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2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QTest>
#include "qpen.h"
#include "qbrush.h"
#include <qdebug.h>
class tst_QPen : public QObject
private slots:
void getSetCheck();
void swap();
void move();
void move_assign();
void operator_eq_eq();
void operator_eq_eq_data();
void stream();
void stream_data();
void constructor();
void constructor_data();
// Testing get/set functions
void tst_QPen::getSetCheck()
QPen obj1;
// qreal QPen::miterLimit()
// void QPen::setMiterLimit(qreal)
QCOMPARE(0.0, obj1.miterLimit());
QCOMPARE(qreal(1.1), obj1.miterLimit());
// qreal QPen::widthF()
// void QPen::setWidthF(qreal)
QCOMPARE(0.0, obj1.widthF());
QCOMPARE(qreal(1.1), obj1.widthF());
// int QPen::width()
// void QPen::setWidth(int)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
QCOMPARE(i, obj1.width());
void tst_QPen::swap()
QPen p1(Qt::black), p2(Qt::white);
QCOMPARE(p1.color(), QColor(Qt::white));
QCOMPARE(p2.color(), QColor(Qt::black));
void tst_QPen::move()
QPen p1(Qt::black);
// check that moving does the right thing:
QPen p2 = std::move(p1); // could be move or copy construction, so don't check p1's state
QCOMPARE(p2.color(), QColor(Qt::black));
// this, executed ehre, would crash:
// QVERIFY(p1.style() != Qt::NoPen);
// check that moved-from QPen p1 can still be safely copied:
const QPen p3 = p1;
// check that moved-from QPen p1 can still be safely assigned to:
const QPen p4(Qt::yellow);
p1 = p4;
QCOMPARE(p1.color(), QColor(Qt::yellow));
// check that moved-from QPens p2, p3 can still be safely destroyed:
QPen p5 = std::move(p2);
// intentionally no more statements beyond this point
void tst_QPen::move_assign()
QPen p1(Qt::black), p2(Qt::white);
// check that moving does the right thing:
p2 = std::move(p1); // could be move or copy assignment, so don't check p1's state
QCOMPARE(p2.color(), QColor(Qt::black));
// check that move-assigned-from QPen p1 can still be used, albeit
// with undocumented state (it's p2's original state):
QVERIFY(p1.style() != Qt::NoPen);
// check that moved-from QPen p1 can still be safely copied:
const QPen p3 = p1;
// check that moved-from QPen p1 can still be safely assigned to:
const QPen p4(Qt::yellow);
p1 = p4;
QCOMPARE(p1.color(), QColor(Qt::yellow));
// check that moved-from QPens p2, p3 can still be safely destroyed:
QPen p5;
p5 = std::move(p2);
// intentionally no more statements beyond this point
void tst_QPen::operator_eq_eq_data()
QTest::newRow("differentColor") << QPen(Qt::red)
<< QPen(Qt::blue)
<< false;
QTest::newRow("differentWidth") << QPen(Qt::red, 2)
<< QPen(Qt::red, 3)
<< false;
QTest::newRow("differentPenStyle") << QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DashLine)
<< QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DotLine)
<< false;
QTest::newRow("differentCapStyle") << QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DashLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::BevelJoin)
<< QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DashLine, Qt::SquareCap, Qt::BevelJoin)
<< false;
QTest::newRow("differentJoinStyle") << QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DashLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::BevelJoin)
<< QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DashLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::MiterJoin)
<< false;
QTest::newRow("same") << QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DashLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::BevelJoin)
<< QPen(Qt::red, 2, Qt::DashLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::BevelJoin)
<< true;
void tst_QPen::operator_eq_eq()
QFETCH(QPen, pen1);
QFETCH(QPen, pen2);
QFETCH(bool, isEqual);
QCOMPARE(pen1 == pen2, isEqual);
void tst_QPen::constructor_data()
QTest::newRow("solid_black") << QPen() << QBrush(Qt::black) << 1. << (int)Qt::SolidLine
<< (int) Qt::SquareCap << (int)Qt::BevelJoin;
QTest::newRow("solid_red") << QPen(Qt::red) << QBrush(Qt::red) << 1. << (int)Qt::SolidLine
<< (int)Qt::SquareCap << (int)Qt::BevelJoin;
QTest::newRow("full") << QPen(QBrush(QLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 100)), 10,
Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::MiterJoin)
<< QBrush(QLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 100)) << 10. << (int)Qt::SolidLine
<< (int)Qt::RoundCap << (int)Qt::MiterJoin;
void tst_QPen::constructor()
QFETCH(QPen, pen);
QFETCH(QBrush, brush);
QFETCH(double, width);
QFETCH(int, style);
QFETCH(int, capStyle);
QFETCH(int, joinStyle);
QCOMPARE(pen.style(), Qt::PenStyle(style));
QCOMPARE(pen.capStyle(), Qt::PenCapStyle(capStyle));
QCOMPARE(pen.joinStyle(), Qt::PenJoinStyle(joinStyle));
QCOMPARE(pen.widthF(), width);
QCOMPARE(pen.brush(), brush);
void tst_QPen::stream_data()
QTest::newRow("solid_black") << QPen();
QTest::newRow("solid_red") << QPen(Qt::red);
QTest::newRow("full") << QPen(QBrush(QLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 100)), 10, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
void tst_QPen::stream()
QFETCH(QPen, pen);
QByteArray bytes;
QDataStream stream(&bytes, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
stream << pen;
QPen cmp;
QDataStream stream(&bytes, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
stream >> cmp;
QCOMPARE(pen.widthF(), cmp.widthF());
QCOMPARE(pen.style(), cmp.style());
QCOMPARE(pen.capStyle(), cmp.capStyle());
QCOMPARE(pen.joinStyle(), cmp.joinStyle());
QCOMPARE(pen.brush(), cmp.brush());
QCOMPARE(pen, cmp);
#include "tst_qpen.moc"