5.15.2: qcocoaaccessibility.mm original

This commit is contained in:
kleuter 2021-05-12 20:49:50 +02:00
parent 4e79ef8198
commit 5ed976c3ac

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@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qcocoaaccessibility.h"
#include "qcocoaaccessibilityelement.h"
#include <QtGui/qaccessible.h>
#include <private/qcore_mac_p.h>
void QCocoaAccessibility::notifyAccessibilityUpdate(QAccessibleEvent *event)
if (!isActive() || !event->accessibleInterface() || !event->accessibleInterface()->isValid())
QMacAccessibilityElement *element = [QMacAccessibilityElement elementWithId: event->uniqueId()];
if (!element) {
qWarning("QCocoaAccessibility::notifyAccessibilityUpdate: invalid element");
switch (event->type()) {
case QAccessible::Focus: {
NSAccessibilityPostNotification(element, NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification);
case QAccessible::StateChanged:
case QAccessible::ValueChanged:
case QAccessible::TextInserted:
case QAccessible::TextRemoved:
case QAccessible::TextUpdated:
NSAccessibilityPostNotification(element, NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification);
case QAccessible::TextCaretMoved:
case QAccessible::TextSelectionChanged:
NSAccessibilityPostNotification(element, NSAccessibilitySelectedTextChangedNotification);
case QAccessible::NameChanged:
NSAccessibilityPostNotification(element, NSAccessibilityTitleChangedNotification);
void QCocoaAccessibility::setRootObject(QObject *o)
void QCocoaAccessibility::initialize()
void QCocoaAccessibility::cleanup()
namespace QCocoaAccessible {
typedef QMap<QAccessible::Role, NSString *> QMacAccessibiltyRoleMap;
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMacAccessibiltyRoleMap, qMacAccessibiltyRoleMap);
static void populateRoleMap()
QMacAccessibiltyRoleMap &roleMap = *qMacAccessibiltyRoleMap();
roleMap[QAccessible::MenuItem] = NSAccessibilityMenuItemRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::MenuBar] = NSAccessibilityMenuBarRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ScrollBar] = NSAccessibilityScrollBarRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Grip] = NSAccessibilityGrowAreaRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Window] = NSAccessibilityWindowRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Dialog] = NSAccessibilityWindowRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::AlertMessage] = NSAccessibilityWindowRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ToolTip] = NSAccessibilityWindowRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::HelpBalloon] = NSAccessibilityWindowRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::PopupMenu] = NSAccessibilityMenuRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Application] = NSAccessibilityApplicationRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Pane] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Grouping] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Separator] = NSAccessibilitySplitterRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ToolBar] = NSAccessibilityToolbarRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::PageTab] = NSAccessibilityRadioButtonRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ButtonMenu] = NSAccessibilityMenuButtonRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ButtonDropDown] = NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::SpinBox] = NSAccessibilityIncrementorRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Slider] = NSAccessibilitySliderRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ProgressBar] = NSAccessibilityProgressIndicatorRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ComboBox] = NSAccessibilityComboBoxRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::RadioButton] = NSAccessibilityRadioButtonRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::CheckBox] = NSAccessibilityCheckBoxRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::StaticText] = NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Table] = NSAccessibilityTableRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::StatusBar] = NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Column] = NSAccessibilityColumnRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ColumnHeader] = NSAccessibilityColumnRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Row] = NSAccessibilityRowRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::RowHeader] = NSAccessibilityRowRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Cell] = NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Button] = NSAccessibilityButtonRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::EditableText] = NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Link] = NSAccessibilityLinkRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Indicator] = NSAccessibilityValueIndicatorRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Splitter] = NSAccessibilitySplitGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::List] = NSAccessibilityListRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ListItem] = NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Cell] = NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Client] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Paragraph] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Section] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::WebDocument] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ColorChooser] = NSAccessibilityColorWellRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Footer] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Form] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Heading] = @"AXHeading";
roleMap[QAccessible::Note] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::ComplementaryContent] = NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
roleMap[QAccessible::Graphic] = NSAccessibilityImageRole;
Returns a Cocoa accessibility role for the given interface, or
NSAccessibilityUnknownRole if no role mapping is found.
NSString *macRole(QAccessibleInterface *interface)
QAccessible::Role qtRole = interface->role();
QMacAccessibiltyRoleMap &roleMap = *qMacAccessibiltyRoleMap();
if (roleMap.isEmpty())
// MAC_ACCESSIBILTY_DEBUG() << "role for" << interface.object() << "interface role" << Qt::hex << qtRole;
if (roleMap.contains(qtRole)) {
// MAC_ACCESSIBILTY_DEBUG() << "return" << roleMap[qtRole];
if (roleMap[qtRole] == NSAccessibilityTextFieldRole && interface->state().multiLine)
return NSAccessibilityTextAreaRole;
return roleMap[qtRole];
// Treat unknown Qt roles as generic group container items. Returning
// NSAccessibilityUnknownRole is also possible but makes the screen
// reader focus on the item instead of passing focus to child items.
// MAC_ACCESSIBILTY_DEBUG() << "return NSAccessibilityGroupRole for unknown Qt role";
return NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
Returns a Cocoa sub role for the given interface.
NSString *macSubrole(QAccessibleInterface *interface)
QAccessible::State s = interface->state();
if (s.searchEdit)
return NSAccessibilitySearchFieldSubrole;
if (s.passwordEdit)
return NSAccessibilitySecureTextFieldSubrole;
return nil;
Cocoa accessibility supports ignoring elements, which means that
the elements are still present in the accessibility tree but is
not used by the screen reader.
bool shouldBeIgnored(QAccessibleInterface *interface)
// Cocoa accessibility does not have an attribute that corresponds to the Invisible/Offscreen
// state. Ignore interfaces with those flags set.
const QAccessible::State state = interface->state();
if (state.invisible ||
state.offscreen ||
return true;
// Some roles are not interesting. In particular, container roles should be
// ignored in order to flatten the accessibility tree as seen by the user.
const QAccessible::Role role = interface->role();
if (role == QAccessible::Border || // QFrame
role == QAccessible::Application || // We use the system-provided application element.
role == QAccessible::ToolBar || // Access the tool buttons directly.
role == QAccessible::Pane || // Scroll areas.
role == QAccessible::Client) // The default for QWidget.
return true;
NSString *mac_role = macRole(interface);
if (mac_role == NSAccessibilityWindowRole || // We use the system-provided window elements.
mac_role == NSAccessibilityUnknownRole)
return true;
// Client is a generic role returned by plain QWidgets or other
// widgets that does not have separate QAccessible interface, such
// as the TabWidget. Return false unless macRole gives the interface
// a special role.
if (role == QAccessible::Client && mac_role == NSAccessibilityUnknownRole)
return true;
if (QObject * const object = interface->object()) {
const QString className = QLatin1String(object->metaObject()->className());
// VoiceOver focusing on tool tips can be confusing. The contents of the
// tool tip is available through the description attribute anyway, so
// we disable accessibility for tool tips.
if (className == QLatin1String("QTipLabel"))
return true;
return false;
NSArray<QMacAccessibilityElement *> *unignoredChildren(QAccessibleInterface *interface)
int numKids = interface->childCount();
// qDebug() << "Children for: " << axid << iface << " are: " << numKids;
NSMutableArray<QMacAccessibilityElement *> *kids = [NSMutableArray<QMacAccessibilityElement *> arrayWithCapacity:numKids];
for (int i = 0; i < numKids; ++i) {
QAccessibleInterface *child = interface->child(i);
if (!child || !child->isValid() || child->state().invalid || child->state().invisible)
QAccessible::Id childId = QAccessible::uniqueId(child);
//qDebug() << " kid: " << childId << child;
QMacAccessibilityElement *element = [QMacAccessibilityElement elementWithId: childId];
if (element)
[kids addObject: element];
qWarning("QCocoaAccessibility: invalid child");
return NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren(kids);
Translates a predefined QAccessibleActionInterface action to a Mac action constant.
Returns 0 if the Qt Action has no mac equivalent. Ownership of the NSString is
not transferred.
NSString *getTranslatedAction(const QString &qtAction)
if (qtAction == QAccessibleActionInterface::pressAction())
return NSAccessibilityPressAction;
else if (qtAction == QAccessibleActionInterface::increaseAction())
return NSAccessibilityIncrementAction;
else if (qtAction == QAccessibleActionInterface::decreaseAction())
return NSAccessibilityDecrementAction;
else if (qtAction == QAccessibleActionInterface::showMenuAction())
return NSAccessibilityShowMenuAction;
else if (qtAction == QAccessibleActionInterface::setFocusAction()) // Not 100% sure on this one
return NSAccessibilityRaiseAction;
else if (qtAction == QAccessibleActionInterface::toggleAction())
return NSAccessibilityPressAction;
// Not translated:
// Qt:
// static const QString &checkAction();
// static const QString &uncheckAction();
// Cocoa:
// NSAccessibilityConfirmAction;
// NSAccessibilityPickAction;
// NSAccessibilityCancelAction;
// NSAccessibilityDeleteAction;
return nil;
Translates between a Mac action constant and a QAccessibleActionInterface action
Returns an empty QString if there is no Qt predefined equivalent.
QString translateAction(NSString *nsAction, QAccessibleInterface *interface)
if ([nsAction compare: NSAccessibilityPressAction] == NSOrderedSame) {
if (interface->role() == QAccessible::CheckBox || interface->role() == QAccessible::RadioButton)
return QAccessibleActionInterface::toggleAction();
return QAccessibleActionInterface::pressAction();
} else if ([nsAction compare: NSAccessibilityIncrementAction] == NSOrderedSame)
return QAccessibleActionInterface::increaseAction();
else if ([nsAction compare: NSAccessibilityDecrementAction] == NSOrderedSame)
return QAccessibleActionInterface::decreaseAction();
else if ([nsAction compare: NSAccessibilityShowMenuAction] == NSOrderedSame)
return QAccessibleActionInterface::showMenuAction();
else if ([nsAction compare: NSAccessibilityRaiseAction] == NSOrderedSame)
return QAccessibleActionInterface::setFocusAction();
// See getTranslatedAction for not matched translations.
return QString();
bool hasValueAttribute(QAccessibleInterface *interface)
const QAccessible::Role qtrole = interface->role();
if (qtrole == QAccessible::EditableText
|| qtrole == QAccessible::StaticText
|| interface->valueInterface()
|| interface->state().checkable) {
return true;
return false;
id getValueAttribute(QAccessibleInterface *interface)
const QAccessible::Role qtrole = interface->role();
if (qtrole == QAccessible::StaticText) {
return interface->text(QAccessible::Name).toNSString();
if (qtrole == QAccessible::EditableText) {
if (QAccessibleTextInterface *textInterface = interface->textInterface()) {
int begin = 0;
int end = textInterface->characterCount();
QString text;
if (interface->state().passwordEdit) {
// return round password replacement chars
text = QString(end, QChar(0x2022));
} else {
// VoiceOver will read out the entire text string at once when returning
// text as a value. For large text edits the size of the returned string
// needs to be limited and text range attributes need to be used instead.
// NSTextEdit returns the first sentence as the value, Do the same here:
// ### call to textAfterOffset hangs. Booo!
//if (textInterface->characterCount() > 0)
// textInterface->textAfterOffset(0, QAccessible2::SentenceBoundary, &begin, &end);
text = textInterface->text(begin, end);
return text.toNSString();
if (QAccessibleValueInterface *valueInterface = interface->valueInterface()) {
return valueInterface->currentValue().toString().toNSString();
if (interface->state().checkable) {
return interface->state().checked ? @(1) : @(0);
return nil;
} // namespace QCocoaAccessible