mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 00:47:32 +08:00
354 lines
11 KiB
354 lines
11 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2022 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use strict;
$\ = "\n";
$/ = "\n";
my $debug = 0;
my %leaves = (
Leaf01ECX => "CPUID Leaf 1, ECX",
Leaf07_00EBX => "CPUID Leaf 7, Sub-leaf 0, EBX",
Leaf07_00ECX => "CPUID Leaf 7, Sub-leaf 0, ECX",
Leaf07_00EDX => "CPUID Leaf 7, Sub-leaf 0, EDX",
Leaf07_01EAX => "CPUID Leaf 7, Sub-leaf 1, EAX",
Leaf13_01EAX => "CPUID Leaf 13, Sub-leaf 1, EAX",
Leaf80000001hECX => "CPUID Leaf 80000001h, ECX",
Leaf80000008hEBX => "CPUID Leaf 80000008h, EBX",
my @leafNames = sort keys %leaves;
# out of order (we want it first)
unshift @leafNames, "Leaf01EDX";
$leaves{Leaf01EDX} = "CPUID Leaf 1, EDX";
# Read input from file specified by first argument
my $input_conf_file = shift @ARGV;
open(FH, '<', $input_conf_file) or die $!;
my $i = 0;
my @features;
my %feature_ids;
my @architecture_names;
my %architectures;
my @xsaveStates;
my $maxarchnamelen = 0;
while (<FH>) {
chomp $_;
my $comment = $1;
next if $_ eq "";
if (s/^arch=//) {
my ($arch, $based, $f) = split /\s+/;
die("Unknown base architecture \"$based\"")
unless $based eq "<>" or grep {$_ eq $based} @architecture_names;
my $id = lc($arch);
$id =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g;
my $prettyname = $arch;
$prettyname =~ s/\B([A-Z])/ $1/g;
$prettyname =~ s/-(\w+)/ ($1)/g;
$maxarchnamelen = length($prettyname) if length($prettyname) > $maxarchnamelen;
my @basefeatures;
my @extrafeatures;
@basefeatures = @{$architectures{$based}->{allfeatures}} if $based ne "<>";
@extrafeatures = @{$architectures{$arch}{features}} if defined($architectures{$arch});
@extrafeatures = (@extrafeatures, split(',', $f));
my @allfeatures = sort { $feature_ids{$a} <=> $feature_ids{$b} } (@basefeatures, @extrafeatures);
$architectures{$arch} = {
name => $arch,
prettyname => $prettyname,
id => $id,
base => $based,
features => \@extrafeatures,
allfeatures => \@allfeatures,
comment => $comment
push @architecture_names, $arch
unless grep {$_ eq $arch} @architecture_names;
} elsif (s/^xsave=//) {
my ($name, $value, $required) = split /\s+/;
push @xsaveStates,
{ id => $name, value => $value, required_for => $required, comment => $comment };
} else {
my ($name, $function, $bit, $depends) = split /\s+/;
die("Unknown CPUID function \"$function\"")
unless grep {$_ eq $function} @leafNames;
if (my @match = grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @features) {
die("internal error") if scalar @match != 1;
next if $match[0]->{function} eq $function &&
$match[0]->{bit} eq $bit && $match[0]->{depends} eq $depends;
die("Duplicate feature \"$name\" with different details. " .
"Previously was $match[0]->{function} bit $match[0]->{bit}.");
my $id = uc($name);
$id =~ s/[^A-Z0-9_]/_/g;
push @features,
{ name => $name, depends => $depends, id => $id, bit => $bit, leaf => $function, comment => $comment };
$feature_ids{$name} = $i;
die("Too many features to fit a 64-bit integer") if $i > 64;
close FH;
# Print the header output
my $headername = "";
my $headerguard = "";
if ($headername = shift @ARGV) {
$headerguard = uc($headername);
$headerguard =~ s/[^A-Z0-9_]/_/g;
print qq|// This is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
// Please see $0
#ifndef $headerguard
#define $headerguard
#include <stdint.h>|;
} else {
$debug = 1;
# Print the feature list
my $lastleaf;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @features; ++$i) {
my $feature = $features[$i];
# Leaf header:
printf "\n// in %s:\n", $leaves{$feature->{leaf}}
if $feature->{leaf} ne $lastleaf;
$lastleaf = $feature->{leaf};
# Feature
printf "#define cpu_feature_%-31s (UINT64_C(1) << %d)\n", lc($feature->{id}), $i;
# Print the architecture list
print "\n// CPU architectures";
for (@architecture_names) {
my $arch = $architectures{$_};
my $base = $arch->{base};
if ($base eq "<>") {
$base = "0";
} else {
$base =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g;
$base = "cpu_" . $base;
printf "#define cpu_%-19s (%s", lc($arch->{id}), lc($base);
for my $f (@{$arch->{features}}) {
my @match = grep { $_->{name} eq $f } @features;
if (scalar @match == 1) {
printf " \\\n%33s| cpu_feature_%s", " ", lc($match[0]->{id});
} else {
printf STDERR "%s: unknown feature '%s' for CPU '%s'\n", $0, $f, $arch->{name}
if $debug;
print ")";
print "\n// __attribute__ target strings for GCC and Clang";
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @features; ++$i) {
my $feature = $features[$i];
my $str = $feature->{name} . ',' . $feature->{depends};
$str =~ s/,$//;
printf "#define QT_FUNCTION_TARGET_STRING_%-17s \"%s\"\n",
$feature->{id}, $str;
for (@architecture_names) {
my $arch = $architectures{$_};
my $base = $arch->{base};
my $featurestr = "";
if ($base ne "<>") {
$featurestr = "QT_FUNCTION_TARGET_STRING_ARCH_" . uc($base);
my @features = @{$arch->{features}};
#@features = map { defined($feature_ids{$_}) ? $_ : () } @features;
if (scalar @features) {
$featurestr .= ' ",' if length $featurestr;
$featurestr .= '"' unless length $featurestr;
$featurestr .= join(',', @features);
$featurestr .= '"';
printf "#define QT_FUNCTION_TARGET_STRING_ARCH_%-12s %s\n", uc($arch->{id}), $featurestr;
print q{
static const uint64_t _compilerCpuFeatures = 0};
# And print the compiler-enabled features part:
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @features; ++$i) {
my $feature = $features[$i];
"#ifdef __%s__\n" .
" | cpu_feature_%s\n" .
$feature->{id}, lc($feature->{id});
print ' ;';
if ($headerguard ne "") {
print q|
#if (defined __cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
enum X86CpuFeatures : uint64_t {|;
for (@features) {
my $line = sprintf "CpuFeature%s = cpu_feature_%s,", $_->{id}, lc($_->{id});
if ($_->{comment} ne "") {
printf " %-56s ///< %s\n", $line, $_->{comment};
} else {
print " $line";
print qq|}; // enum X86CpuFeatures
enum X86CpuArchitectures : uint64_t {|;
for (@architecture_names) {
my $arch = $architectures{$_};
my $name = $arch->{name};
$name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
my $line = sprintf "CpuArch%s = cpu_%s,", $name, lc($arch->{id});
if ($arch->{comment} ne "") {
printf " %-56s ///< %s\n", $line, $arch->{comment};
} else {
print " $line";
print qq|}; // enum X86cpuArchitectures
#endif /* C++11 */\n|;
print "// -- implementation start --\n";
# Now generate the string table and bit-location array
my $offset = 0;
my @offsets;
print "static const char features_string[] =";
for my $feature (@features) {
print " \" $feature->{name}\\0\"";
push @offsets, $offset;
$offset += 2 + length($feature->{name});
print " \"\\0\";";
# Print the string offset table
printf "\nstatic const %s features_indices[] = {",
$offset > 255 ? "uint16_t" : "uint8_t";
for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar @offsets; ++$j) {
printf "%s%3d,",
$j % 8 ? " " : "\n ", $offsets[$j];
print "\n};";
# Print the locator enum and table
print "\nenum X86CpuidLeaves {";
map { print " $_," } @leafNames;
print " X86CpuidMaxLeaf\n};";
my $type = scalar %leaves > 8 ? "uint16_t" : "uint8_t";
printf "\nstatic const %s x86_locators[] = {\n",
$type, $type;
for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar @features; ++$j) {
my $feature = $features[$j];
printf " %s*32 + %2d, %s// %s\n",
$feature->{leaf}, $feature->{bit}, ' ' x (24 - length($feature->{leaf})), $feature->{name};
print '};';
# Generate the processor name listing, sorted by feature length
my %sorted_archs;
for (@architecture_names) {
my $arch = $architectures{$_};
my $key = sprintf "%02d_%s", scalar(@{$arch->{allfeatures}}), join(',', @{$arch->{allfeatures}});
$sorted_archs{$key} = $arch;
print qq|
struct X86Architecture
uint64_t features;
char name[$maxarchnamelen + 1];
static const struct X86Architecture x86_architectures[] = {|;
for (sort { $b <=> $a } keys %sorted_archs) {
my $arch = $sorted_archs{$_};
next if $arch->{base} eq "<>";
printf " { cpu_%s, \"%s\" },\n", $arch->{id}, $arch->{prettyname};
print "};";
# Produce the list of XSAVE states
print "\nenum XSaveBits {";
my $xsaveEnumPrefix = "XSave_";
for my $state (@xsaveStates) {
my $value = $state->{value};
unless ($value =~ /^0x/) {
# Compound value
$value = join(" | ", map { $xsaveEnumPrefix . $_ } split(/\|/, $value));
printf " %s%-12s = %s,", $xsaveEnumPrefix, $state->{id}, $value;
printf "%s// %s", ' ' x (18 - length($value)), $state->{comment}
if $state->{comment} ne '';
printf "\n";
print "};";
# Produce a list of features require extended XSAVE state
my $xsaveRequirementMapping;
for my $state (@xsaveStates) {
my $xsaveReqPrefix = "XSaveReq_";
my @required_for = split /,/, $state->{required_for};
next unless scalar @required_for;
my $prefix = sprintf "\n// List of features requiring %s%s\nstatic const uint64_t %s%s = 0",
$xsaveEnumPrefix, $state->{id}, $xsaveReqPrefix, $state->{id};
# match either the feature name or one of its requirements against list
# of features that this state is required for
for my $feature (@features) {
my $id = lc($feature->{id});
my $required = 0;
for my $requirement (@required_for) {
my @depends = split /,/, "$id," . $feature->{depends};
$required = grep { $_ eq $requirement } @depends;
last if $required;
printf "$prefix\n | cpu_feature_%s", $id if $required;
$prefix = "" if $required;
if ($prefix eq "") {
# we printed something
print ";";
$xsaveRequirementMapping .= sprintf " { %s%s, %s%s },\n",
$xsaveReqPrefix, $state->{id}, $xsaveEnumPrefix, $state->{id};
# Finally, make a table
printf qq|
struct XSaveRequirementMapping
uint64_t cpu_features;
uint64_t xsave_state;
static const struct XSaveRequirementMapping xsave_requirements[] = {
// -- implementation end --
#endif /* $headerguard */\n|, $xsaveRequirementMapping if $xsaveRequirementMapping ne "";