// Copyright (C) 2012 Thorbjørn Lund Martsum - tmartsum[at]gmail.com // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 //#define Q_NO_DEBUGMAP_PARENT_TEST // Comment in line above to skip the parent test. #include #include void noBugErase() { QMap a, b; a[10] = 11; a[11] = 12; b = a; b.erase(b.begin()); } void noBugInsertWithHints() { QMap a; QMap b; for (int u = 100; u < 10000; u += 20) a.insert(u, u); b = a; QMap::const_iterator b_ite(b.begin()); // b.begin() ensures correct detach() ++b_ite; b.insert(b_ite, 501, 501); b.insert(b_ite, 115, 115); QMap c; c = b; c.setSharable(false); } void testInsertWithHintCorruption() { qDebug() << "Starting testInsertWithHintCorruption"; QMap a; QMap b; for (int u = 100; u < 10000; u += 20) a.insert(u, u); b = a; QMap::const_iterator b_ite = b.constBegin(); ++b_ite; b.insert(b_ite, 501, 501); b.insert(b_ite, 115, 115); // insert with wrong hint. QMap c; c = b; c.setSharable(false); qDebug() << "End of testInsertWithHintCorruption - failed silently"; } void testEraseCorruption() { qDebug() << "Starting testEraseCorruption"; QMap a, b; a[10] = 11; a[11] = 12; b = a; b.erase(a.begin()); qDebug() << "End of testEraseCorruption - failed silently"; } int main() { noBugErase(); noBugInsertWithHints(); // testEraseCorruption(); testInsertWithHintCorruption(); return 0; }