2025-01-10 22:45:01 +08:00
import { _ as d , d as z , l as L , j as R , ah as de , D as at , ai as Z , aj as Yt , ak as ge , u as tt , al as ue , K as pe , k as fe , v as xe , A as ye , Q as be , am as we , an as xt , e as me , i as Tt } from "./md-index-Bnfgf3SL.js" ; import { c as Le } from "./md-clone-CbIJQipK.js" ; import { G as Se } from "./md-graph-B0Iz4t-i.js" ; import { c as ve } from "./md-channel-DXZqsp70.js" ; import "./md-_baseUniq-BKvYcAqy.js" ; var yt = function ( ) { var e = d ( function ( N , x , g , u ) { for ( g = g || { } , u = N . length ; u -- ; g [ N [ u ] ] = x ) ; return g } , "o" ) , t = [ 1 , 7 ] , r = [ 1 , 13 ] , n = [ 1 , 14 ] , i = [ 1 , 15 ] , a = [ 1 , 19 ] , s = [ 1 , 16 ] , l = [ 1 , 17 ] , o = [ 1 , 18 ] , f = [ 8 , 30 ] , h = [ 8 , 21 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 40 , 44 , 47 ] , y = [ 1 , 23 ] , b = [ 1 , 24 ] , m = [ 8 , 15 , 16 , 21 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 40 , 44 , 47 ] , E = [ 8 , 15 , 16 , 21 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 40 , 44 , 47 ] , D = [ 1 , 49 ] , v = { trace : d ( function ( ) { } , "trace" ) , yy : { } , symbols _ : { error : 2 , spaceLines : 3 , SPACELINE : 4 , NL : 5 , separator : 6 , SPACE : 7 , EOF : 8 , start : 9 , BLOCK _DIAGRAM _KEY : 10 , document : 11 , stop : 12 , statement : 13 , link : 14 , LINK : 15 , START _LINK : 16 , LINK _LABEL : 17 , STR : 18 , nodeStatement : 19 , columnsStatement : 20 , SPACE _BLOCK : 21 , blockStatement : 22 , classDefStatement : 23 , cssClassStatement : 24 , styleStatement : 25 , node : 26 , SIZE : 27 , COLUMNS : 28 , "id-block" : 29 , end : 30 , block : 31 , NODE _ID : 32 , nodeShapeNLabel : 33 , dirList : 34 , DIR : 35 , NODE _DSTART : 36 , NODE _DEND : 37 , BLOCK _ARROW _START : 38 , BLOCK _ARROW _END : 39 , classDef : 40 , CLASSDEF _ID : 41 , CLASSDEF _STYLEOPTS : 42 , DEFAULT : 43 , class : 44 , CLASSENTITY _IDS : 45 , STYLECLASS : 46 , style : 47 , STYLE _ENTITY _IDS : 48 , STYLE _DEFINITION _DATA : 49 , $accept : 0 , $end : 1 } , terminals _ : { 2 : "error" , 4 : "SPACELINE" , 5 : "NL" , 7 : "SPACE" , 8 : "EOF" , 10 : "BLOCK_DIAGRAM_KEY" , 15 : "LINK" , 16 : "START_LINK" , 17 : "LINK_LABEL" , 18 : "STR" , 21 : "SPACE_BLOCK" , 27 : "SIZE" , 28 : "COLUMNS" , 29 : "id-block" , 30 : "end" , 31 : "block" , 32 : "NODE_ID" , 35 : "DIR" , 36 : "NODE_DSTART" , 37 : "NODE_DEND" , 38 : "BLOCK_ARROW_START" , 39 : "BLOCK_ARROW_END" , 40 : "classDef" , 41 : "CLASSDEF_ID" , 42 : "CLASSDEF_STYLEOPTS" , 43 : "DEFAULT" , 44 : "class" , 45 : "CLASSENTITY_IDS" , 46 : "STYLECLASS" , 47 : "style" , 48 : "STYLE_ENTITY_IDS" , 49 : "STYLE_DEFINITION_DATA" } , productions _ : [ 0 , [ 3 , 1 ] , [ 3 , 2 ] , [ 3 , 2 ] , [ 6 , 1 ] , [ 6 , 1 ] , [ 6 , 1 ] , [ 9 , 3 ] , [ 12 , 1 ] , [ 12 , 1 ] , [ 12 , 2 ] , [ 12 , 2 ] , [ 11 , 1 ] , [ 11 , 2 ] , [ 14 , 1 ] , [ 14 , 4 ] , [ 13 , 1 ] , [ 13 , 1 ] , [ 13 , 1 ] , [ 13 , 1 ] , [ 13 , 1 ] , [ 13 , 1 ] , [ 13 , 1 ] , [ 19 , 3 ] , [ 19 , 2 ] , [ 19 , 1 ] , [ 20 , 1 ] , [ 22 , 4 ] , [ 22 , 3 ] , [ 26 , 1 ] , [ 26 , 2 ] , [ 34 , 1 ] , [ 34 , 2 ] , [ 33 , 3 ] , [ 33 , 4 ] , [ 23 , 3 ] , [ 23 , 3 ] , [ 24 , 3 ] , [ 25 , 3 ] ] , performAction : d ( function ( x , g , u , w , S , c , _ ) { var p = c . length - 1 ; switch ( S ) { case 4 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: separator (NL) " ) ; break ; case 5 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: separator (Space) " ) ; break ; case 6 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: separator (EOF) " ) ; break ; case 7 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: hierarchy: " , c [ p - 1 ] ) , w . setHierarchy ( c [ p - 1 ] ) ; break ; case 8 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Stop NL " ) ; break ; case 9 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Stop EOF " ) ; break ; case 10 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Stop NL2 " ) ; break ; case 11 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Stop EOF2 " ) ; break ; case 12 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: statement: " , c [ p ] ) , typeof c [ p ] . length == "number" ? this . $ = c [ p ] : this . $ = [ c [ p ] ] ; break ; case 13 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: statement #2: " , c [ p - 1 ] ) , this . $ = [ c [ p - 1 ] ] . concat ( c [ p ] ) ; break ; case 14 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: link: " , c [ p ] , x ) , this . $ = { edgeTypeStr : c [ p ] , label : "" } ; break ; case 15 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: LABEL link: " , c [ p - 3 ] , c [ p - 1 ] , c [ p ] ) , this . $ = { edgeTypeStr : c [ p ] , label : c [ p - 1 ] } ; break ; case 18 : const A = parseInt ( c [ p ] ) , O = w . generateId ( ) ; this . $ = { id : O , type : "space" , label : "" , width : A , children : [ ] } ; break ; case 23 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: (nodeStatement link node) " , c [ p - 2 ] , c [ p - 1 ] , c [ p ] , " typestr: " , c [ p - 1 ] . edgeTypeStr ) ; const X = w . edgeStrToEdgeData ( c [ p - 1 ] . edgeTypeStr ) ; this . $ = [ { id : c [ p - 2 ] . id , label : c [ p - 2 ] . label , type : c [ p - 2 ] . type , directions : c [ p - 2 ] . directions } , { id : c [ p - 2 ] . id + "-" + c [ p ] . id , start : c [ p - 2 ] . id , end : c [ p ] . id , label : c [ p - 1 ] . label , type : "edge" , directions : c [ p ] . directions , arrowTypeEnd : X , arrowTypeStart : "arrow_open" } , { id : c [ p ] . id , label : c [ p ] . label , type : w . typeStr2Type ( c [ p ] . typeStr ) , directions : c [ p ] . directions } ] ; break ; case 24 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: nodeStatement (abc88 node size) " , c [ p - 1 ] , c [ p ] ) , this . $ = { id : c [ p - 1 ] . id , label : c [ p - 1 ] . label , type : w . typeStr2Type ( c [ p - 1 ] . typeStr ) , directions : c [ p - 1 ] . directions , widthInColumns : parseInt ( c [ p ] , 10 ) } ; break ; case 25 : w . getLogger ( ) . debug ( "Rule: nodeStatement (node) " , c [ p ] ) , this . $ = { id : c [ p ] . id , label : c [ p ] . label , type : w . typeStr2Type ( c [ p ] . typeStr ) , directions : c [ p ] . directions , widthInColumns
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
` +M.showPosition()+ `
Expecting ` +it.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[Y]||Y)+"'":ft="Parse error on line "+(A+1)+": Unexpected "+(Y==W?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[Y]||Y)+"'"),this.parseError(ft,{text:M.match,token:this.terminals_[Y]||Y,line:M.yylineno,loc:ut,expected:it})}if(U[0]instanceof Array&&U.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Q+", token: "+Y);switch(U[0]){case 1:u.push(Y),S.push(M.yytext),c.push(M.yylloc),u.push(U[1]),Y=null,O=M.yyleng,p=M.yytext,A=M.yylineno,ut=M.yylloc;break;case 2:if(q=this.productions_[U[1]][1], $ . $ =S[S.length-q], $ ._ $ ={first_line:c[c.length-(q||1)].first_line,last_line:c[c.length-1].last_line,first_column:c[c.length-(q||1)].first_column,last_column:c[c.length-1].last_column},oe&&( $ ._ $ .range=[c[c.length-(q||1)].range[0],c[c.length-1].range[1]]),pt=this.performAction.apply( $ ,[p,O,A,J.yy,U[1],S,c].concat(ce)),typeof pt<"u")return pt;q&&(u=u.slice(0,-1*q*2),S=S.slice(0,-1*q),c=c.slice(0,-1*q)),u.push(this.productions_[U[1]][0]),S.push( $ . $ ),c.push( $ ._ $ ),Nt=_[u[u.length-2]][u[u.length-1]],u.push(Nt);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},T=function(){var N={EOF:1,parseError:d(function(g,u){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(g,u);else throw new Error(g)},"parseError"),setInput:d(function(x,g){return this.yy=g||this.yy||{},this._input=x,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:d(function(){var x=this._input[0];this.yytext+=x,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=x,this.matched+=x;var g=x.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return g?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),x},"input"),unput:d(function(x){var g=x.length,u=x.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=x+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-g),this.offset-=g;var w=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),u.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=u.length-1);var S=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:u?(u.length===w.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+w[w.length-u.length].length-u[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-g},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[S[0],S[0]+this.yyleng-g]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:d(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:d(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:d(function(x){this.unput(this.match.slice(x))},"less"),pastInput:d(function(){var x=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(x.length>20?"...":"")+x.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:d(function(){var x=this.match;return x.length<20&&(x+=this._input.substr(0,20-x.length)),(x.substr(0,20)+(x.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:d(function(){var x=this.pastInput(),g=new Array(x.length+1).join("-");return x+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +g+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:d(function(x,g){var u,w,S;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(S={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(S.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),w=x[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),w&&(this.yylineno+=w.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:w?w[w.length-1].length-w[w.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+x[0].length},this.yytext+=x[0],this.match+=x[0],this.matches=x,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(x[0].length),this.matched+=x[0],u=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,g,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),u)return u;if(this._backtrack){for(var c in S)this[c]=S[c];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:d(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var x,g,u,w;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var S=this._currentRules(),c=0;c<S.length;c++)if(u=this._input.match(this.rules[S[c]]),u&&(!g||u[0].length>g[0].length)){if(g=u,w=c,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(x=this.test_match(u,S[c]),x!==!1)return x;if(this._backtrack){g=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return g?(x=this.test_match(g,S[w]),x!==!1?x:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:d(function(){var g=this.next();return g||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:d(function(g){this.conditionStack.push(g)},"begin"),popState:d(function(){var g=this.conditionStack.length-1;return g>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:d(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:d(function(g){return g=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(g||0),g>=0?this.conditionStack[g]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:d(function(g){this.begin(g)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:d(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{},performAction:d(function(g,u,w,S){switch(w){case 0:return 10;case 1:return g.getLogger().debug("Found space-block"),31;case 2:return g.getLogger().debug("Found nl-block"),31;case 3:return g.getLogger().debug("Found space-block"),29;case 4:g.getLogger().debug(".",u.yytext);break;case 5:g.getLogger().debug("_",u.yytext);break;case 6:return 5;case 7:return u.yytext=-1,28;case 8:return u.yytext=u.yytext.replace(/columns \s +/,""),g.getLogger().debug("COLUMNS (LEX)",u.yytext),28;case 9:this.pushState("md_string");break;case 10:return"MD_STR";case 11:this.popState();break;case 12:this.pushState("string");break;case 13:g.getLogger().debug("LEX: POPPING STR:",u.yytext),this.popState();break;case 14:return g.getLogger().debug("LEX: STR end:",u.yytext),"STR";case 15:return u.yytext=u.yytext.replace(/space \: /,""),g.getLogger().debug("SPACE NUM (LEX)",u.yytext),21;case 16:return u.yytext="1",g.getLogger().debug("COLUMNS (LEX)",u.yytext),21;case 17:return 43;case 18:return"LINKSTYLE";case 19:return"INTERPOLATE";case 20:return this.pushState("CLASSDEF"),40;case 21:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),"DEFAULT_CLASSDEF_ID";case 22:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),41;case 23:return this.popState(),42;case 24:return this.pushState("CLASS"),44;case 25:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASS_STYLE"),45;case 26:return this.popState(),46;case 27:return this.pushState("STYLE_STMNT"),47;case 28:return this.popState(),this.pushState("STYLE_DEFINITION"),48;case 29:return this.popState(),49;case 30:return this.pushState("acc_title"),"acc_title";case 31:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";case 32:return this.pushState("acc_descr"),"acc_descr";case 33:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";case 34:this.pushState("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 35:this.popState();break;case 36:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 37:return 30;case 38:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";case 39:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";case 40:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: ))"),"NODE_DEND";case 41:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";case 42:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";case 43:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: (-"),"NODE_DEND";case 44:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: -)"),"NODE_DEND";case 45:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";case 46:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: ]]"),"NODE_DEND";case 47:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: ("),"NODE_DEND";case 48:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: ])"),"NODE_DEND";case 49:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: /]"),"NODE_DEND";case 50:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: /]"),"NODE_DEND";case 51:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: )]"),"NODE_DEND";case 52:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: )"),"NODE_DEND";case 53:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: ]>"),"NODE_DEND";case 54:return this.popState(),g.getLogger().debug("Lex: ]"),"NODE_DEND";case 55:return g.getLogger().debug("Lexa: -)"),this.pushState("NODE"),36;case 56:return g.getLogger().debug("Lexa: (-"),this.pushState(
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
font - family : $ { e . fontFamily } ;
color : $ { e . nodeTextColor || e . textColor } ;
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/* For html labels only */
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// background-color:
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/ * . c l u s t e r d i v {
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fill : $ { e . textColor } ;
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
` ,"getStyles"),Ue=Xe,je=d((e,t,r,n)=>{t.forEach(i=>{rr[i](e,r,n)})},"insertMarkers"),Ve=d((e,t,r)=>{L.trace("Making markers for ",r),e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-extensionStart").attr("class","marker extension "+t).attr("refX",18).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",190).attr("markerHeight",240).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 1,7 L18,13 V 1 Z"),e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-extensionEnd").attr("class","marker extension "+t).attr("refX",1).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",20).attr("markerHeight",28).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 1,1 V 13 L18,7 Z")},"extension"),Ge=d((e,t,r)=>{e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-compositionStart").attr("class","marker composition "+t).attr("refX",18).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",190).attr("markerHeight",240).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z"),e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-compositionEnd").attr("class","marker composition "+t).attr("refX",1).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",20).attr("markerHeight",28).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z")},"composition"),Ze=d((e,t,r)=>{e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-aggregationStart").attr("class","marker aggregation "+t).attr("refX",18).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",190).attr("markerHeight",240).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z"),e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-aggregationEnd").attr("class","marker aggregation "+t).attr("refX",1).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",20).attr("markerHeight",28).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z")},"aggregation"),qe=d((e,t,r)=>{e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-dependencyStart").attr("class","marker dependency "+t).attr("refX",6).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",190).attr("markerHeight",240).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 5,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z"),e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-dependencyEnd").attr("class","marker dependency "+t).attr("refX",13).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",20).attr("markerHeight",28).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 18,7 L9,13 L14,7 L9,1 Z")},"dependency"),Je=d((e,t,r)=>{e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-lollipopStart").attr("class","marker lollipop "+t).attr("refX",13).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",190).attr("markerHeight",240).attr("orient","auto").append("circle").attr("stroke","black").attr("fill","transparent").attr("cx",7).attr("cy",7).attr("r",6),e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-lollipopEnd").attr("class","marker lollipop "+t).attr("refX",1).attr("refY",7).attr("markerWidth",190).attr("markerHeight",240).attr("orient","auto").append("circle").attr("stroke","black").attr("fill","transparent").attr("cx",7).attr("cy",7).attr("r",6)},"lollipop"),Qe=d((e,t,r)=>{e.append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-pointEnd").attr("class","marker "+t).attr("viewBox","0 0 10 10").attr("refX",6).attr("refY",5).attr("markerUnits","userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth",12).attr("markerHeight",12).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z").attr("class","arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width",1).style("stroke-dasharray","1,0"),e.append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-pointStart").attr("class","marker "+t).attr("viewBox","0 0 10 10").attr("refX",4.5).attr("refY",5).attr("markerUnits","userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth",12).attr("markerHeight",12).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d","M 0 5 L 10 10 L 10 0 z").attr("class","arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width",1).style("stroke-dasharray","1,0")},"point"), $ e=d((e,t,r)=>{e.append("marker").attr("id",r+"_"+t+"-circleEnd").attr("class","marker "+t).attr("viewBox","0 0 10 10").attr("refX",11).attr("refY",5).attr("markerUnits","userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth",11).attr("markerHeight",11).attr("orient","auto").append("circle").attr("cx","5").attr("cy","5").attr("r","5").attr("class","arrowMarkerPath
2024-11-27 11:30:55 +08:00
outsidePoint : $ { JSON . stringify ( t ) }
insidePoint : $ { JSON . stringify ( r ) }
2024-12-15 20:16:30 +08:00
node : x : $ { e . x } y : $ { e . y } w : $ { e . width } h : $ { e . height } ` );const n=e.x,i=e.y,a=Math.abs(n-r.x),s=e.width/2;let l=r.x<t.x?s-a:s+a;const o=e.height/2,f=Math.abs(t.y-r.y),h=Math.abs(t.x-r.x);if(Math.abs(i-t.y)*s>Math.abs(n-t.x)*o){let y=r.y<t.y?t.y-o-i:i-o-t.y;l=h*y/f;const b={x:r.x<t.x?r.x+l:r.x-h+l,y:r.y<t.y?r.y+f-y:r.y-f+y};return l===0&&(b.x=t.x,b.y=t.y),h===0&&(b.x=t.x),f===0&&(b.y=t.y),L.debug( ` abc89 topp / bott calc , Q $ { f } , q $ { y } , R $ { h } , r $ { l } ` ,b),b}else{r.x<t.x?l=t.x-s-n:l=n-s-t.x;let y=f*l/h,b=r.x<t.x?r.x+h-l:r.x-h+l,m=r.y<t.y?r.y+y:r.y-y;return L.debug( ` sides calc abc89 , Q $ { f } , q $ { y } , R $ { h } , r $ { l } ` ,{_x:b,_y:m}),l===0&&(b=t.x,m=t.y),h===0&&(b=t.x),f===0&&(m=t.y),{x:b,y:m}}},"intersection"),Rt=d((e,t)=>{L.debug("abc88 cutPathAtIntersect",e,t);let r=[],n=e[0],i=!1;return e.forEach(a=>{if(!hr(t,a)&&!i){const s=dr(t,n,a);let l=!1;r.forEach(o=>{l=l||o.x===s.x&&o.y===s.y}),r.some(o=>o.x===s.x&&o.y===s.y)||r.push(s),i=!0}else n=a,i||r.push(a)}),r},"cutPathAtIntersect"),gr=d(function(e,t,r,n,i,a,s){let l=r.points;L.debug("abc88 InsertEdge: edge=",r,"e=",t);let o=!1;const f=a.node(t.v);var h=a.node(t.w);h!=null&&h.intersect&&(f!=null&&f.intersect)&&(l=l.slice(1,r.points.length-1),l.unshift(f.intersect(l[0])),l.push(h.intersect(l[l.length-1]))),r.toCluster&&(L.debug("to cluster abc88",n[r.toCluster]),l=Rt(r.points,n[r.toCluster].node),o=!0),r.fromCluster&&(L.debug("from cluster abc88",n[r.fromCluster]),l=Rt(l.reverse(),n[r.fromCluster].node).reverse(),o=!0);const y=l.filter(x=>!Number.isNaN(x.y));let b=be;r.curve&&(i==="graph"||i==="flowchart")&&(b=r.curve);const{x:m,y:E}=ue(r),D=pe().x(m).y(E).curve(b);let v;switch(r.thickness){case"normal":v="edge-thickness-normal";break;case"thick":v="edge-thickness-thick";break;case"invisible":v="edge-thickness-thick";break;default:v=""}switch(r.pattern){case"solid":v+=" edge-pattern-solid";break;case"dotted":v+=" edge-pattern-dotted";break;case"dashed":v+=" edge-pattern-dashed";break}const T=e.append("path").attr("d",D(y)).attr("id",r.id).attr("class"," "+v+(r.classes?" "+r.classes:"")).attr("style",r.style);let k="";(z().flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute||z().state.arrowMarkerAbsolute)&&(k=window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname+window.location.search,k=k.replace(/ \( /g," \\ ("),k=k.replace(/ \) /g," \\ )")),nr(T,r,k,s,i);let N={};return o&&(N.updatedPath=l),N.originalPath=r.points,N},"insertEdge"),ur=d(e=>{const t=new Set;for(const r of e)switch(r){case"x":t.add("right"),t.add("left");break;case"y":t.add("up"),t.add("down");break;default:t.add(r);break}return t},"expandAndDeduplicateDirections"),pr=d((e,t,r)=>{const n=ur(e),i=2,a=t.height+2*r.padding,s=a/i,l=t.width+2*s+r.padding,o=r.padding/2;return n.has("right")&&n.has("left")&&n.has("up")&&n.has("down")?[{x:0,y:0},{x:s,y:0},{x:l/2,y:2*o},{x:l-s,y:0},{x:l,y:0},{x:l,y:-a/3},{x:l+2*o,y:-a/2},{x:l,y:-2*a/3},{x:l,y:-a},{x:l-s,y:-a},{x:l/2,y:-a-2*o},{x:s,y:-a},{x:0,y:-a},{x:0,y:-2*a/3},{x:-2*o,y:-a/2},{x:0,y:-a/3}]:n.has("right")&&n.has("left")&&n.has("up")?[{x:s,y:0},{x:l-s,y:0},{x:l,y:-a/2},{x:l-s,y:-a},{x:s,y:-a},{x:0,y:-a/2}]:n.has("right")&&n.has("left")&&n.has("down")?[{x:0,y:0},{x:s,y:-a},{x:l-s,y:-a},{x:l,y:0}]:n.has("right")&&n.has("up")&&n.has("down")?[{x:0,y:0},{x:l,y:-s},{x:l,y:-a+s},{x:0,y:-a}]:n.has("left")&&n.has("up")&&n.has("down")?[{x:l,y:0},{x:0,y:-s},{x:0,y:-a+s},{x:l,y:-a}]:n.has("right")&&n.has("left")?[{x:s,y:0},{x:s,y:-o},{x:l-s,y:-o},{x:l-s,y:0},{x:l,y:-a/2},{x:l-s,y:-a},{x:l-s,y:-a+o},{x:s,y:-a+o},{x:s,y:-a},{x:0,y:-a/2}]:n.has("up")&&n.has("down")?[{x:l/2,y:0},{x:0,y:-o},{x:s,y:-o},{x:s,y:-a+o},{x:0,y:-a+o},{x:l/2,y:-a},{x:l,y:-a+o},{x:l-s,y:-a+o},{x:l-s,y:-o},{x:l,y:-o}]:n.has("right")&&n.has("up")?[{x:0,y:0},{x:l,y:-s},{x:0,y:-a}]:n.has("right")&&n.has("down")?[{x:0,y:0},{x:l,y:0},{x:0,y:-a}]:n.has("left")&&n.has("up")?[{x:l,y:0},{x:0,y:-s},{x:l,y:-a}]:n.has("left")&&n.has("down")?[{x:l,y:0},{x:0,y:0},{x:l,y:-a}]:n.has("right")?[{x:s,y:-o},{x:s,y:-o},{x:l-s,y:-o},{x:l-s,y:0},{x:l,y:-a/2},{x:l-s,y:-a},{x:l-s,y:-a+o},{x:s,y:-a+o},{x:s,y:-a+o}]:n.has("left")?[{x:s,y:0},{x:s,y