// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause #include <QCborStreamReader> #include <QCommandLineParser> #include <QCommandLineOption> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QFile> #include <QLocale> #include <QStack> #include <locale.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; /* * To regenerate: * curl -O https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xml * xsltproc tag-transform.xslt cbor-tags.xml * * The XHTML URL mentioned in the comment below is a human-readable version of * the same resource. */ /* TODO (if possible): fix XSLT to replace each newline and surrounding space in a semantics entry with a single space, instead of using a raw string to wrap each, propagating the spacing from the XML to the output of cbordump. Also auto-purge dangling spaces from the ends of generated lines. */ // GENERATED CODE struct CborTagDescription { QCborTag tag; const char *description; // with space and parentheses }; // CBOR Tags static const CborTagDescription tagDescriptions[] = { // from https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml { QCborTag(0), R"r( (Standard date/time string; see Section 3.4.1 [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(1), R"r( (Epoch-based date/time; see Section 3.4.2 [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(2), R"r( (Positive bignum; see Section 3.4.3 [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(3), R"r( (Negative bignum; see Section 3.4.3 [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(4), R"r( (Decimal fraction; see Section 3.4.4 [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(5), R"r( (Bigfloat; see Section 3.4.4 [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(16), R"r( (COSE Single Recipient Encrypted Data Object [RFC9052]))r" }, { QCborTag(17), R"r( (COSE Mac w/o Recipients Object [RFC9052]))r" }, { QCborTag(18), R"r( (COSE Single Signer Data Object [RFC9052]))r" }, { QCborTag(19), R"r( (COSE standalone V2 countersignature [RFC9338]))r" }, { QCborTag(21), R"r( (Expected conversion to base64url encoding; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(22), R"r( (Expected conversion to base64 encoding; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(23), R"r( (Expected conversion to base16 encoding; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(24), R"r( (Encoded CBOR data item; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(25), R"r( (reference the nth previously seen string))r" }, { QCborTag(26), R"r( (Serialised Perl object with classname and constructor arguments))r" }, { QCborTag(27), R"r( (Serialised language-independent object with type name and constructor arguments))r" }, { QCborTag(28), R"r( (mark value as (potentially) shared))r" }, { QCborTag(29), R"r( (reference nth marked value))r" }, { QCborTag(30), R"r( (Rational number))r" }, { QCborTag(31), R"r( (Absent value in a CBOR Array))r" }, { QCborTag(32), R"r( (URI; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(33), R"r( (base64url; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(34), R"r( (base64; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(35), R"r( (Regular expression; see Section [RFC7049]))r" }, { QCborTag(36), R"r( (MIME message; see Section [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(37), R"r( (Binary UUID (RFC4122, Section 4.1.2)))r" }, { QCborTag(38), R"r( (Language-tagged string [RFC9290]))r" }, { QCborTag(39), R"r( (Identifier))r" }, { QCborTag(40), R"r( (Multi-dimensional Array, row-major order [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(41), R"r( (Homogeneous Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(42), R"r( (IPLD content identifier))r" }, { QCborTag(43), R"r( (YANG bits datatype; see Section 6.7. [RFC9254]))r" }, { QCborTag(44), R"r( (YANG enumeration datatype; see Section 6.6. [RFC9254]))r" }, { QCborTag(45), R"r( (YANG identityref datatype; see Section 6.10. [RFC9254]))r" }, { QCborTag(46), R"r( (YANG instance-identifier datatype; see Section 6.13. [RFC9254]))r" }, { QCborTag(47), R"r( (YANG Schema Item iDentifier (sid); see Section 3.2. [RFC9254]))r" }, { QCborTag(52), R"r( (IPv4, [prefixlen,IPv4], [IPv4,prefixpart] [RFC9164]))r" }, { QCborTag(54), R"r( (IPv6, [prefixlen,IPv6], [IPv6,prefixpart] [RFC9164]))r" }, { QCborTag(61), R"r( (CBOR Web Token (CWT) [RFC8392]))r" }, { QCborTag(63), R"r( (Encoded CBOR Sequence ))r" }, { QCborTag(64), R"r( (uint8 Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(65), R"r( (uint16, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(66), R"r( (uint32, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(67), R"r( (uint64, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(68), R"r( (uint8 Typed Array, clamped arithmetic [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(69), R"r( (uint16, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(70), R"r( (uint32, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(71), R"r( (uint64, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(72), R"r( (sint8 Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(73), R"r( (sint16, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(74), R"r( (sint32, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(75), R"r( (sint64, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(76), R"r( ((reserved) [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(77), R"r( (sint16, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(78), R"r( (sint32, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(79), R"r( (sint64, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(80), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary16, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(81), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary32, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(82), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary64, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(83), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary128, big endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(84), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary16, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(85), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary32, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(86), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary64, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(87), R"r( (IEEE 754 binary128, little endian, Typed Array [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(96), R"r( (COSE Encrypted Data Object [RFC9052]))r" }, { QCborTag(97), R"r( (COSE MACed Data Object [RFC9052]))r" }, { QCborTag(98), R"r( (COSE Signed Data Object [RFC9052]))r" }, { QCborTag(100), R"r( (Number of days since the epoch date 1970-01-01 [RFC8943]))r" }, { QCborTag(101), R"r( (alternatives as given by the uint + 128; see Section 9.1))r" }, { QCborTag(103), R"r( (Geographic Coordinates))r" }, { QCborTag(104), R"r( (Geographic Coordinate Reference System WKT or EPSG number))r" }, { QCborTag(110), R"r( (relative object identifier (BER encoding); SDNV sequence [RFC9090]))r" }, { QCborTag(111), R"r( (object identifier (BER encoding) [RFC9090]))r" }, { QCborTag(112), R"r( (object identifier (BER encoding), relative to [RFC9090]))r" }, { QCborTag(120), R"r( (Internet of Things Data Point))r" }, { QCborTag(260), R"r( (Network Address (IPv4 or IPv6 or MAC Address) (DEPRECATED in favor of 52 and 54 for IP addresses) [http://www.employees.oRg/~RaviR/CboR-netwoRk.txt]))r" }, { QCborTag(261), R"r( (Network Address Prefix (IPv4 or IPv6 Address + Mask Length) (DEPRECATED in favor of 52 and 54 for IP addresses) [https://github.Com/toRaviR/CBOR-Tag-SpeCs/blob/masteR/netwoRkPReFix.md]))r" }, { QCborTag(271), R"r( (DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) signal channel object, as defined in [RFC9132]))r" }, { QCborTag(1004), R"r( ( full-date string [RFC8943]))r" }, { QCborTag(1040), R"r( (Multi-dimensional Array, column-major order [RFC8746]))r" }, { QCborTag(55799), R"r( (Self-described CBOR; see Section 3.4.6 [RFC8949]))r" }, { QCborTag(55800), R"r( (indicates that the file contains CBOR Sequences [RFC9277]))r" }, { QCborTag(55801), R"r( (indicates that the file starts with a CBOR-Labeled Non-CBOR Data label. [RFC9277]))r" }, { QCborTag(-1), nullptr } }; // END GENERATED CODE enum { // See RFC 7049 section 2. SmallValueBitLength = 5, SmallValueMask = (1 << SmallValueBitLength) - 1, /* 0x1f */ Value8Bit = 24, Value16Bit = 25, Value32Bit = 26, Value64Bit = 27 }; //! [0] struct CborDumper { enum DumpOption { ShowCompact = 0x01, ShowWidthIndicators = 0x02, ShowAnnotated = 0x04 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DumpOptions, DumpOption) CborDumper(QFile *f, DumpOptions opts_); QCborError dump(); private: void dumpOne(int nestingLevel); void dumpOneDetailed(int nestingLevel); void printByteArray(const QByteArray &ba); void printWidthIndicator(quint64 value, char space = '\0'); void printStringWidthIndicator(quint64 value); QCborStreamReader reader; QByteArray data; QStack<quint8> byteArrayEncoding; qint64 offset = 0; DumpOptions opts; }; //! [0] Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(CborDumper::DumpOptions) static int cborNumberSize(quint64 value) { int normalSize = 1; if (value > std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max()) normalSize += 8; else if (value > std::numeric_limits<quint16>::max()) normalSize += 4; else if (value > std::numeric_limits<quint8>::max()) normalSize += 2; else if (value >= Value8Bit) normalSize += 1; return normalSize; } CborDumper::CborDumper(QFile *f, DumpOptions opts_) : opts(opts_) { // try to mmap the file, this is faster char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(f->map(0, f->size(), QFile::MapPrivateOption)); if (ptr) { // worked data = QByteArray::fromRawData(ptr, f->size()); reader.addData(data); } else if ((opts & ShowAnnotated) || f->isSequential()) { // details requires full contents, so allocate memory data = f->readAll(); reader.addData(data); } else { // just use the QIODevice reader.setDevice(f); } } QCborError CborDumper::dump() { byteArrayEncoding << quint8(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase16); if (!reader.lastError()) { if (opts & ShowAnnotated) dumpOneDetailed(0); else dumpOne(0); } QCborError err = reader.lastError(); offset = reader.currentOffset(); if (err) { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "cbordump: decoding failed at %lld: %s\n", offset, qPrintable(err.toString())); if (!data.isEmpty()) fprintf(stderr, " bytes at %lld: %s\n", offset, data.mid(offset, 9).toHex(' ').constData()); } else { if (!opts.testFlag(ShowAnnotated)) printf("\n"); if (offset < data.size() || (reader.device() && reader.device()->bytesAvailable())) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: bytes remaining at the end of the CBOR stream\n"); } return err; } template<typename T> static inline bool canConvertTo(double v) { using TypeInfo = std::numeric_limits<T>; // The [conv.fpint] (7.10 Floating-integral conversions) section of the // standard says only exact conversions are guaranteed. Converting // integrals to floating-point with loss of precision has implementation- // defined behavior whether the next higher or next lower is returned; // converting FP to integral is UB if it can't be represented.; static_assert(TypeInfo::is_integer); double supremum = ldexp(1, TypeInfo::digits); if (v >= supremum) return false; if (v < TypeInfo::min()) // either zero or a power of two, so it's exact return false; // we're in range return v == floor(v); } static QString fpToString(double v, QLatin1StringView suffix = ""_L1) { if (qIsInf(v)) return v < 0 ? "-inf"_L1 : "inf"_L1; if (qIsNaN(v)) return "nan"_L1; if (canConvertTo<qint64>(v)) return QString::number(qint64(v)) + ".0"_L1 + suffix; if (canConvertTo<quint64>(v)) return QString::number(quint64(v)) + ".0"_L1 + suffix; QString s = QString::number(v, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest); if (!s.contains(u'.') && !s.contains(u'e')) s += u'.'; if (suffix.size()) s += suffix; return s; }; void CborDumper::dumpOne(int nestingLevel) { QString indent(1, u' '); QString indented = indent; if (!opts.testFlag(ShowCompact)) { indent = u'\n' + QString(4 * nestingLevel, u' '); indented = u'\n' + QString(4 + 4 * nestingLevel, u' '); } switch (reader.type()) { case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger: { quint64 u = reader.toUnsignedInteger(); printf("%llu", u); reader.next(); printWidthIndicator(u); return; } case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger: { quint64 n = quint64(reader.toNegativeInteger()); if (n == 0) // -2^64 (wrapped around) printf("-18446744073709551616"); else printf("-%llu", n); reader.next(); printWidthIndicator(n); return; } case QCborStreamReader::ByteArray: case QCborStreamReader::String: { bool isLengthKnown = reader.isLengthKnown(); if (!isLengthKnown) { printf("(_ "); ++offset; } QString comma; if (reader.isByteArray()) { auto r = reader.readByteArray(); while (r.status == QCborStreamReader::Ok) { printf("%s", qPrintable(comma)); printByteArray(r.data); printStringWidthIndicator(r.data.size()); r = reader.readByteArray(); comma = u',' + indented; } } else { auto r = reader.readString(); while (r.status == QCborStreamReader::Ok) { printf("%s\"%s\"", qPrintable(comma), qPrintable(r.data)); printStringWidthIndicator(r.data.toUtf8().size()); r = reader.readString(); comma = u',' + indented; } } if (!isLengthKnown && !reader.lastError()) printf(")"); break; } case QCborStreamReader::Array: case QCborStreamReader::Map: { const char *delimiters = (reader.isArray() ? "[]" : "{}"); printf("%c", delimiters[0]); if (reader.isLengthKnown()) { quint64 len = reader.length(); reader.enterContainer(); printWidthIndicator(len, ' '); } else { reader.enterContainer(); offset = reader.currentOffset(); printf("_ "); } const char *comma = ""; while (!reader.lastError() && reader.hasNext()) { printf("%s%s", comma, qPrintable(indented)); comma = ","; dumpOne(nestingLevel + 1); if (reader.parentContainerType() != QCborStreamReader::Map) continue; if (reader.lastError()) break; printf(": "); dumpOne(nestingLevel + 1); } if (!reader.lastError()) { reader.leaveContainer(); printf("%s%c", qPrintable(indent), delimiters[1]); } break; } case QCborStreamReader::Tag: { QCborTag tag = reader.toTag(); printf("%llu", quint64(tag)); if (tag == QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase16 || tag == QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64 || tag == QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64url) byteArrayEncoding.push(quint8(tag)); if (reader.next()) { printWidthIndicator(quint64(tag)); printf("("); dumpOne(nestingLevel); // same level! printf(")"); } if (tag == QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase16 || tag == QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64 || tag == QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64url) byteArrayEncoding.pop(); break; } case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType: switch (reader.toSimpleType()) { case QCborSimpleType::False: printf("false"); break; case QCborSimpleType::True: printf("true"); break; case QCborSimpleType::Null: printf("null"); break; case QCborSimpleType::Undefined: printf("undefined"); break; default: printf("simple(%u)", quint8(reader.toSimpleType())); break; } reader.next(); break; case QCborStreamReader::Float16: printf("%s", qPrintable(fpToString(reader.toFloat16(), "f16"_L1))); reader.next(); break; case QCborStreamReader::Float: printf("%s", qPrintable(fpToString(reader.toFloat(), "f"_L1))); reader.next(); break; case QCborStreamReader::Double: printf("%s", qPrintable(fpToString(reader.toDouble()))); reader.next(); break; case QCborStreamReader::Invalid: return; } offset = reader.currentOffset(); } void CborDumper::dumpOneDetailed(int nestingLevel) { auto tagDescription = [](QCborTag tag) { for (auto entry : tagDescriptions) { if (entry.tag == tag) return entry.description; if (entry.tag > tag) break; } return ""; }; auto printOverlong = [](int actualSize, quint64 value) { if (cborNumberSize(value) != actualSize) printf(" (overlong)"); }; auto print = [=](const char *descr, const char *fmt, ...) { qint64 prevOffset = offset; offset = reader.currentOffset(); if (prevOffset == offset) return; QByteArray bytes = data.mid(prevOffset, offset - prevOffset); QByteArray indent(nestingLevel * 2, ' '); printf("%-50s # %s ", (indent + bytes.toHex(' ')).constData(), descr); va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); vprintf(fmt, va); va_end(va); if (strstr(fmt, "%ll")) { // Only works because all callers below that use %ll, use it as the // first arg va_start(va, fmt); quint64 value = va_arg(va, quint64); va_end(va); printOverlong(bytes.size(), value); } puts(""); }; auto printFp = [=](const char *descr, double d) { QString s = fpToString(d); if (s.size() <= 6) return print(descr, "%s", qPrintable(s)); return print(descr, "%a", d); }; auto printString = [=](const char *descr) { constexpr qsizetype ChunkSizeLimit = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); QByteArray indent(nestingLevel * 2, ' '); const char *chunkStr = (reader.isLengthKnown() ? "" : "chunk "); int width = 48 - indent.size(); int bytesPerLine = qMax(width / 3, 5); qsizetype size = reader.currentStringChunkSize(); if (size < 0) return; // error if (size >= ChunkSizeLimit) { fprintf(stderr, "String length too big, %lli\n", qint64(size)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // if asking for the current string chunk changes the offset, then it // was chunked print(descr, "(indeterminate length)"); QByteArray bytes(size, Qt::Uninitialized); auto r = reader.readStringChunk(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); while (r.status == QCborStreamReader::Ok) { // We'll have to decode the length's width directly from CBOR... const char *lenstart = data.constData() + offset; const char *lenend = lenstart + 1; quint8 additionalInformation = (*lenstart & SmallValueMask); // Decode this number directly from CBOR (see RFC 7049 section 2) if (additionalInformation >= Value8Bit) { if (additionalInformation == Value8Bit) lenend += 1; else if (additionalInformation == Value16Bit) lenend += 2; else if (additionalInformation == Value32Bit) lenend += 4; else lenend += 8; } { QByteArray lenbytes = QByteArray::fromRawData(lenstart, lenend - lenstart); printf("%-50s # %s %slength %llu", (indent + lenbytes.toHex(' ')).constData(), descr, chunkStr, quint64(size)); printOverlong(lenbytes.size(), size); puts(""); } offset = reader.currentOffset(); for (int i = 0; i < r.data; i += bytesPerLine) { QByteArray section = bytes.mid(i, bytesPerLine); printf(" %s%s", indent.constData(), section.toHex(' ').constData()); // print the decode QByteArray spaces(width > 0 ? width - section.size() * 3 + 1 : 0, ' '); printf("%s # \"", spaces.constData()); auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(section.constData()); for (int j = 0; j < section.size(); ++j) printf("%c", ptr[j] >= 0x80 || ptr[j] < 0x20 ? '.' : ptr[j]); puts("\""); } // get the next chunk size = reader.currentStringChunkSize(); if (size < 0) return; // error if (size >= ChunkSizeLimit) { fprintf(stderr, "String length too big, %lli\n", qint64(size)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bytes.resize(size); r = reader.readStringChunk(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); } }; if (reader.lastError()) return; switch (reader.type()) { case QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger: { quint64 u = reader.toUnsignedInteger(); reader.next(); if (u < 65536 || (u % 100000) == 0) print("Unsigned integer", "%llu", u); else print("Unsigned integer", "0x%llx", u); return; } case QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger: { quint64 n = quint64(reader.toNegativeInteger()); reader.next(); print("Negative integer", n == 0 ? "-18446744073709551616" : "-%llu", n); return; } case QCborStreamReader::ByteArray: case QCborStreamReader::String: { bool isLengthKnown = reader.isLengthKnown(); const char *descr = (reader.isString() ? "Text string" : "Byte string"); if (!isLengthKnown) ++nestingLevel; printString(descr); if (reader.lastError()) return; if (!isLengthKnown) { --nestingLevel; print("Break", ""); } break; } case QCborStreamReader::Array: case QCborStreamReader::Map: { const char *descr = (reader.isArray() ? "Array" : "Map"); if (reader.isLengthKnown()) { quint64 len = reader.length(); reader.enterContainer(); print(descr, "length %llu", len); } else { reader.enterContainer(); print(descr, "(indeterminate length)"); } while (!reader.lastError() && reader.hasNext()) dumpOneDetailed(nestingLevel + 1); if (!reader.lastError()) { reader.leaveContainer(); print("Break", ""); } break; } case QCborStreamReader::Tag: { QCborTag tag = reader.toTag(); reader.next(); print("Tag", "%llu%s", quint64(tag), tagDescription(tag)); dumpOneDetailed(nestingLevel + 1); break; } case QCborStreamReader::SimpleType: { QCborSimpleType st = reader.toSimpleType(); reader.next(); switch (st) { case QCborSimpleType::False: print("Simple Type", "false"); break; case QCborSimpleType::True: print("Simple Type", "true"); break; case QCborSimpleType::Null: print("Simple Type", "null"); break; case QCborSimpleType::Undefined: print("Simple Type", "undefined"); break; default: print("Simple Type", "%u", quint8(st)); break; } break; } case QCborStreamReader::Float16: { double d = reader.toFloat16(); reader.next(); printFp("Float16", d); break; } case QCborStreamReader::Float: { double d = reader.toFloat(); reader.next(); printFp("Float", d); break; } case QCborStreamReader::Double: { double d = reader.toDouble(); reader.next(); printFp("Double", d); break; } case QCborStreamReader::Invalid: return; } offset = reader.currentOffset(); } void CborDumper::printByteArray(const QByteArray &ba) { switch (byteArrayEncoding.top()) { default: printf("h'%s'", ba.toHex(' ').constData()); break; case quint8(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64): printf("b64'%s'", ba.toBase64().constData()); break; case quint8(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64url): printf("b64'%s'", ba.toBase64(QByteArray::Base64UrlEncoding | QByteArray::OmitTrailingEquals) .constData()); break; } } void printIndicator(quint64 value, qint64 previousOffset, qint64 offset, char space) { int normalSize = cborNumberSize(value); int actualSize = offset - previousOffset; if (actualSize != normalSize) { Q_ASSERT(actualSize > 1); actualSize -= 2; printf("_%d", qPopulationCount(uint(actualSize))); if (space) printf("%c", space); } } void CborDumper::printWidthIndicator(quint64 value, char space) { qint64 previousOffset = offset; offset = reader.currentOffset(); if (opts & ShowWidthIndicators) printIndicator(value, previousOffset, offset, space); } void CborDumper::printStringWidthIndicator(quint64 value) { qint64 previousOffset = offset; offset = reader.currentOffset(); if (opts & ShowWidthIndicators) printIndicator(value, previousOffset, offset - uint(value), '\0'); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("CBOR Dumper tool"_L1); parser.addHelpOption(); QCommandLineOption compact({"c"_L1, "compact"_L1}, "Use compact form (no line breaks)"_L1); parser.addOption(compact); QCommandLineOption showIndicators({ "i"_L1, "indicators"_L1 }, "Show indicators for width of lengths and integrals"_L1); parser.addOption(showIndicators); QCommandLineOption verbose({"a"_L1, "annotated"_L1}, "Show bytes and annotated decoding"_L1); parser.addOption(verbose); parser.addPositionalArgument("[source]"_L1, "CBOR file to read from"_L1); parser.process(app); CborDumper::DumpOptions opts; if (parser.isSet(compact)) opts |= CborDumper::ShowCompact; if (parser.isSet(showIndicators)) opts |= CborDumper::ShowWidthIndicators; if (parser.isSet(verbose)) opts |= CborDumper::ShowAnnotated; QStringList files = parser.positionalArguments(); if (files.isEmpty()) files << "-"; for (const QString &file : std::as_const(files)) { QFile f(file); if (file == "-" ? f.open(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly) : f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if (files.size() > 1) printf("/ From \"%s\" /\n", qPrintable(file)); CborDumper dumper(&f, opts); QCborError err = dumper.dump(); if (err) return EXIT_FAILURE; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }