Qt 5.14 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.13.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.14 series is binary compatible with the 5.13.x series. Applications compiled for 5.13 will continue to run with 5.14. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Important Behavioral Change * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-47644] WrapWord now correctly prefers line breaks between words in Korean text. WrapAnywhere can still be used to get breaks between syllables instead. **************************************************************************** * Potentially Source-Incompatible Changes * **************************************************************************** - qstringlist.h no longer includes qregexp.h. - Prefixing Q_NAMESPACE with an export macro may no longer work. Use the new Q_NAMESPACE_EXPORT macro for that use case. **************************************************************************** * QtCore * **************************************************************************** - Added support of deduction guides for QPair - Added new Qt::SplitBehavior, for use as eventual replacement for QString::SplitBehavior. - Added the new Q_NAMESPACE_EXPORT macro. It can be used just like Q_NAMESPACE to add meta-object information to a namespace; however it also supports exporting of such information from shared libraries. - [QTBUG-15234] Qt installations on the host system can now be relocated, i.e. moved to other directories. - JSON: * Added overloads of functions taking key strings as QStringView; in QJsonObject, QJsonValue and QJsonDocument. - QAtomicInteger: * Added loadRelaxed() and storeRelaxed(), to be used as replacements of load() / store(). - QAtomicPointer: * Added loadRelaxed() and storeRelaxed(), to be used as replacements of load() / store(). - QBasicTimer: * QBasicTimer is now a move-only class. Copying is now deprecated and will be removed in Qt 6. * Added swap() member and free function. - QByteArray::operator[]: * Detach immediately, instead of deferring until modification via the returned QByteRef. * Deprecate reliance on its implicit resizing behavior. Support for writing past the end of QByteArray shall be removed in a future version of Qt. - QCalendar: * Added QCalendar to support diverse calendars, supported by implementing QCalendarBackend. * Added support for Julian and Milankovic calendars. These are enabled by default, except in bootstrap builds. * Added support for the Jalali (Persian or Solar Hijri) calendar, controlled by feature jalalicalendar. * Added support for the Islamic Civil calendar, controlled by feature islamiccivilcalendar, with locale data that can be shared with other implementations, controlled by feature hijricalendar. - QChar: * Added FormFeed (FF) special character. - QCollator: * Added support for QStringView. * The default QCollator now uses the system's collation locale, rather than the system locale itself. - QDataStream: * Enumerations can now be serialized through QDataStream without the need of manually defining streaming operators. - QDate: * [QTBUG-64485] Added startOfDay() and endOfDay() methods to provide a QDateTime at the start and end of a given date, taking account of any time skipped by transitions, e.g. a DST spring-forward, which can lead to a day starting at 01:00 or ending just before 23:00. * Allow choice of calendar in various operations, with Gregorian remaining the default. - QDateTime: * Invalid datetimes are now treated as equal and less than all valid ones. They could previously be found equal to valid datetimes. - QDir: * Remove Windows specific long path markers when handling file paths with native separators. - QEasingCurve: * QEasingCurve now properly streams all the data needed to QDataStream. - QFileInfo: * [QTBUG-75869] Introduced QFileInfo::isJunction() to detect NTFS Junctions on Windows. - QHash: * Added range constructor. - QJsonObject: * Added insert(), remove(), and take() overloads taking QLatin1String. - QLatin1Char: * Comparison against char now works even in QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII builds. - QLatin1Literal: * The undocumented QLatin1Literal type alias for QLatin1String is now deprecated. Use QLatin1String instead. - QLatin1String: * Added indexOf(). * Added contains(). * Added lastIndexOf(). - QLineF: * added QLineF::intersects() as a replacement for QLineF::intersect() - QLinkedList: * Added range constructor. - QList: * Added range constructor. - QLocale: * The system locale now knows what to use for collation, QLocale::system().collation(). * The NaN obtained when reading "nan" as a floating-point value is now quiet rather than signaling. * The system locale's UI languages list now includes, as for that of an ordinary locale, the results of adding likely sub-tags from each locale name, and of removing some, where this doesn't change which locale is specified. This gives searches for translation files a better chance of finding a suitable file. - QMetaObject: * [QTBUG-38876] Some internal members of the QMetaObject class have changed types. Those members are not public API and thus should not cause source incompatibilities. - QMultiHash: * Added range constructor. - QMutex: * Added QRecursiveMutex as a replacement of QMutex(QMutex::Recursive). - QPoint/QPointF: * Added transposed(). - QPointer: * Added a free swap function. - QSet: * Added range constructor. - QSharedPointer: * Overloads of qSharedPointerObjectCast have been added to work on std::shared_ptr. * The swap overload for QSharedPointer in the std namespace has been removed; a new overload has been added in the Qt namespace. - QSize/QSizeF: * Added grownBy(QMargin(F))/shrunkBy(QMargin(F)). - QString: * The behavior of operator[] to allow implicit resizing of the string has been deprecated, and will be removed in a future version of Qt. * QString::operator[] detaches immediately. Previously, the detach was delayed until a modification was made to the string through the returned QCharRef. * QString::arg(QString, ..., QString) can now be called with more than nine arguments, as well as with QStringViews. - QString/QStringRef: * The split functions now optionally take Qt::SplitBehavior. - QStringList: * Added range constructor. * Added QStringView overloads of join(), filter(), and replaceInStrings(). - QStringView: * Added indexOf(). * Added contains(). * Added lastIndexOf(). * Deprecated the (undocumented) QStringViewLiteral macro. Just use u"" or QStringView(u"") instead. - QStringView/QLatin1String: * Added arg(), taking arbitrarily many strings. - QTextStream: * The NaN obtained when reading "nan" as a floating-point value is now quiet rather than signaling. - QTimeZone: * [QTBUG-75565] The TZDB back-end now recognizes the contents of /etc/TZ as a fall-back for $TZ (as used by uClibc). - QVarLengthArray: * Added range constructor. * Added a qHash overload. - QVariant: * Fixed a bug that caused isNull() to be true after downcasting a QObject* payload using convert(). - QVector: * Added range constructor. - QWeakPointer: * The data() function has been deprecated. * A swap overload has been added. - QtGlobal: * Add new macros QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION and QT_DEPRECATED_VERSION_X to conditionally display deprecation warnings * Added qExchange(), a drop-in for C++14's std::exchange() - Windows: * QSysInfo::prettyProductName() now returns a version including the Windows 10 release id or Windows 7 build number respectively, resembling the version string displayed by the winver tool. **************************************************************************** * QtDBus * **************************************************************************** - QDBusAbstractInterface: * The call() and asyncCall() methods now accept more than eight QVariant arguments. - QDBusObjectPath: * Added explicit cast operator to QVariant. **************************************************************************** * QtGui * **************************************************************************** - QColor: * Added QColorConstants, a namespace containing constexpr QColor instances. - A QColorSpace class has been added, and color spaces are now parsed from PNG and JPEG images. No automatic color space conversion is done however, and applications must request it. - Added support for filtering Vulkan debug messages in QVulkanInstance. This is especially useful for processing or suppressing messages from the validation layers. - Obsolete constructors and accessors in QWheelEvent now have proper deprecation macros, and are no longer in use in any Qt modules. What is left is intended to be compatible with planned changes in Qt 6. - QFont: * [QTBUG-77908] Fixed kerning error with certain fonts. * [QTBUG-76239] Fixed an issue where application fonts would be parsed multiple times, causing some unnecessary overhead when during application startup. * [QTBUG-46322] Resolving a font that just has a family set with families set will prepend the family to the families so that it is still the first preference for the font. - QImage: * [QTBUG-42540], [QTBUG-68787] Loading of image files having a file name suffix for a different image file type has been fixed. QImageReader will now ask the suffix format handler to confirm the file contents (canRead()), and fall back to normal file content recognition on failure. This implies a slight behavior change in QImageReader::loopCount(), ::imageCount() and ::nextImageDelay(): For an unreadable file with a recognized suffix, they would earlier return 0, while they now will return -1, i.e. error, as per the documentation. - QPainter: * HighQualityAntialiasing and NonCosmeticDefaultPen are marked as deprecated and don't have an effect anymore - QTextDocument: * [QTBUG-36152] CSS styling of table cell borders (styling <td> and <th> elements) is now supported during HTML import and export, including border-color, border-width and border-style. Setting the table's border-width to a value >= 1 and enabling border-collapse will now draw a simple, clean table grid (1px) with an outer border of the specified width and color. A manual test was added, which allows editing HTML with live preview. * [QTBUG-43589] Fixed incorrect rounding of widths of variable-width columns in tables, to avoid border drawing artifacts. * [QTBUG-78318] QTextFrameFormat margins, padding and borders are now scaled to device coordinates, and thus correctly sized on high-dpi displays and printers. * Markdown (CommonMark or GitHub dialect) is now a supported format for reading into and writing from QTextDocument, via the setMarkdown() and toMarkdown() functions. We do not guarantee that every markdown document can be re-written exactly as it was read; but that does work in many cases, and it's OK to report bugs about cases that don't work. - Touch: * [QTBUG-77142] When a stationary touchpoint contains some "interesting" property change (pressure or velocity, so far), it is delivered normally. **************************************************************************** * QtNetwork * **************************************************************************** - QAuthenticator: * [QTBUG-4117] Add support for SPNEGO/Negotiate - QHostInfo: * Added move contructor. - QNetworkAccessManager: * [QTBUG-69477] Don't fail when FTP does not implement the HELP command. * Added setAutoDeleteReplies to QNetworkAccessManager to enable the AutoDeleteReplyOnFinishAttribute attribute for all QNetworkRequests that are passed to QNetworkAccessManager. - QNetworkRequest: * Added the AutoDeleteReplyOnFinishAttribute attribute to QNetworkRequest, which makes QNetworkAccessManager delete the QNetworkReply after it has emitted the "finished" signal. * Add an ability to configure HTTP/2 protocol - QSslKey: * Key data is cleared as soon as possible when move-assigning. - QSslSocket: * [QTBUG-72016] Added runtime validation of the SSL private key when it is loaded through a file path. **************************************************************************** * QtSql * **************************************************************************** - QPSQL: * [QTBUG-79033][QTBUG-79064] added support for PostgreSQL 12 - QSqlite: * Updated to v3.30.1 - QSqlite2: * Marked QSQLITE2 plugin as obsolete - it will be removed with Qt6 together with the QTDS plugin **************************************************************************** * QtTestLib * **************************************************************************** - Comparison of QImage, QPixmap now checks for the device pixel ratio. - It is now possible to perform static initialization before QApplication instantiation by implementing a initMain() function in the test class. **************************************************************************** * QtWidgets * **************************************************************************** - QActionGroup: * Added new exclusionPolicy property. Set it to ExclusiveOptional to allow unchecking the active checkable action in an exclusive group. - QCalendarWidget: * Allow choice of calendar, with Gregorian remaining the default. - QComboBox: * Two new signals textHighlighted() and textActivated() were added to replace highlighted()/activated() QString overloads. - QDateTimeEdit: * Allow choice of calendar, with Gregorian remaining the default. - QFileDialog: * The widgets-based dialog now remembers the selected files when navigating the history. - QFormLayout: * Honor the vertical expanding state of a widget inside a QFormLayout. - QGraphicsWidget: * Added QMarginsF overloads of setContentsMargins() and setWindowFrameMargins(). - QGroupBox: * [QTBUG-259389 Always disable children of a checkable, unchecked group box before showing. - QLabel: * Markdown is now a supported textFormat for QLabel. - QLayout: * Prevent clipping of group box titles on macOS (and similar styles that draw into layout margins) - QLineEdit: * Behavior change: now the editingFinished signal is emitted only once after the line edit content was edited. * The getTextMargins() member function has been deprecated in favor of textMargins(). - QStyle: * Style sheets now only use the part of the stylesheet font that it knows about. The remaining will be resolved/inherited from the context. - QTextBrowser: * Markdown is now a supported format. QTextBrowser::setSource() detects the common file extensions (.md, .mkd and .markdown). In case it cannot be detected that way, setSource() now takes an optional ResourceType enum argument so that the type can be overridden. QTextBrowser inherits all the QTextEdit features: if readOnly is set to false, the user can perform the editing operations that QTextEdit allows. If readOnly is set to true (the default), the user can click Markdown hyperlinks to emit the anchorClicked() signal, as with HTML. - QTextEdit: * [QTBUG-75931] Added support for copy-pasting foreground brushes with textures within same document. * Markdown (CommonMark or GitHub dialect) is now a supported format, via the markdown property. GitHub dialect is the default, and supports all features such as hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, checklists, etc. * If the text was loaded from a Markdown document that contains checkboxes, the user can click on them to toggle the states. The cursor changes to PointingHandCursor when the mouse is hovering over a checkbox. - QTreeView: * Don't emit clicked signal after a doubleClicked signal. - QWidget: * The getContentsMargins() member function has been deprecated in favor of contentsMargins(). **************************************************************************** * Platform Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** - Android * Fixed an issue where an application installation would be irrecoverably broken if power loss or a crash occurred during its first initialization run. * Make it easy to run Qt tests on Android. "$ make check" is all that's needed to run a test on an Android device. * Remove ant support from androiddeployqt * Introduce "make apk" target, an easy way to create an apk. * Android depends on NDK r20+ * Android multi arch build in one go, needed to support the new .aab packaging format. * -android-abis configure script parameter useful to compile Qt only for a selected Android ABIs. * Instead of bundling QML resources in assets and extracting them on first start, Qt now creates an .rcc file and register it before invoking the main function. * Fixed regression that made it impossible for an application to use the tap-and-hold gesture. - Linux: * Added a device spec for Raspberry Pi 4 (32-bit, V3D) * Added a device spec for 64-bit i.MX8 systems (Vivante graphics stack) - MinGW: * [QTBUG-4155] Added a suffix to debug mode pkgconfig files. * MinGW does not built with -debug-and-release mode anymore. Instead, the binaries are built with -release -force-debug-info -separate-debug-info. - macOS: * The drawableSize of Metal layers is no longer updated automatically on window resize or screen change. Update the size manually in response to resizeEvent(), or at the start of each frame, as needed. - Mir: * The Mir platform plugin has been removed: use the Wayland plugin when connecting to a Mir display server. - Windows: * It is now possible to enable RTL mode by passing the option -platform windows:reverse. * [QTBUG-74748] Fixed a bug where it would be impossible to request different faces of a font family after a specific type face has been in use. **************************************************************************** * Third-Party Code * **************************************************************************** - Upgraded bundled Freetype version to 2.10.1. - Build sqlite without SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION - Qt Gui: Added md4c markdown parser to src/3rdparty/md4c (MIT licensed). - [QTBUG-79418] Updated double-conversion code to upstream version 3.1.5. - [QTBUG-79420] libjpeg-turbo was updated to version 2.0.3 - [QTBUG-79418] Updated DNS public suffix list **************************************************************************** * Tools * **************************************************************************** - rcc: * Added -d option to generate a dependency file. * Added support for Python as output format. **************************************************************************** * configure * **************************************************************************** - Added the configure option -qtlibinfix-plugins to rename plugins according to QT_LIBINFIX. This option is off by default. **************************************************************************** * CMake * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-38913][QTBUG-76562] Added ability to auto-import non-qml plugins on CMake builds **************************************************************************** * qmake * **************************************************************************** - Installation targets do not ignore the exit code of QINSTALL and QINSTALL_PROGRAM anymore. - Introduced the variables LEX_DIR and YACC_DIR which determine the location of lex/yacc output. Fixed parallel execution of lex/yacc for debug_and_release builds. - The syntax 'LIBS += -frameworkFoo', or 'LIBS += "-framework Foo"' is no longer supported. Use the canonical 'LIBS += -framework Foo' instead. - Fixed precompiled headers for the Clang compiler. - Android: * Remove gcc-style PCH directives from the android-clang mkspec.