// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #define spurious \ / #include "needed.cpp" // if not ignored, symbol needed() won't be available ... // Check we're not confused by string juxtaposition: static const char text[] = "lorem ""ipsum /*"; #include <moc_object1.cpp> /**/ #include "\ moc_object2.cpp\ " /**//**/ #include <moc_\ o\ b\ j\ e\ c\ t\ 3\ .cpp> /*'"*/ #include <moc_object4.cpp> /*"' */ #include <moc_object5.cpp> /* #include "missing.cpp" */// a backslash newline does make the next line part of this comment \ /* so this text is in last line's C++-style comment, not a C-comment ! #include <moc_object6.cpp> #if 0 #pragma "ignore me" '&' L"me" #line 4321 "main.cpp" more /* preprocessing */ tokens #endif static void function1(); #include/* every comment gets replaced (in phase 3) by a single space */<moc_object7.cpp> static void function2(); /**/ #include \ <moc_object8.cpp> static void function3(); // #include <moc_object9.cpp> /* backslash-newline elimination happens in phase 2 *\ / # /* and that's valid here, too. *\ / include/* and, of course, here *\ /<moc_objecta.cpp>// while we're here, ... \ #include "needed.cpp" int main () { extern int needed(void); return needed(); } /* Deliberately end file in a #include, with nothing after it but the mandatory (unescaped) newline at the end of every source file. */ #include "moc_objectf.cpp"