# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause include(CMakeFindBinUtils) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.17.0) set(CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) endif() # Builds a shared library which will have strip run on it. function(qt_internal_try_compile_binary_for_strip binary_out_var) # Need to find the config.tests files depending whether the qtbase sources are available. # This mirrors the logic in qt_set_up_build_internals_paths. # TODO: Clean this up, together with qt_set_up_build_internals_paths to only use the # the qtbase sources when building qtbase. And perhaps also when doing a non-prefix # developer-build. set(config_test_dir "config.tests/binary_for_strip") set(qtbase_config_test_dir "${QT_SOURCE_TREE}/${config_test_dir}") set(installed_config_test_dir "${_qt_cmake_dir}/${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}/${config_test_dir}") # qtbase sources available, always use them, regardless of prefix or non-prefix builds. if(EXISTS "${qtbase_config_test_dir}") set(src_dir "${qtbase_config_test_dir}") # qtbase sources unavailable, use installed files. elseif(EXISTS "${installed_config_test_dir}") set(src_dir "${installed_config_test_dir}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find binary_for_strip config test project.") endif() # Make sure the built project files are not installed when doing an in-source build (like it # happens in Qt's CI) by choosing a build dir that does not coincide with the installed # source dir. Otherwise the config test binaries will be packaged up, which we don't want. set(binary_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${config_test_dir}_built") set(flags "") qt_get_platform_try_compile_vars(platform_try_compile_vars) list(APPEND flags ${platform_try_compile_vars}) # CI passes the project dir of the Qt repository as absolute path without drive letter: # \Users\qt\work\qt\qtbase # Ensure that arg_PROJECT_PATH is an absolute path with drive letter: # C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtbase # This works around CMake upstream issue #22534. if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) get_filename_component(src_dir "${src_dir}" REALPATH) endif() # Build a real binary that strip can be run on. try_compile(QT_INTERNAL_BUILT_BINARY_FOR_STRIP "${binary_dir}" "${src_dir}" binary_for_strip # project name OUTPUT_VARIABLE build_output CMAKE_FLAGS ${flags} ) # Retrieve the binary path from the build output. string(REGEX REPLACE ".+###(.+)###.+" "\\1" output_binary_path "${build_output}") if(NOT EXISTS "${output_binary_path}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Extracted binary path for strip does not exist: ${output_binary_path}") endif() set(${binary_out_var} "${output_binary_path}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # When using the MinGW 11.2.0 toolchain, cmake --install --strip as used by # qt-cmake-private-install.cmake, removes the .gnu_debuglink section in binaries and thus # breaks the separate debug info feature. # # Generate a wrapper shell script that passes an option to keep the debug section. # The wrapper is used when targeting Linux or MinGW with a shared Qt build. # The check to see if the option is supported by 'strip', is done once for every repo configured, # because different machines might have different strip versions installed, without support for # the option we need. # # Once CMake supports custom strip arguments, we can remove the part that creates a shell wrapper. # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/23346 function(qt_internal_generate_binary_strip_wrapper) # Return early if check was done already, if explicitly skipped, or when building a static Qt. if(DEFINED CACHE{QT_INTERNAL_STRIP_SUPPORTS_KEEP_SECTION} OR QT_NO_STRIP_WRAPPER OR (NOT QT_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ) return() endif() # Backup the original strip path on very first configuration call. # The value might have been determined by CMake via CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler -> # CMakeFindBinUtils -> find_program(), or it might have been set by a toolchain file. if(NOT QT_INTERNAL_ORIGINAL_CMAKE_STRIP AND CMAKE_STRIP) set(QT_INTERNAL_ORIGINAL_CMAKE_STRIP "${CMAKE_STRIP}" CACHE INTERNAL "Original strip binary") endif() message(STATUS "CMAKE_STRIP (original): ${QT_INTERNAL_ORIGINAL_CMAKE_STRIP}") # Target Linux and MinGW. if((UNIX OR MINGW) AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID AND CMAKE_STRIP) # To make reconfiguration more robust when QT_INTERNAL_STRIP_SUPPORTS_KEEP_SECTION is # manually removed, make sure to always restore the original strip first, by # re-assigning the original value. set(CMAKE_STRIP "${QT_INTERNAL_ORIGINAL_CMAKE_STRIP}" CACHE STRING "") # Getting path to a binary we can run strip on. qt_internal_try_compile_binary_for_strip(valid_binary_path) # The strip arguments are used both for the execute_process test and also as content # in the file created by configure_file. set(strip_arguments "--keep-section=.gnu_debuglink") # Check if the option is supported. message(STATUS "Performing Test strip --keep-section") execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_STRIP}" ${strip_arguments} "${valid_binary_path}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE strip_probe_output ERROR_VARIABLE strip_probe_output RESULT_VARIABLE strip_result_var ) # A successful strip of a binary should have a '0' exit code. if(NOT strip_result_var STREQUAL "0") set(keep_section_supported FALSE) else() set(keep_section_supported TRUE) endif() # Cache the result. set(QT_INTERNAL_STRIP_SUPPORTS_KEEP_SECTION "${keep_section_supported}" CACHE BOOL "strip supports --keep-section") message(DEBUG "qt_internal_generate_binary_strip_wrapper:\n" "original strip: ${QT_INTERNAL_ORIGINAL_CMAKE_STRIP}\n" "strip probe output: ${strip_probe_output}\n" "strip result: ${strip_result_var}\n" "keep section supported: ${keep_section_supported}\n" ) message(STATUS "Performing Test strip --keep-section - ${keep_section_supported}") # If the option is not supported, don't generate a wrapper and just use the stock binary. if(NOT keep_section_supported) return() endif() set(wrapper_extension "") if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_UNIX) set(wrapper_extension ".bat") endif() set(script_name "qt-internal-strip") # the libexec literal is used on purpose for the source, so the file is found # on Windows hosts. set(wrapper_rel_path "libexec/${script_name}${wrapper_extension}.in") # Need to find the libexec input file depending whether the qtbase sources are available. # This mirrors the logic in qt_set_up_build_internals_paths. # TODO: Clean this up, together with qt_set_up_build_internals_paths to only use the # the qtbase sources when building qtbase. And perhaps also when doing a non-prefix # developer-build. set(qtbase_wrapper_in_path "${QT_SOURCE_TREE}/${wrapper_rel_path}") set(installed_wrapper_in_path "${_qt_cmake_dir}/${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}/${wrapper_rel_path}") # qtbase sources available, always use them, regardless of prefix or non-prefix builds. if(EXISTS "${qtbase_wrapper_in_path}") set(wrapper_in "${qtbase_wrapper_in_path}") # qtbase sources unavailable, use installed files. elseif(EXISTS "${installed_wrapper_in_path}") set(wrapper_in "${installed_wrapper_in_path}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find ${script_name}${wrapper_extension}.in file.") endif() set(wrapper_out "${QT_BUILD_DIR}/${INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR}/${script_name}${wrapper_extension}") # Used in the template file. set(original_strip "${QT_INTERNAL_ORIGINAL_CMAKE_STRIP}") configure_file("${wrapper_in}" "${wrapper_out}" @ONLY) # Override the strip binary to be used by CMake install target. set(CMAKE_STRIP "${wrapper_out}" CACHE INTERNAL "Custom Qt strip wrapper") message(STATUS "CMAKE_STRIP (used by Qt): ${CMAKE_STRIP}") endif() endfunction() # Enable separate debug information for the given target function(qt_enable_separate_debug_info target installDestination) set(flags QT_EXECUTABLE) if(APPLE) set(options DSYM_OUTPUT_DIR) else() set(options) endif() set(multiopts ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_ARGS) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN}) if (NOT QT_FEATURE_separate_debug_info) return() endif() if (NOT UNIX AND NOT MINGW) return() endif() get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) if (NOT target_type STREQUAL "MODULE_LIBRARY" AND NOT target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY" AND NOT target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") return() endif() get_property(target_source_dir TARGET ${target} PROPERTY SOURCE_DIR) get_property(skip_separate_debug_info DIRECTORY "${target_source_dir}" PROPERTY _qt_skip_separate_debug_info) if (skip_separate_debug_info) return() endif() unset(commands) if(APPLE) find_program(DSYMUTIL_PROGRAM dsymutil) set(copy_bin ${DSYMUTIL_PROGRAM}) set(strip_bin ${CMAKE_STRIP}) set(debug_info_suffix dSYM) set(copy_bin_out_arg --flat -o) set(strip_args -S) else() set(copy_bin ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY}) set(strip_bin ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY}) if(QNX) set(debug_info_suffix sym) set(debug_info_keep --keep-file-symbols) set(strip_args "--strip-debug -R.ident") else() set(debug_info_suffix debug) set(debug_info_keep --only-keep-debug) set(strip_args --strip-debug) endif() endif() if(APPLE) get_target_property(is_framework ${target} FRAMEWORK) if(is_framework) qt_internal_get_framework_info(fw ${target}) set(BUNDLE_ID ${fw_name}) else() set(BUNDLE_ID ${target}) endif() if (NOT "x${arg_DSYM_OUTPUT_DIR}" STREQUAL "x") set(debug_info_bundle_dir "${arg_DSYM_OUTPUT_DIR}/${target}") elseif(is_framework) set(debug_info_bundle_dir "$<TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR:${target}>") else() set(debug_info_bundle_dir "$<TARGET_FILE:${target}>") endif() set(debug_info_bundle_dir "${debug_info_bundle_dir}.${debug_info_suffix}") set(debug_info_contents_dir "${debug_info_bundle_dir}/Contents") set(debug_info_target_dir "${debug_info_contents_dir}/Resources/DWARF") configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/QtSeparateDebugInfo.Info.plist.in" "Info.dSYM.plist" ) list(APPEND commands COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${debug_info_target_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "Info.dSYM.plist" "${debug_info_contents_dir}/Info.plist" ) set(debug_info_target "${debug_info_target_dir}/$<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:${target}>") if(arg_QT_EXECUTABLE AND QT_FEATURE_debug_and_release) qt_get_cmake_configurations(cmake_configs) foreach(cmake_config ${cmake_configs}) # Make installation optional for targets that are not built by default in this config if(NOT (cmake_config STREQUAL QT_MULTI_CONFIG_FIRST_CONFIG)) set(install_optional_arg OPTIONAL) else() unset(install_optional_arg) endif() qt_install(DIRECTORY ${debug_info_bundle_dir} ${arg_ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_ARGS} ${install_optional_arg} CONFIGURATIONS ${cmake_config} DESTINATION ${installDestination}) endforeach() else() qt_install(DIRECTORY ${debug_info_bundle_dir} ${arg_ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_ARGS} DESTINATION ${installDestination}) endif() else() set(debug_info_target "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${target}>/$<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:${target}>.${debug_info_suffix}") qt_install(FILES ${debug_info_target} DESTINATION ${installDestination}) endif() list(APPEND commands COMMAND ${copy_bin} ${debug_info_keep} $<TARGET_FILE:${target}> ${copy_bin_out_arg} ${debug_info_target} COMMAND ${strip_bin} ${strip_args} $<TARGET_FILE:${target}> ) if(NOT APPLE) list(APPEND commands COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} --add-gnu-debuglink=${debug_info_target} $<TARGET_FILE:${target}> ) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) list(APPEND commands COMMAND chmod -x ${debug_info_target} ) endif() add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD ${commands} VERBATIM) endfunction()