra[ld+1])):qa+=od||encodeHex(nd);return qa}__name(escapeString,"escapeString");function writeFlowSequence(Ra,qa,nd){var od="",ld=Ra.tag,ud,dd,pd;for(ud=0,dd=nd.length;ud<dd;ud+=1)pd=nd[ud],Ra.replacer&&(pd=Ra.replacer.call(nd,String(ud),pd)),(writeNode(Ra,qa,pd,!1,!1)||typeof pd>"u"&&writeNode(Ra,qa,null,!1,!1))&&(od!==""&&(od+=","+(Ra.condenseFlow?"":" ")),od+=Ra.dump);Ra.tag=ld,Ra.dump="["+od+"]"}__name(writeFlowSequence,"writeFlowSequence");function writeBlockSequence(Ra,qa,nd,od){var ld="",ud=Ra.tag,dd,pd,fd;for(dd=0,pd=nd.length;dd<pd;dd+=1)fd=nd[dd],Ra.replacer&&(fd=Ra.replacer.call(nd,String(dd),fd)),(writeNode(Ra,qa+1,fd,!0,!0,!1,!0)||typeof fd>"u"&&writeNode(Ra,qa+1,null,!0,!0,!1,!0))&&((!od||ld!=="")&&(ld+=generateNextLine(Ra,qa)),Ra.dump&&CHAR_LINE_FEED===Ra.dump.charCodeAt(0)?ld+="-":ld+="- ",ld+=Ra.dump);Ra.tag=ud,Ra.dump=ld||"[]"}__name(writeBlockSequence,"writeBlockSequence");function writeFlowMapping(Ra,qa,nd){var od="",ld=Ra.tag,ud=Object.keys(nd),dd,pd,fd,md,vd;for(dd=0,pd=ud.length;dd<pd;dd+=1)vd="",od!==""&&(vd+=", "),Ra.condenseFlow&&(vd+='"'),fd=ud[dd],md=nd[fd],Ra.replacer&&(md=Ra.replacer.call(nd,fd,md)),writeNode(Ra,qa,fd,!1,!1)&&(Ra.dump.length>1024&&(vd+="? "),vd+=Ra.dump+(Ra.condenseFlow?'"':"")+":"+(Ra.condenseFlow?"":" "),writeNode(Ra,qa,md,!1,!1)&&(vd+=Ra.dump,od+=vd));Ra.tag=ld,Ra.dump="{"+od+"}"}__name(writeFlowMapping,"writeFlowMapping");function writeBlockMapping(Ra,qa,nd,od){var ld="",ud=Ra.tag,dd=Object.keys(nd),pd,fd,md,vd,Ad,Nd;if(Ra.sortKeys===!0)dd.sort();else if(typeof Ra.sortKeys=="function")dd.sort(Ra.sortKeys);else if(Ra.sortKeys)throw new exception("sortKeys must be a boolean or a function");for(pd=0,fd=dd.length;pd<fd;pd+=1)Nd="",(!od||ld!=="")&&(Nd+=generateNextLine(Ra,qa)),md=dd[pd],vd=nd[md],Ra.replacer&&(vd=Ra.replacer.call(nd,md,vd)),writeNode(Ra,qa+1,md,!0,!0,!0)&&(Ad=Ra.tag!==null&&Ra.tag!=="?"||Ra.dump&&Ra.dump.length>1024,Ad&&(Ra.dump&&CHAR_LINE_FEED===Ra.dump.charCodeAt(0)?Nd+="?":Nd+="? "),Nd+=Ra.dump,Ad&&(Nd+=generateNextLine(Ra,qa)),writeNode(Ra,qa+1,vd,!0,Ad)&&(Ra.dump&&CHAR_LINE_FEED===Ra.dump.charCodeAt(0)?Nd+=":":Nd+=": ",Nd+=Ra.dump,ld+=Nd));Ra.tag=ud,Ra.dump=ld||"{}"}__name(writeBlockMapping,"writeBlockMapping");function detectType(Ra,qa,nd){var od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd;for(ld=nd?Ra.explicitTypes:Ra.implicitTypes,ud=0,dd=ld.length;ud<dd;ud+=1)if(pd=ld[ud],(pd.instanceOf||pd.predicate)&&(!pd.instanceOf||typeof qa=="object"&&qa instanceof pd.instanceOf)&&(!pd.predicate||pd.predicate(qa))){if(nd?pd.multi&&pd.representName?Ra.tag=pd.representName(qa):Ra.tag=pd.tag:Ra.tag="?",pd.represent){if(fd=Ra.styleMap[pd.tag]||pd.defaultStyle,_toString.call(pd.represent)==="[object Function]")od=pd.represent(qa,fd);else if(_hasOwnProperty.call(pd.represent,fd))od=pd.represent[fd](qa,fd);else throw new exception("!<"+pd.tag+'> tag resolver accepts not "'+fd+'" style');Ra.dump=od}return!0}return!1}__name(detectType,"detectType");function writeNode(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd){Ra.tag=null,Ra.dump=nd,detectType(Ra,nd,!1)||detectType(Ra,nd,!0);var pd=_toString.call(Ra.dump),fd=od,md;od&&(od=Ra.flowLevel<0||Ra.flowLevel>qa);var vd=pd==="[object Object]"||pd==="[object Array]",Ad,Nd;if(vd&&(Ad=Ra.duplicates.indexOf(nd),Nd=Ad!==-1),(Ra.tag!==null&&Ra.tag!=="?"||Nd||Ra.indent!==2&&qa>0)&&(ld=!1),Nd&&Ra.usedDuplicates[Ad])Ra.dump="*ref_"+Ad;else{if(vd&&Nd&&!Ra.usedDuplicates[Ad]&&(Ra.usedDuplicates[Ad]=!0),pd==="[object Object]")od&&Object.keys(Ra.dump).length!==0?(writeBlockMapping(Ra,qa,Ra.dump,ld),Nd&&(Ra.dump="&ref_"+Ad+Ra.dump)):(writeFlowMapping(Ra,qa,Ra.dump),Nd&&(Ra.dump="&ref_"+Ad+" "+Ra.dump));else if(pd==="[object Array]")od&&Ra.dump.length!==0?(Ra.noArrayIndent&&!dd&&qa>0?writeBlockSequence(Ra,qa-1,Ra.dump,ld):writeBlockSequence(Ra,qa,Ra.dump,ld),Nd&&(Ra.dump="&ref_"+Ad+Ra.dump)):(writeFlowSequence(Ra,qa,Ra.dump),Nd&&(Ra.dump="&ref
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
` :""}__name(dump $ 1,"dump $ 1");function renamed(Ra,qa){return function(){throw new Error("Function yaml."+Ra+" is removed in js-yaml 4. Use yaml."+qa+" instead, which is now safe by default.")}}__name(renamed,"renamed");var JSON_SCHEMA=json,load=loader $ 1.load;/*! Bundled license information:
js - yaml / dist / js - yaml . mjs :
( * ! js - yaml 4.1 . 0 https : //github.com/nodeca/js-yaml @license MIT *)
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
* /const defaultIconDimensions=Object.freeze({left:0,top:0,width:16,height:16}),defaultIconTransformations=Object.freeze({rotate:0,vFlip:!1,hFlip:!1}),defaultIconProps=Object.freeze({...defaultIconDimensions,...defaultIconTransformations}),defaultExtendedIconProps=Object.freeze({...defaultIconProps,body:"",hidden:!1}),defaultIconSizeCustomisations=Object.freeze({width:null,height:null}),defaultIconCustomisations=Object.freeze({...defaultIconSizeCustomisations,...defaultIconTransformations}),matchIconName=/ ^ [ a - z0 - 9 ] + ( - [ a - z0 - 9 ] + ) * $ / , stringToIcon = ( Ra , qa , nd , od = "" ) => { const ld = Ra . split ( ":" ) ; if ( Ra . slice ( 0 , 1 ) === "@" ) { if ( ld . length < 2 || ld . length > 3 ) return null ; od = ld . shift ( ) . slice ( 1 ) } if ( ld . length > 3 || ! ld . length ) return null ; if ( ld . length > 1 ) { const pd = ld . pop ( ) , fd = ld . pop ( ) , md = { provider : ld . length > 0 ? ld [ 0 ] : od , prefix : fd , name : pd } ; return validateIconName ( md ) ? md : null } const ud = ld [ 0 ] , dd = ud . split ( "-" ) ; if ( dd . length > 1 ) { const pd = { provider : od , prefix : dd . shift ( ) , name : dd . join ( "-" ) } ; return validateIconName ( pd ) ? pd : null } if ( nd && od === "" ) { const pd = { provider : od , prefix : "" , name : ud } ; return validateIconName ( pd , nd ) ? pd : null } return null } , validateIconName = ( Ra , qa ) => Ra ? ! ! ( ( Ra . provider === "" || Ra . provider . match ( matchIconName ) ) && ( qa && Ra . prefix === "" || Ra . prefix . match ( matchIconName ) ) && Ra . name . match ( matchIconName ) ) : ! 1 ; function mergeIconTransformations ( Ra , qa ) { const nd = { } ; ! Ra . hFlip != ! qa . hFlip && ( nd . hFlip = ! 0 ) , ! Ra . vFlip != ! qa . vFlip && ( nd . vFlip = ! 0 ) ; const od = ( ( Ra . rotate || 0 ) + ( qa . rotate || 0 ) ) % 4 ; return od && ( nd . rotate = od ) , nd } function mergeIconData ( Ra , qa ) { const nd = mergeIconTransformations ( Ra , qa ) ; for ( const od in defaultExtendedIconProps ) od in defaultIconTransformations ? od in Ra && ! ( od in nd ) && ( nd [ od ] = defaultIconTransformations [ od ] ) : od in qa ? nd [ od ] = qa [ od ] : od in Ra && ( nd [ od ] = Ra [ od ] ) ; return nd } function getIconsTree ( Ra , qa ) { const nd = Ra . icons , od = Ra . aliases || Object . create ( null ) , ld = Object . create ( null ) ; function ud ( dd ) { if ( nd [ dd ] ) return ld [ dd ] = [ ] ; if ( ! ( dd in ld ) ) { ld [ dd ] = null ; const pd = od [ dd ] && od [ dd ] . parent , fd = pd && ud ( pd ) ; fd && ( ld [ dd ] = [ pd ] . concat ( fd ) ) } return ld [ dd ] } return ( qa || Object . keys ( nd ) . concat ( Object . keys ( od ) ) ) . forEach ( ud ) , ld } function internalGetIconData ( Ra , qa , nd ) { const od = Ra . icons , ld = Ra . aliases || Object . create ( null ) ; let ud = { } ; function dd ( pd ) { ud = mergeIconData ( od [ pd ] || ld [ pd ] , ud ) } return dd ( qa ) , nd . forEach ( dd ) , mergeIconData ( Ra , ud ) } function getIconData ( Ra , qa ) { if ( Ra . icons [ qa ] ) return internalGetIconData ( Ra , qa , [ ] ) ; const nd = getIconsTree ( Ra , [ qa ] ) [ qa ] ; return nd ? internalGetIconData ( Ra , qa , nd ) : null } const unitsSplit = /(-?[0-9.]*[0-9]+[0-9.]*)/g , unitsTest = /^-?[0-9.]*[0-9]+[0-9.]*$/g ; function calculateSize ( Ra , qa , nd ) { if ( qa === 1 ) return Ra ; if ( nd = nd || 100 , typeof Ra == "number" ) return Math . ceil ( Ra * qa * nd ) / nd ; if ( typeof Ra != "string" ) return Ra ; const od = Ra . split ( unitsSplit ) ; if ( od === null || ! od . length ) return Ra ; const ld = [ ] ; let ud = od . shift ( ) , dd = unitsTest . test ( ud ) ; for ( ; ; ) { if ( dd ) { const pd = parseFloat ( ud ) ; isNaN ( pd ) ? ld . push ( ud ) : ld . push ( Math . ceil ( pd * qa * nd ) / nd ) } else ld . push ( ud ) ; if ( ud = od . shift ( ) , ud === void 0 ) return ld . join ( "" ) ; dd = ! dd } } function splitSVGDefs ( Ra , qa = "defs" ) { let nd = "" ; const od = Ra . indexOf ( "<" + qa ) ; for ( ; od >= 0 ; ) { const ld = Ra . indexOf ( ">" , od ) , ud = Ra . indexOf ( "</" + qa ) ; if ( ld === - 1 || ud === - 1 ) break ; const dd = Ra . indexOf ( ">" , ud ) ; if ( dd === - 1 ) break ; nd += Ra . slice ( ld + 1 , ud ) . trim ( ) , Ra = Ra . slice ( 0 , od ) . trim ( ) + Ra . slice ( dd + 1 ) } return { defs : nd , content : Ra } } function mergeDefsAndContent ( Ra , qa ) { return Ra ? "<defs>" + Ra + "</defs>" + qa : qa } function wrapSVGContent ( Ra , qa , nd ) { const od = splitSVGDefs ( Ra ) ; return mergeDefsAndContent ( od . defs , qa + od . content + nd ) } const isUnsetKeyword = Ra => Ra === "unset" || Ra === "undefined" || Ra === "none" ; function iconToSVG ( Ra , qa ) { const nd = { ... defaultIconProps , ... Ra } , od = { ... defaultIconCustomisations , ... qa } , ld = { left : nd . left , top : nd . top , width : nd . width , height : nd . height } ; let ud = nd . body ; [ nd , od ] . forEach ( Ld => { const Gd = [ ] , Ud = Ld . hFlip , Fd = Ld . vFlip ; let Hd = Ld . rotate ; Ud ? Fd ? Hd += 2 : ( Gd . push ( "translate(" + ( ld . width + ld . left ) . toString ( ) + " " + ( 0 - ld . top ) . toString ( ) + ")" ) , Gd . push ( "scale(-1 1)" ) , ld . top = ld . left = 0 ) : Fd && ( Gd . push ( "translate(" + ( 0 - ld . left ) . toString ( ) + " " + ( ld . height + ld . top ) . toString ( ) + ")" ) , Gd . push ( "scale(1 -1)" ) , ld . top = ld . left = 0 ) ; let Vd ; switch ( Hd < 0 && ( Hd -= Math . floor ( Hd / 4 ) * 4 ) , Hd = Hd % 4 , Hd ) { case 1
` ,"ig");Ra=Ra.trim().replace(ld,"").replace(/'/gm,'"'),log $ 1.debug( ` Detecting diagram directive$ { qa !== null ? " type:" + qa : "" } based on the text : $ { Ra } ` );let ud;const dd=[];for(;(ud=directiveRegex.exec(Ra))!==null;)if(ud.index===directiveRegex.lastIndex&&directiveRegex.lastIndex++,ud&&!qa||qa&&((nd=ud[1])!=null&&nd.match(qa))||qa&&((od=ud[2])!=null&&od.match(qa))){const pd=ud[1]?ud[1]:ud[2],fd=ud[3]?ud[3].trim():ud[4]?JSON.parse(ud[4].trim()):null;dd.push({type:pd,args:fd})}return dd.length===0?{type:Ra,args:null}:dd.length===1?dd[0]:dd}catch(ld){return log $ 1.error( ` ERROR : $ { ld . message } - Unable to parse directive type : '${qa}' based on the text : '${Ra}' ` ),{type:void 0,args:null}}},"detectDirective"),removeDirectives=__name(function(Ra){return Ra.replace(directiveRegex,"")},"removeDirectives"),isSubstringInArray=__name(function(Ra,qa){for(const[nd,od]of qa.entries())if(od.match(Ra))return nd;return-1},"isSubstringInArray");function interpolateToCurve(Ra,qa){if(!Ra)return qa;const nd= ` curve$ { Ra . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + Ra . slice ( 1 ) } ` ;return d3CurveTypes[nd]??qa}__name(interpolateToCurve,"interpolateToCurve");function formatUrl(Ra,qa){const nd=Ra.trim();if(nd)return qa.securityLevel!=="loose"?sanitizeUrl_1(nd):nd}__name(formatUrl,"formatUrl");var runFunc=__name((Ra,...qa)=>{const nd=Ra.split("."),od=nd.length-1,ld=nd[od];let ud=window;for(let dd=0;dd<od;dd++)if(ud=ud[nd[dd]],!ud){log $ 1.error( ` Function name : $ { Ra } not found in window ` );return}ud[ld](...qa)},"runFunc");function distance(Ra,qa){return!Ra||!qa?0:Math.sqrt(Math.pow(qa.x-Ra.x,2)+Math.pow(qa.y-Ra.y,2))}__name(distance,"distance");function traverseEdge(Ra){let qa,nd=0;Ra.forEach(ld=>{nd+=distance(ld,qa),qa=ld});const od=nd/2;return calculatePoint(Ra,od)}__name(traverseEdge,"traverseEdge");function calcLabelPosition(Ra){return Ra.length===1?Ra[0]:traverseEdge(Ra)}__name(calcLabelPosition,"calcLabelPosition");var roundNumber=__name((Ra,qa=2)=>{const nd=Math.pow(10,qa);return Math.round(Ra*nd)/nd},"roundNumber"),calculatePoint=__name((Ra,qa)=>{let nd,od=qa;for(const ld of Ra){if(nd){const ud=distance(ld,nd);if(ud<od)od-=ud;else{const dd=od/ud;if(dd<=0)return nd;if(dd>=1)return{x:ld.x,y:ld.y};if(dd>0&&dd<1)return{x:roundNumber((1-dd)*nd.x+dd*ld.x,5),y:roundNumber((1-dd)*nd.y+dd*ld.y,5)}}}nd=ld}throw new Error("Could not find a suitable point for the given distance")},"calculatePoint"),calcCardinalityPosition=__name((Ra,qa,nd)=>{log $ 1.info( ` our points $ { JSON . stringify ( qa ) } ` ),qa[0]!==nd&&(qa=qa.reverse());const ld=calculatePoint(qa,25),ud=Ra?10:5,dd=Math.atan2(qa[0].y-ld.y,qa[0].x-ld.x),pd={x:0,y:0};return pd.x=Math.sin(dd)*ud+(qa[0].x+ld.x)/2,pd.y=-Math.cos(dd)*ud+(qa[0].y+ld.y)/2,pd},"calcCardinalityPosition");function calcTerminalLabelPosition(Ra,qa,nd){const od=structuredClone(nd);log $ 1.info("our points",od),qa!=="start_left"&&qa!=="start_right"&&od.reverse();const ld=25+Ra,ud=calculatePoint(od,ld),dd=10+Ra*.5,pd=Math.atan2(od[0].y-ud.y,od[0].x-ud.x),fd={x:0,y:0};return qa==="start_left"?(fd.x=Math.sin(pd+Math.PI)*dd+(od[0].x+ud.x)/2,fd.y=-Math.cos(pd+Math.PI)*dd+(od[0].y+ud.y)/2):qa==="end_right"?(fd.x=Math.sin(pd-Math.PI)*dd+(od[0].x+ud.x)/2-5,fd.y=-Math.cos(pd-Math.PI)*dd+(od[0].y+ud.y)/2-5):qa==="end_left"?(fd.x=Math.sin(pd)*dd+(od[0].x+ud.x)/2-5,fd.y=-Math.cos(pd)*dd+(od[0].y+ud.y)/2-5):(fd.x=Math.sin(pd)*dd+(od[0].x+ud.x)/2,fd.y=-Math.cos(pd)*dd+(od[0].y+ud.y)/2),fd}__name(calcTerminalLabelPosition,"calcTerminalLabelPosition");function getStylesFromArray(Ra){let qa="",nd="";for(const od of Ra)od!==void 0&&(od.startsWith("color:")||od.startsWith("text-align:")?nd=nd+od+";":qa=qa+od+";");return{style:qa,labelStyle:nd}}__name(getStylesFromArray,"getStylesFromArray");var cnt=0,generateId=__name(()=>(cnt++,"id-"+Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,12)+"-"+cnt),"generateId");function makeRandomHex(Ra){let qa="";const nd="0123456789abcdef",od=nd.length;for(let ld=0;ld<Ra;ld++)qa+=nd.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*od));return qa}__name(makeRandomHex,"makeRandomHex");var random=__name(Ra=>makeRandomHex(Ra.length),"random"),getTextObj=__name(function(){return{x:0,y:0,fill:vo
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` ).map(ld=>{const ud=ld.match(/^ \s +/);if(ud===null)return ld;const[dd]=ud;return dd.length>=od.length?ld.slice(od.length):ld}).join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )}class _Tokenizer{constructor(qa){Rg(this,"options");Rg(this,"rules");Rg(this,"lexer");this.options=qa||_defaults}space(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.newline.exec(qa);if(nd&&nd[0].length>0)return{type:"space",raw:nd[0]}}code(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.code.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[0].replace(/^ {1,4}/gm,"");return{type:"code",raw:nd[0],codeBlockStyle:"indented",text:this.options.pedantic?od:rtrim(od, `
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` )}}}fences(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.fences.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[0],ld=indentCodeCompensation(od,nd[3]||"");return{type:"code",raw:od,lang:nd[2]?nd[2].trim().replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):nd[2],text:ld}}}heading(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.heading.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=nd[2].trim();if(/# $ /.test(od)){const ld=rtrim(od,"#");(this.options.pedantic||!ld||/ $ /.test(ld))&&(od=ld.trim())}return{type:"heading",raw:nd[0],depth:nd[1].length,text:od,tokens:this.lexer.inline(od)}}}hr(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.hr.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"hr",raw:rtrim(nd[0], `
` )}}blockquote(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.blockquote.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=rtrim(nd[0], `
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` ).split( `
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` ),ld="",ud="";const dd=[];for(;od.length>0;){let pd=!1;const fd=[];let md;for(md=0;md<od.length;md++)if(/^ {0,3}>/.test(od[md]))fd.push(od[md]),pd=!0;else if(!pd)fd.push(od[md]);else break;od=od.slice(md);const vd=fd.join( `
` ),Ad=vd.replace(/ \n {0,3}((?:=+|-+) *)(?= \n | $ )/g, `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
$1 ` ).replace(/^ {0,3}>[ \t ]?/gm,"");ld=ld? ` $ { ld }
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
$ { vd } ` :vd,ud=ud? ` $ { ud }
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
$ { Ad } ` :Ad;const Nd=this.lexer.state.top;if(this.lexer.state.top=!0,this.lexer.blockTokens(Ad,dd,!0),this.lexer.state.top=Nd,od.length===0)break;const Od=dd[dd.length-1];if((Od==null?void 0:Od.type)==="code")break;if((Od==null?void 0:Od.type)==="blockquote"){const kd=Od,Ld=kd.raw+ `
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` +od.join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),Gd=this.blockquote(Ld);dd[dd.length-1]=Gd,ld=ld.substring(0,ld.length-kd.raw.length)+Gd.raw,ud=ud.substring(0,ud.length-kd.text.length)+Gd.text;break}else if((Od==null?void 0:Od.type)==="list"){const kd=Od,Ld=kd.raw+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +od.join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),Gd=this.list(Ld);dd[dd.length-1]=Gd,ld=ld.substring(0,ld.length-Od.raw.length)+Gd.raw,ud=ud.substring(0,ud.length-kd.raw.length)+Gd.raw,od=Ld.substring(dd[dd.length-1].raw.length).split( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` );continue}}return{type:"blockquote",raw:ld,tokens:dd,text:ud}}}list(qa){let nd=this.rules.block.list.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=nd[1].trim();const ld=od.length>1,ud={type:"list",raw:"",ordered:ld,start:ld?+od.slice(0,-1):"",loose:!1,items:[]};od=ld? ` \ \ d { 1 , 9 } \ \ $ { od . slice ( - 1 ) } ` : ` \ \ $ { od } ` ,this.options.pedantic&&(od=ld?od:"[*+-]");const dd=new RegExp( ` ^ ( { 0 , 3 } $ { od } ) ( ( ? : [ ] [ ^ \ \ n ] * ) ? ( ? : \ \ n | $ ) ) ` );let pd=!1;for(;qa;){let fd=!1,md="",vd="";if(!(nd=dd.exec(qa))||this.rules.block.hr.test(qa))break;md=nd[0],qa=qa.substring(md.length);let Ad=nd[2].split( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ,1)[0].replace(/^ \t +/,Ud=>" ".repeat(3*Ud.length)),Nd=qa.split( `
` ,1)[0],Od=!Ad.trim(),kd=0;if(this.options.pedantic?(kd=2,vd=Ad.trimStart()):Od?kd=nd[1].length+1:(kd=nd[2].search(/[^ ]/),kd=kd>4?1:kd,vd=Ad.slice(kd),kd+=nd[1].length),Od&&/^ * $ /.test(Nd)&&(md+=Nd+ `
` ,qa=qa.substring(Nd.length+1),fd=!0),!fd){const Ud=new RegExp( ` ^ { 0 , $ { Math . min ( 3 , kd - 1 ) } } ( ? : [ * + - ] | \ \ d { 1 , 9 } [ . ) ] ) ( ( ? : [ ] [ ^ \ \ n ] * ) ? ( ? : \ \ n | $ ) ) ` ),Fd=new RegExp( ` ^ { 0 , $ { Math . min ( 3 , kd - 1 ) } } ( ( ? : - * ) { 3 , } | ( ? : _ * ) { 3 , } | ( ? : \ \ * * ) { 3 , } ) ( ? : \ \ n + | $ ) ` ),Hd=new RegExp( ` ^ { 0 , $ { Math . min ( 3 , kd - 1 ) } } ( ? : \ ` \` \` |~~~) ` ) , Vd = new RegExp ( ` ^ {0, ${ Math . min ( 3 , kd - 1 ) } }# ` ) ; for ( ; qa ; ) { const zd = qa . split ( `
` ,1)[0];if(Nd=zd,this.options.pedantic&&(Nd=Nd.replace(/^ {1,4}(?=( {4})*[^ ])/g," ")),Hd.test(Nd)||Vd.test(Nd)||Ud.test(Nd)||Fd.test(qa))break;if(Nd.search(/[^ ]/)>=kd||!Nd.trim())vd+= `
` +Nd.slice(kd);else{if(Od||Ad.search(/[^ ]/)>=4||Hd.test(Ad)||Vd.test(Ad)||Fd.test(Ad))break;vd+= `
` +Nd}!Od&&!Nd.trim()&&(Od=!0),md+=zd+ `
` ,qa=qa.substring(zd.length+1),Ad=Nd.slice(kd)}}ud.loose||(pd?ud.loose=!0:/ \n * \n * $ /.test(md)&&(pd=!0));let Ld=null,Gd;this.options.gfm&&(Ld=/^ \[ [ xX] \] /.exec(vd),Ld&&(Gd=Ld[0]!=="[ ] ",vd=vd.replace(/^ \[ [ xX] \] +/,""))),ud.items.push({type:"list_item",raw:md,task:!!Ld,checked:Gd,loose:!1,text:vd,tokens:[]}),ud.raw+=md}ud.items[ud.items.length-1].raw=ud.items[ud.items.length-1].raw.trimEnd(),ud.items[ud.items.length-1].text=ud.items[ud.items.length-1].text.trimEnd(),ud.raw=ud.raw.trimEnd();for(let fd=0;fd<ud.items.length;fd++)if(this.lexer.state.top=!1,ud.items[fd].tokens=this.lexer.blockTokens(ud.items[fd].text,[]),!ud.loose){const md=ud.items[fd].tokens.filter(Ad=>Ad.type==="space"),vd=md.length>0&&md.some(Ad=>/ \n .* \n /.test(Ad.raw));ud.loose=vd}if(ud.loose)for(let fd=0;fd<ud.items.length;fd++)ud.items[fd].loose=!0;return ud}}html(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.html.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"html",block:!0,raw:nd[0],pre:nd[1]==="pre"||nd[1]==="script"||nd[1]==="style",text:nd[0]}}def(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.def.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[1].toLowerCase().replace(/ \s +/g," "),ld=nd[2]?nd[2].replace(/^<(.*)> $ /," $ 1").replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):"",ud=nd[3]?nd[3].substring(1,nd[3].length-1).replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):nd[3];return{type:"def",tag:od,raw:nd[0],href:ld,title:ud}}}table(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.table.exec(qa);if(!nd||!/[:|]/.test(nd[2]))return;const od=splitCells(nd[1]),ld=nd[2].replace(/^ \| | \| * $ /g,"").split("|"),ud=nd[3]&&nd[3].trim()?nd[3].replace(/ \n [ \t ]* $ /,"").split( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ):[],dd={type:"table",raw:nd[0],header:[],align:[],rows:[]};if(od.length===ld.length){for(const pd of ld)/^ *-+: * $ /.test(pd)?dd.align.push("right"):/^ *:-+: * $ /.test(pd)?dd.align.push("center"):/^ *:-+ * $ /.test(pd)?dd.align.push("left"):dd.align.push(null);for(let pd=0;pd<od.length;pd++)dd.header.push({text:od[pd],tokens:this.lexer.inline(od[pd]),header:!0,align:dd.align[pd]});for(const pd of ud)dd.rows.push(splitCells(pd,dd.header.length).map((fd,md)=>({text:fd,tokens:this.lexer.inline(fd),header:!1,align:dd.align[md]})));return dd}}lheading(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.lheading.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"heading",raw:nd[0],depth:nd[2].charAt(0)==="="?1:2,text:nd[1],tokens:this.lexer.inline(nd[1])}}paragraph(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.paragraph.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[1].charAt(nd[1].length-1)=== `
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` ?nd[1].slice(0,-1):nd[1];return{type:"paragraph",raw:nd[0],text:od,tokens:this.lexer.inline(od)}}}text(qa){const nd=this.rules.block.text.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"text",raw:nd[0],text:nd[0],tokens:this.lexer.inline(nd[0])}}escape(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.escape.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"escape",raw:nd[0],text:escape $ 1(nd[1])}}tag(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.tag.exec(qa);if(nd)return!this.lexer.state.inLink&&/^<a /i.test(nd[0])?this.lexer.state.inLink=!0:this.lexer.state.inLink&&/^< \/ a>/i.test(nd[0])&&(this.lexer.state.inLink=!1),!this.lexer.state.inRawBlock&&/^<(pre|code|kbd|script)( \s |>)/i.test(nd[0])?this.lexer.state.inRawBlock=!0:this.lexer.state.inRawBlock&&/^< \/ (pre|code|kbd|script)( \s |>)/i.test(nd[0])&&(this.lexer.state.inRawBlock=!1),{type:"html",raw:nd[0],inLink:this.lexer.state.inLink,inRawBlock:this.lexer.state.inRawBlock,block:!1,text:nd[0]}}link(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.link.exec(qa);if(nd){const od=nd[2].trim();if(!this.options.pedantic&&/^</.test(od)){if(!/> $ /.test(od))return;const dd=rtrim(od.slice(0,-1)," \\ ");if((od.length-dd.length)%2===0)return}else{const dd=findClosingBracket(nd[2],"()");if(dd>-1){const fd=(nd[0].indexOf("!")===0?5:4)+nd[1].length+dd;nd[2]=nd[2].substring(0,dd),nd[0]=nd[0].substring(0,fd).trim(),nd[3]=""}}let ld=nd[2],ud="";if(this.options.pedantic){const dd=/^([^'"]*[^ \s ]) \s +(['"])(.*) \2 /.exec(ld);dd&&(ld=dd[1],ud=dd[3])}else ud=nd[3]?nd[3].slice(1,-1):"";return ld=ld.trim(),/^</.test(ld)&&(this.options.pedantic&&!/> $ /.test(od)?ld=ld.slice(1):ld=ld.slice(1,-1)),outputLink(nd,{href:ld&&ld.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"),title:ud&&ud.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1")},nd[0],this.lexer)}}reflink(qa,nd){let od;if((od=this.rules.inline.reflink.exec(qa))||(od=this.rules.inline.nolink.exec(qa))){const ld=(od[2]||od[1]).replace(/ \s +/g," "),ud=nd[ld.toLowerCase()];if(!ud){const dd=od[0].charAt(0);return{type:"text",raw:dd,text:dd}}return outputLink(od,ud,od[0],this.lexer)}}emStrong(qa,nd,od=""){let ld=this.rules.inline.emStrongLDelim.exec(qa);if(!ld||ld[3]&&od.match(/[ \p {L} \p {N}]/u))return;if(!(ld[1]||ld[2]||"")||!od||this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(od)){const dd=[...ld[0]].length-1;let pd,fd,md=dd,vd=0;const Ad=ld[0][0]==="*"?this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimAst:this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimUnd;for(Ad.lastIndex=0,nd=nd.slice(-1*qa.length+dd);(ld=Ad.exec(nd))!=null;){if(pd=ld[1]||ld[2]||ld[3]||ld[4]||ld[5]||ld[6],!pd)continue;if(fd=[...pd].length,ld[3]||ld[4]){md+=fd;continue}else if((ld[5]||ld[6])&&dd%3&&!((dd+fd)%3)){vd+=fd;continue}if(md-=fd,md>0)continue;fd=Math.min(fd,fd+md+vd);const Nd=[...ld[0]][0].length,Od=qa.slice(0,dd+ld.index+Nd+fd);if(Math.min(dd,fd)%2){const Ld=Od.slice(1,-1);return{type:"em",raw:Od,text:Ld,tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(Ld)}}const kd=Od.slice(2,-2);return{type:"strong",raw:Od,text:kd,tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(kd)}}}}codespan(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.code.exec(qa);if(nd){let od=nd[2].replace(/ \n /g," ");const ld=/[^ ]/.test(od),ud=/^ /.test(od)&&/ $ /.test(od);return ld&&ud&&(od=od.substring(1,od.length-1)),od=escape $ 1(od,!0),{type:"codespan",raw:nd[0],text:od}}}br(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.br.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"br",raw:nd[0]}}del(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.del.exec(qa);if(nd)return{type:"del",raw:nd[0],text:nd[2],tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(nd[2])}}autolink(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(qa);if(nd){let od,ld;return nd[2]==="@"?(od=escape $ 1(nd[1]),ld="mailto:"+od):(od=escape $ 1(nd[1]),ld=od),{type:"link",raw:nd[0],text:od,href:ld,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:od,text:od}]}}}url(qa){var od;let nd;if(nd=this.rules.inline.url.exec(qa)){let ld,ud;if(nd[2]==="@")ld=escape $ 1(nd[0]),ud="mailto:"+ld;else{let dd;do dd=nd[0],nd[0]=((od=this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(nd[0]))==null?void 0:od[0])??"";while(dd!==nd[0]);ld=escape $ 1(nd[0]),nd[1]==="www."?ud="http://"+nd[0]:ud=nd[0]}return{type:"link",raw:nd[0],text:ld,href:ud,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:ld,text:ld}]}}}inlineText(qa){const nd=this.rules.inline.text.exec(qa);if(nd){let od;return this.lexer.state.inRawBlock?od=nd[0]:od=esca
] ` ).replace("lheading",lheading).replace("|table","").replace("blockquote"," {0,3}>").replace("|fences","").replace("|list","").replace("|html","").replace("|tag","").getRegex()},escape $ 2=/^ \\ ([!"# $ %&'()*+, \- ./:;<=>?@ \[ \] \\ ^_ ` { | } ~ ] ) / , inlineCode = /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/ , br$1 = /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/ , inlineText = /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*_]|\b_|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)))/ , _punctuation = "\\p{P}\\p{S}" , punctuation = edit ( /^((?![*_])[\spunctuation])/ , "u" ) . replace ( /punctuation/g , _punctuation ) . getRegex ( ) , blockSkip = /\[[^[\]]*?\]\([^\(\)]*?\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^<>]*?>/g , emStrongLDelim = edit ( /^(?:\*+(?:((?!\*)[punct])|[^\s*]))|^_+(?:((?!_)[punct])|([^\s_]))/ , "u" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation ) . getRegex ( ) , emStrongRDelimAst = edit ( "^[^_*]*?__[^_*]*?\\*[^_*]*?(?=__)|[^*]+(?=[^*])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!\\*)[punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])" , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation ) . getRegex ( ) , emStrongRDelimUnd = edit ( "^[^_*]*?\\*\\*[^_*]*?_[^_*]*?(?=\\*\\*)|[^_]+(?=[^_])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!_)[punct\\s](_+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])" , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation ) . getRegex ( ) , anyPunctuation = edit ( /\\([punct])/ , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , _punctuation ) . getRegex ( ) , autolink = edit ( /^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/ ) . replace ( "scheme" , /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/ ) . replace ( "email" , /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/ ) . getRegex ( ) , _inlineComment = edit ( _comment ) . replace ( "(?:-->|$)" , "-->" ) . getRegex ( ) , tag = edit ( "^comment|^</[a-zA-Z][\\w:-]*\\s*>|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>|^<![a-zA-Z]+\\s[\\s\\S]*?>|^<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>" ) . replace ( "comment" , _inlineComment ) . replace ( "attribute" , /\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/ ) . getRegex ( ) , _inlineLabel = /(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/ , link = edit ( /^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel ) . replace ( "href" , /<(?:\\.|[^\n<>\\])+>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/ ) . replace ( "title" , /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/ ) . getRegex ( ) , reflink = edit ( /^!?\[(label)\]\[(ref)\]/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel ) . replace ( "ref" , _blockLabel ) . getRegex ( ) , nolink = edit ( /^!?\[(ref)\](?:\[\])?/ ) . replace ( "ref" , _blockLabel ) . getRegex ( ) , reflinkSearch = edit ( "reflink|nolink(?!\\()" , "g" ) . replace ( "reflink" , reflink ) . replace ( "nolink" , nolink ) . getRegex ( ) , inlineNormal = { _backpedal : noopTest , anyPunctuation , autolink , blockSkip , br : br$1 , code : inlineCode , del : noopTest , emStrongLDelim , emStrongRDelimAst , emStrongRDelimUnd , escape : escape$2 , link , nolink , punctuation , reflink , reflinkSearch , tag , text : inlineText , url : noopTest } , inlinePedantic = { ... inlineNormal , link : edit ( /^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel ) . getRegex ( ) , reflink : edit ( /^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/ ) . replace ( "label" , _inlineLabel ) . getRegex ( ) } , inlineGfm = { ... inlineNormal , escape : edit ( escape$2 ) . replace ( "])" , "~|])" ) . getRegex ( ) , url : edit ( /^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/ , "i" ) . replace ( "email" , /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/ ) . getRegex ( ) , _backpedal : /(?:[^?!.,:;*_'"~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_'"~)]+(?!$))+/ , del : /^(~~?)(?=[^\s~])([\s\S]*?[^\s~])\1(?=[^~]|$)/ , text : /^([`~]+|[^`~])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*~_]|\b_|https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|www\.|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)|[^a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-](?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)))/ } , inlineBreaks = { ... inlineGfm , br : edit ( br$1 ) . replace ( "{2,}" , "*" ) . getRegex ( ) , text : edit ( inlineGfm . text ) . replace ( "\\b_" , "\\b_| {2,}\\n" ) . replace ( /\{2,\}/g , "*" ) . getRegex ( ) } , block = { normal : blockNormal , gfm : blockGfm , pedantic : blockPedantic } , inline = { normal : inlineNormal , gfm : inlineGfm , breaks : inlineBreaks , pedantic : inlinePedantic } ; class _Lexer { constructor ( qa ) {
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ),this.blockTokens(qa,this.tokens);for(let nd=0;nd<this.inlineQueue.length;nd++){const od=this.inlineQueue[nd];this.inlineTokens(od.src,od.tokens)}return this.inlineQueue=[],this.tokens}blockTokens(qa,nd=[],od=!1){this.options.pedantic?qa=qa.replace(/ \t /g," ").replace(/^ + $ /gm,""):qa=qa.replace(/^( *)( \t +)/gm,(pd,fd,md)=>fd+" ".repeat(md.length));let ld,ud,dd;for(;qa;)if(!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.block&&this.options.extensions.block.some(pd=>(ld=pd.call({lexer:this},qa,nd))?(qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld),!0):!1))){if(ld=this.tokenizer.space(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),ld.raw.length===1&&nd.length>0?nd[nd.length-1].raw+= `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` :nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.code(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),ud=nd[nd.length-1],ud&&(ud.type==="paragraph"||ud.type==="text")?(ud.raw+= `
` +ld.raw,ud.text+= `
` +ld.text,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=ud.text):nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.fences(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.heading(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.hr(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.blockquote(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.list(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.html(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.def(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),ud=nd[nd.length-1],ud&&(ud.type==="paragraph"||ud.type==="text")?(ud.raw+= `
` +ld.raw,ud.text+= `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` +ld.raw,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=ud.text):this.tokens.links[ld.tag]||(this.tokens.links[ld.tag]={href:ld.href,title:ld.title});continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.table(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.lheading(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),nd.push(ld);continue}if(dd=qa,this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.startBlock){let pd=1/0;const fd=qa.slice(1);let md;this.options.extensions.startBlock.forEach(vd=>{md=vd.call({lexer:this},fd),typeof md=="number"&&md>=0&&(pd=Math.min(pd,md))}),pd<1/0&&pd>=0&&(dd=qa.substring(0,pd+1))}if(this.state.top&&(ld=this.tokenizer.paragraph(dd))){ud=nd[nd.length-1],od&&(ud==null?void 0:ud.type)==="paragraph"?(ud.raw+= `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +ld.raw,ud.text+= `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` +ld.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=ud.text):nd.push(ld),od=dd.length!==qa.length,qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length);continue}if(ld=this.tokenizer.text(qa)){qa=qa.substring(ld.raw.length),ud=nd[nd.length-1],ud&&ud.type==="text"?(ud.raw+= `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +ld.raw,ud.text+= `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` +ld.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=ud.text):nd.push(ld);continue}if(qa){const pd="Infinite loop on byte: "+qa.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(pd);break}else throw new Error(pd)}}return this.state.top=!0,nd}inline(qa,nd=[]){return this.inlineQueue.push({src:qa,tokens:nd}),nd}inlineTokens(qa,nd=[]){let od,ld,ud,dd=qa,pd,fd,md;if(this.tokens.links){const vd=Object.keys(this.tokens.links);if(vd.length>0)for(;(pd=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(dd))!=null;)vd.includes(pd[0].slice(pd[0].lastIndexOf("[")+1,-1))&&(dd=dd.slice(0,pd.index)+"["+"a".repeat(pd[0].length-2)+"]"+dd.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex))}for(;(pd=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(dd))!=null;)dd=dd.slice(0,pd.index)+"["+"a".repeat(pd[0].length-2)+"]"+dd.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);for(;(pd=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.exec(dd))!=null;)dd=dd.slice(0,pd.index)+"++"+dd.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.lastIndex);for(;qa;)if(fd||(md=""),fd=!1,!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.inline&&this.options.extensions.inline.some(vd=>(od=vd.call({lexer:this},qa,nd))?(qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od),!0):!1))){if(od=this.tokenizer.escape(qa)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.tag(qa)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),ld=nd[nd.length-1],ld&&od.type==="text"&&ld.type==="text"?(ld.raw+=od.raw,ld.text+=od.text):nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.link(qa)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.reflink(qa,this.tokens.links)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),ld=nd[nd.length-1],ld&&od.type==="text"&&ld.type==="text"?(ld.raw+=od.raw,ld.text+=od.text):nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.emStrong(qa,dd,md)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.codespan(qa)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.br(qa)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.del(qa)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(od=this.tokenizer.autolink(qa)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(!this.state.inLink&&(od=this.tokenizer.url(qa))){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),nd.push(od);continue}if(ud=qa,this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.startInline){let vd=1/0;const Ad=qa.slice(1);let Nd;this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach(Od=>{Nd=Od.call({lexer:this},Ad),typeof Nd=="number"&&Nd>=0&&(vd=Math.min(vd,Nd))}),vd<1/0&&vd>=0&&(ud=qa.substring(0,vd+1))}if(od=this.tokenizer.inlineText(ud)){qa=qa.substring(od.raw.length),od.raw.slice(-1)!=="_"&&(md=od.raw.slice(-1)),fd=!0,ld=nd[nd.length-1],ld&&ld.type==="text"?(ld.raw+=od.raw,ld.text+=od.text):nd.push(od);continue}if(qa){const vd="Infinite loop on byte: "+qa.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(vd);break}else throw new Error(vd)}}return nd}}class _Renderer{constructor(qa){Rg(this,"options");Rg(this,"parser");this.options=qa||_defaults}space(qa){return""}code({text:qa,lang:nd,escaped:od}){var dd;const ld=(dd=(nd||"").match(/^ \S */))==null?void 0:dd[0],ud=qa.replace(/ \n $ /,"")+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ;return ld?'<pre><code class="language-'+escape $ 1(ld)+'">'+(od?ud:escape $ 1(ud,!0))+ ` < / c o d e > < / p r e >
` :"<pre><code>"+(od?ud:escape $ 1(ud,!0))+ ` < / c o d e > < / p r e >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }blockquote({tokens:qa}){return ` < blockquote >
$ { this . parser . parse ( qa ) } < / b l o c k q u o t e >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` }html({text:qa}){return qa}heading({tokens:qa,depth:nd}){return ` < h$ { nd } > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( qa ) } < / h $ { n d } >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }hr(qa){return ` < hr >
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` }list(qa){const nd=qa.ordered,od=qa.start;let ld="";for(let pd=0;pd<qa.items.length;pd++){const fd=qa.items[pd];ld+=this.listitem(fd)}const ud=nd?"ol":"ul",dd=nd&&od!==1?' start="'+od+'"':"";return"<"+ud+dd+ ` >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +ld+"</"+ud+ ` >
` }listitem(qa){let nd="";if(qa.task){const od=this.checkbox({checked:!!qa.checked});qa.loose?qa.tokens.length>0&&qa.tokens[0].type==="paragraph"?(qa.tokens[0].text=od+" "+qa.tokens[0].text,qa.tokens[0].tokens&&qa.tokens[0].tokens.length>0&&qa.tokens[0].tokens[0].type==="text"&&(qa.tokens[0].tokens[0].text=od+" "+qa.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)):qa.tokens.unshift({type:"text",raw:od+" ",text:od+" "}):nd+=od+" "}return nd+=this.parser.parse(qa.tokens,!!qa.loose), ` < li > $ { nd } < / l i >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }checkbox({checked:qa}){return"<input "+(qa?'checked="" ':"")+'disabled="" type="checkbox">'}paragraph({tokens:qa}){return ` < p > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( qa ) } < / p >
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` }table(qa){let nd="",od="";for(let ud=0;ud<qa.header.length;ud++)od+=this.tablecell(qa.header[ud]);nd+=this.tablerow({text:od});let ld="";for(let ud=0;ud<qa.rows.length;ud++){const dd=qa.rows[ud];od="";for(let pd=0;pd<dd.length;pd++)od+=this.tablecell(dd[pd]);ld+=this.tablerow({text:od})}return ld&&(ld= ` < tbody > $ { ld } < / t b o d y > ` ) , ` < t a b l e >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
< thead >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` +nd+ ` < / t h e a d >
` +ld+ ` < / t a b l e >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` }tablerow({text:qa}){return ` < tr >
$ { qa } < / t r >
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` }tablecell(qa){const nd=this.parser.parseInline(qa.tokens),od=qa.header?"th":"td";return(qa.align? ` < $ { od } align = "${qa.align}" > ` : ` < $ { od } > ` )+nd+ ` < / $ { o d } >
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` }strong({tokens:qa}){return ` < strong > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( qa ) } < / s t r o n g > ` } e m ( { t o k e n s : q a } ) { r e t u r n ` < e m > $ { t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a ) } < / e m > ` } c o d e s p a n ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n ` < c o d e > $ { q a } < / c o d e > ` } b r ( q a ) { r e t u r n " < b r > " } d e l ( { t o k e n s : q a } ) { r e t u r n ` < d e l > $ { t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a ) } < / d e l > ` } l i n k ( { h r e f : q a , t i t l e : n d , t o k e n s : o d } ) { c o n s t l d = t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( o d ) , u d = c l e a n U r l ( q a ) ; i f ( u d = = = n u l l ) r e t u r n l d ; q a = u d ; l e t d d = ' < a h r e f = " ' + q a + ' " ' ; r e t u r n n d & & ( d d + = ' t i t l e = " ' + n d + ' " ' ) , d d + = " > " + l d + " < / a > " , d d } i m a g e ( { h r e f : q a , t i t l e : n d , t e x t : o d } ) { c o n s t l d = c l e a n U r l ( q a ) ; i f ( l d = = = n u l l ) r e t u r n o d ; q a = l d ; l e t u d = ` < i m g s r c = " $ { q a } " a l t = " $ { o d } " ` ; r e t u r n n d & & ( u d + = ` t i t l e = " $ { n d } " ` ) , u d + = " > " , u d } t e x t ( q a ) { r e t u r n " t o k e n s " i n q a & & q a . t o k e n s ? t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a . t o k e n s ) : q a . t e x t } } c l a s s _ T e x t R e n d e r e r { s t r o n g ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } e m ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } c o d e s p a n ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } d e l ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } h t m l ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } t e x t ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n q a } l i n k ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n " " + q a } i m a g e ( { t e x t : q a } ) { r e t u r n " " + q a } b r ( ) { r e t u r n " " } } c l a s s _ P a r s e r { c o n s t r u c t o r ( q a ) { R g ( t h i s , " o p t i o n s " ) ; R g ( t h i s , " r e n d e r e r " ) ; R g ( t h i s , " t e x t R e n d e r e r " ) ; t h i s . o p t i o n s = q a | | _ d e f a u l t s , t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r = t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r | | n e w _ R e n d e r e r , t h i s . r e n d e r e r = t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r , t h i s . r e n d e r e r . o p t i o n s = t h i s . o p t i o n s , t h i s . r e n d e r e r . p a r s e r = t h i s , t h i s . t e x t R e n d e r e r = n e w _ T e x t R e n d e r e r } s t a t i c p a r s e ( q a , n d ) { r e t u r n n e w _ P a r s e r ( n d ) . p a r s e ( q a ) } s t a t i c p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a , n d ) { r e t u r n n e w _ P a r s e r ( n d ) . p a r s e I n l i n e ( q a ) } p a r s e ( q a , n d = ! 0 ) { l e t o d = " " ; f o r ( l e t l d = 0 ; l d < q a . l e n g t h ; l d + + ) { c o n s t u d = q a [ l d ] ; i f ( t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s & & t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s . r e n d e r e r s & & t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s . r e n d e r e r s [ u d . t y p e ] ) { c o n s t p d = u d , f d = t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s . r e n d e r e r s [ p d . t y p e ] . c a l l ( { p a r s e r : t h i s } , p d ) ; i f ( f d ! = = ! 1 | | ! [ " s p a c e " , " h r " , " h e a d i n g " , " c o d e " , " t a b l e " , " b l o c k q u o t e " , " l i s t " , " h t m l " , " p a r a g r a p h " , " t e x t " ] . i n c l u d e s ( p d . t y p e ) ) { o d + = f d | | " " ; c o n t i n u e } } c o n s t d d = u d ; s w i t c h ( d d . t y p e ) { c a s e " s p a c e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . s p a c e ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h r " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h r ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h e a d i n g " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h e a d i n g ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " c o d e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . c o d e ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " t a b l e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . t a b l e ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " b l o c k q u o t e " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . b l o c k q u o t e ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " l i s t " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . l i s t ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h t m l " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h t m l ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " p a r a g r a p h " : { o d + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . p a r a g r a p h ( d d ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " t e x t " : { l e t p d = d d , f d = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . t e x t ( p d ) ; f o r ( ; l d + 1 < q a . l e n g t h & & q a [ l d + 1 ] . t y p e = = = " t e x t " ; ) p d = q a [ + + l d ] , f d + = `
` +this.renderer.text(pd);nd?od+=this.renderer.paragraph({type:"paragraph",raw:fd,text:fd,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:fd,text:fd}]}):od+=fd;continue}default:{const pd='Token with "'+dd.type+'" type was not found.';if(this.options.silent)return console.error(pd),"";throw new Error(pd)}}}return od}parseInline(qa,nd){nd=nd||this.renderer;let od="";for(let ld=0;ld<qa.length;ld++){const ud=qa[ld];if(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.renderers&&this.options.extensions.renderers[ud.type]){const pd=this.options.extensions.renderers[ud.type].call({parser:this},ud);if(pd!==!1||!["escape","html","link","image","strong","em","codespan","br","del","text"].includes(ud.type)){od+=pd||"";continue}}const dd=ud;switch(dd.type){case"escape":{od+=nd.text(dd);break}case"html":{od+=nd.html(dd);break}case"link":{od+=nd.link(dd);break}case"image":{od+=nd.image(dd);break}case"strong":{od+=nd.strong(dd);break}case"em":{od+=nd.em(dd);break}case"codespan":{od+=nd.codespan(dd);break}case"br":{od+=nd.br(dd);break}case"del":{od+=nd.del(dd);break}case"text":{od+=nd.text(dd);break}default:{const pd='Token with "'+dd.type+'" type was not found.';if(this.options.silent)return console.error(pd),"";throw new Error(pd)}}}return od}}class _Hooks{constructor(qa){Rg(this,"options");this.options=qa||_defaults}preprocess(qa){return qa}postprocess(qa){return qa}processAllTokens(qa){return qa}}Rg(_Hooks,"passThroughHooks",new Set(["preprocess","postprocess","processAllTokens"]));var fv,hC,D1,mC;class Marked{constructor(...qa){lC(this,fv);Rg(this,"defaults",_getDefaults());Rg(this,"options",this.setOptions);Rg(this,"parse",DT(this,fv,D1).call(this,_Lexer.lex,_Parser.parse));Rg(this,"parseInline",DT(this,fv,D1).call(this,_Lexer.lexInline,_Parser.parseInline));Rg(this,"Parser",_Parser);Rg(this,"Renderer",_Renderer);Rg(this,"TextRenderer",_TextRenderer);Rg(this,"Lexer",_Lexer);Rg(this,"Tokenizer",_Tokenizer);Rg(this,"Hooks",_Hooks);this.use(...qa)}walkTokens(qa,nd){var ld,ud;let od=[];for(const dd of qa)switch(od=od.concat(nd.call(this,dd)),dd.type){case"table":{const pd=dd;for(const fd of pd.header)od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(fd.tokens,nd));for(const fd of pd.rows)for(const md of fd)od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(md.tokens,nd));break}case"list":{const pd=dd;od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(pd.items,nd));break}default:{const pd=dd;(ud=(ld=this.defaults.extensions)==null?void 0:ld.childTokens)!=null&&ud[pd.type]?this.defaults.extensions.childTokens[pd.type].forEach(fd=>{const md=pd[fd].flat(1/0);od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(md,nd))}):pd.tokens&&(od=od.concat(this.walkTokens(pd.tokens,nd)))}}return od}use(...qa){const nd=this.defaults.extensions||{renderers:{},childTokens:{}};return qa.forEach(od=>{const ld={...od};if(ld.async=this.defaults.async||ld.async||!1,od.extensions&&(od.extensions.forEach(ud=>{if(!ud.name)throw new Error("extension name required");if("renderer"in ud){const dd=nd.renderers[ud.name];dd?nd.renderers[ud.name]=function(...pd){let fd=ud.renderer.apply(this,pd);return fd===!1&&(fd=dd.apply(this,pd)),fd}:nd.renderers[ud.name]=ud.renderer}if("tokenizer"in ud){if(!ud.level||ud.level!=="block"&&ud.level!=="inline")throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'");const dd=nd[ud.level];dd?dd.unshift(ud.tokenizer):nd[ud.level]=[ud.tokenizer],ud.start&&(ud.level==="block"?nd.startBlock?nd.startBlock.push(ud.start):nd.startBlock=[ud.start]:ud.level==="inline"&&(nd.startInline?nd.startInline.push(ud.start):nd.startInline=[ud.start]))}"childTokens"in ud&&ud.childTokens&&(nd.childTokens[ud.name]=ud.childTokens)}),ld.extensions=nd),od.renderer){const ud=this.defaults.renderer||new _Renderer(this.defaults);for(const dd in od.renderer){if(!(dd in ud))throw new Error( ` renderer '${dd}' does not exist ` );if(["options","parser"].includes(dd))continue;const pd=dd;let fd=od.renderer[pd];od.useNewRenderer||(fd=DT(this,fv,hC).call(this,fd,pd,ud));const md=ud[pd];ud[pd]=(...vd)=>{let Ad=fd.apply(ud,vd);return Ad===!1&&(Ad=md.apply(ud,vd)),Ad||""}}ld.renderer=ud}if(od.tokenizer){const ud=this.defaults.tokenizer||new _Tokenizer(this.defaults);for(const dd in
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Please report this to https : //github.com/markedjs/marked.`,qa){const ld="<p>An error occurred:</p><pre>"+escape$1(od.message+"",!0)+"</pre>";return nd?Promise.resolve(ld):ld}if(nd)return Promise.reject(od);throw od}};const markedInstance=new Marked;function marked(Ra,qa){return markedInstance.parse(Ra,qa)}marked.options=marked.setOptions=function(Ra){return markedInstance.setOptions(Ra),marked.defaults=markedInstance.defaults,changeDefaults(marked.defaults),marked};marked.getDefaults=_getDefaults;marked.defaults=_defaults;marked.use=function(...Ra){return markedInstance.use(...Ra),marked.defaults=markedInstance.defaults,changeDefaults(marked.defaults),marked};marked.walkTokens=function(Ra,qa){return markedInstance.walkTokens(Ra,qa)};marked.parseInline=markedInstance.parseInline;marked.Parser=_Parser;marked.parser=_Parser.parse;marked.Renderer=_Renderer;marked.TextRenderer=_TextRenderer;marked.Lexer=_Lexer;marked.lexer=_Lexer.lex;marked.Tokenizer=_Tokenizer;marked.Hooks=_Hooks;marked.parse=marked;marked.options;marked.setOptions;marked.use;marked.walkTokens;marked.parseInline;_Parser.parse;_Lexer.lex;function dedent(Ra){for(var qa=[],nd=1;nd<arguments.length;nd++)qa[nd-1]=arguments[nd];var od=Array.from(typeof Ra=="string"?[Ra]:Ra);od[od.length-1]=od[od.length-1].replace(/\r?\n([\t ]*)$/,"");var ld=od.reduce(function(pd,fd){var md=fd.match(/\n([\t ]+|(?!\s).)/g);return md?pd.concat(md.map(function(vd){var Ad,Nd;return(Nd=(Ad=vd.match(/[\t ]/g))===null||Ad===void 0?void 0:Ad.length)!==null&&Nd!==void 0?Nd:0})):pd},[]);if(ld.length){var ud=new RegExp(`
[ ] { ` +Math.min.apply(Math,ld)+"}","g");od=od.map(function(pd){return pd.replace(ud, `
` )})}od[0]=od[0].replace(/^ \r ? \n /,"");var dd=od[0];return qa.forEach(function(pd,fd){var md=dd.match(/(?:^| \n )( *) $ /),vd=md?md[1]:"",Ad=pd;typeof pd=="string"&&pd.includes( `
` )&&(Ad=String(pd).split( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ).map(function(Nd,Od){return Od===0?Nd:""+vd+Nd}).join( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` )),dd+=Ad+od[fd+1]}),dd}function preprocessMarkdown(Ra,{markdownAutoWrap:qa}){const od=Ra.replace(/<br \/ >/g, `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ).replace(/ \n {2,}/g, `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ),ld=dedent(od);return qa===!1?ld.replace(/ /g," "):ld}__name(preprocessMarkdown,"preprocessMarkdown");function markdownToLines(Ra,qa={}){const nd=preprocessMarkdown(Ra,qa),od=marked.lexer(nd),ld=[[]];let ud=0;function dd(pd,fd="normal"){pd.type==="text"?pd.text.split( `
` ).forEach((vd,Ad)=>{Ad!==0&&(ud++,ld.push([])),vd.split(" ").forEach(Nd=>{Nd=Nd.replace(/'/g,"'"),Nd&&ld[ud].push({content:Nd,type:fd})})}):pd.type==="strong"||pd.type==="em"?pd.tokens.forEach(md=>{dd(md,pd.type)}):pd.type==="html"&&ld[ud].push({content:pd.text,type:"normal"})}return __name(dd,"processNode"),od.forEach(pd=>{var fd;pd.type==="paragraph"?(fd=pd.tokens)==null||fd.forEach(md=>{dd(md)}):pd.type==="html"&&ld[ud].push({content:pd.text,type:"normal"})}),ld}__name(markdownToLines,"markdownToLines");function markdownToHTML(Ra,{markdownAutoWrap:qa}={}){const nd=marked.lexer(Ra);function od(ld){var ud,dd,pd;return ld.type==="text"?qa===!1?ld.text.replace(/ \n */g,"<br/>").replace(/ /g," "):ld.text.replace(/ \n */g,"<br/>"):ld.type==="strong"? ` < strong > $ { ( ud = ld . tokens ) == null ? void 0 : ud . map ( od ) . join ( "" ) } < / s t r o n g > ` : l d . t y p e = = = " e m " ? ` < e m > $ { ( d d = l d . t o k e n s ) = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : d d . m a p ( o d ) . j o i n ( " " ) } < / e m > ` : l d . t y p e = = = " p a r a g r a p h " ? ` < p > $ { ( p d = l d . t o k e n s ) = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : p d . m a p ( o d ) . j o i n ( " " ) } < / p > ` : l d . t y p e = = = " s p a c e " ? " " : l d . t y p e = = = " h t m l " ? ` $ { l d . t e x t } ` : l d . t y p e = = = " e s c a p e " ? l d . t e x t : ` U n s u p p o r t e d m a r k d o w n : $ { l d . t y p e } ` } r e t u r n _ _ n a m e ( o d , " o u t p u t " ) , n d . m a p ( o d ) . j o i n ( " " ) } _ _ n a m e ( m a r k d o w n T o H T M L , " m a r k d o w n T o H T M L " ) ; f u n c t i o n s p l i t T e x t T o C h a r s ( R a ) { r e t u r n I n t l . S e g m e n t e r ? [ . . . n e w I n t l . S e g m e n t e r ( ) . s e g m e n t ( R a ) ] . m a p ( q a = > q a . s e g m e n t ) : [ . . . R a ] } _ _ n a m e ( s p l i t T e x t T o C h a r s , " s p l i t T e x t T o C h a r s " ) ; f u n c t i o n s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h ( R a , q a ) { c o n s t n d = s p l i t T e x t T o C h a r s ( q a . c o n t e n t ) ; r e t u r n s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h R e c u r s i o n ( R a , [ ] , n d , q a . t y p e ) } _ _ n a m e ( s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h , " s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h " ) ; f u n c t i o n s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h R e c u r s i o n ( R a , q a , n d , o d ) { i f ( n d . l e n g t h = = = 0 ) r e t u r n [ { c o n t e n t : q a . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : o d } , { c o n t e n t : " " , t y p e : o d } ] ; c o n s t [ l d , . . . u d ] = n d , d d = [ . . . q a , l d ] ; r e t u r n R a ( [ { c o n t e n t : d d . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : o d } ] ) ? s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h R e c u r s i o n ( R a , d d , u d , o d ) : ( q a . l e n g t h = = = 0 & & l d & & ( q a . p u s h ( l d ) , n d . s h i f t ( ) ) , [ { c o n t e n t : q a . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : o d } , { c o n t e n t : n d . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : o d } ] ) } _ _ n a m e ( s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h R e c u r s i o n , " s p l i t W o r d T o F i t W i d t h R e c u r s i o n " ) ; f u n c t i o n s p l i t L i n e T o F i t W i d t h ( R a , q a ) { i f ( R a . s o m e ( ( { c o n t e n t : n d } ) = > n d . i n c l u d e s ( `
` )))throw new Error("splitLineToFitWidth does not support newlines in the line");return splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(Ra,qa)}__name(splitLineToFitWidth,"splitLineToFitWidth");function splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(Ra,qa,nd=[],od=[]){if(Ra.length===0)return od.length>0&&nd.push(od),nd.length>0?nd:[];let ld="";Ra[0].content===" "&&(ld=" ",Ra.shift());const ud=Ra.shift()??{content:" ",type:"normal"},dd=[...od];if(ld!==""&&dd.push({content:ld,type:"normal"}),dd.push(ud),qa(dd))return splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(Ra,qa,nd,dd);if(od.length>0)nd.push(od),Ra.unshift(ud);else if(ud.content){const[pd,fd]=splitWordToFitWidth(qa,ud);nd.push([pd]),fd.content&&Ra.unshift(fd)}return splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(Ra,qa,nd)}__name(splitLineToFitWidthRecursion,"splitLineToFitWidthRecursion");function applyStyle $ 1(Ra,qa){qa&&Ra.attr("style",qa)}__name(applyStyle $ 1,"applyStyle");async function addHtmlSpan(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld=!1){const ud=Ra.append("foreignObject");ud.attr("width", ` $ { 10 * nd } px ` ),ud.attr("height", ` $ { 10 * nd } px ` );const dd=ud.append("xhtml:div");let pd=qa.label;qa.label&&hasKatex(qa.label)&&(pd=await renderKatex(qa.label.replace(common_default.lineBreakRegex, `
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` ),getConfig2()));const fd=qa.isNode?"nodeLabel":"edgeLabel",md=dd.append("span");md.html(pd),applyStyle $ 1(md,qa.labelStyle),md.attr("class", ` $ { fd } $ { od } ` ),applyStyle $ 1(dd,qa.labelStyle),dd.style("display","table-cell"),dd.style("white-space","nowrap"),dd.style("line-height","1.5"),dd.style("max-width",nd+"px"),dd.style("text-align","center"),dd.attr("xmlns","http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"),ld&&dd.attr("class","labelBkg");let vd=dd.node().getBoundingClientRect();return vd.width===nd&&(dd.style("display","table"),dd.style("white-space","break-spaces"),dd.style("width",nd+"px"),vd=dd.node().getBoundingClientRect()),ud.node()}__name(addHtmlSpan,"addHtmlSpan");function createTspan(Ra,qa,nd){return Ra.append("tspan").attr("class","text-outer-tspan").attr("x",0).attr("y",qa*nd-.1+"em").attr("dy",nd+"em")}__name(createTspan,"createTspan");function computeWidthOfText(Ra,qa,nd){const od=Ra.append("text"),ld=createTspan(od,1,qa);updateTextContentAndStyles(ld,nd);const ud=ld.node().getComputedTextLength();return od.remove(),ud}__name(computeWidthOfText,"computeWidthOfText");function computeDimensionOfText(Ra,qa,nd){var dd;const od=Ra.append("text"),ld=createTspan(od,1,qa);updateTextContentAndStyles(ld,[{content:nd,type:"normal"}]);const ud=(dd=ld.node())==null?void 0:dd.getBoundingClientRect();return ud&&od.remove(),ud}__name(computeDimensionOfText,"computeDimensionOfText");function createFormattedText(Ra,qa,nd,od=!1){const ud=qa.append("g"),dd=ud.insert("rect").attr("class","background").attr("style","stroke: none"),pd=ud.append("text").attr("y","-10.1");let fd=0;for(const md of nd){const vd=__name(Nd=>computeWidthOfText(ud,1.1,Nd)<=Ra,"checkWidth"),Ad=vd(md)?[md]:splitLineToFitWidth(md,vd);for(const Nd of Ad){const Od=createTspan(pd,fd,1.1);updateTextContentAndStyles(Od,Nd),fd++}}if(od){const md=pd.node().getBBox(),vd=2;return dd.attr("x",md.x-vd).attr("y",md.y-vd).attr("width",md.width+2*vd).attr("height",md.height+2*vd),ud.node()}else return pd.node()}__name(createFormattedText,"createFormattedText");function updateTextContentAndStyles(Ra,qa){Ra.text(""),qa.forEach((nd,od)=>{const ld=Ra.append("tspan").attr("font-style",nd.type==="em"?"italic":"normal").attr("class","text-inner-tspan").attr("font-weight",nd.type==="strong"?"bold":"normal");od===0?ld.text(nd.content):ld.text(" "+nd.content)})}__name(updateTextContentAndStyles,"updateTextContentAndStyles");function replaceIconSubstring(Ra){return Ra.replace(/fa[bklrs]?:fa-[ \w -]+/g,qa=> ` < i class = '${qa.replace(":"," ")}' > < /i>`)}__name(replaceIconSubstring,"replaceIconSubstring");var createText=__name(async(Ra,qa="",{style:nd="",isTitle:od=!1,classes:ld="",useHtmlLabels:ud=!0,isNode:dd=!0,width:pd=200,addSvgBackground:fd=!1}={},md)=>{if(log$1.debug("XYZ createText",qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd,"addSvgBackground: ",fd),ud){const vd=markdownToHTML(qa,md),Ad=replaceIconSubstring(decodeEntities(vd)),Nd=qa.replace(/ \ \ \ \ / g , "\\" ) , Od = { isNode : dd , label : hasKatex ( qa ) ? Nd : Ad , labelStyle : nd . replace ( "fill:" , "color:" ) } ; return await addHtmlSpan ( Ra , Od , pd , ld , fd ) } else { const vd = qa . replace ( /<br\s*\/?>/g , "<br/>" ) , Ad = markdownToLines ( vd . replace ( "<br>" , "<br/>" ) , md ) , Nd = createFormattedText ( pd , Ra , Ad , qa ? fd : ! 1 ) ; if ( dd ) { /stroke:/ . exec ( nd ) && ( nd = nd . replace ( "stroke:" , "lineColor:" ) ) ; const Od = nd . replace ( /stroke:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /stroke-width:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /fill:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /color:/g , "fill:" ) ; select ( Nd ) . attr ( "style" , Od ) } else { const Od = nd . replace ( /stroke:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /stroke-width:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /fill:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /background:/g , "fill:" ) ; select ( Nd ) . select ( "rect" ) . attr ( "style" , Od . replace ( /background:/g , "fill:" ) ) ; const kd = nd . replace ( /stroke:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /stroke-width:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /fill:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /color:/g , "fill:" ) ; select ( Nd ) . select ( "text" ) . attr ( "style" , kd ) } return Nd } } , "createText" ) ; function t$1 ( Ra , qa , nd ) { if ( Ra && Ra . length ) { const [ od , ld ] = qa , ud = Math . PI / 180 * nd , dd = Math . cos ( ud ) , pd = Math . sin ( ud ) ; for ( const fd of Ra ) { const [ md , vd ] = fd ; fd [ 0 ] = ( md - od ) * dd - ( vd - ld ) * pd + od , fd [ 1 ] = ( md - od ) * pd + ( vd - ld ) * dd + ld } } } function e$1 ( Ra , qa ) { return Ra [ 0 ] === qa [ 0 ] && Ra [ 1 ] === qa [ 1 ] } function s$1 ( Ra , qa , nd
` ),getConfig2()));const ld=Ra.isNode?"nodeLabel":"edgeLabel";return nd.html('<span class="'+ld+'" '+(Ra.labelStyle?'style="'+Ra.labelStyle+'"':"")+">"+od+"</span>"),applyStyle(nd,Ra.labelStyle),nd.style("display","inline-block"),nd.style("padding-right","1px"),nd.style("white-space","nowrap"),nd.attr("xmlns","http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"),qa.node()}__name(addHtmlLabel,"addHtmlLabel");var createLabel=__name(async(Ra,qa,nd,od)=>{let ld=Ra||"";if(typeof ld=="object"&&(ld=ld[0]),evaluate(getConfig2().flowchart.htmlLabels)){ld=ld.replace(/ \\ n| \n /g,"<br />"),log $ 1.info("vertexText"+ld);const ud={isNode:od,label:decodeEntities(ld).replace(/fa[blrs]?:fa-[ \w -]+/g,pd=> ` < i class = '${pd.replace(":"," ")}' > < /i>`),labelStyle:qa&&qa.replace("fill:","color:")};return await addHtmlLabel(ud)}else{const ud=document.createElementNS("http:/ / www . w3 . org / 2000 / svg "," text ");ud.setAttribute(" style ",qa.replace(" color : "," fill : "));let dd=[];typeof ld==" string "?dd=ld.split(/\\n|\n|<br\s*\/?>/gi):Array.isArray(ld)?dd=ld:dd=[];for(const pd of dd){const fd=document.createElementNS(" http : //www.w3.org/2000/svg","tspan");fd.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace","xml:space","preserve"),fd.setAttribute("dy","1em"),fd.setAttribute("x","0"),nd?fd.setAttribute("class","title-row"):fd.setAttribute("class","row"),fd.textContent=pd.trim(),ud.appendChild(fd)}return ud}},"createLabel"),createLabel_default=createLabel,createRoundedRectPathD=__name((Ra,qa,nd,od,ld)=>["M",Ra+ld,qa,"H",Ra+nd-ld,"A",ld,ld,0,0,1,Ra+nd,qa+ld,"V",qa+od-ld,"A",ld,ld,0,0,1,Ra+nd-ld,qa+od,"H",Ra+ld,"A",ld,ld,0,0,1,Ra,qa+od-ld,"V",qa+ld,"A",ld,ld,0,0,1,Ra+ld,qa,"Z"].join(" "),"createRoundedRectPathD"),solidStateFill=__name(Ra=>{const{handDrawnSeed:qa}=getConfig2();return{fill:Ra,hachureAngle:120,hachureGap:4,fillWeight:2,roughness:.7,stroke:Ra,seed:qa}},"solidStateFill"),compileStyles=__name(Ra=>{const qa=styles2Map([...Ra.cssCompiledStyles||[],...Ra.cssStyles||[]]);return{stylesMap:qa,stylesArray:[...qa]}},"compileStyles"),styles2Map=__name(Ra=>{const qa=new Map;return Ra.forEach(nd=>{const[od,ld]=nd.split(":");qa.set(od.trim(),ld==null?void 0:ld.trim())}),qa},"styles2Map"),styles2String=__name(Ra=>{const{stylesArray:qa}=compileStyles(Ra),nd=[],od=[],ld=[],ud=[];return qa.forEach(dd=>{const pd=dd[0];pd==="color"||pd==="font-size"||pd==="font-family"||pd==="font-weight"||pd==="font-style"||pd==="text-decoration"||pd==="text-align"||pd==="text-transform"||pd==="line-height"||pd==="letter-spacing"||pd==="word-spacing"||pd==="text-shadow"||pd==="text-overflow"||pd==="white-space"||pd==="word-wrap"||pd==="word-break"||pd==="overflow-wrap"||pd==="hyphens"?nd.push(dd.join(":")+" !important"):(od.push(dd.join(":")+" !important"),pd.includes("stroke")&&ld.push(dd.join(":")+" !important"),pd==="fill"&&ud.push(dd.join(":")+" !important"))}),{labelStyles:nd.join(";"),nodeStyles:od.join(";"),stylesArray:qa,borderStyles:ld,backgroundStyles:ud}},"styles2String"),userNodeOverrides=__name((Ra,qa)=>{var fd;const{themeVariables:nd,handDrawnSeed:od}=getConfig2(),{nodeBorder:ld,mainBkg:ud}=nd,{stylesMap:dd}=compileStyles(Ra);return Object.assign({roughness:.7,fill:dd.get("fill")||ud,fillStyle:"hachure",fillWeight:4,hachureGap:5.2,stroke:dd.get("stroke")||ld,seed:od,strokeWidth:((fd=dd.get("stroke-width"))==null?void 0:fd.replace("px",""))||1.3,fillLineDash:[0,0]},qa)},"userNodeOverrides"),rect=__name(async(Ra,qa)=>{log$1.info("Creating subgraph rect for ",qa.id,qa);const nd=getConfig2(),{themeVariables:od,handDrawnSeed:ld}=nd,{clusterBkg:ud,clusterBorder:dd}=od,{labelStyles:pd,nodeStyles:fd,borderStyles:md,backgroundStyles:vd}=styles2String(qa),Ad=Ra.insert("g").attr("class","cluster "+qa.cssClasses).attr("id",qa.id).attr("data-look",qa.look),Nd=evaluate(nd.flowchart.htmlLabels),Od=Ad.insert("g").attr("class","cluster-label "),kd=await createText(Od,qa.label,{style:qa.labelStyle,useHtmlLabels:Nd,isNode:!0});let Ld=kd.getBBox();if(evaluate(nd.flowchart.htmlLabels)){const Xd=kd.children[0],yf=select(kd);Ld=Xd.getBoundingClientRect(),yf.attr("width",Ld.width),yf.attr("height",Ld.height)}const Gd=qa.wi
M $ { ld . x } , $ { ld . y } L $ { dd . x } , $ { dd . y } ` }__name(createLine,"createLine");function crossedCircle(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd,qa.label="";const ld=Ra.insert("g").attr("class",getNodeClasses(qa)).attr("id",qa.domId??qa.id),ud=Math.max(30,(qa==null?void 0:qa.width)??0),{cssStyles:dd}=qa,pd=at $ 3.svg(ld),fd=userNodeOverrides(qa,{});qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&(fd.roughness=0,fd.fillStyle="solid");const md=pd.circle(0,0,ud*2,fd),vd=createLine(ud),Ad=pd.path(vd,fd),Nd=ld.insert(()=>md,":first-child");return Nd.insert(()=>Ad),dd&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Nd.selectAll("path").attr("style",dd),od&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Nd.selectAll("path").attr("style",od),updateNodeBounds(qa,Nd),qa.intersect=function(Od){return log $ 1.info("crossedCircle intersect",qa,{radius:ud,point:Od}),intersect_default.circle(qa,ud,Od)},ld}__name(crossedCircle,"crossedCircle");function generateCirclePoints2(Ra,qa,nd,od=100,ld=0,ud=180){const dd=[],pd=ld*Math.PI/180,vd=(ud*Math.PI/180-pd)/(od-1);for(let Ad=0;Ad<od;Ad++){const Nd=pd+Ad*vd,Od=Ra+nd*Math.cos(Nd),kd=qa+nd*Math.sin(Nd);dd.push({x:-Od,y:-kd})}return dd}__name(generateCirclePoints2,"generateCirclePoints");async function curlyBraceLeft(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud,label:dd}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),pd=ud.width+(qa.padding??0),fd=ud.height+(qa.padding??0),md=Math.max(5,fd*.1),{cssStyles:vd}=qa,Ad=[...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2,-fd/2,md,30,-90,0),{x:-pd/2-md,y:md},...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2+md*2,-md,md,20,-180,-270),...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2+md*2,md,md,20,-90,-180),{x:-pd/2-md,y:-fd/2},...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2,fd/2,md,20,0,90)],Nd=[{x:pd/2,y:-fd/2-md},{x:-pd/2,y:-fd/2-md},...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2,-fd/2,md,20,-90,0),{x:-pd/2-md,y:-md},...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2+pd*.1,-md,md,20,-180,-270),...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2+pd*.1,md,md,20,-90,-180),{x:-pd/2-md,y:fd/2},...generateCirclePoints2(pd/2,fd/2,md,20,0,90),{x:-pd/2,y:fd/2+md},{x:pd/2,y:fd/2+md}],Od=at $ 3.svg(ld),kd=userNodeOverrides(qa,{fill:"none"});qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&(kd.roughness=0,kd.fillStyle="solid");const Gd=createPathFromPoints(Ad).replace("Z",""),Ud=Od.path(Gd,kd),Fd=createPathFromPoints(Nd),Hd=Od.path(Fd,{...kd}),Vd=ld.insert("g",":first-child");return Vd.insert(()=>Hd,":first-child").attr("stroke-opacity",0),Vd.insert(()=>Ud,":first-child"),Vd.attr("class","text"),vd&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Vd.selectAll("path").attr("style",vd),od&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Vd.selectAll("path").attr("style",od),Vd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { md } , 0 ) ` ),dd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - pd / 2 + md - ( ud . x - ( ud . left ? ? 0 ) ) } , $ { - fd / 2 + ( qa . padding ? ? 0 ) / 2 - ( ud . y - ( ud . top ? ? 0 ) ) } ) ` ),updateNodeBounds(qa,Vd),qa.intersect=function(zd){return intersect_default.polygon(qa,Nd,zd)},ld}__name(curlyBraceLeft,"curlyBraceLeft");function generateCirclePoints3(Ra,qa,nd,od=100,ld=0,ud=180){const dd=[],pd=ld*Math.PI/180,vd=(ud*Math.PI/180-pd)/(od-1);for(let Ad=0;Ad<od;Ad++){const Nd=pd+Ad*vd,Od=Ra+nd*Math.cos(Nd),kd=qa+nd*Math.sin(Nd);dd.push({x:Od,y:kd})}return dd}__name(generateCirclePoints3,"generateCirclePoints");async function curlyBraceRight(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud,label:dd}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),pd=ud.width+(qa.padding??0),fd=ud.height+(qa.padding??0),md=Math.max(5,fd*.1),{cssStyles:vd}=qa,Ad=[...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2,-fd/2,md,20,-90,0),{x:pd/2+md,y:-md},...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2+md*2,-md,md,20,-180,-270),...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2+md*2,md,md,20,-90,-180),{x:pd/2+md,y:fd/2},...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2,fd/2,md,20,0,90)],Nd=[{x:-pd/2,y:-fd/2-md},{x:pd/2,y:-fd/2-md},...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2,-fd/2,md,20,-90,0),{x:pd/2+md,y:-md},...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2+md*2,-md,md,20,-180,-270),...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2+md*2,md,md,20,-90,-180),{x:pd/2+md,y:fd/2},...generateCirclePoints3(pd/2,fd/2,md,20,0,90),{x:pd/2,y:fd/2+md},{x:-pd/2,y:fd/2+md}],Od=at $ 3.svg(ld),kd=userNodeOverrides(qa,{fill:"none"});qa.look!
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
point : ` ,Nd, `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
node :
` ,qa, `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
res : ` ,intersect_default.polygon(qa,md,Nd)),intersect_default.polygon(qa,md,Nd)},ld}__name(question,"question");async function rect_left_inv_arrow(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud,label:dd}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),pd=Math.max(ud.width+(qa.padding??0),(qa==null?void 0:qa.width)??0),fd=Math.max(ud.height+(qa.padding??0),(qa==null?void 0:qa.height)??0),md=-pd/2,vd=-fd/2,Ad=vd/2,Nd=[{x:md+Ad,y:vd},{x:md,y:0},{x:md+Ad,y:-vd},{x:-md,y:-vd},{x:-md,y:vd}],{cssStyles:Od}=qa,kd=at $ 3.svg(ld),Ld=userNodeOverrides(qa,{});qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&(Ld.roughness=0,Ld.fillStyle="solid");const Gd=createPathFromPoints(Nd),Ud=kd.path(Gd,Ld),Fd=ld.insert(()=>Ud,":first-child");return Fd.attr("class","basic label-container"),Od&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Fd.selectAll("path").attr("style",Od),od&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Fd.selectAll("path").attr("style",od),Fd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - Ad / 2 } , 0 ) ` ),dd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - Ad / 2 - ud . width / 2 - ( ud . x - ( ud . left ? ? 0 ) ) } , $ { - ( ud . height / 2 ) - ( ud . y - ( ud . top ? ? 0 ) ) } ) ` ),updateNodeBounds(qa,Fd),qa.intersect=function(Hd){return intersect_default.polygon(qa,Nd,Hd)},ld}__name(rect_left_inv_arrow,"rect_left_inv_arrow");async function rectWithTitle(Ra,qa){var yf,Qd;const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;let ld;qa.cssClasses?ld="node "+qa.cssClasses:ld="node default";const ud=Ra.insert("g").attr("class",ld).attr("id",qa.domId||qa.id),dd=ud.insert("g"),pd=ud.insert("g").attr("class","label").attr("style",od),fd=qa.description,md=qa.label,vd=pd.node().appendChild(await createLabel_default(md,qa.labelStyle,!0,!0));let Ad={width:0,height:0};if(evaluate((Qd=(yf=getConfig2())==null?void 0:yf.flowchart)==null?void 0:Qd.htmlLabels)){const pf=vd.children[0],mf=select(vd);Ad=pf.getBoundingClientRect(),mf.attr("width",Ad.width),mf.attr("height",Ad.height)}log $ 1.info("Text 2",fd);const Nd=fd||[],Od=vd.getBBox(),kd=pd.node().appendChild(await createLabel_default(Nd.join?Nd.join("<br/>"):Nd,qa.labelStyle,!0,!0)),Ld=kd.children[0],Gd=select(kd);Ad=Ld.getBoundingClientRect(),Gd.attr("width",Ad.width),Gd.attr("height",Ad.height);const Ud=(qa.padding||0)/2;select(kd).attr("transform","translate( "+(Ad.width>Od.width?0:(Od.width-Ad.width)/2)+", "+(Od.height+Ud+5)+")"),select(vd).attr("transform","translate( "+(Ad.width<Od.width?0:-(Od.width-Ad.width)/2)+", 0)"),Ad=pd.node().getBBox(),pd.attr("transform","translate("+-Ad.width/2+", "+(-Ad.height/2-Ud+3)+")");const Fd=Ad.width+(qa.padding||0),Hd=Ad.height+(qa.padding||0),Vd=-Ad.width/2-Ud,zd=-Ad.height/2-Ud;let Yd,Xd;if(qa.look==="handDrawn"){const pf=at $ 3.svg(ud),mf=userNodeOverrides(qa,{}),Tf=pf.path(createRoundedRectPathD(Vd,zd,Fd,Hd,qa.rx||0),mf),vf=pf.line(-Ad.width/2-Ud,-Ad.height/2-Ud+Od.height+Ud,Ad.width/2+Ud,-Ad.height/2-Ud+Od.height+Ud,mf);Xd=ud.insert(()=>(log $ 1.debug("Rough node insert CXC",Tf),vf),":first-child"),Yd=ud.insert(()=>(log $ 1.debug("Rough node insert CXC",Tf),Tf),":first-child")}else Yd=dd.insert("rect",":first-child"),Xd=dd.insert("line"),Yd.attr("class","outer title-state").attr("style",od).attr("x",-Ad.width/2-Ud).attr("y",-Ad.height/2-Ud).attr("width",Ad.width+(qa.padding||0)).attr("height",Ad.height+(qa.padding||0)),Xd.attr("class","divider").attr("x1",-Ad.width/2-Ud).attr("x2",Ad.width/2+Ud).attr("y1",-Ad.height/2-Ud+Od.height+Ud).attr("y2",-Ad.height/2-Ud+Od.height+Ud);return updateNodeBounds(qa,Yd),qa.intersect=function(pf){return intersect_default.rect(qa,pf)},ud}__name(rectWithTitle,"rectWithTitle");async function roundedRect(Ra,qa){const nd={rx:5,ry:5,classes:"",labelPaddingX:((qa==null?void 0:qa.padding)||0)*1,labelPaddingY:((qa==null?void 0:qa.padding)||0)*1};return drawRect(Ra,qa,nd)}__name(roundedRect,"roundedRect");async function shadedProcess(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud,label:dd}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),pd=(qa==null?void 0:qa.padding)??0,fd=Math.max(ud.width+(qa.padding??0)*2,(qa==null?void 0:qa.width)??0),md=Math.max(ud.height+(
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
a$ { ld } , $ { ud } 0 , 0 , 1 0 , $ { - od }
l$ { nd } , 0
a$ { ld } , $ { ud } 0 , 0 , 1 0 , $ { od }
M$ { nd } , $ { - od }
a$ { ld } , $ { ud } 0 , 0 , 0 0 , $ { od }
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
l$ { - nd } , 0 ` ,"createCylinderPathD"),createOuterCylinderPathD3=__name((Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud)=>[ ` M$ { Ra } , $ { qa } ` , ` M$ { Ra + nd } , $ { qa } ` , ` a$ { ld } , $ { ud } 0 , 0 , 0 0 , $ { - od } ` , ` l$ { - nd } , 0 ` , ` a$ { ld } , $ { ud } 0 , 0 , 0 0 , $ { od } ` , ` l$ { nd } , 0 ` ].join(" "),"createOuterCylinderPathD"),createInnerCylinderPathD3=__name((Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud)=>[ ` M$ { Ra + nd / 2 } , $ { - od / 2 } ` , ` a$ { ld } , $ { ud } 0 , 0 , 0 0 , $ { od } ` ].join(" "),"createInnerCylinderPathD");async function tiltedCylinder(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud,label:dd,halfPadding:pd}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),fd=qa.look==="neo"?pd*2:pd,md=ud.height+fd,vd=md/2,Ad=vd/(2.5+md/50),Nd=ud.width+Ad+fd,{cssStyles:Od}=qa;let kd;if(qa.look==="handDrawn"){const Ld=at $ 3.svg(ld),Gd=createOuterCylinderPathD3(0,0,Nd,md,Ad,vd),Ud=createInnerCylinderPathD3(0,0,Nd,md,Ad,vd),Fd=Ld.path(Gd,userNodeOverrides(qa,{})),Hd=Ld.path(Ud,userNodeOverrides(qa,{fill:"none"}));kd=ld.insert(()=>Hd,":first-child"),kd=ld.insert(()=>Fd,":first-child"),kd.attr("class","basic label-container"),Od&&kd.attr("style",Od)}else{const Ld=createCylinderPathD3(0,0,Nd,md,Ad,vd);kd=ld.insert("path",":first-child").attr("d",Ld).attr("class","basic label-container").attr("style",handleUndefinedAttr(Od)).attr("style",od),kd.attr("class","basic label-container"),Od&&kd.selectAll("path").attr("style",Od),od&&kd.selectAll("path").attr("style",od)}return kd.attr("label-offset-x",Ad),kd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - Nd / 2 } , $ { md / 2 } ) ` ),dd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - ( ud . width / 2 ) - Ad - ( ud . x - ( ud . left ? ? 0 ) ) } , $ { - ( ud . height / 2 ) - ( ud . y - ( ud . top ? ? 0 ) ) } ) ` ),updateNodeBounds(qa,kd),qa.intersect=function(Ld){const Gd=intersect_default.rect(qa,Ld),Ud=Gd.y-(qa.y??0);if(vd!=0&&(Math.abs(Ud)<(qa.height??0)/2||Math.abs(Ud)==(qa.height??0)/2&&Math.abs(Gd.x-(qa.x??0))>(qa.width??0)/2-Ad)){let Fd=Ad*Ad*(1-Ud*Ud/(vd*vd));Fd!=0&&(Fd=Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Fd))),Fd=Ad-Fd,Ld.x-(qa.x??0)>0&&(Fd=-Fd),Gd.x+=Fd}return Gd},ld}__name(tiltedCylinder,"tiltedCylinder");async function trapezoid(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),dd=ud.width+qa.padding,pd=ud.height+qa.padding,fd=[{x:-3*pd/6,y:0},{x:dd+3*pd/6,y:0},{x:dd,y:-pd},{x:0,y:-pd}];let md;const{cssStyles:vd}=qa;if(qa.look==="handDrawn"){const Ad=at $ 3.svg(ld),Nd=userNodeOverrides(qa,{}),Od=createPathFromPoints(fd),kd=Ad.path(Od,Nd);md=ld.insert(()=>kd,":first-child").attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - dd / 2 } , $ { pd / 2 } ) ` ),vd&&md.attr("style",vd)}else md=insertPolygonShape(ld,dd,pd,fd);return od&&md.attr("style",od),qa.width=dd,qa.height=pd,updateNodeBounds(qa,md),qa.intersect=function(Ad){return intersect_default.polygon(qa,fd,Ad)},ld}__name(trapezoid,"trapezoid");async function trapezoidalPentagon(Ra,qa){const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),dd=60,pd=20,fd=Math.max(dd,ud.width+(qa.padding??0)*2,(qa==null?void 0:qa.width)??0),md=Math.max(pd,ud.height+(qa.padding??0)*2,(qa==null?void 0:qa.height)??0),{cssStyles:vd}=qa,Ad=at $ 3.svg(ld),Nd=userNodeOverrides(qa,{});qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&(Nd.roughness=0,Nd.fillStyle="solid");const Od=[{x:-fd/2*.8,y:-md/2},{x:fd/2*.8,y:-md/2},{x:fd/2,y:-md/2*.6},{x:fd/2,y:md/2},{x:-fd/2,y:md/2},{x:-fd/2,y:-md/2*.6}],kd=createPathFromPoints(Od),Ld=Ad.path(kd,Nd),Gd=ld.insert(()=>Ld,":first-child");return Gd.attr("class","basic label-container"),vd&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Gd.selectChildren("path").attr("style",vd),od&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Gd.selectChildren("path").attr("style",od),updateNodeBounds(qa,Gd),qa.intersect=function(Ud){return intersect_default.polygon(qa,Od,Ud)},ld}__name(trapezoidalPentagon,"trapezoidalPentagon");async function triangle(Ra,qa){var Fd;const{labelStyles:nd,nodeStyles:od}=styles2String(qa);qa.labelStyle=nd;const{shapeSvg:ld,bbox:ud,label:dd}=await labelHelper(Ra,qa,getNodeClasses(qa)),pd=evaluate((Fd=getConfig2().flowchart)==null?void 0:Fd.htmlLabels),fd=ud.width+(qa.padding??0),md=fd+ud.height,vd=fd+ud.height,Ad=[{x:0,y
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
M$ { vd - md } , $ { Ad } L$ { vd + pd } , $ { Ad }
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
M$ { vd } , $ { Ad - md } L$ { vd } , $ { Ad + fd } ` ;qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&(kd.roughness=0,kd.fillStyle="solid");const Ud=Od.path(Gd,kd),Fd=ld.insert(()=>Ud,":first-child");return Fd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { md / 2 } , $ { md / 2 } ) ` ),Fd.attr("class","basic label-container"),Nd&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Fd.selectAll("path").attr("style",Nd),od&&qa.look!=="handDrawn"&&Fd.selectAll("path").attr("style",od),dd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - ( ud . width / 2 ) + md / 2 - ( ud . x - ( ud . left ? ? 0 ) ) } , $ { - ( ud . height / 2 ) + md / 2 - ( ud . y - ( ud . top ? ? 0 ) ) } ) ` ),updateNodeBounds(qa,Fd),qa.intersect=function(Hd){return intersect_default.polygon(qa,Ld,Hd)},ld}__name(windowPane,"windowPane");async function textHelper(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld=nd.class.padding??12){const ud=od?0:3,dd=Ra.insert("g").attr("class",getNodeClasses(qa)).attr("id",qa.domId||qa.id);let pd=null,fd=null,md=null,vd=null,Ad=0,Nd=0,Od=0;if(pd=dd.insert("g").attr("class","annotation-group text"),qa.annotations.length>0){const Fd=qa.annotations[0];await addText(pd,{text: ` « $ { Fd } » ` },0),Ad=pd.node().getBBox().height}fd=dd.insert("g").attr("class","label-group text"),await addText(fd,qa,0,["font-weight: bolder"]);const kd=fd.node().getBBox();Nd=kd.height,md=dd.insert("g").attr("class","members-group text");let Ld=0;for(const Fd of qa.members){const Hd=await addText(md,Fd,Ld,[Fd.parseClassifier()]);Ld+=Hd+ud}Od=md.node().getBBox().height,Od<=0&&(Od=ld/2),vd=dd.insert("g").attr("class","methods-group text");let Gd=0;for(const Fd of qa.methods){const Hd=await addText(vd,Fd,Gd,[Fd.parseClassifier()]);Gd+=Hd+ud}let Ud=dd.node().getBBox();if(pd!==null){const Fd=pd.node().getBBox();pd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - Fd . width / 2 } ) ` )}return fd.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - kd . width / 2 } , $ { Ad } ) ` ),Ud=dd.node().getBBox(),md.attr("transform", ` translate ( 0 , $ { Ad + Nd + ld * 2 } ) ` ),Ud=dd.node().getBBox(),vd.attr("transform", ` translate ( 0 , $ { Ad + Nd + ( Od ? Od + ld * 4 : ld * 2 ) } ) ` ),Ud=dd.node().getBBox(),{shapeSvg:dd,bbox:Ud}}__name(textHelper,"textHelper");async function addText(Ra,qa,nd,od=[]){const ld=Ra.insert("g").attr("class","label").attr("style",od.join("; ")),ud=getConfig $ 1();let dd="useHtmlLabels"in qa?qa.useHtmlLabels:evaluate(ud.htmlLabels)??!0,pd="";"text"in qa?pd=qa.text:pd=qa.label,!dd&&pd.startsWith(" \\ ")&&(pd=pd.substring(1)),hasKatex(pd)&&(dd=!0);const fd=await createText(ld,sanitizeText3(decodeEntities(pd)),{width:calculateTextWidth(pd,ud)+50,classes:"markdown-node-label",useHtmlLabels:dd},ud);let md,vd=1;if(dd){const Ad=fd.children[0],Nd=select(fd);vd=Ad.innerHTML.split("<br>").length,Ad.innerHTML.includes("</math>")&&(vd+=Ad.innerHTML.split("<mrow>").length-1);const Od=Ad.getElementsByTagName("img");if(Od){const kd=pd.replace(/<img[^>]*>/g,"").trim()==="";await Promise.all([...Od].map(Ld=>new Promise(Gd=>{function Ud(){var Fd;if(Ld.style.display="flex",Ld.style.flexDirection="column",kd){const Hd=((Fd=ud.fontSize)==null?void 0:Fd.toString())??window.getComputedStyle(document.body).fontSize,zd=parseInt(Hd,10)*5+"px";Ld.style.minWidth=zd,Ld.style.maxWidth=zd}else Ld.style.width="100%";Gd(Ld)}__name(Ud,"setupImage"),setTimeout(()=>{Ld.complete&&Ud()}),Ld.addEventListener("error",Ud),Ld.addEventListener("load",Ud)})))}md=Ad.getBoundingClientRect(),Nd.attr("width",md.width),Nd.attr("height",md.height)}else{od.includes("font-weight: bolder")&&select(fd).selectAll("tspan").attr("font-weight",""),vd=fd.children.length;const Ad=fd.children[0];(fd.textContent===""||fd.textContent.includes(">"))&&(Ad.textContent=pd[0]+pd.substring(1).replaceAll(">",">").replaceAll("<","<").trim(),pd[1]===" "&&(Ad.textContent=Ad.textContent[0]+" "+Ad.textContent.substring(1))),Ad.textContent==="undefined"&&(Ad.textContent=""),md=fd.getBBox()}return ld.attr("transform","translate(0,"+(-md.height/(2*vd)+nd)+")"),md.height}__name(addText,"addText");async function classBox(Ra,qa){var Qd,pf;const nd=getConfig2(),od=nd.class.padding??12,ld=od,ud=qa.useHtmlLabels??evaluate(nd.htmlLabels)??!0,dd=qa;dd.annotations=dd.annotations??[],dd.members=dd.members??[],dd.methods=dd.methods??[];const{shapeSvg:pd,bbox:fd}=await textHelper(Ra,qa,nd,ud,ld),{labelStyles:md,nodeSty
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
outsidePoint : $ { JSON . stringify ( qa ) }
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
insidePoint : $ { JSON . stringify ( nd ) }
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
node : x : $ { Ra . x } y : $ { Ra . y } w : $ { Ra . width } h : $ { Ra . height } ` );const od=Ra.x,ld=Ra.y,ud=Math.abs(od-nd.x),dd=Ra.width/2;let pd=nd.x<qa.x?dd-ud:dd+ud;const fd=Ra.height/2,md=Math.abs(qa.y-nd.y),vd=Math.abs(qa.x-nd.x);if(Math.abs(ld-qa.y)*dd>Math.abs(od-qa.x)*fd){let Ad=nd.y<qa.y?qa.y-fd-ld:ld-fd-qa.y;pd=vd*Ad/md;const Nd={x:nd.x<qa.x?nd.x+pd:nd.x-vd+pd,y:nd.y<qa.y?nd.y+md-Ad:nd.y-md+Ad};return pd===0&&(Nd.x=qa.x,Nd.y=qa.y),vd===0&&(Nd.x=qa.x),md===0&&(Nd.y=qa.y),log $ 1.debug( ` abc89 top / bottom calc , Q $ { md } , q $ { Ad } , R $ { vd } , r $ { pd } ` ,Nd),Nd}else{nd.x<qa.x?pd=qa.x-dd-od:pd=od-dd-qa.x;let Ad=md*pd/vd,Nd=nd.x<qa.x?nd.x+vd-pd:nd.x-vd+pd,Od=nd.y<qa.y?nd.y+Ad:nd.y-Ad;return log $ 1.debug( ` sides calc abc89 , Q $ { md } , q $ { Ad } , R $ { vd } , r $ { pd } ` ,{_x:Nd,_y:Od}),pd===0&&(Nd=qa.x,Od=qa.y),vd===0&&(Nd=qa.x),md===0&&(Od=qa.y),{x:Nd,y:Od}}},"intersection"),cutPathAtIntersect=__name((Ra,qa)=>{log $ 1.warn("abc88 cutPathAtIntersect",Ra,qa);let nd=[],od=Ra[0],ld=!1;return Ra.forEach(ud=>{if(log $ 1.info("abc88 checking point",ud,qa),!outsideNode(qa,ud)&&!ld){const dd=intersection(qa,od,ud);log $ 1.debug("abc88 inside",ud,od,dd),log $ 1.debug("abc88 intersection",dd,qa);let pd=!1;nd.forEach(fd=>{pd=pd||fd.x===dd.x&&fd.y===dd.y}),nd.some(fd=>fd.x===dd.x&&fd.y===dd.y)?log $ 1.warn("abc88 no intersect",dd,nd):nd.push(dd),ld=!0}else log $ 1.warn("abc88 outside",ud,od),od=ud,ld||nd.push(ud)}),log $ 1.debug("returning points",nd),nd},"cutPathAtIntersect");function extractCornerPoints(Ra){const qa=[],nd=[];for(let od=1;od<Ra.length-1;od++){const ld=Ra[od-1],ud=Ra[od],dd=Ra[od+1];(ld.x===ud.x&&ud.y===dd.y&&Math.abs(ud.x-dd.x)>5&&Math.abs(ud.y-ld.y)>5||ld.y===ud.y&&ud.x===dd.x&&Math.abs(ud.x-ld.x)>5&&Math.abs(ud.y-dd.y)>5)&&(qa.push(ud),nd.push(od))}return{cornerPoints:qa,cornerPointPositions:nd}}__name(extractCornerPoints,"extractCornerPoints");var findAdjacentPoint=__name(function(Ra,qa,nd){const od=qa.x-Ra.x,ld=qa.y-Ra.y,ud=Math.sqrt(od*od+ld*ld),dd=nd/ud;return{x:qa.x-dd*od,y:qa.y-dd*ld}},"findAdjacentPoint"),fixCorners=__name(function(Ra){const{cornerPointPositions:qa}=extractCornerPoints(Ra),nd=[];for(let od=0;od<Ra.length;od++)if(qa.includes(od)){const ld=Ra[od-1],ud=Ra[od+1],dd=Ra[od],pd=findAdjacentPoint(ld,dd,5),fd=findAdjacentPoint(ud,dd,5),md=fd.x-pd.x,vd=fd.y-pd.y;nd.push(pd);const Ad=Math.sqrt(2)*2;let Nd={x:dd.x,y:dd.y};if(Math.abs(ud.x-ld.x)>10&&Math.abs(ud.y-ld.y)>=10){log $ 1.debug("Corner point fixing",Math.abs(ud.x-ld.x),Math.abs(ud.y-ld.y));const Od=5;dd.x===pd.x?Nd={x:md<0?pd.x-Od+Ad:pd.x+Od-Ad,y:vd<0?pd.y-Ad:pd.y+Ad}:Nd={x:md<0?pd.x-Ad:pd.x+Ad,y:vd<0?pd.y-Od+Ad:pd.y+Od-Ad}}else log $ 1.debug("Corner point skipping fixing",Math.abs(ud.x-ld.x),Math.abs(ud.y-ld.y));nd.push(Nd,fd)}else nd.push(Ra[od]);return nd},"fixCorners"),insertEdge=__name(function(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd){const{handDrawnSeed:pd}=getConfig2();let fd=qa.points,md=!1;const vd=ld;var Ad=ud;Ad.intersect&&vd.intersect&&(fd=fd.slice(1,qa.points.length-1),fd.unshift(vd.intersect(fd[0])),log $ 1.debug("Last point APA12",qa.start,"-->",qa.end,fd[fd.length-1],Ad,Ad.intersect(fd[fd.length-1])),fd.push(Ad.intersect(fd[fd.length-1]))),qa.toCluster&&(log $ 1.info("to cluster abc88",nd.get(qa.toCluster)),fd=cutPathAtIntersect(qa.points,nd.get(qa.toCluster).node),md=!0),qa.fromCluster&&(log $ 1.debug("from cluster abc88",nd.get(qa.fromCluster),JSON.stringify(fd,null,2)),fd=cutPathAtIntersect(fd.reverse(),nd.get(qa.fromCluster).node).reverse(),md=!0);let Nd=fd.filter(Xd=>!Number.isNaN(Xd.y));Nd=fixCorners(Nd);let Od=curveBasis;qa.curve&&(Od=qa.curve);const{x:kd,y:Ld}=getLineFunctionsWithOffset(qa),Gd=line $ 1().x(kd).y(Ld).curve(Od);let Ud;switch(qa.thickness){case"normal":Ud="edge-thickness-normal";break;case"thick":Ud="edge-thickness-thick";break;case"invisible":Ud="edge-thickness-invisible";break;default:Ud="edge-thickness-normal"}switch(qa.pattern){case"solid":Ud+=" edge-pattern-solid";break;case"dotted":Ud+=" edge-pattern-dotted";break;case"dashed":Ud+=" edge-pattern-dashed";break;default:Ud+=" edge-pattern-solid"}let Fd,Hd=Gd(Nd);const Vd=Array.isArray(qa.style)?qa.style:[qa.style];if(qa.look==="ha
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ;try{getDiagram(ld)}catch{const Ad=getDiagramLoader(ld);if(!Ad)throw new UnknownDiagramError( ` Diagram $ { ld } not found . ` );const{id:Nd,diagram:Od}=await Ad();registerDiagram(Nd,Od)}const{db:ud,parser:dd,renderer:pd,init:fd}=getDiagram(ld);return dd.parser&&(dd.parser.yy=ud),(md=ud.clear)==null||md.call(ud),fd==null||fd(od),nd.title&&((vd=ud.setDiagramTitle)==null||vd.call(ud,nd.title)),await dd.parse(qa),new UE(ld,qa,ud,dd,pd)}async render(qa,nd){await this.renderer.draw(this.text,qa,nd,this)}getParser(){return this.parser}getType(){return this.type}},__name(UE,"Diagram"),UE),interactionFunctions=[],attachFunctions=__name(()=>{interactionFunctions.forEach(Ra=>{Ra()}),interactionFunctions=[]},"attachFunctions"),cleanupComments=__name(Ra=>Ra.replace(/^ \s *%%(?!{)[^ \n ]+ \n ?/gm,"").trimStart(),"cleanupComments");function extractFrontMatter(Ra){const qa=Ra.match(frontMatterRegex);if(!qa)return{text:Ra,metadata:{}};let nd=load(qa[1],{schema:JSON_SCHEMA})??{};nd=typeof nd=="object"&&!Array.isArray(nd)?nd:{};const od={};return nd.displayMode&&(od.displayMode=nd.displayMode.toString()),nd.title&&(od.title=nd.title.toString()),nd.config&&(od.config=nd.config),{text:Ra.slice(qa[0].length),metadata:od}}__name(extractFrontMatter,"extractFrontMatter");var cleanupText=__name(Ra=>Ra.replace(/ \r \n ?/g, `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ).replace(/<( \w +)([^>]*)>/g,(qa,nd,od)=>"<"+nd+od.replace(/="([^"]*)"/g,"=' $ 1'")+">"),"cleanupText"),processFrontmatter=__name(Ra=>{const{text:qa,metadata:nd}=extractFrontMatter(Ra),{displayMode:od,title:ld,config:ud={}}=nd;return od&&(ud.gantt||(ud.gantt={}),ud.gantt.displayMode=od),{title:ld,config:ud,text:qa}},"processFrontmatter"),processDirectives=__name(Ra=>{const qa=utils_default.detectInit(Ra)??{},nd=utils_default.detectDirective(Ra,"wrap");return Array.isArray(nd)?qa.wrap=nd.some(({type:od})=>od==="wrap"):(nd==null?void 0:nd.type)==="wrap"&&(qa.wrap=!0),{text:removeDirectives(Ra),directive:qa}},"processDirectives");function preprocessDiagram(Ra){const qa=cleanupText(Ra),nd=processFrontmatter(qa),od=processDirectives(nd.text),ld=cleanAndMerge(nd.config,od.directive);return Ra=cleanupComments(od.text),{code:Ra,title:nd.title,config:ld}}__name(preprocessDiagram,"preprocessDiagram");function toBase64 $ 1(Ra){const qa=new TextEncoder().encode(Ra),nd=Array.from(qa,od=>String.fromCodePoint(od)).join("");return btoa(nd)}__name(toBase64 $ 1,"toBase64");var MAX_TEXTLENGTH=5e4,MAX_TEXTLENGTH_EXCEEDED_MSG="graph TB;a[Maximum text size in diagram exceeded];style a fill:#faa",SECURITY_LVL_SANDBOX="sandbox",SECURITY_LVL_LOOSE="loose",XMLNS_SVG_STD="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",XMLNS_XLINK_STD="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",XMLNS_XHTML_STD="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",IFRAME_WIDTH="100%",IFRAME_HEIGHT="100%",IFRAME_STYLES="border:0;margin:0;",IFRAME_BODY_STYLE="margin:0",IFRAME_SANDBOX_OPTS="allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-popups",IFRAME_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG='The "iframe" tag is not supported by your browser.',DOMPURIFY_TAGS=["foreignobject"],DOMPURIFY_ATTR=["dominant-baseline"];function processAndSetConfigs(Ra){const qa=preprocessDiagram(Ra);return reset(),addDirective(qa.config??{}),qa}__name(processAndSetConfigs,"processAndSetConfigs");async function parse(Ra,qa){addDiagrams();try{const{code:nd,config:od}=processAndSetConfigs(Ra);return{diagramType:(await getDiagramFromText(nd)).type,config:od}}catch(nd){if(qa!=null&&qa.suppressErrors)return!1;throw nd}}__name(parse,"parse");var cssImportantStyles=__name((Ra,qa,nd=[])=> `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
. $ { Ra } $ { qa } { $ { nd . join ( " !important; " ) } ! important ; } ` ,"cssImportantStyles"),createCssStyles=__name((Ra,qa=new Map)=>{var od;let nd="";if(Ra.themeCSS!==void 0&&(nd+= `
$ { Ra . themeCSS } ` ),Ra.fontFamily!==void 0&&(nd+= `
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2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
: root { -- mermaid - alt - font - family : $ { Ra . altFontFamily } } ` ),qa instanceof Map){const pd=Ra.htmlLabels??((od=Ra.flowchart)==null?void 0:od.htmlLabels)?["> *","span"]:["rect","polygon","ellipse","circle","path"];qa.forEach(fd=>{isEmpty $ 1(fd.styles)||pd.forEach(md=>{nd+=cssImportantStyles(fd.id,md,fd.styles)}),isEmpty $ 1(fd.textStyles)||(nd+=cssImportantStyles(fd.id,"tspan",((fd==null?void 0:fd.textStyles)||[]).map(md=>md.replace("color","fill"))))})}return nd},"createCssStyles"),createUserStyles=__name((Ra,qa,nd,od)=>{const ld=createCssStyles(Ra,nd),ud=styles_default(qa,ld,Ra.themeVariables);return serialize(compile( ` $ { od } { $ { ud } } ` ),stringify $ 1)},"createUserStyles"),cleanUpSvgCode=__name((Ra="",qa,nd)=>{let od=Ra;return!nd&&!qa&&(od=od.replace(/marker-end="url \( [ \d +./:=?A-Za-z-]*?#/g,'marker-end="url(#')),od=decodeEntities(od),od=od.replace(/<br>/g,"<br/>"),od},"cleanUpSvgCode"),putIntoIFrame=__name((Ra="",qa)=>{var ld,ud;const nd=(ud=(ld=qa==null?void 0:qa.viewBox)==null?void 0:ld.baseVal)!=null&&ud.height?qa.viewBox.baseVal.height+"px":IFRAME_HEIGHT,od=toBase64 $ 1( ` < body style = "${IFRAME_BODY_STYLE}" > $ { Ra } < / b o d y > ` ) ; r e t u r n ` < i f r a m e s t y l e = " w i d t h : $ { I F R A M E _ W I D T H } ; h e i g h t : $ { n d } ; $ { I F R A M E _ S T Y L E S } " s r c = " d a t a : t e x t / h t m l ; c h a r s e t = U T F - 8 ; b a s e 6 4 , $ { o d } " s a n d b o x = " $ { I F R A M E _ S A N D B O X _ O P T S } " >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
< / i f r a m e > ` } , " p u t I n t o I F r a m e " ) , a p p e n d D i v S v g G = _ _ n a m e ( ( R a , q a , n d , o d , l d ) = > { c o n s t u d = R a . a p p e n d ( " d i v " ) ; u d . a t t r ( " i d " , n d ) , o d & & u d . a t t r ( " s t y l e " , o d ) ; c o n s t d d = u d . a p p e n d ( " s v g " ) . a t t r ( " i d " , q a ) . a t t r ( " w i d t h " , " 1 0 0 % " ) . a t t r ( " x m l n s " , X M L N S _ S V G _ S T D ) ; r e t u r n l d & & d d . a t t r ( " x m l n s : x l i n k " , l d ) , d d . a p p e n d ( " g " ) , R a } , " a p p e n d D i v S v g G " ) ; f u n c t i o n s a n d b o x e d I f r a m e ( R a , q a ) { r e t u r n R a . a p p e n d ( " i f r a m e " ) . a t t r ( " i d " , q a ) . a t t r ( " s t y l e " , " w i d t h : 1 0 0 % ; h e i g h t : 1 0 0 % ; " ) . a t t r ( " s a n d b o x " , " " ) } _ _ n a m e ( s a n d b o x e d I f r a m e , " s a n d b o x e d I f r a m e " ) ; v a r r e m o v e E x i s t i n g E l e m e n t s = _ _ n a m e ( ( R a , q a , n d , o d ) = > { v a r l d , u d , d d ; ( l d = R a . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( q a ) ) = = n u l l | | l d . r e m o v e ( ) , ( u d = R a . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( n d ) ) = = n u l l | | u d . r e m o v e ( ) , ( d d = R a . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( o d ) ) = = n u l l | | d d . r e m o v e ( ) } , " r e m o v e E x i s t i n g E l e m e n t s " ) , r e n d e r = _ _ n a m e ( a s y n c f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a , n d ) { v a r T f , v f , A f , S f , D f , I f ; a d d D i a g r a m s ( ) ; c o n s t o d = p r o c e s s A n d S e t C o n f i g s ( q a ) ; q a = o d . c o d e ; c o n s t l d = g e t C o n f i g $ 1 ( ) ; l o g $ 1 . d e b u g ( l d ) , q a . l e n g t h > ( ( l d = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : l d . m a x T e x t S i z e ) ? ? M A X _ T E X T L E N G T H ) & & ( q a = M A X _ T E X T L E N G T H _ E X C E E D E D _ M S G ) ; c o n s t u d = " # " + R a , d d = " i " + R a , p d = " # " + d d , f d = " d " + R a , m d = " # " + f d , v d = _ _ n a m e ( ( ) = > { c o n s t Q f = s e l e c t ( N d ? p d : m d ) . n o d e ( ) ; Q f & & " r e m o v e " i n Q f & & Q f . r e m o v e ( ) } , " r e m o v e T e m p E l e m e n t s " ) ; l e t A d = s e l e c t ( " b o d y " ) ; c o n s t N d = l d . s e c u r i t y L e v e l = = = S E C U R I T Y _ L V L _ S A N D B O X , O d = l d . s e c u r i t y L e v e l = = = S E C U R I T Y _ L V L _ L O O S E , k d = l d . f o n t F a m i l y ; i f ( n d ! = = v o i d 0 ) { i f ( n d & & ( n d . i n n e r H T M L = " " ) , N d ) { c o n s t G f = s a n d b o x e d I f r a m e ( s e l e c t ( n d ) , d d ) ; A d = s e l e c t ( G f . n o d e s ( ) [ 0 ] . c o n t e n t D o c u m e n t . b o d y ) , A d . n o d e ( ) . s t y l e . m a r g i n = 0 } e l s e A d = s e l e c t ( n d ) ; a p p e n d D i v S v g G ( A d , R a , f d , ` f o n t - f a m i l y : $ { k d } ` , X M L N S _ X L I N K _ S T D ) } e l s e { i f ( r e m o v e E x i s t i n g E l e m e n t s ( d o c u m e n t , R a , f d , d d ) , N d ) { c o n s t G f = s a n d b o x e d I f r a m e ( s e l e c t ( " b o d y " ) , d d ) ; A d = s e l e c t ( G f . n o d e s ( ) [ 0 ] . c o n t e n t D o c u m e n t . b o d y ) , A d . n o d e ( ) . s t y l e . m a r g i n = 0 } e l s e A d = s e l e c t ( " b o d y " ) ; a p p e n d D i v S v g G ( A d , R a , f d ) } l e t L d , G d ; t r y { L d = a w a i t D i a g r a m . f r o m T e x t ( q a , { t i t l e : o d . t i t l e } ) } c a t c h ( G f ) { i f ( l d . s u p p r e s s E r r o r R e n d e r i n g ) t h r o w v d ( ) , G f ; L d = a w a i t D i a g r a m . f r o m T e x t ( " e r r o r " ) , G d = G f } c o n s t U d = A d . s e l e c t ( m d ) . n o d e ( ) , F d = L d . t y p e , H d = U d . f i r s t C h i l d , V d = H d . f i r s t C h i l d , z d = ( v f = ( T f = L d . r e n d e r e r ) . g e t C l a s s e s ) = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : v f . c a l l ( T f , q a , L d ) , Y d = c r e a t e U s e r S t y l e s ( l d , F d , z d , u d ) , X d = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " s t y l e " ) ; X d . i n n e r H T M L = Y d , H d . i n s e r t B e f o r e ( X d , V d ) ; t r y { a w a i t L d . r e n d e r e r . d r a w ( q a , R a , v e r s i o n $ 2 , L d ) } c a t c h ( G f ) { t h r o w l d . s u p p r e s s E r r o r R e n d e r i n g ? v d ( ) : e r r o r R e n d e r e r _ d e f a u l t . d r a w ( q a , R a , v e r s i o n $ 2 ) , G f } c o n s t y f = A d . s e l e c t ( ` $ { m d } s v g ` ) , Q d = ( S f = ( A f = L d . d b ) . g e t A c c T i t l e ) = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : S f . c a l l ( A f ) , p f = ( I f = ( D f = L d . d b ) . g e t A c c D e s c r i p t i o n ) = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : I f . c a l l ( D f ) ; a d d A 1 1 y I n f o ( F d , y f , Q d , p f ) , A d . s e l e c t ( ` [ i d = " $ { R a } " ] ` ) . s e l e c t A l l ( " f o r e i g n o b j e c t > * " ) . a t t r ( " x m l n s " , X M L N S _ X H T M L _ S T D ) ; l e t m f = A d . s e l e c t ( m d ) . n o d e ( ) . i n n e r H T M L ; i f ( l o g $ 1 . d e b u g ( " c o n f i g . a r r o w M a r k e r A b s o l u t e " , l d . a r r o w M a r k e r A b s o l u t e ) , m f = c l e a n U p S v g C o d e ( m f , N d , e v a l u a t e ( l d . a r r o w M a r k e r A b s o l u t e ) ) , N d ) { c o n s t G f = A d . s e l e c t ( m d + " s v g " ) . n o d e ( ) ; m f = p u t I n t o I F r a m e ( m f , G f ) } e l s e O d | | ( m f = p u r i f y . s a n i t i z e ( m f , { A D D _ T A G S : D O M P U R I F Y _ T A G S , A D D _ A T T R : D O M P U R I F Y _ A T T R , H T M L _ I N T E G R A T I O N _ P O I N T S : { f o r e i g n o b j e c t : ! 0 } } ) ) ; i f ( a t t a c h F u n c t i o n s ( ) , G d ) t h r o w G d ; r e t u r n v d ( ) , { d i a g r a m T y p e : F d , s v g : m f , b i n d F u n c t i o n s : L d . d b . b i n d F u n c t i o n s } } , " r e n d e r " ) ; f u n c t i o n i n i t i a l i z e ( R a = { } ) { v a r o d ; c o n s t q a = a s s i g n W i t h D e p t h _ d e f a u l t ( { } , R a ) ; q a ! = n u l l & & q a . f o n t F a m i l y & & ! ( ( o d = q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s ) ! = n u l l & & o d . f o n t F a m i l y ) & & ( q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s | | ( q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s = { } ) , q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s . f o n t F a m i l y = q a . f o n t F a m i l y ) , s a v e C o n f i g F r o m I n i t i a l i z e ( q a ) , q a ! = n u l l & & q a . t h e m e & & q a . t h e m e i n t h e m e s _ d e f a u l t ? q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s = t h e m e s _ d e f a u l t [ q a . t h e m e ] . g e t T h e m e V a r i a b l e s ( q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s ) : q a & & ( q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s = t h e m e s _ d e f a u l t . d e f a u l t . g e t T h e m e V a r i a b l e s ( q a . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s ) ) ; c o n s t n d = t y p e o f q a = = " o b j e c t " ? s e t S i t e C o n f i g ( q a ) : g e t S i t e C o n f i g ( ) ; s e t L o g L e v e l ( n d . l o g L e v e l ) , a d d D i a g r a m s ( ) } _ _ n a m e ( i n i t i a l i z e , " i n i t i a l i z e " ) ; v a r g e t D i a g r a m F r o m T e x t = _ _ n a m e ( ( R a , q a = { } ) = > { c o n s t { c o d e : n d } = p r e p r o c e s s D i a g r a m ( R a ) ; r e t u r n D i a g r a m . f r o m T e x t ( n d , q a ) } , " g e t D i a g r a m F r o m T e x t " ) ; f u n c t i o n a d d A 1 1 y I n f o ( R a , q a , n d , o d ) { s e t A 1 1 y D i a g r a m I n f o ( q a , R a ) , a d d S V G a 1 1 y T i t l e D e s c r i p t i o n ( q a , n d , o d , q a . a t t r ( " i d " ) ) } _ _ n a m e ( a d d A 1 1 y I n f o , " a d d A 1 1 y I n f o " ) ; v a r m e r m a i d A P I = O b j e c t . f r e e z e ( { r e n d e r , p a r s e , g e t D i a g r a m F r o m T e x t , i n i t i a l i z e , g e t C o n f i g : g e t C o n f i g $ 1 , s e t C o n f i g , g e t S i t e C o n f i g , u p d a t e S i t e C o n f i g , r e s e t : _ _ n a m e ( ( ) = > { r e s e t ( ) } , " r e s e t " ) , g l o b a l R e s e t : _ _ n a m e ( ( ) = > { r e s e t ( d e f a u l t C o n f i g ) } , " g l o b a l R e s e t " ) , d e
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* Wait for document loaded before starting the execution
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
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2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
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< / s v g >
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ,ig=Dm(Qm,Im)?"w":Om&&Qm== `
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2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
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2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
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2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
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2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
const { file , util , okCb , errCb } = CUSTOM _ARG
const param = new FormData ( )
param . append ( 'file' , file )
util . axios . post ( '${window.location.origin}/upload' , param , {
headers : { 'Content-Type' : 'multipart/form-data' }
} ) . then ( res => {
okCb ( res . url )
} ) . catch ( err => {
errCb ( err )
} )
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
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In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}()}function P $ 1(Ra){return P $ 1=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(qa){return typeof qa}:function(qa){return qa&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&qa.constructor===Symbol&&qa!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof qa},P $ 1(Ra)}function j $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd){try{var pd=Ra[ud](dd),fd=pd.value}catch(md){return void nd(md)}pd.done?qa(fd):Promise.resolve(fd).then(od,ld)}function L $ 1(Ra){return function(){var qa=this,nd=arguments;return new Promise(function(od,ld){var ud=Ra.apply(qa,nd);function dd(fd){j $ 1(ud,od,ld,dd,pd,"next",fd)}function pd(fd){j $ 1(ud,od,ld,dd,pd,"throw",fd)}dd(void 0)})}}var B $ 1={exports:{}},R $ 2={exports:{}};(function(Ra){function qa(nd){return Ra.exports=qa=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(od){return typeof od}:function(od){return od&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&od.constructor===Symbol&&od!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof od},Ra.exports.__esModule=!0,Ra.exports.default=Ra.exports,qa(nd)}Ra.exports=qa,Ra.exports.__esModule=!0,Ra.exports.default=Ra.exports})(R $ 2),function(Ra){var qa=R $ 2.exports.default;function nd(){Ra.exports=nd=function(){return ld},Ra.exports.__esModule=!0,Ra.exports.default=Ra.exports;var od,ld={},ud=Object.prototype,dd=ud.hasOwnProperty,pd=Object.defineProperty||function(Qf,ih,sh){Qf[ih]=sh.value},fd=typeof Symbol=="function"?Symbol:{},md=fd.iterator||"@@iterator",vd=fd.asyncIterator||"@@asyncIterator",Ad=fd.toStringTag||"@@toStringTag";function Nd(Qf,ih,sh){return Object.defineProperty(Qf,ih,{value:sh,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}),Qf[ih]}try{Nd({},"")}catch{Nd=function(ih,sh,qf){return ih[sh]=qf}}function Od(Qf,ih,sh,qf){var Pf=ih&&ih.prototype instanceof Vd?ih:Vd,Yf=Object.create(Pf.prototype),Wf=new If(qf||[]);return pd(Yf,"_invoke",{value:vf(Qf,sh,Wf)}),Yf}function kd(Qf,ih,sh){try{return{type:"normal",arg:Qf.call(ih,sh)}}catch(qf){return{type:"throw",arg:qf}}}ld.wrap=Od;var Ld="suspendedStart",Gd="suspendedYield",Ud="executing",Fd="completed",Hd={};function Vd(){}function zd(){}function Yd(){}var Xd={};Nd(Xd,md,function(){return this});var yf=Object.getPrototypeOf,Qd=yf&&yf(yf(Gf([])));Qd&&Qd!==ud&&dd.call(Qd,md)&&(Xd=Qd);var pf=Yd.prototype=Vd.prototype=Object.create(Xd);function mf(Qf){["next","throw","return"].forEach(function(ih){Nd(Qf,ih,function(sh){return this._invoke(ih,sh)})})}function Tf(Qf,ih){function sh(Pf,Yf,Wf,Kf){var Cf=kd(Qf[Pf],Qf,Yf);if(Cf.type!=="throw"){var xf=Cf.arg,Xf=xf.value;return Xf&&qa(Xf)=="object"&&dd.call(Xf,"__await")?ih.resolve(Xf.__await).then(function(uh){sh("next",uh,Wf,Kf)},function(uh){sh("throw",uh,Wf,Kf)}):ih.resolve(Xf).then(function(uh){xf.value=uh,Wf(xf)},function(uh){return sh("throw",uh,Wf,Kf)})}Kf(Cf.arg)}var qf;pd(this,"_invoke",{value:function(Pf,Yf){function Wf(){return new ih(function(Kf,Cf){sh(Pf,Yf,Kf,Cf)})}return qf=qf?qf.then(Wf,Wf):Wf()}})}function vf(Qf,ih,sh){var qf=Ld;return function(Pf,Yf){if(qf===Ud)throw Error("Generator is already running");if(qf===Fd){if(Pf==="throw")throw Yf;return{value:od,done:!0}}for(sh.method=Pf,sh.arg=Yf;;){var Wf=sh.delegate;if(Wf){var Kf=Af(Wf,sh);if(Kf){if(Kf===Hd)continue;return Kf}}if(sh.method==="next")sh.sent=sh._sent=sh.arg;else if(sh.method==="throw"){if(qf===Ld)throw qf=Fd,sh.arg;sh.dispatchException(sh.arg)}else sh.method==="return"&&sh.abrupt("return",sh.arg);qf=Ud;var Cf=kd(Qf,ih,sh);if(Cf.type==="normal"){if(qf=sh.done?Fd:Gd,Cf.arg===Hd)continue;return{value:Cf.arg,done:sh.done}}Cf.type==="throw"&&(qf=Fd,sh.method="throw",sh.arg=Cf.arg)}}}function Af(Qf,ih){var sh=ih.method,qf=Qf.iterator[sh];if(qf===od)return ih.delegate=null,sh==="throw"&&Qf.iterator.return&&(ih.method="return",ih.arg=od,Af(Qf,ih),ih.method==="throw")||sh!=="return"&&(ih.method="throw",ih.arg=new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '"+sh+"' method")),Hd;var Pf=kd(qf,Qf.iterator,ih.arg);if(Pf.type==="throw")return ih.method="throw",ih.arg=Pf.arg,ih.delegate=null,Hd;var Yf=Pf.arg;return Yf?Yf.done?(ih[Qf.resultName]=Yf.value,ih.next=Qf.nextLoc,ih.met
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}()}function T $ 1(Ra){var qa=function(nd,od){if(P $ 1(nd)!="object"||!nd)return nd;var ld=nd[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(ld!==void 0){var ud=ld.call(nd,od||"default");if(P $ 1(ud)!="object")return ud;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return(od==="string"?String:Number)(nd)}(Ra,"string");return P $ 1(qa)=="symbol"?qa:qa+""}function H $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){return(qa=T $ 1(qa))in Ra?Object.defineProperty(Ra,qa,{value:nd,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):Ra[qa]=nd,Ra}var G $ 1=defineComponent({name:"Saturation",props:{size:{type:Number,default:160},hue:{type:Number,default:0},saturation:{type:Number,default:0},value:{type:Number,default:0}},emits:["change"],setup:function(Ra,qa){var nd=qa.emit,od=computed(function(){return{width:"".concat(Ra.size,"px"),height:"".concat(Ra.size,"px"),background:"hsl(".concat(Ra.hue,", 100%, 50%)")}});return{saturationStyle:od,sliderStyle:computed(function(){return{top:"".concat((100-Ra.value)/100*Ra.size-5,"px"),left:"".concat(Ra.saturation*Ra.size/100-5,"px"),width:"".concat(10,"px"),height:"".concat(10,"px")}}),onSelect:function(ld){var ud=ld.target.getBoundingClientRect(),dd=ud.left,pd=ud.top,fd=function(vd){var Ad=vd.clientX,Nd=vd.clientY,Od=Ad-dd,kd=Nd-pd;Od<0&&(Od=0),kd<0&&(kd=0),Od>Ra.size&&(Od=Ra.size),kd>Ra.size&&(kd=Ra.size);var Ld=Od/Ra.size*100,Gd=100-kd/Ra.size*100;nd("change",Ld,Gd)},md=function(){document.removeEventListener("mousemove",fd),document.removeEventListener("mouseup",md)};fd(ld),document.addEventListener("mousemove",fd),document.addEventListener("mouseup",md)}}}});function V $ 1(Ra,qa){qa===void 0&&(qa={});var nd=qa.insertAt;if(Ra&&typeof document<"u"){var od=document.head||document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],ld=document.createElement("style");ld.type="text/css",nd==="top"&&od.firstChild?od.insertBefore(ld,od.firstChild):od.appendChild(ld),ld.styleSheet?ld.styleSheet.cssText=Ra:ld.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Ra))}}V $ 1(".saturation[data-v-24517fec]{position:relative}.saturation-black[data-v-24517fec],.saturation-white[data-v-24517fec]{cursor:pointer;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%}.saturation-white[data-v-24517fec]{background:linear-gradient(90deg,#fff,hsla(0,0%,100%,0))}.saturation-black[data-v-24517fec]{background:linear-gradient(0deg,#000,transparent)}.slider[data-v-24517fec]{border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:50%;box-shadow:0 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3);left:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:0;z-index:1}"),G $ 1.render=function(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud){return openBlock(),createElementBlock("div",{class:"saturation",style:normalizeStyle(Ra.saturationStyle),onMousedown:qa[0]||(qa[0]=withModifiers(function(){return Ra.onSelect&&Ra.onSelect.apply(Ra,arguments)},["prevent","stop"]))},[qa[1]||(qa[1]=createBaseVNode("div",{class:"saturation-white"},null,-1)),qa[2]||(qa[2]=createBaseVNode("div",{class:"saturation-black"},null,-1)),createBaseVNode("div",{class:"slider",style:normalizeStyle(Ra.sliderStyle)},null,4)],36)},G $ 1.__scopeId="data-v-24517fec",G $ 1.__file="src/picker/Saturation.vue";var Y $ 1=defineComponent({name:"Hue",props:{width:{type:Number,default:15},height:{type:Number,default:160},hue:{type:Number,default:0}},emits:["change"],setup:function(Ra,qa){var nd=qa.emit,od=computed(function(){return{top:"".concat((1-Ra.hue/360)*Ra.height-2,"px"),height:"".concat(4,"px")}}),ld=ref $ 1();return onMounted(function(){(function(){ld.value.width=Ra.width,ld.value.height=Ra.height;var ud=ld.value.getContext("2d"),dd=ud.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,Ra.height);dd.addColorStop(0,"#FF0000"),dd.addColorStop(.17,"#FF00FF"),dd.addColorStop(.34,"#0000FF"),dd.addColorStop(.51,"#00FFFF"),dd.addColorStop(.68,"#00FF00"),dd.addColorStop(.17*5,"#FFFF00"),dd.addColorStop(1,"#FF0000"),ud.fillStyle=dd,ud.fillRect(0,0,Ra.width,Ra.height)})()}),{canvas:ld,sliderStyle:od,onSelect:function(ud){var dd=ud.target.getBoundingClientRect().top,pd=function(md){var vd=md.clientY-dd;vd<0&&(vd=0),vd>Ra.height&&(vd=Ra.height);var Ad=-100*vd/Ra.height+100;nd("change",360*Ad/1
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ).forEach(function(dd){ld=dd.indexOf(":"),nd=dd.substring(0,ld).trim().toLowerCase(),od=dd.substring(ld+1).trim(),!(!nd||qa[nd]&&ignoreDuplicateOf[nd])&&(nd==="set-cookie"?qa[nd]?qa[nd].push(od):qa[nd]=[od]:qa[nd]=qa[nd]?qa[nd]+", "+od:od)}),qa}, $ internals=Symbol("internals");function normalizeHeader(Ra){return Ra&&String(Ra).trim().toLowerCase()}function normalizeValue(Ra){return Ra===!1||Ra==null?Ra:utils $ 2.isArray(Ra)?Ra.map(normalizeValue):String(Ra)}function parseTokens(Ra){const qa=Object.create(null),nd=/([^ \s ,;=]+) \s *(?:= \s *([^,;]+))?/g;let od;for(;od=nd.exec(Ra);)qa[od[1]]=od[2];return qa}const isValidHeaderName=Ra=>/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^ ` | ~ , ! # $ % & ' * + . ] + $ / . test ( Ra . trim ( ) ) ; function matchHeaderValue ( Ra , qa , nd , od , ld ) { if ( utils$2 . isFunction ( od ) ) return od . call ( this , qa , nd ) ; if ( ld && ( qa = nd ) , ! ! utils$2 . isString ( qa ) ) { if ( utils$2 . isString ( od ) ) return qa . indexOf ( od ) !== - 1 ; if ( utils$2 . isRegExp ( od ) ) return od . test ( qa ) } } function formatHeader ( Ra ) { return Ra . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /([a-z\d])(\w*)/g , ( qa , nd , od ) => nd . toUpperCase ( ) + od ) } function buildAccessors ( Ra , qa ) { const nd = utils$2 . toCamelCase ( " " + qa ) ; [ "get" , "set" , "has" ] . forEach ( od => { Object . defineProperty ( Ra , od + nd , { value : function ( ld , ud , dd ) { return this [ od ] . call ( this , qa , ld , ud , dd ) } , configurable : ! 0 } ) } ) } class AxiosHeaders { constructor ( qa ) { qa && this . set ( qa ) } set ( qa , nd , od ) { const ld = this ; function ud ( pd , fd , md ) { const vd = normalizeHeader ( fd ) ; if ( ! vd ) throw new Error ( "header name must be a non-empty string" ) ; const Ad = utils$2 . findKey ( ld , vd ) ; ( ! Ad || ld [ Ad ] === void 0 || md === ! 0 || md === void 0 && ld [ Ad ] !== ! 1 ) && ( ld [ Ad || fd ] = normalizeValue ( pd ) ) } const dd = ( pd , fd ) => utils$2 . forEach ( pd , ( md , vd ) => ud ( md , vd , fd ) ) ; if ( utils$2 . isPlainObject ( qa ) || qa instanceof this . constructor ) dd ( qa , nd ) ; else if ( utils$2 . isString ( qa ) && ( qa = qa . trim ( ) ) && ! isValidHeaderName ( qa ) ) dd ( parseHeaders ( qa ) , nd ) ; else if ( utils$2 . isHeaders ( qa ) ) for ( const [ pd , fd ] of qa . entries ( ) ) ud ( fd , pd , od ) ; else qa != null && ud ( nd , qa , od ) ; return this } get ( qa , nd ) { if ( qa = normalizeHeader ( qa ) , qa ) { const od = utils$2 . findKey ( this , qa ) ; if ( od ) { const ld = this [ od ] ; if ( ! nd ) return ld ; if ( nd === ! 0 ) return parseTokens ( ld ) ; if ( utils$2 . isFunction ( nd ) ) return nd . call ( this , ld , od ) ; if ( utils$2 . isRegExp ( nd ) ) return nd . exec ( ld ) ; throw new TypeError ( "parser must be boolean|regexp|function" ) } } } has ( qa , nd ) { if ( qa = normalizeHeader ( qa ) , qa ) { const od = utils$2 . findKey ( this , qa ) ; return ! ! ( od && this [ od ] !== void 0 && ( ! nd || matchHeaderValue ( this , this [ od ] , od , nd ) ) ) } return ! 1 } delete ( qa , nd ) { const od = this ; let ld = ! 1 ; function ud ( dd ) { if ( dd = normalizeHeader ( dd ) , dd ) { const pd = utils$2 . findKey ( od , dd ) ; pd && ( ! nd || matchHeaderValue ( od , od [ pd ] , pd , nd ) ) && ( delete od [ pd ] , ld = ! 0 ) } } return utils$2 . isArray ( qa ) ? qa . forEach ( ud ) : ud ( qa ) , ld } clear ( qa ) { const nd = Object . keys ( this ) ; let od = nd . length , ld = ! 1 ; for ( ; od -- ; ) { const ud = nd [ od ] ; ( ! qa || matchHeaderValue ( this , this [ ud ] , ud , qa , ! 0 ) ) && ( delete this [ ud ] , ld = ! 0 ) } return ld } normalize ( qa ) { const nd = this , od = { } ; return utils$2 . forEach ( this , ( ld , ud ) => { const dd = utils$2 . findKey ( od , ud ) ; if ( dd ) { nd [ dd ] = normalizeValue ( ld ) , delete nd [ ud ] ; return } const pd = qa ? formatHeader ( ud ) : String ( ud ) . trim ( ) ; pd !== ud && delete nd [ ud ] , nd [ pd ] = normalizeValue ( ld ) , od [ pd ] = ! 0 } ) , this } concat ( ... qa ) { return this . constructor . concat ( this , ... qa ) } toJSON ( qa ) { const nd = Object . create ( null ) ; return utils$2 . forEach ( this , ( od , ld ) => { od != null && od !== ! 1 && ( nd [ ld ] = qa && utils$2 . isArray ( od ) ? od . join ( ", " ) : od ) } ) , nd } [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) } toString ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) . map ( ( [ qa , nd ] ) => qa + ": " + nd ) . join ( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` )}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"AxiosHeaders"}static from(qa){return qa instanceof this?qa:new this(qa)}static concat(qa,...nd){const od=new this(qa);return nd.forEach(ld=>od.set(ld)),od}static accessor(qa){const od=(this[ $ internals]=this[ $ internals]={accessors:{}}).accessors,ld=this.prototype;function ud(dd){const pd=normalizeHeader(dd);od[pd]||(buildAccessors(ld,dd),od[pd]=!0)}return utils $ 2.isArray(qa)?qa.forEach(ud):ud(qa),this}}AxiosHeaders.accessor(["Content-Type","Content-Length","Accept","Accept-Encoding","User-Agent","Authorization"]);utils $ 2.reduceDescriptors(AxiosHeaders.prototype,({value:Ra},qa)=>{let nd=qa[0].toUpperCase()+qa.slice(1);return{get:()=>Ra,set(od){this[nd]=od}}});utils $ 2.freezeMethods(AxiosHeaders);function transformData(Ra,qa){const nd=this||defaults $ 1,od=qa||nd,ld=AxiosHeaders.from(od.headers);let ud=od.data;return utils $ 2.forEach(Ra,function(pd){ud=pd.call(nd,ud,ld.normalize(),qa?qa.status:void 0)}),ld.normalize(),ud}function isCancel(Ra){return!!(Ra&&Ra.__CANCEL__)}function CanceledError(Ra,qa,nd){AxiosError.call(this,Ra??"canceled",AxiosError.ERR_CANCELED,qa,nd),this.name="CanceledError"}utils $ 2.inherits(CanceledError,AxiosError,{__CANCEL__:!0});function settle(Ra,qa,nd){const od=nd.config.validateStatus;!nd.status||!od||od(nd.status)?Ra(nd):qa(new AxiosError("Request failed with status code "+nd.status,[AxiosError.ERR_BAD_REQUEST,AxiosError.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(nd.status/100)-4],nd.config,nd.request,nd))}function parseProtocol(Ra){const qa=/^([-+ \w ]{1,25})(:? \/ \/ |:)/.exec(Ra);return qa&&qa[1]||""}function speedometer(Ra,qa){Ra=Ra||10;const nd=new Array(Ra),od=new Array(Ra);let ld=0,ud=0,dd;return qa=qa!==void 0?qa:1e3,function(fd){const md=Date.now(),vd=od[ud];dd||(dd=md),nd[ld]=fd,od[ld]=md;let Ad=ud,Nd=0;for(;Ad!==ld;)Nd+=nd[Ad++],Ad=Ad%Ra;if(ld=(ld+1)%Ra,ld===ud&&(ud=(ud+1)%Ra),md-dd<qa)return;const Od=vd&&md-vd;return Od?Math.round(Nd*1e3/Od):void 0}}function throttle(Ra,qa){let nd=0,od=1e3/qa,ld,ud;const dd=(md,vd=Date.now())=>{nd=vd,ld=null,ud&&(clearTimeout(ud),ud=null),Ra.apply(null,md)};return[(...md)=>{const vd=Date.now(),Ad=vd-nd;Ad>=od?dd(md,vd):(ld=md,ud||(ud=setTimeout(()=>{ud=null,dd(ld)},od-Ad)))},()=>ld&&dd(ld)]}const progressEventReducer=(Ra,qa,nd=3)=>{let od=0;const ld=speedometer(50,250);return throttle(ud=>{const dd=ud.loaded,pd=ud.lengthComputable?ud.total:void 0,fd=dd-od,md=ld(fd),vd=dd<=pd;od=dd;const Ad={loaded:dd,total:pd,progress:pd?dd/pd:void 0,bytes:fd,rate:md||void 0,estimated:md&&pd&&vd?(pd-dd)/md:void 0,event:ud,lengthComputable:pd!=null,[qa?"download":"upload"]:!0};Ra(Ad)},nd)},progressEventDecorator=(Ra,qa)=>{const nd=Ra!=null;return[od=>qa[0]({lengthComputable:nd,total:Ra,loaded:od}),qa[1]]},asyncDecorator=Ra=>(...qa)=>utils $ 2.asap(()=>Ra(...qa)),isURLSameOrigin=platform.hasStandardBrowserEnv?((Ra,qa)=>nd=>(nd=new URL(nd,platform.origin),Ra.protocol===nd.protocol&&Ra.host===nd.host&&(qa||Ra.port===nd.port)))(new URL(platform.origin),platform.navigator&&/(msie|trident)/i.test(platform.navigator.userAgent)):()=>!0,cookies=platform.hasStandardBrowserEnv?{write(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud){const dd=[Ra+"="+encodeURIComponent(qa)];utils $ 2.isNumber(nd)&&dd.push("expires="+new Date(nd).toGMTString()),utils $ 2.isString(od)&&dd.push("path="+od),utils $ 2.isString(ld)&&dd.push("domain="+ld),ud===!0&&dd.push("secure"),document.cookie=dd.join("; ")},read(Ra){const qa=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|; \\ s*)("+Ra+")=([^;]*)"));return qa?decodeURIComponent(qa[3]):null},remove(Ra){this.write(Ra,"",Date.now()-864e5)}}:{write(){},read(){return null},remove(){}};function isAbsoluteURL(Ra){return/^([a-z][a-z \d + \- .]*:)? \/ \/ /i.test(Ra)}function combineURLs(Ra,qa){return qa?Ra.replace(/ \/ ? \/ $ /,"")+"/"+qa.replace(/^ \/ +/,""):Ra}function buildFullPath(Ra,qa){return Ra&&!isAbsoluteURL(qa)?combineURLs(Ra,qa):qa}const headersToObject=Ra=>Ra instanceof AxiosHeaders?{...Ra}:Ra;function mergeConfig(Ra,qa){qa=qa||{};const nd={};function od(md,vd,Ad,Nd){return utils $ 2.isPlainObject(md)&&utils $ 2.isPlainObject(vd)?utils $ 2.merge.call({caseless:Nd},md,vd):utils $ 2.isPlainObject(vd)?utils $ 2
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` +ud.map(renderReason).join( `
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ):" "+renderReason(ud[0]):"as no adapter specified";throw new AxiosError("There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request "+dd,"ERR_NOT_SUPPORT")}return od},adapters:knownAdapters};function throwIfCancellationRequested(Ra){if(Ra.cancelToken&&Ra.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(),Ra.signal&&Ra.signal.aborted)throw new CanceledError(null,Ra)}function dispatchRequest(Ra){return throwIfCancellationRequested(Ra),Ra.headers=AxiosHeaders.from(Ra.headers),Ra.data=transformData.call(Ra,Ra.transformRequest),["post","put","patch"].indexOf(Ra.method)!==-1&&Ra.headers.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded",!1),adapters.getAdapter(Ra.adapter||defaults $ 1.adapter)(Ra).then(function(od){return throwIfCancellationRequested(Ra),od.data=transformData.call(Ra,Ra.transformResponse,od),od.headers=AxiosHeaders.from(od.headers),od},function(od){return isCancel(od)||(throwIfCancellationRequested(Ra),od&&od.response&&(od.response.data=transformData.call(Ra,Ra.transformResponse,od.response),od.response.headers=AxiosHeaders.from(od.response.headers))),Promise.reject(od)})}const VERSION="1.7.8",validators $ 1={};["object","boolean","number","function","string","symbol"].forEach((Ra,qa)=>{validators $ 1[Ra]=function(od){return typeof od===Ra||"a"+(qa<1?"n ":" ")+Ra}});const deprecatedWarnings={};validators $ 1.transitional=function(qa,nd,od){function ld(ud,dd){return"[Axios v"+VERSION+"] Transitional option '"+ud+"'"+dd+(od?". "+od:"")}return(ud,dd,pd)=>{if(qa===!1)throw new AxiosError(ld(dd," has been removed"+(nd?" in "+nd:"")),AxiosError.ERR_DEPRECATED);return nd&&!deprecatedWarnings[dd]&&(deprecatedWarnings[dd]=!0,console.warn(ld(dd," has been deprecated since v"+nd+" and will be removed in the near future"))),qa?qa(ud,dd,pd):!0}};validators $ 1.spelling=function(qa){return(nd,od)=>(console.warn( ` $ { od } is likely a misspelling of $ { qa } ` ),!0)};function assertOptions(Ra,qa,nd){if(typeof Ra!="object")throw new AxiosError("options must be an object",AxiosError.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);const od=Object.keys(Ra);let ld=od.length;for(;ld-- >0;){const ud=od[ld],dd=qa[ud];if(dd){const pd=Ra[ud],fd=pd===void 0||dd(pd,ud,Ra);if(fd!==!0)throw new AxiosError("option "+ud+" must be "+fd,AxiosError.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);continue}if(nd!==!0)throw new AxiosError("Unknown option "+ud,AxiosError.ERR_BAD_OPTION)}}const validator $ 6={assertOptions,validators:validators $ 1},validators=validator $ 6.validators;class Axios{constructor(qa){this.defaults=qa,this.interceptors={request:new InterceptorManager,response:new InterceptorManager}}async request(qa,nd){try{return await this._request(qa,nd)}catch(od){if(od instanceof Error){let ld={};Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(ld):ld=new Error;const ud=ld.stack?ld.stack.replace(/^.+ \n /,""):"";try{od.stack?ud&&!String(od.stack).endsWith(ud.replace(/^.+ \n .+ \n /,""))&&(od.stack+= `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` +ud):od.stack=ud}catch{}}throw od}}_request(qa,nd){typeof qa=="string"?(nd=nd||{},nd.url=qa):nd=qa||{},nd=mergeConfig(this.defaults,nd);const{transitional:od,paramsSerializer:ld,headers:ud}=nd;od!==void 0&&validator $ 6.assertOptions(od,{silentJSONParsing:validators.transitional(validators.boolean),forcedJSONParsing:validators.transitional(validators.boolean),clarifyTimeoutError:validators.transitional(validators.boolean)},!1),ld!=null&&(utils $ 2.isFunction(ld)?nd.paramsSerializer={serialize:ld}:validator $ 6.assertOptions(ld,{encode:validators.function,serialize:validators.function},!0)),validator $ 6.assertOptions(nd,{baseUrl:validators.spelling("baseURL"),withXsrfToken:validators.spelling("withXSRFToken")},!0),nd.method=(nd.method||this.defaults.method||"get").toLowerCase();let dd=ud&&utils $ 2.merge(ud.common,ud[nd.method]);ud&&utils $ 2.forEach(["delete","get","head","post","put","patch","common"],kd=>{delete ud[kd]}),nd.headers=AxiosHeaders.concat(dd,ud);const pd=[];let fd=!0;this.interceptors.request.forEach(function(Ld){typeof Ld.runWhen=="function"&&Ld.runWhen(nd)===!1||(fd=fd&&Ld.synchronous,pd.unshift(Ld.fulfilled,Ld.rejected))});const md=[];this.interceptors.response.forEach(function(Ld){md.push(Ld.fulfilled,Ld.rejected)});let vd,Ad=0,Nd;if(!fd){const kd=[dispatchRequest.bind(this),void 0];for(kd.unshift.apply(kd,pd),kd.push.apply(kd,md),Nd=kd.length,vd=Promise.resolve(nd);Ad<Nd;)vd=vd.then(kd[Ad++],kd[Ad++]);return vd}Nd=pd.length;let Od=nd;for(Ad=0;Ad<Nd;){const kd=pd[Ad++],Ld=pd[Ad++];try{Od=kd(Od)}catch(Gd){Ld.call(this,Gd);break}}try{vd=dispatchRequest.call(this,Od)}catch(kd){return Promise.reject(kd)}for(Ad=0,Nd=md.length;Ad<Nd;)vd=vd.then(md[Ad++],md[Ad++]);return vd}getUri(qa){qa=mergeConfig(this.defaults,qa);const nd=buildFullPath(qa.baseURL,qa.url);return buildURL(nd,qa.params,qa.paramsSerializer)}}utils $ 2.forEach(["delete","get","head","options"],function(qa){Axios.prototype[qa]=function(nd,od){return this.request(mergeConfig(od||{},{method:qa,url:nd,data:(od||{}).data}))}});utils $ 2.forEach(["post","put","patch"],function(qa){function nd(od){return function(ud,dd,pd){return this.request(mergeConfig(pd||{},{method:qa,headers:od?{"Content-Type":"multipart/form-data"}:{},url:ud,data:dd}))}}Axios.prototype[qa]=nd(),Axios.prototype[qa+"Form"]=nd(!0)});class CancelToken{constructor(qa){if(typeof qa!="function")throw new TypeError("executor must be a function.");let nd;this.promise=new Promise(function(ud){nd=ud});const od=this;this.promise.then(ld=>{if(!od._listeners)return;let ud=od._listeners.length;for(;ud-- >0;)od._listeners[ud](ld);od._listeners=null}),this.promise.then=ld=>{let ud;const dd=new Promise(pd=>{od.subscribe(pd),ud=pd}).then(ld);return dd.cancel=function(){od.unsubscribe(ud)},dd},qa(function(ud,dd,pd){od.reason||(od.reason=new CanceledError(ud,dd,pd),nd(od.reason))})}throwIfRequested(){if(this.reason)throw this.reason}subscribe(qa){if(this.reason){qa(this.reason);return}this._listeners?this._listeners.push(qa):this._listeners=[qa]}unsubscribe(qa){if(!this._listeners)return;const nd=this._listeners.indexOf(qa);nd!==-1&&this._listeners.splice(nd,1)}toAbortSignal(){const qa=new AbortController,nd=od=>{qa.abort(od)};return this.subscribe(nd),qa.signal.unsubscribe=()=>this.unsubscribe(nd),qa.signal}static source(){let qa;return{token:new CancelToken(function(ld){qa=ld}),cancel:qa}}}function spread(Ra){return function(nd){return Ra.apply(null,nd)}}function isAxiosError(Ra){return utils $ 2.isObject(Ra)&&Ra.isAxiosError===!0}const HttpStatusCode={Continue:100,SwitchingProtocols:101,Processing:102,EarlyHints:103,Ok:200,Created:201,Accepted:202,NonAuthoritativeInformation:203,NoContent:204,ResetContent:205,PartialContent:206,MultiStatus:207,AlreadyReported:208,ImUsed:226,MultipleChoices:300,MovedPermanently:301,Found:302,SeeOther:303,NotModified:304,UseProxy:305,Unused:306,TemporaryRedirect:307,PermanentRedirect:308,BadRequest:400,Unauthorized:401,PaymentRequired:402,Forbidden:403,NotFound:404,MethodNotAllowed:405,NotAcceptable:406,ProxyAuthenticationRequired:407,RequestTimeout:408,Conflict:409,Gone:410,Len
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ));return nd(ld)},httpAuthSchemeEndpointRuleSetMiddlewareOptions={step:"serialize",tags:["HTTP_AUTH_SCHEME"],name:"httpAuthSchemeMiddleware",override:!0,relation:"before",toMiddleware:"endpointV2Middleware"},getHttpAuthSchemeEndpointRuleSetPlugin=(Ra,{httpAuthSchemeParametersProvider:qa,identityProviderConfigProvider:nd})=>({applyToStack:od=>{od.addRelativeTo(httpAuthSchemeMiddleware(Ra,{httpAuthSchemeParametersProvider:qa,identityProviderConfigProvider:nd}),httpAuthSchemeEndpointRuleSetMiddlewareOptions)}}),deserializerMiddleware=(Ra,qa)=>nd=>async od=>{const{response:ld}=await nd(od);try{const ud=await qa(ld,Ra);return{response:ld,output:ud}}catch(ud){if(Object.defineProperty(ud," $ response",{value:ld}),!(" $ metadata"in ud)){const dd="Deserialization error: to see the raw response, inspect the hidden field {error}. $ response on this object.";ud.message+= `
` +dd,typeof ud. $ responseBodyText<"u"&&ud. $ response&&(ud. $ response.body=ud. $ responseBodyText)}throw ud}},serializerMiddleware=(Ra,qa)=>(nd,od)=>async ld=>{var pd;const ud=(pd=od.endpointV2)!=null&&pd.url&&Ra.urlParser?async()=>Ra.urlParser(od.endpointV2.url):Ra.endpoint;if(!ud)throw new Error("No valid endpoint provider available.");const dd=await qa(ld.input,{...Ra,endpoint:ud});return nd({...ld,request:dd})},deserializerMiddlewareOption={name:"deserializerMiddleware",step:"deserialize",tags:["DESERIALIZER"],override:!0},serializerMiddlewareOption={name:"serializerMiddleware",step:"serialize",tags:["SERIALIZER"],override:!0};function getSerdePlugin(Ra,qa,nd){return{applyToStack:od=>{od.add(deserializerMiddleware(Ra,nd),deserializerMiddlewareOption),od.add(serializerMiddleware(Ra,qa),serializerMiddlewareOption)}}}serializerMiddlewareOption.name;const defaultErrorHandler $ 1=Ra=>qa=>{throw qa},defaultSuccessHandler $ 1=(Ra,qa)=>{},httpSigningMiddleware=Ra=>(qa,nd)=>async od=>{if(!HttpRequest.isInstance(od.request))return qa(od);const ud=getSmithyContext(nd).selectedHttpAuthScheme;if(!ud)throw new Error("No HttpAuthScheme was selected: unable to sign request");const{httpAuthOption:{signingProperties:dd={}},identity:pd,signer:fd}=ud,md=await qa({...od,request:await fd.sign(od.request,pd,dd)}).catch((fd.errorHandler||defaultErrorHandler $ 1)(dd));return(fd.successHandler||defaultSuccessHandler $ 1)(md.response,dd),md},httpSigningMiddlewareOptions={step:"finalizeRequest",tags:["HTTP_SIGNING"],name:"httpSigningMiddleware",aliases:["apiKeyMiddleware","tokenMiddleware","awsAuthMiddleware"],override:!0,relation:"after",toMiddleware:"retryMiddleware"},getHttpSigningPlugin=Ra=>({applyToStack:qa=>{qa.addRelativeTo(httpSigningMiddleware(),httpSigningMiddlewareOptions)}}),normalizeProvider=Ra=>{if(typeof Ra=="function")return Ra;const qa=Promise.resolve(Ra);return()=>qa},alphabetByEncoding={},alphabetByValue=new Array(64);for(let Ra=0,qa=65,nd=90;Ra+qa<=nd;Ra++){const od=String.fromCharCode(Ra+qa);alphabetByEncoding[od]=Ra,alphabetByValue[Ra]=od}for(let Ra=0,qa=97,nd=122;Ra+qa<=nd;Ra++){const od=String.fromCharCode(Ra+qa),ld=Ra+26;alphabetByEncoding[od]=ld,alphabetByValue[ld]=od}for(let Ra=0;Ra<10;Ra++){alphabetByEncoding[Ra.toString(10)]=Ra+52;const qa=Ra.toString(10),nd=Ra+52;alphabetByEncoding[qa]=nd,alphabetByValue[nd]=qa}alphabetByEncoding["+"]=62;alphabetByValue[62]="+";alphabetByEncoding["/"]=63;alphabetByValue[63]="/";const bitsPerLetter=6,bitsPerByte=8,maxLetterValue=63,fromBase64=Ra=>{let qa=Ra.length/4*3;Ra.slice(-2)==="=="?qa-=2:Ra.slice(-1)==="="&&qa--;const nd=new ArrayBuffer(qa),od=new DataView(nd);for(let ld=0;ld<Ra.length;ld+=4){let ud=0,dd=0;for(let md=ld,vd=ld+3;md<=vd;md++)if(Ra[md]!=="="){if(!(Ra[md]in alphabetByEncoding))throw new TypeError( ` Invalid character $ { Ra [ md ] } in base64 string . ` );ud|=alphabetByEncoding[Ra[md]]<<(vd-md)*bitsPerLetter,dd+=bitsPerLetter}else ud>>=bitsPerLetter;const pd=ld/4*3;ud>>=dd%bitsPerByte;const fd=Math.floor(dd/bitsPerByte);for(let md=0;md<fd;md++){const vd=(fd-md-1)*bitsPerByte;od.setUint8(pd+md,(ud&255<<vd)>>vd)}}return new Uint8Array(nd)},fromUtf8 $ 3=Ra=>new TextEncoder().encode(Ra),toUint8Array=Ra=>typeof Ra=="string"?fromUtf8 $ 3(Ra):ArrayBuffer.isView(Ra)?new Uint8Array(Ra.buffer,Ra.byteOffset,Ra.byteLength/Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT):new Uint8Array(Ra),toUtf8=Ra=>{if(typeof Ra=="string")return Ra;if(typeof Ra!="object"||typeof Ra.byteOffset!="number"||typeof Ra.byteLength!="number")throw new Error("@smithy/util-utf8: toUtf8 encoder function only accepts string | Uint8Array.");return new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(Ra)};function toBase64(Ra){let qa;typeof Ra=="string"?qa=fromUtf8 $ 3(Ra):qa=Ra;const nd=typeof qa=="object"&&typeof qa.length=="number",od=typeof qa=="object"&&typeof qa.byteOffset=="number"&&typeof qa.byteLength=="number";if(!nd&&!od)throw new Error("@smithy/util-base64: toBase64 encoder function only accepts string | Uint8Array.");let ld="";for(let ud=0;ud<qa.length;ud+=3){let dd=0,pd=0;for(let md=ud,vd=Math.min(ud+3,qa.length);md<vd;md++)dd|=qa[md]<<(vd-md-1)*bitsPerByte,
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),pd){const Od=nd(await fd);vd.enqueue( ` $ { ud } : $ { Od } \ r
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ),vd.enqueue( ` \ r
` )}vd.close()}else vd.enqueue( ` $ { ( od ( Ad ) || 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) } \ r
$ { Ad } \ r
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` )}})},escapeUri=Ra=>encodeURIComponent(Ra).replace(/[!'()*]/g,hexEncode),hexEncode=Ra=> ` % $ { Ra . charCodeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) } ` ;function buildQueryString(Ra){const qa=[];for(let nd of Object.keys(Ra).sort()){const od=Ra[nd];if(nd=escapeUri(nd),Array.isArray(od))for(let ld=0,ud=od.length;ld<ud;ld++)qa.push( ` $ { nd } = $ { escapeUri ( od [ ld ] ) } ` );else{let ld=nd;(od||typeof od=="string")&&(ld+= ` = $ { escapeUri ( od ) } ` ),qa.push(ld)}}return qa.join("&")}function createRequest(Ra,qa){return new Request(Ra,qa)}function requestTimeout(Ra=0){return new Promise((qa,nd)=>{Ra&&setTimeout(()=>{const od=new Error( ` Request did not complete within $ { Ra } ms ` );od.name="TimeoutError",nd(od)},Ra)})}const keepAliveSupport={supported:void 0};class FetchHttpHandler{static create(qa){return typeof(qa==null?void 0:qa.handle)=="function"?qa:new FetchHttpHandler(qa)}constructor(qa){typeof qa=="function"?this.configProvider=qa().then(nd=>nd||{}):(this.config=qa??{},this.configProvider=Promise.resolve(this.config)),keepAliveSupport.supported===void 0&&(keepAliveSupport.supported=typeof Request<"u"&&"keepalive"in createRequest("https://[::1]"))}destroy(){}async handle(qa,{abortSignal:nd}={}){var Ud;this.config||(this.config=await this.configProvider);const od=this.config.requestTimeout,ld=this.config.keepAlive===!0,ud=this.config.credentials;if(nd!=null&&nd.aborted){const Fd=new Error("Request aborted");return Fd.name="AbortError",Promise.reject(Fd)}let dd=qa.path;const pd=buildQueryString(qa.query||{});pd&&(dd+= ` ? $ { pd } ` ),qa.fragment&&(dd+= ` # $ { qa . fragment } ` );let fd="";if(qa.username!=null||qa.password!=null){const Fd=qa.username??"",Hd=qa.password??"";fd= ` $ { Fd } : $ { Hd } @ ` }const{port:md,method:vd}=qa,Ad= ` $ { qa . protocol } //${fd}${qa.hostname}${md?`:${md}`:""}${dd}`,Nd=vd==="GET"||vd==="HEAD"?void 0:qa.body,Od={body:Nd,headers:new Headers(qa.headers),method:vd,credentials:ud};(Ud=this.config)!=null&&Ud.cache&&(Od.cache=this.config.cache),Nd&&(Od.duplex="half"),typeof AbortController<"u"&&(Od.signal=nd),keepAliveSupport.supported&&(Od.keepalive=ld),typeof this.config.requestInit=="function"&&Object.assign(Od,this.config.requestInit(qa));let kd=()=>{};const Ld=createRequest(Ad,Od),Gd=[fetch(Ld).then(Fd=>{const Hd=Fd.headers,Vd={};for(const Yd of Hd.entries())Vd[Yd[0]]=Yd[1];return Fd.body!=null?{response:new HttpResponse({headers:Vd,reason:Fd.statusText,statusCode:Fd.status,body:Fd.body})}:Fd.blob().then(Yd=>({response:new HttpResponse({headers:Vd,reason:Fd.statusText,statusCode:Fd.status,body:Yd})}))}),requestTimeout(od)];return nd&&Gd.push(new Promise((Fd,Hd)=>{const Vd=()=>{const zd=new Error("Request aborted");zd.name="AbortError",Hd(zd)};if(typeof nd.addEventListener=="function"){const zd=nd;zd.addEventListener("abort",Vd,{once:!0}),kd=()=>zd.removeEventListener("abort",Vd)}else nd.onabort=Vd})),Promise.race(Gd).finally(kd)}updateHttpClientConfig(qa,nd){this.config=void 0,this.configProvider=this.configProvider.then(od=>(od[qa]=nd,od))}httpHandlerConfigs(){return this.config??{}}}const streamCollector=async Ra=>{var qa;return typeof Blob=="function"&&Ra instanceof Blob||((qa=Ra.constructor)==null?void 0:qa.name)==="Blob"?new Uint8Array(await Ra.arrayBuffer()):collectStream(Ra)};async function collectStream(Ra){const qa=[],nd=Ra.getReader();let od=!1,ld=0;for(;!od;){const{done:pd,value:fd}=await nd.read();fd&&(qa.push(fd),ld+=fd.length),od=pd}const ud=new Uint8Array(ld);let dd=0;for(const pd of qa)ud.set(pd,dd),dd+=pd.length;return ud}const SHORT_TO_HEX={},HEX_TO_SHORT={};for(let Ra=0;Ra<256;Ra++){let qa=Ra.toString(16).toLowerCase();qa.length===1&&(qa=`0${qa}`),SHORT_TO_HEX[Ra]=qa,HEX_TO_SHORT[qa]=Ra}function fromHex(Ra){if(Ra.length%2!==0)throw new Error("Hex encoded strings must have an even number length");const qa=new Uint8Array(Ra.length/2);for(let nd=0;nd<Ra.length;nd+=2){const od=Ra.slice(nd,nd+2).toLowerCase();if(od in HEX_TO_SHORT)qa[nd/2]=HEX_TO_SHORT[od];else throw new Error(`Cannot decode unrecognized sequence ${od} as hexadecimal`)}return qa}function toHex(Ra){let qa="";for(let nd=0;nd<Ra.byteLength;nd++)qa+=SHORT_TO_HEX[Ra[nd]];return qa}const i
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
If you are using React Native , this API is not yet supported , see : https : //react-native.canny.io/feature-requests/p/fetch-streaming-body`);return dd.stream()};return Object.assign(Ra,{transformToByteArray:nd,transformToString:async dd=>{const pd=await nd();if(dd==="base64")return toBase64(pd);if(dd==="hex")return toHex(pd);if(dd===void 0||dd==="utf8"||dd==="utf-8")return toUtf8(pd);if(typeof TextDecoder=="function")return new TextDecoder(dd).decode(pd);throw new Error("TextDecoder is not available, please make sure polyfill is provided.")},transformToWebStream:()=>{if(qa)throw new Error(ERR_MSG_STREAM_HAS_BEEN_TRANSFORMED);if(qa=!0,isBlobInstance(Ra))return od(Ra);if(isReadableStream$2(Ra))return Ra;throw new Error(`Cannot transform payload to web stream, got ${Ra}`)}})},isBlobInstance=Ra=>typeof Blob=="function"&&Ra instanceof Blob;async function splitStream(Ra){return typeof Ra.stream=="function"&&(Ra=Ra.stream()),Ra.tee()}async function headStream(Ra,qa){let nd=0;const od=[],ld=Ra.getReader();let ud=!1;for(;!ud;){const{done:fd,value:md}=await ld.read();if(md&&(od.push(md),nd+=(md==null?void 0:md.byteLength)??0),nd>=qa)break;ud=fd}ld.releaseLock();const dd=new Uint8Array(Math.min(qa,nd));let pd=0;for(const fd of od){if(fd.byteLength>dd.byteLength-pd){dd.set(fd.subarray(0,dd.byteLength-pd),pd);break}else dd.set(fd,pd);pd+=fd.length}return dd}const ReadableStreamRef=typeof ReadableStream=="function"?ReadableStream:function(){};class ChecksumStream extends ReadableStreamRef{}const createChecksumStream=({expectedChecksum:Ra,checksum:qa,source:nd,checksumSourceLocation:od,base64Encoder:ld})=>{var fd;if(!isReadableStream$2(nd))throw new Error(`@smithy/util-stream: unsupported source type ${((fd=nd==null?void 0:nd.constructor)==null?void 0:fd.name)??nd} in ChecksumStream.`);const ud=ld??toBase64;if(typeof TransformStream!="function")throw new Error("@smithy/util-stream: unable to instantiate ChecksumStream because API unavailable: ReadableStream/TransformStream.");const dd=new TransformStream({start(){},async transform(md,vd){qa.update(md),vd.enqueue(md)},async flush(md){const vd=await qa.digest(),Ad=ud(vd);if(Ra!==Ad){const Nd=new Error(`Checksum mismatch: expected "${Ra}" but received "${Ad}" in response header "${od}".`);md.error(Nd)}else md.terminate()}});nd.pipeThrough(dd);const pd=dd.readable;return Object.setPrototypeOf(pd,ChecksumStream.prototype),pd},collectBody$1=async(Ra=new Uint8Array,qa)=>{if(Ra instanceof Uint8Array)return Uint8ArrayBlobAdapter.mutate(Ra);if(!Ra)return Uint8ArrayBlobAdapter.mutate(new Uint8Array);const nd=qa.streamCollector(Ra);return Uint8ArrayBlobAdapter.mutate(await nd)};function extendedEncodeURIComponent(Ra){return encodeURIComponent(Ra).replace(/[!'()*]/g,function(qa){return"%"+qa.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()})}const resolvedPath=(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud)=>{if(qa!=null&&qa[nd]!==void 0){const dd=od();if(dd.length<=0)throw new Error("Empty value provided for input HTTP label: "+nd+".");Ra=Ra.replace(ld,ud?dd.split("/").map(pd=>extendedEncodeURIComponent(pd)).join("/"):extendedEncodeURIComponent(dd))}else throw new Error("No value provided for input HTTP label: "+nd+".");return Ra};function requestBuilder(Ra,qa){return new RequestBuilder(Ra,qa)}class RequestBuilder{constructor(qa,nd){this.input=qa,this.context=nd,this.query={},this.method="",this.headers={},this.path="",this.body=null,this.hostname="",this.resolvePathStack=[]}async build(){const{hostname:qa,protocol:nd="https",port:od,path:ld}=await this.context.endpoint();this.path=ld;for(const ud of this.resolvePathStack)ud(this.path);return new HttpRequest({protocol:nd,hostname:this.hostname||qa,port:od,method:this.method,path:this.path,query:this.query,body:this.body,headers:this.headers})}hn(qa){return this.hostname=qa,this}bp(qa){return this.resolvePathStack.push(nd=>{this.path=`${nd!=null&&nd.endsWith("/")?nd.slice(0,-1):nd||""}`+qa}),this}p(qa,nd,od,ld){return this.resolvePathStack.push(ud=>{this.path=resolvedPath(ud,this.input,qa,nd,od,ld)}),this}h(qa){return this.headers=qa,this}q(qa){return this.query=qa,this}b(qa){return t
` );return this.signString(kd,{signingDate:od,signingRegion:pd,signingService:dd})}async signMessage(qa,{signingDate:nd=new Date,signingRegion:od,signingService:ld}){return this.signEvent({headers:this.headerFormatter.format(qa.message.headers),payload:qa.message.body},{signingDate:nd,signingRegion:od,signingService:ld,priorSignature:qa.priorSignature}).then(dd=>({message:qa.message,signature:dd}))}async signString(qa,{signingDate:nd=new Date,signingRegion:od,signingService:ld}={}){const ud=await this.credentialProvider();this.validateResolvedCredentials(ud);const dd=od??await this.regionProvider(),{shortDate:pd}=formatDate(nd),fd=new this.sha256(await this.getSigningKey(ud,dd,pd,ld));return fd.update(toUint8Array(qa)),toHex(await fd.digest())}async signRequest(qa,{signingDate:nd=new Date,signableHeaders:od,unsignableHeaders:ld,signingRegion:ud,signingService:dd}={}){const pd=await this.credentialProvider();this.validateResolvedCredentials(pd);const fd=ud??await this.regionProvider(),md=prepareRequest(qa),{longDate:vd,shortDate:Ad}=formatDate(nd),Nd=createScope(Ad,fd,dd??this.service);md.headers[AMZ_DATE_HEADER]=vd,pd.sessionToken&&(md.headers[TOKEN_HEADER]=pd.sessionToken);const Od=await getPayloadHash(md,this.sha256);!hasHeader $ 1(SHA256_HEADER,md.headers)&&this.applyChecksum&&(md.headers[SHA256_HEADER]=Od);const kd=getCanonicalHeaders(md,ld,od),Ld=await this.getSignature(vd,Nd,this.getSigningKey(pd,fd,Ad,dd),this.createCanonicalRequest(md,kd,Od));return md.headers[AUTH_HEADER]= ` $ { ALGORITHM _IDENTIFIER } Credential = $ { pd . accessKeyId } / $ { Nd } , SignedHeaders = $ { getCanonicalHeaderList ( kd ) } , Signature = $ { Ld } ` ,md}createCanonicalRequest(qa,nd,od){const ld=Object.keys(nd).sort();return ` $ { qa . method }
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
$ { this . getCanonicalPath ( qa ) }
$ { getCanonicalQuery ( qa ) }
$ { ld . map ( ud => ` ${ ud } : ${ nd [ ud ] } ` ) . join ( `
` )}
$ { ld . join ( ";" ) }
$ { od } ` }async createStringToSign(qa,nd,od){const ld=new this.sha256;ld.update(toUint8Array(od));const ud=await ld.digest();return ` $ { ALGORITHM _IDENTIFIER }
$ { qa }
$ { nd }
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
$ { toHex ( ud ) } ` }getCanonicalPath({path:qa}){if(this.uriEscapePath){const nd=[];for(const ud of qa.split("/"))(ud==null?void 0:ud.length)!==0&&ud!=="."&&(ud===".."?nd.pop():nd.push(ud));const od= ` $ { qa != null && qa . startsWith ( "/" ) ? "/" : "" } $ { nd . join ( "/" ) } $ { nd . length > 0 && ( qa != null && qa . endsWith ( "/" ) ) ? "/" : "" } ` ;return escapeUri(od).replace(/%2F/g,"/")}return qa}async getSignature(qa,nd,od,ld){const ud=await this.createStringToSign(qa,nd,ld),dd=new this.sha256(await od);return dd.update(toUint8Array(ud)),toHex(await dd.digest())}getSigningKey(qa,nd,od,ld){return getSigningKey $ 1(this.sha256,qa,od,nd,ld||this.service)}validateResolvedCredentials(qa){if(typeof qa!="object"||typeof qa.accessKeyId!="string"||typeof qa.secretAccessKey!="string")throw new Error("Resolved credential object is not valid")}}const formatDate=Ra=>{const qa=iso8601(Ra).replace(/[ \- :]/g,"");return{longDate:qa,shortDate:qa.slice(0,8)}},getCanonicalHeaderList=Ra=>Object.keys(Ra).sort().join(";"),resolveAwsSdkSigV4Config=Ra=>{let qa=!1,nd;Ra.credentials&&(qa=!0,nd=memoizeIdentityProvider(Ra.credentials,isIdentityExpired,doesIdentityRequireRefresh)),nd||(Ra.credentialDefaultProvider?nd=normalizeProvider(Ra.credentialDefaultProvider(Object.assign({},Ra,{parentClientConfig:Ra}))):nd=async()=>{throw new Error(" ` credentials ` is missing")});const od=async()=>nd({callerClientConfig:Ra}),{signingEscapePath:ld=!0,systemClockOffset:ud=Ra.systemClockOffset||0,sha256:dd}=Ra;let pd;return Ra.signer?pd=normalizeProvider(Ra.signer):Ra.regionInfoProvider?pd=()=>normalizeProvider(Ra.region)().then(async fd=>[await Ra.regionInfoProvider(fd,{useFipsEndpoint:await Ra.useFipsEndpoint(),useDualstackEndpoint:await Ra.useDualstackEndpoint()})||{},fd]).then(([fd,md])=>{const{signingRegion:vd,signingService:Ad}=fd;Ra.signingRegion=Ra.signingRegion||vd||md,Ra.signingName=Ra.signingName||Ad||Ra.serviceId;const Nd={...Ra,credentials:od,region:Ra.signingRegion,service:Ra.signingName,sha256:dd,uriEscapePath:ld},Od=Ra.signerConstructor||SignatureV4;return new Od(Nd)}):pd=async fd=>{fd=Object.assign({},{name:"sigv4",signingName:Ra.signingName||Ra.defaultSigningName,signingRegion:await normalizeProvider(Ra.region)(),properties:{}},fd);const md=fd.signingRegion,vd=fd.signingName;Ra.signingRegion=Ra.signingRegion||md,Ra.signingName=Ra.signingName||vd||Ra.serviceId;const Ad={...Ra,credentials:od,region:Ra.signingRegion,service:Ra.signingName,sha256:dd,uriEscapePath:ld},Nd=Ra.signerConstructor||SignatureV4;return new Nd(Ad)},{...Ra,systemClockOffset:ud,signingEscapePath:ld,credentials:qa?async()=>od().then(fd=>setCredentialFeature(fd,"CREDENTIALS_CODE","e")):od,signer:pd}},getAllAliases=(Ra,qa)=>{const nd=[];if(Ra&&nd.push(Ra),qa)for(const od of qa)nd.push(od);return nd},getMiddlewareNameWithAliases=(Ra,qa)=> ` $ { Ra || "anonymous" } $ { qa && qa . length > 0 ? ` (a.k.a. ${ qa . join ( "," ) } ) ` : "" } ` ,constructStack=()=>{let Ra=[],qa=[],nd=!1;const od=new Set,ld=Ad=>Ad.sort((Nd,Od)=>stepWeights[Od.step]-stepWeights[Nd.step]||priorityWeights[Od.priority||"normal"]-priorityWeights[Nd.priority||"normal"]),ud=Ad=>{let Nd=!1;const Od=kd=>{const Ld=getAllAliases(kd.name,kd.aliases);if(Ld.includes(Ad)){Nd=!0;for(const Gd of Ld)od.delete(Gd);return!1}return!0};return Ra=Ra.filter(Od),qa=qa.filter(Od),Nd},dd=Ad=>{let Nd=!1;const Od=kd=>{if(kd.middleware===Ad){Nd=!0;for(const Ld of getAllAliases(kd.name,kd.aliases))od.delete(Ld);return!1}return!0};return Ra=Ra.filter(Od),qa=qa.filter(Od),Nd},pd=Ad=>{var Nd;return Ra.forEach(Od=>{Ad.add(Od.middleware,{...Od})}),qa.forEach(Od=>{Ad.addRelativeTo(Od.middleware,{...Od})}),(Nd=Ad.identifyOnResolve)==null||Nd.call(Ad,vd.identifyOnResolve()),Ad},fd=Ad=>{const Nd=[];return Ad.before.forEach(Od=>{Od.before.length===0&&Od.after.length===0?Nd.push(Od):Nd.push(...fd(Od))}),Nd.push(Ad),Ad.after.reverse().forEach(Od=>{Od.before.length===0&&Od.after.length===0?Nd.push(Od):Nd.push(...fd(Od))}),Nd},md=(Ad=!1)=>{const Nd=[],Od=[],kd={};return Ra.forEach(Gd=>{const Ud={...Gd,before:[],after:[]};for(const Fd of getAllAliases(Ud.name,Ud.aliases))kd[Fd]=Ud;Nd.push(Ud)}),qa.forEach(Gd=>{const Ud={...Gd,before:[],
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ).slice(0,5).filter(qa=>!qa.includes("stackTraceWarning")).join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),logger={warn:console.warn},DAYS=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],MONTHS=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];function dateToUtcString(Ra){const qa=Ra.getUTCFullYear(),nd=Ra.getUTCMonth(),od=Ra.getUTCDay(),ld=Ra.getUTCDate(),ud=Ra.getUTCHours(),dd=Ra.getUTCMinutes(),pd=Ra.getUTCSeconds(),fd=ld<10? ` 0 $ { ld } ` : ` $ { ld } ` ,md=ud<10? ` 0 $ { ud } ` : ` $ { ud } ` ,vd=dd<10? ` 0 $ { dd } ` : ` $ { dd } ` ,Ad=pd<10? ` 0 $ { pd } ` : ` $ { pd } ` ;return ` $ { DAYS [ od ] } , $ { fd } $ { MONTHS [ nd ] } $ { qa } $ { md } : $ { vd } : $ { Ad } GMT ` }const RFC3339_WITH_OFFSET=new RegExp(/^( \d {4})-( \d {2})-( \d {2})[tT]( \d {2}):( \d {2}):( \d {2})(?: \. ( \d +))?(([-+] \d {2} \: \d {2})|[zZ]) $ /),parseRfc3339DateTimeWithOffset=Ra=>{if(Ra==null)return;if(typeof Ra!="string")throw new TypeError("RFC-3339 date-times must be expressed as strings");const qa=RFC3339_WITH_OFFSET.exec(Ra);if(!qa)throw new TypeError("Invalid RFC-3339 date-time value");const[nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd,fd,md,vd]=qa,Ad=strictParseShort(stripLeadingZeroes(od)),Nd=parseDateValue(ld,"month",1,12),Od=parseDateValue(ud,"day",1,31),kd=buildDate(Ad,Nd,Od,{hours:dd,minutes:pd,seconds:fd,fractionalMilliseconds:md});return vd.toUpperCase()!="Z"&&kd.setTime(kd.getTime()-parseOffsetToMilliseconds(vd)),kd},buildDate=(Ra,qa,nd,od)=>{const ld=qa-1;return validateDayOfMonth(Ra,ld,nd),new Date(Date.UTC(Ra,ld,nd,parseDateValue(od.hours,"hour",0,23),parseDateValue(od.minutes,"minute",0,59),parseDateValue(od.seconds,"seconds",0,60),parseMilliseconds(od.fractionalMilliseconds)))},DAYS_IN_MONTH=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],validateDayOfMonth=(Ra,qa,nd)=>{let od=DAYS_IN_MONTH[qa];if(qa===1&&isLeapYear(Ra)&&(od=29),nd>od)throw new TypeError( ` Invalid day for $ { MONTHS [ qa ] } in $ { Ra } : $ { nd } ` )},isLeapYear=Ra=>Ra%4===0&&(Ra%100!==0||Ra%400===0),parseDateValue=(Ra,qa,nd,od)=>{const ld=strictParseByte(stripLeadingZeroes(Ra));if(ld<nd||ld>od)throw new TypeError( ` $ { qa } must be between $ { nd } and $ { od } , inclusive ` );return ld},parseMilliseconds=Ra=>Ra==null?0:strictParseFloat32("0."+Ra)*1e3,parseOffsetToMilliseconds=Ra=>{const qa=Ra[0];let nd=1;if(qa=="+")nd=1;else if(qa=="-")nd=-1;else throw new TypeError( ` Offset direction , $ { qa } , must be "+" or "-" ` );const od=Number(Ra.substring(1,3)),ld=Number(Ra.substring(4,6));return nd*(od*60+ld)*60*1e3},stripLeadingZeroes=Ra=>{let qa=0;for(;qa<Ra.length-1&&Ra.charAt(qa)==="0";)qa++;return qa===0?Ra:Ra.slice(qa)};class ServiceException extends Error{constructor(qa){super(qa.message),Object.setPrototypeOf(this,ServiceException.prototype),this.name=qa.name,this. $ fault=qa. $ fault,this. $ metadata=qa. $ metadata}}const decorateServiceException=(Ra,qa={})=>{Object.entries(qa).filter(([,od])=>od!==void 0).forEach(([od,ld])=>{(Ra[od]==null||Ra[od]==="")&&(Ra[od]=ld)});const nd=Ra.message||Ra.Message||"UnknownError";return Ra.message=nd,delete Ra.Message,Ra},throwDefaultError $ 1=({output:Ra,parsedBody:qa,exceptionCtor:nd,errorCode:od})=>{const ld=deserializeMetadata $ 1(Ra),ud=ld.httpStatusCode?ld.httpStatusCode+"":void 0,dd=new nd({name:(qa==null?void 0:qa.code)||(qa==null?void 0:qa.Code)||od||ud||"UnknownError", $ fault:"client", $ metadata:ld});throw decorateServiceException(dd,qa)},withBaseException=Ra=>({output:qa,parsedBody:nd,errorCode:od})=>{throwDefaultError $ 1({output:qa,parsedBody:nd,exceptionCtor:Ra,errorCode:od})},deserializeMetadata $ 1=Ra=>({httpStatusCode:Ra.statusCode,requestId:Ra.headers["x-amzn-requestid"]??Ra.headers["x-amzn-request-id"]??Ra.headers["x-amz-request-id"],extendedRequestId:Ra.headers["x-amz-id-2"],cfId:Ra.headers["x-amz-cf-id"]}),loadConfigsForDefaultMode=Ra=>{switch(Ra){case"standard":return{retryMode:"standard",connectionTimeout:3100};case"in-region":return{retryMode:"standard",connectionTimeout:1100};case"cross-region":return{retryMode:"standard",connectionTimeout:3100};case"mobile":return{retryMode:"standard",connectionTimeout:3e4};default:return{}}},getChecksumConfiguration=Ra=>{const qa=[];for(const nd in AlgorithmId){const od=AlgorithmId[nd];Ra[od]!==void 0&&qa.push({algorithmId:()=>od,checksumConstructor:()=>Ra[od]})}return{_checksumAlgorithms:qa,addChecksumAlgorithm(nd){this._checksumAlgo
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` &&Ra[ud]!==" \r ";ud++)fd+=Ra[ud];if(fd=fd.trim(),fd[fd.length-1]==="/"&&(fd=fd.substring(0,fd.length-1),ud--),!validateTagName $ 1(fd)){let Ad;return fd.trim().length===0?Ad="Invalid space after '<'.":Ad="Tag '"+fd+"' is an invalid name.",getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidTag",Ad,getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud))}const md=readAttributeStr $ 1(Ra,ud);if(md===!1)return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidAttr","Attributes for '"+fd+"' have open quote.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud));let vd=md.value;if(ud=md.index,vd[vd.length-1]==="/"){const Ad=ud-vd.length;vd=vd.substring(0,vd.length-1);const Nd=validateAttributeString $ 1(vd,qa);if(Nd===!0)od=!0;else return getErrorObject $ 1(Nd.err.code,Nd.err.msg,getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,Ad+Nd.err.line))}else if(pd)if(md.tagClosed){if(vd.trim().length>0)return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+fd+"' can't have attributes or invalid starting.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,dd));if(nd.length===0)return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+fd+"' has not been opened.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,dd));{const Ad=nd.pop();if(fd!==Ad.tagName){let Nd=getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,Ad.tagStartPos);return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidTag","Expected closing tag '"+Ad.tagName+"' (opened in line "+Nd.line+", col "+Nd.col+") instead of closing tag '"+fd+"'.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,dd))}nd.length==0&&(ld=!0)}}else return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+fd+"' doesn't have proper closing.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud));else{const Ad=validateAttributeString $ 1(vd,qa);if(Ad!==!0)return getErrorObject $ 1(Ad.err.code,Ad.err.msg,getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud-vd.length+Ad.err.line));if(ld===!0)return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidXml","Multiple possible root nodes found.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud));qa.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1||nd.push({tagName:fd,tagStartPos:dd}),od=!0}for(ud++;ud<Ra.length;ud++)if(Ra[ud]==="<")if(Ra[ud+1]==="!"){ud++,ud=readCommentAndCDATA $ 1(Ra,ud);continue}else if(Ra[ud+1]==="?"){if(ud=readPI $ 1(Ra,++ud),ud.err)return ud}else break;else if(Ra[ud]==="&"){const Ad=validateAmpersand $ 1(Ra,ud);if(Ad==-1)return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidChar","char '&' is not expected.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud));ud=Ad}else if(ld===!0&&!isWhiteSpace $ 1(Ra[ud]))return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidXml","Extra text at the end",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud));Ra[ud]==="<"&&ud--}}else{if(isWhiteSpace $ 1(Ra[ud]))continue;return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidChar","char '"+Ra[ud]+"' is not expected.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,ud))}if(od){if(nd.length==1)return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidTag","Unclosed tag '"+nd[0].tagName+"'.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,nd[0].tagStartPos));if(nd.length>0)return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidXml","Invalid '"+JSON.stringify(nd.map(ud=>ud.tagName),null,4).replace(/ \r ? \n /g,"")+"' found.",{line:1,col:1})}else return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidXml","Start tag expected.",1);return!0};function isWhiteSpace $ 1(Ra){return Ra===" "||Ra===" "||Ra=== `
` ||Ra===" \r "}function readPI $ 1(Ra,qa){const nd=qa;for(;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]=="?"||Ra[qa]==" "){const od=Ra.substr(nd,qa-nd);if(qa>5&&od==="xml")return getErrorObject $ 1("InvalidXml","XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document.",getLineNumberForPosition $ 1(Ra,qa));if(Ra[qa]=="?"&&Ra[qa+1]==">"){qa++;break}else continue}return qa}function readCommentAndCDATA $ 1(Ra,qa){if(Ra.length>qa+5&&Ra[qa+1]==="-"&&Ra[qa+2]==="-"){for(qa+=3;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]==="-"&&Ra[qa+1]==="-"&&Ra[qa+2]===">"){qa+=2;break}}else if(Ra.length>qa+8&&Ra[qa+1]==="D"&&Ra[qa+2]==="O"&&Ra[qa+3]==="C"&&Ra[qa+4]==="T"&&Ra[qa+5]==="Y"&&Ra[qa+6]==="P"&&Ra[qa+7]==="E"){let nd=1;for(qa+=8;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]==="<")nd++;else if(Ra[qa]===">"&&(nd--,nd===0))break}else if(Ra.length>qa+9&&Ra[qa+1]==="["&&Ra[qa+2]==="C"&&Ra[qa+3]==="D"&&Ra[qa+4]==="A"&&Ra[qa+5]==="T"&&Ra[qa+6]==="A"&&Ra[qa+7]==="["){for(qa+=8;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]==="]"&&Ra[qa+1]==="]"&&Ra[qa+2]===">"){qa+=2;break}}return qa}const doubleQuote $ 1='"',singleQuote $ 1="'";function readAttributeStr $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd="",od="",ld=!1;for(;qa<Ra.length;qa++){if(Ra[qa]===doubleQuote $ 1||Ra[qa]===singleQuote $ 1)od===""?od=Ra[qa]:od!==Ra[qa]||(od="");else if(Ra[qa]===">"&&od===""){ld=!0;break}nd+=Ra[qa]}return od!==""?!1:{value:nd,index:qa,tagClosed:ld}}const validAttrStrRegxp $ 1=new RegExp( ` ( \ \ s * ) ( [ ^ \ \ s = ] + ) ( \ \ s *= ) ? ( \ \ s * ( [ '"])(([\\s\\S])*?)\\5)?`,"g");function validateAttributeString$1(Ra,qa){const nd=util$8.getAllMatches(Ra,validAttrStrRegxp$1),od={};for(let ld=0;ld<nd.length;ld++){if(nd[ld][1].length===0)return getErrorObject$1("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+nd[ld][2]+" ' has no space in starting.",getPositionFromMatch$1(nd[ld]));if(nd[ld][3]!==void 0&&nd[ld][4]===void 0)return getErrorObject$1("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+nd[ld][2]+" ' is without value.",getPositionFromMatch$1(nd[ld]));if(nd[ld][3]===void 0&&!qa.allowBooleanAttributes)return getErrorObject$1("InvalidAttr","boolean attribute ' "+nd[ld][2]+" ' is not allowed.",getPositionFromMatch$1(nd[ld]));const ud=nd[ld][2];if(!validateAttrName$1(ud))return getErrorObject$1("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+ud+" ' is an invalid name.",getPositionFromMatch$1(nd[ld]));if(!od.hasOwnProperty(ud))od[ud]=1;else return getErrorObject$1("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+ud+" ' is repeated . ",getPositionFromMatch$1(nd[ld]))}return!0}function validateNumberAmpersand$1(Ra,qa){let nd=/\d/;for(Ra[qa]===" x "&&(qa++,nd=/[\da-fA-F]/);qa<Ra.length;qa++){if(Ra[qa]===" ; ")return qa;if(!Ra[qa].match(nd))break}return-1}function validateAmpersand$1(Ra,qa){if(qa++,Ra[qa]===" ; ")return-1;if(Ra[qa]===" # ")return qa++,validateNumberAmpersand$1(Ra,qa);let nd=0;for(;qa<Ra.length;qa++,nd++)if(!(Ra[qa].match(/\w/)&&nd<20)){if(Ra[qa]===" ; ")break;return-1}return qa}function getErrorObject$1(Ra,qa,nd){return{err:{code:Ra,msg:qa,line:nd.line||nd,col:nd.col}}}function validateAttrName$1(Ra){return util$8.isName(Ra)}function validateTagName$1(Ra){return util$8.isName(Ra)}function getLineNumberForPosition$1(Ra,qa){const nd=Ra.substring(0,qa).split(/\r?\n/);return{line:nd.length,col:nd[nd.length-1].length+1}}function getPositionFromMatch$1(Ra){return Ra.startIndex+Ra[1].length}var OptionsBuilder$1={};const defaultOptions$4={preserveOrder:!1,attributeNamePrefix:" @ _ ",attributesGroupName:!1,textNodeName:" # text ",ignoreAttributes:!0,removeNSPrefix:!1,allowBooleanAttributes:!1,parseTagValue:!0,parseAttributeValue:!1,trimValues:!0,cdataPropName:!1,numberParseOptions:{hex:!0,leadingZeros:!0,eNotation:!0},tagValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},attributeValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},stopNodes:[],alwaysCreateTextNode:!1,isArray:()=>!1,commentPropName:!1,unpairedTags:[],processEntities:!0,htmlEntities:!1,ignoreDeclaration:!1,ignorePiTags:!1,transformTagName:!1,transformAttributeName:!1,updateTag:function(Ra,qa,nd){return Ra}},buildOptions$3=function(Ra){return Object.assign({},defaultOptions$4,Ra)};OptionsBuilder$1.buildOptions=buildOptions$3;OptionsBuilder$1.defaultOptions=defaultOptions$4;let XmlNode$1=class{constructor(qa){this.tagname=qa,this.child=[],this[" : @ " ] = { } } add ( qa , nd ) { q
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` );const qa=new xmlNode $ 2("!xml");let nd=qa,od="",ld="";for(let ud=0;ud<Ra.length;ud++)if(Ra[ud]==="<")if(Ra[ud+1]==="/"){const pd=findClosingIndex $ 1(Ra,">",ud,"Closing Tag is not closed.");let fd=Ra.substring(ud+2,pd).trim();if(this.options.removeNSPrefix){const Ad=fd.indexOf(":");Ad!==-1&&(fd=fd.substr(Ad+1))}this.options.transformTagName&&(fd=this.options.transformTagName(fd)),nd&&(od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld));const md=ld.substring(ld.lastIndexOf(".")+1);if(fd&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1)throw new Error( ` Unpaired tag can not be used as closing tag : < /${fd}>`);let vd=0;md&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(md)!==-1?(vd=ld.lastIndexOf(".",ld.lastIndexOf(".")-1),this.tagsNodeStack.pop()):vd=ld.lastIndexOf("."),ld=ld.substring(0,vd),nd=this.tagsNodeStack.pop(),od="",ud=pd}else if(Ra[ud+1]==="?"){let pd=readTagExp$1(Ra,ud,!1,"?>");if(!pd)throw new Error("Pi Tag is not closed.");if(od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld),!(this.options.ignoreDeclaration&&pd.tagName==="?xml"||this.options.ignorePiTags)){const fd=new xmlNode$2(pd.tagName);fd.add(this.options.textNodeName,""),pd.tagName!==pd.tagExp&&pd.attrExpPresent&&(fd[":@"]=this.buildAttributesMap(pd.tagExp,ld,pd.tagName)),this.addChild(nd,fd,ld)}ud=pd.closeIndex+1}else if(Ra.substr(ud+1,3)==="!--"){const pd=findClosingIndex$1(Ra,"-->",ud+4,"Comment is not closed.");if(this.options.commentPropName){const fd=Ra.substring(ud+4,pd-2);od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld),nd.add(this.options.commentPropName,[{[this.options.textNodeName]:fd}])}ud=pd}else if(Ra.substr(ud+1,2)==="!D"){const pd=readDocType$2(Ra,ud);this.docTypeEntities=pd.entities,ud=pd.i}else if(Ra.substr(ud+1,2)==="!["){const pd=findClosingIndex$1(Ra,"]]>",ud,"CDATA is not closed.")-2,fd=Ra.substring(ud+9,pd);od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld);let md=this.parseTextData(fd,nd.tagname,ld,!0,!1,!0,!0);md==null&&(md=""),this.options.cdataPropName?nd.add(this.options.cdataPropName,[{[this.options.textNodeName]:fd}]):nd.add(this.options.textNodeName,md),ud=pd+2}else{let pd=readTagExp$1(Ra,ud,this.options.removeNSPrefix),fd=pd.tagName;const md=pd.rawTagName;let vd=pd.tagExp,Ad=pd.attrExpPresent,Nd=pd.closeIndex;this.options.transformTagName&&(fd=this.options.transformTagName(fd)),nd&&od&&nd.tagname!=="!xml"&&(od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld,!1));const Od=nd;if(Od&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(Od.tagname)!==-1&&(nd=this.tagsNodeStack.pop(),ld=ld.substring(0,ld.lastIndexOf("."))),fd!==qa.tagname&&(ld+=ld?"."+fd:fd),this.isItStopNode(this.options.stopNodes,ld,fd)){let kd="";if(vd.length>0&&vd.lastIndexOf("/ ")===vd.length-1)fd[fd.length-1]===" / "?(fd=fd.substr(0,fd.length-1),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.length-1),vd=fd):vd=vd.substr(0,vd.length-1),ud=pd.closeIndex;else if(this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1)ud=pd.closeIndex;else{const Gd=this.readStopNodeData(Ra,md,Nd+1);if(!Gd)throw new Error(`Unexpected end of ${md}`);ud=Gd.i,kd=Gd.tagContent}const Ld=new xmlNode$2(fd);fd!==vd&&Ad&&(Ld[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(vd,ld,fd)),kd&&(kd=this.parseTextData(kd,fd,ld,!0,Ad,!0,!0)),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.lastIndexOf(" . ")),Ld.add(this.options.textNodeName,kd),this.addChild(nd,Ld,ld)}else{if(vd.length>0&&vd.lastIndexOf(" / ")===vd.length-1){fd[fd.length-1]===" / "?(fd=fd.substr(0,fd.length-1),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.length-1),vd=fd):vd=vd.substr(0,vd.length-1),this.options.transformTagName&&(fd=this.options.transformTagName(fd));const kd=new xmlNode$2(fd);fd!==vd&&Ad&&(kd[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(vd,ld,fd)),this.addChild(nd,kd,ld),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.lastIndexOf(" . "))}else{const kd=new xmlNode$2(fd);this.tagsNodeStack.push(nd),fd!==vd&&Ad&&(kd[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(vd,ld,fd)),this.addChild(nd,kd,ld),nd=kd}od=" ",ud=Nd}}else od+=Ra[ud];return qa.child};function addChild$1(Ra,qa,nd){const od=this.options.updateTag(qa.tagname,nd,qa[" : @ "]);od===!1||(typeof od==" string " && ( qa . tagname = od ) , Ra . addChild ( qa ) ) } const replaceEntitiesValue$3 = function ( Ra ) { if ( this . options . processEntities ) { for ( let qa in this . docTypeEntities ) { const nd = this . docTypeEntities [ qa ] ; Ra = Ra . replace ( nd . regx , nd . val ) } for ( let qa in this . lastEntities )
` ;function toXml $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd="";return qa.format&&qa.indentBy.length>0&&(nd=EOL $ 1),arrToStr $ 1(Ra,qa,"",nd)}function arrToStr $ 1(Ra,qa,nd,od){let ld="",ud=!1;for(let dd=0;dd<Ra.length;dd++){const pd=Ra[dd],fd=propName $ 2(pd);if(fd===void 0)continue;let md="";if(nd.length===0?md=fd:md= ` $ { nd } . $ { fd } ` ,fd===qa.textNodeName){let kd=pd[fd];isStopNode $ 1(md,qa)||(kd=qa.tagValueProcessor(fd,kd),kd=replaceEntitiesValue $ 2(kd,qa)),ud&&(ld+=od),ld+=kd,ud=!1;continue}else if(fd===qa.cdataPropName){ud&&(ld+=od),ld+= ` < ! [ CDATA [ $ { pd [ fd ] [ 0 ] [ qa . textNodeName ] } ] ] > ` ,ud=!1;continue}else if(fd===qa.commentPropName){ld+=od+ ` <!-- $ { pd [ fd ] [ 0 ] [ qa . textNodeName ] } -- > ` ,ud=!0;continue}else if(fd[0]==="?"){const kd=attr_to_str $ 1(pd[":@"],qa),Ld=fd==="?xml"?"":od;let Gd=pd[fd][0][qa.textNodeName];Gd=Gd.length!==0?" "+Gd:"",ld+=Ld+ ` < $ { fd } $ { Gd } $ { kd } ? > ` ,ud=!0;continue}let vd=od;vd!==""&&(vd+=qa.indentBy);const Ad=attr_to_str $ 1(pd[":@"],qa),Nd=od+ ` < $ { fd } $ { Ad } ` ,Od=arrToStr $ 1(pd[fd],qa,md,vd);qa.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1?qa.suppressUnpairedNode?ld+=Nd+">":ld+=Nd+"/>":(!Od||Od.length===0)&&qa.suppressEmptyNode?ld+=Nd+"/>":Od&&Od.endsWith(">")?ld+=Nd+ ` > $ { Od } $ { od } < /${fd}>`:(ld+=Nd+">",Od&&od!==""&&(Od.includes("/ > ")||Od.includes(" < /"))?ld+=od+qa.indentBy+Od+od:ld+=Od,ld+=`</ $ { fd } > ` ),ud=!0}return ld}function propName $ 2(Ra){const qa=Object.keys(Ra);for(let nd=0;nd<qa.length;nd++){const od=qa[nd];if(Ra.hasOwnProperty(od)&&od!==":@")return od}}function attr_to_str $ 1(Ra,qa){let nd="";if(Ra&&!qa.ignoreAttributes)for(let od in Ra){if(!Ra.hasOwnProperty(od))continue;let ld=qa.attributeValueProcessor(od,Ra[od]);ld=replaceEntitiesValue $ 2(ld,qa),ld===!0&&qa.suppressBooleanAttributes?nd+= ` $ { od . substr ( qa . attributeNamePrefix . length ) } ` :nd+= ` $ { od . substr ( qa . attributeNamePrefix . length ) } = "${ld}" ` }return nd}function isStopNode $ 1(Ra,qa){Ra=Ra.substr(0,Ra.length-qa.textNodeName.length-1);let nd=Ra.substr(Ra.lastIndexOf(".")+1);for(let od in qa.stopNodes)if(qa.stopNodes[od]===Ra||qa.stopNodes[od]==="*."+nd)return!0;return!1}function replaceEntitiesValue $ 2(Ra,qa){if(Ra&&Ra.length>0&&qa.processEntities)for(let nd=0;nd<qa.entities.length;nd++){const od=qa.entities[nd];Ra=Ra.replace(od.regex,od.val)}return Ra}var orderedJs2Xml $ 1=toXml $ 1;const buildFromOrderedJs $ 1=orderedJs2Xml $ 1,defaultOptions $ 3={attributeNamePrefix:"@_",attributesGroupName:!1,textNodeName:"#text",ignoreAttributes:!0,cdataPropName:!1,format:!1,indentBy:" ",suppressEmptyNode:!1,suppressUnpairedNode:!0,suppressBooleanAttributes:!0,tagValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},attributeValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},preserveOrder:!1,commentPropName:!1,unpairedTags:[],entities:[{regex:new RegExp("&","g"),val:"&"},{regex:new RegExp(">","g"),val:">"},{regex:new RegExp("<","g"),val:"<"},{regex:new RegExp("'","g"),val:"'"},{regex:new RegExp('"',"g"),val:"""}],processEntities:!0,stopNodes:[],oneListGroup:!1};function Builder $ 1(Ra){this.options=Object.assign({},defaultOptions $ 3,Ra),this.options.ignoreAttributes||this.options.attributesGroupName?this.isAttribute=function(){return!1}:(this.attrPrefixLen=this.options.attributeNamePrefix.length,this.isAttribute=isAttribute $ 1),this.processTextOrObjNode=processTextOrObjNode $ 1,this.options.format?(this.indentate=indentate $ 1,this.tagEndChar= ` >
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` ,this.newLine= `
` ):(this.indentate=function(){return""},this.tagEndChar=">",this.newLine="")}Builder $ 1.prototype.build=function(Ra){return this.options.preserveOrder?buildFromOrderedJs $ 1(Ra,this.options):(Array.isArray(Ra)&&this.options.arrayNodeName&&this.options.arrayNodeName.length>1&&(Ra={[this.options.arrayNodeName]:Ra}),this.j2x(Ra,0).val)};Builder $ 1.prototype.j2x=function(Ra,qa){let nd="",od="";for(let ld in Ra)if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Ra,ld))if(typeof Ra[ld]>"u")this.isAttribute(ld)&&(od+="");else if(Ra[ld]===null)this.isAttribute(ld)?od+="":ld[0]==="?"?od+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+ld+"?"+this.tagEndChar:od+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+ld+"/"+this.tagEndChar;else if(Ra[ld]instanceof Date)od+=this.buildTextValNode(Ra[ld],ld,"",qa);else if(typeof Ra[ld]!="object"){const ud=this.isAttribute(ld);if(ud)nd+=this.buildAttrPairStr(ud,""+Ra[ld]);else if(ld===this.options.textNodeName){let dd=this.options.tagValueProcessor(ld,""+Ra[ld]);od+=this.replaceEntitiesValue(dd)}else od+=this.buildTextValNode(Ra[ld],ld,"",qa)}else if(Array.isArray(Ra[ld])){const ud=Ra[ld].length;let dd="",pd="";for(let fd=0;fd<ud;fd++){const md=Ra[ld][fd];if(!(typeof md>"u"))if(md===null)ld[0]==="?"?od+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+ld+"?"+this.tagEndChar:od+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+ld+"/"+this.tagEndChar;else if(typeof md=="object")if(this.options.oneListGroup){const vd=this.j2x(md,qa+1);dd+=vd.val,this.options.attributesGroupName&&md.hasOwnProperty(this.options.attributesGroupName)&&(pd+=vd.attrStr)}else dd+=this.processTextOrObjNode(md,ld,qa);else if(this.options.oneListGroup){let vd=this.options.tagValueProcessor(ld,md);vd=this.replaceEntitiesValue(vd),dd+=vd}else dd+=this.buildTextValNode(md,ld,"",qa)}this.options.oneListGroup&&(dd=this.buildObjectNode(dd,ld,pd,qa)),od+=dd}else if(this.options.attributesGroupName&&ld===this.options.attributesGroupName){const ud=Object.keys(Ra[ld]),dd=ud.length;for(let pd=0;pd<dd;pd++)nd+=this.buildAttrPairStr(ud[pd],""+Ra[ld][ud[pd]])}else od+=this.processTextOrObjNode(Ra[ld],ld,qa);return{attrStr:nd,val:od}};Builder $ 1.prototype.buildAttrPairStr=function(Ra,qa){return qa=this.options.attributeValueProcessor(Ra,""+qa),qa=this.replaceEntitiesValue(qa),this.options.suppressBooleanAttributes&&qa==="true"?" "+Ra:" "+Ra+'="'+qa+'"'};function processTextOrObjNode $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){const od=this.j2x(Ra,nd+1);return Ra[this.options.textNodeName]!==void 0&&Object.keys(Ra).length===1?this.buildTextValNode(Ra[this.options.textNodeName],qa,od.attrStr,nd):this.buildObjectNode(od.val,qa,od.attrStr,nd)}Builder $ 1.prototype.buildObjectNode=function(Ra,qa,nd,od){if(Ra==="")return qa[0]==="?"?this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+"?"+this.tagEndChar:this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+this.closeTag(qa)+this.tagEndChar;{let ld="</"+qa+this.tagEndChar,ud="";return qa[0]==="?"&&(ud="?",ld=""),(nd||nd==="")&&Ra.indexOf("<")===-1?this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+ud+">"+Ra+ld:this.options.commentPropName!==!1&&qa===this.options.commentPropName&&ud.length===0?this.indentate(od)+ ` <!-- $ { Ra } -- > ` +this.newLine:this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+ud+this.tagEndChar+Ra+this.indentate(od)+ld}};Builder $ 1.prototype.closeTag=function(Ra){let qa="";return this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(Ra)!==-1?this.options.suppressUnpairedNode||(qa="/"):this.options.suppressEmptyNode?qa="/":qa= ` > < /${Ra}`,qa};Builder$1.prototype.buildTextValNode=function(Ra,qa,nd,od){if(this.options.cdataPropName!==!1&&qa===this.options.cdataPropName)return this.indentate(od)+`<![CDATA[${Ra}]]>`+this.newLine;if(this.options.commentPropName!==!1&&qa===this.options.commentPropName)return this.indentate(od)+`<!--${Ra}-->`+this.newLine;if(qa[0]==="?")return this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+"?"+this.tagEndChar;{let ld=this.options.tagValueProcessor(qa,Ra);return ld=this.replaceEntitiesValue(ld),ld===""?this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+this.closeTag(qa)+this.tagEndChar:this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+">"+ld+"</ " + qa + this . tagEndChar } } ; Builder$1 . prototype . replaceEntitiesValue = function ( Ra ) { if ( Ra && Ra . length > 0 && this . options . processEntities ) for ( let qa = 0 ; qa < this . options . entities . length ; qa ++ ) { const nd = this . options . entities [ qa ] ; Ra = Ra . replace ( nd . regex , n
` )?"":void 0});od.addEntity("#xD"," \r "),od.addEntity("#10", `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` );let ld;try{ld=od.parse(nd,!0)}catch(fd){throw fd&&typeof fd=="object"&&Object.defineProperty(fd," $ responseBodyText",{value:nd}),fd}const ud="#text",dd=Object.keys(ld)[0],pd=ld[dd];return pd[ud]&&(pd[dd]=pd[ud],delete pd[ud]),getValueFromTextNode(pd)}return{}}),parseXmlErrorBody=async(Ra,qa)=>{const nd=await parseXmlBody(Ra,qa);return nd.Error&&(nd.Error.message=nd.Error.message??nd.Error.Message),nd},loadRestXmlErrorCode=(Ra,qa)=>{var nd;if(((nd=qa==null?void 0:qa.Error)==null?void 0:nd.Code)!==void 0)return qa.Error.Code;if((qa==null?void 0:qa.Code)!==void 0)return qa.Code;if(Ra.statusCode==404)return"NotFound"},CLIENT_SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS=[ChecksumAlgorithm.CRC32,ChecksumAlgorithm.CRC32C,ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA1,ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA256],PRIORITY_ORDER_ALGORITHMS=[ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA256,ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA1,ChecksumAlgorithm.CRC32,ChecksumAlgorithm.CRC32C],getChecksumAlgorithmForRequest=(Ra,{requestChecksumRequired:qa,requestAlgorithmMember:nd},od)=>{const ld=od?S3_EXPRESS_DEFAULT_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM:DEFAULT_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM;if(!nd||!Ra[nd])return qa?ld:void 0;const ud=Ra[nd];if(!CLIENT_SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS.includes(ud))throw new Error( ` The checksum algorithm "${ud}" is not supported by the client . Select one of $ { CLIENT _SUPPORTED _ALGORITHMS } . ` );return ud},getChecksumLocationName=Ra=>Ra===ChecksumAlgorithm.MD5?"content-md5": ` x - amz - checksum - $ { Ra . toLowerCase ( ) } ` ,hasHeader=(Ra,qa)=>{const nd=Ra.toLowerCase();for(const od of Object.keys(qa))if(nd===od.toLowerCase())return!0;return!1},hasHeaderWithPrefix=(Ra,qa)=>{const nd=Ra.toLowerCase();for(const od of Object.keys(qa))if(od.toLowerCase().startsWith(nd))return!0;return!1},isStreaming=Ra=>Ra!==void 0&&typeof Ra!="string"&&!ArrayBuffer.isView(Ra)&&!isArrayBuffer $ 1(Ra);function __awaiter $ 8(Ra,qa,nd,od){function ld(ud){return ud instanceof nd?ud:new nd(function(dd){dd(ud)})}return new(nd||(nd=Promise))(function(ud,dd){function pd(vd){try{md(od.next(vd))}catch(Ad){dd(Ad)}}function fd(vd){try{md(od.throw(vd))}catch(Ad){dd(Ad)}}function md(vd){vd.done?ud(vd.value):ld(vd.value).then(pd,fd)}md((od=od.apply(Ra,qa||[])).next())})}function __generator $ 8(Ra,qa){var nd={label:0,sent:function(){if(ud[0]&1)throw ud[1];return ud[1]},trys:[],ops:[]},od,ld,ud,dd=Object.create((typeof Iterator=="function"?Iterator:Object).prototype);return dd.next=pd(0),dd.throw=pd(1),dd.return=pd(2),typeof Symbol=="function"&&(dd[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),dd;function pd(md){return function(vd){return fd([md,vd])}}function fd(md){if(od)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for(;dd&&(dd=0,md[0]&&(nd=0)),nd;)try{if(od=1,ld&&(ud=md[0]&2?ld.return:md[0]?ld.throw||((ud=ld.return)&&ud.call(ld),0):ld.next)&&!(ud=ud.call(ld,md[1])).done)return ud;switch(ld=0,ud&&(md=[md[0]&2,ud.value]),md[0]){case 0:case 1:ud=md;break;case 4:return nd.label++,{value:md[1],done:!1};case 5:nd.label++,ld=md[1],md=[0];continue;case 7:md=nd.ops.pop(),nd.trys.pop();continue;default:if(ud=nd.trys,!(ud=ud.length>0&&ud[ud.length-1])&&(md[0]===6||md[0]===2)){nd=0;continue}if(md[0]===3&&(!ud||md[1]>ud[0]&&md[1]<ud[3])){nd.label=md[1];break}if(md[0]===6&&nd.label<ud[1]){nd.label=ud[1],ud=md;break}if(ud&&nd.label<ud[2]){nd.label=ud[2],nd.ops.push(md);break}ud[2]&&nd.ops.pop(),nd.trys.pop();continue}md=qa.call(Ra,nd)}catch(vd){md=[6,vd],ld=0}finally{od=ud=0}if(md[0]&5)throw md[1];return{value:md[0]?md[1]:void 0,done:!0}}}function __values(Ra){var qa=typeof Symbol=="function"&&Symbol.iterator,nd=qa&&Ra[qa],od=0;if(nd)return nd.call(Ra);if(Ra&&typeof Ra.length=="number")return{next:function(){return Ra&&od>=Ra.length&&(Ra=void 0),{value:Ra&&Ra[od++],done:!Ra}}};throw new TypeError(qa?"Object is not iterable.":"Symbol.iterator is not defined.")}typeof SuppressedError=="function"&&SuppressedError;const fromUtf8 $ 2=Ra=>new TextEncoder().encode(Ra);var fromUtf8 $ 1=typeof Buffer $ 4<"u"&&Buffer $ 4.from?function(Ra){return Buffer $ 4.from(Ra,"utf8")}:fromUtf8 $ 2;function convertToBuffer $ 2(Ra){return Ra instanceof Uint8Array?Ra:typeof Ra=="string"?fromUtf8 $ 1(Ra):ArrayBuffer.isView(Ra)?new Uint8Array(Ra.buffer,Ra.byteOffset,
` +dd)});const nd=await this.createSessionFn(qa);if(!((ld=nd.Credentials)!=null&&ld.AccessKeyId)||!((ud=nd.Credentials)!=null&&ud.SecretAccessKey))throw new Error("s3#createSession response credential missing AccessKeyId or SecretAccessKey.");return{accessKeyId:nd.Credentials.AccessKeyId,secretAccessKey:nd.Credentials.SecretAccessKey,sessionToken:nd.Credentials.SessionToken,expiration:nd.Credentials.Expiration?new Date(nd.Credentials.Expiration):void 0}}}S3ExpressIdentityProviderImpl.REFRESH_WINDOW_MS=6e4;var SelectorType;(function(Ra){Ra.ENV="env",Ra.CONFIG="shared config entry"})(SelectorType||(SelectorType={}));const S3_EXPRESS_BUCKET_TYPE="Directory",S3_EXPRESS_BACKEND="S3Express",S3_EXPRESS_AUTH_SCHEME="sigv4-s3express",SESSION_TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM="X-Amz-S3session-Token",SESSION_TOKEN_HEADER=SESSION_TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM.toLowerCase();class SignatureV4S3Express extends SignatureV4{async signWithCredentials(qa,nd,od){const ld=getCredentialsWithoutSessionToken(nd);qa.headers[SESSION_TOKEN_HEADER]=nd.sessionToken;const ud=this;return setSingleOverride(ud,ld),ud.signRequest(qa,od??{})}async presignWithCredentials(qa,nd,od){const ld=getCredentialsWithoutSessionToken(nd);return delete qa.headers[SESSION_TOKEN_HEADER],qa.headers[SESSION_TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM]=nd.sessionToken,qa.query=qa.query??{},qa.query[SESSION_TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM]=nd.sessionToken,setSingleOverride(this,ld),this.presign(qa,od)}}function getCredentialsWithoutSessionToken(Ra){return{accessKeyId:Ra.accessKeyId,secretAccessKey:Ra.secretAccessKey,expiration:Ra.expiration}}function setSingleOverride(Ra,qa){const nd=setTimeout(()=>{throw new Error("SignatureV4S3Express credential override was created but not called.")},10),od=Ra.credentialProvider,ld=()=>(clearTimeout(nd),Ra.credentialProvider=od,Promise.resolve(qa));Ra.credentialProvider=ld}const s3ExpressMiddleware=Ra=>(qa,nd)=>async od=>{var ld,ud,dd,pd,fd;if(nd.endpointV2){const md=nd.endpointV2,vd=((dd=(ud=(ld=md.properties)==null?void 0:ld.authSchemes)==null?void 0:ud[0])==null?void 0:dd.name)===S3_EXPRESS_AUTH_SCHEME;if((((pd=md.properties)==null?void 0:pd.backend)===S3_EXPRESS_BACKEND||((fd=md.properties)==null?void 0:fd.bucketType)===S3_EXPRESS_BUCKET_TYPE)&&(setFeature $ 1(nd,"S3_EXPRESS_BUCKET","J"),nd.isS3ExpressBucket=!0),vd){const Nd=od.input.Bucket;if(Nd){const Od=await Ra.s3ExpressIdentityProvider.getS3ExpressIdentity(await Ra.credentials(),{Bucket:Nd});nd.s3ExpressIdentity=Od,HttpRequest.isInstance(od.request)&&Od.sessionToken&&(od.request.headers[SESSION_TOKEN_HEADER]=Od.sessionToken)}}}return qa(od)},s3ExpressMiddlewareOptions={name:"s3ExpressMiddleware",step:"build",tags:["S3","S3_EXPRESS"],override:!0},getS3ExpressPlugin=Ra=>({applyToStack:qa=>{qa.add(s3ExpressMiddleware(Ra),s3ExpressMiddlewareOptions)}}),signS3Express=async(Ra,qa,nd,od)=>{const ld=await od.signWithCredentials(nd,Ra,{});if(ld.headers["X-Amz-Security-Token"]||ld.headers["x-amz-security-token"])throw new Error("X-Amz-Security-Token must not be set for s3-express requests.");return ld},defaultErrorHandler=Ra=>qa=>{throw qa},defaultSuccessHandler=(Ra,qa)=>{},s3ExpressHttpSigningMiddleware=Ra=>(qa,nd)=>async od=>{if(!HttpRequest.isInstance(od.request))return qa(od);const ud=getSmithyContext(nd).selectedHttpAuthScheme;if(!ud)throw new Error("No HttpAuthScheme was selected: unable to sign request");const{httpAuthOption:{signingProperties:dd={}},identity:pd,signer:fd}=ud;let md;nd.s3ExpressIdentity?md=await signS3Express(nd.s3ExpressIdentity,dd,od.request,await Ra.signer()):md=await fd.sign(od.request,pd,dd);const vd=await qa({...od,request:md}).catch((fd.errorHandler||defaultErrorHandler)(dd));return(fd.successHandler||defaultSuccessHandler)(vd.response,dd),vd},getS3ExpressHttpSigningPlugin=Ra=>({applyToStack:qa=>{qa.addRelativeTo(s3ExpressHttpSigningMiddleware(Ra),httpSigningMiddlewareOptions)}}),resolveS3Config=(Ra,{session:qa})=>{const[nd,od]=qa;return{...Ra,forcePathStyle:Ra.forcePathStyle??!1,useAccelerateEndpoint:Ra.useAccelerateEndpoint??!1,disableMultiregionAccessPoints:Ra.disableMultiregionAccessPoints??!1,followRegionRedirects:Ra.foll
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
Please check whether you have installed the "@aws-sdk/signature-v4-crt" package explicitly .
You must also register the package by calling [ require ( "@aws-sdk/signature-v4-crt" ) ; ] or an ESM equivalent such as [ import "@aws-sdk/signature-v4-crt" ; ] .
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
For more information please go to https : //github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js-v3#functionality-requiring-aws-common-runtime-crt`,nd}this.sigv4aSigner=new qa({...this.signerOptions,signingAlgorithm:1})}return this.sigv4aSigner}}const ci="required",cj="type",ck="conditions",cl="fn",cm="argv",cn="ref",co="assign",cp="url",cq="properties",cr="backend",cs="authSchemes",ct="disableDoubleEncoding",cu="signingName",cv="signingRegion",cw="headers",cx="signingRegionSet",a=6,b=!1,c=!0,d="isSet",e="booleanEquals",f="error",g$2="aws.partition",h="stringEquals",i="getAttr",j="name",k="substring",l="bucketSuffix",m="parseURL",n="{url#scheme}://{url#authority}/{uri_encoded_bucket}{url#path}",o="endpoint",p="tree",q="aws.isVirtualHostableS3Bucket",r="{url#scheme}://{Bucket}.{url#authority}{url#path}",s="not",t="{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#path}",u="hardwareType",v="regionPrefix",w="bucketAliasSuffix",x="outpostId",y="isValidHostLabel",z="sigv4a",A="s3-outposts",B="s3",C="{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#normalizedPath}{Bucket}",D="https://{Bucket}.s3-accelerate.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",E="https://{Bucket}.s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",F="aws.parseArn",G="bucketArn",H="arnType",I="",J="s3-object-lambda",K="accesspoint",L="accessPointName",M="{url#scheme}://{accessPointName}-{bucketArn#accountId}.{url#authority}{url#path}",N="mrapPartition",O="outpostType",P="arnPrefix",Q="{url#scheme}://{url#authority}{url#normalizedPath}{uri_encoded_bucket}",R$1="https://s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}/{uri_encoded_bucket}",S="https://s3.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",T={[ci]:!1,[cj]:"String"},U={[ci]:!0,default:!1,[cj]:"Boolean"},V={[ci]:!1,[cj]:"Boolean"},W={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"Accelerate"},!0]},X={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseFIPS"},!0]},Y={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseDualStack"},!0]},Z={[cl]:d,[cm]:[{[cn]:"Endpoint"}]},aa={[cl]:g$2,[cm]:[{[cn]:"Region"}],[co]:"partitionResult"},ab={[cl]:h,[cm]:[{[cl]:i,[cm]:[{[cn]:"partitionResult"},j]},"aws-cn"]},ac={[cl]:d,[cm]:[{[cn]:"Bucket"}]},ad={[cn]:"Bucket"},ae={[cl]:m,[cm]:[{[cn]:"Endpoint"}],[co]:"url"},af={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cl]:i,[cm]:[{[cn]:"url"},"isIp"]},!0]},ag={[cn]:"url"},ah={[cl]:"uriEncode",[cm]:[ad],[co]:"uri_encoded_bucket"},ai={[cr]:"S3Express",[cs]:[{[ct]:!0,[j]:"sigv4",[cu]:"s3express",[cv]:"{Region}"}]},aj={},ak={[cl]:q,[cm]:[ad,!1]},al={[f]:"S3Express bucket name is not a valid virtual hostable name.",[cj]:f},am={[cr]:"S3Express",[cs]:[{[ct]:!0,[j]:"sigv4-s3express",[cu]:"s3express",[cv]:"{Region}"}]},an={[cl]:d,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint"}]},ao={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseS3ExpressControlEndpoint"},!0]},ap={[cl]:s,[cm]:[Z]},aq={[f]:"Unrecognized S3Express bucket name format.",[cj]:f},ar={[cl]:s,[cm]:[ac]},as={[cn]:u},at={[ck]:[ap],[f]:"Expected a endpoint to be specified but no endpoint was found",[cj]:f},au={[cs]:[{[ct]:!0,[j]:z,[cu]:A,[cx]:["*"]},{[ct]:!0,[j]:"sigv4",[cu]:A,[cv]:"{Region}"}]},av={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"ForcePathStyle"},!1]},aw={[cn]:"ForcePathStyle"},ax={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"Accelerate"},!1]},ay={[cl]:h,[cm]:[{[cn]:"Region"},"aws-global"]},az={[cs]:[{[ct]:!0,[j]:"sigv4",[cu]:B,[cv]:"us-east-1"}]},aA={[cl]:s,[cm]:[ay]},aB={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseGlobalEndpoint"},!0]},aC={[cp]:"https://{Bucket}.s3-fips.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",[cq]:{[cs]:[{[ct]:!0,[j]:"sigv4",[cu]:B,[cv]:"{Region}"}]},[cw]:{}},aD={[cs]:[{[ct]:!0,[j]:"sigv4",[cu]:B,[cv]:"{Region}"}]},aE={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseGlobalEndpoint"},!1]},aF={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseDualStack"},!1]},aG={[cp]:"https://{Bucket}.s3-fips.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",[cq]:aD,[cw]:{}},aH={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cn]:"UseFIPS"},!1]},aI={[cp]:"https://{Bucket}.s3-accelerate.dualstack.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",[cq]:aD,[cw]:{}},aJ={[cp]:"https://{Bucket}.s3.dualstack.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",[cq]:aD,[cw]:{}},aK={[cl]:e,[cm]:[{[cl]:i,[cm]:[ag,"isIp"]},!1]},aL={[cp]:C,[cq]:aD,[cw]:{}},aM={[cp]:r,[cq]:aD,[cw]:{}},aN={[o]:aM,[cj]:o},aO={[cp]:D,[cq]:aD,[cw]:{}},aP={[cp]:"https://{Bucket}.s3.{Region}.{partitionResult#dnsSuffix}",[cq]:aD,[cw]:{}},aQ={[f]:"Invalid region: region was not a valid DNS name.",[cj]:f},aR
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
* Bowser - a browser detector
* https : //github.com/lancedikson/bowser
* MIT License | ( c ) Dustin Diaz 2012 - 2015
* MIT License | ( c ) Denis Demchenko 2015 - 2019
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
* /class Bowser{static getParser(qa,nd=!1){if(typeof qa!="string")throw new Error("UserAgent should be a string");return new Parser(qa,nd)}static parse(qa){return new Parser(qa).getResult()}static get BROWSER_MAP(){return BROWSER_MAP}static get ENGINE_MAP(){return ENGINE_MAP}static get OS_MAP(){return OS_MAP}static get PLATFORMS_MAP(){return PLATFORMS_MAP}}const createDefaultUserAgentProvider=({serviceId:Ra,clientVersion:qa})=>async nd=>{var dd,pd,fd,md,vd,Ad;const od=typeof window<"u"&&((dd=window==null?void 0:window.navigator)!=null&&dd.userAgent)?Bowser.parse(window.navigator.userAgent):void 0,ld=[["aws-sdk-js",qa],["ua","2.1"],[`os/${((pd=od==null?void 0:od.os)==null?void 0:pd.name)||"other"}`,(fd=od==null?void 0:od.os)==null?void 0:fd.version],["lang/js"],["md/browser",`${((md=od==null?void 0:od.browser)==null?void 0:md.name)??"unknown"}_${((vd=od==null?void 0:od.browser)==null?void 0:vd.version)??"unknown"}`]];Ra&&ld.push([`api/${Ra}`,qa]);const ud=await((Ad=nd==null?void 0:nd.userAgentAppId)==null?void 0:Ad.call(nd));return ud&&ld.push([`app/${ud}`]),ld};class Int64{constructor(qa){if(this.bytes=qa,qa.byteLength!==8)throw new Error("Int64 buffers must be exactly 8 bytes")}static fromNumber(qa){if(qa>9223372036854776e3||qa<-9223372036854776e3)throw new Error(`${qa} is too large (or, if negative, too small) to represent as an Int64`);const nd=new Uint8Array(8);for(let od=7,ld=Math.abs(Math.round(qa));od>-1&&ld>0;od--,ld/ = 256 ) nd [ od ] = ld ; return qa < 0 && negate ( nd ) , new Int64 ( nd ) } valueOf ( ) { const qa = this . bytes . slice ( 0 ) , nd = qa [ 0 ] & 128 ; return nd && negate ( qa ) , parseInt ( toHex ( qa ) , 16 ) * ( nd ? - 1 : 1 ) } toString ( ) { return String ( this . valueOf ( ) ) } } function negate ( Ra ) { for ( let qa = 0 ; qa < 8 ; qa ++ ) Ra [ qa ] ^= 255 ; for ( let qa = 7 ; qa > - 1 && ( Ra [ qa ] ++ , Ra [ qa ] === 0 ) ; qa -- ) ; } class HeaderMarshaller { constructor ( qa , nd ) { this . toUtf8 = qa , this . fromUtf8 = nd } format ( qa ) { const nd = [ ] ; for ( const ud of Object . keys ( qa ) ) { const dd = this . fromUtf8 ( ud ) ; nd . push ( Uint8Array . from ( [ dd . byteLength ] ) , dd , this . formatHeaderValue ( qa [ ud ] ) ) } const od = new Uint8Array ( nd . reduce ( ( ud , dd ) => ud + dd . byteLength , 0 ) ) ; let ld = 0 ; for ( const ud of nd ) od . set ( ud , ld ) , ld += ud . byteLength ; return od } formatHeaderValue ( qa ) { switch ( qa . type ) { case "boolean" : return Uint8Array . from ( [ qa . value ? 0 : 1 ] ) ; case "byte" : return Uint8Array . from ( [ 2 , qa . value ] ) ; case "short" : const nd = new DataView ( new ArrayBuffer ( 3 ) ) ; return nd . setUint8 ( 0 , 3 ) , nd . setInt16 ( 1 , qa . value , ! 1 ) , new Uint8Array ( nd . buffer ) ; case "integer" : const od = new DataView ( new ArrayBuffer ( 5 ) ) ; return od . setUint8 ( 0 , 4 ) , od . setInt32 ( 1 , qa . value , ! 1 ) , new Uint8Array ( od . buffer ) ; case "long" : const ld = new Uint8Array ( 9 ) ; return ld [ 0 ] = 5 , ld . set ( qa . value . bytes , 1 ) , ld ; case "binary" : const ud = new DataView ( new ArrayBuffer ( 3 + qa . value . byteLength ) ) ; ud . setUint8 ( 0 , 6 ) , ud . setUint16 ( 1 , qa . value . byteLength , ! 1 ) ; const dd = new Uint8Array ( ud . buffer ) ; return dd . set ( qa . value , 3 ) , dd ; case "string" : const pd = this . fromUtf8 ( qa . value ) , fd = new DataView ( new ArrayBuffer ( 3 + pd . byteLength ) ) ; fd . setUint8 ( 0 , 7 ) , fd . setUint16 ( 1 , pd . byteLength , ! 1 ) ; const md = new Uint8Array ( fd . buffer ) ; return md . set ( pd , 3 ) , md ; case "timestamp" : const vd = new Uint8Array ( 9 ) ; return vd [ 0 ] = 8 , vd . set ( Int64 . fromNumber ( qa . value . valueOf ( ) ) . bytes , 1 ) , vd ; case "uuid" : if ( ! UUID _PATTERN . test ( qa . value ) ) throw new Error ( ` Invalid UUID received: ${ qa . value } ` ) ; const Ad = new Uint8Array ( 17 ) ; return Ad [ 0 ] = 9 , Ad . set ( fromHex ( qa . value . replace ( /\-/g , "" ) ) , 1 ) , Ad } } parse ( qa ) { const nd = { } ; let od = 0 ; for ( ; od < qa . byteLength ; ) { const ld = qa . getUint8 ( od ++ ) , ud = this . toUtf8 ( new Uint8Array ( qa . buffer , qa . byteOffset + od , ld ) ) ; switch ( od += ld , qa . getUint8 ( od ++ ) ) { case 0 : nd [ ud ] = { type : BOOLEAN _TAG , value : ! 0 } ; break ; case 1 : nd [ ud ] = { type : BOOLEAN _TAG , value : ! 1 } ; break ; case 2 : nd [ ud ] = { type : BYTE _TAG , value : qa . getInt8 ( od ++ ) } ; break ; case 3 : nd [ ud ] = { type : SHORT _TAG , value : qa . getInt16 ( od , ! 1 ) } , od += 2 ; break ; case 4 : nd [ ud ] = { type : INT _TAG , value : qa . getInt32 ( od , ! 1 ) } , od += 4 ; break ; case 5 : nd [ ud ] = { type : LONG _TAG , value : new Int64 ( new Uint8Array ( qa . buffer , qa . byteOffset + od , 8 ) ) } , od += 8 ; break ; case 6 : const dd = qa . getUint16 ( od , ! 1 ) ; od += 2 , nd [ ud ] = { type : BINARY _TAG , value : new Uint8Array ( qa . buffer , qa . byteOffset + od , dd ) } , od += dd ; break ; case 7 : const pd = qa . getUint16 ( od , ! 1 ) ; od += 2 , nd [ ud ] = { type : STRING _TAG , value : this . toUtf8 (
` ).forEach(function(Ud){if(Ud){var Fd=Ud.indexOf(":"),Hd=Ud.substr(0,Fd).trim().toLowerCase(),Vd=Ud.substr(Fd+1).trim();Ld[Hd]=Vd}}),{error:Nd,statusCode:Od.status,statusMessage:Od.statusText,headers:Ld,body:kd}},md=function(Nd,Od){return!Od&&Od==="text"?Nd.responseText:Nd.response},vd=function(Nd,Od){var kd=(Nd.method||"GET").toUpperCase(),Ld=Nd.url;if(Nd.qs){var Gd=pd(Nd.qs);Gd&&(Ld+=(Ld.indexOf("?")===-1?"?":"&")+Gd)}var Ud=new XMLHttpRequest;if(Ud.open(kd,Ld,!0),Ud.responseType=Nd.dataType||"text",Nd.xhrFields)for(var Fd in Nd.xhrFields)Ud[Fd]=Nd.xhrFields[Fd];var Hd=Nd.headers;if(Hd)for(var Vd in Hd)Hd.hasOwnProperty(Vd)&&Vd.toLowerCase()!=="content-length"&&Vd.toLowerCase()!=="user-agent"&&Vd.toLowerCase()!=="origin"&&Vd.toLowerCase()!=="host"&&Ud.setRequestHeader(Vd,Hd[Vd]);return Nd.onProgress&&Ud.upload&&(Ud.upload.onprogress=Nd.onProgress),Nd.onDownloadProgress&&(Ud.onprogress=Nd.onDownloadProgress),Nd.timeout&&(Ud.timeout=Nd.timeout),Ud.ontimeout=function(zd){var Yd=new Error("timeout");Od(fd(Yd,Ud))},Ud.onload=function(){Od(fd(null,Ud,md(Ud,Nd.dataType)))},Ud.onerror=function(zd){var Yd=md(Ud,Nd.dataType);if(Yd)Od(fd(null,Ud,Yd));else{var Xd=Ud.statusText;!Xd&&Ud.status===0&&(Xd=new Error("CORS blocked or network error")),Od(fd(Xd,Ud,Yd))}},Ud.send(Nd.body||""),Ud};nd.exports=vd},"./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck.js":function(nd,od){function ld(ud,dd){if(!(ud instanceof dd))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}nd.exports=ld,nd.exports.__esModule=!0,nd.exports.default=nd.exports},"./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass.js":function(nd,od,ld){var ud=ld("./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toPropertyKey.js");function dd(fd,md){for(var vd=0;vd<md.length;vd++){var Ad=md[vd];Ad.enumerable=Ad.enumerable||!1,Ad.configurable=!0,"value"in Ad&&(Ad.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(fd,ud(Ad.key),Ad)}}function pd(fd,md,vd){return md&&dd(fd.prototype,md),vd&&dd(fd,vd),Object.defineProperty(fd,"prototype",{writable:!1}),fd}nd.exports=pd,nd.exports.__esModule=!0,nd.exports.default=nd.exports},"./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toPrimitive.js":function(nd,od,ld){var ud=ld("./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof.js").default;function dd(pd,fd){if(ud(pd)!=="object"||pd===null)return pd;var md=pd[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(md!==void 0){var vd=md.call(pd,fd||"default");if(ud(vd)!=="object")return vd;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")}return(fd==="string"?String:Number)(pd)}nd.exports=dd,nd.exports.__esModule=!0,nd.exports.default=nd.exports},"./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toPropertyKey.js":function(nd,od,ld){var ud=ld("./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof.js").default,dd=ld("./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toPrimitive.js");function pd(fd){var md=dd(fd,"string");return ud(md)==="symbol"?md:String(md)}nd.exports=pd,nd.exports.__esModule=!0,nd.exports.default=nd.exports},"./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof.js":function(nd,od){function ld(ud){"@babel/helpers - typeof";return nd.exports=ld=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(dd){return typeof dd}:function(dd){return dd&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&dd.constructor===Symbol&&dd!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof dd},nd.exports.__esModule=!0,nd.exports.default=nd.exports,ld(ud)}nd.exports=ld,nd.exports.__esModule=!0,nd.exports.default=nd.exports},"./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/fxp.js":function(nd,od,ld){const ud=ld("./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/validator.js"),dd=ld("./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/XMLParser.js"),pd=ld("./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlbuilder/json2xml.js");nd.exports={XMLParser:dd,XMLValidator:ud,XMLBuilder:pd}},"./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/util.js":function(nd,od,ld){const ud=":A-Za-z_ \\ u00C0- \\ u00D6 \\ u00D8- \\ u00F6 \\ u00F8- \\ u02FF \\ u0370- \\ u037D \\ u037F- \\ u1FFF \\ u200C- \\ u200D \\ u2070- \\ u218F \\ u2C00- \\ u2FEF \\ u3001- \\ uD7FF \\ uF900- \\ uFDCF \\ uFDF0- \\ uFFFD",dd=ud+" \\ -. \\ d \\ u00B7 \\ u0300- \\ u036F \\ u203F- \\ u2040",pd="["+ud+"]["+dd+"]*",fd=new RegExp("^"+pd+" $ "),md=function(Ad,Nd){const Od=[];l
` &&Yd[mf]!==" \r ";mf++)Af+=Yd[mf];if(Af=Af.trim(),Af[Af.length-1]==="/"&&(Af=Af.substring(0,Af.length-1),mf--),!Hd(Af)){let If;return Af.trim().length===0?If="Invalid space after '<'.":If="Tag '"+Af+"' is an invalid name.",Ud("InvalidTag",If,Vd(Yd,mf))}const Sf=Nd(Yd,mf);if(Sf===!1)return Ud("InvalidAttr","Attributes for '"+Af+"' have open quote.",Vd(Yd,mf));let Df=Sf.value;if(mf=Sf.index,Df[Df.length-1]==="/"){const If=mf-Df.length;Df=Df.substring(0,Df.length-1);const Gf=kd(Df,Xd);if(Gf===!0)Qd=!0;else return Ud(Gf.err.code,Gf.err.msg,Vd(Yd,If+Gf.err.line))}else if(vf)if(Sf.tagClosed){if(Df.trim().length>0)return Ud("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+Af+"' can't have attributes or invalid starting.",Vd(Yd,Tf));if(yf.length===0)return Ud("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+Af+"' has not been opened.",Vd(Yd,Tf));{const If=yf.pop();if(Af!==If.tagName){let Gf=Vd(Yd,If.tagStartPos);return Ud("InvalidTag","Expected closing tag '"+If.tagName+"' (opened in line "+Gf.line+", col "+Gf.col+") instead of closing tag '"+Af+"'.",Vd(Yd,Tf))}yf.length==0&&(pf=!0)}}else return Ud("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+Af+"' doesn't have proper closing.",Vd(Yd,mf));else{const If=kd(Df,Xd);if(If!==!0)return Ud(If.err.code,If.err.msg,Vd(Yd,mf-Df.length+If.err.line));if(pf===!0)return Ud("InvalidXml","Multiple possible root nodes found.",Vd(Yd,mf));Xd.unpairedTags.indexOf(Af)!==-1||yf.push({tagName:Af,tagStartPos:Tf}),Qd=!0}for(mf++;mf<Yd.length;mf++)if(Yd[mf]==="<")if(Yd[mf+1]==="!"){mf++,mf=md(Yd,mf);continue}else if(Yd[mf+1]==="?"){if(mf=fd(Yd,++mf),mf.err)return mf}else break;else if(Yd[mf]==="&"){const If=Gd(Yd,mf);if(If==-1)return Ud("InvalidChar","char '&' is not expected.",Vd(Yd,mf));mf=If}else if(pf===!0&&!pd(Yd[mf]))return Ud("InvalidXml","Extra text at the end",Vd(Yd,mf));Yd[mf]==="<"&&mf--}}else{if(pd(Yd[mf]))continue;return Ud("InvalidChar","char '"+Yd[mf]+"' is not expected.",Vd(Yd,mf))}if(Qd){if(yf.length==1)return Ud("InvalidTag","Unclosed tag '"+yf[0].tagName+"'.",Vd(Yd,yf[0].tagStartPos));if(yf.length>0)return Ud("InvalidXml","Invalid '"+JSON.stringify(yf.map(mf=>mf.tagName),null,4).replace(/ \r ? \n /g,"")+"' found.",{line:1,col:1})}else return Ud("InvalidXml","Start tag expected.",1);return!0};function pd(Yd){return Yd===" "||Yd===" "||Yd=== `
` ||Yd===" \r "}function fd(Yd,Xd){const yf=Xd;for(;Xd<Yd.length;Xd++)if(Yd[Xd]=="?"||Yd[Xd]==" "){const Qd=Yd.substr(yf,Xd-yf);if(Xd>5&&Qd==="xml")return Ud("InvalidXml","XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document.",Vd(Yd,Xd));if(Yd[Xd]=="?"&&Yd[Xd+1]==">"){Xd++;break}else continue}return Xd}function md(Yd,Xd){if(Yd.length>Xd+5&&Yd[Xd+1]==="-"&&Yd[Xd+2]==="-"){for(Xd+=3;Xd<Yd.length;Xd++)if(Yd[Xd]==="-"&&Yd[Xd+1]==="-"&&Yd[Xd+2]===">"){Xd+=2;break}}else if(Yd.length>Xd+8&&Yd[Xd+1]==="D"&&Yd[Xd+2]==="O"&&Yd[Xd+3]==="C"&&Yd[Xd+4]==="T"&&Yd[Xd+5]==="Y"&&Yd[Xd+6]==="P"&&Yd[Xd+7]==="E"){let yf=1;for(Xd+=8;Xd<Yd.length;Xd++)if(Yd[Xd]==="<")yf++;else if(Yd[Xd]===">"&&(yf--,yf===0))break}else if(Yd.length>Xd+9&&Yd[Xd+1]==="["&&Yd[Xd+2]==="C"&&Yd[Xd+3]==="D"&&Yd[Xd+4]==="A"&&Yd[Xd+5]==="T"&&Yd[Xd+6]==="A"&&Yd[Xd+7]==="["){for(Xd+=8;Xd<Yd.length;Xd++)if(Yd[Xd]==="]"&&Yd[Xd+1]==="]"&&Yd[Xd+2]===">"){Xd+=2;break}}return Xd}const vd='"',Ad="'";function Nd(Yd,Xd){let yf="",Qd="",pf=!1;for(;Xd<Yd.length;Xd++){if(Yd[Xd]===vd||Yd[Xd]===Ad)Qd===""?Qd=Yd[Xd]:Qd!==Yd[Xd]||(Qd="");else if(Yd[Xd]===">"&&Qd===""){pf=!0;break}yf+=Yd[Xd]}return Qd!==""?!1:{value:yf,index:Xd,tagClosed:pf}}const Od=new RegExp( ` ( \ \ s * ) ( [ ^ \ \ s = ] + ) ( \ \ s *= ) ? ( \ \ s * ( [ '"])(([\\s\\S])*?)\\5)?`,"g");function kd(Yd,Xd){const yf=ud.getAllMatches(Yd,Od),Qd={};for(let pf=0;pf<yf.length;pf++){if(yf[pf][1].length===0)return Ud("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+yf[pf][2]+" ' has no space in starting.",zd(yf[pf]));if(yf[pf][3]!==void 0&&yf[pf][4]===void 0)return Ud("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+yf[pf][2]+" ' is without value.",zd(yf[pf]));if(yf[pf][3]===void 0&&!Xd.allowBooleanAttributes)return Ud("InvalidAttr","boolean attribute ' "+yf[pf][2]+" ' is not allowed.",zd(yf[pf]));const mf=yf[pf][2];if(!Fd(mf))return Ud("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+mf+" ' is an invalid name.",zd(yf[pf]));if(!Qd.hasOwnProperty(mf))Qd[mf]=1;else return Ud("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+mf+" ' is repeated.",zd(yf[pf]))}return!0}function Ld(Yd,Xd){let yf=/\d/;for(Yd[Xd]==="x"&&(Xd++,yf=/[\da-fA-F]/);Xd<Yd.length;Xd++){if(Yd[Xd]===";")return Xd;if(!Yd[Xd].match(yf))break}return-1}function Gd(Yd,Xd){if(Xd++,Yd[Xd]===";")return-1;if(Yd[Xd]==="#")return Xd++,Ld(Yd,Xd);let yf=0;for(;Xd<Yd.length;Xd++,yf++)if(!(Yd[Xd].match(/\w/)&&yf<20)){if(Yd[Xd]===";")break;return-1}return Xd}function Ud(Yd,Xd,yf){return{err:{code:Yd,msg:Xd,line:yf.line||yf,col:yf.col}}}function Fd(Yd){return ud.isName(Yd)}function Hd(Yd){return ud.isName(Yd)}function Vd(Yd,Xd){const yf=Yd.substring(0,Xd).split(/\r?\n/);return{line:yf.length,col:yf[yf.length-1].length+1}}function zd(Yd){return Yd.startIndex+Yd[1].length}},"./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlbuilder/json2xml.js":function(nd,od,ld){const ud=ld("./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlbuilder/orderedJs2Xml.js"),dd={attributeNamePrefix:"@_",attributesGroupName:!1,textNodeName:"#text",ignoreAttributes:!0,cdataPropName:!1,format:!1,indentBy:" ",suppressEmptyNode:!1,suppressUnpairedNode:!0,suppressBooleanAttributes:!0,tagValueProcessor:function(Ad,Nd){return Nd},attributeValueProcessor:function(Ad,Nd){return Nd},preserveOrder:!1,commentPropName:!1,unpairedTags:[],entities:[{regex:new RegExp("&","g"),val:"&"},{regex:new RegExp(">","g"),val:">"},{regex:new RegExp("<","g"),val:"<"},{regex:new RegExp("' "," g "),val:" & apos ; "},{regex:new RegExp('" ' , "g" ) , val : """ } ] , processEntities : ! 0 , stopNodes : [ ] , oneListGroup : ! 1 } ; function pd ( Ad ) { this . options = Object . assign ( { } , dd , Ad ) , this . options . ignoreAttributes || this . options . attributesGroupName ? this . isAttribute = function ( ) { return ! 1 } : ( this . attrPrefixLen = this . options . attributeNamePrefix . length , this . isAttribute = vd ) , this . processTextOrObjNode = fd , this . options . format ? ( this . indentate = md , this . tagEndChar = ` >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ,this.newLine= `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ):(this.indentate=function(){return""},this.tagEndChar=">",this.newLine="")}pd.prototype.build=function(Ad){return this.options.preserveOrder?ud(Ad,this.options):(Array.isArray(Ad)&&this.options.arrayNodeName&&this.options.arrayNodeName.length>1&&(Ad={[this.options.arrayNodeName]:Ad}),this.j2x(Ad,0).val)},pd.prototype.j2x=function(Ad,Nd){let Od="",kd="";for(let Ld in Ad)if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Ad,Ld))if(typeof Ad[Ld]>"u")this.isAttribute(Ld)&&(kd+="");else if(Ad[Ld]===null)this.isAttribute(Ld)?kd+="":Ld[0]==="?"?kd+=this.indentate(Nd)+"<"+Ld+"?"+this.tagEndChar:kd+=this.indentate(Nd)+"<"+Ld+"/"+this.tagEndChar;else if(Ad[Ld]instanceof Date)kd+=this.buildTextValNode(Ad[Ld],Ld,"",Nd);else if(typeof Ad[Ld]!="object"){const Gd=this.isAttribute(Ld);if(Gd)Od+=this.buildAttrPairStr(Gd,""+Ad[Ld]);else if(Ld===this.options.textNodeName){let Ud=this.options.tagValueProcessor(Ld,""+Ad[Ld]);kd+=this.replaceEntitiesValue(Ud)}else kd+=this.buildTextValNode(Ad[Ld],Ld,"",Nd)}else if(Array.isArray(Ad[Ld])){const Gd=Ad[Ld].length;let Ud="";for(let Fd=0;Fd<Gd;Fd++){const Hd=Ad[Ld][Fd];typeof Hd>"u"||(Hd===null?Ld[0]==="?"?kd+=this.indentate(Nd)+"<"+Ld+"?"+this.tagEndChar:kd+=this.indentate(Nd)+"<"+Ld+"/"+this.tagEndChar:typeof Hd=="object"?this.options.oneListGroup?Ud+=this.j2x(Hd,Nd+1).val:Ud+=this.processTextOrObjNode(Hd,Ld,Nd):Ud+=this.buildTextValNode(Hd,Ld,"",Nd))}this.options.oneListGroup&&(Ud=this.buildObjectNode(Ud,Ld,"",Nd)),kd+=Ud}else if(this.options.attributesGroupName&&Ld===this.options.attributesGroupName){const Gd=Object.keys(Ad[Ld]),Ud=Gd.length;for(let Fd=0;Fd<Ud;Fd++)Od+=this.buildAttrPairStr(Gd[Fd],""+Ad[Ld][Gd[Fd]])}else kd+=this.processTextOrObjNode(Ad[Ld],Ld,Nd);return{attrStr:Od,val:kd}},pd.prototype.buildAttrPairStr=function(Ad,Nd){return Nd=this.options.attributeValueProcessor(Ad,""+Nd),Nd=this.replaceEntitiesValue(Nd),this.options.suppressBooleanAttributes&&Nd==="true"?" "+Ad:" "+Ad+'="'+Nd+'"'};function fd(Ad,Nd,Od){const kd=this.j2x(Ad,Od+1);return Ad[this.options.textNodeName]!==void 0&&Object.keys(Ad).length===1?this.buildTextValNode(Ad[this.options.textNodeName],Nd,kd.attrStr,Od):this.buildObjectNode(kd.val,Nd,kd.attrStr,Od)}pd.prototype.buildObjectNode=function(Ad,Nd,Od,kd){if(Ad==="")return Nd[0]==="?"?this.indentate(kd)+"<"+Nd+Od+"?"+this.tagEndChar:this.indentate(kd)+"<"+Nd+Od+this.closeTag(Nd)+this.tagEndChar;{let Ld="</"+Nd+this.tagEndChar,Gd="";return Nd[0]==="?"&&(Gd="?",Ld=""),(Od||Od==="")&&Ad.indexOf("<")===-1?this.indentate(kd)+"<"+Nd+Od+Gd+">"+Ad+Ld:this.options.commentPropName!==!1&&Nd===this.options.commentPropName&&Gd.length===0?this.indentate(kd)+ ` <!-- $ { Ad } -- > ` +this.newLine:this.indentate(kd)+"<"+Nd+Od+Gd+this.tagEndChar+Ad+this.indentate(kd)+Ld}},pd.prototype.closeTag=function(Ad){let Nd="";return this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(Ad)!==-1?this.options.suppressUnpairedNode||(Nd="/"):this.options.suppressEmptyNode?Nd="/":Nd= ` > < /${Ad}`,Nd},pd.prototype.buildTextValNode=function(Ad,Nd,Od,kd){if(this.options.cdataPropName!==!1&&Nd===this.options.cdataPropName)return this.indentate(kd)+`<![CDATA[${Ad}]]>`+this.newLine;if(this.options.commentPropName!==!1&&Nd===this.options.commentPropName)return this.indentate(kd)+`<!--${Ad}-->`+this.newLine;if(Nd[0]==="?")return this.indentate(kd)+"<"+Nd+Od+"?"+this.tagEndChar;{let Ld=this.options.tagValueProcessor(Nd,Ad);return Ld=this.replaceEntitiesValue(Ld),Ld===""?this.indentate(kd)+"<"+Nd+Od+this.closeTag(Nd)+this.tagEndChar:this.indentate(kd)+"<"+Nd+Od+">"+Ld+"</ "+Nd+this.tagEndChar}},pd.prototype.replaceEntitiesValue=function(Ad){if(Ad&&Ad.length>0&&this.options.processEntities)for(let Nd=0;Nd<this.options.entities.length;Nd++){const Od=this.options.entities[Nd];Ad=Ad.replace(Od.regex,Od.val)}return Ad};function md(Ad){return this.options.indentBy.repeat(Ad)}function vd(Ad){return Ad.startsWith(this.options.attributeNamePrefix)&&Ad!==this.options.textNodeName?Ad.substr(this.attrPrefixLen):!1}nd.exports=pd}," . / node _modules / fast - xml - parser / src / xmlbuilder / orderedJs2Xml . js " : function ( nd , od ) { const ld = `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ;function ud(Ad,Nd){let Od="";return Nd.format&&Nd.indentBy.length>0&&(Od=ld),dd(Ad,Nd,"",Od)}function dd(Ad,Nd,Od,kd){let Ld="",Gd=!1;for(let Ud=0;Ud<Ad.length;Ud++){const Fd=Ad[Ud],Hd=pd(Fd);if(Hd===void 0)continue;let Vd="";if(Od.length===0?Vd=Hd:Vd= ` $ { Od } . $ { Hd } ` ,Hd===Nd.textNodeName){let Qd=Fd[Hd];md(Vd,Nd)||(Qd=Nd.tagValueProcessor(Hd,Qd),Qd=vd(Qd,Nd)),Gd&&(Ld+=kd),Ld+=Qd,Gd=!1;continue}else if(Hd===Nd.cdataPropName){Gd&&(Ld+=kd),Ld+= ` < ! [ CDATA [ $ { Fd [ Hd ] [ 0 ] [ Nd . textNodeName ] } ] ] > ` ,Gd=!1;continue}else if(Hd===Nd.commentPropName){Ld+=kd+ ` <!-- $ { Fd [ Hd ] [ 0 ] [ Nd . textNodeName ] } -- > ` ,Gd=!0;continue}else if(Hd[0]==="?"){const Qd=fd(Fd[":@"],Nd),pf=Hd==="?xml"?"":kd;let mf=Fd[Hd][0][Nd.textNodeName];mf=mf.length!==0?" "+mf:"",Ld+=pf+ ` < $ { Hd } $ { mf } $ { Qd } ? > ` ,Gd=!0;continue}let zd=kd;zd!==""&&(zd+=Nd.indentBy);const Yd=fd(Fd[":@"],Nd),Xd=kd+ ` < $ { Hd } $ { Yd } ` ,yf=dd(Fd[Hd],Nd,Vd,zd);Nd.unpairedTags.indexOf(Hd)!==-1?Nd.suppressUnpairedNode?Ld+=Xd+">":Ld+=Xd+"/>":(!yf||yf.length===0)&&Nd.suppressEmptyNode?Ld+=Xd+"/>":yf&&yf.endsWith(">")?Ld+=Xd+ ` > $ { yf } $ { kd } < /${Hd}>`:(Ld+=Xd+">",yf&&kd!==""&&(yf.includes("/ > ")||yf.includes(" < /"))?Ld+=kd+Nd.indentBy+yf+kd:Ld+=yf,Ld+=`</ $ { Hd } > ` ),Gd=!0}return Ld}function pd(Ad){const Nd=Object.keys(Ad);for(let Od=0;Od<Nd.length;Od++){const kd=Nd[Od];if(Ad.hasOwnProperty(kd)&&kd!==":@")return kd}}function fd(Ad,Nd){let Od="";if(Ad&&!Nd.ignoreAttributes)for(let kd in Ad){if(!Ad.hasOwnProperty(kd))continue;let Ld=Nd.attributeValueProcessor(kd,Ad[kd]);Ld=vd(Ld,Nd),Ld===!0&&Nd.suppressBooleanAttributes?Od+= ` $ { kd . substr ( Nd . attributeNamePrefix . length ) } ` :Od+= ` $ { kd . substr ( Nd . attributeNamePrefix . length ) } = "${Ld}" ` }return Od}function md(Ad,Nd){Ad=Ad.substr(0,Ad.length-Nd.textNodeName.length-1);let Od=Ad.substr(Ad.lastIndexOf(".")+1);for(let kd in Nd.stopNodes)if(Nd.stopNodes[kd]===Ad||Nd.stopNodes[kd]==="*."+Od)return!0;return!1}function vd(Ad,Nd){if(Ad&&Ad.length>0&&Nd.processEntities)for(let Od=0;Od<Nd.entities.length;Od++){const kd=Nd.entities[Od];Ad=Ad.replace(kd.regex,kd.val)}return Ad}nd.exports=ud},"./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/DocTypeReader.js":function(nd,od,ld){const ud=ld("./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/util.js");function dd(kd,Ld){const Gd={};if(kd[Ld+3]==="O"&&kd[Ld+4]==="C"&&kd[Ld+5]==="T"&&kd[Ld+6]==="Y"&&kd[Ld+7]==="P"&&kd[Ld+8]==="E"){Ld=Ld+9;let Ud=1,Fd=!1,Hd=!1,Vd="";for(;Ld<kd.length;Ld++)if(kd[Ld]==="<"&&!Hd){if(Fd&&md(kd,Ld))Ld+=7,[entityName,val,Ld]=pd(kd,Ld+1),val.indexOf("&")===-1&&(Gd[Od(entityName)]={regx:RegExp( ` & $ { entityName } ; ` ,"g"),val});else if(Fd&&vd(kd,Ld))Ld+=8;else if(Fd&&Ad(kd,Ld))Ld+=8;else if(Fd&&Nd(kd,Ld))Ld+=9;else if(fd)Hd=!0;else throw new Error("Invalid DOCTYPE");Ud++,Vd=""}else if(kd[Ld]===">"){if(Hd?kd[Ld-1]==="-"&&kd[Ld-2]==="-"&&(Hd=!1,Ud--):Ud--,Ud===0)break}else kd[Ld]==="["?Fd=!0:Vd+=kd[Ld];if(Ud!==0)throw new Error("Unclosed DOCTYPE")}else throw new Error("Invalid Tag instead of DOCTYPE");return{entities:Gd,i:Ld}}function pd(kd,Ld){let Gd="";for(;Ld<kd.length&&kd[Ld]!=="'"&&kd[Ld]!=='"';Ld++)Gd+=kd[Ld];if(Gd=Gd.trim(),Gd.indexOf(" ")!==-1)throw new Error("External entites are not supported");const Ud=kd[Ld++];let Fd="";for(;Ld<kd.length&&kd[Ld]!==Ud;Ld++)Fd+=kd[Ld];return[Gd,Fd,Ld]}function fd(kd,Ld){return kd[Ld+1]==="!"&&kd[Ld+2]==="-"&&kd[Ld+3]==="-"}function md(kd,Ld){return kd[Ld+1]==="!"&&kd[Ld+2]==="E"&&kd[Ld+3]==="N"&&kd[Ld+4]==="T"&&kd[Ld+5]==="I"&&kd[Ld+6]==="T"&&kd[Ld+7]==="Y"}function vd(kd,Ld){return kd[Ld+1]==="!"&&kd[Ld+2]==="E"&&kd[Ld+3]==="L"&&kd[Ld+4]==="E"&&kd[Ld+5]==="M"&&kd[Ld+6]==="E"&&kd[Ld+7]==="N"&&kd[Ld+8]==="T"}function Ad(kd,Ld){return kd[Ld+1]==="!"&&kd[Ld+2]==="A"&&kd[Ld+3]==="T"&&kd[Ld+4]==="T"&&kd[Ld+5]==="L"&&kd[Ld+6]==="I"&&kd[Ld+7]==="S"&&kd[Ld+8]==="T"}function Nd(kd,Ld){return kd[Ld+1]==="!"&&kd[Ld+2]==="N"&&kd[Ld+3]==="O"&&kd[Ld+4]==="T"&&kd[Ld+5]==="A"&&kd[Ld+6]==="T"&&kd[Ld+7]==="I"&&kd[Ld+8]==="O"&&kd[Ld+9]==="N"}function Od(kd){if(ud.isName(kd))return kd;throw new Error( ` Invalid entity name $ { kd } ` )}nd.exports=dd},"./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/xmlparser/OptionsBuilder.js":function(nd,od){const ld={preserveOrd
` );const pf=new dd("!xml");let mf=pf,Tf="",vf="";for(let Af=0;Af<Qd.length;Af++)if(Qd[Af]==="<")if(Qd[Af+1]==="/"){const Df=zd(Qd,">",Af,"Closing Tag is not closed.");let If=Qd.substring(Af+2,Df).trim();if(this.options.removeNSPrefix){const ih=If.indexOf(":");ih!==-1&&(If=If.substr(ih+1))}this.options.transformTagName&&(If=this.options.transformTagName(If)),mf&&(Tf=this.saveTextToParentTag(Tf,mf,vf));const Gf=vf.substring(vf.lastIndexOf(".")+1);if(If&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(If)!==-1)throw new Error( ` Unpaired tag can not be used as closing tag : < /${If}>`);let Qf=0;Gf&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(Gf)!==-1?(Qf=vf.lastIndexOf(".",vf.lastIndexOf(".")-1),this.tagsNodeStack.pop()):Qf=vf.lastIndexOf("."),vf=vf.substring(0,Qf),mf=this.tagsNodeStack.pop(),Tf="",Af=Df}else if(Qd[Af+1]==="?"){let Df=Yd(Qd,Af,!1,"?>");if(!Df)throw new Error("Pi Tag is not closed.");if(Tf=this.saveTextToParentTag(Tf,mf,vf),!(this.options.ignoreDeclaration&&Df.tagName==="?xml"||this.options.ignorePiTags)){const If=new dd(Df.tagName);If.add(this.options.textNodeName,""),Df.tagName!==Df.tagExp&&Df.attrExpPresent&&(If[":@"]=this.buildAttributesMap(Df.tagExp,vf,Df.tagName)),this.addChild(mf,If,vf)}Af=Df.closeIndex+1}else if(Qd.substr(Af+1,3)==="!--"){const Df=zd(Qd,"-->",Af+4,"Comment is not closed.");if(this.options.commentPropName){const If=Qd.substring(Af+4,Df-2);Tf=this.saveTextToParentTag(Tf,mf,vf),mf.add(this.options.commentPropName,[{[this.options.textNodeName]:If}])}Af=Df}else if(Qd.substr(Af+1,2)==="!D"){const Df=pd(Qd,Af);this.docTypeEntities=Df.entities,Af=Df.i}else if(Qd.substr(Af+1,2)==="!["){const Df=zd(Qd,"]]>",Af,"CDATA is not closed.")-2,If=Qd.substring(Af+9,Df);Tf=this.saveTextToParentTag(Tf,mf,vf);let Gf=this.parseTextData(If,mf.tagname,vf,!0,!1,!0,!0);Gf==null&&(Gf=""),this.options.cdataPropName?mf.add(this.options.cdataPropName,[{[this.options.textNodeName]:If}]):mf.add(this.options.textNodeName,Gf),Af=Df+2}else{let Df=Yd(Qd,Af,this.options.removeNSPrefix),If=Df.tagName;const Gf=Df.rawTagName;let Qf=Df.tagExp,ih=Df.attrExpPresent,sh=Df.closeIndex;this.options.transformTagName&&(If=this.options.transformTagName(If)),mf&&Tf&&mf.tagname!=="!xml"&&(Tf=this.saveTextToParentTag(Tf,mf,vf,!1));const qf=mf;if(qf&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(qf.tagname)!==-1&&(mf=this.tagsNodeStack.pop(),vf=vf.substring(0,vf.lastIndexOf("."))),If!==pf.tagname&&(vf+=vf?"."+If:If),this.isItStopNode(this.options.stopNodes,vf,If)){let Pf="";if(Qf.length>0&&Qf.lastIndexOf("/ ")===Qf.length-1)If[If.length-1]===" / "?(If=If.substr(0,If.length-1),vf=vf.substr(0,vf.length-1),Qf=If):Qf=Qf.substr(0,Qf.length-1),Af=Df.closeIndex;else if(this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(If)!==-1)Af=Df.closeIndex;else{const Wf=this.readStopNodeData(Qd,Gf,sh+1);if(!Wf)throw new Error(`Unexpected end of ${Gf}`);Af=Wf.i,Pf=Wf.tagContent}const Yf=new dd(If);If!==Qf&&ih&&(Yf[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(Qf,vf,If)),Pf&&(Pf=this.parseTextData(Pf,If,vf,!0,ih,!0,!0)),vf=vf.substr(0,vf.lastIndexOf(" . ")),Yf.add(this.options.textNodeName,Pf),this.addChild(mf,Yf,vf)}else{if(Qf.length>0&&Qf.lastIndexOf(" / ")===Qf.length-1){If[If.length-1]===" / "?(If=If.substr(0,If.length-1),vf=vf.substr(0,vf.length-1),Qf=If):Qf=Qf.substr(0,Qf.length-1),this.options.transformTagName&&(If=this.options.transformTagName(If));const Pf=new dd(If);If!==Qf&&ih&&(Pf[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(Qf,vf,If)),this.addChild(mf,Pf,vf),vf=vf.substr(0,vf.lastIndexOf(" . "))}else{const Pf=new dd(If);this.tagsNodeStack.push(mf),If!==Qf&&ih&&(Pf[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(Qf,vf,If)),this.addChild(mf,Pf,vf),mf=Pf}Tf=" ",Af=sh}}else Tf+=Qd[Af];return pf.child};function Gd(Qd,pf,mf){const Tf=this.options.updateTag(pf.tagname,mf,pf[" : @ "]);Tf===!1||(typeof Tf==" string " && ( pf . tagname = Tf ) , Qd . addChild ( pf ) ) } const Ud = function ( Qd ) { if ( this . options . processEntities ) { for ( let pf in this . docTypeEntities ) { const mf = this . docTypeEntities [ pf ] ; Qd = Qd . replace ( mf . regx , mf . val ) } for ( let pf in this . lastEntities ) { const mf = this . lastEntities [ pf ] ; Qd = Qd . replace ( mf . regex , mf . val ) } if ( this . options . htmlEntities ) for ( let pf in this . htmlEntities ) { const mf = this . htm
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var mm=!0, $ m=!1,Jm;return{s:function(){_h=_h.call(jf)},n:function(){var Eg=_h.next();return mm=Eg.done,Eg},e:function(Eg){ $ m=!0,Jm=Eg},f:function(){try{!mm&&_h.return!=null&&_h.return()}finally{if( $ m)throw Jm}}}}function fd(jf,Lf){if(jf){if(typeof jf=="string")return md(jf,Lf);var _h=Object.prototype.toString.call(jf).slice(8,-1);if(_h==="Object"&&jf.constructor&&(_h=jf.constructor.name),_h==="Map"||_h==="Set")return Array.from(jf);if(_h==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(_h))return md(jf,Lf)}}function md(jf,Lf){(Lf==null||Lf>jf.length)&&(Lf=jf.length);for(var _h=0,Oh=new Array(Lf);_h<Lf;_h++)Oh[_h]=jf[_h];return Oh}var vd=ld("./lib/md5.js"),Ad=ld("./lib/crypto.js"),Nd=ld("./node_modules/fast-xml-parser/src/fxp.js"),Od=Nd.XMLParser,kd=Nd.XMLBuilder,Ld=new Od({ignoreDeclaration:!0,ignoreAttributes:!0,parseTagValue:!1}),Gd=new kd,Ud=ld("./lib/base64.js"),Fd=ld("./src/tracker.js"),Hd=function(Lf){var _h=Ld.parse(Lf);return _h},Vd=function(Lf){var _h=Gd.build(Lf);return _h};function zd(jf){return encodeURIComponent(jf).replace(/!/g,"%21").replace(/'/g,"%27").replace(/ \( /g,"%28").replace(/ \) /g,"%29").replace(/ \* /g,"%2A")}function Yd(jf,Lf){var _h=[];for(var Oh in jf)jf.hasOwnProperty(Oh)&&_h.push(Lf?zd(Oh).toLowerCase():Oh);return _h.sort(function(um,mm){return um=um.toLowerCase(),mm=mm.toLowerCase(),um===mm?0:um>mm?1:-1})}var Xd=function(Lf,_h){var Oh,um,mm, $ m=[],Jm=Yd(Lf);for(Oh=0;Oh<Jm.length;Oh++)um=Jm[Oh],mm=Lf[um]===void 0||Lf[um]===null?"":""+Lf[um],um=_h?zd(um).toLowerCase():zd(um),mm=zd(mm)||"", $ m.push(um+"="+mm);return $ m.join("&")},yf=["cache-control","content-disposition","content-encoding","content-length","content-md5","expect","expires","host","if-match","if-modified-since","if-none-match","if-unmodified-since","origin","range","transfer-encoding","pic-operations"],Qd=function(Lf){var _h={};for(var Oh in Lf){var um=Oh.toLowerCase();(um.indexOf("x-cos-")>-1||yf.indexOf(um)>-1)&&(_h[Oh]=Lf[Oh])}return _h},pf=function(Lf){Lf=Lf||{};var _h=Lf.SecretId,Oh=Lf.SecretKey,um=Lf.KeyTime,mm=(Lf.method||Lf.Method||"get").toLowerCase(), $ m=Pf(Lf.Query||Lf.params||{}),Jm=Qd(Pf(Lf.Headers||Lf.headers||{})),Gm=Lf.Key||"",Eg;Lf.UseRawKey?Eg=Lf.Pathname||Lf.pathname||"/"+Gm:(Eg=Lf.Pathname||Lf.pathname||Gm,Eg.indexOf("/")!==0&&(Eg="/"+Eg));var og=Lf.ForceSignHost!==!1;if(!Jm.Host&&!Jm.host&&Lf.Bucket&&Lf.Region&&og&&(Jm.Host=Lf.Bucket+".cos."+Lf.Region+".myqcloud.com"),!_h)throw new Error("missing param SecretId");if(!Oh)throw new Error("missing param SecretKey");var Cg=Math.round(Jf(Lf.SystemClockOffset)/1e3)-1,Lg=Cg,o_=Lf.Expires||Lf.expires;o_===void 0?Lg+=900:Lg+=o_*1||0;var Gg="sha1",Zg=_h,kg=um||Cg+";"+Lg,v_=um||Cg+";"+Lg,r_=Yd(Jm,!0).join(";").toLowerCase(),N_=Yd( $ m,!0).join(";").toLowerCase(),k_=Ad.HmacSHA1(v_,Oh).toString(),c_=[mm,Eg,Sh.obj2str( $ m,!0),Sh.obj2str(Jm,!0),""].join( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ),f_=["sha1",kg,Ad.SHA1(c_).toString(),""].join( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ),lg=Ad.HmacSHA1(f_,k_).toString(),hb=["q-sign-algorithm="+Gg,"q-ak="+Zg,"q-sign-time="+kg,"q-key-time="+v_,"q-header-list="+r_,"q-url-param-list="+N_,"q-signature="+lg].join("&");return hb},mf=function(Lf,_h,Oh){var um=_h/8,mm=Lf.slice(Oh,Oh+um);return new Uint8Array(mm).reverse(),new{8:Uint8Array,16:Uint16Array,32:Uint32Array}[_h](mm)[0]},Tf=function(Lf,_h,Oh,um){var mm=Lf.slice(_h,Oh), $ m="";return new Uint8Array(mm).forEach(function(Jm){ $ m+=String.fromCharCode(Jm)}),um&&( $ m=decodeURIComponent(escape( $ m))), $ m},vf=function(Lf){for(var _h={},Oh=Tf(Lf),um={records:[]};Lf.byteLength;){var mm=mf(Lf,32,0), $ m=mf(Lf,32,4),Jm=mm- $ m-16,Gm=0,Eg;for(Lf=Lf.slice(12);Gm< $ m;){var og=mf(Lf,8,Gm),Cg=Tf(Lf,Gm+1,Gm+1+og),Lg=mf(Lf,16,Gm+og+2),o_=Tf(Lf,Gm+og+4,Gm+og+4+Lg);_h[Cg]=o_,Gm+=og+4+Lg}if(_h[":event-type"]==="Records")Eg=Tf(Lf,Gm,Gm+Jm,!0),um.records.push(Eg);else if(_h[":event-type"]==="Stats")Eg=Tf(Lf,Gm,Gm+Jm,!0),um.stats=Sh.xml2json(Eg).Stats;else if(_h[":event-type"]==="error"){var Gg=_h[":error-code"],Zg=_h[":error-message"],kg=new Error(Zg);kg.message=Zg,kg.name=kg.code=Gg,um.error=kg}Lf=Lf.slice(Gm+Jm+4)}return{payload:um.records.join(""),body:Oh}},Af=function(Lf){var _h=this.options.CopySourceParser;if(_h)return _h(Lf);var Oh=Lf.match(/^([^.]+- \d +) \. cos(v6|-cdc|-cdz|-internal)? \. ([^.]+) \. ((myqcloud \. com)|(tencentcos \. cn)) \/ (.+) $ /);return Oh?{Bucket:Oh[1],Region:Oh[3],Key:Oh[7]}:null},Sf=function(){},Df=function(Lf){var _h={};for(var Oh in Lf)Lf.hasOwnProperty(Oh)&&Lf[Oh]!==void 0&&Lf[Oh]!==null&&(_h[Oh]=Lf[Oh]);return _h},If=function(Lf,_h){var Oh,um=new FileReader;FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString?(Oh=FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString,um.onload=function(){_h(this.result)}):FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer?Oh=function( $ m){var Jm="",Gm=new FileReader;Gm.onload=function(Eg){for(var og=new Uint8Array(Gm.result),Cg=og.byteLength,Lg=0;Lg<Cg;Lg++)Jm+=String.fromCharCode(og[Lg]);_h(Jm)},Gm.readAsArrayBuffer( $ m)}:console.error("FileReader not support readAsBinaryString"),Oh.call(um,Lf)},Gf=function(){var jf=function(Oh,um){Oh=Oh.split("."),um=um.split(".");for(var mm=0;mm<um.length;mm++)if(Oh[mm]!==um[mm])return parseInt(Oh[mm])>parseInt(um[mm])?1:-1;return 0},Lf=function(Oh){if(!Oh)return!1;var um=(Oh.match(/Chrome \/ ([. \d ]+)/)||[])[1],mm=(Oh.match(/QBCore \/ ([. \d ]+)/)||[])[1], $ m=(Oh.match(/QQBrowser \/ ([. \d ]+)/)||[])[1],Jm=um&&jf(um,"53.0.2785.116")<0&&mm&&jf(mm,"3.53.991.400")<0&& $ m&&jf( $ m,"9.0.2524.400")<=0||!1;return Jm};return Lf(typeof navigator<"u"&&navigator.userAgent)}(),Qf=function(Lf,_h,Oh,um,mm){var $ m;if(Lf.slice? $ m=Lf.slice(_h,Oh):Lf.mozSlice? $ m=Lf.mozSlice(_h,Oh):Lf.webkitSlice&&( $ m=Lf.webkitSlice(_h,Oh)),um&&Gf){var Jm=new FileReader;Jm.onload=function(Gm){ $ m=null,mm(new Blob([Jm.result]))},Jm.readAsArrayBuffer( $ m)}else mm( $ m)},ih=function(Lf,_h,Oh,um){Oh=Oh||Sf,Lf?typeof _h=="string"?Oh(Sh.md5(_h,!0)):Blob&&_h instanceof Blob?Sh.getFileMd5(_h,function(mm, $ m){Oh( $ m)},um):Oh():Oh()},sh=1024*1024,qf=function(Lf,_h,Oh){var um=Lf.size,mm=0, $ m=vd.getCtx(),Jm=function Gm(Eg){if(Eg>=um){var og= $ m.digest("hex");_h(null,og);return}var Cg=Math.min(um,Eg+sh);Sh.fileSlice(Lf,Eg,Cg,!1,function(Lg){If(Lg,function(o_){Lg=null, $ m= $ m.update(o_,!0),mm+=o_.length,o_=null,Oh&&Oh({loaded:mm,total:um,percent:Math.round(mm/um*1e4)/1e4}),Gm(Eg+sh)})})};Jm(0)};function Pf(jf){return uh(jf,function(Lf){return dd(Lf)==="object"&&Lf!==null?Pf(Lf):Lf})}function Yf(jf,Lf,_h){return jf&&Lf in jf?jf[Lf]:_h}function Wf(jf,Lf){return Xf(Lf,function(_h,Oh){jf[Oh]=Lf[Oh]}),jf}function Kf(jf){return jf instanceof Array}function Cf(jf,Lf){for(var _h=!1,Oh=0;Oh<jf.length;Oh++)if(Lf===jf[Oh]){_h=!0;break}return _h}function xf(jf){return Kf(jf)?jf:[jf]}function Xf(jf,Lf){for(var _h in jf)jf.hasOwnProperty(_h)&&Lf(jf[_h],_h)}function uh(jf,Lf){var _h=Kf(jf)?[]:{};for(var Oh in jf)jf.hasOwnProperty(Oh)&&(_h[Oh]=Lf(jf[Oh],Oh));return _h}function wh(jf,Lf){var _h=Kf(jf),Oh=_h?[]:{};for(var um in jf)jf.hasOwnProperty(um)&&Lf(jf[um],um)&&(_h?Oh.push(jf[um]):Oh[um]=jf[um]);return Oh}var dh=function(Lf){var _h,Oh,um,mm="";for(_h=0,Oh=Lf.length/2
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
( c ) 2012 by Cédric Mesnil . All rights reserved .
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
* / r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( o d ) { v a r l d = n d , u d = l d . l i b , d d = u d . W o r d A r r a y , p d = u d . H a s h e r , f d = l d . a l g o , m d = d d . c r e a t e ( [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 7 , 4 , 1 3 , 1 , 1 0 , 6 , 1 5 , 3 , 1 2 , 0 , 9 , 5 , 2 , 1 4 , 1 1 , 8 , 3 , 1 0 , 1 4 , 4 , 9 , 1 5 , 8 , 1 , 2 , 7 , 0 , 6 , 1 3 , 1 1 , 5 , 1 2 , 1 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 0 , 0 , 8 , 1 2 , 4 , 1 3 , 3 , 7 , 1 5 , 1 4 , 5 , 6 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 9 , 7 , 1 2 , 2 , 1 0 , 1 4 , 1 , 3 , 8 , 1 1 , 6 , 1 5 , 1 3 ] ) , v d = d d . c r e a t e ( [ 5 , 1 4 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 2 , 1 1 , 4 , 1 3 , 6 , 1 5 , 8 , 1 , 1 0 , 3 , 1 2 , 6 , 1 1 , 3 , 7 , 0 , 1 3 , 5 , 1 0 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 8 , 1 2 , 4 , 9 , 1 , 2 , 1 5 , 5 , 1 , 3 , 7 , 1 4 , 6 , 9 , 1 1 , 8 , 1 2 , 2 , 1 0 , 0 , 4 , 1 3 , 8 , 6 , 4 , 1 , 3 , 1 1 , 1 5 , 0 , 5 , 1 2 , 2 , 1 3 , 9 , 7 , 1 0 , 1 4 , 1 2 , 1 5 , 1 0 , 4 , 1 , 5 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 0 , 3 , 9 , 1 1 ] ) , A d = d d . c r e a t e ( [ 1 1 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 1 2 , 5 , 8 , 7 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 8 , 1 3 , 1 1 , 9 , 7 , 1 5 , 7 , 1 2 , 1 5 , 9 , 1 1 , 7 , 1 3 , 1 2 , 1 1 , 1 3 , 6 , 7 , 1 4 , 9 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 4 , 8 , 1 3 , 6 , 5 , 1 2 , 7 , 5 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 9 , 8 , 9 , 1 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 6 , 5 , 1 2 , 9 , 1 5 , 5 , 1 1 , 6 , 8 , 1 3 , 1 2 , 5 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 1 , 8 , 5 , 6 ] ) , N d = d d . c r e a t e ( [ 8 , 9 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 5 , 5 , 7 , 7 , 8 , 1 1 , 1 4 , 1 4 , 1 2 , 6 , 9 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 7 , 1 2 , 8 , 9 , 1 1 , 7 , 7 , 1 2 , 7 , 6 , 1 5 , 1 3 , 1 1 , 9 , 7 , 1 5 , 1 1 , 8 , 6 , 6 , 1 4 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 5 , 1 4 , 1 3 , 1 3 , 7 , 5 , 1 5 , 5 , 8 , 1 1 , 1 4 , 1 4 , 6 , 1 4 , 6 , 9 , 1 2 , 9 , 1 2 , 5 , 1 5 , 8 , 8 , 5 , 1 2 , 9 , 1 2 , 5 , 1 4 , 6 , 8 , 1 3 , 6 , 5 , 1 5 , 1 3 , 1 1 , 1 1 ] ) , O d = d d . c r e a t e ( [ 0 , 1 5 1 8 5 0 0 2 4 9 , 1 8 5 9 7 7 5 3 9 3 , 2 4 0 0 9 5 9 7 0 8 , 2 8 4 0 8 5 3 8 3 8 ] ) , k d = d d . c r e a t e ( [ 1 3 5 2 8 2 9 9 2 6 , 1 5 4 8 6 0 3 6 8 4 , 1 8 3 6 0 7 2 6 9 1 , 2 0 5 3 9 9 4 2 1 7 , 0 ] ) , L d = f d . R I P E M D 1 6 0 = p d . e x t e n d ( { _ d o R e s e t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { t h i s . _ h a s h = d d . c r e a t e ( [ 1 7 3 2 5 8 4 1 9 3 , 4 0 2 3 2 3 3 4 1 7 , 2 5 6 2 3 8 3 1 0 2 , 2 7 1 7 3 3 8 7 8 , 3 2 8 5 3 7 7 5 2 0 ] ) } , _ d o P r o c e s s B l o c k : f u n c t i o n ( Y d , X d ) { f o r ( v a r y f = 0 ; y f < 1 6 ; y f + + ) { v a r Q d = X d + y f , p f = Y d [ Q d ] ; Y d [ Q d ] = ( p f < < 8 | p f > > > 2 4 ) & 1 6 7 1 1 9 3 5 | ( p f < < 2 4 | p f > > > 8 ) & 4 2 7 8 2 5 5 3 6 0 } v a r m f = t h i s . _ h a s h . w o r d s , T f = O d . w o r d s , v f = k d . w o r d s , A f = m d . w o r d s , S f = v d . w o r d s , D f = A d . w o r d s , I f = N d . w o r d s , G f , Q f , i h , s h , q f , P f , Y f , W f , K f , C f ; P f = G f = m f [ 0 ] , Y f = Q f = m f [ 1 ] , W f = i h = m f [ 2 ] , K f = s h = m f [ 3 ] , C f = q f = m f [ 4 ] ; f o r ( v a r x f , y f = 0 ; y f < 8 0 ; y f + = 1 ) x f = G f + Y d [ X d + A f [ y f ] ] | 0 , y f < 1 6 ? x f + = G d ( Q f , i h , s h ) + T f [ 0 ] : y f < 3 2 ? x f + = U d ( Q f , i h , s h ) + T f [ 1 ] : y f < 4 8 ? x f + = F d ( Q f , i h , s h ) + T f [ 2 ] : y f < 6 4 ? x f + = H d ( Q f , i h , s h ) + T f [ 3 ] : x f + = V d ( Q f , i h , s h ) + T f [ 4 ] , x f = x f | 0 , x f = z d ( x f , D f [ y f ] ) , x f = x f + q f | 0 , G f = q f , q f = s h , s h = z d ( i h , 1 0 ) , i h = Q f , Q f = x f , x f = P f + Y d [ X d + S f [ y f ] ] | 0 , y f < 1 6 ? x f + = V d ( Y f , W f , K f ) + v f [ 0 ] : y f < 3 2 ? x f + = H d ( Y f , W f , K f ) + v f [ 1 ] : y f < 4 8 ? x f + = F d ( Y f , W f , K f ) + v f [ 2 ] : y f < 6 4 ? x f + = U d ( Y f , W f , K f ) + v f [ 3 ] : x f + = G d ( Y f , W f , K f ) + v f [ 4 ] , x f = x f | 0 , x f = z d ( x f , I f [ y f ] ) , x f = x f + C f | 0 , P f = C f , C f = K f , K f = z d ( W f , 1 0 ) , W f = Y f , Y f = x f ; x f = m f [ 1 ] + i h + K f | 0 , m f [ 1 ] = m f [ 2 ] + s h + C f | 0 , m f [ 2 ] = m f [ 3 ] + q f + P f | 0 , m f [ 3 ] = m f [ 4 ] + G f + Y f | 0 , m f [ 4 ] = m f [ 0 ] + Q f + W f | 0 , m f [ 0 ] = x f } , _ d o F i n a l i z e : f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r Y d = t h i s . _ d a t a , X d = Y d . w o r d s , y f = t h i s . _ n D a t a B y t e s * 8 , Q d = Y d . s i g B y t e s * 8 ; X d [ Q d > > > 5 ] | = 1 2 8 < < 2 4 - Q d % 3 2 , X d [ ( Q d + 6 4 > > > 9 < < 4 ) + 1 4 ] = ( y f < < 8 | y f > > > 2 4 ) & 1 6 7 1 1 9 3 5 | ( y f < < 2 4 | y f > > > 8 ) & 4 2 7 8 2 5 5 3 6 0 , Y d . s i g B y t e s = ( X d . l e n g t h + 1 ) * 4 , t h i s . _ p r o c e s s ( ) ; f o r ( v a r p f = t h i s . _ h a s h , m f = p f . w o r d s , T f = 0 ; T f < 5 ; T f + + ) { v a r v f = m f [ T f ] ; m f [ T f ] = ( v f < < 8 | v f > > > 2 4 ) & 1 6 7 1 1 9 3 5 | ( v f < < 2 4 | v f > > > 8 ) & 4 2 7 8 2 5 5 3 6 0 } r e t u r n p f } , c l o n e : f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r Y d = p d . c l o n e . c a l l ( t h i s ) ; r e t u r n Y d . _ h a s h = t h i s . _ h a s h . c l o n e ( ) , Y d } } ) ; f u n c t i o n G d ( Y d , X d , y f ) { r e t u r n Y d ^ X d ^ y f } f u n c t i o n U d ( Y d , X d , y f ) { r e t u r n Y d & X d | ~ Y d & y f } f u n c t i o n F d ( Y d , X d , y f ) { r e t u r n ( Y d | ~ X d ) ^ y f } f u n c t i o n H d ( Y d , X d , y f ) { r e t u r n Y d & y f | X d & ~ y f } f u n c t i o n V d ( Y d , X d , y f ) { r e t u r n Y d ^ ( X d | ~ y f ) } f u n c t i o n z d ( Y d , X d ) { r e t u r n Y d < < X d | Y d > > > 3 2 - X d } l d . R I P E M D 1 6 0 = p d . _ c r e a t e H e l p e r ( L d ) , l d . H m a c R I P E M D 1 6 0 = p d . _ c r e a t e H m a c H e l p e r ( L d ) } ( ) , n d . R I P E M D 1 6 0 } ) } ( r i p e m d 1 6 0 ) ) , r i p e m d 1 6 0 . e x p o r t s } v a r h m a c = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d H m a c ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e H m a c ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d H m a c | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d H m a c = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r o d = n d , l d = o d . l i b , u d = l d . B a s e , d d = o d . e n c , p d = d d . U t f 8 , f d = o d . a l g o ; f d . H M A C = u d . e x t e n d ( { i n i t : f u n c t i o n ( m d , v d ) { m d = t h i s . _ h a s h e r = n e w m d . i n i t , t y p e o f v d = = " s t r i n g " & & ( v d = p d . p a r s e ( v d ) ) ; v a r A d = m d . b l o c k S i z e , N d = A d * 4 ; v d . s i g B y t e s > N d & & ( v d = m d . f i n a l i z e ( v d ) ) , v d . c l a m p ( ) ; f o r ( v a r O d = t h i s . _ o K e y = v d . c l o n e ( ) , k d = t h i s . _ i K e y = v d . c l o n e ( ) , L d = O d . w o r d s , G d = k d . w o r d s , U d = 0 ; U d < A d ; U d + + ) L d [ U d ] ^ = 1 5 4 9 5 5 6 8 2 8 , G d [ U d ] ^ = 9 0 9 5 2 2 4 8 6 ; O d . s i g B y t e s = k d . s i g B y t e s = N d , t h i s . r e s e t ( ) } , r e s e t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r m d = t h i s . _ h a s h e r ; m d . r e s e t ( ) , m d . u p d a t e ( t h i s . _ i K e y ) } , u p d a t e : f u n c t i o n ( m d ) { r e t u r n t h i s . _ h a s h e r . u p d a t e ( m d ) , t h i s } , f i n a l i z e : f u n c t i o n ( m d ) { v a r v d = t h i s . _ h a s h e r , A d = v d . f i n a l i z e ( m d ) ; v d . r e s e t ( ) ; v a r N d = v d . f i n a l i z e ( t h i s . _ o K e y . c l o n e ( ) . c o n c a t ( A d ) ) ; r e t u r n N d } } ) } ) ( ) } ) } ( h m a c ) ) , h m a c . e x p o r t s } v a r p b k d f 2 = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d P b k d f 2 ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e P b k d f 2 ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d P b k d f 2 | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d P b k d f 2 = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d , l d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) , r e q u i r e S h a 2 5 6 ( ) , r e q u i r e H m a c ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* Counter block mode compatible with Dr Brian Gladman fileenc . c
* derived from CryptoJS . mode . CTR
* Jan Hruby jhruby . web @ gmail . com
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
* / r e t u r n n d . m o d e . C T R G l a d m a n = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r o d = n d . l i b . B l o c k C i p h e r M o d e . e x t e n d ( ) ; f u n c t i o n l d ( p d ) { i f ( ( p d > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 ) = = = 2 5 5 ) { v a r f d = p d > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , m d = p d > > 8 & 2 5 5 , v d = p d & 2 5 5 ; f d = = = 2 5 5 ? ( f d = 0 , m d = = = 2 5 5 ? ( m d = 0 , v d = = = 2 5 5 ? v d = 0 : + + v d ) : + + m d ) : + + f d , p d = 0 , p d + = f d < < 1 6 , p d + = m d < < 8 , p d + = v d } e l s e p d + = 1 < < 2 4 ; r e t u r n p d } f u n c t i o n u d ( p d ) { r e t u r n ( p d [ 0 ] = l d ( p d [ 0 ] ) ) = = = 0 & & ( p d [ 1 ] = l d ( p d [ 1 ] ) ) , p d } v a r d d = o d . E n c r y p t o r = o d . e x t e n d ( { p r o c e s s B l o c k : f u n c t i o n ( p d , f d ) { v a r m d = t h i s . _ c i p h e r , v d = m d . b l o c k S i z e , A d = t h i s . _ i v , N d = t h i s . _ c o u n t e r ; A d & & ( N d = t h i s . _ c o u n t e r = A d . s l i c e ( 0 ) , t h i s . _ i v = v o i d 0 ) , u d ( N d ) ; v a r O d = N d . s l i c e ( 0 ) ; m d . e n c r y p t B l o c k ( O d , 0 ) ; f o r ( v a r k d = 0 ; k d < v d ; k d + + ) p d [ f d + k d ] ^ = O d [ k d ] } } ) ; r e t u r n o d . D e c r y p t o r = d d , o d } ( ) , n d . m o d e . C T R G l a d m a n } ) } ( m o d e C t r G l a d m a n ) ) , m o d e C t r G l a d m a n . e x p o r t s } v a r m o d e O f b = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d M o d e O f b ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e M o d e O f b ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d M o d e O f b | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d M o d e O f b = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d , l d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) , r e q u i r e C i p h e r C o r e ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u r n n d . m o d e . O F B = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r o d = n d . l i b . B l o c k C i p h e r M o d e . e x t e n d ( ) , l d = o d . E n c r y p t o r = o d . e x t e n d ( { p r o c e s s B l o c k : f u n c t i o n ( u d , d d ) { v a r p d = t h i s . _ c i p h e r , f d = p d . b l o c k S i z e , m d = t h i s . _ i v , v d = t h i s . _ k e y s t r e a m ; m d & & ( v d = t h i s . _ k e y s t r e a m = m d . s l i c e ( 0 ) , t h i s . _ i v = v o i d 0 ) , p d . e n c r y p t B l o c k ( v d , 0 ) ; f o r ( v a r A d = 0 ; A d < f d ; A d + + ) u d [ d d + A d ] ^ = v d [ A d ] } } ) ; r e t u r n o d . D e c r y p t o r = l d , o d } ( ) , n d . m o d e . O F B } ) } ( m o d e O f b ) ) , m o d e O f b . e x p o r t s } v a r m o d e E c b = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d M o d e E c b ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e M o d e E c b ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d M o d e E c b | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d M o d e E c b = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d , l d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) , r e q u i r e C i p h e r C o r e ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u r n n d . m o d e . E C B = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r o d = n d . l i b . B l o c k C i p h e r M o d e . e x t e n d ( ) ; r e t u r n o d . E n c r y p t o r = o d . e x t e n d ( { p r o c e s s B l o c k : f u n c t i o n ( l d , u d ) { t h i s . _ c i p h e r . e n c r y p t B l o c k ( l d , u d ) } } ) , o d . D e c r y p t o r = o d . e x t e n d ( { p r o c e s s B l o c k : f u n c t i o n ( l d , u d ) { t h i s . _ c i p h e r . d e c r y p t B l o c k ( l d , u d ) } } ) , o d } ( ) , n d . m o d e . E C B } ) } ( m o d e E c b ) ) , m o d e E c b . e x p o r t s } v a r p a d A n s i x 9 2 3 = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d P a d A n s i x 9 2 3 ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e P a d A n s i x 9 2 3 ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d P a d A n s i x 9 2 3 | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d P a d A n s i x 9 2 3 = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d , l d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) , r e q u i r e C i p h e r C o r e ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u r n n d . p a d . A n s i X 9 2 3 = { p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d , l d ) { v a r u d = o d . s i g B y t e s , d d = l d * 4 , p d = d d - u d % d d , f d = u d + p d - 1 ; o d . c l a m p ( ) , o d . w o r d s [ f d > > > 2 ] | = p d < < 2 4 - f d % 4 * 8 , o d . s i g B y t e s + = p d } , u n p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d ) { v a r l d = o d . w o r d s [ o d . s i g B y t e s - 1 > > > 2 ] & 2 5 5 ; o d . s i g B y t e s - = l d } } , n d . p a d . A n s i x 9 2 3 } ) } ( p a d A n s i x 9 2 3 ) ) , p a d A n s i x 9 2 3 . e x p o r t s } v a r p a d I s o 1 0 1 2 6 = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d P a d I s o 1 0 1 2 6 ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e P a d I s o 1 0 1 2 6 ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d P a d I s o 1 0 1 2 6 | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d P a d I s o 1 0 1 2 6 = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d , l d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) , r e q u i r e C i p h e r C o r e ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u r n n d . p a d . I s o 1 0 1 2 6 = { p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d , l d ) { v a r u d = l d * 4 , d d = u d - o d . s i g B y t e s % u d ; o d . c o n c a t ( n d . l i b . W o r d A r r a y . r a n d o m ( d d - 1 ) ) . c o n c a t ( n d . l i b . W o r d A r r a y . c r e a t e ( [ d d < < 2 4 ] , 1 ) ) } , u n p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d ) { v a r l d = o d . w o r d s [ o d . s i g B y t e s - 1 > > > 2 ] & 2 5 5 ; o d . s i g B y t e s - = l d } } , n d . p a d . I s o 1 0 1 2 6 } ) } ( p a d I s o 1 0 1 2 6 ) ) , p a d I s o 1 0 1 2 6 . e x p o r t s } v a r p a d I s o 9 7 9 7 1 = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d P a d I s o 9 7 9 7 1 ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e P a d I s o 9 7 9 7 1 ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d P a d I s o 9 7 9 7 1 | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d P a d I s o 9 7 9 7 1 = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d , l d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) , r e q u i r e C i p h e r C o r e ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u r n n d . p a d . I s o 9 7 9 7 1 = { p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d , l d ) { o d . c o n c a t ( n d . l i b . W o r d A r r a y . c r e a t e ( [ 2 1 4 7 4 8 3 6 4 8 ] , 1 ) ) , n d . p a d . Z e r o P a d d i n g . p a d ( o d , l d ) } , u n p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d ) { n d . p a d . Z e r o P a d d i n g . u n p a d ( o d ) , o d . s i g B y t e s - - } } , n d . p a d . I s o 9 7 9 7 1 } ) } ( p a d I s o 9 7 9 7 1 ) ) , p a d I s o 9 7 9 7 1 . e x p o r t s } v a r p a d Z e r o p a d d i n g = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d P a d Z e r o p a d d i n g ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e P a d Z e r o p a d d i n g ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d P a d Z e r o p a d d i n g | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d P a d Z e r o p a d d i n g = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d , l d ) { R a . e x p o r t s = o d ( r e q u i r e C o r e ( ) , r e q u i r e C i p h e r C o r e ( ) ) } ) ( c o m m o n j s G l o b a l , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u r n n d . p a d . Z e r o P a d d i n g = { p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d , l d ) { v a r u d = l d * 4 ; o d . c l a m p ( ) , o d . s i g B y t e s + = u d - ( o d . s i g B y t e s % u d | | u d ) } , u n p a d : f u n c t i o n ( o d ) { f o r ( v a r l d = o d . w o r d s , u d = o d . s i g B y t e s - 1 , u d = o d . s i g B y t e s - 1 ; u d > = 0 ; u d - - ) i f ( l d [ u d > > > 2 ] > > > 2 4 - u d % 4 * 8 & 2 5 5 ) { o d . s i g B y t e s = u d + 1 ; b r e a k } } } , n d . p a d . Z e r o P a d d i n g } ) } ( p a d Z e r o p a d d i n g ) ) , p a d Z e r o p a d d i n g . e x p o r t s } v a r p a d N o p a d d i n g = { e x p o r t s : { } } , h a s R e q u i r e d P a d N o p a d d i n g ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e P a d N o p a d d i
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* The buffer module from node . js , for the browser .
* @ author Feross Aboukhadijeh < https : //feross.org>
* @ license MIT
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
* / ( f u n c t i o n ( R a ) { v a r q a = r e q u i r e B a s e 6 4 J s ( ) , n d = i e e e 7 5 4 , o d = t y p e o f S y m b o l = = " f u n c t i o n " & & t y p e o f S y m b o l . f o r = = " f u n c t i o n " ? S y m b o l . f o r ( " n o d e j s . u t i l . i n s p e c t . c u s t o m " ) : n u l l ; R a . B u f f e r = p d , R a . S l o w B u f f e r = F d , R a . I N S P E C T _ M A X _ B Y T E S = 5 0 ; v a r l d = 2 1 4 7 4 8 3 6 4 7 ; R a . k M a x L e n g t h = l d , p d . T Y P E D _ A R R A Y _ S U P P O R T = u d ( ) , ! p d . T Y P E D _ A R R A Y _ S U P P O R T & & t y p e o f c o n s o l e < " u " & & t y p e o f c o n s o l e . e r r o r = = " f u n c t i o n " & & c o n s o l e . e r r o r ( " T h i s b r o w s e r l a c k s t y p e d a r r a y ( U i n t 8 A r r a y ) s u p p o r t w h i c h i s r e q u i r e d b y ` b u f f e r ` v 5 . x . U s e ` b u f f e r ` v 4 . x i f y o u r e q u i r e o l d b r o w s e r s u p p o r t . " ) ; f u n c t i o n u d ( ) { t r y { v a r e h = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( 1 ) , $ f = { f o o : f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n 4 2 } } ; r e t u r n O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( $ f , U i n t 8 A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e ) , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( e h , $ f ) , e h . f o o ( ) = = = 4 2 } c a t c h { r e t u r n ! 1 } } O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( p d . p r o t o t y p e , " p a r e n t " , { e n u m e r a b l e : ! 0 , g e t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( p d . i s B u f f e r ( t h i s ) ) r e t u r n t h i s . b u f f e r } } ) , O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( p d . p r o t o t y p e , " o f f s e t " , { e n u m e r a b l e : ! 0 , g e t : f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( p d . i s B u f f e r ( t h i s ) ) r e t u r n t h i s . b y t e O f f s e t } } ) ; f u n c t i o n d d ( e h ) { i f ( e h > l d ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' T h e v a l u e " ' + e h + ' " i s i n v a l i d f o r o p t i o n " s i z e " ' ) ; v a r $ f = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( e h ) ; r e t u r n O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( $ f , p d . p r o t o t y p e ) , $ f } f u n c t i o n p d ( e h , $ f , U f ) { i f ( t y p e o f e h = = " n u m b e r " ) { i f ( t y p e o f $ f = = " s t r i n g " ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( ' T h e " s t r i n g " a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o f t y p e s t r i n g . R e c e i v e d t y p e n u m b e r ' ) ; r e t u r n A d ( e h ) } r e t u r n f d ( e h , $ f , U f ) } p d . p o o l S i z e = 8 1 9 2 ; f u n c t i o n f d ( e h , $ f , U f ) { i f ( t y p e o f e h = = " s t r i n g " ) r e t u r n N d ( e h , $ f ) ; i f ( A r r a y B u f f e r . i s V i e w ( e h ) ) r e t u r n k d ( e h ) ; i f ( e h = = n u l l ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " T h e f i r s t a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o n e o f t y p e s t r i n g , B u f f e r , A r r a y B u f f e r , A r r a y , o r A r r a y - l i k e O b j e c t . R e c e i v e d t y p e " + t y p e o f e h ) ; i f ( R f ( e h , A r r a y B u f f e r ) | | e h & & R f ( e h . b u f f e r , A r r a y B u f f e r ) | | t y p e o f S h a r e d A r r a y B u f f e r < " u " & & ( R f ( e h , S h a r e d A r r a y B u f f e r ) | | e h & & R f ( e h . b u f f e r , S h a r e d A r r a y B u f f e r ) ) ) r e t u r n L d ( e h , $ f , U f ) ; i f ( t y p e o f e h = = " n u m b e r " ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( ' T h e " v a l u e " a r g u m e n t m u s t n o t b e o f t y p e n u m b e r . R e c e i v e d t y p e n u m b e r ' ) ; v a r J f = e h . v a l u e O f & & e h . v a l u e O f ( ) ; i f ( J f ! = n u l l & & J f ! = = e h ) r e t u r n p d . f r o m ( J f , $ f , U f ) ; v a r B h = G d ( e h ) ; i f ( B h ) r e t u r n B h ; i f ( t y p e o f S y m b o l < " u " & & S y m b o l . t o P r i m i t i v e ! = n u l l & & t y p e o f e h [ S y m b o l . t o P r i m i t i v e ] = = " f u n c t i o n " ) r e t u r n p d . f r o m ( e h [ S y m b o l . t o P r i m i t i v e ] ( " s t r i n g " ) , $ f , U f ) ; t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " T h e f i r s t a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o n e o f t y p e s t r i n g , B u f f e r , A r r a y B u f f e r , A r r a y , o r A r r a y - l i k e O b j e c t . R e c e i v e d t y p e " + t y p e o f e h ) } p d . f r o m = f u n c t i o n ( e h , $ f , U f ) { r e t u r n f d ( e h , $ f , U f ) } , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( p d . p r o t o t y p e , U i n t 8 A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e ) , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( p d , U i n t 8 A r r a y ) ; f u n c t i o n m d ( e h ) { i f ( t y p e o f e h ! = " n u m b e r " ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( ' " s i z e " a r g u m e n t m u s t b e o f t y p e n u m b e r ' ) ; i f ( e h < 0 ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' T h e v a l u e " ' + e h + ' " i s i n v a l i d f o r o p t i o n " s i z e " ' ) } f u n c t i o n v d ( e h , $ f , U f ) { r e t u r n m d ( e h ) , e h < = 0 ? d d ( e h ) : $ f ! = = v o i d 0 ? t y p e o f U f = = " s t r i n g " ? d d ( e h ) . f i l l ( $ f , U f ) : d d ( e h ) . f i l l ( $ f ) : d d ( e h ) } p d . a l l o c = f u n c t i o n ( e h , $ f , U f ) { r e t u r n v d ( e h , $ f , U f ) } ; f u n c t i o n A d ( e h ) { r e t u r n m d ( e h ) , d d ( e h < 0 ? 0 : U d ( e h ) | 0 ) } p d . a l l o c U n s a f e = f u n c t i o n ( e h ) { r e t u r n A d ( e h ) } , p d . a l l o c U n s a f e S l o w = f u n c t i o n ( e h ) { r e t u r n A d ( e h ) } ; f u n c t i o n N d ( e h , $ f ) { i f ( ( t y p e o f $ f ! = " s t r i n g " | | $ f = = = " " ) & & ( $ f = " u t f 8 " ) , ! p d . i s E n c o d i n g ( $ f ) ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " U n k n o w n e n c o d i n g : " + $ f ) ; v a r U f = H d ( e h , $ f ) | 0 , J f = d d ( U f ) , B h = J f . w r i t e ( e h , $ f ) ; r e t u r n B h ! = = U f & & ( J f = J f . s l i c e ( 0 , B h ) ) , J f } f u n c t i o n O d ( e h ) { f o r ( v a r $ f = e h . l e n g t h < 0 ? 0 : U d ( e h . l e n g t h ) | 0 , U f = d d ( $ f ) , J f = 0 ; J f < $ f ; J f + = 1 ) U f [ J f ] = e h [ J f ] & 2 5 5 ; r e t u r n U f } f u n c t i o n k d ( e h ) { i f ( R f ( e h , U i n t 8 A r r a y ) ) { v a r $ f = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( e h ) ; r e t u r n L d ( $ f . b u f f e r , $ f . b y t e O f f s e t , $ f . b y t e L e n g t h ) } r e t u r n O d ( e h ) } f u n c t i o n L d ( e h , $ f , U f ) { i f ( $ f < 0 | | e h . b y t e L e n g t h < $ f ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' " o f f s e t " i s o u t s i d e o f b u f f e r b o u n d s ' ) ; i f ( e h . b y t e L e n g t h < $ f + ( U f | | 0 ) ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( ' " l e n g t h " i s o u t s i d e o f b u f f e r b o u n d s ' ) ; v a r J f ; r e t u r n $ f = = = v o i d 0 & & U f = = = v o i d 0 ? J f = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( e h ) : U f = = = v o i d 0 ? J f = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( e h , $ f ) : J f = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( e h , $ f , U f ) , O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ( J f , p d . p r o t o t y p e ) , J f } f u n c t i o n G d ( e h ) { i f ( p d . i s B u f f e r ( e h ) ) { v a r $ f = U d ( e h . l e n g t h ) | 0 , U f = d d ( $ f ) ; r e t u r n U f . l e n g t h = = = 0 | | e h . c o p y ( U f , 0 , 0 , $ f ) , U f } i f ( e h . l e n g t h ! = = v o i d 0 ) r e t u r n t y p e o f e h . l e n g t h ! = " n u m b e r " | | g h ( e h . l e n g t h ) ? d d ( 0 ) : O d ( e h ) ; i f ( e h . t y p e = = = " B u f f e r " & & A r r a y . i s A r r a y ( e h . d a t a ) ) r e t u r n O d ( e h . d a t a ) } f u n c t i o n U d ( e h ) { i f ( e h > = l d ) t h r o w n e w R a n g e E r r o r ( " A t t e m p t t o a l l o c a t e B u f f e r l a r g e r t h a n m a x i m u m s i z e : 0 x " + l d . t o S t r i
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )>-1&&(Xf?wh=wh.split( `
` ).map(function(Rf){return" "+Rf}).join( `
` ).slice(2):wh= `
` +wh.split( `
` ).map(function(Rf){return" "+Rf}).join( `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ))):wh=Yf.stylize("[Circular]","special")),Qd(uh)){if(Xf&&xf.match(/^ \d + $ /))return wh;uh=JSON.stringify(""+xf),uh.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)" $ /)?(uh=uh.slice(1,-1),uh=Yf.stylize(uh,"name")):(uh=uh.replace(/'/g," \\ '").replace(/ \\ "/g,'"').replace(/(^"|" $ )/g,"'"),uh=Yf.stylize(uh,"string"))}return uh+": "+wh}function Ud(Yf,Wf,Kf){var Cf=Yf.reduce(function(xf,Xf){return Xf.indexOf( `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )>=0,xf+Xf.replace(/ \u 001b \[ \d \d ?m/g,"").length+1},0);return Cf>60?Kf[0]+(Wf===""?"":Wf+ `
` )+" "+Yf.join( ` ,
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` )+" "+Kf[1]:Kf[0]+Wf+" "+Yf.join(", ")+" "+Kf[1]}Ra.types=types;function Fd(Yf){return Array.isArray(Yf)}Ra.isArray=Fd;function Hd(Yf){return typeof Yf=="boolean"}Ra.isBoolean=Hd;function Vd(Yf){return Yf===null}Ra.isNull=Vd;function zd(Yf){return Yf==null}Ra.isNullOrUndefined=zd;function Yd(Yf){return typeof Yf=="number"}Ra.isNumber=Yd;function Xd(Yf){return typeof Yf=="string"}Ra.isString=Xd;function yf(Yf){return typeof Yf=="symbol"}Ra.isSymbol=yf;function Qd(Yf){return Yf===void 0}Ra.isUndefined=Qd;function pf(Yf){return mf(Yf)&&Df(Yf)==="[object RegExp]"}Ra.isRegExp=pf,Ra.types.isRegExp=pf;function mf(Yf){return typeof Yf=="object"&&Yf!==null}Ra.isObject=mf;function Tf(Yf){return mf(Yf)&&Df(Yf)==="[object Date]"}Ra.isDate=Tf,Ra.types.isDate=Tf;function vf(Yf){return mf(Yf)&&(Df(Yf)==="[object Error]"||Yf instanceof Error)}Ra.isError=vf,Ra.types.isNativeError=vf;function Af(Yf){return typeof Yf=="function"}Ra.isFunction=Af;function Sf(Yf){return Yf===null||typeof Yf=="boolean"||typeof Yf=="number"||typeof Yf=="string"||typeof Yf=="symbol"||typeof Yf>"u"}Ra.isPrimitive=Sf,Ra.isBuffer=isBufferBrowser;function Df(Yf){return Object.prototype.toString.call(Yf)}function If(Yf){return Yf<10?"0"+Yf.toString(10):Yf.toString(10)}var Gf=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];function Qf(){var Yf=new Date,Wf=[If(Yf.getHours()),If(Yf.getMinutes()),If(Yf.getSeconds())].join(":");return[Yf.getDate(),Gf[Yf.getMonth()],Wf].join(" ")}Ra.log=function(){console.log("%s - %s",Qf(),Ra.format.apply(Ra,arguments))},Ra.inherits=inherits_browserExports,Ra._extend=function(Yf,Wf){if(!Wf||!mf(Wf))return Yf;for(var Kf=Object.keys(Wf),Cf=Kf.length;Cf--;)Yf[Kf[Cf]]=Wf[Kf[Cf]];return Yf};function ih(Yf,Wf){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Yf,Wf)}var sh=typeof Symbol<"u"?Symbol("util.promisify.custom"):void 0;Ra.promisify=function(Wf){if(typeof Wf!="function")throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function');if(sh&&Wf[sh]){var Kf=Wf[sh];if(typeof Kf!="function")throw new TypeError('The "util.promisify.custom" argument must be of type Function');return Object.defineProperty(Kf,sh,{value:Kf,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,configurable:!0}),Kf}function Kf(){for(var Cf,xf,Xf=new Promise(function(dh,Rf){Cf=dh,xf=Rf}),uh=[],wh=0;wh<arguments.length;wh++)uh.push(arguments[wh]);uh.push(function(dh,Rf){dh?xf(dh):Cf(Rf)});try{Wf.apply(this,uh)}catch(dh){xf(dh)}return Xf}return Object.setPrototypeOf(Kf,Object.getPrototypeOf(Wf)),sh&&Object.defineProperty(Kf,sh,{value:Kf,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperties(Kf,od(Wf))},Ra.promisify.custom=sh;function qf(Yf,Wf){if(!Yf){var Kf=new Error("Promise was rejected with a falsy value");Kf.reason=Yf,Yf=Kf}return Wf(Yf)}function Pf(Yf){if(typeof Yf!="function")throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function');function Wf(){for(var Kf=[],Cf=0;Cf<arguments.length;Cf++)Kf.push(arguments[Cf]);var xf=Kf.pop();if(typeof xf!="function")throw new TypeError("The last argument must be of type Function");var Xf=this,uh=function(){return xf.apply(Xf,arguments)};Yf.apply(this,Kf).then(function(wh){qa.nextTick(uh.bind(null,null,wh))},function(wh){qa.nextTick(qf.bind(null,wh,uh))})}return Object.setPrototypeOf(Wf,Object.getPrototypeOf(Yf)),Object.defineProperties(Wf,od(Yf)),Wf}Ra.callbackify=Pf})(util $ 5);var buffer_list,hasRequiredBuffer_list;function requireBuffer_list(){if(hasRequiredBuffer_list)return buffer_list;hasRequiredBuffer_list=1;function Ra(kd,Ld){var Gd=Object.keys(kd);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var Ud=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(kd);Ld&&(Ud=Ud.filter(function(Fd){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(kd,Fd).enumerable})),Gd.push.apply(Gd,Ud)}return Gd}function qa(kd){for(var Ld=1;Ld<arguments.length;Ld++){var Gd=arguments[Ld]!=null?arguments[Ld]:{};Ld%2?Ra(Object(Gd),!0).forEach(function(Ud){nd(kd,Ud,Gd[Ud])}):Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors?Object.defineProperties(kd,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Gd)):Ra(Object(Gd)).forEach(function(Ud){Object.defineProperty(kd,Ud,Object.getOwnPropertyDescript
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ,nd);nd=ld===-1?Ra.length:ld}else if(od!==-1&&Ra[nd]==="/"&&Ra[nd+1]==="*"){let ld=Ra.indexOf("*/",nd);ld!==-1?(nd=ld+2,od=Ra.indexOf("*/",nd)):(qa+=Ra[nd],nd++)}else qa+=Ra[nd],nd++;return qa}function parseParams(Ra){const qa=stripComments(Ra.toString());let nd=qa.match(FN_ARGS);if(nd||(nd=qa.match(ARROW_FN_ARGS)),!nd)throw new Error( ` could not parse args in autoInject
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Source :
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` +qa);let[,od]=nd;return od.replace(/ \s /g,"").split(FN_ARG_SPLIT).map(ld=>ld.replace(FN_ARG,"").trim())}function autoInject(Ra,qa){var nd={};return Object.keys(Ra).forEach(od=>{var ld=Ra[od],ud,dd=isAsync(ld),pd=!dd&&ld.length===1||dd&&ld.length===0;if(Array.isArray(ld))ud=[...ld],ld=ud.pop(),nd[od]=ud.concat(ud.length>0?fd:ld);else if(pd)nd[od]=ld;else{if(ud=parseParams(ld),ld.length===0&&!dd&&ud.length===0)throw new Error("autoInject task functions require explicit parameters.");dd||ud.pop(),nd[od]=ud.concat(fd)}function fd(md,vd){var Ad=ud.map(Nd=>md[Nd]);Ad.push(vd),wrapAsync(ld)(...Ad)}}),auto(nd,qa)}class DLL{constructor(){this.head=this.tail=null,this.length=0}removeLink(qa){return qa.prev?qa.prev.next=qa.next:this.head=qa.next,qa.next?qa.next.prev=qa.prev:this.tail=qa.prev,qa.prev=qa.next=null,this.length-=1,qa}empty(){for(;this.head;)this.shift();return this}insertAfter(qa,nd){nd.prev=qa,nd.next=qa.next,qa.next?qa.next.prev=nd:this.tail=nd,qa.next=nd,this.length+=1}insertBefore(qa,nd){nd.prev=qa.prev,nd.next=qa,qa.prev?qa.prev.next=nd:this.head=nd,qa.prev=nd,this.length+=1}unshift(qa){this.head?this.insertBefore(this.head,qa):setInitial(this,qa)}push(qa){this.tail?this.insertAfter(this.tail,qa):setInitial(this,qa)}shift(){return this.head&&this.removeLink(this.head)}pop(){return this.tail&&this.removeLink(this.tail)}toArray(){return[...this]}*[Symbol.iterator](){for(var qa=this.head;qa;)yield qa.data,qa=qa.next}remove(qa){for(var nd=this.head;nd;){var{next:od}=nd;qa(nd)&&this.removeLink(nd),nd=od}return this}}function setInitial(Ra,qa){Ra.length=1,Ra.head=Ra.tail=qa}function queue $ 1(Ra,qa,nd){if(qa==null)qa=1;else if(qa===0)throw new RangeError("Concurrency must not be zero");var od=wrapAsync(Ra),ld=0,ud=[];const dd={error:[],drain:[],saturated:[],unsaturated:[],empty:[]};function pd(Fd,Hd){dd[Fd].push(Hd)}function fd(Fd,Hd){const Vd=(...zd)=>{md(Fd,Vd),Hd(...zd)};dd[Fd].push(Vd)}function md(Fd,Hd){if(!Fd)return Object.keys(dd).forEach(Vd=>dd[Vd]=[]);if(!Hd)return dd[Fd]=[];dd[Fd]=dd[Fd].filter(Vd=>Vd!==Hd)}function vd(Fd,...Hd){dd[Fd].forEach(Vd=>Vd(...Hd))}var Ad=!1;function Nd(Fd,Hd,Vd,zd){if(zd!=null&&typeof zd!="function")throw new Error("task callback must be a function");Ud.started=!0;var Yd,Xd;function yf(pf,...mf){if(pf)return Vd?Xd(pf):Yd();if(mf.length<=1)return Yd(mf[0]);Yd(mf)}var Qd=Ud._createTaskItem(Fd,Vd?yf:zd||yf);if(Hd?Ud._tasks.unshift(Qd):Ud._tasks.push(Qd),Ad||(Ad=!0,setImmediate $ 1 $ 1(()=>{Ad=!1,Ud.process()})),Vd||!zd)return new Promise((pf,mf)=>{Yd=pf,Xd=mf})}function Od(Fd){return function(Hd,...Vd){ld-=1;for(var zd=0,Yd=Fd.length;zd<Yd;zd++){var Xd=Fd[zd],yf=ud.indexOf(Xd);yf===0?ud.shift():yf>0&&ud.splice(yf,1),Xd.callback(Hd,...Vd),Hd!=null&&vd("error",Hd,Xd.data)}ld<=Ud.concurrency-Ud.buffer&&vd("unsaturated"),Ud.idle()&&vd("drain"),Ud.process()}}function kd(Fd){return Fd.length===0&&Ud.idle()?(setImmediate $ 1 $ 1(()=>vd("drain")),!0):!1}const Ld=Fd=>Hd=>{if(!Hd)return new Promise((Vd,zd)=>{fd(Fd,(Yd,Xd)=>{if(Yd)return zd(Yd);Vd(Xd)})});md(Fd),pd(Fd,Hd)};var Gd=!1,Ud={_tasks:new DLL,_createTaskItem(Fd,Hd){return{data:Fd,callback:Hd}},*[Symbol.iterator](){yield*Ud._tasks[Symbol.iterator]()},concurrency:qa,payload:nd,buffer:qa/4,started:!1,paused:!1,push(Fd,Hd){return Array.isArray(Fd)?kd(Fd)?void 0:Fd.map(Vd=>Nd(Vd,!1,!1,Hd)):Nd(Fd,!1,!1,Hd)},pushAsync(Fd,Hd){return Array.isArray(Fd)?kd(Fd)?void 0:Fd.map(Vd=>Nd(Vd,!1,!0,Hd)):Nd(Fd,!1,!0,Hd)},kill(){md(),Ud._tasks.empty()},unshift(Fd,Hd){return Array.isArray(Fd)?kd(Fd)?void 0:Fd.map(Vd=>Nd(Vd,!0,!1,Hd)):Nd(Fd,!0,!1,Hd)},unshiftAsync(Fd,Hd){return Array.isArray(Fd)?kd(Fd)?void 0:Fd.map(Vd=>Nd(Vd,!0,!0,Hd)):Nd(Fd,!0,!0,Hd)},remove(Fd){Ud._tasks.remove(Fd)},process(){if(!Gd){for(Gd=!0;!Ud.paused&&ld<Ud.concurrency&&Ud._tasks.length;){var Fd=[],Hd=[],Vd=Ud._tasks.length;Ud.payload&&(Vd=Math.min(Vd,Ud.payload));for(var zd=0;zd<Vd;zd++){var Yd=Ud._tasks.shift();Fd.push(Yd),ud.push(Yd),Hd.push(Yd.data)}ld+=1,Ud._tasks.length===0&&vd("empty"),ld===Ud.concurrency&&vd("saturated");var Xd=onlyOnce(Od(Fd));od(Hd,Xd)}Gd=!1}},length(){return Ud._tasks.
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* @ license
* Lodash < https : //lodash.com/>
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors < https : //openjsf.org/>
* Released under MIT license < https : //lodash.com/license>
* Based on Underscore . js 1.8 . 3 < http : //underscorejs.org/LICENSE>
* Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas , DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
* /lodash.exports;(function(Ra,qa){(function(){var nd,od="4.17.21",ld=200,ud="Unsupported core-js use. Try https:/ / npms . io / search ? q = ponyfill . ",dd=" Expected a function ",pd=" Invalid ` variable ` option passed into ` _.template ` ",fd=" _ _lodash _hash _undefined _ _ ",md=500,vd=" _ _lodash _placeholder _ _ ",Ad=1,Nd=2,Od=4,kd=1,Ld=2,Gd=1,Ud=2,Fd=4,Hd=8,Vd=16,zd=32,Yd=64,Xd=128,yf=256,Qd=512,pf=30,mf=" ... ",Tf=800,vf=16,Af=1,Sf=2,Df=3,If=1/0,Gf=9007199254740991,Qf=17976931348623157e292,ih=NaN,sh=4294967295,qf=sh-1,Pf=sh>>>1,Yf=[[" ary ",Xd],[" bind ",Gd],[" bindKey ",Ud],[" curry ",Hd],[" curryRight ",Vd],[" flip ",Qd],[" partial ",zd],[" partialRight ",Yd],[" rearg ",yf]],Wf=" [ object Arguments ] ",Kf=" [ object Array ] ",Cf=" [ object AsyncFunction ] ",xf=" [ object Boolean ] ",Xf=" [ object Date ] ",uh=" [ object DOMException ] ",wh=" [ object Error ] ",dh=" [ object Function ] ",Rf=" [ object GeneratorFunction ] ",gh=" [ object Map ] ",kh=" [ object Number ] ",eh=" [ object Null ] ",$f=" [ object Object ] ",Uf=" [ object Promise ] ",Jf=" [ object Proxy ] ",Bh=" [ object RegExp ] ",Mh=" [ object Set ] ",yh=" [ object String ] ",dm=" [ object Symbol ] ",Wh=" [ object Undefined ] ",Rm=" [ object WeakMap ] ",Um=" [ object WeakSet ] ",Dm=" [ object ArrayBuffer ] ",Fm=" [ object DataView ] ",Wm=" [ object Float32Array ] ",Sh=" [ object Float64Array ] ",jf=" [ object Int8Array ] ",Lf=" [ object Int16Array ] ",_h=" [ object Int32Array ] ",Oh=" [ object Uint8Array ] ",um=" [ object Uint8ClampedArray ] ",mm=" [ object Uint16Array ] ",$m=" [ object Uint32Array ] ",Jm=/\b__p \+= '';/g,Gm=/\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g,Eg=/(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g,og=/&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g,Cg=/[&<>" ']/g,Lg=RegExp(og.source),o_=RegExp(Cg.source),Gg=/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,Zg=/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,kg=/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,v_=/\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["' ] ) ( ? : ( ? ! \ 1 ) [ ^ \ \ ] | \ \ . ) * ? \ 1 ) \ ] / , r _ = /^\w*$/ , N _ = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g , k _ = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g , c _ = RegExp ( k _ . source ) , f _ = /^\s+/ , lg = /\s/ , hb = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/ , wb = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/ , Y _ = /,? & / , Bf = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g , Uh = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/ , Ch = /\\(\\)?/g , Fh = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g , pm = /\w*$/ , om = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i , Sm = /^0b[01]+$/i , gm = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/ , Jh = /^0o[0-7]+$/i , Hm = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/ , Ym = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g , Tg = /($^)/ , Zm = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g , Ag = "\\ud800-\\udfff" , a _ = "\\u0300-\\u036f" , n _ = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f" , qg = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff" , sg = a _ + n _ + qg , T _ = "\\u2700-\\u27bf" , Wg = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff" , Bg = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7" , Th = "\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf" , sm = "\\u2000-\\u206f" , zm = " \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000" , rg = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde" , Lm = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f" , _g = Bg + Th + sm + zm , Xg = "['’ ]" , A _ = "[" + Ag + "]" , B _ = "[" + _g + "]" , _b = "[" + sg + "]" , Bb = "\\d+" , jg = "[" + T _ + "]" , yb = "[" + Wg + "]" , w _ = "[^" + Ag + _g + Bb + T _ + Wg + rg + "]" , Z _ = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]" , H _ = "(?:" + _b + "|" + Z _ + ")" , Fb = "[^" + Ag + "]" , h0 = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}" , eb = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]" , jb = "[" + rg + "]" , Ty = "\\u200d" , j0 = "(?:" + yb + "|" + w _ + ")" , $g = "(?:" + jb + "|" + w _ + ")" , U0 = "(?:" + Xg + "(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?" , w0 = "(?:" + Xg + "(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?" , Cy = H _ + "?" , hv = "[" + Lm + "]?" , mv = "(?:" + Ty + "(?:" + [ Fb , h0 , eb ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" + hv + Cy + ")*" , D0 = "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])" , G _ = "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])" , Db = hv + Cy + mv , Qb = "(?:" + [ jg , h0 , eb ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" + Db , N0 = "(?:" + [ Fb + _b + "?" , _b , h0 , eb , A _ ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" , H0 = RegExp ( Xg , "g" ) , HE = RegExp ( _b , "g" ) , iE = RegExp ( Z _ + "(?=" + Z _ + ")|" + N0 + Db , "g" ) , GE = RegExp ( [ jb + "?" + yb + "+" + U0 + "(?=" + [ B _ , jb , "$" ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" , $g + "+" + w0 + "(?=" + [ B _ , jb + j0 , "$" ] . join ( "|" ) + ")" , jb + "?" + j0 + "+" + U0 , jb + "+" + w0 , G _ , D0 , Bb , Qb ] . join ( "|" ) , "g" ) , jS = RegExp ( "[" + Ty + Ag + sg + Lm + "]" ) , sE = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/ , qE = [ "Array" , "Buffer" , "DataView" , "Date" , "Error" , "Float32Array" , "Float64Array" , "Function" , "Int8Array" , "Int16Array" , "Int32Array" , "Map" , "Math" , "Object" , "Promise" , "RegExp" , "Set" , "String" , "Symbol" , "TypeError" , "Uint8Array" , "Uint8ClampedArray" , "Uint16Array" , "Uint32Array" , "WeakMap" , "_" , " clearTim
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
/* [wrapped with `+gf+`] */
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` )}function qd(Wd){return Jg(Wd)||jE(Wd)||!!(PT&&Wd&&Wd[PT])}function df(Wd,gf){var wf=typeof Wd;return gf=gf??Gf,!!gf&&(wf=="number"||wf!="symbol"&&Hm.test(Wd))&&Wd>-1&&Wd%1==0&&Wd<gf}function Zd(Wd,gf,wf){if(!W_(wf))return!1;var Zf=typeof gf;return(Zf=="number"?Yb(wf)&&df(gf,wf.length):Zf=="string"&&gf in wf)?B0(wf[gf],Wd):!1}function _f(Wd,gf){if(Jg(Wd))return!1;var wf=typeof Wd;return wf=="number"||wf=="symbol"||wf=="boolean"||Wd==null||d0(Wd)?!0:r_.test(Wd)||!v_.test(Wd)||gf!=null&&Wd in x_(gf)}function Nf(Wd){var gf=typeof Wd;return gf=="string"||gf=="number"||gf=="symbol"||gf=="boolean"?Wd!=="__proto__":Wd===null}function zf(Wd){var gf=BE(Wd),wf=Vh[gf];if(typeof wf!="function"||!(gf in Hg.prototype))return!1;if(Wd===wf)return!0;var Zf=LE(wf);return!!Zf&&Wd===Zf[0]}function th(Wd){return!!rS&&rS in Wd}var mh=O0?uv:x1;function xh(Wd){var gf=Wd&&Wd.constructor,wf=typeof gf=="function"&&gf.prototype||t0;return Wd===wf}function im(Wd){return Wd===Wd&&!W_(Wd)}function hm(Wd,gf){return function(wf){return wf==null?!1:wf[Wd]===gf&&(gf!==nd||Wd in x_(wf))}}function Om(Wd){var gf=Nx(Wd,function(Zf){return wf.size===md&&wf.clear(),Zf}),wf=gf.cache;return gf}function Im(Wd,gf){var wf=Wd[1],Zf=gf[1],Ah=wf|Zf,Xh=Ah<(Gd|Ud|Xd),Tm=Zf==Xd&&wf==Hd||Zf==Xd&&wf==yf&&Wd[7].length<=gf[8]||Zf==(Xd|yf)&&gf[7].length<=gf[8]&&wf==Hd;if(!(Xh||Tm))return Wd;Zf&Gd&&(Wd[2]=gf[2],Ah|=wf&Gd?0:Fd);var Nm=gf[3];if(Nm){var Pm=Wd[3];Wd[3]=Pm?vS(Pm,Nm,gf[4]):Nm,Wd[4]=Pm?Rb(Wd[3],vd):gf[4]}return Nm=gf[5],Nm&&(Pm=Wd[5],Wd[5]=Pm?vT(Pm,Nm,gf[6]):Nm,Wd[6]=Pm?Rb(Wd[5],vd):gf[6]),Nm=gf[7],Nm&&(Wd[7]=Nm),Zf&Xd&&(Wd[8]=Wd[8]==null?gf[8]:X_(Wd[8],gf[8])),Wd[9]==null&&(Wd[9]=gf[9]),Wd[0]=gf[0],Wd[1]=Ah,Wd}function Vm(Wd){var gf=[];if(Wd!=null)for(var wf in x_(Wd))gf.push(wf);return gf}function Qm(Wd){return _0.call(Wd)}function ig(Wd,gf,wf){return gf=O_(gf===nd?Wd.length-1:gf,0),function(){for(var Zf=arguments,Ah=-1,Xh=O_(Zf.length-gf,0),Tm=jm(Xh);++Ah<Xh;)Tm[Ah]=Zf[gf+Ah];Ah=-1;for(var Nm=jm(gf+1);++Ah<gf;)Nm[Ah]=Zf[Ah];return Nm[gf]=wf(Tm),xb(Wd,this,Nm)}}function Sg(Wd,gf){return gf.length<2?Wd:J0(Wd,ib(gf,0,-1))}function xg(Wd,gf){for(var wf=Wd.length,Zf=X_(gf.length,wf),Ah=Ib(Wd);Zf--;){var Xh=gf[Zf];Wd[Zf]=df(Xh,wf)?Ah[Xh]:nd}return Wd}function yg(Wd,gf){if(!(gf==="constructor"&&typeof Wd[gf]=="function")&&gf!="__proto__")return Wd[gf]}var Dg=S_(dx),Pg=sS||function(Wd,gf){return b_.setTimeout(Wd,gf)},Mg=S_(Zx);function Qg(Wd,gf,wf){var Zf=gf+"";return Mg(Wd,Md(Zf,V_(j_(Zf),wf)))}function S_(Wd){var gf=0,wf=0;return function(){var Zf=Bx(),Ah=vf-(Zf-wf);if(wf=Zf,Ah>0){if(++gf>=Tf)return arguments[0]}else gf=0;return Wd.apply(nd,arguments)}}function U_(Wd,gf){var wf=-1,Zf=Wd.length,Ah=Zf-1;for(gf=gf===nd?Zf:gf;++wf<gf;){var Xh=gS(wf,Ah),Tm=Wd[Xh];Wd[Xh]=Wd[wf],Wd[wf]=Tm}return Wd.length=gf,Wd}var R_=Om(function(Wd){var gf=[];return Wd.charCodeAt(0)===46&&gf.push(""),Wd.replace(N_,function(wf,Zf,Ah,Xh){gf.push(Ah?Xh.replace(Ch," $ 1"):Zf||wf)}),gf});function P_(Wd){if(typeof Wd=="string"||d0(Wd))return Wd;var gf=Wd+"";return gf=="0"&&1/Wd==-If?"-0":gf}function q_(Wd){if(Wd!=null){try{return wv.call(Wd)}catch{}try{return Wd+""}catch{}}return""}function V_(Wd,gf){return Nb(Yf,function(wf){var Zf="_."+wf[0];gf&wf[1]&&!yv(Wd,Zf)&&Wd.push(Zf)}),Wd.sort()}function Eb(Wd){if(Wd instanceof Hg)return Wd.clone();var gf=new y_(Wd.__wrapped__,Wd.__chain__);return gf.__actions__=Ib(Wd.__actions__),gf.__index__=Wd.__index__,gf.__values__=Wd.__values__,gf}function fb(Wd,gf,wf){(wf?Zd(Wd,gf,wf):gf===nd)?gf=1:gf=O_(t_(gf),0);var Zf=Wd==null?0:Wd.length;if(!Zf||gf<1)return[];for(var Ah=0,Xh=0,Tm=jm(hE(Zf/gf));Ah<Zf;)Tm[Xh++]=ib(Wd,Ah,Ah+=gf);return Tm}function Q_(Wd){for(var gf=-1,wf=Wd==null?0:Wd.length,Zf=0,Ah=[];++gf<wf;){var Xh=Wd[gf];Xh&&(Ah[Zf++]=Xh)}return Ah}function z_(){var Wd=arguments.length;if(!Wd)return[];for(var gf=jm(Wd-1),wf=arguments[0],Zf=Wd;Zf--;)gf[Zf-1]=arguments[Zf];return Zb(Jg(wf)?Ib(wf):[wf],nb(gf,1))}var L_=e_(function(Wd,gf){return lb(Wd)?TE(Wd,nb(gf,1,lb,!0)):[]}),Ab=e_(function(Wd,gf){var wf=C0(gf);return lb(wf)&&(wf=nd),lb(Wd)?TE(Wd,nb(gf,1,lb,!0
` ;Wd.replace(Ng,function(zg,l_,p_,p0,Lb,f0){return p_||(p_=p0),ng+=Wd.slice(eg,f0).replace(Zm,Oy),l_&&(Nm=!0,ng+= ` ' +
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
_ _e ( ` +l_+ ` ) +
'`),Lb&&(Pm=!0,ng+=`' ;
` +Lb+ ` ;
_ _p += '`),p_&&(ng+=`' +
( ( _ _t = ( ` +p_+ ` ) ) == null ? '' : _ _t ) +
'`),eg=f0+zg.length,zg}),ng+=`' ;
` ;var Vg=__.call(gf,"variable")&&gf.variable;if(!Vg)ng= ` with ( obj ) {
` +ng+ `
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` ;else if(Uh.test(Vg))throw new Kg(pd);ng=(Pm?ng.replace(Jm,""):ng).replace(Gm," $ 1").replace(Eg," $ 1;"),ng="function("+(Vg||"obj")+ ` ) {
` +(Vg?"": ` obj || ( obj = { } ) ;
` )+"var __t, __p = ''"+(Nm?", __e = _.escape":"")+(Pm? ` , _ _j = Array . prototype . join ;
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
function print ( ) { _ _p += _ _j . call ( arguments , '' ) }
` : ` ;
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` )+ng+ ` return _ _p
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
} ` ;var i_=nC(function(){return u_(Xh,Fg+"return "+ng).apply(nd,Tm)});if(i_.source=ng,h1(i_))throw i_;return i_}function RD(Wd){return C_(Wd).toLowerCase()}function OD(Wd){return C_(Wd).toUpperCase()}function kD(Wd,gf,wf){if(Wd=C_(Wd),Wd&&(wf||gf===nd))return Ig(Wd);if(!Wd||!(gf= $ b(gf)))return Wd;var Zf=e0(Wd),Ah=e0(gf),Xh=h_(Zf,Ah),Tm=tb(Zf,Ah)+1;return L0(Zf,Xh,Tm).join("")}function MD(Wd,gf,wf){if(Wd=C_(Wd),Wd&&(wf||gf===nd))return Wd.slice(0,GS(Wd)+1);if(!Wd||!(gf= $ b(gf)))return Wd;var Zf=e0(Wd),Ah=tb(Zf,e0(gf))+1;return L0(Zf,0,Ah).join("")}function $ D(Wd,gf,wf){if(Wd=C_(Wd),Wd&&(wf||gf===nd))return Wd.replace(f_,"");if(!Wd||!(gf= $ b(gf)))return Wd;var Zf=e0(Wd),Ah=h_(Zf,e0(gf));return L0(Zf,Ah).join("")}function PD(Wd,gf){var wf=pf,Zf=mf;if(W_(gf)){var Ah="separator"in gf?gf.separator:Ah;wf="length"in gf?t_(gf.length):wf,Zf="omission"in gf? $ b(gf.omission):Zf}Wd=C_(Wd);var Xh=Wd.length;if(Cv(Wd)){var Tm=e0(Wd);Xh=Tm.length}if(wf>=Xh)return Wd;var Nm=wf-Av(Zf);if(Nm<1)return Zf;var Pm=Tm?L0(Tm,0,Nm).join(""):Wd.slice(0,Nm);if(Ah===nd)return Pm+Zf;if(Tm&&(Nm+=Pm.length-Nm),m1(Ah)){if(Wd.slice(Nm).search(Ah)){var eg,tg=Pm;for(Ah.global||(Ah=fE(Ah.source,C_(pm.exec(Ah))+"g")),Ah.lastIndex=0;eg=Ah.exec(tg);)var ng=eg.index;Pm=Pm.slice(0,ng===nd?Nm:ng)}}else if(Wd.indexOf( $ b(Ah),Nm)!=Nm){var Ng=Pm.lastIndexOf(Ah);Ng>-1&&(Pm=Pm.slice(0,Ng))}return Pm+Zf}function LD(Wd){return Wd=C_(Wd),Wd&&Lg.test(Wd)?Wd.replace(og,OT):Wd}var BD=Jv(function(Wd,gf,wf){return Wd+(wf?" ":"")+gf.toUpperCase()}),b1=_x("toUpperCase");function rC(Wd,gf,wf){return Wd=C_(Wd),gf=wf?nd:gf,gf===nd?NT(Wd)?MT(Wd):US(Wd):Wd.match(gf)||[]}var nC=e_(function(Wd,gf){try{return xb(Wd,nd,gf)}catch(wf){return h1(wf)?wf:new Kg(wf)}}),FD=S0(function(Wd,gf){return Nb(gf,function(wf){wf=P_(wf), $ 0(Wd,wf,p1(Wd[wf],Wd))}),Wd});function jD(Wd){var gf=Wd==null?0:Wd.length,wf=Ug();return Wd=gf?D_(Wd,function(Zf){if(typeof Zf[1]!="function")throw new qb(dd);return[wf(Zf[0]),Zf[1]]}):[],e_(function(Zf){for(var Ah=-1;++Ah<gf;){var Xh=Wd[Ah];if(xb(Xh[0],this,Zf))return xb(Xh[1],this,Zf)}})}function UD(Wd){return Kx(Mb(Wd,Ad))}function y1(Wd){return function(){return Wd}}function HD(Wd,gf){return Wd==null||Wd!==Wd?gf:Wd}var GD=yx(),qD=yx(!0);function Xb(Wd){return Wd}function v1(Wd){return Vv(typeof Wd=="function"?Wd:Mb(Wd,Ad))}function VD(Wd){return nx(Mb(Wd,Ad))}function zD(Wd,gf){return dT(Wd,Mb(gf,Ad))}var WD=e_(function(Wd,gf){return function(wf){return Gv(wf,Wd,gf)}}),YD=e_(function(Wd,gf){return function(wf){return Gv(Wd,wf,gf)}});function E1(Wd,gf,wf){var Zf=Tb(gf),Ah=hS(gf,Zf);wf==null&&!(W_(gf)&&(Ah.length||!Zf.length))&&(wf=gf,gf=Wd,Wd=this,Ah=hS(gf,Tb(gf)));var Xh=!(W_(wf)&&"chain"in wf)||!!wf.chain,Tm=uv(Wd);return Nb(Ah,function(Nm){var Pm=gf[Nm];Wd[Nm]=Pm,Tm&&(Wd.prototype[Nm]=function(){var eg=this.__chain__;if(Xh||eg){var tg=Wd(this.__wrapped__),ng=tg.__actions__=Ib(this.__actions__);return ng.push({func:Pm,args:arguments,thisArg:Wd}),tg.__chain__=eg,tg}return Pm.apply(Wd,Zb([this.value()],arguments))})}),Wd}function KD(){return b_._===this&&(b_._=Cb),this}function S1(){}function XD(Wd){return Wd=t_(Wd),e_(function(gf){return Wv(gf,Wd)})}var QD=SS(D_),JD=SS(Iy),ZD=SS(q0);function iC(Wd){return _f(Wd)?Rh(P_(Wd)):Qx(Wd)}function eN(Wd){return function(gf){return Wd==null?nd:J0(Wd,gf)}}var tN=lv(),rN=lv(!0);function T1(){return[]}function x1(){return!1}function nN(){return{}}function iN(){return""}function sN(){return!0}function oN(Wd,gf){if(Wd=t_(Wd),Wd<1||Wd>Gf)return[];var wf=sh,Zf=X_(Wd,sh);gf=Ug(gf),Wd-=sh;for(var Ah=dg(Zf,gf);++wf<Wd;)gf(wf);return Ah}function lN(Wd){return Jg(Wd)?D_(Wd,P_):d0(Wd)?[Wd]:Ib(R_(C_(Wd)))}function cN(Wd){var gf=++ $ T;return C_(Wd)+gf}var uN=Zv(function(Wd,gf){return Wd+gf},0),dN=TT("ceil"),pN=Zv(function(Wd,gf){return Wd/gf},1),fN=TT("floor");function hN(Wd){return Wd&&Wd.length?pS(Wd,Xb,mS):nd}function mN(Wd,gf){return Wd&&Wd.length?pS(Wd,Ug(gf,2),mS):nd}function gN(Wd){return ph(Wd,Xb)}function _N(Wd,gf){return ph(Wd,Ug(gf,2))}function yN(Wd){return Wd&&Wd.length?pS(Wd,Xb,iv):nd}function vN(Wd,gf){return Wd&&Wd.length?pS(Wd,Ug
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2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
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` ,dd.offset=(md=ud.offset)!=null?md:0,dd.dontPrettyTextNodes=(vd=(Ad=ud.dontPrettyTextNodes)!=null?Ad:ud.dontprettytextnodes)!=null?vd:0,dd.spaceBeforeSlash=(Nd=(Od=ud.spaceBeforeSlash)!=null?Od:ud.spacebeforeslash)!=null?Nd:"",dd.spaceBeforeSlash===!0&&(dd.spaceBeforeSlash=" "),dd.suppressPrettyCount=0,dd.user={},dd.state=qa.None,dd},ld.prototype.indent=function(ud,dd,pd){var fd;return!dd.pretty||dd.suppressPrettyCount?"":dd.pretty&&(fd=(pd||0)+dd.offset+1,fd>0)?new Array(fd).join(dd.indent):""},ld.prototype.endline=function(ud,dd,pd){return!dd.pretty||dd.suppressPrettyCount?"":dd.newline},ld.prototype.attribute=function(ud,dd,pd){var fd;return this.openAttribute(ud,dd,pd),fd=" "+ud.name+'="'+ud.value+'"',this.closeAttribute(ud,dd,pd),fd},ld.prototype.cdata=function(ud,dd,pd){var fd;return this.openNode(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.OpenTag,fd=this.indent(ud,dd,pd)+"<![CDATA[",dd.state=qa.InsideTag,fd+=ud.value,dd.state=qa.CloseTag,fd+="]]>"+this.endline(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.None,this.closeNode(ud,dd,pd),fd},ld.prototype.comment=function(ud,dd,pd){var fd;return this.openNode(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.OpenTag,fd=this.indent(ud,dd,pd)+"<!-- ",dd.state=qa.InsideTag,fd+=ud.value,dd.state=qa.CloseTag,fd+=" -->"+this.endline(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.None,this.closeNode(ud,dd,pd),fd},ld.prototype.declaration=function(ud,dd,pd){var fd;return this.openNode(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.OpenTag,fd=this.indent(ud,dd,pd)+"<?xml",dd.state=qa.InsideTag,fd+=' version="'+ud.version+'"',ud.encoding!=null&&(fd+=' encoding="'+ud.encoding+'"'),ud.standalone!=null&&(fd+=' standalone="'+ud.standalone+'"'),dd.state=qa.CloseTag,fd+=dd.spaceBeforeSlash+"?>",fd+=this.endline(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.None,this.closeNode(ud,dd,pd),fd},ld.prototype.docType=function(ud,dd,pd){var fd,md,vd,Ad,Nd;if(pd||(pd=0),this.openNode(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.OpenTag,Ad=this.indent(ud,dd,pd),Ad+="<!DOCTYPE "+ud.root().name,ud.pubID&&ud.sysID?Ad+=' PUBLIC "'+ud.pubID+'" "'+ud.sysID+'"':ud.sysID&&(Ad+=' SYSTEM "'+ud.sysID+'"'),ud.children.length>0){for(Ad+=" [",Ad+=this.endline(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.InsideTag,Nd=ud.children,md=0,vd=Nd.length;md<vd;md++)fd=Nd[md],Ad+=this.writeChildNode(fd,dd,pd+1);dd.state=qa.CloseTag,Ad+="]"}return dd.state=qa.CloseTag,Ad+=dd.spaceBeforeSlash+">",Ad+=this.endline(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.None,this.closeNode(ud,dd,pd),Ad},ld.prototype.element=function(ud,dd,pd){var fd,md,vd,Ad,Nd,Od,kd,Ld,Gd,Ud,Fd,Hd,Vd,zd;pd||(pd=0),Ud=!1,Fd="",this.openNode(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.OpenTag,Fd+=this.indent(ud,dd,pd)+"<"+ud.name,Hd=ud.attribs;for(Gd in Hd)od.call(Hd,Gd)&&(fd=Hd[Gd],Fd+=this.attribute(fd,dd,pd));if(vd=ud.children.length,Ad=vd===0?null:ud.children[0],vd===0||ud.children.every(function(Yd){return(Yd.type===Ra.Text||Yd.type===Ra.Raw)&&Yd.value===""}))dd.allowEmpty?(Fd+=">",dd.state=qa.CloseTag,Fd+="</"+ud.name+">"+this.endline(ud,dd,pd)):(dd.state=qa.CloseTag,Fd+=dd.spaceBeforeSlash+"/>"+this.endline(ud,dd,pd));else if(dd.pretty&&vd===1&&(Ad.type===Ra.Text||Ad.type===Ra.Raw)&&Ad.value!=null)Fd+=">",dd.state=qa.InsideTag,dd.suppressPrettyCount++,Ud=!0,Fd+=this.writeChildNode(Ad,dd,pd+1),dd.suppressPrettyCount--,Ud=!1,dd.state=qa.CloseTag,Fd+="</"+ud.name+">"+this.endline(ud,dd,pd);else{if(dd.dontPrettyTextNodes){for(Vd=ud.children,Nd=0,kd=Vd.length;Nd<kd;Nd++)if(md=Vd[Nd],(md.type===Ra.Text||md.type===Ra.Raw)&&md.value!=null){dd.suppressPrettyCount++,Ud=!0;break}}for(Fd+=">"+this.endline(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.InsideTag,zd=ud.children,Od=0,Ld=zd.length;Od<Ld;Od++)md=zd[Od],Fd+=this.writeChildNode(md,dd,pd+1);dd.state=qa.CloseTag,Fd+=this.indent(ud,dd,pd)+"</"+ud.name+">",Ud&&dd.suppressPrettyCount--,Fd+=this.endline(ud,dd,pd),dd.state=qa.None}return this.closeNode(ud,dd,pd),Fd},ld.prototype.writeChildNode=function(ud,dd,pd){switch(ud.type){case Ra.CData:return this.cdata(ud,dd,pd);case Ra.Comment:return this.comment(ud,dd,pd);case Ra.Element:return this.element(ud,dd,pd);case Ra.Raw:return this.raw(ud,dd,pd);case Ra.Text:return this.text(ud,dd,pd);case Ra.ProcessingInstruction:return this.processingInstruction(ud,dd,pd);case Ra.Dummy:return"";case Ra.Declaration:return
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
Line : ` +Cf.line+ `
Column : ` +Cf.column+ `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
Char : ` +Cf.c),xf=new Error(xf),Cf.error=xf,mf(Cf,"onerror",xf),Cf}function Df(Cf){return Cf.sawRoot&&!Cf.closedRoot&&If(Cf,"Unclosed root tag"),Cf.state!==Qd.BEGIN&&Cf.state!==Qd.BEGIN_WHITESPACE&&Cf.state!==Qd.TEXT&&Sf(Cf,"Unexpected end"),vf(Cf),Cf.c="",Cf.closed=!0,mf(Cf,"onend"),od.call(Cf,Cf.strict,Cf.opt),Cf}function If(Cf,xf){if(typeof Cf!="object"||!(Cf instanceof od))throw new Error("bad call to strictFail");Cf.strict&&Sf(Cf,xf)}function Gf(Cf){Cf.strict||(Cf.tagName=Cf.tagName[Cf.looseCase]());var xf=Cf.tags[Cf.tags.length-1]||Cf,Xf=Cf.tag={name:Cf.tagName,attributes:{}};Cf.opt.xmlns&&(Xf.ns=xf.ns),Cf.attribList.length=0,Tf(Cf,"onopentagstart",Xf)}function Qf(Cf,xf){var Xf=Cf.indexOf(":"),uh=Xf<0?["",Cf]:Cf.split(":"),wh=uh[0],dh=uh[1];return xf&&Cf==="xmlns"&&(wh="xmlns",dh=""),{prefix:wh,local:dh}}function ih(Cf){if(Cf.strict||(Cf.attribName=Cf.attribName[Cf.looseCase]()),Cf.attribList.indexOf(Cf.attribName)!==-1||Cf.tag.attributes.hasOwnProperty(Cf.attribName)){Cf.attribName=Cf.attribValue="";return}if(Cf.opt.xmlns){var xf=Qf(Cf.attribName,!0),Xf=xf.prefix,uh=xf.local;if(Xf==="xmlns")if(uh==="xml"&&Cf.attribValue!==Od)If(Cf,"xml: prefix must be bound to "+Od+ `
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
Actual : ` +Cf.attribValue);else if(uh==="xmlns"&&Cf.attribValue!==kd)If(Cf,"xmlns: prefix must be bound to "+kd+ `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
Actual : ` +Cf.attribValue);else{var wh=Cf.tag,dh=Cf.tags[Cf.tags.length-1]||Cf;wh.ns===dh.ns&&(wh.ns=Object.create(dh.ns)),wh.ns[uh]=Cf.attribValue}Cf.attribList.push([Cf.attribName,Cf.attribValue])}else Cf.tag.attributes[Cf.attribName]=Cf.attribValue,Tf(Cf,"onattribute",{name:Cf.attribName,value:Cf.attribValue});Cf.attribName=Cf.attribValue=""}function sh(Cf,xf){if(Cf.opt.xmlns){var Xf=Cf.tag,uh=Qf(Cf.tagName);Xf.prefix=uh.prefix,Xf.local=uh.local,Xf.uri=Xf.ns[uh.prefix]||"",Xf.prefix&&!Xf.uri&&(If(Cf,"Unbound namespace prefix: "+JSON.stringify(Cf.tagName)),Xf.uri=uh.prefix);var wh=Cf.tags[Cf.tags.length-1]||Cf;Xf.ns&&wh.ns!==Xf.ns&&Object.keys(Xf.ns).forEach(function(yh){Tf(Cf,"onopennamespace",{prefix:yh,uri:Xf.ns[yh]})});for(var dh=0,Rf=Cf.attribList.length;dh<Rf;dh++){var gh=Cf.attribList[dh],kh=gh[0],eh=gh[1], $ f=Qf(kh,!0),Uf= $ f.prefix,Jf= $ f.local,Bh=Uf===""?"":Xf.ns[Uf]||"",Mh={name:kh,value:eh,prefix:Uf,local:Jf,uri:Bh};Uf&&Uf!=="xmlns"&&!Bh&&(If(Cf,"Unbound namespace prefix: "+JSON.stringify(Uf)),Mh.uri=Uf),Cf.tag.attributes[kh]=Mh,Tf(Cf,"onattribute",Mh)}Cf.attribList.length=0}Cf.tag.isSelfClosing=!!xf,Cf.sawRoot=!0,Cf.tags.push(Cf.tag),Tf(Cf,"onopentag",Cf.tag),xf||(!Cf.noscript&&Cf.tagName.toLowerCase()==="script"?Cf.state=Qd.SCRIPT:Cf.state=Qd.TEXT,Cf.tag=null,Cf.tagName=""),Cf.attribName=Cf.attribValue="",Cf.attribList.length=0}function qf(Cf){if(!Cf.tagName){If(Cf,"Weird empty close tag."),Cf.textNode+="</>",Cf.state=Qd.TEXT;return}if(Cf.script){if(Cf.tagName!=="script"){Cf.script+="</"+Cf.tagName+">",Cf.tagName="",Cf.state=Qd.SCRIPT;return}Tf(Cf,"onscript",Cf.script),Cf.script=""}var xf=Cf.tags.length,Xf=Cf.tagName;Cf.strict||(Xf=Xf[Cf.looseCase]());for(var uh=Xf;xf--;){var wh=Cf.tags[xf];if(wh.name!==uh)If(Cf,"Unexpected close tag");else break}if(xf<0){If(Cf,"Unmatched closing tag: "+Cf.tagName),Cf.textNode+="</"+Cf.tagName+">",Cf.state=Qd.TEXT;return}Cf.tagName=Xf;for(var dh=Cf.tags.length;dh-- >xf;){var Rf=Cf.tag=Cf.tags.pop();Cf.tagName=Cf.tag.name,Tf(Cf,"onclosetag",Cf.tagName);var gh={};for(var kh in Rf.ns)gh[kh]=Rf.ns[kh];var eh=Cf.tags[Cf.tags.length-1]||Cf;Cf.opt.xmlns&&Rf.ns!==eh.ns&&Object.keys(Rf.ns).forEach(function( $ f){var Uf=Rf.ns[ $ f];Tf(Cf,"onclosenamespace",{prefix: $ f,uri:Uf})})}xf===0&&(Cf.closedRoot=!0),Cf.tagName=Cf.attribValue=Cf.attribName="",Cf.attribList.length=0,Cf.state=Qd.TEXT}function Pf(Cf){var xf=Cf.entity,Xf=xf.toLowerCase(),uh,wh="";return Cf.ENTITIES[xf]?Cf.ENTITIES[xf]:Cf.ENTITIES[Xf]?Cf.ENTITIES[Xf]:(xf=Xf,xf.charAt(0)==="#"&&(xf.charAt(1)==="x"?(xf=xf.slice(2),uh=parseInt(xf,16),wh=uh.toString(16)):(xf=xf.slice(1),uh=parseInt(xf,10),wh=uh.toString(10))),xf=xf.replace(/^0+/,""),isNaN(uh)||wh.toLowerCase()!==xf?(If(Cf,"Invalid character entity"),"&"+Cf.entity+";"):String.fromCodePoint(uh))}function Yf(Cf,xf){xf==="<"?(Cf.state=Qd.OPEN_WAKA,Cf.startTagPosition=Cf.position):Vd(xf)||(If(Cf,"Non-whitespace before first tag."),Cf.textNode=xf,Cf.state=Qd.TEXT)}function Wf(Cf,xf){var Xf="";return xf<Cf.length&&(Xf=Cf.charAt(xf)),Xf}function Kf(Cf){var xf=this;if(this.error)throw this.error;if(xf.closed)return Sf(xf,"Cannot write after close. Assign an onready handler.");if(Cf===null)return Df(xf);typeof Cf=="object"&&(Cf=Cf.toString());for(var Xf=0,uh="";uh=Wf(Cf,Xf++),xf.c=uh,!!uh;)switch(xf.trackPosition&&(xf.position++,uh=== `
` ?(xf.line++,xf.column=0):xf.column++),xf.state){case Qd.BEGIN:if(xf.state=Qd.BEGIN_WHITESPACE,uh===" \u FEFF")continue;Yf(xf,uh);continue;case Qd.BEGIN_WHITESPACE:Yf(xf,uh);continue;case Qd.TEXT:if(xf.sawRoot&&!xf.closedRoot){for(var wh=Xf-1;uh&&uh!=="<"&&uh!=="&";)uh=Wf(Cf,Xf++),uh&&xf.trackPosition&&(xf.position++,uh=== `
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
` ?(xf.line++,xf.column=0):xf.column++);xf.textNode+=Cf.substring(wh,Xf-1)}uh==="<"&&!(xf.sawRoot&&xf.closedRoot&&!xf.strict)?(xf.state=Qd.OPEN_WAKA,xf.startTagPosition=xf.position):(!Vd(uh)&&(!xf.sawRoot||xf.closedRoot)&&If(xf,"Text data outside of root node."),uh==="&"?xf.state=Qd.TEXT_ENTITY:xf.textNode+=uh);continue;case Qd.SCRIPT:uh==="<"?xf.state=Qd.SCRIPT_ENDING:xf.script+=uh;continue;case Qd.SCRIPT_ENDING:uh==="/"?xf.state=Qd.CLOSE_TAG:(xf.script+="<"+uh,xf.state=Qd.SCRIPT);continue;case Qd.OPEN_WAKA:if(uh==="!")xf.state=Qd.SGML_DECL,xf.sgmlDecl="";else if(!Vd(uh))if(Xd(Gd,uh))xf.state=Qd.OPEN_TAG,xf.tagName=uh;else if(uh==="/")xf.state=Qd.CLOSE_TAG,xf.tagName="";else if(uh==="?")xf.state=Qd.PROC_INST,xf.procInstName=xf.procInstBody="";else{if(If(xf,"Unencoded <"),xf.startTagPosition+1<xf.position){var dh=xf.position-xf.startTagPosition;uh=new Array(dh).join(" ")+uh}xf.textNode+="<"+uh,xf.state=Qd.TEXT}continue;case Qd.SGML_DECL:if(xf.sgmlDecl+uh==="--"){xf.state=Qd.COMMENT,xf.comment="",xf.sgmlDecl="";continue}xf.doctype&&xf.doctype!==!0&&xf.sgmlDecl?(xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE_DTD,xf.doctype+="<!"+xf.sgmlDecl+uh,xf.sgmlDecl=""):(xf.sgmlDecl+uh).toUpperCase()===Ad?(Tf(xf,"onopencdata"),xf.state=Qd.CDATA,xf.sgmlDecl="",xf.cdata=""):(xf.sgmlDecl+uh).toUpperCase()===Nd?(xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE,(xf.doctype||xf.sawRoot)&&If(xf,"Inappropriately located doctype declaration"),xf.doctype="",xf.sgmlDecl=""):uh===">"?(Tf(xf,"onsgmldeclaration",xf.sgmlDecl),xf.sgmlDecl="",xf.state=Qd.TEXT):(zd(uh)&&(xf.state=Qd.SGML_DECL_QUOTED),xf.sgmlDecl+=uh);continue;case Qd.SGML_DECL_QUOTED:uh===xf.q&&(xf.state=Qd.SGML_DECL,xf.q=""),xf.sgmlDecl+=uh;continue;case Qd.DOCTYPE:uh===">"?(xf.state=Qd.TEXT,Tf(xf,"ondoctype",xf.doctype),xf.doctype=!0):(xf.doctype+=uh,uh==="["?xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE_DTD:zd(uh)&&(xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE_QUOTED,xf.q=uh));continue;case Qd.DOCTYPE_QUOTED:xf.doctype+=uh,uh===xf.q&&(xf.q="",xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE);continue;case Qd.DOCTYPE_DTD:uh==="]"?(xf.doctype+=uh,xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE):uh==="<"?(xf.state=Qd.OPEN_WAKA,xf.startTagPosition=xf.position):zd(uh)?(xf.doctype+=uh,xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE_DTD_QUOTED,xf.q=uh):xf.doctype+=uh;continue;case Qd.DOCTYPE_DTD_QUOTED:xf.doctype+=uh,uh===xf.q&&(xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE_DTD,xf.q="");continue;case Qd.COMMENT:uh==="-"?xf.state=Qd.COMMENT_ENDING:xf.comment+=uh;continue;case Qd.COMMENT_ENDING:uh==="-"?(xf.state=Qd.COMMENT_ENDED,xf.comment=Af(xf.opt,xf.comment),xf.comment&&Tf(xf,"oncomment",xf.comment),xf.comment=""):(xf.comment+="-"+uh,xf.state=Qd.COMMENT);continue;case Qd.COMMENT_ENDED:uh!==">"?(If(xf,"Malformed comment"),xf.comment+="--"+uh,xf.state=Qd.COMMENT):xf.doctype&&xf.doctype!==!0?xf.state=Qd.DOCTYPE_DTD:xf.state=Qd.TEXT;continue;case Qd.CDATA:uh==="]"?xf.state=Qd.CDATA_ENDING:xf.cdata+=uh;continue;case Qd.CDATA_ENDING:uh==="]"?xf.state=Qd.CDATA_ENDING_2:(xf.cdata+="]"+uh,xf.state=Qd.CDATA);continue;case Qd.CDATA_ENDING_2:uh===">"?(xf.cdata&&Tf(xf,"oncdata",xf.cdata),Tf(xf,"onclosecdata"),xf.cdata="",xf.state=Qd.TEXT):uh==="]"?xf.cdata+="]":(xf.cdata+="]]"+uh,xf.state=Qd.CDATA);continue;case Qd.PROC_INST:uh==="?"?xf.state=Qd.PROC_INST_ENDING:Vd(uh)?xf.state=Qd.PROC_INST_BODY:xf.procInstName+=uh;continue;case Qd.PROC_INST_BODY:if(!xf.procInstBody&&Vd(uh))continue;uh==="?"?xf.state=Qd.PROC_INST_ENDING:xf.procInstBody+=uh;continue;case Qd.PROC_INST_ENDING:uh===">"?(Tf(xf,"onprocessinginstruction",{name:xf.procInstName,body:xf.procInstBody}),xf.procInstName=xf.procInstBody="",xf.state=Qd.TEXT):(xf.procInstBody+="?"+uh,xf.state=Qd.PROC_INST_BODY);continue;case Qd.OPEN_TAG:Xd(Ud,uh)?xf.tagName+=uh:(Gf(xf),uh===">"?sh(xf):uh==="/"?xf.state=Qd.OPEN_TAG_SLASH:(Vd(uh)||If(xf,"Invalid character in tag name"),xf.state=Qd.ATTRIB));continue;case Qd.OPEN_TAG_SLASH:uh===">"?(sh(xf,!0),qf(xf)):(If(xf,"Forward-slash in opening tag not followed by >"),xf.state=Qd.ATTRIB);continue;case Qd.ATTRIB:if(Vd(uh))continue;uh===">"?sh(xf):uh==="/"?xf.state=Qd.OPEN_TAG_SLASH:Xd(Gd,uh)?(xf.attribName=uh,xf.attribValue="",xf.state=Qd.ATTRIB_NAME):If(xf,"Invalid attribute name");continue;case Qd.ATTRIB_NAME:uh==="="?xf.state
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` &&Ra[ud]!==" \r ";ud++)fd+=Ra[ud];if(fd=fd.trim(),fd[fd.length-1]==="/"&&(fd=fd.substring(0,fd.length-1),ud--),!validateTagName(fd)){let Ad;return fd.trim().length===0?Ad="Invalid space after '<'.":Ad="Tag '"+fd+"' is an invalid name.",getErrorObject("InvalidTag",Ad,getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud))}const md=readAttributeStr(Ra,ud);if(md===!1)return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr","Attributes for '"+fd+"' have open quote.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud));let vd=md.value;if(ud=md.index,vd[vd.length-1]==="/"){const Ad=ud-vd.length;vd=vd.substring(0,vd.length-1);const Nd=validateAttributeString(vd,qa);if(Nd===!0)od=!0;else return getErrorObject(Nd.err.code,Nd.err.msg,getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,Ad+Nd.err.line))}else if(pd)if(md.tagClosed){if(vd.trim().length>0)return getErrorObject("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+fd+"' can't have attributes or invalid starting.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,dd));if(nd.length===0)return getErrorObject("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+fd+"' has not been opened.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,dd));{const Ad=nd.pop();if(fd!==Ad.tagName){let Nd=getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,Ad.tagStartPos);return getErrorObject("InvalidTag","Expected closing tag '"+Ad.tagName+"' (opened in line "+Nd.line+", col "+Nd.col+") instead of closing tag '"+fd+"'.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,dd))}nd.length==0&&(ld=!0)}}else return getErrorObject("InvalidTag","Closing tag '"+fd+"' doesn't have proper closing.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud));else{const Ad=validateAttributeString(vd,qa);if(Ad!==!0)return getErrorObject(Ad.err.code,Ad.err.msg,getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud-vd.length+Ad.err.line));if(ld===!0)return getErrorObject("InvalidXml","Multiple possible root nodes found.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud));qa.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1||nd.push({tagName:fd,tagStartPos:dd}),od=!0}for(ud++;ud<Ra.length;ud++)if(Ra[ud]==="<")if(Ra[ud+1]==="!"){ud++,ud=readCommentAndCDATA(Ra,ud);continue}else if(Ra[ud+1]==="?"){if(ud=readPI(Ra,++ud),ud.err)return ud}else break;else if(Ra[ud]==="&"){const Ad=validateAmpersand(Ra,ud);if(Ad==-1)return getErrorObject("InvalidChar","char '&' is not expected.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud));ud=Ad}else if(ld===!0&&!isWhiteSpace(Ra[ud]))return getErrorObject("InvalidXml","Extra text at the end",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud));Ra[ud]==="<"&&ud--}}else{if(isWhiteSpace(Ra[ud]))continue;return getErrorObject("InvalidChar","char '"+Ra[ud]+"' is not expected.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,ud))}if(od){if(nd.length==1)return getErrorObject("InvalidTag","Unclosed tag '"+nd[0].tagName+"'.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,nd[0].tagStartPos));if(nd.length>0)return getErrorObject("InvalidXml","Invalid '"+JSON.stringify(nd.map(ud=>ud.tagName),null,4).replace(/ \r ? \n /g,"")+"' found.",{line:1,col:1})}else return getErrorObject("InvalidXml","Start tag expected.",1);return!0};function isWhiteSpace(Ra){return Ra===" "||Ra===" "||Ra=== `
` ||Ra===" \r "}function readPI(Ra,qa){const nd=qa;for(;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]=="?"||Ra[qa]==" "){const od=Ra.substr(nd,qa-nd);if(qa>5&&od==="xml")return getErrorObject("InvalidXml","XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document.",getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,qa));if(Ra[qa]=="?"&&Ra[qa+1]==">"){qa++;break}else continue}return qa}function readCommentAndCDATA(Ra,qa){if(Ra.length>qa+5&&Ra[qa+1]==="-"&&Ra[qa+2]==="-"){for(qa+=3;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]==="-"&&Ra[qa+1]==="-"&&Ra[qa+2]===">"){qa+=2;break}}else if(Ra.length>qa+8&&Ra[qa+1]==="D"&&Ra[qa+2]==="O"&&Ra[qa+3]==="C"&&Ra[qa+4]==="T"&&Ra[qa+5]==="Y"&&Ra[qa+6]==="P"&&Ra[qa+7]==="E"){let nd=1;for(qa+=8;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]==="<")nd++;else if(Ra[qa]===">"&&(nd--,nd===0))break}else if(Ra.length>qa+9&&Ra[qa+1]==="["&&Ra[qa+2]==="C"&&Ra[qa+3]==="D"&&Ra[qa+4]==="A"&&Ra[qa+5]==="T"&&Ra[qa+6]==="A"&&Ra[qa+7]==="["){for(qa+=8;qa<Ra.length;qa++)if(Ra[qa]==="]"&&Ra[qa+1]==="]"&&Ra[qa+2]===">"){qa+=2;break}}return qa}const doubleQuote='"',singleQuote="'";function readAttributeStr(Ra,qa){let nd="",od="",ld=!1;for(;qa<Ra.length;qa++){if(Ra[qa]===doubleQuote||Ra[qa]===singleQuote)od===""?od=Ra[qa]:od!==Ra[qa]||(od="");else if(Ra[qa]===">"&&od===""){ld=!0;break}nd+=Ra[qa]}return od!==""?!1:{value:nd,index:qa,tagClosed:ld}}const validAttrStrRegxp=new RegExp( ` ( \ \ s * ) ( [ ^ \ \ s = ] + ) ( \ \ s *= ) ? ( \ \ s * ( [ '"])(([\\s\\S])*?)\\5)?`,"g");function validateAttributeString(Ra,qa){const nd=util$3.getAllMatches(Ra,validAttrStrRegxp),od={};for(let ld=0;ld<nd.length;ld++){if(nd[ld][1].length===0)return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+nd[ld][2]+" ' has no space in starting.",getPositionFromMatch(nd[ld]));if(nd[ld][3]!==void 0&&nd[ld][4]===void 0)return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+nd[ld][2]+" ' is without value.",getPositionFromMatch(nd[ld]));if(nd[ld][3]===void 0&&!qa.allowBooleanAttributes)return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr","boolean attribute ' "+nd[ld][2]+" ' is not allowed.",getPositionFromMatch(nd[ld]));const ud=nd[ld][2];if(!validateAttrName(ud))return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+ud+" ' is an invalid name.",getPositionFromMatch(nd[ld]));if(!od.hasOwnProperty(ud))od[ud]=1;else return getErrorObject("InvalidAttr","Attribute ' "+ud+" ' is repeated . ",getPositionFromMatch(nd[ld]))}return!0}function validateNumberAmpersand(Ra,qa){let nd=/\d/;for(Ra[qa]===" x "&&(qa++,nd=/[\da-fA-F]/);qa<Ra.length;qa++){if(Ra[qa]===" ; ")return qa;if(!Ra[qa].match(nd))break}return-1}function validateAmpersand(Ra,qa){if(qa++,Ra[qa]===" ; ")return-1;if(Ra[qa]===" # ")return qa++,validateNumberAmpersand(Ra,qa);let nd=0;for(;qa<Ra.length;qa++,nd++)if(!(Ra[qa].match(/\w/)&&nd<20)){if(Ra[qa]===" ; ")break;return-1}return qa}function getErrorObject(Ra,qa,nd){return{err:{code:Ra,msg:qa,line:nd.line||nd,col:nd.col}}}function validateAttrName(Ra){return util$3.isName(Ra)}function validateTagName(Ra){return util$3.isName(Ra)}function getLineNumberForPosition(Ra,qa){const nd=Ra.substring(0,qa).split(/\r?\n/);return{line:nd.length,col:nd[nd.length-1].length+1}}function getPositionFromMatch(Ra){return Ra.startIndex+Ra[1].length}var OptionsBuilder={};const defaultOptions$1={preserveOrder:!1,attributeNamePrefix:" @ _ ",attributesGroupName:!1,textNodeName:" # text ",ignoreAttributes:!0,removeNSPrefix:!1,allowBooleanAttributes:!1,parseTagValue:!0,parseAttributeValue:!1,trimValues:!0,cdataPropName:!1,numberParseOptions:{hex:!0,leadingZeros:!0,eNotation:!0},tagValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},attributeValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},stopNodes:[],alwaysCreateTextNode:!1,isArray:()=>!1,commentPropName:!1,unpairedTags:[],processEntities:!0,htmlEntities:!1,ignoreDeclaration:!1,ignorePiTags:!1,transformTagName:!1,transformAttributeName:!1,updateTag:function(Ra,qa,nd){return Ra}},buildOptions$1=function(Ra){return Object.assign({},defaultOptions$1,Ra)};OptionsBuilder.buildOptions=buildOptions$1;OptionsBuilder.defaultOptions=defaultOptions$1;class XmlNode{constructor(qa){this.tagname=qa,this.child=[],this[" : @ "]={}}add(qa,nd){qa===" _ _proto _ _ "&&(qa=" # _ _proto _ _ " ) , this . child . push ( { [ qa ] : nd } ) } addChild ( qa )
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
` );const qa=new xmlNode("!xml");let nd=qa,od="",ld="";for(let ud=0;ud<Ra.length;ud++)if(Ra[ud]==="<")if(Ra[ud+1]==="/"){const pd=findClosingIndex(Ra,">",ud,"Closing Tag is not closed.");let fd=Ra.substring(ud+2,pd).trim();if(this.options.removeNSPrefix){const Ad=fd.indexOf(":");Ad!==-1&&(fd=fd.substr(Ad+1))}this.options.transformTagName&&(fd=this.options.transformTagName(fd)),nd&&(od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld));const md=ld.substring(ld.lastIndexOf(".")+1);if(fd&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1)throw new Error( ` Unpaired tag can not be used as closing tag : < /${fd}>`);let vd=0;md&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(md)!==-1?(vd=ld.lastIndexOf(".",ld.lastIndexOf(".")-1),this.tagsNodeStack.pop()):vd=ld.lastIndexOf("."),ld=ld.substring(0,vd),nd=this.tagsNodeStack.pop(),od="",ud=pd}else if(Ra[ud+1]==="?"){let pd=readTagExp(Ra,ud,!1,"?>");if(!pd)throw new Error("Pi Tag is not closed.");if(od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld),!(this.options.ignoreDeclaration&&pd.tagName==="?xml"||this.options.ignorePiTags)){const fd=new xmlNode(pd.tagName);fd.add(this.options.textNodeName,""),pd.tagName!==pd.tagExp&&pd.attrExpPresent&&(fd[":@"]=this.buildAttributesMap(pd.tagExp,ld,pd.tagName)),this.addChild(nd,fd,ld)}ud=pd.closeIndex+1}else if(Ra.substr(ud+1,3)==="!--"){const pd=findClosingIndex(Ra,"-->",ud+4,"Comment is not closed.");if(this.options.commentPropName){const fd=Ra.substring(ud+4,pd-2);od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld),nd.add(this.options.commentPropName,[{[this.options.textNodeName]:fd}])}ud=pd}else if(Ra.substr(ud+1,2)==="!D"){const pd=readDocType(Ra,ud);this.docTypeEntities=pd.entities,ud=pd.i}else if(Ra.substr(ud+1,2)==="!["){const pd=findClosingIndex(Ra,"]]>",ud,"CDATA is not closed.")-2,fd=Ra.substring(ud+9,pd);od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld);let md=this.parseTextData(fd,nd.tagname,ld,!0,!1,!0,!0);md==null&&(md=""),this.options.cdataPropName?nd.add(this.options.cdataPropName,[{[this.options.textNodeName]:fd}]):nd.add(this.options.textNodeName,md),ud=pd+2}else{let pd=readTagExp(Ra,ud,this.options.removeNSPrefix),fd=pd.tagName;const md=pd.rawTagName;let vd=pd.tagExp,Ad=pd.attrExpPresent,Nd=pd.closeIndex;this.options.transformTagName&&(fd=this.options.transformTagName(fd)),nd&&od&&nd.tagname!=="!xml"&&(od=this.saveTextToParentTag(od,nd,ld,!1));const Od=nd;if(Od&&this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(Od.tagname)!==-1&&(nd=this.tagsNodeStack.pop(),ld=ld.substring(0,ld.lastIndexOf("."))),fd!==qa.tagname&&(ld+=ld?"."+fd:fd),this.isItStopNode(this.options.stopNodes,ld,fd)){let kd="";if(vd.length>0&&vd.lastIndexOf("/ ")===vd.length-1)fd[fd.length-1]===" / "?(fd=fd.substr(0,fd.length-1),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.length-1),vd=fd):vd=vd.substr(0,vd.length-1),ud=pd.closeIndex;else if(this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1)ud=pd.closeIndex;else{const Gd=this.readStopNodeData(Ra,md,Nd+1);if(!Gd)throw new Error(`Unexpected end of ${md}`);ud=Gd.i,kd=Gd.tagContent}const Ld=new xmlNode(fd);fd!==vd&&Ad&&(Ld[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(vd,ld,fd)),kd&&(kd=this.parseTextData(kd,fd,ld,!0,Ad,!0,!0)),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.lastIndexOf(" . ")),Ld.add(this.options.textNodeName,kd),this.addChild(nd,Ld,ld)}else{if(vd.length>0&&vd.lastIndexOf(" / ")===vd.length-1){fd[fd.length-1]===" / "?(fd=fd.substr(0,fd.length-1),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.length-1),vd=fd):vd=vd.substr(0,vd.length-1),this.options.transformTagName&&(fd=this.options.transformTagName(fd));const kd=new xmlNode(fd);fd!==vd&&Ad&&(kd[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(vd,ld,fd)),this.addChild(nd,kd,ld),ld=ld.substr(0,ld.lastIndexOf(" . "))}else{const kd=new xmlNode(fd);this.tagsNodeStack.push(nd),fd!==vd&&Ad&&(kd[" : @ "]=this.buildAttributesMap(vd,ld,fd)),this.addChild(nd,kd,ld),nd=kd}od=" ",ud=Nd}}else od+=Ra[ud];return qa.child};function addChild(Ra,qa,nd){const od=this.options.updateTag(qa.tagname,nd,qa[" : @ "]);od===!1||(typeof od==" string " && ( qa . tagname = od ) , Ra . addChild ( qa ) ) } const replaceEntitiesValue$1 = function ( Ra ) { if ( this . options . processEntities ) { for ( let qa in this . docTypeEntities ) { const nd = this . docTypeEntities [ qa ] ; Ra = Ra . replace ( nd . regx , nd . val ) } for ( let qa in this . lastEntities ) { const nd = this . lastEntit
` ;function toXml(Ra,qa){let nd="";return qa.format&&qa.indentBy.length>0&&(nd=EOL),arrToStr(Ra,qa,"",nd)}function arrToStr(Ra,qa,nd,od){let ld="",ud=!1;for(let dd=0;dd<Ra.length;dd++){const pd=Ra[dd],fd=propName(pd);if(fd===void 0)continue;let md="";if(nd.length===0?md=fd:md= ` $ { nd } . $ { fd } ` ,fd===qa.textNodeName){let kd=pd[fd];isStopNode(md,qa)||(kd=qa.tagValueProcessor(fd,kd),kd=replaceEntitiesValue(kd,qa)),ud&&(ld+=od),ld+=kd,ud=!1;continue}else if(fd===qa.cdataPropName){ud&&(ld+=od),ld+= ` < ! [ CDATA [ $ { pd [ fd ] [ 0 ] [ qa . textNodeName ] } ] ] > ` ,ud=!1;continue}else if(fd===qa.commentPropName){ld+=od+ ` <!-- $ { pd [ fd ] [ 0 ] [ qa . textNodeName ] } -- > ` ,ud=!0;continue}else if(fd[0]==="?"){const kd=attr_to_str(pd[":@"],qa),Ld=fd==="?xml"?"":od;let Gd=pd[fd][0][qa.textNodeName];Gd=Gd.length!==0?" "+Gd:"",ld+=Ld+ ` < $ { fd } $ { Gd } $ { kd } ? > ` ,ud=!0;continue}let vd=od;vd!==""&&(vd+=qa.indentBy);const Ad=attr_to_str(pd[":@"],qa),Nd=od+ ` < $ { fd } $ { Ad } ` ,Od=arrToStr(pd[fd],qa,md,vd);qa.unpairedTags.indexOf(fd)!==-1?qa.suppressUnpairedNode?ld+=Nd+">":ld+=Nd+"/>":(!Od||Od.length===0)&&qa.suppressEmptyNode?ld+=Nd+"/>":Od&&Od.endsWith(">")?ld+=Nd+ ` > $ { Od } $ { od } < /${fd}>`:(ld+=Nd+">",Od&&od!==""&&(Od.includes("/ > ")||Od.includes(" < /"))?ld+=od+qa.indentBy+Od+od:ld+=Od,ld+=`</ $ { fd } > ` ),ud=!0}return ld}function propName(Ra){const qa=Object.keys(Ra);for(let nd=0;nd<qa.length;nd++){const od=qa[nd];if(Ra.hasOwnProperty(od)&&od!==":@")return od}}function attr_to_str(Ra,qa){let nd="";if(Ra&&!qa.ignoreAttributes)for(let od in Ra){if(!Ra.hasOwnProperty(od))continue;let ld=qa.attributeValueProcessor(od,Ra[od]);ld=replaceEntitiesValue(ld,qa),ld===!0&&qa.suppressBooleanAttributes?nd+= ` $ { od . substr ( qa . attributeNamePrefix . length ) } ` :nd+= ` $ { od . substr ( qa . attributeNamePrefix . length ) } = "${ld}" ` }return nd}function isStopNode(Ra,qa){Ra=Ra.substr(0,Ra.length-qa.textNodeName.length-1);let nd=Ra.substr(Ra.lastIndexOf(".")+1);for(let od in qa.stopNodes)if(qa.stopNodes[od]===Ra||qa.stopNodes[od]==="*."+nd)return!0;return!1}function replaceEntitiesValue(Ra,qa){if(Ra&&Ra.length>0&&qa.processEntities)for(let nd=0;nd<qa.entities.length;nd++){const od=qa.entities[nd];Ra=Ra.replace(od.regex,od.val)}return Ra}var orderedJs2Xml=toXml;const buildFromOrderedJs=orderedJs2Xml,getIgnoreAttributesFn=ignoreAttributes,defaultOptions={attributeNamePrefix:"@_",attributesGroupName:!1,textNodeName:"#text",ignoreAttributes:!0,cdataPropName:!1,format:!1,indentBy:" ",suppressEmptyNode:!1,suppressUnpairedNode:!0,suppressBooleanAttributes:!0,tagValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},attributeValueProcessor:function(Ra,qa){return qa},preserveOrder:!1,commentPropName:!1,unpairedTags:[],entities:[{regex:new RegExp("&","g"),val:"&"},{regex:new RegExp(">","g"),val:">"},{regex:new RegExp("<","g"),val:"<"},{regex:new RegExp("'","g"),val:"'"},{regex:new RegExp('"',"g"),val:"""}],processEntities:!0,stopNodes:[],oneListGroup:!1};function Builder(Ra){this.options=Object.assign({},defaultOptions,Ra),this.options.ignoreAttributes===!0||this.options.attributesGroupName?this.isAttribute=function(){return!1}:(this.ignoreAttributesFn=getIgnoreAttributesFn(this.options.ignoreAttributes),this.attrPrefixLen=this.options.attributeNamePrefix.length,this.isAttribute=isAttribute),this.processTextOrObjNode=processTextOrObjNode,this.options.format?(this.indentate=indentate,this.tagEndChar= ` >
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` ,this.newLine= `
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ):(this.indentate=function(){return""},this.tagEndChar=">",this.newLine="")}Builder.prototype.build=function(Ra){return this.options.preserveOrder?buildFromOrderedJs(Ra,this.options):(Array.isArray(Ra)&&this.options.arrayNodeName&&this.options.arrayNodeName.length>1&&(Ra={[this.options.arrayNodeName]:Ra}),this.j2x(Ra,0,[]).val)};Builder.prototype.j2x=function(Ra,qa,nd){let od="",ld="";const ud=nd.join(".");for(let dd in Ra)if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Ra,dd))if(typeof Ra[dd]>"u")this.isAttribute(dd)&&(ld+="");else if(Ra[dd]===null)this.isAttribute(dd)?ld+="":dd[0]==="?"?ld+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+dd+"?"+this.tagEndChar:ld+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+dd+"/"+this.tagEndChar;else if(Ra[dd]instanceof Date)ld+=this.buildTextValNode(Ra[dd],dd,"",qa);else if(typeof Ra[dd]!="object"){const pd=this.isAttribute(dd);if(pd&&!this.ignoreAttributesFn(pd,ud))od+=this.buildAttrPairStr(pd,""+Ra[dd]);else if(!pd)if(dd===this.options.textNodeName){let fd=this.options.tagValueProcessor(dd,""+Ra[dd]);ld+=this.replaceEntitiesValue(fd)}else ld+=this.buildTextValNode(Ra[dd],dd,"",qa)}else if(Array.isArray(Ra[dd])){const pd=Ra[dd].length;let fd="",md="";for(let vd=0;vd<pd;vd++){const Ad=Ra[dd][vd];if(!(typeof Ad>"u"))if(Ad===null)dd[0]==="?"?ld+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+dd+"?"+this.tagEndChar:ld+=this.indentate(qa)+"<"+dd+"/"+this.tagEndChar;else if(typeof Ad=="object")if(this.options.oneListGroup){const Nd=this.j2x(Ad,qa+1,nd.concat(dd));fd+=Nd.val,this.options.attributesGroupName&&Ad.hasOwnProperty(this.options.attributesGroupName)&&(md+=Nd.attrStr)}else fd+=this.processTextOrObjNode(Ad,dd,qa,nd);else if(this.options.oneListGroup){let Nd=this.options.tagValueProcessor(dd,Ad);Nd=this.replaceEntitiesValue(Nd),fd+=Nd}else fd+=this.buildTextValNode(Ad,dd,"",qa)}this.options.oneListGroup&&(fd=this.buildObjectNode(fd,dd,md,qa)),ld+=fd}else if(this.options.attributesGroupName&&dd===this.options.attributesGroupName){const pd=Object.keys(Ra[dd]),fd=pd.length;for(let md=0;md<fd;md++)od+=this.buildAttrPairStr(pd[md],""+Ra[dd][pd[md]])}else ld+=this.processTextOrObjNode(Ra[dd],dd,qa,nd);return{attrStr:od,val:ld}};Builder.prototype.buildAttrPairStr=function(Ra,qa){return qa=this.options.attributeValueProcessor(Ra,""+qa),qa=this.replaceEntitiesValue(qa),this.options.suppressBooleanAttributes&&qa==="true"?" "+Ra:" "+Ra+'="'+qa+'"'};function processTextOrObjNode(Ra,qa,nd,od){const ld=this.j2x(Ra,nd+1,od.concat(qa));return Ra[this.options.textNodeName]!==void 0&&Object.keys(Ra).length===1?this.buildTextValNode(Ra[this.options.textNodeName],qa,ld.attrStr,nd):this.buildObjectNode(ld.val,qa,ld.attrStr,nd)}Builder.prototype.buildObjectNode=function(Ra,qa,nd,od){if(Ra==="")return qa[0]==="?"?this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+"?"+this.tagEndChar:this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+this.closeTag(qa)+this.tagEndChar;{let ld="</"+qa+this.tagEndChar,ud="";return qa[0]==="?"&&(ud="?",ld=""),(nd||nd==="")&&Ra.indexOf("<")===-1?this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+ud+">"+Ra+ld:this.options.commentPropName!==!1&&qa===this.options.commentPropName&&ud.length===0?this.indentate(od)+ ` <!-- $ { Ra } -- > ` +this.newLine:this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+ud+this.tagEndChar+Ra+this.indentate(od)+ld}};Builder.prototype.closeTag=function(Ra){let qa="";return this.options.unpairedTags.indexOf(Ra)!==-1?this.options.suppressUnpairedNode||(qa="/"):this.options.suppressEmptyNode?qa="/":qa= ` > < /${Ra}`,qa};Builder.prototype.buildTextValNode=function(Ra,qa,nd,od){if(this.options.cdataPropName!==!1&&qa===this.options.cdataPropName)return this.indentate(od)+`<![CDATA[${Ra}]]>`+this.newLine;if(this.options.commentPropName!==!1&&qa===this.options.commentPropName)return this.indentate(od)+`<!--${Ra}-->`+this.newLine;if(qa[0]==="?")return this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+"?"+this.tagEndChar;{let ld=this.options.tagValueProcessor(qa,Ra);return ld=this.replaceEntitiesValue(ld),ld===""?this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+this.closeTag(qa)+this.tagEndChar:this.indentate(od)+"<"+qa+nd+">"+ld+"</ " + qa + this . tagEndChar } } ; Builder . prototype . replaceEntitiesValue = function ( Ra ) { if ( Ra && Ra . length > 0 && this . options . processEntities ) for ( let qa = 0 ; qa < this . op
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* mime - db
* Copyright ( c ) 2014 Jonathan Ong
* Copyright ( c ) 2015 - 2022 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
* /var mimeDb=require$$0;/ * !
* mime - types
* Copyright ( c ) 2014 Jonathan Ong
* Copyright ( c ) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
* /(function(Ra){var qa=mimeDb,nd=pathBrowserify.extname,od=/ ^ \ s * ( [ ^ ; \ s ] * ) ( ? : ; | \ s | $ ) / , ld = /^text\//i ; Ra . charset = ud , Ra . charsets = { lookup : ud } , Ra . contentType = dd , Ra . extension = pd , Ra . extensions = Object . create ( null ) , Ra . lookup = fd , Ra . types = Object . create ( null ) , md ( Ra . extensions , Ra . types ) ; function ud ( vd ) { if ( ! vd || typeof vd != "string" ) return ! 1 ; var Ad = od . exec ( vd ) , Nd = Ad && qa [ Ad [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ] ; return Nd && Nd . charset ? Nd . charset : Ad && ld . test ( Ad [ 1 ] ) ? "UTF-8" : ! 1 } function dd ( vd ) { if ( ! vd || typeof vd != "string" ) return ! 1 ; var Ad = vd . indexOf ( "/" ) === - 1 ? Ra . lookup ( vd ) : vd ; if ( ! Ad ) return ! 1 ; if ( Ad . indexOf ( "charset" ) === - 1 ) { var Nd = Ra . charset ( Ad ) ; Nd && ( Ad += "; charset=" + Nd . toLowerCase ( ) ) } return Ad } function pd ( vd ) { if ( ! vd || typeof vd != "string" ) return ! 1 ; var Ad = od . exec ( vd ) , Nd = Ad && Ra . extensions [ Ad [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ] ; return ! Nd || ! Nd . length ? ! 1 : Nd [ 0 ] } function fd ( vd ) { if ( ! vd || typeof vd != "string" ) return ! 1 ; var Ad = nd ( "x." + vd ) . toLowerCase ( ) . substr ( 1 ) ; return Ad && Ra . types [ Ad ] || ! 1 } function md ( vd , Ad ) { var Nd = [ "nginx" , "apache" , void 0 , "iana" ] ; Object . keys ( qa ) . forEach ( function ( kd ) { var Ld = qa [ kd ] , Gd = Ld . extensions ; if ( ! ( ! Gd || ! Gd . length ) ) { vd [ kd ] = Gd ; for ( var Ud = 0 ; Ud < Gd . length ; Ud ++ ) { var Fd = Gd [ Ud ] ; if ( Ad [ Fd ] ) { var Hd = Nd . indexOf ( qa [ Ad [ Fd ] ] . source ) , Vd = Nd . indexOf ( Ld . source ) ; if ( Ad [ Fd ] !== "application/octet-stream" && ( Hd > Vd || Hd === Vd && Ad [ Fd ] . substr ( 0 , 12 ) === "application/" ) ) continue } Ad [ Fd ] = kd } } } ) } } ) ( mimeTypes$1 ) ; let ENCRYPTION _TYPES = function ( Ra ) { return Ra . SSEC = "SSE-C" , Ra . KMS = "KMS" , Ra } ( { } ) , RETENTION _MODES = function ( Ra ) { return Ra . GOVERNANCE = "GOVERNANCE" , Ra . COMPLIANCE = "COMPLIANCE" , Ra } ( { } ) , RETENTION _VALIDITY _UNITS = function ( Ra ) { return Ra . DAYS = "Days" , Ra . YEARS = "Years" , Ra } ( { } ) , LEGAL _HOLD _STATUS = function ( Ra ) { return Ra . ENABLED = "ON" , Ra . DISABLED = "OFF" , Ra } ( { } ) ; const MetaDataHeaderPrefix = "x-amz-meta-" ; function uriEscape ( Ra ) { return Ra . split ( "" ) . reduce ( ( qa , nd ) => { const od = Buffer$4 . from ( nd ) ; if ( od . length === 1 && ( "A" <= nd && nd <= "Z" || "a" <= nd && nd <= "z" || "0" <= nd && nd <= "9" || nd === "_" || nd === "." || nd === "~" || nd === "-" ) ) return qa = qa + nd , qa ; for ( const ld of od ) qa = qa + "%" + ld . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ; return qa } , "" ) } function uriResourceEscape ( Ra ) { return uriEscape ( Ra ) . replace ( /%2F/g , "/" ) } function getScope ( Ra , qa , nd = "s3" ) { return ` ${ makeDateShort ( qa ) } / ${ Ra } / ${ nd } /aws4_request ` } function isAmazonEndpoint ( Ra ) { return Ra === "s3.amazonaws.com" || Ra === "s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn" } function isVirtualHostStyle ( Ra , qa , nd , od ) { return qa === "https:" && nd . includes ( "." ) ? ! 1 : isAmazonEndpoint ( Ra ) || ! od } function isValidIP ( Ra ) { return ipaddr . isValid ( Ra ) } function isValidEndpoint ( Ra ) { return isValidDomain ( Ra ) || isValidIP ( Ra ) } function isValidDomain ( Ra ) { if ( ! isString ( Ra ) || Ra . length === 0 || Ra . length > 255 || Ra [ 0 ] === "-" || Ra . slice ( - 1 ) === "-" || Ra [ 0 ] === "_" || Ra . slice ( - 1 ) === "_" || Ra [ 0 ] === "." ) return ! 1 ; const qa = "`~!@#$%^&*()+={}[]|\\\"';:><?/" ; for ( const nd of qa ) if ( Ra . includes ( nd ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function probeContentType ( Ra ) { let qa = mimeTypes$1 . lookup ( Ra ) ; return qa || ( qa = "application/octet-stream" ) , qa } function isValidPort ( Ra ) { return isNumber ( Ra ) ? 0 <= Ra && Ra <= 65535 : ! 1 } function isValidBucketName ( Ra ) { return ! isString ( Ra ) || Ra . length < 3 || Ra . length > 63 || Ra . includes ( ".." ) || /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ . test ( Ra ) ? ! 1 : ! ! /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.-]+[a-z0-9]$/ . test ( Ra ) } function isValidObjectName ( Ra ) { return isValidPrefix ( Ra ) ? Ra . length !== 0 : ! 1 } function isValidPrefix ( Ra ) { return ! ( ! isString ( Ra ) || Ra . length > 1024 ) } function isNumber ( Ra ) { return typeof Ra == "number" } function isFunction ( Ra ) { return typeof Ra == "function" } function isString ( Ra ) { return typeof Ra == "string" } function isObject ( Ra ) { return typeof Ra == "object" && Ra !== null } function isReadableStream ( Ra ) { return isObject ( Ra ) && isFunction ( Ra . _read ) } function isBoolean ( Ra ) { return typeof Ra == "boolean" } function isEmpty ( Ra ) { return _ . isEmpty ( Ra ) } function isEmptyObject ( Ra ) { return Object . values ( Ra ) . filter ( qa => qa !== void 0 ) . length !== 0 } function isDefined ( Ra ) { return Ra != null } function isValidDate ( Ra ) { return Ra instanceof Date && ! isNaN ( Ra ) } function makeDateLong ( Ra ) { Ra = Ra || new Date ; const qa = Ra . toISOString ( ) ; return qa . slice ( 0 , 4 ) + qa . slice ( 5 , 7 ) + qa . slice ( 8 , 13 ) + qa . slice ( 14 , 16 ) + qa . slice ( 17 , 19 ) + "Z" } function makeDateShort ( Ra ) { Ra = Ra || new Date ; const qa = Ra . toISOString ( ) ; return qa . slice ( 0 , 4 ) + qa . slice ( 5 , 7 ) + qa . slice ( 8 , 10 ) }
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
` )+ `
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` ,od.join(";").toLowerCase(),ld].join( `
` )}function getCredential(Ra,qa,nd,od="s3"){if(!isString(Ra))throw new TypeError('accessKey should be of type "string"');if(!isString(qa))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');if(!isObject(nd))throw new TypeError('requestDate should be of type "object"');return ` $ { Ra } / $ { getScope ( qa , nd , od ) } ` }function getSignedHeaders(Ra){if(!isObject(Ra))throw new TypeError('request should be of type "object"');const qa=["authorization","content-length","content-type","user-agent"];return Object.keys(Ra).filter(nd=>!qa.includes(nd)).sort()}function getSigningKey(Ra,qa,nd,od="s3"){if(!isObject(Ra))throw new TypeError('date should be of type "object"');if(!isString(qa))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');if(!isString(nd))throw new TypeError('secretKey should be of type "string"');const ld=makeDateShort(Ra);return(void 0)("sha256",(void 0)("sha256",(void 0)("sha256",(void 0)("sha256","AWS4"+nd).update(ld).digest()).update(qa).digest()).update(od).digest()).update("aws4_request").digest()}function getStringToSign(Ra,qa,nd,od="s3"){if(!isString(Ra))throw new TypeError('canonicalRequest should be of type "string"');if(!isObject(qa))throw new TypeError('requestDate should be of type "object"');if(!isString(nd))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');const ld=(void 0)("sha256").update(Ra).digest("hex"),ud=getScope(nd,qa,od);return[signV4Algorithm,makeDateLong(qa),ud,ld].join( `
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
` )}function postPresignSignatureV4(Ra,qa,nd,od){if(!isString(Ra))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');if(!isObject(qa))throw new TypeError('date should be of type "object"');if(!isString(nd))throw new TypeError('secretKey should be of type "string"');if(!isString(od))throw new TypeError('policyBase64 should be of type "string"');return(void 0)("sha256",getSigningKey(qa,Ra,nd)).update(od).digest("hex").toLowerCase()}function signV4(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd="s3"){if(!isObject(Ra))throw new TypeError('request should be of type "object"');if(!isString(qa))throw new TypeError('accessKey should be of type "string"');if(!isString(nd))throw new TypeError('secretKey should be of type "string"');if(!isString(od))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');if(!qa)throw new AccessKeyRequiredError("accessKey is required for signing");if(!nd)throw new SecretKeyRequiredError("secretKey is required for signing");const pd=getSignedHeaders(Ra.headers),fd=getCanonicalRequest(Ra.method,Ra.path,Ra.headers,pd,ud),md=dd||"s3",vd=getStringToSign(fd,ld,od,md),Ad=getSigningKey(ld,od,nd,md),Nd=getCredential(qa,od,ld,md),Od=(void 0)("sha256",Ad).update(vd).digest("hex").toLowerCase();return ` $ { signV4Algorithm } Credential = $ { Nd } , SignedHeaders = $ { pd . join ( ";" ) . toLowerCase ( ) } , Signature = $ { Od } ` }function presignSignatureV4(Ra,qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd){if(!isObject(Ra))throw new TypeError('request should be of type "object"');if(!isString(qa))throw new TypeError('accessKey should be of type "string"');if(!isString(nd))throw new TypeError('secretKey should be of type "string"');if(!isString(ld))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');if(!qa)throw new AccessKeyRequiredError("accessKey is required for presigning");if(!nd)throw new SecretKeyRequiredError("secretKey is required for presigning");if(!isNumber(dd))throw new TypeError('expires should be of type "number"');if(dd<1)throw new ExpiresParamError("expires param cannot be less than 1 seconds");if(dd>604800)throw new ExpiresParamError("expires param cannot be greater than 7 days");const pd=makeDateLong(ud),fd=getSignedHeaders(Ra.headers),md=getCredential(qa,ld,ud),vd="UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD",Ad=[];Ad.push( ` X - Amz - Algorithm = $ { signV4Algorithm } ` ),Ad.push( ` X - Amz - Credential = $ { uriEscape ( md ) } ` ),Ad.push( ` X - Amz - Date = $ { pd } ` ),Ad.push( ` X - Amz - Expires = $ { dd } ` ),Ad.push( ` X - Amz - SignedHeaders = $ { uriEscape ( fd . join ( ";" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) } ` ),od&&Ad.push( ` X - Amz - Security - Token = $ { uriEscape ( od ) } ` );const Nd=Ra.path.split("?")[0];let Od=Ra.path.split("?")[1];Od?Od=Od+"&"+Ad.join("&"):Od=Ad.join("&");const kd=Nd+"?"+Od,Ld=getCanonicalRequest(Ra.method,kd,Ra.headers,fd,vd),Gd=getStringToSign(Ld,ud,ld),Fd=(void 0)("sha256",getSigningKey(ud,ld,nd)).update(Gd).digest("hex").toLowerCase();return Ra.protocol+"//"+Ra.headers.host+kd+ ` & X - Amz - Signature = $ { Fd } ` }async function readAsBuffer(Ra){return new Promise((qa,nd)=>{const od=[];Ra.on("data",ld=>od.push(ld)).on("error",ld=>nd(ld)).on("end",()=>qa(Buffer $ 4.concat(od)))})}async function readAsString(Ra){return(await readAsBuffer(Ra)).toString()}async function drainResponse(Ra){return new Promise((qa,nd)=>{Ra.on("data",()=>{}).on("error",od=>nd(od)).on("end",()=>qa())})}function parseBucketRegion(Ra){return parseXml(Ra).LocationConstraint}const fxp=new fxp $ 2.XMLParser;function parseError(Ra,qa){let nd={};const od=fxp.parse(Ra);od.Error&&(nd=od.Error);const ld=new S3Error;return Object.entries(nd).forEach(([ud,dd])=>{ld[ud.toLowerCase()]=dd}),Object.entries(qa).forEach(([ud,dd])=>{ld[ud]=dd}),ld}async function parseResponseError(Ra){const qa=Ra.statusCode;let nd,od;qa===301?(nd="MovedPermanently",od="Moved Permanently"):qa===307?(nd="TemporaryRedirect",od="Are you using the correct endpoint URL?"):qa===403?(nd="AccessDenied",od="Valid and authorized credentials required"):qa===404?(nd="NotFound",od="Not Found"):qa===405||qa===501?(nd="MethodNotAllowed",od="Method Not Allowed"):(nd="UnknownError",od= ` $ { qa } ` );const ld={};ld.amzRequestid=Ra.headers["x-amz-request-id"],ld.amzId2=Ra.headers["x-amz-id-2"],ld.amzBucketRegion=Ra.headers["x-amz-bucket-region"];const ud=await r
2024-11-28 09:28:59 +08:00
` )}),ld.write( `
` )};if(ld.write( ` REQUEST : $ { qa . method } $ { qa . path }
` ),ud(qa.headers),nd&&(this.logStream.write( ` RESPONSE : $ { nd . statusCode }
` ),ud(nd.headers)),od){ld.write( ` ERROR BODY :
2024-12-20 13:21:40 +08:00
` );const dd=JSON.stringify(od,null," ");ld.write( ` $ { dd }
2024-12-23 20:01:34 +08:00
` )}}traceOn(qa){qa||(qa=define_process_default $ 2.stdout),this.logStream=qa}traceOff(){this.logStream=void 0}async makeRequestAsync(qa,nd="",od=[200],ld=""){if(!isObject(qa))throw new TypeError('options should be of type "object"');if(!isString(nd)&&!isObject(nd))throw new TypeError('payload should be of type "string" or "Buffer"');if(od.forEach(dd=>{if(!isNumber(dd))throw new TypeError('statusCode should be of type "number"')}),!isString(ld))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');qa.headers||(qa.headers={}),(qa.method==="POST"||qa.method==="PUT"||qa.method==="DELETE")&&(qa.headers["content-length"]=nd.length.toString());const ud=this.enableSHA256?toSha256(nd):"";return this.makeRequestStreamAsync(qa,nd,ud,od,ld)}async makeRequestAsyncOmit(qa,nd="",od=[200],ld=""){const ud=await this.makeRequestAsync(qa,nd,od,ld);return await drainResponse(ud),ud}async makeRequestStreamAsync(qa,nd,od,ld,ud){if(!isObject(qa))throw new TypeError('options should be of type "object"');if(!(Buffer $ 4.isBuffer(nd)||typeof nd=="string"||isReadableStream(nd)))throw new InvalidArgumentError( ` stream should be a Buffer , string or readable Stream , got $ { typeof nd } instead ` );if(!isString(od))throw new TypeError('sha256sum should be of type "string"');if(ld.forEach(fd=>{if(!isNumber(fd))throw new TypeError('statusCode should be of type "number"')}),!isString(ud))throw new TypeError('region should be of type "string"');if(!this.enableSHA256&&od.length!==0)throw new InvalidArgumentError("sha256sum expected to be empty for anonymous or https requests");if(this.enableSHA256&&od.length!==64)throw new InvalidArgumentError( ` Invalid sha256sum : $ { od } ` );await this.checkAndRefreshCreds(),ud=ud||await this.getBucketRegionAsync(qa.bucketName);const dd=this.getRequestOptions({...qa,region:ud});if(!this.anonymous){this.enableSHA256||(od="UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD");const fd=new Date;dd.headers["x-amz-date"]=makeDateLong(fd),dd.headers["x-amz-content-sha256"]=od,this.sessionToken&&(dd.headers["x-amz-security-token"]=this.sessionToken),dd.headers.authorization=signV4(dd,this.accessKey,this.secretKey,ud,fd,od)}const pd=await request $ 1(this.transport,dd,nd);if(!pd.statusCode)throw new Error("BUG: response doesn't have a statusCode");if(!ld.includes(pd.statusCode)){delete this.regionMap[qa.bucketName];const fd=await parseResponseError(pd);throw this.logHTTP(dd,pd,fd),fd}return this.logHTTP(dd,pd),pd}async getBucketRegionAsync(qa){if(!isValidBucketName(qa))throw new InvalidBucketNameError( ` Invalid bucket name : $ { qa } ` );if(this.region)return this.region;const nd=this.regionMap[qa];if(nd)return nd;const od=async md=>{const vd=await readAsString(md),Ad=parseBucketRegion(vd)||DEFAULT_REGION;return this.regionMap[qa]=Ad,Ad},ld="GET",ud="location",dd=this.pathStyle&&!isBrowser_1;let pd;try{const md=await this.makeRequestAsync({method:ld,bucketName:qa,query:ud,pathStyle:dd},"",[200],DEFAULT_REGION);return od(md)}catch(md){if(md.name!=="AuthorizationHeaderMalformed"||(pd=md.Region,!pd))throw md}const fd=await this.makeRequestAsync({method:ld,bucketName:qa,query:ud,pathStyle:dd},"",[200],pd);return await od(fd)}makeRequest(qa,nd="",od=[200],ld="",ud,dd){let pd;ud?pd=this.makeRequestAsync(qa,nd,od,ld):pd=this.makeRequestAsyncOmit(qa,nd,od,ld),pd.then(fd=>dd(null,fd),fd=>{dd(fd)})}makeRequestStream(qa,nd,od,ld,ud,dd,pd){(async()=>{const md=await this.makeRequestStreamAsync(qa,nd,od,ld,ud);return dd||await drainResponse(md),md})().then(md=>pd(null,md),md=>pd(md))}getBucketRegion(qa,nd){return this.getBucketRegionAsync(qa).then(od=>nd(null,od),od=>nd(od))}async removeBucket(qa){if(!isValidBucketName(qa))throw new InvalidBucketNameError("Invalid bucket name: "+qa);await this.makeRequestAsyncOmit({method:"DELETE",bucketName:qa},"",[204]),delete this.regionMap[qa]}async statObject(qa,nd,od={}){if(!isValidBucketName(qa))throw new InvalidBucketNameError("Invalid bucket name: "+qa);if(!isValidObjectName(nd))throw new InvalidObjectNameError( ` Invalid object name : $ { nd } ` );if(!isObject(od))throw new InvalidArgumentError('statOpts should be of type "object"');const ld=queryString.string
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
object - assign
( c ) Sindre Sorhus
@ license MIT
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
* /var objectAssign,hasRequiredObjectAssign;function requireObjectAssign(){if(hasRequiredObjectAssign)return objectAssign;hasRequiredObjectAssign=1;var Ra=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,qa=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,nd=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;function od(ud){if(ud==null)throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined");return Object(ud)}function ld(){try{if(!Object.assign)return!1;var ud=new String("abc");if(ud[5]="de",Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ud)[0]==="5")return!1;for(var dd={},pd=0;pd<10;pd++)dd["_"+String.fromCharCode(pd)]=pd;var fd=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(dd).map(function(vd){return dd[vd]});if(fd.join("")!=="0123456789")return!1;var md={};return"abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function(vd){md[vd]=vd}),Object.keys(Object.assign({},md)).join("")==="abcdefghijklmnopqrst"}catch{return!1}}return objectAssign=ld()?Object.assign:function(ud,dd){for(var pd,fd=od(ud),md,vd=1;vd<arguments.length;vd++){pd=Object(arguments[vd]);for(var Ad in pd)qa.call(pd,Ad)&&(fd[Ad]=pd[Ad]);if(Ra){md=Ra(pd);for(var Nd=0;Nd<md.length;Nd++)nd.call(pd,md[Nd])&&(fd[md[Nd]]=pd[md[Nd]])}}return fd},objectAssign}var ajax={},hasRequiredAjax;function requireAjax(){return hasRequiredAjax||(hasRequiredAjax=1,function(Ra){Ra.__esModule=!0,Ra.default=qa;function qa(nd,od){return od===void 0&&(od={}),new Promise(function(ld,ud){var dd=od,pd=dd.async,fd=pd===void 0?!0:pd,md=dd.data,vd=md===void 0?null:md,Ad=dd.headers,Nd=Ad===void 0?{}:Ad,Od=dd.method,kd=Od===void 0?"get":Od,Ld=dd.timeout,Gd=Ld===void 0?0:Ld,Ud=dd.onprogress,Fd=new XMLHttpRequest,Hd;Gd&&(Hd=setTimeout(function(){ud(new Error("the request timeout "+Gd+"ms"))},Gd)),Fd.onerror=function(){ud(new Error("unknown error"))},Fd.upload&&(Fd.upload.onprogress=Ud),Fd.onreadystatechange=function(){if(Fd.readyState===4)if(Gd&&clearTimeout(Hd),Fd.status>=200&&Fd.status<300)ld(Fd.response,Fd);else{var Vd=new Error("the request is error");ud(Vd)}},Fd.open(kd,nd,fd),Object.keys(Nd).forEach(function(Vd){Fd.setRequestHeader(Vd,Nd[Vd])});try{Fd.send(vd)}catch(Vd){ud(Vd)}})}}(ajax)),ajax}var utils={},md5={exports:{}},crypt={exports:{}},hasRequiredCrypt;function requireCrypt(){return hasRequiredCrypt||(hasRequiredCrypt=1,function(){var Ra="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ ",qa={rotl:function(nd,od){return nd<<od|nd>>>32-od},rotr:function(nd,od){return nd<<32-od|nd>>>od},endian:function(nd){if(nd.constructor==Number)return qa.rotl(nd,8)&16711935|qa.rotl(nd,24)&4278255360;for(var od=0;od<nd.length;od++)nd[od]=qa.endian(nd[od]);return nd},randomBytes:function(nd){for(var od=[];nd>0;nd--)od.push(Math.floor(Math.random()*256));return od},bytesToWords:function(nd){for(var od=[],ld=0,ud=0;ld<nd.length;ld++,ud+=8)od[ud>>>5]|=nd[ld]<<24-ud%32;return od},wordsToBytes:function(nd){for(var od=[],ld=0;ld<nd.length*32;ld+=8)od.push(nd[ld>>>5]>>>24-ld%32&255);return od},bytesToHex:function(nd){for(var od=[],ld=0;ld<nd.length;ld++)od.push((nd[ld]>>>4).toString(16)),od.push((nd[ld]&15).toString(16));return od.join(" ")},hexToBytes:function(nd){for(var od=[],ld=0;ld<nd.length;ld+=2)od.push(parseInt(nd.substr(ld,2),16));return od},bytesToBase64:function(nd){for(var od=[],ld=0;ld<nd.length;ld+=3)for(var ud=nd[ld]<<16|nd[ld+1]<<8|nd[ld+2],dd=0;dd<4;dd++)ld*8+dd*6<=nd.length*8?od.push(Ra.charAt(ud>>>6*(3-dd)&63)):od.push(" = ");return od.join(" ")},base64ToBytes:function(nd){nd=nd.replace(/[^A-Z0-9+\/]/ig," " ) ; for ( var od = [ ] , ld = 0 , ud = 0 ; ld < nd . length ; ud = ++ ld % 4 ) ud != 0 && od . push ( ( Ra . indexOf ( nd . charAt ( ld - 1 ) ) & Math . pow ( 2 , - 2 * ud + 8 ) - 1 ) << ud * 2 | Ra . indexOf ( nd . charAt ( ld ) ) >>> 6 - ud * 2 ) ; return od } } ; crypt . exports = qa } ( ) ) , crypt . exports } var charenc _1 , hasRequiredCharenc ; function requireCharenc ( ) { if ( hasRequiredCharenc ) return charenc _1 ; hasRequiredCharenc = 1 ; var Ra = { utf8 : { stringToBytes : function ( qa ) { return Ra . bin . stringToBytes ( unescape ( encodeURIComponent ( qa ) ) ) } , bytesToString : function ( qa ) { return decodeURIComponent ( escape ( Ra . bin . bytesToString ( qa ) ) ) } } , bin : { stringToBytes : function ( qa ) { for ( var nd = [ ] , od = 0 ; od < qa . length ; od ++ ) nd . push ( qa . charCodeAt ( od ) & 255 ) ; return nd } , bytesToString : function ( qa ) { fo
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* Determine if an object is a Buffer
* @ author Feross Aboukhadijeh < https : //feross.org>
* @ license MIT
2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
* / v a r i s B u f f e r _ 1 , h a s R e q u i r e d I s B u f f e r ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e I s B u f f e r ( ) { i f ( h a s R e q u i r e d I s B u f f e r ) r e t u r n i s B u f f e r _ 1 ; h a s R e q u i r e d I s B u f f e r = 1 , i s B u f f e r _ 1 = f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { r e t u r n n d ! = n u l l & & ( R a ( n d ) | | q a ( n d ) | | ! ! n d . _ i s B u f f e r ) } ; f u n c t i o n R a ( n d ) { r e t u r n ! ! n d . c o n s t r u c t o r & & t y p e o f n d . c o n s t r u c t o r . i s B u f f e r = = " f u n c t i o n " & & n d . c o n s t r u c t o r . i s B u f f e r ( n d ) } f u n c t i o n q a ( n d ) { r e t u r n t y p e o f n d . r e a d F l o a t L E = = " f u n c t i o n " & & t y p e o f n d . s l i c e = = " f u n c t i o n " & & R a ( n d . s l i c e ( 0 , 0 ) ) } r e t u r n i s B u f f e r _ 1 } v a r h a s R e q u i r e d M d 5 ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e M d 5 ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d M d 5 | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d M d 5 = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r R a = r e q u i r e C r y p t ( ) , q a = r e q u i r e C h a r e n c ( ) . u t f 8 , n d = r e q u i r e I s B u f f e r ( ) , o d = r e q u i r e C h a r e n c ( ) . b i n , l d = f u n c t i o n ( u d , d d ) { u d . c o n s t r u c t o r = = S t r i n g ? d d & & d d . e n c o d i n g = = = " b i n a r y " ? u d = o d . s t r i n g T o B y t e s ( u d ) : u d = q a . s t r i n g T o B y t e s ( u d ) : n d ( u d ) ? u d = A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e . s l i c e . c a l l ( u d , 0 ) : ! A r r a y . i s A r r a y ( u d ) & & u d . c o n s t r u c t o r ! = = U i n t 8 A r r a y & & ( u d = u d . t o S t r i n g ( ) ) ; f o r ( v a r p d = R a . b y t e s T o W o r d s ( u d ) , f d = u d . l e n g t h * 8 , m d = 1 7 3 2 5 8 4 1 9 3 , v d = - 2 7 1 7 3 3 8 7 9 , A d = - 1 7 3 2 5 8 4 1 9 4 , N d = 2 7 1 7 3 3 8 7 8 , O d = 0 ; O d < p d . l e n g t h ; O d + + ) p d [ O d ] = ( p d [ O d ] < < 8 | p d [ O d ] > > > 2 4 ) & 1 6 7 1 1 9 3 5 | ( p d [ O d ] < < 2 4 | p d [ O d ] > > > 8 ) & 4 2 7 8 2 5 5 3 6 0 ; p d [ f d > > > 5 ] | = 1 2 8 < < f d % 3 2 , p d [ ( f d + 6 4 > > > 9 < < 4 ) + 1 4 ] = f d ; f o r ( v a r k d = l d . _ f f , L d = l d . _ g g , G d = l d . _ h h , U d = l d . _ i i , O d = 0 ; O d < p d . l e n g t h ; O d + = 1 6 ) { v a r F d = m d , H d = v d , V d = A d , z d = N d ; m d = k d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 0 ] , 7 , - 6 8 0 8 7 6 9 3 6 ) , N d = k d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 1 ] , 1 2 , - 3 8 9 5 6 4 5 8 6 ) , A d = k d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 2 ] , 1 7 , 6 0 6 1 0 5 8 1 9 ) , v d = k d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 3 ] , 2 2 , - 1 0 4 4 5 2 5 3 3 0 ) , m d = k d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 4 ] , 7 , - 1 7 6 4 1 8 8 9 7 ) , N d = k d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 5 ] , 1 2 , 1 2 0 0 0 8 0 4 2 6 ) , A d = k d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 6 ] , 1 7 , - 1 4 7 3 2 3 1 3 4 1 ) , v d = k d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 7 ] , 2 2 , - 4 5 7 0 5 9 8 3 ) , m d = k d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 8 ] , 7 , 1 7 7 0 0 3 5 4 1 6 ) , N d = k d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 9 ] , 1 2 , - 1 9 5 8 4 1 4 4 1 7 ) , A d = k d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 0 ] , 1 7 , - 4 2 0 6 3 ) , v d = k d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 1 1 ] , 2 2 , - 1 9 9 0 4 0 4 1 6 2 ) , m d = k d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 1 2 ] , 7 , 1 8 0 4 6 0 3 6 8 2 ) , N d = k d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 1 3 ] , 1 2 , - 4 0 3 4 1 1 0 1 ) , A d = k d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 4 ] , 1 7 , - 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 2 9 0 ) , v d = k d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 1 5 ] , 2 2 , 1 2 3 6 5 3 5 3 2 9 ) , m d = L d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 1 ] , 5 , - 1 6 5 7 9 6 5 1 0 ) , N d = L d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 6 ] , 9 , - 1 0 6 9 5 0 1 6 3 2 ) , A d = L d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 1 ] , 1 4 , 6 4 3 7 1 7 7 1 3 ) , v d = L d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 0 ] , 2 0 , - 3 7 3 8 9 7 3 0 2 ) , m d = L d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 5 ] , 5 , - 7 0 1 5 5 8 6 9 1 ) , N d = L d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 1 0 ] , 9 , 3 8 0 1 6 0 8 3 ) , A d = L d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 5 ] , 1 4 , - 6 6 0 4 7 8 3 3 5 ) , v d = L d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 4 ] , 2 0 , - 4 0 5 5 3 7 8 4 8 ) , m d = L d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 9 ] , 5 , 5 6 8 4 4 6 4 3 8 ) , N d = L d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 1 4 ] , 9 , - 1 0 1 9 8 0 3 6 9 0 ) , A d = L d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 3 ] , 1 4 , - 1 8 7 3 6 3 9 6 1 ) , v d = L d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 8 ] , 2 0 , 1 1 6 3 5 3 1 5 0 1 ) , m d = L d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 1 3 ] , 5 , - 1 4 4 4 6 8 1 4 6 7 ) , N d = L d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 2 ] , 9 , - 5 1 4 0 3 7 8 4 ) , A d = L d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 7 ] , 1 4 , 1 7 3 5 3 2 8 4 7 3 ) , v d = L d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 1 2 ] , 2 0 , - 1 9 2 6 6 0 7 7 3 4 ) , m d = G d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 5 ] , 4 , - 3 7 8 5 5 8 ) , N d = G d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 8 ] , 1 1 , - 2 0 2 2 5 7 4 4 6 3 ) , A d = G d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 1 ] , 1 6 , 1 8 3 9 0 3 0 5 6 2 ) , v d = G d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 1 4 ] , 2 3 , - 3 5 3 0 9 5 5 6 ) , m d = G d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 1 ] , 4 , - 1 5 3 0 9 9 2 0 6 0 ) , N d = G d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 4 ] , 1 1 , 1 2 7 2 8 9 3 3 5 3 ) , A d = G d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 7 ] , 1 6 , - 1 5 5 4 9 7 6 3 2 ) , v d = G d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 1 0 ] , 2 3 , - 1 0 9 4 7 3 0 6 4 0 ) , m d = G d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 1 3 ] , 4 , 6 8 1 2 7 9 1 7 4 ) , N d = G d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 0 ] , 1 1 , - 3 5 8 5 3 7 2 2 2 ) , A d = G d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 3 ] , 1 6 , - 7 2 2 5 2 1 9 7 9 ) , v d = G d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 6 ] , 2 3 , 7 6 0 2 9 1 8 9 ) , m d = G d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 9 ] , 4 , - 6 4 0 3 6 4 4 8 7 ) , N d = G d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 1 2 ] , 1 1 , - 4 2 1 8 1 5 8 3 5 ) , A d = G d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 5 ] , 1 6 , 5 3 0 7 4 2 5 2 0 ) , v d = G d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 2 ] , 2 3 , - 9 9 5 3 3 8 6 5 1 ) , m d = U d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 0 ] , 6 , - 1 9 8 6 3 0 8 4 4 ) , N d = U d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 7 ] , 1 0 , 1 1 2 6 8 9 1 4 1 5 ) , A d = U d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 4 ] , 1 5 , - 1 4 1 6 3 5 4 9 0 5 ) , v d = U d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 5 ] , 2 1 , - 5 7 4 3 4 0 5 5 ) , m d = U d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 1 2 ] , 6 , 1 7 0 0 4 8 5 5 7 1 ) , N d = U d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 3 ] , 1 0 , - 1 8 9 4 9 8 6 6 0 6 ) , A d = U d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 1 0 ] , 1 5 , - 1 0 5 1 5 2 3 ) , v d = U d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 1 ] , 2 1 , - 2 0 5 4 9 2 2 7 9 9 ) , m d = U d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 8 ] , 6 , 1 8 7 3 3 1 3 3 5 9 ) , N d = U d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 1 5 ] , 1 0 , - 3 0 6 1 1 7 4 4 ) , A d = U d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 6 ] , 1 5 , - 1 5 6 0 1 9 8 3 8 0 ) , v d = U d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 1 3 ] , 2 1 , 1 3 0 9 1 5 1 6 4 9 ) , m d = U d ( m d , v d , A d , N d , p d [ O d + 4 ] , 6 , - 1 4 5 5 2 3 0 7 0 ) , N d = U d ( N d , m d , v d , A d , p d [ O d + 1 1 ] , 1 0 , - 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 3 7 9 ) , A d = U d ( A d , N d , m d , v d , p d [ O d + 2 ] , 1 5 , 7 1 8 7 8 7 2 5 9 ) , v d = U d ( v d , A d , N d , m d , p d [ O d + 9 ] , 2 1 , - 3 4 3 4 8 5 5 5 1 ) , m d = m d + F d > > > 0 , v d = v d + H d > > > 0 , A d = A d + V d > > > 0 , N d = N d + z d > > > 0 } r e t u r n R a . e n d i a n ( [ m d , v d , A d , N d ] ) } ; l d . _ f f = f u n c t i o n ( u d , d d , p d , f d , m d , v d , A d ) { v a r N d = u d + ( d d & p d | ~ d d & f d ) + ( m d > > > 0 ) + A d ; r e t u r n ( N d < < v d | N d > > > 3 2 - v d ) + d d } , l d . _ g g = f u n c t i o n ( u d , d
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
* !
* ! Copyright 2011 - 2012 , 2014 Jean - Christophe Sirot < sirot @ chelonix . com >
* !
* ! This file is part of digest . js
* !
* ! digest . js is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it under
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* !
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2024-12-22 21:25:39 +08:00
* ! * * * * * END LICENSE BLOCK * * * * * * / v a r h a s R e q u i r e d D i g e s t ; f u n c t i o n r e q u i r e D i g e s t ( ) { r e t u r n h a s R e q u i r e d D i g e s t | | ( h a s R e q u i r e d D i g e s t = 1 , f u n c t i o n ( R a , q a ) { ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { A r r a y B u f f e r . p r o t o t y p e . s l i c e | | ( A r r a y B u f f e r . p r o t o t y p e . s l i c e = f u n c t i o n ( n d , o d ) { v a r l d , u d = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( t h i s ) ; o d = = = v o i d 0 & & ( o d = u d . l e n g t h ) ; v a r d d = n e w A r r a y B u f f e r ( o d - n d ) , p d = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( d d ) ; f o r ( l d = 0 ; l d < p d . l e n g t h ; l d + + ) p d [ l d ] = u d [ l d + n d ] ; r e t u r n d d } ) } ) ( ) , f u n c t i o n ( n d ) { f u n c t i o n o d ( ) { } o d . p r o t o t y p e . p r o c e s s B l o c k = f u n c t i o n ( v d ) { v a r A d = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 0 ] , N d = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 1 ] , O d = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 2 ] , k d = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 3 ] , L d = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 4 ] , G d = [ v d [ 0 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 1 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 2 ] < < 8 | v d [ 3 ] , v d [ 4 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 5 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 6 ] < < 8 | v d [ 7 ] , v d [ 8 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 9 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 1 0 ] < < 8 | v d [ 1 1 ] , v d [ 1 2 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 1 3 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 1 4 ] < < 8 | v d [ 1 5 ] , v d [ 1 6 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 1 7 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 1 8 ] < < 8 | v d [ 1 9 ] , v d [ 2 0 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 2 1 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 2 2 ] < < 8 | v d [ 2 3 ] , v d [ 2 4 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 2 5 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 2 6 ] < < 8 | v d [ 2 7 ] , v d [ 2 8 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 2 9 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 3 0 ] < < 8 | v d [ 3 1 ] , v d [ 3 2 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 3 3 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 3 4 ] < < 8 | v d [ 3 5 ] , v d [ 3 6 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 3 7 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 3 8 ] < < 8 | v d [ 3 9 ] , v d [ 4 0 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 4 1 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 4 2 ] < < 8 | v d [ 4 3 ] , v d [ 4 4 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 4 5 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 4 6 ] < < 8 | v d [ 4 7 ] , v d [ 4 8 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 4 9 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 5 0 ] < < 8 | v d [ 5 1 ] , v d [ 5 2 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 5 3 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 5 4 ] < < 8 | v d [ 5 5 ] , v d [ 5 6 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 5 7 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 5 8 ] < < 8 | v d [ 5 9 ] , v d [ 6 0 ] < < 2 4 | v d [ 6 1 ] < < 1 6 | v d [ 6 2 ] < < 8 | v d [ 6 3 ] ] , U d , F d ; f o r ( F d = 1 6 ; F d < 8 0 ; F d + + ) G d . p u s h ( ( G d [ F d - 3 ] ^ G d [ F d - 8 ] ^ G d [ F d - 1 4 ] ^ G d [ F d - 1 6 ] ) < < 1 | ( G d [ F d - 3 ] ^ G d [ F d - 8 ] ^ G d [ F d - 1 4 ] ^ G d [ F d - 1 6 ] ) > > > 3 1 ) ; f o r ( F d = 0 ; F d < 8 0 ; F d + + ) U d = ( A d < < 5 | A d > > > 2 7 ) + L d + G d [ F d ] , F d < 2 0 ? U d + = ( N d & O d | ~ N d & k d ) + 1 5 1 8 5 0 0 2 4 9 | 0 : F d < 4 0 ? U d + = ( N d ^ O d ^ k d ) + 1 8 5 9 7 7 5 3 9 3 | 0 : F d < 6 0 ? U d + = ( N d & O d | N d & k d | O d & k d ) + 2 4 0 0 9 5 9 7 0 8 | 0 : U d + = ( N d ^ O d ^ k d ) + 3 3 9 5 4 6 9 7 8 2 | 0 , L d = k d , k d = O d , O d = N d < < 3 0 | N d > > > 2 , N d = A d , A d = U d ; t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 0 ] + = A d , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 1 ] + = N d , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 2 ] + = O d , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 3 ] + = k d , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 4 ] + = L d , t h i s . c u r r e n t L e n + = 6 4 } , o d . p r o t o t y p e . d o P a d d i n g = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r v d = ( t h i s . i n L e n + t h i s . c u r r e n t L e n ) * 8 , A d = 0 , N d = v d & 4 2 9 4 9 6 7 2 9 5 , O d = t h i s . i n L e n < = 5 5 ? 5 5 - t h i s . i n L e n : 1 1 9 - t h i s . i n L e n , k d = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( n e w A r r a y B u f f e r ( O d + 1 + 8 ) ) ; r e t u r n k d [ 0 ] = 1 2 8 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 1 ] = N d & 2 5 5 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 2 ] = N d > > > 8 & 2 5 5 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 3 ] = N d > > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 4 ] = N d > > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 5 ] = A d & 2 5 5 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 6 ] = A d > > > 8 & 2 5 5 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 7 ] = A d > > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , k d [ k d . l e n g t h - 8 ] = A d > > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 , k d } , o d . p r o t o t y p e . g e t D i g e s t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r v d = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( n e w A r r a y B u f f e r ( 2 0 ) ) ; r e t u r n v d [ 3 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 0 ] & 2 5 5 , v d [ 2 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 0 ] > > > 8 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 0 ] > > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 0 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 0 ] > > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 7 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 1 ] & 2 5 5 , v d [ 6 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 1 ] > > > 8 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 5 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 1 ] > > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 4 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 1 ] > > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 1 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 2 ] & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 0 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 2 ] > > > 8 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 9 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 2 ] > > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 8 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 2 ] > > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 5 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 3 ] & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 4 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 3 ] > > > 8 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 3 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 3 ] > > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 2 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 3 ] > > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 9 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 4 ] & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 8 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 4 ] > > > 8 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 7 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 4 ] > > > 1 6 & 2 5 5 , v d [ 1 6 ] = t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 4 ] > > > 2 4 & 2 5 5 , v d . b u f f e r } , o d . p r o t o t y p e . r e s e t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { t h i s . c u r r e n t L e n = 0 , t h i s . i n L e n = 0 , t h i s . c u r r e n t = n e w U i n t 3 2 A r r a y ( n e w A r r a y B u f f e r ( 2 0 ) ) , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 0 ] = 1 7 3 2 5 8 4 1 9 3 , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 1 ] = 4 0 2 3 2 3 3 4 1 7 , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 2 ] = 2 5 6 2 3 8 3 1 0 2 , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 3 ] = 2 7 1 7 3 3 8 7 8 , t h i s . c u r r e n t [ 4 ] = 3 2 8 5 3 7 7 5 2 0 } , o d . p r o t o t y p e . b l o c k L e n = 6 4 , o d . p r o t o t y p e . d i g e s t L e n = 2 0 ; v a r l d = f u n c t i o n ( v d ) { v a r A d = n e w A r r a y B u f f e r ( v d . l e n g t h ) , N d = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( A d ) , O d ; f o r ( O d = 0 ; O d < v d . l e n g t h ; O d + + ) N d [ O d ] = v d . c h a r C o d e A t ( O d ) ; r e t u r n N d } , u d = f u n c t i o n ( v d ) { v a r A d = n e w A r r a y B u f f e r ( 1 ) , N d = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( A d ) ; r e t u r n N d [ 0 ] = v d , N d } , d d = f u n c t i o n ( v d ) { i f ( v d . c o n s t r u c t o r = = = U i n t 8 A r r a y ) r e t u r n v d ; i f ( v d . c o n s t r u c t o r = = = A r r a y B u f f e r ) r e t u r n n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( v d ) ; i f ( v d . c o n s t r u c t o r = = = S t r i n g ) r e t u r n l d ( v d ) ; i f ( v d . c o n s t r u c t o r = = = N u m b e r ) { i f ( v d > 2 5 5 ) t h r o w " F o r m o r e t h a n o n e b y t e , u s e a n a r r a y b u f f e r " ; i f ( v d < 0 ) t h r o w " I n p u t v a l u e m u s t b e p o s i t i v e " ; r e t u r n u d ( v d ) } e l s e t h r o w " U n s u p p o r t e d t y p e " } , p d = f u n c t i o n ( v d ) { v a r A d = f u n c t i o n ( k d ) { f o r ( v a r L d = k d . l e n g t h , G d = 0 ; L d > 0 ; ) { v a r U d = t h i s . b l o c k L e n - t h i s . i n L e n ; U d > L d & & ( U d = L d ) ; v a r F d = k d . s u b a r r a y ( G d , G d + U d ) ; t h i s . i n b u f . s e t ( F d , t h i s . i n L e n ) , G d + = U d , L d - = U d , t h i s . i n L e n + = U d , t h i s . i n L e n = = = t h i s . b l o c k L e n & & ( t h i s . p r o c e s s B l o c k ( t h i s . i n b u f ) , t h i s . i n L e n = 0 ) } } , N d = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r k d = t h i s . d o P a d d i n g ( ) ; t h i s . u p d a t e ( k d ) ; v a r L d = t h i s . g e t D i g e s t ( ) ; r e t u r n t h i s . r e s e t ( ) , L d } , O d = f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( ! v d ) t h r o w " U n s u p p o r t e d a l g o r i t h m : " + v d . t o S t r i n g ( ) ; v d . p r o t o t y p e .
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` )}),kd}function Ad(Od,kd,Ld){Od===void 0&&(Od=""),kd===void 0&&(kd="");var Gd="";Od&&(Gd+="/"+Od),kd&&(kd.charAt(0)!=="/"&&(Gd+="/"),Gd+=kd);var Ud=""+Gd,Fd="?";if(Ld){var Hd=function(Yd,Xd){return Yd[0]>Xd[0]?1:Yd[0]<Xd[0]?-1:0},Vd=function(Yd){Ud+=Fd+Yd,Ld[Yd]&&(Ud+="="+Ld[Yd]),Fd="&"};Object.keys(Ld).sort(Hd).forEach(Vd)}return Ud}function Nd(Od){Od===void 0&&(Od={});var kd=Od,Ld=kd.type,Gd=Ld===void 0?"header":Ld,Ud=kd.verb,Fd=Ud===void 0?"":Ud,Hd=kd.contentMd5,Vd=Hd===void 0?"":Hd,zd=kd.expires,Yd=zd===void 0?ud()+3600:zd,Xd=kd.bucket,yf=kd.objectName,Qd=kd.accessKeySecret,pf=kd.headers,mf=pf===void 0?{}:pf,Tf=kd.subResource,vf=mf["x-oss-date"]||"",Af=mf["Content-Type"]||"",Sf=[Fd,Vd,Af];Gd==="header"?Sf.push(vf):Sf.push(Yd);var Df=vd(mf),If=Ad(Xd,yf,Tf);Sf.push(""+Df+If);var Gf=Sf.join( `
` ),Qf=new od.default.HMAC_SHA1;Qf.setKey(Qd),Qf.update(Gf);var ih=new Uint8Array(Qf.finalize()),sh=nd.default.fromByteArray(ih);return sh}return utils}(function(Ra){var qa=interopRequireDefaultExports;Ra.__esModule=!0,Ra.default=void 0;var nd=qa(requireObjectAssign()),od=qa(requireAjax()),ld=requireUtils(),ud=function(){function dd(fd){fd===void 0&&(fd={}),(0,ld.assertOptions)(fd),this.opts=(0,nd.default)({region:"oss-cn-hangzhou",internal:!1,cname:!1,secure:!1,timeout:6e4},fd);var md=this.opts,vd=md.bucket,Ad=md.region,Nd=md.endpoint,Od=md.internal;if(this.host="",Nd)this.host=Nd;else{var kd=vd;Od&&(kd+="-internal"),kd+="."+Ad+".aliyuncs.com",this.host=kd}}var pd=dd.prototype;return pd.put=function(md,vd,Ad){var Nd=this;return Ad===void 0&&(Ad={}),new Promise(function(Od,kd){(0,ld.blobToBuffer)(vd).then(function(Ld){var Gd=Nd.opts,Ud=Gd.accessKeyId,Fd=Gd.accessKeySecret,Hd=Gd.stsToken,Vd=Gd.bucket,zd="PUT",Yd=(0,ld.getContentMd5)(Ld),Xd=vd.type,yf={"Content-Md5":Yd,"Content-Type":Xd,"x-oss-date":new Date().toGMTString()};Hd&&(yf["x-oss-security-token"]=Hd);var Qd=(0,ld.getSignature)({verb:zd,contentMd5:Yd,headers:yf,bucket:Vd,objectName:md,accessKeyId:Ud,accessKeySecret:Fd});yf.Authorization="OSS "+Ud+":"+Qd;var pf=Nd.opts.secure?"https":"http",mf=pf+"://"+Nd.host+"/"+md;return(0,od.default)(mf,{method:zd,headers:yf,data:vd,timeout:Nd.opts.timeout,onprogress:Ad.onprogress})}).then(Od).catch(kd)})},pd.putSymlink=function(md,vd){var Ad=this.opts,Nd=Ad.accessKeyId,Od=Ad.accessKeySecret,kd=Ad.stsToken,Ld=Ad.bucket,Gd="PUT",Ud={"x-oss-date":new Date().toGMTString(),"x-oss-symlink-target":encodeURI(vd)};kd&&(Ud["x-oss-security-token"]=kd);var Fd=(0,ld.getSignature)({verb:Gd,headers:Ud,bucket:Ld,objectName:md,accessKeyId:Nd,accessKeySecret:Od,subResource:{symlink:""}});Ud.Authorization="OSS "+Nd+":"+Fd;var Hd=this.opts.secure?"https":"http",Vd=Hd+"://"+this.host+"/"+md+"?symlink";return(0,od.default)(Vd,{method:Gd,headers:Ud,timeout:this.opts.timeout})},pd.signatureUrl=function(md,vd){vd===void 0&&(vd={});var Ad=vd,Nd=Ad.expires,Od=Nd===void 0?1800:Nd,kd=Ad.method,Ld=Ad.process,Gd=Ad.response,Ud=this.opts,Fd=Ud.accessKeyId,Hd=Ud.accessKeySecret,Vd=Ud.stsToken,zd=Ud.bucket,Yd={},Xd={};if(Ld){var yf="x-oss-process";Xd[yf]=Ld}Gd&&Object.keys(Gd).forEach(function(Af){var Sf="response-"+Af.toLowerCase();Xd[Sf]=Gd[Af]}),Object.keys(vd).forEach(function(Af){var Sf=Af.toLowerCase(),Df=vd[Af];Sf.indexOf("x-oss-")===0?Yd[Sf]=Df:Sf.indexOf("content-md5")===0||Sf.indexOf("content-type")===0?Yd[Af]=Df:Sf!=="expires"&&Sf!=="response"&&Sf!=="process"&&Sf!=="method"&&(Xd[Sf]=Df)});var Qd=vd["security-token"]||Vd;Qd&&(Xd["security-token"]=Qd);var pf=(0,ld.unix)()+Od,mf=(0,ld.getSignature)({type:"url",verb:kd||"GET",accessKeyId:Fd,accessKeySecret:Hd,bucket:zd,objectName:md,headers:Yd,subResource:Xd,expires:pf}),Tf=this.opts.secure?"https":"http",vf=Tf+"://"+this.host+"/"+md;return vf+="?OSSAccessKeyId="+Fd,vf+="&Expires="+pf,vf+="&Signature="+encodeURIComponent(mf),Object.keys(Xd).forEach(function(Af){vf+="&"+Af+"="+encodeURIComponent(Xd[Af])}),vf},dd}();Ra.default=ud})(TinyOSS);var lib=TinyOSS.default;const OSS=getDefaultExportFromCjs(lib),byteToHex=[];for(let Ra=0;Ra<256;++Ra)byteToHex.push((Ra+256).toString(16).slice(1));function unsafeStringify(Ra,qa=0){return(byteToHex[Ra[qa+0]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+1]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+2]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+3]]+"-"+byteToHex[Ra[qa+4]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+5]]+"-"+byteToHex[Ra[qa+6]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+7]]+"-"+byteToHex[Ra[qa+8]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+9]]+"-"+byteToHex[Ra[qa+10]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+11]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+12]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+13]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+14]]+byteToHex[Ra[qa+15]]).toLowerCase()}let getRandomValues;const rnds8=new Uint8Array(16);function rng(){if(!getRandomValues){if(typeof crypto>"u"||!crypto.getRandomValues)throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported");getRandomValues=crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto)}return getRandomValues(rnds8)}const randomUUID=typeof crypto<"u"&&crypto.randomUUID&&crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto),native={rand
2024-09-18 09:46:23 +08:00
async ( CUSTOM _ARG ) => {
$ { localStorage . getItem ( "formCustomConfig" ) }
2024-12-23 11:36:09 +08:00
` ;return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{const exportObj={content,file,util:{axios:service,CryptoJS,OSS,COS,Buffer:Buffer $ 1,uuidv4:v4,qiniu,tokenTools,getDir,getDateFilename},okCb:resolve,errCb:reject};eval(str)(exportObj).catch(Ra=>{console.error(Ra),reject(Ra)})})}function fileUpload(Ra,qa){const nd=localStorage.getItem("imgHost");switch(nd||localStorage.setItem("imgHost","default"),nd){case"aliOSS":return aliOSSFileUpload(qa);case"minio":return minioFileUpload(Ra,qa.name);case"txCOS":return txCOSFileUpload(qa);case"qiniu":return qiniuUpload(qa);case"gitee":return giteeUpload(Ra,qa.name);case"github":return ghFileUpload(Ra,qa.name);case"mp":return mpFileUpload(qa);case"r2":return r2Upload(qa);case"formCustom":return formCustomUpload(Ra,qa);default:return ghFileUpload(Ra,qa.name)}}const fileApi={fileUpload},_hoisted_1={class:"container-main flex-1"},_hoisted_2={class:"container-main-section h-full flex border-1"},_hoisted_3=["span"],_hoisted_4={class:"preview border shadow-xl"},_hoisted_5=["innerHTML"],_hoisted_6={key:0,class:"loading-mask"},_sfc_main $ 1=defineComponent({__name:"CodemirrorEditor",setup(Ra){const qa=useStore(),nd=useDisplayStore(),{isDark:od,output:ld,editor:ud}=storeToRefs(qa),{isShowCssEditor:dd}=storeToRefs(nd),{editorRefresh:pd,exportEditorContent2HTML:fd,exportEditorContent2MD:md,formatContent:vd,importMarkdownContent:Ad,resetStyleConfirm:Nd}=qa,{toggleShowInsertFormDialog:Od,toggleShowUploadImgDialog:kd}=nd,Ld=ref $ 1(!1),Gd=ref $ 1(),Ud=ref $ 1(null);function Fd(){const If=ih=>{let sh,qf;clearTimeout(Gd.value),ih==="preview"?(sh=Ud.value,qf=document.querySelector(".CodeMirror-scroll"),ud.value.off("scroll",Gf),Gd.value=setTimeout(()=>{ud.value.on("scroll",Gf)},300)):(sh=document.querySelector(".CodeMirror-scroll"),qf=Ud.value,qf.removeEventListener("scroll",Qf,!1),Gd.value=setTimeout(()=>{qf.addEventListener("scroll",Qf,!1)},300));const Yf=sh.scrollTop/(sh.scrollHeight-sh.offsetHeight)*(qf.scrollHeight-qf.offsetHeight);qf.scrollTo(0,Yf)};function Gf(){If("editor")}function Qf(){If("preview")}Ud.value.addEventListener("scroll",Qf,!1),ud.value.on("scroll",Gf)}onMounted(()=>{setTimeout(()=>{Fd()},300)});function Hd(){pd()}const Vd=ref $ 1(!1),zd=ref $ 1(!1);function Yd(){zd.value=!0,Vd.value=!0}function Xd(){Vd.value=!1,setTimeout(()=>{zd.value=!1},800)}function yf(If){const Gf=checkImage(If);if(!Gf.ok)return Ke $ 1.error(Gf.msg),!1;const Qf=localStorage.getItem("imgHost")||"default";localStorage.setItem("imgHost",Qf);const ih=localStorage.getItem( ` $ { Qf } Config ` );return Qf==="default"||ih?!0:(Ke $ 1.error( ` 请先配置 $ { Qf } 图床参数 ` ),!1)}function Qd(If){if(!If){Ke $ 1.error("上传图片未知异常");return}kd(!1);const Gf=ud.value.getCursor(),Qf= ` ! [ ] ( $ { If } ) ` ;toRaw(qa.editor).replaceSelection( `
$ { Qf }
` ,Gf),Ke $ 1.success("图片上传成功")}function pf(If,Gf){Ld.value=!0,toBase64 $ 2(If).then(Qf=>fileApi.fileUpload(Qf,If)).then(Qf=>{Gf?Gf(Qf):Qd(Qf)}).catch(Qf=>{Ke $ 1.error(Qf.message)}).finally(()=>{Ld.value=!1})}const mf=ref $ 1();watch(od,()=>{var Gf,Qf;const If=od.value?"darcula":"xq-light";(Qf=(Gf=toRaw(ud.value))==null?void 0:Gf.setOption)==null||Qf.call(Gf,"theme",If)});function Tf(){const If=document.querySelector("#editor");If.value||(If.value=qa.posts[qa.currentPostIndex].content),ud.value=CodeMirror.fromTextArea(If,{mode:"text/x-markdown",theme:od.value?"darcula":"xq-light",lineNumbers:!1,lineWrapping:!0,styleActiveLine:!0,autoCloseBrackets:!0,extraKeys:{[ ` $ { shiftKey } - $ { altKey } - F ` ]:function(Qf){formatDoc(Qf.getValue()).then(ih=>{Qf.setValue(ih)})},[ ` $ { ctrlKey } - B ` ]:function(Qf){const ih=Qf.getSelection();Qf.replaceSelection( ` * * $ { ih } * * ` )},[ ` $ { ctrlKey } - I ` ]:function(Qf){const ih=Qf.getSelection();Qf.replaceSelection( ` * $ { ih } * ` )},[ ` $ { ctrlKey } - D ` ]:function(Qf){const ih=Qf.getSelection();Qf.replaceSelection( ` ~ ~ $ { ih } ~ ~ ` )},[ ` $ { ctrlKey } - K ` ]:function(Qf){const ih=Qf.getSelection();Qf.replaceSelection( ` [ $ { ih } ] ( ) ` )},[ ` $ { ctrlKey } - E ` ]:function(Qf){const ih=Qf.getSelection();Qf.replaceSelection( ` \ ` ${ ih } \` ` ) } , [ ` ${ ctrlKey } -L ` ] : function ( Qf ) { const ih = Qf . getSelection ( ) ; Qf . replaceSelection ( ` \` ${ ih } \` ` ) } } } ) , ud . value . on ( "change" , Gf => { clearTimeout ( mf . value ) , mf . value = setTimeout ( ( ) => { Hd ( ) , qa . posts [ qa . currentPostIndex ] . content = Gf . getValue ( ) } , 300 ) } ) , ud . value . on ( "paste" , ( Gf , Qf ) => { if ( ! ( ! ( Qf . clipboardData && Qf . clipboardData . items ) || Ld . value ) ) for ( let ih = 0 , sh = Qf . clipboardData . items . length ; ih < sh ; ++ ih ) { const qf = Qf . clipboardData . items [ ih ] ; if ( qf . kind === "file" ) { const Pf = qf . getAsFile ( ) ; if ( ! yf ( Pf ) ) continue ; pf ( Pf ) } } } ) } const vf = ref$1 ( null ) ; function Af ( If ) { ud . value . options . extraKeys [ If ] ( ud . value ) } const Sf = ref$1 ( null ) ; function Df ( ) { const If = Sf . value , Gf = async ( { md : sh , list : qf } ) => { const Pf = [ ... sh . str . matchAll ( /!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g ) || [ ] ] . filter ( Kf => Kf ) , Yf = sh . path . match ( /.+?\// ) [ 0 ] ; ( await Promise . all ( Pf . map ( Kf => new Promise ( Cf => { let [ , , xf ] = Kf ; xf = xf . replace ( /^.\// , "" ) ; const { file : Xf } = qf . find ( uh => uh . path === ` ${ Yf } ${ xf } ` ) || { } ; pf ( Xf , uh => { Cf ( { matchStr : xf , url : uh } ) } ) } ) ) ) ) . forEach ( Kf => { sh . str = sh . str . replace ( ` ](./ ${ Kf . matchStr } ) ` , ` ]( ${ Kf . url } ) ` ) . replace ( ` ]( ${ Kf . matchStr } ) ` , ` ]( ${ Kf . url } ) ` ) } ) , ud . value . setValue ( sh . str ) } ; If . ondragover = sh => sh . preventDefault ( ) , If . ondrop = async sh => { sh . preventDefault ( ) ; for ( const qf of sh . dataTransfer . items ) qf . getAsFileSystemHandle ( ) . then ( async Pf => { if ( Pf . kind === "directory" ) { const Yf = await ih ( Pf ) , Wf = await Qf ( { list : Yf } ) ; Gf ( { md : Wf , list : Yf } ) } else { const Yf = await Pf . getFile ( ) ; console . log ( "file" , Yf ) } } ) } ; async function Qf ( { list : sh } ) { return new Promise ( qf => { const { path : Pf , file : Yf } = sh . find ( Kf => Kf . path . match ( /\.md$/ ) ) , Wf = new FileReader ; Wf . readAsText ( Yf , "UTF-8" ) , Wf . onload = Kf => { qf ( { str : Kf . target . result , file : Yf , path : Pf } ) } } ) } async function ih ( sh ) { const qf = [ ] ; let Pf = "" ; try { const Yf = [ sh ] ; for ( const Wf of Yf ) { Pf += ` ${ Wf . name } / ` ; for await ( const [ , Kf ] of Wf ) Kf . kind === "file" ? qf . push ( { path : Pf + Kf . name , file : await Kf . getFile ( ) } ) : ( qf . push ( { path : ` ${ Pf + Kf . name } / ` } ) , Yf . push ( Kf ) ) } } catch ( Yf ) { console . error ( Yf ) } return qf } } return onMounted ( ( ) => { Tf ( ) , Hd ( ) , Df ( ) } ) , ( If , Gf ) => { const Qf = _ _unplugin _components _0 , ih = _sfc _main$A , sh = _sfc _main$G , qf = _sfc _main$H , Pf = _sfc _main$I , Yf = _sfc _main$J , Wf = _sfc _main$K , Kf = _sfc _main$L , Cf = _ _unplugin _components _8 , xf = _sfc _main$O , Xf = _sfc _main$11 , uh = _ _unplugin _components _11 , wh = _sfc _main$1f , dh = _sfc _main$1g , Rf = _sfc _main$1h , gh = _sfc _main$1i , kh = _sfc _main$1j , eh = _sfc _main$1l , $f = _sfc _main$1m , Uf = _sfc _main$1n ; return openBlock ( ) , createElementBlock ( "div" , { ref _key : "container" , ref : vf , class : "container flex flex-col" } , [ createVNode ( Qf , { onAddFormat : Af , onFormatContent : unref ( vd ) , onStartCopy : Yd , onEndCopy : Xd } , null , 8 , [ "onFormatContent" ] ) , createBaseVNode ( "main" , _hoisted _1 , [ createBaseVNode ( "div" , _hoisted _2 , [ createVNode ( ih ) , createBaseVNode ( "div" , { ref _key : "codeMirrorWrapper" , ref : Sf , class : normalizeClass ( [ "codeMirror-wrapper flex-1 border-r-1" , { "order-1" : ! unref ( qa ) . isEditOnLeft } ] ) } , [ createVNode ( Kf , null , { default : withCtx ( ( ) => [ createVNode ( sh , null , { default : withCtx ( ( ) => Gf [ 9 ] || ( Gf [ 9 ] = [ createBaseVNode ( " te
` ;Ud.replaceSelection(Xd+Xd,null),Nd(Ud,-1),Vd=Ud.listSelections();for(var yf=0;yf<Vd.length;yf++){var Qd=Vd[yf].head.line;Ud.indentLine(Qd,null,!0),Ud.indentLine(Qd+1,null,!0)}})}function Nd(Ud,Fd){for(var Hd=[],Vd=Ud.listSelections(),zd=0,Yd=0;Yd<Vd.length;Yd++){var Xd=Vd[Yd];Xd.head==Ud.getCursor()&&(zd=Yd);var yf=Xd.head.ch||Fd>0?{line:Xd.head.line,ch:Xd.head.ch+Fd}:{line:Xd.head.line-1};Hd.push({anchor:yf,head:yf})}Ud.setSelections(Hd,zd)}function Od(Ud){var Fd=nd.cmpPos(Ud.anchor,Ud.head)>0;return{anchor:new ld(Ud.anchor.line,Ud.anchor.ch+(Fd?-1:1)),head:new ld(Ud.head.line,Ud.head.ch+(Fd?1:-1))}}function kd(Ud,Fd){var Hd=md(Ud);if(!Hd||Ud.getOption("disableInput"))return nd.Pass;var Vd=ud(Hd,"pairs"),zd=Vd.indexOf(Fd);if(zd==-1)return nd.Pass;for(var Yd=ud(Hd,"closeBefore"),Xd=ud(Hd,"triples"),yf=Vd.charAt(zd+1)==Fd,Qd=Ud.listSelections(),pf=zd%2==0,mf,Tf=0;Tf<Qd.length;Tf++){var vf=Qd[Tf],Af=vf.head,Sf,Df=Ud.getRange(Af,ld(Af.line,Af.ch+1));if(pf&&!vf.empty())Sf="surround";else if((yf||!pf)&&Df==Fd)yf&&Gd(Ud,Af)?Sf="both":Xd.indexOf(Fd)>=0&&Ud.getRange(Af,ld(Af.line,Af.ch+3))==Fd+Fd+Fd?Sf="skipThree":Sf="skip";else if(yf&&Af.ch>1&&Xd.indexOf(Fd)>=0&&Ud.getRange(ld(Af.line,Af.ch-2),Af)==Fd+Fd){if(Af.ch>2&&/ \b string/.test(Ud.getTokenTypeAt(ld(Af.line,Af.ch-2))))return nd.Pass;Sf="addFour"}else if(yf){var If=Af.ch==0?" ":Ud.getRange(ld(Af.line,Af.ch-1),Af);if(!nd.isWordChar(Df)&&If!=Fd&&!nd.isWordChar(If))Sf="both";else return nd.Pass}else if(pf&&(Df.length===0||/ \s /.test(Df)||Yd.indexOf(Df)>-1))Sf="both";else return nd.Pass;if(!mf)mf=Sf;else if(mf!=Sf)return nd.Pass}var Gf=zd%2?Vd.charAt(zd-1):Fd,Qf=zd%2?Fd:Vd.charAt(zd+1);Ud.operation(function(){if(mf=="skip")Nd(Ud,1);else if(mf=="skipThree")Nd(Ud,3);else if(mf=="surround"){for(var ih=Ud.getSelections(),sh=0;sh<ih.length;sh++)ih[sh]=Gf+ih[sh]+Qf;Ud.replaceSelections(ih,"around"),ih=Ud.listSelections().slice();for(var sh=0;sh<ih.length;sh++)ih[sh]=Od(ih[sh]);Ud.setSelections(ih)}else mf=="both"?(Ud.replaceSelection(Gf+Qf,null),Ud.triggerElectric(Gf+Qf),Nd(Ud,-1)):mf=="addFour"&&(Ud.replaceSelection(Gf+Gf+Gf+Gf,"before"),Nd(Ud,1))})}function Ld(Ud,Fd){var Hd=Ud.getRange(ld(Fd.line,Fd.ch-1),ld(Fd.line,Fd.ch+1));return Hd.length==2?Hd:null}function Gd(Ud,Fd){var Hd=Ud.getTokenAt(ld(Fd.line,Fd.ch+1));return/ \b string/.test(Hd.type)&&Hd.start==Fd.ch&&(Fd.ch==0||!/ \b string/.test(Ud.getTokenTypeAt(Fd)))}})})();(function(Ra,qa){(function(nd){nd(requireCodemirror())})(function(nd){var od=/MSIE \d /.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(document.documentMode==null||document.documentMode<8),ld=nd.Pos,ud={"(":")>",")":"(<","[":"]>","]":"[<","{":"}>","}":"{<","<":">>",">":"<<"};function dd(Nd){return Nd&&Nd.bracketRegex||/[(){}[ \] ]/}function pd(Nd,Od,kd){var Ld=Nd.getLineHandle(Od.line),Gd=Od.ch-1,Ud=kd&&kd.afterCursor;Ud==null&&(Ud=/(^| )cm-fat-cursor( $ | )/.test(Nd.getWrapperElement().className));var Fd=dd(kd),Hd=!Ud&&Gd>=0&&Fd.test(Ld.text.charAt(Gd))&&ud[Ld.text.charAt(Gd)]||Fd.test(Ld.text.charAt(Gd+1))&&ud[Ld.text.charAt(++Gd)];if(!Hd)return null;var Vd=Hd.charAt(1)==">"?1:-1;if(kd&&kd.strict&&Vd>0!=(Gd==Od.ch))return null;var zd=Nd.getTokenTypeAt(ld(Od.line,Gd+1)),Yd=fd(Nd,ld(Od.line,Gd+(Vd>0?1:0)),Vd,zd,kd);return Yd==null?null:{from:ld(Od.line,Gd),to:Yd&&Yd.pos,match:Yd&&Yd.ch==Hd.charAt(0),forward:Vd>0}}function fd(Nd,Od,kd,Ld,Gd){for(var Ud=Gd&&Gd.maxScanLineLength||1e4,Fd=Gd&&Gd.maxScanLines||1e3,Hd=[],Vd=dd(Gd),zd=kd>0?Math.min(Od.line+Fd,Nd.lastLine()+1):Math.max(Nd.firstLine()-1,Od.line-Fd),Yd=Od.line;Yd!=zd;Yd+=kd){var Xd=Nd.getLine(Yd);if(Xd){var yf=kd>0?0:Xd.length-1,Qd=kd>0?Xd.length:-1;if(!(Xd.length>Ud))for(Yd==Od.line&&(yf=Od.ch-(kd<0?1:0));yf!=Qd;yf+=kd){var pf=Xd.charAt(yf);if(Vd.test(pf)&&(Ld===void 0||(Nd.getTokenTypeAt(ld(Yd,yf+1))||"")==(Ld||""))){var mf=ud[pf];if(mf&&mf.charAt(1)==">"==kd>0)Hd.push(pf);else if(Hd.length)Hd.pop();else return{pos:ld(Yd,yf),ch:pf}}}}}return Yd-kd==(kd>0?Nd.lastLine():Nd.firstLine())?!1:null}function md(Nd,Od,kd){for(var Ld=Nd.state.matchBrackets.maxHighlightLineLength||1e3,Gd=kd&&kd.highlightNonMatching,Ud=[],Fd=Nd.listSelections(