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// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QTest>
#include <qicon.h>
class tst_QIconHighDpi : public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void fromTheme_data();
void fromTheme();
void addPixmap_data();
void addPixmap();
void ninePatch();
void tst_QIconHighDpi::initTestCase()
void tst_QIconHighDpi::fromTheme_data()
// The pixmaps that we have available can be found in tst_qiconhighdpi.qrc.
// Currently we only have @1 and @2 icons available, which limits the expected
// devicePixelRatio when testing at e.g. devicePixelRatio 3.
// We have an @2 high DPI version of the 22x22 size of this icon.
QTest::newRow("22x22,dpr=1") << 22 << 1.0 << 22 << 1.0;
QTest::newRow("22x22,dpr=2") << 22 << 2.0 << 44 << 2.0;
QTest::newRow("22x22,dpr=3") << 22 << 3.0 << 44 << 2.0;
// We don't have a high DPI version of the 16x16 size of this icon,
// so directoryMatchesSize() will return false for all directories.
// directorySizeDistance() is then called to find the best match.
// The table below illustrates the results for our available images at various DPRs:
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 16 * 1 = 28
// 22 * 1 - 16 * 1 = 6
// 16 * 1 - 16 * 1 = 0 < (16x16)
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 16 * 2 = 12
// 22 * 1 - 16 * 2 = 10 < (22x22)
// 16 * 1 - 16 * 2 = 16
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 16 * 3 = 4 < (22x22@2)
// 22 * 1 - 16 * 3 = 26
// 16 * 1 - 16 * 3 = 32
// Both of these functions are implementations of the freedesktop icon theme spec,
// which dictates that if there is no matching scale, directorySizeDistance() determines
// the winner, regardless of whether or not the scale is too low for the requested scale.
QTest::newRow("16x16,dpr=1") << 16 << 1.0 << 16 << 1.0;
// PixmapEntry::pixmap() will only downscale the pixmap if actualSize.width() > size.width().
// In this case, 22 > 32 is false, so a 22x22 pixmap is returned.
QTest::newRow("16x16,dpr=2") << 16 << 2.0 << 22 << 1.375;
QTest::newRow("16x16,dpr=3") << 16 << 3.0 << 44 << 2.75;
// We don't have an 8x8 size of this icon, so:
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 8 * 1 = 36
// 22 * 1 - 8 * 1 = 14
// 16 * 1 - 8 * 1 = 8 < (16x16)
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 8 * 2 = 28
// 22 * 1 - 8 * 2 = 6
// 16 * 1 - 8 * 2 = 0 < (16x16)
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 8 * 3 = 20
// 22 * 1 - 8 * 3 = 2 < (22x22)
// 16 * 1 - 8 * 3 = 8
QTest::newRow("8x8,dpr=1") << 8 << 1.0 << 8 << 1.0;
QTest::newRow("8x8,dpr=2") << 8 << 2.0 << 16 << 2.0;
QTest::newRow("8x8,dpr=3") << 8 << 3.0 << 22 << 2.75;
// We don't have a 44x44 size of this icon, so:
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 44 * 1 = 0 < (22x22@2)
// 22 * 1 - 44 * 1 = 22
// 16 * 1 - 44 * 1 = 28
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 44 * 2 = 44 < (22x22@2)
// 22 * 1 - 44 * 2 = 66
// 16 * 1 - 44 * 2 = 72
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 44 * 3 = 88 < (22x22@2)
// 22 * 1 - 44 * 3 = 110
// 16 * 1 - 44 * 3 = 116
QTest::newRow("44x44,dpr=1") << 44 << 1.0 << 44 << 1.0;
QTest::newRow("44x44,dpr=2") << 44 << 2.0 << 44 << 1.0;
QTest::newRow("44x44,dpr=3") << 44 << 3.0 << 44 << 1.0;
// We don't have a 20x20 size of this icon, so:
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 20 * 1 = 24
// 22 * 1 - 20 * 1 = 2 < (22x22)
// 16 * 1 - 20 * 1 = 4
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 20 * 2 = 4 < (22x22@2)
// 22 * 1 - 20 * 2 = 18
// 16 * 1 - 20 * 2 = 24
// Available size | Available scale | Requested size | Requested scale | Distance
// 22 * 2 - 20 * 3 = 16 < (22x22@2)
// 22 * 1 - 20 * 3 = 38
// 16 * 1 - 20 * 3 = 44
QTest::newRow("20x20,dpr=1") << 20 << 1.0 << 20 << 1.0;
// PixmapEntry::pixmap() will only downscale the pixmap if actualSize.width() > size.width().
// In this case, 44 > 40 is true, so the 44x44 pixmap is downscaled to 40x40.
QTest::newRow("20x20,dpr=2") << 20 << 2.0 << 40 << 2.0;
QTest::newRow("20x20,dpr=3") << 20 << 3.0 << 44 << 2.2;
void tst_QIconHighDpi::fromTheme()
QFETCH(int, requestedSize);
QFETCH(qreal, requestedDpr);
QFETCH(int, expectedSize);
QFETCH(qreal, expectedDpr);
QString searchPath = QLatin1String(":/icons");
QIcon::setThemeSearchPaths(QStringList() << searchPath);
QCOMPARE(QIcon::themeSearchPaths().size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(searchPath, QIcon::themeSearchPaths()[0]);
QString themeName("testtheme");
QCOMPARE(QIcon::themeName(), themeName);
QIcon appointmentIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("appointment-new");
QVERIFY(!appointmentIcon.availableSizes(QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off).isEmpty());
QVERIFY(appointmentIcon.availableSizes().contains(QSize(16, 16)));
QVERIFY(appointmentIcon.availableSizes().contains(QSize(22, 22)));
const QPixmap pixmap = appointmentIcon.pixmap(QSize(requestedSize, requestedSize), requestedDpr);
QCOMPARE(pixmap.size(), QSize(expectedSize, expectedSize));
// We should get the high DPI version of an image if it exists in the correct directory.
QCOMPARE(pixmap.devicePixelRatio(), expectedDpr);
void tst_QIconHighDpi::addPixmap_data()
// fromTheme() and addPixmap() test the QIconLoaderEngine and QPixmapIconEngine
// QIcon backend, repsectively. We want these to have identical behavior and
// re-use the same test data here.
void tst_QIconHighDpi::addPixmap()
QFETCH(int, requestedSize);
QFETCH(qreal, requestedDpr);
QFETCH(int, expectedSize);
QFETCH(qreal, expectedDpr);
QIcon icon;
// manual pixmap adder for full control of devicePixelRatio
auto addPixmapWithDpr = [&icon](const QString &path, qreal dpr) {
QImage image(path);
addPixmapWithDpr(":icons/testtheme/16x16/actions/appointment-new.png", 1);
addPixmapWithDpr(":icons/testtheme/22x22/actions/appointment-new.png", 1);
addPixmapWithDpr(":icons/testtheme/22x22@2/actions/appointment-new.png", 2);
QVERIFY(icon.availableSizes().contains(QSize(16, 16)));
QVERIFY(icon.availableSizes().contains(QSize(22, 22)));
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "16x16,dpr=2") == 0)
QSKIP("broken corner case"); // expect 22x22, get 32x32
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "44x44,dpr=1") == 0)
QSKIP("broken corner case"); // expect 44x44, get 22x22
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "8x8,dpr=3") == 0)
QSKIP("broken corner case");// expect 22x22, get 24x24
const QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(requestedSize, requestedSize), requestedDpr);
QCOMPARE(pixmap.size(), QSize(expectedSize, expectedSize));
QCOMPARE(pixmap.devicePixelRatio(), expectedDpr);
void tst_QIconHighDpi::ninePatch()
const QIcon icon(":/icons/misc/button.9.png");
const int dpr = qCeil(qApp->devicePixelRatio());
switch (dpr) {
case 1:
QCOMPARE(icon.availableSizes().size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(icon.availableSizes().at(0), QSize(42, 42));
case 2:
QCOMPARE(icon.availableSizes().size(), 2);
QCOMPARE(icon.availableSizes().at(0), QSize(42, 42));
QCOMPARE(icon.availableSizes().at(1), QSize(82, 82));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
tst_QIconHighDpi test;
return QTest::qExec(&test, argc, argv);
#include "tst_qiconhighdpi.moc"