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// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#ifndef MAKEFILE_H
#define MAKEFILE_H
#include "option.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "makefiledeps.h"
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qhash.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <functional>
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
#define QT_POPEN _popen
#define QT_POPEN_READ "rb"
#define QT_PCLOSE _pclose
#define QT_POPEN popen
#define QT_POPEN_READ "r"
#define QT_PCLOSE pclose
struct ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey;
class MakefileGenerator : protected QMakeSourceFileInfo
QString spec;
bool no_io = false;
bool resolveDependenciesInFrameworks = false;
QHash<QString, bool> init_compiler_already;
QString makedir, chkexists;
QString fullBuildArgs();
//internal caches
mutable QHash<QString, QMakeLocalFileName> depHeuristicsCache;
mutable QHash<QString, QStringList> dependsCache;
mutable QHash<ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey, QString> extraCompilerVariablesCache;
// We can't make it visible to VCFilter in VS2008 except by making it public or directly friending it.
enum ReplaceFor { NoShell, LocalShell, TargetShell };
ProStringList createObjectList(const ProStringList &sources);
//makefile style generator functions
void writeObj(QTextStream &, const char *src);
void writeInstalls(QTextStream &t, bool noBuild=false);
void writeHeader(QTextStream &t);
void writeSubDirs(QTextStream &t);
void writeMakeQmake(QTextStream &t, bool noDummyQmakeAll = false);
void writeExportedVariables(QTextStream &t);
void writeExtraVariables(QTextStream &t);
void writeExtraTargets(QTextStream &t);
QString resolveDependency(const QDir &outDir, const QString &file);
void callExtraCompilerDependCommand(const ProString &extraCompiler,
const QString &tmp_dep_cmd, const QString &inpf,
const QString &tmp_out, bool dep_lines, QStringList *deps,
bool existingDepsOnly,
bool checkCommandAvailability = false);
void writeExtraCompilerTargets(QTextStream &t);
void writeExtraCompilerVariables(QTextStream &t);
bool writeDummyMakefile(QTextStream &t);
virtual bool writeMakefile(QTextStream &t);
virtual void writeDefaultVariables(QTextStream &t);
QString pkgConfigPrefix() const;
QString pkgConfigFileName(bool fixify=true);
QString pkgConfigFixPath(QString) const;
void writePkgConfigFile(); // for pkg-config
//generating subtarget makefiles
struct SubTarget
QString name;
QString in_directory, out_directory;
QString profile, target, makefile;
ProStringList depends;
enum SubTargetFlags {
QList<MakefileGenerator::SubTarget*> findSubDirsSubTargets() const;
void writeSubTargetCall(QTextStream &t,
const QString &in_directory, const QString &in, const QString &out_directory, const QString &out,
const QString &out_directory_cdin, const QString &makefilein);
virtual void suppressBuiltinRules(QTextStream &t) const;
virtual void writeSubMakeCall(QTextStream &t, const QString &outDirectory_cdin,
const QString &makeFileIn);
virtual void writeSubTargets(QTextStream &t, QList<SubTarget*> subtargets, int flags);
virtual ProStringList extraSubTargetDependencies() { return {}; }
//extra compiler interface
bool verifyExtraCompiler(const ProString &c, const QString &f);
virtual QString replaceExtraCompilerVariables(const QString &, const QStringList &, const QStringList &, ReplaceFor forShell);
inline QString replaceExtraCompilerVariables(const QString &val, const QString &in, const QString &out, ReplaceFor forShell)
{ return replaceExtraCompilerVariables(val, QStringList(in), QStringList(out), forShell); }
//interface to the source file info
QMakeLocalFileName fixPathForFile(const QMakeLocalFileName &, bool) override;
QMakeLocalFileName findFileForDep(const QMakeLocalFileName &, const QMakeLocalFileName &) override;
QFileInfo findFileInfo(const QMakeLocalFileName &) override;
QMakeProject *project = nullptr;
virtual QString escapeFilePath(const QString &path) const = 0;
ProString escapeFilePath(const ProString &path) const;
template<typename A, typename B>
QString escapeFilePath(const QStringBuilder<A, B> &path) const
{ return escapeFilePath(QString(path)); }
QStringList escapeFilePaths(const QStringList &paths) const;
ProStringList escapeFilePaths(const ProStringList &paths) const;
virtual QString escapeDependencyPath(const QString &path) const;
ProString escapeDependencyPath(const ProString &path) const;
template<typename A, typename B>
QString escapeDependencyPath(const QStringBuilder<A, B> &path) const
{ return escapeDependencyPath(QString(path)); }
QStringList escapeDependencyPaths(const QStringList &paths) const;
ProStringList escapeDependencyPaths(const ProStringList &paths) const;
QStringList finalizeDependencyPaths(const QStringList &paths) const;
void verifyCompilers();
virtual void init();
void initOutPaths();
virtual bool inhibitMakeDirOutPath(const ProKey &path) const;
struct Compiler
QString variable_in;
enum CompilerFlag {
CompilerNoFlags = 0x00,
CompilerBuiltin = 0x01,
CompilerNoCheckDeps = 0x02,
CompilerRemoveNoExist = 0x04,
CompilerWarnNoExist = 0x08,
CompilerAddInputsAsMakefileDeps = 0x10
uint flags, type;
friend class QTypeInfo<Compiler>;
void initCompiler(const Compiler &comp);
enum VPATHFlag {
VPATH_NoFlag = 0x00,
VPATH_WarnMissingFiles = 0x01,
VPATH_RemoveMissingFiles = 0x02,
VPATH_NoFixify = 0x04
ProStringList findFilesInVPATH(ProStringList l, uchar flags, const QString &var="");
inline int findExecutable(const QStringList &cmdline)
{ int ret; canExecute(cmdline, &ret); return ret; }
bool canExecute(const QStringList &cmdline, int *argv0) const;
inline bool canExecute(const QString &cmdline) const
{ return canExecute(cmdline.split(' '), nullptr); }
bool mkdir(const QString &dir) const;
QString mkdir_p_asstring(const QString &dir, bool escape=true) const;
QString specdir();
//subclasses can use these to query information about how the generator was "run"
QString buildArgs(bool withExtra);
virtual QStringList &findDependencies(const QString &file);
virtual bool doDepends() const { return Option::mkfile::do_deps; }
void filterIncludedFiles(const char *);
void processSources();
//for installs
virtual QString defaultInstall(const QString &);
virtual QString installRoot() const;
//for prl
QString prlFileName(bool fixify=true);
void writePrlFile();
bool processPrlFile(QString &, bool baseOnly);
virtual void writePrlFile(QTextStream &);
//make sure libraries are found
virtual bool findLibraries(bool linkPrl, bool mergeLflags);
//for retrieving values and lists of values
virtual QString var(const ProKey &var) const;
QString varGlue(const ProKey &var, const QString &before, const QString &glue, const QString &after) const;
QString varList(const ProKey &var) const;
QString fixFileVarGlue(const ProKey &var, const QString &before, const QString &glue, const QString &after) const;
QString fileVarList(const ProKey &var) const;
QString fileVarGlue(const ProKey &var, const QString &before, const QString &glue, const QString &after) const;
QString fileVar(const ProKey &var) const;
QString depVar(const ProKey &var) const;
QString val(const ProStringList &varList) const;
QString val(const QStringList &varList) const;
QString valGlue(const QStringList &varList, const QString &before, const QString &glue, const QString &after) const;
QString valGlue(const ProStringList &varList, const QString &before, const QString &glue, const QString &after) const;
QString valList(const QStringList &varList) const;
QString valList(const ProStringList &varList) const;
QString filePrefixRoot(const QString &, const QString &);
enum LibFlagType { LibFlagLib, LibFlagPath, LibFlagFile, LibFlagOther };
virtual LibFlagType parseLibFlag(const ProString &flag, ProString *arg);
ProStringList fixLibFlags(const ProKey &var);
virtual ProString fixLibFlag(const ProString &lib);
//file fixification to unify all file names into a single pattern
enum FileFixifyType {
FileFixifyFromIndir = 0,
FileFixifyFromOutdir = 1,
FileFixifyToOutDir = 0,
FileFixifyToIndir = 2,
FileFixifyBackwards = FileFixifyFromOutdir | FileFixifyToIndir,
FileFixifyDefault = 0,
FileFixifyAbsolute = 4,
FileFixifyRelative = 8
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(FileFixifyTypes, FileFixifyType)
QString fileFixify(const QString &file, FileFixifyTypes fix = FileFixifyDefault, bool canon = true) const;
QStringList fileFixify(const QStringList &files, FileFixifyTypes fix = FileFixifyDefault, bool canon = true) const;
QString createSedArgs(const ProKey &replace_rule, const QString &file_type = QString()) const;
QString installMetaFile(const ProKey &replace_rule, const QString &src,
const QString &dst) const;
virtual bool processPrlFileBase(QString &origFile, QStringView origName,
QStringView fixedBase, int slashOff);
bool processPrlFileCore(QString &origFile, QStringView origName,
const QString &fixedFile);
QString createResponseFile(const QString &baseName,
const ProStringList &objList,
const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
struct LinkerResponseFileInfo
QString filePath;
bool onlyObjects;
bool isValid() const { return !filePath.isEmpty(); }
LinkerResponseFileInfo maybeCreateLinkerResponseFile() const;
QMakeProject *projectFile() const;
void setProjectFile(QMakeProject *p);
void setNoIO(bool o);
bool noIO() const;
inline bool exists(QString file) const { return fileInfo(file).exists(); }
QFileInfo fileInfo(QString file) const;
static MakefileGenerator *create(QMakeProject *);
virtual bool write();
virtual bool writeProjectMakefile();
virtual bool supportsMetaBuild() { return true; }
virtual bool supportsMergedBuilds() { return false; }
virtual bool mergeBuildProject(MakefileGenerator * /*other*/) { return false; }
virtual bool openOutput(QFile &, const QString &build) const;
bool isWindowsShell() const { return Option::dir_sep == QLatin1String("\\"); }
QString shellQuote(const QString &str) const;
virtual ProKey fullTargetVariable() const;
inline void MakefileGenerator::setNoIO(bool o)
{ no_io = o; }
inline bool MakefileGenerator::noIO() const
{ return no_io; }
inline QString MakefileGenerator::defaultInstall(const QString &)
{ return QString(""); }
inline QString MakefileGenerator::installRoot() const
{ return QStringLiteral("$(INSTALL_ROOT)"); }
inline bool MakefileGenerator::findLibraries(bool, bool)
{ return true; }
struct ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey
mutable size_t hash;
QString var, in, out, pwd;
MakefileGenerator::ReplaceFor forShell;
ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey(const QString &v, const QStringList &i, const QStringList &o, MakefileGenerator::ReplaceFor s);
bool operator==(const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &f) const;
inline size_t hashCode() const {
if (!hash)
hash = (size_t)forShell ^ qHash(var) ^ qHash(in) ^ qHash(out) /*^ qHash(pwd)*/;
return hash;
inline size_t qHash(const ReplaceExtraCompilerCacheKey &f) { return f.hashCode(); }
#endif // MAKEFILE_H