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// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include "proitems.h"
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <private/qduplicatetracker_p.h>
// from qhash.cpp
size_t ProString::hash(const QChar *p, int n)
size_t h = 0;
while (n--) {
h = (h << 4) + (*p++).unicode();
h ^= (h & 0xf0000000) >> 23;
h &= 0x0fffffff;
return h;
ProString::ProString() :
m_offset(0), m_length(0), m_file(0), m_hash(0x80000000)
ProString::ProString(const ProString &other) :
m_string(other.m_string), m_offset(other.m_offset), m_length(other.m_length), m_file(other.m_file), m_hash(other.m_hash)
ProString::ProString(const ProString &other, OmitPreHashing) :
m_string(other.m_string), m_offset(other.m_offset), m_length(other.m_length), m_file(other.m_file), m_hash(0x80000000)
ProString::ProString(const QString &str, DoPreHashing) :
m_string(str), m_offset(0), m_length(str.size()), m_file(0)
ProString::ProString(const QString &str) :
m_string(str), m_offset(0), m_length(str.size()), m_file(0), m_hash(0x80000000)
ProString::ProString(QStringView str) :
m_string(str.toString()), m_offset(0), m_length(str.size()), m_file(0), m_hash(0x80000000)
ProString::ProString(const char *str, DoPreHashing) :
m_string(QString::fromLatin1(str)), m_offset(0), m_length(int(qstrlen(str))), m_file(0)
ProString::ProString(const char *str) :
m_string(QString::fromLatin1(str)), m_offset(0), m_length(int(qstrlen(str))), m_file(0), m_hash(0x80000000)
ProString::ProString(const QString &str, int offset, int length, DoPreHashing) :
m_string(str), m_offset(offset), m_length(length), m_file(0)
ProString::ProString(const QString &str, int offset, int length, uint hash) :
m_string(str), m_offset(offset), m_length(length), m_file(0), m_hash(hash)
ProString::ProString(const QString &str, int offset, int length) :
m_string(str), m_offset(offset), m_length(length), m_file(0), m_hash(0x80000000)
void ProString::setValue(const QString &str)
m_string = str, m_offset = 0, m_length = str.size(), m_hash = 0x80000000;
size_t ProString::updatedHash() const
return (m_hash = hash(m_string.constData() + m_offset, m_length));
size_t qHash(const ProString &str)
if (!(str.m_hash & 0x80000000))
return str.m_hash;
return str.updatedHash();
ProKey::ProKey(const QString &str) :
ProString(str, DoHash)
ProKey::ProKey(const char *str) :
ProString(str, DoHash)
ProKey::ProKey(const QString &str, int off, int len) :
ProString(str, off, len, DoHash)
ProKey::ProKey(const QString &str, int off, int len, uint hash) :
ProString(str, off, len, hash)
void ProKey::setValue(const QString &str)
m_string = str, m_offset = 0, m_length = str.size();
QString ProString::toQString() const
return m_string.mid(m_offset, m_length);
QString &ProString::toQString(QString &tmp) const
tmp = m_string.mid(m_offset, m_length);
return tmp;
ProString &ProString::prepend(const ProString &other)
if (other.m_length) {
if (!m_length) {
*this = other;
} else {
m_string = other.toQStringView() + toQStringView();
m_offset = 0;
m_length = m_string.size();
if (!m_file)
m_file = other.m_file;
m_hash = 0x80000000;
return *this;
ProString &ProString::append(const QLatin1String other)
if (other.size()) {
if (m_length != m_string.size()) {
m_string = toQStringView() + other;
m_offset = 0;
m_length = m_string.size();
} else {
Q_ASSERT(m_offset == 0);
m_length += other.size();
m_hash = 0x80000000;
return *this;
ProString &ProString::append(QChar other)
if (m_length != m_string.size()) {
m_string = toQStringView() + other;
m_offset = 0;
m_length = m_string.size();
} else {
Q_ASSERT(m_offset == 0);
m_hash = 0x80000000;
return *this;
// If pending != 0, prefix with space if appending to non-empty non-pending
ProString &ProString::append(const ProString &other, bool *pending)
if (other.m_length) {
if (!m_length) {
*this = other;
} else {
if (m_length != m_string.size())
m_string = toQString();
if (pending && !*pending) {
m_string += QLatin1Char(' ') + other.toQStringView();
} else {
m_string += other.toQStringView();
m_length = m_string.size();
m_offset = 0;
if (other.m_file)
m_file = other.m_file;
m_hash = 0x80000000;
if (pending)
*pending = true;
return *this;
ProString &ProString::append(const ProStringList &other, bool *pending, bool skipEmpty1st)
if (const int sz = other.size()) {
int startIdx = 0;
if (pending && !*pending && skipEmpty1st && other.at(0).isEmpty()) {
if (sz == 1)
return *this;
startIdx = 1;
if (!m_length && sz == startIdx + 1) {
*this = other.at(startIdx);
} else {
bool putSpace = false;
if (pending && !*pending && m_length)
putSpace = true;
m_string = toQString();
m_offset = 0;
for (int i = startIdx; i < sz; ++i) {
if (putSpace)
m_string += QLatin1Char(' ');
putSpace = true;
const ProString &str = other.at(i);
m_string += str.toQStringView();
m_length = m_string.size();
if (other.last().m_file)
m_file = other.last().m_file;
m_hash = 0x80000000;
if (pending)
*pending = true;
return *this;
QString operator+(const ProString &one, const ProString &two)
if (two.m_length) {
if (!one.m_length) {
return two.toQString();
} else {
QString neu(one.m_length + two.m_length, Qt::Uninitialized);
ushort *ptr = (ushort *)neu.constData();
memcpy(ptr, one.m_string.constData() + one.m_offset, one.m_length * 2);
memcpy(ptr + one.m_length, two.m_string.constData() + two.m_offset, two.m_length * 2);
return neu;
return one.toQString();
ProString ProString::mid(int off, int len) const
ProString ret(*this, NoHash);
if (off > m_length)
off = m_length;
ret.m_offset += off;
ret.m_length -= off;
if ((uint)ret.m_length > (uint)len) // Unsigned comparison to interpret < 0 as infinite
ret.m_length = len;
return ret;
ProString ProString::trimmed() const
ProString ret(*this, NoHash);
int cur = m_offset;
int end = cur + m_length;
const QChar *data = m_string.constData();
for (; cur < end; cur++)
if (!data[cur].isSpace()) {
// No underrun check - we know there is at least one non-whitespace
while (data[end - 1].isSpace())
ret.m_offset = cur;
ret.m_length = end - cur;
return ret;
QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &t, const ProString &str)
t << str.toQStringView();
return t;
static QString ProStringList_join(const ProStringList &this_, const QChar *sep, const int sepSize)
int totalLength = 0;
const int sz = this_.size();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
totalLength += this_.at(i).size();
if (sz)
totalLength += sepSize * (sz - 1);
QString res(totalLength, Qt::Uninitialized);
QChar *ptr = (QChar *)res.constData();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
if (i) {
memcpy(ptr, sep, sepSize * sizeof(QChar));
ptr += sepSize;
const ProString &str = this_.at(i);
memcpy(ptr, str.constData(), str.size() * sizeof(QChar));
ptr += str.size();
return res;
QString ProStringList::join(const ProString &sep) const
return ProStringList_join(*this, sep.constData(), sep.size());
QString ProStringList::join(const QString &sep) const
return ProStringList_join(*this, sep.constData(), sep.size());
QString ProStringList::join(QChar sep) const
return ProStringList_join(*this, &sep, 1);
void ProStringList::removeAll(const ProString &str)
for (int i = size(); --i >= 0; )
if (at(i) == str)
void ProStringList::removeAll(const char *str)
for (int i = size(); --i >= 0; )
if (at(i) == str)
void ProStringList::removeEach(const ProStringList &value)
for (const ProString &str : value) {
if (isEmpty())
if (!str.isEmpty())
void ProStringList::removeEmpty()
for (int i = size(); --i >= 0;)
if (at(i).isEmpty())
void ProStringList::removeDuplicates()
QDuplicateTracker<ProString> seen(size());
removeIf([&](const ProString &s) { return seen.hasSeen(s); });
void ProStringList::insertUnique(const ProStringList &value)
for (const ProString &str : value)
if (!str.isEmpty() && !contains(str))
ProStringList::ProStringList(const QStringList &list)
for (const QString &str : list)
*this << ProString(str);
QStringList ProStringList::toQStringList() const
QStringList ret;
for (const auto &e : *this)
return ret;
bool ProStringList::contains(const ProString &str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
if (!at(i).compare(str, cs))
return true;
return false;
bool ProStringList::contains(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
if (!at(i).toQStringView().compare(str, cs))
return true;
return false;
bool ProStringList::contains(const char *str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
if (!at(i).compare(str, cs))
return true;
return false;
ProFile::ProFile(int id, const QString &fileName)
: m_refCount(1),
if (!fileName.startsWith(QLatin1Char('(')))
m_directoryName = QFileInfo( // qmake sickness: canonicalize only the directory!
ProString ProFile::getStr(const ushort *&tPtr)
uint len = *tPtr++;
ProString ret(items(), tPtr - tokPtr(), len);
tPtr += len;
return ret;
ProKey ProFile::getHashStr(const ushort *&tPtr)
uint hash = *tPtr++;
hash |= (uint)*tPtr++ << 16;
uint len = *tPtr++;
ProKey ret(items(), tPtr - tokPtr(), len, hash);
tPtr += len;
return ret;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const ProString &str)
return debug << str.toQString();