// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #ifndef RE2NFA_H #define RE2NFA_H #include "nfa.h" #include <QSet> class RE2NFA { public: RE2NFA(const QMap<QString, NFA> ¯os, const QSet<InputType> &maxInputSet, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs); NFA parse(const QString &expression, int *errorColumn = 0); private: NFA parseExpr(); NFA parseBranch(); NFA parsePiece(); NFA parseAtom(); NFA parseMaybeQuantifier(const NFA &nfa); NFA parseSet(); NFA parseSet2(); NFA createCharNFA(); private: friend class RegExpTokenizer; enum Token { TOK_INVALID, TOK_STRING, TOK_LBRACE, // { TOK_RBRACE, // } TOK_LBRACKET, // [ TOK_RBRACKET, // ] TOK_LPAREN, // ( TOK_RPAREN, // ) TOK_COMMA, TOK_STAR, TOK_OR, TOK_QUESTION, TOK_DOT, TOK_PLUS, TOK_SEQUENCE, TOK_QUOTED_STRING }; struct Symbol { inline Symbol() : token(TOK_INVALID), column(-1) {} inline Symbol(Token t, const QString &l = QString()) : token(t), lexem(l), column(-1) {} Token token; QString lexem; int column; }; inline bool hasNext() const { return index < symbols.count(); } inline Token next() { return symbols.at(index++).token; } bool next(Token t); bool test(Token t); inline void prev() { index--; } inline const Symbol &symbol() const { return symbols.at(index - 1); } QString lexemUntil(Token t); void tokenize(const QString &input); QMap<QString, NFA> macros; QList<Symbol> symbols; int index; int errorColumn; const QSet<InputType> maxInputSet; Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity; }; #endif // RE2NFA_H