2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
# include <QTest>
# include <QTextDocument>
# include <QTextCursor>
# include <QTextBlock>
# include <QTextList>
# include <QTextTable>
# include <QBuffer>
# include <QDebug>
# include <QFontInfo>
# include <QLoggingCategory>
# include <private/qtextmarkdownwriter_p.h>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY ( lcTests , " qt.text.tests " )
class tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : public QObject
public slots :
void init ( ) ;
void cleanup ( ) ;
private slots :
void testWriteParagraph_data ( ) ;
void testWriteParagraph ( ) ;
void testWriteList ( ) ;
void testWriteEmptyList ( ) ;
void testWriteCheckboxListItemEndingWithCode ( ) ;
void testWriteNestedBulletLists_data ( ) ;
void testWriteNestedBulletLists ( ) ;
void testWriteNestedNumericLists ( ) ;
2023-11-01 22:23:55 +01:00
void testWriteNumericListWithStart ( ) ;
2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00
void testWriteTable ( ) ;
void rewriteDocument_data ( ) ;
void rewriteDocument ( ) ;
void fromHtml_data ( ) ;
void fromHtml ( ) ;
private :
bool isMainFontFixed ( ) ;
bool isFixedFontProportional ( ) ;
QString documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
private :
QTextDocument * document ;
} ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : init ( )
document = new QTextDocument ( ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : cleanup ( )
delete document ;
bool tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : isMainFontFixed ( )
bool ret = QFontInfo ( QGuiApplication : : font ( ) ) . fixedPitch ( ) ;
if ( ret ) {
qCWarning ( lcTests ) < < " QFontDatabase::GeneralFont is monospaced: markdown writing is likely to use too many backticks "
< < QFontDatabase : : systemFont ( QFontDatabase : : GeneralFont ) ;
return ret ;
bool tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : isFixedFontProportional ( )
bool ret = ! QFontInfo ( QFontDatabase : : systemFont ( QFontDatabase : : FixedFont ) ) . fixedPitch ( ) ;
if ( ret ) {
qCWarning ( lcTests ) < < " QFontDatabase::FixedFont is NOT monospaced: markdown writing is likely to use too few backticks "
< < QFontDatabase : : systemFont ( QFontDatabase : : FixedFont ) ;
return ret ;
QString tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : documentToUnixMarkdown ( )
QString ret ;
QTextStream ts ( & ret , QIODevice : : WriteOnly ) ;
QTextMarkdownWriter writer ( ts , QTextDocument : : MarkdownDialectGitHub ) ;
writer . writeAll ( document ) ;
return ret ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteParagraph_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " input " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " expectedOutput " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " empty " ) < < " " < <
" " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " spaces " ) < < " foobar word " < <
" foobar word \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " starting spaces " ) < < " starting spaces " < <
" starting spaces \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " trailing spaces " ) < < " trailing spaces " < <
" trailing spaces \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " tab " ) < < " word \t tab x " < <
" word \t tab x \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " tab2 " ) < < " word \t \t tab \t x " < <
" word \t \t tab \t x \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " misc " ) < < " foobar word \t tab x " < <
" foobar word \t tab x \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " misc2 " ) < < " \t \t Foo " < <
" \t \t Foo \n \n " ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteParagraph ( )
QFETCH ( QString , input ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , expectedOutput ) ;
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
cursor . insertText ( input ) ;
const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
if ( output ! = expectedOutput & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( output , expectedOutput ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteList ( )
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
QTextList * list = cursor . createList ( QTextListFormat : : ListDisc ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 1 " ) ;
list - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 2 " ) ;
list - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
const QString expected = QString : : fromLatin1 ( " - ListItem 1 \n - ListItem 2 \n " ) ;
if ( output ! = expected & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( output , expected ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteEmptyList ( )
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
cursor . createList ( QTextListFormat : : ListDisc ) ;
QCOMPARE ( documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) , QString : : fromLatin1 ( " - \n " ) ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteCheckboxListItemEndingWithCode ( )
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
QTextList * list = cursor . createList ( QTextListFormat : : ListDisc ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " Image.originalSize property (not necessary; PdfDocument.pagePointSize() substitutes) " ) ;
list - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
auto fmt = cursor . block ( ) . blockFormat ( ) ;
fmt . setMarker ( QTextBlockFormat : : MarkerType : : Unchecked ) ;
cursor . setBlockFormat ( fmt ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : PreviousWord , QTextCursor : : MoveAnchor , 2 ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : Left , QTextCursor : : MoveAnchor ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : PreviousWord , QTextCursor : : KeepAnchor , 4 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( cursor . selectedText ( ) , QString : : fromLatin1 ( " PdfDocument.pagePointSize() " ) ) ;
auto fmt = cursor . charFormat ( ) ;
fmt . setFontFixedPitch ( true ) ;
cursor . setCharFormat ( fmt ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : PreviousWord , QTextCursor : : MoveAnchor , 5 ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : Left , QTextCursor : : MoveAnchor ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : PreviousWord , QTextCursor : : KeepAnchor , 4 ) ;
QCOMPARE ( cursor . selectedText ( ) , QString : : fromLatin1 ( " Image.originalSize " ) ) ;
cursor . setCharFormat ( fmt ) ;
const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
const QString expected = QString : : fromLatin1 (
" - [ ] `Image.originalSize` property (not necessary; `PdfDocument.pagePointSize()` \n substitutes) \n " ) ;
if ( output ! = expected & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( output , expected ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteNestedBulletLists_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < bool > ( " checkbox " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < bool > ( " checked " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < bool > ( " continuationLine " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < bool > ( " continuationParagraph " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " expectedOutput " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " plain bullets " ) < < false < < false < < false < < false < <
" - ListItem 1 \n * ListItem 2 \n + ListItem 3 \n - ListItem 4 \n * ListItem 5 \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " bullets with continuation lines " ) < < false < < false < < true < < false < <
" - ListItem 1 \n * ListItem 2 \n + ListItem 3 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a \n continuation \n - ListItem 4 \n * ListItem 5 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a \n continuation \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " bullets with continuation paragraphs " ) < < false < < false < < false < < true < <
" - ListItem 1 \n \n * ListItem 2 \n + ListItem 3 \n \n continuation \n \n - ListItem 4 \n \n * ListItem 5 \n \n continuation \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " unchecked " ) < < true < < false < < false < < false < <
" - [ ] ListItem 1 \n * [ ] ListItem 2 \n + [ ] ListItem 3 \n - [ ] ListItem 4 \n * [ ] ListItem 5 \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " checked " ) < < true < < true < < false < < false < <
" - [x] ListItem 1 \n * [x] ListItem 2 \n + [x] ListItem 3 \n - [x] ListItem 4 \n * [x] ListItem 5 \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " checked with continuation lines " ) < < true < < true < < true < < false < <
" - [x] ListItem 1 \n * [x] ListItem 2 \n + [x] ListItem 3 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a \n continuation \n - [x] ListItem 4 \n * [x] ListItem 5 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a \n continuation \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " checked with continuation paragraphs " ) < < true < < true < < false < < true < <
" - [x] ListItem 1 \n \n * [x] ListItem 2 \n + [x] ListItem 3 \n \n continuation \n \n - [x] ListItem 4 \n \n * [x] ListItem 5 \n \n continuation \n \n " ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteNestedBulletLists ( )
QFETCH ( bool , checkbox ) ;
QFETCH ( bool , checked ) ;
QFETCH ( bool , continuationParagraph ) ;
QFETCH ( bool , continuationLine ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , expectedOutput ) ;
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
QTextBlockFormat blockFmt = cursor . blockFormat ( ) ;
if ( checkbox ) {
blockFmt . setMarker ( checked ? QTextBlockFormat : : MarkerType : : Checked : QTextBlockFormat : : MarkerType : : Unchecked ) ;
cursor . setBlockFormat ( blockFmt ) ;
QTextList * list1 = cursor . createList ( QTextListFormat : : ListDisc ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 1 " ) ;
list1 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
QTextListFormat fmt2 ;
fmt2 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListCircle ) ;
fmt2 . setIndent ( 2 ) ;
QTextList * list2 = cursor . insertList ( fmt2 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 2 " ) ;
QTextListFormat fmt3 ;
fmt3 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListSquare ) ;
fmt3 . setIndent ( 3 ) ;
cursor . insertList ( fmt3 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( continuationLine ?
" ListItem 3 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a continuation " :
" ListItem 3 " ) ;
if ( continuationParagraph ) {
QTextBlockFormat blockFmt ;
blockFmt . setIndent ( 2 ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( blockFmt ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " continuation " ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( blockFmt ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 4 " ) ;
list1 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( continuationLine ?
" ListItem 5 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a continuation " :
" ListItem 5 " ) ;
list2 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
if ( continuationParagraph ) {
QTextBlockFormat blockFmt ;
blockFmt . setIndent ( 2 ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( blockFmt ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " continuation " ) ;
const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
QFile out ( " /tmp/ " + QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentDataTag ( ) ) + " .md " ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( output . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
# endif
if ( output ! = expectedOutput & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( output , expectedOutput ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteNestedNumericLists ( )
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
QTextList * list1 = cursor . createList ( QTextListFormat : : ListDecimal ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 1 " ) ;
list1 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
QTextListFormat fmt2 ;
2023-11-01 22:23:55 +01:00
// Alpha "numbering" is not supported in markdown, so we'll actually get decimal.
2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00
fmt2 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListLowerAlpha ) ;
fmt2 . setNumberSuffix ( QLatin1String ( " ) " ) ) ;
fmt2 . setIndent ( 2 ) ;
QTextList * list2 = cursor . insertList ( fmt2 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 2 " ) ;
QTextListFormat fmt3 ;
fmt3 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListDecimal ) ;
fmt3 . setIndent ( 3 ) ;
cursor . insertList ( fmt3 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 3 " ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 4 " ) ;
list1 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 5 " ) ;
list2 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
2023-11-01 22:23:55 +01:00
QFile out ( QDir : : temp ( ) . filePath ( QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentTestFunction ( ) ) + " .md " ) ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( output . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
QFile out ( QDir : : temp ( ) . filePath ( QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentTestFunction ( ) ) + " .html " ) ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( document - > toHtml ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
# endif
// While we can set the start index for a block, if list items intersect each other, they will
// still use the list numbering.
2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00
const QString expected = QString : : fromLatin1 (
" 1. ListItem 1 \n 1) ListItem 2 \n 1. ListItem 3 \n 2. ListItem 4 \n 2) ListItem 5 \n " ) ;
if ( output ! = expected & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( output , expected ) ;
2023-11-01 22:23:55 +01:00
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteNumericListWithStart ( )
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
// The first list will start at 2.
QTextListFormat fmt1 ;
fmt1 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListDecimal ) ;
fmt1 . setStart ( 2 ) ;
QTextList * list1 = cursor . createList ( fmt1 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 1 " ) ;
list1 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
// This list uses the default start (1) again.
QTextListFormat fmt2 ;
// Alpha "numbering" is not supported in markdown, so we'll actually get decimal.
fmt2 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListLowerAlpha ) ;
fmt2 . setNumberSuffix ( QLatin1String ( " ) " ) ) ;
fmt2 . setIndent ( 2 ) ;
QTextList * list2 = cursor . insertList ( fmt2 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 2 " ) ;
// Negative list numbers are disallowed by most Markdown implementations. This list will start
// at 1 for that reason.
QTextListFormat fmt3 ;
fmt3 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListDecimal ) ;
fmt3 . setIndent ( 3 ) ;
fmt3 . setStart ( - 1 ) ;
cursor . insertList ( fmt3 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 3 " ) ;
// Continuing list1, so the second item will have the number 3.
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 4 " ) ;
list1 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
// This will look out of place: it's in a different position than its list would suggest.
// Generates invalid markdown numbering (OK for humans, but md4c will parse it differently than we "meant").
// TODO QTBUG-111707: the writer needs to add newlines, otherwise ListItem 5 becomes part of the text for ListItem 4.
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " ListItem 5 " ) ;
list2 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
// 0 indexed lists are fine.
QTextListFormat fmt4 ;
fmt4 . setStyle ( QTextListFormat : : ListDecimal ) ;
fmt4 . setStart ( 0 ) ;
QTextList * list4 = cursor . insertList ( fmt4 ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " SecondList Item 0 " ) ;
list4 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
// Ensure list numbers are incremented properly.
cursor . insertBlock ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " SecondList Item 1 " ) ;
list4 - > add ( cursor . block ( ) ) ;
const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
const QString expected = QString : : fromLatin1 (
R " (2. ListItem 1
1 ) ListItem 2
1. ListItem 3
3. ListItem 4
2 ) ListItem 5
0. SecondList Item 0
1. SecondList Item 1
) " );
QFile out ( QDir : : temp ( ) . filePath ( QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentTestFunction ( ) ) + " .md " ) ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( output . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
QFile out ( QDir : : temp ( ) . filePath ( QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentTestFunction ( ) ) + " .html " ) ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( document - > toHtml ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
# endif
if ( output ! = expected & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( output , expected ) ;
2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : testWriteTable ( )
QTextCursor cursor ( document ) ;
QTextTable * table = cursor . insertTable ( 4 , 3 ) ;
cursor = table - > cellAt ( 0 , 0 ) . firstCursorPosition ( ) ;
// valid Markdown tables need headers, but QTextTable doesn't make that distinction
// so QTextMarkdownWriter assumes the first row of any table is a header
cursor . insertText ( " one " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " two " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " three " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " alice " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " bob " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " carl " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " dennis " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " eric " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " fiona " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " gina " ) ;
| one | two | three |
| - - - - - - | - - - - | - - - - - |
| alice | bob | carl |
| dennis | eric | fiona |
| gina | | |
QString md = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
QFile out ( " /tmp/table.md " ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( md . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
# endif
QString expected = QString : : fromLatin1 (
" \n |one |two |three| \n |------|----|-----| \n |alice |bob |carl | \n |dennis|eric|fiona| \n |gina | | | \n \n " ) ;
if ( md ! = expected & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( md , expected ) ;
// create table with merged cells
document - > clear ( ) ;
cursor = QTextCursor ( document ) ;
table = cursor . insertTable ( 3 , 3 ) ;
table - > mergeCells ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 ) ;
table - > mergeCells ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 ) ;
cursor = table - > cellAt ( 0 , 0 ) . firstCursorPosition ( ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " a " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " b " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " c " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " d " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " e " ) ;
cursor . movePosition ( QTextCursor : : NextCell ) ;
cursor . insertText ( " f " ) ;
+ - - - + - +
| a | b |
+ - - - + - +
| c | d |
+ - + - + - +
| e | f | |
+ - + - + - +
| a | | b |
| - | - | - |
| c | d | |
| e | f | |
md = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
QFile out ( " /tmp/table-merged-cells.md " ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( md . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
# endif
expected = QString : : fromLatin1 ( " \n |a ||b| \n |-|-|-| \n |c|d || \n |e|f| | \n \n " ) ;
if ( md ! = expected & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( md , expected ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : rewriteDocument_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " inputFile " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " block quotes " ) < < " blockquotes.md " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " example " ) < < " example.md " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " list items after headings " ) < < " headingsAndLists.md " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " word wrap " ) < < " wordWrap.md " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " links " ) < < " links.md " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " lists and code blocks " ) < < " listsAndCodeBlocks.md " ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : rewriteDocument ( )
QFETCH ( QString , inputFile ) ;
QTextDocument doc ;
QFile f ( QFINDTESTDATA ( " data/ " + inputFile ) ) ;
QVERIFY ( f . open ( QFile : : ReadOnly | QIODevice : : Text ) ) ;
QString orig = QString : : fromUtf8 ( f . readAll ( ) ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
doc . setMarkdown ( orig ) ;
QString md = doc . toMarkdown ( ) ;
QFile out ( " /tmp/rewrite- " + inputFile ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( md . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
# endif
if ( md ! = orig & & isMainFontFixed ( ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( md , orig ) ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : fromHtml_data ( )
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " input " ) ;
QTest : : addColumn < QString > ( " expectedOutput " ) ;
QTest : : newRow ( " long URL " ) < <
" <span style= \" font-style:italic; \" >https://www.example.com/dir/subdir/subsubdir/subsubsubdir/subsubsubsubdir/subsubsubsubsubdir/</span> " < <
" *https://www.example.com/dir/subdir/subsubdir/subsubsubdir/subsubsubsubdir/subsubsubsubsubdir/* \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " non-emphasis inline asterisk " ) < < " 3 * 4 " < < " 3 * 4 \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " arithmetic " ) < < " (2 * a * x + b)^2 = b^2 - 4 * a * c " < < " (2 * a * x + b)^2 = b^2 - 4 * a * c \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " escaped asterisk after newline " ) < <
" The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a star. * This is wrapped, but is <em>not</em> a bullet point. " < <
" The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a star. \n \\ * This is wrapped, but is *not* a bullet point. \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " escaped plus after newline " ) < <
" The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a plus. + This is wrapped, but is <em>not</em> a bullet point. " < <
" The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a plus. \n \\ + This is wrapped, but is *not* a bullet point. \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " escaped hyphen after newline " ) < <
" The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a minus. - This is wrapped, but is <em>not</em> a bullet point. " < <
" The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a minus. \n \\ - This is wrapped, but is *not* a bullet point. \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " list items with indented continuations " ) < <
" <ul><li>bullet<p>continuation paragraph</p></li><li>another bullet<br/>continuation line</li></ul> " < <
" - bullet \n \n continuation paragraph \n \n - another bullet \n continuation line \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " nested list items with continuations " ) < <
" <ul><li>bullet<p>continuation paragraph</p></li><li>another bullet<br/>continuation line</li><ul><li>bullet<p>continuation paragraph</p></li><li>another bullet<br/>continuation line</li></ul></ul> " < <
" - bullet \n \n continuation paragraph \n \n - another bullet \n continuation line \n \n - bullet \n \n continuation paragraph \n \n - another bullet \n continuation line \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " nested ordered list items with continuations " ) < <
" <ol><li>item<p>continuation paragraph</p></li><li>another item<br/>continuation line</li><ol><li>item<p>continuation paragraph</p></li><li>another item<br/>continuation line</li></ol><li>another</li><li>another</li></ol> " < <
" 1. item \n \n continuation paragraph \n \n 2. another item \n continuation line \n \n 1. item \n \n continuation paragraph \n \n 2. another item \n continuation line \n \n 3. another \n 4. another \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " thematic break " ) < <
" something<hr/>something else " < <
" something \n \n - - - \n something else \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " block quote " ) < <
" <p>In 1958, Mahatma Gandhi was quoted as follows:</p><blockquote>The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not for every man's greed.</blockquote> " < <
" In 1958, Mahatma Gandhi was quoted as follows: \n \n > The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not for every man's \n > greed. \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " image " ) < <
" <img src= \" /url \" alt= \" foo \" title= \" title \" /> " < <
"  \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " code " ) < <
" <pre class= \" language-pseudocode \" > \n #include \" foo.h \" \n \n block { \n statement(); \n } \n \n </pre> " < <
" ```pseudocode \n #include \" foo.h \" \n \n block { \n statement(); \n } \n \n ``` \n \n " ;
// QTest::newRow("escaped number and paren after double newline") <<
// "<p>(The first sentence of this paragraph is a line, the next paragraph has a number</p>13) but that's not part of an ordered list" <<
// "(The first sentence of this paragraph is a line, the next paragraph has a number\n\n13\\) but that's not part of an ordered list\n\n";
QTest : : newRow ( " preformats with embedded backticks " ) < <
" <pre>none `one` ``two``</pre>plain<pre>```three``` ````four````</pre>plain " < <
" ``` \n none `one` ``two`` \n \n ``` \n plain \n \n ``` \n ```three``` ````four```` \n \n ``` \n plain \n \n " ;
QTest : : newRow ( " list items with and without checkboxes " ) < <
" <ul><li>bullet</li><li class= \" unchecked \" >unchecked item</li><li class= \" checked \" >checked item</li></ul> " < <
" - bullet \n - [ ] unchecked item \n - [x] checked item \n " ;
void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : : fromHtml ( )
QFETCH ( QString , input ) ;
QFETCH ( QString , expectedOutput ) ;
document - > setHtml ( input ) ;
QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown ( ) ;
QFile out ( " /tmp/ " + QLatin1String ( QTest : : currentDataTag ( ) ) + " .md " ) ;
out . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly ) ;
out . write ( output . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
# endif
if ( output ! = expectedOutput & & ( isMainFontFixed ( ) | | isFixedFontProportional ( ) ) )
QEXPECT_FAIL ( " " , " fixed main font or proportional fixed font (QTBUG-103484) " , Continue ) ;
QCOMPARE ( output , expectedOutput ) ;
QTEST_MAIN ( tst_QTextMarkdownWriter )
# include "tst_qtextmarkdownwriter.moc"