# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # # Android specific functions/macros/properties required for building Qt Modules # define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_MODULE_INSTALL_DIR BRIEF_DOCS "Recorded install location for a Qt Module." FULL_DOCS "Recorded install location for a Qt Module. Used by qt_internal_android_dependencies()." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_JAR_DEPENDENCIES BRIEF_DOCS "Qt Module Jar dependencies list." FULL_DOCS "Qt Module Jar dependencies list." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_BUNDLED_JAR_DEPENDENCIES BRIEF_DOCS "Qt Module Jars that should be bundled with it during packing." FULL_DOCS "Qt Module Jars that should be bundled with it during packing." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_LIB_DEPENDENCIES BRIEF_DOCS "Qt Module C++ libraries that should be bundled with it during packing." FULL_DOCS "Qt Module C++ libraries that should be bundled with it during packing." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_LIB_DEPENDENCY_REPLACEMENTS BRIEF_DOCS "Qt Module C++ libraries that can replace libraries declared with the QT_ANDROID_LIB_DEPENDENCIES property." FULL_DOCS "Qt Module C++ libraries that can replace libraries declared with the QT_ANDROID_LIB_DEPENDENCIES property." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_BUNDLED_FILES BRIEF_DOCS "Qt Module files that need to be bundled during packing." FULL_DOCS "Qt Module files that need to be bundled during packing." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_PERMISSIONS BRIEF_DOCS "Qt Module android permission list." FULL_DOCS "Qt Module android permission list." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_FEATURES BRIEF_DOCS "Qt Module android feature list." FULL_DOCS "Qt Module android feature list." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_ABIS BRIEF_DOCS "List of ABIs that the target packages are built with." FULL_DOCS "List of ABIs that the target packages are built with." ) function(qt_internal_android_dependencies_content target file_content_out) get_target_property(arg_JAR_DEPENDENCIES ${target} QT_ANDROID_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) get_target_property(arg_BUNDLED_JAR_DEPENDENCIES ${target} QT_ANDROID_BUNDLED_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) get_target_property(arg_LIB_DEPENDENCIES ${target} QT_ANDROID_LIB_DEPENDENCIES) get_target_property(arg_LIB_DEPENDENCY_REPLACEMENTS ${target} QT_ANDROID_LIB_DEPENDENCY_REPLACEMENTS) get_target_property(arg_BUNDLED_FILES ${target} QT_ANDROID_BUNDLED_FILES) get_target_property(arg_PERMISSIONS ${target} QT_ANDROID_PERMISSIONS) get_target_property(arg_FEATURES ${target} QT_ANDROID_FEATURES) if ((NOT arg_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) AND (NOT arg_BUNDLED_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) AND (NOT arg_LIB_DEPENDENCIES) AND (NOT arg_LIB_DEPENDENCY_REPLACEMENTS) AND (NOT arg_BUNDLED_FILES) AND (NOT arg_PERMISSIONS) AND (NOT arg_FEATURES)) # None of the values were set, so there's nothing to do return() endif() # mimic qmake's section and string splitting from # mkspecs/feature/qt_android_deps.prf macro(section string delimiter first second) string(FIND ${string} ${delimiter} delimiter_location) if (NOT ${delimiter_location} EQUAL -1) string(SUBSTRING ${string} 0 ${delimiter_location} ${first}) math(EXPR delimiter_location "${delimiter_location} + 1") string(SUBSTRING ${string} ${delimiter_location} -1 ${second}) else() set(${first} ${string}) set(${second} "") endif() endmacro() set(file_contents "") # Jar Dependencies if(arg_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) foreach(jar_dependency IN LISTS arg_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) section(${jar_dependency} ":" jar_file init_class) if (init_class) set(init_class "initClass=\"${init_class}\"") endif() # Use unix path to allow using files on any host platform. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${jar_file} jar_file_unix_path) string(APPEND file_contents "<jar file=\"${jar_file_unix_path}\" ${init_class} />\n") endforeach() endif() # Bundled Jar Dependencies if(arg_BUNDLED_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) foreach(jar_bundle IN LISTS arg_BUNDLED_JAR_DEPENDENCIES) section(${jar_bundle} ":" bundle_file init_class) if (init_class) set(init_class "initClass=\"${init_class}\"") endif() # Use unix path to allow using files on any host platform. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${bundle_file} jar_bundle_unix_path) string(APPEND file_contents "<jar bundling=\"1\" file=\"${jar_bundle_unix_path}\" ${init_class} />\n") endforeach() endif() # Lib Dependencies if(arg_LIB_DEPENDENCIES) foreach(lib IN LISTS arg_LIB_DEPENDENCIES) string(REPLACE ".so" "_${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}.so" lib ${lib}) section(${lib} ":" lib_file lib_extends) if (lib_extends) set(lib_extends "extends=\"${lib_extends}\"") endif() # Use unix path to allow using files on any host platform. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${lib_file} lib_file_unix_path) string(APPEND file_contents "<lib file=\"${lib_file_unix_path}\" ${lib_extends} />\n") endforeach() endif() # Lib Dependencies Replacements if(arg_LIB_DEPENDENCY_REPLACEMENTS) foreach(lib IN LISTS arg_LIB_DEPENDENCY_REPLACEMENTS) string(REPLACE ".so" "_${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}.so" lib ${lib}) section(${lib} ":" lib_file lib_replacement) if (lib_replacement) # Use unix path to allow using files on any host platform. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${lib_replacement} lib_replacement_unix_path) set(lib_replacement "replaces=\"${lib_replacement_unix_path}\"") endif() # Use unix path to allow using files on any host platform. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${lib_file} lib_file_unix_path) string(APPEND file_contents "<lib file=\"${lib_file_unix_path}\" ${lib_replacement} />\n") endforeach() endif() # Bundled files if(arg_BUNDLED_FILES) foreach(bundled_file IN LISTS arg_BUNDLED_FILES) # Use unix path to allow using files on any host platform. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${bundled_file} file_unix_path) string(APPEND file_contents "<bundled file=\"${file_unix_path}\" />\n") endforeach() endif() # Android Permissions if(arg_PERMISSIONS) foreach(permission IN LISTS arg_PERMISSIONS) string(APPEND file_contents "<permission name=\"${permission}\" />\n") endforeach() endif() # Android Features if(arg_FEATURES) foreach(feature IN LISTS arg_FEATURES) string(APPEND file_contents "<feature name=\"${feature}\" />\n") endforeach() endif() set(${file_content_out} ${file_contents} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Generate Qt Module -android-dependencies.xml required by the # androiddeploytoolqt to successfully copy all the plugins and other dependent # items into the APK function(qt_internal_android_dependencies target) get_target_property(target_type "${target}" TYPE) if(target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") return() endif() # Get plugins for the current module get_target_property(module_plugin_types ${target} MODULE_PLUGIN_TYPES) # Get depends for the current module qt_internal_android_dependencies_content(${target} file_contents) # Get plugins from the module's plugin types and get their dependencies foreach(plugin ${QT_KNOWN_PLUGINS}) get_target_property(iter_known_plugin_type ${plugin} QT_PLUGIN_TYPE) foreach(plugin_type ${module_plugin_types}) if (plugin_type STREQUAL iter_known_plugin_type) qt_internal_android_dependencies_content(${plugin} plugin_file_contents) string(APPEND file_contents ${plugin_file_contents}) endif() endforeach() endforeach() if ((NOT module_plugin_types) AND (NOT file_contents)) # None of the values were set, so there's nothing to do return() endif() get_target_property(target_output_name ${target} OUTPUT_NAME) if (NOT target_output_name) set(target_name ${target}) else() set(target_name ${target_output_name}) endif() string(PREPEND file_contents "<lib name=\"${target_name}_${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}\"><depends>\n") string(PREPEND file_contents "<rules><dependencies>\n") # Module plugins if(module_plugin_types) foreach(plugin IN LISTS module_plugin_types) string(APPEND file_contents "<bundled file=\"${INSTALL_PLUGINSDIR}/${plugin}\" />\n") endforeach() endif() string(APPEND file_contents "</depends></lib>\n") string(APPEND file_contents "</dependencies></rules>") qt_path_join(dependency_file "${QT_BUILD_DIR}" "${INSTALL_LIBDIR}" "${target_name}_${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}-android-dependencies.xml") file(WRITE ${dependency_file} ${file_contents}) get_target_property(target_install_dir ${target} QT_ANDROID_MODULE_INSTALL_DIR) if (NOT target_install_dir) message(SEND_ERROR "qt_internal_android_dependencies: Target ${target} is either not a Qt Module or has no recorded install location") return() endif() # Copy file into install directory, required by the androiddeployqt tool. qt_install(FILES ${dependency_file} DESTINATION ${target_install_dir} COMPONENT Devel) endfunction()