// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #ifndef QT_TESTS_SHARED_LOCALE_CHANGE_H #define QT_TESTS_SHARED_LOCALE_CHANGE_H #include <qglobal.h> #include <QtCore/QByteArray> #include <QtCore/QLocale> #include <private/qlocale_p.h> #include <locale.h> namespace QTestLocaleChange { QLocale resetSystemLocale() { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE { // Transient instance marks system locale data as stale: QSystemLocale dummy; } // Now we can reinitialize: #endif return QLocale::system(); } class TransientLocale { const int m_category; const QByteArray m_prior; const bool m_didSet; #if !defined(QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE) && defined(Q_OS_UNIX) \ && (!defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) || defined(Q_OS_NACL)) #define TRANSIENT_ENV // Unix system locale consults environment variables, so we need to set // the appropriate one, too. const QByteArray m_envVar, m_envPrior; const bool m_envSet; static QByteArray categoryToEnv(int category) { switch (category) { #define CASE(cat) case cat: return #cat CASE(LC_ALL); CASE(LC_NUMERIC); CASE(LC_TIME); CASE(LC_MONETARY); CASE(LC_MESSAGES); CASE(LC_COLLATE); #ifdef LC_MEASUREMENT CASE(LC_MEASUREMENT); #endif #undef CASE // Nothing in our code pays attention to any other LC_* default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); qFatal("You need to add a case for this category"); } } #endif // TRANSIENT_ENV public: TransientLocale(int category, const char *locale) : m_category(category), m_prior(setlocale(category, nullptr)), // That return value may be stomped by this later call, so we copy // it to a QByteArray for safe keeping. m_didSet(setlocale(category, locale) != nullptr) #ifdef TRANSIENT_ENV , m_envVar(categoryToEnv(category)), m_envPrior(qgetenv(m_envVar.constData())), m_envSet(qputenv(m_envVar.constData(), locale)) #endif { resetSystemLocale(); } ~TransientLocale() { #ifdef TRANSIENT_ENV if (m_envSet) { if (m_envPrior.isEmpty()) qunsetenv(m_envVar.constData()); else qputenv(m_envVar.constData(), m_envPrior); } #endif if (m_prior.size()) setlocale(m_category, m_prior.constData()); resetSystemLocale(); } #undef TRANSIENT_ENV bool isValid() const { return m_didSet; } }; } #endif // QT_TESTS_SHARED_LOCALE_CHANGE_H