// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #ifndef GUITEST_H #define GUITEST_H #include <QAccessibleInterface> #include <QSet> #include <QWidget> #include <QPainter> QT_USE_NAMESPACE /* GuiTest provides tools for: - navigating the Qt Widget hiearchy using the accessibilty APIs. - Simulating platform mouse and keybord events. */ class TestBase { public: virtual bool operator()(QAccessibleInterface *candidate) = 0; virtual ~TestBase() {} }; /* WidgetNavigator navigates a Qt GUI hierarchy using the QAccessibility APIs. */ class WidgetNavigator { public: WidgetNavigator() {} ~WidgetNavigator(); void printAll(QWidget *widget); void printAll(QAccessibleInterface *interface); QAccessibleInterface *find(QAccessible::Text textType, const QString &text, QWidget *start); QAccessibleInterface *find(QAccessible::Text textType, const QString &text, QAccessibleInterface *start); QAccessibleInterface *recursiveSearch(TestBase *test, QAccessibleInterface *iface); static QWidget *getWidget(QAccessibleInterface *interface); private: QSet<QAccessibleInterface *> interfaces; }; /* NativeEvents contains platform-specific code for simulating mouse and keybord events. (Implemented so far: mouseClick on Mac) */ namespace NativeEvents { /* Simulates a mouse click with button at globalPos. */ void mouseClick(const QPoint &globalPos, Qt::MouseButtons buttons); }; class ColorWidget : public QWidget { public: ColorWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr, QColor color = QColor(Qt::red)) : QWidget(parent), color(color) {} QColor color; protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); p.fillRect(this->rect(), color); } }; class DelayedAction : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: DelayedAction() : delay(0), next(0) {} virtual ~DelayedAction(){} public slots: virtual void run(); public: int delay; DelayedAction *next; }; class ClickLaterAction : public DelayedAction { Q_OBJECT public: ClickLaterAction(QAccessibleInterface *interface, Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::LeftButton); ClickLaterAction(QWidget *widget, Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::LeftButton); protected slots: void run(); private: bool useInterface; QAccessibleInterface *interface; QWidget *widget; Qt::MouseButtons buttons; }; /* */ class GuiTester : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: GuiTester(); ~GuiTester(); enum Direction {Horizontal = 1, Vertical = 2, HorizontalAndVertical = 3}; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Directions, Direction) bool isFilled(const QImage image, const QRect &rect, const QColor &color); bool isContent(const QImage image, const QRect &rect, Directions directions = HorizontalAndVertical); protected slots: void exitLoopSlot(); protected: void clickLater(QAccessibleInterface *interface, Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::LeftButton, int delay = 300); void clickLater(QWidget *widget, Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::LeftButton, int delay = 300); void clearSequence(); void addToSequence(DelayedAction *action, int delay = 0); void runSequence(); WidgetNavigator wn; private: QSet<DelayedAction *> actions; DelayedAction *startAction; DelayedAction *lastAction; }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(GuiTester::Directions) #endif