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// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QtCore/QtCore>
#include <QTest>
#include <QTestEventLoop>
#include "common.h"
#include <limits>
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbusutil_p.h>
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbusconnection_p.h>
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbus_symbols_p.h>
# define DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD int('h')
static const char serviceName[] = "org.qtproject.autotests.qpong";
static const char objectPath[] = "/org/qtproject/qpong";
static const char *interfaceName = serviceName;
class tst_QDBusMarshall: public QObject
public slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
private slots:
void sendBasic_data();
void sendBasic();
void sendVariant_data();
void sendVariant();
void sendArrays_data();
void sendArrays();
void sendArrayOfArrays_data();
void sendArrayOfArrays();
void sendMaps_data();
void sendMaps();
void sendStructs_data();
void sendStructs();
void sendComplex_data();
void sendComplex();
void sendArgument_data();
void sendArgument();
void sendSignalErrors();
void sendCallErrors_data();
void sendCallErrors();
void receiveUnknownType_data();
void receiveUnknownType();
void demarshallPrimitives_data();
void demarshallPrimitives();
void demarshallStrings_data();
void demarshallStrings();
void demarshallInvalidStringList_data();
void demarshallInvalidStringList();
void demarshallInvalidByteArray_data();
void demarshallInvalidByteArray();
int fileDescriptorForTest();
QProcess proc;
QTemporaryFile tempFile;
bool fileDescriptorPassing;
class QDBusMessageSpy: public QObject
public slots:
Q_SCRIPTABLE int theSlot(const QDBusMessage &msg)
list << msg;
return 42;
QList<QDBusMessage> list;
struct UnregisteredType { };
void tst_QDBusMarshall::initTestCase()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
fileDescriptorPassing = con.connectionCapabilities() & QDBusConnection::UnixFileDescriptorPassing;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
# define EXE ".exe"
# define EXE ""
proc.start(QFINDTESTDATA("qpong/qpong" EXE));
QVERIFY2(proc.waitForStarted(), qPrintable(proc.errorString()));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::cleanupTestCase()
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath, interfaceName, "quit");
int tst_QDBusMarshall::fileDescriptorForTest()
if (!tempFile.isOpen()) {
tempFile.setFileTemplate(QDir::tempPath() + "/qdbusmarshalltestXXXXXX.tmp");
if (!tempFile.open()) {
qWarning("%s: Cannot create temporary file: %s", Q_FUNC_INFO,
return 0;
return tempFile.handle();
void addBasicTypesColumns()
void basicNumericTypes_data()
QTest::newRow("bool") << QVariant(false) << "b" << "false";
QTest::newRow("bool2") << QVariant(true) << "b" << "true";
QTest::newRow("byte") << QVariant::fromValue(uchar(1)) << "y" << "1";
QTest::newRow("int16") << QVariant::fromValue(short(2)) << "n" << "2";
QTest::newRow("uint16") << QVariant::fromValue(ushort(3)) << "q" << "3";
QTest::newRow("int") << QVariant(1) << "i" << "1";
QTest::newRow("uint") << QVariant(2U) << "u" << "2";
QTest::newRow("int64") << QVariant(Q_INT64_C(3)) << "x" << "3";
QTest::newRow("uint64") << QVariant(Q_UINT64_C(4)) << "t" << "4";
QTest::newRow("double") << QVariant(42.5) << "d" << "42.5";
void basicStringTypes_data()
QTest::newRow("string") << QVariant("ping") << "s" << "\"ping\"";
QTest::newRow("objectpath") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde")) << "o" << "[ObjectPath: /org/kde]";
QTest::newRow("signature") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("g")) << "g" << "[Signature: g]";
QTest::newRow("emptystring") << QVariant("") << "s" << "\"\"";
QTest::newRow("nullstring") << QVariant(QString()) << "s" << "\"\"";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendBasic_data()
// basic types:
if (fileDescriptorPassing)
QTest::newRow("file-descriptor") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest())) << "h" << "[Unix FD: valid]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant_data()
QTest::newRow("variant") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1)) << "v" << "[Variant(int): 1]";
QDBusVariant nested(1);
QTest::newRow("variant-variant") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(nested))) << "v"
<< "[Variant(QDBusVariant): [Variant(int): 1]]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrays_data()
// arrays
QStringList strings;
QTest::newRow("emptystringlist") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{}";
strings << "hello" << "world";
QTest::newRow("stringlist") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{\"hello\", \"world\"}";
strings << "" << "" << "";
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptystrings") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{\"\", \"\", \"\"}";
strings << QString() << QString() << QString() << QString();
QTest::newRow("list-of-nullstrings") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"}";
QByteArray bytearray;
QTest::newRow("nullbytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay" << "{}";
bytearray = ""; // empty, not null
QTest::newRow("emptybytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay" << "{}";
bytearray = "foo";
QTest::newRow("bytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay" << "{102, 111, 111}";
QList<bool> bools;
QTest::newRow("emptyboollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "ab" << "[Argument: ab {}]";
bools << false << true << false;
QTest::newRow("boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "ab" << "[Argument: ab {false, true, false}]";
QList<short> shorts;
QTest::newRow("emptyshortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "an" << "[Argument: an {}]";
shorts << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45 << -32768 << 32767;
QTest::newRow("shortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "an"
<< "[Argument: an {42, -43, 44, 45, -32768, 32767}]";
QList<ushort> ushorts;
QTest::newRow("emptyushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aq" << "[Argument: aq {}]";
ushorts << 12u << 13u << 14u << 15 << 65535;
QTest::newRow("ushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aq" << "[Argument: aq {12, 13, 14, 15, 65535}]";
QList<int> ints;
QTest::newRow("emptyintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "ai" << "[Argument: ai {}]";
ints << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45 << 2147483647 << -2147483647-1;
QTest::newRow("intlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "ai" << "[Argument: ai {42, -43, 44, 45, 2147483647, -2147483648}]";
QList<uint> uints;
QTest::newRow("emptyuintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "au" << "[Argument: au {}]";
uints << uint(12) << uint(13) << uint(14) << 4294967295U;
QTest::newRow("uintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "au" << "[Argument: au {12, 13, 14, 4294967295}]";
QList<qlonglong> llints;
QTest::newRow("emptyllintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "ax" << "[Argument: ax {}]";
llints << Q_INT64_C(99) << Q_INT64_C(-100)
<< Q_INT64_C(-9223372036854775807)-1 << Q_INT64_C(9223372036854775807);
QTest::newRow("llintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "ax"
<< "[Argument: ax {99, -100, -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807}]";
QList<qulonglong> ullints;
QTest::newRow("emptyullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "at" << "[Argument: at {}]";
ullints << Q_UINT64_C(66) << Q_UINT64_C(67)
<< Q_UINT64_C(18446744073709551615);
QTest::newRow("ullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "at" << "[Argument: at {66, 67, 18446744073709551615}]";
QList<double> doubles;
QTest::newRow("emptydoublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "ad" << "[Argument: ad {}]";
doubles << 1.2 << 2.2 << 4.4
<< -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
QTest::newRow("doublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "ad" << "[Argument: ad {1.2, 2.2, 4.4, -inf, inf, nan}]";
QList<QDBusObjectPath> objectPaths;
QTest::newRow("emptyobjectpathlist") << QVariant::fromValue(objectPaths) << "ao" << "[Argument: ao {}]";
objectPaths << QDBusObjectPath("/") << QDBusObjectPath("/foo");
QTest::newRow("objectpathlist") << QVariant::fromValue(objectPaths) << "ao" << "[Argument: ao {[ObjectPath: /], [ObjectPath: /foo]}]";
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
QList<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor> fileDescriptors;
QTest::newRow("emptyfiledescriptorlist") << QVariant::fromValue(fileDescriptors) << "ah" << "[Argument: ah {}]";
fileDescriptors << QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest()) << QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(1);
QTest::newRow("filedescriptorlist") << QVariant::fromValue(fileDescriptors) << "ah" << "[Argument: ah {[Unix FD: valid], [Unix FD: valid]}]";
QVariantList variants;
QTest::newRow("emptyvariantlist") << QVariant(variants) << "av" << "[Argument: av {}]";
variants << QString("Hello") << QByteArray("World") << 42 << -43.0 << 44U << Q_INT64_C(-45)
<< Q_UINT64_C(46) << true << QVariant::fromValue(short(-47))
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("av"))
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/"))));
QTest::newRow("variantlist") << QVariant(variants) << "av"
<< "[Argument: av {[Variant(QString): \"Hello\"], [Variant(QByteArray): {87, 111, 114, 108, 100}], [Variant(int): 42], [Variant(double): -43], [Variant(uint): 44], [Variant(qlonglong): -45], [Variant(qulonglong): 46], [Variant(bool): true], [Variant(short): -47], [Variant: [Signature: av]], [Variant: [Variant: [ObjectPath: /]]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrayOfArrays_data()
// arrays:
QList<QStringList> strings;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-stringlist") << QVariant::fromValue(strings) << "aas"
<< "[Argument: aas {}]";
strings << QStringList();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptystringlist") << QVariant::fromValue(strings) << "aas"
<< "[Argument: aas {{}}]";
strings << (QStringList() << "hello" << "world")
<< (QStringList() << "hi" << "there")
<< (QStringList() << QString());
QTest::newRow("stringlist") << QVariant::fromValue(strings) << "aas"
<< "[Argument: aas {{}, {\"hello\", \"world\"}, {\"hi\", \"there\"}, {\"\"}}]";
QList<QByteArray> bytearray;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-bytearray") << QVariant::fromValue(bytearray) << "aay"
<< "[Argument: aay {}]";
bytearray << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptybytearray") << QVariant::fromValue(bytearray) << "aay"
<< "[Argument: aay {{}}]";
bytearray << "foo" << "bar" << "baz" << "" << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("bytearray") << QVariant::fromValue(bytearray) << "aay"
<< "[Argument: aay {{}, {102, 111, 111}, {98, 97, 114}, {98, 97, 122}, {}, {}}]";
QList<QList<bool> > bools;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "aab"
<< "[Argument: aab {}]";
bools << QList<bool>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyboollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "aab"
<< "[Argument: aab {[Argument: ab {}]}]";
bools << (QList<bool>() << false << true) << (QList<bool>() << false) << (QList<bool>());
QTest::newRow("boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "aab"
<< "[Argument: aab {[Argument: ab {}], [Argument: ab {false, true}], [Argument: ab {false}], [Argument: ab {}]}]";
QList<QList<short> > shorts;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-shortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "aan"
<< "[Argument: aan {}]";
shorts << QList<short>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyshortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "aan"
<< "[Argument: aan {[Argument: an {}]}]";
shorts << (QList<short>() << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45)
<< (QList<short>() << -32768 << 32767)
<< (QList<short>());
QTest::newRow("shortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "aan"
<< "[Argument: aan {[Argument: an {}], [Argument: an {42, -43, 44, 45}], [Argument: an {-32768, 32767}], [Argument: an {}]}]";
QList<QList<ushort> > ushorts;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-ushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aaq"
<< "[Argument: aaq {}]";
ushorts << QList<ushort>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aaq"
<< "[Argument: aaq {[Argument: aq {}]}]";
ushorts << (QList<ushort>() << 12u << 13u << 14u << 15)
<< (QList<ushort>() << 65535)
<< (QList<ushort>());
QTest::newRow("ushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aaq"
<< "[Argument: aaq {[Argument: aq {}], [Argument: aq {12, 13, 14, 15}], [Argument: aq {65535}], [Argument: aq {}]}]";
QList<QList<int> > ints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-intlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "aai"
<< "[Argument: aai {}]";
ints << QList<int>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "aai"
<< "[Argument: aai {[Argument: ai {}]}]";
ints << (QList<int>() << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45)
<< (QList<int>() << 2147483647 << -2147483647-1)
<< (QList<int>());
QTest::newRow("intlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "aai"
<< "[Argument: aai {[Argument: ai {}], [Argument: ai {42, -43, 44, 45}], [Argument: ai {2147483647, -2147483648}], [Argument: ai {}]}]";
QList<QList<uint> > uints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-uintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "aau"
<< "[Argument: aau {}]";
uints << QList<uint>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyuintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "aau"
<< "[Argument: aau {[Argument: au {}]}]";
uints << (QList<uint>() << uint(12) << uint(13) << uint(14))
<< (QList<uint>() << 4294967295U)
<< (QList<uint>());
QTest::newRow("uintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "aau"
<< "[Argument: aau {[Argument: au {}], [Argument: au {12, 13, 14}], [Argument: au {4294967295}], [Argument: au {}]}]";
QList<QList<qlonglong> > llints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-llintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "aax"
<< "[Argument: aax {}]";
llints << QList<qlonglong>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyllintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "aax"
<< "[Argument: aax {[Argument: ax {}]}]";
llints << (QList<qlonglong>() << Q_INT64_C(99) << Q_INT64_C(-100))
<< (QList<qlonglong>() << Q_INT64_C(-9223372036854775807)-1 << Q_INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
<< (QList<qlonglong>());
QTest::newRow("llintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "aax"
<< "[Argument: aax {[Argument: ax {}], [Argument: ax {99, -100}], [Argument: ax {-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807}], [Argument: ax {}]}]";
QList<QList<qulonglong> > ullints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-ullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "aat"
<< "[Argument: aat {}]";
ullints << QList<qulonglong>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "aat"
<< "[Argument: aat {[Argument: at {}]}]";
ullints << (QList<qulonglong>() << Q_UINT64_C(66) << Q_UINT64_C(67))
<< (QList<qulonglong>() << Q_UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
<< (QList<qulonglong>());
QTest::newRow("ullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "aat"
<< "[Argument: aat {[Argument: at {}], [Argument: at {66, 67}], [Argument: at {18446744073709551615}], [Argument: at {}]}]";
QList<QList<double> > doubles;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-ofdoublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "aad"
<< "[Argument: aad {}]";
doubles << QList<double>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptydoublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "aad"
<< "[Argument: aad {[Argument: ad {}]}]";
doubles << (QList<double>() << 1.2 << 2.2 << 4.4)
<< (QList<double>() << -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())
<< (QList<double>());
QTest::newRow("doublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "aad"
<< "[Argument: aad {[Argument: ad {}], [Argument: ad {1.2, 2.2, 4.4}], [Argument: ad {-inf, inf, nan}], [Argument: ad {}]}]";
QList<QVariantList> variants;
QTest::newRow("emptyvariantlist") << QVariant::fromValue(variants) << "aav"
<< "[Argument: aav {}]";
variants << QVariantList();
QTest::newRow("emptyvariantlist") << QVariant::fromValue(variants) << "aav"
<< "[Argument: aav {[Argument: av {}]}]";
variants << (QVariantList() << QString("Hello") << QByteArray("World"))
<< (QVariantList() << 42 << -43.0 << 44U << Q_INT64_C(-45))
<< (QVariantList() << Q_UINT64_C(46) << true << QVariant::fromValue(short(-47)));
QTest::newRow("variantlist") << QVariant::fromValue(variants) << "aav"
<< "[Argument: aav {[Argument: av {}], [Argument: av {[Variant(QString): \"Hello\"], [Variant(QByteArray): {87, 111, 114, 108, 100}]}], [Argument: av {[Variant(int): 42], [Variant(double): -43], [Variant(uint): 44], [Variant(qlonglong): -45]}], [Argument: av {[Variant(qulonglong): 46], [Variant(bool): true], [Variant(short): -47]}]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendMaps_data()
QMap<int, QString> ismap;
QTest::newRow("empty-is-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ismap) << "a{is}"
<< "[Argument: a{is} {}]";
ismap[1] = "a";
ismap[2000] = "b";
ismap[-47] = "c";
QTest::newRow("is-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ismap) << "a{is}"
<< "[Argument: a{is} {-47 = \"c\", 1 = \"a\", 2000 = \"b\"}]";
QMap<QString, QString> ssmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-ss-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ssmap) << "a{ss}"
<< "[Argument: a{ss} {}]";
ssmap["a"] = "a";
ssmap["c"] = "b";
ssmap["b"] = "c";
QTest::newRow("ss-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ssmap) << "a{ss}"
<< "[Argument: a{ss} {\"a\" = \"a\", \"b\" = \"c\", \"c\" = \"b\"}]";
QVariantMap svmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-sv-map") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {}]";
svmap["a"] = 1;
svmap["c"] = "b";
svmap["b"] = QByteArray("c");
svmap["d"] = 42U;
svmap["e"] = QVariant::fromValue(short(-47));
svmap["f"] = QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(0));
QTest::newRow("sv-map1") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"a\" = [Variant(int): 1], \"b\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {99}], \"c\" = [Variant(QString): \"b\"], \"d\" = [Variant(uint): 42], \"e\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"f\" = [Variant: [Variant(int): 0]]}]";
QMap<QDBusObjectPath, QString> osmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-os-map") << QVariant::fromValue(osmap) << "a{os}"
<< "[Argument: a{os} {}]";
osmap[QDBusObjectPath("/")] = "root";
osmap[QDBusObjectPath("/foo")] = "foo";
osmap[QDBusObjectPath("/bar/baz")] = "bar and baz";
QTest::newRow("os-map") << QVariant::fromValue(osmap) << "a{os}"
<< "[Argument: a{os} {[ObjectPath: /] = \"root\", [ObjectPath: /bar/baz] = \"bar and baz\", [ObjectPath: /foo] = \"foo\"}]";
QMap<QDBusSignature, QString> gsmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-gs-map") << QVariant::fromValue(gsmap) << "a{gs}"
<< "[Argument: a{gs} {}]";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("i")] = "int32";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("s")] = "string";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("a{gs}")] = "array of dict_entry of (signature, string)";
QTest::newRow("gs-map") << QVariant::fromValue(gsmap) << "a{gs}"
<< "[Argument: a{gs} {[Signature: a{gs}] = \"array of dict_entry of (signature, string)\", [Signature: i] = \"int32\", [Signature: s] = \"string\"}]";
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
svmap["zzfiledescriptor"] = QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest()));
QTest::newRow("sv-map1-fd") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"a\" = [Variant(int): 1], \"b\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {99}], \"c\" = [Variant(QString): \"b\"], \"d\" = [Variant(uint): 42], \"e\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"f\" = [Variant: [Variant(int): 0]], \"zzfiledescriptor\" = [Variant(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor): [Unix FD: valid]]}]";
svmap["ismap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ismap);
svmap["ssmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ssmap);
svmap["osmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(osmap);
svmap["gsmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(gsmap);
QTest::newRow("sv-map2") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"gsmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{gs} {[Signature: a{gs}] = \"array of dict_entry of (signature, string)\", [Signature: i] = \"int32\", [Signature: s] = \"string\"}]], \"ismap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{is} {-47 = \"c\", 1 = \"a\", 2000 = \"b\"}]], \"osmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{os} {[ObjectPath: /] = \"root\", [ObjectPath: /bar/baz] = \"bar and baz\", [ObjectPath: /foo] = \"foo\"}]], \"ssmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{ss} {\"a\" = \"a\", \"b\" = \"c\", \"c\" = \"b\"}]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStructs_data()
QTest::newRow("point") << QVariant(QPoint(1, 2)) << "(ii)" << "[Argument: (ii) 1, 2]";
QTest::newRow("pointf") << QVariant(QPointF(1.5, -1.5)) << "(dd)" << "[Argument: (dd) 1.5, -1.5]";
QTest::newRow("size") << QVariant(QSize(1, 2)) << "(ii)" << "[Argument: (ii) 1, 2]";
QTest::newRow("sizef") << QVariant(QSizeF(1.5, 1.5)) << "(dd)" << "[Argument: (dd) 1.5, 1.5]";
QTest::newRow("rect") << QVariant(QRect(1, 2, 3, 4)) << "(iiii)" << "[Argument: (iiii) 1, 2, 3, 4]";
QTest::newRow("rectf") << QVariant(QRectF(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) << "(dddd)" << "[Argument: (dddd) 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5]";
QTest::newRow("line") << QVariant(QLine(1, 2, 3, 4)) << "((ii)(ii))"
<< "[Argument: ((ii)(ii)) [Argument: (ii) 1, 2], [Argument: (ii) 3, 4]]";
QTest::newRow("linef") << QVariant(QLineF(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) << "((dd)(dd))"
<< "[Argument: ((dd)(dd)) [Argument: (dd) 0.5, 0.5], [Argument: (dd) 1.5, 1.5]]";
QDate date(2006, 6, 18);
QTime time(12, 25, 00); // the date I wrote this test on :-)
QTest::newRow("date") << QVariant(date) << "(iii)" << "[Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18]";
QTest::newRow("time") << QVariant(time) << "(iiii)" << "[Argument: (iiii) 12, 25, 0, 0]";
QTest::newRow("datetime") << QVariant(QDateTime(date, time)) << "((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 12, 25, 0, 0], 0]";
MyStruct ms = { 1, "Hello, World" };
QTest::newRow("int-string") << QVariant::fromValue(ms) << "(is)" << "[Argument: (is) 1, \"Hello, World\"]";
MyVariantMapStruct mvms = { "Hello, World", QVariantMap() };
QTest::newRow("string-variantmap") << QVariant::fromValue(mvms) << "(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: (sa{sv}) \"Hello, World\", [Argument: a{sv} {}]]";
// use only basic types, otherwise comparison will fail
mvms.map["int"] = 42;
mvms.map["uint"] = 42u;
mvms.map["short"] = QVariant::fromValue<short>(-47);
mvms.map["bytearray"] = QByteArray("Hello, world");
QTest::newRow("string-variantmap2") << QVariant::fromValue(mvms) << "(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: (sa{sv}) \"Hello, World\", [Argument: a{sv} {\"bytearray\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100}], \"int\" = [Variant(int): 42], \"short\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"uint\" = [Variant(uint): 42]}]]";
QList<MyVariantMapStruct> list;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-string-variantmap") << QVariant::fromValue(list) << "a(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: a(sa{sv}) {}]";
list << mvms;
QTest::newRow("list-of-string-variantmap") << QVariant::fromValue(list) << "a(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: a(sa{sv}) {[Argument: (sa{sv}) \"Hello, World\", [Argument: a{sv} {\"bytearray\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100}], \"int\" = [Variant(int): 42], \"short\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"uint\" = [Variant(uint): 42]}]]}]";
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
MyFileDescriptorStruct fds;
fds.fd = QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest());
QTest::newRow("fdstruct") << QVariant::fromValue(fds) << "(h)" << "[Argument: (h) [Unix FD: valid]]";
QList<MyFileDescriptorStruct> fdlist;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-fdstruct") << QVariant::fromValue(fdlist) << "a(h)" << "[Argument: a(h) {}]";
fdlist << fds;
QTest::newRow("list-of-fdstruct") << QVariant::fromValue(fdlist) << "a(h)" << "[Argument: a(h) {[Argument: (h) [Unix FD: valid]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendComplex_data()
QList<QDateTime> dtlist;
QTest::newRow("empty-datetimelist") << QVariant::fromValue(dtlist) << "a((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {}]";
dtlist << QDateTime();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptydatetime") << QVariant::fromValue(dtlist) << "a((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0]}]";
dtlist << QDateTime(QDate(1977, 9, 13), QTime(0, 0, 0))
<< QDateTime(QDate(2006, 6, 18), QTime(13, 14, 0));
QTest::newRow("datetimelist") << QVariant::fromValue(dtlist) << "a((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1977, 9, 13], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 0, 0], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 13, 14, 0, 0], 0]}]";
QMap<qlonglong, QDateTime> lldtmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-lldtmap") << QVariant::fromValue(lldtmap) << "a{x((iii)(iiii)i)}"
<< "[Argument: a{x((iii)(iiii)i)} {}]";
lldtmap[0] = QDateTime();
lldtmap[1] = QDateTime(QDate(1970, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0, 1), QTimeZone::UTC);
lldtmap[1150629776] = QDateTime(QDate(2006, 6, 18), QTime(11, 22, 56), QTimeZone::UTC);
QTest::newRow("lldtmap") << QVariant::fromValue(lldtmap) << "a{x((iii)(iiii)i)}"
<< "[Argument: a{x((iii)(iiii)i)} {0 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], 1 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1970, 1, 1], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 1, 0], 1], 1150629776 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 11, 22, 56, 0], 1]}]";
QMap<int, QString> ismap;
ismap[1] = "a";
ismap[2000] = "b";
ismap[-47] = "c";
QMap<QString, QString> ssmap;
ssmap["a"] = "a";
ssmap["c"] = "b";
ssmap["b"] = "c";
QMap<QDBusSignature, QString> gsmap;
gsmap[QDBusSignature("i")] = "int32";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("s")] = "string";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("a{gs}")] = "array of dict_entry of (signature, string)";
QVariantMap svmap;
svmap["a"] = 1;
svmap["c"] = "b";
svmap["b"] = QByteArray("c");
svmap["d"] = 42U;
svmap["e"] = QVariant::fromValue(short(-47));
svmap["f"] = QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(0));
svmap["date"] = QDate(1977, 1, 1);
svmap["time"] = QTime(8, 58, 0);
svmap["datetime"] = QDateTime(QDate(13, 9, 2008), QTime(8, 59, 31));
svmap["pointf"] = QPointF(0.5, -0.5);
svmap["ismap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ismap);
svmap["ssmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ssmap);
svmap["gsmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(gsmap);
svmap["dtlist"] = QVariant::fromValue(dtlist);
svmap["lldtmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(lldtmap);
QTest::newRow("sv-map") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"a\" = [Variant(int): 1], \"b\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {99}], \"c\" = [Variant(QString): \"b\"], \"d\" = [Variant(uint): 42], \"date\" = [Variant: [Argument: (iii) 1977, 1, 1]], \"datetime\" = [Variant: [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) 8, 59, 31, 0], 0]], \"dtlist\" = [Variant: [Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1977, 9, 13], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 0, 0], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 13, 14, 0, 0], 0]}]], \"e\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"f\" = [Variant: [Variant(int): 0]], \"gsmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{gs} {[Signature: a{gs}] = \"array of dict_entry of (signature, string)\", [Signature: i] = \"int32\", [Signature: s] = \"string\"}]], \"ismap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{is} {-47 = \"c\", 1 = \"a\", 2000 = \"b\"}]], \"lldtmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{x((iii)(iiii)i)} {0 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], 1 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1970, 1, 1], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 1, 0], 1], 1150629776 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 11, 22, 56, 0], 1]}]], \"pointf\" = [Variant: [Argument: (dd) 0.5, -0.5]], \"ssmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{ss} {\"a\" = \"a\", \"b\" = \"c\", \"c\" = \"b\"}]], \"time\" = [Variant: [Argument: (iiii) 8, 58, 0, 0]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArgument_data()
QDBusArgument arg;
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << true;
QTest::newRow("bool") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "b" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(true);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << false;
QTest::newRow("bool2") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "b" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(false);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << uchar(1);
QTest::newRow("byte") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "y" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(uchar(1));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << short(2);
QTest::newRow("int16") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "n" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(short(2));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << ushort(3);
QTest::newRow("uint16") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "q" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(ushort(3));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 1;
QTest::newRow("int32") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "i" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(1);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 2U;
QTest::newRow("uint32") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "u" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(2U);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << Q_INT64_C(3);
QTest::newRow("int64") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "x" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(Q_INT64_C(3));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << Q_UINT64_C(4);
QTest::newRow("uint64") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "t" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(Q_UINT64_C(4));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 42.5;
QTest::newRow("double") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "d" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(42.5);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QLatin1String("ping");
QTest::newRow("string") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "s" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QString("ping"));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde");
QTest::newRow("objectpath") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "o" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusSignature("g");
QTest::newRow("signature") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "g" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("g"));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QLatin1String("");
QTest::newRow("emptystring") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "s" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QString(""));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QString();
QTest::newRow("nullstring") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "s" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QString());
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest());
QTest::newRow("filedescriptor") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "h" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest()));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusVariant(1);
QTest::newRow("variant") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "v" << int(QDBusArgument::VariantType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1)));
QTest::newRow("variant-variant") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "v" << int(QDBusArgument::VariantType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1)));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 1 << 2 << 3 << -4;
QTest::newRow("array-of-int") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "ai" << int(QDBusArgument::ArrayType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(arg);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg.beginMap(QMetaType::Int, QMetaType::UInt);
arg << 1 << 2U;
arg << 3 << 4U;
QTest::newRow("map") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "a{iu}" << int(QDBusArgument::MapType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(arg);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 1 << 2U << short(-3) << ushort(4) << 5.0 << false;
QTest::newRow("structure") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "(iunqdb)" << int(QDBusArgument::StructureType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(arg);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendBasic()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(QString, stringResult);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName,
objectPath, interfaceName, "ping");
msg << value;
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
QVERIFY2(reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage,
qPrintable(reply.errorName() + ": " + reply.errorMessage()));
//qDebug() << reply;
QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().size(), msg.arguments().size());
QTEST(reply.signature(), "sig");
for (int i = 0; i < reply.arguments().size(); ++i) {
QVERIFY(compare(reply.arguments().at(i), msg.arguments().at(i)));
//printf("\n! %s\n* %s\n", qPrintable(qDBusArgumentToString(reply.arguments().at(i))), qPrintable(stringResult));
QCOMPARE(QDBusUtil::argumentToString(reply.arguments().at(i)), stringResult);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName,
objectPath, interfaceName, "ping");
msg << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(value));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
// qDebug() << reply;
QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().size(), msg.arguments().size());
QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), QString("v"));
for (int i = 0; i < reply.arguments().size(); ++i)
QVERIFY(compare(reply.arguments().at(i), msg.arguments().at(i)));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrays()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrayOfArrays()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendMaps()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStructs()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendComplex()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArgument()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(QString, sig);
QFETCH(QVariant, unwrappedValue);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
msg << value;
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
// QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().count(), msg.arguments().count());
QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), sig);
// for (int i = 0; i < reply.arguments().count(); ++i)
// QVERIFY(compare(reply.arguments().at(i), msg.arguments().at(i)));
// do it again inside a STRUCT now
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
reply = con.call(msg);
QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), QString("(%1)").arg(sig));
QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().at(0).userType(), qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>());
const QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QCOMPARE(int(arg.currentType()), int(QDBusArgument::StructureType));
QCOMPARE(arg.currentSignature(), sig);
QTEST(int(arg.currentType()), "classification");
QVariant extracted = arg.asVariant();
QCOMPARE(arg.currentType(), QDBusArgument::UnknownType);
QEXPECT_FAIL("variant-variant", "Needs more QVariant unwrapping", Continue);
if (extracted.metaType() == QMetaType::fromType<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>()) {
auto fd1 = extracted.value<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>();
auto fd2 = unwrappedValue.value<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>();
QVERIFY(compare(fd1, fd2));
} else if (extracted.metaType() != QMetaType::fromType<QDBusArgument>()) {
QCOMPARE(extracted, unwrappedValue);
} else {
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Comparison logic needs to be fixed", Continue);
QVERIFY(compare(extracted, value));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendSignalErrors()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createSignal("/foo", "local.interfaceName",
msg << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid object path passed in arguments");
QDBusObjectPath path;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusObjectPath: invalid path \"abc\"");
msg << QVariant::fromValue(path);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid object path passed in arguments");
QDBusSignature sig;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sig));
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid signature passed in arguments");
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusSignature: invalid signature \"a\"");
msg << QVariant::fromValue(sig);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid signature passed in arguments");
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendCallErrors_data()
// this error comes from the bus server
QTest::newRow("empty-service") << "" << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod"
<< "Method \"ping\" with signature \"\" on interface \"org.qtproject.autotests.qpong\" doesn't exist\n" << (const char*)0;
QTest::newRow("invalid-service") << "this isn't valid" << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidService"
<< "Invalid service name: this isn't valid" << "";
QTest::newRow("empty-path") << serviceName << "" << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPath"
<< "Object path cannot be empty" << "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-path") << serviceName << "//" << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPath"
<< "Invalid object path: //" << "";
// empty interfaces are valid
QTest::newRow("invalid-interface") << serviceName << objectPath << "this isn't valid" << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidInterface"
<< "Invalid interface class: this isn't valid" << "";
QTest::newRow("empty-method") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidMember"
<< "method name cannot be empty" << "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-method") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "this isn't valid" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidMember"
<< "Invalid method name: this isn't valid" << "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-variant1") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant())
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid QVariant passed in arguments"
<< "QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariant";
QTest::newRow("invalid-variant1") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid QVariant passed in arguments"
<< "QDBusMarshaller: cannot add a null QDBusVariant";
QTest::newRow("builtin-unregistered") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QLocale::c())
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Unregistered type QLocale passed in arguments"
<< "QDBusMarshaller: type 'QLocale' (18) is not registered with D-BUS. Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it";
// this type is known to the meta type system, but not registered with D-Bus
QTest::newRow("extra-unregistered") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(UnregisteredType()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Unregistered type UnregisteredType passed in arguments"
<< QString("QDBusMarshaller: type 'UnregisteredType' (%1) is not registered with D-BUS. Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it")
QTest::newRow("invalid-object-path-arg") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid object path passed in arguments"
<< "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-signature-arg") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid signature passed in arguments"
<< "";
// invalid file descriptor
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
QTest::newRow("invalid-file-descriptor") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(-1)))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid file descriptor passed in arguments"
<< "";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendCallErrors()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QFETCH(QString, service);
QFETCH(QString, path);
QFETCH(QString, interface);
QFETCH(QString, method);
QFETCH(QVariantList, arguments);
QFETCH(QString, errorMsg);
QFETCH(QString, ignoreMsg);
if (!ignoreMsg.isEmpty())
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, ignoreMsg.toLatin1());
if (!ignoreMsg.isNull())
QString("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%1\" path \"%2\" interface \"%3\" member \"%4\": %5")
.arg(service, path, interface, method, errorMsg)
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path, interface, method);
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg, QDBus::Block);
QCOMPARE(reply.type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
QTEST(reply.errorName(), "errorName");
QCOMPARE(reply.errorMessage(), errorMsg);
// If DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD is not defined, it means the current system's D-Bus library is too old for this test
void tst_QDBusMarshall::receiveUnknownType_data()
QTest::newRow("in-call") << qMetaTypeId<void*>();
QTest::newRow("type-variant") << qMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>();
QTest::newRow("type-array") << qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>();
QTest::newRow("type-struct") << qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>();
QTest::newRow("type-naked") << qMetaTypeId<void *>();
struct DisconnectRawDBus {
static void cleanup(DBusConnection *connection)
if (!connection)
struct UnrefDBusMessage
static void cleanup(DBusMessage *type)
if (!type) return;
struct UnrefDBusPendingCall
static void cleanup(DBusPendingCall *type)
if (!type) return;
// use these scoped types to avoid memory leaks if QVERIFY or QCOMPARE fails
typedef QScopedPointer<DBusConnection, DisconnectRawDBus> ScopedDBusConnection;
typedef QScopedPointer<DBusMessage, UnrefDBusMessage> ScopedDBusMessage;
typedef QScopedPointer<DBusPendingCall, UnrefDBusPendingCall> ScopedDBusPendingCall;
template <typename T> struct SetResetValue
const T oldValue;
T &value;
SetResetValue(T &v, T newValue) : oldValue(v), value(v)
value = newValue;
value = oldValue;
// mostly the same as qdbusintegrator.cpp:connectionCapabilies
static bool canSendUnixFd(DBusConnection *connection)
typedef dbus_bool_t (*can_send_type_t)(DBusConnection *, int);
static can_send_type_t can_send_type = 0;
#if defined(QT_LINKED_LIBDBUS)
# if DBUS_VERSION-0 >= 0x010400
can_send_type = dbus_connection_can_send_type;
# endif
#elif QT_CONFIG(library)
// run-time check if the next functions are available
can_send_type = (can_send_type_t)qdbus_resolve_conditionally("dbus_connection_can_send_type");
return can_send_type && can_send_type(connection, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::receiveUnknownType()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
// this needs to be implemented in raw
// open a new connection to the bus daemon
DBusError error;
ScopedDBusConnection rawcon(q_dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error));
QVERIFY2(rawcon.data(), error.name);
// check if this bus supports passing file descriptors
if (!canSendUnixFd(rawcon.data()))
QSKIP("Your session bus does not allow sending Unix file descriptors");
// make sure this QDBusConnection won't handle Unix file descriptors
QAtomicInt &capabRef = QDBusConnectionPrivate::d(con)->capabilities;
SetResetValue<QAtomicInt> resetter(capabRef,
capabRef & ~QDBusConnection::UnixFileDescriptorPassing);
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "in-call") == 0) {
// create a call back to us containing a file descriptor
QDBusMessageSpy spy;
con.registerObject("/spyObject", &spy, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots);
ScopedDBusMessage msg(q_dbus_message_new_method_call(con.baseService().toLatin1(), "/spyObject", NULL, "theSlot"));
int fd = fileno(stdout);
DBusMessageIter iter;
q_dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg.data(), &iter);
q_dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &fd);
// try to send to us
DBusPendingCall *pending_ptr;
q_dbus_connection_send_with_reply(rawcon.data(), msg.data(), &pending_ptr, 1000);
ScopedDBusPendingCall pending(pending_ptr);
// check that it got sent
while (q_dbus_connection_dispatch(rawcon.data()) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS)
// now spin our event loop. We don't catch this call, so let's get the reply
QEventLoop loop;
QTimer::singleShot(200, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
// now try to receive the reply
// check that the spy received what it was supposed to receive
QCOMPARE(spy.list.size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().size(), 1);
QFETCH(int, receivedTypeId);
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().at(0).userType(), receivedTypeId);
QCOMPARE(q_dbus_message_get_type(msg.data()), DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN);
QCOMPARE(q_dbus_message_get_signature(msg.data()), DBUS_TYPE_INT32_AS_STRING);
int retval;
QVERIFY(q_dbus_message_iter_init(msg.data(), &iter));
q_dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &retval);
QCOMPARE(retval, 42);
} else {
// create a signal that we'll emit
static const char signalName[] = "signalName";
static const char interfaceName[] = "local.interface.name";
ScopedDBusMessage msg(q_dbus_message_new_signal("/", interfaceName, signalName));
con.connect(q_dbus_bus_get_unique_name(rawcon.data()), QString(), interfaceName, signalName, &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
QDBusMessageSpy spy;
con.connect(q_dbus_bus_get_unique_name(rawcon.data()), QString(), interfaceName, signalName, &spy, SLOT(theSlot(QDBusMessage)));
DBusMessageIter iter;
q_dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg.data(), &iter);
int fd = fileno(stdout);
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-naked") == 0) {
// send naked
q_dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &fd);
} else {
DBusMessageIter subiter;
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-variant") == 0)
q_dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD_AS_STRING, &subiter);
else if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-array") == 0)
q_dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD_AS_STRING, &subiter);
else if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-struct") == 0)
q_dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, 0, &subiter);
q_dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&subiter, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &fd);
q_dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &subiter);
// send it
q_dbus_connection_send(rawcon.data(), msg.data(), 0);
// check that it got sent
while (q_dbus_connection_dispatch(rawcon.data()) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS)
// now let's see what happens
QCOMPARE(spy.list.size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().size(), 1);
QFETCH(int, receivedTypeId);
//qDebug() << spy.list.at(0).arguments().at(0).typeName();
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().at(0).userType(), receivedTypeId);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallPrimitives_data()
// Primitive types, excluding strings and FD
template<class T>
QVariant demarshallPrimitiveAs(const QDBusArgument& dbusArg)
T val;
dbusArg >> val;
return QVariant::fromValue(val);
QVariant demarshallPrimitiveAs(int typeIndex, const QDBusArgument& dbusArg)
switch (typeIndex) {
case 0:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<uchar>(dbusArg);
case 1:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<bool>(dbusArg);
case 2:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<short>(dbusArg);
case 3:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<ushort>(dbusArg);
case 4:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<int>(dbusArg);
case 5:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<uint>(dbusArg);
case 6:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<qlonglong>(dbusArg);
case 7:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<qulonglong>(dbusArg);
case 8:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<double>(dbusArg);
return QVariant();
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallPrimitives()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(QString, sig);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
// Demarshall each test data value to all primitive types to test
// demarshalling to the wrong type does not cause a crash
for (int typeIndex = 0; true; ++typeIndex) {
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QCOMPARE(receiveArg.currentSignature(), sig);
const QVariant receiveValue = demarshallPrimitiveAs(typeIndex, receiveArg);
if (receiveValue.metaType() == value.metaType()) {
// Value type is the same, compare the values
QCOMPARE(receiveValue, value);
if (!receiveValue.isValid())
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallStrings_data()
// All primitive types demarshall to null string types
typedef QPair<QVariant, char> ValSigPair;
const QList<ValSigPair> nullStringTypes
= QList<ValSigPair>()
<< ValSigPair(QVariant::fromValue(QString()), 's')
<< ValSigPair(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath()), 'o')
<< ValSigPair(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature()), 'g');
foreach (ValSigPair valSigPair, nullStringTypes) {
QTest::newRow("bool(false)") << QVariant(false) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("bool(true)") << QVariant(true) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("byte") << QVariant::fromValue(uchar(1)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("int16") << QVariant::fromValue(short(2)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("uint16") << QVariant::fromValue(ushort(3)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("int") << QVariant(1) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("uint") << QVariant(2U) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("int64") << QVariant(Q_INT64_C(3)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("uint64") << QVariant(Q_UINT64_C(4)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("double") << QVariant(42.5) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
// String types should demarshall to each other. This is a regression test
// to check released functionality is maintained even after checks have
// been added to string demarshalling
QTest::newRow("empty string->invalid objectpath") << QVariant("")
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::newRow("null string->invalid objectpath") << QVariant(QString())
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::newRow("string->invalid objectpath") << QVariant("invalid objectpath")
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::newRow("string->valid objectpath") << QVariant("/org/kde")
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"));
QTest::newRow("empty string->invalid signature") << QVariant("")
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("null string->invalid signature") << QVariant(QString())
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("string->invalid signature") << QVariant("_invalid signature")
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("string->valid signature") << QVariant("s")
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("s"));
QTest::newRow("objectpath->string") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"))
<< 's' << QVariant::fromValue(QString("/org/kde"));
QTest::newRow("objectpath->invalid signature") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"))
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("signature->string") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("s"))
<< 's' << QVariant::fromValue(QString("s"));
QTest::newRow("signature->invalid objectpath") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("s"))
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QVariant demarshallAsString(const QDBusArgument& dbusArg, char targetSig)
switch (targetSig) {
case 's': {
QString s;
dbusArg >> s;
return s;
case 'o': {
QDBusObjectPath op;
dbusArg >> op;
return QVariant::fromValue(op);
case 'g' : {
QDBusSignature sig;
dbusArg >> sig;
return QVariant::fromValue(sig);
default: {
return QVariant();
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallStrings()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(char, targetSig);
QFETCH(QVariant, expectedValue);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QVariant receiveValue = demarshallAsString(receiveArg, targetSig);
QVERIFY2(receiveValue.isValid(), "Invalid targetSig in demarshallStrings_data()");
QVERIFY(compare(receiveValue, expectedValue));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidStringList_data()
// None of the basic types should demarshall to a string list
// Arrays of non-string type should not demarshall to a string list
QList<bool> bools;
QTest::newRow("emptyboollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
bools << false << true << false;
QTest::newRow("boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
// Structures should not demarshall to a QByteArray
QTest::newRow("struct of strings")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << QString("foo") << QString("bar"));
QTest::newRow("struct of mixed types")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << QString("foo") << int(42) << double(3.14));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidStringList()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QStringList receiveValue;
receiveArg >> receiveValue;
QCOMPARE(receiveValue, QStringList());
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidByteArray_data()
// None of the basic types should demarshall to a QByteArray
// Arrays of other types than byte should not demarshall to a QByteArray
QList<bool> bools;
QTest::newRow("empty array of bool") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
bools << true << false << true;
QTest::newRow("non-empty array of bool") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
// Structures should not demarshall to a QByteArray
QTest::newRow("struct of bytes")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << uchar(1) << uchar(2));
QTest::newRow("struct of mixed types")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << int(42) << QString("foo") << double(3.14));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidByteArray()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QByteArray receiveValue;
receiveArg >> receiveValue;
QCOMPARE(receiveValue, QByteArray());
#include "tst_qdbusmarshall.moc"