diff --git a/assets/scripts/util.js b/assets/scripts/util.js
index a9eddba..04bdd0d 100644
--- a/assets/scripts/util.js
+++ b/assets/scripts/util.js
@@ -27,34 +27,34 @@ function customCssWithTemplate(template) {
let customCss = customCssWithTemplate(default_theme);
-// css转json
+ * 将CSS形式的字符串转换为JSON
+ *
+ * @param {css字符串} css
+ */
function css2json(css) {
- // Remove all comments from the css-file
+ // 移除CSS所有注释
while ((open = css.indexOf("/*")) !== -1 &&
(close = css.indexOf("*/")) !== -1) {
css = css.substring(0, open) + css.substring(close + 2);
- // Initialize the return value _json_.
+ // 初始化返回值
let json = {};
- // Each rule gets parsed and then removed from _css_ until all rules have been
- // parsed.
while (css.length > 0) {
- // Save the index of the first left bracket and first right bracket.
+ // 存储第一个左/右花括号的下标
const lbracket = css.indexOf('{');
const rbracket = css.indexOf('}');
- // ## Part 1: The declarations
- //
- // Transform the declarations to an object. For example, the declarations
- // `font: 'Times New Roman' 1em; color: #ff0000; margin-top: 1em;`
- // result in the object
- // `{"font": "'Times New Roman' 1em", "color": "#ff0000", "margin-top": "1em"}`.
- // Helper method that transform an array to a object, by splitting each
- // declaration (_font: Arial_) into key (_font_) and value(_Arial_).
+ // 第一步:将声明转换为Object,如:
+ // `font: 'Times New Roman' 1em; color: #ff0000; margin-top: 1em;`
+ // ==>
+ // `{"font": "'Times New Roman' 1em", "color": "#ff0000", "margin-top": "1em"}`
+ // 辅助方法:将array转为object
function toObject(array) {
let ret = {};
array.forEach(e => {
@@ -66,43 +66,41 @@ function css2json(css) {
return ret;
- // Split the declaration block of the first rule into an array and remove
- // whitespace from each declaration.
+ // 切割声明块并移除空白符,然后放入数组中
let declarations = css.substring(lbracket + 1, rbracket)
.map(e => e.trim())
- .filter(e => e.length > 0); // Remove any empty ("") values from the array
+ .filter(e => e.length > 0); // 移除所有""空值
- // _declaration_ is now an array reado to be transformed into an object.
+ // 转为Object对象
declarations = toObject(declarations);
- // ## Part 2: The selectors
- //
- // Each selector in the selectors block will be associated with the
- // declarations defined above. For example, `h1, p#bar {color: red}`
- // result in the object
+ // 第二步:选择器处理,每个选择器会与它对应的声明相关联,如:
+ // `h1, p#bar {color: red}`
+ // ==>
// {"h1": {color: red}, "p#bar": {color: red}}
- // Split the selectors block of the first rule into an array and remove
- // whitespace, e.g. `"h1, p#bar, span.foo"` get parsed to
- // `["h1", "p#bar", "span.foo"]`.
let selectors = css.substring(0, lbracket)
+ // 以,切割,并移除空格:`"h1, p#bar, span.foo"` => ["h1", "p#bar", "span.foo"]
.map(selector => selector.trim());
- // Iterate through each selector from _selectors_.
+ // 迭代赋值
selectors.forEach(selector => {
- // Initialize the json-object representing the declaration block of
- // _selector_.
+ // 若不存在,则先初始化
if (!json[selector]) json[selector] = {};
- // Save the declarations to the right selector
+ // 赋值到JSON
Object.keys(declarations).forEach(key => {
json[selector][key] = declarations[key];
- // Continue to next instance
+ // 继续下个声明块
css = css.slice(rbracket + 1).trim()
- // return the json data
+ // 返回JSON形式的结果串
return json;
\ No newline at end of file