Libin YANG e8b2c18c6d
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chore: add type check and upgrade packages (#418)
2024-09-18 09:44:51 +08:00

320 lines
8.9 KiB

import type { Block, Inline, Theme } from '@/types'
import type { PropertiesHyphen } from 'csstype'
import { prefix } from '@/config'
import juice from 'juice'
import * as prettierPluginBabel from 'prettier/plugins/babel'
import * as prettierPluginEstree from 'prettier/plugins/estree'
import * as prettierPluginMarkdown from 'prettier/plugins/markdown'
import * as prettierPluginCss from 'prettier/plugins/postcss'
import { format } from 'prettier/standalone'
export function addPrefix(str: string) {
return `${prefix}__${str}`
export function customizeTheme(theme: Theme, options: {
fontSize?: string
color?: string
}) {
const newTheme = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(theme))
const { fontSize, color } = options
if (fontSize) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
const v = newTheme.block[`h${i}`][`font-size`]
newTheme.block[`h${i}`][`font-size`] = `${Number(fontSize) * Number.parseFloat(v)}px`
if (color) {
newTheme.base[`--md-primary-color`] = color
return newTheme as Theme
export function customCssWithTemplate(jsonString: Partial<Record<Block | Inline, PropertiesHyphen>>, color: string, theme: Theme) {
const newTheme = customizeTheme(theme, { color })
const mergeProperties = <T extends Block | Inline = Block>(target: Record<T, PropertiesHyphen>, source: Partial<Record<Block | Inline, PropertiesHyphen>>, keys: T[]) => {
keys.forEach((key) => {
if (source[key]) {
target[key] = Object.assign(target[key] || {}, source[key])
const blockKeys: Block[] = [
const inlineKeys: Inline[] = [`strong`, `codespan`, `link`, `wx_link`, `listitem`]
mergeProperties(newTheme.block, jsonString, blockKeys)
mergeProperties(newTheme.inline, jsonString, inlineKeys)
return newTheme
* 将 CSS 字符串转换为 JSON 对象
* @param {string} css - CSS 字符串
* @returns {object} - JSON 格式的 CSS
export function css2json(css: string): Partial<Record<Block | Inline, PropertiesHyphen>> {
// 去除所有 CSS 注释
css = css.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g, ``)
const json: Partial<Record<Block | Inline, PropertiesHyphen>> = {}
// 辅助函数:将声明数组转换为对象
const toObject = (array: any[]) =>
array.reduce<{ [k: string]: string }>((obj, item) => {
const [property, value] = item.split(`:`).map((part: string) => part.trim())
if (property)
obj[property] = value
return obj
}, {})
while (css.includes(`{`) && css.includes(`}`)) {
const lbracket = css.indexOf(`{`)
const rbracket = css.indexOf(`}`)
// 获取声明块并转换为对象
const declarations = css.substring(lbracket + 1, rbracket)
.map(e => e.trim())
// 获取选择器并去除空格
const selectors = css.substring(0, lbracket)
.map(selector => selector.trim()) as (Block | Inline)[]
const declarationObj = toObject(declarations)
// 将声明对象关联到相应的选择器
selectors.forEach((selector) => {
json[selector] = { ...(json[selector] || {}), ...declarationObj }
// 处理下一个声明块
css = css.slice(rbracket + 1).trim()
return json
* 格式化内容
* @param {string} content - 要格式化的内容
* @param {'markdown' | 'css'} [type] - 内容类型,决定使用的解析器,默认为'markdown'
* @returns {Promise<string>} - 格式化后的内容
export async function formatDoc(content: string, type: `markdown` | `css` = `markdown`) {
const plugins = {
markdown: [prettierPluginMarkdown, prettierPluginBabel, prettierPluginEstree],
css: [prettierPluginCss],
const parser = type in plugins ? type : `markdown`
return await format(content, {
plugins: plugins[parser],
* 导出原始 Markdown 文档
* @param {string} doc - 文档内容
export function downloadMD(doc: string) {
const downLink = document.createElement(`a`) = `` = `none`
const blob = new Blob([doc])
downLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
* 导出 HTML 生成内容
export function exportHTML() {
const element = document.querySelector(`#output`)!
const htmlStr = element.innerHTML
const downLink = document.createElement(`a`) = `content.html` = `none`
const blob = new Blob([
`<html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /></head><body><div style="width: 750px; margin: auto;">${htmlStr}</div></body></html>`,
downLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
function setStyles(element: Element) {
* 获取一个 DOM 元素的所有样式,
* @param {DOM 元素} element DOM 元素
* @param {排除的属性} excludes 如果某些属性对结果有不良影响,可以使用这个参数来排除
* @returns 行内样式拼接结果
function getElementStyles(element: Element, excludes = [`width`, `height`]) {
const styles = getComputedStyle(element, null)
return Object.entries(styles)
([key]) => styles.getPropertyValue(key) && !excludes.includes(key),
.map(([key, value]) => `${key}:${value};`)
switch (true) {
case isPre(element):
case isCode(element):
case isSpan(element):
element.setAttribute(`style`, getElementStyles(element))
if (element.children.length) {
Array.from(element.children).forEach(child => setStyles(child))
// 判断是否是包裹代码块的 pre 元素
function isPre(element: Element) {
return (
element.tagName === `PRE`
&& Array.from(element.classList).includes(`code__pre`)
// 判断是否是包裹代码块的 code 元素
function isCode(element: Element | null) {
if (element == null) {
return false
return element.tagName === `CODE`
// 判断是否是包裹代码字符的 span 元素
function isSpan(element: Element) {
return (
element.tagName === `SPAN`
&& (isCode(element.parentElement)
|| isCode((element.parentElement!).parentElement))
* 根据数据生成 Markdown 表格
* @param {object} options - 选项
* @param {object} - 表格数据
* @param {number} options.rows - 行数
* @param {number} options.cols - 列数
* @returns {string} 生成的 Markdown 表格
export function createTable({ data, rows, cols }: { data: { [k: string]: string }, rows: number, cols: number }) {
let table = ``
for (let i = 0; i < rows + 2; ++i) {
table += `| `
const currRow = []
for (let j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
const rowIdx = i > 1 ? i - 1 : i
currRow.push(i === 1 ? `---` : data[`k_${rowIdx}_${j}`] || ` `)
table += currRow.join(` | `)
table += ` |\n`
return table
export function toBase64(file: Blob) {
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = () => resolve((reader.result as string).split(`,`).pop()!)
reader.onerror = error => reject(error)
export function checkImage(file: File) {
// 检查文件名后缀
const isValidSuffix = /\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$/i.test(
if (!isValidSuffix) {
return {
ok: false,
msg: `请上传 JPG/PNG/GIF 格式的图片`,
// 检查文件大小
const maxSizeMB = 10
if (file.size > maxSizeMB * 1024 * 1024) {
return {
ok: false,
msg: `由于公众号限制,图片大小不能超过 ${maxSizeMB}M`,
return { ok: true }
* 移除左边多余空格
* @param {string} str
* @returns string
export function removeLeft(str: string) {
const lines = str.split(`\n`)
// 获取应该删除的空白符数量
const minSpaceNum = lines
.filter(item => item.trim())
.map(item => (item.match(/(^\s+)?/)!)[0].length)
.sort((a, b) => a - b)[0]
// 删除空白符
return => item.slice(minSpaceNum)).join(`\n`)
export function solveWeChatImage() {
const clipboardDiv = document.getElementById(`output`)!
const images = clipboardDiv.getElementsByTagName(`img`)
for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
const image = images[i]
const width = image.getAttribute(`width`)!
const height = image.getAttribute(`height`)!
image.removeAttribute(`height`) = width = height
export function mergeCss(html: string) {
return juice(html, {
inlinePseudoElements: true,
preserveImportant: true,