// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "unixmake.h" #include "option.h" #include "meta.h" #include <qregularexpression.h> #include <qbytearray.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qdebug.h> #include <qtversion.h> #include <time.h> #include <tuple> #include <utility> QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE void UnixMakefileGenerator::writePrlFile(QTextStream &t) { MakefileGenerator::writePrlFile(t); const ProString tmplt = project->first("TEMPLATE"); if (tmplt != "lib" && tmplt != "aux") return; // libtool support if (project->isActiveConfig("create_libtool")) { writeLibtoolFile(); } // pkg-config support if (project->isActiveConfig("create_pc")) writePkgConfigFile(); } bool UnixMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t) { writeHeader(t); if (writeDummyMakefile(t)) return true; if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" || project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" || project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") { writeMakeParts(t); return MakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(t); } else if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") { MakefileGenerator::writeSubDirs(t); return true; } return false; } void UnixMakefileGenerator::writeDefaultVariables(QTextStream &t) { MakefileGenerator::writeDefaultVariables(t); t << "TAR = " << var("QMAKE_TAR") << Qt::endl; t << "COMPRESS = " << var("QMAKE_GZIP") << Qt::endl; if (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_DISTNAME")) { ProString distname = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); if (!project->isActiveConfig("no_dist_version")) distname += project->first("VERSION"); project->values("QMAKE_DISTNAME") = distname; } t << "DISTNAME = " << fileVar("QMAKE_DISTNAME") << Qt::endl; if (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_DISTDIR")) project->values("QMAKE_DISTDIR") = project->first("QMAKE_DISTNAME"); t << "DISTDIR = " << escapeFilePath(fileFixify( (project->isEmpty("OBJECTS_DIR") ? ProString(".tmp/") : project->first("OBJECTS_DIR")) + project->first("QMAKE_DISTDIR"), FileFixifyFromOutdir | FileFixifyAbsolute)) << Qt::endl; } void UnixMakefileGenerator::writeSubTargets(QTextStream &t, QList<MakefileGenerator::SubTarget*> targets, int flags) { MakefileGenerator::writeSubTargets(t, targets, flags); t << "dist: distdir FORCE" << Qt::endl; t << "\t(cd `dirname $(DISTDIR)` && $(TAR) $(DISTNAME).tar $(DISTNAME) && $(COMPRESS) $(DISTNAME).tar)" " && $(MOVE) `dirname $(DISTDIR)`/$(DISTNAME).tar.gz . && $(DEL_FILE) -r $(DISTDIR)"; t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; t << "distdir:"; for (int target = 0; target < targets.size(); ++target) { SubTarget *subtarget = targets.at(target); t << " " << subtarget->target << "-distdir"; } t << " FORCE\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring("$(DISTDIR)", false) << "\n\t" << "$(COPY_FILE) --parents " << fileVar("DISTFILES") << " $(DISTDIR)" << Option::dir_sep << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; const QString abs_source_path = project->first("QMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH").toQString(); for (int target = 0; target < targets.size(); ++target) { SubTarget *subtarget = targets.at(target); QString in_directory = subtarget->in_directory; if (!in_directory.isEmpty() && !in_directory.endsWith(Option::dir_sep)) in_directory += Option::dir_sep; QString out_directory = subtarget->out_directory; if (!out_directory.isEmpty() && !out_directory.endsWith(Option::dir_sep)) out_directory += Option::dir_sep; if (!abs_source_path.isEmpty() && out_directory.startsWith(abs_source_path)) out_directory = Option::output_dir + out_directory.mid(abs_source_path.size()); QString dist_directory = out_directory; if (dist_directory.endsWith(Option::dir_sep)) dist_directory.chop(Option::dir_sep.size()); if (!dist_directory.startsWith(Option::dir_sep)) dist_directory.prepend(Option::dir_sep); QString out_directory_cdin = out_directory.isEmpty() ? QString("\n\t") : "\n\tcd " + escapeFilePath(out_directory) + " && "; QString makefilein = " -e -f " + escapeFilePath(subtarget->makefile) + " distdir DISTDIR=$(DISTDIR)" + escapeFilePath(dist_directory); QString out = subtarget->makefile; QString in = escapeFilePath(fileFixify(in_directory + subtarget->profile, FileFixifyAbsolute)); if (out.startsWith(in_directory)) out.remove(0, in_directory.size()); t << subtarget->target << "-distdir: FORCE"; writeSubTargetCall(t, in_directory, in, out_directory, escapeFilePath(out), out_directory_cdin, makefilein); t << Qt::endl; } } static QString rfc1034Identifier(const QString &str) { QString s = str; for (QChar &ch : s) { const char c = ch.toLatin1(); const bool okChar = (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '-' || c == '.'; if (!okChar) ch = QChar::fromLatin1('-'); } return s; } static QString escapeDir(const QString &dir) { // When building on non-MSys MinGW, the path ends with a backslash, which // GNU make will interpret that as a line continuation. Doubling the backslash // avoids the problem, at the cost of the variable containing *both* backslashes. if (dir.endsWith('\\')) return dir + '\\'; return dir; } void UnixMakefileGenerator::writeMakeParts(QTextStream &t) { bool do_incremental = (project->isActiveConfig("incremental") && !project->values("QMAKE_INCREMENTAL").isEmpty() && (!project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty() || (!project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")))), src_incremental=false; ProStringList &bundledFiles = project->values("QMAKE_BUNDLED_FILES"); writeExportedVariables(t); t << "####### Compiler, tools and options\n\n"; t << "CC = " << var("QMAKE_CC") << Qt::endl; t << "CXX = " << var("QMAKE_CXX") << Qt::endl; t << "DEFINES = " << varGlue("PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES","-D"," -D"," ") << varGlue("DEFINES","-D"," -D","") << Qt::endl; t << "CFLAGS = " << var("QMAKE_CFLAGS") << " $(DEFINES)\n"; t << "CXXFLAGS = " << var("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") << " $(DEFINES)\n"; t << "INCPATH ="; { const ProStringList &incs = project->values("INCLUDEPATH"); for(int i = 0; i < incs.size(); ++i) { const ProString &inc = incs.at(i); if (inc.isEmpty()) continue; t << " -I" << escapeFilePath(inc); } } if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH_FLAGS")) t << " " << var("QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH_FLAGS"); t << Qt::endl; writeDefaultVariables(t); if(!project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) { t << "LINK = " << var("QMAKE_LINK") << Qt::endl; t << "LFLAGS = " << var("QMAKE_LFLAGS") << Qt::endl; t << "LIBS = $(SUBLIBS) " << fixLibFlags("LIBS").join(' ') << ' ' << fixLibFlags("LIBS_PRIVATE").join(' ') << ' ' << fixLibFlags("QMAKE_LIBS").join(' ') << ' ' << fixLibFlags("QMAKE_LIBS_PRIVATE").join(' ') << Qt::endl; } t << "AR = " << var("QMAKE_AR") << Qt::endl; t << "RANLIB = " << var("QMAKE_RANLIB") << Qt::endl; t << "SED = " << var("QMAKE_STREAM_EDITOR") << Qt::endl; t << "STRIP = " << var("QMAKE_STRIP") << Qt::endl; t << Qt::endl; t << "####### Output directory\n\n"; // This is used in commands by some .prf files. if (! project->values("OBJECTS_DIR").isEmpty()) t << "OBJECTS_DIR = " << escapeDir(fileVar("OBJECTS_DIR")) << Qt::endl; else t << "OBJECTS_DIR = ./\n"; t << Qt::endl; /* files */ t << "####### Files\n\n"; // This is used by the dist target. t << "SOURCES = " << fileVarList("SOURCES") << ' ' << fileVarList("GENERATED_SOURCES") << Qt::endl; src_incremental = writeObjectsPart(t, do_incremental); if(do_incremental && !src_incremental) do_incremental = false; t << "DIST = " << valList(fileFixify(project->values("DISTFILES").toQStringList())) << " " << fileVarList("HEADERS") << ' ' << fileVarList("SOURCES") << Qt::endl; t << "QMAKE_TARGET = " << fileVar("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") << Qt::endl; t << "DESTDIR = " << escapeDir(fileVar("DESTDIR")) << Qt::endl; t << "TARGET = " << fileVar("TARGET") << Qt::endl; if(project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { t << "TARGETD = " << fileVar("TARGET") << Qt::endl; } else if(!project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") && project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty()) { t << "TARGETA = " << fileVar("TARGETA") << Qt::endl; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { t << "TARGETD = " << fileVar("TARGET_x.y") << Qt::endl; t << "TARGET0 = " << fileVar("TARGET_") << Qt::endl; } else if (!project->isActiveConfig("unversioned_libname")) { t << "TARGET0 = " << fileVar("TARGET_") << Qt::endl; if (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_HPUX_SHLIB")) { t << "TARGETD = " << fileVar("TARGET_x.y.z") << Qt::endl; t << "TARGET1 = " << fileVar("TARGET_x") << Qt::endl; t << "TARGET2 = " << fileVar("TARGET_x.y") << Qt::endl; } else { t << "TARGETD = " << fileVar("TARGET_x") << Qt::endl; } } } writeExtraCompilerVariables(t); writeExtraVariables(t); t << Qt::endl; // blasted includes const ProStringList &qeui = project->values("QMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDES"); ProStringList::ConstIterator it; for(it = qeui.begin(); it != qeui.end(); ++it) t << "include " << escapeDependencyPath(*it) << Qt::endl; /* rules */ t << "first:" << (!project->isActiveConfig("no_default_goal_deps") ? " all" : "") << "\n"; if(include_deps) { if (project->isActiveConfig("gcc_MD_depends")) { ProStringList objects = project->values("OBJECTS"); for (ProStringList::Iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) { QString d_file = (*it).toQString().replace(QRegularExpression(Option::obj_ext + "$"), ".d"); t << "-include " << escapeDependencyPath(d_file) << Qt::endl; project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN") << d_file; } } else { QString cmd=var("QMAKE_CFLAGS_DEPS") + " "; cmd += varGlue("DEFINES","-D"," -D","") + varGlue("PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES"," -D"," -D",""); if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH")) cmd += " -I" + fileVar("QMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH") + ' '; cmd += " $(INCPATH) " + fileVarGlue("DEPENDPATH", "-I", " -I", ""); ProString odir; if(!project->values("OBJECTS_DIR").isEmpty()) odir = project->first("OBJECTS_DIR"); QString odird = escapeDependencyPath(odir.toQString()); QString pwd = escapeFilePath(fileFixify(qmake_getpwd())); t << "###### Dependencies\n\n"; t << odird << ".deps/%.d: " << pwd << "/%.cpp\n\t"; if(project->isActiveConfig("echo_depend_creation")) t << "@echo Creating depend for $<\n\t"; t << mkdir_p_asstring("$(@D)", false) << "\n\t" << "@$(CXX) " << cmd << " $< | sed \"s,^\\($(*F).o\\):," << odir << "\\1:,g\" >$@\n\n"; t << odird << ".deps/%.d: " << pwd << "/%.c\n\t"; if(project->isActiveConfig("echo_depend_creation")) t << "@echo Creating depend for $<\n\t"; t << mkdir_p_asstring("$(@D)", false) << "\n\t" << "@$(CC) " << cmd << " $< | sed \"s,^\\($(*F).o\\):," << odir << "\\1:,g\" >$@\n\n"; static const char * const src[] = { "SOURCES", "GENERATED_SOURCES", nullptr }; for (int x = 0; src[x]; x++) { const ProStringList &l = project->values(src[x]); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it).isEmpty()) { QString d_file; for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit) { if((*it).endsWith((*cit))) { d_file = (*it).left((*it).length() - (*cit).size()).toQString(); break; } } if(d_file.isEmpty()) { for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit) { if((*it).endsWith((*cppit))) { d_file = (*it).left((*it).length() - (*cppit).size()).toQString(); break; } } } if(!d_file.isEmpty()) { d_file = odir + ".deps/" + fileFixify(d_file, FileFixifyBackwards) + ".d"; QString d_file_d = escapeDependencyPath(d_file); QStringList deps = findDependencies((*it).toQString()).filter(QRegularExpression( "((^|/)" + Option::h_moc_mod + "|" + Option::cpp_moc_ext + "$)")); if(!deps.isEmpty()) t << d_file_d << ": " << finalizeDependencyPaths(deps).join(' ') << Qt::endl; t << "-include " << d_file_d << Qt::endl; project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN") += d_file; } } } } } } t << "####### Build rules\n\n"; if(!project->values("SUBLIBS").isEmpty()) { ProString libdir = "tmp/"; if(!project->isEmpty("SUBLIBS_DIR")) libdir = project->first("SUBLIBS_DIR"); t << "SUBLIBS = "; const ProStringList &l = project->values("SUBLIBS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) t << escapeFilePath(libdir + project->first("QMAKE_PREFIX_STATICLIB") + (*it) + '.' + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_STATICLIB")) << ' '; t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } QString target_deps; if ((project->isActiveConfig("depend_prl") || project->isActiveConfig("fast_depend_prl")) && !project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRL_INTERNAL_FILES")) { const ProStringList &l = project->values("QMAKE_PRL_INTERNAL_FILES"); ProStringList::ConstIterator it; for(it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QMakeMetaInfo libinfo; if (libinfo.readLib((*it).toQString()) && !libinfo.isEmpty("QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR")) { ProString dir; int slsh = (*it).lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) dir = (*it).left(slsh + 1); QString targ = dir + libinfo.first("QMAKE_PRL_TARGET"); QString targ_d = escapeDependencyPath(targ); target_deps += ' ' + targ_d; t << targ_d; if (project->isActiveConfig("fast_depend_prl")) t << ":\n\t@echo \"Creating '"; else t << ": FORCE\n\t@echo \"Creating/updating '"; t << targ << "'\"\n\t" << "(cd " << escapeFilePath(libinfo.first("QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR")) << ';' << "$(MAKE))\n"; } } } LinkerResponseFileInfo linkerResponseFile = maybeCreateLinkerResponseFile(); QString deps = escapeDependencyPath(fileFixify(Option::output.fileName())); QString allDeps; if (!project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty() || project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") { QString destdir = project->first("DESTDIR").toQString(); if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { QString bundle_loc = project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE_LOCATION").toQString(); if(!bundle_loc.isEmpty() && !bundle_loc.startsWith("/")) bundle_loc.prepend("/"); if(!bundle_loc.endsWith("/")) bundle_loc += "/"; destdir += project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE") + bundle_loc; } if(do_incremental) { //incremental target QString incr_target = var("TARGET") + "_incremental"; if(incr_target.indexOf(Option::dir_sep) != -1) incr_target = incr_target.right(incr_target.size() - (incr_target.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep) + 1)); QString incr_deps, incr_objs; if(project->first("QMAKE_INCREMENTAL_STYLE") == "ld") { QString incr_target_dir = var("OBJECTS_DIR") + incr_target + Option::obj_ext; QString incr_target_dir_d = escapeDependencyPath(incr_target_dir); QString incr_target_dir_f = escapeFilePath(incr_target_dir); //actual target t << incr_target_dir_d << ": $(OBJECTS)\n\t" << "ld -r -o " << incr_target_dir_f << " $(OBJECTS)\n"; //communicated below deps.prepend(incr_target_dir_d + ' '); incr_deps = "$(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)"; if(!incr_objs.isEmpty()) incr_objs += " "; incr_objs += incr_target_dir_f; } else { //actual target QString incr_target_dir = var("DESTDIR") + "lib" + incr_target + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB"); QString incr_target_dir_d = escapeDependencyPath(incr_target_dir); QString incr_target_dir_f = escapeFilePath(incr_target_dir); QString incr_lflags = var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_SHLIB") + " "; if(project->isActiveConfig("debug")) incr_lflags += var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG"); else if (project->isActiveConfig("debug_info")) incr_lflags += var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE_WITH_DEBUGINFO"); else incr_lflags += var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE"); t << incr_target_dir_d << ": $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)\n\t"; if(!destdir.isEmpty()) t << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir) << "\n\t"; t << "$(LINK) " << incr_lflags << " -o "<< incr_target_dir_f << " $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)\n"; //communicated below if(!destdir.isEmpty()) { if(!incr_objs.isEmpty()) incr_objs += " "; incr_objs += "-L" + escapeFilePath(destdir); } else { if(!incr_objs.isEmpty()) incr_objs += " "; incr_objs += "-L" + escapeFilePath(qmake_getpwd()); } if(!incr_objs.isEmpty()) incr_objs += " "; incr_objs += " -l" + escapeFilePath(incr_target); deps.prepend(incr_target_dir_d + ' '); incr_deps = "$(OBJECTS)"; } //real target t << var("TARGET") << ": " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << ' ' << incr_deps << ' ' << target_deps << ' ' << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS") << "\n\t"; if(!destdir.isEmpty()) t << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir) << "\n\t"; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRE_LINK")) t << var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK") << "\n\t"; t << "$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) " << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << "$(TARGET) " << incr_deps << " " << incr_objs << " $(OBJCOMP) $(LIBS)"; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK"); t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } else { t << depVar("TARGET") << ": " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) " << target_deps << ' ' << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS") << "\n\t"; if (project->first("TEMPLATE") != "aux") { if (!destdir.isEmpty()) t << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir) << "\n\t"; if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRE_LINK")) t << var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK") << "\n\t"; t << "$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) " << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << "$(TARGET) "; if (!linkerResponseFile.isValid()) t << " $(OBJECTS) $(OBJCOMP) $(LIBS)"; else if (linkerResponseFile.onlyObjects) t << " @" << linkerResponseFile.filePath << " $(OBJCOMP) $(LIBS)"; else t << " $(OBJCOMP) @" << linkerResponseFile.filePath; if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK"); } t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } allDeps = ' ' + depVar("TARGET"); } else if(!project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) { QString destdir_r = project->first("DESTDIR").toQString(), incr_deps; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { QString bundle_loc = project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE_LOCATION").toQString(); if(!bundle_loc.isEmpty() && !bundle_loc.startsWith("/")) bundle_loc.prepend("/"); if(!bundle_loc.endsWith("/")) bundle_loc += "/"; destdir_r += project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE") + bundle_loc; } QString destdir_d = escapeDependencyPath(destdir_r); QString destdir = escapeFilePath(destdir_r); if(do_incremental) { ProString s_ext = project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB"); QString incr_target = var("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET").replace( QRegularExpression("\\." + s_ext), "").replace(QRegularExpression("^lib"), "") + "_incremental"; if(incr_target.indexOf(Option::dir_sep) != -1) incr_target = incr_target.right(incr_target.size() - (incr_target.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep) + 1)); if(project->first("QMAKE_INCREMENTAL_STYLE") == "ld") { QString incr_target_dir = var("OBJECTS_DIR") + incr_target + Option::obj_ext; QString incr_target_dir_d = escapeDependencyPath(incr_target_dir); QString incr_target_dir_f = escapeFilePath(incr_target_dir); //actual target const QString link_deps = "$(OBJECTS) "; t << incr_target_dir_d << ": " << link_deps << "\n\t" << "ld -r -o " << incr_target_dir_f << ' ' << link_deps << Qt::endl; //communicated below ProStringList &cmd = project->values("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD"); cmd[0] = cmd.at(0).toQString().replace(QLatin1String("$(OBJECTS) "), QLatin1String("$(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)")); //ick cmd.append(incr_target_dir_f); deps.prepend(incr_target_dir_d + ' '); incr_deps = "$(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)"; } else { //actual target QString incr_target_dir = destdir_r + "lib" + incr_target + '.' + s_ext; QString incr_target_dir_d = escapeDependencyPath(incr_target_dir); QString incr_target_dir_f = escapeFilePath(incr_target_dir); QString incr_lflags = var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_SHLIB") + " "; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_LFLAGS_INCREMENTAL")) incr_lflags += var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_INCREMENTAL") + " "; if(project->isActiveConfig("debug")) incr_lflags += var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG"); else if (project->isActiveConfig("debug_info")) incr_lflags += var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE_WITH_DEBUGINFO"); else incr_lflags += var("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE"); t << incr_target_dir_d << ": $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)\n\t"; if(!destdir.isEmpty()) t << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir, false) << "\n\t"; t << "$(LINK) " << incr_lflags << ' ' << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << incr_target_dir_f << " $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)\n"; //communicated below ProStringList &cmd = project->values("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD"); if(!destdir.isEmpty()) cmd.append(" -L" + destdir); cmd.append(" -l" + escapeFilePath(incr_target)); deps.prepend(incr_target_dir_d + ' '); incr_deps = "$(OBJECTS)"; } //real target t << destdir_d << depVar("TARGET") << ": " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << ' ' << incr_deps << " $(SUBLIBS) " << target_deps << ' ' << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS"); } else { ProStringList &cmd = project->values("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD"); if (linkerResponseFile.isValid()) { cmd[0] = cmd.at(0).toQString().replace(QLatin1String("$(OBJECTS)"), "@" + linkerResponseFile.filePath); } t << destdir_d << depVar("TARGET") << ": " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) $(SUBLIBS) $(OBJCOMP) " << target_deps << ' ' << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS"); } allDeps = ' ' + destdir_d + depVar("TARGET"); if(!destdir.isEmpty()) t << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir, false); if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRE_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK"); if (project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { t << "\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGET)\n\t" << var("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD"); if(!destdir.isEmpty()) t << "\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET) " << destdir << "$(TARGET)"; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK"); t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } else if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { bundledFiles << destdir_r + var("TARGET"); t << "\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGET) $(TARGET0) $(DESTDIR)$(TARGET0)\n\t" << var("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD") << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring("\"`dirname $(DESTDIR)$(TARGETD)`\"", false) << "\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET) $(DESTDIR)$(TARGETD)\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring("\"`dirname $(DESTDIR)$(TARGET0)`\"", false) << "\n\t"; if (!project->isActiveConfig("shallow_bundle")) t << varGlue("QMAKE_LN_SHLIB", "-", " ", " Versions/Current/$(TARGET) $(DESTDIR)$(TARGET0)") << "\n\t"; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK"); t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } else if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_HPUX_SHLIB")) { t << "\n\t"; if (!project->isActiveConfig("unversioned_libname")) t << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGET) $(TARGET0) $(TARGET1) $(TARGET2)"; else t << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGET)"; t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD"); if (!project->isActiveConfig("unversioned_libname")) { t << "\n\t" << varGlue("QMAKE_LN_SHLIB","-"," "," $(TARGET) $(TARGET0)") << "\n\t" << varGlue("QMAKE_LN_SHLIB","-"," "," $(TARGET) $(TARGET1)") << "\n\t" << varGlue("QMAKE_LN_SHLIB","-"," "," $(TARGET) $(TARGET2)"); } if (!destdir.isEmpty()) { t << "\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET)\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET) " << destdir << "$(TARGET)"; if (!project->isActiveConfig("unversioned_libname")) { t << "\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET0)\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET1)\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET2)\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET0) " << destdir << "$(TARGET0)\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET1) " << destdir << "$(TARGET1)\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET2) " << destdir << "$(TARGET2)"; } } if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK"); t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } else { t << "\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGET) $(TARGET0)\n\t" << var("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD") << "\n\t"; t << varGlue("QMAKE_LN_SHLIB",""," "," $(TARGET) $(TARGET0)"); if(!destdir.isEmpty()) t << "\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET)\n\t" << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET0)\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET) " << destdir << "$(TARGET)\n\t" << "-$(MOVE) $(TARGET0) " << destdir << "$(TARGET0)\n\t"; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK"); t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; if (! project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { t << "staticlib: " << depVar("TARGETA") << "\n\n"; t << depVar("TARGETA") << ": " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) $(OBJCOMP)"; if(do_incremental) t << " $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)"; t << ' ' << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS") << "\n\t"; if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRE_LINK")) t << var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK") << "\n\t"; t << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGETA) \n\t" << var("QMAKE_AR_CMD"); if(do_incremental) t << " $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)"; if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK"); if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_RANLIB")) t << "\n\t$(RANLIB) $(TARGETA)"; t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } } else { QString destdir_r = project->first("DESTDIR").toQString(); QString destdir_d = escapeDependencyPath(destdir_r); QString destdir = escapeFilePath(destdir_r); allDeps = ' ' + destdir_d + depVar("TARGET"); t << "staticlib: " << destdir_d << "$(TARGET)\n\n" << destdir_d << depVar("TARGET") << ": " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) $(OBJCOMP) " << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS") << "\n\t"; if (!destdir.isEmpty()) t << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir, false) << "\n\t"; if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRE_LINK")) t << var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK") << "\n\t"; t << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET)\n\t" << var("QMAKE_AR_CMD") << "\n"; if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK") << "\n"; if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_RANLIB")) t << "\t$(RANLIB) " << destdir << "$(TARGET)\n"; t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } writeMakeQmake(t); if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS") && !project->isActiveConfig("no_autoqmake")) { QStringList meta_files; if (project->isActiveConfig("create_libtool") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { //libtool meta_files += libtoolFileName(); } if(project->isActiveConfig("create_pc") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { //pkg-config meta_files += pkgConfigFileName(); } if(!meta_files.isEmpty()) t << escapeDependencyPaths(meta_files).join(" ") << ": \n\t" << "@$(QMAKE) -prl " << escapeFilePath(project->projectFile()) << ' ' << buildArgs(true) << Qt::endl; } if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { QHash<QString, QString> symlinks; ProStringList &alldeps = project->values("ALL_DEPS"); QString bundle_dir = project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE") + "/"; if (!project->first("QMAKE_PKGINFO").isEmpty()) { ProString pkginfo = project->first("QMAKE_PKGINFO"); ProString pkginfo_f = escapeFilePath(pkginfo); ProString pkginfo_d = escapeDependencyPath(pkginfo); bundledFiles << pkginfo; alldeps << pkginfo; QString destdir = bundle_dir + "Contents"; t << pkginfo_d << ": \n\t"; if (!destdir.isEmpty()) t << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir) << "\n\t"; t << "@$(DEL_FILE) " << pkginfo_f << "\n\t" << "@echo \"APPL" << (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PKGINFO_TYPEINFO") ? QString::fromLatin1("????") : project->first("QMAKE_PKGINFO_TYPEINFO").left(4)) << "\" > " << pkginfo_f << Qt::endl; } if (!project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE_RESOURCE_FILE").isEmpty()) { ProString resources = project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE_RESOURCE_FILE"); ProString resources_f = escapeFilePath(resources); ProString resources_d = escapeDependencyPath(resources); bundledFiles << resources; alldeps << resources; QString destdir = bundle_dir + "Contents/Resources"; t << resources_d << ": \n\t"; t << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir) << "\n\t"; t << "@touch " << resources_f << "\n\t\n"; } //copy the plist while (!project->isActiveConfig("no_plist")) { // 'while' just to be able to 'break' QString info_plist = project->first("QMAKE_INFO_PLIST").toQString(); if (info_plist.isEmpty()) { info_plist = escapeFilePath(specdir() + QDir::separator() + "Info.plist." + project->first("TEMPLATE")); } else if (!exists(Option::normalizePath(info_plist))) { warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Could not resolve Info.plist: '%s'. Check if QMAKE_INFO_PLIST points to a valid file.", info_plist.toLatin1().constData()); break; } else { info_plist = escapeFilePath(fileFixify(info_plist)); } bool isFramework = project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" && !project->isActiveConfig("plugin") && project->isActiveConfig("lib_bundle"); bool isShallowBundle = project->isActiveConfig("shallow_bundle"); QString info_plist_out = bundle_dir + (!isShallowBundle ? (isFramework ? ("Versions/" + project->first("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION") + "/Resources/") : QString("Contents/")) : QString()) + "Info.plist"; bundledFiles << info_plist_out; alldeps << info_plist_out; QString destdir = info_plist_out.section(Option::dir_sep, 0, -2); t << escapeDependencyPath(info_plist_out) << ": \n\t"; info_plist_out = escapeFilePath(info_plist_out); if (!destdir.isEmpty()) t << mkdir_p_asstring(destdir) << "\n\t"; ProStringList commonSedArgs; if (!project->values("VERSION").isEmpty()) { const ProString shortVersion = project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN"); commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,@SHORT_VERSION@," << shortVersion << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${QMAKE_SHORT_VERSION}," << shortVersion << ",g\" "; const ProString fullVersion = project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("VER_PAT"); commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,@FULL_VERSION@," << fullVersion << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${QMAKE_FULL_VERSION}," << fullVersion << ",g\" "; } const ProString typeInfo = project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PKGINFO_TYPEINFO") ? QString::fromLatin1("????") : project->first("QMAKE_PKGINFO_TYPEINFO").left(4); commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,@TYPEINFO@," << typeInfo << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${QMAKE_PKGINFO_TYPEINFO}," << typeInfo << ",g\" "; QString bundlePrefix = project->first("QMAKE_TARGET_BUNDLE_PREFIX").toQString(); if (bundlePrefix.isEmpty()) bundlePrefix = "com.yourcompany"; if (bundlePrefix.endsWith(".")) bundlePrefix.chop(1); QString bundleIdentifier = bundlePrefix + "." + var("QMAKE_BUNDLE"); if (bundleIdentifier.endsWith(".app")) bundleIdentifier.chop(4); if (bundleIdentifier.endsWith(".framework")) bundleIdentifier.chop(10); // replace invalid bundle id characters bundleIdentifier = rfc1034Identifier(bundleIdentifier); commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,@BUNDLEIDENTIFIER@," << bundleIdentifier << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}," << bundleIdentifier << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}," << project->first("QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").toQString() << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}," << project->first("QMAKE_IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").toQString() << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}," << project->first("QMAKE_TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").toQString() << ",g\" "; commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}," << project->first("QMAKE_WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").toQString() << ",g\" "; QString launchScreen = var("QMAKE_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN"); if (launchScreen.isEmpty()) launchScreen = QLatin1String("LaunchScreen"); else launchScreen = QFileInfo(launchScreen).baseName(); commonSedArgs << "-e \"s,\\$${IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN}," << launchScreen << ",g\" "; if (!isFramework) { ProString app_bundle_name = var("QMAKE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE_NAME"); if (app_bundle_name.isEmpty()) app_bundle_name = var("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); ProString plugin_bundle_name = var("QMAKE_PLUGIN_BUNDLE_NAME"); if (plugin_bundle_name.isEmpty()) plugin_bundle_name = var("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); QString icon = fileFixify(var("ICON")); t << "@$(DEL_FILE) " << info_plist_out << "\n\t" << "@plutil -convert xml1 -o - " << info_plist << " | " << "sed "; for (const ProString &arg : std::as_const(commonSedArgs)) t << arg; const QString iconName = icon.section(Option::dir_sep, -1); t << "-e \"s,@ICON@," << iconName << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,\\$${ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME}," << iconName << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,@EXECUTABLE@," << app_bundle_name << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,@LIBRARY@," << plugin_bundle_name << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,\\$${EXECUTABLE_NAME}," << (!app_bundle_name.isEmpty() ? app_bundle_name : plugin_bundle_name) << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,@TYPEINFO@,"<< typeInfo << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,\\$${QMAKE_PKGINFO_TYPEINFO},"<< typeInfo << ",g\" " << ">" << info_plist_out << Qt::endl; //copy the icon if (!project->isEmpty("ICON")) { QString dir = bundle_dir + "Contents/Resources/"; const QString icon_path = dir + icon.section(Option::dir_sep, -1); QString icon_path_f = escapeFilePath(icon_path); bundledFiles << icon_path; alldeps << icon_path; t << escapeDependencyPath(icon_path) << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(icon) << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(dir) << "\n\t" << "@$(DEL_FILE) " << icon_path_f << "\n\t" << "@$(COPY_FILE) " << escapeFilePath(icon) << ' ' << icon_path_f << Qt::endl; } } else { ProString lib_bundle_name = var("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_NAME"); if (lib_bundle_name.isEmpty()) lib_bundle_name = var("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); if (!isShallowBundle) symlinks[bundle_dir + "Resources"] = "Versions/Current/Resources"; t << "@$(DEL_FILE) " << info_plist_out << "\n\t" << "@plutil -convert xml1 -o - " << info_plist << " | " << "sed "; for (const ProString &arg : std::as_const(commonSedArgs)) t << arg; t << "-e \"s,@LIBRARY@," << lib_bundle_name << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,\\$${EXECUTABLE_NAME}," << lib_bundle_name << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,@TYPEINFO@," << typeInfo << ",g\" " << "-e \"s,\\$${QMAKE_PKGINFO_TYPEINFO}," << typeInfo << ",g\" " << ">" << info_plist_out << Qt::endl; } break; } // project->isActiveConfig("no_plist") //copy other data if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA")) { const ProStringList &bundle_data = project->values("QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA"); for(int i = 0; i < bundle_data.size(); i++) { const ProStringList &files = project->values(ProKey(bundle_data[i] + ".files")); QString path = bundle_dir; const ProKey pkey(bundle_data[i] + ".path"); if (!project->isActiveConfig("shallow_bundle")) { const ProKey vkey(bundle_data[i] + ".version"); if (!project->isEmpty(vkey)) { QString version = project->first(vkey) + "/" + project->first("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION") + "/"; ProString name = project->first(pkey); int pos = name.indexOf('/'); if (pos > 0) name = name.mid(0, pos); symlinks[Option::fixPathToTargetOS(path + name)] = project->first(vkey) + "/Current/" + name; path += version; } } path += project->first(pkey).toQString(); path = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(path); for(int file = 0; file < files.size(); file++) { QString fn = files.at(file).toQString(); QString src = fileFixify(fn, FileFixifyAbsolute); if (!QFile::exists(src)) src = fileFixify(fn, FileFixifyFromOutdir); else src = fileFixify(fn); QString dst = path + Option::dir_sep + fileInfo(fn).fileName(); bundledFiles << dst; alldeps << dst; t << escapeDependencyPath(dst) << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(src) << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(path) << "\n\t"; src = escapeFilePath(src); dst = escapeFilePath(dst); QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(fn)); if(fi.isDir()) t << "@$(DEL_FILE) -r " << dst << "\n\t" << "@$(COPY_DIR) " << src << " " << dst << Qt::endl; else t << "@$(DEL_FILE) " << dst << "\n\t" << "@$(COPY_FILE) " << src << " " << dst << Qt::endl; } } } if (!symlinks.isEmpty()) { QString bundle_dir_f = escapeFilePath(bundle_dir); QHash<QString, QString>::ConstIterator symIt = symlinks.constBegin(), symEnd = symlinks.constEnd(); for (; symIt != symEnd; ++symIt) { bundledFiles << symIt.key(); alldeps << symIt.key(); t << escapeDependencyPath(symIt.key()) << ":\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(bundle_dir) << "\n\t" << "@$(SYMLINK) " << escapeFilePath(symIt.value()) << ' ' << bundle_dir_f << Qt::endl; } if (!project->isActiveConfig("shallow_bundle")) { QString currentLink = bundle_dir + "Versions/Current"; QString currentLink_f = escapeDependencyPath(currentLink); bundledFiles << currentLink; alldeps << currentLink; t << currentLink_f << ": $(MAKEFILE)\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(bundle_dir + "Versions") << "\n\t" << "@-$(DEL_FILE) " << currentLink_f << "\n\t" << "@$(SYMLINK) " << project->first("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION") << ' ' << currentLink_f << Qt::endl; } } } t << Qt::endl << "all: " << deps << valGlue(escapeDependencyPaths(project->values("ALL_DEPS")), " \\\n\t\t", " \\\n\t\t", "") << allDeps << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; t << "dist: distdir FORCE\n\t"; t << "(cd `dirname $(DISTDIR)` && $(TAR) $(DISTNAME).tar $(DISTNAME) && $(COMPRESS) $(DISTNAME).tar)" " && $(MOVE) `dirname $(DISTDIR)`" << Option::dir_sep << "$(DISTNAME).tar.gz ." " && $(DEL_FILE) -r $(DISTDIR)"; t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; t << "distdir: FORCE\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring("$(DISTDIR)", false) << "\n\t" << "$(COPY_FILE) --parents $(DIST) $(DISTDIR)" << Option::dir_sep << Qt::endl; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS")) { const ProStringList &quc = project->values("QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = quc.begin(); it != quc.end(); ++it) { const ProStringList &var = project->values(ProKey(*it + ".input")); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator var_it = var.begin(); var_it != var.end(); ++var_it) { const ProStringList &val = project->values((*var_it).toKey()); if(val.isEmpty()) continue; t << "\t$(COPY_FILE) --parents " << escapeFilePaths(val).join(' ') << " $(DISTDIR)" << Option::dir_sep << Qt::endl; } } } if(!project->isEmpty("TRANSLATIONS")) t << "\t$(COPY_FILE) --parents " << fileVar("TRANSLATIONS") << " $(DISTDIR)" << Option::dir_sep << Qt::endl; t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; QString clean_targets = " compiler_clean " + depVar("CLEAN_DEPS"); if(do_incremental) { t << "incrclean:\n"; if(src_incremental) t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)\n"; t << Qt::endl; } t << "clean:" << clean_targets << "\n\t"; if(!project->isEmpty("OBJECTS")) { t << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(OBJECTS)\n\t"; } if(doPrecompiledHeaders() && !project->isEmpty("PRECOMPILED_HEADER")) { ProStringList precomp_files; ProString precomph_out_dir; if(!project->isEmpty("PRECOMPILED_DIR")) precomph_out_dir = project->first("PRECOMPILED_DIR"); precomph_out_dir += project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); precomph_out_dir += project->first("QMAKE_PCH_OUTPUT_EXT"); if (project->isActiveConfig("icc_pch_style")) { // icc style ProString pchBaseName = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); ProStringList pchArchs = project->values("QMAKE_PCH_ARCHS"); if (pchArchs.isEmpty()) pchArchs << ProString(); // normal single-arch PCH for (const ProString &arch : std::as_const(pchArchs)) { ProString pchOutput; if (!project->isEmpty("PRECOMPILED_DIR")) pchOutput = project->first("PRECOMPILED_DIR"); pchOutput += pchBaseName + project->first("QMAKE_PCH_OUTPUT_EXT"); if (!arch.isEmpty()) pchOutput = ProString(pchOutput.toQString().replace( QStringLiteral("${QMAKE_PCH_ARCH}"), arch.toQString())); ProString sourceFile = pchOutput + Option::cpp_ext.first(); ProString objectFile = createObjectList(ProStringList(sourceFile)).first(); precomp_files << precomph_out_dir << sourceFile << objectFile; } } else { // gcc style (including clang_pch_style) precomph_out_dir += Option::dir_sep; ProString header_prefix = project->first("QMAKE_PRECOMP_PREFIX"); ProString header_suffix = project->isActiveConfig("clang_pch_style") ? project->first("QMAKE_PCH_OUTPUT_EXT") : ""; for (const ProString &compiler : project->values("QMAKE_BUILTIN_COMPILERS")) { if (project->isEmpty(ProKey("QMAKE_" + compiler + "FLAGS_PRECOMPILE"))) continue; ProString language = project->first(ProKey("QMAKE_LANGUAGE_" + compiler)); if (language.isEmpty()) continue; ProStringList pchArchs = project->values("QMAKE_PCH_ARCHS"); if (pchArchs.isEmpty()) pchArchs << ProString(); // normal single-arch PCH for (const ProString &arch : std::as_const(pchArchs)) { QString file = precomph_out_dir + header_prefix + language + header_suffix; if (!arch.isEmpty()) file.replace(QStringLiteral("${QMAKE_PCH_ARCH}"), arch.toQString()); precomp_files += file; } } } t << "-$(DEL_FILE) " << escapeFilePaths(precomp_files).join(' ') << "\n\t"; } if(src_incremental) t << "-$(DEL_FILE) $(INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS)\n\t"; t << fileVarGlue("QMAKE_CLEAN","-$(DEL_FILE) "," ","\n\t") << "-$(DEL_FILE) *~ core *.core\n" << fileVarGlue("CLEAN_FILES","\t-$(DEL_FILE) "," ","") << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; ProString destdir = project->first("DESTDIR"); if (!destdir.isEmpty() && !destdir.endsWith(Option::dir_sep)) destdir += Option::dir_sep; t << "distclean: clean " << depVar("DISTCLEAN_DEPS") << '\n'; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { QString bundlePath = escapeFilePath(destdir + project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE")); t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) -r " << bundlePath << Qt::endl; } else if (project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") || project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) " << escapeFilePath(destdir) << "$(TARGET) \n"; } else if (project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty()) { destdir = escapeFilePath(destdir); t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET) \n"; if (!project->isActiveConfig("unversioned_libname")) { t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) " << destdir << "$(TARGET0) " << destdir << "$(TARGET1) " << destdir << "$(TARGET2) $(TARGETA)\n"; } else { t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGETA)\n"; } } else { t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGET) \n"; } t << fileVarGlue("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN","\t-$(DEL_FILE) "," ","\n"); { QString ofile = fileFixify(Option::output.fileName()); if(!ofile.isEmpty()) t << "\t-$(DEL_FILE) " << escapeFilePath(ofile) << Qt::endl; } t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; t << "####### Sub-libraries\n\n"; if (!project->values("SUBLIBS").isEmpty()) { ProString libdir = "tmp/"; if (!project->isEmpty("SUBLIBS_DIR")) libdir = project->first("SUBLIBS_DIR"); const ProStringList &l = project->values("SUBLIBS"); for (it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) t << escapeDependencyPath(libdir + project->first("QMAKE_PREFIX_STATICLIB") + (*it) + '.' + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_STATICLIB")) << ":\n\t" << var(ProKey("MAKELIB" + *it)) << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } if(doPrecompiledHeaders() && !project->isEmpty("PRECOMPILED_HEADER")) { QString pchInput = project->first("PRECOMPILED_HEADER").toQString(); t << "###### Precompiled headers\n"; for (const ProString &compiler : project->values("QMAKE_BUILTIN_COMPILERS")) { QString pchOutputDir; QString pchFlags = var(ProKey("QMAKE_" + compiler + "FLAGS_PRECOMPILE")); if(pchFlags.isEmpty()) continue; QString cflags; if (compiler == "C" || compiler == "OBJC") cflags += " $(CFLAGS)"; else cflags += " $(CXXFLAGS)"; ProStringList pchArchs = project->values("QMAKE_PCH_ARCHS"); if (pchArchs.isEmpty()) pchArchs << ProString(); // normal single-arch PCH ProString pchBaseName = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); ProString pchOutput; if(!project->isEmpty("PRECOMPILED_DIR")) pchOutput = project->first("PRECOMPILED_DIR"); pchOutput += pchBaseName; pchOutput += project->first("QMAKE_PCH_OUTPUT_EXT"); if (!project->isActiveConfig("icc_pch_style")) { // gcc style (including clang_pch_style) ProString header_prefix = project->first("QMAKE_PRECOMP_PREFIX"); ProString header_suffix = project->isActiveConfig("clang_pch_style") ? project->first("QMAKE_PCH_OUTPUT_EXT") : ""; pchOutput += Option::dir_sep; pchOutputDir = pchOutput.toQString(); QString language = project->first(ProKey("QMAKE_LANGUAGE_" + compiler)).toQString(); if (language.isEmpty()) continue; pchOutput += header_prefix + language + header_suffix; } pchFlags.replace(QLatin1String("${QMAKE_PCH_INPUT}"), escapeFilePath(pchInput)) .replace(QLatin1String("${QMAKE_PCH_OUTPUT_BASE}"), escapeFilePath(pchBaseName.toQString())); for (const ProString &arch : std::as_const(pchArchs)) { auto pchArchOutput = pchOutput.toQString(); if (!arch.isEmpty()) pchArchOutput.replace(QStringLiteral("${QMAKE_PCH_ARCH}"), arch.toQString()); const auto pchFilePath_d = escapeDependencyPath(pchArchOutput); if (!arch.isEmpty()) { t << pchFilePath_d << ": " << "EXPORT_ARCH_ARGS = -arch " << arch << "\n\n"; t << pchFilePath_d << ": " << "EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_CFLAGS = $(EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_CFLAGS_" << arch << ")" << "\n\n"; t << pchFilePath_d << ": " << "EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_LFLAGS = $(EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_LFLAGS_" << arch << ")" << "\n\n"; } t << pchFilePath_d << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(pchInput) << ' ' << finalizeDependencyPaths(findDependencies(pchInput)).join(" \\\n\t\t"); if (project->isActiveConfig("icc_pch_style")) { QString sourceFile = pchArchOutput + Option::cpp_ext.first(); QString sourceFile_f = escapeFilePath(sourceFile); QString objectFile = createObjectList(ProStringList(sourceFile)).first().toQString(); pchFlags.replace(QLatin1String("${QMAKE_PCH_TEMP_SOURCE}"), sourceFile_f) .replace(QLatin1String("${QMAKE_PCH_TEMP_OBJECT}"), escapeFilePath(objectFile)); t << "\n\techo \"// Automatically generated, do not modify\" > " << sourceFile_f << "\n\trm -f " << escapeFilePath(pchArchOutput); } else { QString outDir = pchOutputDir; if (!arch.isEmpty()) outDir.replace(QStringLiteral("${QMAKE_PCH_ARCH}"), arch.toQString()); t << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(outDir); } auto pchArchFlags = pchFlags; pchArchFlags.replace(QLatin1String("${QMAKE_PCH_OUTPUT}"), escapeFilePath(pchArchOutput)); QString compilerExecutable; if (compiler == "C" || compiler == "OBJC") compilerExecutable = "$(CC)"; else compilerExecutable = "$(CXX)"; // compile command t << "\n\t" << compilerExecutable << cflags << " $(INCPATH) " << pchArchFlags << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } } } writeExtraTargets(t); writeExtraCompilerTargets(t); } void UnixMakefileGenerator::init2() { if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION")) project->values("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION").append(project->first("VER_MAJ")); if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") { project->values("PRL_TARGET") = { project->first("QMAKE_PREFIX_STATICLIB") + project->first("TARGET") }; } else if (!project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty()) { if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { ProString bundle_loc = project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE_LOCATION"); if(!bundle_loc.isEmpty() && !bundle_loc.startsWith("/")) bundle_loc.prepend("/"); if(!bundle_loc.endsWith("/")) bundle_loc += "/"; project->values("TARGET").first().prepend(project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE") + bundle_loc); } if(!project->isEmpty("TARGET")) project->values("TARGET").first().prepend(project->first("DESTDIR")); } else if (project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) { project->values("PRL_TARGET") = project->values("TARGET").first().prepend(project->first("QMAKE_PREFIX_STATICLIB")); project->values("TARGET").first() += "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_STATICLIB"); if(project->values("QMAKE_AR_CMD").isEmpty()) project->values("QMAKE_AR_CMD").append("$(AR) $(DESTDIR)$(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)"); } else { project->values("TARGETA").append(project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("QMAKE_PREFIX_STATICLIB") + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_STATICLIB")); ProStringList &ar_cmd = project->values("QMAKE_AR_CMD"); if (!ar_cmd.isEmpty()) ar_cmd[0] = ar_cmd.at(0).toQString().replace(QLatin1String("(TARGET)"), QLatin1String("(TARGETA)")); else ar_cmd.append("$(AR) $(TARGETA) $(OBJECTS)"); if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { project->values("PRL_TARGET").prepend(project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE") + "/Versions/" + project->first("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION") + "/Resources/" + project->first("TARGET")); ProString bundle_loc = project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE_LOCATION"); if(!bundle_loc.isEmpty() && !bundle_loc.startsWith("/")) bundle_loc.prepend("/"); if(!bundle_loc.endsWith("/")) bundle_loc += "/"; const QString target = project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE") + bundle_loc + project->first("TARGET"); project->values("TARGET_").append(target); if (!project->isActiveConfig("shallow_bundle")) { project->values("TARGET_x.y").append(project->first("QMAKE_BUNDLE") + "/Versions/" + project->first("QMAKE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION") + bundle_loc + project->first("TARGET")); } else { project->values("TARGET_x.y").append(target); } } else if(project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { QString prefix; if(!project->isActiveConfig("no_plugin_name_prefix")) prefix = "lib"; project->values("PRL_TARGET").prepend(prefix + project->first("TARGET")); project->values("TARGET_x.y.z").append(prefix + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_PLUGIN")); if(project->isActiveConfig("lib_version_first")) project->values("TARGET_x").append(prefix + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_PLUGIN")); else project->values("TARGET_x").append(prefix + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_PLUGIN") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ")); project->values("TARGET") = project->values("TARGET_x.y.z"); } else if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_HPUX_SHLIB")) { project->values("PRL_TARGET").prepend("lib" + project->first("TARGET")); project->values("TARGET_").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + ".sl"); if(project->isActiveConfig("lib_version_first")) project->values("TARGET_x").append("lib" + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("TARGET")); else project->values("TARGET_x").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ")); project->values("TARGET") = project->values("TARGET_x"); } else if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_AIX_SHLIB")) { project->values("PRL_TARGET").prepend("lib" + project->first("TARGET")); project->values("TARGET_").append(project->first("QMAKE_PREFIX_STATICLIB") + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_STATICLIB")); if(project->isActiveConfig("lib_version_first")) { project->values("TARGET_x").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); project->values("TARGET_x.y").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); project->values("TARGET_x.y.z").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("VER_PAT") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); } else { project->values("TARGET_x").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ")); project->values("TARGET_x.y").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN")); project->values("TARGET_x.y.z").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("VER_PAT")); } project->values("TARGET") = project->values("TARGET_x.y.z"); } else { project->values("PRL_TARGET").prepend("lib" + project->first("TARGET")); project->values("TARGET_").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); if(project->isActiveConfig("lib_version_first")) { project->values("TARGET_x").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); project->values("TARGET_x.y").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); project->values("TARGET_x.y.z").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("VER_PAT") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB")); } else { project->values("TARGET_x").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ")); project->values("TARGET_x.y").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN")); project->values("TARGET_x.y.z").append("lib" + project->first("TARGET") + "." + project->first( "QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB") + "." + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("VER_PAT")); } if (project->isActiveConfig("unversioned_libname")) project->values("TARGET") = project->values("TARGET_"); else project->values("TARGET") = project->values("TARGET_x.y.z"); } if (!project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME").isEmpty()) { ProString soname; if(project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { if(!project->values("TARGET").isEmpty()) soname += project->first("TARGET"); } else if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_BUNDLE")) { soname += project->first("TARGET_x.y"); } else if(project->isActiveConfig("unversioned_soname")) { soname = "lib" + project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") + "." + project->first("QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB"); } else if(!project->values("TARGET_x").isEmpty()) { soname += project->first("TARGET_x"); } if(!soname.isEmpty()) { if(project->isActiveConfig("absolute_library_soname") && project->values("INSTALLS").indexOf("target") != -1 && !project->isEmpty("target.path")) { QString instpath = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(project->first("target.path").toQString()); if(!instpath.endsWith(Option::dir_sep)) instpath += Option::dir_sep; soname.prepend(instpath); } else if (!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_SONAME_PREFIX")) { QString sonameprefix = project->first("QMAKE_SONAME_PREFIX").toQString(); if (!sonameprefix.startsWith('@')) sonameprefix = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(sonameprefix, false); if (!sonameprefix.endsWith(Option::dir_sep)) sonameprefix += Option::dir_sep; soname.prepend(sonameprefix); } project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME").first() += escapeFilePath(soname); } } if (project->values("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD").isEmpty()) project->values("QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB_CMD").append( "$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) " + project->first("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") + "$(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) $(OBJCOMP)"); } if (!project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty() || project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") { project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS_APP"); project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_APP"); project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS_APP"); } else if (project->isActiveConfig("dll")) { if(!project->isActiveConfig("plugin") || !project->isActiveConfig("plugin_no_share_shlib_cflags")) { project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS_SHLIB"); project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_SHLIB"); } if (project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS_PLUGIN"); project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_PLUGIN"); project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS_PLUGIN"); if (project->isActiveConfig("plugin_with_soname")) project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME"); } else { project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS_SHLIB"); if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_LFLAGS_COMPAT_VERSION")) { if(project->isEmpty("COMPAT_VERSION")) project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += QString(project->first("QMAKE_LFLAGS_COMPAT_VERSION") + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN")); else project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += QString(project->first("QMAKE_LFLAGS_COMPAT_VERSION") + project->first("COMPATIBILITY_VERSION")); } if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_LFLAGS_VERSION")) { project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += QString(project->first("QMAKE_LFLAGS_VERSION") + project->first("VER_MAJ") + "." + project->first("VER_MIN") + "." + project->first("VER_PAT")); } project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS") += project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME"); } } if (include_deps && project->isActiveConfig("gcc_MD_depends")) { ProString MD_flag("-MD"); project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS") += MD_flag; project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") += MD_flag; } } QString UnixMakefileGenerator::libtoolFileName(bool fixify) { QString ret = var("TARGET"); int slsh = ret.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) ret = ret.right(ret.size() - slsh - 1); int dot = ret.indexOf('.'); if(dot != -1) ret = ret.left(dot); ret += Option::libtool_ext; if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_LIBTOOL_DESTDIR")) ret.prepend(project->first("QMAKE_LIBTOOL_DESTDIR") + Option::dir_sep); if(fixify) { if(QDir::isRelativePath(ret) && !project->isEmpty("DESTDIR")) ret.prepend(project->first("DESTDIR").toQString()); ret = fileFixify(ret, FileFixifyBackwards); } return ret; } static std::pair<ProStringList, ProStringList> splitFrameworksAndLibs(const ProStringList &linkArgs) { std::pair<ProStringList, ProStringList> result; bool frameworkArg = false; for (auto arg : linkArgs) { if (frameworkArg) { frameworkArg = false; result.second += arg; } else if (arg == "-framework") { frameworkArg = true; result.second += arg; } else { result.first += arg; } } return result; } void UnixMakefileGenerator::writeLibtoolFile() { auto fixDependencyLibs = [this](const ProStringList &libs) { ProStringList result; for (auto lib : libs) { auto fi = fileInfo(lib.toQString()); if (fi.isAbsolute()) { const QString libDirArg = "-L" + fi.path(); if (!result.contains(libDirArg)) result += libDirArg; QString namespec = fi.fileName(); int dotPos = namespec.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotPos != -1 && namespec.startsWith("lib")) { namespec.truncate(dotPos); namespec.remove(0, 3); } else { debug_msg(1, "Ignoring dependency library %s", lib.toLatin1().constData()); continue; } result += "-l" + namespec; } else { result += lib; } } return result; }; QString fname = libtoolFileName(), lname = fname; debug_msg(1, "Writing libtool file %s", fname.toLatin1().constData()); mkdir(fileInfo(fname).path()); int slsh = lname.lastIndexOf(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) lname = lname.right(lname.size() - slsh - 1); QFile ft(fname); if(!ft.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return; QString ffname(fileFixify(fname)); project->values("ALL_DEPS").append(ffname); project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN").append(ffname); QTextStream t(&ft); t << "# " << lname << " - a libtool library file\n"; t << "# Generated by qmake/libtool (" QMAKE_VERSION_STR ") (Qt " << QT_VERSION_STR << ")"; t << "\n"; t << "# The name that we can dlopen(3).\n" << "dlname='" << fileVar(project->isActiveConfig("plugin") ? "TARGET" : "TARGET_x") << "'\n\n"; t << "# Names of this library.\n"; t << "library_names='"; if(project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) { t << fileVar("TARGET"); } else { if (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_HPUX_SHLIB")) t << fileVar("TARGET_x.y.z") << ' '; t << fileVar("TARGET_x") << ' ' << fileVar("TARGET_"); } t << "'\n\n"; t << "# The name of the static archive.\n" << "old_library='" << escapeFilePath(lname.left(lname.size()-Option::libtool_ext.size())) << ".a'\n\n"; t << "# Libraries that this one depends upon.\n"; static const ProKey libVars[] = { "LIBS", "QMAKE_LIBS" }; ProStringList libs; for (auto var : libVars) libs += fixLibFlags(var); ProStringList frameworks; std::tie(libs, frameworks) = splitFrameworksAndLibs(libs); t << "dependency_libs='" << fixDependencyLibs(libs).join(' ') << "'\n\n"; if (!frameworks.isEmpty()) { t << "# Frameworks that this library depends upon.\n"; t << "inherited_linker_flags='" << frameworks.join(' ') << "'\n\n"; } t << "# Version information for " << lname << "\n"; int maj = project->first("VER_MAJ").toInt(); int min = project->first("VER_MIN").toInt(); int pat = project->first("VER_PAT").toInt(); t << "current=" << (10*maj + min) << "\n" // best I can think of << "age=0\n" << "revision=" << pat << "\n\n"; t << "# Is this an already installed library.\n" "installed=yes\n\n"; // ### t << "# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen.\n" "dlopen=''\n" "dlpreopen=''\n\n"; ProString install_dir = project->first("QMAKE_LIBTOOL_LIBDIR"); if(install_dir.isEmpty()) install_dir = project->first("target.path"); if(install_dir.isEmpty()) install_dir = project->first("DESTDIR"); t << "# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:\n" "libdir='" << Option::fixPathToTargetOS(install_dir.toQString(), false) << "'\n"; } bool UnixMakefileGenerator::writeObjectsPart(QTextStream &t, bool do_incremental) { bool src_incremental = false; QString objectsLinkLine; const ProStringList &objs = project->values("OBJECTS"); if (do_incremental) { const ProStringList &incrs = project->values("QMAKE_INCREMENTAL"); ProStringList incrs_out; t << "OBJECTS = "; for (ProStringList::ConstIterator objit = objs.begin(); objit != objs.end(); ++objit) { bool increment = false; for (ProStringList::ConstIterator incrit = incrs.begin(); incrit != incrs.end(); ++incrit) { auto regexp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard((*incrit).toQString(), Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegularExpression::UnanchoredWildcardConversion); if ((*objit).toQString().contains(regexp)) { increment = true; incrs_out.append((*objit)); break; } } if (!increment) t << "\\\n\t\t" << (*objit); } if (incrs_out.size() == objs.size()) { //we just switched places, no real incrementals to be done! t << escapeFilePaths(incrs_out).join(QString(" \\\n\t\t")) << Qt::endl; } else if (!incrs_out.size()) { t << Qt::endl; } else { src_incremental = true; t << Qt::endl; t << "INCREMENTAL_OBJECTS = " << escapeFilePaths(incrs_out).join(QString(" \\\n\t\t")) << Qt::endl; } } else { t << "OBJECTS = " << valList(escapeDependencyPaths(objs)) << Qt::endl; } return src_incremental; } QT_END_NAMESPACE